THE ' OREOOtt DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. THURSDAY . EVENING, . OCTOBER ,23. 1003. ilEW JERSEY PROVES NEW SKIN HKMEDY G0G0RZA AT THE HEILIG TONIGHT DISSENSION IX . v .MINERS' KANrK8 dnt Feahan. Clarke allagad that h aa bains paraaoutad for hnving . Otred ll'B orrtera of l'rian ITe haa. He aaya he will praaant his eaaa to the district delaiatae, whs ara in STOI'S ITCHING - - - - ealoa. "A HARD PROBLEM (raited rtess taaaad Wlra nttsburg, Pa-. Oct 1.Jamaa a It ts reported that at laat rfrht'a inaatlng I'realdant l-l of the l ultxi Mlnaworkf ra and I'Uirlut rridsnt Wsatassv Qatakly Oars. Clarke, viea-prasldant Of. dlstrlot I. TVha 11 Is known that poalam, tha 1,'ntled Mineworkara of Amsrlra, . haa ben formally r amoved from of flea by tha dlatrlrt esecutlte board. Tha ao tlon waa taken laat night at a seoret rtnn nan a woroy war, uurln kki.-i. nw sain rtmr. wl step tba tortur- ta dalssataa laft tha hall amid lri,l vviiwr, m wtivr war, lurlna oua Ut-htnc attending tciimt with Aral caul lament. lwls left lows today. appllaatlon and' brine Immsdlata rallaf and com tort no auffsrsrs from all akin meeting of the asaoulivo board. It la r nor lad that the action waa On Jalr tha aart h la fnetv eM the sun than at any ether lime In the troubles which ara sslrsvatsa by hot (ha result of charges by IMstrict Fraal-, yaar wnaiher. III marlt will ba Instantly ap ptwlatsd. On tha tender akin of chafing Infanta, nnalim mav ha ubmI with Booth t - , , in. 1. , . V In anl benflill affects. It la applied externally, and Ha remarkable heallna Tag Day Saturday -; Don't fell to get a lew tags 'it's for a good cause powers tws-ln their- work t once. A 1- 1 .... I - - - ai win jisa.vws, im:iuuius i-m. ane, harp, rash, tetter, etc, yield readily to Ita remarkable curative prop erties, uorsstonal applications or pilam. In small uuantltles, will quickly lianlah plmplea, lilvea, blackheada, blotches, and will relieve and cure Itch Ina fret, acalv ara Id. humors, etc. A .v,r.. special 10-cent package haa been adopted for thoee who u poalam for tneee minor, troubles. Thla aa Well aa tha recular two-dnllar lar. la on aale at tha A . , . a K ' -.' V . t drug elorea, in Portland. An. eaperlmental supply or poalam m v be obtained Yree of chares. tv writ- Ina- to tha Emergency Laboratories, Si West Twenty-fifth street. New York t:ny. t. J. raaort on Sunday. Atlantic City and county have been rock-ribbed Repub lican. Owing to thla, ejtclsa problem the county will alve a greatly reduced republican plurality.- Thla Is also true of Cape May county, which haa seashore, reaorta likewise affected by tha cloaed Sunday policy of the Republicans. All of tha laraer rltlea have a almllar ax-clse- problem, a fight for an "open" Sunday or for a "partly open" Sunday. While this will drive many or tha Bo ca) led liberal element to tha Demo crats ticket It will keep - tha church forces on tha aide of the Republicans. The cnarcn forces ara not in the ma lorlty In tha larger , cltlea of northern New Jrraey; that la, thosa who aid with tha church In politics ara hot. . There la no great national Issue In New Jersey. Tha Inbor man ara not disposed to follow Gompers. Tha peo ple aa a whole are only curious about the proposal or Bryan to guarantee bank deposits. They ara satisfied with the tariff promises of .Taft, because New Jersey Is preeminently an Indu trial atata. They haven't time to listen to antl-lmperlallsm. Ther are for larger navy, becauae they ilka to awing the nag. , IIOLD THREE BRYAN RALLIES TONIGHT James E. Nugent,' Republican Leader, and R. S. 'Hudspeth, Democratic ? '... By JV J. McQowan.' ". " "' '' " Tha following article baa been secured by Tha Journal from J. J.' McOowan, thoroughly posted political writer who -knows tha New .Jersey situation Ilka , book. In view, of tha fact that - New Jersey 1 claimed by. both parties. It la , of Immense Importance that a conserva- ' tiva estbnata, unbiased by political feel r Ing ba published. ,, Newark, N.', pot. Former Gov emor Franklin Murphy, ehalrma'n of the 1 ' state Republican committee, claims New Jersey for Taft by $0,000. . Some other Republican a are' a little more enthusias tic than Murphy.';- Governor Fort says ' ma Tan plurality wui do io.uuu. . James R. Nugent. the chairman Of the state Democratic committee, .puts New Jersey in the doubtful column?. He : maintains there la no Indication of tha strong ,Taft- tide that- Governor Fort . sees, and declares that even Murphy's . flgurea ara rldtoulous - There la no rea son to doubt, according to Nugent, that this state will, not go for Bryan by a plurality approximating '. 10,000, r Rob , ert 8.- Hudspeth, , another New 'Jersey Democratic leader, who ia running the Bryan campaign in me east rrom umo- cratlo national - headquarters in New York,- backs , up the Nugent prediction. Hudpeth Is very sincere In tha belief i tnat jvew jersey wia give juryan jo.uoo over Titu .-.... '... ,-:.,,. ..-..i-rf,, -v . These predictions represent, the views . or me leaders -on coin eiaes less tnan two . weeks before election. Not much can happen between now and November I to give either -cause to change their minaa. vfun -wnai-tner case their pre dictions, neither sidewiU furnish a bill of particulars. : -...... ,t .v ... :'.,--.. laft la Hew Jeraey, .' William H. Taft came to New Jersey on the morning of Monday, October 12. H npoKe to ' great crowas in . is e war it, Elizabeth, Trenton, and was listened to , by eudlencea relatively as large In the ..smaller cities and towns, -i - But Bryan came Into the state the fol- ilmpld Howe Cure that Anyone Can Use Without Pain, panger or Loss of Time front Work SENT FREE TO ALL -' I enre roptora without operation, pain, danrer, pr loss ox tune. Whea I say cure, I mean what ,1 say, a cure that stays oired and does away with truaws for all Ume. I want you to test it without oecent expense to yonrseU. Hemember, I am sot trying to sell you a trun, but I oiler 70a aa . abmlnte, perfect and permanent cura.. Thousands who have accepted this generous of fer are now cured. Na one old nr vminv rinh ' C K. TrrramML MT Normal Ave ainm. wrifis: "I want to say a word la your paperfor iuimiRiinijiBu)(umL f -was lupuirru far rwiw wuiia iu neip vaui 1 asea irt. tLiot S Treatment and thea I waa eomDletelv eared. . Tbera la no operation, no pain do danjrer of any iwi un jim 09 wh trwm b single oay iron your wnra. 1 am a painter- ny umas ana i eiunDea ana swung ny laiien around aa a painter must, bot It saada no dUItxaooa, tha core look, plaoe Just lb same. Dr. hiem wfil send a Free Trial of his wooderfnl Kuptrire Cnra if ya write bub. Doat arad ear none. Jim fill out the eonpoa below and seoa IttoJk. W.aV&ioa, at atain St., Adams, S. T. rroo Treatment Ooopota Varfc on the diagraai tha lonadon of Cm rep tore, aaywar the o, 1 t Ions and snail Itua ta Dr. . a. RICE. Bala Street, aaawa, KrVJk BBBBwSiB"BBBMBSlSBB?jB8BBaBBSBwaBl I t 9 ' f TBSAlBJlwf (I lowing Friday, and was heard by throngs Just aa great. If anything there waa more enthusiasm, but it la charac teristic of the Jersey Democrata that they can create more of a demonstration than their opponenta. There Is a reason for thla The candidates generally make the larger oltlea their chief stopping plaoes, and as a rule the New Jersey lara-er cities have Democratic rulers and strong Democratto organizations. How effective these local organisations are In ratlin ud a demonstration everybody Is aware. Besides the people here aeent to find anmathina- In the Bryan temDer- ament to 'make them get out and hur rah for him now, as they always did. Their votes for him on election day were never commensurate with their cheers hefnr Iwllnn. Thart ia no doubt that Bryan la liked In New Jersey. But tnanv who like him do not heed him. The smaller cltlea are strongly Repub lican In this state. Roosevelt won New Jersey by One year ago the ' best that Governor Fort could do was to carry It for the Republicans by 8,000. Fort was a strong candidate. His opponent, - Katsenbaah, was aiao strong ana an unusually popu lar man. Katzenbach was known as an anti-Bryanlte, one of those who had strayed awav in 1896 and 1000. He is today supporting the Nebraskan, - XTot vary Strong. Taft will not carry tba state by any- thin like the Roosevelt figures. At least there ia no indication on the sur face that ha will. There ara two Donu- lous counties in the state, the result In which will go a long way toward decid ing the issue, if they do not actually do ao. In Essex county, containing the city of Newark, and in Hudson county, containing Jersey City, there are 140.000 voters, about 70,000 in each. , Everett Colby, whose name is synony mous with reform : principles all over the United States, is the ReDubllcan candidate for the state senate in Essex. To win the nomination at the pri maries Colby had to fight a strongly intrenched and powerful , organization that sought his political Ufa. Colby won. What is significant in determining the Dosslbla outcome in this countv on election .day is . that more than 40,000 votes were cast for tha ReDubllcan can didates at the primaries. Not only wad this true of the senatorial asDiranta but for opposing candidates for assem bly nominations also. It might be con tended that this was brought about from the fact that Democrats participated in tha Republican primaries. But there were eauallv hot contests in the Dem ocratic primaries, an organization and an anti-organization ticket, Tet. only zo.uuo votes were cast in tne democratic column. Thereforo there Is good reason to believe that Essex will be for Taft The Republican leaders claim it by 15,000.; -. . A Bryan Wave. In Hudson, however, there is safd to be a Bryan -wave. fr is rock-ribbed Democratic. It gave Parker a plural ity over Roosevelt of 1,338. Jersey City, directly across ; the river from New Tork. is much influenced bv tha political sentiment in JJia-creat metrop olis. Hudson, is sure for Brvan. , Mr. Hudspeth says It will give him 20,000 plurality. It will be strange, however. If Hudson does go so strongly Demo cratic, since it gave but 7,000 last November for the Democratic .guberna torial candidate, who was believed to be especially pleasing to the voters of that county. If Essex and Hudson offset each other, which will be found very nearly the true solution, the fight lies in the other counties have a class of popula tion that Is afraid of Bryan. Bryanlsm la a bugaboo with them except in the three- farming counties, which vote Democratic year in and year out Roosevelt or no Roosevelt, Bryan or no Bryan. There ara 21 counties in the atate. - . The cities of northern New Jersev are iuav now ina centers or an onslaught agatnat Bryan that ia remarkably en ergetic and virile. There is no apathy. True there are no large mass meetings, but there are countless wsrd gatherings every night where a special effort la made to hare the worklngmen pres ent The cltv of Elisabeth la the home of the Singer Manufacturing company, which almost controls tha sewlna ma-1 chine output In the United States. It I employs 10.000 men. Here Is a sample! of tha argument that Is being drilled into me ears or tnese worklngmen every nicht of the week and on Sun. day afternoons: I Corporation Oatpat. ! What do you think of Rrvan'a nln to limit the output of any corporation j to t per cent of the total product?! What effect would that haw an thai Binger com nan v. which makes near I viiw twiiii macninea uae in tnti hlted States? It- would curtail rital ousineea, wouldn't It? And It would put many of you worklnrmen ant of rmr Jobs- 80 much haa been made. of thla Mr.: tlrular argument that It became noiaed : about that the Singer company of-, flclale were taking a hand in tha fight i a rwronn meir men into voting fri Taft by threatening t cloae down if Bryan, were elected. The Finger peo-i pie isened a dental ef this story oa 1 Wadnwavtay of lat week. So far aa j known they are not coercing their em- Kva - I Loral Iswuea are having their effect oa ; the campaign. There ta a-liquor mem. ttow In New Jeraey pollttca B!very' evaia in in, . nim nriri a mu ssore than a tnATth aro of the proclamaHoa ' iwiied by ,ovrnw K"rt to the autbori t' ef Atlantte Cltv, In wblrk he 1 r r iri 1 - r ' 1 o-it the troops taiff f.ttrt the a! (rl Iiaor at tb great LJ Bryan rallies will be held to night In three different parta of the city, and from the reports made to the Bryan headquarters It ia expected that all three meetings will be most success ful. At Grand avenue and: East Pine streets John H. Stevenson and James Hennessy Murphy will speak In the I. O. O. F. hall. Bert E. Haney will speak In Woodmen hall at West avenue and' Mount Tabor and Colonel R. A, Miller and John Manning will address the voters In Lodrll hall, Seventeenth and Thurman streets. 1 t, 1 ", Raincoats Benjam Emelio De Oogoria. .i The.Oogorxa recital at the Helllg the atre tonight will be one of the most In teresting events of the musical season. for as one of Portland's foremost musicians-remarked of GoaoTza the other day, "He is not alone a Significant fig ure In the artistic world' because of his glorious voice, but more by reason of his Dure artistrv. Ooirorm will never do an ' inartistic thing simply because it Is showy and dazzling; he sings the true musio with , the true soul of the musician, and. I might add, with all the rervor or, tne true, ana passionate poet. This Is Indeed the right sort of merited praise, and the -'Spanish baritone will send his audience away satisfied tonight after his rendition of his -wonderful program. The song recital. will be at tne ueiiig tneatre, under .the direction of Xols Steers-Wynn -Coman, 'and will commence at 8:30 o clock. Beats are I now selling at the theatre. - MRS. MERRILL TAKES SOME MORE MORPHINE (Called Press teaaed win.) i Spokane, Oct. 2S.--Mrs. Hester A. Mer rill, a handsome Englishwoman, recent ly of Seattle and Portland, who -made an unsuccessful attempt at -suicide Jast week ' by . taking laudanum, waa taken from a streetcar last night in an un conscious- condition. She was . removed to tho Emergency hospital, where she remained unconscious nearly all night. 1 While the Dhysloians are of the opin ion that she may again attempt suicide Bne asserts mat sne oniy took an over- aose or , steeping powaers. sne cam here from 'the coast to . demonstrata facial lotions. The coke Droductlon of New Mexlcn increased from 11.060 tone in 190 n 266.12? tons In 1S07. BUFFUIM PiDLETON 311 Morrison, Opp. Postof f ice it uk&ZZ'- 'MtK - : -1 i-. v:-:o' Ji -: ic- ;'-M'.';.'t fiJ f '. -k; ' f i'-v-'-'''-' n'r-.V.V.'.'-l -. .. f .itsiiv-f. ,.';ia'iJ.,?';l ' -v-p-- The Store Noted for Best Goods ai Lowest Prices. 3 Women's Underwear 19c Nvorrien's Heavy Fleeced Vests and Pants, nicely finished and best reg. 25c qualities; all sizes. Extra Large Blankets $2.08 Extra, Large Gray and White Blankets with fancy pink and blue borders, silk taped; $4.50 values. Best American Prints Standard American Prints iri blues,grays, reds, etc., on sale Friday at above low price. aScPIaid'Suitings Double width Scotch Plaid Suit ings, all leading color combina tions; best regular 25c grade. A Snap. ' ';' 50c Pillow Shams "V 2'5c 30-inch Pillow Shams and Ta ble Squares, a great variety, of openwork patterns to pick from 50c values. . . 14x32-in. Huck Towels 5c 14x32-inch Fringed Huck Tow els, red borders, good weight and standard 10c values; 2 days only. , .. "--".v' Rainproof Suitings 15 c 28-inch Rain-proof Cotton Suit ings, vool finish, neat stripe pat terns; standard 25c grade. Do mestic aisle. ' FRIDAY AND SATURDAY'S BargMe. Bel m m Brings Many etiii Sayings REAL SAVINGS." Every item in this ad is quoted below the regular price for these two days. Women who know the quality of our merchandise will quickly recognize the splendid 'values we offer. -Prprn,pt store -service at all times. : 52-in. Broadcloth $1.39 52-inch All Wool Chiffon Broad cloth in brown tan, blue and green: regular $1.75 oualitv. See ths... " ' . . . . ,.. .V . . . $1.00 Flannel Gowns 63c Women's Flannel Gowns in neat pink and blue stripe patterns, good full sizes. On sale at 63c each. $1.50 Wool Underwear bw sbbw ' Men's Fine Pure Australian Wool Underwear, silk finished; standard $1.50 grade. A full line of sizes. - " ' "" i' ' $2.50 fur Scarfs $1.19 Genuine "Coney" Fur Neck Scarfs, regular $2.50 values. Spe cial Friday and Saturday at the above price. Best 50c Aprons White Lawn Aprons, with or without bib; also cooks' and waiters' aprons. Choice Friday and Saturday 25c 60-iivTable Damask - Men's Vfodl Socks - Children's 25c Hosiery Heavy 10c Outings " :WS& -l2G 8V3C ' 60-inch Table Damask: in dice Men's Heavy . Black and. Gray On sale Friday and Saturday, Heavy Outing Flannels in choice and floral patterns, full bleached Wool Socks, our regular 20c SMu11!1 Fine .and Heavy light and darkl colors; standard and made to stand hard wear.' . quality, on : sale at 12j a pair. '0 gy le het ,n!1 J0 Pfcir " 8 M?9? ' Don't Forget $1.50 Kid Gloves 1 1 . Dressing Sacques 97fc "Tag Day" 95c 49c Sh,sfa"cyypinkn.nd Saturday, Oct. 31. gif!?l32?ta hR'gulaf 10!? -"Jft sfrine nrl nlain white $10 . . jcia, -ciasp style, in all leading heavy fleeced German Flannel m Juauty. p wh,te;7lT0 , Benefit Baby Home. JSnter?"" J0 " at tte iStdQsS p"n' f S'tin' uy2c Flannelettes - $5 Sflk Umbrellas '.' 42x36-in. POlow ' Cases Scarlet Underwear f.C lefyl ""S'v in pod. snrer; and pearl handles On sale Friday "and Saturday Men's Heavy All Wool Scarlet light and dark colors, for K tmo- m latest des.gns - paragon stee only .t this price. No further re- Underwear? best medicated Si"!? S'c,,ue' Wr,P frffle "i ? 'Ik "x ?ction by tht dozen. , Best wool, standard $175 U$?3l pers, ett. tc t . - cover. Se display. ' - . - 124c, values. . . .. . . ie. Veilings, .New" Rushings Juit in by expressComplete new lines of .Veilings, Kuchings and fancy .Neck wear. If you want the very latest at low est prices see these. - .. Corner Third and Morrison Streets, Pans Patterns 10c Each We are sole Portland agent for the Paris Patterns, theonly seam-allowing pattern on the market that 6ells. at 10, cents. JsV vember styles ready. . " ;. r 'Nj