THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 12, 1903. IS ED F A PEER'S SOU Jfrs. Jessie Drummond-IIay Alleges Husband Was . C!oarse and Brutal. . -' (United PreM Uwl Tin.) ,. - ' Tacoma, Wash., Deo. 12. Mrs. Jessie Drummond-Hay, who claims to b the daughter-in-law of - Lord Drummond Hay, a. British peer and former am bassador to Russia, has been granted a divorce here. She told Superior Judge Clifford In court that her husband had spent two fortunes already, and al though still wealthy he had failed to treat his wife with even a semblance of respect or consideration, his attitude toward her being; "coarse and brutal." The, couple 'lived in Canada for some time, but Mrs. Drummond-Hay was forced to leave her husband and ac cept a position as - school teacher in this country. - The court slanted' her petition for the guardianship of the two sons, who are now in charge of their father in London. DENIES C0RTELY0U IS TO HEAD UNION TRUST New York, Deo. 12. J. T. 'Wood ward, chairman of a subsidiary com mittee of the trustees of the Union Trust company of New York, denied to day that Secretary of the Treasury Cortelyou had been offered the presi dency of the institution. Chairman Woodward declared that the committee that will select the new president was not ready to report. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. TOUNGI mn deMres furnished room or suite, close In, running water, heat and bath; give particulars. P-789. Jour nal. SIX rooms, all full, best location in city, bargain, corner; going east. 428 Alder, between 11th and 12th, MY 6 passenger auto or runabout for sale or trrtde for lots, house. farms, fruit lnnd. R-783, Journal. WILL trade town lots for good auto mobile. R-781. Journal. San Francisco Office Oregon Journal 1206 CALL BUILDING WEATHER REPORT Storm warnings were continued at 7:30 this morning at all stations in this district. A sever disturbance is central over BrlttKh Columbia. A maximum wind velocity of HO miles from the south oc curred last night at North Head. Wash., and the report from Tatoosh island I missing. Light to moderately heavy rains Jiave fallen In Oregon, Washing ton and northern Idaho. A second dis turbance is central north Of the Pa kotas, and a third disturbance Is central t sea off the middle Atlantic states. Light to moderately heavy ruin or snow hi) fallen In the northern states east of the Rocky mountains, and rain has fallen In the south Atlantic states. A large high pressure area is central over Nevada, and fair weather prevails In California. The indications, are for rain In this . district tonight and Sunday, with high southerly winds. It will bg cooler Sun day. Temp. Max.- Mln. Frecfn. Baker City. Or 32 28 0 Chicago. Ill 34 22 T. Lewiston. Idaho 4 4 38 .01 38 r,2 44 40 40 36 30 22 28 48 40 Los Angeles. Cal. ... 72 f2 .0 Marshfield, Or 4fi Portland. Or 4! Rosoburg, Or 42 T. Sacramento. Cal. ... til .0 St. lunula, Mo 4 St. Paul, Minn ! Salt Lake, Utah 38 San Antonio, Texas. . 72 Walla Walla, Wash.. 4 8 .0 .0 0 .0 .52 I MARRIAGE LICENSES Thomas D. Sharp, 214 Lincoln avenue, 34. and Ijivlna E. Fires, 25. Domonik I,agrande, 230 Arthur street, 47, and Conceits Mary Bruno, 28. H. A. Parloh, 752 East Eighth street, 29. and A. E. Holt, 2ti. J. H. Hjort, 321 Fifth street, 84. and Maude- Seofleld, 84. FLOWERS FOR WEDDINGS AND FU- nerals. Alfred Burkhardt Nob Hill florist. 120 23d st Main 502, A-8184. CATERING for parties, dinners and weddings; reasonable. Mrs. Sofie Mann, phone A-1339. Full dresu suits for rent all slses. Unique Tailoring Co.. 80 Stark et. LOWEST prices for choice cut flowers and design work. Main 603; A-3603. Gustav Burkhardt. 112 23d st, N. Wedding Card a W. O. Smith & Co, Washington bldg., eorner 4th and Wash. Ington sts. Bets & Bona, flcrlsts. funeral designs. 849H Morrison. Main 8095: A-1877. Clarke Broa, florists Fine flowers and floral designs. 289 Morrison st Max M. Smlth.florlst 150 6th et. op. posits Meier & Frank's. Main 7815. BIRTHS MEEKER To Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Meeker, 888 East Ninth street, De cember 11, son. LINCOLN To Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Lin coin, 808 Clackamas, December 9, a son. YAMAMOTO To Mr. and Mrs. R. Tam amoto, 62 North First street, Decem ber 4, a son. DEATHS BECKER Died December 11, 1908. at South Mount Tabor, Leonard Booker, age 71 years, lie leaves a wire, Mrs. Barbara Becker, and four children, Mrs. A. C Stark. Leonard Becker Jr., Mrs. C. J. Herrmann ana a inert r. .Becker. Funeral from Holman's undertaking parlors, Sunday, December 18, at 1:30 ft. m. U. a. n. cumrauea ana inenas nvited. Interment at Rlvervlew ceme- terv. WING Jak Wing (Chinese) city, De cember 11, age 66; carinoma. OLESON Emma Oleson, city. December 10, age 76; gangrene. JONES S. J. Jones, city, December 10, age 64. typnoia. MONUMENTS MARBLE! AND GRANITE MONTJ ments, all kinds cemetery decorations. 68-70 Grand ave. N. Imhoff & Dorcas. NET & KINGSLEY. 218 181'., PORT land's leading marble and granite wks. FUNERAL DIRECTORS DUNNING, M'ENTEB QILBAUOH. undertakers and embalmers: modern in every detail. Seventh and Pine. Main J. P. Finley & Sen Madri,.oan?d Lady -attendant, wain ; a-ip. K'n";'.r"ln nTro rr trTTXJ!iPt a t Tat rectors, embalmers, 170 Ruaseil. Bast 1088. Lady assistant. EDWARb HO WAN. . VNDERTAKfiR, A 9wA Biraar ERICKSON U embalm- ing; lady ass t; 409 Aider. M. 6133. CEMETERIES R08E CITY SINGLE GRAVES, 210; family lota, 828 to 8TS. Superintend ent at cemetery, corner of Fremont et and. Cully road. Phone Tabor 208. - Fot full Information spplv to Frank Sehla el. 888 Worcester blk. Phoae A-382J, MOIC Telephone Your Classified .v.-. -TO THE JOURNAL TELEPHONE Main 7173 A6051 Not responsible for er rors in ads taken over the telephone. For information as to contracts, consult the clas sified advertising man. A phone call will bring him to your place of business. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS ABSTRACTS carerully and correctly compiled and examined, charges rea sonable. Room 6, 221 Morrison st. Phone Main 8109. James M. Pugh Lawyers' Abstract Trust Co.. room Board of Trade bldg.; abstracts specialty. Paclflo Title Trust Co., the leading abstractors. 204-8-8-7 Falling bldg. lue uuarantee at Trust com. pany to William L. Slotboom. lot 10, block 17, West Piedmont 400 aaran j. smith to Kalph-J. Roney lots 16 and 17. block 12. Eva- iyn (00 Ladd Estate company to Edwin i aswell and J. Raymond Rog ers, lots 7 and 8, block 21, East Portland 212,600 Nordby-Craven Investment com pany to K. Kerekes, east 12 feet 6 inches of lot 16 and west 25 reet 9 to inches of lot 17. block 11. Park View extension t 40ft .riooen w. wiison, trustee to John EelKnao. lots 4 and R block 8. Council Creat nnrkg 1 40ft xuary j. smith to Carolyn C. Dil- ley, lot Iff. block 8. Burraae tract loo Mary J. smith to Anna Dilley iota it ana it. diock s. uurraae tract too ueore f. Beckman and wife to John H. McArthur. lots 9 and 10. block 9, Walnut Park 2,600 mrun nm ana wire to Marina Uubrlch. 8 acres in section 19. township 1 south, range 8 east 1,800 aueiaiue j. miner lo B. w. Stryker. lot 17. block 13. Mil ler's addition to Bellwood .. 1,275 ustacaoa state bank to 8. W. Strkyer. lot 17. block IS. Mil ler's addition to Sellwood . . . 700 icagar J. Daly to Charles Oauld. lots 14, 16 and 17, HUl.Vlew . . 6,000 cnanes a. Nelson and wife to trustees of Send Norwegian Danish M. E. church, lots 7 and 8, subdivision of block "F" Alblna Homestead, being the south 160 feet thereof 1,550 William Lee and wife to Grant IL Shaw, lots 7 and 8, block 8, Falrview 800 PL O. Henderson and wife to Charles Rebstock. undivided of the following: Part of traot "I" of School Park, In section 16 township 1 south, range 2 east 125 Holcomb Realty company to George W. Brown, lot 7, Beaver . sores 70S Columbia Trust company to John A. Lee, lots 8 and 4. WUberg Heights 800 Columbia Trust vcompany to F. N. Clark, lot 11. bfock 4. Wll berg Heights 800 William J. Pattern to Alice Esch richt, lots 1, 2 and 8, block 81. M. Patton's Second addition to Alblna 1.100 H. J. Blaesing and wife to Rosa City Cemetery association, lot 1. block 122, Rose City Park. . ' 1.750 Ralph E. Blaco and wife to T. 8. McDanlel, lots 2 and 4, block, 2, Stratford-Sydney addition.. 4,500 Joseph H. Nash, trustee, and wife to James D. Moore, lots 10 and 11, block 2, Woodmere 700 Albert Salstrand and wife to Gust W. Peterson, lot 1 and fiart of lot 8 in section 81, ownshin 1 south, ranaa 4 east. containing 26.82 acres 6,000 r. xx. ecnuiaerman ana wire to I L. Matlock,- lots 7 and 8, block 87. Wheeler's addition.. 18.000 John Haiaey Jones company to u. u. Budwortn, lot x, block 24. Jonesmore 460 John Halsey Jones company to j. K. ana u ri. . jiaguire, lot 12. block 22. Jonesmore...... 460 M. L. Holbrook and wife to Grace M. wick, lots 17 and 18, block 2. St Johns Park addi tion to St Johns 700 Moore Investment oompany to Christina van ratten, lot 6, block 26. Vernon ............ 550 J. P. Menefee and wife to O. A. Marklund. lot 14, block 83. Multnomah (To correct error) Mrs. C C. McQuinn to .. Robert Rakes, lots l and 2,. block 11, Oak Park Addition No. 2 to St Johns ........ - 425 Cltv Investment company to Jon- atnan Mosner. lot s, diock 1, -Southwest ! Sunnyside u,.!.. 825 Jennie A. Lament et al to F.' M. . Gates, lots 7, 8, block. 22. Pled- ' mont '. 1.200 M. E. Thompson and' wife to ' Charles E. Tooley, lot v2, block 7. Clifford addition to Alblna.. 125 WM1 REAJL ESTATE TRANSFERS Oeorga W. Watt and wlfa to Anna H' Nelson, lots' "M" and "N " Bllhlivlatnn of lnt 3 hlnr-lr 4, Portland homestead..,.,.... 1,200 W. K. Scott and wife to R.-W. Wilbur. lnta 11. 12 hlnelc vlS. John Irvlnrs First addition.:. . ' 800 W. U N. Gllroan et al to S, J Knutson et al. lot 1 hlwk a. -Havelock ...... v . 1 600 John J. cole to Carrie 8. Hoover, lot 11. and fractional lot 12. ' - block 72, Bellwood. . , . . . ,'; 850 O. C. Gray to Josiah A. Royer, , Iota 18, 19, block 2, Flrland. . . . . " 1,475 roruana urust company or Ore ion to Prank M . Hmnhnmr. lot 8, block 1, Tremopt Place.. - 12 Hattle M. Hanson to James A. Grav. lot 8. blncV la. Huuoni second addition. ,;., .', 1,800 J-aaa instate company to M. F. , Donahae. lot IS.. hlncV 12 Ladd's addition 1,950 iaaa instate company to M. F. Donahae. lot 10. block 18. Ladd's addition ............. 1,950 u. a. ruan ana wire to iottie B. West, lots 1. 2. X nd . Peninsular addition No. 2.... 1.750 Emu ttossm and wife to Ben Thomaa. lot t. block 13. Mult. nomah 400 Security Abstract & Trust com oanv to Frank H! . Wilton, lota 6 and 7, block 18, Elmhurst. 1,000 security ADstract & Trust com Danv to Georale E.' Hilton, lota 10 and 11, block 18. Elmhurst 1,200 security Abstract & Trust com- Iiany to Minnie E. Campbell, ots 8 and 4, block 18, Elm- ' hurst . T. W. Marshall and wife to Johe- 1.000 phlne Bennltt, aouth 60 feet of lot 1, block 1, Roohelle William F, Smyser and wife to H. A. Collins et al, lot 1. block 6, North Alblna ....... Juanita Jasperson Hubbard to James C. Russell et al, lot 7. block 5, in resubdlvisfon or blocks S, 4, 6, 6, 12, 13, 14, 24 and 25, Sunnyside addition John L. Schuyleman and wife to Joseph Ailing, north half of lot 8, block 'N," Tabor Heights; Mrs. Emma E. Denton to H. VS. Happersett, lot 5, block 23, Mount Tabor villa 1.000 T26 2,500 BOO 820 PACIFIC Title & Trust Co., the leading abstractors. Z(M-o-e- Failing Diqg. SEE Williams Abstract Co. for prices. Chamber of Commerce. 888 NEW TODAY. Don't Forget You have only 2 DAYS in which to secure a lot in Necarney City lor $75 NEHALEM BAY LAND COn PANY Room 3 Chamber of Commerce A LargeBody of Land for Sale At a great bargain if taken before first of year $20,000 cash. About 1000 acres, under cultiva tion; deep, rich soil, unexcelled for fruit; in noted fruit district. larger portion timber; railroad running through tract; not steep Necessary reasons for selling. ADDRESS T-312, JOURNAL i This-Modern Seven-Room House 100x150, ON CAKHNE: MUST SELL WIT.T. Tims i9ift(i- Trau nTJ imnn NO AGENTS. SEE THE OWNERS AT XM. S1H HI. . Do You Want a Home For 82500 we will show you a new 8 room house situated on a lot 60x100, 160 feet from the car line. The house is piped ror gas, wired ror electricity, has bath, toilet, wash bowl, sink, etc. There is a full basement and wood lift Terms reasonable. If the above interests you, can ana see us. Thompson & Ogden 848 MISSISSIPPI AYXKTCB. - THET 2o ncaras nr OVERLOOK THE FIRST ADDITION TO GRADB BTKJSUiXB WITH A Dili. AM SHOVEL. MOST SIGHTLY BUILDING SPOT IN fOKTliAJNJJ. OmCI 807 BTJIUrSXSB BT. IF TOTf 2EATS PKOPXXTT TOM BAUS XT IS SESIBABZiT LOCATED FBICE IS &IUHT YOU WAST QUICK ACTIO List at once with us. We have buyers waiting. C. aJ. OWEN Sz CO Phone A -3 463. 309 Lumber Ezohaaspa, ONLY $2150 for close in EAST SIDE HOME Modern, 5 rooms, easy terms. HENRY C. PRUDHOMME Cham, of Com. Insurance- and Loans. SOUTH PORTLAND Nicest corner on Whlttaker street with good 11-room residence. Must be AOBXTZCES for quick sal. Investigate ' this. HENRY C. PRUDHOMME Cham, of Com. , Insurance and Loans. East Side Home in very desirable neighborhood: mod ern; furnace; electric lights; two oar lines,' This can be had on very easy terms. Sea Owner, 208 Chamber; of Commerce. NEW TODAY. Some Good Buys 82.100 New 5 room cottage, modern. - nice lawn, large shade trees, splendid - location. . . ,......;...-,'- S2600 New 6 room bungalow, ' gas and electricity, battv basement; 600 cash, balance $25 per month. S300O -New 6 room house gas, bath ,. and full basement nice lawn, fruit trees, 1 block to carUne. . S4200 New 8 room house, modern, - large reception hall, nice lawn, fruit trees, 1 block to- carline, Al location. S45Q0 Splendid new 8 room house with sleeping porch, large reception hall, full cement basement, cement trays, furnace and' fixtures, on car line, a One home." Take Sunnyside or Mount Tabor car. Office cor. E. 87th and Belmont Phone Tabor 767. C. T. SALING & BR0. CAPITOL, HILL. The best of all. In Portland proper. Inside the city limits on the West Bide, the same side as the entire business section of the city; 5 cent carfare. Ore gon Electrlo railway runs through the center of Capitol Hill fo more than half a mile; depot on the ground; 10 minutes' ride from the business center. Every lot a beauty, 60x100 feet or more, price only 2250 per lot Terms given. We are also giving away free a nice 7 room house with choice lot all ready for occupanoy. What do you think of this for a Xmas presentT Call at our office and see about this. Clohesey Si Smith, 401-8 MoXajr Bldg-. Mortgage Loans A8 lowest Current Xats. Building loans. Installment Xioana. . Wm. MacMaster 303 Worosster Block. MEETING NOTICES 41 B. P. O. ELKS The members of Port land lodge No. 142, are requested to meet in our lodgeroom tomorrow (Sun day) at 1:10 p. m. snarp, 10 conauci the funeral service of our late brother, S. J. Jones. Visiting brothers are in vited to assist By order of ths exalt ed ruler. C. M. Bills, secretary. SOCIAL DANCE M. W. A., Selllng- Hirsch hall. Tenth ana Washington, Monday evening. December 14. First class music. Public invited. M. W. A. OREGON GRAPE CAMP. No. 6(76. Monday Selllng-Hirscb block, 10th and Washington sta M. W. A EVERGREEN CAMP. 6.488, meets Wednesday evenlnc Alisky bldg.. 8fl and Morrison sta FOR SALE REAL ESTATE 16 Going Fast at Swlstcn Special discount 'bf 10 per cent for a few days. Less than 200 lots remain unsold out of the thousand that were placed on the market three months ago. Prices will more than double m the next fv months. Two streetcar lines are projected through the prop erty. These lots are but 3 miles from the steel bridge and are di rectly north of Piedmont and ad join Swift & Co.'s townslte. Ken ton. Streets are graded to city en f lneer's stakes and Bull Run wa er in every street. Terms, 10 per cent down and 2 per cent per month. We are always ready to show our property in automo biles. Sundays Included. Columbia Trust Company Room 711 Couch bldg. Washington and 4 th sts. Sale or Exchange 100x100. on good street In city of Eugene: will take horses, cat tle or a lot in Portland. Value about $500. 509-10 Buchanan Bldg., 286 H Wash. St. $2650 Will buy an 8 room modern house, new, on E. 12th st. N full lot 81000 cash, balance can be arranged. Otto & Harkson 188H 1st St. Don't Miss This Beautiful little 5 room home on E. Alder st., at a bargain, very easy terms. Hoom 15. zvot wasnington st. A NICE 6 room furnished cottage, with reception hall, closets, pantry, bath; hot and- cold water; basement; on Klllingsworth ave., close to 2 carllnes; tzu per montn. CHITTENDEN & OTTO, 268 Stark at- room 17. $756 CASH, balance easy terms, for rr orn .Inn. In ... . . I .1 . ,. . .. . very desirable neighborhood. 2 carllnes; lurnace. electric llchts. aas. launiM-v tubs, shades and linoleum Included: can give immediate possession; for sale by owner. 806 Chamber of Commerce. 8 ROOM modern residence, 8 full lots In thriving vouna citv tributary to Port land; circumstances compel us to sell at sacrifice, 35000; half cash; exceptional opportunity for purchaser to enter busi ness. Particulars room 7. 181 H 1st st TO SETTLE ESTATE Two modern 5 room cottages, nearly new. with concrete foundations, on 100x100. in Sunnyside. Waldemar Seton. attornev at law, room 431 Worcester bldg., Sd and Oak, Portland, Or. ROOM house 1 block from car line, $300. 6 room house. 1 lot. 2 blocks from car line, $700, and other good barralns. Star Real Estate C, 2d ave., Lents; take Mount Scott car. FOR SALE By owner, modern 6 room Oneen Ann hniiM Afil T.lnnnln . . gas, electric light, furnace, sewer In and paid for; no reasonable offer refused. Phone Woodlawn 860. FOR SALE: 7 room cottage, 702 Ever- eu si. Deiween zisi ana zza; price, $4500: terms, $2000 down, balance mortgage 6 per cent Inquire owner, 318 Failing bldg. 26x50 LOT 'on Halsey st. near Wil liams ave.; will build 8 or 7 room house; reasonable amount down, bal ance same as rent Dlel & Huston, 413 cucnanan oiujc. LAST CHANCE $226 cash and 81000 in monthly installments will buy 100x133 feet 1 block from Bawthorne ave. C. J. Owen & Co., 802 Lumber Exchange, Phone A-8463. CHEAP lots for sale, lots 40x115, only a oiicks irora cur ana ciose lo city 3200: $10 down and $5 a month. And.v son & McDaniels, office at Laurelwood station. i4uu onr t room cottage, 3 blocks rrom car: poultry nouse: terms ixko cash, balance - 815 oer month. Ameri can Trust (jo., 300 Chamber of Com merce. EXTRAORDINARY OPPORTUNITY. 3125 Hlfth. siahtlv. level lnf- wt In. 6 cent carline; $3 monthly. ADLER 226 Lumber Rvnhann NEW modern 8 room house in Holla day's addltl-n; also lots in Holladay Park addition. Call Rex Fiirnltiir r-n at 2d and Main sts. Main 8193. 8,500 BUYS a swell, up-to-date," 8-room residence In the Nob Hill district 14 Hamilton Bldg.. Portland. Or! 2150 FOR modern- east aide home; close in. Morrison carline: thla ta genuine bargain; see Henry C. Prud- nomme, uy i nam per or commerce. 8 ROOM modern house, full basement, 'walking distance; terms. Owner, 469 R. Ash. East 8011. ,i WILL get you anything you want in trade for anything you have. Apply 714 8wetland bldg. - , FOR SALE Nice modern- house, cfmse in. clean. Phone ( Kaat 108. It 102O Call 461 Hawthorns- , ; 1 ' FOR SALE REAIi ESTATE 16 Vacant Property t I 800 60 foot lot on Kerby st,. near new high school site, and 2 blocks from tearllne, street .'graded and sewer In street; lm- provements paid for; terms 8100 cash, balance , $15 per 8 476 60 foot lot on Congress St., 100 ..i,., feet from cement walk leading to . carUne; this lot lay low i easy . terms. 800 Fine lot on Summer at, near "L," carline and new high school site; if you are a car man, bet ter, look this up; terms 210 down and 210 per month. 2 400 Corner lot on Humbolt st; half casn. 81.600 For 8 full sized lots on Pres cott st, near Patton ave., easy terms; wlU sell 1 or 2, 675 Each, for 2 full sized lots on "L" carline; terms half cash, Daiance on or berore i year at 7 net cent 22,000 For 2 full sized, east front lot on Cleveland ave., terms or cash; this is a good buy. Thompson & Ogden 848 Mississippi ave. Phones Woodlawn 202, Home C-2008. BARGAINS 82000 buys 40 acre apple ranch, 82 miles from Portland, 1 mile to station and boat landing, good house, fine spring water, 00 choice trees, in fact an ideal home. I have 6 and 10 acre tracts all im proved on carline close to Portland, best buy on market today; 8165 per acre; terms. Two relinquishments, county road running through them, good soli, fine creek some timber, balance easy clearod, fet your filing in office at Portland, on't miss this chance for a home. J. W. TAGGART, 188 Alisky bldg. Phone M. 6418. A Home A Business 22200 Five room modern house. 4 lots, 7 milch cows, 100 chickens, barn, located in splendid community, together with milk route having monthly receipts of 2150. Will take In trade small cot tage on east side not to exceed 21800. This Is a bargain. The milk route -is worth at least 21000. Will take part cash down and balance 2 vears. Take Woodlawn car. W. H. M. Smith Phone Woodlawn 2277, 1060 Union Av. N. FINE HOUSE BUY 83000, M cash, 6 room new, strictly modern, lot 60x100, K. Davis St. 82000, V, cash, 8 rooms new. Just built, all modern, complete etc., near carline, fine view, close in, worth much more, "money talks" (others all prices). 12600. U cash, elegant corner lot 80x 100, "double" Broadway N. WEST COAST TIMBER CO., Grand theatre bldg.. Main 7362. A-1886. Acre Near Myrtle Park, absolutely clear and level. Lots selling at 8260 and $300. well built up all around. A bargain at 81200 cash. KAUFFMANN&IOORE 826 Lumber Exchange. Suburban Homes 2 seres. Improved, with good 6 room house; only short distance from car Une; price, $3000; 21000 will handle it. Good 8 room plastered house, 8 lots, all covered with fruit; overlooking the Willamette river. 1 block from carline; including 2900 worth of good furniture; 13200; $1000 will handle it. OTTO & HARKS0N 133H 1at st. INVESTMENT CHOICE BUY. $2100 5 room cottage, furnished, ready for housekeeping, full lot, south front, paved street, cement side walks, fine view, excellent sur roundings, fine lawn, fruit trees and garden; all for above price; owner going to California; $1100 cash, balance 8 per cent, 2 years; no agents. Owner. OWNER will sell a modern tj room dwelling, 60x100. corner lot, east front, all In bearing fruit trees, 3 blocks from 2 carllnes; fine view of 3 mountains; near Thompson grammar school; also near new Alblna high school; first class finished throughout; $3000. cash $500, balance monthly pay ment $25 per month and interest Phone wooqiawn zv&v. SNAP NEAR SWIFT'S PLANT At Portsmouth, house and 4 lots on comer, facing McKenna Park; $1400; terms; cash, $560, balance $15 per month. NATIONAL REALTY & TRUST CO.. 826 Washington St.. room 616. WE BUILD HOMES To suit you at small cost and very easy payments. There Is no reason 7hy you should not own your own home. Call and see us and let us explain bow easy it is to do so. THE VETERAN LAND CO, 8 22 Chamber of Commerce. WHY NOT 7 UNEEDA BUNGALOW. Let us build It for you. WHY NOT? BUTTERWORTH-8TEPHENSON CO.. 35 Lafayette bldg., 6th and Washington. Main 8629. A BARGAIN $2750 $500 down, balance like rent new California bungalow, 5 rooms, paneled dining room, beam cell lnir. fireplace, built In buffet. Dutch kitchen, large basement, a beauty in every respect; let us show it to you. 612 Couch bldg. $1650 $100 CASH, $15 per month and Interest. 6 room house, near Piedmont car barns; modern conveniences; lot 33x100. Inquire 1095 Maryland ave. C. R. Dcnnell & Co. Real Estate. Room 338 C. of C. FOR SALE Just listen: 6 room mod ern cottage, Sunnyside. near car line. $2260, terms. Speer & Co., 1000 Bel mont ave. WANT money quick. Two of the beat lotil In Piedmont, $700 each. Must show themf today not Sunday. W. W. Payne, 1210 Williams ave: $1260 NEW 6 room cottage, porcelain bath, hot and cold water, barn, Mount Scott line; $5 down-. J. D. Sowerby, 806 1st. Phone .Main 7810. 6 ROOM house, modern, between Union and Grand ave.. best snap on market Bee this quick; easy terms, $2700. Call room 7, 181 1st st. GOOD lot for livery stable or ware house, on Vancouver ave., close in; will sell cheap. Diel & -Huston. 413 Buchanan bldg. FOR BALE 7 acres garden land In Beaverton, high state cultivation, good buildings, fruit 400 feet from O. E. sta tion. M. B. Hand, Heaverton. ur. SMALL cottage and lot, 60x100, North Mount Tabor Park, block from Montavilla car. modern Improvements, $800; terms. 116 E. 68th st. N. . BARGAIN 5 acres, 7 miles out, Esta cada line; some improvements; $1900; half cash, Inculre owner,, L. Wagner, at Gilbert station, or 149 Front St. $650 EACH Two lots, corner on Mon tana ave., south of Klllingsworth: lay well, east front Inquire 1096 Mary land ave. GUARANTEED bargain, 1 choice cor ner lot; level, good view, near carline, $125; $20 cash, payments. G-100, Jour nal. SUBURBAN lots, $300; fine view; will . double value in 1 year: easy terms; investigate; no agents. XY-8. Journal. 7 ROOM, modern house, west side. walking; distance: tensns if desired, Taggart, 4 Chamber of Commerce. ARB YOU going to buy a house? If so . see ma rirst i nave me oesi room pargain in ine City. l-au, jjnurwai. MODERN 6 room cottage, cement base ment, all improvements. Insurance paldr$3500. 240 E. 36th st $500 DOWN and $20 per month will buy rn Strlotlv modern bunaaio Call Ta bor 1164 for particulars. BARGALN $650, corner ft C K A MAaxtats Ia I v Puatftn H4.WAUT fUUVl VVI W VtCSlUH on Powell .Valley road, easy terms. 4$ Commercial bldg. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE 10 $4200 A nice new 7 room house, sit uated on a corner lot; complete and modern. If you wish a home v. let us show you this property. Terms reasonable. $1500 A small house- near Piedmont carbarns and not far frorn the new high school site. $25008 room house, new and near the carline. $2000 6 room house, not far from O. 1 R. & N. shops; fruit, roses; cement walk. Terms, about cash. $2960 New modern 8 room house; east front, corner lot: 16 bearing fruit trees. Terms, H cash, bal ance $20 per month. $3000 S room modern house, situated ' on east front lot; only 2 blocks from the Piedmont carbarns; suit able for rooms. Part cash, bal ance on time. If you desire to have an Income by keeolnar room ers we consider this a splendid buy.. Thompson & Ogden M8 Mississippi Ave. Phones. Woodlawn 202, Home C-2008. BARGAINS. BARGAINS. 8800 4 room house, 2 lots, Bull Run water: on Hawthorne ave. 81000 New 4 room bungalow, modern, lot 60x100, fenced; good soil. 81750 8 room modern cottage, new, eement basement lot 60x100.; terms. Moom is, Hamilton bldg., 131 3d St. GOOD 6 room house with basement and clothes closet nice new barn, 7 va rieties of nice fruit, lot 62MxUi, 3 blocks from Main St., Oregon City, a town where there Is plenty of work for working man; lays level and nice. Price, $1300. William M. Smith, owner, box 73. Oregon City. FOR SALE Lot 60x100, in Vernon, 8400, H cash. 713 E. 11th St.. Sell wood 458. ACREAGE 57 Acreage Bargain 7 acres in heart of Mllwaukle. all level and under cultivation, 4b acres fine bearing orchard, well cared for; V4 acre berries; good 6 room house worth $1800; good barn- and several other buildings; 8 blocks to school and poatofflce; R. R. station close. The price. Including cow, horse, 2 wagons, farming implements, chickens, etc., only $8000; $2000 cash; can't be beat. Call on us. COLUMBIA TRUST CO. 714 Couch Bldg. Platting: Proposition 6 acre tract, center of Penin sula; high and sightly; 2 blocks from carline; 100 per cent on money vested. COLUMBIA TRUST CO. 714 Couch Bldg. WANTED REAL ESTATE 81 LAND WANTED. Farms and acreage on O. W. P. car- lines. For eastern buyers. O. W. P. LAND CO., 1st and Alder sts. OREGON HOMES CO. WANTS HOMES TO SELL. ' EITHER CITY OR COUNTRY. 221 4 MORRISON ST. WE HAVE BUYERS FOR CITY REAL estate, and farms. what hava vou to sell? Will deal with the owners only. 205 Wells-Fsrgo bldg. WANTED To buy good modern 5 or 8 room cottage, not too far out. Dlel & Huston. 413 Buchanan bldg. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 24 EXCHANGE 820 acre farm, all rolllne hill land nearly all lies nice to cultivate; al well renceo; u acres cultivated, 40 acres more very easy to clear. 40 acres good umoer; Daiance open ana orusn pas ture. Good 8 room houae, barn and outbuildings, nice orchard, water piped to house from springs: good nelghbor- nooa near scnooi. teieonone ana it. k. D. Will take house in Portland as part pay. rnce, diuu. 27 acres rolling land, above 1000 bearing fruit trees, 1600 strawberries. 6 acres more cultivated, balance In tim ber, near Salem. Trade for Portland I property. $1900. 250 acre fine Improved farm, near Salem, with cows, horses, hogs, chlck- : ens, Implements, feed, etc. Wlll trade for a small farm. $18,000. 36 acres, all cultivated; good build ings, running water, cows, horses, hogs, chickens, feed and implements; only 7 miles out on a good road. Take some good property in town as part pay. $7350. 80 acre Improved farm, near electrlo carline, with cow, horses, hogs, chick ens, feed and Implements. Will take some good Portland property. $8000. 14 acres, beautiful piece of land, all cultivated; good house and barn, about 400 choice bearing fruit trees, chiefly apples; fronts on good road about '4 mile to electric carline and easy drive into Portland; will trade for income city property. Price $6625. SO acres rolling hill land, near Salem: over 1500 bearing rruit trees, Zbuu ! atrawherrlps. gooseberries, lnganberrle. ! currants and raspberries, good 5 room I house in nice order, barn, etc. Will trade for Portland property; prefer ! some vacant lots. iaou. 30 acres, all Improved, on electric carline. close in; house, barn, orchard. Will trade for timber land. 15 acres, choice location, on carUne: 725 apple trees, 100 pear trees, 40 cherry trees, 25 English walnuts; good house, hot and cold water, bath; good barn. Trade for larger farm. 40 acres, all choice) level land; 15 acres cultivated, house and barn, road on two sides; adjoins a good town on the railroad. 25 miles out Will, trade for good Portland property. IS acres, nice level land, all highly cultivated; good 6 room house, brick basement new barn, henhouses, berries, cherries, apples. 110 walnut trees, 350 filberts, a beautiful small home. 1 mile to depot; good town. Will trade into a dairy or stock farm. $4200. 126 acres, 15 acres cultivated, 60 acres open land, running water: good land for stock or fruitsaituated near Salem. Will trade for Portland prop erty or acreage. Price $3500. 511 Qerllnger bldg., 2d and Alder. FOR TRADE. A good 25 acre fruit and chicken farm to trade-for some good income bearing Portland property; finest of soli, near R. K. station; poor buildings; no phoning, but call on Bronfc-Steele Co. 110 Second St FOR SALE OR TRADE A 4 room new plastered house, with full plumbing and fixtures and a nioa lot 40x100: only 1 block to car and close) In. Price $1050, $180 down and 310 a month. Will trade for a good team of horses and wagon. Anderson ft McDoweL office at Laurel wood station. GOOD land, improved or unimproved. . clear of incumbrances, available to Portland, to exchange for houses and lots and assume mortgages. - Dlel & Huston. 413 Buchanan bldg. WILL get you anything yoit want' in trade for anything you hare. Apply T14 Swetland bldg.. $150 21 FOOT launch for sale, or trada for real estate. Charles K. fiantx. St Johns, Or. , EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 1 wa""aaSSjsskeasiBwiaBSsws ' FOR TRADH. J- -Territory for a splendid sell ing article to farmers to trade for property in and near Portland. .Com In and see us. .- Bron?-Steele Co. 110 Second St WANTED to sell or trade, seven pas senger 40 h. p. automobile, '07 model. In , good condition, for real estate or good securities; citv or country prop erty. 411 Couch bldg. i HAVE' 200 acres of fine wheat land io. eastern Oregon. . What . have yout Owner. Address D., care The Heller, . Hawthorne and Grand aves. 2 LOTS, Marsbfleld, near new high school: value 3400: to trade for Port- land lots; pay difference. K-251. Journal gflod 11 room house, fine corner; will trade or acreage. R-776, Journal. FOR SALE FARMS 17 $760 3 ACRES overlooking Columbia river, close to railroad station and boat landing; stores, school and church; party Improved; house, barn, etc. Ideal site for country home. . Will give terms. $1000 41 H acres near Latourelle, Multnomah county, JU miles from river and railroad station: 7 acres cleared; 2 room house, bam, sheds, chicken house; well, running stream; on R. F. D. ; phone in house. Will sell stock and farm tools If desired. $1150 66 acres creek bottom, 5 miles from Vancouver; fine garden land; 8 acres has been grubbed. A snap for cash. - $2200 80 acres In Cowlita county, 5 miles from river and railroad station; 5 acres in cultivation, balance easily cleared; lots of outside range; good 5 room house, large barn, well, springs, running water: St. mile to school, 1 miles to church. $3200 38 acres 60 rods from Oregon City bridge, near electrlo line, on crest of hill; splendid site for home; unim proved. Investigate this. $3200 80 acres 8 miles east of Wood burn, on R. F. D. route; good road; 1 mile to school, church 2 miles; fine land, no rock or gravel; 15 acres cultivated; near ly half million feet timber; house, 3 barns. 2 chicken houses, mllkhouse; family orchard. Terms, half cash. $4000 71 acres H4 mtles from Mon- . mouth, close to State Normal grounds; fine land; all in cultivation; new house, fair barn, stable, chicken house, good Yences, some fruit; a fine place In every way. and price is low. $18.000 276 acres of Columbia river bottom below Vancouver, and nearly all cleared; S to 10 acres orchard; good house, 2 large barns, outbuildings; 80 head cattle go with place.. Finest kind of dairy and stock farm. The Washington and Oregon Realty Company 808-309 Merchants Trust Bldg.. ' 6th and Washington. Phone Main 2404, And 300 Main St., Vancouver, Wash. 40 Acres within 2 miles of electric line,. 12 miles of Portland, good 6 room house, barn, chlckenhouse and woodhouse, 11 head cattle, good team horses, chickens, pigs, . and all small tools; good spring and creek, family orchard, some timber on place, for $4500, cash, balance 6 per cent 80 Acres near McKee station, house, barn and hothouse, 4 acres of orchard, 50 acres in cropi 16 acres slashed, balance timber, 1 mile of school, for $5500. 40 Acres all tillable. in cultivation, the rest cleared, orchard and good buildings on place, good water, less than 2 miles of depot and boat landing; a snap at $2000, . cash. L.L. Mcffett 423 Lumber Exchange bldg. ' Farms and Acreage 40 acre farm, 12 miles of Port land, $4000. 6 acres, home and barn, near Bertha, $35,000 160 acre farm. 8 mtles of Port land, $16,000. 10 acres, 8 miles of Portland, $800. 96 acre farm, 9 miles of Port land, $9,500. 10 acres near Eagle creek, $1100. 40 acre farm near Gresham, $7000. 5 acres near Alberta, $6000. 120 acre fruit land near Med ford. $2400. For terms and particulars see Germantown Realty Co. 326 Washington St.; room 218. Main 7333. 156 Acres 6 miles from Newberg, Or.; 75 acres cl earned, balance in oak grubs: stream across place; well and three good sprtngs; 10 acres rood garden land: Dew soil; price 50 per acre; half cash, balance easy. 160 Acres In Tillamook county, Oregon; tw acres in cultivation, 20 acres pas ture, balance has 7,000,000 saw timber; new 8 room house, new barn, 80x60; water piped to hous and barn. Price $5000; $2700 cash, balance 6 per cent SPENCER & CO. 102 Second St LOOK AT THIS! 90 acres. 60 In cultivation, land a little sloping, balance fine pasture, no hills, best kind of land for apples or walnuts, springs on place, water piped into house, new house, new barn, other outbuildings. . orchard, located on K. F. D., telephone, milk route, $ miles from good railroad town, miles from Forest Grove, good team, new wagon and harness, 6 good cows, a lot of farming tools, all for 36000; will give terms. Investigate thla Apply to M. I NOBLE, Forest Grove, Or. 80 Acres Most all bottom land; 23 acres cleared; good buildings; all stock, machinery; everything goes at $4000. v The Coast Realty Co. 220 Lumber Exchange. $25.000 240 ACRE farm, 120 In cultli vatlon, 9 room bouse,' large barn, fxanary, etc.; 2 acres in orchard, V mile o school, 1 mile to R. R., 28 head of stock, 75 tons of bay. 300 bushels oats, and chop feed to winter stock: and ail farm tools. Less than 20 miles from Portland. WESTERN LAND CO.. 417 Board of Trade bldg. - 40 Acres Good house bottom lanl; I miles from Yacolt, Clarke county. Washington; $600. . Tfcecast Realty Co. 220 Lumber Kxgliang". 252 ACRES In Li fin town and IV H : 6 r barns, running ir, telephone end li. ( 1 WlU take f..i)t I ' t , prouert y. I I f WF - r ; ' . T -417., : ,-: i ( f . , , A