The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 03, 1908, Page 1, Image 1

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- .... . . . , , '
1 .-
Avoid the Rush
Ily calling earl TODAY with
yoor ! -for Tlw Sunday
Journal. ' '
The Weather Fair tonight and
, Bundajr; allgbtly warmer tonight. . .
VOL. VII. NO. 182.
1 -vJLxlil; n
jS 30,239 1
President Declares Big Stick
Will. Swat Those Who
Criticise His Man Wran
gle in Kepublican Nation
al Committee Grows Hot.
(Cnltfd Prr Leaied Wire.)
Washington, Oct. 3. Republican
politicians are discussing a state
ment given out at the White House
In which it was said that President
Roosevelt indorses . the Hitchcock
. management of ! the Taft ; campaign
and calls. on all Republicans to give
the Republican campaign . manager
their earnest support.
. The Hitchcock situation was discussed
at a cabinet meeting and it' is stated
that the , president waxed,-warm jfhen
Informed of the rumors .tliavt hefiad
been behind a movement to discredit
Hitchcock. He " Is said to ' have ex
pressed himself strongly on'the subject
and declared that he would give any
Republicans who -come to the White
House . with criticism -of Hitchcock a
piece of his mind on the subject.
The president stated that he had not
failed Hitchcock to Washington, . but
that At the Republican manager wanted
to come be would be glad to receive him
and consult with him.
It is-rumored here that the trouble
with the Taft campaign lay with Treas
urer George R. - Sheldon. It is stated
that the president and Taft objected to
the collection of funds from some of
tne corporations with which Sheldon
is allied and that others had stated that
uncic-on ma not get enough money.
- -if
J ":lpil
yMs ijjjfci j . j-
I Will I t'Sffci
4f lit rt?
Strikes on Bar at Tillamook While Leaving Port With
Cargo of Lumoer for Frisco Was Launched Only a
, Short Time Ago.
Tillamook. , Oct t. Passing out late
last night with a cargo of lumber for
San Francisco-, the new steam schooner
Bandon, recently launched at Coos Bay,
truck on the bar. The vessel, com
manded by Captain Reese, took the
wrong channel and struck with great
force. Her crew was rescued by the
life-saving crew. :
After the Bandon struck her crew at-
Supreme COUrt I0r Deter- but the water entered the engine room
ana arove tne men rrom ineir posis.
The lumber cargo kept the ship afloat.
Question, as to Whether In
terstate . Commission . lias
Power to Fix Bates Left to
but she drifted ashore and stuck fast In
uwngorous pari or ins1 naroor en
Tho Bandon was towed from her posi
tion .by tugs, and thence to Garibaldi.
A larae hole was stove In the ves
eel's bottom and ahe muat be beached
and unloaded before ahe can be repaired.
i n isnnaon len Ban iranclsco Monday.
September 21 for Tillamook and loaded
st tne latter port. Her caDtain was die
charged because he failed to make quick
lime on the trip and Reese was In
The ' Bandon was hullt at Kruse &
Banks' yard. North Bend, about seven
months ago; cost $100,000; capacity, 1,-
uuu.uuv leei oi tumoer. ,
77. , 6011 CLIMAX TO
Ban rrancisco. Oct t. The cir-
cult court has refused an In-.
junction in ana is aiviaea on
the question of whether the
facts not brought to the atten
tion of the interstate commerce
commission ean be first Intro
duced In court and whether the
amended complaint . Is stated
grounds for' relief. The lumber
rata case Is now certified to the
United States supreme oourt for
determination. ...
Vancouver Barracks Ser
geant Shoots Fellow Of
ficer in the Back.
Xormn'E.-Mack wb says; Republican National Committee Treasurer
" " ' ' '"--tW' vSheldon ls Trust 'Lover.'. )
In Twinkling He Is Far
From the Scene of His
J V v Crime. !
The daylight burglar r who uses a
bicycle as the means of transporting
nimseir to and rrom the scene of his
'crimes is keeping the residents of the
j suburbs, awake nights and la worrying
the detective department., jrhich has so
, far been unable to obtain any clue as
to his identity,.; other than that he
wears dark clothes and rides a wheel.
Yesterday he perpetrated one success
ful burglary, y the Second ; within the
t week. A number 'of attempts" at bur
glarlea havei been reported, but the de
tectives ' do not ascribe them to the
11 t
Prosecutor of Creek Cases
Makes Direct Charge, to
? Eoosevelt.
(Special Dispatch to The Journal.)
Vancouver, Wash., Oct 8. Because he
believed that he had not been treated
I V. T mil. - A i.a.f ...
fi.n wr-noin it .xrh nne.tinn day shot and seriously wounded , Ser
as to whether .the interstat comnlerc ft'nt)1hn G1tXXrl' "u?. '
commission has the power to fix rail! 1 M the post hospital andf the physl.
road rates and oass .on the reasonabler oln ,a.. .r "" :
ns. of thoie win, be? naesed . u oovery. Aft X-ray machine wi used
to the auDrema court of the United! this afternoon to locate the bullet.
tates. TmmjukftMWiit,. oi r -onoiovoHt should 'he lv-tha--lOTite"w mo
HllUnU UUWII T IIUKCB JUUUVW, ftUCO ai- a t J . kak 4WN nf
nrt nirh.rf At thi TTnltffd HtatM I snyuung
court today when they announced that (the orderly room In I company a quar-
mevraa Deen unaDie. to a (tree on-sev-1 & hi h mi tioinv rattacnea to mis
era! points in -the Southern Pacific i.Mrriin. tn.thoM wha wi
company's amended bill in the Oregon company. According to those wno were
lumber rate case. near, Benham slipped up behind Hurley
What Im Keanlrea. and without warning rirea. i ne Duuei
The law reauires the judges to be entered the small of the back and lodged
unanimous in their decision and states against the ribs. Lieutenant spence
tnat ir tney are not. tne questions on hllrr,H . t the scene an ovemowered
they are in doubt are to .pe ""J " " w.-. " -
11 1 nun J ' l via v. . o
to other noncommissioned
.h. In.sralafa. nnmnarno nmml..lnn a I G.flL HllTleV TOllOWed Ml
the railroad company this afternoon will toward the company room,' but aoon
eiiA wtth th. rlrpnit nniirt a. lint of grew weak and was ai once lanen to
luestlons that they want the United tne noepuai. Beonam w t ra
States eunreme court to decide. is under heavy, guard. . No . specific
xne errect or tne aisagreemeni oi cumio whj Uc u.o.iw ......
iNephew of Secretarj- Metcalf
Said, 3Ioreover, to Be a1
bicycle man.
and does
He la. they sav. an axnert
II UL nuniii m. inn-
There were three cases of attempted
burglary last night none of which was
Blanitney, the pro
successful, lira. D.
. rrletor of . lodging house at 1
Grand avenue, waa - awakened early ii
(the night bv the noise made bv tin
1 men who had suoceeded In getting the
doors of two rooms open but who had
.not yet stolen anything. - The men were
xrigntenea away.
Two men attempted about midnight
to force their-way Into the house of
J. ri. enields, corner or Vancouver and
Killingsworth avenues. They cut away
'a part of the door between the wood
' ahed and the kitchen and were about
i to force the lock, which was on the
Inside, when the noise of the) aroused
family scared uiem away.
An attetnnt mmm marl ml S AVlArlr tfi
the evening to rob the refttdence of
Mrs. R. K. Pauley,-tot East .Twenty
third street The burglars weed m
limmy to force an entrance, by the
. front door and were going through the
neuse max in a a eotieeuen or tne pten-
der they expected -to carry away when
the family, which tied beew away.
; turned., rue trargiare escapes t way
ea mat
zfUnTted Press Leased Wire.) .
Washington, Oct 3. W. L. Sturde-
vant of St. Louis, who Is prosecuting
the townslte suits in Oklahoma In which
Governor C. N. Haskell Is a defendant
has written a letter to President Roose
velt la which he declares that Governor
Haskell Is charged with direct partlci-
atlon In frauds by which Indiana were
eprlved of their property.
Sturdevant says that, through the In
fluence of Governor Haskell and his at
torneys, the trial of the cases has been
The letter states that Attorney Mott,
who represents the Creek nation, and
Sturdevant have urged the hearing of
the cases on their merits many times,
but that in each Instance the matter has
been postponed. The letter was made
Aged Ridgefield Man Would
Will Entire ;Estate to
One Filipino Killed and Two
Avounded; Nine Fanatics
Manila, P. L, Oct . Fifty Morps at
tacked the scouts at an outpost of
Camp Momangan early today and in a
fierce fight that, followed en Filipino
scout waa killed and two probably fa
tally wounded.. Nine Moros were
killed. Reports aav the-fight was one
of the most evening - that has taken
place In aotne time.
(Special Dispatch, to Th Journal.)
Vancouver, Wash,, Oct. J. Because
her. husband Insisted on' deeding . away
all of his .property to hi son, Mrs.
Anna ELCarty, an old and well known
resident of Ridgefield.: this county, has
brought suit in the superior court for
divorce against James . Carty. It ap
pears that this action Is the only legal
way In which she can secure a division
of the Droierty.
The. Cartva have lived at Ridgefield
for many years, and are considered well
to do. -In her complaint Mrs. Carty
mentions 310 acres near Ridgefield and
four valuable - lots - in .Portland. The
husband.-accordln a to Mrs. Carty. has
grown stubborn In his declining years
ana wuilam . carty,' the 14-year-ohi
son, is the only one that has his-good
win. to this dov the old gentleman
proposes to give his property.
Mrs. Carty asks that the' court order
the entire estate checked up and prop
erly divided. ."-.'
(Tnited Press teases' Wire.)
Albuquerque. N. M.. Oct t. Spokane,
Wash., was chosen as the next meeting
place of the National Irrigation con
gress at today's session and the con
gress adjourned until next year.
Th following officers were elected
yesterday: George L.. Barstow, Texas,
president: H. D. Loveland, San Fran
cisco, vice-president; i. p. McDonnell,
Montana, seoona vice-president ; a. , A.
Fowler. Arlsona, secretary; EL McQueen
uray. New Mexico, foreign secretary.
Todays session was enthusiastic and
no reference waa made to the forestry
nam i tnat enaea yesteraay in tne adop
tion of resolutions favoring the policy
of Chief Foreeter Plnchot but asking
ror a court review or the acta of the
forestry department
the judges of the circuit court is to
have the case advanced on the calendar
of the supreme court and It is expected
that the decision will be announced
from Washington in 30 days.
Kailroad's Contention.
Attorney Peter V. Dunne, for the
railroad, made application today to have
the enforcement of the new lumber rate
established by the commission, enjoined
until the decision of the upper court
shall have been handed down, but this
was denied by the circuit court, which
held that the disagreement takes the
matter out of their hands and that the
Southern Pacific muat apply to the
supreme court of the United States for
an injunction.
- Tne injunction win De asKea at once
and if It is not granted the new rate
will go Into effect October 15, the date
set oy tne commission lor the enforce
ment pi tne new rate.
Present Question.
Each side must present to the court
today the list of the questions for the
supreme court. The questions are to be
worded In such a way that they can be
answered with a simple "yes" or "no."
The circuit court will pass upon these
questions to make sure that no ques
tions are naked that have already been
decided by the circuit court
of Hurley's
it the
the result
From the story gathered at the gar
rison, It was a case of Jealousy. Ben
ham was In the hospital some weeks
ago when Hurley, who ranked under
him In point of service, was made act
ing first sergeant. Benham showed
that he did not like this, and It is said
he had declared on several occasions
that he would get even with Hurley.
The 88-callber revolver with which he
did the shooting was purcnasea rrom
local merchant
After being taken to the hospital.
Hurley stated that he did not believe
that Benham was responsible for his
act. as he believed him craxy.
Both men have served several years
In the army and are considered good
soldiers, liuriey especially is very pop
ular among the enlisted men.
ruio mi
(United Preaa Leased Wire.)
Ban Jose, Cal., Oct. 3. -Gilbert Ayles
worth, 17 years old, Is suffering from ,
broken leg and other Injuries received
last night, when he was run down by an
automobile said to have been driven by
Payton Metcalf, nophew, of Secretary of
the Navy Victor H. Metcalf. . ' ..
" The machine was traveling at a high
rate of sored when the accident oo
eurred..,The driver did not atop tou4n
veKflfl'fua the xtAn4? nf .the. bnv'M In
juries , but continued at Increased speed.
a iriena or tne injured no v roiiowea tne
machine on a bicycle and obtained the
license numDer. Metcalf was arrested
later as the owner of the auto. - 1 1
Unable to -deposit S50 cash ball. (Met
calf remained in jail all night in spite
of efforts of his wife to secure his re
lease. .?
Six Harriman- Survevinc
Crews Laying Out Line
into Central Oregon -Oregon
Trunk Has Eights to
Madras. . , . -
One Instantly Perishes; Two
WTill Die; Others Are
"We are having a pretty big fight
for the ' Deschutes route through
Central Oregon. Building a railroad
Into' that part of the country lan't all .
plain sailing. Harriman has half a Sozen
surveying crews In. Deschutes eoun-
try now, and It looks as though It were
going to be a race to 'see who would
get through there first" said TV. F. Nel-
aon of the Oregon Trunk Una Just be
fore leaving for Central Oregon last
ight . - r
That Mr. Nelson's view of the central
Oregon situation is justified by the facts
seems certain when it Is known that
the Southern Pacific has sent four sur-
eying crews out this week from the of
fice of Chief Engineer Boschke, that
they were taken to Shanlko in a special
tram, arriving there at 2 o'clock in the
morning, and are now at work on the-'
Deschutes route. ' .
, v . JMgnts of way ffscured.' ' '
fcver since the first survey for the'
Oregon Trunk line waa made Mr. Nelson
and his associates, who Were tsoncerned "
in the contracts for the building of the
North Bank road and . the Columbia
Southern have, been . at i work se- '
curing rights of way from the mouth
of the Deschutes river, St Deschutes, to
Madras, 80 miles south, Crook cpun-
ty. The trunk line has secured 95 per.
cent of Its right of way, and through the .
Deschutes canyon. , the most important '
Fart of the route, has, secured-a grant -rom
the government , of . 1 on ; feet nn
each side of the track. v.
"This Will erlve ua . nlenttr ' nnn'
and, although it will not keep other
railroads 'out of the canyon - oy any .
means there are two aides tr th. i-u-r
It gives us the choice of routes." said '
Mr. Nelson. "We consider central Or.
?:on is big enough to support three or
our railroads, however, and shall not
attempt to keep other lines from run
ning up the Deschutes canyon."
Ho Heavy Grades. '
From the standpoint Of the railroad '
surveyor, the Deschutes river Is said in
offer one of the best natural north and
south rights of way in the country. '
There are no heavy grades to contend .
with;' the divide being so low that It is
almost impossible to tell when It has
been passed, and.; although there . 'are
some difficult construction problems of
fered In the canyon route, it Is claimed "
that a railroad built through th r.
chutes canyon will have practlcaly ail.
the central Oregon country as its terri
tory. : ,
Every effort at new construettnn fhn
far made by the Harriman lines haa
been in the direction of . drawing ' the
ef the back door. It la believe
the same men attempted the three dlf
ferent burglarise. They seem to have
' been playing in hard luca last Bight
I,. .". ; . ' ; i :
rt4 rrm Leasee" Wire.)
limit Falls, B. D-, Oct t At least
ne ant probably three boys irer killed
whm t pwder bovees swne-t by tke
Iarsoei Hardware eottipany blew up tv
tr. lhr rrie t'fn he-. THe rs
re p'sjirs ern( the T rij
mhn t-e etrl1 cyrH T -1
- . Portland, Orr gon, September 2S, 190R.
Oregon Daily Joornal: . ,
Cntlemn Advertising psya. The onartrr block at Ninth and
Hancock we advertised exclusively in The Journal, brought us a
customer and the deal is closed. Notwithstanding we discontinued
thead several dsyt ari we are still receiving inquiries.. Yotirs truly,
S ' BUCHTEL A KERNS. 360 fait Morrison street
Vea. advertising psys whta the right medium is selected." The
Jcnmal circulates thorocghly in Portland and Oregon, reaching the
homes of the mattes and the classes. The tetttmony rf unbtaied
realty dealers is coacltssive evi!ence f the superiority of The 'Jour
nal as real estate medium. Nothing bet prejudice csn snake an sd- '
Tertiser so blind as to obstruct the rtKifttimenfil te ttimeny of leading
advertisers, who do rot hes;te L give cre?rt where it bel'mgv
It Trs to re in The Jrjrrl srd in tr hr-f. '
Portland's Mail for 6 Months
Exceeds Puget Sound
' City's.
Durng the period of six months when
all the "malls of the postal department
were . being weighed, ending December
II last a report of which work baa Juat
been received by Postmaster aflnto,
there were 122,517 more pounds of net
mall sent out of the Portland office
than from the Seattle office during the
aame'length of time.
All told during th time that the
welghlnat order waa in effect there ware
i.mi.ih pounds or mall Dispatched from
tbe Portland office, while (teattle's total
la but S,74.7T. giving' the Roes City
ISS.BST pounoa tne auvantage or tna city
on Puget sound. .
The report Is of records, welxhlnc
number of pounds bandied and the reve
nue that the department derives from
tbe postal system. Tho order wes sent
eut by the poetmagter general at the re
quest of members of the Kseo commis
sion appointed by congress to make a
toorourh Investigation into the business
methods of the Dostefftee denartnaent
and ail Its various feranchea.
Assistant Poetmatr John J. Phlnlev!
eowipareal the figures of tbe Portland!
tiioe, -tm tnooe or the Seattle depart
ment and with tbe result that Portland
exeeeds the figure of tho other city by
're than lSS.ees found.
Foe all ef Oreg"" during tho elx
month a, t.ttMIl pounds of mall were
oot out
Tbe purr- of tbe Keep eomtnlawtna,
which work Is now gnlnar on. Is to find
oot. If prelbi. if the railmeds are r
r!vin t mvii num.r frnm Vsrle
Bam for heeling tre. mat!, where, ex
pi t prtnwt may t-e rvr
ta') If - poeelMe e y nhat mesne.
Auto Fiend Runs Down Two
and Makes His Very Swift
est Getaway.
(Col ted Preaa Leased Wlra.l
New York, Oct. 8. Edward W. Ryan
was killed and Miss Josephine Wagner
was fatally Injured here today by a big
automobile that knocked them down aa
they were returning from the theatre.
The driver of the car opened his
throttle and did not stop to ascertain
the extent of the Injuries of his vic
tims. The police are searching for the
automobile, but Miss Wsgner is In such
critical condition that ahe can give no
adequate description of the vehicle.
. (United Press Leased Wire.)
Chicago,-: Oct- S. One person
killed, two fatally hurt and over a score
were burned when a ladle containing
tons of molten iron overturned at the
shops of the Grand Trunk comnanv to
day. The metal engulfed the workmen I great central Oregon trade Into CaJIfor-
HKe a stream or lire, and one was in-1 nla. All the feeders - that hav hnn
stantly burned to death. The others I planned I by th Southern Pacific have
ran tor ineir lives, nut . an s.irt was I Den sn constructed tnat hinmn emn
me now or tne metai, wnicn waa spat-1 central uregon will oe diverted to San
tered In every direction, that It cauahc I Francisco instead of to Portland, the
natural uMiv tnnver ox ins state. Tne
Oregon Trunk line, however, would work
in exactly the opposite direction. Run
ning down the Deschutes river. It srnniil
carry all central Oregon' crops to the
uoiurnDia river ana tnus to. rortland.
. Xspee Works for California.'
The new Klamath Falls. extenalnn nf ''
tne Moutnern pacific will attract ti
trade of the southern Oregon country to
California, and as it-is thia line that
Harriman nas piannea to, extend north-
wara into central uregon. it would nat.
uravlly bring it about that that nart nf
tne stats wouin also oecome aenendent
uiants' rrenner Slabster Is r m Nein .d aP.rty t men mter.
eatea in tne construction or the Oregon
Trunk left Isst night for Deschutes, snd
will spend two weeks going over thn
rout of the road as far aa Madras, and
Inspecting the work that la now under
........ ,,, . t . J V11R k
several before they could escape.
Batted for Three Buns
by Quakers.
(United Press Leased Wire.)
Philadelphia, Oct. S. In aa effort
keep up their winning streak, Matth
son was put Into the box be thai v
York Nationals today In the flrat
vi in. ua; against r-niiaaeipnia. wltn
Bresnahan on the receiving end. - Co
valeskl and Dooin formed the Oiiak.r
Final score New York. 2: Philxtal-
pnia. a.
The School Is the Foundation
of Solid American Citizenship
Knowing tho Importance of eneouraginar Interest In our
The Journal will tomorrow Inaugurate a new department cf The fuaday
of school children and
th ad-
Morning Journal devoted to the work
vancetnent oi teacners.
The special Schonl Department will bo a regular feature of Th
Sunday Morning Journal. Tbe lean of Tomorrow will Contain aJ-Udes
bv Professor Rigler and other well-known educators, and drawings and
abort stories by pupils of th public schools.
Th Sunday Morning Jonrtisl Magaalae section leads with Illus
trated art teas entitled "putting th Tramp Out of Bustoeee," a story con
cerning the labor problem.
"Work of the Portland Commons' wfll pleas thne taterearteg ta
charity work In Portlasid. - , ,
Read Mary IV Pendered's short story, "txv In tdlenoaa. Thee
storie are particularly strong features of th Magatine.
w "Rmurgltng Be la Woman's Boaot" Hew custom Taous dutle
w are evaded.
X Mad ford and Its riches. A story t Oregon lodastrlal lif.
"How Ow Must Dree Befor th Ktng" Ker are th latest
4 tortal. aecreee put Into erteca by King KdwarC
THEN TO.UirGW Fwur daeey eamle pag'S Hoilgn
T unci lui ana au u rest er tne fen-makera. .
T COWS V OF NFTWg Tw leased wire) glre Tb Journal th beet
X there Is ta th news line.
Bride of, Three Days Kills
Husband Who Was Com
pelled to Wed.
est Bar- X
Novr'sjhc Time to Order the Sund3f Kerning-kvrr.zl
- T tVBJteg peeas lews Wlr. -Franklin.
Lav. Oct I Shot five time
by bis lS-year-old ferld will he was
sitting st. his desk today. A. Srdnrv
Bouterle. editor of th New Era of rat-
tereojv Roar bere, la -dying In a Vol
sanltaiiam. His hrMe, Jaaele Bo-ifer-.
oaaui'l l young girt. t tM tn J
he a.ln.ita a e'lo-mrg an1 ears hr
huhenl ref iej lo )! rnffi fcr.
Th tii inr rauae-1 a rie a-ra.'' -
her as tn vmmg paf- it. ;
kaxww and of yo.d ramii. Tk y
girt wal:-e4 1n hr tiuS".1a '
rA ir-l r-;r, blank t IVm
w a s at anrlt S-a errf-t- ta .
Ibio h!s f.".-a- tt-f f'r he 1
e tm t"a "ir 1 ' . a - -
loved -alf to ! a- i
Jo f'iiv.fci(ff. J ' o r
Vttfr. Ir-f. i -u' a t.n ' f I
er.far I i' ' 1 .
ef t '-a 1 a 1 h e 1 i -
SS a-- -a t ft i - a . .
Tva e .' aa i a "
p-.a( tt if
rat M . . -
, f -a-l 1. f - ' - ,
tt.rt:rB tr f r -, a i n!s I tff TmttmrTm mtvHt? mHHm
-' i an i r .rrr ceiai.s or ir.e s s-,