11 X E01VARDS' PLEA i FTT3 IS HOT GUILTY -t- : Edwards, Who Killed Mc Gaillard, Will Have a Speedy Trial. - TIMELY SUGGESTIONS TO A SHIVERING WHO ARE UNDER THE ICY GRIP OF JACK THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING. JANUARY 12, 1909. (Q: . . . . ....... PEOPLE FROST he J ha r ell " ' Ml Ths trial of Osborn Edwards, who 1 charged with murder In- the first de gree In the killing of Thomas J. Mc Oaillard at the Blchelieu rooming house a few night ago, will be set soon for the earliest possible date. la compli anoe with the new rule of bringing murderers to trial aa speedily as can be done,. Judge Gantenbeln will set the date as soon ,aa d wards'' relatives are heard $ rem. Edwards pleaded not gytity to tha" charge yesterday after lOn. ' S- . .:;:r ,:- Besides him. X seven other' men were haled into court yesterday afternoon either to enter, pleas t or to receive sentence, t - -. -, . Marlon Davis, chanted together with Dave Tomlin with stealing a bo of razors belonging to Lou Wagner, was sentenced to serve a term or tw years, but paroled on aooount of -his age, be lng only 19 years old. Davis will have to report to Chief Probation Officer Teuscher. ' Tomlin nleaded not sulltv and will be tried before th Juvenile, J. J. ; Scholia, charged with larceny; win am inea January I. ; John Hanna who stain a. kit nt mr penter's tools on Kfew Year's eve; will serve six montns in the county jail. Harp TlAnunn lbh . AanUM frkn.nti accused of robbery., it being charged , mac mey neia up "etsr JUnbetlch. le camber 13 and relieved him of his watcn ano &, are to come to trial to morrow. They are also said to have iieia , up a. m. Hyatt, securing ym, Chris Brunes Is thought to have been implicated in their last Job. B. F. Germain, charged with larceny, .will be tried January 15, W. B. Qlenn, accused of larceny by embezzlement, is to have his trial Feb ruary 11. MURDERER BECAUSE TOOK JOKE TOO HARD CSDWlal Dlnnatrh to Tha Iirmil l Rockville, Md.; Jan. 12. The case f ixicnoias orrutt. charged with the mur der of Frank Kretaemer, was called for trial todav in the circuit court. Rnth the accused young man and his alleged vic-uui wore wen Known in mis vicinity and as a result the trial will, be fol lowed with considerable interest. vi ne killing of Kretzemer, who was a torekeeper. resulted from a children's prank. Several girls, among them the young sister or orruu. entered Kret semer's store, to play a prank on the storekeeper. The latter is said to have playfully resented the intrusion of the girls and one of them told Offutt that Kretzemer had insulted his sister. The young man hastened to the store and without warning shot and killed Kret zemer. The young man fled to New York, but was captured a few daya later and returned for trial. CAUCUS TO DEFEAT LID LEGISLATION TOD 1 Sieves at Factory Cost We are rolng to sell sverv Store oa hand AT COST O MAJruTACTTm XWO rather than remove them to our new factory, oor. 1st aad Oibbs ata. $2.00, Stoves 99c $2.70 Stoves $1.35 $5.00 Stoves 82.50 $5.40 Stoves-$2.70 $6.00 Stoves $3.00 All Our Stoves Reduced in Proportion AIRTIGHT STOVE CO. Open TTntll B -O'clock Bvenlags 271 FIRST STREET, Bet Madison and Jefferson DO YOU NEED A PLUMBER? Call Us Up. Phone Main 1110 (United Prem Leased Wlrt.l Olvmnia. Wash.. Jan. 12. A aena torial frameup to defeat all ao called moral legislation has been attempted with Indifferent success. A caucus at tended by 23 members, with proxies for two more, was held on local option, the race track bill and other measures. 1 he makeuD of the caucus waa such that-there Is not much danger of its holdlna together when the first test comes. One -proxy waa that of Senator Hiair. wno preferred to go to church, and Falconer, Paulhamus and Poison point to this fact with, derision, as an evidence or now atrona the antl-moraJ oraantzation will be. The fact that a caucus was held has caused no end of comment but the general opinion la that ii win not oe enective. MEAD PARDONS HENRY CEAEMEIt trait Praaa Laaaad Wlr.t Olympla, Wash., Jan. 12. Governor Mead has pardoned Henry Craemer, convictea at beattie, tseptemner n. 1894. and sentenced to be hanged for the murder of Mrs. Josephine Mueller ana ner cnua. ' . Thrice Craemer was granted reprieves and finally aentenced. His sentence waa finally commuted by Governor Kogers to lire imprisonment. There has always been general doubt of Craemer'a guilt, aa the evldenoe was entirely circumstantial. At tha time . of tha Tom Blanck jail delivery at Beame, uraemer rerusea to leave witn the other prisoners. The case has been one of the most famous In the history or w ajsningxon. IDAHQ'HOUSE PUT ON ANTI-PASS RULE dTsltcd Preas leased Wira.t Boise. Idaho. Jan. 12. The house of representatives has adopted a resolu tion providing- that before drawing money from the state for mileage mem- hers must maae ainaavit mat they did not ride to Boise on passes. Five members voted agalnat tne resolution. Iff Yomir Pipes Are Frozen Wc carry a fuU line of Blow Torches, Pipe Stocks and Dies, Wrenches, Pipe Vises and Fittings, and ma terials for repairing broken water systems. All - at reasonable - prices. ; - J. J. Kadderly HARDWARE ' s - 130 FIRST ST. eafl aid Iiery THERE IS HEAT IN MEAT, GOOD MEAT BUILDS TISSUE AND MAKES RICH BLOOD, WHICH WILL KEEP YOU WARM. NO MEAT FAME AT SMITH'S We have an abundance of Meat We will not run short. 5000 pounds of Sweet Pickled Lean Pork 12 Any quantity of Smith's Sugar-Cured Breakfast Bacon . . . . t 4 . : , 16 and V7y2$ Picnic, Hams .10 Cottage Hams 12i Smith's Sugar-Cured Hams or Half a Ham. . . . .15 Smith's Absolutely Pure Lard, 5-pound pails 65 Beef from ,5 to 15 No Higher Lamb from .10 to 15 No Higher Pork from ,..8 to 15 No Higher FRANK LSCUTi MEM CO. "FIGHTING THE BEEF TRUST' 226 ALDER STREET, BET. FIRST AND SECOND STREETS 512 WILLIAMS AVENUE 791 MISSISSIPPI AVENUE TWELFTH ST., BET. BOND AND COMMERCIAL, ASTORIA 253 TAYLOR STREET (UNIONTOWN), ASTORIA www4 . A AAAAAAAA AAssaAAssVasV ssVsaaA A A ami A ssV I the Modern Way - . - ' ' V , V' . .. . " ii "u 11 mm . FOOT lVlRfilERS miMEmGATE'9 I Our Electric-Heaters and FootVarmers 1 DISPLAY ROOMS, m SEVENTH ST. Portland Railvay, Light f and Power Co. All the Biggest Buildings The Corbett Building v . The Board of Trade Building The Couch Building The Geriinger Building And all the biggest and best residences are heated to perfection by "Perfect" Furnaces or v "McPherson" Heating Plants. This kind of a day tests a heating plant. We're glad to say pur plants are all giving perfect satisfaction. - V The W, G. McPherson Co. 328 Gllsan Street 01 Good, War PURE WOOL Dr. Jaegers Sanitary Wool 311 Morrison, Opposite Postoffice GRAND, 0 h P H .1 .ssr H J I i V IU GARDEN ( ACORN 1 CORNtB W4. FUnNlTUREC SPECIAL SIO 25 Reduction Today and Tomorrow On All HEATING STOVES S COOKING U STOVES STEEL RANGES .THAW YU1 MIES BY ELECTRICITY Quickly done without damage to Pipes or Building. Satis faction given or no charge. Have the Pipes attended to before they burst Not neces sary to have electricity in your house. PACIFIC ELECTRIC ENGINEERING CO. 213 SECOND STREET MAIN 659 PHONES A-2187 BANf IELD-VEYSlY FUEL CO. OFFICE COMMERCIAL CLUB BUILDING Has made arrangements for the ex clusive agency of the famous mosmm (COAL From British Columbia. The quality speaks for itself. Ask those who burn it. A cargo of three thousand tons now at our dock. , A3353 Main 353 SPEND ONLY and have our "PRIZE" HEATER PuLUpfee All the Pipe and Elbows you need, and we send. a man with the stove to install it perfectly. 3 Put up same day ordered- This is the best Airtight . Wood Heater on the market Sheet steel body with heavy gray iron lining, cast-iron top and bottom, handsome nickel trimming. Will last 8 or 9 years. Price only 912.00. Pay 81.00 Down, 8LC0 a VUceli TTT7v 7TT T7Trrnr- 1 Corner First and Yan-.hill Corner Seccr. J : t-