THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND,' TUESDAY EVENING. JANUARY. 12, 1909. J0 The great Annual Clearance Sale has been booming alonjf merrily in face of the severe weather conditons Shrewd buyers have been out in force every day gathering up many of the "plums": while you have been hugging the stove ; Don't delay your shopping any further The marvelous, saving opportunities in all departments will more than repay you for any little inconvenience you might experience on. account of the weather conditionsThe great Janu ary Clearance gale continues through the month, with bargain attractions which were never before known iri the history of local merchandise retailing Take advantage of the great values at low prices ruling during the Clearance Flannelette Gowns W$ Vals. $1.19 Mnslin NightGowns $2.00 Vals. $1.19 Great special offering of 200 women's outing flannel Nightgowns, both plain white and fancy stripes: braid-trimmed: all are well tft 1A made and extra full size; $1.75 values, all aires, choice, each J11J ; Women's fine cambric and nainsook Gowns, made high or low neck, long or short sleeves; trimmed in, good quality embroidery and lace tucks, insertion, , beading and ribbon; all sizes, large variety; the 1Q best regular values up to $2, on sale at this low price, each $11 J Clearance sale of Lace Curtains. Clearance sale Carpets, Rugs; 3d floor. Clearance sale of Silk, Dress Goods and Laces; take advantage of sale. Clearance sale of Silverware and Cut Glass, in the big Basement store. Great clearance sale of women's Hosiery, Umbrellas and Leather Goods. Clearance sale of Table Linens, Bed Linens, Towels and Wash Goods. II eguiar Tail ored Suits $12.45 In Portland's leading Cloak and Suit store a sale extraordinary of high grade Tailored Suits 'for women and misses. The greatest values ever offered at this low price. Every garment of this season's manufacture, up todate in style and material; made semi and tight-fitting effect, 26 tn 3i-inrh rnatc Strirtlv tailArerl rr AerA un'fU K ... 'A A 4.1 fancy braid and velvet trimmed. Black, navy, brown, green, wine and a large assortment of fancy stripes and mixtures; broadcloths, serge, her ringbone stripes, fancy tweeds and worsteds; suits worth (fO AC to $28, your choice at this special very low price, the suit 200 Winter Coats, Regular $16.50 Values $7.35 Each A very special offering of 200 women's and misses' Coats in three quarter and long semi-fitting and empire Coats; plain tailored or fancy braid and .velvet trimmed; materials in storm serge, broadctoth, tweed and covert; colors are black, navy blue, wine, tan and assorted (frT QC mixtures; all new, this season's coats; $16.50 values, each .OJ $3.50 Waisting $ 1.47 A remarkable special offering of magnificent 27-inch waUti nations of batiste and baby Irish inserting; exquisite designs and large assortment for your selection; an advantageous purchase from a New York lace importing house enables us to offer values up to 1 J 7 $3.50 a yard at this low price, the yard; take advantage of sale 41.4f $2.00 Veils at 48c Each A great clearance sale offering of women's Veils in chiffon, lace and net' a special purchase from a large New York importing house enables us to place on sale values up to $2 at 48c each; beautiful patterns in grand assortment; styles suitable for veils, scarfs and hat drapes- I hi and 2-yard lengths; black, white, gray, brown, light blue, pink ' red cream, navy, etc.; just the veils you want for present wear- val- 'AO ' ties up to $2 each, your choice for this great sale at, only each 5C Blankets and Comforters 17.10 3.97 13.55 $3.35 1000 pairs of extra large white Oregon wool Blankets, with pink and blue borders; size 78 by 86 inches; best regular $9 values, on sale at, the pair 500 pairs full-size dark gray Oregon wool Blankets; the best regular $5 values, on sale at this special low price, the pair; take advantage of sale 500 pairs of white wool Blankets with 4-inch satin banding, pink and blue borders; 11-4 size; the best regular $4.75 values, on sale at this low price 500 pairs of light gray wool Blankets, wfth fancy borders; regular $4 values; buy all you want of them during the sale at this very low price, the pair 300 pairs full-size mottled Oregon gray heavy wool Blankets, $5.50 value, pair.. $4.37 Four great special lots of Comforters, silkoline covered; best patterns and colorings and filled with pure laminated cojton; supply your comforter wants at these prices: 72 by 72 inches, on sale for, each.. $1.13 72 by 80 inches, on sale-for. each.. 81 72 by 78 inches, on sale for, each.. fl. 23 72 by 84 inches, on sale for, each.Z.SO Down Comforters, in all styles and grades, on sale at prices from $5.85 to $25 each. Heating Stoves Low Priced Special lot of 25 Peninsular Heaters, burn wood or coal; 14-inch firepot, dQ Aft nickel trimmings; regular $17 value, on sale at this special low price, each wIOxU a Peninsular tsaseburners for wood, full nickel trimmed; large size; C1Q CA extra good heater; regular $25 value, on sale at this special low price ?ls3U Complete stock of Peninsular Ranges in all si2es and styles; every one guaranteed; prices range all the way from $25 tp $75 each; on sale in the big Basement store. 100 large size Oil Heaters, every one guaranteed not to smoke; special, each.. $3.90 Airtight Heaters in all sizes and grades, $2.50 to $13.50 each; on sale in the Basement. Sale Women's Fine Shoes $4.00 Values for $2.65 A timely offering of Women's High-Grade Footwear A decisive clean-up of standard styles in the very best makes of black gunmetal calf, tan and Rus- sia calf and black patent colt Dull tops, swing or straight tips, welt soles, Cuban heels Size3 2 to 7, widths A to E All new, high-grade shoes with best models Shoes we guarantee to cive thorough sat. Ba not I isfaction in every particular Women's fine shoes that V ffck find ready sale every day in the year at $4 per pair, at. . . r "Lindsay" Incandescent Lights Complete on Sale at 49c Each In the Basement, a great special offering of 2000 of the celebrated "Lindsay" Incan descent Gas Lights, complete with imported globe and best Lindsay burner Aft and mantle; phone orders will be filled; on sale at this special low price, each iC Best "Lindsay" Mantles on Sale at 10c Ea. In the Basement, 5000 of the genuine "Lindsay" 6as Mantles of good quality, each. 10 Entire Stock Muslin Underwear Reduced Entire Stock Men's and Boys' Clothing at Clearance Prices Entire Stock of Jewelry and Fancy Goods at Clearance Prices En tire Stock of Pictures at Very Low Clear ance PricesEntire Stock Women's and Children's Millinery Reduced -Entire Stock' of Gift Articles at Clearance Prices Great Clearance Bargains in All Departments 9J6m&. $2.50 Dresiod! Great Clearance Sale of high-grade Dress Goods; about 2500 yards in the lot; all tins' season's very best weaves and shades; included are lightweight wool and silk and wool fabrics, suitable for afternoon, dinner and evening gowns; beautiful styles; high-class dress materials at a AO fraction of their real value; regular $1.50, $2 and $2.50-fabricsir-on sale at this low price OC $1.50 Silks 2000 yrds f figvred SiIk Suitings, in handsome styles Jor suits, waists and children's apparel; come in checks, stripes and Drcsdens, in light and 79C a ard dark effects a,so p,ain Pongees and rajahs; regular values up to $1-50 a yard, on sale at thismnusually low price, yard; see them lC Sale Fine Imported Waists Less Than Half Price A sensational offering of Women's High-Class Novelty Paris Waists Exquisite styles for dress and evening wear JLaces, chiffons and messaline silks Magnificent assortment, made in princess lace, Venise lace, soutache ' braid, net, allover laces, embroidered filet in silver and gold, oriental embroidery, hand-made Danish lace, real Irish lace, duchess lace, baby crochet, French Vals., fig ured chiffons, etc. By far the greatest value in high class waists we have ever offered Prices as follows: $55 Waists $23.50 Each $92 Waists $275 Each $68 Waists 829.45 Each $70 Waists $32.25 Each $35 Waists $16.45 Each $36 Waists $16.95 Each $40 Waists $18.25 Each $48 Waists $21.45 Each All Our Fine American Waists at Clearance Sale Prices $35 Waists at $12.45 Each A sale extraordinary of high-class Waists in messaline silks, chiffon cloth and fancy nets; Val ues up to $35, at $12.45 each; trimmed in silk medallions, applique yokes, real Irish chochet. fine tucks, Venetian lace, French Vals.. linen Cluny, filet, hand embroidery, braid 11 AC and buttons; all good colors, and in all sizes; wonderful vales, on sale at, each VILAo Entire Stock of Women's Suits, Coats, Costumes, Wraps, Furs, Waists, Petti coats, Bathrobes, Children's Apparel at Marvelously Low Clearance Prices Mens $2 ynderw-r 95c Garment Another of our celebrated bargains in men s winter Underwear; 3000 garments in this splendid lot; form-fitting ribbed and flat underwear; all the well-known makes are included; underwear of style, quality and perfect fitting; all sizes n shirts and drawers, natural gray, salmon, blue and pink; the stock clean-up of a dozen important mills in the Mohawk valley; men's under- At? wear selling at prices up to $2 per garment; supply your needs at this low price, garment 9JC Great clearance sale bargains in all lines of men's furnishing goods; see Morrison, st window. Table Linens at Clearance Prices 72-inch 70-inch 60-ifteb. 60-inch 16-inch 16-inch Broken It "!' jOU!e I,e amask e8t qua'ity and patterns; $1.35 value, on sale, yd.fl.OO a l-hnen double Table Damask, in the best patterns; regular $1 quality, on sale, yd.TS all-linen Table Damask, m cream color, best patterns; regular 65c value, on sale, vd. 50 mercerized Damask, best patterns; regular 75c values, on sale at this low price, yd. 50 a -linen G ass Crash, best regular 10c value, on sale at this special low price, yard.6 iSfSS ? h ia) low priceyard.i? . ...,.,...,f ayn.u,, u juiucii oeis, on saic at very low prices; see them. I " 1 . U II BENEFIT NETS CREDITABLE SI American and Italian Flags Mtertwined at Uunga A " low Theatre. The .Italian royal standard and the stars and strlpea, Intertwined. Iftat night : graced tb boieg of tbe Bungalow thea . tr, whpre the benefit entertainment for luaian earthquake aufferra was slveo. Consul nd Mrs. Candiani and their gnt occupied tha boi, which "'N with th Italian coiora. selections by soma of th leadinv stng; rs of th cfty. vaMdevilla acts from th ;: ' '.:Vl" 100.000 Tun A. Sclenttsta liava found In a cava la Fwitaeriand bonea of men. who llyed 1.00 years ao. when life was in con. tnt danger from wild beasts. Today the tner. as shown by A. XV Brown of Alexander. Maine, Is largely from deadly disease. "If It had not been for I)r Kinirji 'K Discovery .which cured m! 1 could not have lied." hs writes? "dSt I Irtina as I did rrpnj a severe luns trou ble and at'ibborn vouKh." . To cure gore I.un. Colds, ob.-tinate Coughs, and pre vent Pneumonia. It a the besttnediclne on Voodari filartte 4c Co, Trial bottle free. wJi u" . th.ea,tr" nd rKMal acts by local entertainers, and there was a aen- S-1 i'f flln of t00 fellowship and ap preciation which made all go smoothly. Programs and flowers wfre sold by mlttees of society women who arranged Madajn Norelli, fresh from her trl umpns in England, was warmly re ceived. She gave the air from Verdi's fraviata, "Ah Fors e Lul," with all the dash and brilliancy that her tempera ment, training and power assure. After reeuunainK 10 an encore, as the inn uii. still continued, she came back and sang "Home KwMf . . t. : lng of Joy at being again at home and among friends. Mrs. Rose Coursen Reed was at her Garden of Rosea." Felix, and a a-raco-fuf ballad as encore. Her reDons and peneci coniroi were never better mani fested. Stuart McGuire salg "Thou Art i-jxe l nio a e lower," trie Kubinsteln setting, showing his rich and mellow baritone to advantage. Don Zan bad scope for his fine powers In "Kfna- Dun- can's Daughters." Allitsen, which be gave with verve and dracratlc feeling. His second number was "Drink to He Only With. Thin Eyes." The vaudeville numbers were all well received, Paul Croix, the hat juggler; ino atnteirs irora me urtna ut fiouts. era quartet from Pantagea; fiignor An tonie di Trovato, the eccentric violinist from the Orpheum. all did their funny and entertaining stunts with ease and Kept toe auaienca happy. , Leo Shanirer performed In an un usual way upon-two pianos at once, and . a t-uugnian a ventriloquism which was so cleverly done was one of . th best numbers on tbe program. J, Hutch inson was a most acceptable aecompan- .... . . v r i ana urucn Kiiey ana w. o. Montrasxa. who. arranged the and carried out all stare Airman credit must be glve for the ease with1 which all the affair went. There were no awkward delays. Various business firms contributed to the success of the affair by giving their services for printing, supplies, carriages, etc. The orchestra under F. -N. Griffin proved eaual to every call. The full amount or money raised for the cause is not Known yet, but it will probably be between J800 and iivuq. HELPLESS BUT NOT BY REASON' OF COLD Answering a telephone message to the effect that a man In a badly frosen con dition was lying helpless at the east side depot, the patrol wagon dashed across im river 11 u ociock mis morn ing, the officers prepared to succor an unfortunate victim of the unusual weather. But all they fonnd was J. Kevin, who had a large bottle of Ken tucky's pride in his pocket and some more wnisicey insiae. iifl was net i rosea but the was nearly Helpless. A health v man Is a king In his own rlrht- an unhealthy man Is an Unhsncv slavs. Burdock Blood Bitters builds up sound heajui seeps you weij. "Suffered day and night the torment nr itcbinv niies. jsotninr named - ma until I used Doan'a Ointment. It cured me permanently." Hon. John R. Gar rett, Mayor, Glrard. Ala. . Harsh physics react, weaken the bowels, cause ehronia constipation. Poan s Regulets operate easily, tona the stomach, cure constipation, 25c Ask your druggist for them. Aeeldents will bapben. Hit the best regulated families keepi Dr. Thomas' Eclectrlc Oil for auch emergencies. It subdues tbe pain and heals the hurts. GIFTED FILIPIflO VIOLINIST SWAYS ORPHEUM AUDIENCE Sometimes the gallery whistles an accompaniment to a catchy song, but it im .Irlnm , a .n . I . i . audience is literally taken off Its feet v S ? aylnK ' nrus'cal Instruments. " )ut wnai nappened at the Oroheum last nivht v)in vimki.. nf r, re rwiwer .A v. pit to dome In breathless, attendance on me uiuvemenis or nis Dow. The instrument falriv iaike I lOri If IArtr,Vu1 r- n 4 1. .. . I j j iwi, inn Hnniui, OIK nor Travato, as he calls himself. Is truly a virtuoso of the first wster whatever a virtuoso may be. lie had the house one minute rippling with smiles as a IhAnunii . marked time to some roUlcklng med le'x,md th next ntnt on the verge of tears at a sudden transition Into something plaintively suggestive. - ITne (vim. r t nhUk i. ..i 1 1 - ' " riuuino re ceived a half dozen, he played the old folk songs, the simple ballads and the national anthems of many nations. He w m'I"ui irica or ending clas- 7 J . . '"'. us realty too bad. though, that the slgnor shakes him nmmn mi miioh hut ..Aws.i a little eccentricity of the vlrtuoo. Ire-hast flA VAtl tkltilr a..1 m... If A burglar ot into thj dormitory of w Ann v I . J . . n 1 1 . . . Johnny MrV . uia. i 1 Clrla," Is the name of an act that shows iiiipnj nappen. l ne -Van terpreted by Harrison Hunter and Frank I Rfliev la : mn InhiM.,!.. i i The fieldoms In , living,, marble, the I Harvey sisters, tight wire dancers and the Klnsons are some of . the other attractions that heln comnlete one of the best bills yet given by the Or- pueum. Fight With Police Costa Dyer $150. M. C. Hartness, who owns a dye worKs, couioed wun tne ponce oepartr ment last evening and as the result lacea juage van zante this morning. According to the report of Officer Burks, who arrested liim, Hartness was found rather the worse for liquor' and was escorted home by the polleeman, put - inside his residence, 268 Third street, and told to go to bed. Instead of ooeying, Martneas cams out again and besame abusive. Burks finally threw Hartness down In the snow and hand cuffed him. All this time Mrs. Hart ness was protesting against the treat ment of her husband bv the officer, an.t trying- to interfere with Burks, ,- Hart- nens went 10 jait at last. This morning, accompanied ' by bis wife Hartness told the Judge thet he had been mistreated, but as the officer has some evidence on - his side also. nuruivii was xinea 919. etbbt stoma ts or should te worried when the UtUe ones have a -cough or cold. It may lead to croup or pleurisy or pneumonia then to something more serious. Bailard's Horehound Syrup. will cure the trouble at once and nrevVnt nv rimniViiUn Bold by Skidmors Drug Ca . i - I 1 ; ' ' ; ( ' j- U ' .I , ' r -. "."!."',"" " .. 1 II WARM HALL FOR THE SYMPHONY Nothing has been left undone to make the patrons of the Ported Symphony orchestra concert tonfght perfertlv comforUble, Th Masonic temple hsli where the concert will be given is", the rnoat , easily heated auditorium . the city, and the management has had it lieated since Sunday to insure the com fort or the patrdha this evening Th concert in every way nromt... t$S i&FVZSW r th. iry'r, Sonate, "A. Major". ........ ". . Tttir.rt rem con Vartaslone Menuetta and TrU nu Alia Turoa Jthapsodle, E flat. Op. 11, ffo, ;.'.. rv Vt :"-. Brahma Two Valsea. G fist On t . J0 Valses, A flat, bp. 43 ithapsodie No. 11.. 7........ -T"" orchestra numbers art wrcuure 10 "Merry Wives" .....,.: ' r fl?inW.ddJn y,nP,nri.- . .Ooldmsrk ttomsnse . ....... Tachaiknw.wC - ri",!,.0r he"traI Suits (ScSeJ ' kSS? . polltatneS) I"..". Maaalnef - Th .onwt will be held" in thTnew - :-:'-:'.'.-' v. '' 1";.' -V .'-''. '.. ' '' ' ' " :.' :' " . .Chopin . .Chopin .'.Chopin ... -Llsat K r 1.