THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL,, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 8, 1908. 7 v FOB SALE REAL ESTATE W South Sunnystde A lot 60x100. near .. term -, - Holladay- 7-room modern house, on run lot, nice mwn. wim Mruoporji w.u brrles, close In) a bargain $3,600. 138 Acreage 10 . Acres near Rose City park, can be bought this week for $600 an acre; a good plattng proposition. Holladay's addition Choice lot 40x 100, on E. 14th st. only 100 feet from Broadway; street Improved; the very center of this beautiful residence dis trict; only $2,000. A nice comfortable home in the swell E. Burnside district; full lot; a bargain fc $4,600. . ' ; ; South Portland 60x200, with five houses, owner pinched for money and must sell. Make us an offer. 6-room modern cottage; bath, hot and ' cold water; nice yard; price $3,500; easy terms. , . " 287 8-room house, modern; has furnace, fireplace, bath and nice yard; cash price, $4,600 239 Modern 6-room house and quarter block, on Mount Scott carline; has basement,' bath, electric light; close in. j Prlca $3,800. 2401 Nice ju-roora nouse, witn zv, lots; bath, basement, electric lights; in good locality; a oar gain ai it.uuu. zl Lot on .. 6th St.. near Stark; $1-300. 242 6-room house at University; a snap: $1,700. . 243 8-room house. Mount Scott carline: bath, basement and full lot; price fs.buu. y . 6-room house, modern In every detail, only $3,300; easy terms. 261 A beautiful home in Rose City park, 5 large rooms; $3,600. 250 Beautiful home in Eugene for $4,600: will trade for Portland property. Call and see picture. Fine suburban home; 8-room house with, t acres of ground set In fruit 1 rA m nrilan. ornamental shrubs and flowers, for the price of a house and . . j. n r i r. 19P loi in luwn, fi.ouv CinnA Ifl-rnnm house on E. 1 8th St.; has full basement, newly painted, large porch,, good furnace, rirepiace, terms. . 167A 6-room house In Sunnyside, has li brary and all modern conveniences, nice place, $4,600. . . 1 Good corner on Corbett st. In South Portland, $2,600. ,,14 Lot 100x165 in Holladay addition; good buy at $,250. - ,r 131 Modern 8-room house in Vernon, on beautiful corner. 100x100. For quick sale, $5,000; $1,500 Cash, balance in 2 and 8 years. ' 24 HARTMAN& THOMPSON Chamber of Commerce LOTS, RESIDENCE PROPERTY AND ACREAGE. Some beautiful residence 4ots. nicely located; small payment down, balance by the month. Modern house. 7 rooms, furnace, with in walking distance, east side, $4,600. Another olio on car lino, $3,500. Several cottages to sell on the installment plan. $1,800 to $2,500. Some acreage 26 per cent below mar ket price, near car line, near Portland; $135 per acre. Ten acres 4 miles from. Postofflce at $350 per acre Some more at $200 per acre. 10 acres under irrigation ditch; plenty of water, near Prosser. Wash.; $150 per aero: can give good terms on this. Good house and one acre lot in Woodburn tp exi hanVe fr Portland property. 160 acres wheat land to exchange for smnll place near Portland. THE GOLDEN WEST REALTY CO., Room 318 Allsky bldg.. cor. Third and Morrison sts. , --, - . ... ji i. ,Good Buys . 100x100 on Benton Bt.. 18 minutes walk business center; fine for flats or apartment; a bargain. $4,000. 40x100 on Union ave. near Stanton st. $2,000. Nearly t block on Hawthorne ave. near 25th; beautiful home site among swell homes. $4,000. 42V4X92 on Sellwood St. $1,200. 60xi5 on Going St.. 1 block Union ave. $850. E. R. MARKlf AM A CO. y 209 Commercial Block. . Don't Pass This Up Investment. 20 per cent net; will in crease In value rapidly; location near Irvington and Holladay Park addition. Store and 6-room flat, modern. Price $BUTTERWORTH-STEPHENSON CO. Owners, 36 Lafayette rmg.. ttn ana Wash. Main 8629. ji ioo 6-room new plastered cottage; corner lot; water irr house; pantry, closets, etc.; $300 cash, balance to suit. 6 per cent Interest. $2 260 6-room completely furnished bungalow: fine bath, toilet, electric lights, full basement; full lot. In high state of cultivation; fine city view; can be bought without furniture; $300 cash, balance easy. $2,850 Brand-new 8-room house, modern, on East Portland Heights; terms. Call and see u for homes or F. J. STEINMETZ & CO., 193 Morrison st MUST BE' SOLD AT ONCE. Large house and lot on Morrison st, $40,000. " Business lot, on 8th st, 60x100; $80,000. Lot 50x120, on Mill at.; desirable for flat: $8,000. GERMAN-AMERICAN REALTY CO., Room 8. 343 H Washington st. $2,800 FOR a new bungalow of S rooms; all modern, just finished, on a lot SOx 100, 1H blocks from Alberta car; fine neighborhood; $500 down, balance as rent. Phone Sunday or evenings, C 1287. 840 Chamber of Commerce. 14,750 -Thoroughly modern, up-to-date 7-room house, with good barn; all In first-class order, on East 24th St., two blocks from car line. Easy terms. CLARK COOK COMPANT, 6 Board of Trade bldg. Phones Main 4607. A 3252. 10-ROOM house, piped for furnace, full basement, fireplace, large bath-room, full lot, 1 block from best car line In city; splendid location, east facing; $3,000; $500 down, balance terms. ZIMMERMAN, 521 Corbett bldg. dLOSE IN RESIDENCE. " Near E. "16th and Morrison sts.; strictly modern, nearty new 6-room house: furnace, etc Fine lot cement walk, $1,000 cash will handle. Price, $4,000. DEVLIN A FIREBAUGH, 508-9 8wrtlnd bldg.. cor. 5th and Wash. CITY ACREAGE ON CARLINEij FOR SALE. All are profitable Investments. Come and examine. THE VETERAN LAND CO.. 822 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE By owner. 10 acres fine black soil, most in cultivation, new buildings, mile from carline, 8H miles from Portland; $2,750; $1,600 cash. Write for particulars. J. E. Nel son. Hillsdale, Or. 20 ACRES fine fruit land; beautiful lo cation: has Incnn-iA now. Purse, 81 S Chamber of Commerce. A NICE 9 room bouse for" sale at Lents, Or., cheap, t blocks from carline. In quire at Donaldson'! grocery. H. B. Yost. ----- - - : : given AWAY MODERN 8-ROOM house, 10 lots. $4,000. By owner. $70 za si. Agents neeq not apply, BEST bargain in town; 6-room house, lot 60x180. Address J-289, Journal. $500 - CASH buys four 60-fU "lots. So car fare. K-101, Journal. FINE lot at Ocean Park. Wash.. $115; easy terms; a snap. 608 Fenton bldg. EAST 28th ST. Lot near E. Couch, on 28th, for $1,200. . - .H. P. -PALMER, 213 Commercial Club bldg. a J4 ACRES. half mile from electric line, H miles from courthouse, near .Pow ell Valley road, $250 per acre; $300 casn, balance terms, 0-JI6, Journal. SEVEN-ROOM modern house, nice loca tion, lot 60x100, near E-A ear line, only $2.00. J. J. Oeder, corner Grand ave. and K. Ankeny, A MODERN 7-room houne at St. Johns," tnuwt sell. See the owner at 4 N. 6th. 5 ACRES for platting, a fine" proposl , tlon, 4 Mocks from one ear Un, $ to another. Call fof particulars at 1914th. Foil SALE REAL ESTATE 16 FINE 8-room house, fine lots: well . builtj good location; $6,000; half cash. Fine, new, modern 6-room house E. Lincoln: $3,000, $600 cash.. Fine 12 acres near O, W. P. carline; some cleared; running water: $1,260, $250 cash; will trade for a mortgage. Fine 80-acre tract near Fairview; well Improved; good orchard, running water: on carline. The best buy in the Lcounty. - $4,600; terms. - V tit. .. A .... In vnllMM : frnm Portlands fine soil: no gravel: on good road; nearly all , cleared. Only $2,100, $500 cash. - Fins go-acre tract, 10 wiles from Forest Grove; 16 aores In cultivation, 6 acres apple orchard, jUBt commencing to bear: 1.000,000 feet lumber; running water; fair house and barn; good team, cow, calf, hogs farming tools,' wagon, harness and chickens; all goes for $2,250, $600 cash. . .. . . Good 8-room house, 'lot 60x100: East 3 2d and Salmon; $2,760, $250 cash, $1$ per month. , Fine 6-room house; new: well lo cated; must sell; $1,000, $260 cash. $20 per month. ' Fin n.onra trrt verv easllv cleared. near carline: all level; pear school, church and store; $1,100, $150 cash Money to loan, for 2 or 3 years. Cbarlesbn &Co. 411 Commercial Bldg.. Phone Main 8965 A beautiful home In Holladay's ad dition; this is a real bargain; be sure and see this. In no other way can you appreciate this offer. This home is well worth $6,000, but must be sold at once. $$.000. tM Good 7-room house on east side, walking distance, corner lot 60x100, fin lawn and flowers; bearing fruit; ap ples, cherries, plums, pears and ber ries. - Can give 'good trams. ' $800. Hera Is something good, a beautiful building lot 100x100, on corner of 20th and Prescott; $460 cash, balance on time. $650. Good comer, 100x100, In Montavllla, any kind of terms. $360. 76x100 In Irvington Park addition, on 24th st; it's a good buy. Weal Browik, 709 Swetland Bldg., Fifth and Washington Sts. ONE of the finest 8-room homes in Irvington, everything complete; full lot; $5000. MOBSMAN REALTY CO., 408 Commercial Club bldg. MODERN 12-room home on Williams ave.; fireplace and hot water heat; block of ground; an ideal home for large family. $11,000. MOBSMAN REALTY CO., 408 Commercial Club bldg. TWENTY acres, 3 acres clear, 8 acres slashed, and burned. 6 acres fine tim ber; new 6-room house, fiber finish, cost $1,000; new barn, cost $200; all fenced; good well; parking for chick ens: on good roads, ' 7 miles out; tele phone in house; rural mail route; close to school and church. Price, $2,000, terms. Address. O. D. Eby, Oregon City, Or. , - $4,300. Mddern 6-room houRe on E. Burnside st. near 20th. Furnace, full cement base ment, laundry tubs. etc. H. P. PALMER. j 1 3C ommeTcIa 1 Club bldg. FOR SALfi 4 acres near 2 carlihes; this is choice; will sell cheap if taken at once. 617 Oregonlnn hldg. $3,100 Very desirable 6-room house on East Flanders, near 30th; fine neigh borhood. Call S. Raxworthy, 697 Mar- snail st. cheap, if taken Immediately; must foIu tun r.,h K.l.n lfi mnr,v. Ise $110 ca F-200, Journal ' " .co... .......v..., CITY block, Woodstock, $2,000; 6 lots Columbia Heights. 6-room house. 40 fruit trees; $2,600. 609 Corbett bldg. $3,0006 ROOM modern bungalow .for $2,600: $100 down and $25 month. can Tanor 1863. HOUSE AND LOT, 73x160 ft., city a- ter, i,3&o; xouo down, easy pay ments. 424 Glenn ave. Take Hawthorne car. FOR SALE Lot 60x100, neat two-story 6-room mddern house, faces east, two blocks from car, $2,200, easy terms. 827 noarq or Traoe,tn ana uaK. SUNNYSIDE. Six-room modern house, cement floor In basement, lot 43 1-3x100; near two car lines. $2,500; easy terms. A L. DUNDAS. 226 Lumber Exchange. Main 6646. MODERN 6-room bungalow in Over look. Either 1 or - 2 lots, fine view, street graded. Owner. 364 Monroe st HAWTHORNE AVE. QUARTER. Corner of E. 14th and Hawthorne, 100x100, for $4,750; $2,000 cash. H. P. PALMER, 213 Commercial club bldg. 600 ACRES of land, northwest of New berg, for sale or rent; if sold $33 per acre; small pieces. $36. If rented $400 per year; 150 acres tilled land, good house and barn, well water. J. O'Brien, ivewoerg, ur. PORTLAND Helahts. 4 acres, fine build, i lng site, natural park, 3 blocks from i car. 20 minutes. F-188, Journal. I .' . r : ; . ' IN'VV. ?-room oungaiow on tn St.. strictly modern, superb view price - - ... . . . . ... I.UU. CTK.-SK. journal. , $2 250--New modern 6-room house. I garaen; (.ostiy lron fence and wide sts.; ' m""',h ' ' V 17 pe" arre: wl'l tHkP Rood resl- st., P..i timid. Or. Home A-R641.- Kg" ?.r;grr,,. ""yxjx j ai ; t!B,Hf" Wlk nK eo-ner. 7&v100: snnerfm, I ! 2.000-For full SzM lots, on Cllve- i va '".f J 's'ubdlvtde'nd 'take" eon. 1 "'"hlle- P. O. boxgOlty, 135 DESIRABLE HOMES FOR SALE, i at once . THE VETERAN LAND CO., 822 Chamber of Commerce. SUBURBAN HOME Nine-room house, with 100x100; elec- i t.l. r. A .1 . llht- Int. f - ini,iiiHc.r.,ipiiiic. 1 iici 1 , 11 rr, ; barn, etc.: 3 blocks from Mount Tabor i car. Easy terms. H. P. PALMER, 213 Commercial Club bldg. HALF BLOCK on Francis ave., near 32d; make cash offer. Must sell. C-123. Journal. BARGAIN Am going away; choice 100 X100. only $700; worth $1,200. Phone woodlawn it043. BARGAIN House and two lots, only $800; $300 down. 786 Dawson st. Phone Woodlawn 2043. HOOD RIVER ORCHARDS. MACRAE A ANGUS. 41$ CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. BEAUTIFUL furnished home, 6 rooms. modern, lot 40x123, Improved street, alklng distance. 782 E. Salmon. $3.800. A BARGAIN 4 good lots on Albina and Ivy sts. Price $3,300: terms. Also 74 acres one mile from car line. terrhs. Perley B. Lent. 419 Corbett bide i FRACTIONAL LOT We have 33x100 on E. Davis St., be tween 20th and 22d.. for $1,100; cement sidewalk and sewer, paid for, H. P. PALMER. 218 Commercial club bldg. 4-ROOMED cottage, 2 rooms furnished, 8 lots, fenced; chlckon-house. barn. woodshed: $15: all In garden. 1136 E. 23d North. Alberta car. PENINSULAR lots, $250; $10 cash. $10 month- new 6-room house, close in, $500 cash, $15 month: 4 lots Berkly, To- !$425, 519 Swetland. Main 1159. LOTS in a restricted district only $66 cash and $10-- monthly. Something good and with a future. Purse, . 818 unamoer or commerce. TO buy or sell good real estate by all means see McKenna A Waldt, You will surely- find them both alive. Their phone Tabor 865. Lots from $400 to $700. 1166 Belmont. Sunnyside car. Choice lot, block from car. Killings worth. t block on ear lln ' Mn.i k sold tW"e.k. Xct qulck; owner lit t-ROOM modern house, east side full lot. near car and school: It nnn '... balance to suit. Price, $2,600.. .Caii rviiii nn first st I W60 MODERN 4-room hous near HAWthArni .M Mn.. In lit... v naiance terms. B-160. Journal. No . . ... , ,.,u man. MODERN 10 room house, walking d!s- ..,5n,c''fln',0,,OB Bt '', corner, t3,900i.barraJn, .. Owner, T-76, Journal. iia ut.a i tiAaur, nyum-a fun 6At,h. i amount down and easy payments, see Well selected bargains in all sections,, quok. They won t last, a few great of the city; prices low but will advance bargains , FOR SALE REAL ESTATE 18 Snaps for tbe Snap Hunter Who Knows a Snap When He Sees It $6.000 Six-room bungalow at Willam ette Heights. Built in elegant r style. . .- ," - ": . $6,600 Three lots, with abundance of fruit and shrubbery. A 10-room house with furnace and gas; , modern , plumbing. House cost $5,000 to build. East Yamhill and 40th sts., 1 block from cars, 43.300 A corner on Mississippi ave. and . Humboldt Brand new.t It has never been lived In; 7 large rooms; modern plumbing; 'ce ment walks, in fact a modern plaoe. $8,000 A new, stylish, 7-room house on E. Main and 80th sts. You can't buy this unless you buy it right away. . $2,260 A place that is a snap on E.y Sal mon, near 21st at., 6-room cot tage, 22x100 feet of ground. $2,000 Fine new Queen Anne, oottage, 100x100 feet of ground;, modern and up-to-date in every respect, 2 blocks from cars; Woodstock. $1,600 A full lot with a 7-room house, 2 blocks from cars, on Killings worth ave. $1.500 A corner lot on Spokane ave. and 8th st, 6-room house, modern conveniences, easy payments. $900 Two lots and a small cottage and barn, E. 26th and Emerson. The Dunn-Lawrence Co. - 248 Alder st - Call On Us. We are Alive $1,600 6-room modern house on Mount Soott line, $300 down and bal ance easy. - $1.600 $600 cash, balance tp suit, 8 room modern house, cement basement, large fruit trees. Improved streets; fine place for an elderly couple. $2,250 $600 down and balance month ly, 6-room house, 8 jots, corner, Im proved street; Portsmouth. $2,400 $200 down, balance monthly, 6-room modern house, bath, porch,' base ment, concrete walks; Firland. $3,600 $300 down, new 7-room mod ern house, improved street, sewer con nections; a fine house in every respect. WILLIAMS & CROWLEY, 413 Marquam. 8 6-ROOM HOUSES On improved street, cement walk, im provements paid, full concrete base ment, faces east, south and west, serv ices of two carlines, gas and electric fixtures, paneled dining-room, houses tinted, reception hall, 2 full stories, making nice large, airy rooms. These hous&i are Just being completed; they will "not last long; for by seeing will convince vou they are snaps. No phone calls answered; prices $2,850, $300 cash, balance very easy terms. East Side Investment Co. 37th and Hawthorne. 6-Room House By Owner $1,450; MUST SELL. 6-room house. 2 lots, 1 block from car. rasnberrles. strawberries, flowers. .shad'.;. chicken house, chicken yard, etc.. over 30 chickens, lots or wooa ana a new range all lor $1,450, $660 cash, balance 3 vears. Call todav at 43 E. Selling St.. Arleta, Mount Scott line. Owner going east; must sell. Hargrove & Sons 113H 6th st. North, cor. 6th and Gllsan. Main 4381. tj L KEN ANN S-room fiber plastered nice looking liouso, with oath, sinK, . . .... a ) irom owner new ni"n ,,, -,,-,DrtA l,,mKiro-- A 1 1 t T 1 11 1 V SI I 1 , 1 nil m nHrrn CAnV.nlcrrfi, fine View! i must sell immediately. 871 Brooklyn st. Phone Sellwood 1012. CHeap Acreage 7Vi acres. Salem line, close In, $2,600. 5 and 10 acres, Estacada line. 10c fare, $200 per acre. BRUBAKER CO.. 601-2 McKay bldg.. 3d and Stark. Cash Wanted 100x100 west of 34th St., Hawthorne ave. district. Something choice. Mon day only. Call 620 McKay bldg-. 3rd and Stark. CHEAP HOMES , I 10, acres, S miles out, all cultivated,! oh" "count v. road, running water, old I orchard, at $1,100. 10 acres, adjoining above, all culth vated, running water, orchard: $1,100. 1 acre, fine soil, fenced. 6 blocks of station; 7-room house, barn. $750. Will trade for lot or house and lot. See Johnson, 204 Mohawk bldg. Main 5607. $3,750 ELEGANT new 7-room house: concrete floor and basement, furnace, attic, exceptionally large pantry, con crete walks; you will buy this if you see It; $500 will handle; good neighborhood; near car. $3.350 New. modern 6-room houso; cement basement, east front, corner. nearrT.arr: 'ilfjl"'. Klnn r.n .,c,n,.T REALT,3r1 DfL &i, 430 Worcester bldg., 3d and Oak. 0,,f.ofl ,,, vor ,-. I '"", I .... - u-1. , vat r-1 1 V president." we ll t get busy If you ! '.'""-"- V '"m amount rinwii and easv payments, see ! smi i ii, 622 Worcester bldg. Main 6179. $600 Casn , Lots at n bargain and a building 14x .1- 30. 11 present near East 34th st. south of Hawthorne. Fine neighborhood. 502 McKay bldg.. 3rd and Stark. WEST S I DE PROPERTY. 60x100, 2 houses, rent $46. Price $5,000; terms. 60x100, nice 6-room cottage; $3,000. ZIMMERMAN, 521 Corbett bldg. 6-ACRE walnut land, of a deep black soil, no rocks, and fine for fruit and chicken raising. Fine county road and p-only four blocks from new electric line, 12 miles rrom rortiano, near iioirirooK, $475 up, $50 cash and $10 per month. HOMESEEKERS' INFORMATION BUREAU, 333 Chamber Commerce. A HOME. $350 cash and $20 per month buys & room, new, modern bungalow, on lot with street Improvements, cement walks and curb In and paid; price $2,300. But-terworth-Stephenson Co., owners 35 La- 'ay.ett2..tldg' Main 8529. stn - ana Washington. WILL build what you want on easy pay ments. Miller.A30 Worcester bldg. Main 1S40. 184-ACRE farm in Polk county; house. stock and creek. Purse. 818 Cham ber of Commerce. SMALL HOME. New 4-room house on 15th St., near Clinton st. A snap at the price. $2,100. E. R. MARKHAM & CO., ' 209 Commercial blk. FOR SALE Nsw modern bungalow st Mount Tabor; furnace, two fireplaces, large lot, good view; close to Belmont street car. CLARK COOK company; 6 Board of Trade bldg. Phones Main 5407; A-3252. o.n; uWiSHiK for bargain, only $700 for two lots, 100x100, m blocks from Portsmouth station. 1753 Exeter at.. Portsmouth station. Phone Woodlawn 2S6J. THE CLAY Corner Jd add Clay, rooms with board, $5 to $5.60 per week; all conveniences. . - MODERN 6-room cottage, bath anJ pantry; terms. 142 E. 49th st, 1 piocK north Hawtnorne aye FOR SALE Two lots In Vernon; 60x 100, corner balance easy 100, corner $42S,,inlde,.75, H cssh. ayments. L. sheets. 71$ E. 11th Sellwood 458. FOR a reliable contractor and builder see W. D. Hayes, estimates furnished free; plans furnished if desired. 61T Oregotilan bldg. - . ; ; : TWO T-reom houses. Inquire owner. 1721 . fh. Phone Sellwood 9J.. - 'FOR SALEREAL ESTATE 10 "Vi-'. " - v ' " , - V v',---. NOB HILL, -j ' PRICEj' $14,000. . ; " INCOME $2,040, V ' BUILDING ffE W 'AND FINE. - NO EXPENSE except taxus and lnsur v. ance to eat up. income.f y. ' LOOKS -Goobr ia f aooD! GREAt -SPECULATIVE INVESTMENT- -:. v PRICE. $I8.60o5;.;' " ,,' , Ground alone .Worth v . ' $20,000 THIS MINUTE. - And there are 3 GOOD HOUSES on the ground that- will produce Income suf ficient to pay Interest on entire pur chase price, i'- . YOU CAN CLEAN UP $6,000 NET PROFIT , ' Inside 6 . months. Price Is likely to bo., advanced to $22,000 ANY MWUTE PROCRASTINATION OH, WHAT'S THE USE You 'know how that goes. DO IT NOW! This la IT. $4,500 CASH for 100 FEET ON TEfURMAN ST. Right at 23rd st. , BUSINESS DISTRICT 2 LOTS ON A CORNER. IT'S WORTH $6,000 RIGHT NOW. THERE'S A REASON. TOMORROW MAY BE TOO LATE. DO IT NOW! COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY. 715 Couch bldg. 109 4th st. LET US A new 7-room house situau-d on a nice corner lot. This property Is complete and modern, and If you ar- Interested In securing a home we will be glad to give vou price and terms. $2,000 4-room homo In Woodlawn; fine lawn, etc. Terms, $00 cash, bal ance $15 per month. $1,500 Hmall homo nt-ar Piedmont carbarns. $2,500 6-room houh.; and barn" on Rodney Very easy terms. $2,000 5 finished rooms and 3 un finished with bath, toilet and cement basement, situated on an east frent cor ner lot, 50x100. Terms, $500 cash, bal ance $15 per month. $2.000 6-room house not far from the O. R. $t N. shops. Nice east front lot. 50x100 feet. VACANT, PROPERTY $400050x100 on Blandena ave.; terms, $76 cash, balunco Jit) per.. month. .- r ,- r .i ti i .... i i i . X fi , O Mil A h TlH flV( street graded. sewer in street. T0MPS0H & OGDEW 848 Mississippi ave. Phones Woodlawn 302. Home C'-2(KIS. IRVINGTON. "THEY LAUGH THAT WIN." and you'll win and laugh, if you buy that 60x100 lot on '80-FOOT ASPHALT STREET close to Irvington car FOR $1,375 . and easy terms at that. It s like SI RE 'NOUOH finding some thing; and you'll need a SEARCH WARRANT to find another llkt- It; and the price on this GOES TO $1,450 NEXT WEEK. THE BELL STRIKES ONE. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, 714 Couch bldg., 109 4th st. $1,100 DON'T go out 14 to 20 miles i from the city and pay from $200 to ! $400 an acre for mud or gravel. I can , sell vou 5 1-5 acres, unimproved, good ; .r.u rir..Ki. r I&bO 50xlUU on St. Johns carune; lies Ku I - ' . . VI ..;,.. r: ""x.-'1 , " Woeir l-""L' soli. 1 mile east of Mllwaukle. on coun- .STRICTLY modern rnrme In Grants' ty road, for above price, H cash. Also Pass. 3 blocks from postofflce, across1 13 aires, 6 acres cultivated, small house, street from courthouse; trade for sub-: barn, Implements, wagons, tools, etc., for ; ,,,-ban home in Portland; also 4-cvlinder $400 an acre, very easy terms, or will; -vinton tourlnir car. equipped with ton. rent for term of years to go,,,i tenant, r-room house on 46th St.. south of Haw- thorne ave., for $1,300. your own terms TI,... .r. hiirlnn. If Interested call on J. J. McCarthy. 327 Mohawk bldg.. 3d and Morrison sts. FOR SALE 4-room shack, lot 50x100, 14 block from car, on 2 -Id St.; $700 terms. For sale Some choi-,. lots, fine view of city, streets Improved, paid for, lots sell from $:;50 up. terms. 6-rotvm bungalow, modern in every re spect, fine view of city: remember, a new furnace in house, street improve ments paid for; $2,500. terms. ROOM . MULKEY HLOCK. 2d rtnd Morrison A NICE 4-room plastered house. In good 1 location; bathroom and closet; base-, mcnt 14x14. city water, full lot. comer.; close to car; $700 cash will handle this. I Chittenden & Ctto j 28 StarkstoojnJU ! FHACTltlNAL lot. 6-room house, In ; first-class condition. 1 4 Works from Williams ave., close in, $1,500; $475 cash. bal. $15 per month; best buy in East Portland today. Smith, 622 Wor cester bldg. Phone Main 619. 145 VACANT LOTS FOR . SALE In all sections of the city; prices lotf,. I)ty not neglect this opportunity. THE ETERAN LAND CO., 822 Chamber of Commerce. 1 ACRE for sale. 7 miles from Port land on the Oregon Electric line, in FOR SALE The prices are low, location good. Come and examine. THE VETERAN LAND CO., 82$ Chamber of Commerce. DOUBLE YOUR MONEY $350, terms to suit, 4 acre Wood stock, high, level, sightly; a snap at the price. CHARLES H. ADLER, 226 Lumber Exchange CORNER, 2. large lots, 6-room house. In St. Johns, on carline; $1,600 will take It. or exchange for good heavy work team, harness, wagon, balance cash. W-612. Journal. 5-ROOM bungalow, 160 feet -off the - Montavllla car line; full plumbing, ce ment walks and basement, large shade trees. Price $2,000. 193 1th. CR. Donnell & Co. Real Estate., Room 3?8 f. of C. I HAVE .three fine town' lots In thriv ing town 18 miles from Portland, to trade for motion plctura outfit: must be Al outfit Address L, B 23. Waah ougal. Wash; SMALL cottage, all improvements, for sale cheap; lot 50x100, grounds cov ered with fruit and rose bushes; desir able location. .$36 E. 18th N, HU S3 1-3x100. NEAR 37tn on Stark! . Mas alse money; $275 cash. F-193, Journal , .. ' the Junction off Hillsboro and Safem. j IT' i, k,n(l. or farm. $S00 cash and rest on 4 years' tlraa. . a" J1 fJt" " Address C.JCJier.JRoss st. an?thgP to Nral come" an! i U SUBURBAN ACREAGE ON CARLINF.d stitks A.- PFl'M FOR SALE REAL ESTATE ? 10 EASY PAYMENT HOUSES. I have a few new, modern homes, fireplace, furnace, etc., on the west side which I can sell on very small payments down. Also on the east side, a number of ex cellent propositions. If you ever expect to own a home, or make an investment, for ."goodness sake" why do you wait now? As sure . as you are living property , in this city Is advancing ana will so continue. What can you hope to profit by waiting? 3. R. STIPE, 720 Chamber of Commerce. $4,000 2 LOTS, west side, 10 minutes' ride from 3d and Morrison; Improved St.. cement walk, a bargain. ji.uuu 10 rooms and full lot, rent r2rVy"HD,,Lr5rap08l0rl,ce: ral"v. running water. $1,350 3 acres, cleared; near Munta villa. $1,500 7 acres, near Clackamas. $1,760 6 full lots and cottage, near Mllwaukle; very easy tentis. I. O DAVIDSON. 819 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE Easy terms, well built 5 room cottage, wood and chicken houses, corner lot, 150 front by 40, 1. blocks south Arleta station, 1 block east' school. Inquire on premises. E. G. McPherson. ,WE have a f lna quarter block in the suburbs, $20 cash and $10 per month. Buy now. Purse, 818 Chamber of Com merce. PORTLAND Heights, 8-room cottage, gas, city water. Phone A-4017. WANTED REAL ESTATE 81 WANTED A piece of ground bounded ,AAlaand?!?rnBlae.BndAthnand 1Athl i 100x160, to cost $60,000 to $80,000. another, in same boundaries 75x100 or 100x100 to - cost $25,000 to $40,000. Owner or deal- er witn option, only. BX-88, Journal. WANTED REAL ESTATE. 10-room house, west side, for $700 to $1,000 down, bajance easy. Heights property preferred. WILLIAMS & CROWLEY. 413 Marquam bldg FROM 1 to 20 lotsor small acreage between Piedmont car barns and Pip- 1 .... in i i- . .. oho Portland hlvri """ " rnruana Diva. IF you have a 5 or 10-acre place to sell, with some Improvements, near Portland, for about $3,000. I have a cash buyer. E. J. Gelser, 221V4 Morrl - sn st. WE want all, kinds of city property on OUT lST-S. Wny not list yours. 8. S LAMONT & CU 416 Board of Trade. ' SEE. or send for u. if you want to sell ........ b. i . quick. Portland Humon Co "04 Morrl- son st Phone M i n W WF H AVP RVfvVU R-riTV-RPir .,H, P 1 TJl REAL a,faJni?- ".l have yu ini,. Lr ' t"1 w,,l,,Jth,' owne" only. 205 Wells-Fargo bldg. I WANT to buy a. 6 or 6-room resl- dence anil rmv lHOO dnui-ii- 4iinnvtit iiuunr, nit, hi irrtKP in ml 111 urm i son st or Hawthorne ave. preferred. A-67, ine. urcierreu. Journal. IK!.M.E:S,w.H.rte,, OVPr f,'!'1 u,,"uri'1, th.a land Homes Co., 204 Morrison st '". i - "ii - I WILL buy a or 6-room residence for cash. Address A-167, Journal EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 21 1,180 ACRES. 8 miles from Condon. 600 rooming hc-use. First class land avall aores in cultivation. 300 acreB summer i able to Portland; will take rooming fallow, 400 acres pasture, living spring, house or vacant lots. Coast Building, ri'Pfk thrniieh tiling unnd thiiirh ? Iji va-i- Kfft 1 Ktatf Mnnnv T.nnn fnmnHnv ldenco and some cash. I47Vj acrf-s near Monmouth, 5 acres cleared gnorl orchard, small bouse. KO'vl i barn and water, 20 acres easily cleared; ft gortd buy at $25 per acre; will take residence and some cash ' or mortgage ' hack on place. 320 acres near Falls Ulty, ISO In culti vation; fine stream through place, enough oak to pay for land; this would! make a fine dairy rani-h; 3 barns, old I house, good weils and spring; - miles to railroad; a genuine nap at $lr per' acre; will make good terms and take some good city property. 40 acres near (iresliarn. 30 In cultlvn-, tlon, good buildings, wells, old or- ; chsrd; also some lots at Ml Tabor aril a building at Estacada hrlngfi& $45 ir month, to exchange for fiats. City Realty & Building Co. 1 4 30 Worcester hldg. ! j With a beautiful lawn. 100x100; every- thing the best, fine car service, walking I distance, on east side; will take tela phono bonds. I 5-room cottage and 75x100, between i two car lines and a beautiful home, nightly view; will exchange for a small; j farm. j Wasgener anl Anderson 107 3d st. storm front, gas lamps, generator and i nniffnet. 30-horseiower. cost X.fiOO. in i good condithai; trade for suburban home' in Portland. t NEAL BROWN ! 709 Swetland hldg I ( WILL EXCHANGE A moncy-mnktng roomi:iK-house of 35 rooms, close In; what have, vou to trade. Price $4,n00. 509 10 Buchanan bldg. !(' Wash. 11 I (IU KCaOy Wifll IU JSUy, . Coll nv Tm? : SCil Ci 1225 -vk" want to see YOU, . Tor,,;", : XS7ctor Kn1tr A- Inwctntftrf i ! voiiu i.caiij' w. jiuiwtiuvui ' Company . ! 607 Hui'han-'in bldg.. 2SS W a.hincton st. EXCHANGE. Half Interest in 4 placer claims. In the Althouso Mining district, the ground , is very rich in gold and platinum, lots of water and timber, had assays of black sand up to $t,0t)0 per ton; will trade for city property or automobile; my In- ; terest is worth $2.6o0. What have you Fine grocery and . miscellaneous ' goods; fine trade established. Sickness i cause. Adress. E-li5. Journal. TO EXCHANGE 120 acres land for grocery store; land $12.60 per acre. Address. Q-78. Journal. GOOD farms to trade for city property. Multnomah Investment Realty Tn., 101$ Board of Trade bldg. - 00-ACRE farm near Baker City. Or.; lust the place for alfalfa; near to school and church; $32 per acre. Includ ing, stock. Implements, feed, etc. Will take a $2500 homo in Portland as part P?y" MOBSMAN REALTY CO. 40g Commercial Club Bldg. WOULD like to exchange a small farm for city property or would sell for cash. Let me. know what you have. O. F. Fife, 368 2d st. TWO bouses, one 7-rocm and ono 5 room, both modern: will exchange for small farm. .Owners only A-75, Journal. IF, yu want to exchange your farm .or acreage for good city property. Hat It with us, as we have customers wait ing for It; ore exchange brokers. PINB TREE" LANDeOrj -'-f- 609-10 Buchanan bldg., 264 Wash. St. 18 ACRES of fine fruit land at Ash land. Or.. 6-room house and barn, all in cultivation, to exchange for-Portland property or timber land. i-320. Journal. i 520 Union ave. N. Phone Kast 4Z85. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 24 $12,000 WORTH of Income property, , paying 7 per cent, to trade for ranch that will cut into small tracts; must be convenient to R. R. and be fairly level. Furnished rooming-house, 40 rooms, well located, to exchange for small ranch, well stocked. Small furnished house, 80x100 lot, valued at $2,500, $3,000 timber claim, 120 lots at Grants Pass, la offered in exchange for stock ranch with good water; will go some distance from R. R. if land is cheap. $1,700 equity in home In Albina to ex change for ranch toward Forest Grove; want stock and everything included; will assume mortgage. : $7,500 equity in Portland property to 'exchange for cheap stock land; willing j to go some distance from R. R. ; must Will trade stock In lumber manufac turing business for what have you? Flve-passenirer auto to exchange for what have you? i , CUv 8lM S, UnMdintf Pa 'Wl.J t.Vs&4.A t J US, JiV U11A1U, VUl 430 Worcester Bldg. Trade - acrs nt-ar Corvallls to exchange fdt business or residence property in Portland; price $20 per acre; will trade whole or in papt. This is a genuine snap, as there (are houses, barns, all fenced, several county roads, ;tc. Call 607 Buchanan bldg. for particulars. Exchange 6 acres all In cultivation, fair 6-room hay fn barn for the winter. 6 miles north of Vancouver. Price $1,700. Will trade for city property of same value, -totth" 204 Corbett bl d g. M a In and A-5790 . EXCHANGE. Exchange timber for city property. S-room rooming house to exchange for vacant property. $7,000 property at Portsmouth to ex change fur farm of the same value. WILLIAMS & CROWLEY, 4 13 Marquam bldg ! FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 100 acres . W(.u mproved i&Tm within 4 miles of Portland, near Salem electric line. Fine black loam soil. Good house and ! nic; family orchard. Place suitable for i divlillnK Into - acre tracts. Price $135 ; per acre. Will consider home in Poit- I land as part payment and give terms ) " ,a-1 ul uamiurr. ow uu Ainuuc & --2 Falling bldg. Phone Main I 53 83. ACREAGE All clear, cultivated. . (rr;tvi 1. m o frnm rHv limits a.t .. . .j ."- ..w,,. . i.j ,,i.iivo, 8I1& ror "np r more bouses. TSTeneral mercha.hlls store In rich i neKhborhood. 15 miles from Portland. 2- 'story buil.ling. lot 50x120 and large stock, all Koes for $7,000; part cash or I trade for portlanu or Corvallls real es- j tatp Avlsworth Epton, Enid, M. V. j carline. phone Tabor 570 viil' i.. . .1 . i ! fine location wMlktii- tltane. nn rine location, walkln d stance, on i Will take small house. or lots; lM0U.nA,l', "t'noTarvN. , "t"-!vl".' iii. exenauc cnice property ana rome cash for pair of work horses. Apply room 20, 270 Washington St. 'I exchange good vacant lot's near car line for equity In lrouse and lot. or FOK SAL ?ARMS ilTTLE TAIKS j&C Only a few short years hence the tables will be turned. In- stead of the owner looking for the land-seeker to buy land, the land-seeker will be down on bis knees begging a small tract from the owner. There will be little talk then of price, but simply the vital subject of land, at any price. There Is a never to be sufficiently grati- fled desire for land. There al- ways will be and It will soon be out of your reach. Then It will be leases, not ownerships; tenants, not freeholders; servi- tude, not Independence. How about that boy of yours? Do you own a farm for him? It may put him through college. Are you thinking a year or so ahead? Or are you, too. one of the blind ones who are bliss- fully shifting along and dream- lng that good lands any old place in this wonderland Inland Empire are golnic to last for- ever? Remember, this Is the last and best west. Facts and figures in land yields and val- ueg are enough to stagger hu- inanity, as J. J. Hill said in his notable speech here recently. But thun, you know, there is none so blind as he who wants to see. but never does. Don't even buy our best and cheapest In Oregon, which we are selling at less than home stead cost. Hut If you are Just one of the ordinary, wcll-mean-' lng, average men who are al ways Just going to do some thing, but never seem to get around to It. decide today get some land -get It quick from us, or from some other com panybut get It, and quit dr"nmlntr, or vou will be a day aft-r the fair.' Anv hour the sale of the military- road grant lands In southern Oregon may be closed. This historic empire of good land, given for a wagon road, has been divided Into about 12. t00 farm?v of sires from 10 acres with irrigation to 1,000 acres ear':. Regardless of size, the prl.?e i the same $200 pay able $lu down and $10 per month. No Interest or taxes during ilef, -i red payments. The best Htles in America. If any other land company on this con tinent today offers these In dueenicnts. or half as good, buy from them. If vou prefer - hut net a piece of land, and gel It tiMlay. Oregon Valley Land Co. S3 1 Chamber of Commerce. DAIRY OR STOCK FARM ScmeiMng Good Might Trafle 160 acres, all lays well to culti vate, chiefly bottom land. "30 acres cultivated, 30 acres in meadow, about 10 acres in tim ber, balance pasture; no waste land; good 2-story frame house, painted white, good barns and all outbuildings; orchard watered by springs and fine stream, good fishing for mountain 'and salmon trout: large schoolhouse on cor ner of farm. 9 months school year, good gravel road to town, on R. FI D.; 2 horses, 35 graded Jersey cows, - wagon, separator, mower, rake, tedder, engine, wood saw and all other farnj Imple ments; 4 mile to tide Water, in Columbia county; a splendid stock or dairy farm; will take as a pay ment down a good home In Portland or SL John, or a good rooming-house "arid easy terms on the balance; iflce $12,000. HeilrtefcHaiTiSGn Bll Gerllnger bldg1.. 2nd and Alder. ' FOR kAI.K FARMS. Will sell 6 acrea best apple land Id Hood River district. $350, $10 per month. DUNDAS A MARTIN. t!6 Lumber Exchange. Main 664$, FINE fruit lands on the Columbia; ear liest and best S, 10 and 39-ecre lots; water, shipping facilities excellent. Bruce Wolvertou, 402 Mohawk bldg. 17 8 a 8 8 88888 88 S8SSS OregoiaifWasliiagtca8 S rs.750200 acres, S mflesk from t S railroad station in Clarke count). S 8 Washington. 40 acres lit fine state t S of cultivation, 40 seres ad lltionnl 9 S nearly cleared. 6,000,000 feet of S good saw Umber, 100 acres level S 8 and fenced, balance rolling ami S timbered, good family orchard, gool S- a , - ..,( . i . . . . . , i l, S new. large barn. telephone hi 8 mile school, good learn, 20. head 8 cattle, nearly -, all much eown.-t? S chickens, pigs, and other stock, all S kinds of farm 'implements and A S tools, cream separator, 60 tonn of 9 8 hay, some grain, the very best of tfv S black soiL - 9 a 8 8 $3,80060 acres, 40 acres highly H .S cultivated, good orchard, nearly S 8 all nicely finced, good stream of 8 8 water runs the year around, good 8 S 2-story, 7-room house' and flnn 8 " S barn, telephone, near school and 8 S postofflce, on good graveled road 8 S and 6 miles to railroad station and 3 S a good county town, 3 miles; this 8 S place is all level and of the very S . S best of black loam soil. 8 S . 8 8 $3,750 60 acres,- 18 miles from 8 8 Portland. 3 miles from Sherwood 8 8 railroad station. 40 acres In eultl- 8 S vation. some good timber, balance 8 8 good pasture, small creek, all 8 8 fenced, family orchard, 4-room R 8 house, good barn, mile to school, 8 S R. F. D., 20 tons of hay. the very 8 S best of soli. - s a b $1,00040 acres, 10 acres cleared, 3 8 10 to 15 acres additional easily 8 3 cleared, 25 acres fenced, good creek 8 8 on place, small house, barn 40x40. 8 8 nice family orchard, 3 miles from 8 8 good country town, population 8 8 1,800, railroad station and boat 8 8 landing. 8 8 8 8 $3,500 40 acres of One level land, S, 8 the soil the finest of deep black 8' 8 loam. 20 acres cleared and highly 8 S cultivated. 7 acres nearly cleared, 8 8 some good timber, li acres of va- 8 8 riety orchard, good 6-room house 8 S and a good barn; telephone, i mile 8 8 to school, 5 miles from good town; 8 S also cream separator, 'new farm 8 S wagon, buggy, plow, harrow, eultl- 8 ' 8 vator, etc.; 6 cows, two 2-year- S 8 olds, 4 hogs, 50 hens, some pota- 8 S toes. 20 tons of hay, etc. 8 . 8 8 ( S $1,000 40 acres, 10 acres eultl- 8 vnitu, i n-ira Kusuy uinitreu, una o I S acre orchard, house and barn, good 8 IS creek, three miles from good town.' 8 s k. n. station and Doat landing. S 8 i ci t i . ... 5 personally rainea an a he above placeH nnd will guaran-..8 , g J advertised If you are look- S : lnK fr a Pce. 8 j I have a large list both in Ore- 3 g gon and Washington, from 5 acres 8 1 8 to 10.000 acres, also farms to ex- 8 j 8 change for city property. '8 3 - fi i IT wo Is 305 Qfrllnger bldg.. cor. 2nd and 8 4 Alder. ()ffic. Man 8420. Rm. b iS Woodlawn 2169. A-1971 Portland H g g iSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Farms For tHe. Farmers 200 acres In Benton county, a mile from railway station, 90 acres In cultivation, 60 acres good pasture, balance timber; price $7,000, includ-i lng a team,-. 8 head of cattle, 40 bogs. 1,00ft bushels of grain, 40 tons of hay, or about so. We do not want property offered at ex tortionate prices. This Is., a cah ' deal nnd If we take your property we take it at cash figures. v 50 acres, one mllo from Wilsonvlle sta tion on the new Salem electric rail way; half of t beaverdam onion land: the best- onion farm in the state, 8-room residence, land all In cultivation, a number of good bams and warehouses for everything raised; price $10,000. 160 acres fronting on the Lewis river, 45 acreB cleared next to the. river r a beautiful building site and soli' adapted to the Culture of English walnuts, cherries and apples; It Is situated In a commanding position at Lewis river overlooking the val- ley beneath; price $4,500. 30 acres with 45 in cultivation; the , finest land you ever saw; creek bot tom land; price $2,200,. situated S -miles from the staUon In Benton county; small house and barn. Tne Dsinn-Lawrence Co, 248, Alder St. ACREAGE :i ,20-ACRE TRACTS j Four 20-acre tracts on a good county iroad; Al land; some first-class timber: i 13 miles) from the city; price, $35 per.. acre; half cash, balance on or before t I years at 7 per sent. 40 Acres , CTn a good gravel road; 600 cords ot . , good timber; 2 miles to railroad or . river; good store and schoolhoua;"fce8t , soil In Oregon, no stones. A fin buy for someone who wants a (home, for a little money; $500 cash, balance easy , terms at 6 per cent. : TB Acres .T: I 10 acres slashed; over 1.000.000 feft ; of good timber: creek through placo; on ' good road, 4 mile to school, on phone, line, R. F. D. mail; price, $40 per acre. i Would exchange for city property. Have many other good farms at bar- ! gain prices. ' I Espey-Melne Realty Co. ,i Room $13 Commercial bldg. . Corner 2d and Washington. j TO-Acre Farm " I 42 acres cultivated, 6 acres In mead-' i ow, 12 acres In pasture, 20 acres in nice J timothy. 8 acrea in potatoes; good orv : cliard and garden; nice stream, of water ! flows through the farm; bouse, barn, all outbuildings; land well fenced and i crossfenced; fronts on main county ! road. 16 miles from Portland and near . : electric carline and river transports-. j tlon; might trade tor a good home In ; Portland. A good buy at the. price, , $4,600. -- :' Henkle & Harrison . I 511 Gerllnger Bldg., 2d and Alder ' DO NOT OVERLOOK THIS IF YU WANT TO BUY A WHEAT AND HOG RANCH IN EASTERN OREGON, CLOSE TO HEPPNER; 2 LIVING STREAMS, GOOD HOUSE AND BARN. 50 ACRES ALFALFA LAND. 600 ACRKiJ WHEAT LAND, 600 ACRES PAKTUHK. MAKE YOUR OWN TERMS AND PRICE. SEE THE OWNER FOR A FEW DAYS AT 1 N. HTH ST. S60-ACRE ranch in Columbia coutilv, Oregon; good buildings- ideal for dairying; $10 per acre; will sell a part If one wants. - MOSSMAN.REALTT CO., . , 408 Commercial Club Bldg. BARGAIN 3 acres. I miles out Caa dero line, near Gilbert station and school; ti acres cleared;, house, bam, cellar, well, variety of fruit, trees; fin berry land; level. $1,400. Coma out today or inquire 1411 H Front St. L. Wagner. - 30 OR 60 ACRE8 near Lenta; $70 art acre, half caah. . Apply to C. J, bwn Co.. 30i Lumber Exchange. - STOCK RANCHES FOR SALE. 200 to 4.500 acres in Willamette valiny $12 to $16 -yef-sere, -.all railway THE VETERAN LAND Co., 83$ Chamber of Commerce.' CLATSOP county dairy and fruit Inn U; i solid fonndatlon fr the future. YAW UWfc.TI iu, Astorlit. 15 ACRES, a miles- east of PoYtfuTT n land bargain; $3,400, :au (J, FORALE 6 AND lO-ACfTj-: T? CLOSE TO MiLWAL'KlK ; ;.J' t SOLD. .COME AND MAKE OFFER. '4 N. 6TM ST. HAV13 40-acr s 1 1 "fi ig ' t-, c V car for 3 years, near" f.t.i. , per acre. Will eut up-wl ,-,; 10-acre trscts or'tradu f.,r ; , property free tl Inrin.ii im-. Main 231$. , FOR SALEt-FARMS '