t THE -OREGON DAILY JOURNAU PORTLAND. TUESDAY EVENING. OCTOBEK 27, 1008. 13 .SALOONMEN HOTLY RESENT SLUR CAST ON THEIR ORGANIZATION ' . Loud , c rl which ' reverberated through th buy oorrldor of th city nail yesterday afternoon brought an .cited crowd to tb room wber tha liq tior lloanaa oommlttaa of tha city coun cil wa In aeaalom In tbvrod wara .aavaral mlnUtara and on a woman. Tby wara aorry they had coma when It waa .too lata to retreat Thf nolaa. waa tnada by Jacob Relach. John Fried , linger and Councilman Drlacoll Tha flrt two are member of tba board of manager of tha netall Liquor Dealers' Protective association and they atarted the -verbal volley that woke all tba atray ,echoea , ' DrlacoUa aaa.rtlon that the beat claea laanolatlan tr Frledllnaer I A big, portly man. Itla volo la Urg aUo and tha airing of pietle whun i the mora ladurated tympanum of (ha councilman and rlty n"i tmpiT wa. a rev.lallon. When Frleilinser toad li . T. 1 1 nnnr hi iHntl V re marked: "Tou can't band ma auf of Mr. RelBPh then took th floor and ell that hla onllaarua had Omitted in tha mav A aanev nlth.ta 111 lirompt- ly launched. Mluktnic hi flel tn Coun- oilman Drlaooll'a far C yeueu. I defy Mr. Drlei-oll to enow ma n man In oar aaaociation wno i viii"s t. T . m aattiiainan ana jar. flrlannll 'aava. II. are are no ntfamen In thta association. You know there are 111 aalooua that we won't nay in our j.AmM.nv u'a iinn't aiana lor ei j of liquor dealer donot belong- to th power of attorney gam. And. Mr. AND MY CURES ARE THOROUGH AND LIFELONG I have bean treating man, and men only, for over 25 years. I have an eatabllahed reputation tn Portlanj, which I hold aa a priceless aaaet. I .undertake only curable taaei, and when I promlae a cure I guarantee It, and my bualneaa standing and bank refer encea assure the patient that my guarantee la absolutely binding. I do not think I can how better faith In my ability and method than my unqualified offer to patients. Many a youth of splendid promise haa failed because of some weakness, the nature of which mad him delay seeking medical aid 'Until it had hecom serious, and greatly In jured his life's opportunities. T have aeen thousand of these canes, and have heard th story of their suffering. Usually ther Is also a history of insompetent treatment by family doctors, patent medicine; electrlo belts and unprincipled medical Institutes and o-cnlled "epeclallet." jf' - k, Drtan.,11, jrou knew well that there arf certain r.aaona ty tie don't. Aii.r tr,a aii-iiement had aontewn ubaldad She commlttae went u win It buaineaa, fcj one know Tel what bearing the baated remark of th aa ltx.iiiii.il h4 en th quaatlua before tit commute. The buelnea before that body waa motion la rescind th resolution mat ealuoninen Cos vie led of orfenaa in n Uolloa rourt shall la riled ta auoea afore tha llouor llrensa eomniltia to now eaue why their llrenaae shall no be revuked. Aftar a . rordv d.bate I vote was taken and tha modoa wm da faated. Una aaloon license we a recommended Tor revocation to th council, Thl I that or li. fuel eae. Ill rront strea who admitted dleiualna of a bottle o bear on Monday.. I lie usual exouea, that tha beer waa aant to a sick p.reoiv wsa given, but th com mil tea waa unreeling. J. I. Iliirk. it 4 Havler atraau also was convicted In the police court for exiling llouor on Sunday, but th coin- mitiee oiiin i revoke me uranaa. it or dered a warning sent to tha aaloonman. Grand March 5 w ' Moonlight Skating -HALLOWEEN MASQUERADE . Saturday aflfb rifaai rtaa EXPOSITION. SKATING RINK Zern to Skat Toaigkt. SB. TAT1VOB, Th. Leading paolaliat . RESULTS ARE THE ONLY TEST I make definite clslraSf for my methods of treating Men' Diseases, I claim originality, . distinctiveness, aclentirio correctness and unap proached success. R-erv one of these claima la backed by substantial proof. Tha best evidence of superiority are the cure themselves. My treatment cures permanently those cases that no other treatment can cure. This test has ben made over and over again, and a majority of my patient are men wh have failed to obtain lasting benefit elsewhere PAY WHEN CURED A My Fee for a Cure Is Only Why Pay More to Others of Less Experience and Skill ? V " Can any reasonable man dealre a more fair test of my method than to let me cur, him llrat and to pay tha bill when ha la wellf No man could be fairer than that. I take all the risk. You take none whatever. You have everything to gain and absolutely nothing to lose. In Any Simple Ailment WBAZlTZMr3 I have a treatment for men's weakness which Is entirely out of the line of the stimulants and tonics which for a long tlmo waa the only help that physicians had to offer for such condition. Being all the treatment known to the ordinary physician and all that was mentioned tn me,aioai text-oooKe from which auch disorders were ..studied. . Hs.; frequent failure, to, Klve help caused. many, honest and well-mmnins" physician to admit that there was nothing to help a man whose virile power was de clining. But my exhaustive atu dies In the specialties of Men's Weaknesa proved conclusively to me that this class of disorder in about nine cases nut of ten is due to an affection of the nerves or the prostate gland, or to a dis turbance of the blood supply. Treatments must be given to the affected part. It must be local and direct. Then the reault Is never in doubt for a minute, and the cure is as permanent as it Is absolute. TABICOCEI.H. By varicocele wa understand a twisted, hardened and knotted con dition of tha veins carrying the blood. This is a very common complaint and ia produced by vari ous causes. It seMom causes any rapid decline, but undermines in sidiously and weakens the suffer er in both mind and body. Tha stagnant blood in th affected vein seriously - interrupts the blood aupply of - the organs, and often i the cauaa of reflex symp toms which are not easily recog nized. Th ordinary physician ad vises an operation . for varicocele, and knows of no other treatment The sufferer must pay a good fee, besides the loss of time and the extra hospital bills. By my lm-. proved methods I use no knife, cause no pain nor loss of time from business. My treatment is scientific, thorough, permanent and never fails. If will pay every man suffering from varicocele to inves tigate before considering other treatments. , Ji'HNi.S 0-tu,er 11, .alenry John on, ML Vincent' boapltal, 1 yearat titilmoiiarv t ubarcmoala. JuMN'80N-ictobr M, juiia'Ann Juhnaun, 1 Itendnlnh, at It year Pulmonary tutwrouloeia JLNbfc.UON October 14, Rsa Juliet taaraon. Ill Cv" laerclal. yaar convulaloaa. HAfik.lt October 14. Nellie Iagr. 1001 Commercial, eg. 21 ar tuberculin KA'ntRirKJaV-October' 14. John D. I'artrluan, Good bamarltan boapltai, as yar: naari aisaas. JU-MJclober U. John Ju. I1U Bacond, ag i) yar; pulmonary lubarculo- all I J.rnO-tnhM- 14. John T. Miller, OixmI Samaritan hospital, ag 71 Jara; rhronlo Krlght'a dlaaaaa. Ai'KHi'lN iHlobai- 11. Harriett Far ron Jackaon. Kalnlar. Or., ag t jrearatyjpbodJver. jaW KKAl, NOT i oca TIPTON In thla city, at th famllr raaldeno. 414 14 Clay t.. Ck:lobr 8. lira J ana Inula Dwtrt Tlllon. widow of th 1st J. 8. Tllton and mother of i. K. and w. r. imon ana rs. u. r. Holt, all of thla city, aged II yeara S month and 14 day. Th funeral srv loea will be held at Kin ley chapel at 1:30 d. m. Wednesday, ucionnr is. Friends Invited. Interment ltlvervlrw eemetery. Boston. Hui., and canaoa riper please f"Py. KAHLr In this city October 16. Kred erlck Frahl. aged 41 years, I montha and itava Tha - funeral services will be held at th Soottlah Rite cathedral, cor ner of 1Mb and Morrtaon ate., at I p. m., Wdneday. Ootober 21. rtlenda In vited. Interment ltlvrvlew cemetery. CiTASS-Tiie funfral aervlcea of-the lata William B. Chase will be held at Centenary M. E. church, oomer of Ninth n. & I . tm . n M ll'..l no n.ssi i i lie nrvcvi, v a . , j eaday. October 28. Krlonda invltei. Bervlcea at the grave private. fcSHOM At th residence of her alater, Mra. Rachel Iewi. on Baae Lin road, on half mil east of Montavllla carllti EUlsabeth Kshom, aged 80 yeara 4 montha IT da vs. Funeral will be held from th above place Wednesday, Octo ber 28, at I p. m. Friends Invited. In terment Multnomah cemetery. XKXT TOIHT. PAYS4 OVER 6 NET ON $25,000 FINE NEW BRICK BUILD INO, near Eighth and '.Everett foundation to carry three addi tional stories. Leased to large firm. Good investment and sure increase in value. J. DALY 222-223-224 Failing Building. nmnos S2e(HRaat 47th atreet - bungalow; win accept good lot or email amount of rash aa first payment. This is very desirable dwelling; situated- on full corner it. ZBTIHOTOir 3500 l-story l-rnom. reception hall iiuuaa, aiiuatea on tirosuwuy; wii built and attractive; southern ex posure; will make term. THE SPANTON CO. B70 ataxk St. ME1CTI.VG NOTICES 41 H. I BAY, NS1UUBOH, COMB up to th meeting of U corse Washington Camp tonight at 128 11th at I wish to apeak to you. All visiting ntifgubora are wel come. , ' r- i t pot T r vi a A. KKEDKICH. Clerk. f Moeijj - - Al.llttn I'A. 1"1'KUN AN!' ' E.A! : ltlNTi 12.10 1..U IL There's That $3C0O Heme ,- la h UKUT MalKlCT loa to Hawthcrne ATenne Only 11,30 dnarn and per month. Th house I worth the money, and We Are GIyIcsYcu the Let Then If you rait ralae $53 Per Month We ran aurprlaa you on a Heme Proposition I.at week w aold a bom un the In atallment plan o a eoupla about 0 Years Old The hunband had alwaya earned a .od alary, but fulled to provide a home for declining yeura A few days later tha wife came In ami told ua with Tears In Her Eyes that th comiwny employing her hus band la to be reorg&nlird and a younger man alven his Job. "W can t take th home!"- "I don't know what w are , p r .-j, n r; to do'" .he young men get all th i o,- 5" tier ia no room iur ' ' u I quired aooi COTTAriK ON K, MAIM. I ANI NKW: QA -NI a.UX:ntiCUl ltd DOWV AMI lOVTHt,T TAT. MKNT" TAK'li IIUIV C.NfcH llotbti; UOl'i-US. uN liTil T. 1 rrsK movvhh "iitMur!, nT riUHS. J,1' Kv.'H; liNr:f-r IM FiVr:r tttHNtlt WITH LARvt JUuUt.U.V HoJklK OH 4.U. It. 114 FOR NJVtl " RCOM HOITW AM tiOOD LOT. NCAH - CAR AM BTOKfcA . , L-L'Mctt ' 4?i LrMPRR rx. nr.ivi, H-niom hnua and I flats; 11.040. lOll I ere I mm JayatfnWlt! f he cannot (apply th vnv I1RVKL, aooeDt no V" Every Voman uuiMnfuaura woaia now Ahnus: than mtrAm tSil MARVEL Whirling Spray w Tfaai aynm Ai ttmd deHon. batt-Sal. Mir-aiaat canreolea FUXERAIi DIRECTORS DUNNING. BTKNTEB OILBAUQH. undertakera and embalmera; modern tn every deUll. Beventb and Fine. Main 410.- Lady aaslstant. J. P. Finley & Son S.'JU" Lady attendant -Main t; A-lt. ZELLER-BaRNES CO.. BUNKRAL DI rectora, embalmera, 170 Russell. Eaat 1088. Lady assistant Edward holJan. undertaker. ZZO Ird street. ERICSON UNDERTAKING CO.. EM balmlng; lady 't: 401 Alder, M 0131. ELLISON ENCAMPMENT NO. 1. I. O. O. F. Regular meeting this (Tues day) evening, October 27. at 7:30 o'clock. Oddfellows' temple. Golden rule de gree. Visitor welcome. K. E. WH ARON, Bcrlbe. ELLISON ENCAMI'MENf NO. 1, 1. O. O. F. Members requested and urged to meet at Oddfellows' temple Wednes day, October 28, at 12:30 o'clock, p. m., to attend funeral of our Patriarch ltlch srd Scott. E. K. SHARON. Scribe. to do!" Th men nnw to secure a lucrative poalt whan they ar once dro.pd w otne of her tearful expreeaion. Pathetic Yes! Toung man! Take a look ahead! GET A HOME DO IT NOW COLUMBIA TKL'ST CO. 7th Floor Couch Bldg , 109 Fourth St WK HAVE RI'TKRS ron CITT REAL ratals and farma What hava you to aril 1 Will rfaal li k Ik. "We can t take the, only 0 V.II-Vro bldg. 00 m house. Dosaesalon ra- quired toon; owner only. Wledrlrk. no 1. 1 t WTLfTrAY ?aii Kok U.1 or Ut& In tli Hawthorn ave. dutrlct; must be bargnln. Q-1&9, Journal. iier JULH REAL GRAND LODGE. I. O: O. F. The fu neral of Richard Scott. P. G. ,M. and P. O. P-. will be held at Mllwaukle on Wednesday, October 2R, at 1:30 o'clock, G. L. officers officiating. Every Odd fellow ia urged to attend. Meet at Odd fellows' temple at 12:30 p. m. B Pi. SHARON, Grand Secretary. CEMETERIES oioar. but mm ftlamp for llluatratad book Malt. Tt afraa full nartlealara and rilrartinna in. Taluablatoladiaa. NIHVKL C4a 44 BC. 8d ST.. HBIV VIinK v far Bale by Ckldmera Drug Co., Woodanl, dark U. ana uuw-iiavia uw u. fctnraa, ROSB CITT SINGLE GRAVES, $10; family lots. 12S to 175. Suoerlntend- ent at cemetery, corner of Fremotrt at and Cullv road. Phone Tabor 206. For filll Information apply to Prank Schla- gel. 681 Worcester blk. Phone A-18Z1. PIANOS RENEWED, BEST CITY references; tuning 12 today. A-5620, Main 2767 (2 belts). M. W. A. EVERGREEN CAMP. S.406. meet Wednesday evening. Allaky bldg.. 3d and Morrison ata. Best Buy ia It Tafcor B-room modern house, electric llghta. gas. Bull Run water: two full lots, fine lnwn, shrubs and bearing fruit trees; flu large barn, well and windmill for barn and irrigation. 13.150 takos It. See owner on premlsea. 1S0 E. TAYLOR ST. Take Hawthorne or Mt. Tabor car and get off at 4th. MONUMENTS MARBLE AND GRANITE MONU--ments. all kinds of cemetery decora tions. 68-70 Grand ave. N. Imhoff A Dorcas. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS San Francisco Office Oregon Journal 1206 CALL BUILDING Lawyers' Abstract tt Trust Co.. room I Board of Trad bldg.; abatracta a apeclalty. Have vour abstracta made by th T1U Sc Trust ua, tjortj. M. W. A. OREGON GRAFB CAMP. No. 6975, Mondnys. Selllng-Hlrscb block, loth and Washington ata FOR SALE REAL ESTATE 10 I Also Cure Hydrocele, Stricture. Contracted Disease. Blood Poison. Etc. CONSULTATION AND DIAGNOSIS FREE MY HONEST AND CANDID ADVICE COSTS YOU NOTHING. I cheerfully- eive you the very beBt opinion, guided by years of successful .practice, " Men out of town,', in trouble, writ if you cannot Call, as many cases yield readily to" proper home treatment and cure. HOTJBS-9 A. M.IO II P. M., 7 TO 9 P. M., STTITDATS 10 TO 1 OHXY the DR. TAYLOR Co. 0O&HSB SECOND AHD MOBBISOCT 8TBEBT8, FOBTI,Airo, OBBOOV PBXTATS EHTBAWCEj 34 XOBBXS01T BTBBET DON'T BE A SLAVE TO THE DRUG BOTTLE Why do you go on from day to day doping your stomach with poi sonous drugs, when you know they have never done you any good? Stop It now. Don't bo a alave to th drug bottle any longer. Get back to nature. Con- alder how aha cur . and glv hr -alatance. Na ture will cur you if ah ha th power. Thia power la electricity. You know that electric ity Is Ufa It i th myste rious, unseen fare that di gest your food and con vert it lnte -blood and bona. tissue . and muscle and uppllea th brain with the power to think. It is elec tricity tht keep your heart going, your blood circulating and th va rious organ performing their func tion Ilk o marry macnine. If ma ar sic or weaa; ir you have rheumatiam. lumbago, debility, loss of rower, or a teniae h. kMner. liver or bowel trouble, tt meana that some pert of ymr body machinery nla elcrrkr energy. Llectre-V Igor 111 roetor It. Electro-Vlrtr 1 an ! He body hattory. ft1 Had while yew alevp. it en5s a stream of electric llf into every aerra and ttaru of the lwdy. balldlna on vttalltr iikI strencui. ani rmOTir tha eaa of ei.aae. Pnoctre-Vigor Ayu not ahnck or boater TT.e onlr eeomtloa 1. a BiDd. r.t-rn. glow. t.iec'r-Y irnf it rnt an lctrte belt. It nerer fieta cJe'r''" f"r j It wabe It trn power oontlauoaaly. i I began th ua of Electro-Vigor about five weeks ago, and aa & con- aequenee am getting atronger every any. 1 nave gained l pounds In wsiKni, my maniy strengtn la re turning ana 1 feel better generally Selnona, Wash. a e e Eltotro Vfgor h cured me of sciatica and feel much better gener ally, ft la certa Inly blessing to be rid of the pain I have end u r d long. Jno. Ingeraoll Park. Wash. i crvx it FREE Get my 100 page book de scribing Elec-tro-Viaor. ll luatratad with photo of fully devel oped men and woman, showing bow It la applied. Thia book tell In plain languag many thinga you want to know, and eontalna a lot of good, wboleaora advice for vary nffrer. I'll end thla book, prepaid, free. If roa will snail me this coupon. ! CLASSIFIED AD EATES Classified advertisement In Th Jour nal aro as follows: no ad less than ioc per insertion. Phone or charged ads 60 per line per insertion; 7 insertions for the price of 6. Cash ada lo per Word per inser tion, 7 Insertions for the price of 6. Lost and found, help wanted, situations wanted, for rent and wanted to rent ads lc per word per lnaertion, 8 insertion for the price of Z. 16 to 20 words, 20e; 21 to 25 words, 26c; matrimonial, mani curing, massage and bath ads, lOo per line per insertion. Card of thanks, meeting and fu ntrai notion fiOn ner insertion. . New today (agate measue, 14 lines to inch), 84c per Inch. Count 6 words to line. The Journal cannot guarantee ac curacy or assume responsibility for er rors of any kind occuring in telephoned advertisements. Should any ad appear incorrect on flrat Insertion. The Journal will not be responsible for aubsequent Insertions. The Journal's business ofiice ia open from 8 a m. to 8 p. in.; Saturdays 8 a. m. to 10 p. m. Phones, Main 7173; A-6051. S. A. Hall, M. D. 1(14 Saoon Avw, KBArrlm, vus. - Pleaaa send ' me. prepaid yemr free. Ivt-pag. I licet rated book. , l-J7-i Name ...... ADDRESS WE I ATHER REPORT Tha western hlirh nresaure area now occupies the Rocky mountain states, and the barometer is relatively lower over western Washington. No rain has yet fallen on the Paclfio slope, but cloud iness has Increased In British Columbia and, northern Washington.' A small low pressure area is central over Saskatche wan, and the barometer is relatively low over the Great Lake, the middle Atlantic and New England states. Light rain has fellen tn the upper Mississippi valley and the lake region, and heavy rain has fallen In New Kngfand and the j . . . . M . 1 i J 1 1 . 1 eastern jjurLiuii ui lhu miuuiv Aimiuiu i p . .riuuuaru, tuia it wm o, uiuun. states. The temperatures are below 134. and lot 1. block 141. Wood- normal In the Atlantic atatea from! stock f,200 Maine to Florida. j Hose City Park association to Joseph E. Marcy and wife to C. A. I liunn, lot 24, diock i, Higniana I Park addition I BOO I James D. Hart and wife to A. E. ' T.ajlpv lot 10. block 12. Ken sington 75 J. L. Bowman and wife to Etta I. Shahan. 286x186 feet begin ning at point on easterly ex tension of north line of Wil liams avenue in southeast of Clinton Kelly donation land claim, 361.68 feet east of pipe at northeast corner of Williams addition Supnyside Land & Improvement rrtmronv to Tda f Plttencer. lot 11, block 81, Sunnyslde 400 Robert W. Wilson, trustee, and wife to George Day, lots b ana 7, block 10. Council Crest Pari 1,805 Rudolph Schmeer and wife to J. J. Schrelncr, lots l, t and a, block 6, Good Morning addi tion 600 G. G. and Laura M. Gammans to Mary Ellen Rhoads, lota 1 and 17, block 13, Evelyn S70 Hannah G. Fisher to Lenore F. Nowlin. lots 27, 28 and 29, block 20, Point View 1,000 J. B. Holbrook and wife to Mary Koontz, lot 16, block 1. Ma rengo addition to St Johns 800 John J. Walts and wife to Flor .nrt Ttnsuprinan. lot 16. block 4 Rochella 3,110 Con-at Investment company to t. n.r Tnnii n lot . mof-K z. itar- to'n's addition to St. Johns J40 T. S. McDanlel and wife to Louisa rnr1lC .Ollth It. Of lot 4. block 10. Cook's addition to Alblna... 750 John B. Mathes to C. C. Duvall t al. lots 7 and 8. block 14. Irvlngton Park 400 German Savings ioan society to Ferdinand Bternahl et al. south ss fnt of lot 6--block 48. Ca- mthnr's addition to Paruthers.. 4.000 Rose City Cemetery association to Isaac A. Harmon, lot 1, block 41, section "D" said cemetery 80 P S. Guilford and wife to Law rence F. Mayer, lot 9, block 1, Stacy Park 15 C. C Vaughn and wife to William Zlrnmor, lots 16, 16 17 and 18, subdivision of lots 1 to 4, block 19, Whitwood Court 600 Portland Transfer company to W. F. Hubbard, lots z ana s, diock A HOME IN CITY VIEW PARK. A bargain at 12,850; only $950 cash needed; balance 826 a month. Nice 8-room house on sightly corner in Soil wood; house is mod ern and was well built thla year; electrlo lights and finished In an tique oak; a genuine bargain at 82,850. ROSE CITT PARK. Two-atory, 6-room modern dwel ling, full basement; large sleep ing porch, only 83,300; terms can be made. Beautiful bungalow now build ing in Holladay Pfcrk; reverses force owner to sell; a bargain at $4,600; terms can be made. IRVINOTON. Cheapest building site on fully Improved Btreet, only 1 block from carllne. Hartman & Thompson Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE 8-room house, well furnished, fine lo cation, pays 9 per cent on the Invest ment; a 60-room hotel and 2 lots, pays 10 per cent; 100x100 with a 7-room house and bath on Nob hill; also 6-room house and bath, all modern and easy terms at Sell wood; 2 fine houses in South Portland, pay 9 per cent on In vestment; a 6-room cottage, owner has to sell, good terms: 60x100 with a good 6-room house and 4 rooms unfinished in teh attic, corner lot; also 100x150 with 7 flats, all new and modern; 8-room house, all modern lmprovementa, good terms: a 9-room house, lot 50x100. in North Portland; also have several good farma would trade for city property. For particulars call, phone or write to CHAS. HIRSTEL 3d st, room 8, Portland. ISltTATM DJIt bualneaa chances with Oreaon Adluab. "HHJl:-!-0- Ankany. Main 8MT. EXCHANGE HEAL ESTATE 24 For Sa!e or Exchange ; 244 9-H acrea, (0 acre cleared, ' 40 to 50 acrea more easily cleared, about 1.000,000 feet of One saw timber braldea a large quantity of cedar and piling timber. The place la apl-ndliily watered, th fields are fenced and cross fenced; a good 8-room hard-fin- lahrd house, 8 barn and all other outbuildings; R. F. V.. telephone, county road running through th farm; church and school V of a mil from the houae. The per sonal property consist of 1 apan of good marea. 2 wagons, t seta of harness, hack, binder, mower, rake, 3 plows. 3 steel harrowa, disc harrow, dlao aeed drill, dou- ble cultivator, cream aeparator "i and dairy outfit, 1J head of cattle. 14 fine hogs, 100 chickens, furni- .. tn re, small tools, plenty of hay for th stock, and I will also leave 300 bushels of oat. This is a good farm and I will give some one a good deal. Address the owner, care of The Journal, J-285: no agents. FOR EXCHANGE OR SALE. 160 acres with rood house and barn. water piped to both: about 8.000.000 feet of timber, good small orchard; H mil, from small town and school: about 80 acres in cultivation. Price 82.760. F. J. BTEINMETZ CO.. , 193 Morrison st. NEAT COTTAGE ON FINE lOJJXlOOl well-fenced, cultivated lot; lawn, rosea, frulta. block of car: will ex change for rooming houae or sell for : $1,351). Portland Home Co., 204 Mor rison st. ' ', Bargain Hunters! Look Tills Way. 40 Acres Unimproved land near TIs:ardv!He. fine soil, slightly rolling; cordwood cn una land win more than pay for it. S. S. Lament & Co. 416 Board of Trade. 20 Acres One mile east of Beaverton, on coun ty roaa, aooui nair cultivated, 80 bear ing fruit trees, 5 acres rich swale, all ditched, good live stream through place. S. S. LAM0NT & CO. 416 Board of Trade. The indications are for Increasing cloudiness in this district, followed by rain or snow Wednesday in eastern Washington and western Oregon. Temp. Max. Min. Precip. Atlanta, Ga 70 62 .00 Baker City. Or.... 62 8 4 .00 Boise, Idaho 60 36 .00 Calgary, Alberta... 68 26 .00 Cincinnati. Ohio... 66 46 T. Denver, Colo 48 28 .00 Fresno, Cal 84 84 .00 Helena. Mont 62 30 .00 Jacksonville. Fla... 80 , 66 .76 Lewlston, Idaho... 69 34 .00 Los Angeles, Cal . . 86 60 .00 Marshfleld. Or 70 8 8 .00 New Orleana. La... 74 2 .no New York. N. Y 70 60 .68 Pocatelio, Idaho... 64 32 .00 Portland, ur aa 43 .00 Roseburg, Or 64 42 .00 Salt Lake, Utah 60 34 .00 San Francisco, Cal. 74 46 .00 Seattle. Wash 64 41 .00 Siskiyou. Or 69 48 .00 Spokane, Waah.... 64 82 .00 Walla Walla. Waah. 66 40 .00 Washington. D. D.. 74 64 T. Waldo F. Stewart, lot 9. block 103. Rose City Park B00 FOR SALE HOUSE AND SMALL LOT in upper Albina, good location, close to car; $1,400, $425 cash, balance $16 monthly; no agents. Woorllawn 676. FOR SALE 6-ROOM HOUSE, NEW. block from carllne, fine view of city, fine fruit, $1,650; terms. Room 6, Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morrison. E-ROOM BUNGALOW. TOILET, BASE- meut, attic, pantry, piped, wired, com- rlete home, $2,850; will eell for $2,350;, 300 cash, $20 per month. Stayton, 515 Gerllnger bldg. 6-ROOM MODERN HOUSE OM E. 83D St., $600 down, balance easy terms; price $2,600. See E. H. Dement, 242 Madison st. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS HOME. If you can raise $1,600 in cash you can buy THIS WEEK ONLY A $4,600 home with unsurpassed view of city, harbor and mountains, 100 feet from "W" car and no climb. Don't say "Opportunity never knocked at my door!" HE'S KNOCKING! LET HIM IN! TO EXCHANGE ONE ACRE AND -room house, good town, 80 mile front Portland, for chicken ranch; valu $1,- 000; pay cash difference. Goldachmldt'a agency, 253 Washington t. 200 ACRES OF WHEAT LAND TO exchange for rooming-house or hous and lot. E. H. Dement, 243 Madison. TO EXCHANGE COUER D'ALENS mining stock for real estate or room- ing-house. K-307, Journal. FINE FARMS AND ACREAGE TOR city property. Conant room 5. 250 V, Alder st. Realty Co.. '. Bo It Now2 COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, i 7th floor Couch bldg.. 109 4th. 0METHING REAL 5-room modern cottage, lot 60x142, plenty of fruit, barn and chicken yard, near Piedmont; $1,660, easy terma. 3 fine lots, corner, alley, barn. Uni versity Park, worth $1,100; today $875. H. & M. REALTY CO., 380 E. Waah. Phones E. 1115, B-1437 5 ACRES IRRIGATED LAND UNDER ditch at Irrlgon, Or., good house, well, part set to peaches; value $1,200! will trade for Portland lot or suburban acreage. Bruhaker A Co., 601-3 McKay . bldg.. 3d and Stark. ' j 120 ACRES 3 MILES FROM CAPEJ Horn on Columbia river; 16 acres In cultivation; good house, barn and other outbuildings; will trade for houae and lot suitable for working man. Whal ley. 615 McKay bldg. GOOD REAL ESTATE. VALUE $700, will exchange for cigar antf". confec tionery store. Address L-332, Journal. LARGE ROOMING HOUSE, MODERN. , furniture good, good location. H-240. Journal. , c Real Estate, R. ajoinell & Co. Room 338 C. Of C ONE 4-ROOM COTTAGE. ALL MOI- ern. baaement, close in; terms to sun purchaser, uaii vva mississippi GOING FARMING; WILL SELL CIT1 home, e cnoice iota, oviivv corner, in garden, fruits, lawn and snaae trees, ana won .iraus, im.-n looking new houae of ? fair-slsed, light, airy rooms and new household furniture ; all for $2,900, hi down: bar-a-aln. Portland Homes Co.. 204 Morri son st. 2 LOTS. 60x100, K. 22D ST., $600 EACH, SAO down IS ner month Ram T-I Dement, 24 2. Madison at. 8-ROOM HOUSE AND LOT. 100x100, on E. 19th. worth $4,000: will take $3,000. E. H. Dement, 242 Madison st. NEW BUILDING FURNISHED FOR housekeeping, close in, 23 rooms and large hall. Phone B-1409. Pacific Title & Trust Co.. th leading abstractors. 804-6-6-7 Falling bldg. Ha ill I p & Co., abstractors, lst-class work; get our prlc. 328 Corbett bldg. NEW TODAY. Public Notice MARRIAGE LICENSES Louis J. Cyr. 436 Main street. 35. and Ida Ma her, IS. Wedding Card. W. O. Smith Co- Waahlnaion bids- corner 4th and Waa a. Inrton sti Beta A Bona florlata. funeral dealgna 3494. Morrtaon. Main 8096; A-1877. Clarke Broa. fieri. ta Flna flower and floral dealgna. 819 Morrison at - aU Fall drea suit for rent. Unite Tailoring Co.. 19 Stark t , - lj O I . W 4 - . Ill h. , i m duiiu ih'ii.i, . v m r poelf Meier A Fran a Mala 721. BIRTHS BRANIN October 21. to Mr. and Mra 1 F". R ran In" 114 Faat Main, m bob. nLKJNOTO.V October 3. to Mr. and Mra Bert Pllklnaton. Carson Height a a daughter. Peters & Roberts Furniture Co. Manufacturers and wholesalers, will sell their entire stock of Parlor Furniture. Da vm porta. Couches, Bed Lounge. Fancy Rockera and Arm Chairs; all kinds of Mattresses, including their fa mous B. M. O. E. Felted Flo as. at pro ducer' cost, until their entire stock I disponed of. al to begta Taeoday storm Inf. Ooto ber 87, ltOS, at their factory. No. 85 1 Vorth Fron t fltraaL corner Da rla I -ACRB TRACT. 6-ROOM HOUSE. plenty bairlng rrult, improved street. 5c fare; rare bargain If taken soon. Box 17:, I.cnts, Or. NEW 5-KUOM MODERN COTTAGE, F Mastered and tinted, near good car, 1 lot; $1,000 cash, or $1,200 easy terms. Conant Realty Co., room 6, 2504 AloVr CORNER LOT AND HOUSE FOR SALE Will take good work team in ex chanaa If sold at once, will aa rhean. Inquire Victoria Dalley, 1121 E. 16th N. I WANT MAP OF PORTLAND, ALSO Multnomah county. 410 Falling bldg. M. 4128. BEFORE ELECTION. 7H acres, on electric line. 30 minutes from city; price $2,500, $1,000 rann; 4H acres adjoining aold last week for $3,500. Owner, 602 McKay bldg., 3d and Stark. WHY PAY RENT WHEN YOU CAN get a 4-rOom house, i iota, on corner 100x100, fruit trees: $550; term. 6 room bungalow 2 blocks from carllne; price, $650. See Robbins A Turner, t02 OrpH-onlan bide. QUARTER BLOCK IN IRVINOTON for sale by owner; bargain. Inquire 815 Williams ave.. corner McMillan. 60X100 ON FLINT. BETWEEN RUS- sell and Page; price i,66o; a Dargain; Investigate. Inquire 275 Russell st. BUY WHERE YOUR FAMILY CAN help you make a living; buying an acre tract in ryormrop Acres, iney can greatly assist you; only 16 minutes' can ride to this beautiful property, 5 cent are. west side; price oriljc $600 each; easy terms; macadamized roads. M. E. Lee, room 411 Corbett hlrtg. FOR SALE FARMS Acres 17 8 miles of Blodgett; 8 acre broke: , some nice timber: small house, good barn; a.l kinds fruit; $1,000. t 20 Acres Near Beaverton; fair buildings: 10 acres cleared; 6 easily cleared; 6 timber; all fenced; $2,600. ' 240 Acres IV, miles of station: lots of cattle. sheep, goats, horses; machinery; 12 acrea ". apples; two nouses; large Darn; line spring .. $12,000; will take some trade. 1 20 Acres Near Clackamas; $1,000. The Coast Realty Co. 220 Lumber Ex. ' SNAPS FOR THE SNAP HUNTER who knows snap when he sees one -8 rooms, modern, new house, with full basement, full plumbing, electric lights and fixtures; nicely finished, wood fiber plaster and large front porch; the house nil tinted. See this; if only h'.if block from car. Thl Is the best buy in city for the price of $2,500; $1,200 cash. a 1 0 ..A., wsn thl fl A nftjwMBjfi 67 Lyon st, 1 block south of ArletaP.O I2KA CASH - JSAS rooms ana painrwm, new cmimn on lSY TERMS, 4 File Stock Farm $10,000 829 acrea. 7 miles from North Yamhill, running water and springs, 200 acres ready for the plow; must be sold -to close estate: would make fine place for colony as Sand lie well for fruit.. Whalley. 616 McKay bldg. 640 ACRES FINE AGRICULTURAL land, adapted for alfalfa, grain, fruKa, ' in central Oregon; term $5 par acre,, part cash, balance on time. We have 60,000 acres in tract from 160 to 10.000 acres at price ranging from $5 to $10 per acre. These land are in the grain belt of eastern and central Oregon; also stock ranches run ning in slae from S00 to 20,000 acres, at " $6 to $10 per acre; part cash, balanc on time. OREGON HOME A LAND CO-, i 14 Hamilton bldg. '; IF LOOKING FOR A FAKAl READ THI8: .-.' 120 acres, upland, well Watered, 89 or more improved; good commodious house, ' woodhouse. poor barn, good orchard half rooms anu iinu wn .. -. - . : - , , nice fenced lot, with young fruit and mile to school, half way between Wood 6-ROOM HOUSE WITH 70x100, NEAR Prettyman's Station. $1,2D0. J25Q cash, $15 per month. H-232, Journal. 6 ACRES ON SALEM CAR LINE, close In; 6-room house. $3,000; half caah. Multnomah Iand Co., 8S 3d at. SMALL PAYMENT DOWN. BALANCE like rent, buy a prtty 4-room cottaae, large lot; graded street; cement walk; only 81.250.. Angela. 242 5th et. hid treea: well built, stylish looking, good porch facing north; a choice home for $950. Portland Homes Co., 204 Mor rison st For sale on easy terms my new modern 6-room bungalow at Pen insula station, block and a half from St. Johns carllne. J. C. gchillock. 601-4 Gerllnger bldg CARD OF TUA.VKS CARD OF THANKS. Mm. William Taylor and family I w it-It tnk tfaevr many friend for heir eapraaatrme of .ympthy ta thlr late rrr rina.t : a! Portiand Cam a N. 11, W(HMima of U World, MOSIER. APPLE LANDS Fir.U tract; eaay payenta ua OOtTTlCaUA. TAU8T OaCtaU3 CO. Ronra 1. 141 4 Flrat Ft. CORNER IXT. 4 A Nil 6-RWM HOUSE, cement walk, tret graded, snap, $2. 200; half caah. Angeles, 242 Sth and Main. NEW i-ROOM COTTAGE. BATH. TOI let, full cemant foundation, all Im provements la. terma to suit purchaser. Call at 431 Whtirman; no agenta 8T, 31T8 CASH. 40x100. E. 40TH block from Hawthorne ave.; thia an exceptional buy. R-499.Journal. $240 BUYS CHOICE LOTS ADJOINING Swift' new town. Eaay terma. See R B. Cary, 111! penlnaular ave. WE BUILD HOMES To ault you at small coat, and very easy paymenta There la no reason vhy you should not own your own home. Call and see us and let ua explain how easy it is to do so. THE VETERAN LAND CO, Si! Chamber of Commerce. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. Must be sold within next three days; fine view; 60x100- genuine snap; $1,250. E. R. MARK-HAM A CO.. 80 Commercial Blk. LIST YOUR FARM AND CITY PROP erty wlOi the Geemantown Realty Co., 424 H Washington aU. room 311-817; phone Main 7311. riortgage Loans Lew t rate of fntwett, MCH ftAXjOSfOW. wa twt gtre HOOD RIVER ORCHARDS. MACRAE A ANGUS. 498 CHAMBER OF COWMtROt -Ri.HM HOUSE WITH Txieo. NEAR Prettymafis B tat I on. Sl.tSf. $288 eaab, $18 pr wonth. ft : REDUCED FK M $3.004 $a , wl'h l-ma modern hous. an K. Lincoln: I' it caah. balance tiraa XT-It. Jonrriai 1.M.DERN -RiOM C'oTTA'iK. y tra,a 44 1 Mechanic t. Take Wov11awn car. Larye tot, owrer TOH SALE 14.1?', U-DtJCs iiu M 15. tat, eut suia. rbos Kat lilt. BARGAIN: -RCM"M DWELLING, ONE block from crlln: lo or.e-chalr barber shop Address. N-33, JournaL FOR SALE FLATS. 3 AND 4 ROOMS and lot close la, all modern, I !,. part cash, balance time er trade Ad dress 114 K. tita at. X. Pnoo Wood- lawn 1I4 LOTS IN WOODSTOCK FOR SALE below market price. Fmil Oarnler, Ariel a, Oregon. Tavr 314. half Lot on" hfsCLi.' At, KaR laioaj svol. tisIM feet; street tm rrovemoota. g-aa, water and eer aU lu: a aacnfltw at ll.aot; clear tula, -etrart rip to da" A44rea wit tatrp, OvWjJei 4T; Wwtxlbarn. Or. fi f Jf-S IDE COft AG K. t I...H . a! X bath, raa, fraction. I enmee. Hnnd t $!. tar at. Owaar, $4) stark at. land and Kalnma, Wash., and 8 mile from boat landing; and R. R. station at Martin'a Bluff on Columbia river: 11 to 20 ton of hay In barn, 14 cowa, 8 heif ers, 1 Jeraey bull, span boraea, wagon. 2 plows cultivator, hay rak. harrow and small Implementa: also tt I esti mated there 1 1,000,000 feet fit and all goea for th remarkably low prlc of . $4,000. Terma given, alao Immediate Sossesslon. Widow lady own It and on t want to rent. Y'ou begin making monev at once. Farm mile from Woodland. S. O. Lane, Woodland, Wash. both fcw Hands sake and TOURS." $750 160 acrea good level valley land, house, barn, fences, fruit, spring. run ning water, part In cultivation, balanc fine pasture, ttniNer. etc; town and R. R. H mile, school, church, several stores, P O., sawmill and other plaoaa. Beat reason for this sacrifice- must il -immediately, government deed. $8.(06, H caab4 acre Bear Van couver, ail levai, gooa poii, xin imn land. hous. barn, fence, etc, gvod wa-1 bv the bouae $ mtlea R. H. H mile to echool; others get $7$ to $104 per ecra. all around there, Thla 1 th beat t ir gain In laivl near Vancouver; can dou bl your lavaatiaeat inside of saonU,, Paclflc Business Bichzzzt 0$j Waa,ln-tn t-, u I r w 4 4 ack"i-.3 ouoi Kr.TVr Lan". ; f Klickitat Couaty, Washington; r. .t ; on ceutii of mort; 1 echool and R. T. T . .-, " , pri-eooly $4i. Mu'tno-r.ai Im,.: i Rea tr r.v, 11 1a. ) IDAHO CA H i. f A C T 1 K : ' , ; acrea, r tr r In e-'rr 1 ! i. grttiitt jral n-t bot .. f i- . t. .in, tioa 1 'i 1 r ' 1 Wwt B'v.r it --t m- c. b v,' . i.it tj.ao. 1:.-.