VTHE ORPUON ' DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. TUESDAY EVENINO,r OCTOBER 6. 1808. RoiiG Citizens of Oregon Who Be Here Xebraskan'a Election Is Best for the Country Are Comimr Fonvard With Assistance. Friends of th policies and principle of William Jennings Bryan ar coming forward with financial asalatanc to hla campaign. Already the committee ap minted by th suggestion of State Chairman Bweelc to assist him and th atale central committee tn collecting a campaign fund for um in Oregon na been given $480. 0, principally by email contributions.' A few day ago The Journal acknowtedgadr the receipt of to. Bine that time 7 naa Dn added to the Hal All thos who are dealroua of asalst Ing In the work of raising campaign funds ahould make checks payable to Jefferson Meyers, chairman of the com mittee. , Tba communications should be sent to the Bryan and Kern campaign fund. In care of The Journal. All con tributions will be acknowledged and all disbursements will" be published. . Th contributions received during the mat few daya are as follow: George Sharp, city . . '. ........ i .1 1.04 AV.VV 2.00 1.00 1.00 6.00 (.00 10.00 .1.00 '1.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 1.D0 1.00 25.00 10.00 M7 Gunderson, fialern , Paul Martlndal. city .......... . IB. W., city ,..... James Everast, Newberg ....v.. Henry Leslie latum, dry F , Cash. Newberg ...... S. F. H CaldweQ, Newberg :. W. McCiain, city Rich Durette, Salem ...... I. F. Burt, Salem .......... W. H. Darby. Salem ...... Cash. Marion county Caan, city ....... Caah, city F. V. Hofraan, city R. F. Cox, city .. MAYOR LANE DECLARES FOR DEAL FOR THE CITYi Portland. Or- Oct . To Whom It May Coaoern; At present I am on of the paid agent of th people of this city and a part of my duty la to that its affair are .managed tn It In terest and It Intareat only, open and abov board with equal Juktle to all a near a may be and that personal prefertac or private friendships, should any be left, b laid acjjle. ine axrair or tn people are entitled to Just a much consideration and aa fair treatment aa are those of any on eis,, ana the people are entitled to the fact, and all of the facta which pertain to their affairs and until and unless they are afforded an opportunity to ascertain tnem, it is 'going to te con siuereo evidence or Dan rsnn dv me. I will aay further that If I am to be eid responslbl for the conduct or the affatra as the esecutlve head of the city. I claim the riant to Invesllrat any charge of neglect or graft in any department under me, and must do ao aa a matter or justice to otnera aa well as to myseir. Blocks Must Be Bamored. My only desire or aim has been to ae tn buainess or the city placed upon an equal footing with that of those who deal with It, and I frankly ooofesa to . an impatience witu anyone who FLEES, IRK CHECKS m Charles Gill Captured After Sensational Dasli Up Excessive Drinking Orrin Destroys th Craving, for Drink Cur Effected or Money Refunded , GIAIIIS IE lion OliE GAME AIM Excesslv or continued us of alco- hollo beveraae always results diseased condition of th nervoua tern. ' . I nu-l. J n .' The drinking Vian I often heard to I III'ICU Ot'CUIIU UU1UU IUr win -. v. . . t aay. "I can atoo of my own free I ah," out the poor fellow boat they might along th line of least realsUnre, and gull likely It would have reiulted In my having been con sidered temperamentally a possibility by many peraons of fin discernment, and discriminating taste in such mat ters, who now think otherwise. . Chooses th Book? Bowd. i have, however. Choaen . the leaner rh.r, . K.," ..... ,h. ,.. n.rou.. system he has not the ability I . . " 1 ur BUBiainea etiori. in result we 1r M W .'.111 T .v. .w -.uwi. Hl.lli v WV JJHtruf. .i I la now devoid of th power toaot at Three Hum t . in , Seventh second uni Xov York. Trawtspass man wh give th proper time and In th right way- It too late, the eravlna- has secured I hi nam aa Ilrm noi ana beoauaa or the aiseased vlnces a dlsoosltlon in any iwtr to In terfere with or place a block or drag upon my plana in tneae re pec is. 'i n city s property and tn people money seem by many to be considered sort or a Tree lunch.' la 1 Previously acknowledged ' , Total I T9.00 . 411.60 ... 1490.60 3 FIRES AT BAKER; PEflErOH'S SEVEHTH . (Special DUpttch to The Journal.) Eaker City, Or Oct . Three ! fire In three hour kept th fir 7d department of thla city on th ; run ' from. 4:0 o'clock thla ; morning. The first alarm wa ( ' turned In for the W. O. Ayr .. residence, the second, for h H. ;' W. Bates barn and the third for ; the., old creamery building. All of the Area were extinguished with Uttlo loss.- The buildings are all unoccupied. '(Special Dtenatcb to The Journal.) Pendleton, Or Oct. 8. This city's seventh fir' within a com paratively short Jim occurred last night, when the barn and barley warehouse belonging to W. B. Byers, " the pioneer flour man, were damaged to. the extent of 118,000. The fire originated In the barn and the flames spread' almost , Immediately to the adjoining d . barley warehouse. For a time the entire mill was threatened. Several head of mules and aome machinery were saved, but other machinery, an' electric auto, and 8.000 sacks of barley are a total loss. Both buildings were ruined. Very little insurance was car ried. Many are of the opinion that the -most of the fires have been of Incendiary origin. Byers, him self, believes that some one haa attempted to burn him out e . a "free lunch." to deny ac cess to wnich aa sucn is lookea upon as an evidence of bad manners and a churl ish disposition. Oracloua concessions of tha cltv'i righta and its property, and a highly genteel and distinguished consideration shown persons who owe obligations to ine city, ana seir-erraclng resignation and a polite and complete allowance of claims made against the city, mark the type or many respected representatives of the people's affairs. I ask no odds In favor Of the city, or zer or against any man. .an I do ask or expect or nave asked or expected, Is that the city bs not made to give odda to others In Its dealings with them, and If I succeed in securing that much I will be doing quite well. Thorn In th rath. Tha pursuit of a couraa ewhlch at- temots to exact of all men a fair riea.1 in their relations with the business of in neopie is beset with thorns, and Is no highway to the affections of many uue innuentiai and active cltlsen. and find mvnelf Dartlns- romnanv with a larse number of Dleusant friends and associates, and am no doubt to part choice In this respeot haa brought m looks up hi record and endeavora to irunaennes i no longer consul sbleT 'forlhouhfandq"?; l iunT'tl 1VW dtt ?lk.l? will " suM Tin Tray" being p?.tty off a phoney check on Mrs. M. K. and inuat b treated s such, generally msrooned for a long time to Becker, wife of th proprUtor of La ...IfVi10.1". JL'tm!lL 'hi-i'" w ( Celled Press Less Wire. I - ' ' 0feijiAmk- A.1 S rttmla ua 4a ui . . . . i . l. - - f v..i ir uiu is minE it iiu ai m iwnu in, ii.t.iN.j -fn-t Tk. ....! . . I m i - r and more rocay rouie umf wi wi. - .. . . , i a .s imarfu. .. A -hii. i r,r.crrrf ta travel, and m alatlon whll th detective department all know. ! Amartoa loajru ey choice In this respeot has brought me looks up hi record and endeavora to Drunkennes I no longer considered I feattog Chloage T 0 . i ginai soorei I , ' k. K.k enerslly msrooned ror a lona lime i i iimint, wne or ine proprietor oi m i -M" - . I ' nie bv some very nlre people. p.i.1. i?ni iti w..hi,tn sire.tL I oi rftrn. ana la nin. w Tort T . . . ... - k- . i : - . - ..- : . ---iij iuccviiiul is i rri na. ii is io ai. . - it airwmnni. u. nui iu u. , nilrlll him an amateur at in rorgery i UnAmr nn.ili.. n..n.u Vn.7 i i "wa ..........a P.""0"- r?u"".SA,7m L our your mon.y 7 ItuUag.i luruiiiK m viii uyii w - i mi iciiiit wuuia iBim id iiiuicblw. or mm ma i esuiii aa ' - i and ..nd.nnl.e et.n-lon. of . tl. In .w offender. ... . ..... . Orrin Is In two form When f V vn in rnninini um v. i .y wui i i 1 1 1. arrnmninuii, nv m aii.n re sMbti i..i i i . ... A . a a a a a a m s " - . , . . "' ' - irinrj id gi'R mmcrmx it. nurrnua tir i , w - volved to ni mo convcniunu- or him woman, antered raiaia tioyni at rtna Na 1 and If tha Vat lent will vol- raiflt tnr thm rontraotor In my Opinion ISO vmtr,..v tlmrnnnn mnA askAei fr A.' i.f i 1 a IP a Z5n X? Ire wrong, snd open, the door for fraud . che.p aklrt for the woman. They , should b' ilv'.nT- Th. SuVSnU. 1. to enter. lxnee method In these re-1 picked out on valued at 16. and the the asm In either case. Orrin cost specie will end In th business affairs man offered a check drawn for I20.6Q I but II per box. Mailed in plain i 117 mi mM . .... - i w u uv iniiq wrapper on .receipt to no good purpose and me cuy cannoi casn. Writ for- free 'booklet on fririuia whom I mlrht make would not in. .An.n..in. hn.v.v ... . ... Tha Orrin7 Mmuav w..hitL t I from Boston has set compensate It for Its loss In th event j pensively dressed that Mrs. Baker, to C- . Sold ' in this city by Woodward-1 They are c6nfldent thi mat it aid so. i wnom the saleswoman had referred th4 v.0rg 10,. aisiriouior. . Klghta of gmali Contraotor. 1 matter, becam auspicious at their want- of th 'The Distinguished 3Iassa- chnsetts 'Jurist Talks to Capacity "House at Jose phine's Metropolis-Ouar-anteed Deposit Plank.. V 1 . (Spatial Dlapstcb to Th JosraaLl attartas Via Tnrk Wlltse and Traa ran rasa, ur., uct.. e. juage mi- Mahami Sostoa. Tssgusog aa Bow.rn.aa. J' of Maasachuaetts , addrsd a el . . 1 . -. . I large-audience at th opera house yes- (Halted Fraea Leased Wire.) I terday afternoon, presenting th Issue of prlc. rew Tork, Oct . Th Tlctory or th 0f th campaign from th Damocratlo Orunken- I Qlantg today In taking th second gam I standpoint Mr. Williams held the Im- th Tans. wild, mens crowd that filled th opera house that New Tork will for two and a half hours. Voters of all The rlghu e small contractor M" cheap a skirt. The check wu 15 e small contractor . navahii tn I'h.n.. mil .1.. h I. P.0.?! ".V" WlilUm 'Schneider and drawn on thi I 1 1 1 1 f 1 A ' I 1 Tlim iC. m n.n.iti.. .umim to the limit I."-. "7.."'" are as valid aa are and frequently more and and ha 1 .u.t th. arDt iiid .fflclM n "Mount th.r. Wlahlng to mak gl-t 1 1 1 A W nW ?hCnntryP7,raPn - fllT ll0 CAPE sL7olurcVrhy1n:w,t7.t;Ta Ull nlu rflut amounting to thoussnds of dollars Just- '"xVi, became a.rtmlrln, s tha d.l.v HUh i -r.tZA n' th. iv utidnr the law. V11' oocam suHnlcious at the delay .; ...... mA tn thm limit " T name or Donneraer ly forfeited granted to 111s sonny men jjecaer tnal ahe check. She re- V the city under the law. I became usnlcl, another, wfio, banking upon dehmndr'a' hof , .r- to do .0. has made deals in If h, Km Daraamaa to uroa. ma 1 . . . . a . . . 1 n A . - ..r..m.n( with tha cltv are not fair. I cffr retreated fenma ine coun- rry, lows, uot. . Kainer man ais- and do not conform with the ideas na.'1'1' a crowd at Valley Junction (United Press tesaed Wire.) which I hold concerning tne aojusimeni r;; - - "",,-V T'i wh,cn ""O "eembled to hear him. W. J. Chicago. Oct. . of such dealings ano wnen 11 is wnnin inct7re ni 1 Mri niK fol ow.7 Bryan hastily postponed his shaving dav'S American my power to put a stop to further pro- the:er.n0,,l0w loday nd wiping the. lather from hli Chicago. White. 1 ceedlngs of that natur I shall do ao. ro,,e(1c'b,"n number of onl? In thm faoe' ddraeed several thousand peo- Detroit, Donovan I am but doing as a public official J'"M wlho chased Olll nrfrtR to Part P"' Hu Pch was loudly applauded, by Innings: In these matters what I would expect "J"6? wn0 cnased uui nortn to rark ttrv.n reahd v.n.v j,mtln . 1 ri.tit m a handful of check, into fc, l" Ah.r.rAn1.7" ' Ch,c erty or the city's rights will not be bar tered in exohange for social amenities me. In the Ions; run the enforcement of equal rights for the city in Its business dealings is the only method which will keep it out of serious difficulties, but whether it does or not it la the only one I intend to pursue, and right down the line to the end I am going. The easier course to hare tmrsued would have been to let things slid as! m ..v.... if th.. nn. 1 street. Ill IIIB1HI Ull ULU'l UUIII. . ..- J Wfc . . . . . copied the wm position as I do. , I h street a h ran ii. rT.H uled t0 mk 80 'Peeches before nlght m w-h" ."'SPi! rSom!nra-eethous. krlri1 ?Jl beginning11 of must insist uivn uni -uai mj 1 . 1 : r.v ..-Ijil"" 'w ot me stale. get it If they are to pvern limn- SSlLT. .i . . .f. .MA",'!1 . Bryan' attitude toward th pension- 'mm nun iimir iudi iiiiicui 1 m iu tvu 17 . - . . . - - - tint repeat th . perform a no tomorrow d u), wh0 he,r), h,m pronounced It then win th play-off from th Cub and 0,'th .oundest abeat and fairest captur th pennant Baseball frny cixKn apeechea heard In Grants Pass nu nevttr run mo oiga mm in mm iua-ifor many years. - tOT,l ? fam; . Judge Williams arrived on th noon If it ahould rain tomorrow or weather I .-.i.. ,nm ti,. .nmh ant was met at condition mak It impossible to play, tla aeot by reception committer from : th gam would b lost to th Giants twtth h. nrvsn and Kern club and th and ther t llttl doubt that th weather cqmmertflal club., Th addreas at the man wuuiu ua niuuuou. opera house began ai J o ciocs. tim wa Even if th Giants loss tomorrow and introduced by Dennl H. Stovall. chair- . then beat th Cuba In th play-off, m.n of th Demooratlo central commit- th triple tie between Chicago, New tee. York and Pittsburg will result and J una-a Williams made a strong tm- ther are fans who love th sport well I presslon with his forcible and plain pre- enough to hope that tha great nine- sentatlon of the guaranteed panic ae gam series between th three team posit plank of th lemocratlo platform, will have to b played. lie ahowud how simple the system Is . and how easily it csn do pui vyvrmv Amerloaa Xagna. tlon. . . . The batteries In. to- .. "under eitinar ""'-"" learus nme were- our oanss aipu i .i".. v.. league game .were. ..nnnia J....l Th,,. inataad of naisn and euiiivan. L "' .i.... and Thnm.a Rrar. receiving six per cent they receive as hla-h aa 14 and even W per oeni. mis S 0 A A A 0 t 7 accounts ror me rapiuii. .....0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 IT when a Ith which demand is Washington, Oct . Final core: K. H. is. Washington 3 7 2 ves and tneir government is 10 con- r - . j XL " " ""V ing or veterans having been aspersed. Philadelphia. '17 1 lue to exist lnto custody. The woman who was his he gave out 1st u .1 . ...Zill I 1 n"aoe'Ph' ' 1 I am but repeating here what I have ,jmPnlon disappeared during the chase ment jn which h deniea that he" over frequently written ana puDUciy siatea y.'Vr "4.1,"UUB" mae speech- or wrot an editorial III fl T II 01111111111 before, and I iad hoped that ft would fi P.V 715 l0k'nf .f or her. (3111 w;as against the granting of pension to sol- Ml I1 I II 1 1 L L 1 1 1 L U V not be necessary forroe to again have well supplied with checks cajling for diers. as has been alleged. On th fton- LJ Is I II llrrllsrnA to do so, but it seems that it Is. and l'u mo"n,?8rom. 10 to?- s Xrr- h declarea that all of hla plat- If.lJl I lUl Ul I lULIll) tnr hl. r.n.nn T ilfl It lam nflt nnr AlthOUSjh Gill did not SUCCeed In DgaS- fnrmmi h.v. Imli.,. n. I W1W" do I Dretend to be better or wiser than Ingthe check on Mrs. Becker, ho Is he favors a liberal nension nollnv my neighbor, and In many respects 1 nabio under the law to severe penalties. The Nebraska state central committee am ouite willing to concede that I am there being a statute covering the, crime, has announced that Bryan will deliver iv Bpvvi-iie. 111 itumnRn, ne win speaa in neariv au tne DrlnclDai cities. Or to ber-13. 14 and 15. In a speech at Havelock. Neb.. last nigni wryan denounced tfpeaner cannon as an enemy to legislation favorable to labor and said that so long as he was his inferior, yet -my obligation has been assumed and I am earnestly trying to fulfill it, and no man can relieve me of the responsibility In the event of my rauure. 1 realise mat 1 may not perhaps accomplish much 01 anythln of importance, however hard I may try, yet I shall persist in trying Just tne same; of tnis be assured. Kc spectfully, . HARRY LANE, Mayor. SHOW. OREGON FRUIT AT WASHINGTON HIS PLAN i ADDRESS re for BRnu . ... Saratoga (Chlps fAatUdysoestle). Most- dishes requiring deep frying re denied tlw dyspeptic because they are usually fried in lard, and lard does not "agree." The following recipe will be welcomed by those of poor digestion: Peel tha potatoes and slice thin into - cold water. Drain well, and dry In a towel. Fry a few at a timo In hot Cotto lene. Salt a you take them out and lay them on coarse brown paper for a short time. The above recipe can be followed without the least fear of disagreeable after effects. The chips will be crisp fend dry not greasy, as when fried in lard. Cottolene contains no hoar fat f but is made of purest vegetable oil ; it is recommended by physicians generally. Oregon apples, Oregon potatoes, Ore gon pears and produots of any and all kinds, distributed thoughtfully by a representative of Oregon in Washing ton, D. C, during tha sessions of con gress would do mors to advertise th tat than any other form of publicity work in the belief of United . States Senator Bourne. To show that he Is sincere In - his belief and willing to back his opinion the senator says he is willing to bay the rent for hpadnuartera tnr a n rtm- gon exhibit In Washington if the oom-l Congressman George Fred Williams of Massachusetts will speak tomorrow night at McMinnville in the Interest of the candidacy of Bryan and Kern. Great Interest has been aroused by the visit of Mr. Williams amonir the neo pie of McMinnville and Yamhill county, arid it Is expected that the rally ad- aressea oy mm. win. oe a large ana en thuslastio one. The meeting- will bo breaided over bv Deiieves mat snouid a room or rooms juare wuiiam uaiiowav. wno win be provided in Washington, finished In make a short address in Introducing the uregon wood and furnished with Ore- notea orator irom tne Atlantic coast. gon rurniture, it woma servo as a great advertisement In itself for it could be used as a sort of headquar ters , for Oregon people In Washing ton, where friends from all countries could be brought to see 'what Oregon Following this plan still further, the Declaring that she once worshipped senator would have a competent man the ground her husband walked on and In charge of these headquarters. This tried to poison herself when he left man should be under the employment her, Mrs. Eva Puckett appeared before of the commercial bodies of the state. Judge Webster in the county court to- To him could be aent prize-winning ap- gaV to prosecute him for non-support nles, pears and other fruit and produce She he does not love him longer GET TOGETHER The Twenty-fifth annual convention S.h.'.'naa'i'Th.'K nnVhini ",l 01 . th9 Christian Temperance ,y".- "errand runner and r.v nr Mtnrn. miim h. ..o.,rt tv.n union opened this morning with the bov" of the sdmlnlstratlon "a I wav of reform could be securnd. Rven if Mr. Taf t were elected and favored I general officers' meeting. tegimi hank can fail ,n.i1. tnr dennaita. 'Th guaranteed bank system Is Juat aa slmpl as fir insurance and will bring tne same security and protection against money loss as fire Insurance affords for fire loss. Of course the bankers don't want It. They say It niiiii ha had for' the banks, which Is true enough when a certain class of wildcat institutions is considered." Taft and Bryan Compared. Mr. 'Williams dwelt at length on ths Injunction plank and told of his work as chairman of the committee that drafted this plank of the platform nt the Denver convention. He closed with a review of the records of Taft and Bryan, and proved the statement of President Roosevelt, thst Taft Is a "man of great achievements." to be un true. He showed how Taft has bei cnoro labor leglmatlon, which he said tha Re publican candidate did not, the speaker ana Mr. xart wouia oe in complete agreement The Democratic party, he insisted, was pieageu to-legislation zor which labor had been pleading. This after- ONCE LOVED MADLY BUT NOT SO NOW. .u. ..ii tn h. niarad nn .vhihitinn h. .ft., and would never live with mm again. the state will provide the man to man-1 having -won their prizes in Oregon. After hearing her long story, which aae it and furnish the material for When tnese products had reached their !" iccujt ue tne aavertismg. BaUroads Would Help. Senator Bourno has discussed his plan with William McMurray, general fiassenger agent of the Harrlman -.lines n Oregon, and Mr. McMurray agrees that the plan is a Kood one. He has said tnat he would take th question up and see what could be don towards putting it Into ,, operation. During the time that Senator Bourne has been in Washington he has caused to be sent to him a quantity of Ore gon apples and Dears These he has distributed among friends in Washing ton and so wonder smitten with the products were these friends that in many instances they kept the apples and pears until they had shriveled, retaining them as ornaments and ex hibits instead of eating them. Since his first gifts he has been besought on every hand for small samples and this year has ordered a still larger supply to renew the excitement. Oregon Headquarter. I highest state of perfection they could ned by her husband, Tilly O. Puckett. be sent as presents to those quarters Judge Webster' sentenced him to one selected by the man In charge. year on the rockplle. with the alter- ar.ni. tn nTk.i TfcM..4- native of paying hla wife 125 per Appl to Whet Interest. month. Before he can get out of Jail - In the city of Washington during; to beeln earnlna- this monev however. the sessions of congress are represen- he must put up a bond for J300, which tative men from all countries of the he may not be able to secure, world. These men could be riveted Mrs. Puckett said her' husband left to the state and what It produces not her several times. Once he came-home alone by the gifts but by the llteraure with a dagger and was about to kill which Could be sent accompanying it her and then himself when lje heard a Senator Bourne believes that a man sound overhead and was frightened out. who is given a Hood River aDDlo alone At one time she took two ounces of with a pamphlet telling of the wonders iodine when he left her and spent sev of Oregon would be much mora apt to eral weeks in the hospital as a result. reao tne pampniet arter naving eaten Bhe admitted that she has twy dl- BROUGH the apple than If be had been no apple to whet his Interest that beginning he would be led to visit CLEARING HOUSE plan . is about like this. The senator J fall. Our cargo of Fall and Winter Derbies and Soft Hats has arrived. If you are looking for satisfaction, you've only to look in the mirror with one of our hats on. v Beaver Hats 93.00 none better at the price; . few makes as good. Our hat man will be pleased to show you .these splendid hats. n vorced husbands and said that both had m failed to supporj her, the headquarters where he could see th uregon wood and rurniture, view fciiv v. . t. a, -. i . n . 'iiv i , ouu r u iudi o. iintcn I . : - . . to the wonders of Oregon as explained ANNUAL IlExOKT convert to the Oregon country, and a friend. New Tork. Oct e.-rThe New Tork Senator Bourne Is enthusiastic over rlnnrinit hnma rennrt for the vear end- It was from thla happening that the I his plan and will tirsre It further bf-hnu- Kentamher SO. made nubllo this aft. senator has evolved his plan and the I fore his departure for Washington this ernoon. shows: Local transactions, 17 .ou,u,isv. as against $99,129,347,346 the priding year. Exchanges, $73,630,971,913, as against $95,316,421,238 the preceding year. Balances, $3,404,633,171. as against' 33,813,926,108. At the annual meeting today William H. Porter wa elected president of the Clearing House association, and Samuel Wolverton was elected secretary. Por ter is president of the Chemical Na tional bank, and Wolverton is president or tfiq uauatme unit. Hole Burned In Roof. A fire broke otat in the house at 661 Columbia atreet occupied by Jerry covach. at 11 o cioca tnis morning, burning a hole In the roof. It was caused by a defective flue. The dam age amounted to less than $100. APPOINTIVE OFFICERS MUST NOT CONTRIBUTE (United Press Leased Wire.) alem. Or.. Oct. t. Under th corrupt practices act passed by the people of this state last Juno and which want Into effect July 1. all officlala In Oregon holding office by virtue of appointment who have contributed to either of the national campaign funds ar liable to prosecution and prison sentence. The terms of the statute will include many officlala at Salem and - other cltie in Oregon. The particular nwuon or me law whlrh covers the polnt follows: floctioa 20. So . holder of a public poaltion or office other than an office tttlri by the voters, shall pay or con tribute to aid or promote th nomination K 5-170 Third Street CAKES WERE ON FLOOR, Un IX BAKING PANS William Pfsff. proprUtor of the But ternut bakery. lt answer to the charge filed aralnst him br h cltv market In spector that he set fresh baked bread oa th fioor after 1; removal from tb ovens, snakes a statement to The Jour nal la whlrh he denies tha charge. Mr. Pfaff explain that at th tire the mar ket Inspector visited h!a place tb baker had been working for 'seven honrs and war busy with th Friday baking, the harli of the wfc Tb hrmi is always plat-" tab, ) afr Pfaff. sk-1 wa at tt.tm tint. Tb tab) w f,;:4 ar-d far lark of other t iara a nunbff of cake had bn taken t'ytm the Tra t mb. aa thov wr bakvd. aad at stma the floor T rk t r-t rAtnc n wsM wtfti the fmnr m ev. t4r Pfaff e-artatna. and Ha that thr wa aay -d tmn tva t.ivr at vh 1 lm f ti irarket' lr.ecrtf visa, ef st acy otter t.m. or election of any other person to public office. No person shall invite, demand or accept payment or contribution from such holder of public position or office for campaign purposes. "flection 61. Whoever violates any provision of this act. the punishment for wnicn is not specially provided by law, 1 shall on conviction there be pun- j :shed by Imprisonment in the county' I 1 1 - .A. . I . I .1 "i iiiuiQ imui una year ur oy a fine of not more than $5,000, or by both such fine and Imorlnonment " Though he has not yet been con-' FUiifMj. 11 is fioeriea tnat a trnrnv 1 . H. McMahoa of Salem will bring pro ceeding!) at once In the Marlon county courts for the prosecution of the scores or appointive officials who have vio lated the law. T GIRL TO Pure spits work, according to' Judg Van Zante, led to the arrest last week of J. Wind, a saloon keeper whose place is at Jast Third and tsurnside streets. Wind was charged with having allowed a minor girl In his saloon. The testimony this morning developed the fact that the man who made the complaint to Ofncer Sherwood, wno made the arrest, himself called the girl, Jnnava waiiina-s. into ine saloon on some pretext, an& then turned around and made a comolaint - aealnst Wind. charging him with allowing a girl under is in tne saioon. . The a-lrl was arrested on a city charge, when It was found that she was over 18 years ana mererore could noi be held on . that complaint. Neither could she be held on a state charge and s she was let go. Wind was arrested ana nts case came up for trial this morning, it aeveiopea then that the girl had not remained In the saloon more than one or two min utes and that she had only come in then because the spiteful complainant . had called her In on some pretext The In formation againsfWind was .therefor dismissed on motion of the district at torney and he was discharged. Judas Van Zante said that if he bad known the circumstances In time he would have held the complaining witness to answer for his action. . .- .mi INSPECTOR FINDS INFECTIOUS CASES Medical School Inspector Gellert found 18 cases of infectious disease in two schools Inspected today.' Most of the cases were of Itch and similar diseases that are not considered .very dangerous. Some men sneerlngly remark that noon a business session will b. held ."t let m. te.7 you that and this evening there will be a pro- Mr. Taft will never be nominated the pram 01 aaaresse ai xayior street third time alter two oeieais. -i see Methodist church which haa been at- number of women In the audience. Let tract! voly dressed for the occasion. The me ask you, who are mothers of boys, program will be followed by a recep- if you have ever read one word from tlon at the home -of Mrs. O. P. M. the utterances of Mr. Taft that you Jamison, 682 Main street can quote as an inspiration to your Delegates aro arriving: from all carts anna. No. vou cannot. But every of the state- in larger numbers than speech, every utterance of Mr. Bryan aver utiun uiu uiuic&tions " are lor la an appeal ror oeiuir iuiiiks, ut iici living, better citizenship, better gov ernment Ask any school boy who Is the first citisen of the land and see how quickly be-will- reply Bryan. r "Tho-text book of oratory and elo cution used In our Boston schools Is largely composed of the speeches of Bryan. He has proved himself not only the great orator and the great statesman, but the great commoner the 'leader of the people." " Bishop Tlerney Dead. (United lreaa Leaned Wlre. ' Hartford, Conn.. Oct. . Bishop Michael Tierney died yesterday after noon at the diocesan house. a stirrlnsr and effective convention. Th officers In session this morning were: President, Mrs. Henrietta Brown 01 AiDany; vice-president-at-large, Mrs. Ida ' Barkley; corresponding secretary, Mrs. A, W. Unruh, Arleta; recording secretary, Mrs. Ida Marsters, Rose- Durg; assistant recording secretary, Miss Frances E. Oottshall; treasurer, Mrs. Hnssie J. Shane; secretary of Y. W. C. T. U., Mr. Cora Henkle. Grants rasaj. secretary u. x. U, Mrs. Jane m. fonaioson. SWEETS SPOILS SOAR TO 840,000 MARK Wife Charges Assault. John Rueddy, an east side resident, wu mi irsiru ujr uvnauoia lou Wag ner tnis morning, cnarired with asa and battery on hi wife, who swore to the complaint Rueddy's wife gay that ne gav ner a severe r mraaning. He I was committed to Jail and will be I arraigned in ine justice court tomor row. FOR OLD PEOPLE After reaching the age of forty the human system gradually declines In vir ility and strength and becomes less able each year to combat the IUs that natur ally beset mankind. It Is then the ac cumulated poiaons In th blood mak themalre manifest br rheumatic and other aches and pains In th Joints, ovvcle and bs'k. People should heed these wsmlng twrnges and supply to th blood an acid solvent and stimulating tonfcv A prescription which has worked won der for parsoas of declining physical vigor follow: "Owe Mart Compound Pyrup'of 6ar aparllla: one ounre Toria am pound: tail plat of high grade whlakey. This t b mixed aod used In taJtNponarB tfr each meal and at bedtirn. 1 Th bottle t b well stesken each tim.! Altnougn th1 la a very simple ma THERE'is no better wavl to prove the curative powers of the Bitters than to try a bottle the next time your Stomach, Liver and Bowels are weaE and enable to do their work LAWYERS TOSS WORDS OVER SUNDAY CLOSING Mi MOSTETTER'Q U ii CKLK.HATID STOMACH BitterS r mi wrm prove to you very qukklv that it is the only I . meaicme vou need, it is Heavy batterie of legal lor were turned loos in th circuit court thi morning when thv Sunday-closing In Junction case was called for argument befor Presiding Judge Oantenbeln. When th court adjourned for tha noon recess th attorney wer la the midst of th battle, with their ammunition till piled up around them In tha ahap of "authorltiea." Thla afternoon the pounding and expounding were contin ued. District Attorney Cameron opened th argument putting stress on tne declara tion that the state or its agent cannot be mad a defendant in any proceeding without Ita consent He asaertad that thla basic principle is violated ia trying to restrain th district attorney from enforcing a statute. H quoted a de- rial on from Judg Wolverton in th I nited State court to tb point that the Oregon Sunday law cannot b con sidered class or special legislation. Oasara sUeav K vy. Cameron mad only a short argument bat Intimated that he 1 holding a large number of authorltiea la reserve. The attorney for th retailers watd a list of th canei on which fa relies, but tb district attomer would wot glv Urns. and Judg Gaa ten beta announced that th other aid will b permitted t aa- wer any atv aatborlUe that Camera prcduce later on. I TH La t net attorn? l!kwt- refoeed A mmwimmmm Ik M thm arrfKeBt SA llnchid th demurrer to th tndk ; mmta flk-d by th attmrw for tb re tailer He said b would ao awt tn hav t he crtmlaal raae wtag4 with I he arguwMMtt m hi wa siraurrer Thousands of American women In our homes are daily sacrificing tneir lives to duty. . In order to keeD tha horns neat and pretty, the children well dressed and tidy, women overdo. A female weakness or displacement i often brourhton and they suffer in silence. I J 1(1 " a ' can b ud without it consent, h turning aionr irom Daa to worse, uocuroo tnsi in enjoining in alsti attorney th tat la not being sued. ' Bristol then read the essential na of th complaint on which th in June-1 tcheswhich daily make life a burden. th. f.et trT thTiine. Vf trT fone, " i to these faithful women that. S tnrV17..nTryren?nodfUC;n: LYDIA EaPINKHAM'S KViprntrmahTthrUnTe' F MflDMlim on Sunday aa they do on othr day of " raa a. s wwuii th wek. aod thi money noari aii I oomea as a boon and a blessing. come rrom poopi who hay to work aa it Ifrl tn Mr V Tcllawcvrf h r .1 th other Six daya Taklnr ., ki. I TV " ... . " " "'""J Sunday trad, h arrud. ia a transgr- MayTUIe, JN. X, and to Mr. VV. r. "iTO w if th. ..a..;. Jra'01 "ms wno say : prevented any Kind or business on Sun-1 . 1 w not aoie to ao my own work, day they would not comnlaln. II mI14 I etwrtnae In tlva ema Imnlila fnnn, skloli referring to th ckaaing of 'atoars I table Compound helped mo wonder fWly, shop and a-rocrta' waa r. til aad I am ao well that I can do aa hlr a " "w "-iciy ronsiruM. b said flaj-g work; I ever did. I wish very busiaea. not mentioned that lliTmmZLl W0B" FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For thirty years Lydla E. Pink- 0at4T Xaah Xiw lCodL wJTijfaund ;iot p-eat benefit in cases of hT1 after tN nrmt few 4w. Tb Inarevll- j "CanDUTTl, tiClCnlUg, lit- j ; fr tfc retail. rktr. antk sal f"" g"w . frf", "T well Ilip-Mtinri arifl Tntnmnt'l g 1 t rr an 4 nm-ch.g at ota- that stork drua si and Aally rn.ied at "6t5On itnU 1 nSOmnia. ff , 1. -wva. . aassaawaBWBBaaMBBBaaasss' t.si hm u 4 soa kana. taa tt tba aiais ! Bristol held on tb tiiih i . I Jli.UIl.tf VSISJll1 8u"' olatut and ham s fgetable Compound, made pariionl U 14 trsV ct h "ont.n-1 f0" J"5'?' mm tnat th urastM ia e,ii. .-.1 standard remedr for femAla lib. aHlSiSJS..-T -1-? th rr- ahasiwitiTelyCTiredthoTian6W der it btdea ttag indenait and I "omen who LiTe been troubled with rVTrwlnMT ' lhf H tl dLplAoprof-n in fiimmgtiorL nice ra- Tki rtrna j. t,. a I tlon, fibroid tumors, lrreralantks. . ... . r I 1 at . a a .A ' uvuo win rontiaw th iria. rsnoaicnm Dartacne. tnax Dear p.tTaw.'r nrf Ingwn feeling, flatulency, indiget- wa.ch,;. tr :. p t ionx you try n ? wde4. At te rl t,t I ir.nmu,, I Mn. Ptnsrtiant Isvltaa .T1 alcV trat W1U b cited for liaa 1. a-J ?. M rtJl4ld tbOaaildS U N