The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 12, 1908, Page 14, Image 14

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Monster Anli-Tnft Labor
Demonstrations Will, Be
i , Held at 'the Armory
- Wednesday: -Night The
Unions Ireparc..
J Kcv. W. If. Heppe Says It Is
h at Ka.t Pine and .
Should Be. -
: T'nlnn lahor men Of IVrtlaild Will
Vole their proteat agalnal the election
,f William H. Taft at a maaa meeting
Wednesday night at th Armory, when
' ' 1L ..III . I. ' .fi-lnln t
;Atiorw jruruem wut w u .i.v..jw
'pekr. t . . - ";
' ' : v Yesterday afternoon representative
of more than labor union of Fort
land met and completed the. final a r-
yangementa for trie Big muni i
i nirht. tireat enthualaam
ahown by the delegate present and U
t antlcioated that the .meeting at the
Armory will be -the largeat labor meet'
Jnr held in Foruana ror yo'
II. u. I'amani, prriu-m i
of Wed-
Parsons, president
tha an-
tral body will preside at tha Armory
meeting. Just before the meeting a
- band will parade the atreeia irom jn.
headquarter at lrew ball to the
Armorv. in addition to Mr. Furtjaeth,
i who will deliver tha principal address
V. O. Young, general tirganlaer of tno
American Federation of Ihor and
Oeorga H.' Howell, ea-presldent of tha
Typographical union of Portland will
make abort addreanea.
Andrew Furuseth la one ofth .best-
: known labor union men in the Unlto.1
Mates. For yeara he haa been one of
the legislative committee of the Ameri
can Federation of l.bor and la re
puted to be the beat authority on marl
time law In tha country. HI work for
the betterment of the condition of U
' jailor of the United Btatea haa been
f of eft-eat Importance and he stands close
to Ihe head . of tha American Federa
tion of Laborl ' . . ,,,
The meeting of Wednesday night will
be under the direct authority of the
American Federation of Ijibor. In Ilnei
' Need fir mora
Presbyterian church
East Twelfth streets, wa
met by'tha congregation when tha-aub-Ject
was apreaenced at'yeaterday morn
lna'a aertli-a. and tha.aum of ISOO waa
immediately, aubarrlbed. Following th
morning service fioo mora u put to
una,, a ai .mere la mora in eigni. .
. . The iilan la to excavate the baaemen
and build In a larva room, for tha ac
commodation .of llin young people' I
meeiinga and tna boy' class, i ne
pace under th church will give a I
room 7 by 10 feet, which will great
ly facilitate th work among th youu
i i. - . . . , 1 1 .
brotherhood. R. tV Herlow. W. II. Mar-
kell. H. N. Steele and th pastor pre
sented tna matter to in people yesier-
day. The expense will be considerably
over 11.000, but It will all be eaally
curea ana worg win ncgnt at orjee.
f TBlted Fran Leased Wirt.)
San Franclaoo. Oct 1 J. A burglar at
tacked Mlaa Elisabeth Oancy In her
home last nlaht and narrowly eaciped
rapture by the plucky young woman
arte a deaoerata atruaicie. The In'
truder waa aocompanled by a confeder
ate. Both .were unmaaked and - Mlaa
Clancy and her alater. Margaret, will at
tempt to identify them from plcturea In
uie rogue a gauery.
On of tha men called at tha Clancy
borne and waa met by Maraaret. Ho
aaked for aomethlna; to eat and while
he encajred tha rlrl In conversation the
omer utug dp ran to ranaaca: tn nouae.
He waa met by Elizabeth, who grabbed
him. Tha mlacreant turned and after
trlklnr and ohoklna the girl managed
to break away. Men fri tha nelnhbor
hood were aroused and gave chaae, but
tne -ourgiara maaa tneir escape. - t
"V ar toa ready ta hold other agen-
ciea reaponalbla for tha lndtffrance to
day toward th church and holy thlnae.
wnrn the ohurva Jtnrif la in larg meas
ure reK)iiill. Wa ar not offering
a mighty counteracting spiritual foru
that will aweeo everything before It. I
and cause men to think of God, of their I
souls, of aalvation and . la trenibta ie
I cause of their sins. Wa need a revival
of rellaloua faith, and that riant enead-
11 y. The very llf of th church Is I
dopendent upon It We shall lo our I
beritaga If w do RPt. hav it.: ,
Iter. J. Allen ! Trlla of Dutlra of
Younc Husband.
D. J. Allen Iiaa. naator of lha St.
James Lutheran church, aava ona of I
the-moat Interesting aermoua dellverod I
will:nkver convert k: ivxr w ins:
I church would hav been ven more I
crowded than It waa. The subject or
tha divine's discourse waa 'Th loung
Man aa a Iluahand.
If vou're worklns- for 4 a week don t
tell the lady of your heart' deslr that
you have Mr. Corey' atlpend beaten
badlv. This deceotlon before marriage
la a bad thing, and keep the divorce I
court In buslnaaa, aaya Mr. Iaa. Foi-
Inwtnv la hta aartnon In nart:
"Falling In love may be possible after
th murrlui A. hut it la not riroba-1
Taking aa hla text First Corlnthlana Ikle. There la a-reater danaer today of
Mcthodiat Tastor Declarcg Hombrra
Too Ready to Hold Otbfr Agcn
clog Ilmponslble for Indlfferrnce
Toward Holy Things.
with tha attitude of the executive of-
xlv:lS. "Even ao ye, forasmuch aa ye
are aealous of aplrltual glfta. acok that
y may excel to the edifying of the
church," Itev. W. JI. Hcppo of the Grace
Methodist Eplacopal church aaid yester
day morning:
"Tha church of Jesus Chriat I noth
ing Ilk tha moral force It ought to be
In theae modern daya. It influence
should be auch aa to touch all the vital
polnta of - our - national life, and of
every other nation' llf. While church
and state- should forever be aeparatedj
yet tha church should be auch a mightf
conatructive force In the nation's llff
i ii wuuia pi in a Dosiuon 10 aioiaug
a pollcy or terma of rlghteouanesa. Jua'
tlce and peace. The church ahould be
an all-conquering, regenerating power In
tmvilfe of today. It should speak with
power , and authority In every city and
municipality. It ahould be tha common
parlance of fthe hour. 'Aa noes tha
church, ao goes tha city.'
-The church la not at It beat be
cause the members are not seeking to
excel in the building up of the church.
themw nlgh?0? chT "How" maify'elnvesting the
M? FuTuSeth J?UlSl whv M? Taft fe"1 " up? There ari three
ahould noVba elected aalnina Tfhf M "f" hlch the ohnreh
attitude of the union men of the coun
try, and telling why it la that thev
do not consider Mr. Tajft friendly to
tneir intereata or tna right man to be
too short courtships than of those too
extended. The busy arlnd of tna di
vorce courta indlcatea above all thai
haste on the part of young people In
the choice of life nartnershlpa. A few
hmVin rlnla at marrlmi life, repeated
mlsunderatabdlnga, and It I agreed
that tha two are not aulted; In other I
words, they were mlamated and It would
b better to separate, -mere are inmi,
an1 women, too. who are too conscien
tious to part, and unable or too wank
In character to make the needed amends.
They cannot eay, "I'm eorry." and are
Just aa unable to forgive. It la a shame
that there are ao many lives thus prac
tically ruined. In view of all the great
possibilities that Ood had Intended for
"Young man, be a man. Before you
aak a young woman for her hand and
heart, be aura tnat you ran maae a oe
cent living. Sho will be willing to help:
but If aha will make you nappy, ane
muat be In the home.
"Be honest. If you only earn a
week, tell her ao. Then If aha la will
ing; to take the chances, you have done
your duty . in that respect at any rata.
Be honest in your attention. No re
spectful young man can trifle with a
woman's affectlona aa with a toy. He
cannot regard one woman aa a play
thing tobe aet aside' at 'will, and have
a laatlnjr regard for another. He ahould
understand that an Insult to one-worn
..-.'.. ' ;.. . N. V X
;.--:vv; iv'.
Foot Balls arid Foot Ball Pants
thin, ihm k. w.k.L .i. Ian is an 'insult to.ine wnoia race oil
ancea or reason, and with contemptuous
aiabeiler upon everything that cannot
be laid bare by the scalpel. To believe
Special Rates
For a Short Time on
Superior Dental
Flexible Flesh-Colored ' .
Plates ...... ..f 10.00
Gold Crown, 22k. . . f 3.50
Bridge Teeth. 22k. . $3.50
Gold Fillings fl.OO
Silver Fillings 50
Oregon Dental Parlors
DR. E. L. ROSS, Proprietor
362 WASHINGTON, con Park
wnmnnklnd. m ' '
-A true young woman when she does
give herself to the trust of a young I
endure for-him. She win sacrifice, anoi
will wait, and give up other and better I
tr, at taat, Deroro
I clare Jesus as the only name given unto
men bv which thev can h suvmI ' tn hnlH
'"""J H'!.??!?'W ?' ortSnltles? and
ii"-r"ii"' "" fn,.;e"a ithi altar la reached, she la thrown over
j ca uurh uurHHi vf-M n uie Hn?frsi nnn i . . i j.
criticism. f so-called liberal and Id:.,
clasRlf led aa 1 1 hft . wm continue to hold un her
vanced thinkers, to . bo
"back numbers, and to be declared out
head, but if that la wanting aha may!
. . , . . - ' - - n.fln UML U UlOl J
L-Tjr.nLWK?,.iO! ?? P1evau- make shipwreck of life and honor. Who,
then, is the guilty otieT
It la time that
Ing Ideas and beliefs of the tfmee.
over against tni uncertaintv niii:... ..r
...I. nll ... - al . . . . . . j , , I our IUUUDIU ajv. tjj .ivu fcw un v.
rarf?.rE: aHaBJlfff,?f eaually the blame of the evlla that ara
ty o - " in i sn common in ine oomeauc ana social
the great underlying trutha of Chris
tianity, we can never hnna tn awn Iran
much leas to win men by a weak, tepid
faith. Men will be impressed hv a
sound gospel, but not by a . gospel of
mere aound. The need of the hour Is
not a flabbv. spineless chiirr4i. hut a
faith-full faith-enriched. faJth-thrnhhin.
church. By the latter men will be won.
Rer. Benjamin Young Declares fan
Never Homeless. . '
'I will not leave you orphans, I will
come' to you." This verse of scripture,
taken from John xiv:18, was the.text of
the .sermon chosen for yesterday morn-
To all is to beware oV cnucrha anrl rririB lnsr'a services at the Taylor-Btreet M.
on the chest; as neglected they readily E. church. . Dr. Benjamin Young spoke
lead to pneumonia, consumption or from thHs text, and incidentally brought
other pulmonary troubles. Just aa soon in the subject, "Why I Believe In Ood.''
aa the cough appears treat it with Bal- "Man is no orphun child. The past
lard's Horehound Syrun. the standard oroves the Interest of the divine in
oure of America. Use as directed per-i him. Man has never been treated as
fectly harmless. A cure and preventive I an orphan. Nature's expression con-
for all disease Of tha, lungs. Bold by I cerns a perpetual Interest of the Divine
6C 600 ana iatner in-tne cnnaren or men. ine
Idmore Drusr Co.
1.00 per bottle.
1 theory that man is homeless and bereft
4 ,t if
Third and Oak
1st and Yamhill
is too repugnant for general acceptance.
If la harsh andi contrary to our in
stincts. There i,mlnd everywhere and
atheism Is well-nigh Equivalent to folly.
"The intelligence ln nature; Bays God
is.- , The philosopher ,18 greeted every
where with ; what he. calls finality.
There la finality, In nature and Tipanty
aaya God. The chkmlst In hla lahora-'
tory " la tmVeiling ,, the aecreta : of the
world and making a acquainted with
hidden law. He la not making; anything
new. Who made possible cohesion and
chemical affinity? Who built the eye
with reference i to the law of light?
Who formed the ear with reference to
the mathematlca of sound? Who 'evolved
the delicate Instrument for " focusing
vision ? These element which every
where ; speax or intelligence '-ay uoa
nature i apeak
likewise. The intelligence, of Instinct
rvealedl4 the hulldlng of the est of
tne bird w tne conatruction or me Hex
agonal cell by the bee. direct the mind
on that -wonderful line."
... TEA
Think of us once a day
at least If you don't like
it, take-back yoiir money, j
Toargrocer return year none? It yea dea'l
la Schilling Bast: w pay Ma.
loo Late for
- r f . - , ,1
These ruffs were ordered for Devlin &
Firebaugh's "Medcedes" Hotel, but; were
so loner delayed in delivery that we were
.tompelled to substitute other ruers.. .
J compromise with the wholesaler enables
us to make this remarkable low-priced
offer $30 values
rnwMwaiMsswwswsw I SI mi mil i in n 11 m i n m in i nam isi imm i '
-2; .$30 JORiigs f o
Here's a
i ',, x. .
Fine 9x1.
ived Too Late
And therefore will be sacrificed at the above low price $30 values far $18 cash. Thirty-five in number- one to a customer none to dealers. Seven patterns to choose fromflorals
and orientals colors tans, grreens and reds fast colors genuine wool-surfaced firm nap that will last for .vears.' It is indeeda rare opportunity to secure an elegant rug for the parlor,
library, den or dining-room. Tomorrow morning we place these elegant rugs on sale, and youll find ihem among the very best rug bargains offered this season. Room-SUe Rugs, 9x12 feet.
That's all you are
asked to pdy for
machines equal to
$60 and $75 ma
chines. Pay only
$1 down and use
the machine
while you pay.
a Week
- an I ! -nrr-ijjr
25 Machines, 50c a week Ail-Steel Ranges. $35 to 55
Thaf' all vnti are mn w " "
You Need Pay But M, a Week
All Kinds Heating Stoves Same Easy Terms
, . y . . . .
IB- v I: till ixi JIa.
It l th beat . Airtight
Wood lea tar on th , mar
ket. L
It save your wood bin.
It will last for year
-warranted for Bv yeara -
It ceate you very little
money, but warms your
rawra aa perfectly aa a J
It hag a body saad of
rolled sheet ti ot sheet
Iron and . Irmtd I rein
forced by eaat lining off
e-ray Iron, thoroughly pro- -
lctm ni aieei. n
larr door. Is warranted
for gve rm .
Na, II rtretx HlBche
lotig. H inch wide.
' Sib -
4'! 'ill'-'