The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 03, 1908, Page 4, Image 4

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Well-to-Do Chinaman of
- Eastern Oregon .Missing
Since Thanksgiving: Day
I Believed to Have Been
; Murdered.
tcii !
IKS A.: .. 1 . ' ,4
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pflP i v's '
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fcnn- r-inrn -r
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Buthner of.
Salem Celebrate Anniversary
i 7 'J
f , ' til! v
Mr. ftnd Mr. J. S. Buchtier.
(Silea Burraa of Tba JoorniL)
Salem. Or., Dec t. Mr. and Mrs.
J. S. Buchner celebrated their roltfen
day. November 0. They were mar-
rira at iviukfiiw, wi... iwnmutr v,
. r r o Ti 1B7A thav amA t r nralAR
and .settled In Salem. Later they pur
chaaed a farm 12 miles south of Salem,
where they resided until 1905, when
corner of Myers and South Commercial
Streets, Salem.
There are two children, Mary Kirk
and Walter F. Buchner of Salem.
Mr. Buchner Is 86 and his .wife 68
years' ef age. ,
A number were present at the anni
versary. For the occasion the rooms
were tastefully decorated with chrysan
themums, pink and white being the
color scheme. A number of useful and
appropriate presents were received.
cousin In San Francisco, who is work
in for the Hong Far Low Restaurant
company. , i .
So far as Known, ineee reiaiives navo
received no notification of the disap-'C. jmw.ovl.w . .
empioved to investigate the foul play
The "Chinaman answers the following
description: Height, $ feet 2 inches;
complexion, light (for Mongolian);
weight. iao: eyes. Diue; nair gray, no
'queue; dressed in .American style. May
have a rawn coiorea cog wna mm. ni
former employer was jonn turner m
Roosevelt, Wash.
(Continued from Page cfne.)
people of the city, relatively, could in
voke the referendum and delay any ac
tion on the Improvement until the next
municipal election.
If the people voted for the Improve
ment at that time, the same small pro-
fortion of the citizens could hold up
he next step, the ordinance calling for
bids on the work, until the next elec
tion. IX the people ratified that or
dinance the same people could again
call a halt until the next election by
filing a referendum on the ordinance
for an assessment of the costs of the
work. ,
Altogether the decision of the su
preme court has east the- law making
procedure of the city of Portland into
a pretty bad tangle from which there
appears no very definite or certain es
cape. City Attorney Kavanaua-h is to
day working on a general plan which
he hopes will relieve conditions to a
certain extent Tie believes that an
ordinance could be passed shortening
the time which Is allowed for the fil
ing of referendum petitions. "
Xavanaugh Seeks Way Out.
He also believes that the council'
could amend the present provisions by
which It Is required that three fourths
of tha members of the council and the
mayor must concur In an ordinance
carrying an emergency clause before
Quat Hay and His Dog. '
I (gpeetal Dlipateh to JTl. Journal '
Arlington, Or., Dec 8. Vanishing as
completely as though - he had been
snatched from earth by some supernat
ural agency, Quat Hay, a well-to-do
and widely known Chinaman of eastern
Oregon, is the object of one of the most
. vigorous searches ever' carried on by
the Umatilla county authorities. It was
lust one week ago, Thanksgiving day,
when uie Celestial dropped from sight.
: His Inseparable companion, his dog. Is
also missing. The authorities are work
ing en the theory that Quat Hay was
: the victim of a tong plot It is known
that he had received threatening letters.
Several weeks' back pay are in the
hands of the missing mans employer;
also his clothes.
' At one time the Celestial was a con
spicuous figure in the pioneer ' days of
eastern Oregon. Quat Hay was at one
time known as the "cowboy Chinaman."
Along in the eighties he gained this
' sobriquet while employed as cook for
the Cecil boys on Willow creek. He haa
played a prominent part In the develop
ment of this section. His property In
the city of Arlington brings a snug an
nual income. -
He came to the United States about
40 years ago, at the age of 18, and was
naturalised In the ways and customs of
the country, If not as to citizenship.
- His real nam is Wong Ouey Fad, and
the only relatives he has In this coun
try so far as known, is a brother at
Fresno, Cal Wong Guey Wong, with
the Fo Kee company of Fresno, and a
The biggest thing
about a man's dress this
".season is the special,
Different designs for
: every suita change for
every occasion. s "
A' fancy vest has the
effect of making a com
pl etc change to a suit,
$3 to $8.
Piano Buyers!
A Quick Decision
Means Great Savings
If you wish to make a limited amount of money go a
very long ways in the piano purchasing line the time has
come for you to act.
Such piano values have seldom been known in the his
tory of the trade as prevail right here in Portland at
this particular time.
Thjs immense shipment' of three hundred splendid
new and choice instruments, secured at a great conces
sion from overstocked Eastern makers for our Portland
piano house, means more to the pianoless homes of this
city than any other piano offering in years if indeed it
has ever been equaled.
Every instrument is a well-known' make and of long
established reputation. There is no chance of disap
pointment no possibility of dissatisfaction.
Although less than three weeks have passed since this
big shipment was received, today as we go to press only
forty-one remain, and these we must close out by Satur
day night if possible.
Do you realize the fact that instead of $425 you pay
now only $304, and instead of $325 you pay $226, and
instead of $250 you now pay $168, and so on down the
long list of excellent pianos offered during this great
Emergency Sale?
You should allow -nothing to prevent your investiga
tion of this most remarkable offer. Such a money-saving
opportunity has never before been presented to the piano
less music lovers of this ,city and vicinity. Early
comers will naturally have the advantage of selection
and' late comers may be disappointed entirely, for we
are convinced that the forty-one remaining pianos will
be closed out before Saturday night.
Do not ponder and 'debate. Investigate and be
quick ; do not wait until the sale is over, as there are but
a few days more. Come at once. Be one of the fortun
ate ones. Remember, every instrument carries with it
Eilers Famous "Money Back" Guarantee, If you live
out of town there is still time to write or wire to have
one of these pianos reserved for you. . t. '
No matter what your income may be, whether it is
the largest in the city or the smallest, we urge you in
all sincerity to investigate this unusual sale at once.
Pay all cash or bring in $50 or $100 yes, even $15 or
$20 for first payment, and we will arrange the balance
in any reasonable mariner to suit your individual needs.
The point to remember is that we must find homes
for all these pianos-and quickly, too. We mean busi
ness, and if yours is a pianoless home and the saving of a
good round sum of money is an object, we say come
right away, this afternoon or tomorrow morning.
it can be passed. . He is at work on
these propositions today, and hopes to
have them worked into the shape of
an ordinance by the next meeting of
the council. . -
No ordinance passed by - the . city
council of Portland, or stny other .city,
can become effective until 10 days af
ter its passage and signature by the
mayor, according to the opinion of the
supreme court This means that , the
council of Portland cannot hope to
have its laws become -effective until
one month from the. time , they ars
nassed. ;....). -...vis
This ruling again bringrs up complica
tions. Under the charter in various
cases, especially in improvement work,
it is required that the city auditor shall
advertise for bids or take other official
action within 20 days after the passage
of an ordinance. In these cases the
charter expressly provides that action
shall be taken on an ordinance which
under the holding of the supreme court
will not in effect, until 10 days after
the action has been taken.
4 Would Se Invalid.
, Id case such action was . taken and a
referendum was invoked within the SO
day limit, the whole transaction would.
be Invalid, for the reason that no bill
of the legislature or ordinance of a city
is a law until after thto vote on a refer
endum has been counted and the procla
mation announcing a favorable result
has been made by the governor, ; for
state laws, or the mayor for city laws.
In the case of the vehicle tax ordi
nance, which called forth the decision,
conditions are badly tangled. Under the
ruling of the supreme court there is no
vehicle tax ordinance on the statute
books of the city. There can be none
until the people have ratified the ordi
nance at the next election, because the
referendum has not been invoked. The
citv had no right, therefore, to collect
the 19070 which it haa collected, be
cause there was no elty law in effect
granting that right ..
No vehicle 'tax can be collected by
the city under the new ordinance until
after the people have ratified the law
at the election of next June. Most of
the money paid on the strength of the
vehicle tax ordinance therefore can be
collected by those who paid the money
to the city. i :
The possibility of absolute legislative
paralysis may be shown by an Illustra
tion. Suppose that a smallpox epidemic
were to attack the city, and that dras
tic municipal regulation should be im
perative. Under the oresent condition
the council would be powerless to enact
an ordinance ,wnicn would be effective
sooner than one month after its pas
sage, except by one method. The em.
ergenry clause could be attached to a
remedial ordinance, putting such a
measure Into effect immediately.
To pbs such an ordinance, however,
it would be necessary for 12 of the IS
members of the council to vote for it
and for the maypr to sign It. If the
mayor were to be Incapacitated, or If
four members of the council were to
be absent, the ordinance could not be
The decision IS' far reaching In Its
effect on the legislation of Portland.
It ties things pretty much in a knot
City Attorney Kavanaugh believes that
he can straighten things out a little
by putting emergency ordinances on an
equal footing with emergency laws
passed by the legislature. He would
change the charter provisions so that
a majority may pass an emergency law,
and so such an ordinance oan be passed
over the veto of the mayor and become
effective without his signature as other
ordinances do under similar circum
stances. t i '
This remedy will presented to th
council at the next meeting
Wines and Liquors ,
: Cnaalal tVMav nntv ; 1 K ft tntr V ..
K)SVUIti es" vt T.wv "
ry. angelica, tokay or muscatel wine.
grallon; $4 California brandy, $2.76 per
callon, Fre delivery. National Wire
?. X 4 U. CS a -Lr Npta i.iittQ
ID.. JT It til SJbiJU s A-1 s V
Main m. - '
1 1 1 j j ' ..'
(United Press teased Wlrs.l
Bakersfleld, Cal., Dec 3. John Ward,
a big eowpuncher and, ;"dead-hot," who
is accused of murdering Pat Cummtngs,
a cook at Cottonwood station in Inyo
county, is in the custody of Sheriff
Don't Diet For Fat
' Teu have no appetite for gruel, have
you T By the same token, if you scale
in excess of 'ISO pounds, I know you
have bo great liking for gymnasium
stunts. As a rule fat folks are neither
athletic nor ascetic, except under com
pulsion, and nowadays they are not
under compulsion to be, either, no mat
ter how necessary it is for them to re
duce. There is a .third, better, and
surer way of getting rid of superfluous
flesh. . ; -: .-";; .
The rouble with both dieting and
exercise Is, first, the trouble: second, the
danger (fatty heart); third, wrinkles;
and, fourth, stomach disgust. ' Tou are
llableyto all four if you exercise or diet
On the other hand, you can sidestep all
four, and still reduce as much or little
as you please, even up to losing a poun-1
a day if you Bee fit, by taking a tea
spoonful after meals and at bedtime of
the following simple home receipt: One
half ounce Marmola. ounce fluid Ex
tract Cascara Aromatic, and J H ounces
Peppermint Water. ...
Any druggist wllt-fllt this prescription
for you cheaply, and you may take it
with perfect confidence that it will do
no manner of harm. Instead it almost
Invariably improves the health and, like
wise, the complexion.
George W. Naylor to Inyo, having been
arrested by Constable Bert Nlglit af
ter an exciting chase of ISO miles across
two counties, the Mojavs desert and
the 'Sierras. ---,
Ward was captured ' on' the', Onyx
Kernvilla road. He was heavily armed
and if he had not been surprised by
the officers he would nrobnbly have
made' a savage fight. The pursuit Of
the desperado has been going on day
and night ever since last Friday, when
the shooting took place. . - i .
Ward explains that he shot Cumminga
In self -defense after the cook had at
tacked him with a knife, but the of
ficers declare the real' facts are that
Ward enticed his rival outside of his
tent door and then shot him down in
cold blood. .
1 lxsvu'ttTUTrw"!Y I
You Will' .
Always Buy
Chief Corn Flakes
Healthful and Delicioiis
Always Ready, Always Fresh
We Supply Your Grocer
Just As He Needs Them
Made In Portland By
Oregon Flake Food Co.
Every Piano Marked in Plain figures
UP TO...
. .$225
. . . $300
. . . .$32
... $375
. . . .$475
The Marked Price Is the Selling Price
. ran?e
J- s
145-147 Second Street, Bet Alder arid Morrison
All Milliner ban 'eot to STO. Frl-
day we begin a great out price sale.
Our entire stock of fresh, clean, de
Mrable hats all at tremendous reduc
tions. '
95c for Trimmtd Hats
Values Up to $4
About ZOO stylish, pretty trimmed
i hats, all colors and shapes, suit
able for young or old, values to
f 4.00. Choice .... .. ...... . .95
. bis Reductions on All Other
Trimmed Hats
TAXVZS TO $3.00.
tOO Untrtmmed Shapes, Including
some of the seasons best styles In
silk velvet and felt, absolute
values to 13.00. . Choice .V. .. .60
10c for Odd Lots Children's
Hats and Caps, Vols, to $1
A clean up of odds and ends In Chll
aren s Hats ana ' aps,
(1.00, at
values to
Our New Ladies Furnishing Goods Department
as Some Exceptional Oood Talaes
A splendid assortment of Ladles
Collars, in white, pink or blue,'
embroidered on linen, wide and
narrow meshing. single or
double.'iae, embroidery and rib
ben insertion, some in Dresden
: effect, all new. 'Regular prices
Ha to 0c, Special... ..,..23
Toadies' fine Black"' Hose,-" extra
, elastic tops. These hose are
: shaped without a seam in leg,
toe or sole, all sices, Regtilar
'price 40c. Special ........29
Ladles fancy Silk Hose Supporters
. In pink, blue or white, each pair '
In a fancy Christmas box. Regu
lar etc. Special ..........47
I ; - ' ' :
Wholesale Disttibullng Point for Entire Northwest
: , ' ' t
, ;rlT. ii 1 ...I a
The Money Bach Piano !
You have heard of the "Steel Back' Piano" and "Open
Back Pianos," but have you ever seen a "Money Back" Piano?
We have them.
The piano we have just received from our eastern fac
tory is an absolute marvel for the money.
$238. ,: "
Thi piano is worth more we might say without a par
ticle of hesitation this piano at $238 is better than any
$300 you can possibly, buy on Washington or Morrison
streets for $30& It won't do any harm -do a little shopping
and then see what $238 will really do at Reed-French's.
instructions, vtih absolute safety to the estate and a saving
TrUnkRanos-. JT 1
Store Open Evenings If You' Will Phone Us Beforehand,
1C 5-17q Third Street