The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 13, 1909, Page 13, Image 13

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m cone
. Indications Point to Sudden
Thaw Weather Moder
ates Throughout Wijlam-
I" jjtte v alley ana boiitnern
rOwg on Floods Feared.
Weather Conflition Througont
, Northwest Today.
Condon- Snow falls. Mercury
goes from 20 below to 11 below.
Feed becomes scarce In Ferry '
Canyon country and stockmen
are paying $40 a ton for alfalfa.
The Dalle Weathr moder
ates. Mercury at 1 below at 6
a. m., as against 14 below yes
terday. Snow predicted.
Grants Pass Mercury climbs
with indications for rain and
warm winds. Thirty above this
morning. Freshets are feared.
Hood River -Rise la tempera
ture. Six below at 6 a. m. Snow
falls. Cove Minimum temperature
16 above. Two Inches of snow
past 14 hours. '
Walla Walla, Wash. Snowing,
with thermometer at 4 below at
6 a. m. Suffering throughout
C6ryallls -Sixteen above at 9
a. m. Two Inch anowfall dur
ing night. " .
Hcppner-T-Four below at 6 a.
m. Snow falls and gtockmen
ook for Chinook. ,
Salem Weather moderates.
Minimum. 11 above last night.
River falls rapidly.
McMinnville Thirteen above
at 6 a. m. One inch snowfall.
Eugene- Temperature rises.
Twenty above this morning.
Snow falls.
Albany Winds shift to south
and warm weather is predicted.
Fourteen above at 6 a. m.
winds. 'The power ; campnnies whose
plants i4fn located - on "The Rogue river
are making - preparations , for. a freshet,
fearing high water. ' r
Telephone and telegraph service is
now much better in southern Oregon.
Trains are running on time.
Albany Is Thawing Out.
Speclnl Dispatch to The Journal.) ' . .
Albany, Or.. Jan. 13. -The end of the
present cold tump Is uow in sights the
tie structure which Is now MTuse. He property and it Is but the part of
says that this jail waa originally, built i wisdom and economy to demand that tip
to, hold 35 ' prisoners, yet freauently
more tnnn 100 are. crowded Into tho
cells and corridors. Many of these ara
Intoxicated . and the . Immediate, results
from a sanitary point of view are bad
in the extreme and astv reflection
upon the good name and the humanity
of the city.. ,Jn addition Iho lack of
Mrit'i,;.b;1Ils. k"1 room threatens to 'be a serious menace
higher last night than the night before. , ,t.4
because, on account of lack' of room.
the police .are vnabla to pound up and
The lowest mark reached last night was
11. degrees above sero. :, At 6 a. m. to
day the thermometer registered 14
above. About an inch of snow fell dur-: i,,n. ;,,i ., - .,, ,. tv,(
inir thi tiip-ht Th winrt hni HiiiftoH (inspect criminals who make use of .their
looked for. The river Is near the low;' ry " ,,.-,. v
water mark, but a-rapid rise is expected
as soon as the thaw seta in.
Much damage is reported over the
City by the bursting of water pipes.
Prepare for Thaw at Pasco.
Rpcinl Dispatch to The Journal.)'
Pasco, Wash., Jan: 13.. rws of men"!
are being held in readiness for tho
general thaw, which is expected every
Kew Jail Reeded.
'At last," says the mayor.
"a stage
crook will It be possible longer to. de
lay action, and an adequate Jail must
be immediately provided ; to meet the
emergency." -',.- t
The cleanup of the north end is ex
patiated upon at some length by the
city's chief executive, who says in this
day. .Last night Judications pointed to reSp"?,; , r1inB. -it guch
vaeTranTShoUldhtheK p'reolotl pln?l&&Wl n
yhSS2wdVom wilf'bTsent'it themselves in a quiet and u
the rront. Tt in He! vrl that a. tmrMon ." -'" .
change in the weather would seriously f"nti& r tv it so hanDened
Barometer Falls at Heppner.
Special Dispatch to The Journal.
Heppnor, Or., Jan. 13. The govern
ment thermometer registered a mini
mum of 10 degrees below last night. It
was 4 below at- 6 a. rn. and -2 nboo nt
1 9 a; m. About one Inch of snow fell
llast night.: The train was five hours
Jate on account of the, rielaved Port.
land train; no mail from the east.
Stock Is'in frood condition, no loss Is
anticipated. A falling barometer in
dlcateq a change and stockman are hope
ful for a Chinook. Plenty of fuel.
McMinnville Has Another Snow.
(8nectl Dispatch to The Journal, i
McMinnvlllo, Or... Jan.. .18. The tem
perature varied, unite a little last
night. The minimum was 9.4 above
ero while Iatr in the night tho ther
mometer registered 15. G above. At 0
a. m; Hie temperature was 13 above
isreroj; The sky clouded yesterday and
u"i "ig"i men vi snow ion. J.niH
makes a -total fall of 21 Inches. On
account of the severe cold Monday night
fears were expressed yesterday for the
safety of the walnut trees. Crops do
not seem to have suffered so far. Meat
and Xuel are plentiful.
Cold Abates at Condon.
(Special Dlapatob to Tho Journals
Condon, Or., Jan. 33. The weather Is
other make gain from them -were seised
i with a desire to secure a firmer hold
upon the business, and they hit upon
the expedient of forcing- their removal
from the district in which they were
then located. Into one which more near
ly met with their- wishes In this re
spect. "The effort to do this aroused oppo
sition from others directly concerned
In the traffic, with the result that at-
rtntion was attracted to the- matter
and a-demand was maae-tnai tne. law
forbidding such places be enforced, and
this was done.
Conditions Are Better.
"In" looking the situation over at
this time I do not see wherein the city
haw suffered ' in consequence, in any
way, and in many others conditions
are better than they formerly were.
For one thing there is no red light
district flaunting itself in the faces
of -decent women and young boys and
girls which is a distinct gain and In
no other respect is the condition any
The mayor is of the opinion that the
Indiscriminate granting of licenses to
all persons Who apply for them is one
of the greatest evils that the police
department has to contend with, as it
makes It necessary for the police to
exercise constant surveillance over
manv of the license) holders in order
to protect innocent persons from their
nefarious practices.
The difficulty experienced in gemng
moderating, the thermometer having rid of civil service barnacles who Im
gone rrom 20 Jjelow to 11 below at pe-le the progress or me city is se
a. m. today. Two Inches of snow fell verely criticised by the mayor, who
during the night. Stockmen in Ferrv says in this regard
Canyon country are short of feed,1 some ! ''The employment of help for the
paying as nign as ier ton tor al- crty unaer civil service regulations is a
fatfa delivered at their feeding ground, decided improvement over that known
Unless the storm abates the feeding as the "spoils" system, yet in many
proposition will be serious.
from the southern part
of the statte, relief Is coming for the-
freezing northwest in the shape 01 warm
winds of almost a Chinook character.
Keports from the Willamette valley and
southern Oregon towns this morning in
dicate that, unless the unexpected oc-
ICUS, the coin spell will d aujiersoumi
lperhaps 24 hours, by warm weather.
In the sections adjacent to the rivers
apprehpnston is felt for the crops and
I .ini-L- Tim Iim.ivv snows in the moun
tains, at the headwaters of tho streams,
melting under a thaw, Wfill causa heavy
floods. Already stockmen and others
who will be affected are taking pre
cautionary measures.
Moderating Signs at Vancouver.
tapprlal lMapatcb to Tb Journal.!
Vancouver, Wash., Jan. IS. The
weather here shows "signs of modera
tion, although the temperature still hov
ers around the zero. mark. Last night
the thermomfeter registered six degrees
above zero, against eight below Monday
The Columbia river Is blocked worse
than ever. It will take a thaw to even
stay the Increasing thickness of the
ii-e. People are crossing the river with
'.ronsldcrublo safety, but the trip Is a
hard one. A notable case yesterday
was Dorothea Severance, a 20 months'
old child, who wes walked across both
ways by relatives. The child appeared
to enjoy the (.sport. The parents reside
tit 892 Kelly street. Portland, and she is
a niece of, Fi. IX Itoice of Vancouver.
The trains in this vicinity are still
running late and along the Norti Bank
blockades ar5 still troubling, tho snow
sliding down the steep hillside and
covering the traek. Last night's train
from the east was nearly six hours
late. The freight failed to get In.
Little Change at Hood River.
(Special DlBfmtcb to The Journal. )
Hood River, Or.. Jan. 13. There is
very little change in the cold weather
situation at Hood River today, with the
exception of a slight rise in the tem
perature, which took place In tho ntght,
and two inches of snow which fell early
this morning. At 6 a. m. today the
thermometer registered & - below zero.
Weather Moderates at Corvallis.
(Special Dispatch to The Journal. k
CorvallisNOr., Jan. 13. The maximum
temperature yesterday was 13 degrees
above sero and during the evening arid
last night there was a two Inch snow
fall. The minimum temperature last
night was12 degrees above, rising to
16 degrees at 9 o'clock this morning.
There is very little rise noticed along
the river this mfcrnlng.
Above Freezing at Vule.
(Special Dispatch to The Journal.)
Vale. Or., Jan. 13. Following two
days of cold weather the. second snow
fall of the season commenced last
night over southeastern Oregon. Up to
this time eight Inches of snow has
fallen and still continues. The tem
perature has risen above the freezing
Record Cold at Walla Walla.
(Special Dispatch t Tn Jonrnal. )
Walla Walla, Wash., Jan. 13. Break
ing all records of continued cold, the
thermometer last night again registered
below lero. At midnight the mercury
was at six below, at 6 this morning it
was four below. It snowed an Inch end
a half last night, making a total fall
of 17 Inches.
Not in th history of the weather of
fice here has there been suah cold
weather, nor has the snow been as deep
by three inches as this morning. It
has endured for seven days with the
mercury below zero every day. The
records show only one six day period.
22 years ago. Snow is still falling with
no prospect of abatement. Many peo-
tlle Are a nnlvtne Yn thn ennntv fn mtA
There Is much poverty anfl suffering!
Mercnfjr Rises at Eugene.
(Special Dispatch t The Journal.!
-.ugene. Or., Jan. 13. The tempera-
Rising Glass at White Salmon.
(Special Dispatch to The Jonrnal.)
Whit Salmon, Wash., Jan. 13. The
temperature last night was 8 degrees
below zero, the temperature at G a. m.
was icro. Two Inches of snow felt,
last night. Ice on the Columbia river
Is six inches thick. There is a gradual
rise in temperature.
Snow Falls at Pendleton.
(Sofchri Dlopatcb to The JonrBol.1
Pendleton. Or., Jan. 13. Two Inches
or snow reii here iHst night and there
ways it leaves much to be desired In
securing economical anu errecuve serv
ice for the city.
"There seems to have grown up with
It, a doctrine or 'fetish' to the effect
that the rights of persons employed
under such regulations are superior to
and greater than those of the city.
Civil Service Barnacles.
"In consequence the heads of the de-.
partments who are endeavoring to se
cure the best results for the city and
for which they are held responsible,
whether they are good or bad, are en
tirely unable to accomplish them of
value for the reason that they cannot
rid the city of the services of such bar
nacles an Impede their-progress. Any
attempt upontheir part to do so usually
ends in their being placed upon trial
themselves, and the removal of the
'loafer,' which would be a blessing to
the city, seemingly cannot be accom
plished by any means short of his cap
ture redhanded in the commission of
some criminal act.
"I am of tho opinion that appeals
for anv rausn nthar ; Sewer fund
or religious ' reasons ' Street extension rand
structure shall be erected which' la the
nature of construction Is a source , of
peril or loss, to the community
" Holders of - Franchises. ,
.The mayor states that all holders of
franchises, 'with the exception of one,
relying on section 4 0 of the charter
which provides that nothiosr contained
In the, charter snail affect the validity
Jf any franchise right or 'privilege In
actual use or enjoyment given ' or
granted before the charter became a
law, have refused to file any statements
or reports, and lor this reason it is im
possible to make any report of value
-concerning tnem.
A change in the charter compelling
uib mmig or irumiuj ana complete re
ports from all holders nf franchlapn
with the right of the city to change or
revoke such franchise at any time that
they are conducted In a manner which
Is unfair or inimical to the interests of
tne city is one which is much needed, he
says. As matters now stand, anyone
who before ttie present charter went
into eriect naa succeeded in grabbing
rights from the city la now in a posi
tion to hold them, and the city is as
helpless as 3 child to recover them.
As to the fire department the mayor
"This department has paid for salar
ies during the year, as fixed by city
ordinances, 043.47. The running ex
penses of the department for the year
were I52.649.4J.. New material for the
fire alarm and telephone system,
J858T.3S. Cltv lots for additional en
gine houses, fl 7.600. New material for
the fire department, $8291. Making the
total expense or tins department tor tne
year $367,871.23. The equipment of this
department consists of 14steam fire
engine companies, manned by 116 men,
with three engines in reserve; three
chemical companies, manned by riine
men: five hose companies, manned by
30 men; five hook and ladder companies,
manned by 42 men: fire boat company
and hose wagon, manned by 19 . men,
malting a total of 235 men.
Free tabor Bureau.
"The amendment to the city charter
providing for the establishment of a
free labor bureau, which was defeated
in one of the-lower courts and was
afterward appealed to and declared valid
by ihe supremo court of the state and
the law i now in force.
"The commission consisting of A. G.
Rushlight, a member of the city council;
J. L. I.edwlflgc, a member of the central
labor council, and K. J. Holmes, a mem
ber of the Manufacturers' association,
were appointed members, of this bureau
and are at this time engaged In forming
a working organization.
"It is hoped that this will soon be
completed and that the beneficial re
sults expected from It will be realized."
The financial statement, showing fn
detail how $5,311,030 was taken In by
the city during the year and $3,920,
708.75 disbursed, leaving a balance on
hand December 31. 1908, of $1,390,321.25
Is appended.
Keport of City Auditor.
. "From the auditor's report I submit
the following statement of cash receipts
and disbursements during the year
Total balance Jan. 1,1908..$ 702.097.13
General fund 677,655.82
Fire department fund 336,666.89
Police department fund 134,759.69
Bonded Indebtedness Inter-
est fund 112,794.94
Lighting fund 94,179.34
Street repair fund 85,449.51
Public norary fund 21,144.80
Park fund 159,178.12
Water fund 843,268.00
Water bond sinking fund. . . 87,574.60
Improvement fund 9,912.30
Improvement bond -sinking
fund . 172,104.1$
Improvement bond Interest
fund . 41,459.13
Street jand sewer interest
tvmWl t.854.32
Folic and fire department
reUetjfnnd ,. 3,901.40
Redemption fund 4,489.34
Bill posting badge fund 41.00
Special bridge fund 117.815.33
Street improvement fund... 1,557,121.97
Street extenehm-fnnd-. . . . 1 .- J3.499.97
Morrison street bridge fund 1,066,24
Cascade Power Cq. deposit.
. fund ,,... 1,000.00
J Total disbursements. ..i . 8,920,708.75
Total .balance December
81. 1908... I,$90,m.2B
Expenses of Departments.
The total amount expended by -the
departments named during the year
1908 was as follows:
Fire department f 88S.314.2Z
Police deoartment
Street repair fund
Public library fund...
Park fund
Water fund
Special bridge fund
Lighting fun (warrants
Bonded indebtedness inter
est fund
Health department
Crematory department ....
City eHgine"ers department
Bireet cleaning ana sprink
ling department 125,970.56
pound department
Plumbing inspector's de
partment ..
Harbor master's depart
ment .1
Civil service commission...
Building inspector's de
partment Sealer, weights and measures
Balances tn rands.
The available balances remaining In
tho following funds January 1, 1909,
with all outstanding warrants paid
General fund $172,286,64
Fire fund 24,552.06
Police fund 824.2
Park fund 19,366.12
Street repair fund 4,737.16
Water fund 116,903.22
Bonded Indebtedness Interest
fund 40,041.98
Lighting fvind 36,287.62
Special bridge fund 83,042.43
"From the balance of $172,286.64 re
ported In the general fund must' be de
ducted the sum of $50,000 not trans
ferred during 1908 required by law to
the water fund. .
"From the balance of $36,287J2 re
ported In the lighting fund must be
deducted warrants for $5,438.79 drawn
in January for December bills of the
Portland Hallway, Light St Power com
pany leaving the balance In this fund
$30,848.72. Against this balance Is a
disputed claim of the Portland Railway,
Light & Power company for $29,479.38.
Hugh R. Frazier, 20 Years
on the Pacific, Passes
Away at Vancouver.
San Francisco Office
Oregon Journal
Classified advertisements in The Jour
nal are as follows: ,y
No ad less than 15c per insertion.
Phone or charged ads 60 per line
per Insertion, 7 insertions for the
price of 6.
Cash ads lc per word per inser
tion, 7 Insertions for the price of 6.
Lost and found, help wanted,
situations wanted, for rent and
wanted to rent ads, lc per word per
insertion, I insertions for the price
of 2.
16 to 20 words, 20c; 21 to 25
words. 26c; matrimonial, manicur
ing, massage and bath ads, 10c per
line per insertion.
Card of thanks, meeting and fu
neral notices, -60c per insertion.
4) New today (agate measure, 14
lines to Inch), 84c per Inch. Count
6 words to line. '
The Journal cannot guarantee accur
racy or assume responsibility for errors
cf any kind occurring in telephoned ad
vertisements. Should any ad appear Incorrect on
first insertion. The Journal will not be
responsible for subsequent Insertions.
The Journal's business office Is open
from 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. ; Saturdays 3 a.
m. to 10 p. m.
Phones, Main 7173; A-6031
should not he allowed, and nn n- Park and boulevard fund.
peals of any sort should be heard bv i Portland Ry., Light & Power
the civil service commission
City Health Department.
"The work in this department has
greatly increased during the past year
which was due in part to the rapid
growth of the city and for the reason
that an earnest effort was made to
Place the work upon a higher plane of
"liy the adoption of a partial system
of school inspection and checking tip
cases of recoveries from diphtheria by
means of culture tests much good has
been accomplished and if the plan could
be carried out in full and in detail, it
would result In the saving of many
As to Oarbag-e Question.
Co. deposit fund
Total receipts $0,311,030.0
General fund $ 433.100.63
Fire department fund 876,567.82
Police department fund... 192,371.67
Bonded Indebtedness inter
est fund 86.630.00
Chemical National Bank of
New York 37,659.00
Chase National Bank of -
New York 1,620.00
N. W. Harris & Co.. of New
Blair & Co. of New York . .
Lighting fund f.
Street repair fund.
The imperative need for some mean I rumic Horary iuna..
by which garbage may be destroyed 4Jfr,,, "
" ' ...... .ii,, i anil limit- MUUIUl lUllgl-I no UVCriUUHCfl. UK OKI v,r," i ln,,.. fnTlCl
was some snow this morning, although I Mid worn out plant now in operation is i 5.aE iinVinS
the indications are now for fair weather entirely unable to take care of moro
and colder. Yesterday's maximum U-in- than one fourth of the material which
terature was 2 below, last night tho should be destroyed each day. A now
morcury reached 7. j plant of higher efficiency and with a
i capacity at least four times as great
t'1,1 44.90
Cove Experiences More Snow;
(Spe'lal niapntch to Th Journal.)
Cove, Or-. Jan. 13. The minimum tem
perature last night was 16 above. At
6 a- m. the mercury was at 8 above.
Two Inches of snow has fallen in tho
last 14 hours. The total snowfall now
is 19 inches.
(Continued from Page One.)
Thla method of dealing with such
persons adopted by the authorities of
the cities all along the coast In a selfish
attempt to escape the responsibility of
caring for them has resulted In creating
a sudden rise here last nl-ht " -iniy uj. wnuerers wno, iorm-
and snow bejfan to fall about 8 o'clock, "n "JfiVi fl8 aBuesaivVJ
covering the old snow to a depth of two! I1,?, J1 jlty,50,anoth;r wlt)l
should be provided for at once.
Water Department.
"The work connected with the new
pipe line to be installed from the head
works and the construction of the. large
reservoir designed to be built this year
will not be completed nny too soon to
meet the urgent needs due to the rapid
growth of the city.
City Engineer's Work.
"As a general rule the cost and delay i
Incident to street work which is as
sumed by the property owner is out of
proportion to the character and value
of such work after It Is completed. This
should not be and is due in a large
measure to careless and hasty work and
out of date methods employed in the
use of materials, and to a failure upon '
,. ,.ih-'B mttpnuAnlatlvoQ til '
III," liI t ,14 I.,!'" I"' " - " l
Water bond sinking fund
Improvement fund
Tmnrovement bond sinklnar
fund 187,853.57
Improvement bond interest
fund 59,519.77
Street and sewer interest
fund 11,638.69
Police and fire department
relief fund 6,789.19
Redemption fund 4,390.18
Bill posting badge fund 32.00
Special bridge fund 81,345.41
Street improvement furfd.. 1,517.573.05
Sewer funds 107,938.10
(Special Dlapatrh to Tba Jonrnal.
Vancouver. Wash., Jan. 13. Hugh R.
Frazier, one of the best known marine
engineers on the Pacific, for 20 years
running out of San Francisco to China
In the service of the Pacific Majl
Steamship company, died last night at
the home of his daughter at Vancouver
barracks, of old age. He had been ail
ing ror several months but until the
present severe weather set In his con
dition was not conaidflrtd serious. Tim
Immediate cause of his death is thought
to be exposure during the past week.
Hugh Roderick Frazier was born In
Nova Scotia in 1830. When a boy ha
came to the states and soon entered
a machine shop, being of a mechanical
turn of mind. In 1882, after serving
his time and securing a position as
chief engineer for ocean going vessels,
he came west to accept a position as
chief engineer with the Pacific Mall
and for 20 years never failed to make
his regular trip out of San. Francisco
to Chinese ports. Six years ago he
resigned because of falling health and
has since looked for a ranch near this
city. He is survived by two daugh
ters. Mrs. Mary A. Wood of Panama,
and Mrs. McUinnls of Vancouver bar
racks. His wife died several years
The minimum temperature in Port
land was eight degrees above zero this
A . disturbance of marked 'energy is
central over southern Oregon. Its cen
ter is too far south to cause as much
moderation in tho weather over the
northern portion of this district as was
expected yesterday. A new high pres
sure area bus made Its uppearanco over
northern AlUerta, and a large high pres
sure area has moved from the middle
Mississippi valley to the New England
states. Heavy rains have fallen in
California, and light snow has occurred
generally throughout the north Pacific
states. The temperatures have risen
decidedly in southern and eastern Ore
gon, southern Idaho, Utah, Nevada and
California, and fallen slightly in north
eastern Washington and decidedly In
Alberta and the sound country.
The indications are for light snow in
the northern portion of this district,
with continued cold weather tonight and
Thursday, and for rain or snow In the
southern portion of the district, with
warmer weather tonight in southern
Idaho, followed by lower temperatures
Thursday. It will be colder tonight in
southern Oregon.
Baker city, Or 18
Bismarck, N. V o
Blaine. Wash 26
Boise, Idaho 28
Denver, Col 36
Detroit, Mich 16
Dodge, Kans 24
Dubuque. Iowa .... 14
EJdmonton, Alb .... 4
Helena, Mont 3
Huron, S. D lo
Lewlston, Idaho ... 4
Los Angeles, Cal . . .6
New Orleans, La...4S
New York, N. Y .... 40
North Head, Wash. .26
Omaha, Neb 22
Pocatello, Idaho . . . 32
Portland, Or 15
RaachurB, Or Si
St. Paul, Minn 12
San Francisco, Cal.. 56
Seattle, Wash .... "6
Spokane, Wash .... 2
Victoria, B. C 26
Walla Walla. Wah . 0
. 20
- .
. .00
Martin l. Wilson. 133 North Tenth
Svrerei8Ver 21, a"d Laura i PJtclTer,
Louis Green, 871 Thirteenth arrsat
North 22 and Olga Nehrlng! 23. '
MJJAYounJgra8318ey' De6r UUa nd
8tJasfen.J" "nd
8lJa'rfd,acj?rfXna riT'' Wash"
ine tunerai win lane piace rrom Aiartm Aialone, 892 MIssIssIddI av
Knapp's chapel tomorrow afternoon at enne, 25, and Theresa O'Rmirlff.
cemetery' lntem"-'"t b ln the Ity FLWEWfoTwTddlng, and funerals.
(.emeici . Alfred Bnrkhm-Ht 0V,K mil
WDDJ.Na. cardw8" W. O. Smith & Co"
Washington bldg.. corner 4th and
Washington sts.
CLARKE BROS., florists; fine flowers
" qesigns. 289 Morrison st.
MAX M. SMITH, florist, 150 5th St.. op-
Kv,o.iCT i.icici oc nanus; Main 7218.
(Special Dispatch to The Jonrnal )
Medford, Or., Jan. 13. In tho liveliest
election ever held in this city prohibi
tion was defeated.
Medford by its remarkable charter
Fitlcaf affairs which charter was sus- j T?-?0"' f,or,sts. funeral designs.
rainea Dy rne supremo court, or ine 1 . '"-7 i.m 1 mun , main bush, A-1S77.
state, nad remained tne oniy -wet
town ln the south part of the state.
The vote was the largest in the his
tory of the city on a city question,
926 votes being cast.
W. H. Cannon was elected mayor,
John Demer, V. J. Emerick and E. A.
Welch were elected councllmen. Pro-
Thomas' M.i Anderson and wtte in -
Llzitie Lumsden. et 10 f-vt tf
lot 4 and west 30 feet of lot 3.
block 3, Gen Anderson' addi
tion .". 2,600
Jacobs-Stlne company to LI11M' .
A- Dickinson, lot 13, block 8,
Belle Crest . . 100
Title Guarantee Trut com
pany to P. I). Boyd, lots 14 if
19, block t: lots i to 17,-Mock
3; lots 1 to 6. block 4, Rose
wood .631
F. L. Kelley and wife to F. fi,
Myers, lots 1 nnd 2, block 29,
Carter's addition to Portland:
lot 35, block 2, Smithson Land
company's addition , ; , . . . a. . 4.000
Victor Land company to S. C
Priestly, lot 7, block 9. Fox- . .
chase addition ... , . . ... . 139
West St. Johns Land company to
Richard 1 Shepard. lot a, block
3, Whltwood Court 123
Richard Sihepard and wife to ; ,.;
West St. Johns Land Company
lot fi, block 27, Whltwood:;
Court .. 459
PACIFIC Title & Trust Co., the leading
abstractors. 204-6-6-7 Falling bldg. .
Williams Abstract Co. for prices. . S33
Chamber of Commerce.
handles choice. Improved, Inside prop
erty, earning 15 per cent.
Douglas County Ranch
1120 acres, close to postofflee and
schools; 400 acres nnder cultivation,
320 acres timber; balance can be cul
tivated. Timber alone worth almost
the entire cost of property. $12.08 per
acre, part can remain on mortgage. . ..
Saw Mill & Timber Lands
On main line of railroad, and ready
for immediate operation.
See us for particulars.
Moore (& Thomas
Good Dairy Farm
40 acres, 3 miles from good valley
town, on good gravel road, lt F. D
phone and cream route, 20 acres culti
vated, fine orchard, plenty of wood, bal
ance is good pasture land, place corners
ln river, affording plenty of water. 8 room
house, well at back porch, brick milk
house, frutthouse, smokehouse, wood
house and chicken house, large barn.
2200 pound team and harness, new
Studebaker wagon, covered hack, 6
cows, 3 hogs, 100 chickens, some tur
keys and ducks, barn full of hay, plow,
harrow. etc.; price $3000. STEAXi
B&OWN, 709 Swetland Bldg.
Warehouse Location
""'"I have one of the best factory or
warehouse locations ln Portland, for
sale at a bargain. It consists of about
2 acres, 400 feet frontage on O. R. ft i.
track and close In. If you don't want
the location for a warehouse or factory
seme -en else w4H, Ptek thla ht and
make some good money on it. jXHJLJt
BBOWH, 709 Swetland Bldg.
1 .. .-
The. entire second story of the Ge
vurtz block, corner of Front and Glbbs
sts., containing a public hall, with wall
seats and reception rooms; slie 60x60
feet; a carpeted lodge room 85x50 feet,
with anterooms and kitchen, Will
lease for a term of years. Apply to
owner. I. Gevurtz, 173-176 1st st.
FULL KRESH suits for rent, all sizes.
Unique Tailoring Co.. 309 Btark st.
WHIST and dance will be given by
Webfoot company. No. 65. W. O. "W.,
Friday, January 15, 1909. Refreshments.
Cards 8:30. Lucas' orchestra. Admis
sion 15c.
M. W. A. Oregon Grape Camp, No. 6975,
Mondays. Selllng-Hirsch block, 10th
and Washington streets. ' : ' --
M. W. A. Evergreen Camp. 6466. meets
Wednesday evenings, Alisky bldg.. 3d
and Morrison sts. 1
t'Jwa J
uitueriaKerfl ann cmnflimaa
hibition was defeated by 127 malority I i'Jneve,ry detal':, Seventh and Pine; Main
and the attempt to amend the charter I i:li-a!y??l!slanl-
to maKe it comply witn tne local op-1 I p FlDIPV J?r ffH Third and
tlon law was defeated by a majority of 1 J r' rimZJ QC OUU. Madison
170. Lady attendant. Main 9. A-1699 !
ZELLER-BYRNES CO.. CnnArni ,11....- I
TTfin Til nnnnmpnif
S. S. S. is known aa Nature's Cure for Contagious Blood Poison because
tors, embalmers. 2 70
1088. Lady assistant.
Russell; East,
KKICKSON Undertaking Co.. erubalm-
Ing; lndy ass" t ; 409 Alder; Main C133.
EDWARD HOLM AN. undertaker; 220
Photres C-2I14 and Main 4444.
insist upon a rig a ana i um ui 17. .u. .- . . Q --i- vm UlsA ti T,,1ic, ,, t ,t !
herbs and barks taken directly from the natural forests of the land. It does ; Board of "aVadi bidgTastractoora
and one half Inches. The temperature
during the night was down to 16, but
this morning -went as high as 20.
Reports from around the country
indicate mucn suit en ng among stock.
no resulting benefit to themselves or
anyone else, ln fact, the result is ac
tual harm to all. for upon one hand it
renders the criminal more desperate,
while upon the other it outrages the
honest but unfortunate workingman
unco nf contracts and the result is t
be seen in work of an inferior quality
in manv ti I h prs RuniiL iut- iv jui . . ...... ... .
istence of which there is no jusi excuse, uuiwuwu uk ibiujmiuuc ui euuug uuuuat lugicuicuu, auu la cvj yi c- mh v.
To remedy these conditions is not o pared aS to -Id lit the Upbuilding- of every portion of the System, While driv- ' K- Nohle and wife to Kver-
sect Tr1 However. "a ing Contagious Blood Poison from the blood. No unpleasant effects ever block 4. bionlddmonlo It
start has been made in this 1 direction follow the use of S. S. S., such &3 stomach troubles, dyspepsia, mercurial' b'n $
E&Jre.un rheumatism, etc., as is so often the case where other medicines are used. l&&frSrif&r
plumbing inspection. S. S. S. goes down to the very bottom of the trouble and gently but surely, ! .-n,J blck ii, Woodstock...
tv, or. has been a great increase ln dnvea oiit every trar of the dic. rlMns and -nii-nfi to
despite the systematic feeding. InV-S T--T-hi .rn hT- WoU'LIVX.
soma localities there Is some Iohs by .otv " "l""'1
deat.i. but tt Is not extensive. One of
the Eugene public schools was dis
missed on account of the furnaces not
working, duo to cold weather. At others
the recitations were continued, al
though the attendance Is not normal.
Grants Pass Pears Thaw.
(Kpeclal IMspatch to The Journal.)
Grants Pass, Or., Jan. 13. The mer
cury raised to 80 degrees , shove at
Grants Pass this morning. The snow
Of last night has turned to rain. It Is
getting warmer and a swift thaw seems
certain. A warm wind is blowing from
the south. Should the thaw occur much
damage will be done, as four or Ave
inches more snow were added last night,
giving a depth of from 8 to IS inches.
vine weainer ooser 'er says . lnaica
ons are now for rain with warm
Hair on
NecX and Arms -
.. Removed fcy the Diaw Principle'
rartiatlra to austere tcieee It to the nlr aewnt.
to ud prartie way ts dwt y hair. Dos't watie
tltna xpariroanttnc Hh lcvob'i X-ray ami f
r llatoriaa. Thw i offered yom Uia HA F R WORD
0 in operator and mannfaet urara, D ti irarl la
ot. it la ixnlr method which la indortwd by ptiral
eiana, aurgeona, drmatololta, medical iourniln ana)
prominent mtfkxiiiaa. D Miracle intUee, aealed le
- pMa wrapper, frr Sl.flQ. Tour moeejF back without
ieetloa (no red tape) If it Mia to do all thu I
Maimed for It. Booklet free, la plats eealtaS eepo
be tn De -tirade Cheatckr- Le, M fix- Ara
Kew York. - ' . '
far ae) at -all coed rtoraaaae -
Third and Washington Streets -
'It does not in any way accomplish
the object aimed at and meroly re-
of an equal number of criminals, more I ul review of the sltim
difficult to locate or to identify than I taken- by you and that
they otherwise would be, who becom
ing familiar with every road leading to
safety.,, make but short otops In each
one, levying as great a toll as they can
extract from it. -while doing so.
Tramp Army xaoreases.
"This army of wanderers Increases
year by year, and if the course now be
ing pursued is persisted in. it will re
sult In , increasing evil; the method is
is "'4 vnu iiij iraiui in limiting j " , ",. "',,, i-, t. eli
good men bad. and bad mon worse. - . j Po 1'" ln. .lJl
1 tv, j.u n 1 1 it:u 111 mo w " i . . . .
the many buildings of aii kind? wWh by its fine vegetable tonic effects, assists the system to rapidly overcome the sunnyside addition . .. . .'; ,00
have been constructed during the year, ravages of the disease, and regain its natural health-id condition. S. S. S. j 3 y juuen UwesV tl of Y'tVY
methodslRtoSbef empiolTd inMgafd to does not cover up or hide the symptoms for awhile, to break out later, but, bibek ss. couch addition.?.,.. 7,800
plumbing and the means of thf 'r .CI" so thoroughly does it remove the cause that no sigus of the trouble ever re- ?iriDJS5,i,1,neir ar T"K,','.r3r
fToHo'secutW mm. S. & S., Nature'scure, is the surest and safest remedy for Contagious Bb:?b: lfl.00O
the community owes to itself. Blood Poison. Home Treatment Book with valuable suggestions and infor-1 lt0' R- Bernard to centenary
I would therefore urge uiax scare- -.-tM and anv medical arrcir f rM tn all xcht writ.. ! "'".. r,rLV ' "V l?"lan?-
- " J 11 - - - - - ti r- l - ' l 1 iifj L , OIOCK S.
a icholson s addition
erhert 1 . Itobblns to Christian
i,. itari. lot 4, OlocK 10, East Para-
1 oise feprings tract
situation be under
you and tnar sucn laws ue
adopted as will provide for better and
more sanitary metnoos.
nbllo tlffhting.
t'nder.the head of public lighting the
mavor reviews at length the trouble
with the Portland Railway Light &
Power compnnv which has just culmin
ated in a threat on the part of the
comnany to shut off the light tonight
11-ii.Wa the t29.00(l which It claims Is
due from the city be paid. The mayor's
"No city actinic alone pari succeed In
affecting a -"change or nutting a stop to
this Injustice, for should it depart from
the custom tt would immediately become
the dumping ground, for the criminals,
vagrants . and unemployed persona of
everv other city upon the coast.
J "Some rational plan, coupled with con-
eertea action upon tno part -or a con
federation of all the cities on the coast,
is advisable, and should be adopted and
the present ineffective, expensive and
dVhonest system discontinued. No mu
nicipality which dodges Its -obligations
or deals unfairly or dishonestly . with its
criminal or unfortunate class has a
right to ask or expect of them that they
shall deal with it la a mors honorable
manner. -
, . . Baeora4Ta f BepUes.
"Several months ago I addressed a
communication upon this subject to the
mayors of a number of cities upon this
coast, and from the tenor of the replies
received by me 1 feel sure that 'neces
sity will compel the adoption of some
such plan In th near future."
The mayor verv forrihlv cslls ntfen.
iion 10 tne urpent need lor a new
to teke the plar-c of the ant (qua ted
As to the park department the mayor
Park Department.
"The work of this department during
the year has been carried on with a
view to ; meeting the condition which
will arise when the new and enlarged
system Is entered upon during the
vesr 191)9.
"Bonds to the amount of fire hundred!
thousand (fsOQ.OOQl dollars nave Deen
issued and sold to provide for the ex
tension of the system and purchase
of land for the purpose should be made
as soonves possible.
Inspection of Buildings.
The Importance of adopting regula
tions concerning the construction of
buildings- of a character whicji will
render thvm as r.early safe as possible
for the o eon pants and at as small a
risk to adjoining buildings as la possi
ble should not be -overlooked.
"No cllpr can make gain of any per
manent ialuo which for purposes of
temporary expediency allows a class
of tiullds to be constructed which
lmmodlatelv hegrsmc a rik. to life and
Women s Secrets
There it one rasa .to the Uaited State who Est perbp heard
more women's secret, thaa any other mao or woman in the
country. These secrets are aat secret of guilt or theme, but
the iccrcts of kuffering, and they have beea confided to Dr.
R. V. Pierce ia the hope aod expectatioa ot advice and help.
That few oi these wqmea have been disappointed ia their ex
pectation is proved by the fact that ainety-eiht per cent, of
aU women treated by Dr. Pierce hsve beea absolutely sad
altogether cured. Such a record would be remarkable ii the
case treated were numbered by hundred only. But wbea
that record applies to the treatment of mora lhao half-a- mil
lion women, in a practice of aver 40 year, it is pneoomensi.,
od entitles Dr. Pierce to the gratitude accorded hiss by women, a the first ol
specialist in" the treatment of women' disease. ...
Every sick womaa msy conult Dr. Pierce by letter, abaolutely without
" charge. All replie are mailed. ealed ia perfectly plaia envelope, without
any printing of advertiting whatever, upon them. Write without fesr s with
out fee, to World's Dispensary Medical Anociatioa, Dr. R. V. Pierce, Prest.,
Buffalo, N. Y.
XIak.s.43ar Weak. Women . Strong,
:-- , Slol- Women 1X
. ... - .
It's only a dishonest dealer, here and there, tnat will attempt to persuade
you to accept a secret nostrum in place of these time-proven" remedies of known
composition. Resent the insult to your Intelligence ana tnrfe elsewhere.
5 . . H. -V Fierce. M. D Buffalo, ??. T."
j John A. Jeffrey and wife to Syd
ney j, neneuici, 101 i, Block ,
I Kast Portland Heights too
J. T. Kd wards, trustee, to Joseph
Klser, lot 14, subdivision of
tract B, Overton Park 1,125
T. J. Armstrong, executor, et al,
to Emily J. Noon, lots 1 and 4,
block 143, Couch addition 2!,S00
Mattle M. Benson to W. F. Dick
ens, lot 9. block 9. Park addi
tion to Albina gt
K. and N. Yoshtnar! to K. Tsubol,
undivided 1-3 of lots 25. 28, tl.
28. block 10. Laurel wood Park. 1,050
C. Anazawa to K. Tsubol, same
as above 1,050
Esra T. Oouglas and wife to Pa
ciflo Northwest Realty Assocl
stes, lots 7 and 8, block 15.
Kern Park 100
P. Kendel and wife to Investors'
Realty company, lots and 7, i
block 2. Powers tract 1,400
Thomas Marshall and wife to Investor-'
Realty company, lot
and west k of lot 10. block 54.
Sunnvside C.000
Jacobs-Stine company to Banford
I- Harmon, lots 23 and 24.
block 25. Hyde Park 09
W. C. Alvord and wif to A.' B.
C. Davis, lot is, Block 207, Irv
ington USt
Earl C Bronaugh and wife, to
Peter J. Labb. lota 10, 11
and 12. .block 10. Arbor I,odre 100
Charla BJ Kler and wife to R.
Brunxee, lot H, block 62, Al
J biiia i ..... t.i ..... - 4,500
A Fine Let
in Woodlawn, 1250. ,
Good buys In rooming houses
and business chances.
The Coast Realty Co.
220 Lumber Exchange.
Great Bargaia Lots
$1500, hi cash, fine double corner.
100x100. well fenced. I6U1 st, close
in, level lawn, lot fruit Trees, shad a.
trees, etc: good small house.
$1000 Double corner, 100x125, , 18th
st., close In; must sell; only those mean
ing business need apply. No agents.
Seo my exclusive agent. : West Const
Co., Grand Theatre bldg. Wain 73K2,
we build Homes
To suit you at small cost, and very easy
payments. There la no reaaon why you
should not own your own home. Call
and see us and let us explain how easy
it is to do so. . . . . i
822 Chamber of Commerce.
Bargains ia Hemes
Good location, fine climate, dairy, fruit
and stock ranches. Fine timber lanaL well
located. Write for booklet.; A. I Rain-
water. Philomath, Or. - M i it
Walking- distance, gas. full basement,
cement walks, lot 40x100: lots of fruit.
This is a bargain and must be sold at
once. lumig. bij wtimgn vi-ib
t2000 100x120 CORNER. graded
street, aounaam rruit, oerneo., -ej
front, with fair 7 room house, situated
between Patton and Albina avea. ; in
qulre 1095 Maryland ava Terma
River View aad Peninsula property,
tf interested In low prices and easy
terms call on us. Summit Investmerf'
Co.. 12 Killingsworth ave.
Couch at; elevated Just right for bun
galow or flat. Owner unable to build;
will sen t,inw. notn pnimei man ,
WILL pay cash for your equity In prop
erty that you have partly paid for.
National Realty A Trust Co., 228 a
Washington St., room 51.
$1300 RUTS a fine jot 50x100, j-Iob. in.
small 4 room house, 1 fruit (. or
will exchange as part payment for farm,
W-845. Journal.
C. R. Dcnnell & Co,
Real E tat, - Riwm S C f f
liAYKS & .Randolph, contra :u
builders.' Plans and ( if-,
furnished. 17 Oregotil in M .Hr m
ft KOuM modern (utiHH,-, l..t 4
fine location; a bartiii, !17.)0; 1.
JS0 R. Washington, i n-t mi;, i-..
NICE sunny 5 nn 1 I , - 1 ,r
$1200, or will rent f r i : h. id
Inquire at lit! Tin wt ( ). v
liOOJl nioi-11 1 .1 , '
i.- trio tight, good v t t: ... 1 1 ,
desired. Cnli :is v- :
a;ii' m v . ,
1... i. ; f," ,, !
tcriua. 1 1 1 -'I i.