The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 16, 1908, Page 3, Image 3

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Portland Selling Agents for "Nemo" end "Estelle" Corsets, ''Trefousso? Gloves, "Perrins" Gloves, Columbia Yarns, Dutterick Patterns
Tfee Bflebr ? EVanfe Store's TIiaaK All iDeparMeE
reafr'-- Apple "Show - battle - Third Floor Today and ToiHorrow
50 varieties of Magnificent Hood River Apples from the famous Beulah Land orchards of Oscar Vanderbilt The grower claims it is the largest arid most perfect display
of selected apples ever grown in this celebrated apple-growing district See Fifth-street window display as well as the exhibit on Third Floor Come and see this
Paris and New'YortiiHats
This week, our great annual Thanks
giving Half-Price Sale of High-Class
MillineryA grand opportunity for
women to buy beautiful and exclusive
headgear Paris and New York mod
els, at exactly one half value -Included ;
are magnificent Imported Hats 'suit
able for dress or evening wear, trimmed
with gorgeous ostrich plumes, wings,
fancy feathers, buckles, etc All the
vcrv latesf shapes and effects in all the
newest colorings and combinations
The best efforts of the leading milliners
High-Grade Tailored Hats in exclu
sive models -This season's most at-
tractive creations in superb assortment
Hih-class headgear that will appeal
to the best-dressed women-in the!
cityvat ,a reduction of . .
See Our Fifth street window display
Values ranging from $20.00 up to $75.00 each at one half regular prices
Beautiful New Paris Veilings just received- New Handbags and Belts
Exclusive Novelties New models in "Nemo" and "Estelle" Corsets
Holiday Stationery and Jewelry now ready New Brass and Copper Nov
elties in the Basement New Smoking Jackets and Bath Robes, on the
Second Floor i Artistic Picture-Framing to your order Low prices
75c-85c Ribbons 43c25c Kerchiefs 15c
50c and 65c Tailored Collars at 25c Each
25,000 yards of the best quality all-silk fancy Ribbons, 4 to 6 inches wide, suit
able for fancy work and holiday purposes; best patterns, coloring; and AO
combinations; great variety; regular 75c and 85c rallies at this price, yard flOC
500 dozen women's linen embroidered Tailored Collars, French embroidered; beau
tiful patterns, large assortment; sires 12 to 14J4; the best regular 50c and OP
65c values; buy all you want of them at this wonderfully low price," each OC
1,000 doxen women's all-linen Handkerchiefs, initialed, lace edge, embroid- C
ered and hemstitched; regular 25c values, on sale at this low price, each IOC
ftACC finrtflc Continuation of great November sale of Dress Gooda.
f.g.y" WUUa All colored, white and black goods, greatly reduced
?Pemns? $1.50 Gloves 98c
"Perrins" $2 Gloves $1.33
"Perrinsn 4 Gloves $275
,000 pairs of Perrin's real French Kid Gloves, two-clasp overseam: black, white,
tan, brown, navy, green, red and mode; sizes 5J4 to 7j4; every pair fitted AO
to "the hand; regular $1.50 values, on sale at this special low price, pair 30 C
1,500 pairs of Perrin's English Cap Gloves, 1-clasp styles; best shades & QQ
Aof tan and brown; sizes 5j4 to 7; every pair fully guaranteed; p vals. $lei)eJ
1,500 pairs of Perrin's best English Cape Gloves, 12 and 16-button lengths, gusset
tops; best shades of tan and brown; sizes 5 to 7; regular $4 values, pair.f2.75
Perrin's real kid overseam Gloves, 2-clasp, black and colors, the pairi...f 1.50
Perrin's extra quality 3-clasp overseam Gloves) in black and colors, pair..f2.00
Perrin's 8-button length overseam, 3 Cleopatra buttons; black and colors.. $2.50
Perrin's, 8-button overseam Gloves, gusset top, black and colors, at, pair..?3.00
Perrin's 12-button length real Kid Gloves; black, white and colors; pair..?S.50.
Perrin's 16-button length real Kid Gloves; black, white and colors; pair..?4.00
Perrin's 2-clasp Un cape" Gloves, best grade, tans and browns, at, the pair.. f 2.25
November Sale in the
Big Cloak department
Regular $30.00 Suits at $15.85
Regular $35.00 Suits at $19.45
Lot 1 200 women's and misses' Tailored Suits, this season's best styles; coats are
plaia tailored, semi-fitting, single and double-breasted; the misses' suits are
jumper style, with double-breasted coat; yie materials are in broadcloth, cheviot
and serge; colors are wisteria, wine, navy, black, green and taupe; C QC
also stripes and mixtures; values up to $30, on sale at. the suit vlwOJ
Lot 2200 women's high-class Tailored Suits, plain and fancy tailored effects,
long and mediupi length coats, in semi and tight-fitting effects; Directoire coats,
cutaway coats', coats with fancy vest effects; the newest and handsomest gar
ments shqwn this season, trimmed with satin, braid and buttons; skirts are plain,
gored and trimmed with buttons and folds; the colors are black, blue, green,
wine, taupe, catawba; broadcloths, tweeds, serges, cheviots and dJIQ AC
mixed materials; regular values up to $35, on sale at, the suit
$40 Opera Coats $16.45
An extraordinary offering of ICQ handsome Opera Coats at ridiculously
low price Broadcloths and satins in medium and long lengths in man
darin styles, full loose back and semi-fitted effects,
trimmed in stitched bands, fancy braiding, satin and
Persian trimming -White, reseda, black, light blue,
old rose, garnet, gray and pink All beautiful even
ing and theater wraps
Values to $40.00 on sale at
this low price, each
All Evening Apparel at
Greatly Reduced Prices
Our entire stock of High-Class Evening and Re
ception Costumes and Wraps, as well as Novelty
Tailored Suits, on sale at greatly reduced prices
Paris and New York models All the very latest
fashions and materials Values ranging from $50 to
$350 the garment all marked at big "saving prices
200 Women's New Dress Skirts
Values to $16 at $6.45 Each
Great special bargain in women's Dress Skirts, in broadcloth, serge, cheviot and
Panama cloth, in this season's best styles; full pleated, plain flare and Directoire
cut; trimmed in narrow stitched bands, bias fold and buttons; colors are white,
black, navy, brown, gray and fancy strioe: values in the lot ud to tr AC
$16 each, on sale at this extraordinarily special low price, the garment epUexO
A great Thanksgiving Sale of 500 Women's
Handsome New Dress Waists A special pur
chase by our waist-buyer on a recent trip to
the New York market enables us to offer $8.00
values at this low price, of $3.95 each In
cluded are beautiful Silk Waists,
plain or figured Net Waists
Round, pointed or square yokes,
trimmed in round-mesh Vals.,
Cluny and medallions and allover tucking Long or
short sleeves White, cream, green, navy, brown and
black All new,' pretty waists for dress and evening
wear Best $3.00 values Your
choice, while thcyMast, at this
specially reduced price, each....
Mail Orders Will Be Carefully and Promptly Filled
$4.00 Tailored Waists at $1.95
Special lot of 500 Tailored Waists in wool batiste and flannel; plain or fancy:
stripes, white, brown, navy, gray and black; all this season's waists; fcf QC
regular values up to $4 each, on sale at this unusually low price, each yl JO
Women's $4.30 Bath Robes $3.85 Each;
Special lot of 200 women's Bath Robes, of good quality, blanketing, trimmed with
fancy border, cord and tassel; blue and brown, light and dark gray, gray and red.
light and dark red, red and tan; well made and finished; the best regu- d0 or ,
lar $4.50 values, on sale at this very low price, each take advantage )eO9
Great November bargains in Silk Petticoats, in all grades; let us show yon.
Great November bargains in misses' and children's apparel; yoo should see them,
Reg. $3.50 Val. Laces, 89c Dozen Yards
Regular $1.25 Embroideries at 39c Yard
1,000 dozen round-thread Val. Laces and Insertion for trimming of holiday arti
cles and lingerie, 1 to 2J4 inches wide; best patterns; regular values up to OQ,
$3.50 a dozen yards; buy all you want of it at this low price, dozen yards 0?C
5,000 yards of Swiss and batiste Embroidery, Flouncing and Insertion, 2 to 18
inches wide; designs in. English eyelet and filet, for waists, undermuslins OA
and children's wear; regular values up to $1.25 yard, on sale for, the yard OJyC
3,000 yard, of fine .Laces Venise and filet bands, medallions and net top laces;
in white and cream, 2 to 6 inches wide, for trimming waists, gowns, etc; Of
best regular 85c to $1 values, on sale at this ridiculously low price, yard ssOC
Sale of 300 Linen Table Sets
$3 to $9.50 Values at 13 Off
A. special purchase of 300 handsome
Linen Table Sets, cloths and napkins to
match; best patterns and a large assort
ment to choose from; $3.00 to $9.50 val
ues, at one-third below the regular value.
Supply your Thanksgiving needs now.
2 - yard by 2 - yard Cloths,
regular ' $3.00 values, each.
2-yard bv 2-yard Cloths
regular $3.50 values, each.
2 -yard by 3 -yard Cloths,
regular $4.00 values, each.
22-inch Napkins to match
the above, $3 dozen values.
2 -yard by 2 -yard Cloths,
regular $4.00 values, each
2-yard bv 2j4-yard Cloths,
regular $5.00 values, each.
2 -yard by 3 -yard Cloths
regular $6.00 values, each.
27-inch Napkins to , match,'
regular $9.50 values,- dozen.
2 -yard by 2 -yard Cloths,
regular $7.00 values, each.
2-yard by 2j4-yard Goths,
regular $8.00 values, each.
2 -yard by 3 -yard Goths,
regular $9.50 values each.
27-inch Napkins to match,
regular $9.50 values, dozen.
Known in the South and on
Coast as Able , Secret
."" Service Man. . .
(United Press Leased Win.) ..
Seattle, Wash.. Nov. 16. Captain B.
W. Bell, for 10 years a resident of this
city and well known in his capacity as
an officer of the. federal secret service,
died suddenly last night while chatting
with his wife. Death was due to hem
orrhage of the brain. He was 68 years
of age,-
Captain Bell,, during the years that
he was an officer of the secret service,
gained the ' reputation among hie asso
ciate of being a fearless . man. ' For
unusual bravery' and success in bring
Ing to justice a number of important
federal criminals,' two rears ago he was
promoted. It waa only a few weeks
after' he received notice of his. promotion-
that he determined to sever .his
connection with the service and engage
In business. - ' v
Captain Bell was . born at Talladega
Springs. Ala., where his father at one
time owned the entire townalte.
' "Captain Bell, as an -operative In the
secret service, had nerve such as was
possessed . bv few men." aald Thomas I
B. Foster, In charge .of the Seattle
district of the United States secret
ervloe. "He was United States com
missioner among, the moonshiners of
North Carolina years ago and served as
a special agent for the department of
Justice later. It was about 188S that
he entered the secret service and he
resigned In May. 1907."
, Captain Bell participated In many fa
mous cases. In the performance of his
duty In the northwest he brought sev
eral gangs of counterfeiters to Justice.
Captain Bush rod W. Bell was well
known lu Portland, which was in the
Jurisdiction of his district at the time
he was connected with the United
states secret service. ' His last appear
anoe here was in the Coon counterfeit
ing ease, on which Captain Bell and his
men had worked. The men had been
Fireparlnar to make money near Hunt
ngton.' CaDtaln Bell was a nlantatlon. owner
in the south, Alabama, at the outbreak
ox uie oivn war. He enlisted in tbe
Confederacy, being; promoted from time
to time and at the close of the war
was rewarded ror his gallant service.
The war ruined him financially, and
some years afterward he entered the
revenue service xf the department of
justice. Owing to faithful services ha
was-promoted and eventually was ap
pointed to the secret service branch of
the government. ' -
"Captain Bell was one of the finest
men I have ever known," Stephen A.
Connelt. in charge of the secret service
work roc this district. Who has known
the mn Tnanj years, said this morn
ins;. ' "He was absolutely honest and
honorable in everv nartloular. He
fair In every way. even when workina
againsi jine ornpsmn men plot
ting against the government, and would
never tolerate the slightest variance
rrom the truin. unaer any circum
stance. - ' ( -.-.-.--'.. '
11m was a man of his word, not onlv
among his fellow workmen but even
among the- criminals, with whom he
Homo Offtoei
The Policyholders' Company
me utnoet
Cesser FlfUi and XsJrisoa,
X WLU rreetdeat
"I BAirCKb. .... General Ha&agef
Is Best for Oregonians
often came in contact in the line of
duty. I cannot speak too highly of
Captain BelL He was one of the most
popular men Who ever worked for the
government. When he left the service
his resignation was acoepted with the
sincere regret of the entire depart
ment" Captain ' Bell entered business for
himself more than a year ago. His ad
venture did-not prove especially profit
able and later he opened a private se
cret servloe agenoy of his own.
The raatheoa Present Itself la Hew
Attire with Q rand Opening.
The Grant Scott place of 110 Third
street will open Tuesday under new
management and will be known as the
t-'antneon. Mr. Elder, the new manager,
has had a force of artists at work deco
rating and renovating the place and It
now has the appearance of a first-class
gentleman's resort. The Pantheon will
be conducted upon the successful plans
wnicn air. uiaer nas ouiit up mi repu
tation in this line of business. The sua.
cess In which Mr. Elder has met in his
management or tbe Board or Trade Buf
fet . assures him of a high class pat
ronara at the Pantheon.
Bach day a merchants' lunch will be
served from 11:10 to 1:80 with drinks,
consisting; of soups, roasts and vegeta
bles. Tables have been arranged so you
may "be seated to enjoy your lunoh In a
quiet, eomrortaoie manner.
Remember the opening, Tuesday, No
vember 17.
Chief Gritzmacher Inyesti
gates Identity of Dead.
Mine Worker.
v " . Building Permits.
. One hundred forty-one East Porty-
miir, near Morrison, jonn BMwartls,
erect one-story frame barn. $100; S7th
street, near Rhine, Kirk Hoover, erect
one-story frame shed, $300: 68 Everett
street, between Slat and 5 2nd, Joseph
Simon, erect one-story frame .garage,
$200; Brazee street, between loth and
ZlSL Harry Palmer, erect two-story frame
dwelling. $4,500; 17rh street, between
Everett and Davis, H. A. Moore, erect
one-story frame garage, S1SA; East 17t
street, near Rhine. Mr. ShPiffelin. erect
one-story frame dwelling; tl.fiOO; Weld-
ir street, between I4th na x&tn, E. H.
MarNaurhton. erect . two-stoTy-- frame
dwelling, $2,600. . ,
'. Tii r! tana." Ask grocer. ; t
SptcUI Disrates to Tbe Journal. 1
Gentralla, Wash., Nov. 16.CIty Mar
shal Clark has received a letter from
the chief of. police at Portland, In
quiring for information regarding the
man who went to work for- the Men
dot Coal ft Coke company October 4,
who afterward went Insane and whose
was was found In Pa ck wood creek a
few days ago. When the man went
to work he pave the name of A. B.
Ball. Other than that nothing Is known
of him. The letter received, by the
marshal is as follows:
"Dear Sir Some tinta last summer a
man named J. N. Henshaw disappeared
from Petoluma, Cal., and his wife, who
lives here, thinks that the suicide men
tioned in the within clipping might
De mm. one is airaia mac ner nus-
band went Insane and might have drift
ed up there. Henshaw is described as
follows: About 4& years old. about (
feet 9 lnohes tall, weight 110 pounds,
dark brown hair and dark brown mus
tache, dark eyes; wors when last seen
a dark-cost and vest and striped pant.
Kindly look into this case and find
. Tot Infanta and Children.-
Tt3 Kind Yea Hare Always E::gM
Boars ths
Signsturo of
how the suicide corresponds with this
description, and let me know at your
earliest convenience.
"Chief of Police."
The clipping referred to in the let
ter was the account of the suicide
that appeared In a recent Issue of The
Journal. Marshal Clark says the de
scription Is not definite enough to de
termine whether the body found was
that of the man sought In the letter
or not. but In general the man answers
the description. If the people at the
mine could be shown a photograph, un
doubtedly the question culd be settled.
Foraker Thus Outlines Toga
CampaignLays Claim
to Deepest Piety.
(United PrM Leand Wire.)
Rome, Nov. 16. The ministers of
foreign relations of Italy and Russia
have held a conference of international
lnportance, and afterwards visited to
gether the municipality of Rome, where
they were received with Russian-Italian
honors. Tittont presented Ivolsky
to the members of the council, and the
Russian minister made them a speech
in Italian, in which he thanked them
for the manifestation of which they had
made, him a subject; he said his visit
to Italy cemented the good relations ex
isting between the two countries.
After this ceremony the ministers
breakfasted together and at midday
went to the garden party, prepared in
honor of Ivolsky, where the feast was
most brilliant in the presence of ladles
and gentlemen or the aristocracy and
several members of parliament.
Papers of the oltv declare that the
visit of Ivolsky nas had a most gratify
ing Influence on the Russo-Italian rela
tions. Placing them In harmony and
friendship.. , . , . ,
r (United rcw Uiwl 'rfre. ;.-f
Seattle, Wash., Nov. 18. It. Axonsen,
a tailor, was taken- to the hospital last
night suffering from abdominal Injur
ies - that may rasrult la his death. He
was kicked during a fight Saturday
night His oondition Is serious.
(United Ptms Leases Wba.f
Cincinnati. Ohio, Nov. 18. The final
statement of Senator J. B. Foraker pre
liminary to his fight for the senatorial
toga will be forwarded today to the
members of the legislature, Foraker
specifies that the statement Is not in
tended to oonvey the impression that
he will devote no mors of his attention
to the campaign, but that he does not
Intend to engage , In , an unseemly '
scramble. ' ' ' - .
The statement consists of tetter
from Virgil P. Cllne of Cleveland, pur
porting to show the exact nature of '
Forakers employment by the Standard
Oil company. Foraker declares .. that
the statement should "satisfy any fair'
minded man." In closing Foraker says: i
"Whatever may be the result, I shall
always be profoundly grateful for ths'
many distinguished honors I have en-'
Joyed at the hands of the people of
Ohio, and shall always have the satis
faction of knowing, whether anybody"
else does or not, that I have under all
circumstances striven to serve my state
and my country faithfully and effi
ciently, and. whether right or wrong,
never more so than in regard to those
questions In connection with which I
have been criticised." i
. ' ...l .' .... I B..M '
Almost Instant Relief Is
Waiting for Journal Read
ers Who Suffer From
Stomach Trouble,
It what ron lust ate Is sourlncr on
your stomach or. Has like a lump of
ieaa, rerusine o digest, or you belch
uas- ana .ruaiaie sour. undigested
food' or have a feel In of tHzciness.
Heartburn, Fullness, Nausea, Bad Taste
In mouth and Stomaott headache-tliU
is Indigestion. i
- A- full ss of Psre's Dlanensln costs
only 60 cents and will thoroughly cure
the worst case of PyKpepwia, and leave
ifflulnt about the houaa in case some
one else In the family may suffer from
Stomach trouble or Indigestion.
Ask your pharmacist to show "you
the formula plainly printed on these
50-cent cases, then you will . under
stand why Dyspeptic trouble of ell
kinds must go, and why they usually
relieve a sour stomach or Indigestion
In five minutes. Get a easo nr.u,
eat one Trlangule after your tient.
meat imi " narroiess eni tat
like candy.' though each contains
er sufficient to digest and prepare' f r
assimilation Into the blood alt t, -i
food you eat; besides. It makes v,, .
ra to the table., with
sppetlte; . but, " what wlU pi- i',',-,
most Is that Voil win f.i . ... .. .
Stomach and Intestloes are rif-trt B,, i
fresh, and you will mt ne,t f t
to laxatives or, liver rllla t.,r i ,
ness or Constipation. -
This Citv Will hnv, mir.v t.i, .
cranks, as Sow e people wi.l
out you will. , l ( iHcU t
SplSnAld Stim''ii .. t' '
you ever liave iml:c-' ,
or any of ;!r p.,n . , .
Just one Tiu--- ;