The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 11, 1908, Page 2, Image 2

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Hoarded WVallli of nans
Johnson. Pivoaseil. for
Which Search Has Keen
, Going on for 17 Years, Is
Hug l'p by Farm Hand.
(Srcll Dispatch to The Journal.)
. Chehalia, Wash., Nov. 11. A short
' time ago - a can , containing a roll of
greenbacks was found burled under a
stump on the (arm of Hani Johnson,
near Mayfield. a small town 25 miles
southwest or this city. The monty was
la such a brittle state that the finders
could not estimate the value, but from
the bulk of the roll it Is certain that it
will aggregate several thousand dol
lars. - It was sent to the treasury at
Washington for appraisal and redemp
tions The money was buried by a man
named Ransom Ball, who was killed at
MayfieldV July 7, 1801, 17 years ago.
Ball was killed by the falling of a tree.
It was supposed that he was In afflu
ent circumstances and that he had his
money burled somewhere on his place,
but after his death a most exhaustive
search of his premises failed to bring to
light any of his treasure, and the nun:
was given up years ugo. '
After Ball's sitter, his only heir, ar-
ivA frnm tha AlH fnilnlrv and mflvpd
onto the place the hunt for theburled
money was again resumed, but with no
results, and Anally the place was sold
to a man named Hans Johnson. Last
summer a spiritualist medium was hold
ing ' seances - at Mayfleld, and hearing
about the supposed buried money on the
lmeci 10 oe aoie to jo
)S Riven half of ths
money-found, but she did not make any
old Ball
cate it
place, claimed to be able to lo-
ff she was
terms and no search was made under
. her supervision.
A short tirae a co Johnson told bis
hired man to grub out some stumps,
and it was while lie was working on a
stump about 40 feet from the house
that ha found the can containing burled
money. No word has been received f torn
the treasury at Washington , as to ths
value of the money.
h proprietor of which Is M. Sanko
vicn, and occurred earlier In the even-Jf-
o'clock. - Although .commit
ted pr the same -man who later In the
Fi5ht li,lLu? F- W. Xutkemeler'a sa
loon at 49 .Union avenue, it was a
bungling lob which netted the robber
nothing. His lack of success was prob
ably due to 'his nervousnesa The
attempt at robbery .came near result-
u-n urlr, the thug firing one
shot, which, fortunately, hit nobody.
wmicB urn, .tne bartender, was
standing near the door when a masked
man entered and pointing a revolver at
mm. ordered him to throw up his
hands. - Urll beved. Another man, an
Italian, slightly intoxicated, was stand
ing near Mm Th TtiA At . .,
derstand English, and did not put uo
his hands. Urll quickly translated the
robber a command into Italian, and the
man s bands went up.
Two men -were seated at a table in
the back of the room playing cards.
They -evidently took the holdup ss a
Joke and began to laugh heartily. They
Btopped suddenly, though, when the gun
in the robber's hand went off and a
punei structc the rioor at their feet,
glanced and went through, the partition
back of (Hem and lodged in the rear
wall of the building. It is probable that
the robber was nervous and.- fired the
inoi acciaentaiiy. v .
Alarmed by the noise and fearing that
it wou'd attract attention, the robber
made no further attempt to carry out
his plans, but hastily backed out of
me ruom ana ilea,
Dan Dillon, a negro sailor, who- has
been working In the neighborhood' re
cently cleaning windows, was standing
in front of he cigar stand next door
wnen tne man emerged, end got a good
look at him. ' He says the man "hopped
away sideways with his gun still in
liis hand, until he reached the- corner
or Nortn Beoond.and. J? landers streets,
when he turned and ran In the direction
of the gas works.
As soon as the robber left, one of the
men wno naa Deen seated at the card
table jumped up and ran into the back
room and hid hia money behind the
woodpile. "
Get Good Description. .
An accurate description has been ob
tained of the robber, both -from Lutke
meler and Urll. . They agree that he la
a man weighing about 165 pounds,
dressed In a dark blue suit, with a soft
hat. The mssk he wore was a blue
polka dot handkerchief knotted around
bis neck and pulled up over the bridge
of his nose. He attempted to pull this
off as he backed out or "the Gia nduia
saloon: and Lawrence Urll obtained a
good view of his features. He says
ne can easily recognize him If he sees
him again.
l he mnn wore a mustache. His gun
was dark In color, and probably a
Lutkemeter Is very Indignant over
the failure' of the police to arrive until
4alf an hour after the ' hold-up had
risen perpetrated.
Minto Discharges Accused
Cashier From Service Un
der Orders From Wash
ingtonSuccessor From
.Registry Department.
(Continued from Page tine.)
up against the wall with the rest." he
ordered, - and tha astonished newcomer,
taking one look at the yawning mus
cle of the gun, hastened to da as in
struoted. No attempt was made to sesreb the
men In the saloon, but taklnar the monev
from the cash drawer which Lulke
meier handed him. the fellow backed out
of the door and disappeared In the fog,
aner cauing tacK to ni
move for five minutes.
victims not to
iaa soon as tha robber had rone. T.ut-
- kemeier hastened to the telephone, called
no- the police station and related what
. had happened. But It was SO minutes,
he says, before the police arrived, too
lata to take the trail of the robber.
- An attempt was made to set a rhv-
B I clan to come to do what he could for
the wounded dog, but none could be ob
Tainea,ana tno aog, witn me Duuet in
her lung; which she had got in defense
of her master, laying bleeding on the
floor of the saloon all night.
.This morning her - master " tried to
lead her to hia home, on East Tenth
-street' between Ash and Ankeny, but
the animal waa too weak from loss of
blood, and sank to the ground before
she had gone half way. An express
wagon was called and she was loaded
Into it and taken home, where she now
Is being cared for.
Lutkemeler and his, wife are much
grieved over the Injury to the dog, and
will do everything possible to nurse
her back to health. The dog Is a
splendid specimen of her kind, weigh
ing about 165 pounds. She has been
stolen several ti
been recovered.
'This la the second time thev have
been so slow," he said this morning.
"About two months ago there was a
row in" my , saloon and I telephoned for
the police. It was two hours before
they ram. I think It would be a good
deal better if they -would spend Some
of their time trying to put a stop to
these holdups instead of chasing poor
girls off the streets."
, (Continued from Page One.)
times, but has always
Robber Loses Verve.
'The second holdup was of -the Olan
dula saloon at K54 North Second street.
They've Never Used
; The pig'ht Kind
, That's why some women
don't like naph
" tha soaps.
v" The right kind is P. & G.
; Naphtha Soap.
J It is as much better than
other naphtha soaps as they
are, better than ordinary
' laundry soaps.
, Why is it better? Because
it is made of better materials;
. because its washing power is
greater; because, being harder,
lit friJIJast longer; because it
weighs more and does more.
, " - Millions of calces of P. & G.
Naphtha Soap are made every
month. Every single cake
helps to make some woman's
work easier.' By using it, she
is able to dp as much work in
an hour as her neighbors do,
in two. That is a fact a
fact to which hundreds of
housewives bear willing testi-
mer. Mrs. Foy began to tremble and
grew very excited.
" 'Why, he'a- upstairs asleep , right
now," chattered the trembling woman.
'I'll lead you to his room.'
"With drawn funs we entered the
room while Mrs. Foy held the lamp.
Besemer waa Hound asleep. Meek
walked over to the bed and Shook the
sleeper. Beserner opened his e"yes slow
ly but when he saw the three of us,
he sari up in bed. He was terribly ex
cited. Hill slipped the handcuffs on
" "What have I done?" stammered
Besemer. "Have I killed a manT
"We wanted to know why he asked
such a question and he told us he waa
mixed up in a shooting scrape near
Marysvllle two weeks ago, when the
posse was close to his heels.
Silent as to English Affair. ,
"Although Bezemer would not admit
that he fired a shot, he was much ex
belted, and grew calmer when he learned
that Deputy Sheriff R. K. Dunham, who
Was shot at Marysvllle by one of Sher
iff 'Harmon's posse, was not killed. We
asked him tf he fired any shots at the
!osse, but he evaded the questions.
"We asked him why he kidnaped En Ir
ish, but he absolutely refused to tell
"us anything about the affair. After
talking with us several minutes he grew
quite calm and we removed the hand
cuffs to allow him to dresa. We searched
his clothes and room for weapons but
none was found. He would not tell us
where his tuna were, but I think he
cached them a short distance from Foy's
"On our wsy into" Seattle Bexemer
talked freely of his successful attempts
to elude the Sknglt county officers. He
told us he worked In several logging
camps between Marysvllle and Mukllteo
and laughed heartily when he wss told
that a posse was threshing about In
the woods for him."
Close to Tracy's ateoorfl.
Rezemer's flight from Mount "Vernon
to Bitter lake gives him the reputation
of traveling over more ground with
mnro' men at his heels than any other
fne-ltive since the spectacular dash of
Harry Trarv. the outlaw, who left a
trail of death In ..Is rt in 190?.
j Aided by friends, who placed every
; obstacle In the path of pursuers, Beze
I mer "backtracked and made short Jumps
! with such bewildering frequency that
,the Skagit county officers were baffled
' lime an.l asrain. It was not until Harry
iMcDermctt's bloodhounds were used
! that anything like systematic pursuit
I was employed. But even the hounds
1 were baffled, because the fugitive hus
; tied from place to place In buggies and
j on lop trains. The fact that he put
' "R miles, the dlptance across Snohomish
co'inty. between his pursuers and him
; self was entirely due to the efforts
of friends. Despite the publicity given
i o bin inovemente Bezemer made Ills
; way into Everett three days ago and
; worked in t lmrglna camp two miles
j below the city for one dnv.
Bezemer headed for Seattle and it
wn's his purpose to go to Puyallup,
! where relatives reside.
A reward of K00 was offered for his
Zachary T. Banks, formerly of the
registry division, is- the new cashier in
the -Portland poatoffice. Mr. Panks as
sumed his dutlea this morning. He suc
ceeds Charles A. 6traut, who was sus
pended Rome time ago as the result of
an alleged shortage In his accounts and
waa yesterday bound over by United
States Commissioner Cannon to await
the action of the next federal grand
Jury. The charge against Straus Is em
bezzlement of a trifle more than $4,0tM).
oiraui nas Deen. discharged from the
department Postmaster Mlnto received
instructions from Washington several
days aaro to tka thi. nriim ...f ho re
layed making the appointment of
otraua auccessor until after the decision
Of the'-COmmiHIllnn.p fltt tn B'hAllmr p
not Straus should be held. Following
i, coromissloner's report of yesterday
M- Mlnto announced tha appointment
as casnier una morning.
Mr. Banks entered the postofflce in
f'" in isu during the administra
tion of George A. Steele. Previous to
that ne had been employed In the countv
tax collector's office. A month after
iuing up nis work he was made su
perintendent of the money order depart
ment, where he remained several vears.
Later owing to a change, of administra
tion he was out of the service " several
years. Eight years ago he went to
Honolulu where he remained three years
and a half -as superintendent of the
money order division in the postofflce.
About four years ago Mr. Hanks re
turned to Portland and has been in the
registry department since that time.
plans -aar
An International rifle competition,
participated in by miliary and civilian
riflemen from 19 of the leading nations
of the world will be held next Septem
ber, either at Seagirt, N. J., or Camp
Perry, Ohio. The first announcement
of the big competition was received yea-tei-day"
by Adlutant-General Flnzer, O.
N. (., from the" national board for the
promotion of rifle practice.
Tha American team will be selected
from the marksmen of the different
states who have won distinction In the
national contests for the pact Ave years.
a numoer or tne pest marksmen in ure-
Three Land Fraud Defend
ants, Smith, Dr. Av.
H. Iledderly and Ilichard
Hynes, Lose Fight in Fed
eral Court.
' aaaaaaBMMHBjsaMBBBaaaatoaft ' A l X'
Imported' That Important
Shift to Be Made in Mil
waukee's Affairs.
(falted Press4 Leased Wire.)
Milwaukee, Nor. 11. -Reports re
ceived In Milwaukee are that, Roawell
Miller, chairman of the board of direc
tors of the Milwaukee road, will re
tire from, that position, probably before
the ne annual meeting, and that he
will . be'jjucceeded by President 'A.
Mr.' Ea
have V larger, share of administrative
duties to perform than., has fallen, to
rllng In the new position is to
tha iot of Mr. Miller. ' Tha position Is to
become mora -important than at preaent.
taking on, la a way, tha character of the
offlca held by Judge Gary, with the
ateel trust, . . . N"
i Tha same source or inrortnauoa naa
it th( Ur Rarlln mar be aucoeeded
aa president by H. R, ,Y"lla'n" who
is now prosiaeni or m mma rum
road company, which 1" , the Paolflo j
coast extension of the Milwaukee road.
, Mr. WiUiams, like Mr. Earing, has j
worked up from tne ranaa.
Ai t proof of the lasting qualities of I
cypress, a corrm recsnur wu excavac
ed at New Orleana which had been
buried since 1803, yet the wood waa
as sound as wnen new. - .
Proof of
Vaich Trust
a m a
1 11
1 Returns Hundreds.? Later
This ruling will give an opportunity to
gon, three having won distinction In the
content of the present year.
The following countries will partici
pate: ' England, Canada, Australia,
France, Switzerland, The Netherlands,
Norway, Denmark, Sweden. Italy, Ger
many, ' Austria, Greece, Mexico. Argen
tine Republic. Brazil, Spain, Bel-glum and
Japan. Invitations have been Bent out
through the department of state and
will be presented through the various
ministers and amhasKadors representing
the above countries at Washington.
So far the United States has won all'
International competitions and no ef
fort will be spared to select a team that
will come off victor in next year's con
test. The American team will be se
lected next sprlnsr. The manner of mak
ing the selections has not been an
The.motIons of WUHsm H. Smith. Dr
A. H. Hedderly and Richard Hynes,
found guilty on a charge of having
formed a conspiracy to defraud the gov
ernment out of timber lands, for a new
trial were denied by Judge Wolverton
In the United States district court this
morning. Motions for the arrest of
Judgment were filed Immediately by
Marcus C. McLemore - of Los Angelea,
attorney for the defendants, while-rsf-arenpe
could be cited the court on cer
tain technicalities in the case. This
argument ia being heard by Judge Wol
verton ima arternoon.
The court held that the aorrespond-
ence lntroduoed by the government alone
had been enough to convict Smith, even
ir tne jurors naa neara no oiner pari
of the testimony. These were letters
which had passed between Smith, Wil
liam T. Kerr, who pleaded guilty, and
Richard D. Jones, one of those who waa
Indicted and who died soon' after hla
From the evidence, with reference to
Hedderly. the court held that he, too,
was familiar with the workings of the
conspiracy and that the vefdict of the
jury had been Just. Judge Wolverton
did not think the new -evidence which
counsel claimed .for Hynea waa suffi
cient and another hearing of tne case
was also denied. j -T
After the motions had been overruled
counsel for the defense filed a petition
asking for arrest of judgment Mr.
McLemore stated to the court that In
the first place the Jury In the case
had not been drawn in the regular way
as provided by the statutes. He as
serted' further that the case had ex
tended beyond the limitations of tho
time of the November term of the dis
trict court and on this account he
wished to submit additional argument
Owing to the arrest of judgment
asked for by the defense, the time of
sentence of Smith. Hynes and Hedderly
will go over until a later date. Kerr.
Krank A. Stewart, John R. Miller and
Ames S. Johnston, all of whom pleaded
Sullty, having been indicted with Smith,
ermiah Huntley, Lee R. Myers and
others, will appear in court-for sen
tence aa soon as the argument of coun
sel for the defense has been completed
Q18po8ea s"1 y lD court.
Clem Bigger Creates , Dis
turbance at Home of
Former Wife.
Satan's Wiles.
From Judge.
"Now, Willie, you know I
told you
not to go In swimming, and yet you
have been in tne water.
"I know it, ma,
me. '
'And why did you not tell Satan to
but Satan tempted
get behind you?'
"I rtli and he '
kicked me In."
Do you know that every time you
have a cough or cold and let it run on
thinking it will Just cure itself you are
inviting pneumonia, consumption or
some other pulmonary trouble? Don't
risk it. Put your lungs back in perfect
health and stop that cough with Bal
lard's Horehound syrup.
Price 26c, 60c and $1.00 per bottla '
Only two years ago Clem B!gger, or
Belker, a Russian, '"went through tho
ordeal at the wlfe-beatera whipping
post, yet last evening ne made an at
tack uoon the home of hla former wlfa
and Is again in trouble.
A caller upon hla daughter suffered
first. The vouns man waa hoiit tn
knock at the door of the house at 117
Btanton , street last evening, when Big
ger, who was waiting outside, ordered
him away. The command waa not read
ily complied with and Bigger drew a
revolver and chased the caller down
the street for a block. He then re
turned to his stand In front of the
house, and demanded entrance. This
was refused, so he fired several shots,
none of which injured anyone Inside.
By this time the young man who
wanted a chance to call upon Blgger's
daughter, had found Patrolman Rus
sell. They found Bigger standing at
the bar or a saloon at Williams avenue
and Ivy street and he Instantly nut hla
handtoward hla hip pocket Russell
covered Bigger with his gun, and the
iiussian at jasc surrendered nis weapon.
A charge of -carrying a concealed
weapon was placed against him until
a more serious complaint can be filed.
Hitter's wife obtained a. di vnrca fmm
him after he had beaten her and had
been punished at the whipping-pout, and
he had been warned not to annoy her
fill tf 1 Pre Leri) 'VImi.i
Seattle, "Wash., Nov. 11 . Refusing to
discuss the analysis of the recent dele
gate election, ut declaring that he
vould at nil times work for the inter- I
est of Alaska, Governor Wilfred B
HoKgutt of Alaska last evening said
that so f ir ns he was concerned per
sonal matters would not enter Into his
efforts to securo favorable legislation
for Alaska nt the cominar session of
I "I am golnjr to Mount Tnbor. Oregjm'. :
. nupio me insane irnm .insKa are cared
I for," he (a!(l. "After an examination
: of that Institution I will ro to-Wash-
ihaton. It -wllr be my purpose to ob
lam, if possible, a change in the pres
ent rruiaiions' wnn'h nro so st-vere on
the tinibermcn of Alaska"
t J :
Spring time Is supposed to he the
pen season for runaway bnvs, hut No
vember s-ems almost as nropitlous a
PCji VT a. :',,: j month. The police were today asked to
. QX Vj. INapntha DOS V J flnd three, youngsters whose dlsappear
, ir ;: lance haa caused their parents great
A mlam Hicks, the 14-year-n!d on
Of Robert Micks. 122J East Fifti-entn '
north, - left home last Friday. Yester
day his brother, , James, aged -12,. also
decamped. ' s
-J. T. Erin la, 1041 Vernon arenue, has
asked the offlcera to help him find hla
son. Leslie, aged 14, who has left his
tma , '.r - . 1
at all in
Expert Watchmaker
Twenty-aeven , year " with ' Dueber
Hampton watch factory. High' grade)
u ilroad lfN 'i apclslry., I aiso?
I itniw a full line of lUieber Hampton
utthes. direct from factory at factory
! riiYH. The oelr tirton made wst-h en
i. e nyrkef. Third atreet rooni h.
go up
the Flue
You receive intense, direct heat
from every ounce ol luel burned
there are no damp chimneys or long
pipes to waste the heat from a
Til ii . ii in
C ) rs FT1
ff iT
'London' ashbln refuse Is being com-j
pressed and i reduced to a material re- I
smMlng - gatderr mould and sold for!
lerttrtaer."" -'-. :t-" 1-5----' I
, (Equipped with Smokeless Device)
Carry it from room to room. Turn the wick high
or low no bolhei no smoke no smell automatic
smokeless device prevents. Brass iont holds 4 quarts.
burns v hours. Beautifully hrushed in nickel or
ifapan. Every heater warranted. ;
v . , ust what vthi want for the long
evenings. Made ol brass, nickel plated latest , jm.
r proved central draft burner. fTvery lamp warranted.
- If your dealer cannot supply ths Perfection Od
neater or Kayo Lamp write our nearest agency.
What Ails You?
Do ? feel week, tired, despondent, have frequent head
chea, coated tongue, bitter or bad taste in morning,
"heart-bura," belobia of gas, acid risings ia throat after
eating, stomach gnaw or burn, foul breath, dizzy spells,
poor or variable appetite, nausea at ties and kindred
symptomi ? ; . : - t ;
' ;. . ' -' ,
If ye hare any considerable number of ' the
above symptom yoaj are suffering front bilious
ness, torpid Jiver with Indigestion, or dyspepsia.
Dr. Pierce's Goldea Medical Discovert made .
op of the most vaJoable medicinal ' principles
knows to medical, soiesee for . the permanent
core of each abnormal oonditiotM. It Is most
efficient liver invigorator, stomach tonio bowel
regolator aod nerve atrengthener.
The "Goldea Medtcal Disoovery" is not a patent medicine or secret nostram.'
a full list of its ingredients being printed oa its bottle-wrapper and attested
under oath. A glanee at these will ahow that it contains no alcohol, or harm
ful habit-forming drugs. It ia a fluid extract. made with pure, triple-refined
glycerine, of proper strength', from the roots of native American medical,
forest plants. World's Dispensary Medical Association, Props., Buffalo, N.V,
"Let DM fin vnil anntliar atrlklns:
Instance. . Go to a certain dealer and
you can purchase from the lowest to
the highest grade of watches at a frac
tion more than on 1ml tha nrlio vnn
can buy them for. at any other etore In
miw wumry. - . - r
- 'Why la thlsT TMa .oW. want
abroad and -bought the watchea - mada
by the American manufacturers at one
half the price in-the -Iondon market
that they can be boua-ht tar in tha
American markets. If anybody desires
the corresoondenca tnon this anhiaet
and the numbers of the' watches and -their
make and their prices, I will fur
nish him with them-, at any time.
"The four watch companies the Wal
tham. Biffin. Keystone and ths Oinrtnt
7 control the American output. - and .
they have a written contract with every-,
Jobber in the United States that their
watches cannot bo aold in the United
States below a certain flanira. hnf In
Europe thejr sell them at one half the
price that they have put them to the
American public. This man went to Eu
rope and bought the watchea and he Is
now. In the advertisements, nffartna-
them, from -the Riverside Maxlmus,
which la the finest Waltham watch,
down to the lowest grade,' at a price a
little more than one half that at which
ypu can buy them anywhere else." .
$30 for $16.50
Keep Your Jye
.v M
TTi rriillir. unrAifnin 4tsr t a
Fall are a good time to keep f
your eye on your "digestive U
P machinery." Fortify yourself
agauisi uowci aisoraers ay
Shredded Wheat
with hot milk and cream every
at m m -im
Thursday, Nov, 13
: r i if . o f
n murimii' inr nrpji icrnRr. .TArsaar
a o - - , yirvw-
5 ens and cleanses the stomach
and keeps the bowels healthy
and active Your grocer sells it
Heat in Oven Before Serving.
nm ytant - -?n
a ad
Ladies' 14-karat solid gold case, with
Elgin or Waltham works; regular
price $30
I shall offer a number of these
trust controlled solid-gold Elgin and
Waltham Watches, same style as are
sold for $30 in America and which
Holsman are offering for $16.95, and
which were exhibited in congress to
expose the 80 per cent tariff, under
which the watch trust conducts its
price extortion in this country. Every
one will be sold all complete and
ready for the pocket for $16.85, with
the distinct understanding that the
money will be refunded if it can be
duplicated by any reliable jeweler.
Mall orders, with money enclosed, will
be received only with privilege of re
turning same if aalea over counter ex
haust stock.
Importer Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry
oiiwhs auaer sia aaorruon mzu.
149 THIRD ST.,
K. B. This sale will continue Friday
ana saiuraay ana next wees until our
preaent aupply la exhausted.
7XCXAJC S 8-Jeweled vanguard or ver-
iius . movement ............... S84.SS
Other jewelers must , sell these move
ments for aSB or else los. thalr annnlv
by breaking their contract. . ,
; OF
' An event o? more th'an ordinary im
portance that will not fail to interest all housewives - the wofnen
who cook whose pride is in their cooking who appreciate the gooi results .
that can be obtained only1 in the most modern rangeV During this 'and next
weekwe are' demonstrating the superiority of "The Malleable," and we invite
you to partake of the DELICIOUS COFFEE .ND HOT BISCUITS which
are cooked in plain view on this great range and served free to all visitors. A
cook-book and gouvenir: will be presented to all ladies attending demonstration.
Wood and Coal
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