The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 19, 1908, Page 14, Image 14

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rnn iCMiiiii
run ncii
Presbyterian Pastor's Aid
Members : o( Subur
. ban Congregation.
1 berloa for tha UriMt bosslbla spiritual
anl social aarvica, aba would ctMKsa I
tha pr.aant tUaatra fur anllon. To I
(nil as Chrtat did. la ilia initial of thai
iloolora In (ha Tampha, and ! a rnea- I
asa io an or eoncauaa nuoao
PIiIml of andlras MnaoHt uf Bill ft In I
rxtllllcaJ condition, of darln aortal r-I
I forma, of tantlo commercial v.nlurea, I
of ntarvaluua -iaatirio dlacovartas. Is I
to far an opportunlcjr ant baas a r I
sponalblllir tli rnaaaura of which cal
not ba datarmlnad. I
"Uf eonvletlon la that tha church la ICrniA nlin .Arn t nnal A can. I T?t V ir T,-
e trial. Not In all lar blatory haa m uwio wututuuuuui aooirijai, j. ja, jiujh;. .Ill IU cam 1 3
liav .ugh unjuiim iu d" a wim a I
thoaa foroad utMin liar today,
very murn iruin in iy man addoii a ra-1
ply to tha question, 'is Christianity a
rauurar i ao not snow, na said; n
Thor la I
ciation Begins Session
Portland at New York
' Throu'tb tha ffforta of Rev. J. P.
Dunning. Ph. P., and W. M. J.u-hton,
raator and superintendent of tha Kenll-
worth Presbyterian Sunday school, tha
l'reabytary of Portland yesterday aftr-
noon ora-anlsed tha JCeml
has naver bean triad.' Certainly, In tha
ugni or ma Barmon on me Mount and
tha ultimata relan of riehtoouaneaa. I
I'linstiamty naa hoc eaen triad. JCach
reiteration haa tried aotna llttla cart of
ii, acooruma; 10 ua maamira or ncnc,
but when It ahall ba triad In tha full.
na and'lichnaaa and truanaaa of Ma
teaanings atvi powar. tha world will
w-ltnaaa a different apaclaala than the
ii..,....,. t ih,Ununi ith . if. m,r.w.m. i i.. - I dlaouaaod and several prominent
n 'church; Hav. H. H. I Ucaa, vieea and selfishness, presents. T preaent. Tlia church can be I man from all part of the world, waa
Forbes Presbyterian I "Tha foBpel haa not loat lie drawlnc I rc"f1 .rom. "r "..."I? oonaldered t tha flret International
power. . ioa enure n aoea not neeo a I ' " ; .. . nitrnct or tna 'American Heainea'a
new meaaaire. but an Intenalfled mea-1 or. Rroad way care. ollowlng la thelKnend eociety, In aeaalon laat week In I
llworih Praaby
terlan church. Tha aervlcea wera con
ducted by Key. A.
phlrd Preabyterlan
1'ratt of the f
rhurch; Rev. W. Armea of tha .Vernon
Presbyterian church and Rev. Harry
leeda of Allspah- Preabyterlan church,
the Utter preaching; an earneat aermon
-. to tha 21 pereona who comprlae the
Charter inemDeranip.
The church waa wall filled with Ita
, frienda In tha neighborhood and mem
bera of other churchea, muny of whom
win later unite with thia ron are rati on
W. M. lghtrm, Jamea C van Croaa
' anil TJ A Tlarrtartn .n alafttail aldara
and W. M. Laughton. W. R. Clarldge. HeT. W.
Ja. O. Woods and J. W. Reyoolda. dea
rnna - W - 1'hnmninn - waa alartm1 hor-
later and Mra. R. H.. Field, organiat The! Th two moat difficult taaka
Tha 8ute Congregational aaaocla-l How to obtain Important leglalatlon
lion begina ita annual convention all bearing on tha problem which affect
the Ilaaaalo etreet Congregational American amen, what to do with tha
church, Kat Heventh and liaaaalo I -.m . K. .. . , .
aireata tuinorrow evenlna. Tha era-1 ncr,n, and tha boardlng-houaa ahark.
aiona will laat until Friday night. A I what ilora should read, how tbelr ao-l
number of Interaatlng toplca are to be rial life aahora ahould ba regulated, in I
meni apeaa. abort, what can ba done for aeafarlng
a a are. In answer
ma anna, let others
tha croaa In tha dust. If thar inuaL but
this pulpit shall unfurl Its crlmaon
folds for tha hope, joy and peaca of
V "
la full:
. t k. .... e I Droarara for tha aonventlon
u , III. I ' nl . ... .
a trail th. k.nn.r t I Tuesday evening uraanlaatlon; ad-
dreas of welcome, W. II. Morrow; ad-
dreaa of retiring moderator, Itov. K.
Clarence Oakley. i
Wednesday morning Bible reading.
Rev. W. C Qllmore; appointment of
commltteea; new projects (read by
ecribe); all new proj.-cla to be brought
before tha association must be handuJ
T. EuKrr Ib-ilni Work at " 1,"' "C"D? " u w "I.." . '"I
- a esi ' I VeiUlllB eXl IUI B UU V ! UIliru .(Jlii.
Bannvkide Cliarcli. I thes projects will be up for dUcusslim
v u. 1U. zuil can auu irjiui k. uj
aln-burdened humanity.
New York.
Portland was reireaentl hv Rav. W
IT. Roper, chaplain of the local Seamen'a
rrieno society, who la quoted In the
ixew iorg Kvening Poat aa aaylng:
"We have one of the biggest grain
ports In tha world." aald he. "In no
outer harbor can one see ao many
iuare-rlffgid ehlpe ' In . these dnya of
ataam. Healdea the deep-aea ahlpa, we I
nave a Dig noec or river poaia. as a
large number. If not tha majorltt, of I
in n,pa mm come into foniana are
! rnurcn owns lis own una ouiimngv irm i -v" - "a awu-ujww hn nna lt In Hv this rannrt! I
from debL and haa only the salary of Pd oongregatlon and preaching tha l7nl","Z IV ,V-, "":, ;. re iargeiy
Its pastor to provide for.' It ataxts out I Tno' to a new on accordinaT to w B, Plnketon: V.lo Rev D. T. r,.Ww Thererora.
und?r moat ausplolou, olrcumsUncc Krv W - T- Eu.t?r who de Iv.rl. SUVlS
I . .L..v - r" inn a f nrsician s or a ntituuno i
dlst church yesterday rooming.
- xna new pastor as sea nia auaienoel
that he wlMied to have a heart-to-heart I
talk with there. He wanted his conrre.
ration to aid In making tha church a
broad-raugs institution, ba aald. All
the railroads are broad-gauged, now.
nraaant-dav naeda. it muat have a true. M" nT were, once narrow, and
;i.....t 'av.nroitcai tnMaaaa." aald I churches must worg on the same prln-
Cannot Fill Modern Needa Otherwise,
' Says Dr. lleppe.
"If the -church of . today Is to meet
fitandpolnt" Dr. J. R. Wetherbee.
Wedneaday afternoon "Evangelistic
Methods." Rev. C. F, CUpp: discussion.
Rev. T. D. Thomas; "Socialism From a
( Pdll-V U fc ' sjiaiiso'iVAt aMesBaaB,am I Alvtal k& ull
Ti-.t "XXT II Uaannafc at fli-Da aat 9fri imt I WJVgV4i UW HiUa
' KplacopAl , : churoh ' yesterday. "The , reception Is to be nflerod the paa
neada of the . hour . ire ao rreat ind t'.l 'am"? t the church to-
' varliul. .and .the tlmea ara so blar with I night.
destlnv that tha church, to be eaual to
the demands, must aeiiver a message i rji u i j iu Kl) h Nil A If K
Minister's StandDolnt." Rev. Luther R.
Dyott, D. D.; business, new projocts.
Wednesday evening Mualo by Roae
City quartet; aasoclatlona.1 aermon. Rev.
Evan P. Hughes.
Thursday morning tnoie reaoing,
Rev. Phillip E. Hauer; conrerence, "fo
Icy of Home Missionary Committee,
8. C. rler; 'ifilble School Problems,
iria UJI.l,),,, flartnan. rirlll.h n. BmniUnii,!.,,
expected to I.-.. . a r.. , I
cainnsa ana tne desertions
the boardlnshouse men
go busy, we come In
offlcera and annrantlr-a
boys, and aee less of the fo'caatla than
workers In other porta. We do what wa I
can for them and they appreciate our I
ci i one, put in a great worg in u re iron
Is campaign for the sailor man In the
state legislature. Irrespective of any
one pori.
"It la like a dog barking at tha moon
for us to stop the boarding-nouns keep
era In Orearon. Thev have a license to
'Pol-1 P' r ln",r iraoe, ana as long --as tney
"lihlnk they aro In tha right they don't
that will fit into -our, period, and reach
and tranrorm tne , tnougnt ana heart
lief of todav.
' "Tha church could ask for no greater
opportunity for power than to ba piant-
" ea in mis century, wnen jonn tirignt,
, tha English Liberal, waa asked, 'If -you
were asked to choose out of all time a
period to live
. choice T ha reb
now. If the church
In,, what would ba your !a,n JJf1 J?an w,a"
piled, a would b-bornE'f.,'hi ThB oal?
church wera to choose a ?"t5,m"t. t2f w
Taluabla Sedpe Wnen AlfllcteH With
Bhrnmatlam or Backacue, Also
Splandld Tonlo, ,
Captain John Ell. who BDoka at a
men a meetlnr held In the Y if C. A.
auauonum yesterday afternoon, la cer
tain that Jonah was swallowed by a
part of the Old
Ich la fit hp red It A
j , j.ii, nnu iia riii-ui viiv
greater part of his life at sen, la that
Jonah was swallowed by a whule.
Mediterranean sea," said Captain Ell.
Jonah must have been swallowed by
a bona shark. This shark Is sometimes
SO feet, long and haa a throat big
enough to swallow the largest New
York citv alderman without tha least
"Uf ell the thlns-s that a whale'
ever tackled," be continued, "that back-
Rev. E. 8. Bolllnrer:
Church Finance," Professor F. C. Tay
lor; solo. Rev. R. V. Poling; "A Trans
formation Scene In Oregon' Rev. James
R. Knodell; report of superintendent
Sunday school and Publication society.
Rev. II. N. Smith; report superintendent
of Home Missionary society. Rev. A.
J. Folsom.
Thursday afternoon "The Brother-
11 WU U I .'111.11., ..J T . w . w . Muwj v.n-
cuselon, C. A. Mann, Principal IL L.
hesitate to take blood money. But it la
The Science of I w that will meet with repeal some I
uay wnen tne people are arousea. A I
Bailor ought to be able to get a berth
without having to give up $30 for It
"We In our society have no meana
with which to board the sailors who
come to us, but we take them under our
protection as much as we can. We
give them the advantages of education1,
social meetings. Bible Instruction and
the reading and entertainment rooms.
This work can ba extended and the other
Rates, K. M. Gray; women's home and vicious practices can be stopped.
"On the Pacific coast we feel tha
need of auxiliary associations and & I
JiuJ?.t.? . ? m f i 4h Mr- p' Eggert; "A Woman's . View of Its excellent organization be the general
oitice, ana assume tne direction oi tne
foreign mission boards; home board. I
Mrs. Lucker. president: solo, Mrs. Rend
Hutchinaon; "Our National Federation,"
At tha first sign of rheutnatlo pains IJ.V. n"Viaohe? w.l , tS' im?f a.
or backache, or a feeling of beln gen- g"f aPnttural aatenr o?th aei
eraUy run down and weakened, tha fol- 2Uest thttt' flmou.' bo'neh sh".
1UW1UI ; Bimp prescription SnOUld Delnn,.M rf. a. . hnl Vlm An .....
vvau av n w w sivita auui W rr Ai was W
oaya. "
am simple prescription should be
: used:":
"One ounce Compound Svrun Sarsa-
pint high grade whiskey. Mix them and 1 Building Permit
shake, well. Take - a "tablespoonful be- F. L. Schneider, erect two-story frame
, fore ach meal and at bedtime. The I dwelling, grand avenue, between Alberta
poitie must oe wen anajten each time.
Home Home Missionary Problems." Mrs,
R. C. Taylor; "Dr. pond's Work." Mrs.
A. F. Frailer; 4 p. m., foreign board,
Mrs. Hoge, president; solo. Miss Leah
Ixlsflr: "Greater Things Than
Shall te Uo," Mrs. A. J. Folsom; "The
Light of the World," Mrs. Eva Emery
Thursday evening Paclflo university
night President W. N. Perrln presid
ing; special musio py stuaents or 'a-
cino university; soio, Mrs. l. unap
man; address, "Christian Education in'
Civ o Life." B. B. Huntlnsrton,
Friday morning Bible reading, selec
tion from the Sermon on the Mount
Matthew v.. Rev. D. B. Gray; "Pales
tine of Today," Rev. A. B. Snider; ad
dress, Rev. W. W. Scudder Jr., super-
work of spreadlnc the organization Into
every port on tne giooe. New York,
with Its fine bulldlns: and Its meana of
These international communication, can, if It
win, Duiid up a powerrui association
and be the channel through which the!
public can pour Its contributions for the!
aia or toe seaman.
V " - "
i -
J. '
I a -rwT a. a. . . UreBH. FLl
i ana w v Kttn l b tree is. iz.uuu a. tr. Momfl. i .li a.. t :. "
Anv food Breaerlntinn nhnrmv o rn wn-ntnrv hHtr ham n.vl. f rt mionaent nuinpn nome juisnionary
jf r . r j vw - - - . v. v..un vTa kf k w. i anniat
supply tnese ingredients ana It will bel corner ninth,; ixmlsa Schade. re-
Acme correspondence of Eugene Reg
ister: The nolltlcal not dons not awn
simmer In these parts. The Bryanttes I
nave it an tneir own way. Bryan s pic
tures is on every stump, and in many
of tha houses between Elmlra and the
ocean, ana not a yip irom a Republican
or a picture or van.
' " "0"' Copy't If let
- ; -yV , w c BOTH
found inexpensive considering Its won-palr one-story, frame dwelling, 428-8J
derful merit , ' ,1 Montgomery street, between Eleventh
v ' This treatment will eradicate tha acM I anrf Twelfth. -11.000: Oehrra V Rnr.
poisons from tha blood and build up the ringer, erect one-story frame, dwelling,
system to Its normal heaithfulness. The East Seventy-eighth street between
splendid effects will become manifest af- Ash and Pine, 11,600; Lewis estate, re-
ter the first few doses, but It should be pair 1 H-atory frame dwelling. Fourth
T , . , . m, ujviitij, vr un-i.wrci, Lrot-wwn vu u rum auvv, jurB. i nan finaearor rauiy, tongxegi
ui wo person naa luxiy regained health. IK. ifeicimg, erect two-story frame dwell-1 young People of Portland; address to
worst cases or rneumatum are I In-, liaz Maryland avenue, between I young people. Rev. F. J. Van Horn,
bound to yield to this treatment I KHllngsworth and Emerson, tJ,000. 1 D. D. '
society; "Latest News From Cohgre
fatlonal Mission Fields" Rev. Daniel
tavtr; "Place of Sacred Music In Di
vine Worship," Rev. D. V. Poling.
Friday afternoon Address, Rev. H. H.
Wlkoff, field secretary Congregational
Church Building society.
Friday evening Praise service, Rev.
D. V; Poling; Rose City quartet; Chris
tian Endeavor rally. Congregational
To all Is to beware of coughs and colds
on tne cnest; as negieciea tney readily
lead to pneumonia, consumption or
otner pulmonary trouDies. just as soon
as the cough appears treat it with Bal
lard's Horehound Syrup, tha standard
cure of America. Use as directed per
fectly harmless. A cure and preventive
ror an aiseases or tne lungs. Hold bv I
DKiuinura uiuj uu. riivp DUO and
gx.uu per uot.iiiH
There is no need of -paying-high
prices for your clothes when' you
can obtain suchxcellent : .
values as we are giving-; '
We BUY more clothing thn
any store in Portland .
We SELL more clothing than
-.. .
any store in Portland That is
the reason we sell LOWER
than any store in Portland
Third and Oak
1st and Yamhill
A Fifty
two Piece
Absolutely Free
m W All
V 7n ua-' t - 1
Big Special Premium With the
a. ii asl
With every range sold this week we
are triviner FREE A 52-PIECE DIN
NER SET, imported English" semi-porcelain, blue floral decorations.
See our'special terms PAY ONE DOLLAR A WEEK.
These Large Leather
$15 Rockers Only $6.90
No. 324-These are very comfort
able rockers, with solid oak frames,
weathered finish, steel spring seats
and backs covered with a high-grade
American russet leather. Shaped
just like the cut. Worth f gt
$15.00. Special dO.lU
Stands $4.75
No. 600 Beautiful little
stands with round tops 24
inches diameter, like cut,
very attractive shapes, in
mahogany or flaked . oak,
sold regularly $6. A M 7f
Special price .... O
PAY $1.00 DOWN, $1.00 A
We carry an immense line of Heating Stoves both' WOOD and
COAL. We buy them by the carload and are able to offer a first
class stove at a little less price than most retailers in fact, we are
wholesalers,. and can offer you superior inducements.- We especially
recommend our . ,
Open a Charge Account With Us, You
Are Welcome to Credit
Tiglit Heater
It is built in all sizes, and size regulates
the price. It is lined with heavy gray,
iron and will last several years. We
sell them on the easiest possible terms,
deliver and set them up for you without
additional j:harge.
With All the Necessary Pipe,
- Elbows, Etc., Including
FREE Stoveboard
in .rW i: - ,rH I
.Dining Chairs
cc men tiT
, mm 1 J
wyie Jro. CM-Tia u a
n rr4a. a.iqi mk iHwf
'a aiine Iniim tw,
oarir-a wrl hark
. a f I I S i
4 -.'a f J nr.
' " r
$2.50 Floor
Rugs $1.25
200 Velvet Rugs, in very
beautiful oriental patterns,"
fast colors; worth $2.50,
but -made a soecial for
today, Tuesday and Wed
nesday at . ;
112 Oak Half h Lace Curtains
Seats $8.00
N-448 Solid Oak Hall Seats, quarT
ter-sawed with beautiful effect seats
that sell regularly for $12.00 and ire
worth it This 6tyle No. 146 is
priced for the week,, or until A
sold, at only 00 UU
Six pairs of Battenberg Curtains to
close this special number, 57.882A;
:. $22.50
All $3.75 to $4.50; special, CO 7C
the Pair v ...".'M.7D
All $60 to $8.50 Curtains,
Arabian, ivory and white. .!) UU
A fine-line of Art Novelties,-ranging"
from $2.25 to $4.50, all at special prices
First and Jamhill
Second and Yamhill
$2.75 Golden
Oak Dining
Chairs $L95
Tbrj arc He tht cut; aJso
in can ats; thii tpecul
Also flain tr.tplt Cn,.
Oain far tw'r, e.)vC
Fine Parlor
J 1317 Thii .Un!e . P rlor Tab
round top, 24 chtt in diameter, ii
rne cf the handmt of cor entire
lire. Made of imt Cuban mahogany,
finiahed in the root rrrfect manner.
fKa rfilar price is 116. fin ff
5rci a! nce ...vlU.Uij