THE - OREGON DAILY JOURNAL; PORTLAND. ' THURSDAY ., EVENING, NOVEMBER" 26. 1008 13 ISTHMUS LiriER HAS BIG FREIGHT Steamer Nevadan Will lie s. Here Next Week With ; 1200 Tons. STEDCTUBAL IEON , i.v PART OFCABGO Recently Inaugurate! Service Meets With Beady Response From Ship (i per Now That Line Will Be Per- . manent, . r The American steamship Nevadan of the American-Hawaiian Una which left Can Diego yesterday for this port, brings the largest quantity of freight ver brought here by way of the Isth mus. , According to the company's rep resentatives at this port, the steamer left SalinaCrux, the Pacific coast terr mlnal of the Tehuantepec railroad, with 1200 tons of freight in her hold con signed to Portland people. The Nevadan should arrive here next (Sunday or Monday according to sched ule, but It will possibly be Tuesday be fore she gets In as sne was a little late fetting to and away from San Diego, he freight bound for this port is aid to consist largely of hardware and building material from the Atlantio roast factories. The Nevadan will re main about two days in port on ac count of the large freight. ; The American-Hawaiian line made Portland a port of call only a few months ago and In a sort of experiment al way. but nearly from the start were the offerings of freight heavy, the first fteamer bringing 400 tons. The fact that he Nevadan Is now coming here with 1200 tons shows at the rate of which the business in being worked up. It is said that this quantity will be increased still more when shippers once-become thoroughly convinced that the service is to be permanent, as is now the inten tion. The Nevadan alternates with the Ne braskan and both are large steamers of about 000 tons aead weight capaoity. From here they go to Puget sound and return to Sallna Crux by way of San Francisco. READY FOR LAUNCHING t " " w Steamer H. B. Kennedy Slides From Ways Tomorrow. . Everything Is In readings for the launching of the steamer H. B. Ken nedy tomorrow afternoon from the ways tit the Willamette Iron A Steel Works. ?he blocks that hold the steamer will e released at 3 o'clock promptly. The launching n be seen to advan tage from both sides of the river, and ft Is supposed that many people will take advantage of the offered opportun ity to see the trim craft make its ini tial plunge. MARINE NOTES. Astoria. Or.. Nov. 28. Arrived down at 3 and sailed at 6:30 a. m. Steamer Homer, for oan Francisco. Arrlvea down at 3:30 and sailed at 9:40 a. m. a Steamer Breakwater ror coos Bay. Ar rived at 7:10 and left up at 10 a. m. Steamer Alliance from Coos Bay. Sailed at 10 a. m. Schooner W. H. Talbot for Manila. ' San Francisco, Nov. 26. Arrived .Karkentirwi Wrestler from ceiomola riV r. Sailed at 10 last night Steamer Shoshone for Portland. Eureka, Nov. 25. Sailed Steamer Eu reka for Portland. San Diego, Nov. 25. Sailed Steamer Nevadan for Portland. Astoria. Nov. 26. Condition at the mouth of the river at 8 a. m., smooth; wind north, b miles: weather, clear. Tides at Astoria Friday High water, 1:58 a. m., 7.1 feet; 2:50 p. m., 8.8 feet. Low water. ST. 10 a. m., 3.5 feet: 9:50 p. m., 0.7 foot. ,i ALOXO THE WATERFRONT. ' The steamer Breakwater, Captain Macgenn, sailed from Oak street wharf 'for Coos Bay last night. The steamer Alliance, Captain Olson, will be at Couch street dock this after noon with passengers and freight from Coos Bay. The oil steamer Asuncion is at anchor In the harbor while the barge 91 and the Atlas are at the Portsmouth tanks discharging a cargo of oil. The Atlas and barge are expected to leave down tomorrow morning. The Shaver Transportation company's fleet of towboats came to the com pany's dock at the foot of Davis street last night to remain over Thanksgiving day. The schooner Samar and British ship Neotsfleld . will be in the harbor this afternoon. The Neotsfleld is expected to drop anchor tn the stream and the Kumar is booked to go to the wharf of the Standard Box factory. MARINE fftTELLIGESCE Bernlar liners Sue to Arrive. Alliance. Coos Bay Nov. 26 Carmel. San Francisco Nov. 28 Breakwater, Coos Bay Nov. 29 Nevadnn, Salina Cruz Nov. 29 Cascade, Han Francisco.'. Nov. 30 Eureka, Eureka and Coos Nov. 30 Rose City, San Francisco Nov. SO Roanoke, 8an Pedro and way... Dec. 1 i. Marhoffer, San Francisco Dec. 1 Homer. San Franctsco Dec. 7 Senator, Ban Francisco . . .' 'Dec. 7 George W. Elder, San Pedro Dec. 8 Numantla, orient... .....Dec. 20 Nebraskan, sauna tjrux . Dec. 20 Nlcomedla, orient Jan.' 1 Alesia, orient .Jan. 16 Arabia, orient .....Feb. 1 Beg-alar liners to Depart. George W. Elder, San Pedro ...Nov. 26 Senator, San Francisco Nov. 27 Arabia, orient . .Nov. 28 Alliance, Coos Bay ....Nov." i Nevadan' Salina Crua. .-. . . . i. .Dec. ' 1 Eureka, Eureka and Coos ..Dec. 1 Breakwater, Coos Bay Deo. - 2 Roanoke,' San Pedro and way. . . .Dec ' I Rose City, San Francisco. .Dec. .4 Homer, Eureka and Cooa Dec Numantia, orient Dec. 20 Nebraskan, Salina Cruc Dec 23 Rose City, San Francisco, .Dec. 24 Nlcomedla. orient.. Jan. 1 Alesia, orient . - Jan. 25 Teasels in. Von. Broderlck Castle, Br. sh Irving Leyland Bros., Br. sh Drydock Donna Franceses, Br. bk Astoria Churchill. Am. sch Astoria A I vena- Am. sch Astoria W. F. Jewett, Am. sch Astoria Jrenei Am. sch. ................ .Astoria Washington. Am. as Drydock Gael, Fr. bk. ...8t Johns Aberfoyle, Br. bk..... N. P. Mills St -Nicholas, Am. ship...... ..Astoria Berlin. Am. sch , ..Ooble Ville du Havre, Fr. bk.. Columbia No. t St Anne, Fr. bk. . . . .Montgomery No. 3 Taurus, Am. cch ."v Kalama , Lydgate, Br. bk ............... .Stream avid a Angers, r r. ok Mersey w' tsrechael de Noauies, r. dk. . .i.innton H. Hall. Am. sen.. Astoria Arabia. Ger. ss .Albina Bossuet Fr. bk ....Astoria Jolnvllle, Fr. bk... Columbia No. 1 Uganda. Br. sa ....E, & W. Mills Senator, Am. ss Atnsworth Atlas, Am. as .Portsmouth jiumirai avi i rnvui, ..' a .uiamun v Samar, Am. sch.... Standard Box , Geo. W. Elder, Am. as. ...Martin's -Dock Neotsfleld, Br sh... ....Stream Alliance. Am. ss. .... .... .Couch atreet . la Mont to Xiosd. luitu. , : : y. ti. Loop, Am. ss....,..8an Francisco ' Riverside,. Am.- ss...v,,. .Pan Francisco . S In, . - . Hm.. ffMmn Annie p. fimale. Am, ss... . .Hongkong Ba oute ' with Cemsnf as 4 (HoeraX Brabloch, Br. bk........ Antwerp Carmanlan. Br. bk. ..........Hamburg Roc ham beau. Fr. bk. ....... ... .Lelth uuiz tttre&m, nr. bit. ......... .Antwerp Alloa, Fr. bk. ......... ........London Eugene Schneider Fr. bk. .... .Antwerp La Toul da Auvergne, Fr. bk.. Antwerp A m am . YT WW . 1 ,H11n . ... V.I, K , U,.,, .,..,... a, .v.... Glenalvon, Br. bk.,.,.v......Antwen) Desaix. Fr. bk-. ......... ;. . ..Antwerp Poltallock, Br sh............ .Antwerp Wavertree, Br. ah.. ...... .Ellesmereport Matterhorn, Br. sh . . Newcastle-on-Tyne - Goal SQdps Zi Bout. Torrlsdale, Br. eh... .....Newcastle. A- Trsmp Stsamexa Sa Xouta, - Abouklr Br. ss..... 8an Francisco Gymerio, Br.' as.,. .San . Francisoo laruon, tr. sa ......... du. tuireu Ba Bona la Ballast to X-oa4 Orala. Port Crawford, Br. an..,....,'...Callaa Oregon, Ger. ah...... Yokohama Honward Bound. Am. bk-VanoVr, B. C fully,. Fr. bk. v., 4.... . ........ Antwerp hliVrr. hk . . ........... Belfast Francois, Fr. bk........ San Francisco Asnieres, Fr. bk...., San Francisco Benares, Nor. sh. Callao Clan Graham, Br. bk.. . . .CaJeta Colosa Laennec, Fr. an... t. . ..Kanuiui Crillon. Fr. bk. Hobart Nantes. Fr. bk....... ...Hobart '" OU Carrier 2a Boats. Asuncion, Ara. is. ...... .Ban Francisco ALBANY'S MANAGER ; ' BEPLtES TO CHEMAWA ISMdal Dlsoatcb tr The Ionraal.1 Albany, Or.. Nov, 26. Manager Gib bons of ths Albany college football team has replied to the open challenge of the Chemawa Indians for a game to decide the non-conference champion In the fol lowing letter: "Albany. Or.. Nov. 24. W. P. Camp bell, Manager Football, Chemawa Train ing School, Chemawa, Or.--Dear Sir: Replying to your open letter of Novem ber 23, beg to call the attention of your self and the reading public to the ab surdity of your challenge. You ask us to -defend our title to the non-conferene'e championship of Oregon by playing your team again. We have already de feated Chemawa this season by the de cisive score -of 7 to 0. It is as absurd for 'you to challenge us as it would be for O. A C to challenge Oregon for the conference championship. ' You state that it is unnecessary ror you to enter into a detailed account of what our respective .teams have accom plished this season. Had you seen fit to publish the records of our teams you would have answered your challenge "for us. "Had Chemawa defeated Albany col lege we should have taken our defeat In good grace. It will be our policy to Ignore any further controversy on this subject. And as to our right to the noi conferenoe championship the reading public shall be the Judge, respectfully yours, M. H. GIBBONS, Manager FootDau. AiDany uonege. ,To Old Mexico. The reeular midwinter excursion to Old Mexico will leave Portland Decem ber 12th and 13th, Joining the Southern Pacific solid Pullman excursion train out of San Francisco Tuesday, Decem ber 15th. The return rare rortland to Mexico City will be 1104; tickets bear ing a limit of two months, with stops over privileges at pleasure on the re turn trln. Passengers will be Klven the choice of the Southern Pacific or the Santa Fe returning between El Paso and San Francisco. Coming west over the Santa Fe you can make a side trip Into the Grand Canyon for $6.50. Ask for "Mexico" a little booklet story on this charming-and historic country.. Tick ets, reservations and particulars at Third and Washington streets. REALTY MEN PLAN VANCOUVER TRIP The' Portland realty board will go In a body to Vancouver, Wash., next Sat urday afternoon, leaving the porner of Second and Washington streets at 1:10 o'clock in private cars provided by the street railway company. Vancouver will be reached at 2 o'clock and two hours will be spent In seeing the Washington city. At 4 o'clock the excursionists will leave for Portland, returning over the North Bank road, crossing the big steel bridges spanning the Columbia and Wil lamette rlvera. Round trip tickets may be had for $1, and may be purchased from Henry W. Fries, president of realty board; James O. Rountree, secretary; Elnathan Sweet, Mall & Von Borstel and George D. Schalk. " While In Vancouver the excursionists will be the guests of the realty brokers of that city. Trips will be made to the railway yards, where an opportunity will be afforded to see the Immense pro gress that has been made In establish ing terminals by the North Bank road. A drive will also be taken through the military reservation and to other points of interest in the city. SHALL CITY PAY FOR PAVEMENTS? Can the city spproprlate money from the ereneral fund to pay for street im provements? Councilman Kellaher yes- reraav RUDmnu'u mis niiRHiign 10 me city attorney. If he decides that the cltv nas sucn aiunorny money will be taken out of the fund to pave East Stark street where that street is bordered by the Txn Fir cemetery. The law of the state exempts cemeteries from taxes for street improvements. Men's Wool Coats $1.00. Vests from pure wool, 50o. Youths' suits up 10 size 35,, 33.50. Men's pants, splendid goods, $1.00. Boys' knee pants, ages to 15, 25c Men's all-wool suits, $5.00. At the closing out sale of the whole sale stock. Front and Oak streets, in the wholesale district. Buy vour Christmas gifts now: save 25 per cent at Metzger s. Tx Tickets Tonight To the mask carnival at tha Exposition akatina- rink, by Inserting a want ad In The journal. Ticket entitles you to botn admission ana stcaies. 26 per cent off on diamonds at Mets ger'a, 34$ Washington streeU i San Francisco Office Oregon Journal 1206 CALL BUILDING CLASSIFIED AD EATES Classified advertisements In The Jour nal a rg as follows: - No ad less then 16o per Insertion. Phone or charged ads 6o per line per insertion; 7 insertions for tha price of 6. Cash ads le per word per Inser tion, 7 insertions for the price of t. Lost and found, htlp wanted, situations wanted, for rent and wanted to rent ads lo per word per Insertion, S Insertions for the prloe of . 1C to 20' words. 20c; SI to IB woris, 86c; matrimonial, mani curing, massage and bath ads, lOo per line per insertion. Card of thanks, meeting and fu- ' neral notlcea, 60c per Insertion. New today (agate measue, 14 , lines to inch). 84o per Inch. Count ( words to Una Tha Journal cannot guarantee ac curacy or assume responsibility for er rors of any kind, occurlng In telephoned advertisement. v Should any ad appear Incorrect on first Insertion,' Tha Journal will not ba responsible for subsequent Insertions. Tha Journal's business office Is open from $ a. ra. to $ p. m.; Saturdays a. m. to lj p. m. -;; a, i , ,' riioncs, Main 7173; A-C031. TOO LATE TO - CLASSIFY. FIRST class Stewart, out of city; first class 2d cook, out of city, $78. ' GKRMAIK'R 6th and Morrison NICELY furnished room, steam heat; running water, good accommodations, reasonable. 842 H 1st st. 8 WAITRESSES, but of city; 4 house Enia, cuj; i apanmeni noun cuua, city; man and wife for country hotel. . GERMAIN'S. . Bth and Morrison. SUNNY housekeeping " rooms, phone, bath and gas. Inquire at 262 E. Mor rison. HOUSEKEEPING or single rooms; phone, bath, new and modern. 227 wanq aye., in, NICELY furnished rooms, steam heat, Dam, both Phones, board If wanteo. Inquire at 265 E. Yamhill. - ' WEATHER REPORT WEATHER CONDITIONS. The California storm la nrobablv ceh tral off the southern coast. Moderately heavy rains occurred yesterday . after noon In the northern part of the state, but the weather cleared during the night and no rain was reported this morning In that district Reports from southern California wore not received this morning, and the conditions in that district are unknown. A high pressure area overlies the north Paclfio states and no rain or snow of consequence has occurred in this district during tha last 24 hours. The temperatures ara below normal on the north Pacifio slope and In the Willamette valley tha coldest weather of tha season occurred this morning.- The minimum temperature at Portland was S3 degrees. ' The indications are for fair weather in this district tonight and Friday, with nearly stationary temperatures. FORECASTS. Portland and vlelnlty ;Fair tonight and Friday. Minimum temperature to night about 82 degrees. Northerly winds. Oregon and Washington Fair tonight and Friday. Northerly winds. Idaho Fair tonight and Friday north portion; possibly rain or anow tonight or Friday south portion. MARRIAGE LICENSES FLOWERS FOR WEDDING 8 AND FU nerals. Alfred Burkhardt, Nob Hill florist. 120 23d st Main 502, A-8184. Full dresu suits for rent, all slaea Unique Tailoring Co.. 808 Stark st. PORTLAND Florist Co., choice cut flow ers and funeral designs. 825 Morri son. LOWEST price for choice cut flowers and design work. Main 603; A-3603. Giistav Burkhardt, 112 23d St., N. Wedding Cards. W. G. Smith ft Co., Washington bldg., corner 4th and Wash. Ington sts. Bets & Sons, flcrists, funeral designs. 84 9 H Morrison. Main 8095; A-1877. Clarke Bros., florists Fine flowers and floral designs. 289 Morrison St. Max M. Smith, florist. 150 5th t.. op. poslte Meier & Frank's. Main 7MS. FUNERAL DIRECTORS DUNNING. M'ENTEE -A GILBAUGH, undertakers and embalmers;- modern in every detail. Seventh and Pine. Main 480. Lady assistant. J. P. Finley & Son Maldr.sond ' Lady attendant Main J; A-1699. F. S. DUNNING, Inc.. east side funeral directors. E. Alder and E. 6th St. ZELLER-B i RNES CO.. FUNERAL DI rectors, embalmers, 270 -Russell. Easi loiiii. L,aay assistant. EDWARD HOLikiAN. UNDERTAKER, 220 3rd street ERICSON UNDERTAKING CO.. EM balmlng: lady 1s t: 409 Alder. M 6133. CEMETERIES ROSE CITY SINGLE GRAVE8. $10; family lots, $25 to $75. Superintend ent at cemetery, corner of Fremont st and Cully road. Phone Tabor 206. Foi full Information apply to frank Schle gei, 682 Worcester blk. Phone A-IS2J. MONUMENTS MARBLE AND GRANITE MONU ments, all kinds cemetery decorations. 68-70 Orand ave. N. Imhoff & Dorcas. NEU & KINGSLEY, 268 18T.. PORT land'Bleadlnx marble and granite wka REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Lawyers' Abstract & Trust Co.. room ( Board of Trade bldg.; abstracts a specialty. Pacific Title & Trust Co., the leading abstractors. 204-6-6-7 Failing bldg. Moore Investment company to T. A. Shoemaker, lot 15, block 40. Vernon . $ 600 M. D. Wisdom, trustee, to A. L. Fleming, lot 2, block 11, Wood stock 6:5 James B. Hamilton and wife to Emilia Srna, lots 16 and 17, block 15, Mount Tabor Villa, annex 875 B. Johnson to Oscar Lclch, lot 17, block 26, Albina 2,075 Joseph M. Heuly et al to Marga ret A. Delaney. lot S, block 48, Waverlelgh Heights 500 Oak Park Land company to H. A. HeDDner et al. lot 2. block 236. Holladay's addition 6,560 A. G. Weber to Fred Q. I'rfer, lot 6. block , Lofty View addl- , tlon 800 Alice M. MUligan to O. F. Felton. lot 2, Newton addition ouu Manning Van Alstine ami wife to Charles E. Blucher. lots 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16, block 1. Franklin Square addition 1,500 Charles L. Boss and wife to Ja C. Russell, north 82 feet of lot 3, block 199. Holladay's addition. . 2,000 diaries Carlson and wife to Ed ward Bader, lot 33, block 9, Stanley No. 2 60 John N. Klein and wife to Au gust Fuhrman et al. lot 3, block 25, F.ast Creston 1,700 Charles H. Heller and wife to W. W. Hall, lot 3. block 20, Lin coln Park annex 275 Will H. Waters to Charles E. Maglnnls, lot 14, block 49. Irv ington 8,800 Delia prlchard to Elizabeth Brice, lot 18, and east half of lot 19, block 11, Portsmouth 1,400 D. M. Smith and wife to Mary T. Littlefield, west 3 feet of lot 8, block 6, Buekman's Second ad dition 200 T. 8. West and wife to Charles H. Benedict, lot 9. block 10, Park View extension 600 Adrian McCalman and wife to Portland Railway, Light A Ppwer company, 23,760 square feet, beginning at a point which is south .78 degrees 38 minutes 10 seconds west 23.1.49 feet distant from the southeast corner of Collinge addition.... 1,800 H. Janlcke and wife to Sam Phl lan, land commencing at north west corner of lot 6. block 5, Caruthers' addition 4,500 A. T. Hugplns and wife to Thomas Gibbons, lots 19, 20, block ft. Tremont Park. , . ' $80 Moore Investment company to William and Marie Thomsen, lots 4. 6, block 7, Vernon 876 C. R. Black and a ire to W. Hosea Wood, lot 10, block 16. West , Portland M. H. Bettlemler and wife to Wil liam M. Gregory, lots 4, B, block 2, Howes addition... 1,877 Merchants Savings. & Trust com pany to El wood Wiles, lot 18, block 11. Irvington. 1,000 Same to Elwood Wiles, lot 8, block 110, Irvington. .... 1.000 Same to .Elwood Wiles, lot 8, block 16, Irvington 1,000 Same to Elwood Wiles, lot IS, block 109, Irvington 1,000 C. H. Stockwell and wife to George J. Schaefer. lot 6. block 14. Irvinaton Heiahts addition. S60 B D. Holbrook and wife to W. G. Turklngton, lots 12. is. 14. block 3. Marengo addition to St. Johns .' 200 A. G. Van Rossen and wife to El- . len Dolsn, lot 8, block 4. Al bina addition :; 2.000 Railway Investment Co. to uwignt cneney, lots 7 and 8; klnek 1A Nnrlh Alhlna 1 4AA R. I Edmondston ; and wife to ' East Hood River Land, Co., lot 7, block 1, Cook's 5ec)nl addi tion S.J00 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Joseph Bttrkhard and wife to, H. It Newball, west 40 feet of lot 1, block 123, East Portland..., 4,850 L. E. Fortune and wlf a to Rich-;' . ard J. Grammlch and wife,- lot 13, block 34, Vernon.... s. 2.110 E. H. Mowre and wife to G. A. Sather, lot 1. block 249 Holla day's addition 8,750 Anna Schleld to Charles H. Lucas , lot 3. block 77, Stephens addi tion 400 W. R. Blmms and wife to John . and Charles Duley, lots 1, !, 12 and 13, block 3, Thompson's addition to Gresham 1.5C0 August Dlppel and wife to Lucy Dougherty, west V- of lota 3 and 4, block 232 Holladay's ad dition... 2,600 Joseph Flshcher to J. W. Bell, trustee, Ely, of lots 3 and 4, block 802, city.. , 1,600 Charles Reinhard to G. A. Kasper tract 11. Mount Tabor Park; also lot 4, block 9, Auburn Park 1,600 Powell Valley Co. to H. E. Palm er, lot 14, b'ock 4. Upton Park 260 Irvington Investment Co. to C. A. McCale, lot 19 and 20, block 62, Irvington 2,750 Hathaway Yocum and wife to M. F. Finn, north 127H feet of subdivision "G" lot 1, block 9, Portsland Homestead addition 600 D. H. Leech and wife to Nicholas Skow, lot 6, block 6, Cloverdale extension 550 Annie Margaret Sweeney to'Wli Ham J. Gerrlsh, lot 3 and 4, block 9. Miller's addition to ' Sellwood 1,600 Arthur Edgar and wife to Jennie Michael, lot 11 and 12, block 8. Highland 25 Topax Land Co., to Grant Zelgler et al, lots 11 to 21, block 3, Madrona Hill 8,425 Adolf Prasil and wife to Lillian Harned, lot 10, block 57, Penin sular addition No. 4 19 Lena Rivers- to F. Reler, lot 6, block 1, Florence Heights 400 M. R. Skinner and wife to L. I. Stiles, lots 12 to 17, block 5, Taborside . . 600 George A. Brodle and wife to Maude B. Hollidsy et al, lot 17 and 18, block 26, East Cres ton 725 J. Allen Davis et aV subdivision 3 and 4, of lot 4. block 14, Portland Homestead 1,150 Victor Land Co. to W. W. Am burn, lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, block 8, Mansfield 225 Arleta Land Co. to A. C. Gibson, lots 16. 17, 18 and 19, block 8, Elberta 1,200 W. E. Clark and wife to V. L. Fought, lots 6, 7 and 8, block 7, Laarelwood 125 The Hawthorne Estate to CharlPS Vellenga et al, lot 2, block 13, Hawthorne's first addition ... 217 J. P. Miller and wife to Alma Wemberg, lot 11. block 2, Sec ond Wheatland addition 60 Thomas Rlepback and wife to Austin A. Elliott, lots 12 and 13, block 6. Penlnsulnr addition 350 W. F. Thompson and wife to Nel lie A. Gardner, lots 4, 6. S and 7, block 1. Oakdale addition.. 750 J. C. Ainsworth and wife to Ed win C. Holmes, lot 22. block 9, Oakhurst 425 E. G. Alfredson to Ben G. Wal lace fit al, lot 6. block 6, Liurol wood 250 Edward Byrnes to G. D. Board man, tract 7, 8. 9 and 10, Byr- . line 1.582 Paul Waldt and wife to Bertha A. Waidt, west 60 feet or lot 2, subdivision of lot 1, Paradise Snrine Farm 800 J. H. Hllliard and wife to Wil liam F. Llnman et al. lots 3 to fi block 57 East Portland.... 22.000 Joseph Mollch and wife to Hlsch Rosencrantz et al, lots t- and t. block 5, Fox Ohasn addition .. 3.000 SEE Williams Abstract Co. for prices. $38 Chamber of Commerce. MEETING NOTICES 4t WEBFOOT CAMP, NO. 65, . Woodmen of the WbrW, -meet every Fri day night In W. O. W. Temple. 128 Eleventh street All members re quested to be present. Visitors welcome. DR. HERMAN J. HARRIS, C C A. L. BARBl'R, Clerk. MULTNOMAH CAMP NO. 77. W. O. W., will elect of ficers, Including banker and clprk, this Friday nlKht. A full attendance desired. El egant door prize for draw ing. Refreshments. J. M. WOODWORTH. Clerk. M. W. A. OREGON GRAPE CAMP. iso. I5S7 6. Monaays. senin-Hlrsch block. 10th and Washington ata. M W. A EVERGREEN CAMP. 5,466. meets Wednesday evening. Allsky bldg.. 3d and Morrison sta. NEW TODAY. WE OrFER TOR 8AX.E A Quarter Block on Union Ave. At less than be bought for ground that building and tory or flats. surrounding quarters can This Is situated on solid will support any weight Is suitable for hotel, fac and particularly desirable the nresent time. We hiva ror a narn at a party on ha nd that wants a barn built and will pay building. a good rental for a cheap Buchtel & Kerns 360 E. Morrison St. Don't Forget You have only 18 days in which to secure a lot in Necarney City for $75 NEHALEM BAY LAND COMPANY Room 3 Chamber of Commerce Do You Want Acreage? We will offer for turn or thr days some of .the best improved acreage close in at a reduction of $5Q per acre. Don't miss this chance. Valley Land Co. 2734 Salmon WAT CX TSE DZMT TT.T TK OVERLOOK Tha only addition where they grade atreets with a steam-shovel. orjncE sot mtrmjrsxDB it. riortgagfe Loans :. Lowest rates of Interest, ; x.otna SAXOKO W. ; v ' C33 Lt- 3Uit a jar gccctl. NEW TODAY. FOR PLATTING I .. ..-. Small acreage homes,: vicinity of Ore gon Electric, 78 acres 6 miles post office; high cultivated tableland, gen tle easterly slope; magnificent view of mountains; large aprlng; cherry and apple orchard; old buildings. For a oiiun time m t pci kib. B. 8. COOK A CO., 503 Corbett Bldg. Only--$6500--Only One acre, factory site, near city's center; two railroads and river across and In front. Busy machinery now on both sides. B. 8. COOA CO.. " B03 Oorbatt Bldg. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE 10 iarimai & Ttoipioiif Business . corner, Russell St., Albina; nearly 10 per cent In come; $5000. Factory site, on track; three acres, close in; $-10,000. Twenty acres for platting; Mount Scott line; $700 an acre. Six acres on Fremont street; all In fruit; $6000. Three acres near the above, un improved; $700 an acre. A fine little speculative buy. Twelve-room residence in Hol laday addition; a great bargain at $5600. Cheap lot In Holladay's addi tion, faces north; $2000. lartoai & TIsoiipson Chamber of Commerce. A Bcanti for $S0(D Casii A fine, new. modern bungalow In Rose City Park, Portland's most exclusive residence section. House has 6 large rooms, bath, fire place, porch, and has all the requisites for a home. Lot Is a corner, and all the Improve ments are In and paid for. This Is a bargain for some one. $500 cash and balance like rent. Hartman & Thompson Chamber of Commerce. BARGAINS? I SHOULD SAY New 4-room house, $1,000. $50 down. Good 6-room house. $1,050, $S00 down. New, modern 5-room, $1,200. $600 down. 8-room house barn, fruit, $1,525. New l-reom modern. 2 lots. $2,500. Also cheap city lots and farms. The Exchange, Arleta, Or. Phone, Tabor 1272. Are You Looking for a Good Home on Easy Payments? II So, Come ana 'See Us, We Can Help You Out We have 2 lota-close In on Mount Scott car that we will sell for $1000, with only about $100 down, and the balunce like rent. Also " ' Houses and lots in all parts of the city, on easy payments. Western Realty & Invest ment Co. 610 Buchanan Bldg. Main 6984. 286 4 Wash. A-2417. St. 300 Cash, $15 Month Buva a strlctlv modern 5 room bunaalow 1 on E. Caruthers St.. near 34th St.; built- in buffet, linen closet, broom clowet, med icine chest, double wood hoist, electricity and gas, large bath room and pantry, half bUHement; prico only $2300 If taken soon. Phone Tabor 1129, B-1S3 1. STINKER LOTS FOR 8AI.E Residence lot in reach of the offensive odors from the packing houses at South Oma- ha can be purcnasea lor less man nan of the selling price when first placed on the market 25 years ago, plus taxes. Interest and street asm-ssments, but luminous lots In the tnidat of the odors have risen to extremely high prices. P. D. Armour, the once famous packer, said: "The more stink the more money." this is true only of business lots. We have for sale at a barealn prospective business lots in the thick of the .stink south of the packing plant on Pntton ave., midway between Kenton and Swln ton. Oak Lumber Co., 617 Commercial block FOR SALE 8 room house ami 6 well located lots: will sell cheap for cash, going east; take W. W. car, get off or. Plymouth street, 4 blocks east corner Plymouth and Jefferson: by owner. $2,400 Bargain: 5-room bungalow, with all modern improvements, larse rooms. combination fixtures, stationary tubs; lot BdxlOO; good neighborhood: terms. THE SPANTON CO., 270 Stark St. FOR SALE Fine lot with handsome; fine 9 room house, on Larrahee St.. I Overlooking the lower harbor; can be i had on easy terms, and at a reasonable i price for such a fine location. Buchtel & Kerns, 860 E. Morrison st. 6 ROOM, hot water beat, strictly mod ern; my property has been listed ut $5000 past 60 days: come and e6 samo and get my price net. 1100 Rodney ave. I'none woomawn iui bWNER will sell modern, colse Xn, east side home; between two car lines; very desirable neighborhood; easy terms. See owner, 306 Chamber of commerce. LOTS and houses In Woodstock at rea sonable prices. Apply C. L. Parker. Woodstock. $4,800 Two-story 9-room bouse, with all known Improvements. In Die most desirable location In Pied mont; quarter-block. This is a great buy, and can be had on terms. THE SPANTON CO.. 270 Stark St. $400 CASH and $20 per month buys It. 5-room bnn- f alow, npw building. See It. Best thing or the money In town; streets graded, cement walks and curbs In and paid. We will build this bungalow for you anywhere. Re plans. BUTTER WORTH-8TEPHEN SON CO., 38 Lafayette bldg.. 6th and Wash. Main 8529. CHOICE 5-acre tract, 5 cent carfare, anap; need the money, $650 acre. 622 Worcester ftlqg. 146-acra farm adjoining R. R town, rich soil, large house and barn, family orchard, good for datry, Vk mile to areamery. 16 miles to Portland; $40 per acre, U cash, balance to suit. all ON I S. COLUMBIA TRUST CO. 714 Couch bldg. 109 4th st FOR SALE or trade, what have you? A 21-room hotel, on a sood atreet In Portland; sala price $1,S00. A 8-room house, lot 60x100. near Swift Brothers' plant; bargain at $1,009. - One 6-room house. 2 lots, oh Burr age st Bargain at $1,000. 205 Wells Fargo oiog. $5,600 Two-story 6 rooms, reception bail. focaieu in inn viiimccwi part of Nob Hill: all improve ments; easy terms. THE SPANTON CO.. $70 Stark Ut 11900 5 room cottage, Alain et, near E. 38th st. T. W.. Marshal V f. 33th and Hawthorne. FOB SALE REAL ESTATE 16 THANKSGIVING POEil Mary bought herself a lot A fortune for to make her She found a lot, was too small And bought herself an acre. To First and Morrison sha went To get some Information About those lovely acre lots Just out at Kendal Station. Today she's eatlnr turkey . So Juicy, sweet and fine . Raised on her own acre On the Estacada line. A few left yet at from $250 to $500 per acre on easy payments. OREGON HOMES CO. 221 H Morrison st. Swell Hawthorne Home New modern, 6 raoms and reception hall, electric lights and gas, Dutch kitch en, full cement basement, tinted walls, laundry trays, piped for furnace, shades and fixtures, cement walks, graveled street, sewer in, all paid, close to car, $8000: $500 cash, balance $15 per month. HAWTHORNE REALTY CO., 34th and Hawthorne ave. Tabor 616. Ncrtn Portland 100x100 ground, choice location, fine 9-room house, modern conveniences, room for another house or flats. HenMe and Harrison 511 Gerllnger Bldg.. 2d and Aldei UUISNESS BERRY FARMS In H and 1 acre lots; 12 lots planted to fruit trees of many varieties, with all kinds of small fruit between. Trees nicer than you can find at Hood River; 24 lots In stumps, but can clear and plant to any fruit desired. Prices $200 and up at 6 per cent, pajtments to suit purchaser. 4 mile from O. W. P. car line, with car lines surveyed on two sides of tract. Sold only by owner. 1 mile east of schoolhouse at Lenta. O. B. Quisneps. A HANDSOME BUNGALOW AT COST. A new, strictly modern 8 room bungalow In Holladay, large ce ment basement, furnace, large hath, finely finished throughout; will sell at cost of construction, as owner Is calleil east. A Bnap for some one looking for a fine home. Call today. Coast Realty Company 220 Lumber Exchange Bargain Nice, new, neat cottage. 2 lots, 10 foot alley, near Vernon carllne, $1250. Henkle and Harrison 511 Gerllnger Bldg.. 2d and Alder. WE BUILD HOMES To suit you at small cost, and very easy payments. There is no reason vhy you should not own your own homo. Call and seo us and let us explain bow easy it la to do so. THE VETERAN LAND CO, 822 Chamber of Commerce. 5 ROOM new houae, Highland, wired for electricity; lot 40x130; a good buy for $1750. Atlas Land Co. 420 Lumber Ex. HOOD RIVER ORCHARDS. ' MACRAE ANGUS. 482 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. $8,500 BUYS a swell, up-to-dat. 8-room residence In the Nob Hill district OREGON HOME & LAND CO., 14 Hamilton Bldg., Portland. Or. c;'R. Donnell & Co. Real Estate. Room 338 C. of C. WILL build what you want on easy pay ments. Miller, 430 Worcester bldg. Main 1940. Willamette Real Estate Co. Willamette station. St. Johns car. Woodlawn 1658. Headquarters for Pe ninsula property. FOR SALE by owner at Arleta, 4 room house, 2 lots, fenced, good cellar, big woodshed, tools, chicken coop, bearing fruit trees, fine lawn and garden, $1,000. And 3 lots near Arleta schoolhouse. $650. Will sell one. two or all three. 734 Kparney. Phone 2383. ' ACREAGE BARGAINS 7 U acres on Salem electric and 5 acres on O. W. P.. both 'close in. See wner, Mz McKay oing $3,650 Two-Htory 6-room Queen Anne cottage, every convenience, in cluding heater, fireplaces, etc.: never been occupied; owner will sell on terms, $550 cash, bal ance monthly. THE SPANTON CO., 270 Stark St. SINGLE acres on eleclrio line: terms. Special 2 acres 8 miles out. $300. Ad dress box 87, route 2. Mllwaukle. Or. A cozr HOME. 4-room bungalow, new and modern, electric light, bath, toilet and station ary washstand, $1,800; $250 down, $15 a month. T. W. Marshall, 39th and Hawthorne ave FOR SALE 2 lots 40x100 and good house, pnlv 1 block from car: price $950. $7! down and $5 a month. An derson & McDanlel, office at Laurel wood station. 5 ROOM modern cottage, close In. on two carllne-, only $2,300; terms. Call 502 McKay bldg. 5 ROOM modern cottage, nice lawn, in tlio beautiful Hawthorne ave. district; $200; $5U0 down. Call 602 McKay bldg. HKST bargain In city. $2,500; U cash, near in. 7-room house, hew, modern, double corner lot. fine view; all im provements paid; must sell or trade. See my exclusive agent (others all prices . West Coust Timber Co., Grand Theatre bldg. jl 260 NEW five-room plastered cot tage; bath, toilet, sink in pantry; hot and cold water; electric wiring; ham, woodshed; good appearance; four blocks from Lents station; Mount Scott curl Ice. See owner. J. D. Sowerby, 86n Mf Hawthorne ave. Phone East 1562. $2,500 Six rooms and bath, well-built cottage, all Improvements; lot 60x110; easy terms. THE SPANTON CO.. 270 Stark St. BEFORE YOU BUT see this 3 room new house and 2 lots 40x100, only 3 blocks from car. Price $750: $250 cash. Anderson A McDan- lel. office at Laurelwood station. FOR SALE A new and modern $ room bouse and 1 lot 40x100, only 1 block to car; price $650; $525 cash. Ander son & McDaniel, office at Laurelwood station. , RARE bargain by owne: This week, large, modern 6 room house, cheap. 819 E. 7th N. COTTAGE, walking distance, eaat side,, easy terms or exchange. Hall, 380 Front st. COMPELLED to sell 10 or 20 acres of fruit land 2 miles from Oregon City at $75 acre; part cash, or will trade lor honse and lot. 41 1 l-oucn blflg, $195. IRVINGTON Tark. fine lot a bargain; make your terms; discount for cash. 619 Swetland bldg. Main 155. A SNAP. Two lots in Montavllla, 50x100. each. 1 block from car line. If taken at once a great sacrifice, as I need the money. Investigate this matter with $700. XY-7. Journal. , 6 LOTS facing river, 8 blocks north crematorium., view and bulldlni site. none finer; 2 minutes from 1st and Alder. LeCpmpte. phone Bell wood ffg FIVE stahtlv - lots, few blocks Salem car. fruit trees, well; sell cheap or exchange. - Hail, ggo Front. . SUNNYSIDE HOME. " - room modern house, built for a home Verr convenient; everything first class, a very desirable home. Price $32,50 -for a short time only; can arrange terma. C. B. LFCAb, 821 Corbett blrtf. ROOM house, on five lota, all Im proved: 3 blocks south Grays Cross ing. O. Benson. FOR fsAl.E Two Tier 1 4 2 5. Inside l..tx in 375; Vernon, cor ternis. ' Sell- FOB SALEREAL ESTATE , 18 IFiiiMfesMefit East th zai East bafls Sts. 'Piicel$l'6, Comer lot. 60x100 and atx-tler flat, also two houses adjoining, situated on the southeast- corner of . 6th and S. Davis sts. t , , It Is a BargaiE See 1 Tctoy , Mall & Von Borstel 104 2d st. (Lumber Exchange bldg.) And 392 E. Burnslde at. BUNGALOW $200OR LESS. Thinks of it! 4 rooms with bath, ate.; lot 60x100, near Woodlawn carllne: never been occupied, $1800; you can pay $200 or less down, balance in payments like rent, $10 per month. National Realty & Trust Co., 326 Washington st. room 516. Phone Main B129, Money i.oiimj mi most aeais. $3 monthly, high, sightly, level lota, cent carllne, new addition; 19 per cent discount if sold before opening day, Charles H. Adler, 228 Lumber Exchange. $800 CASH Fine lot. E. 7th st. between oKinmore ana Mason. JK-2, Journal. NEAR Kenton. 8 choice corners ad. Joining the new Albina car Una. Prices right, terms easy. Address A-23L Jour nal. $1.400 A SNAP 2 lots, 5-room house, furniture, barn and bearing fruit trees; easy terms; t blocks north .Of Ar leta station. A. F. Williams. Mount Scott carllne. . . i WANTED KEAL ESTATE 81 . Do You Realize That ' There is a demand for city property, acreage and farma around Portland T Well, there is, and we want your prop erty to sell, and wa can sell It, too. See us. ' , Western Realty & Invest- 610 Buchanan Bldg., 288H Wash. St Farms and acreage on O. W. P. car lines. For eastern buyers. O W. P. LAND CO.. ist ana Abler sts. 1 WILL buy your equity In anything, lots preferred. E. Hurlbert, 411 Couch mag. WE HAVE BUYERS FOR CITT REAL estate and farms. What have you to sell? Will deal with tha ownara only. 205 Wells-Fargo bldg. MODERN 7 room house or bungalow, not over $4500 . on east side; state terms and location. O-401,' Journal. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 2f TRADES We have trades - now. waiting from $1600 up to $100,000 in stock farms, dairy farms, acreage, vacant lots, city property', fruit lands, etc.,' all over Ore gon and Portland. western Realty & Invest ment Co. 610 Buchanan bldg., 286U Wash st. Main 6984. A-2417. TO EXCHANGE 90 acres 2 miles from Sherwood. IS acres cleared, house and barn; price, $75 per acre; will take H value In city property, balance easy. SPENCER & CO.. 102 Second St. CHEHAL1S. Wash., close in property and sale contracts up to $13,000; trade for Portlsnd property or an imoroved I farm; chance for an active man in this i proposition, as Chehalis Is to have the new Harrlman road, and an electric line. Realty Brokerage Co., 268 Stark si., suite at. WE will exchange anything you have ror anything you want Call at 1019 Board of Trade bldg. 1 ACRE neat st. car. modest Improve ments. for enulty In cottaee near car. Phone A-1216 or 233 Worcester bid. A....' k v.. ... .11.11. ni.ii KWU UVUn, Darn ana wen, on ranroaa, on new electric line survey. Price $4,000. Bx, change-for clcy property. Call at resi dence $42 Knott st. TO EXCHANGE. . Good lots and farm for a good room ing house. , , 1 , . 418 BUCHANAN BLDG. THE best and most up to data restau rarft in town to exchange for city lot or lots. 827 Board of Trade. ( FOR SALE FARMS 17 OPPORTUNITY If you will buy 6 or W' acrea In Hood River district and pay for sama at $10 per month you will more than double your money, by spring. Investigate this at once. A. L. Dundas 226 Lumber Exchange. Main E4$. WASHOUOAL, WASH, on tha Columbia river, where we llva for profit and pleasure. The best of climate, soil and water for dairying, stock, grain, hay and all kinds of fruit and berries; at Portland's door; 4 trains and 6 boats dally. Let us ahow you a farm that is good WASHOUOA L DAIRY A LAND CO. 160 ACRES 4V MILE3OF YACOLT. 35 acrea cleared, fatr building, fine orchard, 20 head stock, $ horses, hogs, chickens, ducks, 35 tons hay, all machinery and tools. In fact everything goes at $4,000, IF YOU WANT A FINE FARM CHEAP CALL AND SEE US. Coast Realty Company 820 Lumber Exchange. FOR SALE All kinds country prop erty near Holbrook and Scappoose, im proved and unimproved; 660 acres tlm berland cheap, write what you want. Joseph Parker. Holbrook, Or. WALNUTS I want 10 people who ara' thinking of buying walnut land ta write me. I have a dandy proposition; to make you. N-396, Journal. 600 i SECTION choice farming land, close in, 80 acres fenced, small house. filentv good water, near town, railroad; 00k "this up. Northwest Timber C 303 hi Washington st, suite 4. 14 ACRES, 8 in cultivation, 4 room house, good barn. fruit ' running water, good well of water, rich black soM. 60 sacks of potatoes, soma tools goes 13 miles from Portland on good road, close to school; price $1,760. SMITH HORNBACICT Box 73, Oregon City, over Bank af FOR SALE All kinds stock, dairy ni timber lands, direct from owners. En close stamp for particulars, Charles HoedleMlllJltr. Or. ' , $8000 FOR aboutTacrea, 3 houses, barn, wood house, chicken house, wind milt, horse, wagons, harness, row, chickens, plow, harrow, cultivator, apples, pesm, cherries, peaches, and all klnda or ber ries; 10 minutes1 walk from to tar; heavy black loam, no rock or gravel lays fine; will taka store or house sn i lot aa part payment; must sell- this U a bargain; investigate this. F. L. tun. chard 840. Chamber of Commerce. I'honn A58. - - -- - If i6xi want to but. priX." trade real estate, sea gve.-" Taylor, rsora- 311 Buchanan ti-.. . Washington st - . 00 ACRES fruit Ui'.l. 1 '."'." . tlon; house, barn, ait.a.i .-f . trade in . part tur houv: a Mohawk, ' , urepm -ivy. 20 Ai'Ki i ros .KX tt ele-M 1 1; s g;.v.,i. '