The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 24, 1908, Page 8, Image 8

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    . . , i i i . . -i . 1 1 i ..... 1 ? , 1 t .
' , i r 1 i " ' - l i 1
n-TTTT-i TTTnT A T and Jeffersons time. There may D proaaer, DrDwr, -neiier, more
1 tit JUUJtCiNxU more bad, worthless people, but on statesmanlike and patrlotlo phllos-
iKDEPKKHENT W8MPB. the other band. there is a great deal opny is mat ipo country wjh get
aw ikpepmwt w LorM ullghu nm,atand understand- along pretty well, and aboat the
wsaun inf rf mnnrthtnirff Ba that a popular same, wnomever toe people cnooae
rhiih rtf wwi ,""y,.r,i" government ought to bo aafer and ror president
. .re" a..., -wr"l" TM -f'BU!" " a n. than
lu. kink .ad laalll airsav uign iu .uw - .w -
Small CLango
Way ean't Tddy let the people rule
If ITh Taft'a wtll lis fAmil
w wrvcm.
. a . ...( Piwtuai. tir. iw i -,
tr.Mu.lMto. ttiroafk lbs ml- ae -claaa fiut the dlSrUSBlOM Of the
nlfr.r.nt nhtlnannhtna rt Hamilton
-J:rILJZ:nA Jefferson do not answer the'
thi ib operator theprtit yo wmmt, i question: What U the record, or tne
a-t Siiia omo !; " I . n .nt
T Huiidina. Marina ". and allied interests In tne govern- . W1i-n(, M.n,
From the Ban Franc laoo CalL
Tha dtpftfc nrlmi. . . . i
( ,' i. I . t , i ...... , IVM. v nuiui-
A ettang. U not always daetructiv P1?"" Ptls - candidal for publlo
. , '. . . - " - I ArriM ... .... ai M . i a
'--.a. I V. i. Kmmrm wnan il waa given
...... . I Ha flrat atata t..r ui..r..i.
H0MA3 JEKFERSON was bom g "T?' . M ,1rTW Mahina poiittoun. thwu.hbil i Lite
.mi, , . I lima in. urcaon. I oountry Srlawarf with ti.
i n i i .1 , i nia waa a v nil u I w w . ... , r . . . . -
- ' - I
clally, nationally, then, and (or
lie bad the ad-
Vorfci loor-M Mojoa Bnlldlcs. Chlttia.
VTaIZ Vr7rt a Trrm nt rduated at William and Mary col
ment of today d J c"t lge at the ago of 1. He was well
or a one-sided , :w4P; versed In Greek. Latin. French, the
8obTlpMoa TVrml b mU ar to any alfa
la th L'nltaa Slaua. Canada ar Miea: I. ., .v.. ii.BMtnJ""' iaiuu, rrtuiu,
dailt. 'c-. T" " ::: sciences, especially mathematics, and troubi
o-,. .e.lo-. Joj naa mo ng meory oi history. ' He was one of the best all
1 . . J? .a"lUrr 'fl dJ f?r a..-d' .cholar. of hi. generation
DM 7ar. ai.ow i iitw
On Tt. .
..(T SOIOna moara
1 lntT, "''K He studied law closely for five years.
to1 y alLluljlflZ being admitted to practice In 167.
108T Politic. 1. 1 not ltof ether a , h d hJ ... 4 d
trtulaticn . Ouarantrt
f X4i Cartiifr (At (te Vmhtiva of tkk.
, omzoos fOTravax
Uttrtmr'i CtrV&c CkmlmXhrBIm Am
Tbm Paoer aaa prortd br mmtirttiom
Ural A tirrmlm liom rrcordi art Arpt anl P
canf aatf fa imaiioai mm w aoni
aetmncr that mttvtrtntn mmj nty ea airf
' t I. . 1 1. 1 L
atairiarau w aaair nw wr imr immn
ntfar tar owoerthip mm! managtrntnt M
itcomttot ptemvap 1SOS. SO
S ata
J an
thing of the past: It must from that time ha had the care of a
DO B ullDg vl ma pmcah jmimnuu
has long been dead. Joe Cannon la
large estate. He waa elected a mem
ber of the-Virginia House of Bur-
ong. parmanenuy. . j 1 he boaaaa mat popular damanda tor
I tha direct nrlmar iih ni...
Do Momethlna better Than ether. eo I They bade tka nnnia ..nn .i.
pie; thla la auoceaa. - . layatem haa been proved.' II la only aa
a. (experiment aa yet."
Tit-ran la a difficult nan to bluff 1 ..?ht haa foro 'no longer. If the
even ty a preaioenu ., 4 . jr",''! -" iuna not Deen provea
Ttari-r and Rralra ara at 111 havinm Zni 6S Tea-rB h lt VetlB '
.,wl7 Ti, JTlIr.? T,Bhoneat doubt waa awar In 1I0.
ouble. They deaerre It. The dlreot pHmary haa triumphantly
... . . . : wnnaiooa in eupreme test wlUila the
waltlna for tha next holiday. ' I The defeat of - Senator Ankeny In
a f l vvaaninajton. the retirement of Senator
After all. It la deeda rather than oro- f-?" for Briatow In Katiaaa and the
feaaed 'princlplea" that count I Iriu.?lp,,n.1 renonilnatlon of Governor
.Mil. there la nothing- about a board ',r,"!:2 '.?"!. JWl"
walk to mak people Immoral. . tha naanla
ii il
Tbo Daily Walk.
EW Or US women ara aa well aa
we mlht be, and few of us spend
the time to conalder why, and
bow we ralaht benefit ouraelvee
in aiiupia way a. joo many W0(
People won won aralnat tntnan.
dOtla Odda. In Waahlna-tnn an1 Vt..a
OretaT Bay haa dropped out but thethy threw off the yoke a of corrupt
gesses In 17S7, and was soreral times oysters are oomina; in, ail tne aama. i leoeraj and railroad machlnea. In Wls-
reelected.; In the meantime he be-
No man will binder thee
from living according to the
reason- of thy own natnre;
; nothing will ' happen to thee
contrary to the reason of the
universal nature. Marcus
Aurellua. .
a a . i cnnnin inev raruun in turn Ani a
w vv- II. . . . I faithful DUhrkl larvant a th. tuk
, . I r- -" wi !v . rv.n.1.. .1 L' -."X""''
umo u KiDowiiuira in irwoi . i votea. proDably more man ever Daioro. I ;r- vr",v"',."i P"nti noneaiy
. ... I ...... I they believed, but whom thav danllniw tn
in full enforcement of the Sun- 0 it W
day Closing law may. not be rel-kAMvA. tn, w,.r. h EStrillaM " mUOh " automoW1,L.Theaei threa areat atatea preaented
lahiad. W mar be temntad tola -m 1 . I
. . : . . . " 1 uovoiea uis euereiea nrRn; vj 10- ,a .11 w .. I """. pwimcaa action, in two atatea
'blame the authorities for at-k.,111 --i.n -mm. ,r-L-TJ,mp'iR wAT"?.".Ii".tr people wera pitted aaalnat typical
t-nfino- K. .nrnrcmant. If. how-XTC" C!, 7" " .vVJl.Vll , f,. - i"V"5 . A".."" ttiiro - they
, . lnan aajr a ceniury iiiei ettiior wnn t . mo aiace or me one machine in
ever, the laws are not to be enforced. the moBt dl8tingUighed seat of prl- gome p-opie feel aa if they could S"en linBiht!t nVJl
they ought not to be On the book. Tste hospitality In America. In nJ7 ""veral weeks of aoa.Hlna: rain corporations Under thf T old d'l'srate
No officer has a right to enforce one 1773 he became a leading member of P" ,oon- . . eonvan tionayatem the peor-ie a defeata
part of a law and not enrorce anotner a "committee of Correspondence and . J?h; h,reR". their viotorlea at the direct primary
part No officer hat a right to re- inquiry for the Dissemination of In- Brya n Is one. I 1 in Ar th ....- .
fuse to enforce any part of any telllgence Among the Colonies," In manv .... Mnn temiTngmVe' ftiS
law. Every officer Is under solemn whlch unpaid office Jie performed a ervfnY for riin not ..o S only month before he went
oatn to enrorce every law in usimucfj Taluablo labor for the people, we ji nave some soon.
every part. When he assumes to He became a .little later a leading gome n .un.p;t;nav, bMn ilwnwl Letters trom the People
appiy one pan 01 n. law nuu um. m spirit in tne sessions or ine Virginia ered. We fear this Is a bad augury
of It, he assumes the function or leg- constitutional convention. He took ror Tom "a,"on or "egen. rttr t The Jooroai rtnid b written m
lslator. which he has no right to do. hl8 Beat a9 a member of congress just o-.-. DavIdson fif wi.,on,i m&S1.? 'tffiJr d.d Z? fa
down to dafeat before ha forces of de
cency at tha direct primary polla. lAsnp
want Into the direct primary fight wlllt
one of the flneat and moat coinprelian
alva machlnea ever built up with fed
eral and atat 'patronage. The rail
road a apent money Ilka water for him.
Briatow did not apend a dollar for ci
gar a, advertising or carnage hire. Ing
waa oleottKl originally agalnat the
wlahea of the people. MIe dmonatrated
pie's wlahaa again with a delegate con-1 men fall to take outdoor exercise, for
ventlon, but he oould not wlthatand I Instance, because they are busy with
their direct votea. He and his ma-1 :
chine wera wiped out tha moment the "uu""r" "( consmer mat exer
people recovered , tha rights ao long! else enough. Now It Is pertly true that
uaurpea oy ine ran roan mavomne. nouaawork may ba made to take tha
Ankeny waa beaten by a vote of near- place of gymtiaatlca, for the various
ly two to one In Waahlngton. Had the motions and postures through whlun
people had any voice In the matter alx one must go In doing a day's work
yeara ago he would never have been gives activity to many of tha muscles
given .an opportunity to disgrace his of the body, and necessltatea a aood
atate In tha United Statea aenat". An- doal of walking; yet It may be oulto
keny waa never elected to any office as Insufficient to keen a woman In good
tha choice of tha people. He waa the health, and moreover, It laavea out auma
first mayor Of his town, because he of the essential muscles and tails to
owned the townslte. lie -was a mem- develop the booy symmetrically,
her of the common council Juat once Unaidaa thra la .U.v. n,l.
and for tha same, reaaort. Bvery time I urged against housework aa a means of
h sought an office the disposal of exercleaj It la nearly always done In
which waa In the hands of the people close rooms, over the heat of the stove
h waa beaten. Machine manipulated I nr inhaiinr ts. ,.,k. a
deiegatea put Ankrny- in tha senate. 1 aollad ani h. aini. -
The passing of tha delegate marked the I would otherwla ba vaiuabla aa asar. 4
Pf",n5 or Ankeny. . a , . eiu ssoolated with the breathing"
Ia Toilette gava the dlreot primary 1 0f duet, than whloh nothing could, be.
to the peopla of Wisconsin, They were WOrse. with these things taken Into j
grateful. They believed and do believe I nnnai.iara.tinn it m v.. Zmr h. I
I? .V. tte. They put him In the men need something mora than tha daily '
United Statea sonata. They were Im- ax-rci. ikl kZ...,! .
menaely proud of htm and devotedly I order to keen cult a walL
iC,??r vn,7va!Lwpu,,i0 rvanlt J' Tnr " another element which n-
Folletta had been busy for years build- ters Into the ordinary dally routine of
ln Vp f Prf "J machlna He at- the woman whose only exercise la her ,
tempted to use that machine to prevent housework, and that la the atraln upon
tha nomination of Oovernor Davidson, th n.rv., h. , v...- ...
La Follette wanted tha nomination for one thing dona In order to be at an
one of tha engineers of his machine, j other, the Ihought of the things yet un
Davldson was a good public . servant . accomplished, the hurry that is entailed '
The people of Wisconsin approved of I hv ih. n..ii ..tiin. ik. I:
-. ..-.v... v...t "n- wurK out 01 ine way, ine inree meals
cllned to submit to him aa a boss, and day Dre Dared on time, and all tha mm.
gave him a demonstration of theJaenefl
emit possibilities of the direct primary In
1110 snape 01 a o,uuq majority ror JJa-vtdson.
day prepared on time, and all the minor
liunga oone, in order to get at the
Viewing or tha preserving or whatever
a the special Job that is alwaye Just
The place to get relief from the pros-1 when Washington waa appointed saved two men from drowning. And ho Th "n win ia ued if tba
ent situation is In the legislature, commander-in-chief of the revolu- l8n t runnln" or ,otti- lther- S Ft. Ser-tJod d'mj "S..i?w.
where the authority for amending Ulonary forces, and was a leading
or atfltmnta rf r ... ..... i A
The election may be worse for Stand, he mi. ki.e !T.iki. n.
hnnGrvmv lvn meinrTT lne ,aw 1,e8' ana wnere il enn no supporter 01 tne War ror inaepena- " 'n """S mnn returned waea not oted sbould in
KOOSKVEM1 AND .HASKELL. Anin. vlolno tn the t n. Qetly to pay that $29,400,000 fine. clow pot.gK .
- ' , i-mm 1 - vuvo, 110 w iii. " " . a 1 vof-rapooueDTB are notinea mat letters rx
' ' . m4IaIm1 a.(1i onv T..t11f Vlinctlnn I 1.... VAti4nc klm.A f nf a- M . i .1 . . . . . I CaeainS UUO WordB tn iMnrfh mar. at tha fll
T-fUibiUlSiNi KUUbtUViaL,l ae- r.i ,, ha no luat tP--n.n cw. an joined Hobson in predicting warbUt the editor, be cut down te that Umlt.
IJT Cllnes Mr. Bryami oner to ' kt7" n U"J"' ' , . t !t may cnie yet the prediction, not the tw,.!.. p,v.mi. tt.
i. nnma a trlhonal and nuhmlt to criticism of District Attorney Cam- hngston to draw a Declaration of In- war. Probably Rockefeller Knows,
. th- rhrc-aa aa-ainat r.nromorl eron for enforcing the law. He is dependence. Jefferson wrote it, and w , . ... , , Medford. Or.. Bept 19. To the Editor
Ha'altell On the Contrary sneaking I "Imply doing his duty. with a few slight changes it was a German orchestra gets 20 a month. of Th Journal What haa become of
ilBHKeil. Ull inO COnirary, BpeaKingi I . , . ."L ,-n ht la rnrlnua hn nm. n.nnU .n.0.ltha en.t.,1 alnn.M rwisnnaltinn that
aaopiea. tie ien congrju t -VSid: "
' - . . 1 tiia v a sit 1 lis. Lun tu inui 1L1C9B uiuuuoou iu
Taft and Bryan
By Stephen Jewell, Grants Pass.
..V.u-aW. . vu """-"r lTOPIJl BECOraNQ INDEPEXD- tn lnt th -ilat.n-a of Vlreinla
. using ine prestige or mat lllgn Ollice v. -.,i President Roosevelt once calla.1 Jnw elve to the people? Why not give us
rt'T " "T . Parker a liar, but it turned out later this and help the people to throw off
i ii iui in lilt) iuiuui uudihuu. xjo ca- tnar r,a.riffr rnin tn iiTArni fnitri that il. . m ii
HTn has Kmii nn most occaa. " 7 ni...k.l. In fwt th. tnith . Sin -:r iu oi.ura uu yoaet inel
for political purposes, he reiterates
. the Hearst charges., Mr. Monnett,
ex-attorney-general of Ohio, the man
of all men in position to speak with
authority .on the Ohio matter,, says
OHIO has oeen on most occas- erted hl9 influence for public schools. " factjhe truth pdJh what t0 mak9 the 89creJ of mtinyJtw pub.
Ions, for 40 years, a Repub- and for higher education. In 1779. traced or apoiSrW fw h" hasty ac "o iRSt month, but I have failed to aee
lican state. It gave a great darkest tlme of the colonial . snouid not get too im- yor on- thlnW
Oregon SideliglitJ
Haines is to have a new feed mill.
you might know the answers. Perhaps
I snouid nave asked Rockereuer.
tor of
nalnrltv fnur vaiara aarn fnr I ... t u.t
ihm ohara-oa aa-alnat TTnaVotl ar. n ' ' . . .. ... . I ugB, .wimw-u - .
... c, "o ...... 1 ijvaavalf vf nfcaainnaiiy 1 mm f in.-i.i. ... . iaV ha
proven. - Monnett also declares thaf ' tsIZ .7a . i
Haalrll hna r.notidlV anno-ht nr,nnr. I " 1 " spareu u
- ww-.,.., rvHB. thAiiirht is v inm Trior it mav nn m il. i j.i tj. a.ti m .
! 7 . 2 5 P? 8 ,fStdt ' this fall. This means that thousands tlre harmony, as far as possible, with
tlon with the Standard Oil. but hasL, a .,, t,.nnhi,Mn. ,, r?.;:.'' T- i9aiv. ...
always been refused opportunity to rf."vr "v? "11-Z,"" .ZL .wa1
do so. enator Fontker". relations
Th. American mtrM t. f, falf "'' Ktentiary "iui r rnuauu aim .uauio Mehama had the first lawsuit In five lne Btanaara ou company.
1M American mina is ior lairij..-.,. m. inn oth.r I ntt.t -( urith ir..rnncnn I rrnv.r hno-a I Foraker haa been the chlmplon bloody
r ay. first and forever. s Tnev charire .. " -nr Ij- or country, ana. nas
aealnfit 'Haskell ia verv eravt and la Bl8le"' ATea t-eunajuvnuin auu nations. in u buuuccubu . Dufnr., ,chooI population haa in. proui?nt many a thothUess aud ence
, against iiasKexi is very grave, ana isiT. .tthin a n I t.. l.u- .. mii0 tn Trvon. Tni...... e ... .... . I to its feet with his bo mis natriotiam.
the greatest traltora thla country haa
t5antlam trout are Dlentlfnl. hut wbt-t I Hearst never did a better j
id gamy. I American people than he did when he
Don't Shoot In the Air.
Portland. Or., Sept. 21. To the Edi
rne journal spectacular Mr.
ob ror the
not one to be lightly dropped. The -itl a rmo- i7a WaaMnfrtnn . liiat filected nresi-
propoaltion of Mr. Bryan was very cratlc governor. Illustrations of this dent, appointed Jefferson and urged
?P 01 execution, it k,nd be multlplled. hlm to accept the office of secretary likely to shoot
A TjAii-rlftfi r.onntv lrlrl of li ntii-nn1v I ,n
a- . - - m f y j i .v7i jidvu,
rnot a neignDora 40 cow. fJext he la I Voters, store this Incident away In
was that Mr. Roosevelt name any
But now the strange doctrine Is as- of state. In 1800 and again in 1804
your minds, and when some one begins
I to wave the bloodv ahlrt and howl about
tribunal he desired, submit the evl- . . ., . lt . t ... . . . . . . u... n. tnl The hay crop in portions of Harney I lne . secession, pro-slavery, rree-rlot,
J."". i . "JLLL- T.T serted that It Is a great political he was elected president of the county l8 rather good notwithstanding solid-south party, slap your hands on
crime for a voter to change his poll- United States. As such he made the the very dry season, and most new set- your pocketbooks quickly.
Wie I aav v. . 1 13 n.iu uiii c ,i.ia.c;u vy
iiearst s exposure or senator Forager,
and fire a shot in the air by voting for
me lnaepenaence or socialist parties
ryan because the latter did
dence and accept the decision. It is I
the method that the world commendsl tlCfJ . ft Btate BnoW9 up fl0 many Loutelana purchase, and sent Lewis rrnsime,-VralTraSe,, "ay"
.: ; uu i""!"" " """ vntPrn at one tlma. thnv and Clark on their exDeaitlon to Ure-
. ..-i.-- , -
anr or all disputes. It would have muBt contlnue to be Republicans on gon. It was Jefferson, more than all ,
een organlxed at ".'i'r.r,"' ?r B0C ai SA, Da.r"e
' settled quickly and effectually a dis- "T " T. nth. w saved to the United 55? l-?uI2h-?. f .?"" S "'1" 3bcecaus laTter1!
- i ...V.J J . . ' I ' - .. ""' wuuiy. CUl mem UD Ifl nr. ,,r.r.r.t hlry, U. T".. ...
as they live. If they don't they are States territory that is now tne lo-acre tracts and dispose of them to nominan i st" Louis four Velr, ago.
t orbing and very grave controversy,
and have given the people absolute
Information on which to base a fair.
and correct Judgment.
The unwillingness of Mr. Roose
velt to accept it will be -disappointing
to his friends. His lack of fairness
very bad citizens, we are told. All
men who voted for Roosevelt must
vote for Taft, else they are political
It is a good thing for men to
ulianVA tharii. nrtlltlfta noCflfilAnflllv If
...111 v. ..Li,.. . -. v " ,
Muvn.xy ICwSu.reu uy 1110 1 fT, ..---tlir and In tnlllontlv
Am.t...n ni ,in - iiv.i. I ' ' '
ivyic, .c.j .iccij I If . orf. ..M onH avarvhMtv an.
. 4u uu iuc vauumaiQ i.ii . iiuuaeTOil I nomnttivn la nn that
.0 . 11- I. .n t. -
.nAW I '
uuv. . . I nartv that haa In IU1VAP fnr
- " " " '
long time. It gets corrupt, Insolent,
serves the few rather than the many
N YESTERDAY morning's Ore- ana neeaB aiucipune. wi-ia " are
Konian we find an editorial of orea
, ., . ' who become leaders. They can t, re
form their narty: it isn't In them,
IWhat Is needed Is new blood, cleaner
and more high-principled men. Some
such men the Republican party Is
getting to the front, men like Bria
tow of Kansas, but there is still the
big gang of undesirable leaders, who
are yet really In power.
If Aldrich, Elklns, Piatt, Hop
kins, Payne, Crane, Foraker, Can
non. Dalzell. Sherman, and a lot
more lesser lights of the same sort
would resign, would 'say, "We will
quit," the people would not be so
distrustful as they evidently are of
the Republican party. Its rank and
file are good citizens and patriots;
It has many worthy men in office;
but a lot of these big machine men
are a heavy load to carry.
So many people who have been
Republicans are changing, at least
temporarily, or are doubtful what to
do. And to do this Js no crime. It
is not anything disreputable or dee
picable to do this. There la more po
litical Independence among the peo
ple than ever before, and It is a
good, hopeful elgn. The people are..
after all. greater and more Import
ant than any party.
.over two. columns accusing and
abusing Jefferson, the philosophy
leal Democrat, and lauding Hamilton
r the philosophical aristocrat - But we
don't rind a line,, a phrase, a1 word
about what the, last congress did, or
about the trusts, or about predatory
plutocrats of 1908, or about' a pro
' lectlve tariff that robs the many for
. tha benefit' ' nf a fw nr .. t
' whether ' railroads should own the
goverament - rather than that the
government should own railroads,
nor, In fact about a single issue or
proposition of interest right now,
thla fall of 1908 not a word
Jefferson was not a perfect being,
of course? some of his theories
proved impractical, and he was big
enough to act in such cases opposite
to his theories. He was somewhat of
a politician, no doubt, but this ar
ticle In the Oregonian greenly glan
ders od maligns him; for his gen
eral theory of government, even If
we admit that It broke down as to
state sovereignty, was that the peo-
pie were fit to rule and should rule.
Hamilton waa great man, but an
ollgarehist; be would have had a few
rich, educated men. an aristocracy,
rule; Jefferson . thought the com
mon people were or would become fit
to rule.
Pernape the lengthy disquisition
is not entirely .-appropriate to the
the battle is between similar element-,
the 'privileged or fortunate
few and the Ieae favored many. But
there are two differences to be not
ed; II ara!. torn desired government by
aa-aristocracy of wealthy but veli-edac-ted.
hlgh'tnlsded and patriotic
rvnlleroea, rather taa by the pleb
iarlta; tt latterly there baa ben
too mvxk rovers, meat by a tower
type of men. toee who rule too
mac a. not because 'of fltnesa, bat
throat, tie Improper - of gsoBey.
Tre ler difference is that the peo
r' are rcore tttn:tat la many
a My were la HamT.toa's,
T IS quite legitimate for Mr. Taft
to criticise Mr. Bryan's ideas and
propositions. 8ome of them. are
debatable questions. But it is
regrettable that Mr. Taft in distinct
terms predicts wholesale business
disaster If Bryan should be elected.
This is not the tone of a great states
man asd patriot Mr. Taft Is a mas
of Influence and high standing, and
thus to predict panie and disaster if
aa otber man rather than himself
should be elected president is not
eredrtable to him. According to this
doctrine, the people can jDerer
change- parties or policies at alL
withowt Inviting ruin. This If trae
Is only ao by people making it tree
by ikiakiag and, saying, so. The
greater part of its area.
The above is but a brief and scant
mention of the public services of
this great man, a man who though
himself rich for those days and edu
cated, believed In the common peo
ple. All historians agree that few
greater statesmen have ever lived
And yet a newspaper in Portland
Oregon, In 1908, writes columns to
show that this great man was a fool
a coward, a liar and a traitor! It
would be unfortunate Indeed if
American youth believed this of such
a man as Jefferson. It is unfortun'
ate that some people should have to
read these vulgar slanders of so
great a man
The Boston Transcript, comment
ing on the recent Washington state
primary, said that "the direct prl
mary law is breaking down of its
own weight"; the Spokane Spokes
man-Review responds:
The direct primary Idea in general Is
more thoroughly Indorsed since the
election than before. It waa not to bo
expected that in all of Its details the
law would be found perfect Everybody
admitted, when the law waa passed
that experience might show some feat
ures where improvement could be made,
and possibly some amendments will be
proposed. But the people as a whole
are satisfied that the direct primary Is
based upon a correct principle, and they
would not countenance a reversion to
the old convention system.
If Taft loses Oregon, one of the
reasons will be easy te find. That
reason will be the Portland Oregon-
Ian. Its introduction of the primary
law into the campaign and Its bully
ing and abuse of all who believe in
that law, its characterisation of
good citizens who changed their reg
istration as having "lied and sworn
to the lie," is not making votes for
Taft It Is driving Republicans by
the hundred out of the party, and
the voting in November will show It
If Haskell is guilty, he should go.
If innocent, as In the ease of any
other man he should be given the
chance to prove It Mr. Roosevelt's
refusal to name a tribunal for hear
ing and disposing of the charges ia
unusual, and the dispassionate Judg
ment of the American people will
condemn It as unfair.
The president is reported as say
ing that be bit 'em pretty hard. But
has he sufficiently considered whom
he might be hitting? It looks as if
some of his whacks reached the
beads of the people, and they may
not Uka that. -
te"J PP who are dally arriving In Dut If he" ha.caffi Oovef-oV'lHZ
searcn peroianeni nomes. he to with the iroods. then off with
I his head, also. The people of Oklahoma
oi. neiens uera in viatsKame tinier: navinjr tne initiative ana rererenaum.
It is reported that the stone quarry of and, I presume, the recall, can dispose
Fishers Landing, employing 400 men, of him with neatness and dispatch and
Is about to move to Bt. Helens. They can be depended on to do it If he la
have options on a large part of the guilty.
southern part of the townslte and are Hearst would have been at home In
making preliminary surveys. the Socialist party, for he has done
a a more than any other man to create it.
A Grant county man who has visited Why did he not loin the Socialist party
Ontario, Malheur county, says that 10.- 'n8tMl f launching the Independence
000 tons of alfalfar hay could be bouerht
In one neighborhood for, $5 per ton.
There have been so many cattle sold
that hay will not be so high as it was
thought It would be some time ago.
a a
Things have been humming at the
exneriment station lately. navs the
Union Republican. Six cars of tiling
have arrived land three more are to
come. Eight miles of tiling are to be
laiu ana one mue nas already been laid
About 25 men ara at work on the farm.
Central Point Herald: The Sears es
tate, consisting of 213 acres, on the
Jacksonville road, waa sold last week to
Klser brothers of North Dakota. Tha
consideration haa not been made public,
but It is said to be In excess of 20,
000. The place will be subdivided Into
small tracts and put on tha market.
a a
Hlllsboro Argus: E. J. Ayers. of
Oales creek, measures . 6 feet and 5
Inches, and swears to It. He is 63 years
old, and weighs ISO pounds. Between
the dates of July 14 and 18. 1908 out
of 26 huffters who .took out licenses
before County Clerk Bailey, 18 of the
number were over 8 feet In height.
Oales creek leada all other precincts in
the county for tall men.
a a ,-
Morrow county stockmen will make a
big saving on salt thla fall since many
of them have been alloted 10,000 shares
n the Association bait company of
Ogden, Utah. This was brought about
tnrougn trie errorta or tne uregon wool
rowers'' association at its last annual
meeting held at The Dalles. They will
get salt for $14 Instead of $20 or 123
aa h-retoore.
Two Illinois river homesteader were
n w edd unburn, says the Radium, to
lay In a-supply of provisions for the
winter. They ara located 14 miles from
weaaenmrn ana came oown tna inin
ola and Rogue In a row boat They
said th river la Quite low In nlacea
but they expect no trouble returning
wiin uwir ioaa ox i.uvv wonai. xnev
brought down a load of watermelons.
which they sold at a good erica Thar
expect to sail moat of the way home.
party? Can It bo that he Is in league
with the Socialists, too? The Debs red
special, not a special car, but a special
train, is costing some one , a great
amount of money, and Is touring the
country Just as the candidates of his
party are campaigning.
Voters, do some hesdwork. Don't
snoot in the air. That Is what the Re
publican party wants you to do. an
you can bet your last dollar that th
Taft managers are encouraging and
aiaing notn tne socialist ana inaepena
ent parties.
Every vote for Bryan and Kern helps
to knock out the party of trusts, and
special privileges. Any other vote
counts ior Taft and Sherman. Patriotic
voters, think It over. Don't shoot In
tne air. A. W. C.
In Antnmn.
I want to o where' tha leaves are burn
Bumlne- In scarlet and cold:
The wind Is up and my heart le taming
tne rarest oia,
Enterprise News Record: After a
fruitless aearch for a better country,
K. 8. Francis, who returned from Day
ton. Wash., a few weeks in. haa
bought tba farm he sold three years
ago, and paid a goodly eum more than
bo sold it for. buying (IT acres of tha
land from K. S. Pace for SS.eoe. Mr.
Francis Is an Industrious farmer wha
made a snog little fortune on the earn.
ana a rew years ago and doubtless will
ao even better now.
Port Orford Trtbuna: Frank Cook's
dogs treed a bear In town 1 at week
about J0 yards west of tha Ti-lbnn
oriice. una or tne email dots climbed
op Into the enshy-torped tr ta ae.
what tha doc were after. Ha rat an
close ta tha. bear before he could aee It
th t It got acre4 aad dropped to tha
gr nnd and eacarwd. The boy rot so
soared that ha got to the gmnd hwt
r will aayer know bow ha ant ther.
Tba bear . waa no doubt after th. rirot
huckleberries, but annn tha wands will
b full nf vrwar after the berrta s4
that will protect tha rest of aa- frvta
Lbe Bears.
Again to
I want to go where tha leave keen
a ropping,
DroDDlna in crimson and brown.
From dawn till dusk, not a moment
They are drifting, drifting down.
want to go where the leaves keep
a ropping.
Blowlnr In russet and red:
The brook, like a voice, through the ai
lence riowing.
Still whispers of summer dead.
Tet, why go back where the leaves are
Falllnr aaaln on tha hill?
Though woods await and tha winds are
Thy voice Is forever stilt.
Alice B. Allen, In October AlnsTee'a
The RaOroad Is Coming.
From the Silver Lake Leader.
A new order of things la about to
open-eup to our rax a, and lnatead of
u . pvopi. ana a. tvm iu uui v y prac
tically to ourselves, we will beoom. ant
ted with the outside world. In elooer
business end social relations wnicn wm
give us advantages we have never pos-
ase3. but which we nave long wanted
to poareaa.
An empire Is about te be opened op
to tne state, tnit wnen once tuaoea in
proper cultivation will load down train
after train of car dally with their va
rious products, shipping the to the
on tald world, and -tn return receive
their commodities that we ar la Be4
Th long looked for day of deliver
ance is ytwar at nana, ana soon that
day wtlf b upon us like a beaatlful
prtng morning wfcea th sua ppa
forth la all Its tnaamipreac aa glory,
spreading beauty aad goo4 sheer every
where. That day wfll be en of rejoicing and
a day sever to be forgottam.
" Reporte receive- front the Flack
coaat and to Caucasaa afirm that
vdearnrs t caltlvat and naturalise
th.r the India rcooer tre. knows at
"dtcbeaarte a-atta" are rrvlng eminent
ly eurriaasfn Oemalderln. bow very
raatrlcted la the geoaraphlcal Slstrt
bti f gue-FrrJi tr a. r-t
porta no ia attached t this d seovry.
Now It la to lust these women that
the pleaaant exercise of walking should
appeal, and by whom It should be culti
vated, it takes one Into constantly
changing acenes. . Tha worry and hurrv
There are now alx candidates before re Jf" bh'"dt ,or when one "tarts
the voter, of this country for the office tnUl.ln"gW?nfiuce"hirh" com.:
of president Taft Bryan, Debs, Cha- from doing the thing that one haa do
pin. HIsgen and Watson. The real con- i," ftnd Uott,n for u a
test, however, la between Taft, and There areperhnps soma half-dozen
Bryan. As a matter of Justice, all other days in, the year when one would not
candidates should withdraw. There Is ?. benefitted by a brisk walk In this
... climate not more. These few times
Sr?til!fali!nnn0h.,buA cnt 9?'10.1! t0 be when the ground is covered with
;.nnhiithh.t J.?-Wheti?er. t.hl" ?0V; wet 'lu8h w 'eet- or when an east
fhSnHrJ ? n-nnbf X?, the Jntereat of wind, dry, penetrating, nerve-aearch-i2-
nn?nP..Le.or IPJ1" lntr""t f Ing wind Is abroad. Kvoryone who haa
TtSf.-il?". 7h! lueBtlon has lived long here knows how Infrequent
U mlV JS'JLJL ly th"e conditions obtain. For the most
.L. i.ii. L 7.? - J F1,1" J part we have Ideal wnlklng weather,
S.7.??niSth -,Iir.i2nL,8l?n ,wllUaw,y 3U8t uch weather aa English women
tinn. decisions of all other na- enjoy and which brings to thorn those
. ... ,. fresh complexions and rosy cheeks that
inJnr.nV V Zfft JS"" i1" mucl admired,
ir. hnn ihtdoctrln.?,tnat a ew Tlle tendency of most women is to
hnrn i "fi while many sre shut themselves up too much, to feel
v2Ki2AMl,3?Jt-lSI-Jtft'.Ill- that tlitr " tied t the house, and
Hnntr n V?2 ZLWJ!0!??? ,n. "i" re nt leave it, "for fear somebody
h?n thtW.HllknowStnathe8ta.nd" m1111 come." to complain that they are
before the world aa the rnrnnratlnn . .i a A. I. i. j
?'in corPration money to care to walk, and to prefer to drop
nala Vikfiu? onnEf ifm" " chair wltn a book to
Pr. ff" h.,2r.,Mh,,Ro"eY.elt' he ma.r be,a 'Pending a part of their leisure in the
h? th? l,fL.but.,i1 knows full well worid of tlift out-of-doors.
that the trusts Will h. on hanil tn aee t. i. - ...... ,. . .....
..... hi. ...... i . , . , . . . I i. is n. i ii 1 1-1 rvr. ill m n iiicinen
wnri, busting machine doesn't faces, drawn lines of weariness, circles
iJ-irl... , . under the eyes, pasty complexions,
.Every true reformer In th. mt.ntrv I .nnr.i. ...... 1.1...
Ha.n f,nnri"iStnrt,y. Vtnte ,0r, Mer B;yan' oV7rdran'? Not "a bit of It JustT.k
n ViXfLJtfH ra.. e DeoP'8 free from the stay-at-home woman who never has
file-t US Vf? J i Jly,A P,ec'al ,n" time to leave her dally tasks. whlcH are
IS Zr.&ZM5 own Inolvldual strength never quite done, how she feels. She
or manhood he haa becom. th. mmt .,m ..... .... 1. it..... ..
popular man of this or any other na- weary, that It is hard work to be na
tion. He has more real frlenda than u... ..i.k h. t..v.-. .u. ,v. , .1,11,'..
fonSationWeo tha ana ,af
SF? tm. ttf,.mut,tud.e". becau" ?f And then ask a woman who cares for
hi".J?i tt J ' 0rant ln 111. lin 88 lare:' a home with no more help, but
SVm. w,d ,was 8PPluded be- who takes tim to go out every day
Sn?9 n hh TTn?.lai pfitionBJ a5 p,?f anl walk briskly, even If the dally mar
d"t P' ile United Statea and chief ketlng Is the only Incentive, and see
nfimon? -hn h'. HT l""7.' bu.t h? what she will say. Or you need not
Si p,!., . !. heard nA -PPl8lel ask her. for you can see for yourself.
a?.5lX mnfli t S f, ? of his She has a firmer step, a brighter coin
superior moral and Intellectual man. . .-
Rrvan I thithiJ1. who. vote. (?r AIr- She gets away from the housework long
BIyan,i?inib8.t-h,Ld day of nextNovem- enough to get a true perspective of It,
mnn oni or ... ney iov tne and to see that only that Is done well
Hv? hmtv ihP'ii"",? '5 hl"u excu" which contributes to the happiness and
fM'T-ftlW heaJtn o' famlly-
losing their Jobs. Many women fu nver trlfl.a w hlrh
If thev saw In nernnectlv. th.v would
A Political Rhyme. find ar not worth doing. Such ara
A. K. in New Yorlf World patching laboriously a worn gingham
take no stock lr Tpafty lore, tome If. apr0.n- for ,ntanc8- that is only rfit
all flapdoodle: l? ..tear "P fr dusters, and Ironing
MT ceia ?onnTaJnktle Eg? onTheTll
If Dlfcocrats should have success to Patohwork ik4- wha5 eyM P4.
.in .n,ii.i...i. buccbsb to temper could be saved by buying lust
The sun win ahln th'rrnn. in . a Sd a one at the store; 'Or putting;
iStthihll.1,m T0W' ?P 8'x varieties of plokles whisk are!
And wealth will come to thrifty folks ni.tAH t?2,u ci?"aren sj never:
whichever Bill's .elected, y M distinguished by the man of affair.: or
1 7.. ba r1b to feed ?e0nbfrgmS?Lh?annte whTh' ar. SK
As long as I can see my way ta tr.. ,a,d awaJr ,n neat Pes whn they ar
from going undo? P done bcause they are too nlc to use;
We've had a deal of ton ah horn tin... or "Ponging and turning and fussing
In wit. f our t.m5.' hard t,me" with an old dress skirt that could be
To give another man a chance Vm aat. aon a.1. tno cleaners for a trifling sum,
isfied and ready cnanca rra "at- or making ornaments for th home ou
Too lona- the tall haa waa-o-en th. nn.- of brokn crockery and putty or silk
.iSffhSlt oncWthgeg11blea SSStJ
ana rive mil Krvan a fair . tn I . -- - uc, Tc-
cjnn tna Augenn staple.
I kinder think he'll do th trick, and
uouniui ueiy lu na nim
When I look at the bunch of foe. that
n is oraveiy xignting.
Th "system" has turned Teddy', .tick
i mo . Harmless reamer;
Th "undesirables" flock and run t
Teddy's bloom In a- heather .
Oh, I'm so sick of th elephant', toot,
so tired o his honk.
I really long to hear th bray of Billy
This Date in History.
18$ John Harvard, for whom Har-
vara conege wa namea, died In Charles,
town. Mass. Born in London In isdt
lt6 3 Th British army adnnt.ri th.
ring bayonet
167 Aaron Burr, nreaidant nf
jersey conege. oiea. 1
iss rne judicial system of the
United State eatabliahed by act of con
1804 William E. Burton, hmm..
comedian, born In London. Died In New
xora. reoruary is, use.
IS 13 Qreat Illumination In PMi
aeipnia in nonor or i-erry'. victory on
Lake Erie.
12 Th thirteenth amendment to
the constitution of the United statea
ratified by a two thirds vote.
ill! Marcus A. Hanna. United fliat.
nanaior rrom unia oorn ln New l.i.hnn
Ohio. Died 1104.
lilt Robert Young Havna TTn(tn
num Bawiior xrom noutn carniin.
died ln Asbevllle. N. C Ban in at
Paul's Parish. 8. C-. November IS, 17L
isb aaontaruy uuten oy th Ameri
can army under General Taylor.
i" J Territory or Art son organised.
184 Dr. Fiasco. Inventor n th.
X-ray, died.
lOa Dlsastrona fir tn the business
section of Butt. Mont
Lewis 8. Chanler's Birthday.
Lwis Btuycsant Cbanler. lieutenant-
governor of New Tork aad who waa re
cently tom tnatod by th Democrats for
governor of that state, was bora Sep
tember 24, 114. la Newport, R. I. On
nia BBotaers sio a i related te the
A a tor family, from whom ho Inherlte-
a larg fortune. Mr. Cnanler's law du-
cation waa obtained at th Colombia
Law wchooL and b took B mar a. ta tn-
ternatinnaj law and lurisrtrudenoa at
Cambridge anl erstty. Er.glandr wber
n was mane iweatoaat el th famous
Cambridr Unioa Debatlag aoioty. He
was admitted to th bar ta New Tork
In 1 1st. and wa couna la th f ae
of Carl Tie Harris and RalaaS B. Mnlla
aux. on trial for murder, and ra other
rroanlaet csw. Tat year ago Mr.
Cfcanlar wa Uo Drmocratle and Imte
pandanc earM anmlrMMi fnr lieaf enant
govrr f Jt 1 r aad waa eicctad..
trying things are over which so much
of good temper and valuable eyesight
are spent. And the moral Is. don't.
Don't giv up your daily sponge bath
and your dally walk because vou have
so much housework to do. The more
nouseworic you nave to do, the, more you
need some such time to yourself and
the more necessary Is It to straighten
up and breathe deeply, walk briskly and
acquire poise and rested nerves
m k
Three Months' Outfit.
NE .mall suit case Is all th bag-
gag necessary ror a woman trav
eling through Kurope, according
to an American woman who has Just
returned from a three months' trip
abroad. She felt sura, she said, that
she had solved th problem of traveling
without baggage.
Her experiment cam about through
accident she explained, not without
a certain amount of pride. Her out
fit consisted of one pair of tan ahoea,
three talra of tan hose, one brown Eton
suit a. silk waist to match, a small
hat an umbrella, a brown veil, a net
waist for evening, and fonr linen shirt
waists: three union suits and a brll
Hantln. alrlrt'wlth double frill1 to take
the 'place of whit underskirts.
St n n
In the Poultry Tard.
ANT' conveniences for us about
th poultry may b -'mad at
home, or Improvised from odds
and ends Handy measures, for na
In feeding grain, may be mad from th
regular two-pound tomato cans by melt
in. nff th. fnna. A fountain for small
chicks ma v be mad from almost any
kind of a tin can. with a nail hoi Just
below th top edge, and Inverted In a
basin or saucer. Th flat salmon can a
make good drinking cups for a ' few
chicks. Hoppers for feeding dry mash,
gnt or shell may b mad from wooden
boxes oa the earn plan aa the pur.
chased galvanised Iron ones Flat wood
nr tin boxes make a-ood feed trays.
One's own tnamulty or needs will sug
gest other handy contrivances for help-,
big with tb work and sating money.
' The Dally Mena.
Btewed pa ra Liver and bases.
Hot comhread Coffe.
Scalloped salmon raeroJ.
String ba saJal.
Baked ptosis Custard puffs.
Cocno. .
CReas of rsoHflowea soup.
Flank steak with toanats sauoa.
Ovaters with naa'-aroai.
' BToed t- 'a. Cnra fl sob.
. Rag tpl pudUlng. ; .
Cher. Coff , ,
( " 3