I Y THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL; . PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENING. DECEMBER 19, 1908. n dis mam EXPORT FIGURES Puget Sound Claims Qredit Which the Authork ties Dispute. PORTLAND RETAINS . HIGH STANDING Xew York -Leads in AVheat Exports ':. for 11 Past Months land Portland Holds Second Place Oregon Me tropoIJs Makes Good Showing. .. Authorities wem to differ in regards to how much wheat was exported front the Puget sound porta during; the month of November According- to a bulletin Issued by. the department of commerce and labor on exports, ..the combined I'ugct Bound cities exported 1,207.828 bushels, but the merchants exchange of this city declares that the total amount of wheat cleared for foreign ports from the Puget sound district In November does not exceed '611,629 bushels.-; The figures given by the department of commerce and labor are obtained . from the custom collector's office at Seattle and should be accurate, but those who have private statistics on the matter are emphatic that there Is a mistake somewhere, that the quantity shown has been nearlv multinlled bv two. How the discrepancy occurs is' a maiier ior conjecture. it happened . once before " that tha ' Puget sound records were much larger in, the government monthly report than . the figures furnished by private Indl- vlduals who fok some reason or other keep close tab dnNwhat is done in the way of ejrDortaAbnl .ihe matter was never settled in kite satisfactory , manner than, both sfcdca asserting tbelr v accuraT ' X ' 4 "-JSfte government repor was received here this morning. It shows that dur ing November there were exported from the entire United States 7.231,212 bush els of wheat. New York made the larg est shipments with 2, 86.394 bushels to her credit. The combined Puget sound cities, according to the disputed figures, come second with 1,207,828 bushels, and Portland third with - 701,070 bushels. But according to the records of the Portland merchants exchange Portland is entitled to second place by reason of the fact that In reality the Puget'sound district cleared only 611,629 bushels of wheat or nearly 100,000 bushels leas than Portland. Baltimore holds fourth position in point of prominence with 643.636 bushels, but It, too, would be ahead Of Puget sound were the figures as it is claimed they- Should be. As to the quantity of wheat exported since the beginning of the year, for the past 11 months, the government report shows that 86,76. 137 bushels of wheat have been exported. New Tork holds first place with 18,421,093 bushels; Portland comes second with 1 J. 088.670 bushels; the seeeral Puget sound ports combined, third with ll. 166.768 bush els: Philadelphia fourth with 10.568.374 bushels, and Baltimore fifth with ,i 024.235 buahels. The flour exports for November from all the states aggregated 1,148,680 bar rels. New. Tork took the lead with 281.078 barrels. Philadelphia came sec ond with 58,961 barrels, Portland third with 160,109 barrels, and Baltimore fourth with 126,962 barrels. The entire quantity of flour exported during: the 11 months ending with No vember is plaeed at 11.734.229 barrels. The total value of breadstuffs exported during the month of November Is placed at $15,984,038 and the total value of breadstuffs exported from the states during the past 11 months la placed at $170,293,613. ; DELAYED BY FOGS TftlauiookUnerg vArgo and Sue H. Elmore Arrive Late. Neither of the two Tillamook liners reached the harbor last night as ex pected. They will be at their docks this afternoon, however, and will start out again as quickly as they can be un loaded and loaded again with freight and passengers. Tha steamers are the Argo and 8ue H. Elmore and there exists the greatest of rivalry between them because the Argo was recently put on in opposition to the Elmore, which has been carrying nh.l fr-olsht liar mnacltw wnillrl norm It the craft and so merchants and peo ple generally on the bay begged for some one to put oh an additional boat and the Argo is the result. The boats are supposed to maintain a weekly schedule and it is said they can do it under favorable weather conditions. But last night the tog got heavy and the captains of the respective boats found it impossible to make haste com ing up the river, ho tne race tnat would otherwise have been run bad to be post poned. But It Is said there Is likely to be a test of sped on the outward trip should the boats manage to get away t0The Elmore lands at Couch street and the Argo at Oak street. Both- are ex pected to bring in a large quantity of dairy products, the chief output of the Tillamook country. " HEAVY PASSENGER TRAFFIC Steamers Rnse City and Senator Are Generously .Patronized. ;- . The Harrtman Jlner Rose City, Cap tain Kids ton, sailed yesterday afternoon for 8an Francisco with a large list of passengers and considerable freight - When Manager R. p. Schwerin of the Harrlinan water line was here a few days ago from San Francisco, on a tour of inspection, he complained of the traveling public patronising the smaller Independent steamers Instead of . the boats 'of the Uarrlman line and .used that aa an argument against betterment of - the transportation facilities. But the passenger lists of the steamers ply ing out of here in the Harriman line show that for the last six months at least tbe-boats have departed with ca pacity crowds. -4, 'Time- and again have fiassengers been turned away because of ack of accommodations. ... , MARINE NOTES. Astoria. Dec. 19 Arrived St 7:46 and left up at 9:60 a. m., schooner Mont erey, from Monterey; sailed at 9:46 a. m.. steamer Heather, for Puget sound; ' left up at 3 a. m, French bark Rocham beau. ( ' - t Sanl Francisco, Dec. 19. Arrived at 8 a. m., steamer Sibyl Marston, from. As toria. - - Astoria, Dec 18. Leftup at 1:18 p. m., steamer Elmore; arrived at 1:30 and left up at 6 p. m., steamer Yellowstone, from San Francisco; arrived at 4 and left np at 6 p. m., steamer Argo, from Tillamook. .' : . . San Francisco, Dee, 18. Sailed at 10 . m., steamer R. D. Inman, or Columb ia river. - . San Pedro, Dec II. Sailed,' steamer Roma, for Portland. - ; . , 4 Ouaymas, Dec, 17. Arrived, barksn tlne J. M. Griffith from Columbia river. Astoria, Dec. 19. Condition at the mouth of the river at 8 a. ro., moderate; wind eaat, six miles; weather clear. Tides at Astoria Sunday High water. 10:18 a. m., 8.7 feet; 11:28 p. m., . feet Low- water, 8:59 a. m, 2.1 feet; t;l? p. m., 0.1 feet . : ALONG THE .WATERFRONT, ; v The 'steamer Alliance. Captain Par sons, sails tonight for Coos Bay. The sailing suhooner Fred J. Wood is reported as having let't. Pan Francisco the other day for this part under char ter to load lumlwr for A return cargo. The stesm sehootier South Bay shifted to the mills of the Inman-Poulsen Lum ber company today to complete her lum- ber cargo for San Francisco. The steam schooner Yellowstone which reached the river this morniri went to Preacott to load lumber for Han Fran cico. The cargo will be completed at other points on the lower Columbia. ThetJrltish steamer Tweeddale is ex pected here the early part of next week to lout lumber for Australia. She will load at the mills, of the Portland Lum ber company.. - . Steamer Watson Afloaf Again. (On I ted Praia Leased Wire.) Seattle, Wash., Dec. 19. The stesmer Watson of the Alaska Pacific Steamship company, which ran aground on a mud bank near the Hammond mill yesterday afternoon, ' was floated at noon today, undamaged. She had 1000 tons of freight aboard.- The Watson will leave for San Francisco tonight on time. Take your family to the Perkins hotel grill for Christmas dinner. CHARLES E. HATS' ' BURIAL AT SEATTLE ' (United PrM Leased Wlre-1 ' Seattle, Washy Dec. 19. The body of -Charles K. Hays,: who died at the Hotel Perkins, -. Portland, yesterday morning, arrived In Seattle last olsnr. Mr. Havs is the brother of a well known Seattle attorney. Funeral 'ser vices will be : held at 3 o'clock this afternoon.. ;;. .. . " Take your family to the Perkins hotel grill for Christmas dinner. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY GASOLINE drag saw. will sell cheap San Francisco Office Oregon Journal 1 206 CALL BUILDING CLASSIFIED AD RATES Classified advertisements in The Jour nal arenas follows: No ad less than 16o per Insertion. ' Phone or charged ads (o per line per Insertion; 7 insertions for the . . price of I. ' ' - Cash ads le per word per Inser- tlon, 7 Insertions for the price of I. , r Lost and . found, help wanted, situations wanted, for rent and wanted to rent ads le per word per Insertion, 3 insertions lor the price of 2. -.. r 16 to 20 words, JOoi II : to 15 words, 26c; matrimonial,1 mani curing, massage and bath ads, lOo , per line per insertion. Card of thanks, meeting and fu ' neral notices, 60c per Insertion. - 1 ' New today (agate measue, 14 lines to Inch),: 84o per inch. Count 6 words to line. - The Journal cannot guarantee ac curacy or assume responsibility for er rors of any kind oocuring In telephoned advertisements. Should sny ad appear Incorrect on first Insertion, The Journal will not be responsible for subsequent insertions The Journal's business office Is open from ta. m. to 8 p. m.; Saturdays 8 a. Phones? Sain 7173; A-6051. WEATHER REPORT The . western blah nrossure area Is still central over Idaho and it teaches thence: southward to the lower. Mississ ippi valley. A moderate low nresaure area is central north of Lake Huron. Fair and cold weather continues on the Pacific slope and heavy frosts occurred again this morning in. California, as far ibuth. as" Los Angeles. Snow his fallen 1. 1 the northern states and rat 1 In ire southern states nearly everywhere cast of the Mississippi river. Chinook winds ore. mnwmr in nnrrnern . Mmi:tna nnn pA'.berta and the temperatures in that section are mucn anove normal.. The indications are for fair "ind con tinued cold weather In this district to- nlgr, will ht and Sunday. The' temperatures Temp. Max. Mln. Preclp. . 24 2 - .0- .28 14 .0 . 38 2 . .78 68 T. .32 16 .0 . 58 40 ,0 - . 63 26 . 82 60 T. ,40 28 .6 .46 -38 .0 .23 8 .0 , 34 23 .0 , 83 26 .0 38 2 .0 , 20 14 .0 . 48 38 .0 . 40 . 28 .0 . 3 . 20 0 . 28 18 . , 61 30 .08 Baker City, Or. . Boise. Idaho . . . . Chicago, 111.' .... Jacksonville, Fla. Lewistan, Idaho ; IjOS Angeles Cal Marshfield, Or. . . New Orleans, La. Sh hj WV.h JOrih eaa, Wasn weir xora, n. y. Roseburg, Or. St.! Louis. Mo. .....i BV Paul, Minn. San Francisco, Cal Seattle Wash., . . . . . Siskiyou. Or. ...... Spokane, Wash. . . . . Washington, D. C . HL&RRIAGE LICENSES , Charles R. Wyatt 1099 East Twenty seventh street, 88; Marie Lescb, 27. Frank W Faulks, Cleone, Or., 30; Ber tha E. Wright, 27. ' F. K.v Skinner, 335 Hassalo street, 37; Lily W. Baker, 25. i F. E. Melllen, Clackamas, , Or., Tt6; Lilly F". Ward, 19. Harry O. Rustad, 867 Commercial street 28; Mrs. Goldle P. Cllne, 28. John Judnlk. 227 Levada. street., (; B. Mallmanek, 22. Harry Jost ll90 Wilbur stret, 28; Jesale Robertson, 28.-- Harry Eugene Read. 708 Allegheny street. 20; Vesta May Young,' 17. Gust Peterson, Pleasant Home, Or., 34; Joste Anderson. 37. F LOWERS FOR WEDDINGS AND FU nerals. Alfred Burkhardt Nob Hill florist 13 0 23d at Main 608, A-3184. Full dress suits for rent all slaeaT Unique Tailoring Co.. 109 Stark st Wedding Cards. W. O. Smith & Co, Washington bldg, corner 4th and Wash. tngton sta - Bets Sena florists, funeral designs. 4. Morrison, wain sous; a-hii Clarke Broa. florist Fine flowers and floral designs. 289 Morrison st Max M. Smith, florist 160 6th st. op. posits Meier Frank's. Main 7311. DEATHS MARSHALL In this city, December ' 18. at the family residence, 343 Holla dSy avenue, Margaret Charllla Marshall, aged It years. 4 months, 14 days, be loved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William H."1 Msrshall. Friends are respectfully Invited to attend the-funeral services, which will be held at the above resi dence at 2 p. m. Sunday, December 20. Interment River View cemetery. - CARD OF THANKS WE WISH to express our sincere thanks - to all our friends for the kindness and sympathy they have shown us In the sick ness snd death of our dear husband and father, . , Mrs. Eva C, Bredemeier and family. ' ' - FUNERAL DIRECTORS DUNNING.' M'ENTEB aV s GILBATJGH, undertakers snd embalmers: modern In ever detail. Seventh and Pine. Main 430. Lady assistant '- J.P. Flnley & Sen Madrisonnd' Lady attendant Main 9; A-1699. ELLER-B.RNES CO., FUNERAL DL rectors, embalmers, 37t Russell. East 1888. Lady assistant - EDWARD HOU.AN. V NDERTAJCER, 220 3rd street ERICSSON Undertaking Co, embaltrt M. 6133. ing; ldy ass't; 409 Alder. MONURIENTS MARBLE " AND GRANITE ' MONU . ments, all kinds cemetery decorations. 68-70 Grand sve. N. Imhoff ft Dorcas. NEU" KINOSLET. 268 1ST- rORT land's leading marble and granite wka Telephone Your Classified mm AM- TO THE JOURNAL TELEPHONE Main 7173 A6051 Not responsible for er rors. in ads taken oyer the -telephone. . Fo information as to contracts, consult the clas sified advertising man." A phone call will bring him1 to your place of business. CEMETERIES ROSE CITY SINGLE GRAVES. $10; family lots, C2S to $75, Superintend ent at eemeterv. corner or Fremont st. snd Cully road. Phone Tabor 206. For full information apply to Crank Sch le gal. 683 Worcester blk. Phone A-3823. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS ABSTRACTS carefully and correctly compiled and examined, charges rea sonable. Koom 6, zzivs Morrison st. Phone Main 8109. James M. Pugh. Lswyers Abstract A Trust Co.. room Board ef Trade bldg.: abstracts a specialty. - - Paclf to Title ft Trust Co., the leading abstractors. 204-6-8-7 Failing bldg. G. F. Bell and wife to Henry . Hartong, lot 2, block 10, Lincoln Park Henry Hartong to Henry Aachen brenner, lot 2, block 10, Lincoln Park J. C. Welch and wife to Mary M. 360 895 unman, 3 acres in section zs, township 1 south, range 2 east 8,260 Mart M. Gilman to Ben and Q. K.7 Riesland, undivided y, or the above ... r, ...,.. . Theodore Kasebreg to B. F. Ayers. lot 24, block 11, Arleta Park No. 2 W. T. Harlow to James Kiernan, north 33 Vt feet of lot 2, First addition to Cherrydale ........ Philip Buehner and wife to J. T. Stoddard, lots 1 and 2, block J, Crescent Heights ,.' E. L. Waldele and wife to Jerome ' B. Matthews et al, lot 14, block 66, Sellwood Robert H. Durfee and wife to A. 1,(00 110 3,000 4,200 1,760 Jm Maybee, lot 6, block 4, Eve- ' lyn - 3, W. Dlckover and wife to W. I. Winn et al. 60x109 feet begin ning at point 100 feet north of (00 a point in tne soutn line or block "N" of M. Patton tract.. A. F. Overman and wife to Hath away Yocum, lot 6, block 4. ' Shadywood Park Charles E. Topham and wife to 1,(00 its l . Frank N. Jarnot lot 3. block 5. Fuerer's addition ............. Charlei E. Tooley and wife to Johnl.Butkevlcs and wife, lot 3. ' block 7, Clifford addition to Al- ; blna , ............... Arthur O. Jones and wife to J. A. Herdman. lot 15, block 6, John Irvlng'e first addition Edmund E. Laycock and wife to Mae C. Mueller, lot 21, block . Williams Ave. addition. .....'. . Richard Shepard and wife to Wll . t lard Shepard, lot 8, : block 27, Whltwood Court ............... William Waddle, and wife to M. ' Rickert lot 24, block 6, Reser voir Park ............ ... ...... Gottlieb Roth and wife to Marx . Cohen, lota 16, 17 and 18. block 14, Albina ......... W, C. Alvord and wife to Kathar ine Elisabeth Fltsgerald, lot 14. block 99, Irvington .. ., A, B. Manlev and wife to Josnh 1.3(0 666 1.100 1,3(0 too 163 100 1.250 Smith, lot 8. block 30. Albina.. 2,600 H. Hamblet and wife to D. H. Mack. '2-16 interest in lots 1 and 2. block 2, Falrport addition ... . H. Hamblet, trustee, and wife to D. H. Mack, 4ots I and 2. block 2, Falrport. addition . ... ...... Portland Realty & Trust company to Neal Swetland, lota 7 and S. block 3, Evelyn ....... i ..... . Charles A. Myers to T. 8. McDan . let east of lots 6 and 7, block 10,' Rosedale annex Truman J Glover and wife to 420 423 200 1,600 2.3S0 II. Q. Sahlatrom and wife to L. J. - Ledwldge, lot 6, block 4, Maple wood addition ......... Garden Park company to Elbert . N. Barney et al. lots 1, 3 and 3, block 66, Garden Park. Theodore Kasebejrg to, Bert Me Dowel, -et all lota 22 and 23, block 11, Arletk Park No, i ... Hlbernla Savings bank to Tlovo -Fortstrom. lots 10 and 11, block 16, Capitol Hill Percy Thomas et al to Victor Land (00 ISO Sl company, east ft or soutneast -i 4 of southwest 5i of southwest 4 of section 20.. townshin ,1 f " south, range 1 east, containing 6 . ,. acres, excepting l acre t John J. Ptodilard, east half of lots 1 and' 2, blixk 36 Sunnyslde.... 3,100 John J. Stoddard to Edward D. I'urtis et si , lots 1 and t, block 86 Sunnyslde 3,100 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Hibernia Savings bank to John D. Twohy, lots26 to, 29, block 11 Capitol hill too John'W. Kennedy et si., to H. B. Yost, lot 6, block 2 Piedmont. . Portland : Transfer conreany of 145 Oregon to Louis Kuhn, south . 1 , naif of northwest quarter of block 20 Wheeler's addition, be ' lng lot 2, block 20; 2,760 Ellen P. Hood to A. J. Craln, lot 16, block 83 Sellwood, ......... Investment company to Charlotte Ixissner, lots 28, 80, 32 and 84, block 81 Irvington park....... Title Guarantee ft JXroet company to G. M. CuddabackMot 14, block 20 North Irvington, r. ........ . A. W. Lambert et al. to Anna M. Haplln, lots 13, 14. IS and 16, blrick 6 Crystal Springs addition (00 (00 150 400 PACIFIC Title ft Trust Col, the leading abstractors. Z04-6-8-7 railing piog. SEE Williams Abstract Co. for prices. Chamber of Commerce, v. Ill NEW TODAY. Lot Bargains 9450 Very desirable corner, 100x100, East 34th st Three mile circle. SOO each Four desirable lots In Foxchass addition, near carllne. S375 Comer lot' In Rose City Park at . , sacrifice.. V .. 550 Beautiful - quarter block on p,. ;. Woodstock . ave, Woodstock, - , , fine shade, near car. S600 Desirable lot on B. S9fh St., , Improvements made, Including ' cement sidewalks. Terms, S650 each Two desirable lots on Til- lamook st at sacrifice. These lots have Improvements, in cluding cement sidewalks. 8750 Close In, bargain, E. 10th st. Brooklyn Heights, splendid view, good neighborhood; easy terms. . . v.." . BEX ' . IDE SP ANTON CO. ' 870 ST ASK ST. Quarter Block On Seventh street, near Union depot, $22,000 Handles It Pays now 6 per cent net. Advance Is Bound to Come Inquire 514 Merchants Trust Bldg. SACRIFICED ROSE CITY PARK If taken Immediately. 3 00x100, within half block of the "AJLAjaXDA," 2H blocks to school snd caj-. Must be sola oerore uaturaay noon, flair cash, bal ance $6.00 per month, each lot Beau tiful building site. Will sell one or both. Call at my of flee TOD AT and I will take you out. Remember, they must be sold and the price will do It Don't phone. 813 Board of Trade Bldg. CAPITOL HILL The best of alt Jn Portland proper. Inatde the city limits on the West Side, the same side as the entire business section of the city; 6 cent carfare. Ore gon Electric Railway runs through the center or eapitoi Hill ror more than half a mile; depot on the ground; 10 minutes' ride from the business center. Every lot a beauty, 60x100 feet or more, price only $260 per lot. Terms given. We are also giving away free a nice 7 room house with choice lot. already for occupancy. What do you think of tnis ior an ..mai present? call at our office and see about this. Cloheisy k Smith, 401-8 KcXsy Bldg. , THET SO TBXiraB Ka . OVERLOOK TTTBl 1TIBST ITmtTTflM Tf -JT A t STREETS WITH A STEAM 8HOVEL. MOST SIGHTLY BUILDING SPOT IN ' PORTLAND. OmOl SOT 8UXSTSXDS T. ST XOOX XODMK Bursa alow One block from carllne. good locality, only $2500; $600 cash, balance to suit SMITH & EVERETT 316-317 Swetland bldg. MEETING NOTICES 41 NOBLES OF THB MYS TIC SHRINE There will be the artntlal meet ing of AUKader Temple In their council room, Masonlo Temple, on Sat urday evening, 19th Inst, for the election of of ficers to serve the ensu ing year. Elect four grand representatives to the Imperial Council, meeting at Louisville. Ky., June 8 and 9. 1909. and attend to anv other business that .may -legally be presented. Every member who r can possibly do so Is requested to present himself and get his 1909 card, by order j. kt. mAi. iv, iiL-i-oiemaia. . R a. WHITEHOUSE. Recorder. OREGON LODGE No. 101. A. F. ft A, M. Stated com munication this (Saturday) evening 8 o'clock. Masonic ?'emple. Election and instal ation of officers. Visiting brethren cordially Invited. By order W. M. A. J. HANDLAN, Sec S"OR RENT Hall and lodgeroom on east side; will be oompleted In $0 daya, 60x60, hardwood floor, fine stage; rent very reasonable.- E. B. Cllne, 1101 Hawthorne ave. Tabor 1147. M. W. A. ' OREGON GRAPH: CAMP. No. ... 676. Mondays. SeUtng-Hlrscb Mock, I Ith and Washington sta M. W. A. EVERGREEN CAMP, 8,466, meets Wednesday . evening. . Aliaky bldgj 8d and Morrison sta. !- FOB SALE REAL ESTATE 1 Bungalow Bargain $1700 for 4 rooms on a - corner. 3 blocks from Alberta car. fine ' Discs: bath, toilet basin, hot and cold water, full basement with 'cement floor, fine view of mountains, river and Vancouver; good terms. Phone A-16S8. residence -1287, P. L. Btanchard. $40 Chamber of Commerce. $600 CASH- 6 room house, lot 60x110, sll improvements In; nice home -for someone who Is paying rent; $2600; terms. $600 cash, and $25 per month. American Trust Co., 200 Chamber of I'ommeroe. SUBURBAN lots. $300; fltie view; will - double value In 1 year; easy terms; Investigate; no agents. XT-$, Journal. A FOR SALE REAL ESTATE Ll6 BARGAINS $180 cash, balance like rent ( room modern bungalow, full plumbing, tinted walls, close to car and best school In city, $1860. - f . $300 cash, $15 monthly, 4 room mod ern bungalow, full plumbing, electric lights, 2 blocks from car, $1400. One fine half sere, close to car, $800; $20 down, $20 monthly. - Lots $5 down, $5 monthly. . CHARLES n ROSS . Laurelwood. Tabor 783. Mount Scott car. $750 Heat Little Heme $750 This ' is bottom cash, price: new 3 room plastered cottage, basement 60x 100 lot, nice chicken house, large pigeon coop, small barn for 2 horses, near car, food view.- Haverstlo ft Gallagher, 43 ft Waahington at . W ' A Cozy 4-Room Bungalow $250 down buys a beautiful home; modern ,- plumbing, window seat plate rail, paneled dining room, gas, 2 porch es, electricity; 1 V4 - blockr from Haw thorne cars. Direct from owner -at J 1900, $16 a month. T. W.' Marshall, 9th and Hawthorne ave. Do Not Worry Give him a lot in Glen Harbor For Christmas - , GLEN HARBOR REALTT CO. A-1568. 836-840 Chamber of Commerce J1H ACRES, 36 under cultivation, 6 acres hops, mostly all fenced, 9 miles from Oregon. City, good oounty road, rural free delivery,- I nine room house and 1 five-room house, hophouse, large barn, plenty fruit; price, $8700, $1700 cash, balance mortgage; must sell at once. - 6 acres, mostly all cleared, 8 good houses, all' fenced, across from Oak Grove station on Oregon City carllne; several bargains in ' Improved property In Gladstone, ranging from $1060 to $1(00, also some choice vacant lota, close to carllne and station. 26 acres, 7 miles to Oregon City, on county road, housa and barn, 14 acres cultivated, balance timber and pasture, good well and running water, good team, wagon, harness,' plows, cultivators, buggy, 13 tons hay. 60 chickens, 3 head cattle and all small tarm tools; price, $1900. We also have a number of small tracts ranging from 1 acre up at rea sonable prices. W. F. Schooley ft Co., Oregon City, Or. SEVEN room house, bath and toilet, basement, facing east, street Improve ments paid, 20 minutes from city, an elegant home for 83300: 3300 down, bal ance monthly payments; remember this piace s worm more money. A GOOD-RESTAURANT. Doing a good business; will stand In speptlon, for $200, a cash deal. I have a fine up to date bungalow, modern, up to date, fine view of city; will trade for a lot or piano in good con dition, or will take a small payment cash. Call at ROOM 6 MULKET BLDG., Morrison and 2d sts. BUNGALOW, snap; owner will sell at this price for 2 more days, finely sr ranaed. 4 rooms and bath. modern plumbing, basement, window seat elec tric lights, etc., graded, view,, lot 60x 100, 2 blocks of car. Cash price $1600; on easy terms, at least $260 cash re quired. Jaa. C. Logan, 326 Wash: St.. room 415. Main 76l- - Buy My House $2000, 1-4 cash, buys 8 rooms, new, modern house, corner lot, 60x100, close in, fine view, few minutes ride from P. O. Must sell by Jan. 1. West Coast Realty Co., Grand theatre bldg. Main 7862. A-18S5. GOING to move and must sell my strictly modern 7 room house in Holluday Park; If you have some money you can get a bargain; present this sd at 714 Couch bldg., and see the owner. WE BUIIJ) HOMES To suit you at small cost, and very easy payments. . tiers is no reason vny you should not own your own homo. Call and see us and let ua explain how easy ii is io oo mo.- s 823 Chamber of Commerce. WHY NOTT We know how to build bungalows and arttstlo homes. It's our business; don't pay the rent man, pay us. WHY NOT? BUTTERWORTH - STEPHENSON CO., 35 Lafayette bldg., 6th and Washington. M. 8529. GOOD sinallhouse, close to car, small fruits, flowers, 20 chickens, some wood; must sell at once; all v goes for $760; terms, $76 cash, balance $20 per month. AMERICAN TRUST CO. 200 Chamber of Oommafcs. 6 ROOM modern cottage, tinted walls. good porcelain bath and toilet, elec tric fixtures, wood elevator, cement walks around house, line lawn and shrubbery; lot 60x143, food chicken park; terms. Owner. E-804, Journal. $1900 WILL buy a good 6 room cottage on East Main, near $8th st; $600 down, balance $56 quarterly. T. W. MARSHALL ft CO., 39th and Hawthorne ave. IF YOU are looking for a bargain see this high class 8 room house corner Hawthorne and K. 36th; modern In every respect; must eell: terms. W. L. Nash, owner, zss r,ast iotn. FOR SALE 7 room cottage, 703 Ever ett st, between 21st snd 22d: price. 34600: terms. $zooo down, nan down, balance mortgage 6 per cent Inquire owner. 818 Falling bldg. FOR SALE CHEAP " Three new 6 room modern cottages, lo cated within 2 blocks of Hawthorne ave.; good t(rns. Owner, 12S3 E. Main st; I '1. U - JttE $360 WILL secure half Interest In es- taousnea oumness iui win net uci tr than $160 per month; references ex changed. 611-612 Swetland bldg., 6th and Washington. 76 ACRES mountain land; good soil. - some Improvements, old buildings. 6 miles from railroad. Washington coun ty; $660; beat that; no agents wanted. 7 ROOM house, modern, 2 blocks from $2600; terms. 1398 Morris St.. corner Durham. Phone Woodlawn 1802.- NICE 4 room cottage, good piano, 6 cords wood all for $2260; $500 down, balance $20 per month. D. W. Marshall ft Co., 89th and Hawthorne ave. 8TR1CTLY modern 6 room house, near ly new. In good location; snap If sold at once; terms. See owner, 789 Vaughn et; take 23d st car. - C. R. Dcnnell & Co. Real Estate. Room 838 C. of C BUNGALOWS I have 3 modern houses that I will sell at actual cost if taken at once. See H. C Morris. 403 Corbett Qldg, A FINE 6 room cottage on 34th st, near Hawthorne ave.. $3000: $1200 cash. balance $25 per month. D. W. Marshall ft Co.. 39th ana Hawtnorne ave.- NEW modern 9. room house in Holla- days addtti-n: also lots in Holladay Park addition. Call Rex Furniture Co.. at 2d snd Main sts. Main 9193. CHEAP at $2100 6 room cottage, on LUncoln st. near iftn; come ana see this; terms. T. W. Marshall ft Co., 89th and Hawthorne ave. $10 DOWN and $6 per month buys a choice lot. with 100 feet frontage on 60 foot Street on carllne; $200. - 8-806, Journal. . ' ' WILL get you any auto you want- in ' trade for anything you have. Phone Main 8582. Call 714 Swetland bldg. triT"TJlblitV T m hAiiaft rsas REAL BARGAIN 7 room house, very - large lot fruit 20 minutes out PSona Main 2611. 617 Oregonian bldg. FIVE room cottage. full basement; 1 fruit: 100x100: only $3000. Call room T, 181 First st. BY owner new 6 room house; Dutch-! kitchen, bath, gas, electricity terms. JUST a fpw lots left In Peninsular ad- amon wo. z. sup earn. A-aaoi. v HOUSE anti lot at Monta villa, cheap. : xaoor 1291. . FOB SALE REAL ESTATE 10 T-8 Acre . at South Mount Tabor, all In ber-' rles, fine soil, good location; price, $1600; $300 cash, bslance $15 per month. 2 Acres on Powell Valley road, perfectly level, fine soil; price. $2400, half cash, balance easy, SPENCER & CO. . 102 2d st SUMYSIDE $2300 New 5 room cottage,. gas, bath, basement, good location. $2600 New -6 room cottage piped for gas, electricity, .basement ?200 cash, balance monthly payments. $3000 -New 6 room house, gas, bath, full basement, nice fruit trees, lot 60x 100; splendid location. $4600 Splendid new 8 room house, with large sleeping porch, furnace, fix tures, cement wash trays, cement base ment and walks, on carllne. Take Sunnyslde or Mount Tabpr ear. Office corner E. 87th and Belmont Phone Tabor 757. . C. T. BALING ft BRO Large Corner of Dirt Cheap $1000 buys double corner lot 100x126, few minute ride from our office: finest view in city,- (no agents). West Coast Realty Co., Grand theatre bldg.. room 4. I ROOM shingled bungalow. Woodlawn. $1300; $650 cash. 7 room house, corner lot, E. 3d St., Holladay'a addition; fine location, $6000; Vt cash. - ATLAS LAND CO., 420 Lumber Exchange. A-1820. IF YOU wish to sell or exchange your business, city or country nronertv. list with us for a square desj. We can loan your -money on good real estate mortgages.. A-1820 420 Lumber Exchange. TO , SJS.T TLB ESTATE Two modern 6 room cottages, nearly new, with concrete . foundations, on 100x100, In Sunnyslde. Waldemar Seton, attorney at law, room 431 Worcester bldg., 3d and Oak, Portland, Or. SEE this; It is one of the best buys In Portland; 8 room modern residence oh Hawthorne ave.; all Improvements, $6760; terms. . T. W. MARSHALL ft CO., 39th and Hawthorne ave. $250 CASH, 4 room modern cottage, re ception hall, bathroom, electric lights, 2 blocks to car, balance $16 per month; price $1300. N. 1. FARNSWORTIt & CO.. 319 Commercial bldg. A SACRIFICE OF $300. New modern 6 room hangaloV, H block, 1 block to station; price $1800, $740 cash, balance terms. W-W car, third houe eaut Evans -station. REAL estate. Do you want a home? Good location, fine climate, dairy, fruit and stock ranches. Fine timber land. Terms. Write for booklet A. L. Rain water Philomath. Or. 600D 7 room house, close In, on Haw thorne ave.. lot 46x100. $.1500. $600 down, balance $20 per month. ,v, T. W. MAK8JIAU1 ft CO., 39th and Hawthorne ave. 7 ROOM house, modern, corner lot, lOOx 115. cheaD at $3000: half down, bal ance 3 to 6 years, 7 per cent. , T. W. MA RSI 1 ALL, & CO., 39th and Hawthorne ave. BEAUTIFUL modern home, with pri vate water system, orchard and 3 acres of choice garden land; on tho corner of 3 good streets in Portland; $6500. Call 410 Falling bldg. READY to move In, new 4 room plas tered cottage, nice lot with yard, easy terms; cheap If sold quick. Angeles Trust company, 826 4 Washington st, room 417. Main 638U A-5381. EXTRAORDINARY OPPORTUNITY $125 High, sightly, level lots; water in, b ceni canine; .1 moniniv, ADLER. 226 Lumber Exchange. 6 ROOM new bungalow, Sunnyslde, 1149 E. Washington; easy termsi vacant lots tsken aa first payment. Room 80, Lafayette bldg.. stn ana wasnington. A MODERN 8 room residence, nearly .11 . Minna iknri Mtnnl.t. Pfiaver. Phone Woodlawn 84. No agents. i ROOM house and lot. Tremont Place, Mt. Scott car, $450 . cash. C-806, Journal. FOR SALE 4 room house- and 3 lots for $425. Saturday only. Room 6, Mulkey bldg., Morrison and 2d. WANTEO KKAX ESTATE 81 LIST your property with us and get results. N. I. FARNSWORTH ft CO., 319 Commercial bldg. WANTED A modern 6 room house. close in; must be a bargain; will give not of $360 at 8 per cent as first payment amply secured. For particu lars call at room 15. 270H Washington. LAND WANTED. Farms and acreage on O. W. P. car line. For eastern buyers. O. W. P. LAND CO- 1n. anH AMnr mt m WANTED 6 room modern bungalow or cottage to cost from $1000 to $2000; price must be right; pay $300 to $500 cash, $16" per month; will deal with owner nirecs.' jk-kvb, journal WE HAVE BUYERS FOR CITY REAL estate and farms. What have you to seUT Will deal with the owners only. 208 Wells-Fsrgo bldg. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 24 FOR TRADE. A good 26 aore fruit snd. chicken farm to trade for some good Income bearing Portland property; finest of soil, near R. R. station: poor buildings; no phoning, but call on Bron-Steele Co. J10 Second St SPECIAL NOTICE If you want to buy, sell or ex change your farm, house and lot or vacant property, we can do it for you. Call or write Pine Tree Land Co. for Oregon or, Washington farms, large or small. 509-610 Buchanan bldg. 286 Washington. FOR TRADE. Territory for a splendid sell ing article to farmers to trade for property In and near Portland. Come In and see us. Brcng-Steele Co. 110 Second St TRADES. If yon want to buy. sell or trade don't fall to see us. We have trades all over Oregon and Washington and Port land. WESTERN REALTY ft INVESTMENT CO.. - 610 Buchanan bldg., 286H Washington. FOR EXCHANGE A good 7 room house; bard finish; large lot; 3 blocks to graded school. In good, live town on S. P. R. R-; will take lots or acreage near Vancouver or Portland up to $1100; terms on balance; prtcs tlSOO. owner, M. C Black,' 510 Washington st. Van- TO EXCHANGE r-New 6 room modern bouse, concrete basement for small farm near R. R., or electrlo line: pre fer to deal with owners. Price $2600. 440 Brown su r-none wooqmwn iii.. CENTRALLY located grocery store to nchanae for real estate: staple stock and first class stand; has done a very large business. call Z81 3d St., or phone Main 8751. $5000 EQUITY. 640 acres land, located on uescnuies river, cenirai urgini, railroad bulldlna: I will exchange for good rooming house. V-7S6, Journal. . EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 21 FOR SALE or exchange, llofxl r.lver apple orchard, 9 mile out, east side; 600 trees,. 300 6 years old. T. I.. Davhi son. R. F. D. No. 10. Mood Tiver. Or. LXCHANGfo Contract $ai5, puynieiits $15 a month and Internet at 6 r-r cent for: Home Telephone bonds, Tacomn. G-802, Journal. FOR SALli New modern 8 room hoim-: will take telephone bonds as part payment balance to suit K. SSHh and Hherman sts... 3 ACRES, close in. exchange for room "'lng bouse, city property - or $12oj equity. Main 1639. WANTED To trade automobile for stock or real estate. 201 Gerllnger bidg. , - - ; WHO wants 8 lota, even trade for horoe and buggy or wagon? Phone Wood lawn 1432. ' t . TPR SALEFARMS $900 -15 ACRES rich bottom lanl fronting. on Willamette river' In Ma rion county, 1 mile from school, ehurch. and stores; 3 miles from 8, P. railroad station; 2 acres cleared, family orchard, well, all fenced; acre berries, box house. Very cheap for cash. $1250 40 acres splendid land, - 13 miles from Vancouver, 2 V mlls from railroad, on good county road; all level, rich soil; contains half million feet fir . saw timber, 40,000 ft oak. Good spec- w ulation; is worth double price asked tov day. Must settls up estate. - $2260 10 acres Vt mile from Columbia, . 1 river and North Bank railroad: 6 miles from Vancouverr all good land and U bearing orchard In first class condition, ss partly fenced.- Fruit will pay big re- . turns on investment Would consl-ier .' house In Portland in exchangs, or will $ give terms. 1 s . $3250155 seres walnut land .3 miles -from North Yamhill, all in oak and fir timber, aome large oak; 100 acres food farm land, spring and nice stream. .. Vlll accept Income property in Portland for part .' . ' . $5336 97 acres,-part bottom land, 8, miles from Tillamook, fronting on Ne- , , tarts bay, on good road, timbur for fuel: over 60 acres In cultivation; nice Hjspring, new cottage, ; good bam wtt'i . sneaa, rencea: i cows, nun, iips, Sood young team, wagon, harness, ted er, plows. Only $55 an acre for every- , thing. Will positively advance price if not sold before New Years. I4OO0 36 acres in Washington Coun ty. 3 miles from Reedville; R. F. D., phone line, milk route, best of soil; 13 , , acres cleared, balance pasture, ioibj ,( timber, . woven wire fences, small, or chard, acre grapes., new house and , barn, spring near house; chickens, team, wagon, harness, farm implements, crop, lot of wood cut Will take half In good Portland property andgive time on bal- ;i n$7500 -70 acres, mile from. 8. P. R. " R., In Washington county,' In tho Beavcrton district; all level, some onion ' ; land, all in timber, some good saw tim- ber, small creek. Would take Portland income property as partpayment, rll $9000 U acres near Gresham, O. W.rt P. elctrlo line crosses place, 25c fare;,.; good soil, 81 acres cleared, 4 acres tlm ber; good buildings, 7' room plastered house, 3 wells, mixed family orchard.' Terms half cash. 1 - "ti The Washington and Oregon ;; Realty Company -,808-3n9 Merchants Trust Bldg., 6th and Washington. Plione Main 2404, Arid 800 Main St., Vancouver, wnmi. $4200 BUYS this 120 acre larra and property described. This to be read only by the man who can think and fig- t ure: , , . Of fir majestfc, tall and straight, A million feet (but there s not two). Stands on the land I offer you. And thus 'twas cruised on recent date; And if you buy the farm and act the part of a sensible man by letting the timber stand for five years, it is. my honest Judgment that then the timber , alone will bring more than I am asking for farm and personal property; this 1; not gas," but business sense. Fair 6 room house, woodhouse, poor barn; about 30 acres' Improved and 30 more easily put In cultivation; good orchard, 8 aores; fences poor, land rolling, well watered; water piped to house; soli good and land adapted to dairying, fruit or general farming; school half mile; R. V- station and boat landing at Martin's Bluff on Columbia river, only 2 miles: 6 miles to Woodland, Wash.; IS to 20 tons of hay In barn, 14 cowsi 8 heifers. Jersey, bull, 2 horses, light wagon and agrlnil turaU Implements; all for $4200: $3600 cash and balance at. 7 per cent You be gin making money at once. S. G. LANE. WOODLAND. WASH. Splendid CMcken Ranch - 18 acres, 13 acres under cultivation, ail under fence,- young orchard, house and bam. 6 chicken houses, 1 incubator, house, sll machinery necessary to con-, duct a first class chicken business; good well of water, personal property ahou; 500 chickens, all . good stock, all house hold furniture, price $2500; It Is only '4 mile from railway station, 2 mllis from . good town, $4 miles from Port land ' . " . ' ' Otto& Harkson : ,160 Acres ' Stock, -machinery MnA everything goes at $4000. 85 cleared, 70 more easily cleared. : Coast Realty Co. 220 Lumber Exchange. Splendid Investment-;-;" 11 acres, about 00 ' feet from the Ttgardville depot on the Salem car line, all under cultivation, .except I . acre has a few stumps 011; the land is level, soil equal to beaverdam, elegant . for gardening, . and Is also splendidly ' located to be subdivided into acre . tracts, which find a ready market on account of the location. Price $.13 per acre; $2000 will handle it. Otto & Harkson . ! 133W First St' Don't Overlook the Llttl Things We have some small tracts of land that will nay you to investigate. Just right for truck gardening, not far from Portland, very cheap. . ' HESTER & RICHARDSON 122 Grand Ave. Phone 1. 614. " ' A WONDERFUL BARGAIN. 78 acres of fine land, 10 acres in cultivation, balance easily cleared; good orchard, plenty of timber, fine house, cost $1400. but needs new roof; good barn, also needs new roof. Thl Is an old homestead; fine land; In good oil community, and is the biggest bargain in the country. If you want a good, small farm, , see this at one, as it will not stay on the market long t the price named, which is only $2000, $1200 cash, balance to suit t 7 per cent, or a little less for all cash LEWIS RIVER LAND COMPANY. wowiisna, nasn. 10 ACRES fairly well improved, housa, two wells, horses, cow, calf, wason, buggy, harnesses, 150 chickens;- Van couver: snap; $1700, $500 cash, balanr 6 per cent Angeles Trust company,. 326 Washington st Room 417. Main Klkl A-n.tSt A COUNTRY HOME - X4vt'v ouys IV .c-r-, nil Ji v i . 1 1 . . - tlon; house, barn, etc.: 4 acres good di ehard; mile to electric line. , . ' VESTERN LAND CO.. 417 Board of Trade bldg, io ACRKS good level Uuid. gooTXuild- - Inss fin well, on main traveh.l rii!. . - .t Tnrt1nn,l- 1. mllA f...... electric survey, on railroad; prii $li') ; Call at my restiiem-e, 242 Knolt sr. 238 ACRKS in -Yamhill rounlv, v.s.f.i ed with springs and lay will; s-mHti new house and barn; 3 rn!!es t price $7500; easy terms. l i n J .,.! Co.a. 417. Board of Tra.U. r0 ACRE, tlrst cImhh "!il. ! Iif.i.,, barn, etc. js a rttuv pr.nTi; r , ... . $1500; terms. Frank l.u . Hi i u h.r of t'ommerce. IB- YOU WANT TO M' ' t. , nun . " - .. - - Taylor, rsom lit i;uch.fian b!J.. Washington at SKNff'-r o ir'l'.bi t'f ", ii, .:"'" '' farm" before b'lvlr.tjj' i - free, u'mivl ....... i- . . 11 A