The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 23, 1908, Page 12, Image 12

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Completes Voyage From San
Francisco in Four
followed a few days later by the Ger
man training ship Hersogin Cecelia, but
the latter received her order off the
mouth of the river and then awunf
about, neamng ror Australia, following
tne Mereogrin tjnariotte, wnicn nauceen
given that direction.
The Rone Kerviler is the third French
bark to arrive her from Hobart in the
past 10 days, the barks Armen andCrif
lon preceding her. The Crtlion arrived
up at Llnnton this afternoon to dis
charge ballast. She is under charter
to load wheat. The Armen has been in
the harbor several days.
Craft That Once Became Notorious
Because of Murder of Captain by
Jajmnese Cabin Boy on High Seas
Returns to Load Lumber.
After a smart run of four days before
' a strong- southeasterly breeze, bordoring
on a gale, the sailing- schooner Fred J.
wood reacnea ine uiumum nci
rrtornlng It took her jut four days to
make the run and the voyage rivals
steamship time.
The schooner is under charter to load
lumber at the mills of the North Pacific
Lumber company for California and will
be towed up the river without delay. She
has been here before, one of her visits
bavins' brought her name into notoriety
in that on her outward run from here
to the orient with a cargo of lumber
her master was murdered by his Japan
ese cabin boy. The boy grew surly at
nomethlng and. watching- his opportun
ity, drove a large dirk into the captain s
breast. He flioa some nours iaier iruni
loss of blood. The cabin boy was
brought back to the states and hanged.
The schooner Kndeavor, which reacned
V the Columbia river two days ago ar
. rived up this morning and went to the
mills of the North Pacific Lumber com-
- pany to load lunmer xor an rraro. one,
; too. made a smart voyage from the Bay
Cltv, although her time was not as good
: that nf the Fred J. Wood.
f The French bark Crtlion arrived up
; this morning in company witn tne
srhooner Kndeavor. The Crlllon was
dropped at Llnnton, where her ballast
will be discharged, as the bark Is under
, charter to load wneat xor curope.
Oriental Liner Left San Francisco
Yesterday for Portland. v
The Portland & Asiatic Steamship
company's liner Numantia is due to ar
rive here Friday morning from Hong
kong by way of Japanese ports. Hono
lulu ami San Francisco. She left San
Franeisoo yesterday afternoon at 3
o'clock and should reach the mouth of
the Columbia Thursday night.
The Numantia is bringing about 600
tons of freight, consisting principally of
Chinese merchandise, consigned to local
Importers. She will take a full cargo of
flour on her outward trip, ana wiu
tuobablv be ready to sail bv January 6
No word has yet been received here
from the liner Alsea. which left about
a month ago for Vladivostok. Siberia,
rtirert with a cargo of flour, but repre
sentatives of the company here say the
steamer has in all probability reached
her destination and that the agents over
there have neglected to cable the news
to the office here.
French Bark Rene ' Kerviler In Co
ll lumbift River From Hobart.
The French bark- Rene Kerviler
dropped into Astoria this morning en
J tirely unannounced, but will likely re-
main in the Columbia river or come up
here until something Is found for her
i to do. She is in ballast from Hobart,
t Tasmania. -
f The Kerviler has been listed for
f Puget sound for some time, and there
J fore caused some surprise when she
i dropped into the Columbia river. But
f the, same thing was done by the Ger
man training ship Herxogln Charlotte
which came out from Europe in ballast
i after a smart voyage of 112 days. The
.Hersogin Charlotte dropped in entirely
unannounced to get orders. She was i
Steamer Queen Sends Message From
Point Off Grays Harbor.
A wireless message was received this
morning by the weather bureau from
the steamer Queen, off Grays Harbor.
Observations taken at 8:30 a. m. today
were as follows: Barometer, 29.82;
temperature, 46 degrees: wind, westerly,
five miles.
This indicates that the storm that
has been raging along the coast for
several days has abated. Shipping has
been handled roughly for several weeks,
but no serious damage was done, as
far as has been-ascertained.
French Bark Will Load Cargo of
Lumber for Em-ope.
Another French barhr In ballast ap
peared off the mouth of the Columbia
river this morning irom Hobart, Tas
mania. She is the Eugenie Schneider,
due to arrive here to load a cargo of
lu-.ber for Kurope, under charter to the
Oregon Pine Export Lumber company.
The Eugenie Schneider has been out
about two months from the Tasmania
port and hence did not make a very
fast run. She is expected to cross In
this afternoon. The greater part of the
cargo. It is understood, will be fur
nished by mills on the lower Columbia.
Benjamin F. Germain, who, under 'the
guise of an employment agent and ho
tel broker, It is charged, has swindled
hundreds of men and women out of
cash deposits, put up when Germain
promised to secure positions for them,
was arrested late yesterdav afternoon
and is now in-'the county jail.
as stated m yesterdays Journal, a
score of Germain's victims hurried to
the Union depot yesterday afternoon
when It was rumored he was about to
leave the city. But Germain, although
he had sent his baggage to the depot.
went Instead to the Hotel Scott .and
there late in the afternoon he was ar
rested by Deputy Constable Kiernan.
He will have a hearing in Justice court
tomorrow afternoon.
Germain s office was in tha Benson
building, at Fifth and Morrison streets.
He advertised widely, and promised po
sitions with good salaries. The com
plaint .was signed by C. J. Cook, to
whom had been promised the position
of manager of a Rosebwg- hotel. Ger
main, It is said, has been living In good
style since he came to the city. His
wife was with him at the time of his
arrest, and is now at the Hotel Scott.
the Portland Lumber company next
Saturday to load lumber for a return
Officers of the steamer report a
fairly good voyage although the wind
blew hard all the way. But .it came
from the southeast and hence assisted
in making time.
The steamer George W. Elder, Cap
tain Jessen. reached Martin's dock late
last night from San Pedro and wav
ports. She brought a fair list of pas
sengers and a few hundred tons of
freight. She is scheduled to sail Thurs
day night so the passengers will have
the opportunity of spending Christmas
at sea.
(United rras Lease Wire.)
Seattle, Wash., Dec 23. The Jury af
ter being out 24 hours and II minutes,
returned a verdict yesterday afternoon
finding James H. Holt guilty of mur
dering Henrlck Johnson at Ford Wor
den, May 8. Both were members of United States coast artillery. Holt
was a musician ana Jonnson . was a
tailor. The evidence showed that Holt,
Johnson and a third Dartv were, drink.
ing one night. The next morning the.
uouy or jonnson was round in tne army
neaaquariers- furnace, partially con
sumed, it was testified that Johnson
was robbed and murdered and his body
Jammed into the furnace in an endeavor
to hide tne evidence of the crime.
"Guilty, without capital punishment.''
was the verdict of the Jury. The- pen
alty is fixed by law at imprisonment for
me. judge Haniord announced that
sentence would Do passed January 4.
SelfComplacenfi Problems.
From ' the Ladies' Field.
Every woman that thinks at all thinks
nerseir a psychological problem, and la
convinced that no more absorbing occu
pation exists for the world at large than
that of dissecting the manifold com
plexities or ner nature.
The Stomach Does
Not Cause Dyspepsia
Steam Schooner Northland and the
Steamer Geo. W. Elder in Port.
The steam schooner Northland, Cap
tain Erlckson. arrived at Couch- street
dock this morning brtnging several
hundred tons of freight from San Fran
clsco. She will go to the mills of
The steamer Homer. CaDtain Dorris.
sailed last night from Oak street dock
for San Francisco.
The steamer Alliance. Captain Par
sons, will be at Couch street dock this
evening from Coos bay.
i ne steam scnooner cascade left Ban
Francisco last night for the Columbia
river to load a return cargo of lumber
The new steamer Inland Empire left
Celilo this morning on her first trip to
Pasco. She Is In command of Captain
Arinur mggs.
Astoria. Dec. 23. Arrived down during
the night steamer Yellowstone; left up
at g a. m. steamer Koma; arrived at
8:30 and left up at 9 a. m. steamer Alii
ance from Coos Bay; arrived at 9:30 a.
m. schooner Fred J. Wood from San
Francisco; outside at 10 a. m. French
bark Eugenie Schneider from Antwerp;
arrived down at 9 a. m. steamer Homer.
San Francisco, Dec. 23. Arrived at 6
a. m. steamer Roanoke from Portland.
Astoria, Dec. 22. Arrived at 10:40 a,
m. French bark Rene Kerviler, from Ho
bart; arrived at 11:45 a. m. steamer
Roma from San Pedro; arrived at 12
noon and left up at 2 p. m. steamer
George W. Elder from San Pedro and
way ports; arrived down at 6 p. m.
steamer Washtenaw.
San Francisco, Dec, 22. Sailed at 3:30
p. m. German steamer Numantia for
Portland: sailed at 6:30 p. m. steamer
Cascade at. 6 p. m. steamer Nome City.
Copenhagen, Dec. 20. Arrived British
steamer Ilrord from Portland for Ham
burg. San Diego, Dec. 22. Sailed steamer
Nebraskan for Portland.
Astoria, Dec, 23. Condition at the
mouth of the river at ft a, in. smooth;
wind northwest, 18 miles; weather
Tides at Astoria' Thursday: High
water 1:52 a. nr., 7.3 feet; 1:08 p. m.,
9.6 feet. Low water 7:25 a. m.. 3.2 feet;
8:08 p. m., 1.6 feet.
Neither Will It Cure It Beeause the
Lack of Gastric Juices
Prohibit Relief.
The stomach is a strong, powerful
organ, which Is composed of muscles of
great strengtn. it is ruled during di
gestion with gastric lulcea which, when
the stomach, extending and compressing
the food, dissolve It and separate the
nounsnmeni rrom me waste matter. If.
nowever, tnese gastric juices are lack
ing, the stomach is hot capable of di
gesting its food because it has not
the tools with which to work success-
The gastric Juices when in a perfect
state do away with all foul odors, fer
mentation and decay, reduce the food
to a disintegrated mass and the stom
ach then presses it into the Intestines
where another form of digestion takes
place. men tne intestines take from
tnis mass of food all that is nourish
ing and give it to the blood. The
waste matter is thrown from the sys
If Instead of nourishment the in
testines receive imnure deDoslts com
btned with a poisonous and imperfect
gastric juice, H ran ne readily seen
that they must turn such Imperfect
nourishment into the blood. The blood
then being unable to give each part
of the body that which it requires, be
comes Impoverished and disease is
spread broadcast.
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets correct
such a condition at once. If the gas
trie Juices are lacking and imperfect
tlse tablets do their work just the
same. Thev build up the elements In
the-julce which are iacklng and remove
tnose elements wnicn cause disturbance.
Meat, grains, fluids, vegetables and
delicacies, in fact each portion of a
large meal have been placed In a glass
vial ana oiuari a uysDeDBia laoieis
have digested them to a perfect fluid
Just as a healthy stomach would do.
a large, complex, nearty meal noias
no terrors for a dysreptlo if Stuarts
Dyspepsia Tablets are used. lAbnormal
eating, late dinners, rich foods cause
ill effects to the stomach, but when
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are used one
may eat wnen and wnat one win wnn-
out danger of dyrpepsia or discomfort.
Fortv thousand physicians endorse
and prescribe Stuart's Dyspepsia Tab
lets and every druggist carries them In
stock, price 50c. Send us your name
and address and we will send you at
once by mail a sample package free.
Address F. A. Stuart Co.. 150 Stuart
Bldg.. Marshall. Mich.
l II llll flf
Valiant's odors in fancy bottles, ip
decorated holly box, very pretty;
each - , T5
Marcelles' Miolena. put in hand
some embossed box, at the special
price of $1.50
Vallant!s complete line of assorted
odors, gilt-trim'd boxes, ca..50
Valiant's Sachets of rose, violet,
heliotrope, carnation, etc. Regular
50c per ounce, only ?
Powder Puffs, each contained in
nrettv silver, eunmetal or cilt box.
very nice gift; reg. 25c ea 1S
Marcelles' Perfume Package, in
jeweled satin box, each containing
2 cut-glass bottles, special 4.00
Marcelles' Violet, in violet-trim'd
box, each containing one cut-glass
bottle and one cake of Violet Soap,
special .: ?3.00
A complete line of Houbegant's
Perfumes Ideal. Violet, etc.. in
fancy pkgs., $5.00 to $3.60
Caty's Imported Perfumes, per
bottle, $15.00 to $4.00
Caty's Imparted Soaps, per cake,
$5.00 to
Piver's Christmas package, con
taining 1 cake soap, 1 bottle per
fume, 1 box powder, each.. 4. 50
Hudnut's Line Violet Concrete
Essence, per ounce, $8.00; small
original bottle..... fl.SO
S am e thing New
: " - i w
Postcard Projectors
Buckeye Post Card Projector, Electric or Gas.. Will magnify
postal in colors the full size of bed sheet. So simple a child can
operate without trouble. . The weight is small 2 .to 5 pounds
complete. ' , '
Electric Projector has one 24 C. P. light to two SO C. P. light.
Will take voltage up to 125. Household voltage 120. Price
$5.00, $7.50, $10.00
Gas machine fitted with gas mantles, one 65 C. P. to two 80
C, P,, attached to any 'gas jet. All connections go with outfit,
ready for operating. Price, .
A great
$5.00; $7.50, $10.00
machine for persons having a large collection of postal
Just Arrived, Cold Fish
for Christmas
Yesterday we received J000 choice
Japanese Fantail Goldfish, just in
time for Christmas. Better buy
today, as we have a big demand
for them; priced at, each..25f
Our line of Fish Globes and
Aquaria is complete and very ex
tensive. Globes sell at 60 to 1.50
Aquaria from... 1.50 to 5.00
Goldfish Food, package 10
1909 CALENDARS lOc to 34
Simplex Type
A fine little
Typewriter, can
be- used by any
one. We have
themin 3 sizes,
and priced at
1.00. 2.50,
and 5.00.
. . . i
Did Anty Drudge Wash the World?
"Oh, Anty Drudge! the world was brown,
When I climbed up to bed last night
Did you wash it with Fels-Naptha ?
For now it's clean, and pure, and white."
New uses for Fels-Naptha are being
discovered every day.
One woman writes us that she finds it
the best thing to clean metal beds. It
makes white enamel glisten and polishes
brass till it shines like a mirror. And
vermin keep away from a bedstead that's
washed regularly with Fels-Naptha.
There are a thousand and one uses for
Fels-Naptha besides washing clothes, etc.
It will clean anything cleanable, from pans
and pots to floors and windows. Do it
perfecdy in cool or lukewarm water.
Cuts the grease on dishes and cooking
utensils, brightens painted woodwork,
whitens floors and freshens up the colors of
oil-cloth or linoleum.
Directions for all kinds of easy cleaning
with Fels-Naptha are to be found on the
' red and green wrapper. Follow them
Beg-alar Z.lnra Sua to Arriva.
Alliance, Coos Bay Dec. 24
Nebraskan, Ballna Crus Dec. 25
Numantia. orient Dec. 25
Sue H. Elmore, Tillamook Dec. 27
Argo, San Francisco... Dec. 27
Breakwater, Coos Bay Dec. 27
Rose City, San Francisco Dec. 28
Eureka, Eureka and Coos Dec. 28
Roanoke, Ban Pedro and way ...Dec. 29
Senator, San Francisco Jan. 4
Geo-.-Re V. Elder, San Pedro. .. .Jan. S
Homer, gan Francisco Jan. 5
Nevadart. Sallna Crua ...Jan. 15
Nlcomedla, orient Jan. 20
Arabia, orient Feb. 1
Alesla, orient Feb. S
BagtUar Linen So to Depart.
Breakwater, Coos Bay Dec. 58
George V. Elder. San Pedro... Dec. 24
Senator, fan Francisco Dec. 25
Alliance. Coos Bay -..Dec. 26
TCebraskan Sallna Cruz ...... .Dec. 27
Argo, Tillamook Dec 28
Sue H. Elmore, Tillamook Dec. 28
Eureka, Eureka and Coos Dec. 30
Roanoke, San Pedro and way.. Dec. 31
Rose City, San Francisco Jan. 1
Numantia, orient. ......Jan. 5
Nevadan. Sallna Crua Jan. 27
Nlcomedla, orient Feb. 1
Arabia, orient Feb. IS
Alesla, orient Feb. 15
aala la port.
Leyland Bros. Br. ah Drydock
Donna Francesca, Br. bk Astoria
Churchill, Am. ach Astoria
Alvena. Am. sen Astoria
w. F. Jewett, Am. fich Astoria
Irene. Am. Bch Astoria
Washington, Am. aa Drydock
Aberfoyle, Br. bk N. P. Mills
St. Nicholas. Am. ship Astoria
Berlin, Am. ach Goble
Taurus, Am. sch Kalama
Bossuet, Fr. bk Coal Bunkers
Joinville. Fr. bk Sand dock
Neotsfleld, Br. bk... Southern Pacific
Brabloch. Br. bk Greenwich No. i
Oregon, Ger. sh Columbia No. 2
Torrisdale, Br. h Astoria
gully, Fr. bk Llnnton
Strathnairn, Br. ss Oceanic
Marshfield, Am. as Rainier
Armen. F. bk Llnnton
Rochambeau, Fr. bk Stream
Yellowstone, Am. as Presrntt
Crillon. Fr. bk Llnnton
Homer, Am. ss.. Oak street
Breakwater, Am. aa Alaska
oenaior, Am. ss Alnsworth
Endeavor, Am. ach N. P. Lbr. Co.
R. D. Inman, Am. ss. . . .Inman-Poulsen
Yosemlte. Am. ss rent
Northland. Am. ss Couch street
tt-erriter, rr. bk Hobart
Roma, Am. ss Portsmouth
George VV. Elder. Am. ss Martins
) En Bouts to load Lumber.
Riverside, Am. aa San Francisco
Annie t,. Smale, Am., as Hongkong
Shasta, Am. ss San Francisco
Virginia. Am. acb Mallendo
uison at Manoney, Am. ss San Francisco
Shoshone. Am. as.... San Francisco
Geo. L. Fenwlck, Am. ss. .San Francisco
Fred J. Wood. Am. sch.. .San Fraii.n
I.akme, Am. ss San Francisco
Saginaw, Am. ss San Francisco
Koute With Cement and Oanaral.
Carmanian, Br. bk Hambura
Gulf Stream Br. bk .'..fAn'twSrp1
Alice, Fr. bk London
Eugene Schneider. Fr. bk Antwerp
La Tour de Auvergne, Fr. bk... Antwerp
Olenalvon, Br bk Antwerp
Desaix, Fr. bk Antwero
Poltallock. Ttr. h . . . .' Ellesmereport
Maw.terh41.rn' Br- "i-.-NewcaaUe-on-Tyne
Babin Chevaye. Fr. bk Antwero
Tramp Bteamera In Bout.
Abouklr, Br. ss , . .... San Francisco
Robert Dollar. Br. aa a.i...
Tweedale. Br. aa. Puget sound
Bpverlc, Br. aa San Francisco
Elsa, Nor. ss Vancouver, B. C
Ea Jtouta la Ballast to X,oa4 Orala.
Port Crawford, Br. ah Callao
Homeward Bound, Am. bk.8an Francisco
Thiers. Fr. bk. r Belfast
Francola.Fr.bk San Francisco
Asnleres, Ft. bk. ........ .Ban Francisco
Benares, , Nor. ah ....... , Callao
Clan Graham, Br. bk .Caleta Coloso
Laenneci Fr. ah ...... J I . Kahulu
Nantes, Fr. bk,, ...... .Hobart
Edinburgh, Bk bk Honolulu
- OU Steamer En Bout, s -
Col. K X Prake, Am. ..San Francisco
Here Is Acheson's Xmas Present for You
25 Per Cent Off
oh tbs. ZLEQiar nw mm
Empress and Princess Nippon Coats
The price of these Coats has until now never been cut S cents. Aa
people know, these elegant garments have been sold at their regular
price of from 126.00 to $35.00, according to material. So here Is
your chance, i About 400 elegant Empress and Princess Nippon Coats
at 25 per cent off regular prices. You can figure it
All Other Style Coats M Off
These are the regular fall style coats, such as other stores are selling.
There are almost give away bargains in these.
150 odd and end sixes at 14.95. $10
to $12.60 Coats in these.
Great bargains In Suits, Opera
Coats, Evening Gowns, etc., for
. the next four days.
175 Suits, odds and enda of lines,
sixes, etc, at H off for these four
Special $11 and $16 elegant Voile
Skirts at ,.5
Special $7.50 Silk Petticoats, 3.7S
Xrenlaff Qowns, Brasses, etc., at H off for tne next four days.
Furs! Well, Did We Say Furs?
Our big Fur Sale last week knocked a three quarter hole in our stock.
But we have yet a lot of goods for presents. A few elegant Natural
Mink Sets and Scarfs. A fe4r fine blended 8qulrre Seta and Scarfs.
Two very stylish sets of Lynx Seta, A few good substantial Fox
Sets. A fine bunch of natural Gray Squirrel Ties. etc. One superb
Red Alaskan Fox Set A few nice River Mink Sets. All these Furs
w will close out this week at KAXr OH BXOUZiAJI PBZCB.
re only about three doxen pieces of Furs left, and only fii
n have
Your PicK at One-Half Off
Don't Fall lo rind the Place FIFTH STREET
Acfiesoffi Gloak,&
. Store Open Evenings