The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 10, 1908, Page 2, Image 2

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: FJ.C.
Delegates Eeprefcentiriff 50
Organizations Through
I out' the State Are Asscm
? bling in Convention Today
: Three Days' Session.
Special Dtsmtch to Tlw Joirol.
.1 Grande,' OK,.. ' KtfV, "10. -Perfect
weather usher in the first day of the
three-day convention of" the Oregon
Federation- of Women's clpbs at this
oltr. Half a hut4ret visiting- dele
gates are. In attendance and more are
A Showing From One
y of Business
Harold Hewoomh.
This ' young gentleman in a full
fledged lene grinder, and baa forked
ud- to his present Dosition from an er.
' rand boy He is a young man of abU-J
r energy ror sucn mere are
openings not yet 20 years
He can grind and ede the
lieu it ana comollcated lens.
and has entire supervision of the lens-
grinding department of Staples the
: Jeweler., " . .
ity -and
Plenty r
of sjrel
most dil
.. .
. rJ . : t
- Mtvt
i ' i
Sills SwlAg.
An Oregon-bora boy.1 a fine and fin
ished watchmaker, began as an appren
tice in Staples the Jeweler's clock re
pair shop, and has ' kept climbing up
until he is one of Staples' trusted
iratohma iters, capable, and drawing a
salary, has a family and his own
A rood workman and a splen
did cttisen. He began at the bottom.
I. i t
good I
to come. About 60 clubs wlU be rep
resented. Masonlo' hail. . the meeting
place. Is decorated with the convention
oolors, red. white and blue. Every mem
ber of the twe clubs at La Grande, the
Neighborhood club and the Lyla Tues
day Musicale, le wearing a red. white
and blue badge. Kvery woman Is a
reception committee ,f one.
At o'clock this morning the dele
gates began to gather. Two hours were
conaumea in registration. The conven
tion wa called to order at 10 o'clock,
Dr. M. K. Hall, mayor of La Grande,
oenverea me aaaress of welcome.
GreeUng from the antertainins; cluba
was given, by Mra. F. 8. Ivanhoe of
1- Grande. Mrs. J. W. Sadler' of
Aurora responded. The hour preceding
in aajournmeni ior noon was given
over to the. reports of officers. Mra
Kate Bingham, delegate to the Boston
biennial convention of Women's clubs,
made -a pleasing address, and gave a
report of that meeting,
v The afternoon session was more in
teresting that the forenoon. At 1:30
O'clock the L vie Tuesday Musloale
chorus' sang "Daffodils." The- chorus
was followed by the committee reports
of the president Mrs. Sarah A. Evans.
"Hot the glut May Benefit the
Mother," was given by Mrs. 'E. C
Moore of La Grande.
; A public reception Will be held this
Following is theprogram:
Tuesday. .
9 Registration of" delegates.
16 -Call to order, invocation, "Amer
ica." 10:20 WTelcome on behalf of city, Dr.
M. K. Hall, mayor of La Grande. ;
- 10:JO Greeting of federation, from
entertaining- clubs. Mrs. P. 8. Ivanhoe. I
10:40 Response for federation, Mra
J. W. Sadler. Woman's club. Aurora.
10:6ft Report of credential commit
11 Reports of officers, recording
secretary, corresponding secretary,
treasurer, auditor, general reaeration
secretary, report of delegate to Boston
biennial, Mra Kate Bingham.
1:0 Music, chorus, "Daffodils."
(King Hall), the Lyle Tuesday Musicals
Introduction of visitors.
1:40 President's address.
2:10 Committee reports (S minutes
8 :10 Discussion.
1:80 "Art in the Home," Mrs. Alice
8:60 Discussion.
4 Scotch reading. Rev, Jeanette O.
4:10 "How the Club May Benefit the
Mother," Mrs. B. C. Moore.
4:30 A half hour with the general
federation, led by Mrs. Frederick Eg-
6 Adjournment.
A reception will be tendered the con
vention in the Masonic temple by the
entertaining clubs, Mra. Turner Oliver,
' :3fr Call to order, reading of min
utes, unfinished business.
10 Reports of clubs (f minutes each.
Announcement. - .
1 2 Adjournment.
1:80 Conference of presidents, topics
flO minutes each) "Duty of Delegates,"
led by Mrs. B. Burroughs, "Club Ame
nities," led by Mrs. 8. C. Flint. "Busi
ness Obligations." , led bv Mra E. E. I
Goff. 'The Press in Relation to Club
Work.": led by Mra Ivanhoe, questions
and discussions.
8:H0 MMsie. vocal solo. "O Iynoe dl
Quest Anima" (Donliatti), Miss Ada
J .-40-An Industrial hour, led by Mrs.
C. C. Chapman.
Address "What the Consumer Can
Do to Improve the Industrial Condi
tions of Women and Children," Miss
May Montgomery.
S Address, ''The Industrial Condi
tion of Women and Children in Oregon,"
Mrs. C C. Chapman.
8:20 Discussion.
8:40 Address, "The Responsibility
of Opportunity,'! Rev. Jeanette O.' Fer
ris. '
4:10 Report of scholarship loan fund,
4:40 "Gooa Cltisenshlp," Mra S. M.
6 Adjournment "
rirst Baptist Topio Pnbllo Health.
7:45 Music.
PUno solo, "Arabesoues, Op. 61,"
(Chaminade), Mrs. W. W. Berry.
Vocal duet, "Barcarolle" (Chamin
ade), Miss Jean McDonald and George
Vocal solo, ."Tonight" (Napoleon Zar
do), Mrs. A. t. Richardson.
8 "The Mission of the Visiting
Nurse," Mra. Millie R. Trumbull.
8:10 "Publie Sanitation." Dr. C. X
Smith, member sttfte board of health.
8:40 "What Is Being Accomplished
in the Fight Against Tuberculosis,"
(with stereoptlcon views). Dr. Edward
Allen Pierce, member state board of
health and manager Open Air sanita
rium. ,
:S0 Call to order: "America," min
utes, unfinished business.
10 Consideration of president's rec
ommendations, revision of constitution.
10:30 Report of the resolutions com
mittee: new business; invitations for
next meeting; announcements; music,
"Blest Be the Tie That Binds."
12 Adjournment. i
Some of the clubs that announced
their delegates late last week are:
Salem Mra Alice A. Dodd. Mra C
L. B. Kelller, Mrs. F. W. Benson.
Pendleton Mrs. Lt. Tatom. Mrs. T.
Starkweather. Mrs. D. Gwlnn. 1
Forest tirove miss Mary Famham.
Mrs. Charles Hlmes. Mrs. F. J. Miller.
Lents Mrs. sadle o. Dunbar. Mra
Luola Adcuton.
The Dalles Mrs. Nettle A. Gelsen
worffer. Mrs. Mary Logan.
Newberg Mrs. R. W. Harold, Mrs.
Frank Morrison.
Baker City Mrs. Barton, Mrs. Car
ter, Miss Susan W. Moore.
Weston Mra R. C. French.
Portland Mrs. Frederick Eggart, Mrs.
O W. Tlfft, Mrs. James P. Moffett,
Mrs. Abigail Scott Duniway. Mrs. T. P.
Wise, Mrs. Grace Watt Ross, Mrs. Rob
ert I.utke, and Mrs. Mary Spauldlng
from The Dalles.
Womn's Press club Mrs. kucla Fax
on Addlton. Mrs. M. T. Hldder.
(Continued from Page One.)
ef Staples
Carl Grers.
Very one entering the store
the-Jeweler thinks thl
yenng msn is Mr. stapler Bon. Many
call him Staples. He is In full charge
of the store from opening to shutting
time. If you come in contact with blra
rnu will st onre realise his worth, ln
srlty and ability. Born at r,a Center,
Washington, csme to Portland years
go. worktd his wa. tt?ough high,
fhoot and finally landed with Staples
the Jeweler. Jdarried and owns bis
tin home.- tSo you wonder that Staples
the Jeweler succeeds with sucn a hunch
ef young men. and these are only t out
tt It tt Lis workmen. Now. young
roan, get In wtth sort good. ' reliable,
Ji house that does business on the
a iiar.k that treat H men and the
general ruMiC rlsrbt. Get In, we eay. if
vou lave to start at .i'le bo-ttom re
. itr?Vs f pay. Yon will surely get
ia fu axe aurth in a short time, ...
of It, and that the trial court had as
sessed an excesive fine and had gone
beyond his power in hearing testimony
after the Jury had returned a verdict.
Taet July the appellate court handed
down !its opinion on this writ of error
petition, reversing the trial court and
remanulpg; the case to Judge Landia for
retrial. Thla opinion, written by Judge
Grossrup. contained what has been
characterized as the most remarkable
excoriation of one court by another In
the history of the America bench. The
opinion denounced Judge l.andls in the
worst terms, holdinr that he had really
convicted the Standard' Oil company of
New Jersey, when It was not even on
The opinion, referring to Judge
Landls' decision, said: ,
Ziandis' Opinion.
"No monarch, no parliament, no tri
bunal of western E'irope. for centuries
has pretended to have the right to pun
ish except after due trial under all
the forms of the" law. Pan that right
fully be done here, on no other basis
than the Judge's personal belief, that
the party marked by htm for punish
ment deserves punishment? If so, it
Is because the man who happens to be
judjte Is above the law."
On August 14 last. District Attorney
Rims filed a petition for rehearing of
the case before the appellate court, al
leging that the circuit court had mis
understood and misouoted the rutin of
the trial Judge and alleging further that
the circuit court's ruling. If sustained,
would make of the Interstate commerce
act. a "mere wlll-'o-the-wisp of legisla
tion, a phantom statute."
Today s ruling was on this petition.
1 Republicans Honor Hartley .
(United, Press Leased TITlrt.
' Jefferson city. Mo.k Nov. 10-Wlth all
the manifestations of Joy attendant
upon the first occasion they have had In
38 years lo celebrate the election of a
Republican governor or Missouri, we
Republicans of this city paid tribute to
Herbert S. Hadley. governor-elect, to
night. . , .f - Q " '
Hemp of fine "quality, rivaling that
of Kentucky; in height, khas been grown
in Pennsylvania this year- for the first
lima J ' . . i
Sole A gents ior the
Royal Worcester Corset
We are the only store in Portland selling this
famous make, and they fill the requirements of
our clientele so well that we do not find it nec-.
; essary to carry ally otfier brand. Thoroughly
trained fitters to wait upon you, backed by the
most complete stock on the Pacific coast. Over
150 models. We have -a model to fit any figure
that is normal. To have the long-waisted, slen
der, graceful figure so much desired this season,
you must wear a Royal Worcester.
Dress Goods- A Sale
We've been busy for seven day in our Dress Goods De
partment, and still there come eager swarms of shrewd
economists, anxious to take advantage of the superb offer
ings we make. When you think of the immensity of the
assortments and the sterling merit of the qualities offered,
this sale is really phenomenal without precedent or equal
in the annals of Portland merchandizing. All colors, all
weights, all weaves, except Read's Lansdown, reduced as
Ladies' Home Journal
Winter Style Book
Is here--on sale at the Pattern Counter
- bristling with news of what, to wear anl,
instructions on how to triage it, Ladies'
Ilome Journal Patterns are the latest,
most easily understood and authentic on
the market The style-book shows hundreds of
them.' With the style-book goes a coupon good
for. any 15c pattern. The book is worth OA
25c. You get both for ... , 4 . . V. , . UC
The reg. $1.00 grade.. . .7l
The reg. $1.25 grade.. . -98
The reg. $1.50 grade. 81.09
The reg. $1.75 grade.! 51.29
The reg. $2.00 grade. $1.43
The reg. $2.50 grade. 81.72
The reg. $3.00 grade. ! 12.19
The reg. $3.50 grade. 1 52.48
The reg. $4.00 grade. 152.98
.The reg. $5.00 grade. $3.48
sirft' fin n note Full-front styles, in Bearcloth 'of
uin? puff.iejBencraline suk, with on
shirred Normandy backs, reg. val. to $1.75 each. . .tuC
rll ''vagp.-ja.J, " SSI jaw i- .
o a
tin 1
Fancy Silks 79c Up
Our Silk Department has been a-hum "with activityfortiie
last two day s, and the phenomenal offerings that have made
it so continue for tomorrows-aellingf Ten thousand yards
of Fancy Silks are bargainized, and all who come to look
are enthusiastic over the values and assortments they find.'
'Tis needlesstd say they buy quickly." In choosing silks ?
for waists, shirtwaist suits, petticoats, trimmings or holi
day fancy work, look well over this collection and note the
prices. , -i;
Reg. $1.00 grade at 79
Reg. $15 grade at .98
Reg. $1.50 grade at. . . .81.19
Regular $1.75 and $2.00
grades, special- A A q
ly priced for. V. la tO
Child' fane Bys' nd Girls' Polo Caps of
WUH U J voyj Tvi.arr1r,tr,v or Astrachan. trimmed
Bearcloth or Astrachan, trimmed
with aigrettes, with ear protectors, reg. values to
$1.25. Special Wednesday only
nnin'jm: Special Sale China, Silverware,
I XliUy Carving Sets and Kitchen meg's
(i r -
Cogue Boas $2.39
Fluffy, attractive Feather Boas, 1&4 yards long,
good and full in center. They are rich, dressy
and comfortable, and are always needed to com
plete a dressy costume and .for comfort on damp,
chilly days. Colors are white, light blue, pink,
pld rose, lavender, navy, brown and green. Reg
ular values $5.00 and $5.50. Wednes- QQ
day sale price vtddJ
women, misses and
boys, also Gold Mit
tens and S i 1 k a t e e n
Gloves, all sizes, large
assortment of colors,
values to. 75c
Special . . . . .
linen, crossbar lawn or
fine Swiss ; embroid
ered, hemstitched or
scalloped edge effects.
See display.
8c Satin Taffeta
Ribbon Wednesday 5c Yard
An opportune sale, indeed, for many of you are planning dainty holi
day gifts now, and, of course, you will be glad to save on ribbons
when you know Jhere is no sacrifice in quality. That is what this is
a sale of High-Grade Ribbons at special prices that show an aver
age saving of one third. Extra quality ribbon, with good, heavy face,
in all the wanted shades, priced as follows :
1 inch wide, 8c value 5f 2 inches wide, 21c value. . .14
1 inches wide, 10c value.. . . .7 2ji inches wide, 25c value. . .17
Vi inches wide, 13c value 9 inches wide, 30c value. . .20
lji inches wide, 18c value... 12 4 inches wide, 40c value. .27
i wovelties in fine yuanty venlse LAce xqkes
CCCVsfCcjr 'n cream while or ecru ; Stock Collars with wide
top, aiocic sonars wiin taDS, computations ot
lace and mull, combinations of lace and bobbinet. All new Q
numbers, regular values up to $2.00, at 70C
50c Veiling 19c Yd
Another shipment of the best Veiling evef
brought to Portland to sell at this low
price. Tuxedo or Hexagon mesh, brown,
navy, white, black or magpie. Splendid
assortment and reg. values to 50c
the yard. Wednesday special . . . . 1 y C
SUITS in winter
weight cotton, high
neck, long sleeves and
ankle length, well made
and well finished, regu
lar $1.50 qual- fQ
ty. at yoC
25c I
4Mh -
fast black, with circu
lar leg and fashioned
foot, splendid quality
cotton yarn, a grade
regularly sold at 25c
pr. Wednesday,
3 pairs for....
The $2.00 Umbrellas
Wednesday for $1.29
Fast Black, Absolutely Rainproof Umbrellas' for men and women.
Made with steel rods and Paragon frame. Fine assortment of han
dles, in gunmetal, bpxwood, princess and fancy effects, some j OQ
suvcr-trimmea. v aiues to ?.uu ai IAaW
Venise effects in applique, with colored embroidery;
chiffon applique and Persian effects in bands from 1 inch
to 6 inches wide; colored and trimming laces. A wide
assortment at stupendous savings. Not likely to last for a full day's
... - . i
selling, so we aavise prompt Duying.
Regular values up to $2.60 J Q Regular values up to
the yard at ..frOC" $6.00 the yard at....
Regular values up to $3.50 AO Regular values up to
the yard at uOC $10.00 the yard at...
The Linen Sale im Full Swim
Largest and Best
Values We've Ever Had
For all that remain of the superb hats that we told you of in
Sunday's papers. The regular values run' to $25.00, and for the
first two days of this week we sold them at $7.50. Of course.
the first comers had the best choosing, but now the price goes
down to 85.00, and - - "
There's Hoi a Poor Style in the Entire Lot
Here's'an assortment free from "samenessardly two alike in
the !wrhole selcctipd. ' Wingsr breasts, quills, ribbon, velvet, silk
and ornamentsare effectively used as trimmings. Shapes are of
Ottoman silk, velvet and high-quality felt : Large wide models
or small neat etteejts. Values to $25.00 now
Buy Children's Shoes
That You Can
Sure of
Dependable makes are sold here at prices that compare favorably with
footwear of less merit sold elsewhere. Assortments so complete that you
have no trouble in finding just what you want in size, width and leather, and
prices that you are satisfied to pay. The greater part ol our children's busi
ness is done im twa lines. We recommend and guarantee them to parents
who seek comfort, wear7 and value.
anteed for three, months. If the up- SHOES in box calf leather for heavy
perbreak in this time, we replace wear, or in Dongola kid, heavy, light
them with a new paihIf the -soles -or medium soles, ; for general wear;
give out, we half-sole them free of also patents f or dress, wean , Silk
charge. Theyare made of Norwe- sewed, sole-leather counters and wnion
fiacalf, Biucher cut. No doubt the ; oak solesy I yamps are full tot toe and
est 'wet-weather shoe you have ever not cut off.;: Guaranteed at to work
seen. .v-.-:'?j7: . :; 7 x ?-- manshipahd material.; ; r c'
Sizes 9 to 13, the pair ...... . .83.19 , 5 to 8 . .;. 81.40 vsl 1 j3 to 2. , 82.10
Sizes 13 to 5H, thepaif;;;..82.GOV8K to 11..S1.70 2 V 7:82.60