Mm EMTOKMa D1GE OP HIE eTOIMNMi ThF TbOT TR IxT AT' pr,da' Th enthusiasm for local ac- aa they will be on November 3, after J w '' uvmeg ot publlo eharacler U teat three weeks more of disturbance and aw iKPicraypST mwsrAfta. , of the Individual Interest In atate "agony?" Would they not bare r. a. j.caaoa... ............rui growth, atate pride and Oregon aa- voted Juat aa wisely and wH'to No- r.'H,'.'. ..... - - - ----- - lWBiaty. ' Absence of these la fairly vember S If the candldatea had not -- aHUf iMrk.c t Tb Jovm.i hoiia-1 w Indcated la the Blender attend I been named until October 1. Vonld I... 'in .w Y.bnr .iru. rtus. or. Uncaof leaathun K r.nn .tih.i... -.f a Bhort campaign be better for Kr.tr4 at mm BMioiyie at Portias, or. tx try uuD stock abow and harness the country than a long one? t r."""' r 'f rjweet. a .how well worth the patron- If It be necessary for a cand Pll 10 BUILD FINE THEATRE In." ' ' "7 VT Meet, a abow well worth tbe patron- If It be necessary for a candidate riLitrnoNEs maik tits. ' bomb, A-4(t. I ' " Portland and the half of! for prealdent to travel about over au dtan-amu .rwiM r aawra.ivreKon.' . .. most of thla areat countrv. making : Jti t operator tha de Kaat Bide offlro, 4 Kaa am, I . mere are reaaoaa why Wanning-1 apeechea and showing himself, ana ' 1 ' I toil. th fl IM h M - ntttmtwtniA -.A I .l.ln. nunU . rOBEtOX AOViaTXaSNO, BEPHItaKIITATIVil ....... w.i.m wi-- iMii iuu; uiuuuua wi rrMiaa4-no-iita saHai Aiwruiinv AfT. I uu- lu parent, in me race ror pop-icnance to pee and apeak to mm. men , .riT iiTiin. JXKSa.""!'"-0". -"-a the Intense local spirit I prolonged campaign Is necessary. ' en In the 110.000 paid admission But who did not know substantially - - -a-a aas ka aa.a.1. ama mm an J I - a. A V ... ... I ' i u us United ButM. Caaaia a Masie! I e ePogane lair ! probably one of I as much about Mr. Taft and Mr. . . DA11.T. i luuis , reasons, j oat aplrlt capital-1 Bryan three months ago as tney os raw 44.00 1 oaa raoatk a 01 tzea ana investea in state and city Know now? And does ail tuts ru- Calvin Ileilig: and Darid Steams Open Subscriptions do Bond Issue With Guaranteed Interest Struc- -ture to Be lii Business Section. SUK DAT. - Or rr. 12-SO I Cm monta ..I .13 DAILY ANP BPTfBAT. On rr ST .SO I On BaMtk.'. I . Cmilatimt -buaranttt 4 Ta CtrtiUi Oaf tia analatiom of (is. . 4 omiaow a-ovaurA vli Iwra aoWsoS gutnmfH hytlm Adftrtkei't CtniScd Ckmktkm Bhm took That Portland man will ba willing to ubaorlba $100,000 with which to con struct a thaatro suitable for A otty of this importance Is the belief of Calvin Helllg and David Btearns. Mr. Hslllg and Mr. Btearns art going ahead with ,. Tbm Pmptr Aaa frvrrd by mmttgmuan that fa ctrrmU tom ncordt mi ttoi with tan and tba ttmSatiem atatad wttk aatk mcamrmcf that adnttiarrt may taty om any auarawac at ammr rnmor or im paoimnm amdtr tat fjratnia awa maaagtmamt taromtrel Bjaptambw 108. 3 a I I i ,1 III II expansion explains the magnificent Irloua campaigning render the people a plan whereby bonds to the extant of growtn or Spokane, and In part the! any better able to decide between Bwirt building of Washington state. I them? It is true that they have The incident la worthy of th Port-1 made aome interesting Bpoeclies, and lander'a reflection as a suggestion for I the discussions engaged In may have the Country Club show next year. I been , somewhat Instructive; yet it Perhaps, too, the Country Club. man-1 may be doubted whether this long f 100,000 or poailbly $200,000 will be sold In this city with a guarariteod return for Interest and the retirement of a oer- taln amount of the bonds each year. Mr. Heljlr and Mr. Stearna propose to construct the theatre along;- the same clan that waa uaed In bulldloa the Com- merclaJ club that la the sale of bonds agement might also study the 8pc period .of campaigning on the part I paybie in comparatively email lnitail- kane way of dping things. STAICDDTO WITH THE TERESTS r A man has Just as much re ligion as he can command In the time of trouble. Andrew Fuller. ' of the candidates and their support- menu, so that reymenu will fall due i . , . ., ., :t , as me wor on tne Dunuina progreaaoa. ers balances In the enlightenment of The believe that if H&o.ooO wee raiaed I l 1 . . . . 1,1. ., I - . I 1 K A , .nM M AMMl 1 1 V. v una nann a rnn unroar rimiaiiT iqq u 1 J vviui,i,vij v.ww a!i .. . ' " . I half that amount could be secured iuat uiaiuruauce causea uj ii. as easily for a new theatre, one of the The country would be better orf In moat important mpiovementa required I WW Unrf la nit T 13 NOT to be assumed that dele-1 the long run if a president were VMt numiMrMai gates to the .Trans-MlsaUsIppl lecloa ,e8S irequentiy, onco ia ror more than a year Mr. Helllg has COngreBS comprising a large ma-lnot ,eM lnan ,lx yea. nl men peen trying to let om one iniereaiea JZ 5 r '7 r- n,0 lofor .nH In a new theatre who haa money enough jority were aciuaiea oy improper w..-w.w.4 - t0 Duiid one. Aitnough railing to nna motives, or that they are exception- the -period of active campaigning cut any one man who was wining to ad- , ' . . "r" "tBV"" -,,. rifl.Mo. .,nM than ha vance the money he has met with such ally ignorant business men and pro- nort. Besides, there mould then be enoourgement that he and Mr. etearna ducers vet that thv rfpplamrt 1 need of large campaign funds, propose to organise a company and sell oucera, yec mai tney aeciared . f . . . , Bonds enough to build suitable atruc- against a parcels post and In fayor of ana ,ess Haeilhood or their being ture Mr. Hem himeif thinks he can a gorernment. ship subsidy Is POt"ear0r Da purpose.. 1 Srr further eonreH:umemve.' Otherwise Tery easily explained. I ; I the rest would be comparatively eaey to The ship subsidy scheme s Indeed I TELL THE TRUTH. SHAME THE U i, PunE5 THE STALKING HORSE 1 well calculated to gain the approval of a great many men who look Into It only superficially, or aye prone to follow party leaders .without much question, it presents an alluring suriace to tne man. wno regrets the I T IS never too truth. If a mistake DEVIL I a theatre has upon surrounding prop erty. late to tell the 0f the district around the Helllg will rnlrA In mndfl It I appreciate what I mean," Bald Mr. Is always honorable to own up. atre the surrounding- property haa large "he Oreonlan mistook Taffa Mr increaaed In value and shops and R. "HEARST did not come to I decadence of the American merchant I tariff plank for Bryan's and bruised, hive "grown" up in fhV'vicinity """the' i-omana.' . insteaa, ne Bem marine, but the proponents ot a ship battered and bludgeoned it. It freyep aJ.t c?a"sW theatre hia regrets and his candidate. I -nngMy nolicv are careful noTr to I straight-armed it. uDnercut It. andl.hnf.i inrtd. it wnuM undonbt- t, . There was .'meeting, a band, reply to the suggestions of Its op- landed a swing on its Jaw. It Jabbed "y ve Vf odi fiX-?hi-rf???di!l5 speeches by a retinue of Mr. Hearst's points of a far better and more nat- it, smote It and slashed it. It hissed KeSedemoiSated repeated"?.'- 1 I Running SKots . , 4 amtmmaaataaaaaBtm VTrlttea for The Journal by Fred C Penton. TTe are aaaarad by the ease In the brick tower that the. referendum and Initiative will not extend to many more Btatea. The atald atate of Maine baa joined Oreson, Oklahoma and Montana, with Mleaourl aura to come throuah In November, and -an agitation for It In Iwantv moM ihat la aura to Win out: yet the moaabacka of Oregon shut their vii Ann ihinv inir ini naon in ho In to submit to be led by their kind la ether states. e e . e The strong emailing and slippery trail of the Standard Oil crowd leads plainly to the Republican house nf Iht REALM FEMININE1 ' The Question of Taat. H I look back now ever many years tne pieasantaat part of my life with my children waa when Z could cuddle them uu w n slat on niaPtt fatA 1 1 a e were safe. We mothers arow loneaoma as our babies grow older. ri nnd It hard to be firm with my "A' Xtm At... .km. hn.ln.u aaanola tlona are such that hie Interact In the I atataamen and almoat a pots the coat theatre makee Its sucoeae an assureo I taue or tne hignest ciiiaen in tne fact, thinks that the new building should I and then we are told by the organ ba located eouth and west of Third and I the party In Oreron that Waahlnatoit atreets. . I -It muat be centrally located," saia l . a course I coaquered. but at the exnana K. m.vini.ii ituiann. nf thai i ..a t.- ,om...l I nt m v.. - . 1 ' 1 io expenae hnl.l. . n .1 ma id. K A.M. felrt. Nirl I , . .,, . J .. V. I Imi.nh.I In Ilk .Ll.l - . . ... T V V . . .u I proyneia wiu om uu ot ju. , i v-nicaiin, xor n waa only will Km inn fm AWav. Vfnat ttt the I r ...... I nre InH th. . wil .ti'V. V"". - ' - ' r.. I . . . I - mi.uv nun ininx m coll I. la3: I1,"!! ""fl Jn I know it Is for 'a ot table r J "A the party in Oregon that Bryan is tne !. t. mi it?V'l?Zlnyi'- choice of the, Rockefeller combine! to" eat 'a piece of chicken Of course I coaquered. but at tha .TeJil What started eaat aide cars run ho farther west than '."2 JVirVl.r"" "1"'".rw-iT? r; moat aentleman hivi in tr. r..f.r . Thi. It ahAnld ha . m- OUt poas th lease on a suitable piece of ground lit I Carving th Turkey la a alitlee, the mother, the young mother wun t: Yr. . .r w "'e " i eapeciaiiy, cornea to ner task of dni. vviiik .'Hi u rnTtinE inn .n.p.. Kn.M im In Ik. 11,11. Some of the empires, kingdoms and fIi ng her tremendo d to be the cleaneet and wont some other mothera nly presidential campaign &r,hlZrjt' ave to transfer.- then ll ehould I JX?,'."0" .m. . . Ai.t,t, o,M.i.n. k. I slinging scrap and war of woroa etjtiai i ,..,; .. . .. fiood.--wh.oh would Tut out A ."', VBlrrTe-ii ever .raer'Cn Pe' Perplexln'r IrJRZtu In th 'world he northerly portion of the city. pie are aa virile aa ever. . , defJ wltht Vlthout training in the "I believe we can secure al 15-year I . .. . deep lessons of handllna oth k . 1 tft fmtkt uw ..1 kiinrl. guaranteed return' elmllar to those of I the British Hon. the Commercial club and at the samel . nM. . .i.Li ...i I Home or tha a .maw uiutiuv ,"i a, miiKiiiH iuiiu v. win i , . , , . . r ,.n. i not ii .iii.i uuui rvii)oi a 1 o 11 1 1 1 aa l.60(T to 16.000 yearly with which to principalities arlalng and uTaappoarlne: but not knowln, no aiuZ,. i.TS pay Interest and to buy up the onda. n Turkey are smaller tnan any one a to be accomplished.-No wonder that ' we atartM out to .Jur 11 00.000 w. Oregon. fc:a SSSlMl Kfftf'ff" J? acutelyTwVk.i wouia-eeai eiuu.uuv oonaa ana nave m - V r""" , I " 11 aeenia as mougn ane were In 4.000 a year eliiklng fund on a .6-year beyond the comprehension of common tfie poeltlon of an untralnVd pe'eorl lease basis. The balance of the profits mortals in America. suddenly called upon to produce melodv could be used to pay Interest on the I a e e I from a mighty organ. Her confidence uuiiua. 4 tviiiiiiir iiini uui hvh vi . mj i vui avuiur uhiivu puiir. oi.o.ii'i Mv... i - .v. iim ivutm mm 11 1 II U Mil city near the Portland hotel and The i refuses to believe that he waa beaten she were merely experimenting, milling Journal building the moat desirable lo-lat the primaries because he stood In, I out stops here and there, fumbling canon. we wouia noi wani o go i aiooa wun ana iinea up- conwnuauy wun i wim hid nu proauoing jangling xariner weac xnan oevenm eirei iigriiira ruraavr cruwa m ina n" i v,oo vruniv ui.iuuica air vaaiea lor. farther south than Jeff ersoa,1' I against the people and their demands. .. Ptoka Suitable ryve. a a a ii is ine unoertatniy or a young Mr. HaiZa u.tVTr.Mfrom L." . would change hi. nam. to mother .experimenting In a way. thai an extwdea trip through the ea.t In- w" h"thwotwo big Bills and" Bill rfe.rst olde7 or more iipeilene person them . .hc.Tfr.wkr tfcAArr lth Sk Vrv .Mg "Ul. ITOni rgRK OC ISSUM Mtt XTim HH I i f " " V u I C I J mk . i i L ..V T " 1 " ...,. "7v " - - -' I hill onAunvinr frnnt mpa t it la certain I i"u unum lupoornntajBi stage, with a large seating snaoe on that Se Amlrlcan SioolS greatlr strengthened and hl ob- the ground floor, fs the most desirable thB. bm wlneve? BUreta li stlnaoy developed, even though he la kind. Thla enables everyone to secure p"- ln" olu wnicnever mu seis in. i nn,1-rJul . tVi " m trnnA rl.v tt th stnffN anil Anmm nut I - I .ui. . . m"' ---- -- o - . .- i - . . . . , . . . ... i ju una, iiiancr uivra waa no moral place any or tne .seats very zar oaoai van waa me cnoice ox nia T.iJ principle Involved, the whole contest frnm th. (- The roof of th Mor. I against Fulton, who had a sort of oily I I.J -in- ViZ rKiYi". f2n;: mon tabernacle In Salt Lake City he r. smell about hla garmanta. but Chamber- the mother'a And lest Uila hSrrlfv .... iw..i r . .ran.inmn, i iin w m vn rniMii. n r rn nnnn i. n . I . , . . . Q,W IIIO lur XI VIM .tin M fca ililfivui v I ------ ..w ..vaw v . - " or auwinatifa in raaa ina Duiiainar la i uauao na nan naa ex devoted exclusively to theatrical pur- served well and falthf poses It will be necessary to oulld an inere is jo if. i ne popular vote m- D, very ,ur, of thelr ground before ornamental front, which Is always ea- structlng the legislature to vote for the' tney .ttIt dow to a atubborn fight pensive. Should there be enough money I choice of the people shows that .the I w)tn a chiM on a matter of will cower U hniM . romhlnnflon office building I election of a United States senator In I TJ " Vi.V. ,. .i- ... .TLY and theatre the expensive front would aocoraanoe witn tne voie is i aemana-a t)on t0 my mlndt whjc, Justifies It. om aono owl wun anu mm iw yuivil'i Y . .1. ..... land mat IS A moral lSSUO. TAX ROLL COStPLETED camp lonowers. denunciations 01 urai remedy, namely: the admittance at It, spat on it and spurned It. It everything and everybody except Mr. to American "registry of foreign- choked It, vaccinated it and punched Hearst, and proclamations to the ef- Duut Bnjp8i and such a reduction of its mug. ' It knocked it down, kicked fectthat Mr. H6arstra personal and tariff duties as would admit of ships It, sat on it and cussed it. It de private Independence, party Is the ,einf; DUijt Jn American yards at nounced it as deceptive, epurious and first real thing that has happened somewhere near the same cost that false. since the Declaration .of Independ- they can be built for in foreign But It turned out that the hated ence. v -. t yards. Steel is one big Item, and the plank was not Bryan's, but belonged Though Mr. Hearst was yesterday American builder must pay a good to the Oregonlan's own and only Mr. in the embrace of the worst element aeai more for American steel than Taft, that it was written, not at Den- of the Republican party-" a mayor- foreign: builders pay. And so with ver, but at Chicago. It turned out Wasco Is Shown to Be Advancing in any canaiaaie ot ew .org, ana me I various ship materials and stores, that the-Jovian thunderbolts from Many Lines. day before and the day after hugging I Tne American merchant marine has the Tall Tower were in fact hurled at tsoeciai Mtpatcb to rue journal. Tammany In a fusion with Mr. Deea nearly obliterated ln order to the very tariff plank that Candidate The1 - Dalle Or.. ' Oct u Assessor iiearBC - as Bianuaru speaker in Mr. Hearst lation Of BPellDlnderS belabored, both .M ahV.m t. n nAthiitfThil 'r. -2 I When Hood'RWer was given a big I wvaavaaw m vuy ww Mva v wuwmvi I ' n ymuiwHUV uvwwwu ID wMOMf I gllnA, from thft ,JWOelt DArt iOt tflf) CI" the great political parties. , As his b, trngti to cooperate with the rest will the Oregonian own ud? Will it tok if Hood River county. The as- contributloa to the elucidation of of the tnntMt and one that would tell its family of readers that it onUtyUOw.,ninciu0Ld in" w'Sco wmvaigu iu". j". 6"", bbto especially . strong influence In fooled them? Will It cheerfully and county. waaH.320.070: that of ios less a good man, told the story of tha pontics of seaboard states. That decently own up and tell them that fln,ce. Si0 'J. ISi'lSk886, mak' his business competition with Stand- the Trans-MississlDbi conzress in- I Mr. Taft is the Bnonsor. defender and I Thr are hundreds of neoDle arrlv- iaM't'tB Policy does not ake it parent of this naughty tariff plank tlook at it was a meeting typical 01 nearsi- a a-ood or wIbo one. any more than I and that Mr. Brvan tia dallv and hnt-. In fruit and farm lands and ism in which the theory of life is Itg indorsement by President Roose- hourly denouncing it 'in about the fe?",,Jt ivo'ther'witehAbu?!! mac, wnen you want anytmng, oince, vent does. , same language In which the Oregon- nVsB menTs AMociatlon for information principles, parties or. What not,' get! ' tar mora inrnrlnlnr than thla an. tan .i-oii u and literature. There has been a sub- it With the dollar. When ln Bepab- tion was that by which the congress That newspaper should tell the unt. 'foTwaacS Sunt?- d"u the ncan rusion as canaiaaie tor tne Went on record against the- parcels truth if it shames the devil. P"4 J"- . .r. Bnlnvin, nrn, mumnltr Mr HfaMt npnt n an-l Tni.u.l n.. Z ... Dufur and vicinity are enjoying pros- . . (iudi. ciituer uuo ciyi cno cuuipuaiea ( I perltv. The Lurur commercial ciuo, palling sum in the attempt to buy mu8t have had a lot of dependable Mr. Taft would defend our coast' "W"!!.0' "ve' . TlLZ. purposes. parties In every county fn the state. -XUatf " maintain and fatten with swollen Taft is everyday and, every hour de- It JwTeSnnt7. the s paia conBiei-1 fortunes the trusts: and thojhiaBub-1 fending, on. tne stumn., iv--i--l.irt since tb .division of the county. Now ln the case of a child's willing ness to eat cnicKen in laaua waa a Should Cannon win out the voice of paltry one. There' ar manv reasons the people ln the next congress will l why he should not have wished to eat sound to that body like an elderberry I It. It mav have been meralv a dlstAsto popgun in a naval name. I tor rooa or any Kind at that Juncture. a a a lit may nave oeen a aeeper matter tne T 9 DMta.w.ll w.aii1i4 MAiin.l tha I fact of its being animal food mav have A a A VV" v tvvuau waawua.a bwb , . . . . ar . . - Standard OU United States senators as revpuea mm. ir we may compare ex vlgorously and publicly as he does tho perlences and say. -My dear," and 'Wow tainted Democrats he mlrht not be a ' e tell you and "you and X," let good Republican, but he would certain- e say tnat I had the experience of a Iv bai a a-ood American. Part whins similar, nature with a child About 4 check ' to French's bAnk, Indorsed the ar heavr even to Dresldents. y.ear. oll wh. suddenly discovered that name of C. A. Moyer, receiving the a a a tne nice gentle oows to Which he looked money for it and leaving at onoe for .v -m.t with affection for hla dally milk and Arlington I .. I' "'J-"" .V,1""," -'7,' ." the meat on the tame were anted. He Sheriff' Chrlswan left last night for SI"" V davi ' aj-a" numbered how- I u,o,Yere. In fact, that the "nice P'etty Arlington, wnere nurrman was arrest-1...1. : ,- .,-- - -n.mV. cuw" -.mou i pryyiw uiiiaini, SIDELINE, STORIES Or GRLAT NORTHWEST ed by the chief o r pllSe. Huffman Uraalth- onl a drg" d aS?dento n5 he PrmpUy fu5d.Kt0 eat ,L -,H will appear before Recorder Flllom to- I.eIt,M.?rKy-i I?ig lfh had another pang of the same kind wnen a pet raooit was KUiea oy A aog. He admitted that the rest of the family ,,ViL . . n. .. -,..m... Brttlsh states ln Australia have cast ..iV""rV" f'V - '"". him out and loano, wnere no lntenaea returning yesterday. real wealth and all labor. Two great him out and more, will follow- foliow. -must the cince. wneii ' .ea.w.ia xam- frlendl ln the congress, or elga lt Bay. the Spokane SpokeBman-Re- .eelcers" in fruit 'id"fm to The - many na uuiU lur 6;u. "" acted on mistaken ideas and misln- view. Against what? What and "iVniT t'KVn.TnS; ""T,n" Bpeni. oy ma own accouuuug. uiofb fcrmation as to what Postmaster- whom are we afraid of. unless it be " - Tnan a quarter m a muuus aoiia. General Meyer's plan really Is and Oriental Immigration? And Mr. Taft AT HOOD RIVER PAIR wnen a canaiaaie rar.uw imocrauc now lt would work. As The Journal Beems to be rather favorable to that n?D?v P'wjaoncy m hag repeatedly shown, this plan Certainly his most prominent sup- The Dalles and Dufnr Will Send aim, w u.. . .. uu vouu penerit ratner man injure porters are. As to the need of a I Many Exhibits. the Spending Of it for delegates tnel-nnnrrT .n( - .11 nv. m.rihiinti . ui-l m.M. nianatch to The Jonrnal. jinmlJUU lea8t ln all comnjunftle8 .upplied feoa:t; BuCh talkVis meTe campal , wuou vu vuj mo mawimi,, mw "v WU& rural mall delivery, and most aluah l grain and vegetables to ne piacea.on ouy me) governorBuip. iaueu to uuy communities will soon be so sup tne presiaency, ana IB now attempt- nHd. If thv r not aItakv Th -. . . will not be entered in comDetltlon with lng to bodily buy a new party of ' ,OT,i n t t rrt w.n.. L .ia,rB " Y.Ve8nam "t0..1 the display of Hood River, or that of : which he is to be the Moses. association o tlle la" .w"' UK eia m any 'ecUon exnH'-UPt , He hates the Republicans because -trongly opposed to the Dostmaster- , , lv ' 8 TVT . . aA AiA nvt hin him tntn nfr. Birongiy opposea to ids posimasier- cessful. The season of fairs is not tfiey did not help him into office, general's plan until he looked into lt over vet for .eTeral are to be held hates the Democrats for the same and understood it and then he be- fJ. yet. ror several are 10 do neia in Mii h. nn of his ditn "?e5!? a...A. At this week and later, and they too -nTfnA ouled Mr HIsgen out 1; "! "p.""r:a. will in all probability report good ARRESTED FOB FORGERY eX- " .w o ' i mosc 1 1 1 i ii h cnnnirr infrr-nnnm nr i - as stalking horses to decoy the de- that re,on it has been reported L,t8',BT a"enaance' Bna ! , , Mman is MAhi -'fnta a nartv which Mr. reportM' These fairs perform a verr entertain- f";" .. r i uk rue wiiii ui ui. i j .. - .i .v. i. ---- T-Tnarst will tuck Bwav under hlB arm im. , . a ; a lu unu uciui luucuun 111 mo 1110 vi i He had been visiting u. a. moyer ana 1371 Ii r, Vll .. The parcel? .?OBt 18 . ometWn in our rapldly developing slate. fu? on , Fiftewn Mile. Moyer. the agree with him. 19- Year-Old Ray Huff man in Trou ble at The Dalles. ISncll Diana ten to Tba .etirnal.) Tho Dalles, Or., Oct IS. Bay Huff- years old, was arrested at Ar- today on a charge of forgery, and to which he will be St. Patrick, the intei.e8t 0f the masses of the peo- uzar, eanta iaus, neaa propnet, una pIe It wouid benefit 100 where it soie fixer or toe iaun. plaintiff, alleges that Huffman took a C. A. Moyer warehouse wheat reoelpt The morning paper says the elec- from the Mover residence and brought t, ' , . ... It to the Waseo Warehouse Milling Ta vote for Mr Hlseen who haa Lv ., .-. . D1 wuuiu uo a. company here yesterdAy And received ..a vote lur sur. nisgcu, wuo line .u. k , mal order houses anv more ! ..i i.i,.n lrn.v i. i . I . v,i . .in.. V. utt ..a. 1 . r .I.L, ! " . . . . uiuuo Lomuni;. uii.u la vuij uuo - -"5V- v-.....B in tha TTnitd Rtarea ii tha nnintpa. " M mnch 8aTanta tnan BaTe of many unpatriotic expressions cal- nt fntiv It la firt of ... noW' bu,t " WOU,d doubtleM decreMe culated to intimtldate the people. vntA for M Hearst ana nv nl. reo the f tb eXpreM COm' Such a result would not be "mlrac- vote for Mr. Hearst, and oy his rec- panIe8 whlcn inrariably charge too ulou. and thera i- no KooA rea.on ord. Mr. Hearst is not worthy of it. v,h rate. for th. thev nor- u .'. t ,i I , no,5 reason t. ,. f w. niBn rates ror lD services tney per- wnjr Jt should be calamitous. He Is ope of the. greatest political form Tne parcei8 poet ln Europe ---z---- mountebanks of the age. as the last and Canada has been of great and it is rather unlikely that the presl- ?tr?'JtwT toptjfd service to the people. dent ever said anything toNIck HrtV iJ . ;.rSn!r.r!fr and there U no th0Ught ,n th8e Longworth Justifying his alleged re- 2 J wuntrles of abolishing it. It would mark about Roosevelt succeeding ir: S7a' ! .5KT ZgVttZdt have been in vogue long ago In this Taft , 19,6. but Mrs. I. might , ; " " . . .vT. u. , I country except for tne express com- hare done so panies and railroads, which of course . oppose it, Just as the steel trust and We will now have had to visit us standing the number of arrests that lewis for bryan Letters From the People Indications Are That Democrats Will Poll Heavy Vote. ( Sparta 1 Dlapatca t Tba JoaraeLI Chehalls, Wash., Oct. 13. Lewis coun- Lettera to The Joaraal should ba writtea en one aide ef the paper only, and -bould be ae ompanled by tba nam and addraaa of tha writer, ina same will not oa onea ii ms writer aaka tbat It be withheld. The Journal la not to ba andcratood aa indorsing tba t!wi ty will come ln strong for Bryan In or statements of correapoDdanta. letters should November. 'In 1904 the vote ln the be made aa brief aa poaalble. Thoee who wlab county was 4,648 and Roosevelt re- I their letters returned when not uaed anooia in- celved a plurality of 2,103. During that cioae poataae. Gull Mr. Hearst for the presidential nom inatlon in 1904. Third, it la a vote in aid of Standard Oil. because Mr. Bryan' la the only candidate who can hope to defeat Mr. Taft, and Mr. Taft Is receiving the support of Standard Oil. Fourth, It is a vote against worklngmen, for the Denver conven tion gave to worklngmen the injunc tion plank they asked for. and every vote for Hlsgen who cannot carry one precinct in the nation. Is one good vote lost. UAP URESIS FROf.1 BURGLAR Hold-ups are getting to be matters of regular occurrence of late, notwtth' other trusts oppose the natural, right candidates Debs, Cbafin and Hlsgen, have been made and the fact that aev means of building up the American but there is aa yet no word of the eral ot tn r" ar now ,n tl,e tanks. merchant marine. Look which way we may, we find that It Is largely a gorernment of. by and for the trusts and interests, and It seems that this is what the TranB-Mlssissippi congress is In fa vor of. coming of Watson. THE SPOKAXK WAT TOO LOXO CAMPAIGNS I T IS worth Portland's attention to note that there were 110,000 -paid admissions at tbe Spokane fair which cloeed Saturday. Tbe paid admissions at the splendid ex hibition of the Portland Country Clnb were betweea 20,000 and 2K.0OO. Tbe paid admissions at the Oregon ttate fair were .,. The attend ance at Spokane exceeded the admls :ons at the two big Oregon shows -r.b!ad with more thai 20.000 to f ; re. ' , U 1 tot a parallel to fin Ore proa -i jOrfg-ts:aiis-.w!:a rardetsble A" MONTH or two ago there wbb a good deal of complaint about the apathy prevailing regard ing tbe campaign, and many people seemed to be worried bcaa-e the campaign was not fairly opened yet, or was not running already at fever heat Yet now it it three weeks till election, and the campaign has already become aalte strenuous and warm, at least la large spota. it opened ap and got well Into motion quite early enough. Wkat is tbe oed of these pro longed cans pa! ga T Are not tbe peo ple jart about aa well able te deride betweea tie several candidates sow If Councilman Cottel can break up or loosen the grip of the plumb ers' trust, be will have rendered a very good service. Tbat rain Saturday night waa one of tbe rare ones that was acceptable to everybody. The Direct Primary. From the Woodbun Independent Last night there were two of these little functions pulled off. One. of them was successful : the other resulted dis astrously for the robber. A bad men with A gun walked In at the aide entrance of M. Kebayasbrs laundry office. 63 North First street, A little After midnight, with A view to replenishing his exchequer from the contents of the tllL Instead he left his revolver In the hands of a snacpr lit tie Jen end asrrowly ear aped capture hlreeeJf. When the robber entered the room with leveled gun, o. MAchldA. a friend of the proprietor, who happened to be tbere, promptly jumped at him And cauaht tba hand noioina tne run in grip tnat tee oewiiaer nignwayman ceivea a plurality oi i.iv. uunui tnat 'VT- i . .. . i ... year the logging and lumber camps CwraaponiienU are notified that fcttara as- were running fu?l handed. Since that S?hM"2$? ,D Jef.to2!rk. time many lave shut down and the ttoA of tbe editor, becut down to that limit. workers have left the state. The !n- v.- . .... -r crease in population ln the cities and Progress of the Negro Race, towns, however, will bring the voting p Portland, Oct. 18. To the Editor of strength up to about the same aa ln The Journal The colored taxpayers' 1904. league, which held Its meeting at the From all Darts Of the county lnforma- A. M. IB. Zlon church taut Fridav even- tion is being received dally that a large I ng, was appointed many weeks ago, and Democratic voto will be polled, and I without thought or even any knowledge from a conservative estimate lt Is be-1 at tha tlm- nf tha cnmlnr "Clansman." lieved that the big plurality that the Our object and business was to plan and Republicans received four years ago contrive Ways and means for the Indus will be more than CUt ln two. Tnel trial nivix and nhlltlnal tmnrnvement vote ln 1804 was: Republicans 8,003. 0f the condition of the negro race. Democratic 996, Socialist Labor 31, So- Incidentally after all the business for clalist 267. Prohibition 128, People's Which we met to transact had been gone 28. FOr COUntV Officers there Will b lmuih llh Iha "Plrniaman" via aiuilt.n a large independent vote cast, and thej0f, but we passed lt up without flying vencc. d...d 1 ii any oinoiai recognition, we aa not lornoy ana aneniE will ne ciosev wun i ..mim- n . v. T(im n .nn nnv fr.n tne- odds favoring the Democrata. advertlsmtent by protesting against his show. We believe the negro race ha ln CIRCUIT COURT OPENS : the last 46 years of lis freedom acnieveo enougn in tne way oi moral, lnt-11-rtital aiiA material nroa-resa to DouglaA County Grand Jury Also Be-1 eclipse any malicious side show that ten trina Ita Wrtrk I tnousana x om uuoiu niiui uruig O I QUt Roseburg. Or.. Oct IS. The October! Tha fnlMvlnr rtanirea .will Affaet In term Of Circuit COUrt ODened ln thla City I lh. nt tha K.f alamant nf tha this morning with Judge Hamilton on white people anything that can be the bench. There are 109 cases, on the shown Ty th biased and prejudiced docket. Seven divorce cases were die- haters of our race. posed of ln one hour. This la the rec- k- .Maamtiva all fate mlnrfa will uiu im uivuiicb. lum Kraua jury oe-1 adtnlt that our race, was total v llllt- gan its work this morning. , . i orate at the time of its emancipation. It. la Drobawle that several pnmnlalnta I mw. - ih.i in ii against the violation of the local op. yMra w, had reduced, this Illiteracy to v ""' irauu 4i,( per cent, in in years, rrom io Jury, as eeveral cases of drunkenness to i9oo, It had been reduced from 67.1 have been reported Ant several aubpoe-1 to 44 6 per cent nah-av.ii8!ufHi.fir Iru,nkenn- The record shows today that the tlllt- all civil cases. Unless something of a rated at 68 percent. Portugal shows 79.2 X-r,HOUtJ"tUfS.'.bJSUg-itn'it. bI P" c"n- Now those are" white coun- 'L- Ju y' th term W,U b tries with many hundreds of years of snon One. llll...(n mr.A franlnn mtA having never had the oppression nor the oodo street and Alnsworth avenue, near elt,ofl thrown Into their way auchas we where lt was reported last Saturday I bve had and are now having. We are night that there had been another hold- no discouraged and we ar not asking when a pet rabbit was killed by a dog might as well eat it but not ha. No. Indeed. He left the table and covered his grief as a boy will by aa assumption of carelessness. And so the mother who compelled her boy to eat chicken may have been offending his Inner soul. He may have looked upon It as a mere matter of callous indifference to suf fering and an exhibition of Iron csarism. up. No clue. DATES OF BETTER ROADS CONVENTIONS The aeet Is a waa en tog to tha fart i sought In vain to break. Then tbe that United Statea aenators will In the near ruture be eel-rteti fry a direct vote of the ptU according to en amendment te the ronatltatlea of tha I'nited States. The direct primary la doing the work and tbe west Is paring the way. "Its true, ma have few atald old tMwsppera In thm weet that applause tit the east And desire to e ronetltattonaiiy ma. tout th wt!l eveatsaliy a amuU4 t- mmm joining m in OAirs cry or "ral traiiam, mttry t! mm the steople e wiand their rirhta. Tbe rofuln t r of the tJIrect primary hat t titcree-! by irb rrrewraitstlvae la tfce swoata aa Piatt. Irv a bA x aer e m nra wMmx) faalts war far antra fha radlWII---. ta foil ti-rva tarrm maa a ehangt rs t corrBy-slow a-f tbe -. . i JaD mavle a few paa. a shift or two. and the robber sailed through the air ano lannea oa nta re.K. wniie mcbiih natrhed the gun from his band. If MirMla hadn t stumbled himself, ha would prohaMv have made a prisoner oi toe wouia-o reooer. The police her tte rlue. - Eltker tha seme Armed robhar ar aa- other of tha gang that tafeets the rttr had better lur with i. R Kepp of ItU rtb Twelfth street Kapp was hur ry Ina IS-wia Bd-r t a shelter of aa waa. brei.a kei vwAdeBly A large melrer that lAOfc4 as big as A 11-lav-A SMS was thret nn4ar tha rata fender and KT wee r4e- throw t his haarie -e g4 A b-all-t Uiraurh Bis hart. Kerp --rtv ap Me Banta and waa relieved of lit. Te twd-t ewrnrr-d at etiav At tbe f-f t-tt T.'itb 4 DAtes of the good roads con- e e ventlons to be held throughout e 4 the state have been arranged as e follows: October II, Dufur; 4 e October 14. The Dalles, I p. m.; e e 16. Wasco; 16, Grass Valley; 17, e Condon; I, Arlington; 22, Pen- e e dleton; IS. La Grande:' II. Baker e City. e 4 A number of conventions have 4 been asked for by residents of e 4 WaIIowa county. And Also one -e 4 At Hrppneiy for which dAtea e 4 bare not been Assigned. . . 4 All through eastern Oregon the 4y people are greatly interested In the vital subject of better roAda, 4) and a good attendance, especially a 4 At the larger towns, la assured. 4 TIMBEK3IAX LOST IN DENSE WOODS (Catted Frees Leeees Wb-al ' AVatUe. Oct. 11 Loet In the depths of the dense forest aear'-Arllngton. E. H. Melkleohn, a ntemser ef the firm ef Melkeliohn A Prfwn. 1 1 an Ner Brokers, Is botng KHirH for try exirlenred timber crulaers. Ii dkielnhn's predicament Is eerlooA .The Arlinatoa district la rough and bevlly tirebered and. ewce I "at within It. any hut aa etperteaeM wo1s Daa mil! eaailr etarra to death within a few an Ilea el rin iaatln l!lf vna Tit tnte the yoa wtit srty food.- aupflv a4 rm4 on'r wtt" A rafvr. i Ua rata to r'-ait:e I rota '. lacoarta. . Any trpeciAl favora. We only want a chance to make our way to success. There are today 40,006 negro students in tbe hi r ner institutions or learning, pursuing All branches of studies, from trades to classical and scientific courses. Our secondary Institutions of learning nave turned out to.uuu youtna as graduatesr The colleges of our race here graduated 4,ouo. we have well equipped teachers In our different Scnoois. mere are zu.uuu clergymen. 4.000 musicians. 2.600 showmen. 1,200 lawyers, ISt Journalists. 1,721 physi cians graduates from some of the best schools ln the country 250 dentists, 13 artists, 100. .-literary men And women, 128 civil engineers And surveyors, 14 bankers' And brokers, 66 Architects. We also have 111 institutions for higher education. The - value - of our Eroperty In all parts of the United tales is rated at Our farms and Implements are valued at 8200,000,000. or an equivalent of nearly 160 to each family. We are operating 740,71 6 farm, and w owa out of that number 187.77, or II per cent of the total. We rent 617.171 farms, or 74 6 per cent of the total. Nlaetr-nlne per cent of our men who marry have mar ried women of our own race, and we ere about aa happy with them aa the aver age man or any ether rsee is wi to tne SAsoe percentage of hie marriages. Io the light of such a record of the on 1a red nan. as a n-evcefuL loval and ernrrea' aire American cltisen. we are willing to trust It to the Judgment of the sober minded and Intelligent white man. aa to the change of sentiment the "CiAnaman -may think be can hrtna About. E. P. CAJTNADT. REV.) W. W. MATTHEWS. Editors f tha Advocate. Bart VThem Gas Store Explodes. Olympic. Waatt, Oct. 11. ta tb e' plnal on of a hure gas eras In the deO rateeeen department of Bolster A Rameav local r rot-era. Vra. E. ii. Oabrlel enataiaed efioaA Injuries this morning. was sVstter-d and Hra Besides, the matter of taste for or prejudice against a certain kind of food Is not of sufficient importance to be made ao lars-e an issue. Mere whims of annetlte should not bo catered to. but neither should they be, fostered by much notice. This fashion that pre vails in seme families of narrating to visitor how Johnnie cannot eat po tatoes and Mary simply will not have mush or fish, la all nonsense. If Johnnie doesn't want potatoes let nim eat some other substantial vegetable until of his own accord he changes his mind. And if Mary will not eat mush let her have bread and milk but not waffles with maple syrup. That la, be sure that the distaste is genuine ana then treat IV as a matter of Indifference. Never, never would I "advise that three different kinds of breakfast food be prepared for the children of one family because each has his own whim-wham about it but I would change jthe kind each day and wnen one cannot eat it let him have puttered toast or soma other as simple food. There is no senso in unduly empnastzing so immaterial a thing as appetite ln a healthy child, either to foster it or to correct It. Ami it seems to me that the mother who conquers her boy's dislike to chicken (for that -one time) at such tremendous expense ot nerves and brain strain, does an unwise thing. WhAt do you others mothers think? It g H Molasses Gingerbread. . 1 AN Inquirer asks for the gingerbread receipt which she has lost ''Perhaps-this is tho one to which aba refers:.On egg well beaten, 1 cup mo lasses, 1 teaspoonful soda, 1 tablespoon ful ginger, ft teaspoonful grated nut meg, tt cup lard and butter mixed. H teaspoonful salt, H cup boiling water, 2 cups flour. Dissolve soda in boiling water and Add to the molAsses. Let cool while mixing the other Ingredients. Beat the egg end add the shortening and sploes, then alternately the mo lasses and water and the flour. Beat well and bake la shallow pans. A cup ful of floured raisins or English cur rants may be Added before pouring Into the pans. Bake slowly In A- stAAdy oven. ... Or this is a rename recipe for glnrer- ft.H.,1 m ..n.lhl arhAl.anl. . . 4 food for growing boys and girls, and A great Addition to tho noon-tide luncheon: Ammm a van. vuf wm ... . .up mcF lasana. 1 eun lard end butter mla1 1 cup sour or buttermilk, 1 teaspoon soda, dissolved in a nine ooiunir water. 1 tablespoonful ginger, 2 teaspoonsful cinnamon, 6 cups flour. To this add y, i ound of raisins, washed and floured, and bake In a loaf or in individual pan a. As this Is given by An eastern writer, it may be well to suggest to western tiaera. add tha flour CArefullv and If less than 6 cups makes It sufficiently stiff, do not Add more. Our flours of the Pacific coast are entirely different In texture and quality from those used eastern states Ana reel pea must be The oven Gehrlel r-leww veral fet hv the i aa rxftnmiam. she u a ( it 1.14 a. nan-ihef of tmroe end braisee And was seoonscicas for A time. I altered to suit M R H Maple Sugar Cream. -H08E who like the taste of maple sugar will surely car for this recipe for tc cream. J Th Utter la made In the regular way, and two cups or melted maple sugar are used Instead of the usual one cup of granulated sugar. This Is not a common dessert, bat It Is most palatable to thoee who ran stAAd the thick Bweetnees of tbe maple. at Tb Dally Mens. BREAKFAST. Anplae. Cere! with cream. Minced ma tion en toast O rah am gams. Coffee. LUNCH EOS. 6 reamed dried beef with green parr-era. Boiled rice and mil A. Apple sauce Oi-rrbred. Cocoa. it oik tartle sup Brisket t veal, breadeo. Green pees. Cora oa eofc fjAnana and Wat aaiad. Lemoai eastern. White) rak. BlA'fc eoffe. P-arta-a and Nat -iao Rem-ra sfcta from a banana, arrange It ee wMte 14-t-jce leaves and Over it IIS r.eet af finely grear4 tints. Tna . m at thm B.'.s w.tA A bo 'led salAd dree.!..