10 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND,- SATURDAY ' EVENING, DECEMBER 26, 1908. MARRIAGE LICENSES John McNutty. 30 ranklln treet, 7, lu-ey B. Downey, 22. harry Pommit, 809 Mississippi ave nue, 14. Helen Croll.21. fi C. B. Stevenson, Cincinnati, 62, Jen nie B. Stlckney, over IS. Herbert H. Hann, 348 Mill atreet, 83. Alice Carter. 27. . , . . Edwin Craig. 77 Division street, 28, Eva Colyer, li, , ,, . K. O. Hornpohuch. East Fifty-first and Tillamook, 36. Emm Shaw, over 18. August Weinert, 3H2 East Taylor, over 41. Maria Mathilda Kosher, over 18. Sherman E. Combs, 1491 McCnim ave nue, 44. Matilda G. Peach. 33. Louis J. Anderson. Benson, Neb., 23, Rerthn Wilson. JS FOB S,LE REAL ESTATE 16 II SO cash, balance tike rent, t room modern bungalow, full plumbing, tinted wails, close to car and beat school In City. $1850. ; $300 cash, $15 monthly, 4 room mod ern bungalow, full plumbing, electric lights, I blocks from car, $1400. One fine half sere, close to car, $800; $20 down, $20 monthly. Lots $6 down, $6 monthly. CHARLES HI ROSS Laurelwood. Tabor 7S2. Mount Scott car. FOR SALE FARMS 17 CATERING for parties, dinners and weddings; reasonuue. mio. ou"" Mann, phone A-13!ig. ViX)WEiiSFOR WEDDINGS AND KU- nerals. Airrea uurKnarui, uu xm florlrt. 150 23d st Main 602, A-3184. Fell iret aulta for rent, all sixes, nlnue Tailoring Co.. 809 Stark st Cntnue Tailoring Co.. Wedding Cards. W. Q. Smith & Co.. Washington bld corner 4th and Waan- Ington sts. Beta & Bona, florists, funeral nesigna. 849 Morrison, Main 8096; A-1877. Clarke Bros., florists Fine f lowers and floral designs: 289 Morrl8ont ' Max M. 8mith. florist, 150 6th at., op posite Meier & Franks. Main 7318. DEATHS COLSON J. Colson. 669 Second, De cember 22. age 49; spine enlarge ment. . c, EASTMAN Flossie A. Eastman. 663 East Twenty-third, December 23, age 17: tuberculosis. . UREELY C. H. Greely. city, Decem ber 24, age 56: cancer. "WILSON Edit he Wilson, city. Decem ber 23. age 21; peritonitis. MEYERS ft. Meyers, Salem. December 36. age 48; cauwe unasBignea. "His Loss Your Gain" $2500 $1000 cash, buys 8 room mod- $1100 160 ACRES. 11 miles from Tilla mook City; miles from, small coun try town, school and cheese factory; part creek bottom ;-creek through place; i acres cleared, 30 acres timber, - email farm buildings, family orchard, shingle making outfit "Terms, half cash.. $1260 10 acres splendid land, 13 miles from Vancouver. 214 miles from railroad: on good county road, all level, ncn sou, contains buo.ooo leet fir tim ber: is worth double ths nrica asked today. Must sell to settle up an estate. $2700 General merchandise husiness. 2 miles from Columbia river and North Bank railroad, in thickly settled neigh borhood, 13 miles from Portland; prop- in hulM bimralows Pon harness, farm Implements, crop, It's i our business 'ot of wooa cut- Wllf.take naif fq n tiH ui "ood Portlaid property and give time CEMETERIES ROSE CITY SINGLE GRAVES, $10; family lots, $26 to $75. Superintend ent at cemetery, corner of Fremont st and Cully road, rnone imr zya. r foil Information 'PPlT to .Frank Schle gel. 632 Worcester blk. Phone A-2823. MONUMENTS NEU KINGSLEY. $68 1ST., PORT land's leading marble and granite wke. FUNERAL NOTICES JOHNSON Dec. 26 at Hood River Mabel, wife of Dr. E. D. JolisslRQn,. 123 East Aider at, funeral services at Crematorium, Sunday at 11 j clock. Friends Invited. Please- omit flowers. FUNERAL PmECTOKS DUNNING. M'ENTEE ft GlLBAUGH, undertakers and embalmers: modern tn every detail. Seventh and Pine. Main 430. Lady assistant J.P.Finley feSonSaSUE- Lady attendant Mam ; a-ibhs. StELLER-B-RNES CO., FUNERAL Di rectors, embalmers, 270 Russell. East 1081 Lady assistant; . JSR1CKSON Undertaking Co., embalm ing; lady ass't.; 409 Alder. M. 613S. EDWARD HOLiu.AN. UNDERTAKER, 220 $rd street . REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS ABSTRACTS carefully and correctly compiled and examined, charges rea sonable. Room 6, 221 Morrison st. Phone Msln 8109. James M. Puyh. Lawyers' Abstract & Trust Co.. room Board of, Trade bids.; abstracts a necialty. ertv consists of U acre Ground all fruit, store building with 6 living rooms, burn atnf.lt rt fFlKiil i'lu.in D.naral i . ern house, corner lot. fins view, near Lhm, win fnnn. ... w,,-, u imnuiui 1 ' m'ubi uo norae ana aeiivery wagon. Terms, casn. sold: (no agents), onlv Dartv meaning I i.i?Kn ikk ...in., i.n i,min. business need bother. West Coast Realty Co., Grand Theatre bid. Main 7362; A- all in nak and fir timW Am a larffA 1S35. loak: 100 acres onnA farm land, snrinar. WE BUILD HfiMRa nice stream, will take some Portland To suit vou at small coat, and varv aaav property In part payment navmenta. Thi.ru la no ruian jhr vou I 14000 38 acres. 3 miles from Reed' should not own your own home. Call I villa, Washington county, R. F. D., phone and see us and let us explain bow easy line, mux route, neat or sou, iz acres 11 is to no so. i-ieaicu, uaituwe uniuer ana uaaiurc THE VETERAN LAND COw woven wire fences, small orchard, 822 Chamber of Commerce. acre grapes, new nouse ana Darn, whv vfiTt spring near nouse; chickens, team, wa- We know how to and artistic homes. uuu i v.y HID I cjji uiaii, l'jr ua. - l.i n V II I . " V ' I i t . r n r rr. . I , . A- BUTTER WORTH - STEPHENSON Ca. .TXhl ViTf'.miT e- 35 Lafayette bldg.. 6th and Washington. f"e' 6K.mU" lrom im00 k? i-qif nome on rast omo, Jn cultivation, nice spring, new cottage, good 7 room house, bath, toilet, fire- K00d barn with sheds, fenced: also IS t - l;z "',m.,a '"E', ,"t","c 'I cow- ouu- 6 no- young team, wagon. '4 viwn avuaavv, biiui v Mount Tabor and Sunn! gooa location ana neignoornooa; wu $sooo 15 acres, hk mile from elec rr-i i uii citl I ca nuncvyic vci ui .u du. t n lln ft ml aa waat s Vrw land bee owner, 1Z4 urana ave. mll9 rrom Southern Pacific, fine grav TWO modern 6 room dwellings; Just fin- leled road. M mile to school anrr church, isnea: an rirst ciass: ouxiuu corner: nair in ore nam m acres timoer. nai- one E. Front, ona W. Front; panelled lance cleared, aome beaverdam tiled; 6 hull, double parlors, china closet, I room plastered house, hot and cold wa- pass pantry, cement Dasement; ijuuu ter, pain, gooa Darn ana outDunaings; for one, $3500 for other; $500 cash, bal- well fenced; windmill and pump. In anca same as rent. Owner, phone I short a first-class suburban home. Woodland 2020. Would exchange equity ($6000) for dairy MAGNIFICENT home on Belmont rarm, street: 8 larare rooms, built In china I Tl, T7r V I A closet, pantry, clothes presses, etc; IliC YT AaUlUlUI 4uu UICUu FOR SALE FARMS 17 IF TOT WANT TO BUT, SELL OR trade real estate, .sea Stevenson a. uayior, room Mil uucnanaa bldg, JSIH iimpiuniiun ,1. SEND for our list of Willamette vallev - farms before buying; lands shown Tree. Kimsteq iano Co.. saiem. or. WANTED FARMS 38 WANTED Good, cheap farm land for Investment by eastern investors; let ua know what you hava at ones. COAST COMMERCIAL CO.. , Dekuro Bldg. ; WANTED Good farm, 40 to' 120 acrea; pijce ntJSt be right K-800, Journal. FOR SALE TTMBES 28 Realty Company fruit trees and small fruits. For oulck sale. $4600: terms. $1000 cash, balance ISP !me-- .Ame.r!can Trust Co- 200 808-309 Merchants Trust bldg.. Portland vnamoer oi commerce. 6tn Rn(J Washington. Phone Main 2404, iu aibi iuis BaiAiti i wo modern i Ana Main ot., Vancouver, wasn 6 room cottages, nearly new. with concrete foundations, on 100x100. in Sunnyslde. Waldemar Seton, attorney at law, room 431 Worcester bldg., 3d ana own. Portland. (Jr. BARGAIN! BARGAIN! BARGAIN! House and two flats for sale on E. Morrison st.; price $6000; must be sold this month, inauire owner. 406 Mor rison st. rnones Mam 1872. a-zzzb. $1350 NEW 6 room cottage; porcelain bath, sink in pantry, hot water: barn: 4 blocks south Lents, Mount Scott line; 1200 down. Owner, J. Sowerby. 306 Kirst, pnone Main 7i, HOUSE and lot, $225, 2 room house and lot 45x116, near canine, $600. cash $225, balance 36 per month. National Realty & Trust Co.. 32614 Wash. st. room oi. WEIDLER ST.. NEAR 24TH. $ room house, no details overlooked: you make terms. Harding & Reynolds co.. 3iB cnamDer or commerce. NEW modern 9 room house in Holla- day a additi a: also lots in Holladar Park addition. Call Rex Furniture Co., at za ana Main sis. Main 1P3 WE ARE OWNERS AND AGENTS. 80 Acres Fine new house, good barn, 30 acres In cultivation, 30 acres In ' pasture, balance timber, team, tools, cattle and chickens go with place; 1 miles of station tn R. R. and 2 miles of station on elec tric line; close to Portland; $9600, terms. 122 Acres clear, balance good timber, new house, granary and spring house; barn, 4 horses, 2 wagons, 2 buggies, mower, rake, plows, harrows and tools, go at 145 per acre. L. L. Moffett 423 Lumber Exchange. Farm Bargain "mm Jacob L. Mitchell and "wife to Isaac Mitchell, lot 20. blocK 7, . Arleta Park No. 2 ... 100 Balfour-Guthrie, trustee . Co. et al to Frank McHugh, lot 82, ' block 44, Waverlelgh HelgUta.. 600 Security Abstract A Trust com- , cany to Charles E."Heinet al. " lot , block 11. Klmhtiret.... . ' 750 160 acres, nearly all level land, cood soil: 130 acres cultivated, balance In Tiivor viw onri PoninmU n,n't. pasture with timber for use of farm: If interested In low prices and easy running stream of water through land; terms call on us. Summit Investment can. irrigate part if desired; all fenced Co., 129 Killlngsworth ave. ana cross-renced; 6 room house; good . - . '. " " 1 1 ' " . . f rrim hum nil nilthiillrKnirH' famllv nr. REAL estate, jyo you want a home? hrrt i,at.H i l.t.i wV a Good location, fine climate, dairy, fruit mn.. Vnrn ' n;. ii itnclr : ranch AS. r 1n tlmhnr Innrl I ' . ... . and stock ranches. Fine timber land. Terms. Write for bo water. Philomath, Or. jnr ana. , , . ... . l , . . i Terms. Write for booklet A. L. Rata- i"?","' V11' ,VH".,w,'nnJ'"T (town with fine schools; Pacific Title A Trust Co.. the leading abstractors. 204-6-6-7 Falling bldg. SEE, Willlama Abstract Co. for price. Chamber of Commerce. $31 NEW TODAY. This Modern Seven-Room House i) hi ,rfn i hhi'th mm 1 3,,?51,50u.ON CARLINE; MUST SELL; WILL TAKE $2400; TIME ON $1000 NO AGENTS. SEE THE OWNERS AT 4 N. TH ST. A Country Home P'VJ.l'jTi11 acres, near Tigardvllle, only $2000. Can be bought on very easy 1MB. Uartman & Thompson CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Mortgage Loans At lowest Current Katea. Building Loans, Installment Loam. Wm. MacMaster 303 Worcester Block. TACOMA BARfl A.1IN On Tacinc avenue, in the heart of the business district. A four story brick building in a first class condition. Will double in value within the next two years. While -in the meantime it Is paying a good Interest on the invest ment. Must sell quick the reason for the very low price J37.500. . , O. B. lOEDEg, H30V raciflo Ave., Tacoma, Wash. FOR SALE cheap if taken before new boat landing on Willamette river; new year; five room cottage on Mt. Scott railroad line will run near; 8 horses. far una, lerma. l"iu neeu not ap- 1 COlt. 6 COWS, 10 goats, 2 brood SOWS, piy. jj-fura, juuiiim. I iu cnicaens, s stana Dees, o tons nay, WILL pay cash for your equity in prop- 100 acres now seeded; all farm imple erty that you have partly paid for. ments; telephone In the house; good National Realty Trust Co., 326 farm, well equipped, and all goes now f - i-l ... . . r a ! 1 A AAA va"nmion hu, room 010. auuuv, Timber Buyers, Attention. 23,000,000 feet fine large timber, 13 miles Portland, en river and Ry.; good, level land, mostlv beaverdam, aplendid for platting or investment. Don't bother us unless prepared to talk business. Particulars, my exclusive agent. Other an prices, west coast Realty Co., Grand Theatre bldg. f ; BUSINESS CHANCES 20 well located for the best trade, wlli exchange nothing without merit con sidered; fine for man and wife; belong to nun-resiaent ana must go. . : WAGQENER & ANDERSON, 1074 8d at - HELP WANTED MALE I U : For Sale cr Trade v ' $S60C- Nice clean grocery, with liv ing rooms, close In; average caah daily $2S; good lease; rent $20; rooming nouse jjreierrea. see my exclusive agent West Coast Realty Co., Grand ineatre mag. Main 733, A-18S6. TIMBER BUYERS, ATTENTION I 22,000,000 feet 'splendid timber, only 12 miles Portland, on R. R.; land rich beaverdam; splendid for fruit, etc.; no rocks; only live uyers need apply; no agents. $760 40 acres good, level fruit, land. See my agent, West Coast Realty . Co., Grand Theatre bldg., room 4. WANTED TIMBER 87 WANTED Good timber, large tracts preferred, also real estate and farms, for eastern clients, send full descrip tion and lowest Drices: no delav: strict. ly confidential. West Coast Realty Co., Grand Theatre bldg. Main 7362; A-1836. WE HAVE eastern clients for Oregon and . southern Washlna-tofi farms. What have, you: owners only. Fidelity Realty Co., 307 Qerllnger bldg. WANTED Tract of good timber that can be boueht on caah navmAnr. ef $40.000. O-800, Journal. ROOMING HOUSE SNAP. $600 handles one of the best rooming houses, near the Oregonnn; must sell. $1000, cash, 15 rooms, Morrison; furnaee. hot and cold water; will fur nish half tha money to buy with: others all prices and alses for sal or trade. West Coast Realty Co., Grand Theatre bldg., room 4. . Legitimate businejib thb ames Mercantile Agency (eitablished 18961 furnishes free l;if ormaU n on oppor tunlt.ea In mereantlle r manuf actur- ing lines, city or country, , THE AMES MERCANTILE AGENCY. 403-406 Swetland Bldg. WE WILL BUY OR TRADE i For mines or mining stock In any part of tha United States or Alaska, Write us at one stating nam and location of mine and value of jrour Interest City Business Exchange, Department M, io commercial oik., jtortiana, EASTERN Oregon timber claims. Mur- qocK c Young, 411 Buchanan bldg. HOMESTEADS wsBl 47 Few Cttoice Homesteads Good farming land, .soma have Im provements; no agents. Full particu lars, call or write West Coast Realty co.. urana Theatre biag. HOMESTEADS, desxrt claims, 160 or 320 acres best government land south ern Oregon. Main 6710. $13 Allsky bldg. FINANCIAL SI Money Wmty Money We have many clients looking for homes ana rarms. it you wish to sell send full description and price; no pub licity, strictly confidential. West Coast F.ealty Co.. Grand Theatre bldg. Main 7362, A-1835. MONeV to loan, mortgages purchased. E. L. Devereaux, 204-5 Fenton bldg. Main 63. . BIG SUNNYSiniS BAROATN. room flat bulldinr. income $400 per year. Will sell for $4000; $1500 cash, balance easy. ' BM1TH ELLMAKER, Main 6179: 622 Worcester bldr. will buy your acoount claim, note or mortgages, against any ona, regard less of location, if vou want to ao out of business. Wa will buy your entire assets iur casn. liana rererences. jxa' tional Liquidation Co., Portland, Or. WANTEI-r-Partner In -real estate busl . ness;, fine opening,. -.T. Y, Realty Co., 30th and Alberta sts. --xv WANTED Men to have their ahoea half soled for 60c. . 222 2d st HELP WANTED FE2VL4.LE CASH ADS UNDER THIS CLA88IFI cation. 1 oent per word per Insertion, three Insertions for the price of two. STENOGRAPHERS, experienced or be; Sinners, to take holiday week. Spe drilla 'for positions day. and eve ning classes, commencing Dec. 28. Busi ness university, 629 Worcester block. os so st. mono Mam tvt. HANSEN'S LADIES' aGENCI". . 343 H Washington at, cor. 7th.. up atafra. Phones A and Main 3692. -Carefully aelected help free. ' EAST SIDB oa CASH APS UNDER THIS CLAS8IFI catlon, l.cent per word per Insertion, three Insertions for tha pride of two. THE "NEWIIALL---Furnished rooms. ainala or en suite: a Learn ha&L hot and. cold water, bath, gas, phone; $2.25 up. Qrand av. and E. Washington St. HOTEL- CLARNO Under new manage" ' roent, steam heat, running water,, choice rooms,, $2.60 and up. 24$ ft Hoi laday. Phone C-1425. '- Hotel Prmcess ISrUoIilvl modern hotel In city. Reasonable. SLEEPING rooms $1 to $2.50 weekly; housekeeping rooms $10 to $12; bath, phone, gas. 374 Hawthorne avo.? -HOUSEKEEPINQ rooms, $10; also fur? ligiii; ' nlshed rooms, bath, sonabie. f none fJast vry rea HELP WANTED MALE AND kys FEMALE-..,.- A NICE front parlor , room for rent; ' cheap: lath and gas. 231 E. th at, near Salmon. - ... . 29 TWO furnished rooms with or without ooara; reasonaoie. 4 is. utn street. AGENTS and demonstrator. Also district manager to handle high class articles on tne coast, w. n. jonnsun. Mgr., 205 Telford, bldg. . j ROOMS AND BOARD , , IS CASH ADS UNDER THIS CLASSIFY EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES . 68 three Insertions for the plca of two! TAKEfNOTICErU; a The Pacific Coffee House, at 103 N. 3d st, has opened under new manage ment and will be pleased to hava you call and Investigate our - METHODS AND PRICES ' Nothing but first class white cooks' C R, Hansen, Jr. EMPLOYMENT OFFICES. Man. 1 N. 2d. Main 162$. Women, S43U Wash st Main tl Help supplied free to employers. T, AUtTtjti a, UATUT.IV EM.PLOYMENT OFFICE. 7 N. 2d st Main 727, A-5T290. IF YOU have a small amount of money and desire large returns and a safe investment, would iadvlse you to con sult us regarding the motion picture business, particulars. Newman, 293 Hurnsiae, .near 6th. v $2000 SNAP 32000 General merehandlae store In suburban town; owner made fortune, wishes to re tire: will Invoice; cheap rent A. D. cnristianson, zot Washington at WANTED At once, man to work In and out pf office; can make $200 month; experience not required; must have ref erences ana some money lor investment. zm uernnger biag. $1600 STRICTLY cash buys a table, finely fitted up billiard parlor; cen- trm location; no terms. K-814, journal. MONEY TO LOAN 27 DID CHRISTMAS BREAK YOU? Why be hard up? Salary loans on plain notes; Give your note, get $10 to $100. Absolutely no security. , Special rates until January 1. Enough said. Don't delay. STATE SECURITY CO., 704 Dekum bldg. CHATTEL LOAN&. 1 Installment loans on pianos, furni ture, warehouse receipts, liorses. insur ance policies, salaries, and all kinds of securities. NEW ERA LOAN & MTG. CO.. 403 Swetland bldg. FIVE lots facing river. 8 blocks north ; fine view, native grove Henkle & Harrison 61 1 Gerllnger bldg., 2d and Alder. Crematorium trees) 17 minutes from lat and Alder. none eenwooq pp. FOR SALE 166 acres fine land in the FOR SALE or trade for farm, 7 room ramoun Logan country, 70 acres In house. 4 or 7 lots. See owner nr cultivation: all fenced: rood 7 room write' W. D. Hayes, room 617, Oregonian house, barn and outbuildings of all hig. C. R. Donnell & Co. Real Estate. Room 338 C. of C h,,. I . "L""" """'" "Bi"' I J " .....i... ... ........ . , uiunct, irxnrjt and pigs, 46 sheep, 6 dozen chickens, 6 turxeys. stands of bees. Zb tons of hav. 100 bushels of wheat. 200 bushels oats. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEO ple and others upon their own namea without security; cheapest rates, easiest payments; c fices in 66 principal cities; save yourself money by aettine- out terms first. Tollman. 31T Lumber Exe. UTVT ftn .nmAi. lf BA.1 ...ill I 1 V, ... n... 0 1 . ,,1.1..... 1 .... ' ...... . , . ... ... i p will c 1 " i .. n, .. pi.mn, niii.aiui, ,,ni;.,i , chang for good horse or team as seeder, wagon, hack, buggy. 3 sets of part payment. Call 883 East Morrison, harness, fanning mill, tools of all kind. organ, furniture In houe, utensils of every deHcriptlon, lots of fine timber, running water, rural route, telephone: you can walk Into the house; have SUBURBAN lots, $300; fine view; will aouDie vaiue in l year: easy terms; iiiv-miljtn-; no Hggnta. am, journal. O. B. W U "LDRIDOE. real uliin 1 ,i .. ".. .'"Iw .?1a? ' V"iah- Farms and govern- pick; we will show this place free of , charge: If you don't buy, we'll be good am just tne same, come on. E. P. ELLIOTT & CO. Room 19. Masonic bldg.. Oregon City. VANCOUVER avenue, near Bryant st., friends just the same. Come on. it pukiuu; ouu casn. M-sui, journal. FOR SALE A good home oil easy ir-i mn, ny owner, rnong laoor 346, FINE lot Terrace Park; bargain; make an otrer to owner, bis swetland. WANTED HEAL ESTATE 31 Farm Snap 44 Acres All good soil, all fenced. 20 acres nil. WTf.I. nnv frnm tiKnn tn iitnn mn I tlvatea and In croD now: 6 room hnuaa $200 cash, balance $20 to2R Mr bar.n a.nd an outbuildings; good young . . i m . m . , " ' I nrohu.il a , , I V. . . a,aii nnj i . nuiiin. ior a o or o room nivise; must ' "i "7," bvhhb". he worth the money. OAners only tolephone in houi(, 1 mile to good town WA-16, Journal. of stores, shops, churches, . sdhool, fac- rniun, an electric roaa to oe oullt WiLL to month b worth the money. WA-is, journal JjffUrJSM; V80,011" year through town on accountUof h$2?LTo1Mrfon20hotu,e,;25,nSSt -kness will sell for $1900. owners only. TlCniLie (Sfc WaiTlSOn 611 Qerllnger bldg.. 2d and Alder sts. WE HAVE BUYERS FOR CITY REAL estate and farms. What have you to sell? Will deal with tha owners oniy. iva weiis-r argo bldg. WANT to buy a 4 or 5 room house, near "er?v n2 ,1"vlnnrSJ,n ort good carline; close In; owners only. f5 y. tre?"' a11 ,n Jine ,' fiaie location and price. P-815, Jour-nal. WANTED Portland Income property SNAP 100 acres, good rolling hill land, 60 "d, nice orchard of 11 in finA rnnH 1 1 Inn nice 8 room house, well painted and finished, good barn and outbuildings, water pined to home from snrlmra- nH neighborhood near church and school. $000 to $8000; must be bargain. Full telephone and" R. F. D., short drive on particulars, O-ii03. Journal f ine improved road to a rood r-nZ MEETING NOTICES 41 Z?fi7- WOODMEN OF THE pvH-H ORLD- All mem- -WJDTt'-HOl r ot Portland Camp rAMO A No- 1"7 ar" rciuested H ,.M to ''"'' he funeral -W.O.W- K-rvi-rs of our late f.v tS neighbor. W. H. Lvons. 8 from U'lHplmAn t-.a World Temple, liS Uth street, at l:3il p. m. (tomorrow) Sundaj-. D. 17. in . larroent Rlverrl-w cemc-terv. Neiirli .. bors of Portland Union Degree Camp and sister camps are cordially in vited to Attend. HERMAN 8CHADL. E ' Cci'nsul Clerk. . Improved road tn a -nnri Knii 11 1 10 ouy, a lot in vernon adril- luw" " " me vaiiey. jvnee IZ600. non irom owner; reasonable prlca Z 4. Journal. Henkle and Harrison LIST your propel ty with me; cash buy- 611 Qerllnger bldg., 2d and Alder sts. ti unra.iiia only. J. w. W led- rlclc. 110 2d. WANTED House and lot In good lo- ""'1, ysr rasn. K.-su. Jou rnal. il,c pay cash for a corner lot for irHiucjK'B. i-ftui, journal. EXCHANGE: REAL E3TATE 24 I 80 ACRES wiltiut land, Yamhill Co.! a n.iiQa Hum muruua niation: nm 160 Acres Stock, machinery and everything goes at $4000. 35 cleared. 70 more easily cleared. Coast Realty Co. 220 Lumber Exchange. walnut tracts In same viclnltv: nri - . $27.60 per acre; would take building lot TIJE Hurlburt heirs offer for sale their as part payment; terms given. Call at "rra or acres in Multnomah coun my residence, 242 Knott street tv- 29 miles from Portland; about 30 $1600 FIRST mortgage on 320 nr; lCJ",e,-.u."!e.r-C,i1Uva.U?n! 14 ln orchard. jana. some cas tract near city lortaaae on ??n in orcnara, t for .m,ii V "ell fenced and containing water power 4 IN 6th Improved of 100 to 200 horsepower; $ room plaa- i- , j ar ourn, omar Duuainga. GOOD real estate to exchange for room"- Waldema; Setor T AUorney at iiw, rSSm Jng house. A-6fi, Journal. 431 Worcester bldg.. 3d and Oak. Port- FOR SALE FARMS land, Or. OREGON lodge. No 101 A K A A. M. Riif-,.il ,m,..,. .rst'on.this (Saturday) even- ua, w ociock; Masonic teni Pie; K. A. fleer, Vi-iiis ;uuSrethren corriialiv invt, rrder W. M. A. V. HA NDLA V. Kw v I N1TF.D ARTISANS. ATTKVT inv All Artisans are notified to attend the funeral of Brother W. H. Lvon of Fram ssmbly. from tha W, O. W. hall nth tret. between Washington and Alder. Sunday at l:M p. m. ' MRS. J. LEACH. Secretary. M, W. A. OR EOON .BAPS CAMP No. 76. Monday. Selllng-Hlrseb hlnrk, lHh and Washington its. " CAI.KIxjXiA.V t Jub, regular monthly and dance tonight (Saturday! w hall. ?d and Morrliwti. fcL W. A. KVERiRE: CAMP. 6.1C meefs Wdn,Kiif even log. Allsky l id ao4 Alonison sta, . 1 60 Acres t miles from Yacolt Clarks county. 128 acrea beaverdam land, fine house, orchard, barn. Only $3f.00. Ccast Realty Co. 220 Lumber Exchange. SWAP ONLY $2rS0 7 room new modern house, base . ment,. nice porches, beautifully sit uated in growing community near car line; owner must hav some . money, Better 'look thta up at once. Henkle, & Harrison Sll Gerllnger; Bldg.. i and Alder. FOR 8ALE 10O acrea all ln cultivation. .llr '""Proyementa, flr.a location. In heart nf Will. met te valley. Pries $31 .era. Addrese J. D. Wlnit real eatata broker, Buena Vlata. Or. x FOR SALE Grain, fruit and dairy farm of 166.80 acrea, 67 acres In cultivation, 35 acres good pasture, running water, 1.000,000 feet timber, good buildings, orchard, growing crops, stock, tools and machinery, dally mall, cream route and Shone, good school, at $65 per acre; half own. Further information wrlta Loula Finch. Oregon City, Or., R. D. $ Fanners cr Speculators 1(0 acrea good tillable land, only $S per acre, perfect title, abstract; ate. Other farms, all prices. West Coast Realty Co., Grand Theatre bldg.: No agents, room 4. ON improved city" property or for building purposes, J to 8 years' time; liberal repayment privileges. Money advanced as building progresses, Tha Equitable, 2d and Stark ats. MONEY to loan in large and small suras at 6 to 8 per cent on improved real estate. : PORTER & FRENCH. 607 Commercial bldg. WE LOAN MONEY ON DIAMONDS and jewelry at reasonable Interest for long or ahort tlma. A. tg M. Delovaga, jewelers. 269 Washington at CONFECTIONERY and claar at a bar. gain If taken before the 1st Phone Wood lawn 1862. IF YOU own a lot will build you a home to suit. Phone East 8806. REMOVAL NOTICE T. P. WISE, dentist, removed to 326 ft Washington, cor. Cth. Main 8089. LOST AND Fotrar 21 CASH ADS UNDER THIS CLAS8IFI cation, 1 cent per word per insertion, tl.ree insertions for the price of two. LOST Boston terrier bitch, brindla and white markings, screw tall; notify Zan Bros or M. 2799 or M. 8473; liberal reward. LOST Six montha old brlndle bull pup; with white nose and collar. Return to Bay City Market and get reward. LOST A small silver watch, between Stark and Alder sts. Return to 1638 Delaware ave. and receive reward. LOST Pocket book with $5 or $6. Re turn to one legged paper man, corner 4th and Washington sts. PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. Yofrssnictf,, fivCHr fitBtlck,t" !0IU Morrlaon iL....Phon Pactfle 13$ Yours respectfully. Hager & Gels. IT N. 2d at td at .V. '.fchona Paeifle 1304 X FOR RENT Two room Suitable THE SQUARE. bEAL Employment Co, tt"nelaatS' XUU N. Srt IT MA n ft 1 h II IT- . . I . ' " ' . in, 'I Ma lit, 101 x x t , fny IlA ,m . 6 I gomery st. - t;- - ..... . , ... . WKUE rront room with board, in uri moaern ' conveniences. for Vs WANTED AGENTS . . .-. ... w . 1 vh 1 a i n m iiv CABJH ADS UNDJSK THIS .UUAOBl.r i. ,T; I. ";' 1' " BkA.. " ,.;rr' cation, 1 cent per word per insertion, j,T Mtaomarv at " r. Inaopflnn tar tha nrtea at two, iSMontgorneryat. ' .. three Insertions for the prlca of two. NICELY furnished room , and excellent liELP WANTED MALK AND : board for ona or two: . al! con ven- FEMALE ,: . .- 29 TtZ"kTv ', ""'.."om CASH ADS UNDER THIS CLASSIFI- NEWLY furnished ropn withboanl. thre'iseVtC. fo'rW ?Ztt. Vfsco)t, corT Williams avaT u ij a roof wiui Doara. suitable lor two, o.oo per weea; nomo cooltlng lences. 101 iownsdale. 10,000 POSITIONH. ror graduates last year; men and wo- W"J T Mn k.rh., traifa In 1 waaks: heln and oonyenl to secure positions; graduates earn $15 FIRST claas room and board; t gen to $26 weekly; expert instructor; tools tlemen or ladles; phones; modern; free; wrlta for catalog. Moler System walking distance. 624 E. Morrison. oi couegea. a-. ttn st.. rwu.uu. thk Hawthorne, corner 18th and Sal- .T . .,-,-. .. ' mon, modern, well furnished, with or SITUATIONS MALE S without board, reasonable rates. PRIVATE boarding house, $6 week for CASH ADS UNDER THIS CLASsoir t- board and room; all conveniences; well cation, 1 cent per word per Insertion, furnished rooms. 77 Park at tnree inseruons ior tn. y..yw ?i bqardj room ln nrivate famllv. VtT.nF.TART.IC anrdnar With hotbed 6X-I ault.hl- nr man -nTI ,! . perience, wisnes sieauy . young men. 4sa uayior at, v-ariVn:i To?raI?' W MODERN sleeping rooms ployer. D-704, Journal. jf dealred. 8 E. 6th, c with breakfast U i -r . i 1 WANTED Work on ranch, understands st. Phono East 8601. hoJ";, ?rchar5 aart,Tf.al m LARGE front room, suitable for $ or'l work, reliable. P-814, Journal. . , ,lth -tpat t.hl wf.a CARPENTER. . 3 years' experience, Iwnsdale. Main 7224. h. tMi.f lnMhR04a tournat 8 ROOM and board by tha day. week or have toola. M-804, Journal. month; home cooking; fnrnace heau VflllKd man atlandlnv business college 89 10th neap fttark wanta place to work ior room and KOOM with board, good home cooking; boardT-618; Journal. : mcai tickets. $4,607 284 Main st cor WANTED Situation as fireman: have 4th at. had experienc with wood and saw- TABLE board, $4.60 per week! Hi dust. R-816, Journal. Lownsdale. opposite high school. SITUATIONS FEMALE 4 'VX'" a'vet N 4 Pef LADY wishes partner in an established manufacturing mercantile business; small capital required. R-817, Journal. HOTELS 54 LOST White milch cow. finder please notify s47 Garfield avo. will NOTICES 20 MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE, anywhere and any sum: $100 up. Be uo. Tiiugiin ae rinatr, iu iorpett Dlig. MONEY TO LOAN. LARGE LOANS A specialty, building loans: lowest rates; fire insurance. W. (i. Beck. 313 Falling. saXarI loans strictly confi- dential; easy to get and easy to pay. i. a. newton, in ttucnanan Diag. IMMEDIATE ottntt ti ta- 15000 on all securities. R. I. Eckerson & Co., room 6, Washington bldg. Main 4655. $100,000 TO LOAN IN SUMS OF $1,000 or more, to 7 per cent, on Improved realty, sa. u. urittin. zob ctarg. $100,000 ON MORTGAGES, CITY OR xarra prop arty, lire . insurance, lie Kenxle at Co., 615 Qerllnger bldg. PROMOTER with money .and equipment will finance a good invention. Promo ter. box 100. Journal office. MORTGAGES, contracts or other real estate aecuritles purchased. H. j& Noble. Commercial blk. MONEY TO LOAN ON ALL KIND8 OB security, w. Men. K. . wash, bldg. QUICK LOANS ON ALL SECURITIES. D. w. King. 4 wasn oiag. M. fioo. ISAAC L. WHITF MONEY -TO LOAN. tire insurance, y ;i pneriocg Piog. BUILDING LOANS A SPECIALTY! STRONG & CO.. 606 CONCORD BLDG. LOAN for the asking, salary or chat tel. The Loan Co., 410 Dekum. $600 TO loan on good security. Address 336 Union ave. Phone East $48. $600 TO LOAN, 1 year, on estate. D-807, Journal. iN SUMS OF $2,000 to Qoddard. 118 3d at good real $20.000 H. YY7 WILL loan $1000 on city property. 410 Failing bldg. Call SEALED bids, marked as below, will be received up to noon on January 4, 1909, for the erection of a clubhouse for the Portland Railway, Light A Power company, at their Savier street car barns as follows: Bid for complete construction except ing heating and plumbing. Bid for plumbing. Bid for steam heating. . All bids are to be addressed to H. J. Rrown, Portland Railway, Light & Power company, room 308, 1st and Al der sts., where plana and specifications may be examined and all information obtained. i The company reserves' the right to reject any or an was, SEALED bids will be received by the undersigned until . noon, January 4, 1909, for printing matter and office sup plies for the different departments of POSITION as housekeeper, unlncuni- bered, middle-aged lady. Aaareaa, Mrs. Anna way, gen, aei. MUSIC TEACHERS THE CALUMET HOTEL, 160 Park; Eu- rupean tana American pian. HOTEL PORTLAND, EUROPEA.Nl plan oniy; a. o gay. 46 BELVEDERE, European; 4th and Alder.' PIANO. VIOLIN. TROMBONE- AND clarinet Prof. Smith. 391 18th. M. 4708. A-33SO. EJ. TH1ELHORN, VIOLIN TEACHE& pupil Sevclk. -4160. 334 Pine. M. 3046. LOUIS A. CREIT2, teacher of violin. Phone Main 189. 211 Sherman st. DRESS MAKINfJ 40 CASH ADS UNDER THIS CLASSIFI- cation, 1 cent per word per insertion. tnree insertions ior tne price or two. UNFURNISHED ROOMS 10 CASH ADS UNDER THIS CLASSIFI- cation, i cent per word per insertion, three Insertiona for the price of two. FURNISHED, also unfurnished rooms. single or en suite, suitable -for single gentlemen, Kamm bldg., lat and Pine. TWO large unfurnished rooms. 223 V t-ine st. EMBROIDERED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS WEST SIDE S Pillow tops and centerpieces for sale. CnAD'3 J&J&J&Z'' 14 GrWd ave. N.. room 2,.phone East I JK" ' W JK' ta.?rV2' 4146. KEISTER'S LADIES' TAILORING Tiict TMinV Collese. 806 Stearna bldg Ladles. I -""" make your own gowns here. Rates rea- 8 Unfurnished rooms, $8.60. 185 Mill. sonabie. HOTEL OHIO New UP-TO-DATE dressmaker; satisfaction I taurant in connection; housekeeping Nj r 1 ariiaianta.il nUaa naasnnahU- fanftif I aiii4 4tct V Mlnortu vAim t V inH. auniaiunrui piivco imaviiawtt .wnv, j umiuai m v ' n w s y.-f (ii r, m ,. cui unr Kultnomah county "approximate"; six ' fcgi"- Mr. Stuart. 429 Salmon. Front and Madison sta, Netti. Connett. months' supply. Lists of supplies can CALL ON ANGELES DRESSMAKING P1"",? - ' tviaj jrta, im pin bi wai g. v, riuia luriiisiieu nuuseaeeping rooms, z. s montn; a ior ia, sia; sieepms FURNISHED ROOMS 0 rooms. $1,25 week. 384 N. 26th. 16th WEST SIDE I " 0 z'n- turn "'h naif diock. tjuijiAiM, neatiy lurnisnea nousexeeping courthouse, and bids will be received for the whole or any portion thereof. The county reserves the right to reject any ana ail Dias. - FRANK S. FIELD8 County Clerk THE PUBLIC Is warned not to : buy an Installment note of $160 given by C. H. L. At wood to May Finch, the same being lost or stolen rrom c , H. Plggott a law office, 4 ana b wuiKey Ding. TO WHOM it may concern: After this date I will not pay any bills other than those contracted by myseir. j. w. comei. uecemoer as, iu. TO whom it may concern: I will here- after pay no bills except those con tracted by myself personally, Jos. V. La Fontaine. HELP WANTED MALE AMBITIOUS men cap associate them' selves with a real estate and Invest ment securities house aa territory man. agement; references. Competent life insurance, bond or Investment sales men, as wall aa men of general busi ness experience, can maxe permanent and profitable connection for Waahing- ton territory ana eaatern atates. zoe Wella-Fargo bldg. LOANS WANTED 80 WANTED LOANS Wa hava several applications for loana, ranging from $800 to $2000; lat mortgage, 7 per cent; buildings all finished and prop erty Improved; no danger of me chanic liens. v Otto & Harksonv v 133H lat st MONEY WANTED ON SHORT TIME. security satisfactory, payment guar anteed. 281 Fleldner bldg. $8000; WILL pay 8 per cent; security better than any bank. Phone M. 6427. BUSINESS CHANCES 20 FOR SALE Lunch counter and - rea taurant, good location, $200 cash; good reasons ior selling. upporiunity lor the right man. Inquire Front st. 261 H. Best Wheat Ranch Bargain 640 acres good, level land, running water, 'fine black soil, good road. Price $10 per acre; will trade for lodging house. - . THE best buy ln Oregon. 328 acres, good buildings, 200 acres under plow, balance pasture; an ideal dairy or fruit ranch; $30 per acre. .Bend for our book let of Willamette valley, farms. tlni- mra una vo.. paiem. or. 78 ACRES walnut Jand. Yamhill Co mll frortn mIImmJ h... ,1 .' - " ...w pisiiuii, UIK. walnut tracts tin aunt vicinity; they ask $300 per acre: our price $27.60 per sera and terms given; no agenta wanted. Call at, tar residence. 242 Knott at. WAMu mgn ciass restaurant on west side. Owners only. ..Room 807 Gerllnger bldg. WANTED To trad automobile for real estate or good stock. 201 Gerllnger n nr. IF YOU WISH TO BUY OR 8 ELL MIN Ing stocks, call oa 1. B. Purcell, $($ Stark at. room lt - WANTED Partner in launch business; must be able to repair gaa engines. 301 Macleay bldg. MINING AND INDUSTRIAL STOCKS, telephone and other bonds bousht and sold. C. 8. Fletchey. 125 Atrlngtoa" bldg. FOR SALE Drug store close In on electric line; Invoice about $1800; low rent, new town; terms. P-818, Journal. RESTAURANT Doing good business owner mus offqr refused. t leW i. ay ve town: no reasonable 1 Hurnslde. 88 ROOM rooming house; good loca tion; house full; $1000 will handle It or wiU .trade. Tel. Eaat 4236. . WANTED SALESMEN; MANY MAKE $109 to $i per montn; aome eves more; stock clean, grown on reserva tion, far from old i orchards; caah ad vanced weekly; choice of ter.ttory. Ad dress wasmngton nursery vo Aoppa. pish. Waahlngton. ' MEN WANTED to learn plumbing, elec tricity. automoblllng, - plastering and bricklaying, by actual work. Advanced scholars earn wagea. . Catalogue free. Coyne' National Trade School A Cdti atruction Co.. 330 8th at., San Francisco. IF you have a small amount of money and deaire large returns and a aafe Investment, would advise you to con sult us regarding the motion picture business. Particulars, Newman, 213 purnsioe, near em, MOTION picture operators earn $3 weekly. You can learn the business in a ahort time; - easy work, short hours. Lessons reasonable. Positions secured. Bee Newman, 29$ Burnslde st WANTED A gentleman or lady of ability to handle a business that has been well Introduced in Portland; small amount of money required. Call 193 W. Park; W. H. Castellow. RAILWAY mall clerks, commencement salary $800; spring examinations; preparation free; write . immediately. Franklin Institute, department 402, Rochester. N. Y. $300 AND services of bright young man . aecurea Interest and position, first class cash business: exnerienca nnt necessary. ' Inquire, 821 H Washington St., room 417. - CASH ADS UNDER THIS CLASSIFI- aVliil0n cation, 1 cent per word per insertion, n' rom Washington. 884 6th, cor, tnree insertions ior tne price oi two. 1 - THE AUDITORIUM. 1-6? WEEK UP, LARGE, CLEAN FUR- v . maa4 fT . jb a i ii j nil t a nou ukiwd in r rnnnfl' nmrirtr. HaaeT.rymPod;rn.inrVv. -'. ih.rmi-'B.-p6iH oughly renovated arid under new man- "nq- agement; steam heat, hot and cold water THE LONDON Nicely furnished house In every room; private baths, elevator keeping rooms, transient or steady; and plenty of hot water day and night; rent very reasonable. 63 Mi 1st st. , special rates to good, permanent roomers. 813 14th, CORNER Clay. light, clean. TJ"TrC Y-rs i KJirrT TTW I. wpu rumisnea i ana r room nouse ilvi.lJuL rKAJlLLlil keeping suites; rent reasonable. 13th and Washington: newly fur- FOR RENT One 3 room suite furnished nlshed, new buildings, suites with baths, for housekeeping. 26H N. 20th, near hot and cold water; phones in every Washington. A or Main 1784. room. Phone Main 7195. '(' COMPI.TF.t.Y furnished 2 and 3 room HTRAM. MRif RnOMR. 12 WKEK: 1 housekecnln- suites, fnrnaca haat 121 T,K nkAn- In V.do,' nf Kiiuln.., i 7fh fr Hall. l H ' -t flQ9fi . district; 1H blocks 8 tark. BEAUTIFULLY furnished bousekeeplna g4ft ANKisit Hi. rooms; lovely grounds; bath. Main MANHATTAN hotel. 311 Stark at.. 2266; $87 1st st 310 up. - right down town; steam heated rooms, BEAUTIFUL front bay window rooms, newly renovated and furnished., $10 to large, airy, well furnished, bath. mmmi- ' . pnone. gooa location. tg4 Morrison. Hrtitl Hart306 Burnslde. corner FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, atn- MH,nin. Ail iiEiii rooms Bvc aria nr anamra up per day; $2.50 up per week. 8d and Morrison. NEW GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL. 6S N. lSTTT Hniiii.nln " ,nH " 'U Steam heat, electrio lights, free baths, i ina rnnma frea nhona. tu. hath faln rooms, 12 week and up. 3d and Flanders. 7621. Call see. HOTEL MASON 247 6th. . Nicely HOTEL Roysl. 108 4th. Steam heat' furnished rooms from $1.60 up; free ed rooms, $1.50 to $5 per week;-60o bath and phone. Car direct to depot to $1 per night NEWLY furnished room, 1 or 8 gentle- j TW'O cosy housekeeping rooms; ground men; furnace heat, hot and cold water, I floor; $2.25; opposite city halL 268 pain; waiaing bibwh;o. Lincoln, i jerierson street. FURNISHED parlors for sleeping FURNISHED .suite for housekeeping. rooms; furnace neat anagrate; elec- . $io per month. - 588 Petty grove at. trio llaht and Dhone. 849 Jefferson st I Main 3423. 181 FIRST et, corner Yamhill, nicely I THE WAYNEWOOD, nicely furnlshedj WELL furnished rooms; private family; I FURNISHED housekeeping rooms"" for home conveniences; boarding house; rent, every convenience, private bath. 392 COLUMBIA; bright rooms; clothea NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms: waixmg distance; reasonable. 452 6th. nress. furnace heav electric light porcelain bath. Reaaonable rent Phone. EAST SIDE 48 NICE homelike furnished outside rooms I with all convenience ln- private Ger- v v ,v, p . ,1-25 tvEEK rrp CLEAN FCR. LARGE, desirable parlor room with al-1 - Dished housekeeping , rooms, bath. vun, 1 1 w f 1 1 WUTBIIICHI.TB, uvu noil i.unur,. I urnnri nuL vam x ill i . r - tii Kw nw ,. 1 a . . uvui . ,i cii uoiwvru avlii aim tifi. i oiniuvn v i. - u . car. i ... i ii i LARGE front parlor room, furnace I THE HEILER New management Fur- neat, Phone, Datn; suitaoie lor two; I nlshed housekeeping and sleeping, t $4V per week, $3 each. 12.9 14th at I room suitea, $8; 8 room, $18; everything $0 MONTGOMERY, flat "B," well fur-Ji"t "slass; look at them. Hawthorne nlshed; front room; private f.n.nT'l'"' Grand ave. . , home conveniences. Call mornings. THE OWENS 230 Russell at, three STEAM heat, room a with hot and cold m. -ffSP-..enlt"; ."'TJ' water, well rumisnea, reaaonable rent. I rit,, ,..MnBM. 5 wuv-uisui. block ofWssh. 128 W. Park. 60 LOGGERS, swampers to hook, ten ders. resawyera. cans- sawvera. au. tomatlc trimmer man; fireman, mar- riwi, a. fortianq r.mp. to.t 17 za, jir. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFIC"li 2$ N. id oW Portland. . ,' Phone A and Main 1428. Help free to employera WANTED A man to aaslst aa manager - for 1 larra nonceaalon at fl,.ttl. fair. large salary; - must Invest aome money! zwi u-ernnger. . . - v - . WANTED Men to have their ahoes made and repaired at the Fleming Shoe ahop. 602 Washington st WANTED Men for oak sewed aolea, 60c; rubber heels 25c Standard Shoe mctory. j'js Hurnmne. VT ANTED Tes mn, $5. pr day. Call mi BV m 9 Ua M 4I M LARGE front room, auitable for 2, TikVVJIrE7Ioukwp' targe cioset, lurnace neat, , pnone, I n" n tf.ni... d -VI " w -kavaa.a I a ' f gtUWVUI"! mvm , - . s NEWLY furnished room auitable for t unrgiriirrpivo $. 1 ' . gentlemen; also room a on acond rJJr" T 1 ,'u muil9m v luu lumiffnea rooms, mm ana wasn c " v-ausk tivav an. Call 69 Grand ave.. North. reason Insrton. with bath. Phones 122 all conveniences; free SIe?GLF houekeepIng and suitea !2-l-L keeping rooms, $1.60 to $3.50 1 yno. m-ni. tLtti union ave. also week; PIWM V .t Jt -..II. u . . rii'r.iu luiuisum Dunn i uvni, aisv I iiAI'flpirrroivirt sinale rooms, f blocks from t n I HVI-P.EK EEPI NG reasonapie. 308A 3d at. BUiici or single rooms lor or couples 1 modern, reabonal ZOU. - 4S W. JlStv an4 llnvl . -AAma 11. 6(1 .and II- hath na ha , Th Wilbur. JUS A , ruC iiTr ,i"i 1 i.ii'tiiiciici ruuno js-iutu Union ave. .- ... ? 1 m n jrfer ami ,. . a , 1 a i ! - i'.,i.3, itm.ii. min ana cionera. mrwi. the vEv.t-n,,.h:yri7'. Z7A". . g,v5","d w no children; $14. - - " , r 9 i in iu wk ot month. 1 4 6 V4 Front. F FURNISHED rooms, gas and Uth. kplnlTault7, $$ gnd $I0? ga.fh.St $1.75 and $2 per week. 308 6tU at. reasonable. ' ' " h,at'