12 THE; OREGON ' DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. MONDAY EVENING NOVEMBER 6f -N908.N) "LITTLE JOHNNY JONES"-AND HIS : . FRIENDS ; WELCOMED AT BAKER THE, WQKLB'S MAMCjLTS I SALMOTJ CATCH HOT SO 6000 Silvers Are Scarce in Local Market With Pice Up Kisc in Halibut. ; ; PORTLAND WHOLESALE MARKET. '. Salmon run drops off , Advance in halibut price. Load egg are scarce. ' . Hop boosters get busy. - Better cabbago offerings. Better color In oranges. : ,, Turkey market still mixed. ;'' No excitement In chickens. V All ask for dressed Veal. i i How oats move to south. SaJmoa Catcb Vpt Bo Good. Jt Is a holiday time with salmon fishers along the Columbia for ths catch i at this time Is very small. J'hera Is an special shortage i of - sllvrsnSes . and In consequence The local market is not - pearly so well supplied as formerly. In ' the Front street fish -markets silvers are very firm at 6 7c a pound and all of the wants of the trade cannot -be supplied even then. , ... ' There Is a like shortage In the ar ' rivals of halibut here and in the north and today's prices are showing an ad vance altn values rirm ai eyc puuiiu. i No changs Is shown In other fish. ,"; , - It. Qnist la Causa Salmon. , Mlmnn th"lrket lg very . quiet at this time.- While offerings Of good quality are ratner ngni nera. eastern buyers are not disposed to In quire very strongly. Second class stock Is - dragging somewhat but - there has been little if any change in quotations asKert. Hop Boosters .Are Quite Busy. . i - While there remains auite a good '.. i demand for choice hops, because there is little of this grade offering in any - market, the general tone of hops la not nearly so firm as expected. Those In charge of present boosting operations are doing much talklng.but very, little Buying at tne iigures tney itua aoout -It is likewise noted that whenever a , dpaler wants to buy hops or any other Articles be does - not go around and shout at .the top of his lungs that the f roods are worth more money. That s the time' that things are dangerous lor producers. While some of the , boosters are buying a few bales at top prices here ah4 there Is likewise noted that soma of these same people are offering ordinahy goods far future de- livery at less prices -than they are now! ' .talking or paying. TorsUra Markets Bo Hot Follow. While there has been boosting of ' prices here in oraer to get proauoers lo . hold so that' the speculators can unload without a 'Ions, this -is the only .' market that is showing any degree of ' activity and most of the activity here . Is confined to a few Interests who are long on hops and it Is therefore to their interest to put up & bold front. While v: as here there is a demand for choice ; goods everywhere, ordinary stock Is . rather neglected and in Europe they still retain liberal holdings of l06's and .1907 s that are not being picked wp even at the low prices offered. As .long as these goods are neglected abroad there seems little hope for any great spurt here, unless It is artificially . created. , i-. , Cranberries Axe Advanced. ' -v , An advance of about BOo a barrel Is shown in local quotations on eastern cranberries for late arrivals. The mar ket Is up fully that amount at primary points and for that reason alone local conditions are sure to follow. Local berries are about gone but the price la held firm for the few offerings. ' Several chests of strawberries arrived from Los Angeles this morning in good ' condition.' .-. - I .- Offerings " of cabbage are Increasing sga In and the ' market Is fractionally easier at $1.60.76. v Xrooal Bggs Are Scarce. . There is a scarcity ofarrlvala of local ' eggs along Front street and prices are firmer. An advance in the east is hav ' in- a stiffening effect upon outside stuff here. v' Brief Votes of Front Street. Dressed veal ' remains scarce ' with prices stiff. Potatoes and onions are steady at uncnanged prices. -- s " - Chicken market Is. just about steady. Turkeys are moving but there is no excitement one way or the other. Grape market is slightly easier. . Creamery butter is steady with , no change in the prioe today. - Front - street sells at the following prices. Those - paid shippers are less regular commissions " ,-, ' t Butter, Eggs and Poultry. BUTTER Extra creamery, 8516c; zancy, 8Hc: store. 20a BUTTER FAT Jiel I very f . o. b. Port . land-r-Sweet cream, tifto; sour, 3 J Ho PPOULTRY Mixed chickens. 11013V6O hens, 12c; roosters, old, -10c; fryers, II we; Broilers, JZtoc; geese, spruig, aQ no lb; turkeys, alive, itiriiuc; sprin ducks. 14c lb; pigeons, squabs. $100 2.60 .60 per dos; old, 1.0l; dressed poultry, 1 ttine 10 mgner. CHEESE Full cream, flats, triplets and daisies. 14H01&C; Toung Amer ican, 15H l6c. EGGS Local best, $7o per dos; eastern. 27H30c . ,- Bops, Wool and Kldes. HOPS 1908 crop, choice, 8tt8Hs; prime to choice. 7 8o; prime, 774c; medium. e id. WOOL 1908 Wlllamett valley, 16c. SBEKPSKINS Shearing, 10 16c each; short wool, SBc40c; medium wool, 60cQ)$1.00 each; long wool. 76c 11.26 each. T MOHAIR 1908 Nominal. 18lo. ' T ALLOW Prime, per lb, S4c; No. S and grease, 2&ihic CHiTi AM aAjiu. Jio, 4)erc; new, lb. DE8 Dry hides. U14e lb green. 7o lb hull. 0AAn -a 1 4obo 10; kips. c; calves, green, 8 10c per lb. Orsin, rloar and Bay. ' WHEAT Buylftg price, new Traok, Portland Club, 90c: bluestem, 96o; fortyfold. 92c; red. 880; Willamette val ley. lc MILLS TUFFS Selling price Bran, $26.08: middlings, $31.00; shorts, $30.00; chop, J21.002S.OO; alfalfa meai, $18.00 per ton. BAKLET Feed. 126.60; roUed, $28.60; brewing, $27. FLOUR Selling price Eastern Ore gon patent, $4.80; straight, $3.904.66; export. $3.40i3.60; valley, $4.66; gra ham, s, 4;40;" Whole wheat, $4.86; rye, 5a. $6.60: bales. $3.00. HAT Producers' price New timothy.- -' Willamette valley, fancy, $14.00 ((tli.va; oramary, em Oregnn, $16.60; ml clover, $10.C0; grai: $11.00: $1100: alf a If 1 41 6. 00; ordinary, iix.au o is-: eaat- mixea, u.vva lt vv; rain. $11.00: cheat. fa If a. $10.00 011.00. OATS- Producers' prlce--Track, . No. 1 white, $30.6081-60; gray, $28.60 3 S0.50. . rmits and Tagetattlas. ' FRESH FRUITS Oranges, new navels, $8.26 QS. 50; bananas 6c lb; lemons, I4..5.2S box; grapefruit, $4.004.6O: pineapples, Hawaiian. $4.26 ' dos.; peaches, 76 90a, pears, Bartlett, $1.75: grape-, $l.01.6s baskets. US;' huckleberries, lie lb; cran berries, local. $9.6010.60 bbl; eastern, . $11. 60tf 11.60., I U.MUJiO ill" Oregon, 1.10(1. ZD per two; rTrie, 1 yt it ma iq. POTATOES New, selling, $1.00 1.S5; buying 'for shipment, per cwt. fwnov, oo $1.06; ordinary. JOflSSc; irwt, $1.76jl.90. ArrLi8 Extra select, ,$2.80flJ.OO; far.-y, $-.002.26; chelee, $L001.26; cr.i if.rv 1 1. ml- poor. 60d76c per box. V 1 ( ;j:TABLL3 Turnips, new .Oregon, T8ct:l: beeta. $11.26; carrots. 60 7c K-i-k; parsnips, 6j.00; cabbage, f! to iil.76; ''tomatoes, , 6c per , lox: felif..i ls- l per trate; Hbeans. 12c; oat.ii' rr, 75cI'tl; pes,fl2c: horse- rJx 9d10c; artlohokes, -) dos; LOCAL BRAHJS . ov Coarse Stuff Is Especially Firm With Advance in Frisco Cash Quiet. world's Wheat Prices. Pec. Option. Portland ........$ .92B ,,...,..,.... ,so . Chicago .'.... 1.0JH St. Louis 1.02 1.0JH 1.02 .96 1.12 103 1.04A .9B 1.78A Kansas City .96 4 New .York . Minneapolis Duluth Winnipeg - 8an Francisco Liverpool ',. Per cental. 'May. BOARD OF TRADE RECEIPTS. 1Jj Wheat Flour. Barley Oats. Hay. Cars. Sacks. Cars. Cars. Cars. Monday ;,123, .. 40 . . 11 Saturday . 28 60 7 6 Friday ... 44 1.120 20 2 ' 6 Thursr MAO 3 J 1 12 Wed. ...::65 i,Hl 18 14 Tuesday ; i SI 4.100 19 J IB jjiia nurchasea of exporters and the resumption or buying on a smait scaie by southern parties brought about an Improved feeling In the local wheat market today with futures showing an advance of Uo for both the November and December options on the Ward of trade. For the former 81 Ho was bid and for the latter mc While cash wneat market is rawer steady, the tone is dull at the moment and there was no change in prices for tne day. Cash oats market, while not very ac five, la disDosed to show considerable firmness from a seuers point or view for holders' are not orrenng to any extent and therefore those who want to buy are naturally forced to pay the top price. On the board of trade, today, fol lowing; a better feeling in San Francisco with hlsrher nrlces. the local market for oats future Is higher. November bids climbed to $1.6 as compared with 11.63 on Saturday while the December went to $1.67 H compared wlth$1.66 at the previous closing. liariey .prices were nigner in osn Francisco today and on this account local Interests were willing to bid frac tionally higher lor ru lures, aiinougn nnt stock remains firm but unchanged at 126.60. On the local' board of trade todav November barley bins advanced from tl.aSH to, $1.38, while tha De cember went w si.se 14 comparea wun a bid of $1.3e on Baturaay. Board of trade prices toaay: CLUB WHEAT. ' Bid Ask. November ............ 91 92 December 92 93 NO. 1 WHITE OATS. November 16 16744 December . 1S7H 160 Novembe. .............. .138 18 December 136 188 January 140 RAN FRANCISCO GRAIN MARKET San Francisco, Nov. 1$. Merchants exchange quotations: uasn wneat wana wana, wnue. 81.67H; red Russian, $1.83; turkey red. $1.76; bluestem, $1.76. Future wheat May $l.Tf asked; De cember, J1.S5. . Cash barley Bright, brewing. $1.47. Future barley May, $1.62 . asked; December, $1.60 asked. $1.45 bid; $1.61 $1.48 bid; bid, MlllntufTs Bran, $29.60; middlings, $34; shorts, $33.60. Oats White, $1.73 per cental. Coast Wheat Congress. 1 Liverpool, Nov. 16. Wheat cargoes quiet but firm. Buyers indifferent op erators. Walla Walla, 88s: California, 88s 6d to 88s 9d. ' Chicago Dairy Market. Chicago, Nov. 16. Eggs lo higher; butter unchanged. rreen onions, 16c per dos; peppers, bell, c; Chile ( ); head lettuce, 40o dos; hothouse, 7Sc$l box; radiahesr16o dosen bunches; celery, 76c; eggplant, 16o lb. Orooerles, Stats. Etc SUGAR Cube, $6.46; powdered, $6.30; fruit or berry, $6.05; dry granulated, $6.06; conf. A. $6.26; extra B, $6.66; Golden G, $5.46; D, yellow, $6.36; beet, granulated, $6.86; barrels, 16c; half bar rels, SOc; boxes. 660 advance on sack basis, (Above prices are 80 days net cash quotations.) SALT Coarse Half ground. 100s, $11.00 per ton; 60s. $11.60; table, dairy, 60s. $16.60; 10s, $16.00; bales, $2.36; Imported Liverpool, 60s. 120. Oo; loos, iv.uu; us, tia.vv, exira line, Darrels. 2s, 6s and 10s, $4.60(g6.60; Liverpool lump roc, iv.vu per ion. RICE Imperial Japan No. 1, 6c; No. 2, 6.4c; New Orleans, head. 66Vc; AJax (-O; Creole, 6c. HONEY New, 16o per lb. COFFEE Package brands, $16.60. , HiSAiiB small wnite. 5.Z5; large white. $4.60; plnic. 13. s&: bnvou. $3.76' Llmas. $6.76; Mexican reds, $4.60. Keats. Pish and -Provisions. HAMS, BACON. ETC. Portland pack (local) ham a 10 to 13 lbs. 15Uc ner lh- breakfast baeou, 1622o lb; picnics. 10c lb; ootta?fc roll, 11c lb: recular short clearsT-amoked. 13c lb; backs, heavy, smoked, l"c lb; light, smoked, 14c lb; bellies, smoked, 16o lb; pickled tongues, 0o each. DRESSED MEATS Front street Hogs, fancy, 7c; ordinary, 66c; large. 6c: veal, extra. Stvia lb: ordi nary, 77c lb; heavy, 66c lb; mut ton, rancy, estf c id; spring iamb, 7 4 7o lb. LOCAL LARD Kettle leaf. 10a Uo per lb; 6a 14ttc per lb: 60 lb tins. 13e per lb; steam rendered, 10s, 13c per lb; 6s, IS He per lb; compound, 10s, Se per lb. . tLAMB Hardshell, per box, $2.10; razor clams, $2.00 per box; 10c per dos. FISH Rock cod. 10c lh: lium.n 6c per lb; halibut, 8 He per lb; striped bass. 16c per lb; catfish, 10o per lb; salmon. Chinook. 7o: sllverslde. 7c: her rings, 6c per lb; soles, 7o per lb; shrimp, 12c per lb: perch, 6c per lb; tomcod, 10c per lb; lobsters, 26c per lb; fresh mackerel, ( ) per lb; crawfish, 50a per dozen; sturgeon ) per lb; black nass, zuc per in; auver smelts, cc ner lb: black cod, 7o per lb; crabs, $1.2$ L76 per dozen. yySTER8 Shoal water Bay. r. per gal- Ion, $2.50; per 100-lb sack, S.0O; Olym- ria. per gallon, $2.40; per 100-lb sack, 6 00iO)6.60: Eaete canned. 60c can 17.U0 aoien; eastern in sneu. per iuo. Paints, Coal, on, Zto. ROP55 Manila. 10c; sisal. Tc lb. LINSEEjD OIL Raw, bbls, 66c; cases. 68c; boiled, bbls, 68c; cases, 64c a gal; Iota of 269 gallons, le less; '.oil cane meal, $34 ton. - BENZINE 86 deg., . cases. 19o per gal: 'Irpn bbls., lle per gal WHITE LEAD Ton lots. 7io iter lb; 600-lb lots, 8c per lb; less lots, c per lb. r - TU RPENTINE-i-In cssea I8c per gal- ' ' -' '. wilts kaijmH resent pans, ?.?. . OPEIIIlia DAK IS niORE FAVORABLE Looks Like a Better Tone in Livestock Although the Price Is Unchanged. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK RUN. Hogs. Cattle. Sheep. 1 Monday . . 27S Saturday . Fridav ... 676 $B 888 275 287 68 190 189 40 35 66 Thursday Wednesday Tuesday . 271 Portland Union 8tockyards, Nov. 16. -The first day of the week shows a clearer outlook for both hogs and cat. tie in the local yards, but sheep re main quiet. ' The course of the sheep market thus far this season has . been , very much or a mastery to the trade here. Deal ers wnp nave oeen ouying ana selling '"vorjumarrTm aeseri .mat in present season is in oaaest iney nave experienced, and they , scarcely , know what to think. "It's, rather queer -th way the sheep market has been ruling of late," says 10m oenson,. one oz tne 01a timers in the buying line. "The receipts this season nave d n entirely out of line with former rs and the dullness has been more intense. Sheen aunnltaa have been nomWiai in the yards here fori o-Ionr-tltat.il. ! a wonder how llttl.e nrcti art nln hrirsTwtJu Kven with very smaU run the killers hae-shown but little disposition to enter the mar- ket and In this way prices have re- malned practically unchanged for long periods. Tnw.... t. i- n The fact that during . the past week iI',u"A."2p.."" :;,n.,l". uTor"c'"r., ?h- innVTil.JSiJ .po, ?. delayed improvement lnPfhe shtSn nutr ket u t t P Hog market i,Plauite good today with the tone steady to firm at $.!$ for best stock. The entire hog market Is feeling somewhat livelier bdt prices ruling today are practically the same !.n..e"ec.t on Saturday. . wnue prices are inactive in the cat - tie market, an improved feeling shown in the buying demand A vear asro todav all linen nf II-1 stock were weak, but bo change was noted in vaiues. Today's arrivals in the yards com- nare wun tnis same day IB reeent years as follows Hogs. Cattle. Sheep, 1907 223. 184 294 1906 174 99 388 1906 130 26 483 Yards Bepreseatatlve Bales. The following sales of livestock are representative of late transactions In tne local yaras ano snow exactly thelAm- wooien, c state oi uw uerasim ano price lor the various grades and weights: CATTLE Weight. Price. 80 Steers. . 18 Cows. . . 28 Cows. . . 24 Hogs... 126 Hogs. . . 86,000 17,430 27,846 8,176 2x.860 14.001 . 2.76 3.76 HOGS. ' $6.00 6.00 160 Hogs 36.046 6.25 Following Is the areneral rann nf voi ces on stock ruling In the yards for laie sniHirieiiis'. Hogs Best east of mountains $8.00 6.26; ordinary, $5.75; blockers and China fats, .005.50; stockers and feeders. $4.7536.00. Cattle Best east of mountains steers, $4.00; medium steers, $3.7-6: best cows, io.uu; medium cows, $2.6002.76: MLnKs, f.viya,uuj uuiis, l.t 0 w Z.UU. Sheep Best wethers, $3.6003.60: or dinary wethers, $3.26: lambs. $4.0fr 4.10; straight ewes. $S.008.25; mixed 'Veal ChoteVJ, young cajves, $4.60; uw; nnu suuglj, to. O iff 4.U0. News Gossip of Finance Portland Banks. CleArlncrn inAav tl o&Aeoe c- . ...... . .. ,..uu j.ou-i.t, j Year ago .. TS76.008.68 , . viu lum; y D,3UU.3 naiances toaay 142,716.11 64.741.36 Year ago Seattle Banks. Clearings Balances . .$2,056,7(58 .. K1,742 Tacoma Banks. Clearings ..$966,261 Balances , . .. 93,369 Washington, Nov. 16. Todav'a treaa. ury report shows: j Receipts $2,227,608 Disbursements 2.020.000 New York. Nov. 16. Bsr silver. KOUn: uexican uounra, toe. London, Nov. 16. Bar silver, 28 8-16d. New York. Nov. 16. Government bonds: Twos, registered . . . late. Aaked. 1930 103 104 19.10 104 1908 100 101 1908 100 101 100 ' 1926 120 121 1926 121 102 103 do, coupon ...... Threes, registered . . do, coupin Threes, small bonds Fours, registered . . do, coupon. Twos, Panama ... do, , coupon Fours. Philippine . . .... 102 .. 110' 1p New York, Nov. 16. Metal Copper. iaiie,-ii w itnpi eieciroiyiic, ! lc; inHungn, Jwic. Xfin $29.90 30. , Lead 4.86i&4.40. New York. Nov. 18. Sterling, demand. 4S6.80486.86; 60 days, 483.62 Iday; warmer east portion tonight Mod 483.76; cables, 4 88.1 0 4 88.15. I erats southerly gale interior,; strong 1 southerly rale s Ion it coast. Duluth. Minn., Nov. 16. North Butte Copper company not able to get quorum today and meetlnr of directors Is noat. poneu unui luiuurrow or weanesaay. London, Nov. 16. Consols for money, o lo; account ots, London, Nov. 16. Spot copper up 7s 6d. PORTLAXD PRODUCE RECEIPTS. The board of trade furnishes the fol lowing list oi Droauce arrivals for Pnrtv land during the 24 hours ending 11 a. Apples, 885 boxes; 1,164 boxes grapes, 200 boxes 'pears, 30 crates cabbage. 4 boxes cucumbers, 10 boxes9ettuoa-696 sacks potatoes, 1 car potatoes, 20 sacks onions, s sacas turnips, uz cases but ter, 1 far eastern butter, 63 cases eggs. oj tuwM tucB, o.vus gaiions cream 1.016 gallons milk, 75 boxes clams, 10 boxes crabs, 4 barrels crabs, i boxes crawfish, 36 boxes fish. sacks oysters. 1 box froglegs, 26 coops chickens; 1 coop auuw, cuuy irnese, coops tUT sSZj&Fi key? 7 . hoffflJ . vetus, e O i ion mrkZ h.rt l7h.l.. wfj i7, 400 sacks bark, 10 bales hops, 1 car Iiax. - . , ' ' .J . " ' Kew York, Cotton Market. High., 698 ! 892 t-889 :" KM S68- 8f'i Jan. . 1 Mch. May, 885 884v 7'. 847 919 ........ .. Julyi 873 Aug. S67 Dea I WESTEfffi SETS THE PACE With Repeated Kumor Absorption by Canadian Pacific It Shoots Ud. a f SuOtulWiiknt ,"a ' Naw-Tork; had it today. that; s - tne Canadian Faciflo Tlurely had control of - the Chicago Great Western and ' would operate the lino In conjunction with ths 800. This caused a sharp advance in Great Western stock today. . 3 New York, Nov. 1. Ths stock mar- ket showed a waiUnr attitude today. 1 the general market closing a fraction 1 toleh tn . trkMnB 1 - - m - 1 I cff Great .Western was ths only) feature of note during th day and. its action In showing . . . '-"- wonderful. Inasmuch as th aennritv I closed at 10 on Saturday. Today's rise I Is therefore very heavy In proportion i to Its Drice. The general market dragged along all day, gaining and losing a fraction but I never nt ant- tlm hn.lno rr..,h . disposition to change. ... Tbe-summary of the WAU Street lour- nal says todayV ' .. "Americans in lxndonwea1r---t 1 point below par. Copper stocks in I London general market sold off. dislike sKmlu", S on at least four of its nlanta, shut 'or el months. Atlantic coast n now earning enough to maintain idend. Steel common, dividend, will not be Increased at next meeting. Rog- 1$ tf'tf Vl'Vi SiaSdlv better I-tonf. rn? ij 'Lnt of It. ri? rJS ? mVZa ifJZt mnnths." u er cent dlv,Jn1 n eight months, . n.nn f M. vTnPi. ,;..i.i, 1 k K..v.-t, ii rT", "V"-" 1 umi.any; DESCRIPTION. I Amnl rnn r 8tt 114 96 86 46 w 133 96 Am. C. & F C. . do pfd Am. Cot. Oil, o. S7 66 jim. jjoco., a . . Am. Sugar, c.. . . 125 Am, Wmelt, e. 96 I . do pfd ... .v. . I Anaconda M. Co. 52 62 61 I c. do ofd B. & O., c...... Brook. RaD. Tr., Canadian rac c cent, ieatn., a, oa pra C A Ot. W., o. C, M. & St. P.. C. & N. W, c C. ft o. .... Col F. St I., c Col. So., c do 2d pfd... do 1st nfd . . 11 ? Corn Products, c. 19 aa pra Del. & Hudson. 177 ri77 D. 4 R. G. a... 84 25 40 49 22 do Dfd. Erie, c......... do 2d pfd. ... do 1st. Dfd... . . G. Northern, p.. Hl L. & N, 11 Manhattan ' Ry. . 145 Mex. cent,'Ky. . 16 20 69 M. K. & T. c. do Dfd. . Distillers Ore Lands 84 74 Missouri Pac. . National Lead.. III 62fl SJaJ ... J. a .dll LI CI , . 116 '78 156 31 180 100 116 N. Y., Ont & W. it 80 73 iNorr. ec west c do pfd .... North American 72 iNortnern "ac, c 163 29 129 100 166 Pacific Mail . 31 i j cminj ivniim Peoples Gas Pennsylvania Ry 129 100 gf- Steel Car, c 4014 89 39 Heading, c 140 88 138 189 do 1st pfd Rep. I. ft S., c do Dfd 88 284 88 m 83 66 21 22 89 23 33 88 Rock Island, c do Pfd 49 S2 St L. & S. F. 2d p oo -jsc pra St. L. & S. W., do Dfd .... 62 63U 62 S. P.. c 116 120 25 117 120 26 60 22 116 119 S. P., p So. R.. c 26 So. i.., p Tex. Sc. Pa 69 82 'ii" 81 T.. St. L. & W...C T., St. L. & W., p 6om u. f., c. 179 179Tl U. P., p U. S. Rub., c... 97 25 U. H. UD p... v. a s. Co.. e. . 66 68 66 U. S. S. Co., p. . Wabash, o Wabash, p.,... W U. tel. .... Wis. Cen., p.,. Wheeling Lake. 113 1H 118 16 67 ll It 64 66 11 91 westlnghouse 3 Money oDened" lit ner cent: hlhs Total sales 1,114,400 shares. rpercVnl0' 1'Ber Northwest Crop Weather. Oregon Rain tonight: warmer south and east, portions except near coast Tuesday rain: strong southerly winds in Interior, fresh south to southwest sale aiona coasi. wasnington Kain tonight and Tues- I Idaho Fair and warmer south, rain land warmer north portion tonight. Tues- day rain north, increasing cloudiness f robably followed by rain south portion, ncreasfng southerly winds, Liverpool Wheat Market, Liverpool. Nov. It. Wheat close; March, 7s 9d; May, 7s 8L BAKERY'S 10SS The grand jury this morning resumed work after a week's rest f A large num- ber of witnesses were In attendance. 1 NVESTIGATiriG K1 mnni nt (ham nnmlntr from Ai-la.alher lot this week., while James Rlaaann U 1B CrU -"h. ,alTyi Boroins; oi tns star oakery I at that place. E. A. Winder, the pro- Icrletor of th bakerv. Is held at tha lull I (as a suspeot the-grand jury, will decide lwhet,'J5r r not,b" should be Indicted. 1" orou 9"H u seveta, uaatagiDg lacts I ine plot or the play is somewhat like SK 222 1 winaer.- : -- . that of one of Kipling's stories. A iil - S!! I 'Witnesses were also 'raited today In reckless army officer, in order to be M jlarrestea cy tne ponce ror holding up I and becomes a groom. Ofcourse.com 7 1 a Russell street restaurant last Satur- plications arise, but, naturally, only one ,911 'day .night- , . ' : lending is possible on the stage. I - - ' - , -. - ... - n I .11. H V .V , VO.. III. UllllVIIU a mm cash CALL BEARISH of Chicago. Wheat Market Fu tures Suffer Loss of 5-8c : . Durincr the. Day. I CHICAGO WHEAT MARKET. Open. Close. Nov. 14. Loss. P. 1? , 9?A 108 "uly loi 101HA 101 Chicago,' Nov. 16. As 'far as tha opening was concerned the wheat mar. ket was firm with nrioes hia-her. For eign markets continue to be an influ ence but unless tha ton abroad is very aeciaed one way or im otner tne mar ket here Is quite likely to go contrary to such Influences. Today Liverpool was quite firm with the closing d above Saturday for tha March and May Options. :,i '.' ;,!:'.-,;-;.:. ine weaker oasn market at home and I tha slowness thereof was nnfe nf tha I Par arguments lor the day. At Bt nutt was. ,0 to lo.bel Haturoay ana at other points buyers were disposed to hold aloft as much as possgoie. ;; I v Ps wneai snows a decrease - 101 su.uoo ousneis; corn, -66,000 bushels. The American vislhla nunnlv ahnwi Wheat Increased 1.124.000 bushels. Corn Increased 267,000 bushels. Oats Decreased 163,000 bushels. -Primary receipts In bushels: I wheat ' . 1 sot floa r " TMffi v '0?.000 . , "99.000 Shlnme'nta'-' " ' .",of '. wheal "itt nnei Corn " siiJSi go.000 S 16.000 174,000 , 461.000 I nn nf r)f.ia e.,rai.K.a v- I rt.;iV.r... . Ail" t' . WHEAT. High. Low. 102 107 101 Closa Dea 1VK 107 102 101 May July Dec M-y , 107 B 101A CORN. .Am B tB OATS. 49 49 ' 61 61 46 46 PORK. 1440. 1447 1690 1610 1606 1620 LARD. 910 920 910 916 920 930 RD3S. 196- 840 160 86,7 '48 0" 8A eoA 46A e1"' July Dec Jan. May Nov. 1440 1590 1606 910 907 920 88$' $60 1446N 1609B 1612A 920N Jan. 916A May 02 7 A I Jan. 149 May 866A BOSTON COPPER MARKET (Furnished by -Overbe'ck A Cooke Co.) xubujji, iivt. i. viuciai ma pnoes: AmaL ....... 86Newhouse . .. 6 Adventure ... 8 Nlpissing . ..11 Alloues . ... 38 North Butte . 61 Arcadian . , , 6 Old Dom. .. . . 68 V4 Atlantlo ..... Boston Cons.. IB Osceola. , ...123 parrot. . 28 Qulncji . .... 47 Royale . .... 23 Sun. & Pitta.. 19 K Butte Coals. .27 CaL A Arts.. 126 CaL A Heo.,685 ' Tamarack .-... 84 Trinity . .... 18 United. . .... 14 Utah Mining 47 Utah 47 Victoria .... 4 Wolverine . ..152 Winona . , . . . 4 Yukon .4 6-16 Bay State Gas 2 U. a Oil .... 29 Cop. Rang .. 81 C. Ely 8 Da.lv West .. 10U Franklyn . .. 17 Granby 107 Greene . .... 11 Mass. 6 Michigan . . . 14 Mohawk . ... 69 Miami . . . . .. 13 Nevada Con. . 20 Livestock Is Lower. Chicago, Nov. 16. Hogs, 62,000; cat tle, 44,000; sheep, 40,000. Hogs are 10c lower. Left over, 2,800. Receipts a year ago. 84.900. Mixed. f5106.76; heavy, $5.766.95; rough, $5.2606.60: light, $5.066.76. Sheep 10c to 20o lower. Kansas City, Mo., Nov. 1. Hogs, 16, 000; catUe, 18,000; sheep, 6,000. Omaha, Neb., Nov. 16. Hogs, 3,600; cattle, 7,100; sheep, 18,000. TOOK HIS COIN, BUT GOES FREE i i. i i. ; , , Helen Rouse Bismissedlmt She Has Lost Jones' Affection. The case ef the state aralnst Helen Rouse, charged with stealing $740 from ner a sea nance. . u. Jones, has been dismissed on the motion of the district attorney. Jones and the Rouse woman came Here from Ban mranclsco recently, intending, so Jones thought, to start a rooming-house together after they bad been married, Helen induced Jones to allow her to take his money to the bank, where she ,a,.4 would have It nchanged from llTt 'the' money had been stolen from her. The aetecuves were notified and she was arrested, the police taking little stock ln..ner at..rJr- ."?? searched at the p,01i2? wllon ,l-167 yas Iqund in her JiV"""; t,ejr.na" rstumed' t0. '. whose affection for Helen ttfj i - i wnnmk , Mil Oil THE BOX AT BUIJ6AL01V "The Man on the Box" is tha TUkr stock company's offering at the Bunga low theatre this week, this being the third time the -comeny has been played in Portland. Perhaps the fact that Max Flgman on the. two former occasions took the chief role may have something to do with ths dlsaDnointment of Mm of the patrons of the theatre last night wiuugu ciunvy ajtoi iatis or consiaer sble to come up-to his usual standard. Tsjcen as a whole, however, the play proved a pleasins on to th mafnritv of those" who saw It and will no douht continue o nu .me nouse during the Miss Jewell did as. well as" tblbi with the rather weak cart that fall- t coWow'.rd'.ell'wo proval as thh newspaper man. William Gleason as Colonel Annersly pleased the miruns im ia i nni.. tf.t bel Seymour, Ronald Bradbury and fHasel Jewell. The staging is unusually open ..... 103 Vi .... 107 .r... ioi m e 9 63 7& " e ' 63 ..... 62H Big. unctuous William Keough, ponderous comedian of. "Little Jphnny Jones" fame, was welcomed like a long lost uncle by packed houses at the Baker theatre yesterday, when he returned as "the unknown" la that most popular of George M. Cohan's plays. . As th big slow-moving, rum-soaked rheumatic and testy "rounder," who late In game develops Into as much of a hero as a Cohan comedy can have, 1 Mr. Keough, in course of hls repeated visits to Portland, has made himself as he would put It, "a four time winner," "a. reA hnt . t aWrlta." with local thea- trecoera and aa long as Johnny 'Jones trains with him he may be certain that the S. .R. O, sign will not accumulate dust " - -'" ' :. ' ": . Most of the principals in the giddy, flag-waving, musical careklller are the same as last -vear when the attraction was seen at the Helllg, and all the dosen or so of songs that made its title a nousenoia wora ana enricnea tne pnono eraPh neoDle are on tap. and I for the most part well sung. Especially is this true to Miss Amy Mortimer, an old fa vorite, who plays the part of Ooldte dates, the San Francisco - girl caDtl- vated by tha Strenuous Johnny, the rich ana ramous jocxey. miss Moriimer nas a remarnaDiy sweet voice ana reany makes something out of 'songs that are as frothy as soapsuds. , Miss Ada Oifford as the utterly Im possible newspaper woman Is -as capti vating as ever and wears costumes that tfna The -Top. Oa The is reached on D syavaa aaws, aaaaaaa m, acaAAX u uiUgM fruit and a : cup of xoffee or I j fl cocoa. Contains more nourish- i o ment than meat, is cheaper. R 0; cleaner and more easily di4rt irested. Will nut you on vour U, feet when all Try it for breaW ast with milk or cream, - At Heat in Oven D none mm i U OFFS IN Merchants Trust Building SIXTH AND WASHINGTON STS. Finest location in the city. Low rents to" desirable tenants. ,C- : , . " . Within a few months our company win be installed in this building, with modern and complete banking equipment, " t . For rooms see agents in building or inquire of us. Merchants Savings & Trust Co. 247 Washington Street Portland, Oregon'' jjl PORTLAND OREGON fjf Small Checldng Accounts This bank welcomes small accounts subject to check because It is equipped with every facility for promptly handling a large number of individual accounts. Ample capital and surplus, conservative management and strict federal supervision afford absolute security for all deposits. , -r 1 : 3 Per Cent Interest Paid on TimeJ)eposits Overbeck & Cooke Co. ; Comiaisslen Merchants, "Stocks. Bonds, Cotton; Grain. Etc. ' , 210-217 BOARD 07 TRADS BUILDING Members Chicago Board of Trade, Correipondents of Logan & Bryia. 1 '., Chicago, New York. Boston. , -, Wt have the only prists wire connecting (Portland with the eaitera A'-":.v-- ' . -.i--:' exchanges. " . ' ; - v " MEMBERS PORTLAND BOARD OF TRADE. 1 the frbm a masculine critic's viewpoint are something pretty stunning. . ; In the title role, Charley Brown' is possessed of all the igllity'and ability : as an actor that the part calls for. His vo!c?lr 5owevi"lt wea, and unfortu- , nateiy lew of the young women of the chorus are able to help him out The show Is rather deficient In chorus girls, though an .exception muat be made of "' S?fXour V0'0""1-;" who play the Chinese maidens In London. The male chorus. however, is better than average. The piece this year Is well staged and .' some of the scenic effects are remark ablv annt. Tt ,.....ki. .i.:. .V. the . . " . - -" . f, v i.au.u Mint Ilia v Baker stage Is not larger. . A, company ".vwo avimujr juner wiu oe tne bin throughout the week.. - - -- -. .,- SENTENCED TTOT? . "KOBglNG METERS M. R. Urban and n. J charged with larceny.- were trtmi ! nnKaa iM,, t.4 u a . w. . . ii a ""riung. ' iney pieanea 0 n.. wicu ' i.v cacn. rxne men were arrested on information given in that nnltnai iw A at a .C. w A .' m - - w.wbaTv U4 tits UM company, who had found that the men r vww on meters. The young men had. been In th elty v ----- "puMnsa; ineir misdeeds by elalmlng that they were minimum penalty of 26, or 80 days la Jail.-''' , '.;.---. ..'- a Morning a brealrf ast of e. KWI- Ul other foods fail. S your grocer's. Before Serving. I6SI THE CES 9Ma