THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL; PORTLAND THURSDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 8.' 1QC3 IS FOH RALE REAL E8TATF. 10 A NICK HOME ON mT ttli ST. 6-room tmvtern ImuM, cement ' baaemaut. bairt, furnace, ran le bought for $1,399; $l,0t caati. , WOODLAW.V lOOxlvB. all In trm young fruit traea, Hull nun water, rloae to carllne; tola Werk only caeh. . 131 lit VI NO To.M ' 7-room mod era, hauti, furnace, fireplace,, full ce ment haaemoni; $3,640, tarma. at. LADD TRACT Modern l-roorn home, farina I -ad 4 tract; a bar - train el $3.60v; only I1.004 caah. 0 ' I RVINGTON Vacant tOxlOO, faring aaat on l$th al near Tilla mook; bitullthio pavement; $1,600', easy tarma. ' HOLLA DAY ADD. T-room houae on K. d; a beautiful noma; ' $$.60n. Ill HOUTH rUINNYSIDH One block from Hawthorne are.; va cant $0x100, surrounded by beau- . tiful homes; a a nap at 1300; easy tarma. A furnished t-room bungalow on Mount Bcott carllna; a anap at 11.460. , HARTMAN & THOMPSON. Cham bar of Commerce. GLEN HARBOR Have you purchased a lot In Olan IiarborT If not read this! THREE WEEKS la the tlma It took to anil out block comprising; 1(0 lota; to accommodate tho lata comera we have rualiad tha platting of our new addition and are now ready to aall theae lota at the Mjnt low prlcea and tarma; from 1226 to 1600. 10 per cent down and 110 par month; traded streets, water and sew ers to every lot. Tha above la enough for tha price, but we add mora, via.: Unobstructed view of entire Kaat Port land and suburbs; tha mountalna and tha Columbia river; 16 minutes to cen ter of Portland when electric line, now building, la finished; west na no drawbridges. ... . Inquire of ua whan automobllea leave for tract. , Glen Harbor Realty Co. 886-840 Chamber of Commerce. FINE HOME. GOOD LOT 50x100. for $4,600. . , . a - 7 -room modem house, flrat class, on well Improved lot. tox 100. 13,600. . v . New" -room house, well fin ished. $2.700.. 86x100 corner with naw modern bouae, $3,600. - Elegant homo, all Improved, for $3,360. s 6-room cottage, 100x100 lot, $L 100. Another (-room house for $1, 60. s -room houae and good lot for , $600. Can give terma on moat of theae. Have many othera. If you are looking for a horn It will pay you to visit L. L. 210FFETT 42$ Lumber Exchange Bldg. iw 1 y WILL SELL ONE OF THE BEST AND honest well built homes on , Haw thorne ave., not far out, on one of the prettiest ana largest iois on ine ave nue,' In restricted district at a very low price If taken at once; 6-room houae, all tinted, fine brass fixtures, , full basement, shades for windows, bouse completely screened, fine fireplace and mantel, large closets, large porches, larse airy rooms, btrdseye pine wood work and doors, plata glass in doors, large reception hall, this . house you can tell by looking at It was built for a hornet lot 60x186 with 100 of Oregon's finest rose bushes, several kinds of fruit trees, nut trees, in fact most every kind of shrubbery,-cement walks and wall, drained by sewer, lot sets S . feet above grade In front and 6 feet In rear: house seta 5 feet back from street; price $3,500, $1,000 cash. Best Side Investment Co., 27th and Haw thorne ave.. Tabor 114,7. FOU SALE KEAL ESTATE 16 A Nice Home for Little ' Money We bar inatruatlona to put down the price on that preity I-room houae situated In the group on Uth at. between Caruthera and Dlvlaloa ale. The prloo baa been $4,000, but tha party that can pay us $1,400 cash can take the place for $1,000. The Dunn-Lawrence Co. 34$ Stark at. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE) t WANTED BOMKONW WITH $$.000 In cash end aome real estate to trade rer a first-class grocery business. What have you got T V-680. Journal. for lota or land In 'Portland. sea 4k Co., 401 Marguerite ave.. Moo tavllla. Or. PVANT . TO SELL OH TRADE; MY timber claim In Curry county; bave , ioo, ooo yir, oK and wwte eeaari near ! VUUIU. " W " ' , If telephone bonds with stock and $460 iOtltlO Int flrat navmant on 6 Or room lata pattern house; ownere. Call t04 Morrlaon at. WiLlTTHADlS $40d"tORTOAlK VOH lot and oav difference. nal. U-ttO, Jour- THAT $4.30l HOTJBW EAST HOLLADAT ADDITION tnakan a aulas like tha heat home bargain In Irvlngton dlatrlot. Look after It, and DO IT NOWt COLTTMBIA THI-8T COMPANY, lib floor Couch bldg.. 10$ 4th at FOR SALE FARMS 17 WHY Clarke County, Washington ii acres an ricn, isvei iann, n. crn under cultivation, 1 acra In pasture, neat cottage with aood cellar, brick dairy, good barn, chicken-hounds, wood ahed. ate: fine family orchard of as sorted fruits, jgood well at back porch includes considerable personal properi situated ft mils rrora grauea acnuut. llOMESTELADS 7 ursiMxs cuAxcra 20 1 HELP WAXTEIIALK ' 1 1 ItOXIKHTKADH. This advert laamant Introdueaa tie asl flaalers In tna uaac nomaaiaaaa, rann-i aulahment and timber claims la thai porthweat. I WKHTKKN LAND BALES COWPANT, 114-631 timber f.xoManfO via.. fori la no, or, " WK HAVE nOMU CHOICE HOME I ataad Imatlona aad rallnaulabreaaia: alao soma Una timber elalma Don't take chanoae with unreliable partlea. Call I on us cr writ for particulars. Aetna Realt On. IIS Patllna- bids.. Portland, iioM T3t e a d " relTnquTSIim KNT cheuD. V. B. Reynolds. IJola. Claras i county, waati. FOU SALE TIMBER S9 Business Ocrcrtunltles Itoomlng bouaa 10 rooms, beat location in city, doing line puai naia, $1.$00. Coma and aa this and others we have. itaalaurant In Hood Rive, tha baat in the elty. ll.lvP. Dakary la aame town. ito. Wa wUl aall both together or anaraia. The beat eo reactionary In Van eouver at $400: will invoice morai receipt will average $io per aay. . , . The Coast Realty Co. 129 Lumber Exchange, The Union Hotel $1 K. $th st, oor Everett T SITUATIOXS-IAL ' TWO YOUNt MEN WANT WORK oif ring poiaioes bv tna sack, c. a n. ia ai., j-oniana. Kates I Batirfant If VOCNti rr brd ill,' ""I'V ' J, " WUNJ MAN, tiPANirill. WIS! ilt; weekly. $4. to $1 dailr. 0e ta ataady work of any kind; underata 1 1. Jlvajn a trial ani Ja yotivlncd. minlng nd .ly,n5. K-JtS, J r "wish 1.3 lands VANXri-HA!'-NiMNl" fh8 rCAHti 1 utLscTTCiiiutrilb-l'kC m I ma Mi&n na w n.iii, , u . buui m t m i i . . , . . . i . 7 i - I or ciuo. i -a , journal, ...I aiMu ami arowa ma raaerva I . , , ; . I . . . l.iAl. l't.iliJ ..r...v lion, fas from old orvnarae: eaan ao I wu iouo.n rvouiu; i,iiM if tat 'tor. A A. I caaiD, Addreaa T-644. Journl. draaa vVaal.lngton Nufaary Ca, Toppe- TO0Ni MAI PiaTlTEoP'I'OHlTIoTI Itlah, Waahlnslon. don't you build on that vacant lot of mile from Lake Vancouver and $ miles yoursT We will help you do It. Wa from Vancouver on graded road. Har bulld artiatlo homca on Inatallmante. t $3,600. Eaay terma. f We build stores and flata. (let you ncom. Butterworth-Stepheneon Co., I-afayrtt bldg., Cth and Washington. Main 869. THINK HERE ARE TO 63 acrea all good, rich land. II acres cleared. 6 acrea In bearlna orchard o assorted fruits In full bearing. 20 acres la green marketable timber1, balance of land, very eaally cleared; naw 3-story 7-room houae with tine porches and veranda, large barn and all necossary outbuildings, good fences, In good lo cality, 1H miles from country town, miles from R. R. town and 10 miles from Vancouver on good, level graded road. Personal property, good team. wagon and harness, hack, top buggy, cultivator. 4 milch cowe. several head OI young stock, hogs, cream separator, all crops, chickens, etc.. all for only $6,000; ft casn, osjance on terms. 3 acres on Vancouver Heights, all under cultivation and partly In assorted fruits in full bearing, 4-room plastered house, small ohlcken-house and other outbulldlnsa. Thla would make a fine suburban home as well as a gilt-edged Investment. Price, $1,800; H cash, bal ance to suit purchaser; 4 per cent inter est. Wa have soma beautiful, level, cleared acre trarta rloae to the car barns from t lots. Universltv ark: S lots. Maegly $800 and up on easy terms. Ask about lots are good buys and will make money Th0HllSS03 fk SW3H A KEV ABOUT, $1,300 for rood 6-room house on 45th U. south of Hawthorne ava.. $600 or ess cash. - - . , $1.300 Choice corner looxioo on . all Improvements In: will divide or trade for house and lot. 120 acrea of unimproved land, ltt mU.a Viw.ii. M.Hn. In 1 1 E M r. acra. Owner, til Mohawk bldg. GOOD 6-KOOM HOUSE. ON B. 14TH. walking distance, $1,360, eaay 'terma. modern 6-room house on E. 17th St.. walking dlstanoe. $3,260, easy terms. We alao offer our home, ona of the swellest bungalows In tha city, $$,200, easy terms. Phone Bellwood 426. H. iL Randies, 880 K. Franklin st for the purchaser In a short time. L-$4t, ournal, or phone A-3473 evenings. Buy From Owner At Flrland, corner lot. $400. At An- Cltlsens National Bank. Vancouver, wasn. FARMS FARMS FARMS .v.. . s . w.. oni i t . a I in acres at iiou ner. acre. num. on rm 'h'our. and ba"rn. l.Voo? uTi-lt ? near -?villo; all cleared, plowed frontare bv 133 feet. $1,600: 60x100. ith modern 8 -room house, iz.doo. wave others. Address W-617, Journal. BUY AN ACRE TRACT IN NORTH- an ideal place to raise and they can help you beautiful 'acre and fenced. Will sell in 20-acrs tracts at same price. 20 acres at $100 per acre, located 1U milea from Beaverton; 4 acres cleared; creek runs through place; all fenced; H cash, bau terms. 36 acres at V76 per acre, 1 mile from Hlllsboro electric line, 10 miles from Portland; all In cultivation, best soil, all fenced; on county road; 4-room rop Acres, your family. make a living. These tracts are only 16 minutes' ride from business center, on the west side, and selling for $800, with macadamised house, well, barns, etc; $2,000 cash. bai. streets; easy terms. M. E. Lee, room I oa time 411 Corbett bldg. I M acrea at $175 per acre, t miles - ' HOLLADAT PARK HOME. $50 per month. A 7-room home and a beautiful corner lot. that is all any family of refined taste could desire. Hold up your hand if you want It, and DO XT NOW! COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANT, 7th floor Couch bldg.. 109 4th St. BARGAIN. $3.700 Elegant new $-room house, piped for furnace, gas, electric, sewer, tine oatn. etc.; run concrete Dasemeni, laundry tubs, cement walks and steps; bitullthlc street improvement all made and paid, no assessment here; lot latt feet deep, faces on two streets, walking distance; terma Call and sea us about this If you want a fine homo close in. F. J. BTEINMETZ & CO., The Homeseller, 198 Morrison st. FOR SALE 1 ACRE OF LAND WrTII 85 choice bearing fruit trees. 176 chickens, henhouse, 12x40; chicken yard well fenced and a 8-room house, just completed, and everything Just a little bettor than you would expect for the price or i,zuu, ssuu casn: iana aa lalnfnsr is laid off Into lots 25x100 sell ing for $160. Call .at once If you want tnis Bargain, box ho. Jtrieia, w, $600 CASH. BALANCE EAST TERMS A nice 6-room modern cottage. , near Wood la wn carllne; full base- ment; fruit trees; 60xl42-foot lot Price only $1,650. See owner, 469 Mechanic st. ( LOTS FACING! RIVER. 3 BLOCKS north of Crematorium; grove trees, beautiful building site. La Compte, phone Sellwood 69. ' HERE IS A SPLENDID BUY FOR A couple: 8-room cottage and 60x100, on corner, for only $650; not far out on Mt. Scott line, close to car line. $260 down, balance like rent. Inquire at 607 Buchanan bldg. 286 H Washington St. WE BUILD HOMES To suit you at small cost, and very easy payments. There is no reason -why you should not own your own home. Call and see us and let us explain how easy it la to do so. THE VETERAN LAND CO., ill cnamoer or commerce. BALE 7-ROOM WEST SIDE. A FINE MODERN SEV- from the electrlo line, near Reedville; 70 en-room house and lot. within easy oiearea. Daiance prusn on coumy ruau; wanting distance or a ana wasmngton fts. ; best buy on west side. Price only 250 cash. C. F. Pfluger ft Co., room Mulkey bldg., Zd and Morrison sts. WANTED REAL ESTATE SI THERE'S A GOOD TIME COMING. If you have real estate to sell list It now. Wa want all kinds of real estate for our clients. WB SELL REAL ESTATE. B. 8. Lamont A Co., 416 Board of Trade. Want to buy 4 or 6-room cot- tage, bungalow style, near carline, not too far out, preferably in E. Ankeny district; about $1,500, $100 cash, bal ance $20 a month. T-647 Journal. WANTED VACANT 7-room houses. 8 wells; orchard, barns, etc: H casn. Daianco to-suit, we have farms In all sixes and prices near Reedville. Beaverton, Hlllsboro, in fact all along all the new electrlo lines. It will pay you to see us before buying farms, as our farm expert has had 20 years of experience la Oregon and Washington fa,rms. Western Realty & Investment Company $07 Buchanan Bldg., 284 H Wash, Bt Phones A-2417 or Main 6084 BARGAINS Ifi mvah M tnH.a .!.. all IV en. i t o, II. I . u . v ... ... ......... r.riTS or r jit I under cultivation, new housa and barn. and 6 or -room house, east aide, for water piped into house and All through casn ano gooa seounxy, not over fi.auu. I yru- Address F-47, . Journal, WANTED TO BUY OR RENT 6 on 60 OR carllne. 10 Improved acres u-zzz, journal. WE HAVE BUYERS FOR CITY REAL estate and farms. What have you to sell? Will deal with the owners only. 205 Wells-Fargo bldg. PRETTIEST QUARTER BLOCK IN Belle Crest for sale cheaD: cleared: shade trees, pavements and water main; cars 2 blocks; monthly payments. In qulre 432 Chamber of Commerce. EXCHANGE -REAL ESTATE 24 Exchange Farms, 500 acres, in the Wil lamette valley, for city property or acreage. 80 acres. 2 miles from Estacada, 40 acres under cultivation, running water, 3 acres orchard, good house and barn, on main road, R. F. D., telephone and cream routes, for sale at a bargain; some personal property goes with the farm. ft' 40 acre's, 1H miles from-rf). W. P. line. good house and barn. 2 rfures orchard, about 15 acres broken, balance all good land, some ideal peach bottom land, per sonal property enough goes with the farm to pay for it. Call at once if you want this bargain. 20 acres, 2H miles from Estacada, all under cultivation, lino land in the best fruit section of the state of Oregon, and In the center of a good neighborhood; price $1,600; $600 cash, balance to suit, O. W. P. LAND CO. 1st and Alder sts. HOMESTEAD RELINQUISHMENT. . 1A - - Q AOfl Kim i.r.nt l,l ft 1 . der. tract rich land, running water, 0 acres practically cleared; furnished cab. n; alckjics; $376. Address ai-iiv. jour- i. SbVKUNMENT JTIMBER LANDS 1 about $3,400; H ah, balance trade do rirat-ciaas yenow pino uraiwr ciaimaiuvt . pen for location under tha atone and Tn vcl I o"4 mber act: no walking; can ride onto I - lllYCMlJLaUw tnn lunas. uoom ii, v.uaininr oi me best enance for non merce, as partner Grocery doing from $60 to $100 bus! naas oany, line location. WANTED BTAVTB HOLT CTTT iara Apply Weatero Cooparaga Co,, $11 Coitatt bldg. make $33 weaklv: assy work, short hours: laarn tha bualnaaa In short tlma: terms roaaonablei particulars. Newman aiotion j'loture in, in uurnaiae ai. A Guaranteed Bargain' will lavioV uXnliTTif Xf -fiolRT5-6if- 72 iradai do I amlnars will ha in seaalon October 13, whara ha mavV advanoa. In atora nr wholaaala houaa. . A-149, Journal. VtrNtVTTAN ATTilNDINU uvhiVehS couago wants place to work for room nd board, lt-456. Journal. FanCy" brk a i"i5 a k er, " wit i t"i 7 yeara' axiiarlenca. would Ilka Doaltlnn: can apeak Uerman and. English. I'hone 'It'XJJAiJL0!'"'- R- Ludwig. SITUATIONS FEMALE , 4 ELDERLY WOMAH-WANTS WORK, nouseaeeper onr cook for men: good oook. Mrs. Foster, room g. 10IU N lih II and 11 tK7U 1st L: thoaa holding St.. Cnttnae hritme. . ' permits must appear for examination or uiJNUlNEnTUAlf i6N iVANtkfj aE3 -Will U revoaaa. I ooat onl 1 c.nt a mnrA t in..rl..n. iha na- ,,anCotd,0..t1J,:.,?a',. tVfi FRfeE ScniOLARSlTfPSf ATTKElUENCEb ST IVANT tO BELL OR TRADE Mf cffroo.that can "show you;- soms money L.BJ ?'ifX"n9? rTiT l'h" !""; I WANTTO BELL OR TRADE MY crrioo that can i ihow you;' soms money .".J- by'Baitoora IusT Co.. 161 timber claim In Curry county; have needed. A gilt-edge preposition, Be us liT" J"7 octobari t 10 Po'r'M' C3??Srn,arUr: " vv n ' ' ' VvAED-aTJ, L d fl. SfL'DfiS'Tfl " fVt Pr'-'!' Journal. CObb Br OS. o ! Baldmoro Drug Co.. 161 3d MONEY TO LOAW 27 rhona M. $11$ 417-41$ Bwe"tl.n j Bldg. lmn. her umnln t0 " ' (JRAPJlKii stands real Phone A-20J7. FUIIXISUED ItOOMS Pacific Hotel 0 Mil! 111111 I I I MONEY LOANED ON YOUR SALART. PIANO. HOUSEHOLD GOODS. ETC 1 CONFIDENTIALLY. OUR RATES ARE THE LOWEST; OUR PAYMENTS EASIEST. CALL TODAY AND BE CONVINCED. STATE HKCUR1TY CO., 704 DEKUM BLDO. inn in n ? n ii MONEY 'TO LOAN On Improved city property or for bulld- Imv M.imAaAM fl M a iibo r m rlth rkilw. liege to repay all or part of loan after I two years, xoana Bl'l'i uimi i ruin ana money advanced as ouuaing pro gresses. Erjultable Savings & Loan Aa- soclatlon. Z40-Z41 BtarK St. , T. J. OOFF WITH TEAM WILL leave Portland, going through Tillamook and Coos Bay district, also northern California, doing all kinds of out-door advertlalng. Drop postal at one and I will rail. Best of references fur nlahed. T. J. UOff, care Behnka Walker business college, city. Feed and Fuel A SnaD for today. Bes and fuel 'business In city. 608-610 Buchanan bldg. feed Call Salary and mortgage loans to salaried employes and on pianos, fur niture, warehouse receipts, horsaa, In surance policies ana ail amas or seoun vsntsge. Shoes Half Soled. 50c ... ...f.1-4. c.Vbi? .?!!,-l"f'8 .. - r p u , i v , iiv-m, iiv. MIIU CUIO WBIOT oitKuur or ok c. iix 1 1 J. rAu hps in an rooms; iree uatn and pnone. Rates SENUlNiS llkLP WAMTl-U aNh ivm J 60o to $100 a day. $2.60 to $4 week. only 1 cent a word. $ Insartlona for I THE RANDOLPH, $D AND COLUmT the erica of 2. I bla. baa tha cheaDeat ateam-ha,l UEHMAtN'S H16H-CLASS iNF'ORMAt .ro?P Jn electrlo lights, free tlon bureau: none but flrst-claaa am-IP'". special rates by month. I nlnv.i rvlatarait an4 our anrf 1 I TJ1T.UT.V nitlMiailVU T-iAU d 1 Benson bldg.. 6th and Morrison.. A-3116. 1 up-to-date flat; gaa. electricity, bath, EXPERIENCED BOLiCITORB WANT- wful swell rooms, $10, $11, $15. wt far Kunvllla Waatern Mnnlhlv I 427 Clay St Main 1920. 415 Marqpam bldg. J ROOM IN NEW FLAT ONE BLbCll BRIGHT YOUNG MEN TO PREPARE I . pm east siae iiign scnoot; desirable for the postal clerk exara.L also for f?'. teacher or pupil; reasonable. Phone carriers; 12 naw appointments lately; Main 4871. call mornings. 68 E. 16th. $600 to $1,200 a year. You should seslt NICELY FURNISHED -ROOMS FOR lua at once. Paclflo States SchooL Mc-I light housekeeping. Phone, bath and Kay pimping. - electricity. X4S amnion st, SOLICITORS WANTED SALARY OR LAPORT HOUSE. $D ANljf YAMHILLJ to $3.00 per week. Large out- eommlsslon. Alnsworth bldg.. id. and . $1.60 n 1. side i . uuiMAiw, nuionuiujnAuo Dak on, .a. . side rooms. - . t-0. 11 you want to our, ecu your i - . .,.. i ii. . l1 I I . .J ...... hotel, roonilng-house or restaurant, see I WAMtD DKUU CIaERK; 8TATO wu i aii uia.juaim, siai cuMruiii. toe omy hotel oroxer in uregop. i nay age, sxperience, salary wanted; refer- W Tma. k ,or onth; rates pu iKum uuuciv. Rnu kiiiu. aovun-i turn only noiei oroxer in urvsuii. a ii j - i fi icmvh, Mt.i j T. ltjm, tr 1 . . . . ties. New Era Loan & Mortgage Cot. I a fine list of properties for sale, lease jenoea. Address F.. H. Caldwell ft Co., I reasonable. 143 H 1st at 403-405 Swetland bldg. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEO- ple and others upon their own names without security; cheapest ratca. easiest payments; oitlces in 66 principal cities; save yourself money by getting our terms first Tollman. 317 Lumber Exo. WE LOAN MONEY ON DIAMONDS and jewelry at reasonable Interest for long or short time. A. dt M. Delovage, eweiers. Z6v Washington st ORTGAGE LOANS. LOWEST RATES, abstracts examined, learai business no- Hotted. W. S. Ward. Attv.. 210 Allakv bldg, 1 00,000 TO LOAN IN SUMS OF 31.000 or more. 6 to 7 per cent on Imoroved realty. M. G. Griffin. 266 Stark. SALARY LOANS STRICTLY CONFI- dential; easy to. get and easy to pay. a. newion, on uucnanan Diag. or exchange. Offlcea. 2 and 1 Benson Newberg, Or. NICE FURNISHED ROOMS AND bldg.. 6th and Morrison. Phona A-2145. T 5 8MxRf sOLicilTORl FOR BIQ: b?r2' LV n,ukeeP,n rooms. 185 Branch offlcea Seattle. Spokane and San e,t ma..n offr 0f the . seaaon. NlSthst. Francisco. , $li week and frea transportation; refer- FOR RENT NEWLY FURNISHED WE HAVE THREE OF THE BESTiences necessary. Call before 10 a. in. I room, easy walking distance; rent $$ paying cigar and confectionery stanas put uwetiana bldg. per montn. lis 13. an. on the west side; good reaaona for sell- WANTED A MAN WITH BOMB EX- NICE ROOM NEAR PORTLAND ACAD- I perlenca for a store In country town. I amy; use of phone and bath: student Apply box 301. Bllyerton. Or. preferred. References. 460 Hall st TAILORS WANTEU APPA.X 4K6 GENUINE FO RENT ADS COST Washington st onlv 1 cent a word. 3 Insartlona for voir may re a noon kbtatb? the prloo of 3. aalesman. If you are active and will- THE KARY FURNISHED ROOMS. ing to try, see van A. Andernpn, zin ai.oe per weea and up. aoiH second. Inv T unr th... 11 n PORTLAND INFORMATION BUREAU. 614 Bwetlarrd bldg, teleDhone and other bonds bought and sold. C. S. Fletcher, 126 Abington bldg. WANT TO BUY ALODGING-HOUSE .. .TlT. Jnn a haraaln Wa havi L"rnber We have a flfte sell- 3 FURNISHED R60M3 FOR YOUSti TV,'. Tl1-1. tyh.Ur.a(-bng?n.- CX ha' '"5. Prper.ty ""3 .Py blc"nml"Jon'; . ladle, or gentlemen; neat clean, bath; PORTED INFORMATION BUREAU, W "T;P C"e in. l Ttn St. K1A Snl pnil Rid? I " - " y i course $100,000 ON MORTGAGES, CITY OR farm property, fire Insurance. Mc Kenxle k Co., 615 Gerllnger bldg. LEGITIMATE BU8INESS THE AMES block. Mercantile Agenoy lesiaDiianea hii furnishes free Information on oppor tunities In mercantile or manufactur ing lines, cltv nr rountrv. THE AMES MERCANTILE AGENCY, 403-405 Swetland Bldg. with degree. 630 Worcester I Phone Main 4504. YOUNG MAN OR BOY WITH SOME experience in tailor shop; good chanoe to learn business. Apply 26$ -Wash-In stonitjrooml. ROOMS AND BOARD 15 ALL THE MONEY YOU WANT ON good real estate security. 132 5th st WB PAY SPECIAL ATTENTION TO PORTLAND COMMONS. Louies Home, a home away from home, for girls only: modern conven iences, baths, green lawn, board and room $3 and ug. 373 Cable st., cor. MilL Frary & Seits. MONEY TO LOAN. LARGE LOANS A specialty, building loans: lowest rates; fire Insurance. W. G. Beck. $12 Failtng. FOR THE ASKING SALARY The Loan Co.. 410 Dekum. LOAN or chattel. QUICK LOANS ON ALL SECURITIES. B. W. Kins. 45 Wash bid. M. 6100. MONEY TO LOAN ON ALL KINDS OF security. W. Holl. R. 9. Wash, bldir. IN SUMS OF $2.0"00 to $20,000 H. W. j uoqaara. no za st. SALARY LOANS LOWEST! RATE AT Employers Loan Co., 716 Dekum bldg. ISAAC L. WHITE. MONEY TO LOAN. fire insurance. 881 Sherlock oldg. MORTGAGE LOANS, LOWEST RATES. htialnesa oDeninrs. Before buying. call us up and see what we can offer vou. Phone Main 4488. Kinney at Stampher, 681-82 Lumber Exchange. IPOR SALE BOARDING HOUSE. 6 year lease, factory district Cause for selling 111 health. M-46 Journal. SINGER GOOD BASS FOR CHORUS. S? L?ILaW. '. 'J. ' Sii ..T&r' Bakef 10 BOARD AND 550M IN A PRIVATE j l . . . i ' - . I f.milv for nna nr two wnrktnor alrla: BOY SOPRANO, ABOUT IS YEARS old: flrM-class. Address Baker the atre or call 1:30, front door, Clyde. NOTICES 20 W. 8. Ward, Atty.. 210 Allsky bldg. WANTED FINANCIAL SO 17 acres; also 12 acres, at Eu gene, Or., plenty of water, fruit berries, small house and barn, to exchange for city property of any kind, or auto. 160 acres fine timber, in Stev ens county, Washington. Price $3,000; will exchange for any thing near city. Also a large list of Oregon and Washington wheat farms. PINE TREE LAND CO. i 609-10 Buchanan Bldg., 2S6i, Washington St. GUARANTEED AS ADVERTISED. 46 acres. Cowlitz river bottom farm. all under cultivation. miles from town, level road house, barn and farm ing tools, gasoline engine, root cutter; $2,750, terms. 100-acre prairie farm, level as floor, 82 acres under plow, 18 acres timber. 7-room house, 2 barns, good water. 100 tons straw hay, 30 tons oat hay, 26 head cattle. 26 hoes. 6 horses. 5 sheep. 7 geese, flock of chickens, wagon. Duggy. Harness, Dinaer. mower, raite. harrow, cultivator, plow, stump-puller. small tools, fan mill, incubator, brooder, level road. 4 miles to town; $7,000. J. R. BUFORD, Kelso, Wash. WANTED $1,400 ON A NEW BUNGA- low. total value $3,000. $2,000 on a 2-story 8-room bous. corner lot on Jrlancock st Total value of property x4,too. Hartmaa & xnomp son. Chamber of Commerce. CASH FOR TELEPHONE BONDS. Oregon Trust Title Guarantee, Mer chants' accounts. H. W. Goddard. 110 2d. I BUSINESS CHANCES 20 ANSWERS TO WANT ADS LEFT AT The Journal office uncalled tor: A-77. B-136, 19, 244, 107. C-286, 176. D-40, 283. E-llV, 100,' 188. 101. F-146. Ill, 17, 242, 40. G-164, S3, 80. 234. . H-290, 11. J-63, 165, 62. 104, 41. K-306. 218, 98, 161. L-80, 100, 180. 4 M-88, 292. - N-23, 268, 105. O-105, 86. P-108. 372, 158, 132. Q-180, 426. R-103. 12. T-107, 102, 49, 136. V i 1 2 fiS 22 T-$l. 164', 280. 117, 85 179, 81. W-li4. 394, 465, 427. WJ. G. X-Z56.15Z. WANTED VESTMAKER& J. Schaefcr & Co.. Raleigh bldg.. 323 wasmngton st. , FIRST CLASS NICKEL PLATER aDPly Oregon Plating works. 16th (and Aider sts. APPLY 411 TAILORS WANTED Washington St. WANT' GOOD HONEST AND RELIA- ble partners with $150 cash, balance out of business; call personally1 and hurry. 'Office 243 5th and Main, ; wanted an experienced man to work around lodging-house. Ap ply after 6 p. m., Dewey house, 28 H jn. i a st m WANTED WE HAVE CALLS FOR IN tellisent. trustworthy young men to fill positions as assistant agents and operators. We qualify you for theae positions. Day and evening. Oregon college, s 5tn st. family for on or two working girls: : noma privileges, am xarrapeo bi. FRONT ROOM, SUITABLE FOR TWO, J with or without board: walking dls- tance; very reasonable. Main 7224. ROOM AND BOARD. HOME COOKING served family style; walking distance; terms reasonable $88 Fifth st Phone A-6794. ... - ROOMS, SUITABLE FOP. 2 GENTLE- s men, . with board, $22.60 per month. Gas and bath. 393 11th st FOR RENT-MOrSEKEEPINQ 8 YOUNG WIDOW-WITHf TWO CHIL dren to support would like position as cashier in restaurant and will also wait on table, night or day work; need It badly. S-120. Journal. HOUSE- laundry, HELP WANTED FEMALE SNAP SWELLEST LITTLE 8-ROOM house in town, furniture fine; close in; clears over $60 monthly. Price $550; terms. Uerman-American iteaity co. 343 Vt Washington st ' BONVILLE, PUB LIPMAN. WOLFE & CO. HAVE positions open for clever bright saleswomen in several sections. Apply to Mr. Moyer. STOCK IN THE lishlng Co. selling ti?rms. 415 Marquam. $100.00 share; Acres Consider Tills Preposition 82 residence lots and 14 acrea of rich garden and fruit land right In the city limits and close to business, in a city of 6,000 people, 90 miles from Port-j land, county seat and manufacturing city, surrounded by a rich farming country. This valuable property Is of fered for Portland property or acreage. Take trade Up to $12,000. Realty Brok erage Co.. 268 Stark St., Suite 82. fT5r" $1,060 J087. down and BUNGALOW. terma Phona B- THE LAwt INSTALLMENT LOTS near Killtngswortn ave. Call early. Zeila Oossett, Riverside office. St Johns car. A 6-ROOM MODERN HOME ON EAST 36th St.. half block south of Hawthorne.- at your own prices. No rea sonable offer refused. See W. L. Nash, owner, 288' East 35tfa at. $4 60 ALBINA AVE., NEAR COLUM bia boulevard; high, sightly lots. 60x 100; graded streets Bull Run water; $40 down. 39 month. F-192. Journal. Houses for sale in all parts of the city; acreage elnae in and farms In Oregon and Washington. I 'bore Main 44&C, Kinney ft Stampher, 631-32 Lumber Lxchange bldg. Vl5 HAVE SEVERAlTFINE "SMALL well located houees for aale In good localities; If you are looking for a bar gain rail and see ua, then look at othera. PORTLAND INFORMATION BUREAU. 614 Swetland bldg. HOOD RIVER ORCHARDS. " MACRAE 4V ANGUS ' 3t CHAMBER OF COMMKKCB, TWO CHO IC KT Grab It up quick or you will be sorry. Fine modem 7-room house, near carllne, good district all in best of condition; $2,900, terms. 609 610 Buchanan bldg. Near Reedville, 60 acres clear; good barn . and tool shed, fair house, orchard, over 100 trees, small fruits; R. F.' D.; living stream, and lays well for culti vation. $100 per acre; terms on part L. L. iTOFFETT 42$ Lumber Exchange Bldg. ACREAGE ON WILLAMETTE AND Oregon City carline; fine slope, beauti ful view; also one tract 20 acres, unim proved land, fine sandy loam, and my home tracts, 26 acrea unimproved land. Phone Main $741. WHAT DO YOU WANT TO BUTT IF any kind of a business, cigar stands, roomings-houses, houses, lots or acre age, on easy payments, see every one else, then sea us. We will show you bargains that are bargains. PORTLAND INFORMATION BUREAU, 514 Swetland BWg, BEST HARNESS BUSINESS IN WIL lamette valley. Retiring on account of age; building on main street ior i,7UU, dirt cheap,; stock and tools about $3,600 invoice, tsox oat, moMinnviiie, ur. Tn thr TAXPAYERS OF MULTNO- mah County. Oregon: Notice is hereby fiven that on Monday, October 19th, 908, the board of equalization of Mult nnmih xnnnttr will attend at the office of the county clerk of said county and NIGHT SCHOOL FOR SHORTHAND, publicly .examine the assessment rolls bookkeeping, arlthwetlc, grammar, for the year 1908, and correct all errors Business university, Worcester block. In valuation, description or qualities of Phone Main 4504 land, lota or other ProPe.rty. " WANTED NEAT, UP-TO-DATE the duty of all persons intereetod to ap- woman to a8Blst rentlng rooms, In nd.t;.haU appear tS' such of "f' " DO NOT LIVE IN THE CITY. HAVE lease and furniture, 6 6-room apartment-house, brick building,' on tho cor ner, all modern, clearing good money. Price $5,500. E-168. Journal. FOR SALE OR WILL TRADE FOR acreage, IGO-acre homestead in Klick itat county, Washington; running water on land; can cultivate about 120 acres; small 2-room house on land, and about 10 acres cultivated. Address 3-116. Journal. I HAVE 200,000 SHARES OF GOLD, WHAT HAVE TOU GOT IN acreage on tha different car linea to exchange for farms or houses and lots J 609-19 Bu chanan, bldg, 286 H Washington. oil and slno stocks I will trade for real estate, automobile, driving horse .nH hiivrv ti hnolnM All a part If you have anything to offer FOR BALE 10 ACRES, iook me up. name wnat you nave in first answer, and price of same. Ad dress F-197, Journal. WE HAVE A FINE LIST OF FARMS to exchange for city propertv. CITY REALTY A BUILDING CO. 430 Worcester bldg., 3rd Oak sts. S MILES east of Vancouver, 4H acres clear, 4- room house, barn, 3 chicken-houses, tools, etc.. 1H acres in rasflberrlea; $1,800; eaay terms. Box li07, Vancouver, Wash. 10-ROOM ROOMING-HOUSE, CLOSE In, between Alder and Morrison sts., well furnished, rent $30 per month; $800 $600 rash will handle this. PORTLAND INFORMATION BUREAU, 614 Swetland bldg. M-8820. A-12i. eallxatlon tUtPTh. "and.: LADIES TO MAKE PILLOW TOPS AT lots or other property assessed twice or - h.on?ez C?d Pay: instructions free. In the name of a person or persons not I au wasmngton si. the owner of same, or assessed under or WANTED GIRL OR WOMAN FOR beyond Its value, or any lands, lots or k general housework.,, 422 E. ICth st other property not assessed, saw poarq jr.? phone East 8225. of equalisation ahall make the proper gj. OR WOMAN curreuuvun. jo. is. County Assessor. Portland, Oregon, September 28th. 1908. FOR SALE. A SNAP. $1,150 for a good 40-room house, all in good condition and rented. For infor mation address Lassen. 403 Marguerite ave., Montavilla, Or. FOB SALE OR TRADE FOR SMALL farm or business In country town, a rirst ciaas, up-io-aate monern Dunga low. 430 Magnolia St.. Woodlawn. LOTS IN WAVER lelra tleigtits; owner moat sen; no reaaonablo offer refused. Address P. O. b a. - KEMS IMPOSSIBLE. BUT TRUE, -room. ItiJ4 piastered. tinted cot tg. with bathroom and 16x1$ fru't rwliar, on nlc level 40x1 29-foot fenced lot, oa lie-foot aveaue and 30-foot alio-, with ho'ieebr-1'1 furaltar lacluded. for ortiy $1 will lake cheap lot aa Mi. a down. ioruan.a rn et - Wasted Flrst-claas auto. In exchange for 1(0 acres of land, near Lake view, Klamath county. 609-610 Buchanan bldg. part ray. $H , I"4 Wrri' A BARGAIN. A wa-raf oWd fr 2 IM near new r--ra-k; rr -aah; ! ;txl . i 1 4 at. A f-i ! t n ;: n. .tiftmni Ufh XT?T r m t' -a a-rrr! f ; T ' J A. .'on -a. ilJ L. liia at. I v EzchaBfe Three small cottagea, lots all slzs. on Sell wood car line Two houses and lota. Upper Al blra; alao some nioe flata all parts Of tho city, to exchange for farm or acreage. Wa hare tha goods. PIKE TREE LAND CO. M-l rwchanan Bldg,. IKS Washington St. IDAHO CAREY ACT LANDS. 26.000 acres, embracing some of the choicest agricultural and nortlcxltural lands In the state, now open forentry under Big Wood River project ' For Information address C. B. Hunt Mgr. Latid Sales Dept., Bolae. Idaho. Snap! For Land's Sake! $0-acre farm In Washington county, good soil, some cultivated, house, bans, water, etc.; $$66; part eay terms. The Exchange, Arleta. Or. Phone Ta bor 127$. OLD, ESTABLISHED. WELL .PAYING employment office; m,ust be sold at once; owner has other urging business; will stand Investigation. Address W-418, Journal. RELIABLE REAL ESTATE DEALER Is alone and wants young man aa partner to show farms. Will pay active man zou per montn; nine money re quired. German-American Realty Co. ?,4S4 Washington St.. room 3. Sealed bids will be received by the nndaralirnod .liintll noon on Wednesday. October 21, 1908, for the sale by: Multnomah county, of 48 acres or land situated in section 6, township 1 south. ...t tiiltnnmah fAlintV. . Om- gon, to bo soid as a whole, or in 5-acre the price of 2 tracts, i'lat oi mis iana can u at the office of the county ciersr in Ik. miirthnima. Tf aold in tracts. 20 feet will be reserved off the west side for a roadway. The county reserves me right to reject any and all Dios. F. S. FIELDS, County Clerk. FOR GENERAL house work, small family: good home: state wages exDected. Address Mrs.' C. L. V.? box 10, Bay Cityr Or. GERMAIN'S HIGH-CLASS IrtFORMA tion bureau; none but first-class em ployes registered and sent out 2 and 3 Benson bldg., 6th and Morrison. A-2145. GENUINE HELP WANTED AJDS COST only 1 cent a word, insertions lor THE OLD FRENCH RESTAURANT hai removed to 10 11th St.. near Sfarv- .triftiv flrat class and respect able. ' We extend an invitanon to all. Wine served with dinners. Tf WHOM IT MA V CONCERN: will not be responsible for debts con tracted by my wife, Mrs. T. P. French. after tnia oate, vet. 7tn iivo. t (Signed) THvo. f. f miJivn. L. ECKBRT. HAVING and board, am not re sponsible- ,for any debt contracted by her. Cbaflea W. Eckert. lit WIFE. C left my oed MEETING NOTICES 41 WHAT DO YOU WANT TO BUY? IF any kind of a business, rooming-house, bouse and lot or vacant lota we can show vou bargains that are bargains. PORTLAND INFORMATION BUREAU, i riweuana tuag FOR SALENS A WMILL"AN" Ing mill; combined rapacity 20.000; full particulars. Lee Brown 4k Sons, Stayt!n, or. WANTED FARMS 33 WANTED TO RENT A FTRNISHED ranch by an experienced rancher. Will consider anything. Address M-369, Journal. WANTED TO barea. RENT FARM OS Call or write 361 N. ITtn. Dandy boarding and rooming- houae: cleared 1171 during Sen tern ber; lease; price right Call 389 Alder. FOR KE-M-FARMS FRCT1 14 a tin in nnr aavm for rnt big opportanlty $tef re- Xolred: bring refarences. Call at fTW seieasj-4ca4iiaTtaa Realty Cev, 494 Bnchanan bldf Portland. Or. HOMESTEADS 47 IF TOU WANT TO BUT. FELL OR trade rl fltf. aea F'x-tnrm a Tarlr. 'rra 11 Uocbanaa bWg, :4u h'rrtm at t RUt.N-Hf'l .K fo tiade for farm lands. In;mr4 mt rr.improTee. caj Mal $:, FEW OrCICB BOMCTTEAM. ACRI- ruITaraj lands rea'iy Tor tf.e pww; itr f aior; InTrW'rafe at oie. Fnti4 bMg, Ith an-1 Wa h f gtnft G- iD HOMMI E A D P FL1NQI" I-H-rntt tor ul. 'aU or Writ to M. P. rVo,..-d, 211 Vala rl til FOR .SALE BAKERY, CONFECTION- ery and cigar store, uving rooms in tha rear: cheap If taken at once, Pbono Taoor to. 1647 t BtarK at. FX)R SALE BY OWS'Sr, CONFEC tlortery and cigar store; $ living- room a: an inur-a. ii w. q at. . PgH HALL SALOON AND ROOM- lng-houe. Inquire 416 N. I4ta at KuK SALE RESTAURANT 1N4L1&S tt eavier at. WILL INVEST $1.6 OR MORE AND eerrlce In some good bualnoaSL V-663. Journal IF TOU WISH TO BUT OR SELL MIN lng stocks, call oa J. B. Paroait 26$ r'tark at, room 19. 14-RX)M HOUSE. GOOD FVRMTCRE. excellent loratton. clean, laaso, low, rnt, H ?. trn Atn 4. CR'ilRT AT INVOICE. O" xlD I-O- f-at'ou, Heaa stk. wo delivery fart rroainc e-tloa R'OO'MH b.(XjUa RtNTF.Ii. CF.NT ral. rleap for rab pr traA for a-na.l wr4 loti rtm difference. Fbone Msj ta . , WFJJFOOT CAMP. NO. 66. Woodmen of the World, meets every Fri day night In W. O. W. Temple, 12$ Eleventh Street All members re quested to be present Visitors welcome. DR. HERMAN J. HARRIS, C C A. i BAR-BUR, Clerk. COLUMBIA LODGE A. F. and A. F. Special com munication, Masonlo Temple, T:30 this (Thursday) evening. E. A. degree. Visitors wel come. By order W. M. FRED U OLSON, Secretary. ELDERLY WOMAN TO CARE FOR house and children. Apply 431 Wash lngton st. -Puritan restaurant. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. 610 Spring st, Portland heights. Call mornings. - MRS. HOWE'S LADIES' AGENCY. 326 Washington st. room 807. Main 8836 or A-326! $18 WANTED. GIRL OR WOMAN FOR housework and help with baby; two In family. Phone Tabor 1768. WANTED GIRL OR MIDDLE-AGED Deraon as housekeeper for 8 adults wages $12.60; easy place. W. L. Light Troutdale, Or. COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL . a 1 1 OA VI w mm SUITE OF FURNISHED keeDing rooms, bath, gas, phone; $9. B08 istn. 1 UHN18HK11 HUUBlSMiiafini rooms, central, brick building; rates reasonable. 342 H 1st st SUITE ROOMS WITH KITCHEN privilege, 1 or 2 suitable for gen tlemen; desirable private residence. Morrison between 16th and 17th.. Phona 3687. NEATLY FURNISHED, SUNN i" ROOM, suitable for light housekeeping; fur nace heat; rent reasonable. 468 Taylot- 290 4TH ST.; NEAR CITY HA LI DIN-o J Inar roam, bedroom and kitchen, large -l pantry and yard. $27.60; or, parlor, bed room, kitchen, pantry and yard, finely furnished, $36. THE HE1LER COR. HAWTHORNE and Grand ave., the nicest furnished modern rooms in the city for the least money. TWO LARGE FURNISHED HOUSE- keeplng ground fla rooms; walking distance. oor. large yard. 179 Ella st. one block south of Washington. 3 SUNNY HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. . nicely furnished: gas, bath, walking distance: adults only. 672 Belmont. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS ON OAK, near 6tn. For information apply at Hotel Wlnfield. 106 4th st LARGI" NICELY FURNISHED HOUSE r keeping and sleeping rooms, $3 week. 116 12th, 603 H Alder. MODERN house See AND NEWLY FURNISHED eeping suites, reasonable fent. Phone Main 6964, 269 Columbia st NICE FURNISHED HOU8EKEEP- 2 kitchen ing rooms with access to pantry and hen. 693 Johnson St. BUIT OF WELL-FURNISHED HOU8E- keeplng rooms: every convenience; first floor. $42 Clay st, cor. 7th. Main 1799. 186 housework. Apply nhona Bast 1007 YOUNG GIRL -FOR NURSE. room si. Houart-curua. n S3. H WANTED COMPETENT WAIST- maker, Mrs. zeltfucns. 8 wasmngton. EL 14 th, or CALL WANTED GIRL housework. - 803 FOR GENERAL Marshall St. WANTED MILLINERY APPREN- tlces. paid while learning, crown iiai Co.. 867 Morrison St. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED HAND for 420H alterations on Morrison at coats and skirts. U. W. A. OREGON GRAPE CAMP. ko. ftTa, alondaya Balling-tUracA Diorx. iptn and wasmngton sta. W. A. EVERGREEN CAMP. meets Wednesday M-i tl3g araalng. Id and Morrison sta. 6.444. Allsky LOST AND FOUND 21 L08T BXTWEKN 16TH AND WASH Ington aad 23d and Lvis. a roll of automobtlo tools. Return to room $0, Olendora: liberal reward. L08T TWO DEPOSIT CIIECKa RB turnto C B. ateara, 1214 WUbur at, Utvl "I 9 fVH'BrtJ. FOUND-VA PLAt'fi TO HAVE HAIR tnattraaaao rrnoratad aj4 rotarred HIM dar. til Wont at IfaJm 474. A-11T4. rwrtlan Cvried-Halr Factonv H Vetxrer. rrorrleur. LfT notice ikk'K, with valu- a Me parMtro. between " wd Id aaa; fliMW pmmm rtira to police statioaj and r-'l reward - Lost A TlET CANABT Eifi.D, II. 4th. rewar. . WANTED A MIDDLE-AGED LADYA3 housekeeper lor widower ana cnu- dren: Swedish lady preferred. M-J67. Journal. - ' : Wanted girl, experienced coat finisher to work with tailor. Apply 262 4) Washington st. room I Wanted first-class vest mak- era Nlcoll the tailor. 141 6th st. cor. Alder. WANTED CHORUS GIRLS. CALL stage door. Baker theatre, Thursday, October 8. is a. m. . MIDDLE AGED LADY WOULD LIKE the rare of Invalid or elderly people. Phone 689. one ring. - HELP WANTED -MALE AND FEMALE 1 16, 009 POSITIONS. For graduates last vaar; man and wo man learn barber trade In weeks; help to eupa poatUaea; graduate earn $16 to $2i weekly: expert instructor; tool free; write for catalog. Molar Byatocs of CWlrwt 36 rv th at, Portland. LEARN TO WRITS. A DVERTI SB moot a dar or evrnlog. Holmeo Bust D.a roilg. lath and Wa'hirr'on. GLNt lNE Hi-LP WANTED At' COjTT lr 1 rert word. lasoriiona ir t rrlre rf $. 2 OR t NICE, UNFURNISHED ROOMS, large, reasonable: also furnished for housekeeping. . $49 Market , SINGLE ROOMS AND HOU3EKEEP lng rooms to rent; on Washington St., lust above 14th st House No. 482 U. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED FRONT room: 1st floor; bath, phone and gas; $10. 809 1st, near Olbbs st $1.60 WEEK UP LARGE. CLEAN furnished housekeeping rooms, laun dry and bath. 164 Sherman st, south, Portland. $1.28 WEEK UP CLEAN FUR ntshed housekeeping rooms, bath, laundry, furnace beat, yard. 303 Stanton st U. car. GENUINE FOR RENT ADS COSA' only 1 cent a word, 3 Insertions for the price of I. LARGE, LIGHT ROOMS, NICELY furnisned; running water. 601 H Alder $12 FOUR ROOMS. FURNISHED; GAS plate, steel range. 22 7th. M ai n 462 9. FOR RENT HOUSES 12 A MODERN 7-ROOM HOUSE. . POR oelaln bathtub, washtrays, very fine location, 90 Kelly st Key at 134 Gaines st. Main 681$. WANTEDS TO RENT NEAT LITTLE cottage, from $ to 6 rooms, wltn chlckoahousa and garden, on carline. give particulars. E-169, Journal. DO YOU WANT TO RENT A HOU8E7 Sea our Hat Hartmaa Chamber of Commerce. A Thompson, GENUINE FOR RENT ADO COST only 1 cent a word, I Insertions for trie prleo ef 8. . I-ROOM HOUSE, 104 1JTH ST $14; In s-room bouae. 194 U IT st- lit ejniro lowengarqt. ti fars at. FOR RENT A NEW 4-ROOM HOUSE. bath and gaa. Apply at Simon Stalner. 11 smii iru aa, v vs. $4 I-ROOM" snd Weat at HOUSE. CORNER llT. rrove of treaa. itlco elace for tut nice place for chickens, 1 block from SaUwod ear. Phono Let Comma. au- WW 9 W. Mi.ttRN COTTAGE. ,ROj.MS. VaLK Inr dirtanc. $2$. Anolr bi 1st Tha l "anrri piny HFLP WAVTm AND F"FFLlFr Lrake. ZH Mult 11 1 a. A i i a. 2 rORNKFiJ-Ronil HOt 8F, aS. lertricltr. rt-:alaj p?ueMnaL Ztl t C1ipt"i. naxn. ar.aoe. iiai ttlnca st Woodstock.