THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 21. 1908. 13 13 ' CASH ADS UNDER THIS CLASSIFI eation, 1 cent per word per insertion, three insertions for the price of two. 4-ROOM flat, basemon't shades, gas, ' Mississippi v. Phone East 2911. ffEW, modern 7 and 6-ropm flats, 6 block from steel bridge. Apply 261H Haisey st. FOB RENT FLATS 1450 A SNAP, modern 7-room corner " flat, newly finished and elegantly fur ' Blshed, weit elde, 7 minutes' walk from postofflce; gas and electricity and all . modern conveniences: months i lease, nI 2Jamont).. Call East 62jj . JTNEVv" modern B-room flat, 6594 Mll waukle ave., between Brooklyn and Kiiswortn sis. A BUITE of 3 unfurnlshod rooms; bath, basement, woodshed, $8.60 per month, 152 E. 20th st., near Bast Morrison St.; also suite of 4 rooms $8 per month. rnone Tenor az. , i il!H haw room flat. Sth between -,! .",-,ll.- Tnnuirfl 6th St. MODERN 6-room flat, steel and Baa range, cement floor In basement; win- . dow shades. $20 month, ZQiVt -lamey, " LOWER 8-room flat for,, rent, $12 per . ; month; large pantry, uam ana wuw shed, all new piumoing. jyiam wto. e-ROOM modern flat, on river bank. near steel Driuge; line view. vvi3, 19b Crosby St. MODERN 4-room flat; rent $1 - P month; adults preferred. Apply 11 ! Sacramento St., pnone u-nnu, V LOWER 8-roora flat for rent, $12 per monthj large pantry; bath and wood- snea. air new plumping, main 7-ROOM flat, modern, walking distance; pood neighborhood; reasonable rent. e em, cor. NEW modern 4 and 8-room flats, fire jia'. rjwag i. mmvw vi ( NEW modern 6-room flats, corner Ben place, fnono rast bjud or a.-t-if- ton ana jnerry. Appiy jii cenwii l-l-Ll'" 1 ' "' 1 . ' - .1 f NEW, modern, -room flat, all up-tp-datev rent . reasonable. Apply 814 H Eugene St. - ' FURNISHED FLATS 50 CASH ADS. UNDER THIS CLASSIFI cation, 1 cent per word per insertion, tnree insertions ror tne price vi .-ROOM furnished flat,, modern, $16. 625 Mill, near letn LOWER 5-room modern flat, Sherman t., near 6 th. E. T. Taggart, 41$ cnamDer or commerce, NEWLY furnished 4-room flat, steam heat, modern, walking distance, rea sonable. Cottel Drug Co. HOUSES FOB REST, FURNITURE FOR SALE 82 CASH ADS UNDER THIS CLASSIFI catlon, 1 cent per word per insertion, three insertions for the price of two. GOOD furniture of 15-room house, cor ner, close in, E. Burnside st., always chuck full; rent $40: Income $120; must sell, $760. Smith, 622 Worcester bide Main 6179. - - BY OWNER-r-Furniture of 8 rooms, close In, large lot, fruit, chicken yard, large woodshed: rent only $30; income $60; reserving three best rooms; sacri fice on account of KOing on homestead. 8 Grand ave,, N.' Phone East 6448. SNAP 9 rooms, well furnished, good location; Whit temple 2 blocks; gas lights and range; reasonable price; buy owner, ho agents. X-259, Journal. 10-ROOM house for rent, furniture for sale; or-will rent house and sell car pets only. Call afternoons. Merrill. 7th and Oak. ; ' fJ?E . furniture 9-room house; sell reaeonaBle; walking distance; west side; rent $30. Main 6346. VtRNiTURE AND ANYTHING TO cell For best results, ring up Main .666. A-4121. .V '" FURNITURE of 8-room house for sale; house for rent; close In. 405 Stark. stores and oettcsb 11 cash ads under this classifi- catlon, 1 cent per word per insertion, three Insertions for the price of two. DESK room or part of store for Tent at 207 Burnside. , Willamette Tent & Awning company. . - SNAP, private office oc deskroom to rent, central location, both phones. Call Main 8762 or A-6667. TWO store rooms In Marguerite bldg., cor. Hawthorne and Marguerite avea., first-class location for general. store, W. U NASH, OWNER. SRR E. 35th st. Phone B-2S1S. RESTAURANT connected with first class saloon; rent reasonable; fixtures Included, can 80 is. sa st. V V-J L VU S.TW., strictly modern. 1 block south of Morrison St.; rent reasonable. Apply cnicago uiotning ui., tu aa st. STORE Living rooms above, on Union ave.. z ,:. . 6-room cottage on Grand ave.. $16. HARTMAN & THOMPSON. Chamber of Commerce. FIRST-CLASS OUTSIDE; OFFICE rooms for rant in new buildlna: steam heat, electrio and gas light with Jani tor service. N. E. cor. 3d and Madison. DESK' room or entire room for rent; best location in city, 93 ana $8 Latay ette bldg. Main 8776. FINE OFFICES AND DESKROOM. 80S 804 Swetland bldg.. 6th and Washing ton. - ' ' " FOR RENT rA FEW OFFICES IN Couch bldg. Apply room 601. &LKGANT storeroom, ground ' floor space; centrally located; great snap. 211V. 4th st. WASTEDTO RENT WANTED By young married couple 2 nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, with private family by Nov. 80; stating prices, In good locality. E. J. Barnes, Oak st. dock. 8. S. Breakwater, Portland, Or. ' -j ' .- , ; FURNISHED room wanted by painter and paperhanger; do work for rent Address A-68. Journal. '8-ROOM modern flat or . house- with small lawn preferred; within 20 blocks of postofflce; reference; will pay $85 or $37. R-500 JournaL WANTED 4 room unfurnished or part ly furnished flat, walking distance; state location and price , in answer, F-l 82. Journal. ' HORSES, VEHICLES. ETC. 18 HORKEB ANt BUGGIES TO v RENT by day, weak and month; special rates to business houses, .8th and Hawthorns, .:. East 72. - HORSES taken for the winter, graln fed, stabled nights, good pasture, for : $9 a month. Meadowbrook Stock Farm, N 96 Rth st Phone A -8353. 8 HORSES for sale or trade for prop- erty; owner wania to pasture. 144 m. 2d st Phone East 3i)8. - ' $400 - CASH and payments for $1,000 livery barn; paying,- it ' boarders. R-494, Journal. 1 , ' ; FOR SALE Gentle horse, weight about 1,200 pounda "Drives single or double. Columbia Stables, 802 Front at. iXR SALE Sound, young, team, extra good drivers, suitable ror a delivery team;- good set 'of double harness goes with-them, for $176. 1294 Wilbur st, two blocks east of Willamette station. HORSES wanted to board; New York Boarding Stable, Charles B. Kler, proprietor. Phone East 6447. ' 606 A blna ave., Portland. . . . GOOD gentle horse, new quarter leather ton buggy and harness; price, $160. 891 Clinton st HUBERT & HALL, 380 . Front st, buy! sell, rent. horses, vehicles. FOR SALE -LIVESTOCK.' 85 SEVERAL extra fine fresh young oowt . from $36 tip. See 'these first and you win not go anywnera-eise. crown nouse, opposite Ockley Green. 6t Johns car. FINE fresh cow tor sale at Kastar s Place, Lents. ; 6 blocks outh of ta- 'tloh,. - -.- - - v"' '; - CHOICE milch cow, fresh, large .milker, . 3 blocks norther Haselwllde station, on Mount Scott line, and 2d house west on Kern st. WANTED f For caeh afonce, first cl f amll now. vlvlno' 10 auarta: m ass must be good mjllk and butter; none other t need sngwipr; owner to deliver. Call .sat 423 Frempnt et, 01 Phone E. 2397. 85 FRESH milk cows, 1109 Minnesota ave., 8 blocks north, North Alblna station. St. Johns car. FOB, SALE AL'TOMOBILKS 41 NEW AND SUGHTIT -USED CARS at great Bargains. Touring cars and runabouts. -. . PORTLAND ATTTO COMMISSION . HOUSE, Automobile Row. 634-E3S Alder st Phones: Main 44UC. A-44B6. I2-HOR8EPOWER 1907 model t Olds runabout, original cost $ 1,600; ' used but little; must sell. $350. Smith, .622 Worcester bids. Main 6179. AUTOMOBILES $150 and up for sale or trade. Hart man. 46 una si. m. it. MUSICAL , INSTRUMENTS 34 FOR BALE Fine toned piano $177: $100 down, balance $7 month. S83 K. Wash ington. Telephone East 3061. '. TWO fine vlollna for sale cheap. Paul F. Kissner, violinist, suite . C. over fliers piano nouse. FISCHER upright piano, 13S; Stein way, $90; orffan, $24. 48.M lt. room 28. FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 MOVING PICTURES. - Edison's and Power's motion picture machines; dissolving stereoptlcons; cal cium and gas outfits; new films, 2,000 subjects, guaranteed no repeaters; larg est buyers of1- new films In United States; slides to wder and stocked. We teach you to operate. LAEMMLE FILM SERVICH. 214-218 Welln-Fargo bldg.. Portland. CREDIT check for one-fifth cost of any new piano bought from Ellers Piano iiousa. tit Aiarauam uiag. x-noue jo, 146. 700,000 FEET new lumber goes at $5 per thousand cash, if taken at once; need the money; particulars George Dixon, ,216 Oregonian blflg. FOR RENT All latest feature films, song slides, etc; lowes prices; motion picture machines,' i honographtc sup plles, etc. Newman, 293 Burnside st. FOR SALE At your own price; an Ellers contest certificate good rfor one fifth retail price of any piano. R- 6, journal. FINE Buff Leghorn pullets and cooke rels; 6 Indian Runner ducks and drake, laying now. ' 873 Brooklyn St. Phone Sellwood 886. We Buy and Sell Exchange and repair everything. Ex change Furn. House, 208 1st M. 4290. olMlhlno' Phone Main 1851; highestf vwiuu& price paid. , s N. 3d st. CHEAP, SHOWCASES, S)EStCa, SAFES, registers, carpets, furniture. We also exchange goods. 213 and 2134 front st. FLOOR' casings, $i each. Wire and Iron work or au Kinds Columbla'WIre and Iron Works, 968-870 E. Washington. LAYTON COOPERAGE CO. ALL kinds of barrels and bottles bought and eold. 271 Front. Phone Main 8147. ELGIN aud Waltham full jeweled watches, warranted, only $6 each, at uncle Myers, us bu, near Aiaer. CARLSON & 1C.VLLSTROM, 812 Ev- erett. JVirg. snow cases, store ana oi flce fixtures, M. 7617. AUTOMOBILE and marine gas engines repaired. J arnes u. . ail, zt za st. TYPEWRITER, first-class, your own price, or will rent , G-221, Journal. DON'T neglect your roses; order ma nure from Smith's. A-6686. Main 6683, WANTED MISCELLANEOUS 5 ij Highest prices paid fcr castoff cloth ing, etc Prompt attention. Phone Main 8493. Chicago Loan Office, 33 N. WANTED Portable ovem. Address 1080 E. Harrison, st SACK DEPOT Dealer in sacks. HV Bloom, 764 Union ave., N., Wdln 2174. WE PAY TOP PRICES FOR FURNITURE 'And anything you have to sell. , PORTLAND AUCTION CO. Main 6665. A-4121. OAK-SEWED soles 60c; rubber heels, 25a Standard Shoe Repair, 808 Burn-' Bide. M. 8591. fHE DENVER AUC1K5N HOUSE pays Mgnesi caan price ior nousencia furniture. 82 2nd st Phones A-1999, Main S41S. WANTED HOUSEHOLD GOODS. lariltos and gentlemen's clothing. The O. K. store, 218-218H Front st IF YOU WISH TO EXCHANGE OR sell your furniture for cash, phone Kast $204. 868 Hawthorne. FORD AUCTION CO., 869 BJ. MORRI son st. Buy, sell, or trade furniture. B-2311; E. 988. , . SPOT CASH FOR IOUH FURNITURE; prompt attention always given. n:-iu7 A. EHRUCH, 84 UNION AVE., HIGH st price for second-hand goods. CASH for household goods. Savage & . t-ennen, 34D-ai isi st. Aiain EXCHANGE MISC. 25 WILL exchange good' strong farm hack for a No. 1 milch cow. 1294 Wilbur st., two blocks east of Wlllam ette station A GOOD, fireproof safe worth $S5, to exchange for plumbing, carpenter work, cement work, cash, register, show cases.- journal. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUSS3 FURNISHED blacksmith shop In good location. Inquire of G. X. Neal, 430 ' HawthorVie. E-2656. PERSONAL FREE! FREE!! Treatment mornings. chronic com plaints, rheumatism, stomach trouble, dUeanes of women, etc. No drugs. Geo. W. jCrockwell, At. T- 386 Washing ton st. XADIES USE DR. MARTEL'S PILLS, the standard remedy: at all druggists. French Drug Co., 80 W. 32d st. New irortc uity. La DIES I . DR. LA FRANCOS" COM . pound; sale, speedy, regulator; 25 cents, drsgglsts or mall; booklet free. Dr. La Franco, Philadelphia. Pa. BUSINESS PERSONAL 53 The White Myatlo of In dia: Healer and Teacher of Hindu and Chinese Occult Mysteries. The Import of life learn, and of thy destiny discern. 341H Mor rison st MARY LEE Indian phrenologist. A full blooded Cherokee Indian lectures daily; young and old call and investigate this won derful science. Dally 9 a. m. to T p. m. Parlors 186 4th st ' -. . Mrs. Rogers.- Instructs in palmistry and phrenology, classes dally; occult science; wonderful results obtained. 61 N. 3rd st, cor. Davis. LADIES "DR. SOUTHINGTON" POS-' itively guarantees hia concentrated Semi-Vegetable Ergo-Kolo j "Monthly" Compound. Safely relieves some of the longest most obstinate abnormal cases In three to five days. No harm, pain or Interference with work.. Price, 2V.60. Double strength, $2. "Ladles' Booklet" Free, - Buy of druggist or write Dr. Sou thing to a Remedy, Co, Dept 40, Kan sas C'l,ty. Mo. , - RHEUMATISM CURED. - . I want to convince uf ferers from rheumatism there is 'ft . cure. ' Larsen Remedy Co., Hotel Oilman, 1st and Alder. MEN, DR. KETCHUM WIL.U PROMPT ly cure all your private sexual ail ments; advice free. .17 OH Sd, near Yam- rtnt Mam 8.770. FtR GROVE. SANITARIUM ST RICT- ly a maternity hospital, where ladles cail have the best care at reasonable rates and any physician they choose. Office 608 Merchants Trust bldg, $16 V, Washington t Phone Mala 7748. Dr. lsaneue MfKie. GERMAN BOOKS, MAGAZINES, NOV- els, etc; uerman, ingnsn. j'Tencn, Spanish, Swedish and Italian diction aries; foreign books of . all Uada. Scbmale Co., 229 1st sf. , r " ; LOST POWERS RESTORED BY DR. Lorens' Nerve Tonic Tablfta 25o box. Eysseli a I'harmacy. .89 Morrison st FOR, SALE LIVESTOCK 53 '-' Hen Curea Quickly end permanently; modem eleo trio treatment for diBaBeS of the pros tate and non vrta debility. Piles cured without operation or pain. Consultation free. W. I. Howard, M. D.. 804-8 Roth child ljllg., 4th and Washington. MEN-WHATEVEH OUR UlHEA.SE . or inflrmily may be. our specialist for men will give you the proper treatment. Impondero-Thernpy Co., 608 Merchants' Trust hldy., 826 Mr Washington st YOUR IjJYES MAY NEEL ATTENTION" for diseased conditions or alasses. We fit glasses right .and treat eyes, ears or catarrn in any rortn. lmpondero-i ner any Co., 608 Merchants', Trust bldg., 826 WaHhlngton Bt. . MRS. STEVENS, Portlands leading palmist and clairvoyant, has opened school of palmistry; learn her simple metnoo now to read your own destiny. 843 Yamhill, near 7th. Main 0844. ; . DISEASES OF WOMEN CURED AT HOME. Send for free samples to Home Treat ment uo. v. o. box 282. Portland, ur. DESIRABLE company round for lonely people, either sex; 6 (JO to select from; photos on file; register 10c. Portland introducing Bureau, 211 Allsky bldg. MME. A. A, LUCKY AND MMlfi. NEW klrk. electrical institute, cures all curable diseases even the deaf and dumb are curable with the Fowler system of anrjlvinor electricity. We alao have the Improved electric blanket No cure, no pay. a vuiumoia Diug. DR. BANDEKSON CO. Savin and Cot ton Root Pills, sure remedy for de layed periods. $2 per box or 8 boxes for $5. T. J. Pierce, 211 Allsky bldg., 2H5 Morrison. - Ladies no difference what your ailments may be, see ,our .lady physician; specialist for women. Im-pondero-Therapy Co., 608 Merc hauls' Trust bldg., 82614 Washington at - PERKINS NATIONAL HERBS AND Kretol are sol J by A. B. Bloomer, 190 4th st Phone Main 8983. MRS. OBROCK. BATHS.. SALT GLOW. alcohol rub, massage beat In city; ref erences. 282 Park. Main 2403. A-2734. DR. RING CKOONG, IMPORTER .CHI ' nese medicines; sells Chinese tea, cure for all uiseases. 286 Flanaers at A PERMANENT CURE FOR PILES "Hemlock Salve." Woodward, Clarke Co. ... ..,... PRIVATE HOSPITAL GIRLS, MATER, nity home, Dra Atwood, Allsky bldg. BALM OF FIGS FUR ALL FKMaES dlseasea 660 Gllsan. Main 8216. LADlkH' IURBER SHOP MAN 1CUK- ing, faclal massage. 68 4th at MRS. SOPHIA B. 8BIP, mental sclen ,. tlst, 802 Allsky bldg. Main 2836. ARNOLD'S a sure asthma and catarrh cure, 31 Hamilton bldg. MANICURING AND MASSAGE 45 LOU ZBTTA Massage, st., room , 861H Morrison NELLIK SPRING Bath, massa.e, chl- ropony. zm vt Aiaer, room 1. SCIENTIFIC masseuse gives electrical, tlierinol, alcoholic, medicated treat ment, genuine tub baths, chiropodist, manicurist, g ana Kaieign Diag. MISS GRANT, baths and maasage. 201 a si. mono A-ooa. MISS GRANT, baths and massage, now located at 201 8rd st, cor. Taylor; pleased to see both old and new patrons. A-6495. - . : "THE Snowden Baths." 145H 6th st, rooms 24-26. Vapor, sponge baths, vibratory treatment; lady attendant. NEW up-to-date masaage pafloia. S50ft Morrison st, room 4. . MISS GIBBSON, scalp treatment Room 52, 268 H Morrison Bt. ELECTRIC massage and tub baths; sea salt glows; chiropody; 208 6th st. BUSINESS DIRECTOEY ACCOUNTANTS. E.' H. COLL1S & CO. Public accountants and estate agents, commercial, county and municipal audit ing, investigating and systematizing. & 24 Worceater block, phone Main 6667. CHARLES B. PFAHLEK. accountant, 213 Board of Trade. A-2010. M. 2010. ARCHITECTS H. C. MORRIS, ARCHITECT. We guarantee our estimates in every particular; rates reasonable. 403 Cor Lett bldg. Main 3429, A-3429. P. CHA PELL BROWN. 405 Marquam bldg. Phone Main 9.309. A. C EWART, 321 Failing bldg. Phone A-5441; resiaence n-ua. ATTORNETB & T. JEFFREYS, attorney at law, 208 Fenton building; 15 years' practice In Oregon, 8 years In Alaska. A. H. TANNER, attorney, 609 Cornmsr- clal blk.. 2d and Wash. Main 1446. TliOS. D. REED, ATTY. 615-16 GER- llnger Diag. Main -B 1. HeROY LOMAX, attorney at law, 616-U . Swetland bldg. Main 8788 ASSAYERS WELLS & PROEBSTEIi A8SAYERS, anal yt chemists. 304 Vfc Waad. M. 7608. PORTLAND Analytical Laboratory, 622 worcesir Diag.. sn una una, oi. 09 u, BICYCLE RKPAIKINO. APEX Bicycle Co., second hand motor cycles and bicycles. Buy, sell, ex- change aryl repair.j.2i in jit. THE HUMMER BICTCLE. EL3CTRIC al and gasoline -repairing and sun dries; key-fitting. 826 Stark. M. 7068. BLUEPRINTS PORTLAND BLUE PRINT CO. SEB us for all classes of blue printing. Room 20. Alnsworth bldg. 8d and Oak. BUSINESS CARDS HOWES, DAVIS COMPANY. 109 3d ST. Blank books m'f'g; agts for Jones' Improved Loose-Leaf ledgers; aee tbs neW lUr-HS leal. -fllf, ini:i ma, IDEAL CONCRETE BLOCKS WILL build you ideal house. Columns, spindles, porch piers a specialty. Offics ion urana ave. C F. PFLUGER, NOTARY PUBLia commissioner of deeds. Deutsche notarist R. 14 Mulkey bldg. 2d and Mor. FOR winter clothes at the right price at Geo, Lautenschlaeger, 208 qpod- nougn tiiag, THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVINGCO., Portland office. 404 Worcester bldg. IHU i. K. U1LL CO. STATIONERSi nnllM ... . nfflrtm n.lnf' oraugntmen s suppuftn. u wr. mr. DONNERBERG & RADEMaCHEK. pb3rrerjByBrrnbiej: 19 LAWYERS' ABSTRACT A TRUST CO, m. oeu. A-fzz. room p. nt-i u j tnn W. 8. THOMAS. ISSty 4th st, room 24. High grade portraits. CLEAN TOWELS DAILY COMB, brush, soap, $1 per month. Portland Laundry & Towel Supply Cos, 9th and uu-H Bts. rnunr iv. WARREN CONSTRUCTION CO. Street paving, sidewalks ana cross. Ings. 114 Lumber Exchange. ' ADOLPH A. DEKUM. 181 FIRST ST carries" a full and complete assort ment of butchers' supplies. JAS. MCI. WOOD 4k CO., ALL KINDS OV Insurance, surety bonda McKay ldg. JOSEPH SPILLER, expert watch and clock repairing. 142V4 2d St.. corner Aioer. TIN ROOFING GUTTRHlNG. . RE- ?alr1n and general Joboing. J. Louli, Jefferson et. Pacific 1 424. CARPET CLEAISTNa JOYCB BROS.. PROPRIETORS OF THB Electrio Cleanlni works: carpets cleaned and laid, both dry aad com pressed air cleaning; carpei-reritting our specialty; work guaranteed. Phone Mein 2S72 anfl A-2472. 270 Grant st PH ON E IM236. East 860 Ine Steam ' Carnet - Clean'rr Works. Carrtets rleane refitted and laid,. R.- F- Shej- Standard carpet co compressed sir and etearo cleaning, mattrce8 en-1 feathers renovated. East tS), C-1250. ' . - ... j BUSINESS PERSONAL CARPET CLEANING SANITARY LARPET CLEANING. 8UC- tion and compressed air. carpets cleaned on floor. Main 6534 and 8200. BUGS made from old carpet; also colon ial fate rugs woven. Northwest Rug works, 158 Union. East 3580. CUlltOl'ODISTS DR. fvNOWLEH, experienced, painless, antiseptlo methods; fair, prices. 608 The Dekum bldg. . Phone Main 8247. CHIROPODY, manicuring, scalp treat ment. Mrs. F, li Dunton, "Iris," 8S3 8d st. SPECIALIST on corns and bunions.' Dr. partner, room 7, 141ft let st. y WANDA 231 6th st treats all foot mal . adlea. 1 Bunions a specialty. Refer ences. " . "' : . - " ' THE DEVENYS HAVE MOVEl THEIR parlors to rooms 802-3 Gerllnger bldg. Id and Alder sts. ; CHIROPODY AND PEDICURING Mrs. M. P.. Hill. 330 Fleldner bldg. DR. NELSON1 treats my corns; never hurts; reasonable, up-to-date mani curlng. 250H Alder.' office '8.' M. 7366. CUH.OPRACTOIU9 DR. Q. B. BR1ETLING GRADUATK P. 8. C. 221 Marquam bHg. A-1623. DR. L M GORDON. GRADUATE P. 8. C. 304 6 Ores bid Hlione A-1958. CXEAMNG AND DYEING SUNNYSIDE Steam Cleaning and Dye Works, cleaning, repairing and dyeing. Workcalled for and delivered. Tabor 1057. B-2057. 205 K. 34th st THE QUEEN Cleaning and , Pressing Parlor; cleaning, pressing, repairing, Phone A-2681. 266 Mill st FRENCH Cleaning and Dyeing Works. Fine lingerie and lace curtains. 123 16th t. H. W. TURNER, Dyer Carpets dyed a specialty. 605 Jefferson st Main 2513, A-2518. CLOTHES cleaned and pressed, $1.60 per mouth. Unique Tailoring, Co,, 309 Stark st ALBINA Steam Dyeing and Cleaning Works, L. Halperr, 298 Russell st East 6243. MONARCH Cleaning Works. We call and deliver. Main 8892. 142 19th. COAL AND WOOD INDEPENDENT Coal & Ice Co.. Import er of beat house and steam coal. . Richmond coal (Australian). Wallsend coal (Australia). Ilanaford (Washington). Main 780, 1426; Home A-8780. A-1425. V; D. SMITH delivers fir wood direct from cars, to you; all wood A No. 1, out of big live trees, first growth, thick bark; special priceain large, amounts. triune jviain oosa; a-oooo STEEL nHIDGB FUEL CO. FOR green and dry slabwood, block wood, cordwood; special price in quantities on 4-ft cord and slabwood; prompt dellv- ery. fnone n. .. u-xii.' Coal Car Lots or Retail SHIPPED TO ANY POINT. CRYSTAL ICE & STORAGE- CO. PROMPTLY DELIVERED Call Main 8767.'' Foot of Curry st. YAMATO WOOD YARD DELIVER aiy place In town. The best seasoned fir wood out of big timber, $4.60 to $ 3. East 8.18. B-1867. E. 6th and Main, STANDARD WOOD CO., 847 E. Stark; dry oak and alder a specialty. East 2 513 and B-l 6 9 5. REER & FARR, DEALERS IN ALL kinds of hard woods and fir; specialty of tie blocks from country mills. SOS Water st. Main 4tsu. SOUTH PORTLAND SLABWOOD CO. Main 1589, A-3843. Blackwood. $4.60; dry inside wood. $3.60-; .green Biaowuuu. ).uv. TUB Alblna Fuel Co., green and dry slabwood; get our prices. Phone E. 182. Office Alblna ave. "and R. R. st. KIRK HOOVER. DEALER IN FIR. ouk and ash wood; prices right 313 Water Bt. Phone Main 7451. WOOD AND COAL in any quantity. H. F. Lee, 827 Board of Trade. M. 8849. ROSE CITY WOOD & COAL CO. AND boarding stables. Main 7506; A-4246. Pirtial Australian, Wyerand Wash, coal Irfllifti delivered promptly, any uuantitv. A-1984. Star Coal Co. Main 1G18. COLLECTIONS. MORGAN MERCANTILE CO., adjustors and collections, 211 Fenton bldg. INTERSTATE Adjustment Co., collec tions, bv aucnanan, m. siau; a-6740 CONTRACTORS AND BUILDEIiS. J."TANKIN CONTRACTOR AND BUIIJDER. Jobbing and remodeling a specialty. $87 Front st Phones Main 6523; Wood lawn. 991. A. H. YORK, contractor and builder plans, specifications and estimates. Jobbing a specialty. 309 E. Washlng- ton st., pnone iaat iov. RYAN BROS., HARDWARE AND piumomy, ov wmiams ave. u. u s E. 'MELTON OFFICE, STORE FIX turea; gen'l jobbing. 67 1st M. 3190. DANCING PROF. WAL. WILSON'S DANCING school, lessons 2oc; every morning, afternoon and evening; 7 ladies and gentlemen teachers; ail lessons taught with muslo, together with the largest and best ballroom In the city; In fact this is positively the only recognized select social and stage dancing school. 880 H Wash., bet W. Park and 10th. RINGLER SCHOOL, NOTHING BET ter. Miss Buckenmeyer and 5 assist ants: social and stage dancing dally, Grand ave. and E. Morrison. 'East 6670, B-1003. THE very best music for dancing is furnished by the Kissner orchestra. Suite C, Ellers Piano House. LESSON 26c. WOODWARD DANCING school; social style, 6 teachers. Au ditorium nan, ug jo. 5PROF. MORELAND'S DANCING scnnoi. AiisKy bldg., aa-Mor. m. 6S45. DENTISTS. CHAS. T. PREHM, D. D. S.. 131 3D, near Alder; painless methods. ' C R. HASKELL. D. D. 8., dentist. 306 807 Medical bid?: Park-Alder. M. 66. EDUCATIONAL OREGON LAW SCHOOL Established 18X8. Students admitted any, time. Thorough course in law. No time loet from regular occupation. Recitations evenings. Commonwealth bldg. ' SCHOOL OFFICES The Flrsk Teach ers' Agency supplies good . teachers now, 203 Swetland bldg. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES PACIFIC ELECTRIC ENGINEERING Co. Motors for sale or rent; wiring and supplies. 213 2d st. ELECTROLYSIS MOLES. WRINKLES. SUPERFLUOUS hair removed. Mrs. Hill. 830 Fleldner. EYE, EAR, NOSE, THROAT DR. F. F. CASSEDAY. glassea fitted, lungs treated. Main 6818. 818 Dekum B. DOG AND HORSE HOSPITAL. DR. C E. BROWN'S DOG AND HORSS hospital, 11 N. th at Phones Main 4086; A-4M8B:. resioence, jracirio e. LEITKOM KENNELS, 45TH AND DI- vision ta Tabor 12S. Pgs boarded. GASOLINE ENGINES STATIONARY AND MARINE: ELKC- trio equipments; launches, acceamories; wriolesale and retail; engine repairing. Reiersen Machinery Co- 186 Morrison. HOUSEHOLD. NEEDS . Wltii O'Malley and Neuberger, it t U1CS Wash. Choice wines, liquors and elgara. Look for our cut-mte sala Free d pit very. Phone Main 2 3 9 4. GAS MANTLES, 85c. BARRETT'S.' , I HOUSEHOLD NEEDS WELLINGTON COAL, the best rrouse j coal on the pacific coast. Cburchley -Bros,' .bunkers, 13th and Marshall. Main Vi t A-3D31. INVALID CHAIRS. SOLD, rented, exchanged; mfr. Eames tricycle chair, 1808 Market st, San Francisco, Cal. ! ' LADIES' TAILORING . UP-TO-DATE LADIES' TAILOR, e Suits to order. ' Cleaning, pressing, re modeling. E. 42S3. 642 Williams ave. . LEATHER & FINDINGS CHAS. L, MA8TICK & CO., 74 Front leather' of wvery description, tap mfrs. findings. . ... LIVERY AND SALES STABLES. 1908 STABLES, HACKS. LIVERY. boarding and sale; furniture moving; 132 Union av.: East 2682; night phone Main 8044. W. A. Hessian. Prop. CLUB STABLES Board your horses at the Club Stables; kind treatment, prices reasonable. Corner . 15th ; and Couch sts - " LIVESTOCK INSURANCE NATIONAL Live Stock Insurance As sociation of Portland, Insures horses and cattle against death from fire, ac cident or disease. Home office 313 V6 Wash, st. Phones, Main 675, A-4576. LOCKSMITH WE MAKE KEYS. REPAIR LOCKS. i .. in( !, (- all Irtnla nf DUD 1 UCil nil' WH- t - rener&l repairing; bicycle a specialty. im jyiorriRtm u ; . MESSENGERS Special rates. Hasty Messenger Co., 128 6th st Phones: 63, A-8163. MINING ENGINEERS. DR. E. O. SMITH, mlnln engineer, 40 years experience, zpp ptati u OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS DR. WALKER. OSTEOPATHIC "PHYSI clan formerly at 406 Macleay bldg., located 801-2-3 Fleldner big; both phones. DR. LILLSBELLE PAT'IERSON, SPE eiallst on nervous, acute and chronic diseases. 217 Fenton bldg. Main 8961. DR. F. J. BARR, A. S. O., 207 MO hawk bldg., 8d and Morrison. M. 8226. PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS F. E. BEACH & CO.. the -Pioneer Paint Co. Window glass and glazing. 135 1st... M. 1334 PICTURE framing, show case and win dow glassing; reasonable. J. Diamond, Maui g 1 n. . . , PAINTING AND PAPERING FOR best work, prices right, call P. A. Doane, 104 Union. Both phones. PATENT ATTORNEYS. R C WRIGHT, U. 8. AND FOREIGN pat ents: lnfrlngment cases. 604 Dekuro PHOTOGRAPHIC MOUNTS. PHOTOGRAPHIC CARD MOUNTS. B .UW 00 d v.jO r l h,M f g., 1 4 S 1 J . 1 ts t. PRINTINO THE EAGLE PRINTING CO, NOT IN trUSl, C1UBW J ui wo, iuuu Ruaacll bldg- corner 4th and Morrison. MODERN Printery, moveu irom 14 . ' '. 11 . v x . '. QUI . .. - w - and wasningioiu OGL1BEE BROS.. PRINTERS CARDS. piiine u "". ww PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER H. C. EDWARDS, stenographer, legal, commercial, mining. 616 Swetla nd bid g, AGNES PARSONS, 612 Couch bldg. 4l7 73Efo ' -:-.- IDA tJONANT, bit Lumber Exchange. Main 4n. - REAL ESTATB J. II Pittenger & Co.. uiiuil at. flione Ii. 4tU. Bira insurance, loans, real estate. J. W OGILBEE. KJIJAL JitTATl AND loans; estan, 1883. 145 Ut. room It RUBBER STASU'S AND SIBILS ALSO ALL OFFICE STATIONERY. P. P. C. Co.. 281 Stark. Tel. 14 07 SAFES DIEBOLD MANGANESE SAFES Large stock; lockouta opened, Jails, Davis Safe & Lock Co., 66 3d st FIREPROOF AND BANK SAFES AT factory prices: eeco Mosler Safe Co.. 108 8d eeconu-nanu saiea at SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES SHOWCASES OF EVERY DESCRIP tlon; bank, bar and store fixtures made to order. . xns LUtae aug. lo. JHB JAMES I. MARSHALL MFG. CO., showcases, cabinets, store and office fixtures. 889 Couch st. M. 2708. RANK FIXTURES SHOWCASES BIRDSALL HAMILTON BLDG. SIGN AND SHOW CARDS FOSTER & KLEISER, SIGNS, THB largest sign makers in the northwest Sth and Everett sta. Phone Prlv. Ex. 65. Home A-1156. "SIGNS- THAT ATTRACT" PORX land Sign Co.. ZtT Stark. Pacific 1696. SUir.GLtS WHOLESALE and retail, best grade, lowest prices. S. E. Gilbert 114 Front. STOVES COLUMBIA Stove works, manufactur ers and jobbers. All kinds of sheet metal works. 33 Union ave. East 3823. " . STOVES REPAIRED. " Main 1110. 271 1st st. TAILORS For a fashionable suit, see Brown Bros., select patterns. 244 H Alder St. TYPEWRITERS ALL MAKES. RENTED, REPAIRED. sold. P. D. C. Co.. 281 Stark. Tel. 1407. BLTCKENSDERFER typewriters. H. N. . Ross, 414 Buchanan bldg. TRANSFER AND STORAGE OREGON. TRANSFER CO. Corner of Seventh and Irving sts. . PHONES Jftfti" OL5ION-ROB TRANSFER CO. General tr&nsfdr avid storage; safeSj .!-, mI fnrnirttfA ni nvH Fnrrc nriii uiaiiva aim m ivhv --. iv..v shipped. 209 Oak St. M. 647. A-2ji47. IRJAND & M' MILL AN, Moving and expressing. Phone East DP. 9 vviumnia CULUAiJ3iA Trunster Co., 167 ft N. tatn. Trunks,, freight: furniture delivery. A Main 1761, INDEPENDENT BAGGAGE & TRANS fer Co. Storage 824 Stark. Main 407. KAobiCKLY TRANSFER & STOKAUB UCn, ill N. 6th. Main 1685A-1. 5 VETERINARIAN H. R. THOMPSON. D. V, S. OFFICE liawthorne stables, "420 Hawthorne ave. Phones East 597; B-1369. WHOLESALE JOBBERS EVERDING & FARRELL, PRODUCB aad commisnion merchants. 140 Front St., Portland, Or. Pnone Mala ITS. OREGON '.. FURNITURE MANUFAC- . turing Co. Manufacturers i or mrnl ture for the trade. Portland. Or. ' ' M, XGUNST & CO., DISTRIBUTORS OF FINE CIGARS. PORTLAND. OREGON. ALLEN A 145 WlS-s-G ROCKni ES. REAL ESTATE, DIRECTORY " REAL ESTATE ANT TIMBER DEALERS ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED Ft)R THE CONVENIENCE OF JCUHNAL REAl'Ei-iJ It can reasonably be expected that realty values in Portland, will go up steadily henceforth. AU during the financial depros slon The Journal contended that there would be no slump in values. That it was right is evident to all. NAMF " Adair, S. D. ...a..,,,,,,,,...,. Atlas Land Company Baker, A. A. lirong-teele Co. Bunker, C F. (Llnnton) ' Butterworth-Stephnson Co., Inc. . . By non, Fred S. ff. . Clark, G. IL and Cook, J. W . ,, Cook & Co., B. S. , Chapln & Herlow . . . , Crossley Co., The Columbia Trust Co, (Swlnton) Coast Realty Co. Conklin Bros. Clement & Cook, timber and homesteads Dunn-Lawrence Co. Draper, Arthur S. ................ Dean Land Imp. & Colonization Co. Espey-Melno Realty Co., Fuchs, F. , Goldschmldt's Agency , Goddard, II. W. Holbrook Co., F. B. (Irrlngton Park) Holmes & Menefee (Irvlngton) ...... Hawthorne Realty Co 1 iiowara tiros, (sunset aeacnj Jackson Se Peering Jacobs-Stine Co. . . (Bella Crest, Kllllngsworth, W. M. Knapp & Mackey Keasey & CoH D. E. (Heights property) Lang, W. II. . . Mall & Von Borstal .......... Moore Investment Co. ........ Moffett, I L. Multnomah Land Co. (Farms) . Oregon Real Estate Co., The O. W. P. Land Co. Immigration Bureau.. Palmer, H. P. Parrlsh, Watklns & Co.. Ralston, L. O. (Ralston Hgts.) Real Realty Co. (Business Chances) Sweet, Elnathan Swennqon & Co., A; F 258V. Washington St...-...M. A A- Schalk. George D 264 Stark St .... .....M-392, A- Schaefer, George. J. S17 Chamber of Commerce. ... i.M- (Coos Bay next) Stevenson & Taylor .................. .311 Buchanan Bldg. ........... .M' Star Real Estate Co. ... ......170 Third St. M- Shields, J. H. C. C. Hickok... .305 Gerlinger Bldg-. ...M- Word. T. M Wells & Co., J. L. White,. B. F FIRST NATIONAL BANK, Portland. Oregon. . ; CAPITAL SURPLUS, $1,500,000. - NO . INTEREST PAID ON ACCOUNTS.' : NITED STATES NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND. OREGON! Northwest Corner Third and Oak Streets. Transacts a General Banking Business. DRAFTS ISSUED Available In All Cities of the United States aud Europe, Hongkong and Manila. Collections made on Favorable Terms. President. ...... .J, C -AINS WORTH. Cashier R. W. SCHMRER Vice-President R. LEA BARNES Assistant Ca. hler W. A. HOLT Assistant Cashier. . A. M. WRIGHT. ERMAN-AMERICAN BANK Portland, Or., Cor. 6tli and Washington Sts, Transacts a general banking business. Drafts issued available In all the principal cities of the United States Jind Europe. Four per cent Inter est paid on savings aocounts. , Safedeposl vault S; BONDS AND INVESTMENTS. ' A' M ORRIS BROTHERS, Chamber of Municipal. Railroad and DOWN ING-HOPKINe COMPANY Established 1892 BROKERS. . STOCKS, BONDS, GRAIN Bought and Sold for Cash and on Margin. Private Wires. Rooms 201 to 204 Couch Bldg. Phones: M-336; A-29B7. GRAND CENTRAL Southern LEAVING PORTLAND. Roseburg Passenger Cottage Grove Passenger.. California Express San Francisco Express... WEST SIDE. Corvallls Passenger Sheridan Passenger Forest Grove Passenger... Forest Grove Paasenger... Forest Grove Pasaenger. . . 8:15 4:15 7:45 1:30 7:20 4:10 8:50 1:00 6:40 a. m. p. m. p. m. night a. ra. p. m. a. m. p. m. p. m. Portland to Dallas Portland to Dallas. Portland-Oswego Suburban Leaving Portland, a. m.. 5:30. 6:30. 7:30. 7:40. 8:50. 10:25: and p. m., 12:50, 2:06, 3:30, Northern Tacoma & Seattle Exp.... 8:30 a. m North Coast & Chicago, Lim. 2:00 p. m Overland Express 11:45 p. m Oregon Railroad & Pendleton Passenger .. 7:15 a. m. Chicago-Portland special .. a:a a. m. Spokane Flyer 8:15 p. m. Kan. City & Chi. Exp 6:00 p. m. Spokane, Portland ELEVENTH AND IIOYT LEAVING PORTLAND. Inland Empire Express. ... .9:15 a. m. Through train for Walla Walla," Pasco, Roosevelt Granddalles, Golden dale, White Salmon, Stevenson, Van couver and intermediate points. North Bank Limited 6:35 p. m. Through train for Spokane, Sprague, Ritxvllle, Llnd. Pasco, Roosevelt Granddalles. White Salmon, Steven son and Vancouver. . Astoria & Astoria. & Seaside Express. 8:00 a. m. Astoria & Seaside Express. 6:00 p. m. Canadian Pacific; liauway Co. C P. R. Short Line, via Spo. 8:15 p. m. Via Seat. Vic. .VVanc. . . . . . 2:00 p. m. VI, Rnmajl ...-..... .11:45 p. m. Portland Ry., Cars Leave Ticket Office and Waiting Room, First and Alder streets, FOR OREGON CITY: 4:00, 4:30 a. m , and every 30 min utes (on the hour and half hour), to and Including 9:00 p. m., then 10, 11; last car, 12 midnight. Gresham, Boring, Eagle Creek, Esta cada, Caxadera, Falrview and Trout-dale-7:15, 9:15? 11:15 a. m.; 1:15 8:45. 6:16. 7:25 p.m. . Time Card Oregon Electric Railway Compauy. T .. win Tnrtlnnd Salem. Int. Stas.. local...... :26a.m. Hillsboro-Forest Grove local. 7:00a.m. Salem. Int. 8tas local,. ... . 8:00 a.m Hillsboro-Forest Grove local. 8:55 a.m. Salem-Tualatin only, limited, :15a.m. Hillsboro-Forest Grove local. 19:2 5. a.m. Salem, Int. Stas , local. .... .11:00 a.m. HUlsboro-Forest Grove local,. 1:30 p.m, Salem, Int Etas., local... . 2:00 p.m. Salem, Int. Stas., local. ..... 8:45 p.m. Hillsboro-Forest Grova local. 4:10p.m. Wilsonvllle, Int Staa.. local. 6:00p.m. HUlsboro-Forest Grove-local. 6:30 p.m. Salem, Int Stas., local..,,.. 6:20p.m. Salem, Int' Stas.. local...... 8:40 p.m. WHOLESALE JOBBERS WADHAMS & CO.. WHOLES ALB GRO cars, manufacturers and comsulsaioa merchants. 4th and Oak sts. TRANSPORTATION TOKTH P ACXTIO STSAUSKXV CO.'B , ' ETBAMSBXPS ' Roanoke and Geo. W. Elder Salt for Eureka, San Francisco and Loa Angeles direct every Thursday at 8 p. m. Ticket office. 132 Third. neir Alder. Phones M. 1314. H. YOl'NC Agent San Francisco & Portland S. S. Co. Only direct' steamer, daylight satllnga From' Alnsworth d.ick, Portland, p. ra. . S. Senator, Hov. 37, Deo. 11, S3. S. S. Roe City, Deo. 4, la, ete From Loi(ib.r4 xt., ftin Frnnctsco, 11 a- m - S. S, Boe City, Nov. .. Ueo. 13. S. 8. Senator, Dec &. 19. to. J. W. Ranaom. book A ir !!. !. 26. A'"- vt-rti th Dock. M. J., t iv i ; '. Ag(!Pt, 144 Third st. . M .W 4..;. A ir TELEPHONE ...Home A-4'J)5 ..Hume A-Uit) 115 Ablngton Biag.l...M-6764, A-i2r7 ,...110 Second St ...... t.M. & A-R5' ,...514 Chamber of Commerce. ... ,.M-S21 36 Lafayette Bldg., 6th & Wash.M-H.9 ....216 Marquam Bldg Board of Trade. .,. .M-5407. A-32S3 607-508 Corbett Bldg M-SJ8,' A-3S3 425 Chamber of Commerce. .... .Jt-HSJ 708-9 Corbett Dldg M-7H55. A-5723 714 Couch Bldg .M-5681. A-l. IS 71. UOllCn UlOg. . . ... . . JH-BHM, a-i: II 220 Lumber Exchange. . .M-1568, A-15D 302 Rothchild Bl.!f. ...... T-806, B-2221 652 'Worcester Bldg. .......... .M. 6119 .248 Aider . . ; : M-015, A-28IS 313ty Washington St M-3370, A-2.H1 .631 Chamber of Commerce. .M. & A-1370 313 Commercial Bldg. ,221ttMorrison St JPac-2613, .M-5609 A-40S3 .2534 Washington Bt..,',..M. s .119 Second St M. & A-3'5S A-1744 . 1 Worcester Bldg. ........ . 89 Third St. ....... i ... i . . . ,M-53. ' ..M-600H : . . .1-61 ,M-15o 021 Hawthorne ave.. cor. 84th, 519 Swetland Bldg 246 Stark St ,148 Fifth St Berkeley, Dover.) .M-34S A-2SH ..M-8869, .328 Chamber of Commerce M-4557 . 7 Chamber of Commerce.. M.; & A-2010 .Office on Heights ....A-1T4 ,340 Chamber of Commerce. .... .M-2353 ,...104 Second St ....313 Washington St.-.. ...M. & A-U38 ,,.M. &.A-2707 . ,. A-574T, .M-4222. A-4174 88 i4 Third St. Grand ave. and Multnomah. E-67, C-T708 First and Alder Sts., .M-66S8 .21$ Com'clnl Club Bldg. .M-8639, A-2658 .250 Alder St M-1644 ..American Bank, 90 7th St .M-154 .. .522 Worcester Bldg , M-61T9 -.204 Corbett Bldg. ,M- 5790 3058 ' 2393 5613 1290 3279 .430 2f.l 23S5 1241 ,.413-414 Board of Trade.. M-4S41. A ..306 Chamber of Com.. ... 1-4564, A , , 8-9 Labbe Bldg. M-7334, A. ADDRESS. ..810 Fenton Bldg, ,',., ..420 Lumber Exchange. BANKS. Commerce Building. Public Service Corporation Bonds. STATION TIME CARD. Pacific. ARRIVING PORTLAND. Orernn T"rnre .' . . i-ik m Cottage Grove Passenger. ..11:30 a. m. Roseburg Passenger 6:80 p. m. Portland Express 11:15 p.m. WEST SIDE. Coryallia Passenger......,.' :20p. m Sheridan Passenger ' : ... . , . .10:30 a. m. Forest Grove Passenger. ... 8:0 a. m. Forest Grove Passenger. .. .11:60 a. m. Forest Grove Passenger. ... 4 :50 p. m. Jefferson Street Depot. .... 7:40a.m. II Dallas to Portland. ,10:1 5 a. m. .... 4:15 P.m. Dallas to Portland......... 5:R0.m. 5:20, 6:25. 7:45, 10:10, 1:30. Pacific. , North Coast Limited . 7:00 a. m. Portland Express Overland Express . , . . , .. :i p. m. . :3t p. m. Navigation Company, Spokane Flyer . . . . . . . . 8:60 a. m. Chi., Kan. City & Port. Exp 9:45 a. m. Chicago-Portland Special ,. 8.B0 p, m. Portland Passenger ....... 6:15 p. m. & SeatUo Railway STREET PASSENGER STATION ARRIVING PORTT.ANrn North Bank Limited. ...... .7:30 a. m. Through train from S p o k n e, Sprague, Rltsville, Llnd, Pasco, Roose velt, Granddalles. White Salmon, Btav- nson and Vancouver. Inland Empire Exprea. 5:30 p, tn. Through train from Walln Walla. Pasco, Roosevelt Granddallea, Golden-' dale, White Salmon. Stevenson, Van couver and Intermediate points. Columbia River. ! Astoria & Port. Passenger. 1 2 :1S p. m, Portland Express .10:00 p. m. C. P. R. Short Line, via Spo. 8:00 a,' ra. Via Van., Vic. and Seattle,, 8:15 p. m. Via Suwm and Seattle .... 7 00 a. m. Light & Power Co. FOR VANCOUVER. Ticket office and waiting-room. Sec ond and Washington streets. A. M. 6:li, :50, 1:25, 8:00, 8:35, :10. 10:30, 11:.0. P. M 12:30, 1:10. 1:5. J:30. 8:19., ;60. 4:30, 6:10, 6:50, 6:30, T;05. 7:40,, 8:15. :25.. 10:S5. .11:4&. On third Monday In every month last car leaves at 5:05 p. m. 'Dally ex. Sunday. "Pally . Mon, Arrlvinor Pnrtlanit Wilsonvllle, Int. Stas., local. Hillsboro-Forest Grove local. 6. -55 a m. 8: 30 4 m. oaiem, int. stas., local. 11:11.. v. m . . ' , S:4n a.m. H!llsborForct Grove local. 10;0 . a.iru BHiem, int. Btas., local. . . . , ,10:55 a.m. Hillsboro-Forest Grove local. 12M 5, Salem, Int. Stas., local. . 1:15 p m. Hillsboro-Forest Grove local. 2:50 Salem. Int. Staa local...;.. 9:40 p. n. Salem-Tualatin only limited. 4:4 jr n. Hillsboro-Forest Grove local, p.'fltt p.m. Salem, Int. Sta., local, .... . (() p.m. Hillsboro-Forest Grove local. 7:2np,in. Salem. Int Stas., iocal. . . .. , :2fl p in, Salem, Int. Stas , local -.1040 p.m. . TRANSIOKTATIO.- COOS BAY L,ITl, The steamship ' Breakwater '.-leave Portland Wednesday a 8 -. m, frosn (nu street dock, ior Worth Bend, airhflj.t and Ooos Bay noints. Frvlght r. -,v l till 4 p. m. on day of sailing, V i...;nr fare, first elasa, $ 10;-jiecoml ciaan, (?, Including burttt and meal Inquire cnV ticket efflce. - Third and Washingtv streets, or Oak street jk. COttrMEiA sitxib scErrr.Y For The vlhiaes '.ni!y e:;;4 ,it. "Baile r ua'iz!:hi" i.-.r.., i, Monday, Wedneinl.-y "! i- a. m., stopins "t '.!, in 'DALLK... ClTl " ! i' . , i day, Thursday a" I - m., making all i..i,- - t both 'ateainera i 'i'" . si trnate c"v at n m - . 914 or A-&112, AM.-r v-;;- . -., . v'-. "