' . :. i ' - V i aa. i EDiTOSMb page of to (Journal . ;k I V ' er 1 ' (,rl Vaa, THE JOURNAL AN IKDKrSNDKNT NKWBrAFEa. . 29.000,000 O. R. t X. surplus is a sufficient Justification for the poopl or Oregon in tbelr wry moderate and & S. JACKSON..... Publisher I vvuacrtauro resort 10 jeglSISUV Of fens or themselves. It U an ex fuhllsbra' every awning luml BanAiy) snt Xaiablll streeta, IforUaeo, I Or. I po-d .nema.rrimi.ntB ".. fnr nr. aterr Saadar ajornln at Th Journal Bo II 4- I ample Of Wnat non-reslStanCO 10 rail lng. link sad yamblil mtnMi at ma poatrri at rsrtu. o.. I gon was on of th fiv states that Km". """" were last fa appealing to th legisla TKi.tciioNr:" main ma. nous. A.jtnr 'or public restriction of the rail All aepartmeiits rearae E..1 814a ottlre. BAA4; East S3. TtiWt SUbmlB8lonr. Bd thvO. R. A r-ORBION ADVUtTUINO BKrBKBEKTATIVi N "OrplUS ' th sequel. V A State Vrroltad IW.mla Snarl'l AdrertlslBS Aimer, I Scarcely , On tn map Of th railroad ?ow!riuc;Bu!i:nii'i, wor, 'ron "tandpolnt of mileage waa another sequel. A state ranking ;t Small Q ange Senator Bvrldg dm not answer, . 1 . - . ... . - .... V Soma rala. will fill a lon-flt want tt'a autnmn, all right and It election of Bryan "block" the Rooa- velt policies ---. On -the ofher hand, w are aaked to trust the "Roosevelt policies" to Aldrlch, Cannon, Sherman. Rock- feller. Morgan. et'aL Voter ar asked to tote not . merely . fur Taft, I rata, but for these, far all the element I and "bad actor" who for years hare .rT u- v or!or MM In opposition; In, every reapectr , ., , v y. . .. .t and on every occasion to the pro- " What duties are' to ta raised, 'Mr. fessed 'RooseTelt polldoa." '"' ; r : , There w, never. In all : history I ou.raetr cf bsnk deneslta eulta the such a 'screaming political' farce-J peopi. ,. , . , v , m. ). t., i. -..11- 1. 1 . Teddy aeoma.to .have quit rather re trying to play and It. really. la luja, however. amusing.'' They ask yon to elect the I ! - , ' OPEN-LETTER TO CHANCELLOR DAY Alfred Henry Lewis in tke New York Amrica rill then. In.tdlsr momenta, we turn from alDlava." when ulrlot defanae Imiioa- coiitami.la.ilon of the uaful. taonuat I t(la. strive to call away nublln silan. Me RLALM FLMININE, At UIloMrtn. deadly enemies of the "Rooaefelt pollclos" In order that thoee policies may bo carried out! , ... Taft Is only a big figurehead; .In On rrar. i.tTl TccT uV Ne Mexico, Arl.ona and N . DAfLi, -, - s t vaaa in railroad importance is an- Coa rw ....wooiona asoatk..,....! M other.. About 2.000 miles of railroad '. ' bundat. . ; In a state of 91.000 square mllet of O" WBOIOne MBit.; .X3 . mnA rt,. arvw ..tr.soiona ont.w....4 S I moral oi n ait is mai wirn ir. I "eui wi vis ejociiop Aiaricn, tiarriman, non-interiercnce oy meivannon, juorgan, uocaeieuer, tiar people la no reward of merit. --, Irlman, et al, would run the gorern- - ' In the case of Oregon, the meekest I ment, aa usual. The O. O. P. lead-dontlt people nave teenHhe worst abused, J era wouia jauga the ' Koosevelt poi- the worst' plundered and exploited. I Idea ' to scorn. Just as they hare In Oregon the relation of railroad I done for the past four years.- and people has become fully compre hended, and If Mr Jlarrlman at tempts the role of the' bully, as the news from the Trans-Mlsslnelppt con gress aays, Oregon , people 'will find means of defense and relief. There are other, railroad builders, some of hard, on ll.a araalna; (round, of .Hat- Hon W talking f iointUlna and son.- JT ROM h. floo, n " r?.0.00"". r. i". trl1" ara..- body !. . ' V 5 -. most all ef the games which an- frmWaW With tWayeur situation. Waatur, f .dw All H.lloween. to the KeraonaJly, i do not kiiow you 'for I nd your nlloyment. Mr. fh.ncllr, , young, maka hearts tmat hlfrii have -now and Uien nr good-luck ",wU.. ,u",1, m.a T,.',"n Hi "J with anticipation of fun and strauka, ilka other men. But I know Hearst tha other day flned uion Mr. fron . hrln.-'.i,. L,. I . .Z you In trpoain tlU papera wh "re I Archbold tha crlma of bribing benator ana nring the swift blush to the have both read, of you and read you. Foraker that you should feel Incrnn- cneea or tha gri Who mora than guesnes 8!0etlms you were drasged there by moded In your little comtortuble wallow what tha fates hold In store for hap the collar; sometime, you were driven of Kundard OIL or that you ahould Hit during tha veae n - . ' there by an Archbold-filandard OH prod Indignantly up In that waJlow to .queal UJ ,0 yr en. ' ' k from behind. But vour intu.Brin, mu and mint anit innrl nrutaatlharl V at r' happy, frolloanma. 1tvlat tlma. . 4 at kenipt urn tat amuauoa w MB. vatafSaoWaagaarawttVtyty I AdrmimT'$ Ctrtifod Cinmlatio Bht Hook It was tha-1 ranla.. rather than Tha I ever luralnoiia. aver convincing touch-1 thoaa. who had dlaturbed you.i , I tbT,', an J tha' vnnn, nn .h....i Journal that aaked... -. . ....... . I n rn"y things. Kor ona matter, you I Alao, by your leave. It 1 of those I denied' Ita r.riviin.... , " e e I "erveu excellently in aiding ua to mark I sania-squealing, gruntlnga and snort-l ,,,... .. " ..V . . . "-y a Ifs very few of us that lose a rail-1!"" !mus or standard Oil oorruDi on. inaa I wiah hriaflw here to aotlce. win mo- nacx upon tha fun. roaa paaa iheae daya. , I J" . V: nim reaoiiea vcongreaa, i You say. Mr. Chunoellor, that ' n he rmnemnenng their good times with sat- '- s ' f ; 1 v7T iZm:Z J?lru . rem'nei lor Foraker-Archbold Incident Is allocking lafactlon and llvtna- over in mamnrv m. .....'tin... i... I A show us It had alao reached thslm hvnnrritaa " anrf thnn contradict ' " . ' ng over , in memory grea. fairly horrlblet - TrVm the r.nar. I i. ... I'' !' 'W.1. I! n7 Zu'TV:.' : . . l. - i. - . ng aon anocaua TIfK GERMAN DEBTS I bit Ptptr Aa prottd by inrtnigmttoa Vut ttt timlttiem acord or kept with - . 5.1. i car mi Mm rffmwuu. fain witm aura atxmrac (Aa( tdwtnimn mmy nlj on any atalnBratt or aaaar maor or tot paoiithert mmtet in wntruuo i I i uooi iA vb- a j a - itawu au amj-grej r JlmmT Rh.rn.. .. . ' M.M. t..l. varaii- u.i:-.TA f7!f .f V.u" : honeat editor whom you wlahed to call to groteagua dccoratlona. and th. tnr. Wouldn't that acalre yoUT ' are a WhWli f th. -MZtbtMlt WKiSl ba ufoutht ot jJhn'n ,ha merrlBr' P,nt' i ' their snow .hovel, era In good shape, BpSu? thoi S5Lu Mr Chan- bein lu chlerpuNhailnf agent In buy- f?.'', f : has a llul'a cellSJwaM't It Is f them thA a'n KnL ln Politicians nd pulllo oftlclalaT in'S 'm. ttt,!0m of. "e moutha If It o-im't rain before Ion, there a fellow'wSr Foraker and the re.t are getting It from R.inS' J2ZZ?AlTk' n,1"om won t be water enough to go flalung in. Byracu.a 'vineyard of uStton wMcta Jl stdea. The man who lought 1. neg- J- 'P nd . ' v, , - a a ..- , I your domination cllguta, referred to you I 'eoieo. xr ni. aeea. jtrcnooia .nuuioi Senator navaHila-a darilhiir an w. u "dlahonaat a "mnnana tn aiirailnnal I be wearing Stripes. Decent men Should I rantlon: ha rliwian-t am.n gi...4 I oradlt." and ommlul "lvni.n mnA I not an oak to him. Clllba- ahould ezriel I u. Jl ' ,.. FfP.' will .have. If many pumpkins- are not to ba obtained, paper lantern, will do. T IS J7 years Since the COnsolIdat- Oil. 'Vanity;' with your nam.?' WaaVt It In him. Society should regard htm as anl Ima liavei and r b?Xha KS'ifrVfc ri i v - 1 .ww v. a i.nin, wo. mi i aaw wnera a reuow I enemy. rairioia anouia noia nira a-r hnln. iu : r uc"u vuiyirw uciau il fiiu,hr editorial 'aanHmantallt r Methodlat oreacher. tha Rav. Cooka. da. traitor. ' 8alf-re.rtctlna- buralara should lZ.i.i. .F-u.r. m. " . ""," ecn reer. In consequence Of the rule reformed or . helped a "fallen.- woman. I clered- upon beholding you. brushing have nothing' to do with him." I table, airyainthemuma and jiicaii quii oi soma I jjouDiieBS, too, it waa wnai mat eai-I of ronra .nnmnri... , . II an 3 tal Jr At I . . at them With' enviable records: and Wl ,?"rcl1 na we COnqoeBl OI . . , Inlgulty from thereptiUtlonal aurtout tof printed which cuaed you to say- !K6 jiVlliwew thn W , i. alr.i France: It began OUt Of debt, and The election of elthar. candldate for of Mr. Archbold. that you "had sold defending the matod.orou. Mr. Arch- without a mw coVner' wa P1 then there are the people them- receiTed. within a shortperlod, ; war .S: ,nt'rfere " th " l' nd-lnf,uence to SUnd tzZlV ZwVLU7c& tun .J''" ' ' Indemnity of 11.000,000,000 from '"v" ; ' 'V the above, Mr. ChancelWr, either. valet-wlae . the i control amgemtnt Beptambe , 1908. - . I J lit Ia. .li.v... a , a. I I r nnrtnM lllilllaa bnAailno? uia 1 I M . a. B ' " nwaa. wmww ,ito .nosill 1LH1 France, which for wbil PT0rtdw4ltrvxmJli .JL0.'"", ' l2 lookTd " VT w.inXKrC'"-.-? .Vl""0"0':. ?ou.. ruL..?a7J P!? Vy violin rack mad, i suuiciem revenue, out every year But . s . - -t- 1 v.- v . aar 1 at -A 1 GOOD deal has been said about :loUT 7 ?"erine MNEAR-BEfcR" BIAY BE LAWTUL V ; .,. 1, . . I .V. had not been wicked years ago at such V party a Wacit shawl ' -k v , a ,P,ocar'. .akull, aa theheitrlcai - . Remember that If the op portunltles ; for'., great deeds should never come, the oppor . tunlty for good deed is "re- newed for you, day by day The thing for ns to long for Is the goodness, not the glory. f Frederic W . Faber. ; ', V ., C A what is called acn -tne mystery or housekeeping." juuaeo ai your portrait neavy, un- First, you horrify us bx referring to beautiful anook behlmi .iu A. . aU' S"iTf "-to.hem Ar - Vnc!dbiheh; ftST tf? 1 f e a f when, unon reading-that Rooanvalt mu. doiu aa an inciueni you, jircacner mro iti t-acn guest, it waan t so auf' r ."-- - ai. J- i. aalre In wSJ nartf It .Lk. of h nnn ot heaven's goapel. tooS. Then you get ceaaful afterwurd, however, for the It would seem that the president ln. w PKe of the poor lh, m.m,l.l tha hnraa rack tlnmrf nv.r r.A ih. .I..11 iv. 7 near-Deer. , a I . ..... ... . '.V .hnnlH kt.i, 'I! ;rr'" a. havlna- rl.lit. whlnh tha rlnh ira In: uommrrciiu c B B narinir an1 r r A MArkf 1 a. a. aw a A w a Hal w v wuo Vf 1LII a, lie I K 1 . " - . ----- -..w hw ltiaatlna that tha 'aaa 1 1 Aaa" M liar nna. I WBB AS n"k r-piABllA ax ha a... aa W 1 . . . 61 " -u" Stick, hut then Roosevelt wraeraheri P0""- toreepect. you characterised It , "7ha "C,,va, Thi.r . arCJ then fh o..;"?. I.""' That same portrait made known to me .k"0.w . ta1."eva.nd tha.f "P'?'.T 1 2'.iiuI!!,ln.K u" '? medical man with 111 J lit LIIO ASavll UUIU Ml Ifl IlltiiUUli I a V"MtJ AW BAUUi VOU KllO W cart before the' horse I rack tipped over and the skull. wWh a. Mlakl a.J AVa -A IH'U1U f W K I RICK finM H II H IHa K S? I 1 WJIIIA . H nl I , l.L.I a I. - A a I !-. A I nf A as a. I . . .' .,K.MI,.n' fn, '". bow II" grown BD R.i.1, v, . ,h Tj..i. 1. ."!" bound to reaDect. vou charactarixad '""".. -.. iwreww one. was DroKen. and tirVPit anrl nr " " Huw auiounia 10 over i,wuw,- i nas Alice. jr - wnt aw AAA AAA . . i ... . I . I . IIHl 130.1110 I.t.I L I M 1 1 H.HUC ftll'JWn LU II1B I .. . . - . - 1. . ' 7 .' . ..1 ... i ' h, aMn. 1,.1.. i. vuu.uuu. Ana Desiae mis national . . . - - , vonr innrr iorkin nn an .imu.t ir. any m tne ArcnDoia nripery -mciaont, apoiogiea. -j 'vo iu wuoraucmo w r . i aa-aa prohibition in some states and parts 1,"uu;"u"' t, . . land Saxony. Bavaria, and other oinica. iveuurus aoOUl mis Droa-I . .. ' . .. " I unmi an B Wb. .,. - """' "'"' w.i.iomVi. -'"- ;I .P. ., r. 1 J " . I n. .k i . - . rne east side criminal, when the law I even in your uiiia wmrow or ounusro i y nunurea customs is clutches him. hire, a lawyer whom he Oil. It reminds one of the sheep thief for e"-h guest to go out alone to the nana a . "mnut hnlnna " Mr A rr.hr.nlrf I shn nlaarlArl alf.rlirAn9n anrt milrl : "I'll I "" Bral ana Dlinarnldnrl. null " ' . . . v. .1.. . . . i .. .... . . . i - .... . . , . .nr. t nk.. . i . - - others that whiia it irrMfifl thafDein8 maae 10 reruna tnese aeow.irjViA iTk UJHUOncor :Fr;CB"r "Tltaste ftnd appetite' Of beer drinkers. D0W Deftrinff 4 Per cent Interest, and bio," no doubt, yet Minnesota and Ore- In statesmen.' hires you s hi. mouth" Mr. Chanceilor. your printed harangue whch,cIln to the roots. 1. an Indlcs- A GHOST THAT VAKTSWFrn . is non-lntoxlcatine. Both the, re- BlD lnr increase. ror this pur- "". se.ung along quite Piece- a annoc 'ninK,nowever.inai n support or your patron,Mr. Arcn- r"",.,"'""" "r 5" national . . . - - , vonr innrr iorkin nr. an .imo.t ir. any in tne ArcnDoia Drioery -mciaont, aue apoiogiea. And a skull, you know. debt Prussia owes i,900.T)00.0rO, V, ,U8T ,' eer ZV?Ml n ver weU p,ck 'her PrH unnVTVn "WT !?' 8.b.com..you. . . . ;i .l,S ;'Vt::.Ti M "d duchies are heavily bur- Blw"" ". f lo" inal way' ltls quite as intoxicating as beer. w"h. d4ebtJ ;.N !"SIJ.9 ."J., .ft2S" A a I luat.r nnnn th. ArrhlinM Irt t 1 Ivpnn A Tacoma judge fined a young man I For the methods jy which you seek to 1100 for kissing a girl. At this price I rescue hrm serve only to show how Dorta mav he tm: an tn riifferflnf PO taxation must be Increased. LL those In the great audience I products. Land taxes are to be heavier, beer at the armory Tuesday even-I t But if the brewers are m ami far- ana tobacco taxes are to be Increased. kJ.ases are a reaUIuxurv. (rvhi more danaerous than the feud of a wisa ingf remember how . Senator taring some popular and really non- Inberitance taxes are to be ' levied gVY HJVJ. ""KolMZS F&SfWoS? UceUor remcmDering your porirRir aim ine earthy limitations which It pointed out your retention In that capacity reflects I bold, is too long to deal with here. Bar I 'ec f or a lira partner. If a great deal I . . . a.k. . A Wt.-I J A a .11 l ... I nf BAfth aa m alma attanUaA . a I a a , Beveridge denounced the nrln- Intoxicating and oerfectlv harmless Rnd as and electricity may be taxed, worth of somethinr ai.e iwm v i- I Herr Srdow. the imnerial treasurer. He announced it as Mr. Bryan's part, of beer, and especially of al- " "Pob the people to pay .cheer- fnhamitud bthrtr Th;" oun k bah1-facd mtta tariff plan, and then proceeded to coholic drinks, they are not only do- fully, and so "sustain the prosperity Ropiibitcan managers and some editorS 0',ea,1ir:'hr fT uihSr?h-rfVM cudgel it. to slug It, to slash It. to tag nothing unlawful but something and the very existence of the em- cEvJia'ndVtter fake rtiimSn-of A T3..i i K..kiiM or earth remains attarhv) tha fArtnn. enemy, mayhap I'll take It up mor. J ?, lnfu' wed money. If a fully la. Sunday's paper a week away, t . ? aleCwhn1 inrf I must fell you. however, that you make " .' ti"y.. .wla. , "SI1 . ------- ---- --.- --vvv ..v win vajr as ii in i Svocate. The more you rd" .rolit Si AT,',". w w " 1 the flirr' wanta tn huii 9 , florld-'wlth a awaet and rv own advice Is to awl P,ctloaJ "HspoaiOoav. If another girl rLalnr.n tha ? cinrt Xt ?J 5.! !??i.f" Parsnip She Will hive thin be thouaht n? 7h.7f-,"?: veralty trustee He has power of re " """ " I tpntlon. nnwen or rllsmissal ovpr vou Oregon Sickligntj Vale has a ladies' band. 1 a -. falr--dry came Th Pendleton riD it ODen and ? othnrwiRA tn ria. commendable. Trae. orobablv Deo- Plre, molish it : He braised and battered Ple wouid be Just as well off without . This has a rather familiar sound Jt, , he knocked ; and kicked. It, he this stuff, would better drink Bull over here making a nation prosper- .stormed at and starved It, he vac- Run water, and so waste their money ous and great and safe and glorious cinated and fricasseed it. He in- In buying the substitute; but this by taxing the people more and more, voked the fireworks tones of the could 06 Ba,d ot.soda water, lemon- This has been the policy in this coun- lilEh traeediaii and the rattlonnnirA ade and other non-alcoholic drinks, try for 40 years, and the Deople have hlBB nf tha lnw vHlalti tn I The law does not aim to prevent stood it verv well mnar of t he time. 13,000 ahead. , - " - " - aji voDiUK I - r I J ss . j m a : a 1. a , (.- . I nonnu ffnm . OrorA in i rnfilf nltrina I i. a a-w a mi h.li. I i . tviB maignioalaait,8Ucn . &.,p0,ICy .-r-... ArZ V: 8 l lU.B c.w"u.lf'. "umuf w e re" .JKrPS. ..at- -. Albay-,arypo8t- Tth "fatness and keth" snouia pe urgea as a proper tariff -"" u9o Uu.j sources ana opportumuee, dui oc- """" increase over last f fat on your flanks." and because to policy lor the good people of the! vcp uut B B casionany mere is a conapse, indicat- a you. as to vespasnan, -me smeu oi aji TTtifraA I Precincts the manufacture and sale tr.o- t'W.rhla nAUv Minni ho i.n.l A whole orcharrl near ..ni. t... money Is sweet,' you are eagerly wffl- And now what makes grotesque of f hollc. intoxicating drinkables, tinned indefinitely. ' . &cKt0Ur.bbed up by order of the fcu,t the indignation of this young states- deluding ordinary beer. Tne German emperbr and our fc , ' man who has come, out of the" east SSJ' Z. PresIdent are The want fr WT?,,fiSri mor"e "n n toll fha w,w,iw any substitute or beer : may be great' tfavte. anrl armlita. anrl a vaar. last year. .Ar."Jv--. r w r I called, is not intoxicating, does not ZZZ7. 7" .. . ' Written for The Journal by . Fred C js tuat me wregoman la'pronoancea-J .nT x. Trnnpririeri rtft-rrentn(rA nf I - " uilule , . I ..i,,"0 of great opportunity! . Denton. m rntri A)-nntiatiAaTitf a.A .M j ai i w r. WUv..vU jVa wwMVBw v i Ti ij r j fi Ti h. i p nrv h Ti fi Tf. no aver ronnv uui iiuHiierB. savfl triA r jtirviaaw it'w i ta j ai tt. i i ever an advocate of a "tariff for rev- f1?01' I1161. tS fnufacture anJ for warith all the world, and they ara,ner- and it. so. v rades tn.the United states senate a . ior rev x . as lawful and Innocent as that I . A v : . J deep In . the Standard, Oil mud as he enue. pniy.Vior instance, Septem-t .J - ti. - . ryi'cttlroluo uearan ever- sodaviHe correspondence of Lebanon I J la a mire. To any man not bllndsd ber 14, 1908i the Oregonian said-4? ! , . ? P" , Mncrea8lng burden of taxation to Pr'terion; . Don,t think those wedding by partisn prejudice it Is apparent r.-j.ji.-i.'..ji.v.. . ... I " iD ,ouvi'c.a "u l mnintafn thia nn7tr.tr Tint what Tk:.I " .l""?'"?, "!" I iV"'-" r.-,.L "J r.'i . .1""" tentlon. nowen of dismissal over you, He can reward or ho can punish. He can turn you out of your warm' corner; cushioned, as It is, with bis rich gifts. Or he can.' perpetuate you therein,, cush ioning it still more warmly and, softly deep with further ticher gifts. Mr. Archbold does not devote ail of his money to the purchase of senators. out He has lavished hundreds of thousands through your university upon you. And because ne tnus coveretn your ling to wait upon Mr. Archbold in his a very bad advocate. say tne more your client. My up talking and--elnce the color of the cow lin t seen In the milk return to the frettincr of that Archbold money. And yet, I'm not sure But that It' might be worth something to you in the long hereafter of -eternity were you to look occasionally up- from the Archbold money Just long enough At least to take .a good hard look at your soul's lace in tne glass. L.ne is not an Deer and skittles, Mr. Chancellor, especially everlasting . me, ana you, as a clergy. man, do not have to be reminded of . a day to come called Judgment day. ' Finally, Mr. Chancellor. Jet me ask you as an expert In gospel trutiH,Jow far you, think you, and yodrs- are re ferred to In, that Scriptural verse which runs: "'or tne congregation or Hypo crites shall be dasolate. and fire shall consume the tabernacle of bribery. They conceive miscniei ana bring rortn in iquity, ana tneir oeny preparetn -deceit. Running Shots Th. ai . xuv wu.j-i mi,iv" vl lajui, is utrui I that saII ttlcnhnHf rlrlnkn anrl tn nrrt. . .-.- a- j mucn-wunmg Dy telephone wen now wno inoa oiner senaiura for retenue." And thus if the Ore- . V 1 alconouc arIn Ks a nP t0 ProT , the people, 99 out of 100, get out " th'a nk ot the woods to e done just jre as they knew who Foraker was , , , " luu"' 11 lne urtH mote temperance, and not to perse- ' for the fun of tha thing. . I serving last May - These two honor- -courting by telephone I well now who those other senators gonian is authority, airily flits away cute mea merely' because they are 6.. .ywu. vi ucBirucuon ana brewers. If their "near-beer" is non ua.n-.nari bo iiammgiy pictured to a ahla lAarlArfl of tha craHt and finnri- Rfr Ftef- "early 160 more enrolled In RVJb"f,n ?afSf.S?2K L.h.BftS2 Portland audience by the youthful Benator from Indiana THE GROWL PBOM THE RAIIi- , ROAD HEIGHTS intoxicaUng and Jawful. they not I -""V Tl' n.lo Voa . wth ar.A oll W11CU UO 1.1. me reraneion cjty schools this year than 1 "....u . - .-K'v-"".'y- as to last. This la the largest Increase In any w"n ec.'slo.n.- accuracy and dispatch, said one year for a number of years. The to. Wh td?.n tney? AretneJr ln noPa i rai numoer enrolled ' last Knnria,. m.i.i '""' . I N OREGON, that Oregon that has been so discriminated against by by Mr. Harriman, there will be no patience; with the attitude of the Harriman system, as intimated by Mr. Stubbs at the Trans-MiBsis- sippl congress, t Mr. Stubbs is re-1 Beveridge last night made ported by the news dispatches to politics, for Integrity in business, ouuie amies ougni iq pe lowerea 825. And Pendleton i rirv I As a partisan and a citizen and not lumg no, cui . i . : '.iL' I Wnlflrwirt ;.n..u n...... aa oresident. Roosevelt has taken ud course the "near-beer" Should be " lur e.r?"a" LeaderTSalmon aVe coming Into" the ght- Consequently , as ?a tested8 Drettv Often - - u'. " Bivea .out mai bb nay Detter than any time yet this sea- c;llaen 5a aaY -2" P-eaeni ne nas icoicu yreuji viiicu. I ii,n j... .i I rn 5 Pharlsa Tjkij i ..... srlven and received some hard knocks. id rill n run iiimi inn in Mil nmv nn ra ur.i .v j.ui.hi i.iu. . 1 1 imiinnHp i.' . . . . . . . . . -" morning with 60 fin rhinnnic on ,ki Ails rnencis wno - complain that it is A CAMPAIGN OF EVASION sugar, duc opposes a reduction on re-1 boys all had -as many as they could unbecoming to call Roosevelt, the presi- lueui., 1 1 . n naiucni n.uu iitwucs biiuuiu look over tne net or eminent Americans fined sugar. Free raw sugar so the handle. THE Seattle Post Intelligencer irus'' wouia get cneap raw material a Salem business house is willing to he has selected for membership m his (organ), says: nd a high tariff refined sugar so Men who heard the earnest and the trust would get big prices, Ought essary for any one to subscribe an- cLtlj,?n and Za Par,tian his victims eloquent -appeal which Senator to cinch the support of the Sugar . matter squarely foW not condeinned severely for before the people In a careful business I returning to' the fray with the same. tor sanity in trust, hut how about the sugar beet and thwiirvote ibon4.WS;: msiness, and growers of Eastern Oregon? How the statesman. ' , nave, impnea mat. mere will bo-nofr,puruy-ana progress m me ou. i aooui everyooay wno nuys sugar at I The raiiia t rm e ai. ATtenalnna nnr immfnTimnni. in it. I must needs feel that the differences be-1 all? . .. v one of the most nirtnrrsimo anH at tha rlman tArHtnrv nnlBoa a-Utir.r. ,. tween JJemocracy and KepuDiicanism in , , ,.: rV.. 1 "A. interesting . 1 - this fnntt are ore-ante rather than! ' .t. -1" :cl"o coast, tm Cltlsen. prevents the securing of money for I. Extensions so the Great Northern 0iJi'" c,,tyK h"a mad a substantial railroad investment be discontinued L , rrr.,rk t th. rahric. may enter, Portland via the . North the chronicle, which W.nintr.aV bv the DeoDle. If the BDfinch nf Mr I i Bank road' mav be merely on naner insly Into details! j Stubbs is an ultimatum, it is wholly I for, ro. and aM shut ii. mnnnt. tn. now, but they are as certain as the -stay ton Mail: r at nnr'nLi.U. unjustifiable by the facta, and wholly xbey are confession, for they dodge Ff to.be a fixed fact later. The JtSna0 WiV-uV'lp. nnwarrantal h .Mnnml. ....ft, I . . . . . I rotlrnorl that iHsmnl. n hanl rAlrit I TiV-L... l!?8' . ao '.Oppose, apd "j .uuui.u ciiuiura, i on1 evade everv issue now Deiore tne I ""f u. nn6"i "puj. w, me proressionai nimrod who AnereJS no pnwosopny to justify the neonle of the conntrv . It la tha same over a cnam or mountains in com- I ir" " ""rl?. acnarg-ni. contentioa In Oregon .or elsewhere 0id game of deception, delusion, Petition 'with a line that runs down etrate. scores of fine stock afe in j fired that railroads shall be unchecked or flimflam nredatlon and nlunder n hill, cannot in this epoch of lntensi- ?nan kllI each year by careless unrestricted Jn their operations and I what ahn.,t tha tariff Mnfhtnr 'lea economies, be successful. The . ' mat tne people must lift rto hand to What about the guaranty of bank de- "re" ?n UI De drIvfn t0 en evrT "hand VnTo'r.: .nFSson&mE prevent railroads from dlscrlminat- nit . incnma ta, nnhiiA owner- ter Portland, and no one knows it costly business houses, ne-r rn.nu7ae lng against, or oppressing them. sn,n of coal lftnda eiaction of sen- btter than -ne Gfeat Northern's f'ce?nt "'?: The contention is faulty for the v- r.,.v.uif- 1 astute builder. All the great lines now a cit in rrTaiitr ..1;..: . . "ecause pa,gn contributions, restriction of months, and i nnmluV mhtlr-p of Its character, a public utility, rec- monnnnlv. regulation of railroads, reason that he apple falls. , municipal improvement, teli "or'xSthS wm.m,.Jw) j mi . . . I r . I I Mrnni on. Bu.cu .u cuiirmoa aa sucn Dy and other live questions that the .1 tne law aoa tne courts, and there- people are considering? Not a word. School pupils are the future guar . Myrtle Creek Mall: There ara hun fore subject to a proper interference. Sllence as deep as that of a tomb. dlans of the republic. A panoraiS t'hf'.treamr" f 'sSulh 'Ku-i?.Beo2; It is faulty for the reason: that ln a The nnlv nlea that ran he marie Of their work Of prenaratlon Is to that can be Irrigated at a profit, with Bv mean, of da ma, cnglnea, water wneei. ana winamui. this water can be pin- on in. una at a reasonable coat, and th Increase In tha crop production will more than reward such land owners ror meir trouoie ana xpns. large way the railroads have become to keep the predatory plunderers In be sfen In The Journal every Sun- monopollied, and therefor possessed L. 4. th.t thera t an "nr.nio J - . . . . - w uuuupvwcr na uuaao opponun- difference between Democracy and U . w".1?.6"..11 el0t condIt,on Republicanism". therefore, keep lo .no uemanos legis- Aldrlch. Cannon. Morgan. Harriman, 7! . r"BoriPB1P1e Rockefeller., the trusts and monop- X . ! .v ', T. ""V., reMon olle. In power forever. .. i:'""lw' (01 narriinan opera- Yes, It Is a campaign of dodging. w . BUIUI7 w ium llloil delusion the same old development retarded, a reign of ex- Lh. Am- - It - mar oihiT win tortlonate rate, an absence of mile age extensions, a regime of wretched service,' the maintenance -nf extor tionate rates and the looting of ship pers to aa extent probably unparal leled ln railroad annals. The single story of 29.06. 000 piled ap as a surplus la ! year on th Oregon Railro.'l A .Navigation. and taken -oat of Oregon and spent Is ether state la Improvements and railroad ertenrlns. or tor scqalrtsg railroad rmpertie, is an example of f- eir-loltatlon of a . patient and l s-aaffeTtiig petjr-fer-the like of M h la rrobabjy unknown. WRb : Utlti Into srrourtt tfc added t - vsrt out of Orer "n Mp . !? S.iiithara Tatif:--. th.'s! once more, but we think not. A "SCRKAnXG" FARCE T day. Pictures drawn by them, ar ticles written by them and other mat ters were features of a whole page in Th Journal of last Sunday and, in improving form will be seen ln every Sunday Issue of the paper hereafter. It Is a feature of splendid value, to the schools, of great interest to par ents and a welcome pag for all peo ple. - , . . It is very, bad, w ar told, for Go m per to ad vis workingmen to HE Spokane Spokesman-Review ! te for Brjan; but It was highly ... a. l.il. alOaxA A1 a,Aa. I makes mi rauer curious re-1 pirioirc m maa o scare, mark: ''Whether the Ronae-velt-Taft pollcle shall be con- tinoed by Mr. Taft or whether they shall tr blocked by the election of Mr. Bryan. I th overshadowing Is sue of this con lest. cis statement involves a most ludicrous .contradiction. Almost every on of th "Rorrrevelt po'lcles" Eas bee advocated hr Bryan, aa The Joorr.Al has refv-ateJir and rcn rls1vc!y shown, -for th rast 12 jfara, st hurl. Tlita tew would the Acrordlna- to tha Hat of muM. t the Orang BulleUn, Oak Plain r ran re No. . tn thla county I. tha olrfaat in me iaie. Tangent Na 7 l. next. Grand Frarie No. 10 la third. Then comes 8- lem 0. 17. in. OIHMt In M.rtnn noun.- and Linn alao has the fifth. Harmony 11. Th sixth 1. Mima Nit fa -TVtih'. ld.t grange; Evan lng Star S'o. IT. Multnomah. I. evrntn. UeMinnvllia Xia 21 1. MIL TajBhlH'. oldaat: afnlalla Kn he next, Is Clack. mar oldest grange., ..mi viun ru. a 'i l,iiiq comes. v II lamrtta No. At ta Rmlnn'i a1a.4 . Slu.law Na t Iaa a. Sand Ridge, aa-I other old Linn county aranaa la u.it about a , million voter Into voting I Sympathy for the prosperous bank compelled to put up for the unfortu nate sister away, out west or east Is not have to put up to save the' depositors of any other bank that might go under would not -oa a circumstance worth mentioning as " compared with the suf ferings of the small depositors -who must under the present system wait for tnontns or year, ior a portion or tneir savings and mayDe rorever. . . . a" - .Tillamook cheese and Hood River an- plea are making Oregon famous. The referendum and ' initiative are spoken of as necullarly of Oregon. Ore.on filne ha. long been known in the build nr trades of the world. All that' I. necessary for Oregon to take front rank In th procession of state. Is to enact some measures to do awav with land monopoly and thus enable the peonlo of Oregon to reap the benefits of -all this free and paid for advertising, In stead Of idle landholders. a a a Th. tramp evil can be easily done Letters From the People Letters to The Journal (taould be wrlttoa on ona .Ida of the paper only, and sbould ba -tumpsoied by the oama and address of tha writer. The name will not be osed If the writer asks that it ba withheld. The Journal Is aot to be understood as Indorsing tha views or statements of correspondents. Letters sbould I made as brief as possible. Those who wish tbelr letters returned whea aot used should la close posters. , Correspondent are notified that letter ex ceeding 800 word In length may. st the dis cretion of th. editor, ba cut down to that limit. - A Lady or Not a Lady, Portland. Or..' Oct. STn tha TSdltor of The Journal This statement whether a lady or not a lady may seem erron eous to many, but if you will kindly step inside, some of our fi-cent and other theatres and take one of the back seats, perhaps the truth of the above statement may be apparent or at least you will understand what I have ref erence to, 1. e. : A true lady removes her nat upon sitting down, giving those In the seats at the back a rhanna In km without Plavlna Deek-a-boo around tha ostrich plumes fur trimmings and mer ry widows, which shut off the view upon the curtain.. s Now. on the other hand, which would you consider the true lady, the one who keeps On her hat during tha oerform- ance or one who removes her hat im mediately on sittlngdown, so that oth-i era can see? . Most emDhatlcallv vou wuiiia Tiny nw lormor was tne jaay. finding expression among the coramonL.-rVf. ,Tmi i h. lrUi2r .n 1, people? What little any bank wouIdtr.JSS!X-Si-ai,i,e5iiZ. TJn?linii hl" uDon entering a nlnce of entartalnment Is It an Injustice - to womankind for mem to no tne same 7 tr they were placed ln the hack seats behind a front iuu oi men wun stovepipe nats on their heads, Jhey would not stand for it one minute, for a moral crusade would be siartea immediately against th men wearing tneir nats in. a place of amuse, ment. - HENRY LINK. Think for Yourself. Dayton, Or., Oct 7. To the Editor of Th Journal If you would kindly allow i.io .v a. icw wurua now mat ll great presidential fight Is on. I csn't ior im in. or ma aea- now a tiMrf am. scienttous laboring man can vnta fnr Taft or the old machine, I have during a period of years voted the Repub lican iic-Koi more than th Democratic inatii. put now ii na. come to a show down and I cars nothlnar fnr th. of a party; It's th principles which we should all vote for. If tha platforms of to build homes and securing them thel wage, and savings, lr forcibly re strained and given ona third their earnings that will be better than pass ing them on from one town to "another. but Justice doe. not mean a rock pile or a farm ior no pay or nair pay; it mean. fair pay ior u.ezur ana productive labor, away wltn by giving Idl men employ- th two old parties Vera trTn.d I men.t..a.tJ,r ncfnraJlr'ns- them would .urely vote th Republic.nticket. in nam is notntng. When you choose a partner for life, yoor wife, the name doe not count. Don't vote th way your father voted mayb he waa mistaken. Keep posted on the Issues of th day. Get wlae. Be your own JuCga and Jury In political and ,.hoa Political wire-puller. 7. ..r . U1,,e" ol uughlng st us poor laboring people. . I atood bealda mm .K. .nts f t aaa Brfd who allowed the paltry sum that ram out of Mark Hanna's bund of m roiaai west' Is for on "v". a i;ct auin tn only rrawtAM posaeased on earth nt than . ... remark. '1 don't car, that will buy four sacks of flour." It la th maaaaa that are th duoa not the rla.aea ch latter ha.. getting what thev wanted wo II w pnor working penpl hara, been . holding the . lS X1L.P WNJ0'' wI" slwaya have a full dinner pall and never hare a contrary to. their desire. "Dollar Jim" Shermajt affection ately ayB of 'Tact Joe" Cannon that he has been worth Slt.040.000 to th country. ' To lh trusts, "Dol lar Jim, means. Looking, or listening, toward the Whit Howse. th conplet of Dr. Holme is remembered; I !! tee m-ournS of on4. o raialnea. man wtin ramatlv nmAm lf.,,,r1p tT1m Btsrtos) through th Wald eetAnn is wonderully wU adapted to all ' oi aa-rw-anur. yruit. grains, graaae and fwait thrlv, and ail the r-aor, ti4 ta t direct electric m4 t nana 10 pvt thera la a poaltlnn to ret a. high a prlc foe arrerythlng ralad a. th other netghborhnnd. Bearer the me4rnpllla. Thee. i. n plan ta th Pa-lf- ww mi"n tiM raa orrer more ladtea tnent. to th Inwatnr in an v tina, ik dne. thi. aetlnn. it Is tha tatvehog Buhllr that Aetrralrte whether ol ant a munfj baa a fnture. It la next t ln. pna.lhla te fiwt ur rma wh I. r-ot 'iir.hfU!Htfll ta rlfut urorn r aa ran. bi as ter. It ts "interesting to observe that ths plutocratic pre, heretofore sneering at postal aavlngs can as naa recently .up oorted them ln preference to th "mo- ciallstlo bank derxxlt securing schem of Bryan." W may hav both be for. long. . Edward William Bok'a Birthday.: Kdward William Bok. th well knosrn Philadelphia editor and writer, waa born in th Uttl town of Haider, near Am sterdam. Holland, ob October nil His great-grandfather was admlraJ-ln- ckief f th Dutch aavy. his grand father a chief tawtlee of the sunreme coart and hla rather en of tne tnlnie- trs of th court of King William III. Business reverse, led his father to ernt- grat to America with bla fanilly la Ha aettled In BroekJyn. . where yaong Bok received hi. education. At th age of It year ha became office hny lB th employ of the Western T'plnn 7legrarh core pan r. He daented hi par tin- to atudy mA. non becam .tewocrapber. At tha ..a nf 1 ha ha- ram editor ef th Brooklya Wssrsrlne. which he ao!d after a few yeara. tn. r-e com vnrect4 with the rmhliaMne- flrra ef Henry Holt A Co. and tatr with that of Ch.rle rVrlbajer fw, At th ar eaf i t be beeam tfa a-litnr ef ar.raslB fnr women published tn I hllad'.t hta. He ba. a Ian arnn fwog. Blto Oil IA l"-turn. r.alf'TO. trtK-t- Jly try fci. t.;h ahosit "Th Key. te money Pf le.vot th Repuhllcan ticket If the Refmhllr-aa party wUl Inaur you rrt (nir money out of th hank after inmm a a rw . CiK'CeWs, " adlresee to young meHj. r rloaed. then vol. f, w If not., get wise. R a aao. Kvercia your ngnia at tne po;. aa . man. y. aa rxjNALD. : , This Dale ta History. ITA1 A charter waa srranteA tit ' tcfWB Pwts-W waa moVtaily .... V ' " wn rirtniui. op-trM their ha4tert-a apon th Bnti.s mt I raafMsriPi, ' ' .ls Ca Amerf-an etst. tnaat. waa tram. IhM Juna 1?. m f OS air Jam. a,,ir,r f.mo- Prlttaa BiJ-lral. l" -d en Guemaay. Born trrra on Wr. h il I T T J'r",!.'r-.' ;ied ia thr a different fate to meet Some one who is ciever at . reading such signs and who know, enough not to hurt tender feelings ahould be .the oracle. Then of ooure we all remember the game of the three bowls. In one Is placed water with flower petals, in an other clear water, and the third Is left ?mpiY..ne by one the guests are blindfolded and are led to the table Where the bowls are. These am uhif4 from place to place so that the arrange ment may not be known beforehand. If the person who Is testing fate dips his hand in tot the bowl with the flower pet als he will marrvta widow: if rhto h clear water, he. will wed his true mate; If he dips his hand into thempty bowL he will die unmarried. The proper wav of learnlna- tha ft rut Initial of your future husband is for each - airt to nam an a nn) a ..wfniiv keeping the., peel . front' breaking,, and toss this over the left shoulder after whirling? it about the head three tin... It takes only a little imagination to dis cover any wanted initial .in tha . annla paring. If It breaks the person Is not to be married soon Th eag of divination la. entan titat before getting into bed after which the maiden who desires to dream of her future husband must not speak to anv one. If she dreams that some man oornes and gives her a drink of water no must ooserve nis rent urea well for he is the appointed one. To prepare this egg, hard boll It, remove the yolk and fill the hollow with salt - ,. Another game ' that occasions merri ment is that of huntinar tha tilnnv,i the ring and tha silver coin which are hidden about the room. Th girl who finds the coin will marry a rich man; the one who finds the ring will bo the first married and the one who finds the thimble will know herself doomed to the sinfii 1& stfi " - Another game which might be In cluded, although It has not the. hoarv sanction of the others ts that which i's given In The Circle. This Is arranged by having in the middle of the Hal loween supper table a large cake with as many candles upon It as there are guests. Pass the cake and let each choose his or her candle, then let the hostess, acting as diviner read this verse:- "She who takes th e.ndla hlna Will find her sweetheart ever true. The pink, the sweetest of them alL Will wed a fellow six feet tall. Aiasi ror yeiiow, Drightfto see. Your lover e'er will Jealous be. Happy she who orange takes 1 Quickly prepare your wedding cakes. Joyless, houseless maiden aho If th candle white should be. Crown her blest this very night Who has chosen crimson bright ' She who choice Inclines to red Her heart's love will surely wed. ft A Novel Salad. INGREDIENTS Ths smallest and whitest leaves of- a lettuce, thin finger-lengths ot beet. - cold roast chicken, white-celery hearts (If ob tainable), mustard and cress, minced ham, two . hard-boiled eggs. Method.- Wash and dry lettuce well, and chooa ' only th smallest and whitest leave.. Place these ln a deep, round dish, than place on these th finger-lengths bf beet (which have been dlDDad in vln-,' agar), then th sama-shaped pieces of' eold . roast chicken, the celery hearts," and more chicken. In the center make a heap of mustard and cress, and dec orate the top with th ham finely minced. Kow garnish the salaJd with the yolka of the eggs and th White. cut lnt rings. , For .tha dressing: Beat with a fork a gill or the best aalad nil tlU it la quite thick, atlr In a tabic enoonful of white win vlnecrar. a. a-lil of cream, and salt' to taste; then pour over ma ssiso, or. nana rouna witn It If preferred. . ft ft ft ' The Daily. Menu. Pskad apple with crnam. Codfish erra. 'Wheat cakes with marie syrup. Coff. LUNCHEON. -"Corn chowder. Cold baked ham. Indian relish. Nut butter aandwtchaa. Stewed plums. Cookie. Cocoa. DINNER. Puree of bear Baked halibat Celery. Rip olive. Browned sweet potato a. Cabbage salad Lemon Jelly. Layer cak. Black coffe. India Relish. Those who 11k high Masoning at very fond of relish It l ran ea.liy be put tip now, aa green to mato ar plentiful. Two quart, cf thee ar taken with a email head ar catbag, six onions, and 11 rn p ppra. On cupful of savlt la sprinkled over them, and th mlxtur la alio wed t atand for 24' bou ra it ta then drained and rmt lata) a pot-- ' -eelaln-ltned kettle and barely corered with vlneasr. . , To tht. add half a Cupful Of rntintarj aeed, a tea enoonful r.f lelery aeed. and - half a c.'rft ef sunt. - It 1. co.ke-l for fir mlnntea. re. wet front the fire, and on tsble- of mustard 1. mo Wroonf tl at f ea rra fnr N rlrklaa I. ta rtter to ad a Sola cvp of tvtit ntV' er tf .a a half cup.