THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND; TUESDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 17 1908. - ' RAILROAD IW AT SIGLER'S TAX Attorney Says Courts "Will 1 Again Be Asked, to De' ' - cide Legality. There ought to b torn Hmlt where th assessor trill atop. I cannot tindr tand "wy there should t , a dlspoil tlon on he part of Ahl board to sustain Assessor Slgler la goln; to such, unrea sonable length. Hera W hav $250, 000 assessed against ua from lat year that wt have taken up in the .courts, ana what ia the uae of compelling ua to do the same thing again?" . Arthur -C.; Spencer, attorney for-th . O. R. & 14. company, the speaker, . -and the words quoted formed a part or his plea, for reduction-of . th? railroad assessment before the county board of equalization yesterday af ternoom The board, consisting of Assessor Blgler, County Judge Websterand County Clerk Fields, had just listened to testimony from C. A. Btavar, chief clerk In the : office' of Auditor .Blaladell, -and - from James O. "Wilson, an attorney and stock holder of the O. R. & N., who brought With him the' minutes of the stockhold ers' meetings. , . v What 75 Par Cent Dividend Did, By Mr. Wilson It was shown that on February 18 the O. It. & N. almost wiped out Its surplus by declaring a general dividend of 76 par cent on common and preferred stock, with additional divi dends of8 per cent on preferred and 4 per' cent oh common. The total mount of these- dividends was $27, 4 au, 000, and they were made payable February 20. In this connection As sessor Slgler thought it significant that the date of assessment or property Is March 1. But this was not all. The railroad Witnesses Informed the board that the Item carried aa notes and accounts, generally known as the surplus, con sisted of money due the O. R. A N. from the Union Pacific But most of the atock of the O. R. A N.,ls owned by th U. P., so when the'dlvldend was declared the account was credited over on the U. P. books. "Merely a matter of bookkeeping," It was explained. Chang tn , Bookkseping. Attorney Spencer aald that as the assessor had taxed the company on more than $11,000,000 for money, notes and aeoounts last year, It was decided to change the method of bookkeeping. He 'expressed disappointment that the meth od of declaring a dividend and wiping out the surplua before the day -of as sessment has also failed to satisfy the assessor because this year the railroad assessment on the same class of prop arty atands at $14,400,000. The board did not announce any de- elslon In the matter, but the questions asked or witnesses oy county Assessor Blgler made the railroad attorney plain ly despondent aa to the outcome. If the board denies the railroad petition another large sum In taxes will no doubt be hung up until the courts can pasa on the legality of the assessment POPULATION OF PORTLAND NOW I ' NEARLY 255,000 x That the city of Portland will 4 start the new year With a pop- 4 ulatton of nearly 255.000 la the 4) estimate made today by census- 4 4 takers of R. L. Folk A Co., who 4 are now engaged in compiling 4 4 the new city directory. If this 4 figure proves correct. Portland 4 has made a net gain' of 15,000 4 people, which with the possl- 4 ble exception of Ban Francisco, 4 will probably prove the best 4 41 gain In population of any city on 4 4 the Paolflo coast. The eaat aide will again acora 4 a heavy gain over the west side. 4) That the new arrivals are of the 4 4 material that every city wlshea 4 to get is shown by the surprls- 4 4 ingly large number of new 4 4 dwellings that have sprung up 4 on all the suburban car lines. 4 CAR HITS WAGON, DRIVER INJURED Ed Burllngame,' who drives a team for Logan & Clow, contractors, was serl- ously Injured at Third and Taylor streets yesterday afternoon when S' car No. 245 struck his wagon, throwing him 10 feet In the air. Rurlinirame was crossing th street with his team when the car, which is ldlv, ftauick the wagon with a terrlflo crash, turning It completely around and upon the sidewalk. The driver sus tained many bad bruises. He was taken to hfs home. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY S FINE fresh young cows, one first calf, only !. a snap; one tnjra can, heavy, rich milker $56; another third calf cow the best In town for quantity aid nualitv of milk: will sell on trial. $86. Brown house opposite Ockley Green. Bt. Johns car. LOTS to trade tor piano or typewriter. Trade anything you have for anything you want, i Call at room 1019 Board of Traae mag., tn ana ua bib, ROLLER-TOP desk and revolving chair, onlv used one month, coat 340; will sell for $S0. H. A Matter, 827 Board of Trade mag. . iTWO freeh cows, good milker, 1 Jersey cow', '1 1,200-lb. work horse. (46 E. Madison t Phone- East 2891. San Francisco Office Oregon Journal 1206 CALL BUILDING CLASSIFIED . AD RATES Classified advertisements In The Jour nal aro as follows: - No ad less than 16o per Insertion. Phone or charged ads 6c per Una per insertion; 7 insertions for th price -of 6. Cash ads-lo per word per inser tion, 7 Insertions for the price of I. Lost and found, help wanted, situations wanted, for rent and wan ted to rent ads lo per word per Insertion, t Insertions for th price Of 8.- -."" ' 18 to 5 .words. 20o; 21 to 15 words, 16o; matrimonial, esanl- curing, massage and bath, ads, IOo per line per Insertion. Card of thanks, meeting ana fu neral notices, 6O0 per Insertion. . -. New today (agat measua 14 lines to Inch), 840 per Inch. Count ,., 6 words to line. 1 ' Th , Journal cannot . guarante ao- euraoy o-assum responsibility f r - ran of in kind oeaurlng In telephoned advertisement . .- :"-' I Should any ad appear incorrect .on ... in.tu Th .fniirnal will not be responsible for Subsequent insertion , The Journal' business office Is. open 'from la. m.tu S p, m.j Saturdays i a. ( rWojiesSaiiir 7175 ; A31. WEATHER REPORT, ntnrtt virnlnrt were continued at T;16 a. m. at all stations In Washington aad at the mouth of th Columbia river. Th Vancouver island aisiuroance hi ilviuiiai tut to . Saskatchewan, and a new disturbance is approaching Vancouver island. Th rouowmg max imum wind velocities occurred yester day and last night: . Tatoosh Island, 8 miles south: North Head, 4 miles southeast. Heavy rains hav - fallen along th Strait Of Fuca, and lighter amounts ar reported . In the sound country and Willamette valley andt aUo at scattered places in eastern Washing ton and northern ; Idaho, A large jilgh nrABsnra ara 1 m nnntrm 1 over T 1 1 RJ. and Chinook winds are blowinc In Montana ana Wyoming, wner tne innjnj.ur nas risen xrom is to su aesrew since yesterday. It la also much warmer In Th indications ar for rain in this district tonight and Wednesday witn fresh southerly breeies in the interior. Th southerly gal along th coast will contlnu for another 24 hours. : ;r. It ; xtmp Max, - Mln, Preotp. Baker City Or:.. i. J 42 .- .00 Kansas City, Ma... 54 . ' 40 '.. .00 Lewlston, Idaho ...54 48 .02 Little Rock, Ark.,. 62 ... 88 , .00 Los Aheele. CaL.. 82 0 . .00 Msrshfield. Or, 68 62 .00 Portland,' Or. ..... 83 , 64 .T Roseburg, Or. .... 70 . 60 . . .00 Sacramento.-Cat .. 70 ; 44 .00 Bt. Louis, Mo, 48 40 .00 St. Paul, Minn. .... 80 t . .00 Salt Lake; Utah ... 66 82 ,N .00 Sttn Antonio, Tex,,f 68 , 40 , .00 Spokane, Wash. ... 64 86 v. .02 Walla Walla, Wssh. 62 43 .00 Carriage li ceases Full . dresn suits for rent, all slsea Pnlqu Tailoring Co.. 809 Stark st PORTLAND Florist Co.. choice out flow ers and funeral designs. 825 Morri son, LOWEST prices for cholc cut flowers and design work.. Main 608; A-2608. uustav nurKnarqt, iia nag sc., n. Weddtnc Cards. W. O. Smith At Co.. Washington bldg corner 4th and Wash ington sts Beta A Sons, florists, funeral design, 8H Morrison. Main 8085: A-1877. Clarke faroa, florists Fin flowers and floral designs, 288 Morrison st Max M. Smithy florist. 160 6th St.. op. polt Meier A Frsnk's. Main 7811. FLOWERS FOR WEDDINGS AND FU- nerals. Alfred Burkhardt, Nob H1U norim, izo 23a at. Main BOZ a-ib4 BIRTHS STOLLER To Mr. and Mrs. 3. Stoller, Bethany, Or., November 8, a eon. NEAR To Mr, and Mrs. R. D. Near, 1028 East Twenty-ninth street north, November 14, a daughter. DUKES To Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Dukes, 244 H Montgomery street, November 11. a son, KENDALL To Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Ken dall, Wemath avenue and Sandy road, November 13, a daughter. SHATTO To Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Shatto. 1888 Easter street, November IS, a son. M'CLTNTOCK To Mr. and Mrs. L. C. McCllntock, 1053 Eighth street, No vember 10, a daughter. WHITMORB To Mr. and Mrs. W. Whltmore, 162 East First street, No vember 16. a sonN TOOMET To Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Toomey, 281 Williams avenue, No vember 6, a son. MICKLET To Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Mlck ly, 168H Pag street, November 1, a son. ZINSER To Mr. and Mra H. C. Zlnser, 691 Clinton street, October 81, a sou. DB MARCO To Mr. and Mra. F. De Marco, 491 East Thirtieth street. No vember 10, a daughter, -WILKES To Mr. and Mra. H. Wilkes, 799 William avenue, November 16, a daughter. SARQENT To Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Sar gent 766 Schuyler, November 1, a son. NEWELIj To Mr. and Mrs. S. Newell, 610 Dekum avenue, November 12, a son. MANNANN To Mr. and Mrs. W. .O. Mannann, 1408 Klrby street, Novem ber 14. a daughter. STEINER To Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Stelner, East Forty-second and East Grant street, November 14, a son. STACY To Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Stacy, 806 Hancock street. November 8, a daughter, BOCKENFELD To Mr. and Mra H. Boekenfeld, 826 First street, Novem ber 8, a daughter DEATHS BVANfi Anna Evans, 1211 Borthwlck street, November 13, aged 23; tubercu- CONRADT G. H. Conradt, 546 Morri son street, November 16, age 65; bowel trouble. WITNER G- D. Wltner, city, Novem ber 15, age 80; compllcatlona. BAUMAN H. C. Bauman, Salem. No vember 16, age 88; cause unasslgned. PLUMMER Mra F. C. Plummer. 820 Flanders street, November 13, age 70; complication. JONES E. Jones, city, November 12, age 78; asthma. STANTON W. Stanton, 856 Salmon street, November 12, age 63; hemor rhage. ' FUNERAL NOTICES J CARLSON At her late residence, 848 North Nineteenth street. November 16, Victoria Carlson, sged 49 years. Fu neral services will be held from the above residence Wednesday, November 18, 2 p. m. Friends Invited. Interment Greenwood cemetery. 1 FUNERAL DIRECTORS DUNNING. M'ENTEB A GILBAUQH. undertaker and embalmera: modern In every detail. Seventh and Pin a Main 480. Lady assistsnj. J. P. Finley & Sen M.d.Vnna Laoy attenoant. win g; ji'iov. F. 8. DUNNING, inc., -east side funeral qirectora. a. Ai'icr im c qui v. ZELLER-BVRNES CO.. FUNERAL DI rectors, embalmera, 270 RussalL. East 1088. Lady assistant. EDWARD HOWANl UNDERTAKER. 220 3rd street ERICSON UNDERTAKING CO.. EM balmlng; lady is't; 409 alder. M 6138. CEMETERIES ROSB CITY SINGLE GRAVES, 310; family lota, 825 to 876. Superintend ent at cemetery, corner of Fremont t and Cully road. Phon Tabor 208. For full Information apply to Frsnk Schl 633 Worcester blk. Phon A-3828. MONUMENTS MARBLE AND GRANITB MONU ments, all kinds cmetery decorations, 68-70 Grand ava N. Imhoff & Dorcaa lana'a leatllnir marhle and rranlte win. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS 6 Board of Trad bldg.j abstracta a specialty Pacific Title ft Trust Col th leading Bbatractora 204-6-6-7 Falling Piag. Sardis Robbln and wlf to Ada C Webster, lot 1, block 2. Bon Ton addition ; ..IL260 Josephine M. Shaw to' Frank N. Mo, lot 10, block 2&mN. Alblna 00 J. H. Keith and wtf to Luella J. ' Worth, lot 16, block 8, Arista Park No. 3 459 Jonathan Richmond and wlf to William H. and Mary A. Hall. 1-acra in aectlon 5, township 1 south. rang 3 east ir.-ri-rrr- -, 160 Msry M. Gilman to Augusta A. Marshall, south W of lot 6,, block "N," Tabor Heights...... 100 A. W. . Bagley.and wif to Albert W. Bank and wife, undivided V, of lots 14 and 16, block 6; lots It 2, 8. ,'14 ta block 75 ot 1 to 8, block 8; lots 1 to IVj block 9, Qay'a addition ., 1,958 M. L. Holbrook and wife to Jamas . G. Wilson, part of lot 21. block 31, wyiamett Heights addition 150 B. M. Lombard and wife to Mary- . A. Maloney, lot 13, block 1, Han-. "cock St addition 650 Andrew Anderson and wife to Sa , rah E. Moore, tot l, block - 4 ' WUlUuns Avenu addition...... 8,000 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS ' Aiieta Land Co.- to A. H. Hllde-, ' brand, lots 6 and 6, block 6, Lester Park .................. J60 Trances A. Pearcy to Laura B. ; enarp, iota 11 and 18, blocK .1 - Terminus addition to Alblna. . . . 1460 Arthur B. Bullay and wtf to ... Marvin I Gallagher, loU 7 and 8. block 22, Columbia Heights.. 2,100 Arthur Bullay and wife to Mar vin L.. Oallagher 'ct aL lot 10, ' block 22,. Columbia Heights 100 Martin Keating and wife to M. A. Baylls, lot t, subdivision of lot ' 1, Paradise Spring Farm ...... S.000 William Hutchinson and wife -. to Hermlna A. Baylls. lota 16 anil 16. hlor.k t. Hute hlnson ad- dltion ...1,200 West St Johns Land company to . O. C. fihlnn Jot 1. block 6. ' Whltwood" Court . ............. 800 J. H. Courtney and . wife to Oo- cidental Trading company, lot 2. ' block 6, Clifford addition to Al- Jm blna 1.000 J. M. Crook and wlf to Matthw - R Trrv. lot 8. hlorlf 1. Kern Park addition 185 L. O. Ralston and wlf to Valeria Trlnhltaa- lnt 2. block 7.' Sweeney' addition 585 Rose City Park association to FMwIn Klmmn lot 22. block 104. Rose City Park TOO Flrland company to J. W. Herald, lot 12, block 11, Flrland 150 Harriet E. Miller. to Theodor W. Sparks, lots 4 and 6, block 68, University park ....4 1,268 Tltl Guarantee & Trust oompany to L. H. DeFrates, lot 6, block , 7. West Piedmont" til Security Abstract & Trust cotn pany to Henry Schwarts, lot 6, block 46, Rose City Park ...... M0 Luby Hargrove and wife to Sam and Willi McCall. lots 1. 2, 11, and 12, block 2, Home addition 600 Luby Hargrove and wife to Sam and Willie McCall, lots 1, , 11, and 12, and west 40 feet of lots 8 and 10. block 2, Horn addt- ... tlon R. L. Donald and wife to Luby Hargrove, block 3, Horn addl- tlon li-'-l' 1'000 Alfred Underwood and wlf to Martha Nelson, 45x110 feet com menclrrk at the northeast cor ner of lot 20, block 1. Williams Avenue addition No. 8........ 00 Southeast Portland Real Estate association to Francois Lorn-. bard, lot 6, block S, irsi uu di vision of McKinley Park..... rninmhl Triiat comnanv to C. N. 150 Wanaoott, lots 17, 18, block 4, Wlberg Heights .... 1.600 Meleholr Ras to C. F. Nelson, lots 22, 28, block 18. Mount Tabor Villa 800 Eugene A. Cushman and wife to Carrie C. Jackson, east half of lots 1. 2, bleck 4. Linn addition. 2,000 Melchoir Ras to C. F. Nelson, lots 22. 23. block 18. Mount Tabor Villa JLL---1 800 C. G. Ston and wife to Francis Welsh, west half of lots 1, 2, block 65. Stephens addition..... 8,600 Albert Brlx and wife to Alex White et al, lots 11. 12. block 4, Holladay Park addition 6,150 Oliver O. Coslett and wif to James Nevins, lot 18. block 24, Bast Creston 860 Lone Fir Cemetery company to J. II. imhoff, lot 7S, block 87, aaid cemetery 40 SEE Williams Abstract Co. for prices. 338 Chamber of Commerce. Have vour abstracts made by th Title ft Trust Co.. 7 C of C ' Haizllp & Co., abstractors, lst-class work; get our prlcea 828 Corbett bldg. NEW TODAY Monicd Man or Farmer GROW RICH as YOU GROW OLD Bargain for Some One 10 acres, all in fruit; fcood 8-room house; new barn; on both steam and electric lines; 12 miles from Port land; 100 Lambert cherry trees; 100 other fruit trees; all varieties; lots of small fruit; 20 English walnut trees, 10 years old; horse, buggy and all farm implements, and all for $4,250, one-third cash. Wallace Investment Co. Room 517 Oregonian Building. Prult Farm 110 acres, close to Dallas, finest soil, good buildings and water: 40 acres In fruit of the best ' varletlea, yielding good Income; 312,000. $4,000 oash. bal ance easy terms. A bargain which will stand full Investigation. XAtrririfAirH ai voohb, 825 Lumber Kzchange. Great Buy A whole block, 8 lots on Grand and Union avenues; business property. This cannot fall as a big money maker. Can be bought as a whole or in part. rax spAWTOW co, 870 Stark st. Maegley Highland $2,650 2-story 6-room Oueen Anns eot cottage, furnace, fireplace; terms. $4,500 -Beautiful corner home, lot 100x100. Very good terma These properties can be seen only by calling at th office of The Spanton Co. 870 JTIXK Mllwaukle 16 acres, well Improved; fine soil, good fruit farm and dairy; excellent buildings; 12 good milch cows and a.v.. ..t. sll nlmenta. close to lctrl line; 8,ao0 cash. balance asy terms. xjkvmuwK m hooks, - ':: . '. 825 Lumber Exchange. a nortgage Loans . Lowest rates of lnterV 1. 3Otri8 8baXOK03f. 33 Biiaia mrmwm, mmm , H90O V SPECIAL BAJBUAXXT ' I Lot 50x115 feet on East 1 I I Morrison near 29th; also I 1 I fine corner for store build- I I lng on Belmont I j l S200O II TES KAKT X.AJTD CO. k 146 Second St. A NEW TODAY. Boy An Acre Tract In Addition On the Portland-Salem carline, especially adapted to fruit and vegetables. NO ROCK, NO GRAVEL, RICH SOIL. Cleared, cultivated land or beautifully tim bered, parked slopes, some with runnino: water. Carline runs right through the tract County roads on three sides. Only seven miles to Portland by car, six miles by wagon' road, or five miles from city hall on a straight linetwo miles closer than Lents Junction, where lots sell from $250 to $400 each. Our price is only $350 PER ACRE and up. TERMS EASYonly 10 per cent down and 3 per cent per month. GAR DEN HOME is the junction point of the Hillsboro carline, where there is sure to be a village, and what is now selling in acres will soon be selling in lots. Those who buy early will profit by the advance in value. Only 21 pieces of this tract left unsold. Don't wait come to our office and get full information. OREGON ELECTRIC DEPOT Front and Jefferson Streets. Phone Main 5426. MEETING NOTICES 41 I SAY, NEIGHBOR, COMB up to the meeting of fleorse Washington CamD tmummKM tonight at 128 11th Bt I 281 fl' wish to speak to you. All visiting neighbors ar Wei ll. ' u coma Jal c. C. R J- COLLINS. H. A. FKEURlCii, uera. GRAND ball, given by Astra Circle Guards, in the W. O. w. Temple, 128 Eleventh st, Thursday, November 19. Stiles orchestra. Admission 25o. Com- mltteo. M. W. A. OREGON ORAFR CAMP. No. 8975, Mondaya SeUlng-Hlrscn block, lotn ana wssnington sia M. W. A EVERGREEN CAMP. 6.4 . meet Wednesday evening. Allsky Blag., 3d ana Morrnon . GRAND masquerade ballgiven by Roy- vember 25! at Woodmen Temple,' 128 Uth st. Tickets. 60o FOR RENT Hall and lodgeroom on east side; will be completed In 30 days, 60x50, hardwood floor, fine stage; rent very reasonable. E. B. Cllne, 1101 Hawthorns ave. Tabor 1147. FOR SAI.E REAL ESTATE! 16 ACREAGE And farms In Washington county, Ore gon, close to carline. OREGON HOME & LAND CO. 14 Hamilton bldg., Portland, Or. s 7-room house, modern, corner lot, on E. 86th, 2 blocks from Sunnyslde busi ness center; 32,100, $800 down, balance terms 2 or 3 years. VALLEY LAND VO.. 278H Salmon St $2,600 FOR a fine, up to date, modern nous and corner lot 60x100: house stands on 60x50 and another house can be built ton the corner; $1,300 down. $3,000 for a 6-room modern house and barn, lot 60x125, on Knott st. ft down. $8,000 for a fin corner 100x108, on Union ave., with 4 houses, brings $57 a month in rent; this is a snap, $5,000 for a choice lot on Union' ave., with an old house; rents for $10 per month; this is an A-l business prop erty. $1,900 for an 8-room house on W.-W. line; modern In every respect; lot 60x 100- 3500 down. , $2,600 for a fine 7-room house in Ver non: up to date. $600 down. Wa nave any amount of bargalna. Com and see us. STITES A PEPER 620 Tin Ion ave. N. Phone East 4285. and 6-room bungalows and we desire to build such houses as will meet the want of the people, and to better en able us to meet that want we ask those parties contemplating building or pur chasing to notify us, either In person or otherwise, the kind of a house they want the location best suited for them and th amount they want to put In nous and lot O. M. Smith, 415 Com mercial club bldg. Phon Main 8960. FOR SALE Lot 76xl00,$500; $100 cash. Balance easy terma i q st VERNON Sightly lot .block from ear line: must st sell. See owner. A-2 9, N. d st FOR SALE Beautiful 6-room bunga- low. ail rooaern; oy owner. 1147 e. Taylor. FOR SALE $400 cash, one lot, 60 by 190, two blocks from Stuart's station, Mt Scott carline. For sale by owners. Miller A Edwards, care Oregon Con- servatory or Mnsio, 4jvfr Washington $260 60x100 LOT and 14x32x7 H base- ment one diock irora car tine. Ad dress box 82. Lent. CHOICE ACRES VERY CHEAP. A-l soil, level, cleared, seeded to srass, within 6 -cent limit at sacrifice If taken soon; half cash, balance time. Must have money, leavlns; city; write or Be owner. 703 Mississippi ave. 6-ROOM plastered house; city water; -fruit; Mllwaukle; $760, terma The Barber Realty Co., 263 Holladay ave., J-16S. A COZYHOMET 4-room bunaalow. new 'and ' modern, near new school; cheap at $1,880; $250 down; easy terms. 89th and Hawthorne ave. $850 BUYS a larg hous and 8 lota Inqulr Thompson's confectionery, Ar ista FOR BAtE-Cheapl 1 'loW 84x100 each, 6-room house, unfinished; price $&&. ins is. itn t., i. FOR SALE 5 -room . house, block from - 3 carline, 1' block from Pied mont car barns; price $1,800. Summit Investment Co., 3 Kllllngsworth ave. FOR SALE A -SNAP" Good , (-room nous. one block to car, $1,250. ,rhon Eaat $360. 0-449, JoumaL Evte yn Garden Home HOSSACh & GOD MAN ' FOR SALE REAIi ESTATE 10 Snap on the West Side " Think of It A 6-ROOM MODERN HOUSE) OM THE WEST SIDEl WAXJtlNO JJIBTANCB FOR ' ONLY 12.600; THIS IS NEAR CORBETT ST, , ? Williams & Crowley 413 Marquam bldg. , RESIDENCES k rin 7-room house. In rood local ity, at a bargain. It only takes $600 cash to handle thla Call In and see photo. a. new house and auarter-tolock. at Madras, with chioken-hous and barn. A snap; 82,000, oash. A Sellwood home for 32.850. This place haa 8 rooms, with all modern lm- ?rovemncs ana u ue oanuim w 11.11 860 down; th balance at $25 per month. Hartman & Thompson Chamber of Commerca $360 CASH And $20 per month buys a "Cuteness" 6-room bungalow; will be built as you Ilka It on nice lot: streets srraded: ce ment walks and curb paid for. See Butterworth. Main 8629. 36 Lafayette bldg.. 6th and Washington sts. Sunnyslde Home New, 6 rooms; reception ball, pantry. attic, lull , oasement, woou noise, eiec close to. car; all for $8,650; terms. If you want a bungalow see these; have three, new, right up to date. Haw thorn Realty Co., E. 84th and Haw- thorn ave., Tabor 518. Bl? House, Two Lots 8x100 Near car. Bull run water, concrete foundation, nlc lawn, rosea,, .a i. ) n r n ...V. 1 C A Mir.W Price $2,260. HAVERSTIC & GAX.LAGHER, 243 Wash. St. Special ' $1,850 6-room cottage, E. 81st, south Hawthorne ave.; large fruit trees; half cash, balance $15 per month. 602 McKay bldg., 3d and Stark. DON'T OVERLOOK That 100x100 ON NORTH 8TH ST. Only a little away from WASHINGTON ST. At 318.500. It's worth mors money. It will pay a fair Income while advancing in value; or until you want to improve It Tou seldom have such an opportunity Avail yourself of it. DO IT NOW. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, 714 Couch Bldg., 109 Fourth St. $150 cash, balance monthly, 6-room. modern bungalow, close to car and good school. basement, tinted walla re stricted neighborhood; price $1,850; look at thla before you buy. CHARLES M. R088, Laurejwood. OWNER forced to sell account of alck ness, 100x100 ground, new 8-room house unfinished, 2 blocks from car, 10 minutes' walk from Piedmont car barns; pries $1,750. Summit Investment Co., 129 Kllllngsworth ave. 6-ROOM modern house, east side, near car and school, full lot; very desir able; price $3,500; $1,000 cash, balance i r i ma. it.J n i i, ipiTi.tuv BEST FLAT proposition on- the east side; choice quarter block (corner) terms. Room 7, infttm t. west of 15th st; $8,600; terms; get In right before it gets out of your reach. E-162. Journal. $1,000 WILL buy cosy 4-room cottage with two lots, one block from Mount Scott line; half cash. J. W. Wiedrick, 110 Zd st BARGAIN if taken In few days. 74 acres, all -cultivated, fine barn, house, poultry yards, young orchard, on elec tric line, 8 miles out: terms or 6 per cent off for cash. See owner, 183 H 4th st, room 1 $1 000 NEW 4-room bungalow, porce lain bath; toilet, lot 60x100. GERMAN-AMERICAN REALTY CO.. 843 Vj Washington St., rooms 8 and 4. $3,000 BUYS 100x100 on E. 19th, with large 8-room house: 4 large cherry trees; 100 feet from double car track; the house will rent for 315; only $2,000 cash. See E. H. Dement, 242 Madison. FOR SALE. 1 acre, lots of fruit, figs, peaches, cherries, apples, plums, and a new 8-room house, moderate, on 86th St. This is the best buy in the city for the money. Don't fail to look at this. Price $5,500. Room Mulkey bldg., Morrison and 2d. ; $800 CASH takes 4-room house, 2 nice Jots fenced, 40x120, on corner; new steel range, good furniture, barn, 2 henhouses and yards,- some garden truck and tools; all goes $1,300, balance terms. 1SS 4th St. WE BUILD HOMES To suit you at small cost, and very easy paymenta There Is no reason -.hy you should not own your own home. Call and see us and let us explain bow easy it is to do so. THE VETERAN LAND CO, 822 Chamber or commerce. FOR SALE By owner, 6-room cottage, arly new, artistic design, roo.(1 iblng, septic tank, electric lights. nea aa. Rnll' Run water, corner lot, every thing first class, fruit trees, roses, gar den small fruit, improved street, near carline, good car service. Piedmont dis trict mountains visible. 607 McKay DlQg., 80, anq eiara bib. East 30th St 150 feet from carline, 80x100, only 8660. Calf 602 McKay bldg.. 3d and Statk. 4-ROOM cottage, 2 fine lots, nice shade trees, $1,000; 12&0 casn, siu mommy. Charles M. Ross, Iaurelwood. HOOD RIVER ORCHARDS. VAflRAE ANGUS. 483 CHAMBER CF COMMERCE!. 6 ROOM house, modern and convenient; price reasonable. 1176 E. Main near s sen $175 RESERVOIR Park, fin lot bav galn for cash. Main 1659. 519 8 wet land. Must be sold. NEW house for sale, 2 lots, from owner, 111 Spenger t 31,500; terms $6 MONTHLY buys a fine jot See Cnarles M. Ross. Lisureiwood. $5,500 STRICTLY modern 8-room house, centrally located, walking dis tance. Inquire 691 E. Washington st 7-EOOM house, strictly modern, elegant furniture, for sale on account of sick ness. 928 Grand ave. N. C-18S9 $180 CASH and $sl month will buy $3,800 new modern 7-room house and corner lot near E. 36th and Washing ton: this I a beautiful home. A-55, Journal. 360 BUYS lot 81x100 on E. 19th. $50 down, balance $10 per month; don't lose time, this Is a snap. E, H. De ment, Z4Z Madison st. FjOR A square deal in Peninsula prop erty see Summit Investment Co., 129 Kllllngsworth ave. Phone Woodlawn 1B1T $2,800 EASY terma Sunnyslde; modern 6-room- bungalow, almost completed. Call and examine. Ret ween 33th and 39th. on E. Washington. $750 I-B.OOM house. E. 14th.. JS00; 2 roora house, 2 lots, Aryibel; easy . van a . 1 . , i , r r n mring. any pwciianq piog. wain inoy aL.-. . . . . -,-. . I. . ' .A tutni B barsaln. near W. W. 11ns: lOOx fiber-plastered house, ,7 rooms, bath, basement, hot and cold Water, trees and garden; must ba sold; reduced to $1,800. Portland Homes i-'Q.. io morrison Bt OWNER, of fine Multnomah St. lot going awar, will sell very cheap; lot on fine elevation, 60x100; sswer, water In yard, treats paved and cement -walk; will ell for 31,200. everything- paid. - Call room ver Merchants National bank. - - ' ' ' ' . ' - FOR SALE REAL. ESTATE 16 Good Propositions for Subdivisions- 175 acres. 65 acre In ' cultivation. near Hillsboro, Southern Pacific rall- roaa and uregon Hiiectno; all pnme level land, on the Tualatin river; $80 per acre: terms. 200 acres, lght on the Salem electric lino kuu ctmniy roao, e ibiquw irue station; all fine rich level land, unsur- f eased for subdivision, will .sell read 1 in 10-acre tracts at $100 per aero: $75 per acre, $5,000 oash, balance ' 6 per cent 1 $00 acres, 1 mile from Southern Pa clflo railroad and Oregon. Electric 210 acres ia cultivation, balance timber and slashed, 76 acres of finest beaverdam in the state of Oregon, 90 acre rich, black bottom land, 45 acre rich upland; all Is level, no stone or gravel, on th Tualatin river; only $160 per acre, lit tle cash will handle it 196 acres, 120 In cultivation, this side of Hillsboro, V mile from Southern Pa cific station; all fine level land, some boaverdam; good 8-room house, fine barn, orchard, running; water; a splendid country home; price $125 per acre; about 37,000 handles It ' THE CR0SSLEY CO., Inc. 708-709 Corbett bldg. Cash Bargain $1,000 takes 6 acres, half cleared, close In, 10c carfare. This is a snap. 602 McKay bldg.. 3d and Stark. C. R. Donnell & Co. Real Estate. Room 338 C. of C. VACANT LOTS. 50x100 comer East Oak st, close in, $650. 60x100 corner Eaat Couch st. $1,000. 60x100 East Flanders at, $1,000. 60x100 Bell Crest, across tho street from two beautiful bungalows, $600. R. F. BRYAN. 605 Chamber of Commerca Main 1963. A-1227. $6 IRVINGTON DISTRICT, $65. Beautiful lots; Broadway, Schuyler, Hanoock sts.: graded sta. cement curbs and walks; Bull Run water, all In and paid; $2,000 building restriction; close to car. fries only 6tu; to casn. oai ance $10 per month at 6 per cent Inter est ' ' CALL ON U8. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, 714 Couch bldg. 109 4th st. PORTLAND Heights lots for $550 ahd terms, 1 block from car line; some covered with trees, level; any one wish ing a lot will snap them up. 922 and 925 Board of Trade bldg. WIBERG HEIGHTS. We have 2 fine lota In this exclusive tract which we can sell for 6860 each; $160 cash, balance $10 per month, 6 per cent Interest; graded streets, cenent curbs, walks and water all paid. CALL ON US. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, 714 Couch Bldg., 109 Fourth St. $1,850 BUYS a 5-room new house and 42x100 foot lot; terms. 95 Union ave. FOR SALE A six-room bungalow in first-class condition; lot 100x100; house and lot have all modern Improve ments. Phone Woodlawn' 2374. $375 FINE lot Terrace Park; $10 cash, ' $5 month. M. 1669. 619 Swetland bldg. Howard pros. FOR SALE Furnished slrf-room house on Monroe street, near Williams ave. Rent $20; income $45; prize $250. P-128. journal. 390O Two lots at Woodlawn. 2 blocks from station, graded atreet and- water in. This is a snap. Address Klink Bros., Wooulawn. Phone Woodlawn 75. 8300 CASH. $16 monthly. 4-room trlctlir modern bungalow, close to car, electrio lights and lull DiumDing. ( ja. Ross, Laurelwood. ,. WILL build what you want on easy pay ments. Miner. 4tfu Worcester Diug. Main 1940. , SEE our list of property before you buy. . Anderson & McDanlel, office at Lau relwood station. 100x100 3 SiX-ROOM houses; one 7 room, at a bargain; will pay 10 per cent net; no agents. See owner, 928 Grand ave., N. C-1889. FOR SALE Fine suburban home; two acres, 3Vi miles from courthouse. 4 mile from car, all-kinds fruit and ber ries, 9-room house, chicken-house, barn, two wells, on main road. For terms see owner, 302 front at $1,7007 ROOMS, good condition, on 2 car lines; easy terms. Frank Lucas, owner, 21 Chamber of Commerce. Phones A-1703, Main 1293. $2,360 TERMS, 5-room bungalow, near ly new modern up-to-date, gas, elec tricity, full lot, sightly location, 100 feet from Alberta car. Owner. 1058 Vernon. 12-ROOM house, lot 46x100, on Arthur St.; business property; will exchange or sell; income 325 per month. E. H. Dement, 32 Madison st. ONE HALF acre close to car and good school, $20 per month. This Is a snap. Charles M. Ross, ltureiwooa. NEW modTrn store building, with 8 fine rooms pretty home; good busi ness location. Owner on premises. 192 E. 35th st., Sunnyslde". A NICE 7-room house on full lot near Hawthorne ave.: new and modern; cement basement: piped for furnace; fireplace; gas: electric light;. a snap for $3,300; easy terms. T. W. MARSHALL, 39th and Hawthorne ave. $8,500 BUI'S a swell, up-to-date. 8-room residence in the Nob Hill district OKEOON HOME & LAND CO.. 14 Hamilton Bldg., Portland. Or. IF YOU want to buy a bungalow, cot tage or modern home' see us. If we haven't what you want on our list we will find it fr.r you. BOZO RT J I- W ILLS CO, Lumber Ex. bl g. $100 CASH, $10 monthly, buys 3-room house and tent house with large lot; prlo 1400. Charles M. Ross, laurel- wood, Mount Scott car. 15 ACRES level, fertile land, 9 miles from Portland; a great bargain, $3,400. 208 4th st. WANTED REAL. ESTATE 81 WE HAVE BUYERS FOR CITT REAL estate and farms. What hav you to sell? Will deal with the owners only. 205 Wells-Fargo bldg. T L.. ' T hav. a earn. ..ftv nranArlv timber land, acreage 'or a legitimate business for sale, trade or rent list It witn tne uregon AojuBiratni o., jus Anaeny. main m.i. WANTED Corner lot or house and lot not to exceed $1,100. Will pay cash N-61, Journal. SMALL acreage on carline; small pay ment down, time on. balance. State location and price asked. E-151, Jour nal. , WANTED A 6 or 7-room modern house on the west side; easy terms. K-4h9 Journal. WE have Inquiries for unimproved city property in all parts of the city. Call at once and list your property. Saencer EXCHANGE REAL. ESTATE 24 WE will exchange anything you have for anything you want Call at 101 Xiu. i u ui.iiBuauiug- WILL exchange 7 lots on peninsula for equal or less vaiue tn modern nouse. For particulars addresa owner, K-222, journal. TWO houses, 7 and 5 rooms, both mod ern, for small Improved farm, by own er. B-10. Journal. $1,800 STOCK of grocer lea; -will ex change for rooming-house. E. HI De ment hi Madison st DAIRY- and - fruit farm. 40 acra 2s miles from Portland; rich loans soil. 25 acres meadow, 10 bearing fruit tree and berries, 4 large timber, unlimited outrange; good hunting and fish ing;. 6-room house, - 62x100 barn; on county road, rural mail; will exchange for good Portland property (horth or east preferred), or sell for $3,006. Talk with: owner rly thla week. 204 Morri son at - ; " ' - '.." : , A EXCHANGE REAL ESTATK 1 EXCHANGE--Half Interest in plar claims In th Althous mining it trlcU .The ground is very rich in gnid and platinum; lots of water and tim ber: had assay of black sand up tn $8,000 per ton. Th mine is -being worked now. Owner can not wcrk it -himself, therefore will trad for real estat or automoDue; nis interest is $2J500. What havs ypu got for tradet We have all kinds of farms and city firoperty for trade. If you hav any hlng to trade com and so us. , STITES & PEPER. 680 Union ave. N. Phone Eat 4285. 160-ACRE stock ranch,, some buildins. 80 acres bottom land: price 81.000. wnat nave tout - can jsi Madison. WILL trade equity in 12 acre elegant orcnara lana, noon Kiver aistrict xor buUdlng lot Charles H. ..Adler-, 228 mumper exenange, - 40 ACRES in Cowllts county; Waahing ton, 4 mile from R. R. town. 15 acre under good stat of cultivation; famllv orchard; good house and barn; 1,000,000 feet good "saw timber, $1,260; ? timber wortn tne money, spencer Jfc Co.; 103 ad. WE HAVE a good farm, 1 mile f rom good town, only $14 per acre, 40 acre in cultivation, watered with springs. Western Land Co., 417 Board of Trad riag. 40 OR SO ACRES apple land in Hood River district to exchange for dwell ing not over $3,500; close to car and school. Wiedrick, 110 2d st FOR SALE FARMS 17 160 Acres All fenced and cross-fenced; well watered; 7-room house, barn 60x120; good outbuildings; fam ily orchard: 70 head of cattle; 100 tons of hay, and alt farm ing tools go with place for $7,600, $5,000 cash, balance easy terms. Acre! All good, tillable land; house, barn; good spring; R. F. D.; for $2,000; terma 122 Acres Half in cultivation, balanc good timber land; some beaver dam land; 9-room house; furni ture, both new; barn: spring house and granary; good crop; 4 horses, 8 cattle, 25 hogs, chicken. 2 wagons, 2, buggies, plows, har rows, mower, rake, fanning mill and small tools. All goes at $46 per acra .. L L. MOFFETT 423 Lumber Exchang Bide. HEIRS WANT DIVISION OT ESTATS THIS FARM MUST BE SOLD. One of the best fruit and dairy farm In Cowllts county, must be sold bo th estat can be divided among th heirs; farm consists of 70 acres. 50 acre in orchard and hay, balance In timber and pasture; 2,000 boxes of apple and 40 tons of hay this year; 110,000 feet of sawlogs already cut and all th atock and farming utensils go with th place; a good barn and a fair hous nicely lo cated with a beautiful view, Thla 1 a An a place to live as there I In the west -Price 37.000; on third cash, one third city property, balanc can b ar ranged to suit purchaser; no commis sion will be paid; sold direct from helra For particular write G. D. HAWKINS, S WOODLAWN. WASH. . 120 Acres 60 acres bottom land, 20 acre cleared, good building, good team, 11 nead cattle; orchard;. springs; - hay tools; everything goes at- $4,400. Coast Realty Company 220 Lumber Exchange Bldg. A FINE lot in Woodlawn, , f 250. terms. COAST REALTY CO.. 220 Lumber Exchange. FOR farm, dairy, fruit and walnut land see Jr. l. KODersiem, tasion. nr. 160 ACRES. 7-room house, barn, hen hniua wood shnd.v etc.: furniture. ll.UKn .iln.ll. kllr.. KllWW BlUVCB, Kiiuuru uiuaiiR, and farm Implements; 60 fruit trees; S i 1.; fA wm. A BVlcq 111 tuuiiaiiuii. A . . " . . j . j move In and make a living; 4 mile, from Cathlamet $1,500. Frank Luc,' $250 LAND FOR $25 PER ACRE. .' Thla heading la probably nearer , correct than the apathetic can r- y allze. Thousands of acre of . choice fruit lands hav old" In.. Oregon for $250 to $300 per acre; when the state is thickly settled and land scarcer it will sell for $300 to $600 per acre, and th time Is near at hand. The annual profit will justify such prlcea There is no land In th state more superior for walnut and apple than the picked land of Yamhill county. W have several thou sand axres of the choicest of th , choice at $25 per acre, and terma From one third to one half ready -. to plant, balance easy cleared, not -steep, rolling and bench. Thor never was a safer and mora sur , cbanoe to make a fortuna 923 fiOARD OF TRADE BUXJ," Stock and Wheat -,K Farms in eastern and central Oregon, at prices that are right, see. OREGON HOME & LAND CO.. ' 14 Hamilton Mrtg.. Portland, ur. IF YOU WANT TO BUT. SELL OR trad real estate, sea 8tevnon U Taylor, rsorn 311 Buchanan bldg., 236) Washington st ' - - ' WALNUTS I want 10 peopla who ar'" thinking of buying walnut land to write me. 1 have a dandy proposition to make you. N-. journal. FOR SALE All kinds stock, dairy ai.d timber lands, direct from ownera En close stamp for' particulars. Charles Hoedle. Mill City, Or. v 12 H ACRES all In orchard and small fruit, good well, hous and barn; on Salem car line; w have got to !! at once. 827 Board of Trade. WANTED FA RMS 88 WANT 10 to 20-acr farm within 8 to 10 miles of city, on carline; must have running water, either a stream or large spring. Address with full partic ulars, N. Anderson, car J. A. 451 Col lege st 1 " , , FOR SALE TIMBER 28 LET us furnish you a rellabi cruise for your timber claim; terms reason able. th Tanker . Alan, 318 DO you want a god Umber claim T If so you wlH do well to s W..J. Cook, 602 Lumber Exchange bldg. HOMESTEADS "" HOMESTEADS. This advertisement introduce s s dealer In th bet homesteads, r"--qatshmant and timber claim in t.. northwest ' .' WESTERN LAND BALKS COMPAN't, 626.631 Lumber Ksrhange fet.J . ; Portland. Or. WE HAVE SoMK Cll'lCr. Iu7 .tA. A lnr-jittonfl Anil ia. ln,t ..! .;. t also some nr timber claim. I t i chances with unrell&Uiff t'.rutk en us -t wtlt f ir trli i.f ' Realty Co. Hi V-ilV,, i WASrEb io u , . , quishmenX for run'., . . , apply. R-45S. Jou-iai. . , J