THE- OREGON.. DAILY JOURNAL," PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING. OCTODER 2. 1D08. 21 f- UL -S SITUATIONS FEMALE WANTED. BY MIDDLE-AGED AMER len lady, position housekeeper. 11 Munlnn (. T OT'n .rXJTjYWTETltA roaiTTGN ae office girl or clerk lit email tore. N.lkl Journal. couufiKD-woyAV win. wabiI and rotyay.liK.iay.a. . . BTORLS AND OFFICES 11 WANTED AGENTS ,8 AOENTS TO SELL DIOZO: BIO money. Call at (14 Commercial Bldg,, Portland Ploso co. FURNISHED ItOOMS Pacific Hotel 114 Columbia at. Room single r an fulie; steam heat: hot and cold water n all rooms; free bath and phone. Rates tfto to $ UK day. (3,60 to $ 4week. LAl'oniTHo'usB. id and YamhillT 11.60 to ll.oo par week. Large ouu ' '" rooma. - hotel - oilman, nice comfort. abla rooma by wwk or month; raUa reeeonable. HlHlil at. 1 TS2yTTrNErofl RENT only oant ft word. I tnaartlona for the prlo of I. the Rary furnished ROOMS. $1.8 per wall and u p. 303H Beoo n d. TWO NICK FURNISHED 8LKliNO rooma. 104 12th at., bet. Waatilnfton ana istaric. F-NIoHbINGLK ROOM. RUNNING WA ter, furnar heat, desirable house arid i..-i . , , ii.ii . men; brat home cooking. I88.M1 11th, MBtwwn i ayiur anu .aiming ROOMS AND BOARD 15 PORTLAND COMMONS. .' Louise Home, a home - aw a from home, for ilrla only; modern conven iences, baths, green lawn, board and room It and up. 171 Cable at., cor. Mill. Phone Main 178 or Main 1468. ROOM AND BOARDPRIVATE) FA M- lly; home cooking; gas, bath , and phonaV 491 Everett at , t WANTED-TWO GENTLEMEN. TO board and room: 323.6Q. month; pri vate houae. 893 llth at. ' . . . UNFURNISHED RO03IS ,10 I. UNFURNISHED CONNECTING housekeeping rooma, within 'walking distance, rent reaaonablo. 144 E. Mor rison at. UNFURNISHED ROOMS. INCLUDING light,' hot and cold water, bath, eto; reasonable. 26 N. Met at. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING' 8 TWO HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, CON talnlng cloaeta, alnk, gaa, exchange for weekly washing, and ironing; near ateel bridge. Phono East 4846 after ( p. m-i or Sunday. , . . 272 MONTGOMERY -ST,. COR. 4th 3 nicely furnished rooms, ground floor; wanting distance; gaa, pain. FIRST-CLASS OUTSIDE OFFICE , rooms for rant in naw building; ataam neat, electrlo and gaa light, with lanl tor rvlra. N. JC cor. 1.1 and Msdleoit for Rt;NT7No"v KMtEn i"stouk22 4 feet; No. 148 3d at, next to I-nox hotel. Apply room No. 8. 2d floor. only l cent word. 8 Insertions for the price of I, - omcETooMS1 ANfc puriL.5 haLLH. AiisKy bldg.. Sitl and Morrison ata. HOUSES FOIl RENT, FURNITURE FOR SALE sa NAP 8 ROOM COTTAGE, RENT $20 furniture. Including Decker piano, sewing machine, etc., 1.60; 1 block from car, 10 mlnutea from center city... Phone j arwr IB. - MOPERn KOUfeg.' H ROOMS. ELEff trio lights, gaa, bath, well located, piry piare. t none fa hi ma. UjlNUINB FOR RKNT ADS COST only 1 cent a word, I inaartlona for in, price or f. IjtoD reIaLlY frANf 't6 belL ") Portland Auction Co, will pay you lMt'a worth. Main 84S8; A-4111. . Neat. 8-ROoi; corner ii6usfi i or rent end furniture for aal: ra. sonabla. Call mornlnas. SaO ftth at. . WANTEDTO RENT. 7 BUSINESS WOMAN DESIRES FUR tilahed room. October 10:. mnitaria price, weat side, central; gas plate or kitchen Drlvlleaea: - bath V an1 nhnn. r m M T . . . iriit, tfuiiinai, WANTED LIGHT, fUrnISTIeS room, cloee In, not more than 810 a month: give full particulars. L-348, WANf ED 8 UNFURNISHED ROOMS; must be light 2d floor. N-lBfi. Journal HAVE YOU A HOt78E TO RENTf PUee It on our lift. Hartmaa Thompson, Chamber of Commerce. WANTED MISCELLANWUm- 5 TUB PKNVER AUCTION ' HOUSS pars klfcle"t caah price for koueohold rtirnlture. Ill ian at. . 1'bonea A-Itt. Main 8413. Want ED-LiBlfc A AKT 'ofctr.B- men's clothing. The O, K. store. Ill 111- Front at. 6 pSfCA4iirFbR Y61)R FURNiTt'RK: prompt attention always given. E-IT CASFORHT6To7Z) oools7Tav ace aVPenntill. 44-lT let Pae. 344. CTotTi IKfuXnItTJre. 1 W-iisTTli N. 3d, HI gheat price paid; aUejnUon. EXCHANGE MISC. 25 TOUR OLD PI ANOOR ORGAN TA.kI en In exchange for any new rlano In our stook (or ttg full value. Ellers Piano House. 650K8 uOuailf." floLb 11 AWb EX- ohanged. Book exchange.' ! tin SU oppoaite pnatorrice, . ACCt)UNTA NTs. si h roi.uH tit Worcaater block, t'ublla aeeountant and eatate aaont. Auditing, Invaatlsal Ing, ayatamaliilng, permanent keeping of bonk a and records a spaciaiyf. . OHORiJR .BLACK, .PI'DI.IC A l 'CO I ' N T A NT. 323 Worcester Building. Phone Main 71. ' ASSAYER8 WELLS 4k PROEBflTPJL, ASSATERS, analyL ehemlsta, 104 H WaaA. M. lata, BtHINENS CARDS 48 CLEAN TOWELS DAILT HOUSEHOLD NEEDS 48 Pnl Kemmerer eoaL the best Wyom vVU ng coal; give more beat and less hT Churohley Broa. 13th and kiaranall ata monti Main m, lfA Pro im Butter. Milk and 'Cream. ICC KjIVMU. Aiblna Creamerv Co. Wlnoa O'Malley and Neuoerger. 837 Wllieaw'aah. Choloe wlnea, liquors and cigars. UooK lor our out-raie aata, Free delivery. Phona Main !394. - OAS MANTLES. 2Sc. BARRETT'S. PERSOXAXj za HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC. 18 FOR 'SALE SPAN OF HORSES SIX years old, - weighing 3,130. Will aell at reasonable price for caah, or will accept a '1,200 or 1,300-pound, sound young Iiorae in part payment. Bon- nam at uurrier, est. jonns. Or. HOR3(E8 AND BUGGIES FOR- REN by day. week and month: speolal rates to htiatnaaa hmiH.a aiK mnA Jtaax (J. U6Rm FOR' SALE!, 2S. lN"iLLiRH 32. 3d at MULE AND 8 GOOD HORSES FOR sale cheap. Call 420 Hawthorne ave. WE TREAT BOTH MEN AND WOMiCW. - v. i a a a, n mnA tilMran a ana. clalty; maternity cases given special at tention; sanitarium In connection. - All private ana waating ancana pv"i cured, and their affects permanently re- IllUVm 1IVUI UV " I M.W.... -ww-.- - and advice free; correspondence confi dential. Columbia Sanftarlurtl. offices 18-86, entrance room 32, Raleigh bldg., Bin ana wiininijiun mm., S4 - MORRISON SPLENDID - BAY- . window front rooms, large, airy, well furnished; phones; good location. 11.60 WEEK UP LARGE. CLEAN furnished housekeeping rooms, laun dry and bath. 184 Sherman sL. south. PortlHnd. GEktrirttt f6r RENT ADS COr only- 1 cent a word, 3 Inaertlona for the price of 3. f 1.81 WEEK UP CLEAN FUR ntahed housekeeping - rooms. . batu. laundry, furnace heat, yard. Stanton- St. . U.- car. ,, LARGE. tlOHT ROOMS, NICELY furnlahed; running water. BOSH Alder FOB SALE LIVESTOCK 85 FOR SALE S FRESH COWS; PRICE reasonable: at Jannlnea' Tuta at. tlon. George Morse. FOR SALE 2 FRESH COWS. St. Johns car. get off at Vancouver go norm v diooks to No, TAKE 1417, NICE FRESH JERSEY COW. 30. Ill 8. Fir St. Laurelwood ata, Mt Scott car. ' THREE FRESH COWS; 6NS LAROE mnxer. 417 urand ave. and Karney St.. Montavllla. Phone Tabor 1228.. LADIES "DR. SOUTHINGTON" POS- Itlvely guarantees Die conceniramu Semi-Vegetable Ergo-Kolo "Monthly" Compound. Safely rellevea some of the longest, most ODSiinaie BDnormai In three to five daya. No harm, pain or Interference with work. Price, 31.60. Double strength. 32. "Ladles' Booklet." Free. Buy of druggist or write Dr. Southlngton Remedy Co., Dept. 40, Kan- aag City, -MQ. ' ; ' THE ULENCOB SANITARIUM. LO cated at 864 Montgomery, at. All tnantai mil narvnui diseases . treated; the whiskey, morphine, opium and co calna hahlta cured la 48 hours; we rninniM ruin nr Bufferlna: no mon- - ,,nll iin.ti4 thnrntiirhlv satisfied Call and investigate our method of treatment the fundamental principle of which is the destruction of that crav ing which prompts the . desire ior me drug or stimulant. Phone A-!m COMB. Portland Laundry Tow; Supply Co 8tb aod Loucn sts, brush. ,oap, 31' per month. Phone 410. uowu, Davis company, loft 3d si', Blank- books Di d: aits for Jones' Improved Looee-Leaf ledgers) see .the new r;urewa leaf. A-lim, Main waTHTkiJ c"5n6T r uCtISH Co Street paving, sidewalks and cross- mi ii LuuiDer Kxciianga ADOLPil A. bWDllTTirVlRflT ST carrtea a full and complete assort- ment of butchers' auppllea RU- 1'IN " ROOFI mm: and gei "TTVT'Vntf oTT77a pairing and general lobbing. J. losll. 313 Jefferson at. Paolflo 1434 F. E, BEACH A CO THE PiONEKH ' Paint Co. Window glass and glaa- ing, is first at. , Phone nil C. ' F. PFLUGER. NOTARTY PUBLIC. commlsxioner of dead a Deutschea notarlat. R. 14 Mulk-y bldg. tiTand Mor. K CO.. 74 Front, description, tap CHA8. L. MASTIC leather of -very mrrs. rindinfi, 5Tlto ' t. K. oILl" "CO. STATIONERS, booksallara office outfitters, engineers'. draughtmen's suppllea 183 3d cor. Alder, VONNHKBERt te HANiHAtn tin, blumbera. 808 Burnalde. Main t 3318. JA8. Mol. WOOD A CO.. ALL KINDS Ok" Insurance, surety bonds. McKsy bldg. THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING CO, Portland office, 404 Worceater bldg. NEU KINGS LEY. 2C8 role and granite land'a leading mar 1ST., PORT- wks. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES 44 OWESI APARTMENTS. 280tt -.HUB sell St., two housekeeping suites with phone, gas and bath. ' PLEASANT SUK'NY HOUSEKEEPING rooma, . private phone, walking dis tance. Call 868 Hawthorne ave. 314 3-ROOM SUITE.. COMPLETELY furnished house-keeping; also, suite two, 89. 246 N. 17th. St. , fWO LARGE FURNISHED- HOUSED keeping rooms; gas. - Data,, pnona, walklag-dUtance, wee 4 sldr 81. - 148 Porter st. SUITE OF -NICELY- FURNISHED housekeeping rooms for rent, cheap, to adults. 309 Market st-. ' TWO FURNISHED - HOUSEKEEPING rooms, walking distance, 179 20th st, 1 block south of Washington. FOR RENT-FOUR FURNISHED OR unfurnished housekeeping; rooms; ' 430 Burnslde Bt. Phone Main 762-. ' FOR "RENT 2 FURNISHED HOUSE: yard keeolng taa Mairj bi rooms; modern; basement; f none-Mam' SUITE OF 2" SMALL HOUSEKEKP Ing rooms nicely furnished, 312; bath, eaS and phone. 421 6th et. . x OZY HOUSEKEEPING SUITE CEN- ally located, with use oi oam. phones. 364H E- Morrison St. , APARTMENTS 48 Bit Sacrifice Sale of Automobiles Now Is your chance. Runabouts from 2326 to 3676; touring cars. 3450 to 31,860; all in A 1 condition; come early for choice. PORTLAND AUTOMOBILE COMMIS- SION HOUSE, Phones East 614, B-1261. 116 Grand ave. TOURING CAR, GLASS FRONT, ALL new tires, gaa lights, all complete and In Al condition, $826. Call 116 Grand ave. or phone East 614. B-2281. v IOR SNAPS ON SECOND-HAND AU tomoblle. call on Portland Motor Car Co., 628 Alder. Main 2583. A-4944. AUTOMOBILE AND MARINE GAS EN glnes repaired. James D. Fall. 244 2d. L f W?1- INSTRUMENTS 34 OLD VIOLINS BOUGHT AND SOLD; eperi repairing violins, mandolins and guitars. . ju. winters, -is TUford Diag. ; UPRIGHT PIANO 390, ORGAN $26; lessons 60c, all Instruments. 43 M 1st Main- sru. Newklrk, electrical Institute, cure all curaDie uiseasea even n ui onu dumb are curable with our Fowler sys tem of aDDlvtne- electricity. Come and get a good sweat with our improved electric blanket; no cure, no pay. Call at 360 Mi Morrison, room 80. Main 2011. Mrs. A. Hamot Cures rheumatism, nervous troubles and all chronic disorders by electrical and magnetic treatments; vapor and tub batha for ladles and gentlemem 208 6th. near Taylor. LADIES DR. SANDERSONS COTTON Root Pills will "do the work" when all others fail; they always "bring results' ; 3,000 boxes sold last year; every box bears the government stamp and Is guaranteed; price $2, or 8 boxeafor 36. T. J. Pierce, 2.U Allsky bldg.. 266 Mor rison st. ' ' ' " Men Cured LAWYERS' ABSTRACT A TRUST CO. M. 660. A-4222. room . Board of Trade BATHS TEMPLE OF HEALTH. TURKISH. Russian.' plain and electrlo batha; cure rheumatism and nervoua diseases; pen day and night 244 H Alder at IKXJ AND HORSE HOSPITAL. DR. C B. BROWNS IKXJ AND HOR83 hoapltat, Uf N. 4th St. Phones Main 4014; A-4014: re.ldanca. Paclfla 34. Ltlf ROMKlNNELSriiTlt AND-DT vlalon ata Tahor HI I-ye boardad. DEH.MATOLtXilSTM ENCORCHMENT TREATMENT fOR an raaiurai dererm tlea or ma race. U Courtrlght. 33 FUldner bldg. 6043. DRES8MAKINQ REAL- ESTATE DIRECTORY REAL' 1CBTATB ANT TIMBER DRALERS At.PHABKTTCAt.LT' ARRANOKD FOR TUB CONVENIENCE OF JOURNAL KEAXkiiu Observant ones are realising that realty values are Increasing tad are making judicious Investment. There la nothing ta Indicate thai values will decrease In years to coma Consult a real estate agent If .you are thinking of making an Inveatment FIRST-CLASS . DRE8B MAKING ATI lowest prices. . Mrs. Angeles, 341 llbl and Main. I CitTrhtiMAklK'a.'pUlN BEtV'iNG And children's sewing, prices reasonable.! ADDRESS. ..til Featon Bldg T3CXJCPHON3t ,' . '.Home A-4111 EMPLOXMLAT AGENCIES C R. Hansen. Jr. EMPLOYMENT OFFICES. Man. IS N 2d. Main 1613. Women. 843 H Waaa sc. Mala 8413. Help supplied free to employers. Trayers &. HanJey EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. 7 N. 3d at. Main 727. A-3290. PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. ..Phono fscirio us at Phone Paolflo 18B ' NAM3S Adair. & D. Clark. O . K. and Cook. J. W ,,,..883 Chamber of Com. ...M-641T, A-3JH Cook aV Co.. B. 8. 607-601 Corhett Bldg ...M-963, A-3I4S Chapln 4 Harlow' ........ .....426 Chamber of Commerce M-llil Croaaley Co.. Tha J08-3 Corbet t Bldg ,....M-TIM. a4M1 Columbia Trust Co. (Swlnton) tl4 Couch Bldg. 36441. A-llll Coast Realty Co. ......330 Lumber Exohanga ..W-1143. A-4148 Conklln Broa, ....803 RotbchUd Bldg ......T-304. 33-3331 children's sewing, prices reasonable. aker, A. A. ., ...,.,.,118 A b Ing ton BIdf M-3764. A-11IT 14 ' N, 14th at. Prong-Sleale Co. .....lift Second A. as M-Istl TJllTTsTMA KIN (1 " A T ' IliMli: tllitEn PuPk, wFvilln,l!0" 14 Chamber of Commerea Vrtul rVasunshU. 409 E. 14th. Sell woodT44 iluttarworth Jk Stephenson Co, Ina ....34 Lafayette Bldg, th 4k Wash. .14-8(28 Runn-Lawrenee Co. 348 Alder raoer. Arthur 818H Washington... Dean Land Imp. A Colonisation Cav. ..431 Chamber of Commeroe Main 4118. A-i . .A-I41S, M- iroe..A i, M- 3311 3178 1373 JAPANESE AND CHINESE EMP AOCY 310 Davis st Main s0. A-1771. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES PACIFIC ELECTRIQ ENGINEERING Co. Vtntora for aala or rant; wiring and auppllea. 313 3d at m t ELECTROLYSIS Kapey-Melne Realty Co, ...818 Commercial Bldg ..........31-108 Fuehs. F. 131 U Morrison Pa a. 3118. A-4038 Ootdaehmldfs Agency 263 H Washington 1,13 4b A-3058 Ooddard. H. W. 110 Second .....A M-1743 Holbrook Co.. F. B. (Trvington Park) .. 1 Worcester Bldg .14-831 Holmes 4k Menefea (Irvlngtoa) S3 Third ...M-C00 Hawthorne Realty Co. 1031 Hawthorne av. eor. 14th. Tabor 31 Howard Broa (18 Swetland Bldg .Main 1(6 Jaekaon A Deerlng jaoons-sitina co. 34 Stark MS 4 1 , , . v., . . . . . . . . a,,. ruin jn-eeea. (Belle Crest. Berkley, Dover) MOLES, WRDNKLKS. SUPERFLUOUS nair removed. Mrs. miil lie jieionar. M. GASOLINE ENGINES rrnilngaworth, W. nnapp m a,n . ... i vuimovr oi Keaaey 4k Co, D. B. (Halghta property) Office on Heights Lang, W. H. . STATIONARY AND MARINE; ELEC- trlo aouipments; laanohea eooeeaorlee; wholesale and retail; engine repairing. rteieraon Machinery CO, l Morrison. HOTELS 333 Chamber of Commeroa ....M-458T 7 cnamber or comic erce. .A a M-zois .....A-1174 .140 Chamber of Commerce. ..Main 13(1 Mall 4k Von Borstal 104 Second .A aV M-143 Moor Investment Co. .....318H Washington A 4k M-378T Moffett. L L.,.,.. 433 Xnmber Exchange A-747 Oraron Real Estate Co.. The O. W. P. Land Co. Immigration Bureau. Firs 88H Third .... t. and Alder EUROPEAN BICYCLE REPAiniNQ. APEX BICYCLE CO.. BUY. SELL. EX change, repair, manufacture motor cyclea and bicycles. 126 12th St. THE HUMMER BICYCLE. ELECTRIC al and aaeollne repairing and sun dries; key-flttlng.8J4BtarltM7m. CHIROPRACTORS DR. G. B. BRIETLING GRADUATE P. S. C. 221 Marquam bldg. A-1412. DR. L M GORDON. GRADUATE P. B. C. 204 6 Oreg. blda. Phona A-l3. COAL AND WOOD 40 V. D. SMITH DELIVERS FIR WOOD direct from cars to you; all wood A No. 1, out of big live trees, first growth, thick bark: special prices In large amounts. Phone Main 6683; A-5S86. STEEL BRIDGE FUEL CO. FOR xrreen and drv slabwood. blocK wood. eordwood; special price In quantities on 4-ft. cord and slabwood; prompt deliv ery. Phone E. 424, C-177S. HOTEL PORTLAND. man onlv! 11. IB dav. HOTEL OREGON, EUROPEAN PLAN. ..M-1T0T M-4413, 11 Com'clal Club Bldg, M-K9I, A-3468 4k Co. 86 Alder ..,.14-144. BELVEDERE. European; 4th and Aider? Palmer, H. P. ... Parrlsb, Watklns Ralston. I, O. (Ralston Hgta). Amsrican Bank Tth st ...M. Ill" LIVERY AND SALES STABLES. 106 STABLES. HACKS. LIVERY. boardlne- mnA aala: filrnltura moving; 122 Union av.; East $682; nlgtt phono Main 1044. W. A. Hessian, rrop. Sweek A Chamberlain Sweet Elnathan Swenason AV Co, A. F. Schalk. Georae D. . . Schaafer. George J, M-4871. . , .l-ir. LOCKSMITH WE MAKE KEYS, REPAIR LOCKS, aharpen knives, scissors, all ktnda of general repairing; bicycles a specialty. io Morrison st Stevenson A Taylor Star Real Estate Co. Shields. J. H. C. C. Hlekok.. Thompson e Ogdon v7ord, T. M. ,........ Wells A Co.. J. L. White, B. F. ,11 Swetland Bldg A A aM.aalh.A TI1J aaaaaaaeaasW Ul Utlll 1)1U, 363H Washington ..A A M-30 24 Btark M-893. A-339I, ,,, 817 Chamber of Com... M-6316. A-1632 (Coos Bar next) , Ill Buchanan Bldg M-1294) 170U Third M-337 , 80S Gerllnger Bldg M. 843 , 848 Mississippi Ave Woodlawn 201 , 418-414 Board of Trade. .A-2641. M-4B4V. , 30 Chamber of Com. ..A-3366. M-4544 - Labbo Bldg. A-134L M-T334 MANICURING AND MASSAGE 45 UP-TO-DATE MASSAGE AND MANI- curlng parlor; facial maaaage. ana scalp treatments; experienced attend ants. Room 4. 850 H Morrison st, juu- ner bldg. Phone Main 3o4. CoalCar Lots SHIPPED TO ANY POINT. CRYSTAL ICE & STORAGE CO. Quickly and permanently; modern elec tric treatment lur .... i.kiii,v Ptla cured without operation or pain. Consultation Tree. w. i. noirsru, in. j-'.. " w child bldg.. 4th and Washington. . FOfl SALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 3 $ $ 3 S 3 6 3 3 3 4 8 ' if you want furniture cheap go to the DOLLAR, at 282 1st atreet. PORTLAND. Retailing at leaa th-n wholesale price thla week. Don't mis thla sale if you . want the goods. THE DOLLAR. 231 1st Bt 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 8 3 3 THE WALLOJVA APARTMENTS, 189 and 193 W. Park; nicely furnished housekeeping 'rooms; also furnished rooms; modern .conveniences. Phone A-1872. Prices reasonable. 1 " -' FOR RENT HOUSES 12 WHEN YOU MOVE TOU ALWAYS need soma furniture. Buy at no-rent prices; tha , savings will exceed cost of moving. We own our own . building; occupy one-half: collect rent on balance. MORGAN-ATCHLEY FURNITURE CO, Grand ave. and E. Stark. Phone E. 1929, We Buy ana Sell Exchange and repair everything. Ex- change Furn. House, 208 1st M. 42,90, We Will Paint Your Roof With Hayden Hpof PalntJ guaranteed. Hayden Paint Co.. 264 Taylor st. - Mrs. J. M.tWood bath? if !s Cnot"weaken. iturlfTe.'and nvigorat-a The most perfect cur. f?r rneumauain. . av - x.Z:. mii.j kUa min nnfi Wtmnlnflrton. DESIRABLE , COMPAN Y i;oUND FOR lonely people or strangers, either sex, BOO to select from; photos on file: meet ings promptly arranged by phono with use of parlors; private place to mall or receive letters; membership 32: register of members, 10c. Portland lntroducln Bureau. 211 Allsky pldS- ' FIR' GROVE SANITARIUM STRICT, ly a maternity hospital, where ladies can have tho best care at reasonable nnfi inv Dhvslclan they choose. Office 508 Merchants Trust bldg-, 3264 Washington st. i-none main "f. Tanhella Maokle. vrti7T ferns KfAY NEED ATTENTION for diseased conditions or glasses. We fit glasses ngnt ,ana ireai pyea, m r catarrh in any iirm. iU1JraUivr;i,.r .ny Co.. 808 Merchants' Truat bldg. S2t4 Washington at COAL HAS ADVANCED $1 PER TON and UKely to advance more; wood win follow. Place vour orders. , H. F. Lee, 827 Board of Trade. Main 3849. YAMATO WOOD any place in town, fir wood out of . big 5. East 818. B-1867. YARD DELIVER The beat seasoned timber, $4 60 to E. 6fh and Main. aoiwiTivir. MiRSRIIHH GIVES ELEC- trical, thermol, alcoholic, medicated treatment, genuine tub baths, chiropo dist manicurist. 8 ana Kajeigii ymg. EXPERT MASSEUSE, GIVES SCIEN- tlfic massage treatmenta: aiao cnir opody and manicuring. 86 lty Morrison, room it. .'.Tir. BPBIMrt TttB BATHS. MAS- aage and chiropody. 291H Alder, room 1, SOUTH PORTLAND SLABWOOD CO. Main 1689. A-8842. Blockwood. 34.60; dry inside wood, $3.60; greeo slabwood, $8.00. Also wood promptly delivered. Call Main 8767. Foot Curry st. THE ALBINA FUEL CO., GREEN AND dry slabwood; get our prices. Phone C 182. Office Alb!na ave.. and R. R. st. KIRK HOOVER, DEALER IN FIR, oak and ash wood, 813 Water st Phone' Main 7451, .' CARPET CLEANING MEN WHATEVER YOUR DISEASE - or iniirmnjr m j o, vwr ... men will give you the proper treatment n.... I- 1 J 43)04 XXTmt ahlnVlAH eat - J TUBl U1UR-, Otvy " n'"a w 1X)R RENT 8-ROOM HOUSE,' $10; partly furnished: corner E. 16th, N, and Skldmore. Inquire 900 E. 16th., N. Take Alberta car. ' -. 4)0 YOU WANT TO RENT A HOUSE? See our list. Hartman & Thompson, Chamber of C6mmerce. GENUINE FOR RENT ADS COST only 1 cent a word. 3 insertions for the price of 3. f6r 'RENT 4-ROOM HOUSE, 4 blocks from steel bridge. Call at 26 Wheeler st. 7-ROOM HOUSE, 104 H 17TH ST, $14; .room liouae. 10 14 17 St.. 818 q ulre Lowengardt 83 Park St. In- TRY A STAR INVERTED GAS LIGHT. burns 8 hours for a cent Free trial. 10 E. Morrison st H-Z4ZZ. fnones. Kast 839. 110 WHEELER A WILSON SEWING machine, with attachments, flno running order. Big bargain. Call SS3 E.' Morrison st. LAYTON COOPERAGE CO. ALL kinds of barrels and bottles bought and sold. 371 Front Phone Main 8147. CHEAP, SHOWCASES. DESKS, SAFES, registers, carpets, furniture. We also exchange goods. 213 and 213 H Front st. V. D. SMITH DELIVERS ALL NO. 1 wood direct from cars to you; special prices large amounts. Main tb GERMAN BOOKS, MAGAZINES. Nov els, etc; German. English, French, Spanish, Swedish and Italian diction aries: foreian books of all kinds. Schmale Co.. 229 1st st High Initiate of India: Mediator of Destiny; school of Occult Science. Tells of everything. Consultation free. 141 H Morrison it. JOTCB BROS.. PROPRIETORS OF THE Electrlo Cleaning works; carpets cleaned and laid, both dry and com. pressed air. cleaning; carpet-reflttlng our specialty; work guaranteed. Phone Main Z67Z ana A-ztuz. t'v urant at. mav a unPEU-fl OIVES FACE MAS- hm an d acaln treatments; also teaches card reading. 236 th st Phone M-7548. ' , THE SNOWDEN BATHS, 145 TH st. room 24. Baths, massage and vi bratory. Ijayattedants HANKS. HIST NATIONAL BANK. Portland. Oregon. r CAPITAL AND SURPLUS. $1,600,000, NO INTEREST PAID ON ACCOUNTS. TTNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND. OREGON. ! ... ", U Northwest Corner Third and Oak Streets. Transacts a General Banking Business. DRAFTS ISSUED Available In All Cities of the United States and Europe. Hongkong and Manilla. Collections made on Favorable Tcrma President.. J. C AINSWORTH Caahler ....R. W. SCHMEER Vice-President R. LEA BARNES Assistant Caahler ,W. A. HOLT . Aaelatant Caahler A. M. WRIGHT ERMAN-AMERICAN BANK Portland. Or. Cor. 6th and Washington St a. , Transacts a general banking business, j Drafts issued available in all .uo pi iiiuiai but,, vi Lite uuiira uml-w .iiu cuivi wiu y ,.u . ,w v, - est paid on savings accounts, Safe deposit vaults. . . BONDS AND INVESTMENTS. l M ORRIS BROTHERS, Chamber of Commerce Building. Municipal, Railroad and Public Service Corporation Bonds. ELECTRO. VIBRATORY. 8CALP AND facial massage, room 14, 351H Mor- D rlaon at. MANICURING, MASSAGE AND calo treatment Miss Henderson, ftKAU. Tr.rrl inn at., room 7. MISS GRACE SHERMAN WEWLt nnened maasaao parlors. 861H Mor rison, suite 4. ViiRS wrci.nort TUB BATHS, MA8- saga. alcohol rubs, electrlo vibratory treatments. 14 parn su. near ruvu. ifANirURlNG FOR LADIES AND man S4X4 Morniun, iwm MANICUR- OWNING-HOPK1NS COMPANY Established 1S9 2 BROKERS. STOCKS. BONDS. GRAIN Bought and Sold for Caah and on Margin. Private Wlrea Rooms 301 to 104 Couoh Bldg. Phones: M-886; A-3337. " GRAND CENTRAL STATION TIME CARD. Southern Pacific. t,lVTm PORTUkNTl. ' Roseburg Passenger 8:16 av m. Cottage Grove Passenger.. 4:15 p. m. , i:,b A in. . 1:30 night STANDARD CARPET CLEANING CO, compressed air and steam cleaning mattresses and feathers renovated East 880, C-1260. SANITARY CARPET CLEANING. Suc tion and compressed air, carpets cleaned on floor. Main 5534 and 3200. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. J. J. RANKIN CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. - Jobbing and remodeling a specialty. 187 Front st Phones Main 6523; Wood- lawn, 991. MEN. DR. KETCHUM WILL PROMPT ly Cure ail your yrivaiw kauei " ments: advice free. 170 3d, near Yam hill. Main sytu 7ROOM. HOUSE ..FOR RENT, FUR- nlshed $26 a month, unfurnished $20. 490 'Market st.-- "NICE 6-ROOM COTTAGE. GOOD plumbing, large basement, easy walk ing , distance.- zii nnerman 6-ROOM COTTAGE FOR RENT, MOD- ern. 130 R 29th St. N. 733 2D ST, 6 ROOM COTTAGE, BATH ana gas, rent sio. jvppiy ii xibu bu FOR RENT A NEW 6-ROOM HOUSE, bath and gas. Apply at Simon Steiner, Hamilton ave. and Weat st OR RENT 6-ROOM COTTAGE. ALL modern Improvements, eoj Overton at., between lth and 17th, rent $20, Innulre next door. IRVINGTON 4 BLOCKS OF HOLLA- day school. 7-room houwe, fireplace, etc, $23. Apply Imperial Pharmacy, 4$ N. th st. .' ENGLISH POINTER PUPS FOR sale, 8 months old: old enough for fall hunting; peoigrea given witn eacn Pup; registered stock. H. Ensinger, IS E. 81st st N. East 1045. ENGLISH POINTER PUPS FOR sale, 8 months old; old enough ror fall hunting; pedigree given with each gup; registered stock. H. Ensinger, 16 if 31st st. N. East 1046. T FOR SALE. Hair collar pads, barely damaged-, at l(o to 35a each. M. Barde A Sons, 8th and Gllsan sts. FOR SALE A LIVE WILD COUGAR, about 1 years old. Address L. V. mavldson. South Bend. Wash. Box 47. $12.(0 BUYS GOOD STEEL RANGE. Call 894 B. Clay st. FORI SALE HOUSEHOLD FURNI ture. Mrs. Card, 448 Clay st. FURNISHED HOUSES 88 FOR RENT FURNISHED HOUSE. I--rooms. Apply 87 E. 37th st- Phona Et 11(4. -. - FOR RENT FLATS 18 BE NINO TON COURT l-ROOM FLAT. gas range, water heater, janitor serv ice, walking distance, east aide; rent 3l2 64. Phone Main 71(7. MODERN 4-ROOM FLAT. GOOD LOCA- tton; adalts preferred. Phona C-1140. Artdraas 868 Sacramento et TWO OR THREE-ROOM FLAT WITH a team heat tl iNortnrup st, car. lth;' refrewea GX-Vt'lNE FOB 1 KENT ADS COST enly 1 eer.t a ward. Inaartlona for tbe pHea of 3. - - - - -roo. fLaT. 6ATH JLKb PanIrT. im t AS1 a, 84a ami 3. 7IIH Wllltsms ave. STORES AND OFFICES 11 MRS. STEVENS, PORTLAND'S LEAD- lng palmist and clairvoyant,, naa opened school of palmistry: learn her simple metnoa now io rtau your owi. destiny. 343 Yamhill. 7th. Main 34j your ailments may be, sea our lady Physician; speciaiim ior wum.n. a-rondero-Therapy Co., 808 Merchants' l-rust blda.. 32 U Washington st ROSE 8TUDIO MOVED TO 170 Washington st, between d and ftn. Bring your coupons In. CATARRH SUFFERERS, ftiiffnrara of catarrh. bronchitis, rheumatism, liver or kidney diseases ca!l on or write Larsen Remedy Co, 61 N. 3d. MRS. O BROCK. BATHS, SALT GLOW, alcohol rub. massage peat in city; ref erences. 382 H Park. Main 3403. A-3734. WISH ACQUAINTANCE WITH YOUNG woman matrimonially inclined. I have a good country home. H-zsz, Journal. MATRIMONIAL PORTLAND Address, witn iio. room a VENUS CLUB. 40 3d st CAPSULES Sura cure.. 61 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS 5 AND STOVES ly top prices. THIS HOUSE-FUR- 36,900 FURNITURE wanted; will pay to RL'BENSTIN'S. NIBHEK. 171 Front Maln 901. wanted Curtains to laundry, at home; carefully done up on stretchera; will call for and deliver. Phone Pellwood 184. Mrs. Ward, EAGLE LAUNDRY, T. MAT DA, PRO prletor: the ocly Japanese steam laun dry la the city; fancy work dona by hand; all work guaranteed. Phono East 1HJ. lie nusseii r. WE PAY TOP PRICES FOB itnioiikna And anything yoo have ta eU. - WirtUKD AUCTION CO. Main (6(6. A-4111. THE FORD AUCTION CO. Bovsht all the sweond hand fumltore they could find last week, and will d It again this weak. Wo pay tha prioa Eaet 91 -B-3311. - . " a K- FURNITURE CO. WANTS $i." worth aeoond-baod furniture; pay h?f heateaajjrrlcepteEetJsia t.ADIKS. TRY for female trouble. Dekum bldg. A PERMANENT CURE FOR PILES "Hemlock salve." wooawarq, Clarke A Co. - MRS. HELEN LEWIS GUERIN, SKIN and scalp specialist ford bldg Room 31 TU- LOST POWERS RESTORED BT DR. Ijorens Narva ionic Taoieia. I be Dos resell' s ynarmacy, 339 Morrlaon st Ey hif heat faan pce. peme Et 44 - "NT DECTTMBER 1. 4-STORT ft. w. iMnn! brtrk store fcl-'s. 10x rit' K. corner Froat and pin sta; Am dok la rear, 1 aOvlO, , A-, 2VT c. a. rvirh. Mt nog. , 'Tfirr.3 AND r"E5KROrM. 3f3 taa IweUaa hidg, Ith aad Waaklag- Main 73. Tfi raal- 8d at PAT HIGHEST CASH J-ftIfc for second-hand f smltara. 219 War- cavter Hdg, Main 41i. IF YOU WISH TO EXCHAk'ai OR ell your furniture for caah. pheae Ft H4. 344 Hawtliorwa. WKPaY CASH PCR Hi GH-O RAT'S aeeend haed furattare. J. Leak Fvr' altars Co, 113 Graad era E. 4714 PERKINS. NATIONAL HERBS AND Kreiol are sold by A. B. Bloomer. 19 4th st Phone Main 383. DR. BINO CKOONO. IMPORTER CHI oeae medicines; sells Chinese tea, cure for all olaveaaoa. II Flanders st LADIES' BAftBfcft SHOP MaNICCS: Ing, facial ma aga 4th st DR. O". M." WELLS, 441 DEKUM BLDG, Phone Main 171. LADY A-t3 LiD tOu GET LETTER. per addrva. R-4II. JeumtL HOPE STUDIO MOVED TO 27) Washington, pnng your oovpofe tn. Call us op before you build Geo. G. Palmer A Son. general con tractors. C-1847. Estimates furnished. ROSE CITY PLANING MILL. MANU facture moldings, cabinets, sash. doors, showcases. 885 Bra zee, E-421S. RYAN BROS,, HARDWARE AND plumbing. 640 Williams ave. E. 4008. E. MELTON OFFICE. STORE FIX tures; gen'l lobbing. 47 1st. M. 3190. A. S. SISLEY.CARPENTER: STORE, OF f Ice fixtures. 867 Burnslde. Main 653. a-entle Miaa trTUvr. WARD'S ing and chiropody parlors at 201H 3d. MISS GIBBON GIVES SCALP- TRcJAT- ment. ZH Morrison, rmm MISS GRANT MANIC UAu Aijv massage. Rooms 1-2, 146 H 6th, A-B495. MUSIC LESSONS. r,TT THTTTT.WnRN. VIOLIN TEA CH- , . ot Sevoik. A-4160. . Plna 94i Vfnfnftnir.. pt Itir, VinLlN. TROMBONHl AND clarinet Prof. Smith. 293 13th. M. 4703. A-8860. ARRIVING PORTLAND, t Oregon Express .7:16 a.m.' Cottage Grove Paesenger. .11:30 a. m. ; Roseburg Passenger....... 6:39 p. m. Portland Express ...11:13 p. m. i i. - - .WEST SIDE. - ; r Corvalllg Passenger ...... (:20 p. m. Sheridan Passenger. .. ....10:80 a. m.. Forest Grove Paaaanger... 8:00 a. m. . Forest, Orova Passenger. . .ll:60a, m. Forest Grove Passena-er: .. 4:60 n. m. jeiierson tstreer, xtcpot. Portland to Dallas... , 7:40 a m. Dallas to Portland. ,.,10:16 a. m. Portland to Dallas 4:18 p. m. If Dallas to Portland... 6:60 p. m. Fortl ana-US wego ououroan uanui rurinna a. m, o:s. s:w, i;aw, i:ee. 8:50. 10:26: and P. m, 13:60. 3:05. 3:30. 6:20. 4:35. 7:45, 10:10, 11:80. Norther a Pacific. Tunu a. Heattle exd 8:80 a. m. 1 1 Nortn coast Limited 7:to a. m. North Coast A Chicago, Llm. 2:00 p. m. II Portland Express.......... 4:16 p. m. Overland iSxpresa u:n p. m. yjverianq nixpresa : p. m. California Express Ban Francisco Express... WEST tUDlO. Corvallla Passenger Bherldan .passenger Forest Grove Passenger.. Forest Grovo Passenger.. Forest Grove Passenger. 7:30 a. m. 4:10 p. m. 8:60 a. m. 1:00 p. m. a:u n. m. Oregon llallroad A Navigation Company. C WINTERS, TEAdHER OF VIOLIN, i.rma reasonable. Studio 818 Tllford. EMiL thielBorn. Violin teach- er. pupil of Sevclk. 334 Pine. Phones. Pendleton Paaaenger 7:1 a. m. Chicago-Portland Special.., 8:20 a. m. upoaann r iver Kan. City A Chi. Exp :00 p. m. epoaane f lyer s:oo a. m. Chi.. Kan. City A Port Exp. 9:48 a. m. Chicago-Portland Special.. 8:50 p. m. e:ia Portland Passenger. p. m. Astoria A Colombia River. A Seaside Express. .8:00 a. m. 1 1 Astoria A Port Passenger. .11:1 p. m, ' XL NURSERYMEN Aatnrla. Astoria A Seaside Express. .6:30 p. m. Portland Express ..10:00 p.m. OCKLEY GREEN NURSERY HAS choice tree reses, bush roses, climbers, irnailsh hollies with berries on, best n.n.. man Rhodedendrons. large shade, fruit and ornamental trees. Canadian Pacific Railway Co. C. P. R. Short Line, via Spo. 8:16 p.m. II C. P. R. Snort Line, via Bpo. 8:60a.m. Via Beat, Vic. A vano ii Via Bumaa n.m9ym. n Via Van, Vic and Seattle, ..:18 p. m. . Via Sumas and Seattle.. ....7:00 a. m. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS CLEANING AND DYEING SUNNY8IDE STEAM CLEANING AND Dye Worka, cleaning, repairing and dyeing. Work called for and delivered. Tabor 1067. B-2067. 205 E. 34th at LADIES' AND GENTS' CLOTHES bought; also cleaned and pressed. 2(7 H Salmon st ALBINA STEAM DYEING A CLEAN Inc Works. L. Halpert 298 RusselL East Z43. no t ir.I.WBlCLLS! PATTERSON. SPE- ciallst on norvous, acuie aim tumu laeaaAa. 21T Fenton Diag. aiain eoi. if. B R NORTHRUP. 416-16-17 DE- kiim hide.. 3d and Washington sta. Main eio Hundava by appointment f)"n p. J. BARR. A. 8. O, 207 MO- hawk bldg., 3d and Morrlaon. M. 2228. Cars Leave Ticket Office and Waiting- Room, First and Alr"ir"1 1 FOR OREGON CITY: - 4-00 ";80 a. m, and every 1 min utes Am the hour and half hour), to and Including 9:00 n m, than 10, U; last car, 18. midnight . Greaham. Boring. Eagle Craak,JSsta. cada. Caiadero. Falrvlaw and Trout- dale 7:16. 9:lt. 11:1 -- m-J 3:45. :16. 7:26 r , ' Portland Ry, Ligbt Power Co. 1:16. FOR VANCOUVER. Ticket office and waiting-room. See., ond and- Washington streets. , A. M :15 1:60. 7:26, 8:00, 8:35. :10, 10:30, 11:50. T 1 I. tA ,fa ,) ' 48. 43 3a A a .VBA, ! A . A Va A VV, 41 . 4 Va A Va 1:60. 4:30. 6:1(5, 6:50.- :8, f:0a, 7:4J 8:15. :25, 10:38. ll:46. - month On third Mondav In avarv last car leaves at 7:08 p. m. - Dally ex. Sun. "Dally ex. Mon.1 Time Card Oregon Electric Itallway Company. PAINTING AND PAPERING FOR beat work, prices right, call P. A. j Doane. 1V4 union, pmn yv". CLOTHES CLEANED AND PRESSED. 81.60 per month. Unique Tailoring co., av Htara st. HTwT Ma dved fn 3518 TURNER. DYER .CARPETS a specialty. (06 Jefferson st CHIROPODISTS THE DEVENY8 HAVE MOVED THEIR parlors to rooma 302-3 Gerllnger bldg, 2d and Alder ata CHIROPODY AND PEDICURING Mrs M. D. Hill. 330 Fleldnar bldg. COLLKCTIONS. INTERSTATE ADJUSTMENT CO, BAD debta collected. (6 Buchanan. M- 6130. DANCTNQ T-RIVATE HOSPITAL, GIRLS. MATER nlty home. I'ra. At wood. Allky bid g. BALM OF FIGS FOR ALL FKMaLE dlaeasea. (4 Ollaajt. Mala lli. ATTORXETB TWO. D. REED. ATTT, COLLEC tlca (14 rterllrr Mg Msla l!4(. A. It, TANNER. ATTT. 4 CO Mat Eft ctaj blerk. 14 and WaaH Mala 1444. BLUEPRINTS PORTLAND BLUE FRIXT CO FK as f "T a!l eVaeaaa ef hloa ynat'ea Jtoea 14. Alaawarth fclda, 3d 14 Oaa. PROF. WAL. WILLSON-8 DANCING school, lessons lie: every raornlnsL afternoon and evening; 7 ladles and gentlemen teachera, all lessons taught with music together with the laraeat and best ballroom In the city; In fact tbia la positively the only recognised select social and atge dancing school. 384 W Waah, between W. Park and 10th st B"th phones. R1NGLERS SCHOOLS OF DAN'ClNO and physical culture: west side, new Masonic temple, W. Park and Yamhill. afteraooBB and Wednesday evening; east aide, Rtngler a hall. Grand and ET Mor rison, daily and Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday evenings. Private or class tn atructlon. phones East 447; B-l03. PATENT ATTORNEYS. PATENTS, COPYRIGHTS. SMITH A I Bnrhanan. 827 Board of Trade bldg. r c WRIGHT, U. 8. AND FOREIGN patenta: lnfrlngment cases. 04 Dekum Arrlvlna Portland I Wllsonvllle, local . . .. l"i I:?!'' . Salem and Inter. Staa, local. :l(a.m. Wllsonvllle. tocai VU'tT:n 7 m Salem and Inter. BUS, Exo. 11:30 a. m. -Saletn and Inter. Staa, local. 1:10 p. m. Wllsonvllle, local . . . . ... .. :4P- Salem and Inter. Staa.. Exo. J JOP-"-Salem and Inter. Staa. local J;90-"- . fialem and Inter. Btaa Exp .Up.m. Leavlnc Portland - Salem and Inter. Staa. local, Wllsonvllle. local Salem and Inter. Staa, Exp, Salem and Inter. Staa, local. wiisonviiie. local lM0p.m, ' Salem and Inter. Staa. Exp. 2:06 p.m. Salem and Inter. Sua, local. 3:39p.m. Wllsonvllle. local lp.m. Salem and Inter. Staa.. Exp. 4:08 a.m.- :I8a,nv 7:35 a.m. 8:3 a. m. 11:14 a. m. PRiNTHra TRANSFER AND STORAGE CAN r. ll".-::r IT -,VV' maehtnerv. safes and THrSu.r close 'SST-i. Mbi&m?&&vSi phonei'L' blda-.. corner 4th and Morrison, storage, and tracking. pnraaa. OGLlBgE-BROB.. PRINTERS-CARDS, V "".HO TRANSFER CO. , n,n,ral transfer sod otorage; safes. billheads, eto. Main 1488. 145 1st RUBBER STAMPS AND SEALS ALSO ALL OFFICE STATIONERY, P. HPC. Co.. 831 Stark. TeL 1497. REAL ESTATE J. M. Pittenfer & Co., tax Ruasca st Phone E. 444. Fir I nsu ranee, loan a real aetata., aad furniture, etc, moved, packed and shipped. 20 Oak st. between area, and let Phone Main 647. A-2347. IRELAND A M MILLAW. Moving and expreaalng. Phona East Oregon Transfer Co, cor. tth .nd Irving. Phone Main A-lltt. TRANSPORTATION CHANGE OF DATE S. S. STATE OF CALIFOKMA I SAILS FROM AINSWORTH DOCK 4 P. M. Friday, OcU 2 9. W. laAaTSOat. Dock Agent. Main 11. Atnsworth dock; 34L X 3WCT343, Ticket Agt. 143 Third st Main 43. A-1403. MliS COPELAND. FIRDAY EVEN Inge, Voelkers hall. 7 0S Mlasiaalppt are, near Peach. Main 4P4J. DAS'ClNG PROF. MORELAND S chool. Ailaky bldg. 3d aad Morrisoo. Main f4 in.Ulun.T- " " -. a " ' J. W OGiLBEE REAL ESTATE AND loans; eatao. Iit8. 14tH 1st room It SIGN AND SHOW CARDS FOSTER A KLEISER, SIGNS, THE largest sign makers la the northwee (th and Everett sta, Phone Prlv. Ex. (i. Home A-1K6. "SIONS THAT ATTRACT PORT land Slra Co. :T Stark. Pactflo 14. SAFES WOGIAVARO DANCINO SCHOOL, Al. a . a a a. a - . e a a dttnum MIL 11 3d et - - DLTECTIVU AGKNCY ph-e Va!s 11. A. O. TIlw Sup. wiLBOVs i F-narTIVF aevct. tl fih et (UwMeii Portiand. Or. This aricT la fVr4 ta anaartake ail ili-aie tareetta-ettoe-s. ta erlaat- aaA, civil Tor eemcaarcaU caaaa, " DIEBOLD MANGANESE SAFES Large stock: lockouts raed, lalla. metal furaitura J. E. Davla, Id st jriRPROOF AND BANK SAFES AT factory pricao: recoaa-aaaa aaueav Moaler Safe Co7 13 3d et. j .ftUOWCAtSES AND IXaTLKKa SHOWCASES OF EVERT DESCRrp Uoa; bank, bar aod store flxtarea Swede io order. Te Lotke Mfg. Cav. The jaueYs l marsiSaLL ira co, aTwcasra. eablnala, store an affica fix tvrea 99 Owwh at. M. 174 8. PAVFj MxtLBJJ IHWCASM piBI-f At lf HAXII.I UN BLLvi. Independent baogaob a trans- rer to. Biorasa a, a "'" - V-7 TTAddkrLY transfer a toao Co, 111 N. th. Msin U: A-148. TYPEWRITERS ALL MAKES, BOid- REPAQIED. P. D. C Co- 611 Btara. m im- RENTED, VrTTERINARIAN H. R. THOMPSON. D. V. S. OFFICE Hawthorn stable. 41 Hawthorne av. Phona East T; B-1344. WHOLESALE JOBBERS K. A. GUNST A CO. DISTRIBUTORS OF FINE dGARS. PORTLAND. OREOON. EVKRiINd A FARRELL, JRODLCg aad eomailaalM marcaanca 149 Freal at. Port land. Or. Pe ne Mal a 17. OHaOON FURNITURE MANIFAC- turlng cv Maaarartrrer r xarai tnr for tha trad. Portland. Or. WALHAMd A Cv, WHOLEAALE CFi. core, manufacturer e ai,r-i,l, 4'h end Oak Iatf. s-W13HV coTCaLF. Lara, ad .i,'f rn-.i! ia. t 4tb at ATLXN ATlWli-GRCeSS-RitaV, - cox.naxA axrEB scseebt For The Dalloa dally except Sunday. "BAILEY OATZERT- leave Portland Monday. Wednesday aad Friday at 7.0 a. m . stopping at tha principal landlnga. : "DALLES CITY'' leave Portland Toea day, Thursday and Saturday at 7:0 e, m, making all landlnga Returning, both steamer leave The Dalle on al ternate days at l:M a. aa. Phono Mala (14 or A-6112. Alder street dock. - COOS BAY LINE The steamship Breakwater leave Portland Weaawiey p. avjwa Oa art dock, far Vert Saad. 3Carekal4 aad Com nay ewtata. Fraight rwcaived tii 4 p. m. a day ef Balling PasaBrr far, first, 31: acoad 1. Including berta aad aaeala leulr eiy ticket office. Third and Weaaiegiea stxeeta, r Oak sire dock, VOBTK PACTFTO rTXAJOEIP V 1 . 3rtT8AJfmxrJ Roanoke and Geo. W.EIcr fstl f-r Fueka. P r-ae-'a e-4 A rraiea c -at e err 7 '.i ' r : lk.aet fUca. Ill TT. ii, -f