THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 4, 1908. BJsfcjsjejjMMS"FJ(pJHSj The Most in Value Women's Knit Underwear 2 , ; Women's Union Suits '.. '' ; - ' v.' $2J0 and $3 Valuea ; , . . AT l.BOA, special offering of womtn'i fine,, gray wool Union. Suit, hi Vassar, made in Oneida styles, full faihionrd; they come in. all aizei and sell regu larly at $2.50 and $3 suit, priced for this f rrt saje at ..(....... .1 Vests and Panta Best 40c Values ' , . "" AT 5A special sale of women's fine fleeced ribbed cotton Vests and Pants In'all siaes; they come in, both fray and peeler color; garments that are. fullyworfh 40c each, priced for this sale only or JriUl at Tlio Best in Quality Isie Mat Which. We ml I SSiJ .ave (DomeVandl- TD iifTVTI fSfl ChTyDiT51',d",n ifTTVfi Study the exceptional values we offer this season. Season after season we have demonstrated it iij) U11L &&&VJL1L (Ob IbiLvLiilii 'thc fact that this store possesses a buying power of exceptional strength that In the various ... , ' , ,. ... .- i . ; . ,.. , maiKis.ujis pvwn ctwuics us w procure inc very cnoicesx mercnanaise at tne very lowest mar ket prices. No concern in this locality can buy under, us and we allow no concern to undersell us. And never have we demonstrated this fact more forcibly than we have this season. Our various showings of seasonable merchandise and our prices tell the story. Never have we been so fortunate as we have been this season in purchasing our goods. If you want variety in mak ing choicethe broadest variety; if you want merchandise of dependable qualities the qualities that give satisfaction; if you want authentic styles styles that you are sure and certain are right; ff3F Flannel & Muslin Underwear ' FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN f t ; atee slpMenSt Apparel For months we have been gathering this aggregation of beautiful new garments, and are now ready with the most complete showing we have ever made. Every style , innovation is shown and values never better than present time Tailored Suits at $19.50 and 825 New Fall Dress Goods and Silks There are many, many - reasons why you anouia attend tmr saie, out tne saving in prices Is the greatest, because it means real economy, and these styles, materials. trlmmuvTS and work manship are all that could be desired. Cut this list out and bring it with you you'll find these goods just as they are advertised. Exceedingly great values. Outing Flannel Gowns Specially Priced 85 An excellent line of womin's. Gowns, made of heavy quality outing flannel in the pink and blue stripes, or in piain wmie: tney are maae iuu length and width and nave double yoke; cutis and collar neatly trimmed; regular values to OC. ,$1.25, specially priced for this. sale. ........ .CmJC For Display see Third Street Windows. Outing Flannel Skirts 75c Values 60 A sale of women's Skirts, made of heavy twill outing flannel or daisy cloth, in solid colors, pink, blue or white, or neat stripe effect; trimmed with double ruffles, scalloped or plain- hemstitched edge; they are made good full width and neatly finished; regular 75c values, special for this J0 Children's Ging-ham Aprons 39c Valuea 25 "A showing of children's Aprons," made of good quality staple gingham, all colors, in the neat checked effect; these fine aprons are made with sleeves and collar, cuffs, pocket and waistband neatly trimmed; other styles have ruffles over the shoulders; regular 39c values, specially OP priced for this sale ..LiDC Children's Outing Flannel Gowns 75c Values 50 An excellent line of Gowns for children from 2 to 14 years; these gowns are made of heavy qual ity outing flannel in the neat pink and blue stripes; they are made good full size, have double yoke and are neatly .trimmed; regular 75c ("A values; specially priced for this sale OUC Women's Muslin Drawers 75c Values 50 A special sale of women's muslin Drawers, made of excellent quality cambric or muslin, with deep flounce ot tine emproiaery or rows of fine lace insertion with ruffle to match; regular 75c values, special for Monday and luesday.. Corset Corers Speclally Priced T5 A -special offering of nainsook Corset Covers, made of good quality cambric . and daintily trimmed witn excellent quality emoroidery, laces and ribbons; regular values as high as $1.25, ' special tor Monday ana luesday... ... New Tailored Suits of two-toned stripe suitings. Panamas, worsted serges or fine broadcloths. More than a Score of new styles .at these popular prices. The long coats, the new graceful skirts, the beautiful materials and the exquisite Colorings will, appeal to women of taste. From a standpoint of beauty, qual ity and price these suits cannot be excelled. -., Tailored Suits at (12.50, $16.50 We are"aIso showing a large variety of new models at these prices. You will be delighted with the smart ness of styles, with heir quality and colors and with the excellent workmanship. You re sure ,to. find, much to interest you in this lot Of suits. ' Hundreds of New Fall Skirts Priced from $3.50 to $12.50 We are showing many, beautiful styles, in chiffon and worsted Panama, broadcloth, voiles- and fancy stripe suitings. Many are trimmed down the front or along the bottom with buttons, satin or taffeta bands and folds, others are strictly plain in "flared, gored or pleated. Women desiring good values and correct styles will find these skirts worthy of their attention. , Children's Caps 50o Latest fall styles; they are the new turndown band Eton shapes and are made in plain color serge and broadcloth and combination effects; also complete . The New Fall Waists An elaborate showing of the new fall Waists. Long sleeves "dominate the new models. The collars are high and pointed at the sides. The smart utility waists are of tailored persuasion andhave the regula tion shirt sleeve, with cuff, and the neck furnished with a. linen collar. The prices range as follows: Strictly tailored Waists, white and colors, S1.25, , fl.SO and S1.90 Dainty Lingerie and Lawn Waists, fl.25, $1.50, 2.25 and $2.50 Black and colored Taffeta Silk Waists, $3.50, $4.50, $5.50 and $6.50 Beautiful Lace and Net Waists. at $2.98, $3.90, $4.50 and, .. $5.60 Women's and Misses Coats Do you want variety when you make your choice of a fall coat? You don't have to go further than this store for the broadest, and our qualities, styles and prices will surely decide you to buy here. Women's and misses' Long Coats of broadcloth and light weight kerseys, in black and colors, at $5.00, $6.50, $7.50, $10.50, $12.50 and $15.00 Children's full-length Coats, in great many different styles and materials at $2.50, $3.50, $4.50, $5.60 and $6.50 line of woven Tams at 50f , 65 and . . ..S5e New Bills: Petticoats . $5.00 for the best quality taffeta silk Pet ticoats, tailored flounce; come in black, blue, brown, green, red, gray and change able effects; best $6.50 values, ' Buy Furs Now and Save Money We show an extensive line, made no bv the furriers during the dull summer months, and as the cold sea son approaches the demand will make it difficult to maintain our present low prices. Uur prices range irom i.w aii tne way up to xo.uu. A Great Special Sale of iery Tor Women , ana Children Hog New Fall Gloves Complete qtock of wrist length 1 Kid Gloves in black and colors; best values possible at PA the'pair, $1.00 and..... ...$IUU Elbow length Kid Gloves in black, white, frn OP tan and brown; $3.50 values, at , . . ,$i0D Kayser Silk Gloves, elbow length $1.25 Val. Laces Specially Priced An offering of 5,000 yards of fine Lace and In sertion, 1 to 3 inches wide; just the lace you need for dainty underwear trimming: regular values 7c to 10c a yard, special for Monday and luesday A Special Introductory Sale of Women's Stylish .Footwear There la nothing lacking in our dress goods and, silk sec tions. We can't im agine how you can fail to fill your needs in these lines here with both pleasure and profit Our assortments are large and varied. fabrics are new and noteworthy, pat terns are exclusive and pronounced. prices are marked at the very lowest notch. These spe cial values ought to assist you in your purchasing plana. Black & Colored Taffeta Silks $1.25 BLACK TAFFETA 98 A special sale of 36-in. black Taffeta Silk of guaranteed quality; comes in Swiss, chamois and buckskin finish, ab solutely spot proof, the purest of silk and a per fect black; sold everywhere at $15 yard. l0 J now on sale at , A 70C $1.50 BLACK TAFFETA $1.25 36-inch double warp black Taffeta Silk of extra heavy weight, comes in a deep lustrous black: acid oroof: a serviceable, snappy silk very suitable for coats, shirts, waists, suits and petticoats: best 91 or $1.50 grade, now on sale at $2.00 BLACK TAFFETA $1.50 Genuine yard wide Sterling Taffeta, warranted all pure silk; comes with a beautiful velvet finish, extra heavy quality; a silk that is fully guaranteed not to nlit. i e . jo - w cracx or cui; oest 91 grade, now on saie at $1.50 3k on 50c 75c For tomorrow and Tuesday's selling we place sale two great underpriced specials that are well wortn your careful attention, such values as these are not met with every day and prudent women will take advantage 01 these savings and buy in liberal quantities. Women's' Stockings 40c Grade at 25 A splendid offering tof women's fine fast black Hose with unbleached soles, made from the finest maco cotton yarn,; all sizes; regular 40c grade, priced for this sale aU- Children's Stocking's 25c Grade at 19 - Children s fleeced lined Stockings, made in both .fine and wide rib, of the best grade cotton,' abso lutely fast black, all sizes for bovs and girls; regular 25c grade, priced for this sale 25c Tempting Values in Art Goods and Notions Sofa Cushions AT $2.50 A special sale of finished Cushions; the tops, are of fine quality linen, embroidered in we pretty conventional designs or with handsome pink roses; they are finished with nice wide ruf fles and have best quality silk floss pillows; ex-- iraorainary values, special tor Monday Particular women are finding most satisfac tory selections at this store the woman who wants the best in style and service, a given price will buy, should look through our new fall lines as a special inducement we otter the following price reductions an d-T uesday. $2.50 Hand Embroidered Scarfs 19c Lace Yokes $1.25 Valuea 35 ' Economical values that offer an opportunity to have a new and becoming lace yoke for every day in the week; at this price you could ajford a hrf dozen for every day; only a limited number to choose from, so come early; regular $1.25 up values, specially priced for this sale. .. ... ..0C All 42-inch plain and figured Nets, regular QQ $1(25 and $1.50 values, special, yard.. Embroidery Specials in Two Great Lots Lot 1 includes our entire stock of 20c to 30c Em broidery Edges and Insertions, consisting of broken and matched sets in Swiss, Hamburg, nainsook and cambric: all high grade St. t A Gall importation; at iuC Lot 2 contains our entire stock of 35c to 60c Edges and Insertion, embroidered on fine nain sook, Swiss and cambric: this lot consists in. of broken and matched sets also; at 17C i AT $1.25 A special showing of hand embroid ered scrim Scarfs, 18x54 inches; regular values to a. special tor Monday and Tues day ..... . . .' 25c Dress Shields AT 19-i-A special offering of muslin covered Dress Shields, best known make; they come in sizes , and 3 and always sell for 25c air, special for this sale. Leather Belts AT 25 A sale of leather Belts, made of nir quality kid in black onlv: thev have nrettv at oucicies and are regular 50c values, special tor this sale $1.25 19c 25c Women's kid and patent leather Shoes; $3 values, at Women's kid and. patent leather Shoes; $3.50 values, at Women's kid and patent leather Shoes; $4 values, at,. Women's kid and patent leather Shoes; $5 values, at Women's Spats in all slnrs; $1 values at.... 75 Women's new Rubbers; 65c values, at 50 $2.24 $2.37 $3.00 $3.50 Women's Fine 'KercWeis Specially Priced 15 Monday we place on sale about 500 dozen wo men s Handkerchiefs, made ot tine sheer Swiss; they are daintily embroidered and have neat hem stitched and scalloped edges; also a full, assort ment of about 200 dozen all-linen embroidered Handkerchiefs; regular 25c and 35c values. special for this sale, each A.. 62c 15c Unmatchable Values in the 75c SWISS TAFFETA 59-19-inch Swiss Taf feta, Roberts Bros.' special; comes "in every wanted staple and eveninsr shade, nlentv of cream and black, a beautiful lustrous high-class silk that will not cut or break; regular 75c quality, CQ now on sale at DVC 85c COLORED TAFFETA, 62FulI width colored Taffeta Silk, made of the finest selected silk, colored with perfect dyes; comes in all the new shades, extra good value at 85c a yard. now on saie at. Plain and Novelty Dress Goods A most extensive showing of Wm. Read's cele brated fabrics in both plain and novelty weaves in 44 and 46-inch widths, in all the new fall and winter colorings; neat Herringbone weaves; shadow stripes, diagonal serges, novelty cheviots, satin striped prunellas, novelty poplinettes, striped worsteds, etc.; two grades to choose from.Or" 44 and 46-Heh widths, specially priced at...OjC 48 to 52-inch widths, specially priced at ...$1.00 75c CHALLIES. AT 50 28-inch all-wool French Challies in cream, pink, light blue, tan, black, red, green, navy, etc.; with neat dots, small figures, floral designs and Persian patterns; colors that are fast and washable nothing nicer tor; house dresses, waists, kimonos or children's wear? regular 65c and 75c line oriced for this fn . sale at 3UC Black Dress Fabrics A complete showing of the world's best makes. such ss Priestley's, Read's and Jamestown fabrics: guaranteed dmck aye. REGULAR $U5 AND $1.5Q GRADES 46-inch Read's black ocean serges, 46-inch black Dunraven Serges, PrICCd At. : u Li 1. r: : .1 c I 46-inch black French Serges, 46-inch black English Chevron, 46-inch black Chiffon Panamas, 46-inch black French Poplins, 46-inch black French Voile. 46-inch black Shadow Striped Lustre, 46-inch black bhadow Check Lustre, 46-inch black Mohair Crisoine. For This Sale I at irose, Unmatchable values at this low prici firdv Men's Section Glance through these offeringi and see what wonderful values we axe offering in our ever growing and popular Men's Section. In style, quality, durability and low-prkeness you'll find these offerings hard to beat. Men's Cotton Sox 15o Values 12&o A special offering of men's heavy cotton Sjx. made seamless with fine elastic ribbed tops; these sox are guaranteed absolutely fast black and are the regular neavy winter weignt; they will give extra good wear; regular 1 5c value, special tOI tor this sale 12k Hen's Negligefe Shirts 31.00 Values 7 Do A social offering of men's Negligee Shirts, made of the best quality Domet flannel; these shirts are of the wearable kind, well made, fit comfort ably, good full -back, extension collar band, all seams felled and are values hard to equal; they come in assorted shades of gray and fancy checks; regular $1 values, special for. Mow- 70 day and Tuesday... -.iiC Men's Underwear . 50o Values 42o A sale ct men's superweight jersey ribbed cotton Shirts and Drawers, made from two-thread combed Egyptian , yarn; the shirts have fine elastic ribbed neck and heavy silk faced front; the drawers art faced with good selicia, have suspender straps and srood pearl buttons: the .excellent garments come in all sites, and are the best MJc value, specially priced for Monday .A and Tuesday HLC Men's Golf Sliirts 8pecially Priced 08o A special bargain in men's Co If Skirts, made with attached caffs and full pleated, bosom, cat coat style; they come in thr new patterns and col orings; all sizes; the best anywhere at any- QQ thing like the price; special for this sale...VuC Big Feature Event Here This Week Is a Special Sale j uunams, rorneres, uoucn uovers In purchasing our regular stocks of Curtains ,and Draperies this season we were given many op portunities to purchase mennfacurers' email lota and sample lots at remarkably low prices in fact prices that barely paid for the material, let alone the cost of manufacturing. In very nearly every instance we made the purchase, and so it is that we are enabled to organise such an important sale of curtains and draperies as on this occasion. Involved in this sale are curtains and draperies of va rious kinds imported and domestic in several grades- to be had at various prices, but all prices are bargain figures. The styles are new and desirable from every point of view. There is going to be a great rush for these vahiea, so don't lose any time in coming. Couch Co vers.Greatly Heduced AT fl.48 F.ACH-Tapestry Conch Covers, 50 inches wide fcand 3 yards long; they come in a large assortment of Roman and oriental stripes; regular $1.75 and $2 values. AT 92.90 EACH Hungarian Tapestry Conch Covers. 3 yards long and 60 inches wide; they come in pretty oriental designs, reversible and fringed all around; regular $3J0 values. Tapestry Portieres, Specially Priced AT 2.25 PAIR Tapetry Portieres. 36 inches wide and 3 yards long, two-toned styles in rich shades of red and green, finished with knotted fringe. . " , AT fS.RO PAIR Brocaded Armure Tapestrv Portieres, 4S inches wide and 3 yards, long; they com in both plain colors and two toned styles, finished with heavy fringe. : Lace Curtains, Special Value AT 05 PAIR White -Scotcli Lite Curtain. 4.' inches wide and 2)1 yards long; a large assort ment of new designs to choose from. AT 1.25 PAIR White Scotch Lace Curtain. 50 inches wide snd 3 yards long, made with pUtn and figured centers, finished with neat border. AT f 1.T5 PAIR White Madras Lace Curta.n., 50 inches wide and 3 yards long; they cone m a complete showing of small neat figure deisns, AT 91.90 PAIR Arabian Corded Scotch Curtains. 45 inches wide snd 3 yards Vine.' ifi4'!e with plain centers, finished with neat borjrrj AT fS-OO PAIR Arabian I!oMnnet La--e C -r-larnt, 45 inches wide and 3 yards long, with pretty Clany lace ege. Art DcxtM of Other S;!tsJ i'.zn tp h IS a f : r i 1 1 i