The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 17, 1908, Page 2, Image 2

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ILL, J L! -lULU! i-S 1-l.JL-lJi
Indications in Josephine
Point to the Commoner
La Grande Bank Failure
Will Convert Many to the
r Democratic Banks.
It Means Getting: a Sight of About Every Bird in the
United States and Reporting on What He la
Doing When Seen The Farmers' Interest
HOT fiUMPJllRfl : BA
MU I Ullllll IMUlw ,
(Copyright, 10$. by rraderto J. ifaskin.)
: Washington, Oct. 17. Do you know
that Insects ara Injuring the crop In
thla country to the extant of lf.00(
0 yearly and that, noxious Weeds
double this amount m exponas to) tbe
farmer, and .that tt la 'only by.meane
of. blrda that theae Ineacta and weed,
oan be destroyed and that the blrda of
thla country are being killed faater
than thay can bread? "Theae" ara the
tlpedal Dispatch ta Tba Journal.) f
Oranta Taaa. Or., Oct 17. That tha
majority of votea cast at tha coming
national election In Joaephlna . , county I facia .that, tha country u facias;. Just
will ha for William J. Bryanla oultel "ow-.. Thay ara eatremely Important
1 : . . . , I Tacts. Because or aeeina urg-
Svident by the trend of affairs pollUJ nt that a bird aurvay
leal In thla county during tba paat few I of the country be mad a, to determine
week Though Joa.pMna IW -ty,d;iS
w wm vu vi . .wk .vi. 1 exunoi, ana wnat maana may oe m-
tha atata. it reruiariv electa uemocrata niovea to nroteot and nreaerve au oiras.
tt win mean, iirai ox au, an imratDw
' ' to tha Important offloea, both locally
, ana for tna legislature, j na uryan ana
plan of education. To the majority of
EnVnbT of Ihl. cltv aid eounl? caS American paopl. bird, have alway.
count almost aa many, roiiowera rrom
the Republican ranka aa from the Dero-
ocratlo. .
The blrgeat and moat rouelng rallies
been things that mlaht be wantonly de-
atroyed aa a pastime,, or seaiousiy riuni
ad bsoauee at aoraa time or other thay
wra found praying; on garden or or-
By mean a of careful atudy and
i ana paina tne nio-
tne national aeoart-
which Judse WUliama of Maaeachuaette m"nA -t""" "? 9JZ
dr.. ih. vnl.r. Thla on. . aneech .0 " P"vos peyonq uouoi ini
alone -converted" manv Reoubllcane to w"no"' i ?01i..-tna- uPP!r Ir
.t- n ,in -, I na aeep in. crupa, orcnaras ana sr-
the Deroocratlo ranka I n.n. trim r mm -m.n ui.nt "in.
held in thla oity during the campaign J" "
hare baen Democratic.' Poaalbly the J$" rv.vof t
beat meeting- of thla nature waa that In fntot mZrf.Lr,
whirh Judaa Williams of Massachusetts I ment ' grloultun
tha weed aeeda the
providing that "It aha II be unlawful for
any prraon to hunt, trap, rapture, wll-
iuiit oiacurb or kin any oira or an
kind whatevrr, or take the eg aa of auc
blrda oyi 'any lalanda of the Unite
matea which have been at apart or
reaerved aa breeding grounda for any
Diraa oy any law, proclamation or exec
utive order, except under euoh rulea and
reguiaciona aa may te preacriDea rrom
time to time by the eecretary of agricul
ture," '
Tba raatAar Hat Atrocity.
Theaa few thouaand acrea ao act aalde
offer protection fir a mere handful of
blrda, after all, when compared with the
great -extent of unprotected areaa over
wnicn the bird population movea at tna
mercy of tha thouaanda of huntamen
who kill for the markete. the thouaanda
mora who kill for apnrt and the thou
Auda more who kill that feathera may
ba had for trimming women'a hata.
Kach wing or breaat on a woman'a hat
telle a allent tale of a Ufa needleaalv
aacrlfloed, but tha egret la mute witneaa
lo a tragedy. Not only waa one bird
aaoiiflcau for 4hat particular treaaure,
but It waa the mother bird, killed when
ner orood waa young in tne neat, oe
Our repreaenlattve la Detroit wii tea
Consen'atlves, on EadJcaJ uj T rU f.VOrabi. report.
a C , 4. pauwi u yaara oio, ui ir. iianry
JL lalWlMlt Dtlik IU I naa an aimoat pronouncea cure la
amaiam ai r
Oust Liberals.
raaa of lirlghr. .year a of ace, and
alao ra porta another patient with an
aonte oaaa of Urlght a aa getting better
The caaa or Mra. IX o. Johaaton.
101 Jonee atraet, Detroit, who waa
antral DIimM tmt Tha lMuaat.1
Ottawa, Ont. Oct 17.-A campaign lMmoat to th. buratln. point
" wiwwut 1 lookaa upon, la better aa lima goee on.
annaJa of Canadian polltlca for bitter
neaa and Intenaltjr la now raging with
full force from th. AtlanUo to th. Pa
cific Nomination, for par 11am ant will
be made Vooday and the geaaral elec
tion will take place ona week later.
la my mind thla 1. on. of the moat
marveloua recoveiiea,
"Th.rl.i V. Vlav ttt tha Utr Prlntlna
Tfoua. took ma to tha Cltlaana' fiavlnge
banic ana lntrooucea ma to one or na
dlreotora, a man largely Identified with
batpnlt'a manufacturlna lntaraata. He
haa Brtght'e Dlaaa. and tha uaualver
Tba laaura of th. campaign ara fed-Idiot had been rendered. I found that
era! rather than provincial The Con-
aerratlve party aeeka iower on a broad
platform, which, briefly. Include hon-
eat appropriation and expenditure of
public money, utioolntinent of publlo of-
flclala by merit only,, more effective
h bi
Iture. by .political organliatlon.. ''civil tnAh!'dr.V"rbUid?y. but
rot well.' On being aaked what had
cured him ha replied: 'It a made out la
California and la called Fulton'a Renal
npouna.' -i A
The banker la aMnr to Carlabad ant.
takaa tha treatment with him.
"Thla morning I waa called to apeak
with a Mx Vaughn, whoa rather, a
. la aivan un witn
told him about tha
already decided to
take It for Mr. -Htiih Wallaoa tha
banker above referred to, who la au
Intimate friend of hla.hadi.aant him
word about It
There are number, of. other caaea
of which I will writ, you when tlm.
kldmor. Drug Co.. 151 Third Street
ha waa already on Fulton'a Ilenal Com
Dound and that It had taken hold and
waa beginning to help.
"lie heard or it in a eunoua way.
Ha waa on tha care la th. Interior, and
In convereatlon with an acquaintance
told him ba had Hrlght'a uiaeaaa in
aeryloa reform or the appointment of
civil eervante by aa independent com
mlaalon, aenate reform, more rigid la
pectlon of lmmlgranta.
non-pirtiaan X"T"
management of the publlo railways the I wSK. S.;
eatablianment of a thorough ayatem ox
1.50.0 OB irOEE v
pending on her for food, and leaving;
them to perlah from cold or atarvatlon.
3ald the late Charlea Dudley Warner:
'A dead bird doca not helo tna annear-
ance of an ugly woman, and a pretty
woman neeaa no aucn adornment.' it
la against thla evil that the Audubon
eociety haa waged long war, but the ef
fect la not yet telling, for while 32
tatea enacted the aoclety'e law they
do not all enforce It
Row a Bird Surrey Ja Made.
A complete bird aurvev would entail
the moat careful and minute work ever
undertaken by th. government. Audu
bon in hla atudlea tramped for years.
oing rrom Labrador to Texas, rrom
Florida to the Yellowatnne. Frank M
Chapman, ornithologist of the American
Museum or Natural History, has lust
nnisned eignt years' work, traveling
oj.vuu miles in collecting specimens and
making studies of birds of America for
the museum. Neither of these made
any attempt at a census. The biological
survey has recently made a survey of
Colorado, and has covered practically
all of Texaa and parts of New Mexico
and California
It baa remained for Tlllnola tn maka
the first state survey, and an extremely
comprehensive one. Under the direc
tion of Professor 8. A. Forbee. two
young men have crossed -and recrossed
tne atate. walklnsr In a straight lino
80 feet apart, first goln east and west,
then north and south. They carried
rule, pedometer, notebooks nnrl field
glaaa, and noted every bird flushed on
a atrip &u yards wide, and all that
passed 100 feet in front. The lines led
them throusrh field, forest and rltv and
across farm yards, flower gardens and
orchards. They noted the locality and
habits of the blrda, -and tabulated the
results, xne species counted approxt
mated 85. -
In thla manner a national bird survey
uo iiiuuo, ana juhi as Illinois nas
set aside October 24 this year k4)lrd
aay,. ao mignt otner states nairifcahl
days, and begin an educational caanfc
that would teach the utilitarian am w
as the esthetic' value , of birds and en
courage enoris to preserve them.
isunnar uu priviuu uunpaian i . , . .
. , w i i l.i i mwvm bqii uoviruy
a.hita.n. Vh. iTm5iii; o' thla. tb". greateat of agricul-
Sm:0'.!- Vl nrJ V tur natlonrwSulJ be a failure and
!-Sm"$$5uS Party. b. th. portion of
tloket for th. paat 10 yeara, but who da- ln . "
lara Ih.r wilfaat thalr vote thla time TeOpl. Mart Support Sociatlea.
for tha areat Commoner. I Belated afforta ar. belnal made to
i n.. Knpuoucaa meeiings nava own i save tna Diraa, out- tn. work must D.
altmly attended, and wera without en-1 bigger, more .comprehensive, farther
thusiaam. , At aome of them there .was reaching. Mora and more jand la being
. acarceiy a -corpora! a gnara on nana, cleared or redeemed for th. uaes of the
' . The demand for Democratic literature fanner .very year, the ropa are ln-
haa been a tea dy and constant, and haa creaalng with phenomenal bounds, and
taxed tha opacity of the Democratic th. depleted bird population, working
lummuin win . overtime at that cannot its
mera, rancher. land miners i ara taking a ihar ,n helping th. farm.r. To pro-
keen lntereat :1b i the-elecUon." and It la tact theae blrda. to encourage their
Pi' nl-fppi? V he .mT?3rlty of rapid lncreaao and prevent their being
ni .7 V... siaugntered in many localities ahouid
xr.I.T.I!.? become ona of th. earliest dutie. of th.
S'iS'SiSr .Sh-iSnn'k Progreaalve farmer. The prealdent haa
n . SZlZHtVZt K.t J Jl JJ'nJ' already set aalde 2$ bird reaervationa;
ia iHtofTh- vXrVr tw; th National Aasoclatlon of Audubon
.,'? .VwJrf n?in,JL i Soclettea haa aecured the enactment of
SSSVirt or inthV'Vnd'all oreV. fJH'J
ognlaa In th. Nebraska atateaman the l cf, J J? TlTS S
man who 1, truly their friend. STre.lonrthV &
nlthologiata' union, the Bird Protective
I Society of America and' the Leaarue of
American Snortamen are protesting
Iagatnat tna wanton destruction or birds.
Yet only a beginning haa .been made. It
remaina for the' mass of people to take
toe matter in nana. '
Blrda' Work Showa by Solano.
, (Special Dispatch te The Journal.) I . How many ' blrda are there In the
1 Grande, Or., Oct 17. "Will Union United ' States? No one knows. Yet
oounty remain Bepubllcan In Novem- P'"1 "f'ilit "l ".c. K.,7rr,?fi
. . r . . two young men who made a bird aurvey
berr A great many of th. Republican ln ifanola. it la estimated that there
ara of the opinion that It wilt, and that must be 1,414,0.00,000 in all.- Theae
the legendary 600 majority will TOte birds must car. for the 42,000,000 acres
- aolidly for Taft and Sherman. of farm lands in thla country and aup-
. .Nearly all- the- Democrats, and some P?y progeyv that can ca,retfor that
. Of, the heretoora Republlcana are quite aama acreage and for the other farm
hopeful that out of th. cgunty'a 8,?00 lands that ara' being added at the rate
votea.- 1.6i)0 or mor. will b cast for of thouaanda of acres every year,
Bryan and Kern.' v How do we know they are helping the
LOcal condltlona are allently making farmorT Proof can be had literally by
Bryan men; perhaoa for thla year only, the volume, for the biological aurvey
but.etlll Bryan men. Although tha Re-1 haa If all In printed reporta, giving
vabllcana have entered a strenuous and I facts that have been proved and proved
vehement , denial., the failure of the) again. There la on. man ln that aurvey
a 1 1 1 1 c i n ik ximwrm uuik nar. .uu jiv la una ui iiinii v in vuv wun
In La Grande la aroinar to cause a. lot of IWhd hfca scent 20" years collectlnr proof I
votea to oe cast for in. party whose I for and agalnat tha nation a feathered
auarantee platform. . Arleadlng Republl. I Implements, he has examined one by
can politician ' Of 1 the county has been I ona the atnmacba of tnanv thnnaanit
heard to aay uiat the failure would Jurn I birds, and with a balance sheet kept
mi) yom umi city auone. ... senator I ror each haa flKtarminaui hv innianutahix
Gearln waa heroth. other night and he evidence If It haa oaten thlnga that were
spoke to probably the Unrest purely I beneficial to farmvlife, or thlnga that
i-juuvm.i.uioiiu. -biiiot dijii wu i would nave injured vne grain.
here, t And Republicans were converted! with ih. nnani .ntiui r tv,
t.tillil,n?tlnt'i" .. i '". I English sparrow, the rice bird and one
Democrata were elected as Republicans. thl tireless biologist haa proved . all
ftrefStvJ'.ffT by th. hard rain, of the week
200 ii .van leaa. ft fact' the twnd of i'U"v.r "'"V,""""-. " ""8" enabled the Booth-Kelly Lumber.. com.
opinion amona Union county votera iatK..v w.a k'.,.k t- ... ..... k. Dinr to aafoiv ir v.. min .
' to represent, rather ti
Republican nominees.
.Ay,.HnlP" woJil4 P'?r vlded between noxious Insects and farm company to accomplish the feat Thev
spring ln the north, goea aouth to the den that it was feared a great many
rice rieida and doea worth "s wouia oe lost aown stream. The
of damage every year. Then hunters mcKenaie cams up over three feet In
kill and'ahlD him north aealn. Still it ? hours and the Willamette even
TTRTT, TH TlPPiV hardly fair to kill all other membera ,1,fJJer- . M, ......
JJJCjJJU 1J XJLAAJl I of the bird family because this ona fel-r iJe.88 two "rives will furnish logs
low has turned renegade. . 2ui. lo ,eeP lna r.ot,XXT( anJ
(Thiltad Fna Laaaad Wire. Bird Baaarvatlona. ,c,'hu. Jl2fi."?L,."- ! -nr.ii. tt- w -,,..1 . .. . rrr..- :- ."'""'".'.""i"'" "m",,L
nwi. . im. tt o u.. irci. j. I. miM I . I'nA TpnAnu rnvflmmflni i iniitr.ii. iaium t n Knnrn.K. v nnmionit .,..t.j
; out to answer the hall bell, Enoch Em-1 while not yet manifested In a compre- up ita 4mtll at Saginaw and now the
i r. . f""'? y lwo men in nenalve raahlon. la proving lta worth.
m uniguii-uuua. iui nignx ana roDDed
of about 122. The men hid behind
soma curtains and struck Emerick from
Denina. .
The Journal's Free Information Bureau
, To enable itt rtaden to obtain reliable first-hand Information regard
ing the hctele and retorts whose announcement! appear In thla column,
Tba Journal haa installed a free Information bureau. Descriptive lltera
ture, ratea. etc, will be gladly furniahed to thoee Intereeted.
rr4eWmw4ameH f
, Portland's New and Modern Hotel Kates $1 per
Day and Up European PlanFree Bus. ,
Centrally Located
Modern Improvement!
Imperial Hotel
Seventh and Washington
, T3i.ii ir....i... a e. n.-. .
,4T WtM HIH1
rranchlaes, national telegraphs -Tn
phones, better postal laollltlea, SfcRRi.A.-n i.
live tariff, lmpirlal preference. Bright a piaeaee.. I t
iteuance of provincial rights and !rftm.Wti .Xm.J
oold storage, a publlo utilities commis
sion to control corporations operating
publlo rranchlaes, national telearapn
and tele
a pro tec
the maintenance
free rural mall delivery.
Along with this Is a vlgoroua attack
on the aovernment on account or al
lea-ed timber limit acandals and tlm
ber deala ln western Canada, by whloh
friends of the government are aald to
nave made huge prorita.
Claims of the Xdbarala.
The government meet, theae ehargea
wiin me statement mat western landa,
eome 30,000,000 acres, have been opened
for aettlement; that Immigration has
increased from 25,000 In 1896 when Hlr
Wilfrid Laurler first became premier,
to 203,038 in lyon; mat Canadian man.
ufactures have been enormously de
veloped, and that the public interests
have been conserved. As an offset to
other ehargea of the Conservatives the
government recently announced a free
rural mall delivery to 60 per cent of
the farmers of Canada, and the ap-
vTcfmmfssioll Wi' JZ Mrs. George C. Howard First
iiui ui an ap(Jviiiiiiiejii.B aiiu ruiiivi.iviii
In the service
trategie rotnta.
Th. TT..fK i.n.l.n n..ll...l
elected to office., four yeara aao and
dissolved last month, was composod of
2i members, no liberals and 74 con
servatives. The new parliament will
consist of 221 membera. Strange aa It
may seem, when it is considered that
Sir Wlllf rid Laurler in the parliament
just oissoivea naa a majority or near
Wong Slartaaoe rhoae
u svacr aooxB. Sptvh. Fropa.'', ?V , '
' gteaSLOO $1.50, $2.
I It T X'
Fifth and Washington Sta. Portland, Or.
OPI3INBD JUNE lat, 1908 ,
"Modern luxury at moderate prices." In the heart
of business and shopping district Exquisitely
furnished. All modern conveniences. Liberal num
ber private baths. Sample rooms. Handsomest
Cafe and Grill in northwest; music Bui meets all
trains. Rates $1.00 snd up. '
W. Swetland, Managrer.
Pla.ved the Part, and
Played It JMg.
(Cnlted Praaa Leased Wire.)
Boston, Oct. 17. Actors are preparing
to hold special services in honor of Mra
Georsre C. Howard, famous as the orla-
l.v 10 members, a change in heart or I in.i Tnn.v r.r Tir,-i. Tnm1. r.hin kn
tJir: .. , H "? p pf5 ol nana, died yesterda" at her home In Cam-
mi A I IV Htrt nil wrtiitn man thaa . . m MM
"The House of Welcome"
Portland's Bon Ton Transient Hotel. Headquarters
for the Traveling Public. European Plan. Sinirle $1.50
and up. Double $2 and up. Our Free Omnibus Meets
All Trains.
platform contains the bank deposit eitlaenry. With microscope and minute KPCOrfl JiOfl1' DriVPS HlflnP nn
auarantee nlatorm. i Arleadlna Henubli. Imnlamenta. ha haa on hr iUdUt? UJ1
Willamette, JfcKenzie
and Urapqua.
(Speclil DUpatch to Tb Journal.)
Eugene, Or Oct. 17. Th. rise ln the
Willamette and McKenale rivers occv
i. SSS I red-winaj blackbird, he has showed that Springfield and Coburg 18,000,000 feet
SiS. -k Vv-Ht it re-
kiV. .iutu( hnt h. ni..H. I "lieu diiwu iiuxiuu. inacciB uu iiirm vuiiiuou; iu Hvcumpiisn ine real
Inf nm'hirS ik?Jrt5 The bobolink, that, merry turnJ worfced night and day, for the
rtrinVrh y leyond" th 4 coatlhat is blessed as the harbinger of J that the rfse In the rivers waa
defeat of the existing government.
The principal battlegrounds are Que
bec and Ontario. In Ontario tba Con
servatives are hopeful of repeating their
success ln the local elections last June.
As for western Canada the prediction
Is made that Instead of having -only
six representatives ln the next parlia
ment the Conservatives of that section
WO"i!L,m't". th bridge at theage of 79.
will have 35 four each : from the pro
vinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and
British Columbia, and probably two from
Aioerta ana one irom tne xuxon,
In tha maritime provinces the pivotal
points are Nova Scotia and New Bruns
wick. It la generally admitted that
the Conservatives must make heavy
Rains in that section if they are to end
the present Liberal regime in Ottawa.
in tne election four years ago the Lib
erals carried all -18 seats In Nova Sco
tia. One waa lost at a special election
last November. The Conservatives of
the province declare that they will re
tain this gain and are sanguine that
they can carry six other seats.
The xaadara.
Sir Wilfrid Laurler. tha leader of the
Liberal forces, will be 87 years old
next month. His personality has dom
inated the Liberal party during its most
potent period of ascendency. He he-
came leader of tha Liberal opposition,
and on the defeat of Sir Charles Tup
per's government he was called upon
to form a cabinet. Hla arovernment has
since Men twice sustained, tn 1900 and
1904 each time with increased major
ities. .
Leading the conservative opposition- la
Robert L. Borden, M. P., of Halifax. He
is a native of Nova Scotia, and nf
Scotch descent. He became leader of
his nartv ln 1901. on the retirement nf
Sir Charles Tupper.
Her maiden name was Caroline K.
jbox. and she first appeared on the stage
playing children's parts with Edwin
Forest, Charles Kemble and other lead
ing actora. ,
She married George. C. Howard In
1844. He was the first man to produce
"Uncfe Tom's Cabin" ln dramatic form,
and Mrs. 'Howard played the original
Topsy. ffTtfir daughter? Cordelia, waa the
original, Eve and her husband the orig
inal St. Claire. Mrs. Howard continued
to play Topsy until 1887, when her hus-
oaca -eiea. '
Sn rope as Plaa
.Loa Angeles, Oct 17. Frank Relch
ard committed suicide last night at the
same hour that his former sweetheart,
In Germany, became the bride of an
other man. Reichardt came to this city
a short time ago1 and purchased a cot
tage, paying for it on the Installment
plan. Just vhen all things were In
readiness for him to send for his sweet
heart he received a letter from her an
nouncing: that she would wed another,
man October 1. At the hour set for
the wedding Reichardt tied a chalk IWe
about his throat and hung himself to
a bedpost.
1 ."-..
Xeadqaartere foe
Toorlata and Com.
merolal Travelers,
Special ratea mad.
to famlllea and
single gentleman.
Th. management
will ba pleaead at
all tlmea to show
tooms and give
prlcea A modem
Turkish bath ee
tabllahment ln the
BC. O. Bowwra, Mgr.
a am
ffl g o.
Only Roof Garden
Am eric aa
ad European
Bate to T amllla
Onr Bna Keata All Tralna
3fZZi jJif-'2 ana jsoropaan var ans awni au xnuu
SSi?KiS-s!S2' Bampla Sottas, with Baths, foe Tray.linr K.n
asruuant weddnig.
., rSpeelal Dispatch ta The JoaraaL)
- . New Tork. .Oct. 17. A brilliant wed
oing oi particular interest in naval
circle, took place in the church of th.
Heavenly Reat thla afternoon, when
iUa Harriet Ogden In, daughter of
Mra. Roert W. Gardner, became the
bride of Lieutenant Commander Roger
.iivi, . c. a-.., nn:uur orricer or
in. raiunmp new nampanira Many
In the brilliant company that filled the
rnurcn. , i ne itey. Herbert Bhiprr
waa, tna orriciatlnr clergyman.. The
oriae naa as ner attenaants, Mrs. AU-
fwa iioimes or ituanta, miss Florence
Helm of Nw Tork, Mtas Carolyn
Weltes of Hartford, and. 11 lea Florence
iteynoiaa or Milwaukee. The church
ceremony waa followed by a large r
T-,, m l ui. noiw naannattan.
Tis True
that the Bitters will give
you prompt relief ip ail
ments of the Stomach,
Lfver, Kidneys and Bowels.
If you have never tried it,
start now and be convinced
n nosT
has proven, its ability so
rr.any times dannff the
past 55 years that it is now
recognized by medical au
tbonties as a very superior
remedy in cases of Indi
gestion. Dyspepsia, Cost-
ivrr.ess and Biliousness.
Within the paat five yeara tha presi
dent haa created, under the general land
office, department of the Interior. 23
reservations for tha protection of native
birds. Some are on the Florida and gulf
coast, some in the north central states,
the others on the Paclfio coaat. They
have been chosen with a view to the
fact that they are tha breeding or feed-
ree mills are ooeratinr on full time.
The mill at Wendlinar la beine thor
oughly overhauled and1 it will ba
started op as soon as the work Is com-
fileted. The company Is building a new
egging railway up Into the mountains
from Wendllng and has it about three
fourths completed. Its length will be
something over five miles. Seventy-five-pound
steel rails are being ned
ing ground, of great number, of fowls, ftb- road be 1. being built a. sub-
am a rule, eacn reservation la amaii. la i . . - - VA
of land that cannot be used for agrlcul
turah or other industrial purposes, and
will "possibly never come within the
when it pushes further Its giant pfoj- nOO.ftftft FTFT
ects for the redemption of swamp lands. '
the Wendlina
branch of the 8. P. A fine new loco
motive for the road has Just arrived
from the Baldwin locomotive works.
Seven islands in the gulf are federal
reservations, while 18 more are reaerved
by the Louisiana Audubon society un
der state authority.
The Pelican Island reservation on tne
east coast of Florida was the first gov
ernment bird reservation created. This
was set aside March 14, 1903. While It
is only a small mud flat Island. It Is
the- annual nesting colony of several
thousand brown palicana. The Breton
Islands reservation, lust above the
mnntha of the MisWlsalonl. embraces
several froaps of Islands, and Is one of
the largest, containing aeveral thousand
acres. Otber evouthem bird reaervationa
Passage Key and Indian Key, in Tampa
bar. nave eneiterea runs, teras ana oor.
morants for area. That bunch of mud
heaps denoted Tern lalanda at the
mouths of the Mississippi. Is the annual
neatlar place of thouaanda of terna.
brown rllcana and blark skimmer)
bunch of oyster ehell keys farther down
the roast, set aside a year ago. shelters
more terns and pellrans. as does Kaat
Tamballer Island, off th coast of Loula-
ana. where 4 u laughing gulls, brown
rx-llcana. black skimmer., roval t
and herons nest. Mqutto Inlet. -Tor-
uras Kara Key West. Pin Island.
Matlacha pass and Pslma go) a reserva-
loaa. all created this year, ahelter an
counted thouaanda of wild sea and shore
j fowl. Including rulla. teraa. peltcana and
vim, . 1 a . m.u iwm.ib wimmm.
Merttw t
If the Dorthwrat. the attamp Lake res
ervation of North Daknia protects 'the
sumroer nesting sues r iwi o-a. s4
the Huron and fflaklwlt lalaad of Lake
foMrlor and Chasa take ta North Lia
kota baoee tnoi:sui4t cf starting and
ether r'l Tbe first klrj rarva on
the Pa'flc noaat was creatod a rear
are. Tbla was tha Tbre Arrfe Rorka
l.sertattow m Oraa. wnre tb a4a
Of caliran-ia aaarrea, trrsjits.
eota ptnrit aa purnaa rau
Pbortfy after that tha Flatt.
eota partrela ad pufflaa com ta bre4.
It after that tha Flattery Rarka.
Qailirata We41s ana CnfMila X k r-
rre were set aawia ia n aaat ft
IVaehliHrtaa for tba una t4"ri. sad ia
A (! ef tkts rear Lka MaUbear rw
rat of tb world a nolt fa
wxmm brawdfar a roan far wUd
', awaea kms a rv4 m vr water
er1 t4r .u rrMM In Orefr-ta.
Tbe t tr4. cat f hmm 2 t rv are .
tectea by a iaw ret4 v years ago.
(pedal tlptcb to Tba. Joorml.)
Roaeburg, Or.. Oct. 17. The recent
heavy ralna raised the Umpqua river
about four feet and enabled the large
logging crewa to bring doVn about
800.000 feet of logs to Winchester to
the Kendall Broa' mill. Thla drive
was started early last spring, but tha
low water csusea tnem to remain I
ue liver all summer. I
The logs will ba manufactured Into
timbers for the erection of ona of tbe
largest sawmills ln tha state, snd the
mill wl
when it Is ready for operation will
Tbe email mill will ba kept buay thla
furnish employment for about 100 men.
winter sawing lumber and building ma
terial for the larger mill to be built
next spring by Kendall Bros., who have
large tracts of timber In. the Cascade
range eaat of hers.
They are th. owner, of the Roa
borg water and light erstema and will
conatruct an eleetrio line batweea Win-
cheater and the upper river section aa
soon aa tolr riant M la readiness.
Ttey have th. finest water newer plant
la this section of tha state, st vin-
(Taikiw fYaaa liml ST Ira.!
kag-way. Oct. 17. Navigatloa .was
aUtaed. ae far aa th. Whit. Pass was
eowcemed. when the ateaunars Caaca
sad trwt Horse arrivad tday frwrn
Iiawsoa with 4. racswrim. man v of
tnni frmai Fairbanks aad ethar lower
TnkoB rtver pntata. los ronftiag In
th Takoai ana tba flfwl raJ4 anaa wl I
likely t -f ria ef tba river. WtV
tne Hawi-ag af mrtrattoa tb winter
f ma I star atarted la this
(United Preis Luaed Wlra.l '
Seattle! Oct 17. Advices brought by
officers and - passengers of the Kaga
Maru, which haa arrived from Japan,
confirm earlier reports of the abolish
ment of th. Chinese boycott. The of
ferings of freight at China ports wars
tha first that had been made Nippon
Yusen Kaisha vessels for . several
The handling of Chinese fireworks Is
credited by the Nippon Yusen Kaisha
officials as a transportation achieve
ment worthy of great consideration.
This business has usually been routed
through San Francisco, but the excel
lence of prevailing schedules between
the orient and Puret sound tha
business of last year to be diverted to
Seattle. The existence of trade un
friendliness between Japan and China
had caused the belief that such an ar
rangement would not be made thla year.
t " :
Cathedral Cornerstone.
(Special Dlipatch to The Journal. r
St. Lduls. Mo.. Oct 17. Elaborate
preparatlona have been completed for
the ceremonies tomorrow attending th.
layln- of the cornerstone for th. new
St Thomas of Aquln cathedral. The
ceremony will be preceded by a great
parade of the Raman Cathollo aocfetloa
of St Lou la and vicinity. Archblahop
John J. Glenn on will preside at th.
cornerstone laying.
Companies 'Incorporated.
Salem. Or.. Oct. 17. Artlclea of In
corporation have been f iledvin the of- .
flee of the secretary of atate as for-1
lows: '
Baltimore Dairy luncheon, principal
office Portland, capital stock 13.000. In
corporators G. H. Watson, F. E. Wat
son. E. i. Watson and F. W. Lambert.
Certificate of dissolution dissolving
Parsons Timber company.
Certificate Increasing caoltal stock of
Fidelity Trust company from (5,000 to
Truth arid
appeal to tha Well-informed in every
walk of life and ax. essential so permanent
aucceas and creditable standing. Aecor
ingj j, it is not claimed that Syrup of figs
and Elixir of Senna is the only remedy of
known value, but ona of many reasons
why it ia the best of personal and lamily
laxatives ia tha fact that it clcanaea,
sweetens and relierea the internal organs
on which it acta without any debilitating
after effects and without having; to increase
the quantity from time to time.'.
It acta pleasantly and naturally and
truly aa a laxative, and it eoDrjonent
parte ara known to and approved by
rysoara, as it ia free from aH objortipo
ahls aihaUnora. To get its beneficial
electa always purchase that genuine
manufactured by tha California. Fit Smro
a, larryiac tm mm n arra mail. 1 , . . .
Te iii imx any grt X,anaioteaMCBjieart
trail 4 ifwaltr. for tbe raU la m I .
The Paradise of thePacific; 125
Miles South of San Franciaco.
Affords every facility for golf,
tennis, riding, driving, motoring,
and all other sports under ideal
conditions. Superb climate;
beautiful scenery. IVery luxury
a ad convenience of the best city
Stopover privileges on all
through , railroad tickets
Illustrated literature on request
He R. WARNER, Manager
Portland's new and most modernly furnished
hotel. Third and Main streets. Special rates to
permanent guests for the winter. Free bus to
and from trains. Excellent cuisine. Telephone
ln every room. Private batha.
$1 to $aO Par say.
i.50 to 94 Vac Day.
C. H. SPENCER, Managtr
saaiilaii""1 las"""
. I Si if In sH r F1 T i I sH'aWn" '-V V. W -Im
Portland'a New HoteL .'
4TS Washinrton, eorner lata, epp.
Xailia: Thaatra.
Snropeaa nan fLOO and TTp.
Bus meets all tralna
DAN J. MOORE. Proprietor.
. Rota aioore Olataon Beaok. Baa
M aide. Or. Opaa all year. Tor Infos
nation apply at Tba Saamocra.
A homelike and comfortable hotel
whose auperb location, niagnifi-
cent appointments and perfect
servict leave nothing to ba de-
Under the same maaarement which
mads tha Palaca Hotl tha world'.
standara ror 40 yeara.
01agl. toem. wrta, bath f 1 IS.
$4.00. k.oh i.oo. 7.ea.
11.00, 110.00. .
traa-IU 00. 411S0. tlS.oi
S1I.0S 120 00 and upwarda.
aVesaasd by STra SaaTmaaewto aa
amaetcaa Street fraaa Tarry.
J A new down town dotal Steel and
srlck straetuTi. Firalshsi it i east tt
$150,000. Eiirj comfort lid eonranl
not. Or w Unit triRiferrlni ( ill
parts af ettj. OdidIbbi naatt iQ trains
and staamars. i
J If joi mt MBifort, eonraalaaca
aid Imnirj at a tsrj xeitsnabia pries,
stos sj tha select . - .
sa wzsa ajto stop at
Hotel Von Dorn
tit Turk sC. when yoa visit '
avur rmAjTcuco, .
Flrapraaf staai frame, steam beat,
rhona and beta. Ratea (1 up, European.
Prom Ferry depot take any Market at.
car. Oat oft at Jones sL E. 3. Dyer, Mgr.
Hotel St. Francis
This hostelry possesses all the
best features of the world's finest
caravansaries, and has added manv
ideas to the sum of hotel happi
ness. ,
It has Introduced to Pacific
Coast Hoteldom the Electric
Grill, Pneumatic Tuba Service,
Masneta Clock System and today
repreaents the farthest advance of
science in hotel service in America.
Rata. European, from $2 upward
Under tha management of
TS KUU attrewt, ' ,
' sax rsAjrersco. cax. '
A eret-elasa. Quiet bom. hotel. Xara-
paaa plaav Ont rally located. Near
thee tna and shopping district. Rata
tl op. Bad act km by the week. Mrs.
L H. McClar. proprietor.
Fred Wolleaberg
Max Scbulliefar
Lew LeWabaaaa
Roy'aJ House, San rrancisco
rvartt aad Xrwmrt eta.
All outside raoaaa, at earn tieat hot a ad
rotd watar.t Rates tee ta tl per aay.
vteeaiy raiaa. uara rem ft k street
?1rct fram Third strewt apet. rrwra
rerrr. newara street cars d.rect, W.
Aa aseyaalai Oat
alaa and a r"-
aateea eseeuawa1
Hotel Normaridie
Satter ind Cc:(b Sts. . San Francisco
rre-mlrntly ti. brrt an4 aawwrt arawa fotet raitwaiewt ta tbeatrea and
sbopa: fSS brlaht, rtchly furntshaa rooms from til an. with bata ttfr ta
tl ta. Sultea, parlor, t-drooaa aad aauaw la as. Aaaartcaa pla. tt t a.
CaeBmercial aaaopla roams. , .,.,.'
erai Jocbaa wit a.. ,.. IS"1 -,
Tarpiav prcpnetae.