THE OREGON .SUNDAY JOURNAL PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING. OCTOBER 11. 1008. STEWART wtory Under a Cloud Jver Forty Year, He AclttOwlede Weakness W ITTIIN lha weak another ehan- slmnla Ufa of th ratileenaka nlatne lira end mora recently In Tha an in tha third both marked with trouble lor him- but th. department lat thlnaa raat. da uoon tha eldaat of hla auhordlnatea. Off atari th wheel of rniifr.ii turnlnr. tar ha a been added to tha Ufa civilian who ara said to ba Impartial, generation. Colonel - William F. Ste-self, lila subordinates, tha war depart- termined. aa (ha preeldant put It. Co one- ocjalnn, (or eome alleged dt,rlle. h wrote ! Henatur ftavner about hrr . th. n.niiar. e.n. Th ' .crltlo. of th. oolonal ar., warra tamer waa Colonel Joseph Me-, ment and tha civilians who lived round giv Colonel HtewarC another ehano. ion ao alight aa not to be nientionea in iiuensmi, ani ane witn her nausiitt r ant of Fort Grant, CoL William F, know. . , . . , . elroumalanoes not unlike thoaa hf hla Fort Wlillame. about Hi year aao. ka waa (Iran him with a tranefar to Fort ' a "r"t sergeant of ti year' service file exhauatlv speech In behalf of Col.w a - ...... , ii i a nrn n.t nrnar w n n ara u a la will, inn in. r or vranr inn nnriir . at, 1 1 r mm. it mimm nrii aiiiinn a in ti na.r aii.nM in . naw nvironmani in. r mi r i t.uidn.i in divihi irui in inn laiirrr wn.n Air. it 1 1 p r m.,i. tawart of tha coast artillery. aon'a Vlalt to Arlann. ha waa u.lrntil inmmimtin( nf ik. xn.ia m-A n.pfini'i. anan. a v a nr ala mllaa fm that ha waa "a dlrtv. Inaolent DUO. nel Stewart's right to a military trul. RivniT resolution alaeoa In tha fllaa am. ,m hi. iA..i. Jl! Meanb of Fort Grant Ataknmtnt. ?. '"d?? ! fortiitcatioij. lying on the harbor of 1-en.acoia. . J -.. .J'0 . i; 't? ?! - - - L"'",Va. Jn,..""rD0 an rranoiaco, iortland. Main. Thar hla eonduet, It aeon became evident that eondl- neglect, na na rnargeii nia iiiiiit or in. military commute. ceeo to xor Jiuacnuciia, ana nr. tin-. n. assignment or cgionei gtwari to i a. wnen ui laiano. we- said from ahowlnr hla temperamental tlona war oln to repeat themeelvea. w"n t Vu . . r": "fw"" ui.nrn in j.r orlbed by neral orders, h eacaped tally untarr.laonad' poat Of Fort Oraot. but which ta atlll believed at the a- Rayner aa "eulDabl rTmlai iJ raklni nou of ouch CMdUlona a .To hl" commlaalonad ofnoera ha waa anlrary datln back U hla appointment. tha ordeal tbrou.h. racommandaUon. of Aria. date, from October 1. l 4 It SStH AiSn'i !' oHo'wtn, oTroumLTaC ; iBra '"Jolonal Vt.w'. mMM.n..M twaVd" "fo'un'S I'eui." Kfromirtoaind th. mad!.a omcr. that h. waa phya- th. .....nment waa word. .0 that ,th. T?- am ln . - . . p . . JW"Ji &JK&?SZ ttWtt u"tlo,0,w.,:Crd.n"ny,, ffSTTut.: X loallj unfit to undergo th.taat He eolonel could have no mlatak. aa to Ha it wai Juat about th time of Colonel SUWtrtl Conduct Remlai, Jor,u n1ufc iin puvall no later uk, , uolated aub-atatlon of the w., twr to bear him mnn-. Hut, was therefor, ordered to return to th elsnifloanoe. A short time previous to Joseph Htewart'a detached duty on th .tun km . " " pnn Of IfOl to make to th u0,. ihough th lieutenant had Juat frtshtened tor hoalth aa well aa for her Ion abandoned and deeerted. post In the this order Colonel Stewart as th. sec- Island that his son. th. preeent tolonel. ,a wh,B h ,n commnd department a most bler 4yr. re- finlahed a long turn there and two comfort by the report be had of th Wilds Of Arlsona. to whlnh lia waa aw- nn1 aanlnr anllva rnlnnal In tha inn.t mni hla nmn.l..i. - - n.....n. Fart WUllama. Main a. an nfrinar nf hla Dort asalnat th roast artilleryman, nlhar nfflcera ware available for the rrul If I Ana ! Vfrt r2ttitr inlnniil A t lied svral months ago, says th New artillery, applied for an appointment aa ant From ora 1 imoa, origauter generau 111a requeai waa re- of tha who had Iwen r( refuaed poaltlvely to allow her to un- mi. r.ra.h iai ..k.ii Tun, ii. ...... .. . recommendlna In th stronsaat tarma unnloaaant aaalanmant. v... riiin.' th. ',rn. Ti... """"r u"r"rroiar. waa coun- ... -Uootlon of th earlier MDOrt made enfovlne Ilia comoaratlva comfort of dar.n tha hkrrfahlna f that ratraat. a Th chaneea ar that tha war denart. fuaed. and on Hootember 21 ha raoalvad tanant waa aLallnnan 'in Nan K-r.nrlana mrtlaled, fllamlsaed from tha army and by tha chief of artillery. the main lat. relreat he haa braced hlmaelf to en. meni will now avail ueeif of this unex. from Adjutant Oonerai Alvora tn rol- bay, and tha atory la that ha went to sentenced to in penitentiary for th . , . neparimen. xoi wmn m hub or- aura until he reachea the age or com- vKiau Buiuwon oi in auncuity orrered wwing clear atatemont: Angci laiana as adjutant under ma parpetratlon of tha moat outraseoua onauct Arounses rrciiacnt ir. V. " .X "'n . . " 1.7- ..V...7. P'opy retirement in Jill, by th medical dlagooala and will retire "Purauant to Inatruetlona from tha father, and that tha two related of. F'fr'"'" moai outrageous n.y. th, lleuton,. of hi arduous tha oolpnel for phyaloal unfitness. But prslilnt th department Is prepared fleers did not agree' a a to th. manage- ""u P0I tha government, which had Th. Idlosyneraalaa of th. colonel duty. It la not unl.kely that the colp- tyh,,. Colonel Sttwart Lives, aa th. poat to which th. exile now re- to Issue an order aaalgning rovj to ata- ment xf th. thre. orderlies under them tndd ovr a oonalderable period of B,m to hM. jncrw,,,,! wlth tm. H, jel a treat mnt of the lieutenant In " ii o.wwa.i Mv. turna la IS mllea from any known apot tlon, probably Fort Grant Aria., without and agreed atlll . leaa aa to their re- Urn. Apparently all thla went on al- ""T , t Jl 'orc'n hlm. '"....""h.'l.'Vf f.'Li!'1 Esaotly what Is th oondltlon of th and far removed from anmedical aid. command. Th praldni haa directed, spectlv jproprty rights In ths houe ftiost under the very eyes of Colonel conduct of affairs of th Florid poat much weight with the departm nt whtn ,,,,,... ., th. oM eroH.r atntlon is soma wonder la aspreased thaV th de- hQWever, that befor thla order la iaaued! that until tnat time had been oocu- Btewart. but he failed to detect the waa such that rrealdent Roosevelt ehar- Jut'i,n ndln Colone Btrt buildings st th old tronUer station s partmnt ahould order an officer, offl- n opportunity bo given you to apply-pled undisturbed by Colonel Joaeph Crimea of tha offlper. In so doing being act,,!,,,! lh. colonel aa a nulaanc. to Z T-rt..2.r-1.. .WB,t. ?mlffi'. not hard to Imagine. Colonal BUwart Is dally reported aa being phyaloal y un- for Immedlat retirement undr Bectfon fetewart . culpably rem lea In eserclelng super- co'on' nuiaanc 10 , ,,,, wa h commandant a be- nrcuv,n th hat of ths bulldins fit to bo -Immured so far from MX l .3. Revla.d Statutes, and by direction - This st6ry Is told by officers to show viefon over his subordinates. " the service Incompetent and tempera- havlor toward his auper lors W lhm the "id relervatlon? and 1 that I out medical aid which ha might T require. of th acting aecretary of 'war1 that that th. father waa Ilka his son. but Th. prealdent also refers In thla let- mentally unflt to eiercl.e command r,p,orl,Il!"1L'''. w "n"rdtr , iaSfuh of iVpoIr According to his own state- opportunity Is hereby glv.n you." whether father or son was th aggrea- ter to trouble tha coaat artilleryman OVer anllated men or to control nih.r ?f under ata n.l Ing a n oroe r or " "" ' . tlma of wm(-. 0r rain or enow Under Cloud Sine Graduation. ' To thla note Coloner Stewart replied sor la not mala clear. In one point, had with a clvlllaa. Mr. Cuahlng. a real- over enlisted men. or to control other born 1 almoit to the point of lnhordl- ment in to Seep warrn. And w .u. won owe uraouanon. rsfualng the alternative and demanding however, th careera of th two men dent of th neighborhood, whom the officer, or to behave wl h propriety net on in to be moved to sny ,M,whom,,0"JD7, freodPta share with ... . . fc. u. . l k. . 1. - ,w. miilmMA lham.alvaa am . V. . .1 ... nal A aa. . a. , - . . Tha HP, f n.r.rl.r hu I tun la lh. WUBt I IT1 P rrH Hr OD0 in IOUDWin 1 " " . ' . . . , .... , viewea tne colonel a career a. under a " "" uufv muun m v.. .... -s-...-. UIUVr vuiunan Hi""au m inrni - r. - r.i.-.i c...ri'. rlrMr tn thla nolnt la evidently suspects or naving luoercu- einiVn a... ....a hi .. . !v department affecting hla record as a th Indiana. The alder man'a com- meddling with. The trouble with the ummlng up of a number of Inrldenta. c,0'onet . w"1 !fcn,rhfr ; ihl IomI- cloud v.r sine his graduation fsom th -.oldlar. an officer or a gentleman.- mendatlon waa won during th Ban- clvtllane had to do with Cuehing lW l happened at Kort par- tha v f" "Ifi mkkft Colon., Stewart's laolatton School of .rtlll.ry In XI71 a oloud that Th. reply of th. department wa. th nock Indian war. Th. third genera- haif 0f which la occupied bv the Fort " 0th8r ol whlc,h !? "ld by e'ewart MmoMslbla" fo his equala more complete Fort Orsnt haa been re may hay. sttslned th. Sis. of a man's or,,r ,8,u1 October 1 by Adjutant tlon of military Stewarts Is represented. L.vltt r.ervatlon and half of which Colonel Stjwart'a general offlcera to J'V.. TJundrlors white to all under moved from Its department end all re. hand flst I, th.1 Llnd. ot4..i Potnt! ?. .Wl.' S. t..W-T?n-WS2t? L'..ven th "" ' 5fVA.Men'!tr.frh ,h Wh" cour- co.'n'm'.nd jIIh.'A"" K- ' 1?""VA: rs from th. fact that Colonel 8tewart'a L....V'i. I'a 'a'' 1,7 V:" j la rHm.rl fnr hi. fath.r "".1 a... ... . . ... ",,1 S.' .h. W" . . ..,..,. The prejudice or. weal ro niers again-1 in .a, a. aeacr.o in Pn" e ap honors, hold .noy ThMtLaf thaJrtmlSr"1 "proceeded witfiout de- Preildent Learns o! Unpopularity. ?r m 1 I?? JfJJit.0116 dpar. .fnt ley." and remained in th open until , . of i. 'H.J11? iZor rcommndatton uta In March, whan. In reapon. to the Exactly whan the fallur of Colonel " PS medal Of honor, and It 1. an rai. t a w - v. . . ... i . .... r ord that he waa nnca nrnmnM fnr f"""-,1 u! -, - w oiewari io align n.m-eii wim me oi- th commandant or th harbor mad ?oSr.gV on th.ld of b.M around .him firat bec.m. th. hlmaelf particularly obno.lou. to the th. n.m.le batU. of th. Indian froo- WVrU. Si bject of comment I. not known, but ?h.1'n'mVSf"d. "f.l 11 fran own but had been conceded certain empr. tyranny lowarn nia interior. a credltahle Indian war record, would tant general, should Colonel Stewart e prlvlleges of precedence at the wharf ro" "i,u0,f.,n!, pot,'?nf ofn" scarcely be ao comprehenilve after i come 111, or ahould the caretaker fall 111 th summer hotel. It waa In tha " " venra of aervice. for that matter, he wouin nav io inir- f op a medal of honor and It ia on ran. ' l" ' V . T,' "". w iuj - ... 1 exercl or tnese ceded privilege that fc'." '.V ' .."T:":" 1. Vi. Things had reacnea mis pasa, wun aph the department rrom a Biauon orJ tfir h. ... Anli.5 'J0! r"""!'' h, 'rUnda, h was allowed Stewart to align himself with the of- ths commandant of the harbor made ?...'h??.hP"La""i.?ld.t.hAu.rt.' many official report on fife againat 15 miiea away and ask the department i .1 XnAutZ,m th. 7ni, n.i Co one Stewart and numoerieae uaoin- t0 oraer Dy telegrapn tn atienaanoe 01 local condition th colonel waa not h. v.Pin.n rPn0rta current - . nWn t mllea distant. uk In hla teatlmonv. ivr" " r. j ...u .k.,..h ik, T "r . ": .1 ... . Th. nrn.iA..a "Imnaolkl." irnrr-i uunii ., AB nu nern 101a "Ilu;, wvu-i ... aiaaa.i.Bi " . " " " , '' TO thee, record of commendable aol ST " " u wi OI- rrea.uoni nooeeven .a -uwiuru mr m,nt of w,r and th, ofrlce ot th, chlef " "IVT.:,; toward hla artillery." wnen Loionei oiew-ri Btewart application ror a cnangw 01 tiTaM9'r:cSiSSii n?t waa at this point" that the mov- 0,6 that th. "irritation of artillery through out.lde channel.. ,Vrto? AVbiVlnV 'th on" hlm '""motn"''?1 VraY.1'?? p'i "J1' l.hlnf VJlMito Stewsrt add th. dubloua fact that mititoT f the demo rallied coloneT W caused by Colonel Stewart had been not belnr Included in the military r.- the tltlo of ,he moJ u.eleaa and moat Lrf.aHi.rPnrHl The action fhSt wa rSck!' liy hh'.nl hiir . Hffl. hfr b.r0.t1r?,.?,fic'r.' "Th" to SttraSt ouUW known unofficially to th. office of th. ffitZ.J'&XJ? fit ?ffehn",vVf,flher iBJ vrmy-.but w,h,.h fiffi'UndTCPro M...tMWJ 'Jff.'2rmV",," fr ah veloped that immediately preceding chief of artillery for some time." Un- i.i. IK...n,!i k! 5ri i.. tJ b.?y,on th.e remoyi of ny court" Grant on his failure to apply for retire- f.0 or,tDJ '7 determination that ie fhl r!i-0V!i Srom th- 8rv,c ,0.r Colonel Stewart's removal from For" officially the beginning, of th. mutter- i"d ''"".hJ 'i. '."i''!' w martial 1 Indlosted In nearly every men", wM "the re.ult of recommenda- in!.-7eristlo of the man when he? was lh er.V.' 0'1u.0 n1anyi.yei, P"1" Barrancas ther had been many com- Inga agiln.t Colonel Stewart are ald tf5,r"". 'rom. " 1,,LR,.d,rir,.,yb.y 'n-tanc. At Fort Barrancaa there wa Y"' f General Grant. General Du- hv OeSeral Thomas to undergo i'-n.rrLdhVr!nvnl capaolty of com- plaints made to the department of his to have been practically coincident flrS t0 th8 Umlt hi" rlghU 0ver ? civilian w"Pjo. J- E. Turtle who. General Murray. General Davla. ?i2 Ildln.eatll unaergo r.?T V.hfihaT."t',Cel,tIy b!en eo,m; treatment of the offlcefs and men un- with his civilian appointment in 1866. th w"MI,,wln, inM1, ,.,,, t?1Ha."u "in,;' .1. rlimiJCCr.P..rv.' ind the aecretary of war. That ords? took bim to Fort Hua- p i?-ad .1. ,hat t court-martial a,, him, of his "Impossible" lnterfer- The reports to the department began . u. .a" following these even s that building within th. n',,f it wa In May that th ca waa ,v1 ..T thir. h. wm oronouneed "ilv!1?? 2thJnf ,2T!r aLn"l with governmenf employe, in th- to come in with Ma .promotion to the '9h Pla" f., "!!?" '"l" L"' Jhls l.ul Ml was out of repair brght up on 0 .floor of th. senat. f MmSS'IS lnTh 9iml? rwi Vi i ""u lor proper military reaervation, and hla surliness colonelcy In loz, when hla rank en- .."'L 1 w: ..'.' t::V h.. 7 hiviJ. Tk. and a determ ned ngnt mao. oy eena- -- xrm dlaclDllne It was neceaaarv to raaort tn .. h...ii.v.n... ;. .. v,f . i.i.,. EUKEeated. He had then served forty window pane having been broken. The , u..i.nH tn fnra tha preacrlbed. the unusual procedure of- "marooning" of Pensacola " ommanda ""-""" years In the army, and wa. entitled to atrlcte.t lnt.rreution of the rule, for- p.,t to grant tolonel Stewaft an tha t dnola la to a the colonel with hi. .xtiv. Panv e,7n cl-i-Tf. n ,. , v, Jj. ...,i . i . raiira .t win nnri nnni whn waa b di a civilian to make any alterations FjeBr n n.v,, v.o. iiiti. art before a retiring .. - -i auvt.17 aia 1 .naawui. is 1 l.rum.u V .10 IHDi kwiiuii.u ill log ill " , ' . . " - - - . Mma. .......H.. in VB-llK null. 0U v.anb ainai. .' ' . . .. . . . . hla ri.v and raaniiaa. .it.nii.nn. a. m . k. n 1 j . i,l ,w. 1 . , . . . v 1. 1 1 ...1 a,.. tKan a hriarnHiar .,nm unA ( ninii 1 or reDBlra on a military reaervation. . . .... . .. i . ... . m.ti, him xinAilv a. to UlS Hnni wktxmt in , . . a.... .a ....... .i . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . l ... . , . in......1. .n..,m.n, mm m . n i & ... i ann T ii r r l a inni I en B im di v aa a T fti n n i - . ... . . l .... . i,. armv oiiicera aeem r o K-'-- .... w inviin, . iruBtine, ana me oraer Dringing uoionei tranaierrea to on wasningion a rew -""' un' ."". rli,. " .r.,,; a legal argument on mm vri uj - - ia"ii. fnUnai mile, from . rellrnart anrf a tiL-. Aim- i i. . v. . ..... .2 m u. i .v. 1. 1 . ... im a r.nnrt in mrhirh ha drlarrd hnt thn callty for oermimiion to replace tne " V.i .v. , .v.. , un, ha A of ever retiring coionei V.- . tha...Ki.r. ""...r, """T"-" "V. "I.4",u ""l"""" '!."iL iV. w m.. hroVin nanea. Thla Item Stewart re- ffV" k.S rcltln hla temneramental TV Fuo.u.aijr ui iiiouivau was nni wiin insiBiii oppoamon. Ben- naa Deen gmauawa iron, me viriiiiery """"ri;' .u..v...... ,; V,fti., .l.n tn nrri., th. mo rigni lo aem-nu nu imuuw r uo... :r--v ----- , aid. a.n. T.ii.f.i-M r th.l ...i. i3hn.ti .h. haa won. were due to the commandlnr of f cor. fuaed, and refused, also, to order the v., mant tn a nmi nu. irort Grant. they have been long But th. dlfferencea of onlnlon that In tn. hla mn.titn.nt wrnt hi.' imnra.. hla father', nn.t na.r Ran iTranniaon whose shortcomlnss he described aa house repslred In the regular way. . th tht was made for the olud. his well-known tha las, aa.alnn r, f nnv . - K...M. .1. . .... .1, .1.. . - . . ' . . . 1 . ,. 1 1 .i f,m na.a m an la 1 an A mr Irallalail ... 1 ' .l.,IH.n aanraaa iIab. nAl th. mOBt StrlklnS SlCIl 01 CUIUIIITI Hum 1. 1 . IHU11 nwu.v . - sharply drawn as to force themselves partment, ntl the home-co ruing Colonel more congenial work on the Pacific those around him that In General Grants Martinet a I error to nil Men strongly add to the credit of his repu- contrarlty. The logical eequenc. of nd colonel bisw board to examine condition. But have despaired Stewart, and In peculiarities) accustomed to In- good health as his consistent upon th attention of the aenat. through Btewart was greeted two days after his coast, then to the very dealrable poet opinion the only cure was to "get rid . mmmmm , ,,.. tation. The credit Is due to his wife. If they have any hope or a Ilnl J- several davs of heated debate have not arrival n iMvll!atinn with . LacnnH at Vnrt Warmn In nnmtnn harhnr. Thrna of the Irritant, which can be done bv To own men he seems to nave M Stewart la a granddaughter of lease throurn the doctora at Tomu- had tha effect common to most military order directing him to return to Fort times h. was stationed at the central offering Colonel Stewart an alternative shown little consideration. It is known William Pinknev and a cousin of the stone It Is due solely to thewnderous- unnleasantnesaes of putting th. roll of Grant this time, too, without delay. garrison, at Fort Monroe, and Imme- of relief from command or retirement th. authority of Major Walke. hla late Senator Wllllani Plnkney Whyte. riess of their diagnosis fafd'ac nyper. offleera In hostile camps. In general It An effort has been made to explain dlately before his last promotion he on his own application. " ""."i ,h., h. J Hho Is connected with many of the trophy, dilation and mitral Insuff!-. - may be said that the supporters of Colonel Stewart's Individuality by the was at Fort Hancock. ' This report was approved after an second In command, tnat he was ac- o)(lf..t families of Maryland, and waa clency." In Washington they hope mucR Colonel Stewart in his fight against th. theory of heredity carried in the Bible. As colonel ho has held two commands investigation by the chief of artillery, customed to heap th. vilest epithets able In her own right, as It were, to from that. Brain, from which all. or nearly all, nrV XTATT TXTATTT TTTTT A rT u TT TT TT HTrPTT" TA1 Al of UU Y i JIJ rV IXLl W W PI I W nnKC Y IS of the secondary products or impurities E congeneric with ehyl alcohol, which are produced during the fermentation of the masn, ana are volatile at tne ordinary temperatures of distillation, have been removed, so that the oercentare of such "Rye wir. v Is distilled chiefly In secondary products in such distilled Maryland a:il Pennsylvania, and is spirits at proof shall be less than one made, as its name indicates, from rve. nn..hnnilriih nf i r " r ruin in n.w inn wunu. ine irum ol me iasi niaivmenc is nnown nouronn wiiiBKev ibo caiiea oecause VER since the pure fodtt law went D' lne lacl lnat tne percentage or it was rirst made in Bourbon coun uiuunciiiiw .. i . ii vi ' u waiiiD ao iveiltuuiiri w uniinniiy O, nuiril fjin- ..,.( f nri whl-Vav aani.1 ,nl,I man of New York State Liquor Dealers Association Out-. lines the Quarrel ArVith tne Government A MAELSTROM OR A FOUNTAIN By Maurice rri 1 hompson Y. 0U se- before you th. representa tion of a maelstrom and a foun tain. The one Is a life-sucking tream, holding within ita tena cious grasp everything that In Into fore on Juno 80. 1106, Amer- twlce that of iaw.iicetlBe Wisconsin. 80 tilled exclusively from corn lea has been struggling for definition of whiskey, In recent Sherry, Jamaica rum or other ingredl- .... .1 ... . V. . nMklkttln.1... Im U.ln. t . . 1 i a " " riviiiuiuvraioiB 11. mavii.o veurB. nowover ine terra DDUruun wmn- ... frt.nna.ntlv ar)Ha4 tn Imn.rt an that tha nrnhlhltlnn law tvllt ha rananled t.,, k l.f I,. ., .l.nlfl. enls a! ireqUentlV BOOed 10 impart an i. . - . . . . . . . . - . " ' . - . '! mk I rrun m ikhi H H ii ii TiRvor nor (11 nprwmii . i ... . . na. I , uji. j ... Anri irn.i.nii ,i. I. t tha " mo-people iive a cnance mai mey canoe ana nas come to mean a wniSKey k.iv,i. "o ue.uijr iu an mo wnnui i. iuiu, ueuiu. - are straining every nerve to prevent the distilled chiefly from corn, combined of wh is tlon wav. seem to be 'receding bKqu."i- mrVy7riVl7thiVCBM from our straight whiskeys, and pat- -41 lust now UW! T'thln thlor traffic Itself which it 'a m2do.ry This .pirt?. in II wwLk.'vs" 8am6 " K Just now which have caused considerable vexa- nHrinnl .tnt ta nii tn nm .itont oienaeo wnisKeys. g throes of a similar trouble. question from being resubmitted to tha -with other cereals wherever manufac All through th. discussion, learned, voters at the election in November. tured. scientific and otherwise, the men In the Not only, however, does th. prohibl- "Malt whiskey derives Its name from actual traffic and manufacture a-jjr ... uocn iSiiurvu, uui juai now wnicll have caused considerable vexa- original state, is used to some extent they are maklnz the government take tlon of late are now In a fair way to be a. a havemra hut hv far tho arrpntor notice of them. settled. The great controversy in Eng- amount is blended with other spirits whiske . .... land tn nnt.atlll Rpntph ni k.... v. .1 . n .... nl,Kii with ri The definitions rendered Attorney- scotch Tw.Y VnVitled " to b. And now comes'the doAnltfon of whls cuuiii a,uu i-i. i iwj ui iim caiiea wnistcey was recently set ilea Dy Key as given by the pure food commission, as to What is the declaim, nf the rov.l rrnnmlulnn 1n,.nr. whiskey are sp technical that they have holding that both kinds were entitled "Whiskey is dilute ethyl alcohol, dls noL?nl?.p.H?f1dfPfr?.f.f'",aJ",.5uLhS t0 th tern whiskey. tilled from the fermented mash of grain. As to the true scientific definition of which contains more or less of the sec- whiskey with all Its varied distillates, onaary proauois impurities, congen the whiskey trust has a very complete rio with ethyl alcohol, which are pro- Scotch whiskeys and Irish whiskeys are made In either "pot stills" or "pat ent stills." Pot-still whiskeys are equlv- gives, th mountain never claims but ever gives There ar men. there ar. women, of river, two or thre. mllea below th. the maelstrom type, falls, witness the rushing, swirling. There are men. there ar women, of twisting and splrallng whirlpool and the fountain type. . some idea of the malestrom may b They of the maelstrom type are ths it which come to ll never seirisn cynic or me wno uvo ior unu whole. Lives entering are selves and themselves alone. a Ilfe-glvlng stream, watering tne V.-.r i V.. ,i7i. f.tAri inclVtv. enrlchlnir all life. earth and enriching It. giving grace llf. . for tha live it receive It gives making th world better because they in its radius, death. hve lived. strength and courage to all who par- But how dlff '.rant the natural four.- h,mSelf alone" is the Maelstrom maiT take of Its cooling drops. tain ,.br"t,n forth from om. leafy Th(j rnj who .Uve. for tn9 upUft ot Think for a little whole relative to " : "'watera enrich and bless ro"a."!m i"?"- "" me maisirom in an m groouj, '"7 i " Blended whiskey la usually produced comes its way and hurrying it down and rained That l: rMmbllIfavfyRl,rhnnl' lown to an awful death. The other Is comes' out wl rectified whiskey or neutral spirits. ..... . , .,,,.iia in rf the maelstrom. U hplhn. nrtlrlt la a lllra .nh.tanpi. tn v nr whether whlskev hlendeil e ana l.onoaen. lrlt niio-ht in he termed "l.lendnH coast or Norway. It. reaches c whiskey" or "compound whiskey." are " 5ilf.- "JK , i n.i8'i .....' courts of the United States have come to the relief of the whiskey manufac turers. A New and Popular Sport. From Punch. According to eeographers. it is a . " , ing, cruel. M. noaras to n.mseii. reat bodv of water In the north At- . mano. oy a spring ona 01 tue-o wniu which he cannot uaey inaine aesiroye. lantic ocean, between the Islands of nHV" " .Vm"X..c"0U " J.L.ltZ 11 18 the. P"Pc,P,a .orin,"..,ixl. K,"1 " off the dangerous rBV"'CH , "'h , . Tm it une coming in coniai-i -wnn mm )Ut 11KO m" ' " " , . ... 1 to accept,, in ).n m " " and for descends, then taken by the skiH of wnian theory of life, for his prehensiv . '!.r . men is distributed so that in largest n.n. ara rfevelnnart far bevond th. : makers of this matter upon which no agreement has rsfts whales snd 1 kinds of life with- sense It may be a blessing and a bene- no?mal. He is like the leech-fly which Deen arrivea at in tne passing or tne , itfi relentless errasn and resistless diction to the race, to us crystal continually crie. "Give, give, glve. pure food law. V'taw 12 P gZf. t t never flow come sons and daughters of the oe receiving, never gives up. He Is as Breaks away. It crushes with titanis rich, who. wearying of stive f cup -and ft gigantic spouge, which f"ver ah force, and drives with cyloplo power cut glass chalices, are glad to drink f .orbs and rorever retains. Cold, cruel, into depths unknown all that it seises the pure water from an old, battered tin cunning. he sets traps for unwary isVr.t T,,dar Thnmn.nn ltMn.r in tha the whiskey trust has a very complete erio wnn otnyi aiconoi. wnicn are pro- . nn. . ? Y". rf.,t.v. and embraces. In his novel, "Twenty cup. . . . . . . ieei ana .Jf""? TTnttan state, dlatrirt court t" cincin- handbook for the use and information cm auring in., rermentauon or tne f. . " t '.' H th. Y.i. nf Thousand Leagues Under . th... Sea,' noti aninin.H tha nvarnmnt frnm f its customers. Here aro the deflnl- masn. ana are volatile at me orainary J v ,.:,", ,r. h. in Jules Verno brings staying the whiskey manufacturers from J n,?:. Wch-J A .c"1vln.?.e J"?u"i even- "XXIa iiVif -.hi. miles, without taking any nourishment " "l8.!1?0.1?' 7". ?h11cKonV.icUnVgalefan"&Prof ' key irdiiut.' ethyiVlcohol. distilled from HW th .r ong trips' backward and forward forth in tn. parched earth elcVTfdenitfIredef "Whlskev 1. a term comorehendln the fermented mash of grain, from a ,hat wlU jrove to b, the most 0? the 'mael8trom. -BVom everyolnt to the city, partake of the del ght.Qme rejoices and bloom. tfie rose Fu H' . afitfi J"A,e-ni- jy.h'?h. 1" varieties , of distillates' differln ZrmEBr?&BM discovered. iubkb up me iiinaiiBu pruuuui oi wiusHey in process or manufacture ana also in 1,,1 - ,trtV, .,.-. .v.. III. . ,k. ..1.;.. . ... . m.A .i.ii th.,. ..i. have been definitely and correctly set- the. substances from which they ar. of th.Tmr and aT The New Kneland aonle eroo fnr 190S i' .TriUnS. -viann. tn" .t ?i ,hir"merc Vl.v Inclined driver.: UnnwJ nothlna " He bubbles over with tile at the ordinary temperatures of is considerably below that of last year, mles. There not only vessels, but while dogs, well bred or mongrel, find joy, and sings in th. exuberance of his the Nautilus to poverty abound come, and, slaking their The fountain" man, now aiiiereni i- ere it is embraced thirst, go trooping on to tljelr play. he. His cup or messing is "JTrfr. eces. Jules Verne, in Conductors and motormen, weanea aown, run ana minima uc u. v. ha0n Ul L 1 1 0 IlinVl-Ll Ulll. 1 I u III CYCl J puiin IU llio 1 1 1 , mac wa ........ icjum- a.... .w.--- - - .... oeen v,.i.. ,..,..,ni nH ,aim n thair lahnru nr Ufa h imnplf. he aives to life ana meeting, forming a gulf Justly called better fitted, better prepared for their all life Is blessed. He Is fed by sacred tied. Then Judge Humphreys, sitting in ths United States district court at Peoria, concurred with Judge Thompson and en Joined the government The government appealed, having 10 days in which to act and. the cases mentioned were brought before the Uni ted States courts of appeal In Chicago and Kalamazoo. Judge Kohlsaat sitting in Chicago, and Judge Severance, sit ting tn Kalamaaoo, have Just sustained the lower courts. It is now the government's next move te the supreme court of the United States. The officials of the Independent whlHkey interests and their Jegal aids say me government win De oeaten mere, too. . In the meantime prohibition and the local option movementa ar. sweeping wnoie states into ineir roia, wnue rignt here in little old New York the more pretentious and dignified hotels and clubs of Fifth avenue are building tun nels under the streets to corner cafes and liquor emporiums In order to evade the light of day and some local option restrictions which ar. the result of ac tivity on the part of some of the Fifth avenue houses of worship. From J. A. Strasser, chairman of tha New York State Liquor Dealers' asso ciation, and also a member of the exec utive committee of tha National Liq uor Dealers' association, th following pertinent remarks and lucid definitions upon the "What la Whiskey?" problem were obtained: "Not in years haa the so-called "pro hibition question' assumed eueh proper tlona as in the past few months. Ther are signs, however, that the wave" has reached Its crest snd is . beginning to break. One of the unusual aspects of th present situation Is the victories thst have been won by the prohibition and local option forces In the southern states which heretofore have been conaldered safe from the attack of prohibition hys teria. In Kentucky about town out of 110 are dry. North Carolina ha Just voted for state-wide prohibition and even a far north a Ohio a very atrlng ent local option law Is in force. Like nil extreme movementa, however, re action Is inevitable, and in th. prohibi tion movement reaction haa already be gun to set In. "In Georgia th present governor. Hoke Smith, who waa eleoted upon a prohibition platform, wa recently de feated for renomlnatlon. In Tennessee Senator Carmack. the candidal who ad vocated "tate-wlde prohibition, wn de feated bv Patterson, who advocated local option. In Louisiana the Prohl Mtlonlata were defeated by the hlh licens force and In N"w Jersey. New York. Marvland and Mtsalaalppl th Prohibitionist were routed. "Th slogan of these who opnoea th Prohibition movement I tht th true solution lies In regulation. This Is In line with th pnaltlnn taken by th Na tional Wholesale Liquor Dealer' asso elation at their annual convention held at Nlasara Falls the last week tn June. They set forth a declaration of 'prin ciples stating that the solution of th liquor problem lay In th. strict en forcement of reBVBonaMe rerulatlonn. Th. platform also stated that th. liquor traffle reallaed that In the a-rowth and development f the Industry, tn com mon with all Industries, rrtln tfrw hare crert In. but that It 1 aa unfair to bbv aa It la (Impassible t. atchlev. that the evils be cur1 nlr by th. de struction of th- Indn-try. T. platform B-art. that th Itnunr traffle ha ex td time mit nf mini b r wi nf th natural Jend for alcoholic tvra which ha. eharaetertaed all prosreBalv. FT) nf all . aM that tha at teiurt t ah-nlot frriWtlon ba J wr failed wkervver tried. Evldcne. of made. Whiskeys are known to the con- dlntlllation. have been with the excentlon of Vermont, which, whalaa ara aarrlfic-d a. well .. white thara the water that keens them at ecataav. He Bings a gospel song. tio. sumer as rye whiskey, bourbon whiskey "Neutral spirits Isdilute ethyl aleo- with Washington, leads the United bears from the northern regions." peace with the world. Unlike the mael- every one that thirsteth, com ye to tho and malt whiskey. hoi, distilled from th. fermented mash States with a percentage of 83. Stand on the banks of the Niagara strom which, ever claiming and never waters and he that hath no money , L " come." He gives freely, unreservedly. out of the fullness of heart and for MORE FANS THAN HAVE BEEN SEEN IN MANY YEARS :Srr . , strom type. ... 1 cwth at thl. seaBon of tha year. from public school, academy and col lege, are going young men and young, women. Of the maelstrom type or tht fountain will they bT Selfishly. Ilk J""" ' i ii ii in ii.i-.iiai in in ii iiiim i iJMiini awia.iaBB UL'.'-Tr' 4 - ?LUif.;r"V ir:, J:'4 ". the young men and tMyonn; fri i ' ' vWlf:r prW.rwUTd"-arTha I I -" . l-T ' tJri t . Z' ti d JfX mum ' I . .rr..ti-eina-. Tt a the ldenl of aelf- '.- r.: '.'. - i . y . --. . J' Rtmarkabl ITctaraof Faea LooktBg for Big Lgua Baseball Raiu Ok-aro BabaU Craxy. Tlla Pletara 6bors a Crowd Nambrs Wall Into tha Tna t Tnouaandi Block- . . lag the Tnoroafafara la Front of tha OrtVa of Ua Ckk-aga Tiittua. aa4 Watcblag the Trlbana'a Scor. Board. Th. Clou Rac Crate4 Great latere V. .. the ego. The fountain pnuosoniiy i the philosophy of humanity, the phil osophy of sacrifice for another gain, the philosophy of him who went about doing good, whoae llf wa a fountain of usefulness, of blessing, of help to , the world. . A maelstrom or a fountain you must be A maelstrom, catching, swirling, wrecking and destroying .other live, or a founUin of blessing, uplightiiig. cheering and enriching the world. A mt that you may be fountains of blesBlng rather than maelstrom of aelftshness Is the prayer or tne prncmr What Rudolph JLeamed. Last Sunday Rudolph made his debut as a Sunday school eeholar. Everybody about the houe wa Interested In th. event and for several day preceding the Sabbath various members of the family had taken pains to coach him for th. ordeal. They had taught him th golden tent and the story of the lesson, ami finally Rudolph, arrayed In hi beat .,,ii f iinih.i and a brand-new 100 penny In his pocket to be dropped Into the contribution box. wa directed Into the path which all good littl boys Sr. auppoaed to tread. When he came horn Ma relations and friends were anxious to hear a report of his experiences. " ..... "Well Rudle," said hla motber, "did you have a nice time?" - Te. ma am." said Rudolph. "Pid you eay the text?" "Tea ma'am." .. . M -And did you remember th leaaon" "Yea, ma'am. I aald rt all by heart. -And did you put your penny Into the basket?" "Tea. ma'am. - Rudnlnh's mother srebb-d Mm sp and huered him ecstatically. "Oh. you Utile pwrlOB- . h H. -Tour teacher mnat have bee. proud of yon. I km uat loved ?". 8n aald something to you. 4Uo t he" "Yen ma'am. "I knw ab wnnH " Bald t T'" i parent. vemev Rtidla. aanns, t'i -t what ttve teacber n. Id to nviin.r. Utile man."" She M. waa the etartlint for sa. t bring w. per.oia 'it r . -day." - Ther ts tvttMeg tht n I'Va tap. Tt- stnrr I t-it ef a t ' th French Iter we r. i i , an4 wr a ar--'l ksst f :' t ran the rr-iuii'j arn-'. i . nrrw4 t?Bt It f"- ' , mcTiihB f lay atiS af'.r -wriita-n i 'a fr. - reaua er mere. New Tsr a i