THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. MONDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 10, -1908. 13 BARK1YDGATET0 ; CALL AT PITCAIRH Captain Law Has Many Friends on Lone Speck in' the Ocean. DELIVERED PRESENTS ' THERE FROM TOKTLAND .Four Year Ago Captain Law Made Islanders ' Happy by Delivering Three Boat Loads of Clothing, ' - Books and Miscellaneous Ware. ; On her wav from this port to Eu rope with a cargo of wheat tha British bark Lydgate wlU call at Pltcalrn Isl ands If possible. Captain Lw, master of the Ly Agate, Is a particular friend of the Islanders and makes it point to paythem a call whenever possible. Hi last visit there was about four years ago when ha took three boat loads of presents from the people of Portland. ' .-''.- ""' Captain Law was at that time master of the British bark Irby and the pres. ents for the Islanders was given in his care upon his suggestion that the peo ple on . the little speck of land would greatly appreciate many things that to people here are of little value. A large quantity of old magaetnes were about as welcome as any of the goods carried wt by the Irby. , Captain Law de clares. - - - Captain Lsw has visited the island three times. The first time he landed there with a boat load of shipwrecked sailors from the British ship Bowden that he lost on one of the neighboring Islands In 1893. He and his men were Riven such kind treatment that he has never felt in position to properly show Ma gratitude. But he does tha best he can lay paying an occasional visit. Pltcalrn: island is located in' the south Pacifio and not a great deal out nf the course of vessels bound from this part of tho world for Europe. The pop ulation descends from a handful of shipwrecked sailors that landed there 103 year ago after having been -cast ashore in the ship Bounty on a nearby Island. Taking native women from an other "Island they settled down on the four-mile stretch of land In the ocean, and began to till the soil. Xl'l. -I- T - AalivihrwA tri rirs n urn vOL'Mnu j v. v. . . - " . w - ; ems irom rorusna in. imtuiu 1..VH.J 1 1 r. a tViarn V n tr Ql women and girls and 66 men and boys. Thv wer about enough to drain the resources and the rulers were not busy Ing themselves writing, pamphlets in j. , imkm.Mam An nf t Vi n nnri pie seemed to even think of leaving the Island to see what the outside world is doing. . WIFE FIRST, THE SHIP Captain" Boyd Resigns Command of Big Oriental Liner. Seattle, Nov. 16. When the big Weir llmsr Inveric pulls out from Seattle Wednesday at noon for the orient Cap tain Robert L. Howie will be on her bridge, lor me nrst, umo mwwr i i i . . I . . Kr... m In nnmtn a n n VfHBi, siu;r imviJiR ucc. m .-.. on a ' number of ships perhaps larger Incidental to the advance of Captain . Howie there is a little story of love on the high seas. Captain Howie takes the place of Captain James Boyd.. Cap tain Boyd- is highly fcsteemed by , noj only his'eOKirailea Tf ine mercanrus ma- 1 I ...... V.n uailAd V.1 1 f fi M Tin? WUCIVVVi 1 I o un " . v v by the ship owners kwho have commanded Recently there was enforced on the Weir liners a new order; . "No officer of this line shall take hlajwife or mern- Y. .... A V. 4 am(i,. an, " Now, for many years in fact, ever Since llrey were marnea iiiu nuu Mrs. Boyd have been on the same ship. Mrs. Bovd sailed with him wherever he went and their llttue daughter was retired at sea. , Then .came the new order, and Cap tain Bovd. Instead of saying good-bye to his wife, said good-bye to the big ship that had been his, home and his family's home. WILL SIQS NEW CREW Sailors Union Pickets Take Men From Schooner Talbot. Captain Knudsen. master of the American schooner William H. Talbot, will sign another crew today, the sail ors he signed Saturday having deserted in response to pleadings from sailor union pickets. The skipper says he will have no trouble to get men. The Talbot goes to Manila with a cargo of 1,000,000 feet of lumber. She finished loading a couple of days ago at the mills of the Inman-Poulsen Lum ber company and everything would have been lovely had not union sailor Slcketa appeared on the scene yester ay and told tha non-union men not to go. Captain Knudson and his chief mate tried to prevent the crew from going ashore, but they managed to slip away during an unguarded moment. The Talbot arrived nere sevVeral weeks ago from Dutch Harbor In ballast Business Agent P. J. Paul of the Bailors' union, says be does not know anything about any trouble on the Tal bot and that he has nothing to do with tha leaving of the crew. STORM AT NORTII HEAD Rains Welcomed by RIveF Navigat ors and Launch Men. Storm warnings were : ordered dls played at the mouth of the Columbia river this morning. District Forecaster peals of the weather bureau having a hunch that the wind would come In pretty strong today from the south west. But he does not look for a howl ing gale or a rip -snorter. The rain ef yesterday In this distrlot was welcomed by river navigators be cause the water in the Willamette Snd the tributaries to the Columbia is very low. Even at this place the river has receded so as to Interfere with land ings except where the '-wharves have been extended to deep water below the gero mark. The Stark street; slip, owned by the City, presents a most deplorable con dition,' the two sewers emptying there being exposed to full view. Boatmen St the landing there say that the most objectlonsble feature could be overcome by extending the sewer pipes 10 or 15 feet. SUIT'S BAND ENTERTAINS Astoria Citizens , Spend Pleasant Tlme on Training Ship. (Special Puipftck tn Ttie Jbnrnal.l Astoria, Nov. 16. The German ship HarxogIn Sophie Charlotte, which sailed yesterday was placed alongside the O. R, A N. Co.'s wharf Saturday and openedfor inspection. She was visited by about 1.000 persons. 'A band of If pieces, composed of apprentices, dis coursed sweet and patriotic music to the . deltght of the many visitors.- The of ficers and men showed many courtesies to visitors. The captain received ordors to pro ceed in ballast to- Port Phllllpheads, Australia, and there load grain for Eu rope. She was towed to qea. . , ALONG THE. WATERFRONT. . The rarrlman liner Rose City, Cap tain Kldston. will bs at -Ainsworth - wharf this evening. ! The steamer fTrTreka CSptaln Noren, 1 - will be at Mart tin's dock this evening , f mm Eureka via Co" Bay. v i " The steamer breakwater, - Captain ..'-.''-'.;. .- 'i 0 . . . : - ' . Macgenn, arrived at Oak street dock at 7 o'clock last night from Coos Bay. The oriental liner Alesla will not sail for Vladivostok until Wednesday or 'Thursday, soma repairs Ving made tos her condensers, She will go out with m full cargo of flpur. ?s The oriental liner Arabia shifted from Alaska dock this morning to the coal bunkers and took on 100 tons of coal. This afternoon he shifted to Al bina dock to begin loading. The new tug Hercules left down this afternoon with - an oil arge in tow bound for San FranCiaoo.. This was the first visit here Of the Hercules. ' i ' . Coming from Newport this trip, the gasoline sloop Condor had a very pleas ant trip,-the sea being as smooth as the river all the way up. She is booked to depart fop Yaqulna tomorrow after noon. , '-,' , JMARINE NOTES. Astoria, Nor. 16. Arrived at sand left up at 9 a.' m.. Steamer Rose City, from Ban ' Francisco. And at 10- and left up, at 10:69 a. my steamer Eureka, from Eureka. . ' '" . , i Ban Francisco, Kov. If. Arrived at midnight, steamer Btate of California, from Portland. Arrived at 2 a. tn., British steamer Forerlc. - f rem Astoria Astoria, Nov. 16. Sailed at 1 sr. m, steamer Northland, for Ban Francisco. Arrived at 7:80 a. m. and left up at 4:20 p. m., steamer Roma, from Port San Luis. , Arrived at 7:0 and left up at 10:lS a. m steamer Breakwater, from Coos Bay. Balled at 8 a m., steamer Alliance, for Coos Bay.- Arrived at f and left up at :S0 a. m., steamer Yel- 1af4aha Claw IVannlim . at 7 p. m., German bark Hertogln 8. Kurkf Nov. 15, Sailed, tamr m . t T. 12 r.,1 Ban Pedro; steamer Roanoke, for Port land San Francisco, Nov. H,-Sailed at 10 a. m., steamer Asuncion, for Portland. a lout v4wi, tirltliah hArlr Cn rml. man, from Hamburg, for Portland. . . Astoria, inov. in. jonamon vv mouth of the river at f a m., obsoured, wind southeast. (0 miles: weather rain ing and foggy. a ' TT1 noes ai asioris, imiua, nun water, 8:11 a m.. 7.0 feet: 8:04 p, nr. f.l feot. Low. water 1:22 a. m 1.7 feet; 8:3)1 p.r ro.. 8.8 feet. By wireless Steamship President, at sea, November 16, 1908, 4:40 p. m. 22 miles .northwest Coos Bay: Barometer southeast, tx miles. COilMANDER, Sailor Goes Insane. Astoria, Or.. Nov. If. Tobias Olson, a sailor on the Standard OH barg 91, which arrived Kfere today, was placed under restraint charged with Insanity, and committed to the asylum Saturday. Olson became violent - last Wednesday on the way .from San Franoisco. He is a native or rorway, agea s- years, and resides in Ban Francisco. Rockfefeller No More A Dyspeptic So many digestive disorders af flict men and women now that a select prescription has been se cured from a great Battle Creek specialist who offers it freely, to those who cannot take sanitarium treatment. Its use for a few weeks is said to completely re store the digestive functions, in crease the strength and cure ner vousness, insomnia and all symp toms of a distressing nature due to such disorders. Mix these three ingredients together, shake wall and take one or two tea-, spoonfuls after each meal. -One ounce compound essence Cardiol, two ounces essence of Pepsin and two ounces syrup of Oinger. One of our best-known druggists, to whom the above was submitted, states positively that a more ef fective and harmless prescription could not be filled by any one, and that it is familiarly known as the "Rockefeller -Cure." Promi nent; upHo-date druggists Will get the ingredients from their Jobber, although, most of them keep them in stock. San Francisco Office Oregon Journal 1206 CALL BUILDING CLASSIFIED AD BATES Classified advertisements in The Jour nal are as follows: No ad less than 16o per Insertion. Phone or Charged ads Co per line per insertion; 7 insertions for the price of t. Cash ads le per word per inser tion, 7 insertions for the'prioe of 6. Lost and found, help wanted, situations wanted, for rent and wanted to rent ads lo per word per insertion, 8 insertions for the price of 2. 1 to 20 words. 20c: 11 to 25 words, 26o; matrimonial, mani curing, massage and bath ads, 10O ner line ner Insertion. Card of thanks, meeting and fu neral noticea 60a ner insertion. New today (agate measue, 14 lines to inch), 84o per inch. Count 6 words to Una The Journal cannot guarantee ac curacy or assume responsibility for er rors of any kind occurlng In telephoned advertisements. Should any sd appear incorreet on first insertion. The Journal will not be responsible for subsequent Insertions. The Journal's business offioe' is open from 8 a. ra. to S p. m.; Saturdays 8 a r-honesSain 7173; A-G051. WEATHER REPORT Storm southwest warnings were or dered displayed at 7:16 a m. at all sta tions in Washington and at the mouth of the Columbia river. A moderate storm is central this morning near Vancouver Island. It will move rapidly eastward and cause a strong southerly gale along tne Washington coast and a rresn soutn erlv grain alanr the Orearon coast today and tonight, with general rains In this aistnct. Anotner aisiuroance is cen tral over Saskatchewan. It Is causing chlnook winds In that province and also In northern Montana, but no rain or snow has yet fallen in connection with this dlsturbaace. A third disturbance Is central near Lake Huron, which has caused light snow in the lake region and in northern New England. A large high pressure area, extending from tne middle lntermountaln states southeast ward to the gulf states, controls th weather over the southern half of the United States. Temp. Max. Win. Preclp. Baker City, Or. 62 36 - .0 Kansas City, Mo. ... 48 28 .0 Lewiston. Idaho ... 60 32 .0 Los Angeles, Cai... 68 60 .0 Marshfleld. Or 60 62 .0 Portland, Or 53 4 ' .08 Roseburg. Or. ...... 64 44 .0 Bacramento. CaL ... 70 48 - .0 Bt. Louts, Mo 48 . 32 .0 St Paul. Minn. 32 18 .0 Salt Lake, Utah 63 32 .0 San Antonio, Texas. . 68 . 3 .0 Walla Walla. Wash.. 44 34 .0 MARRIAGE LICENSES , Arthur W. Lambert, 44 East Seventh street, 26. and Elizabeth M. s Kennedy, 21. - " ,v-; - - ; Stanley E. Ekowronskl, 150 Sellwood street, 23, and Bernice E. Krawcsynaki, 22. , C. M. Brastel. Montesano, Wash., Si, and Frances Wolfe. 19. C. W. A. Jette, 1184 Boise street, IT, and Mayballe Checkering, 29. - Lewis V. Brwn. 909 East Qlfaan street. 33. snrt Ionian way Wilson. 31. C1 11 A auita ttm mm t ak 11 ar Uil U'"" . evi s -w i vt as 14 BiMA Unique Tailoring Co, 101 Stark at ; MARRIAGE LICENSES . FLOWERS FOR WEDDINGS AND 7 ' FUNERALS. . - -Alfred Burkhardt, , .,,?i:iJ:':-.T. Nob Iinl Florist,-:;iM,c.i;v''!-; 120 23d st. - Phones Main B02, A-8184. PORTLAND Florist Co., choice cut flow- ers and funeral designa - 826 Morn son. 1 LOWEST prices for choice cut flowen and design work. Main 803; A-260S. uustav Burnnarat, lit -urn st., w, Weddlnc Cards. : W. O. Smith & Co Washington bldg corner 4th and Wash- ingion sis. Beta Sons, florists, funeral designs. i4 worrison. Mam sovd: a-iii Clarke Bros.. , florlsts--Fln flowers and floral designs. : SS Morrison st. Max M. Sralthflorist. 150 6th st.. op. poslte Meier & Frank s. Main 7111. BIRTHS REEDT To Mr. aol Mrs. J. J. Reedy, 038 Market, octoner xi,' a son. ECKIS To Mr. and Mrs. W. Eckls, 81 North Sixth. November 7. a daughter. SAIRINNA-To Mr. and Mrs. A. Sad rlnna, 87 Thurman, November' 2, a daughter. HITftHina To ' Mr. and Mra C" P, Hughes, 860 Weidler street, November 9, a daughter. - pri:Rfiof-To Mr. -Mra P. Plerson. 860 North Fifteenth, November 15. a son. - ". HALVERSON-To Mr. and Mrs. O. Hal verson, 420 Twenty-third, November 11, a daughter. BOZLEY To Mr. and Mra W. Lv Bos ley, 79? East Eighth street. North. Novemner b, a daughter. DEATHS DENNET Thomas H. Denney of Bear- erton, pioneer of 1818. age si years. 4 months and 16 daya Funeral held at home Tuesday. November 17. at 10 a. m. KROFF Miss M. M. Kroff. 380 Pacific, November 13, age 4; malignant diph theria, i JONES Miss E. E. Jones, city, Novem ber 12, age 20; puerperal uraemia TRUBY J. H. Truby, city, November iz. age Si; paresis. FUNERAL NOTICES BATJMANN November 16, 1908, Henry Charles Baumann, beloved son or Mrs, R. Baumann of this cttv. age 38 years, 7 months, 26 daya Funeral services will be held at Holman's chapel. Third and Salmon streets, Tuesday, November 17, 1908, st 11 a. m. Pnterment Union cemetery, ceoar Mine, or. Faithful brother, thou hsst left us. And thy loss we keenly feel. But 'tis Ood who has bereft us; He will all our sorrows heal. Iowa and Montana papers please copy. FUNERAL DIRECTORS DUNNING, M'ENTEE ft OILBAUOH. undertakers and enrbalmars; modern in every detail. Seventh and Pine. Main 4o. L,aoy assistant. J.P.Finley &. Sea l&LV! Lady attendant. Main t; A-1&9. F. B. DUNNING, Inc., east side funeral directors. E. Alder and E. 8th St. ZELLER-Bl'RNES CO.. FUNERAL DI rectors, embalm ers, 270 Russell, East 1088. L,ady assistant. EDWARD HOLmAN, UNDERTAKER. 220 3rd street. ERICSOtf UNDERTAKING CO.. EM- balmlng; lady ig't; 409 Alder, at 4182. CEMETERIES ROSE CITY SINGLE. GRAVES, $10; family lots, 326 to 176. Superintend ent at cemetery, corner of Fremont st and Cnlly road. Phone Tabor 104. Fut full information apply to Frank Schle gel. 633 Worcester blk. Phone A-2823. MONUMENT8 MARBLE AND GRANITE MONU ments, all kinds cemetery decorations. 68-70 Grand ave. N. Imhoff A Dorcaa NEU ft KINGSLEY. 268 1ST.. PORT land's leading marhii and granite wka Lawyers' Abstract & Trust Co.. room ( Board of Trade bldg.; abstraets a specialty. Paclflo Title ft Trust Co., the leading abstractors. 204-6-6-7 Falling bldg. SEE Williams Abstract Co. for priees. 338 Chamber of commerce. Have vour abstracts made bv the Title ft Trust Co.. 7 C of C Halsllp ft Co., abstractors, lst-class work; get our prices. 828 Corbett bldg. NEW TODAY. Rtrt imnrovements at Rossmere re now about completed, and it is in- AmA " thin tr nf riMiitv" 'ROSS- MERE has more miles of graded and grave lea streets, au iu teei parsing, rmrnt sidewalks, cur bins' and Bull Run water, than any tract in the city, ail now in ana paia lor. LOTS 50x100, $2000 Building Restrictions An earlv selection will secure an elegant homesite lots $450 to $600, including improvements all paid tor, rapidly enhancing in value owing to the many new modern homes going up in this vicinity. Take Rossmers car Third and YamhilL ' Agent on, grounds afternoons JOHN W. COOKE, Manager GEO. KNIGHT CLARK, Gen'l Agt. 6 Board of Trade, Fourth and Oak Phones Main 5407. A3252 $27,0O Great Buy A whole block, 8 lots on Grand and Union avenues; business property. This cannot fall as a big money maker. Can be bought as a whole or. In part..-. ' , TJEB gFAWTOjr CO, 870 Stark st. r. lCVXTXTOlCAX $2,100 Splendid bungalow, I large rooms; easyJerms. VB3tTIT. M.400 -New 6-room bungalow; terms. $2,500 2-story, ft rooms; easy terms. : $3,000 Fine new home, panelled and beamed, ( rooms; terms. These properties can be seen only by calling at the office of - s - . . . TKS BPAsTTOW CO, .,. ;,: " ir If I H900 ' 21 PE CIA I. B ABO ATX Lot 60x115 feet on Bast I Morrison near 29th; also 1 I fine corner for store build- I I ing on Belmont I 82000 ' nCB HART Z.AITO 00. , k 146 Second St NEW TODAY., Clarke County Farms ' 60 ACXX8, miles from this City,- 40 Ceres under fine state of cultivation, 13 acres green tlmbur. balance slashed. burned and seeded for pasture, fine 8 room bouse nearly new, good barn and all other necessary outbuildings, A, mile from . church , and school aitf t miles from, railroad town en fine road, -excellent, neighborhood, -good team, wagon, back. 3 cows, some hose, abdut 100 chickens, 30 tons of' hay, plows, bar rows, cultivator, and ail small toots. Price If seld soon, $4,800; $1,000 cash, balance can-stand for 3 or yeara at 6 per cent. . . 40 : A OKU 8, 11 miles from this City and 1 miles from country town on good county road, 30 acres under line state of cultivation, balance slashed, burned and seeded, living stream and line well, family orchard of assorted fruits, house neany new, zvxiv; earn ouxoo, cmciten houses, woodshed, etc.. 7 cows, 1 heifer, 1 calf, 1 good horse, 1 colt, 3 hogs, 30 buggy, plow, harrow, cultivator, .hay and grain on hand and all household furni ture, uwner seutng on account oi ! ness end is offering a baraaln. Price. 33,160; 31,000 can stand on place at 6 per cent. , 186Vs A traES, 140 acres under tine state of cultivation. 40 acres onion land. 30 - acres fine green timber, place all fenced and cross fenced, fine 10-room 3 -story frame house with hot and cold water plumbing. 1 barn 60x104, 1 barn 46x60, brick dairy -house, woodshed, chicken-houses, granary andall other necessary outbuildings. R. F. D. and teiepnone in iiouse, i mues irom Van couver and mile from railroad sta elc.i llvtnir stream through place, well and water system at house and water, piped to barn; Including the following personal iiropmjr; o vuwo, 4 good horses, 1 colt. 60 sheep, 38 goats. 17 head of hogs, some chickens, I wasrons. hack. . buggy, cart, binder. mower, rake, hay tedder, manure spreader. 4 plows, 1 cultivator, 3 fan ning mills, 1 drill, gasoline engine, saws, sheep shearing machipe, cream separator, dlso harrow, spike-tooth har row, spring-tooth harrow, 40 tons of hay, 500 bushels of oats, potato digger and planter, cider mill, .feed grinder, corn sheller, all small tools. If you are looking for a home or for an investment do not fall to see this',' place. Price, tisnnn? is nno nash. balance can stand 5 years at 6 per cent. The above is but a sample of our large list DO NOT FAIL 0 8KB tIS before buying either for a home or as an investment. THOMPSON & SWAN OlUaeas Bank Bid.. Vancouver, Wash. MEETING NOTICES 411 HARMONT LrfXlge XNO. ii, A. F. & A. M. Special communication this (Monday) evening at 7:30 o'clock. Work In the B. A. degree. Visitors are cordially invited. By or der of the W. M. GRAND ball, given by Astra Circle Ouarda, in the W. O. W. Temple, 128 Eleventh st., Thursday-. November 19. Stiles orchestra Admission 25c. Com mittee: i M. W. A. OREGON GRAPE CAMP. No. 676, Mondays. elllng-Hlrscb block, 1 0th and Wasningtonsts. M. W. A. EVERGREEN CAMP. 6,464, meets Wednesday evening. Allaky bldg.. 3d and Morrison eta IOH SALE REAL ESTATE 10 32.600 FOR a fine, up to date, modern house and corner lot 60x100; house stands on 60x60 and another house can be built on the corner; $1,300 down. $3,000 for a 6-roonv modern bouse and barn, lot 60x125, on Knott st, down. $8,000 for a fine corner 100x108, on Union ave., with 4 houses, brings $67 a month In rent; this is a snap. $6,000 for a choice lot on Union ave., with an old house; rents for $10 per month; this is an A-l business prop erty. $1,900 for en 8-room house on W.-W. line; modern in every rerpect; lot 60x 100: $600 down. 12,600 for a fine 7-room house in Ver non; up to date, $50.9 down. We have any amount of bargains. Come and see us. STITE8 ft PEPER. 520 Union ave. N. Phone East 4386. 10 ACRES ON 44TH ST. Located 10 blocks from carline: un der cultivation: mostly planted in ber ries; produces for. owner from $1,200 to ii.buo annually, fries n.uuu; cssn $4,000, balance $1,000 annually at ( per cent tntereat SIX-ACRE) TRACT. buildings: fenced: 126 fruit trees, bear Ing; different kinds berries; two acres for cultivation; located on good street; Z5-rmnute drive from postoiiice. trice I8.Z60: iz.500 casn. Daiance on terma A hustler can make $1,600 annually. A HOME AND SEVEN COWS. Modern five-room cottaee. barn, largs chicken-house, all fenced, seven milch cows, several tons hay, wood, milk route with monthly receipts of $150; lots, all for $3,200: $2,000 cash, balance with two-year mortgage. Will accept in trade a residence not 10 execea i.suu. $1,090 buys a 100x100, two lots, on dace. This is for cash. tl.DOO will ouy n. joveiy two-stnry residence, lot boxiou leet; Ibuo cash. balance on time. $1,600 purchases four lots, all fenced. cleared and in cultivation: basement ex cavated, two-room nouae ana otner buildings, une diock xrom proposed carline. E-Z REALTY CO., 1056 Union ave.. N. RESIDENCES A fine 7-room house, in good local ity, at a bargain. It only takes $600 cash to handle this. Call ln and see photo. A new house and Quarter-block, at Madras, with chicken-house and barn. A snap; $2,000, cash. A Sellwood home for $3,850. This place has 8 rooms, with all modern im provements and can be handled with I860 down; the balance at $25 per month. Hartman & Thompson Chamber of Coromeroe. ' $350 CASH ' And $20 per month buys a 'Muteness" 6-room bungalow? will be built as yoj like it, on nice lot; streets graded;- ce ment walks and curbs paid for. 8eo Butterworth. Main 8629. 3a Lafayette bldg.. 6th and Washington sts. Big House, Two Lots 88x100 Near car, Bull run water, concrete foundation, nice lawn, roses, berries, fruit trees; $250 cash, $13.50 per month. Price $2,260. - HAVERSTIC ft GALLAGHER, 343 H Wash. St. FOR SALE; A 6-room house, corner lot; improvements In end paid; pan eled dining-room, large bath, furnace, five closets, stationary tubs, flreplsce: cash or terms; no agents. M-36S, Jour nal. ' FOR SAIJB Lot 75x100, $500; $100 cash. ba 1 ance easy terms. 189 d st. VERNON Sightly lot, block from ear line; must sell. See owner. A-29, N. id st .IRA nn.t. hulflnr mnnthlv ft-wm modern bungalow, close to car and good school. basement tinted walla re stricted neighborhood; price $1,850; look at this before you buy. CHARLES M. ROSS. laurelwood. FOR SALE Beautiful 6-room bunga- i ayior. FOR SALE $400 cash, one 'lot, 60 by ' 100, two blocks from Stuart's station, Jt. Scott carline. Ftor sale by owners. Miller ft Edwards, care Oregon Con servatory of Music, 843 H Washington. " CiidlCE ACRE VERY CHEAPj ' A-l oil, level, cleared, seeded to grass, within 6 -cent limit at sacrifice if taken soon; half hash, balance time., Must hava money, leaving city; write or see owner. 10S Mississippi ave. 4 FOR BALE REAL ESTATE 10 BARGAIN AT $1,650. 4 acres, all in garden, fruit and ber ries. In small town, on S. P. R. R-, 16 miles out; good 6-room house, barn and other outbuildings ;v good well - water. This Is all good land and it la just as we say; $500 down, - . - Have for rent 6-room new house, near St. Johns, 100x100, in garden, $12.56 per month, . v i . -, :;Xamer0B?t&XaMe- ' 611 Board of Trade Bldg. $1,850 BUTS a 6-room new house and 43x100 foot lotr terms.- 85 Union ave. 10-ACRE TRACTS For $80 to $160 per acre, rich fclack soil, near electric and steam cars, school and town: easy terms. T-623. Journal. FOR SALE At a sacrifice, must be sold, a beautiful lot in the old race track, on 8th st. near Stanton, facing east; price $1,000; 1-3 paid: will sacri fice $50 over 1-3 paid: 3333.33 due tn June, 1909, and same due in June. 1910. STITES A PEPER. 620 Union ave. N. Phone FJ. 4M5 $35 DOWN, balance easy, will buy 60x 100 fine building lot, 18 minutes1 ride from Washington st; graded street, walk, city water. Stop the rent, build now. Best buy In the city for $360. Heilman ft Lathrop, room 8, over Mer- cnants National oanK. ARTISTIC bungalow, just finished. 6 rooms, bath and pantry, chance for 2 more rooms above; best plumbing, gas and electricity, cement walks and curbs, corner lot 50x100, south facing, near Broadway car line. Call Monday, room 3, 346 Vt Washington. Price $3,600; easy terms. FOR SALE2 A six-room bungalow in first-class condition; lot 100x100; house and lot have all modern improve ments. Phone Woodlawn 2374. $800 CASH takes 4-room house, 2 nice lots fenced, 40x120, on corner; new stoel range, good furniture, barn, 2 henhouses and yards, some garden truck and tools; all goes $1,300, balance terms. 193 4th st WE BUILD HOMES To suit you at small cost, and very easy payments. There is no reason .Thy you should not own your own homo. Call and see us and let us explain bow easy It is to do so. THE VETERAN LAND CO- 822 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE By owner, 6-room cottage, nearly new. artistic design, good plumbing, septic tank, eloctrlo lights, gas, Bull Run water, corner lot, every thing first class, fruit trees, roses, gar den, small fruit. Improved street, near carline, good car service,. Piedmont dis trict, mountains visible. 607 McKay bldg., 8d and Stark sts. PORTLAND Heights lots for $650 and terms, 1 block from car line; some covered with trees, level; any one wish ing a lot will snap them up. 923 and 926 Board of Trade bldg. 6-ROOM house ori Mount Scott line, modern, 8 blocks from car, 100x80; lot nice for family; easy payments. K-4K, journal. 4-ROOM cottage, 2 fine lots, nice shade trees, $1,000; $250 cash, $10 monthly. Charles M. Rose, Laurelwood. HOOD RIVER ORCHARDS. MACRAE ft ANGUS. 433 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE!. $375 FINE lot Terrace Park; $10 caah, $5 month. M. 1569. 619 Swetland ping. Howard Bros FOR SALE Furnished six-room house on Monroe street, near Williams ave. Rent $20; Income $45; price 3260..P-128, Journal. $900 Two lots at Woodlawn, 2 blocks from station, graded street and water in. This Is a snap. Address KUnk Bros., Wooulawn. Phone Woodlawn 75. $300 CASH, $16 monthly, 4-room strictly modern bungalow, close to car, electrlo lights and full dumbing. Charles M. Ross, Laurelwood. A HOME FOR $300. Two lots and a nice 4-room house, near Kern Park station. Price $1,000; only $300 cash and balance at $25 a month. Hartman & Thompson, Cham ber of Commerce. WILL build what you want on easy pay ments. Miller, 430 Worcester bldg. jnam i4u. SEE our list of property before you buy. Anderson fk McDanlel, office at Lau relwood station. 100x100 3 SIX-ROOM housea; one 7 room, at a bargain; will pay 10 per cent net; no agents. See owner, 92 6 Grand ave., N. C-1889. FUR SALE: Fine suburban home; two acres, 3 miles from courthouse, hi mile from car, all kinds fruit and ber ries, 9-room house, chlokeh-house, barn, two wells, on main road. For. terms see owner, 302 Front st $1,7007 ROOMS, good condition, on 2 car lines; easy terms. Frank Lucas, owner, 216 Chamber of Commerce. Phones A-l 703, Main 1293. WAVERLEIGH HEIGHTS A little beauty. 6-room bungalow; fine view of city, cement sidewalks, stone wall in front cement steps; $3,300, $1,000 down, balanoe $25 per month, including in terest Fhone isellwood 425. $2.850 TERMS, 6-room bungalow, near ly new modern up-to-date, gas, elec tricity, full lot, sightly location, 100 feet from Alberta car. Owner. 1068 Vernon. ONE HALF acre close to car and good school, $20 per month. This is a snap. unanes m. rioss, iaureiwooa. NEW modern store building, with 8 fine rooms, pretty home; good busi ness location. Owner on premises, 19J ta. aotn st., aunnysiae. $65 IRVINGTON DISTRICT. $66. Beautiful lots; Broadway, Schuyler, Hancock sta; graded sts., cement curbs and walks; Bull Run water, all in and paid; $2,000 building restriction; close to car. Price only $650; $65 cash, bal ance $10 per month at 6 per cent inter est CALL ON US. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY. 714 Couch hldg. 109 4th st Willamette Real Estate Co. Willamette station, St Johns car. Woodlawn 1658. Headquarters for Pe ninsula property C. R. Dcncell & Co. Real Estate. Room 333 C of C VACANT LOTS. 60x100 corner East Oak st, close in. $650. 60x100 corner East Couch st, $1,000. 60x100 East Flanders st., $1,000. 60x100 Bell Crest across the street from two beautiful bungalows. $600. It F. BRYAN. 605 Chamberpf Commerce. Main 1963T A-1227. NEW modern 6-room house, electric and gas fixtures, fireplace, full concrete basement and cement floor; nice lawn, cement walks, street improved; good terms. Will take any vacant lota as part payment O. M. Smith, 415 Com mercial Cluo hldg. $8,600 BUYS & swell, up-to-date, 8-room residence In the Nob Hill district. OREGON HOME & LAND CO.. 14 Hamilton Bldg., Portland. Or FOR SALE By owner, $800: a nice lot, centrally located in Sunnyslde; street improvements, sidewalks, sewer, water and gas all paid for. No agents. Ad dress P. O. Box 1100. BEAUTIFUL 6-room modern cottaga, near car line; electric lights: $600 down balance $15 a month, with lnter est. Inquire 987 E. 20th N Alberta car. IF TOU want to buy a bungalow, cot tage or modern home see us. If we hsven't what you want on our list w will find it for you. BO7.0RTH-WILL8 CO, Lumber Ex. big. $100 CASH. $10 monthly, buys 3-room nouse ana tent nousn wiui large lot; price $400. Charles M. Ross. J-aurel- wooa. Mount ticoti car 16 ACRES level, fertile land. 9 miles from Portland; a great bargain, $2,400. ip4 n st 4 ROOM house, modern and convenient; . price reasonable. 1176 E. Main near astn. ST75-4tE8ERVOlR'Park, fine lot bar , gain for cash. Main 1569. 619 Swet- lana. Must ne soia. hrtiiM for ul' t lnts. from owner. Ill Ppencer st., $1,600; terms. $5 MONTHLY buys a fine lot. Sea cnaries M. hobs, mureiwooa. t FOR SALE REAL ESTATE 18 V - IRVINGTON. ' One choice lot on E. 16th 'st, near Tillamook.- $1,450; very easy terma Hartman & Thompson, Chamber of Com merce. WANTED REAL ESTATE 81 WE HAVE BUYERS FOR CITY REAL estate and farms. What have you to sell 7 " Will deal with the owners oniy. res weils-Fargo bldg. If You ha ve a farm, city property, timber land, acreage or a legitimate business for sale, trade or rent, list it with the Oregon Adjustment Co., 308 Ankeny. Main 8267. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 24 WE will exchange anything you have for anything you want Call at 1019 Board of Trade bldg. WILL exchange 7 lots on peninsula for equal or less value In modern house. For particulars address owner, K-222, Journal. 320 ACRES timber land; also 8 lots in suburb, little cash, for 40 acres, some improved, near car and river. Come TWO houses, 7 and 6 rooms, both mod i ii, iw Biimii improved i arm, oy own er. B-10, Journal. FOR ACREAGE New Edison Moving Picture machine; electrical and gas attachments; gas-making outfit; Victor phonograph and lot with small house. i. trowytr, xnoepenaence, or. WOULD like to exchange a small farm for city property or would sell for cash. Let me know what you have. G. F. Fife. 868 2d et. FOR SALE FARMS 17 Farms and Farm Lands . 120 acres near carline and boat land ing, best kind of soli; price $60 per acre, y, down. 280 acres, 10 acres clear, good pasture, lots of water; 4,000,000 to 6,000,000 feet of good saw timber; house and barn; 25 tons 'of hay; 16 head of cattle, 2 horses and wagons, and machinery; good family orchard. $20 per acre, cash. 200 acres 1 mile from R. R. station. 85 acres clear. L bottom land, all tha best kind of soil; 4 cows, 65 hogs, some poultry; eoo ousneis or grain; l horse, 2 set of harness, and all machinery and wagons. Price $6,600; will take $2,600 or $3,000 worth of city property In trade. 46 acres of river front on the Co lumbia river, deep water for harbor; fine factory site. Price $3,800, cash. We have hundreds of different places for sale or trade. 28r acres, ft mile from town and railroad; 20 acres in cultivation, fenced and cross-fejieed; 100 bearing fruit trees, lots of small fruit and berries; the house is old; good barn, 2 horses and harness, wagon, buggy, 2 plows, 2 culti vators, 50 bushels wheat, 75 bushels oats, 11 bead of hogs, chickens, 10 tons of hay, 1-year-old calf; the place is well tiled, 10 acres in clover; terms $1,600 down, balance 6 years at 6 per cent Price $3,600. STITES & PEPER 620 Union ave.. North. Phone East 4286. $5,500 STRICTLY modern 8-roora house, centrally located, walking dia- tance. inquire il re. wssnington st 10 ACRES, 4 blocks carline. fins soil. 7 acres in cultivation; good house and barn; $4,000, part- cash. Diel & l-iuston, 418 Mucnanan bldg. 7-ROOM house, strictly modern, elegant furniture, for sale on account of sick ness. 928 Grand ave. N. C-1889. 160 Acres All fenced and cross-fenced; well watered; 7-room house, barn 60x120: good outbuildings; fam ily orchard; 70 head of cattle; 100 tons of hay, and all farm ing tools go with place for $7,600, $5,000 cash, balance easy terms. Acres All good, tillable land; house, barn; good spring; R. F. D. ; for $2,000; terms. 122 Acres Half In cultivation, balanoe Sood timber land; some beaver am land; 9-room house; furni ture, both new; barn; spring house and granary; good crops; 4 horses, 8 cattle, 25 hogs, chickens, 2 wagons. 2 buggies, plows, har rows, mower, rake, fanning mill and small tools. All goes at $45 per acre. ,,,, L. L MQFFETT 423 Lumber Exchange Bldg. HEIRS WANT DIVISION OF ESTATE. THIS FARM MUST BE SOLD. One of the best fruit and dairy farms in Cowlltx county, must be sold so the estate can be divided among the heirs; farm consists of 70 acres, 50 acres in orohard and hay. balance in timber and "pasture; 2,000 boxes of apples and 40 tons of hay this year; 110,000 feet of sawiogs already cut ana ail tne stoca and farming utensils go with tha place; a good barn and a fair house nicely lo cated with a beautiful view. This la as fine a place to live as there is In the west. Price 87.000; one third caah, one third city property, balance can be ar ranged to suit purchaser: no commisj slon will be paid; sold direct from heirs. For particulars write G. D. HAWKINS, WOODUWN, WASH. 1,120 Acres Well Watered Close to one of the best railroad towns in eastern Oregon; 600 seres No, 1 wheat land.' 35 acres alfalfa land, bal ance good pasture; can be cut up in 3 or 4 places, with water on each place; this must be sold in 30 days; price and terms that will surprise you. Call on owner for a few days at 4 N. 6th at FRANK T. BERRY. A SNAP. 4S0 acres, stock and dairy ranch, on Oregon Electrlo R. R. survey, 8 miles from Forest Grove, 1ft miles from Gales City: 7,000,000 feet of standing fir and cedar, 25 acres in cultivation; plenty of bulldlrrs, fruit and running water: 40 acres government land adjoin ing can be taken up; good outside range; all for $14 per acre. , ' M. PETERSON, 1 Cornelius, or. 19 ACRES 6 acres onion land, 6 acres cleared, 10 acres fina timber; ft mile to electrlo station; fine soil; $80 per acre; terma 35 ACRES cleared. 15 acres good mill timber; hop house, barn; good road: near school; near electrlo station; $4,800. half cash. 4 ROOM house: modern; $1,300, 3100 down, balance $10 per month. Several improved farms to trade for city property. Montana Realty Company 316 Board of. Trade Big. 120 Acres 60 acres bottom lsnd, 30 acres cleared, good buildings, good team, 11 head cattle; orchard; Springs; hay tools; everything , goes at 14.400. Coast Realty Company 330 Lumber Exchange Bldg. - ; A FINB lot In Woodlawn, $250. ' terms. ("OAST RRATry rrt 130 Lumber Exchange. , - i- 17 BlrHccser Two lets OSHCD - Near car, Bull Run water,, concrete foundation, nice lawn, roses, berries, fruit trees; $250 cash, $13.50 per month. Price 12,250. ; ; ' HAVERSTTO A OALLAGnR, 243 ft Washington Bt. FOR farm, dairy, fruit and walnut land see F. L. Kobersteln, Gaston, Or. 160 ACRES, 7-room house, barn, hen house, wood , shed, etc.; furniture, stoves, kitchen utensils, horse, buggy and farraj implements; 60 fruit trees; 6 acres In cultivation. - Ready for you to move in and make a living; 4 miles from Cnthlamet, $1,600. Frank Lucas, 216 Chamber of Commerce. ' $250 LAND FOR $26 PER ACRE This headlnar -is nrobablv nearer-' correct than the apathetic can-re- -alize. Thousands- of acres of choice fruit lands have sold in Oregon for $250 to $300 per acre: when the state Is thickly settled v and land scarcer it will sell for $500 to $600 per acre, snd the time Is near at hand. The annual - . profit will Justify such prices. There la no land in the state more superior for walnuts and apples , than the picked lands of Yamhill . ., county. We have several i thou- -sand acres of the choicest of the i choice at $25 per acre, and terma v. From one third to one half ready to plant, balance easy cleared, not steep, rolling and bench. There 5 never was a safer and more sure chance to make a fortune. 923 BOARD OF TRAlfE BLDG. $4,00010 ACRES, all In cultivation, small house and barn.. 4 acres in good orchard, close to Salem electric line. 7 miles from Portland. If this doesn't suit Vi-iii rait tinrl uft Mir liar- tf nliti. We can please you. Western Land Co., 4J7 Board Cut Trade bldg. . Farms in eastern and central Oregon, at prices that are right, see. . . OREGON HOME & LAND CO., 14 Hamilton bldg.. Portland. Or. A COUNTRY HOME. $3,000 buys 20 acres, with house and barn, orchard, etc., lft miles to town, half cleared; $1,500 cash, balance to suit buyer. Western Land Co.. 417 Board of Trade hldg. IF YOU WANT TO BUT. SELL OR trade real estate, see Stevenson 4b Taylor, rom 311 Buchajian bldg.. 386ft Washington st WALNUT8 I want 10 people who are thinking of buying walnut land to write me. I have a dandy proposition m maun you. fM-afl, journal. FOR SALE All kinds stock, dairy snd uinuer isnas, airect irom owners, en close stamp, for particulars. Charles Hoedle. Mill City. Or. FOR R EXT F ARMS 1 4ft ACRES, with a 4-room cottage, for rent. Inquire at 346 Clay st. T?hons 9029. FOR SALE TIMBER 28 LET us furnish you a reliable cruise for your timber claims; terms reason able. Staples, the Timber Man. 218 DO you want a good timber claim 7 If so you will do well to see W. J. Cook. twz lumoer Exchange Mdg. YELLOW pine" and fir timber claims, also relinquishments; some snaps. 622 Woroester bldg. CHOICE yellow pine claims, govern ment locations. 622 Worcester bldg. HOMESTEADS 47 HOMESTEADS. This advertisement Introduces us as dealers in the best homesteads, relin quishment and timber claims in the northwett. WESTERN LAND SALES COMPANY, 636-527 Lumber Exchange bldg- rortjana. or. WE OiAVE SOME CHOICE HOME stead locations and relinquishments; also some fine timber claima Don't take chances with unreliable parties. Call on ua ir write for particular Aetna Realty Co. 126 Falling bldg. Portland. CHOICE homestead locations; also some relinquishments. 5$3 Worcester bldg. FINANCIAL 01 AS assignee of the Commonwealth Trust Co, I offer for sale: . 2 notes, B. H. White, $20 each. " 4 notes. Chas. Kloss, $25 each. 8 notes, J. S. Vandelem, $10 each. 6 notes, H. G. Pugh, $30 each. 1 note, 11. G. Pugh. $50. 2 notes, A. E. Barette. $125; 6 notes, Geo. Shonk. $10. 1 note, Wm. Dietx. $200. ' 1 note, W. O. Johnston, $175. Inquire A. K. Bentley, Assignee, 617, Chamber of Commerce. MOXEY ,TO LOAN 27 i! I I I MONEY LOANED ON YOUR SALARY. PIANO, HOUSEHOLD GOODS. ETC.; CONFIDENTIALLY, OUR RATES ARE THE LOWEST; OUR PAYMENTS EASIEST. CALL TODAY AND BB CONVINCED. STATE SECURITY CO., 704 DEKUM BLDG. 1 $3. $$$$$$$$$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ j j it i i We have ilentv of monev to loan at 6 and 7 per cent --. mil & Yen Bcrstel lot 2d st (Lumber tUchange bldg,) and sua tfi. tsurnsiue st. ' MONEY TO LOAN . On real estate. Harding & Reynolds Co,, si3 v. namoer or commerce. HAVE $600 to loan on Portland proper ty. Frank Lucas. 216 Chamber of Commerce. CHATTKL LOANS. Installment loans on pianos, furni ture, warehouse receipts, horses. Insur ance policies, salaries, and all kinds of securities. NEW ERA LOAN & MTG. CO, 403 Swetland bldg. liONET'inviuriin an iRic-n pie and others upon their own names wit hntit ftuiirltv1 r tM M.tut payments; citices in 66 principal clliee; save yourseii money py getting our tan., rirmt (TAllma. .IT T ,-).. ' kONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE, anywhere and any sum: $100 up. 8e ua Vaughn & Pin tier, 402 Corbett bid g. MONEY TO LOAN. LARGE LOANS A specialty, building loans; lowest rats; fire Insurance. W. G. Beck. 313 Falling. MONEY to loan In la-g and small sums at 6 to S per cent on improved real estate. . ? : PORTER & FRENCH. 407 Commercial bldg. LOANS made quickly and privately on salaries, pianos and furniture, , ware-. house receipts, purchase" contracts, dl manns and lewefiv. E. Pierce. 311 Alls- Xy bldg., zsa Morrison vVE LOAN MONKY ON DIAMOND.-! and jewelry at reasonable Interest for long Or short lima A. A- M. Eaiovage jwei-rs. a wasmngron su &AUAK1 lAfA.ia K. r , - dentlal; easy to get and easy to pay. T. A. Newton, 611 Buchanan tldg.f 1M.MKDIATE loans $5 to $5,000. on i securities. R. I. Kckerson v ro., room -5, Washington bide. Main 4166. $100,000 TO LOAN IN SUMS OF $1.C or, more, 4 to 7 per cent on Improve! realty. M. Q. Griffin, Xf.6 Stark. $100,000 ON MORTGAGES, ClXYt . farm property, fire lnauri.ii. ii Kenale & Co.. 616 Grllngr bl1g MORTGAGES, contracts "or otber"rV:1 estate securities purchased. It. i. Noble. Commercial blk. EuiLin.NGTASa'A fri-FTTTrv . - STRONG CO., tut tOSOH'ij i . MONET TOTOAN ON ALL" l'i:. . R. . Ui,h . - SOKfOAGB LOANS,' A;'-..- i U.V , , asilUKl. vv. a. -Vsrd. ah v v i ,-, I5an for tun a; or cha'.t-l. The . Is AC L Willi i, :.i , . , Sire Insuianc. . fn '. t . FOR SALE FA RMS Y