. THE. "OREGON1 DAILY': JOURNAL. PORTLAND,' MQNPAY;: EVENING.' 'JANUARYr.fr 1909. 14 SEIHSHBESSJE CULLS TREASON Says Rev. A. 8. Phelps in Sermon at the White Temple. ''NEW PATRIOTISM" IS PASTOR'S SUBJECT Los Angeles Baptist Minister Points Out Difference Between True and Falne Love for Country Services in Other Churches. "Selfishness is treason." said Rev. Arthur S. Phelps at the White Temple last right. Mr. Phelps is pastor of the Central Baptist church of Los An geles, and is to supply Ir. Brougher s pulpit during the latter's three weeks absence in the east. The usual evening audience filled the auditorium and lecture-room. Mr. Phelps spoke on The New Patriotism," and after the lecture took a large offering for the . Italian sufferers He said in part: "Patriotism Is something mora than teaching school .children to sing war ongs and extolling the flag. It is the sense of universal brotherhood. I like th motto. 'For God. for home, for every land.' To love my country only be-1 causa It Is mine, is to cut its throat when T happen to require its flesh for ' my table. The true patriot says not, 'I will fight for my country, right or wrong, Dut i win so live mat my coun try mav be right.' j . "Captain Hobson "says it Is a beauti ful sight, on Sunday morning, to see . 'Old Glory' lowered and the flag of the church raised to the masthead. But is it l question of anything more than flag? Is the sentiment of the nation to be Christian? Mr. Phelps' subject next Sunday Eight will be, "The Young Husband." READ JOB, HIS ADVICE faith. Tou ask, how we reconcile the destruction of.' Ill and property - with me , reign or .uoa in me wona r wen, let roe say that, in its presence, and in the face of disaster it is no time to lose faith in self or In God. There is no new problem In the disaster. The oues tions which arise have been In-history from the beginning. Read the drama 01 job and believe It. "Another thing which comes to us in this hour of sorrow for Italy. All around the world the chords of the human heart are vibrating in sympathy With these suffering ones. Distant lands and people shall pour in upon this people bowed in axiei messages of hope and of good cneer and offers of practical aid. The world is not so large after all. Men are brethren and carry within them the Image of the divine. The stirrings of the common heart of the race, the desire to help, the gifts made to alleviate suffering, to feed the hungry, to care for the dead, to succor me living, to resurrect business enter prises are a proof of a nobleness that Is of CioA our father. "America hears the cry of these help less ones. Our cities will magnificent ly respond, the villages will not be far behind. Everybody should give for It is a time for prayer and for practical giving and it is In giving that we only can find a standing room on which to offer our prayers to God who has given for us." RECTOR WILL NOT KFSIC.X A . free church la not N where religion coats nothing. It costs , everything . to the son of Uroa. and ' a - religion-mat costs a man nothing. Is not the Chris tian rells-lon. If a church cannot teach self-sacrifice, and the, bearing of one anotner s Durueno, raigni as closo its doors. . Drones are distinctly not welcome here. The teaching of th uMkii'i mite still hnlris s-norl. We Wei enma auch offerlne-.. Rut the nrobletn of maintenance ia a serious one, and I am sure that no one here is going to shirk his 1 or her . duty , in this respect. Your help Is needed . more than ever now. Our system of maintenance throws every man back on his ow conscience. SO that each one must as himself: 'Am I doing all I can, regu lariy ana systematically.- " JiOT WRATH 1 OP GOD Dr. of Dr. Benjamin Young Preaches on Earthquake. The great calamity In Italy Is com- r arable to the misfortunes related in be book of Job, according to Dr. Ben- jamln Young's sermon last night at the Taylor Street Methodist church. The minister advised his hearers to read the allegory In the light of the recent terrible events, and believe it, for, he aid, "Tha book ef Job hums with a marvelous wisdom and throws a flood of light on the meaning of the storms which have swept the face of nature from the beginning of time." ' Dr. Toung said in part: "Some foolish things will be said about this disaster. Some hard ques tions will bs asked. Some will search through the Bible and through the realm of life in the effort to Justify " the almighty. Some will perhaps lose FARMERS AND COUNTRY MER CHANTS Ship us your Turkey. Geese, Ducks, Chickens, etc., alive or dry-picked. We will pay you the market price. . We do not charge commission on anything. WE ARE FATING c for dressed veal, good stock, up to 130 pound 7c for dressed pork, good quality, any slse. NO .COMMISSION ON ANYTHING. ' FRANK L. SMITH MEAT CO. . , "Fighting the Beef Trust" Portland, Oregon. Rev. H. M. Ramsey of St. Stephen's Parish Reconsiders. Announcement was uiade yesterday at St. Stephen's Pro-Cathedral by Bishop Scadding that Rev. H. M. Ramsey rao tnr of the -rlsh. had recently resigned. but that he had later reconsidered ;-hla action and had been induced to remain. This was with the understanding that better support in attendance and la .the work or tne parisn oe assurea. , .. ' In his sermon, Bishop Scadding said in part: , "Let me rehearse some of the things for which this Pro-Cathedral stands and for which we must gird up our loins and work: "This is a free church. It stands for Cnrlstlan democracy in the best sense. This is the father's house, and every child of his is welcome to share its privileges, but he must also snare its Dyott Ridicules Theory Bigoted Churchmen. In his sermon at the First Congr cat tonal church last nlaht. Dr. Luthe R. Dvott ridiculed the theory that the Italian calamity was brought on by the aimignty and intended for a punisn- ment, saying it was absurd ana abom inable. Dr. Dvott believes V that there Is much in the natural realm that is not understood, but prophesied that In time the earthquakes could be-foretold as accurately as eclipses. He said in part : "First Your attention should be called to the fact that once again we are reminded that there is a touch of humanity which makes all mankind akin. The sufferings of our brothers and sisters in Italy are our sufferings. We sympathize with them as though they were bone of our bone, flesh of our Tiesn, are or our ure, anq mis sym pathy is born of the life of God, who makes one of all nations. We ought to trtank uod mac we are living in a time when such feelings fill the com mon heart of humanity. '" "Again We should be reminded Of the tact that we are canea upon to give the most tangible and ' practical evidence of our sympathy. Generosity of the right sort knows : nothing of geography." - Meeting of Oregon rish ft dams Assn Tuesday evening. January K. 1909. Chamber of Commerce hall. Sportsmen responsibilities according to his ability invited. FRANK L. SMITH MEAT CO. "FIGHTING THE BEEF TRUST" 226 ALDER STREET, BETWEEN FIRST AND SECOND STS. 512 WILLIAMS AVENUE -791 MISSISSIPPI AVENUE TWELFTH ST., BET. BOND AND COMMERCIAL, ASTORIA 253 TAYLOR STREET (UNIONTOWN), ASTORIA Sugar-Cured Hams, any size, Smith's own brand 15 Picnic Ha mts, fresh, choice stock 10tf Sirloin Steak . 10-12 Porterhouse Steak ..12-15 Round Steak 10 Beef for Boiling 5-6 Prime Rib R'st Beef 10-12 Loin Roast Pork .15 Dry Salt Pork 12 Breakfast Bacon .....16-17 Shoulder Spring Lamb 10t Loin and Rib Lamb Chops. 15 Best Tenderloin Steak 12 "T"-Bone Steak ....12-15 Best Pot Roasts 7-8 Soup Meat .....3-5 Shoulder Roast Pork 10-12 Pickled Pork 12 J$ Fresh Pigs' Feet 5 Smith's Pure Lard, in 5-pound pails ..65 Legs of Spiring Lamb 15 Fresh Eggs 35t Choose from several different brands of Creamery Butter, per roll 70 All Kinds of Fish at Smith's Columbia River Smelt 10 Salmon .10 Halibut 10 'V .A":' '. ''' ':: '"- ''W '.(''--' 4 --..wt. -'-.!,' - 1 J v' . i .-1 . J, , , t v t , MOY1gk 5 - WM MP la - ' Br s - -aldBP i KP& fla- ' VtA B - I Y JLiiJ N C 1X JUL Ciwf . v Our regular $10 and $12.50 values at the-nomihal price of ' V We PROMISE you that these are the equal bf:$15; suits sold elsewhere. y.. SPECIALS IN CHILDREN'S CLOTHES All Boys' $10 Suits and Overcoats Now S6.9S: All Boys' $7.50 Suits and Overcoats Now All Boys' $5 Suits and Overcoats Now 33S All Boys' $3.95 Suits and Overcoats Now JK20!0? WHEN YOU SEE IT IN OUR AD IT'S SO 3d and Oak 1st and Yamhill ;ne Dollar Will Place am Etegaht'Bre Closing 0ut of a Big Line of Dressers fcgBSS Bring on your dollar and take the dresser of your choice If you are thinking of adding a dresser to your furnishings, do not fail to inspect these great values. We do not confine tms liberal offer to any one shape or any one wood, but you'll find dark and medium and tuna mahogany, birdseye maple, Circassian walnut and finest golden oaks m this grand collection of dressers.. If you do not see just the desired model in the list shown below, visit our salesrooms we have -many others. Just one dollar down will secure one. No strings to this proposition we do exactly as we advertise ; and you are more than welcome to credit here. We will sell you any number of these beautiful dressers on the same easy terms jst pay one dollar down and agree to pay one dollar a week. JTO. 33H, MAEOOAITT This style is in dark mahogany, French platf mli ror. beveled edges, size 26x22 Inches full ferpentlne front, hand pollshp.i. worth $45. going for., S35.O0 91 Sown, 91 a Week NO. 523 TUNA MAHOGANY. This is a beautiful wood, especially for bedroom uses; French bevel glass, 23x29 inches, very handsome frame; a new model dresser; worth $45, same special price f3S.OO $1 Down, $1 a Week HO. 136H, BIDETB MLA.FX.B No tice the handsome shape to this dresser. In birdseye ma pie; the dainty figures rt very beautiful In this piece; French bevel piste glass Is Z4xS0 inches In sise; worth -146, but sold at S35.00 And Zasy Terms of 91 Sown, 91, Week MO. Bit, SAkX JtaJCOOMAT Here Ms another new; model .In- Dressers.' The ' cut -does, not do-the article 'Justice, for. the large square mirror" la: ttx$0 Inches' and is of the' finest French bevel plate. . Other Portland stores have- this -dresser; ' priced at $48. -.Our closing tout price is only: . .. ;35.00 Yar 91 2owa, 91.a.Wek- : m Your mm . i Lv Down ! Cr- x a Week W'.HO. - 34. BOLDEST: 0K- Itr. 0. . , ' BXXDSETS Mini- . ''A' fine model In; birdseye- maple-the t sells, elsewhere lir' $47. We wUl sell , '.It ,st .the saina '-low : price v g3$,00 and tne Basr Terms, of .91.00 "Wsak. .The French plata glass is J4 by 10; full serpen tine 1 front to i caSe.'as' shown ' in cut.-.- .,..-.'' ,HA . 934. BOLDEST: 0K-. . Beautiful .auaHer . - sawed . ok ..Dresser, with i full ser-; " pentlne front." hsnasomeiy' polished, topped-- with rery heavy French .bevel . plate i glass 283 . In. ; I1 brass trimming, of the finest' polish; 'every detail perfect;, sise of "use 22x4$ 'inches;' usual ly sold, at $66. These-dressers go with I the oth ers ,at the uniform .prleaof ..(35 . . ',r . 91. Don, 1 a -Week -; - -v - Big Special Offer in Our Ladies' Suit Department To interest new customers in our La dlesSuit Department this week, we offer . a special inducement. Besides giving you standard Ladies' Suits at prices much lower than exclusive west side dealers, we give a $3.50 Pair of Ladies' ShoesTREE - AVith every suit sold this week,' and exi. tend the advantages of our credit system' ray $1 a week on any suit in the house." These Splendid Regular $12.00 Enamel Beds at Only $7.50 This is one of the most beautiful models made. In any other fur-:. ture store in Portland. you will find it priced to sell at $fy; C A $12, while our price is only . . . . . ... . ,DU This is another example of the great sellingrpowefof the Big Eastside Store. We buy from the' manufacturer; direct and.ship; in carload lots, obtaining the bottom. price'on.the goods and'low-'-est railroad freight rates.'. ; .'r-; Corner E.BurnsideX ; ms. r: Aiid Union Avenue Men'sjSiiits Sold on Easiest Terms We carry onlv'sUndard qqaiities . - in 'ourXlothing. Depart- , ment. - You will "find Schloss Bros , Amongtfie very best. brands," for-j quality 'ofJ material, style andfit.;;r 1 hey, are right up to the moment -. . in style-and; finish.' 'We .sell. oh t ; easy payments of .n i "y ";' i . i.ii i . it- . tM yd I I ov,;--';-; '- -yy ., -;-r.-;v.--;?';.- -:v''v; '.V"--' - " - :J s - . ' ' -