. THE ' OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND MONDAY ' EVENING, NOVEMBER 18, 1908; .: .; TONIGHT'S AMUSEMENTS Faker, ,,,"LIttle Johnny Jones' Bungalow 'Tne Man On the Box Star "Too Proud to Beg" Orpheum ...... , ..... ... . Vaudeville urand . . . . .... .,. ...v. . . . . Vaudeville. Lyrlo .... ...... "A Montana Girl Pantages ................ . Vaudeville Charged with disponing; of liquor On Sunday,,- Emil ,Boren, ' proprietor of saloon at Sixth and Burnslde street was fined 125 In the police court this morn ing. Detective Letsy wanted hi shoes shined yesterday afternoon and he .mounted tne stand of Jacob Johnson who opened " the conversation with the ' opinion that "the town had pone plumb to the dawgs." He must- have taken. i xur vnm venx iviia OX liquor zor it was In very short order that he vol unteered - to procure a . half pint . of wuiskey. : No sooner had the liquor vuauifoa uunur man ueimy iiasned his star ana wonnson almost collapsed. 1 Both Johnson and Boren were taken to police, headquarters where Boren put up 160 ball but allowed the negro to iang-uisn in a ceil. ' Earl Rockford, the 18-year old poy who pretended to be badly intoxicated on Washington street Saturday night but who suddenly straightened up and turned perfectly sober on meeting Policeman O'Brien will be tried in the police court tomorrow morning. , The young- xeuow conresaed at the police station to having purchased liquor at a saloon known as the Black Cat located at mxth and Bumslde streets. He said that- the bartender's name was "Jake." The police will attempt to locate the uarienaer ana place a cnarge or selling liquor to a minor againat Mm. ,v Buck Keith, a w,ell known saloon keeper, baseball umpire and fan, was arrested yesterday by Sergeant of Po lice Cole and charged with keeping hl( saloon open on Sunday. Keith deposited 125 ball to Insure his ' appearance In court this morning. He entered a plea 'i iim. Buuiy ana oemanaea a jury trial. He has a cool room in mnruuiKhn with his saloon and will probably attempt $o uiurc ium ne was not selling liquor Dut simply conducting his billiard parlors. Deputy City Attorney Tomllnson this morning .-dismissed the case against Clifford Smyser. who was convicted in the municipal court of vagrancy, when the case was called for trial on appeal In the circuit court before Judge Mor row. Smyser was sentenced to 60 days in Jail and to nay a fine of 360. It de veloped that the city ordinance under union ne was convicted naa oeen re pealed, leaving; the city without a case. Theu art and psychology departments of the Woman's club will meet as usual In the art room of the public library to morrow at 2 o'clock. The leoture to be given by Miss Locke has been post poned until Saturday, November 21 at 8 o'clock at the Women of Woodcraft hall to give the teachers and scholars of Portland an opportunity to hear the . greatest woman lecturer of America -on .Michael Angelo. There will be a full rehearsal of the Spanish war veterans' minstrel show tonight at the T. M. C. A. auditorium Instead of the T. M. A. hall as previous ly announced. Every member of the big minstrel company is requested to be present as a complete try-out of the first part will be given. The features end specialties which will make up the second part "olio" will also be tried. A reliable, hot water bag and foun tain syringe Is an indispensable ad junct to every household, but a cheap. trashy affair that is liable to leak just when needed. Is worse than useless. We guarantee eur rubber goods and pa' Irons can depend on reliability when their wants are left with us. Albert jrnl. tne druggist, 233 Washington. SUSPECT PAIR OF RO Police Svveatlng Preist and Barry, Who Had Gun i ' and a Mask. . The belief ofvthe police department that they have apprehended two daring hold-up artists was materially Strength ened yesterday afternoon .when Jailer Branch and Patrol Driver Grubsr dis covered a Macs' mask in the clothing of Earl Preist, alias Mat Kay. alias Frank Babcock. ..Preist and his alleged con federate, K. R.. Berry, a cripple with but- one arm, were arrested Saturday night by Patrolman Ellis In the O. K. & N. shops at the foot of Russell street after a footrace from the Home Dairy restaurant, in which the two men are said to have attempted highway rob bery..: ....,:. .... At the police station Barry was re lieved of a ,88-caliber revolver and five cartridges, besides 16 cents and a plug of chewing tobacco. All that was fodud on Preist was 10 cents. A revolver saia to nave been TOKEi TRIES ; 10 STOP DELAY Land Grant Case Defendants Allowed More' Time by . Court, However. The first official representation of the government In the well-known suit of the United States againat the Ore gon, ft California Railroad company, known as the. famous land grant case, was made in Ihe United States circuit court this morning;, when B. D. Town send, special assistant to the attorney general, In charge of the suit, appeared and made certain objections to a con tinuance of time wanted by the Union Trust company, a party defendant with the, railroad. Senator Oearln "represented the trust company, the mortgagee, and W, D. Fenfon the railroad. Senator Oearin aBked for SO days' time to file k de murrer to the' complaint after the rail road oompany has filed its objection. Mr. Townsend stated to the court that HO II1UUKI1L onunni ror MtD M)nMfnl Prei.tww Vn7rffZlJrw '"'"W be able to answer at the" same crime-by a young fellow who was at fimem Ti1 SSTJSS!, first bel oved to have been lmulicated. ' ia? m u,Itl. Judge Wolverton. Ijow-, a. the lookout in the holdup.' but "who, senator1"0" It is quite - likely that the demurrer to the complaint, which will bring out all the principal merits of the case as to the law. will be heard some time in February. ' In naaslnn- on axeentiona tn the. hill of complaint In the case of John L. later Droved hla Innocence and Identity This mornins- Preist claimed that he had never seen the revolver and had nothing to say in answer to why he car ried the mask. He claimed that his name was Babcock and- not Preist Fred W. Lutkemeier, proprietor of the saioon at union avenue, where an at tempted holdup was pulled off last week and where a large Newfoundland dog was shot by on of the robbers, identi fies Preist as the man who told him to tnrow up nis hands. .-The proprietor of the Pendleton saloon, at 181 Morrison street, also Identifies Preist as very much resembling the highwayman who neia up nis piaoe or business not -long Tne ponce are or the opinion that is one or the worst thugs cap- i htm to Preist tured in some time and believe be the leader in Saturday night's enl sode. So far no specific crime has been fastened on. either man and they are being held pending further investiga tion and more certain identification. Preist is charged with vagrancy and Barry with carrying concealed weapons. Both were taken In tow by the detec tive department this morning and sweated" for an hour, but nothlnsr fur. titer was eliolted. The cases aralnat both men have been, postponed until Wednesday. duet, Mrs. R. Parcell, S. J. Jones; song, Ft. Williams; song, Jennie Jones; song, K. Parcell: selection. Welsh CHee club R. D. Davie s will act as chairman and refreshments will be aervmi h th ladles at the close of the concert. The concert begins at 8 o'clock and friends of the institute are invited. Snyder against the Oregon ft Callforlna Railroad company, . the Union Trust company and S. T. Oage, trustee for the stockholders. Judge. Wolverton sus tained the exceptions In part and over ruled several of the others. The Sny- oer suit is one or about 70 riled by A. W. Lafferty, bringing suit against the company to compel It to comply with the provisions of the grant ' About 40 of these persons are now living on land In Columbia county and have well-cultivated farms. The court Intimated this morning that the individual suits filed by Laf ferty and others against the railroad company were to be made a party to the suit filed by the government In May. In addition to these, 700 others who have filed bills of Intervention are also likely to be made party to the suit, individual rights of all concerned, and the government as well, . to be adjudi cated by the court is the end. and the risrht of all concerned decided and passed upon. WIFE AND HIS TRUNK BOTH 600E JT. E. Cinder lost his trunk. His wife disappeared at the same time. He no tified the police, gave a full dscrlptlon of the missing trunk and Its contents but said absolutely nothing, according to the police report, about his wife, her age or description. Captain Bailey says Cinder wants his trunk but not his wife. Qinder Is rooming at the Frank- lln hotel. Thirteenth and Washington streets but was located at the Howland, Twentieth and Washington. -' ' The police are looking for a medium sited, square, sine covered trunk with V.. E. O. stamped on one end of it In order to find it they think they must locate Mrs. Glnder but having; no de scription of her the ease seems hope less.. -. y - : - A VEOTTXXaB WBSSCK. Of the foot . or ankle may produce a very serious sprain. A sprain la more painful than a break. In all sprains, cuts. ' burns and scalds Ballard's Snow Liniment ts the best thing to use. Re lieves the pain Instantly, reduces swell ing. Is a perfect antlaeptlo and heals raoldlv. Price 35c, BOc and Skldmore Drug Co. 11,00. Sold by 3 HURT HI . CARS COLLIDE t Three hnjufed passengers and- a badly smashed car was --the result of a colli sion at 8:10 o'clock this morning be tween a Mount Scott and a Woodstock ear at the intersection of Hawthorne and Grand avenues. Miss Nellie Howe of i 10T8 Hol,gate street had her face cut with flying F. W. Baltes and Company invito yonr inquiries for PRINTING Phone HtMt;jLmi First and Oak COOK! RIG MADE EASY NO DIRT OR FIRE PIANO v VALUE Upright Used Piano, walnut case, $198. Pay $10 cash and $6 per month. It will pay you to can to see tnis piano. The Home of Reliable Pianos. SHERMAN, CLAY & CO. Sixth and Morrison, Opp. P. O Articles of Incorporation hare been ftled by the Oregon Orchard Farms as sociation. It has a capital stock of 6.000 and Is organized by Lillian R Powers, W. A. Johnson and A. B. Win- free. The suit of Herman Cramer against the Singer Manufacturing company, one of thn oldest casts on the records of the united states court, was stricken from the docket by Judge Wolverton this mornlne;. The case of C. J. Brauchke against the Pacific Coast Fur ntture ft Manufacturing company was set for trial February 9. Wines and Liquors Special this week, old table claret, one dozen quarts, $2.76 white wine, one dozen quarts, $2.75; jiurgunay, very nne, one dozen auarts, $4.60; sau tern c extra quality, one dozen quarts, id. free delivery. National Wine company. Fifth and Stark. Phone Main 64UU, A-44B9. Football! Football! U. of O. vs. O. A. C. Saturday, November 21, on Multnomah field. Reserved seats on sale at Powers and, Kates drug store. Bixtn ana Aiaer streets, commencing Tuesday, November 17, at 10 a. m. Get your scats early as there are a limited number. Benefit concert for St. Agnes' Baby Homeunder auspices of Ladies' Aid so ciety .of the cathedraLfFriday night. No vember 20. at Heilig theatre, by Lakme quartot Tickets 60a, for sale at Bllers Pisno House, Sherman, Clay & Co., Meier & Frank's and Graves' music Store. Plain talk Dellai-e. 291 Morrison, saves you Just $1 on every pair of men's and women's shoes purchased here. Ladles' swell shoes, 'button and lace., In Napoleons, all leathers, $1 less than elsewhere. Men's dress and wet weather shoes at $1 less; all Styles and leathers. Charles F. Daly has petitioned the county eourt for letters on the estate of his wife, Josephine M. Daly, of which he Is the only heir. It consists of real estate In Multnomah and Co lumbia dbunts valued at $2,500. . The concert - tomorrow evening at the Portland Seamen's Friend society. Third and Flanders streets, is to 'be given by Mrs. R. Parcell. who hits arranged the following program; Welsh Glee club. "Jingle Bells'T; solo, - Edith Williams: recitation, W. Grlsseths; solo, Mr. Per ry; dialogue, Cynthia Collins, Hiram Wlggers: solo. Sarah Kd wards; A. B. C. Bate War. Steamer Nome City sails direct for San Francisco and Los Ange les Tuesday evening, cabin $10 and $19.60. steerage $8 and $16. berth and meals lnniudnd. Frank Bollam, Agent 12$ Third street , 1 ,i . There will be a meeting of the O. A. alnmnl and students tomorrow night at 8 o'clock at the Western Academy of Aiunic, inina noor, ior tne purpose of making plans for the big game next Sat urday. Title Guarantee, Oregon Trust ac counts and German-America certifi cates bought at the highest cash price; also Home Telephone bonds. Cohn Broa, 180 First street corner Yamhill. Marlon ,F. Dolph, W. O. Cox and E. E. Mallory, by order of the county court have appraised the estate of the late Jesse Kingsbury at $9,435.40. Wanted All men to know that all our patent leather shoes are guaran teed. Korrect Shape 8hoe store, $9$ Morrison street, near Fifth. Steamer Jessie Harklns, for Camas, wasnougai ana way janaings, aauy ex 13 kvea "Washington street ceDt Sunday. dock at S p. m. Prices for card parties from 6o on ward. Elite China and Glass Co, $52 Morrison, corner Park. Dr. Clara Macfarlsme, osteopathia hyslclan, is now at 811 Bwetland ullding. Dr. H. A. Sturdevant, dentist 70$ Bwetland building. Main 6944; A-4BS1. Woman's ExchiAge, 188 Tenth street lunch 11:20 to 2; business men's lunch, Nogard A Noes, tailors. We're after your traoe. ib 4 in, near Morrison. D. Chambers ft Bon., opticians, $11 Morrison street corner of Sixth. W. A. Wise snd associates, painless dentists. Third and Washington. Dr. Haynes. near Fifth. optician. $08 Salmon, Berger. al-rns. 284 Yamhill. Main 9191. J sum a! want ads. lo a word. "Purltana.". Ask grooer. Eyes tested free at Metzger. DISTRUSTS COUNCTLMEN WE HAVE NO BRANCH STORE - " LARGE VALUES AND NOT LARGE PRICES Have convinced a large number ! of people that our store la THE place to buy SHOES 'May we have an opportu nity of convincing YOU ? KNIGHT'S All around the N. W. corner Third and Washington Sts. WE HAVE NO BRANCH STORE 3-7 . Electric cooking utensils of all kinds. When not in use all expense avoid ed by simply turning off the switch. Coffee Percolators, Toasters, Chaf ing Dishes, Ovens, and many otlier devices. JSEE EXHIBIT AND DEMONSTRATION AT SEVENTH AND ALDER STS. STORE DAILY ORTLAND RAILWAY LIGHT and POWER COMPANY PORTLAND, OREGON If H I M 6868r PHONES gsBIIma jJ'BA.sj.tUiey.Uj.itijjjuiju B.UWWSSSVJ .) in , mm ...w31l 1 ; Nearly, everybody knows that Ivory, Soap is the best of bath, nur sery and fine laundry soaps. But a great many peo ple do not know that it is just as good for toilet use as for the bath and for fine laundry purposes . ; It is, though, and' for the same reason:, .f is, pure soap and nothing elsei . 'Ivory So&$YMM. 9? Per Cent. Pd4. t : V u Rev. B. S. Muckley Says Some Lack Sense of Moral Obligation. Taklnsr as the subject of his sermon at the First Christian church yester day mornins; "People Who Can Be Trusted," Rev. B. B. Muokley took occa sion to point out some people who can not be trusteA. and amonir them he st lected some members of the city coun cil, wno, ne said, have no sense of moral obligation. In the course of hli .sermon the speaker said: "Too many people have no sense of stewardship. They think because they have not definitely promised something they are under no obligation. Some of our city councllmen, for Instance, have no sense ,of moral obligation. They do not hesitate to turn the city, as far as they have po'wer to do so. over to those who make a prey of the city, to those whose wealth comes from debauching and demoralising; men and women, and then accuse preachers of wilful mis representation who publicly take them to task for proving- faithless to their duty. V are so Interdependent that harm Invariably results when we are faithless o a trust. . - "We should be faithful In spite of consequences. Heney knew his life was In "danger, but still he dld not shirk. And If the assassin's bullet fails of its purpose, as every good man hopes It win, ana Mr. tieney is spared, ne will still be true to his duty. He will not flinch, 'but will play the part of k stew ard and prove Hforthy of his trust." - ' " ' '"' ' " " 1 "j 1 -- . ' '' Diamonds Arc Cheaper. But whv buv rtinrannda vhnn m buy diamond sapphires, pronounced by experts "the exact counterpart," at a portion of the floe. See these wonder ful stones at 828 Washington street, be. tween 6 th and 7th, opposite Imperial hotel. . ; Tbe Diamond Palace." ' "ttyes' tested free at Metsgefa. f- n a new automobile th dut it ...I tea Is sur ked up by a pipe into a box where It la moistened and returned to the road again. , . ;i : i Spoka ne.Portlan Railway Co. OPENING TO - PORTLAND, OREGON Commencing Tuesday, November 17, 1908, passenger trains will depart and arrive as follows : EAST-BOUND NO. 2..., WEST-BOUND NO. 1... . LEAVE 8:05 A. M. .ARRIVE 4:30 P. M. Effective Sunday, November 22, 1903, through double daily train service will be inaugurated. Schedules will be published and distributed in a few days. Trains will arrive and depart from the Passenger Station, at the northeast corner Eleventh and Hoyt streets. Take "S" car to Eleventh and Glisan sts. TICKETS ON SALE AT Northern Pacific City Office, Corner Third and Mori iso.-i sts. Great Northern City Office, No. 122 Third st. P. & S. Station, Eleventh and Hoyt its. , H. M. ADAMS, General Freight and Passenger Agent : COi4aEiCAii CLUB, BUILDING, PORTLAND OREGON yi' PIANO VALUE Upright Used Piano, walnut case, $19$. Pay $10 cash and $0 per month. It will pay you to call to se,e this piano. The Home of Reliable Pianos. SHERMAN, CLAY & CO. Sixth and Morrison, Opp. P. O. All Horses Guaranteed as Represented We have on pri vate sale a ear load of well- broken horses, ranging from 1,000 to 1.600 pounds. We also have a 6- year-oll sorrel saddle mare, very stylish. These horses stand a trial in harness and a veterinary in spection. Please give us a call. 323 17th St. North. W. Brutal. Dustless Waxine The great sweeping powder, absorbs the dust, cleans the floors, kills the germs. purines the air ana reduces labor. Made In Portland by POBTXdUTD BJtTSK ft WAXOTB CO., Phone E. 599. Cor. 9th & E. Harrison. Meet Me Tonight EXPOSITION RINK Ladles NigHt $chwab Printing Co J tar moK. ntJionjMtt rxrcMi 347H STARK STREt' glass. E. H. Dement, 141 Kast Madlnon suirered an. injured arm. and a was. slightly Injured street. third passenger uoui in xaoe. aji ine injured were passenger on the Wooda'ock car, and all were looked after by the company a Ofrfciala -..,,,.. Woodstock cay No. U. which" was badly smashed, struck Mount Soott cap No. 4 os It was proceeding west alon Hawthorne avenue.- Tha omntlvu nt' neither car were injured in the colli sion. . . i. ,'-?.,:,'. cmmmm k,ft! THFATPP Main in, A-I2IV Tonight All Week Matinee Saturday. Baker Btock Company In "TKB HAJT O TXB BOX." First time at popular ? rices. Evening 2Se,-J5e, 58c; matinee, 6c, 2Bc. area-t week Strong-heart." BAKER THEATRE Phones Main J, A-50. " r Oregon Theatre Co. (Ino.) Lessee. -Geo. Xf. Baker, Gen. Manager. Get your seats early for all this week. .Geo. M. Cohan's gratest success, "irrns roannr jont." No need to say more. Evening prices lEe to SI: matinee Saturday. 23a (On. Remember the bargain mat Wednesdays nn week "Kip, Hip, Hooray." aunr a, a-ioao. Kats. Bz." Bonds a and Holiday a k a m cj w vrjfVwwijTT NlGBTS TREAT RE iwne . Week of Hot. 1 Telloa Harris! hu. tastto Phantoms) Aanta Close) Oae-taW Uae and Brothers Sogers and Beelyf Kappy Jack Gardner; Bissett and aoottt Qrphonm orchestra; Piotnres. . LYRIC THEATRE Seventh and Alder. Commencing Sunday Matinee, Nov. xhs jbXkTJWKmXmXm OOaCPAJTr " Presents the Western Melodrama. "A MONTANA GIRL" Matinees Bunday,, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday. TBE CRAKD VandevOIede Loxe AHOTXZS BIO BXZA OBACB rASBMOBB TEE BOUAJSrOFTB JOB KASBKABr TKB32 BAtm OBAHBASOOPB WK XTB8BY'S Harionenes, KTTSIOAX. XXABBHB The BBOTrOWB The STAR f?ff,7 Ma,n M9fc Matinees Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday. For the entire week of Nov. 15, Lincoln J. Cartar's leading melodrama of the day "TOO FBOXTD TO ISO." : Matinees at 1:30; every evening ' at 1:16. Night prices 16c, l5c,J5e, 60c; mats. 16o. 26o. Seats may be reserved bv either phone. Beat week fWi Are king. PANTAGES THEATRE AdTSJwed Tendsvttlev stars of All Hattcm ule, yxisouAi Lightning character change artist, di rect from the Folies d'Bergere, Parts, to the Pantages Circuit of Theatres: changing her costumes and characters 46 times in 18 minutes. SPECIAL ADDED ATTRACTION, Austin Broth ers, presenting "The American Beauties' Matinees daily 15c Two shows at night, 16c and ,25a. . J" . i . J 0 "JUST OUT" A m mj r t rwii' 1 lull-" V'Ut'a'aM IVIIEfJ -WHERE-HOW to nluik nd mltivat LillM. pebiiH. Ehododmdrona, Peonleai Hyacinth, howtosro In slawe and window garaena aawell at la or flower badx hxrLB Tab cm, horinsnuiiikro Mllha MwiutrAd In diffarmt siji r9 flow bedfti onrnpendlnm of lntornultlon eoncernlns j lUOQESTIONB II SELECTINQ SHRUBBERY riaatlna (hade, ant and ornamental trees I ana auraoa, oiimDing ana wauins piaasa. Our eziwi will vlalt yoar premlaea, apon nqaeit, without obliratlns roou BO8-ionI eatalosae llluatraUng rn.nl An- cribiny all Xb staple sad new vaneti for North went aoU sad climate.) HtllT I n t rn-umiMiiKi ivomiuea. ' triKA w. BEBRY PLANTS. Twentr vaara HD.H. no in JPaoiDe North west tpmlri to yom thioaak 1 thla catalocaa and sruldra jo M sueowa. WrlteTor It. OaUlosae Mo. 601 I m.4 Wl af 1 fcl 1 Salesroom, front & iamiui WOMAN A SPECIALTY s Mrs. S. IC Chan The well-known Chines physician, with her won derful Chinese medicines, the herbs and roots. has cured many , auf fnroi-a when all other remedies have fall ext. She cures female chronic private) diseases, nervousness, blood poison. '' rheumatism, asthma, throat, lung trou bles, stomach, bladder, kidney, oonsuinp tlon and diseases of all kinds. Rem edies harmless. No operation. .Honest treatment. . BXAJCXBATZOV rBSB. M8H Morrison Bfc, Bet. 1st end Id, Diamond Douse Paint NOBBJTTER PAINT MADB. ' 01.40 Per Gtsllon , XunXaotaxed by . Portland Sash S Door Co. S30 raOBTF BT. niTun, oa. Royal House, San h-ancisco' rowtk and Howard ta, -An outside rooms, steam heat, bet and cold water. Rates 6O0 to t per day. Weekly rates. Cafe. Fourth street ear direct front Third street depot,' Frorn, Perry, Howard street cars direct. 7. L Turpln. proprietor. WELLINGTON COAL Ths best house coal on the Paclflo Coast Churchley Bros, Bunkers ISth and Marshall Sta. Phones Main (31, A-It. WILIIOITMWERALWATER ?ATJL LA BBS. Phones A-81E0. Mats 434T 4 Labbe Bids., cor. 3d and Washington. FUR.S! FURS! AT lO-WUMT TOBBIBZM mci.3. Remodeling a specialty. ; Fur coats of 11 kinds inade to order. L. SCHUMACH-n yrauxB, 10 Xadisoa. Tat fU r---, TUESDAY GF0i;: f BRZA d Ti . . . ;. I y. vrcrrr.: