The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 12, 1908, Page 10, Image 10

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-"" -, -A"
mmm news
King", Field
Track and
b'Conneirs Thursday Kigtt
I Opponent Has Marvelous
; Development of Muscles.
; ; "People can talk of the beautifully
- muscled men around Portland, but I'd
like to have them eel a glimpse of the
superb development of Mike Dwyer,
the wrestler who meets O'Connell here
.' next Thursday night," remarked Walt-r
McCredie, shaper of the destinies of
tne Portland baseball clubs, last evo
nlng. "Why, that fellow is simply won
derful on muscle. I used to run across
Mike when I ' played baseball in the
east, and I want to tell you that be
win show the. local fans something
i claspy In the wrestlm art.
"Say, Caaey," said Mao, 'turning to
' the popular second baseman, ' how
would you like to tote around a 12H
inch chest expansion. That's r what
Dwyer s got, and I've seen him meas
ure dozen times.' I tell you It's sim
ply wonderful the way that man has
developed himself. He must feel pret-1
ly cnesty. i '
Mao Qrows Warm
- Then Mae launched Into a discussion
of the wrestling merits oJf Dwyer and
O'Connell. "Of course, I am not going
to predict the outcome. I know that
Dwyer is a dangerous man against any
of em. .-I: think .that outside or Far
mer Burns he is tho cleverest fellow
on the padded mat today. There is not
a tucn of the game that he doesn't
know. He will undoubtedly have more
BirriiKin man u i,vnnu tor mis is in1
variably true of a bigger man.
"Whether Dwyer is as fast as O'Con
nelL I am not prepared to say. How
ever, I doubt If ' Dwyer or any 1 other
man living can get over the,, canvas like
that chap. 1 saw Wm toy with-Hein-rlch
and I am anxious to see him
against a man of hfc own mettle. Dwyer
is that man. j
"In clevernesa, and knowledge of the
game the two are matenca.. i wing
. farmer Burns the cleverest of them all.
O'Connell trained 'six months wJfh
Burns. In addition he has trained for
long periods with ' Jenkins, Amertcua,
Kred Beeli, the greatest little man in
ine woria, rang uotcn ana outer wiz
ard of the grappling game. . BJvery
thing'equal It .will be a test Of speed
against superior weight. Take It from
roe that the. Portland fans will witness
such a bout as has never before been
pulled Kom Fdrtiand.
Accommodations Better..
One thing In- . connection-. with tho
: maicn . inai' pieases- -iner apecjaiora - is
the securing ot the Exposition rhik for
the bout. There has been an errort on
the part of the management to supply
better accommodations with each match
and this policy will be carried out with
relation to Thursday night's affair.
High backed, broad seats wilt be pro
vided the -fans around the elevated ring.
A huge light will be dropped from the
: center of the hall just above the mat
In order to make the struggle clearly
seen from every seat " In the rallerv.
The blir boilers in the building will be
started during the'progress of skating
i Thursday afternoon so that vthe halt
win oe very comionaDiy neatea - oy
time for the match. The roller skating
will be suspended but for the one
Dr. Wylie O. Woodruff yesterday re
ceived a draft for. 1250 from Da B. K
Roller of Seattle which the latter will
pout as forfeit, to s meet O'Connell.
O'Connell will cover the money and the
$250 more the physician-athlete wants
as a side bet, but says that Roller will
have to wait his turn to meet htm.
O'Connell accepted several challenges
before Roller came through with his
deft and doesn't feel like cancelling
them to please Roller.
Several letters which breathed every
thing but love and affection have passed
between the grapplers and when they
finally - come together therv will b
something doing. -
The first local game' of the Northwest
T. M. C. A. league, went' to Portland
last night, when the speedy team from
Bellingham was defeated, 3t td 17. A
large crowd filled the local "gym" to
watch the contests
For such an early game the work of
the locals was remarkable. The first
half of the game ended 19 to 10 in favor
; of Portland. -
Fur Portland Toung and Hart man
were the stars for the locals, while
Sheets gave excellent support to th
leant. Sweeney, Gates and Freeman
also played good ball. Macbeth, Ander
son and Horn played best for the
, visitor.
The lineup: , , -
Portland. Position. Belllnarhnm
Hartman...,,......F Grue
Sheets F... . .. Macbeth
Young C Horn
Sweeney. G Early wine
oaies, jTeeman u Anderson
Questionable Tactics of He
brew Champion Disgust
. Big Crowd , of Fans.
By Xa Morlarlty.
Los Angeles. Dec. 12. Abe Attell
gathered the decision from Ad Wolgast
at Naud junction last night, but he did
it in Such an unsatisfactory manner that
a lot of people wish Wolgast had won.
Alter making tne Milwaukee boy ap
pear as the veriest amateur for three
rounds. Attell suddenly ceased extend
ing himself and was content with now
an anon pecking away at Wolgast'a low
ered head with occasion displays of
form. . '.
One Of two thlnra are true raa-arillntf
last night's bout and neither do credit
to the featherweight champion. If At
tell pulled as It seems very apparent
that ha did he Is to be criticised for
the sake of those who put crp good coin
to see a man do his best.
Time after time Attell has nut men
on "Ice" for future reference. Hie play,
thing affair with Harry Baker the first
time so deluded many fans that they
backed Baker to . win the second time
put.' .With ridiculous ease Attell
knocked Baker out long before the
scheduled time.
. Aue's Btaxniva Is Gone.
If Attell Claims ha dill hi. hat than
he was surely retrogaded; not so much
In science as la stamina. Even Attell's
enemies could bet admire him In 4he
two opening rounds. His hminr
maxterful and made Wolgast appear like
There was no knockdown. Mni
umu nuv uox upngni ana coveted in
such effective manner that it la nnu.
tionable whether Attell fighting at his
best could have scored a knockout.
Wolgast showed , very strong In the
tunc live nmnas. so ra r am rtchtino in.
stlnct was concerned. . Ha aiinncxuiAH in
innuuig several gooa wallops on Attell's
face, though he missed a countless num
ber which Attell iudared with marvoinn.
Attell promised that -be wmil win
And. he did. He asserted strongly that
ne would go tne limit with Wolgast. If
he did S3 then the featherweight title
Is In danger of changing hands In the
Another nn Turn.
Most tit Ihou h hln.
tell, however, hoi lev that in
ma iiawa mvcniiona ne nas simply put
wi c uviuv vn ice.
What Droved to ha on ne ho h
battles' ever witnessed' here occurred
when Fraiikle Sullivan and Toung Terrv
McGoverh clashed in a bout hinh t
ten rounds. The lads, weighed In at 118
POUndK. flew at HB.Oh other lllra a si,r,l.
of jnad hornets. There were several
knockaowns, much sprawling between
the ropes and lots of fast, clean fignt-lnr-
It was a good draw.
Jimmy Austin stopped WiTlie O'Keefe
in the second round of a scheduled six
Tom ChSVera won a battla rnval ha.
tween five negroes.
The Bralnard Cub indoor baseball
earn, which is attached to th v..t
Side Athletic club, won it thirrf nn.
seoutlve game of the season by defeat
ing the newly organized toftm ef tha
Catholic Young Men's club Thursday
mgni upon tne latter diamond. The
game Was fast and well nlavaA tha
club boys putting up a much stlffer
game than was expected against their
more experienced opponents. The score
was 7 to I for full nine Innings, and the
time one hour and five minutes. The
fine, large e-vmnaaium nf tha a thnii
club was brilliantly lighted and the
iioor, aitnougn slippery, was Ideal for
an inuuur duii game.
McKensle. the Cub twlrler. mrneren'
a bunch of strikeouts, and Sweeney, for
the Catholic club, was not far behind.
The Cubs have now defeated the Ma
chinists, Caaket company and Catholic
ciuo, ana wouia like to take a fall out
or tne uold seals. Tbe Catholic club
win irj io nave an inaoor game in its
tsm ucn wkk,
i . tLX,,?,M-a-:f 'V.V.: .4' ::: I ..' ' ,.
: " .-
Wondefful human fighting machine who has told aspiring light
weights that they must fight it out among themselves before they can
go into the ring with him. This is the latest and best photograph of
the pugillst-capltallst-literateur.
Americans Hold Out Till
Last in the Six-Pay
Bicycle Race.
: Pendleton Beats The Dalles."
Pendleton, Or.. Deo. it. Pendleton
hi ah school Scored victorias nvor hnth
the boys" end 'r' barket ball teams
nere iasc-nignt Tne Pendleton girls
won their Rama, 7 to 2, while the boys
iuiicu up a, o io ii victory.
Pains in
(he Stomach
Caused by. Gas and Foul Odors
Speedily Removed by Stuart's
Charcoal Lozenges.
Trial Package By Kail, Tree.
Pyrosis (Oastrlc pain), gastritis and
many other stomach and bowel troubles
caused by formation of gas, are almost
instantly removed by a generous use Of
L.' ft,...- ' T
These little losenaes kill bad breath
and stop gas making by oxidizing the
odors and gases. Charcoal absorbs one
hundred times Itself in gas. They turn
foul fumes and gases Into oxygen.
which sweeten the system. They are
made from, pure ' willow , and sweet
honey and are a denghtful aid to the
mouth, stomach and bowels. The Japa
nese use charcoal for- a tootnwash ana
an old Chinese proverb runs thu
"Sweet Is the breath of a Nipponese"
The mouth fluids ere alkaline, thus
waste food held by tooth cavities Is
attacked and decays rapidly, causing
foul odors to arise. Charcoal renders
tne saliva sweet by ckidizlng it and
does away with foul fermentations and
decay. ,-
Kvery druggist carries Stuart's Char
eoal Lomiupi and many thousands of
sufferers trom gaa, foul breath, etc., use
these llttl lozenges,, thus proving their
popularity snd their merit. Charcoal
i one of the heat all-around cleansers
the sytem nar i-trtki of and too
much of it rannot b taken. An entire,
N of Stuart s t'harcoal Losenaes may
. eaten with freeaom e.nd only good
ill rsmlt. . -t;o
16 our UruitRlut Immediately, buy
a t ox tit (Stuart's.-Charcoal Ixsenaea
B4 lmve thexe fncta yournelf; It wlH
nl vou but tentv-five rt-nia. or send
ii f un' n-mie atij i.1tres and we wtll
--:i .n a r! (.. kns? free. Is tht
. f r AnS 1. a. Stuart Co., 2u0
r I :U. y, .ts'iail, Mi'.li.
.-fhnir. Pendergrasg.
- .i
(Soedal DUnab-k ta Tea jamall
Oregon Agricultural Colleae. Corval-
ns, uec ii. At a meeting or tne i.
A. C. football team last night! Frank
R. Pender grasa, last year's captain and
ail northwest guard and captain, was
lectea to tne same position on next
ear's "team. Pendergrass was shifted
to tackle this year aad played a great
game, being a choice of several critics
for all northwest tackle.
Cart -Wolff f Portland proved to be
an excellent captain this year, but his
poor pnyeicai condition nas prevented
the phenomenal playing of which he is
capable.,- It is expected that next year
he wilt surpass all bis past perform
ances If his health permit. Pender
arana Is from Amity and will be a
aenior next year. -i
(United Press Leand Wire.)
New Tork, Dec. 12. Walter Demar,
of San Joee, aCJ., member of the Trans
continental team; Floyd McFarland,
also of San Jose, member of 'the Pacific
Atlantic ' team: and Walter ' Rutt. of
uermany, member or the tserman-Hoi-
lana team, probably will decide the pre
mier honors in the six days' bicycle
race at Madison Square garlen at 10
o cioca lonignt, .
These men. with their team mates.
are leaders today, in the race and a mile
sprint is being . planned which Is ex
pected to give one or tne tnree teams
a material lead In the contest Early
toaay an were ilea ror tne lea a.
None of the leaders aoneareri dla
tressed although some of the trailers
in race have been stimulated by
strychnine.' The leaders have not re
sorted to drugs, drinking copiously of
uiaca coiiee ana cnampagne orotns.
Frequently Waltbour and Root
(Dixie-Yankee team) tried to "Jump the
bunch" and gain a lap but failed.
The score at 10 o'clock this morning
snowed mat tne tnree leaders had gone
zoub mues laps.
Walthour and Root (Dixie-Yankee)
were one lap behind; Collins and Mitten
(East and West) rode 2S08 miles 7 laps;
Gavin and Wiley . (Farmer-Messenger
noyi iout mues a taps; Anaerson and
vanoni ujanian-ttauanj zaus miles ;
laps; Palmer and Drobach (Australian
Russian) 2495 miles 6 laps.
The previous record for a correspond
Ing period was 2494 miles 8 laps.
(Special Dispatch tn The Jouraal.t
The Dalles, Or., Dec. 12. Consterna
tion was created among the football
fans when it waa announced last night
that Left Tackle Burgett, Left End
Smith and John Pickett, the crack half
back of The Dalles Athletic and Com
mercial club football team, would quit
the team.
With the loss of these crack players
the team Will ha waakenad craatlv
Pickett gives promise of developing
Into one of the greatest halfbacks In
the country, as he has weight and
speed to burn and la only 22 vun nM
Dr. Steckel, former coach of the Ore
gon Agricultural college, who coached
The Dalles team for a short time, said
that Pickett, with ' proper coachlnar.
could be developed Into the best half
back on the Pacific eoast Pickett says
he will enter either the Oregon. Agri
cultural college or the university of
Washington hext season, but he does
not think at the present that he will
play football.
f United Press Leased Wlra.l
Ban Francisco. Dec 12. A surnrlae
was sprung mis morning wnen wiilus
Brltt, the manager of Battling Nelson,
announced that he bed taken Cornelius
Connolly, the sensational, long distance
rnnner, or mis city, under CIS wing and
would In the future put the Irish runner
io tne ironu
Wlllus stated that ha Is now In enm.
munlcatlon with Powers and Pollack, of
New York city, the men who have been
promoting the Marathon races In that
City, and he expects to hear from the
showmen some time today in regard to
racine his man against the winner of
ina ijoranao-txmgDoat race which takes
place December 16.
' This Date in Sport Annals.
. J7va1 Shrubb, noted , runner, born
tn England.
1884 Eastern Baseball league organ?
Ixed at a meeting held in Philadelphia.
10 At Christiana, Norway Joseph
F. DonoKhue of Newburg, N. Y.. de
feated Oscar Frederlkaen. Nnrii..
champion, in five-mile skating race. ,
At WoodUwn Park; L, U-a D
Fnlford defeated J. U Brewer In pigeon
shooting match. 260 birds each, 30
yards, for 21000 side and chmtiln.
l --At . London-Fedlar v Palmer
knocked out Billy Plimmer In seven
teenth' round.; .1
1901,At Oakland, Cel. George La
vlane knocked out Tim Hmrir . i
fourth round. ' , . r.
1904Londftn Charlie Mitchell won
from 'Pedlar Palmer In IS rounds.
1907 At San Francisco Stanley
Ketchel defeated Joe ' Thomas in ?n
rounds. . . .
President Lucas of the Northwestern
league has Just about closed with Car
ruth ere, the, premier Indicator handler
in the northwest last season, for an
engagement with the new circuit In
1909. Lucas touts Carruthers as one of
the best umpires he has ever seen in
By ' trte way. ' Lucas 'has established
temporary headquarters at "Walter Mo
Credle's billiard parlors where he has
been wig-wagging with his friends ever
since his arrival from Spokane. He will
have his permanent office opened In a
iew aays ior ens pleasure or tne mag-
1 ,
Stub Spencer, who was among those
iransierrea irom tfutte to Tacoma bv
Russ Hall, is no warm friend of George
Schreeder, the Tacoma boss. Several
years ago Stub worked for Schreeder
and they had an altercation which re
sulted in Spencer1 seeking a meal ticket
The stir caused when Mike T.vneh
went from Tacoma to Dugdale's Seattle
team has not yet died down on the
sounn. tne rans are still figurine- how
mo ueui waa Drougnt aDout.
Sir Farrar. who used to cover third
sacK ror tne uuagers In years eons hv.
now guards his daughter, Oeraldlne, the
tamous prima oonna or tne Metropolitan
opera, from the broadsides of matinee
gins ana me smiles or tne foreign no
, ajeaTJBBSa-a-aeeeeBaBBam
Will Fight for Heavyweight
Championship of World
at Jeffries' Arena.
(United Praaa Laua WIm . '-
. Ijfll AnrAlAR. Tlan 1 0 T.mM.. Tk.. .
. " - . ' - V.,JII1 WUIIIl
onu Dmiiic ttouaioi may ngni in this
vnj uu - vvusiiingicn s Dirtnaay for the
nTra.v j woigui viuunpionanip oi tne World,
if nlana annnnniuui tiuiav-ii Mt-
m . """J UU 1IHO-
carry and, Burns Is a ylctor over Jack
Baron Iong matchmaker for Jeffries'
Athletic rlllh. . Yxam liiat - WAl.i.n.J .
a trip to San Francisco, where he had
a, juug Ian witn joe otjonnor, man
ager of Ketchel, and the latter stated
to Long that Burns would be the next
man that Ketchel would go after.'
O'Connor also, stated, that he had com- w,v ugiiu in Australia, and
that the chamnion is to get
into the ring with Ketcliel.
Long said today that, he would com
municate with Burns at once relative to
a matchand would put In e bid for the
battle, booatlncp lh n, a i ,
HiiS?,f.WvCm'lBAentl5r' . If "taged the
a finish fight. r W reaUty
Washonal Team Wins.
Washeugal. Wash., Dee. 12. In an In
teresting game of basket ball played
here last evening, Washougal A. A. C.
team defeated a strong team from
Stevenson by a score of SO to 13
washougal would be pleaned to take
?n p'orrirnd nS v'icTnlly0' teanl"
(Ualted Press Lesasd Wire.)
. . ...wm I1VU. UCC I2.
Tha hattlaahln T.. . i , '
this morning, having been sent ahead
of the Atlantlo fleet at forced speed
" '"s . mmjpo victims to this port
for treatment
Tha flAnrffla AfrrtA ...1,. . cil.
ahead of the other ships of the ffeet.
Smallpox is said to have broken out
among the crew soon after the fleet
laft Manila Tha vlnHni, ...... i i . ,
,, . ........ u ntio nujaiQU
and every precaution taken during the
vruiBo iu iravcni tne disease zrom
(Unite Press Lessee Win.)
Washington. Deo. 12. Brla-adler dm.
eral Arthur Murray, chief of artillery,
Is preparing to depart on & visit to the
f ninppmes ana Hawaii to Inspect the
fortifications and prepare estimates ot
the amount of appropriations .needed
to comolete the work under wit In the
outlying possessions of the United Staes.
uenerat Murray will probably use the
transport Kllpatrlck, leaving New York
February 16, with Major General Du
val, assistant chief of staff, who Is to
assume command or the Philippine di
vision. Four additional companies of
coast artillery for Manila will also leave
on the transport.
A" good chool none better. Well established ; reputation. Successful"
graduates. , Skillful,' painstaking - teachers, living . Expense low. .,- Many
other advantages, Let us tell you about them. Write for catalogue. , . -1
For years I have been talking through the
columns of this paper on matters of health,
and thousands have profited by my advice and
consultation," many of whom needed nothing
in the way of treatment but good, wholesome
advice,' which always give cheerfully. . v
- In getting and maintaining health there is
nothing more uncommonly displayed by the
average man than good, common cense, . They
seem determined to never know the worth of
water until the well runs drjr. ; They throw
away their health by indiscretion and neglect
as though their v bodtas, were machines that
could never' wear out - Today I want to im-
press upon you the importance of looking after
your health. Don't Ut, the canker worm of
delay , hypnotize you into neglect , but get the
"today habit." Come' over today and let us
examine the nerve tensions and have a free,
confidential, heart-to-heart talk about your
health. If I can do you ho good I will cer
taily do you no harm. We have been much longer established in
Portland than any other specialist in our line, and furnish the best
bank and personal references. The truth contained in- my Medical
Encyclopedia of 950 pages is Indisputable authority over the United
States, so why not get your information from the fountain head?
Our entire time and practice are rlevoted to the cure of BLOOD
pT Annir.T? prostatic 'riT.AMn rriMTPirTirn nicnDnpot. H
MEN, asid the fee for any uncomplicated ailment is.... plvUU
If you have made mistakes in the past correct the mistakes. Con
sultation and advice f(ee. If you cannot call at office write for self
examination blank many cases cured at home. Medicines $1.50 to
$6.50 per course.
Hours9 A. M. to 8 P. M. Sundays, 10 A. M. to 12.
s St Louis MSJd Dispensary
A Sangerons OperaUon
is the removal of the appendix by a sur
geon. No one ..who takes Dr. King's
New Life Pills is ever subjected to this
frightful ordeaL They work so quietly
you don't feel them. They cure con
stipation, headache, biliousness and
malaria. 25o at Woodard, Clarke A
uo. s drug store.
Coach Alonzo Stagg of tbe Chicago
university football team, considers
Walter gteffen the best quarterback
of the year and the bast tbe gridiron
game has ever known.
He says Bteffon eained 17So
and made 80 touchdowns in the sanies
he played. He gained 67J yards by
quarterback runs and punt formations
and 70S yards in brtrgini back punts.
Stagg savs that Steffen is exceptional
ly proricieni in aoiarmir, opposing play
era in a . oroan .'ein.
1 aTlLdftt, .,. SsW ""-a-l i 1
Iif,.. hWf
24 nouns
'Each Cap XN
sole bears IMIDY)
the ttMrnetSfKy
my m
i-om a
nr ait
La- W',
What better proof or more sincere assurance
can I offer than that I am willing to . wait for
my fee until I effect a cure? Could I afford to
make such an offer if I waa not absolutely cer
tain of curing every case I take?
Mr practice has demonstrated that no ali
ment1 peculiar to men Is Incurable. Failure to
.cure Is - usually due to lack of knowledge and .
Improper treatment. Tou may consult me free
of charge and learn your exact condition. I
will not urge my services, nor Will I accept
your case unless I am posttlve of my ability to
cure you.
DROCELE and STRICTURE and all reflex ailments cured promptly and
na cosTSTOTATioav
Call at the office If possible foa Free Advice, Examination and Diag
nosis. If you cannot call, write for symptom blank.
The X.adlnf Specialist
coirsirMPTioir statistic.
Prove that a neglected cold or cough
puts the luncs In so bad a condition
that consumption germs find a fertile
field for fastening on one. Stop the
rougn juw as soon as it appears with
Ballard's Horehound Syrup. ' Soothes
the torn and - Inflamed tissues and
makes you well again. Sold by fikldmore
H r sra
rN 2
EkyMrnttMjrlt, ys f
AKVKl aouent aa --. i 1
Every VCian
. autterasted and iboold imow
MABVTL Uhlrllan CM.a,
' eai w .
otter, out mob utmp foe
lihittnted book-MaW Ttgtvee
fall mrtlealan and rfmxtinn. in.
TaluJltoladla. MAnVKL rft.
for Sato, ty Sklijnara. tmr ta Waedara,
4vta Oa. aad iavua-DsrU Sras Ca. , t ltwm.
Wjot i . TH BU sans Buna
fills la Hr4 and Vol sittlUcV.
boiaj, mini vrith Bios Ribboa. VX
m auaer. nu.araar
-" ' " rik.LM, w si
I" kamra at , SilacAInn RaUabla
5:1 fat
. V..--: y-l ir
wnnirin' cm like to-bay yam
friends point to yon 4 W
"There goes strong manr Do
yoa not wish your eye to be eo
bright, your, etep o firm and
jot r form so erect that mea and
women will admire you and re
mark at your manly bearingt
These are the thoughts tipper
most In the minds ot modern
menphysical and mental per
fection, strength and power.
Who does not like to be strong,
fast that he la exraal In
strength to any man ot his aget
Ton can be If you will obey the
appeal nere maae 10 yoa.
Drags have been tried and
have tailed. Ton knew that;
hot Electro-Vigor cannot fail;
It Is electricity, and "electricity
vte life." It gives yoa tbe oil
with which to set the machln
. cry of yoor body In motion, and
a month's use ot it will give yon
health and happiness. ; v
r : ;r - e " ' ; ;! -'
' Electro-Vigor Is the electric,
invigorating device) that pumps
a stream of vim Into yonr body
while you sleep. It, renews the
spirit of ambition and horde.
Tit makes men out of slow-going,
discouraged weaklings. If yoa
bare a pain ft drive it oat. If
j yon have stomach trouble, rari
oooele, lumbago, sciatica, kidney
or Brer complaint or just a loss
rof nerve force, . Electro-Vigor
will restore yon to perfect
" , v: ' 7 V
Electro-Vigor Is all yon claim it
to be. I am feeling much better
and stronger as the result of its
iuse. C W. MOORE. "
Bos 657, Baker City, Or.
After two months' application
of Electro-Vigor I no longer suf
fer from pains in my back and
kidney my food' digests prop
erly and all tha symptoms of
weakness and varicocele are
cured. . CHAS. PICKARD.
Joseph, Or.
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