THE OREGON DILY JOURNAU PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING. -NOVEMBER ' 27. 1908. STAEiDPATTERS PLAY IB FARCE Head of Manufacturers' As- sociation Roasts the Ways and Means "Hearings." E ft SHOW WAR FEAR 11 "Pulse of Eastern Europe" Sinks Despite Official Assurances. : .r?n!t! Pi-mi Leased Wire.) St Louis, Mo., Nov; S7. criticism of the methods of the tariff Investiga tors on the -congressional ways and musi rnmmltte was issued yesterday by James W. Van Cleave, president of : the National Association or wanuiac turers. The statement, pointing out tn - failings of the congressional Inquisitors . , several buoih5 b - pelves with these hearings. K J am told f factories In th country received notice to appear oeiore viw uwuiimica in most casea tha notice they received carefully prepared atatementt. aithouRh mining briefs ata time rior to December. The hearings, which will close on December 4, will have covered only about three weeks. In the -aggre- 'JT T tnAas saw AAnflltantfl fit. hlfl af able to make in; readjustment of the ; tariff sehedules which w"i d factory to tne coumry mm man mm he baa provided tot scientific aid from belief by the facti that he knows that Germany, as a preliminary to lta latest tariff revision, created a Committee of Investigation tflb the subject, many of mcra visiting -every ; cvunn uu- " gion ' ; : " -" " , . 'Germany wasv applying; business prin ciples to what is preeminently, busi ness subject. The men. who are . run ning the big corporation called the Unlt- the universe will not suspend them- Skives xul Llivir KiatuivwiiuiK - t SPElLEFFllS FOR llffl YARDS Hirers and Harbors and Sub treasury Are Also on Hayes' List. ! (Coltad Press Leased Wfc-e.I Ban Jose. Cal., Nov. 87. -"I shall re turn to Washington determined to do all in my tower, in cooperation with sny colleagues from the coast states, to secure :. attention to the growing- de ; tnands of this section." Congressman - K. A..Hayes, represent ative from the Fifth congressional dis trict, made this statement today on the eve of his departure for the capi tal. Concerning the coming legislative cession he had the following to say: "Many measures of vital importance to the entire coast will come up when congress again convenes. Our navy , yards are one question wmcn conenrnn us deeply. The whole country is aware of the necessity of Improving the navy yards on this coast and getting them In , shape to handle a battleship fleet. A 4 uaM TkUnil Ik. navv MAnftrt- ment has announced an appropriation - of 11,700,000 for improvements there, and of course we will make an effort to secure that amount of money for California! . "As to -Bremerton navy yard, I am prepared to cooperate with the mem bers from Washington to secure any appropriations that may be needed to bring It as well as Mare Island to a condition where it can take care of Its share of a fleet that may be sent to the Pacific either In war or peace. "We alsw Intend to secure an appro priation, whenever the next public building bill is framed and passed, for a new subtreasury building In San Yanclsco, the site having been pro vided for at the last session. "Whatever the executive department recommends to continue the fortifica tion and improvement of Pearl Har bor we shall strive to get ana x nave no doubt we will be successful. "We hope to get a large appropria tion for the Improvement of the Sacra mento river whenever the-next rivers and harbors bill, passes the house. I shall cooperate with the members from Oregon ' ' and Washington to secure necessary appropriation for the dredg ing of the mouth of the Columbia." TKACTIOtf MAGNATE EMULATES BURBANK (United Treaa Leow-fl Wlr. New York Nov. 27. Henry E. Huntington,- the multi-millionaire who con trols the traction system of Los Angeles and southern California, announced to day bis purpose to retire from active business in February, 1910. at which Mme lie will have attained his sixtieth year..- He proposes to spend tne last years 6T his life on his beautiful coun try place near IjOS Angeles, experiment ing in horticulture in the hope of dla rnvurtnr new fruits which can be suc cessfully grown In the southern part of the state;' Huntington has been a busy man for 42 years, ever since he was 17 years of BCe. He has built up a ereat system of electric roads in Southern California, and is a millionaire many times over. He says his lone years of toil should end, and when 1910 comes, he says, his retirement will bp genuine. He be lieves lie Is entitled to "some rest and playtime."' . Huntington has perfect confidence that the men Whom he has been train ing to succeed him will ,be able to carry on his work competently. DISTEICT FORESTERS TO BELIEVE WORK ffcpwinl Dltpatnh to Tbe Jonrntl.) - North Taklma. Wash., Nov. 27. The appointment of district foresters to re lieve the work of the national forester at Washington has Just been announced to the United States land office in this city. The district forester for this dis trict, which includes the national for ests of Oregon. Washington and Alaska, will have his headquarters at Portland. Hereafter, any person having busi ness which has heretofore been trans acted direct with Washington will take the matter' up with the district forester at Portland. ; Local , business will be transacted- with the supervisor of the local forest, This change Is 'important in that It will expedite business, and the long delays that have been experi enced will be dona away with to a larse extent. There are 22 national forests in the Sixth district, which is the dis trict under consideration. (United Freu Leased Wire.! London, Nov. 27.- War in the Balkan provinces is near, according to those familiar with conditions In the near east, and the newspapers are comment lng on the situation. The failure of negotiations between Russia and Aus trla is regarded as a certain Indication of a conflict, and it is believed that Kussla seea in Austria s stand a deter mlnatlon on the part of the Austro- tiungarians to attacK the Slavs. Turkey, Servla and . Montenegro are believed In diplomatic circles to have closed a defensive pact. How far Rus sia is interested in the move is not known, but there have been persistent rumors mat tne great tsiav nation nas promised the confederated Balkan Btates every support possible short of acts that might involve the czar in war with Frans. Josef. The Viennese bourse, the ELIJAH'S SON OFFERS r TO BUY ZION CITY ' (United Presa Laaivd 'Wlr;) - Chicago, Nov. 27. Overseer Vollva, mieeessor of "Elijah" Dowie, announced todav that he would offer the federal rcet'er $5,600,000 for the Z! on City prujwrty to keep it out of "worldly Stand." Posters are conspicuously j-)-u-fi in all parts of Zlon asking con tributions to the fund. ' ' i Hank President Chosen. ; Kansas City, Nov. 27. Dn!d T. Baals, pm.Mhi.-nt -of the T'nlbn National " bank I rpn.i To ithe consolidation with the N.itmnitt Hank of Commerce, wns elected I i. m hut of the consolidated institution tj U - -. . - , ( pulse of eastern Europe, in showing the signs oi war oy tne dropping or stocK values, Many of thf prices are -below the level reached during the oanlc that followed the announcement of the seri ous Illness of Emreror Frans Josef. Contradictory rumors are circulating at Vienna regarding- the attitude of Hussia ana the possibility or Turkey being able to check the boycott of Aus trian goods mat nas renuitea zrom tne agitations of the young Turks. Four newspapers have been sup pressd and their plants confiscated for ?rlnting news of the movements of Aus rlan troops. Tha stock exchange lias been notified- by the government that there is no serious trouble; that upon the outbreak of hostilities the bourse will be notified. This assurance, how ever, has failed to restore confidence and the prices are falling steadily. F IIUIIUIIUI nLBAfir COLLEGE Portland People Will Be Asked to Help Swell Endowment. MONEY (Special Dispatch to Tha Journal. Albany, Or., Nov. 27. President Harry Means Crooks ef Albany college Is again In search of endowment money for Al bany. Ha has just closed a successful campaign in Linn county, $10,000 being raised. While, In Portland President Crooks had an Interview with Dr. IS. P. Pear sons, the Chicago philanthropist, who has given about- 14.000,000 to different Christian colleges in America. Dr. Pear sons will not nntning neiore juiy i, 109, when 12 colleges already on his list must raise certain sums before re ceiving his personal gifts, which run from 11,000 to 25.000. Friday arternoon or Portland s business men will meet to perfect plans for the Portland canvass to raise that oity's share of the fund. The meeting win ne neia in tne commercial ciuo rooms. MONUMENT TO NOTED CONFEDERATE SCOUT nl 1 Vi 4irv f mill 1 M lit Cffl We offer for a limited time only our stock of MEN'S SUITS, RAINCOATS, and OVERCOATS at extraordinarily low prices. An opportunity decidedly to, your advantage TO BUY WHILE THE CHANCE LASTS. A com plete offering of $20.00 SUITS, RAINCOATS and OVERCOATS at $34o35 X Your unrestricted choice of $15 Suits, Raincoats, Overcoats at ' 3 i $ t BOYS' CLOTHING Our entire line of Boys' Suits, sizes 6 to 16 years, will be sold during this sale AT ONE-FOURTH OFF FORMER SELLING PRICES CAG0 CLOTHING COMPANY SOL GARDE, Proprietor 69-71 Third St., Bet Oak and Pine, Adjoining United States National Bank General Dodge had offered him his "horse, stdearms unji an escort to the. Federal lines" if he would tell who tire traitor was from whom he obtairfed the papers found on him when captur The last session or tne xennes ineisiature made sn acDronr a tion fwr a statue of Davis, to be erected on Lapltol hill in this city. The statue is of bronze and of heroic proportions and was modeled by Georgo Julian Zol nay, the well known sculptor, CALIFORNIA HUNTER SHOT FROM AMBUSH Tin (Special Dispatch to Tha Jonrnal.) Nashville, Tenn., Nov. 27. Interest ing exercises were held today in observ ance of the forty-fifth anniversary of the execution of Sam Davis, the noted Confederate scout, who was captured in the Federal lines at puiaski, Tenn.. November, 22, 186S. with papers giving the neld positions or tne r eaerai troops, and hanged as a spy five days later by order of General Dodge. ''Had I a thousand lives, I would lose them all before I would betray my friends," were the words spoken by Davis as ha sat on the edge of his cof fin, condemned to be executed, after (United Preia Lenwd Wb.) Eureka, Cal., Nov. 27. Details of the mysterious shooting of Bert Porter, blacksmith, Of McKinleyville. have been received here. The circumstances will lead to a rigid Investigation by the county officials. Porter was duckhunt Ing In a lagoon a mile from his home. A party comprising William Pardon, Waiter Llscom and Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Rogers of Areata, who were row ing near by, saw him sitting on the bank with a shotgun in his hand. There was re-port of a gun and they saw Porter topple over. When they reached him he wan dead, but his own weapon had not been discharged. A small bullet hole was discovered on the rlght side of his head. The ball had passed through the brain, and emerged at the forehead. Duckhunters searched the woods in all directions, but no one carrying a rifle was found. WM No hypno tism in tbe name i "Imperial es" to impel smokers to buy them Nothing fancy about the pack the tobacco in ml,. -The way they are ntade-r : There's the charm 1 There's the quality that does the business f It's the way Imperiales are blended from pure, rich, delicious tobacco, the way this tobacco is rolled in thin, pure, mais taper crimped. not pasted and equipped with individual mouthpieces that has put Imperiales safely on top Of the heap in public favor. - , Smoke them all day long if you want to iPERlAlfl The men of the West smoked over. I2m. FAKti2j v OOO OQO Imperiales Ugarettes in ipo. 10 for .10 cents TfflC JOHlf BOLLMAH COMPANT Manufacturer San rrancUco n't Buy a Lot Until You First See r V ii ! mmmmitmimmmmmmmmmmmmmnmimBmmmrmmmmwmwimmmvmmr . .1 m n 1 , Tssssai iiiwaawt j 1 1 j 1 n wjjijgggagMaMasMMSjaiSBssgMiMSg' Do You Are You Can You Would You Want to share in the great prosperity that is coming to the Peninsula? Do you know that the packing houses of the Swifts, the Armours, the Cudahys are to be located here that the Swifts alojtie are spending over $650,000 in their townsite, Kenton, to erect homes for their employes, banks, stores and office buildings? Interested to know that the transcontinental lines of the Hills, the Harrimans and others are to be extended into the Peninsula that other industries are rapidly locating here, among them a huge sawmill with a daily capacity of 300,000 feet of lumber per day, tan neries, glue and other by-product factories? Look into the future a few months, when all these huge industries are running full ca pacity and-the Swift townsite is built up with fine homes, stores, banks and office build ings, and the homes occupied with the well paid, skilled hands who will be employed on the Peninsula and Fairport, lying directly over the line from Swift's? ' Like to own a lot in the center, of all this commercial and industrial activity, where a few dollars invested here now would return you hundreds later? You can. Fairport lies directly next to the Swift townsite and will be right in the center of it all. ,Every, improvement made in Swift's is an improvement for Fairport. rm MI Life $25 $10 Down and Only $10 a lontti I LOTS IN FAIRPORT OFFER IDEAL INVESTMENT FOR THE MAN ON SMALL SALARY the' , ; man with a few dollars to spend on a sure thing. They will double and triple your money in a few years. Call and let us tell you more about Fairport. You Owe If to Yourself, to Your Wife or Your Family NOT TO NEGLECT THIS OPPORTUNITY, FOR IT MEANS DOLLARS TO YOU. A few dollars ' invested in,a lot now, while you can afford it, may keep the wolf from the door later on. Call at our office and get a free booklet that will tell you all about Fairport and what is going on at the Peninsula. Let us take you out to Fairport in our automobiles. T General Agents 301-2 Corbet! Building, Fifth and Morrison Streets ;