EDIK3M EGE OF TIE cJOUKNMj r f THE JOURNAL am iNDErKMDKirr niwinrii C a IACSSOH ...rWUMr lated from a mild tor throat' It la an established fact that a consider able number of wall persons harbor la their mouths the germs of grippe, American people that', would hare porting bim. ..If he shall be elected been. ; It would haTe gained Taft let us all hurrah for him, uphold his tens of thousands of votes. Even hands, trust him, and go forward Bryan could not. hard helped ap- with our business as usual. If plaudmg hi competitor for the presl-1 Bryan shall be elected.' let ua do the I pneumonia, diphtheria and tonallltls. r,il!,tJr7 i!!:! ,?VVJt?Z I doncy for euch a speech.'' same. He la not a perfect man but . Of 4,:50 well persona examined n. nm aea nuiu nma, rorw.. w ;; vui Air. un, Knowing men mean to ao rigni ana we naveioy me wcuuaoin Association Oil jj. jr. Yoakumta reported to have .aid ' tnNM t th. notorrtM at iHiU4. r..7 about Foraker, took him .to his I faith that he will do right iDoarda of Health, over 100 carried In I Ln iervi.w that ",4.000,000.000 would .-,. ik. s.eOs - K-s-rt. boaom and told the American people Thla hlntlng.of disaster la to be their mouths .virulent diphtheria it th. pPi. or ihiewSmtrr h3 to'pir l'. -J:." "....'.. - ' . . that he wss a good patriot .Viewed! reprobated by every good ,cItUon. germs. ' Pennington, In, 1807, found. same rates th English .hipper. Ail wiX ta Tw-b.. merely from, the standpoint of pollt- Let us be cheerful, hopeful, eonfl- virulent diphtheria bacilli In nearly h.. reZuuon "ai'aT St,s' teal expediency. It waa a grave mla-1 dent We are going to hare better five per cent of apparently healthy I eh.n and accuracy of statuticai fact, has iAa m -a fan ma a a. a ii a s u -a . .a s .viij. a w- l n . a a. a Lit n iinrpaiiii w miAiai - . . . - o r.-raNTATlv ,or(fflr 4.T kT ' prosperity, greater in i nimae.pnia. IB " ,f h.V beoiJrtiy quot.d. th. . m.,hrtJ a1t uch as Is rarely offered to the can- J better crops, mora good things and Minnesota, - true diphtheria - germa in this matter h. is wallowing in a d. ENGLISH AND AMERICAN FREIGHT RATES fOBBIOSI ADVr.KTISINQ ItJ!rBBRBTATIV I. . .. .M. , rv ,. (.,, " ' "a ,vIbm n( Mln..n(. .,.. ,1lnV,Wt." 1 1-V." ""..?.!?r."'.3.'aJ i"" v . , . M t a jtrttmlnaT Aartffja I av ta v aa fW " ' wfcvaw v.a- i v4 wa wv w g vrvrv m-0 I uifHkHviia B VI M I " IllUUCr lit WJ1W IMS an a UOUfcf . : " kl. NMaa s- VIV aUa T,. I arn I Uosi aswfl K In m mam In aI 1 1 svan I w a-a fntiil fa K a e-n K. -A a... Ifl. TIlOrA ln.btt fit) ! UC 1(1 atl n aT Mm prowwwg running, ring I uiuaig ivi Utftu uung. uuk ii v , iuiua iuviv luvvwiiVMw v v auvuiui u& I v vui I - Ji:ri. - j i T.i., I U4UI O VUfaU mm IJICJV UllDkHAV VI V1IVI va vi-a amaa uwva u avvaV wmw i va, v j fwvv a bvusj VAAUitUOUi I irCIRIK Tallaaf. IT JUT IOIKURI W4SlilaJ J n-wirt)g iwm br t,unr in the light of Hearst'a revelatloni I courage and virtue and rigbtoous- The bacteria which la one person ?n'p?lr? tnf Enaiuh froiaht rt.s with c..m c.Md. I d of Tftft.s own uUertncei ,Q tnJneM rIght-along. cause only alight. 111. may 'when r?rtf.5.,lieir.n,e0JS; thi'rS Om fr. ...... ..$3 M I Om awatk SL'NDAT. Om far. .'. .SXOO Om awatv DAILT ANU SUNDAY. ; tin frr f 7.M I Om awslk CimiMmt natmtct - Tbif CtrtUtn that tbt timUtiom tf tit . ytitfamflttd0i f Mraatrnf 8y tfv Adrtatr'$ CtrtiM CimUtioa Bhm Book .. jo I Ohio campaign three years ago, Inde- A Tbla la the way to think and talk transferred to another, produce aerl-1 JT.1,,1'?? of Pr!S "mpani I 4 . J j t .v.lan . t i. i ... m.v i In... HiA... w-..- I IM United Statca. tor tn. rraa tar part i I'cuueui uior m oiam m iuji " uaav i.u.UuU auu ucoiu. wur uuuureu 1 or tna rrelfht I ualnsna or to. tngllsn "I union are now asking the slgnitl- ledo when the presidential nominee! Bryan 'a election clasped hands with a nan whom he knew to be the paid hireling , of Standard Oil. They are asking whether It waa not a tacit surrender of the most vital principles for which Taft professes to stand, a sur render made for the purpose of win ning the support of Foraker and the IS THE ELECTRIC CHAIR FAILURE? A I Professor Davison says, "are likely I tor.a, .to., by the railroad companies to be acquired from use of the com mon drinking oup.Y Tkm fper kmt proved by mrnltgrnttom UlAl tto ctmU tto rtcordt arm kept milk ntt aW tbr rimlmtiom ttMtrd mik tmeh mcemrmer thmt odmtimrt aur rttr om anr IB ' . ' . . ittwi ot mmt maot or tot pvblmlttrt i matter tkt owmtnkio moo OMOMmwrnmrni tim EFFICACY of the electric chair as a means of executing condemned criminals . Is ques tioned by a New York coroner. great, corporation whose employe That the executed do not always die I he has been. . I ln the electric chair, and that they More than ever before ln the his-1 may be at least partially conscious tory of our country, the people are I until the autopsy ends existence, Is demanding of candidates for high or-1 the theory of this official. Z He does flee that they shall be fearless, on-1 not Insist that the chair does not kill, thrmaelvaa. With this hlfh-claas fr.lght buslnasa, Mr. 1 oakum would on evin t.rma coin par, tha atupeatloua trafflo In raw ma t.rlaJ don. by our railroad. With It h. Pould oompar. tha trafflo In mil lions upon millions of feet of .lumber which la annually, cut ln Orfiron. J lacked away in enOrmoun train oada and moved for. hundreds of rlrhnpita nf nn..,' t" I nines at a rut. or rour or rive muea ricnness, or rewards. The plant- an hour to Missouri river territory and lng Of spring, the reaping Of sum-If olnta .oat thereof. And what holds millions upon millions of tons of coal, i TOE CO LI) EX SEASON. . T 13 'AUTUMN," the harves't time, It Is the 'season of ripeness, of "ads and mer. show forth to tollers In a stream Pm7,?lo0f. JSSTir of gold. . , . . ...... , A Q : t rv Or Dnhailnsf r ?,n of 1mn' HtnA on thy feat and I ,wlU apeak .unto thea-Ei brain Invanulty and word Ju,eiin to eplaja tha words of th. ol3 . prophet, to thos. peopl. to whom fact that coal by tha hundred, of thou- r, .""'' " -novah m.ant th. anaa or iona innunufi vinm i -... un woraniner. Newcaatle, and. other ooal-produolnf 10 wain th. laat thin wu that an points, around th. aouth ooaat of En- who truly worshlDad .ha,,h ' land to London, or northward to Llv.r- M - wor'Pl should stand up' pooL II. forgets entirely that' there - , , fa hardly a great manufacturing- oenter ret th. measure of th. worth of an Ln. h"..,, "ILX. T01"'" I th. inerea.ln. wefh grain, , Iron and other raw products which, becauae of tholr vary nature, can be handled at low ooat and low rates. Mr. Yoakum forgeta. or falls to nhow all this. He makes no mention of th. some cianal which will carry by water , .fc' "V."" worm nufacturlng oenters tna great ' ", ' r" ' " w" wouia glorify to auch mi bulk of th. raw material for manufao "".Creator the best way tura, and carry back to .xpore points I ""lna creation more glorlou tn. great bulk or manuraoiurea proa-1 more Dy making nmn- lead will be by Oud ucta whluh ao for exoort. jn. contrast is nearly oompieta. In rvjiisTion in avarui i . . ' 'V"o ana leaa men to larwer llvln. very - way win In- in. ooniraai IB nearly nunpiii id n iu urger living freight trafflo In this country raw ma-1 ,.;,. "1 nough of the religion terlal preponderate", and despite th. I "JJ ?hJWt of man as utterly da- muuniaivn, siiiu uvautt,w v l . . . . . - aa uiiariv nala - rapid development of manufactories ths i Tii 2.' lnat 'os.-to describe him as a ratio of the raw to the whol. Is tend- f.0"1 Pf th. dust, aud that ex. lUnftfaSatrlsl ( mAnlanIHs V. .VUI. I Si V rha, nifnelnnal !. MAWjaaiiaanf avhlflk nS.n,. urvuvmua, I v," "Y. ' " ..2 71" V" ,1 " " ,.-1 i.l rr' .vT-'k.. I Pre.aed Us hlhe.t Vi i- Vh "" pneumonia, and grippe, all of whteh J r, i foV freight brth. raiiw.;; i. high oTa r;oh. J? b. otwnBothin;"AS tv lib umfniiinar r a ., llglon Is to heln him ba inm.M . freight. The raw materials go by water and canai routes. . Mr. -Yoakum might, oom Dared tha coat of a a Cunard greyhound with that on a for.-1 T ?n "an nas told th. Almighty , and-aft.r in bgon. days: or th. pro- V '.on.ly, vll. worm of th.' ductlv. cost of aquaahes in th. Aroos-1 ?"5u.5 it rtuUo?" Information has took valley with that of pineapples on C.UT.v; i.1 nypoorue. ror whll the moon. ' ... F, FV. .,!fSS A8"F'd him- Tne plea ror nigner rreignt rates in I - i .w Mnt . United Btatea la baaed upon aound I "u'.i or' ' - I r , f uiiiovning (t. far ratter hav. Ifr1'."01, fairer, than he .ver a Journey today on 1 has dreamed. with that on a or.-L.: rLb?i man has told th. Almighty the and valid reasons. which have, from ","V7 S,"Z "T9 m" na time to time, been set forth. But th. ,,"M?P f. lbel ? the race, exaggeration In whloh Mr. Yoakum, as -oV.kL1?, ,h y,"! ?P toward th. ' inuuiaea la I . . i ni wunny ana . n a-oodT Ln,plflB,s- Every endeavor for 'better. , W ' I nUrArV lArsf-Mff eftriit MAaa. eM-l ! . a " hi which have, from L1?-'.; ,am t m" h ha s own estlmatay a high railway authority, ii bound to do more harm than Ueootrol September t, XS08, f; If Z knew yon and you knew i , me-1 f ' t'"-' If both of us could clearly see. And with an Inner sight divine ' The meaning of your heart y 'V and mine V . :',.f. ; I'm sure that we would differ "V 'leBS ; i V And clasp our hands ln friend . Ilness: , r, . . vv Our thoughts would pleasantly agree ':: ';.-:--;. ? , If I knew yon and yon knew ' ' v' Wlxon Waterman. ' The speculator : may weave his swerving, Inflexible In battling for but urges strongly that a scientific wAvJj Pf.?Fh" may dream his Mia nAnnlA'a rla-ht. - iht thnv ahall TTI1 ", ,f . I. urcuia, tuo pouucian may BpOUl ana be absolutely untainted by suspicion removed, he says, the physicians who sp.uttei btut th,Is ,s the tlmo ' ye of cowardlyelf-seeklng compromise are called upon to perform the weji American farmer can shake with the interests which are the ntnnr .r in a horrlhla nosltlon. ,UB Bn nTo genuine aAAtARt inniM 4n tliA nntlnn' waI. I T H lcf a In Ti hnilv anrf Ida I thanksgiving, I ... " I j v i i- -,.-j I mo auiuiuu. Two-Gent Postafe A Poem for, Today From ths Wall Street Journal. On October 1 the Unite States will make one of those alliances which do not entangle, which truly draw nations together, which brlna- to these shores Nafure IS the kind-1 the thought and. civilisation of .our i ' The Noble Life. By Philip James Bailey. Philip James Bailey, an purerv larrer. and mora itnin tl ft? 'AV A!5-wor"hl,V BivrJr ProetraTion J .v " "inoere coniesaion of past failure and with speedy rlalng to new ndeayor, la an offense against th. love that has destined us for great- neea. -.!'....- i ...... . ,. ,. , Th. divine 'call to man t .. w J I S? and strlv. for th. highest level of English poet, I Ufa. Make th. moat of youraelfV for was born ln Baahford. Nottlnghamsbire, JS??!?0,?1 J1 ben "lva lilf1 m,gbt goair nr. on April 11, 18K. Whtl h. mwiia -tne lire that rrowa In nu. ' ' ' appareni aeaiu uiorcij bibvtouou .. .i..M , , ev. I ..lkk... ... TTk-. it.. .-1 writer or a number or lengtliy poetloaJ I m goaiikeneae. Th. reality of the Mr. Taft had the opportunity to animation, then the surgeon who ex- l?- .thought of. . r She n Jghbor. and carry to other itada th. 0mpotJon,( enI. onm' ot thM mn ot th. inftalt. being may be'm! show himself such a man, It is nro- amines the body kills the man ln ct" C4'.U .! :bo""" ..l'. remembered todays; thla la .th. pai .n- totraV"tolhrKiR 'aVSaT-Stt foundly regrettable.that he failed to the autopsy. The surgeon becomes f "J? ; ' L7 in T ae: wh i wTTi earrV SSS .7"- .fLif ou . " T " i uuuc" iauuioib, bvulu uununieaiy. - f th. RHti.h I IZZ. . T-" " " . .T " V.. . rT 1 ."'.aa "r,T?" w suon run grasp It. THE STATE FAIR. . .", TAFT AND FORAKER. the executioner. J ""r"' ! l"er. from any part or me Brit an I tha -t ot poetlo work produced llf. wltiout reAiiiin. M'Lr The coroner adds thaflt would "er leBfflr aKl5 mus,c .n?7er liSfl' "n,I TO inTJifiiS? - ifv! bjr EngUahman. . Perhape , the. .two sltate. and . develop, th. .pfrtt of hi- ui eewe auver rairer foulness and unworthl. rareaied. Tet we have to tneae thing behind. Id nfmuilj tkt mtlr. We have so much progress of our I Of virtue. Think' oa nobl. thoughts) sind I esa and wandering, and put oa new rn to r nrond of that we CSUinot I AmAm I arlorv dav tT Am.tr. ' of truth, 71 Bacaus. man la the son of th most .nn i i " " . - . S. . v " . . i v.. !: i - " " i j viiu vv i caaici tuiiiuiuiuvauuu gvwwis -asa- a wlaffj. I aividuais and nations, n was ureai i natters not, than, what thou f eereartt I Cli.i. .kl.k nrlii. ...r thai w wumi. mini ihiwim This Is I auspices of Rowland Hill, the Mulready Boldly and fearleasi In tha lletit tt.m . I anvalnna whwh rtt wrimrt TrtT rwn MfltR I " I y iui, vviiii w ."""o.""- i xnera la a band itm ariniua m e .- e. e v.- -e' . t In the history ot Oregon, position, he recounts tne -revolting - - v.-v.v.. w. have so much progress or our of virtue. Think on nobl. th .tton,1.r tka l.rrt dnfAlla of thfl AXont!on of ft mur- matron; she. at the same time fills I own to be proud of that we cannot I deeds i attendance was the largest details or tne execution or, a mur- farmer., nurse fills the banker's "rud" tho British postoffiee for con- Ever. Count o'er the rosary the exhibits the most com- derer. A contact of 52 seconds was e larmer s purse, iuib me paniter s Bletent leadership In U which makes I And practice precepts whloh Lucf wuriu ld&c infiv nnfi . rtAe i m vi poo ia uitquliuui ait. ovri - i . - - i as i . H.-.j .... i ciBftr-Bvea. liih wumor w liih wunu. rwn , . reconclledand Mr. Taft said en", agriculture, meananics, live- - - tnt;H tVA Hrnr of :! that .S0?". that they had never biock ana au aeparunenis , oi nus- i. tnw him-M wifa h wh.H scale stui obtains with In nin,.. A m IhandrrwAra t.hiA. Tn . baa la tn lauea 10 ao in me xvsi uwuuiccj. I . J . . but next week we shall loin uiMbiocuwuu now, i , . . . . .... it . . I RhA wanta: nia rnnnrpn tsa rn I -i .v. u T a.1- . I tA AAmrltiAA Tn 1t, TH6 inClQcDL C&11B UU IUB om uues-i " " ? wJ " ui nesrgn eiDOBura or or " wu.juvou,, o.uu i. - . ... . . .. .. ..Knnl. h 4a nn n mnno.h I civilizing medium. Standard Oil rtnrnAvhin V a perfect horse, cow or sheep is to on r capital punisnment. ,oi ai -. "- - " - r, . ,.-......,. FEW days ago Mr. Taft met grounds. . , Senator . Foraker at Toledo, Great benefit must have come to Ohio, and It was 'heralded to Oregon from the keventl The best tha world .that they' had be-j that prpgress 'In; Invention, art, scl- come In .substance been ln view aker'; ;ls announced that Mr. Taft Is going f flll the stockman wlth'desire to pro to leave ground." Two was a man good, patriotic er; but; now; and disgruntled with him. I "rst handed. It Is a clearing Why?- Not, apparently, because where farmers stock up by purchase Taft has learned anything new about W,H D,ooaea neaas I0r tnelr neras tne senator; .but. because the people, ma T.ATHST atata fair- tha "hoot tn' tYim. Tilatnw nnn I nnsltlnn TiA rAMnnta thA . rAVOlMnir I Prod The nssAttttAtialvA T,a j.iAfn r.s. tVA K I m a In t a Inert nnrl pffftr thfi hflflv hflil I VaU8 With gO,(l; in ipite of tha fact that it was con- been rfemoved signs ojj respiration pr!f.'a ducted without betting. The live- were observed. It was placed on a aAAlM s7avm eVTvt aa atifmaMa Vni -v I rif fin1 fh(rA N fftln'f nillflA bAt?AT11A an former exposition, at Balem fair noticeable. . He moved his legs.and JtJo JS&L actually came to himself enougtt to ""- " vented th. adhesive postage stamp, and good, 'The farmer feedeth all.1 his season of triumph. high h. Is not aXrlld of his father's fao. and h. never has found anything too high (or him. He la most Ilk. bis father as h. reaches out after th. life . that la varraat . and . rao& And mhlA ThA children of the most high are known venrwhere aa thoaa who aeek tha hlh- ou mo. W. live in d-d not ywrs;.to thoughts, men MplrV .Think no ilory of cWa not breaths: - . . - li ti. n business t.whlch makes Its I In feeling, not In figure, on a dial las simply heaven's way of setting th. walk and talk. Forty-eight minutes I armed, valiant, a v warrior the I led. tha way to that enormous and prof . . ... ............. a ,, rrpntPsr wnrrlnr of earth ln thA hnt I liaoie man ousiness iwmcn raawi lie i itouia-, not in ngurea on a auu. I aa Sim. laier, alter no uau uet?u lurmwij . . ' I postorflce an asset to tne cnanceiior or I we snouid count tim. Dy heaxt throba. I upward path before us. look on It. AVAP.ntAd. ho was nlaced on the chair nav" sumnjer, now, , oBru-nanaea, I the. exchequer instead of jo burden to the H. most Uvea I every dlsolDllne aa a call to true wor- T I t, a it.. ..UA-aa il.ii.-ij l.ninKrrv Hra. f Dr-I tain has alrABriv saw. I WhA thlnlra mast baIa what atAiklAait I w l a . . a.. . . a.. wavww AJ'"" . I aaw miiiiao fuvsjta a.uv UVyiWffk BM1U BlliU. . QUUCsaVUr V U WUrUUOgV U . 'lIor.. letter" . the best, . I climb aomehow nearer to th. fac. of. th. Th. five-cent I And he whan heert hmti unlr-lr .. I Inflnlta nln. i)ther. countries. th. longest: , . s, I- I would rather trust th. honor hand. andlT.fva In nn. hnti. miiM 4t m.m 41 ftf ha mail1tiA I a ir.n r.4n n S.ln. its greatest som. , .. r , . . laA'.Aroat animal than that of the on. tha world believes that the' takine of earthl it is tne time oi goia- rine autumn r oracer in tne back- Hu " U"C1 vuo- " r. . - t h harViMt tlm. th rAtfnlna? tiniA i proposition. weeks ago Foraker effect of a sight of Ae "best .wheat, l"-"".- nrr 7 - f"'9V' after Taffa own heart, a tne largest vegetables or m.;iest r;-- --r Tha 1(fi.VM ftrlmSOri. thW - vln: thlna: .country-saving broth- dairy products Is similar. The fair - wither, the heavens scowl with wthdv IZrZttZ Mr.' Taft dianof is a clearing noose or information. r" " . . . t . ; -Rrl crimo la not uiuro iuui(iui iuau iu I - I loaa In I 1 . V. a V. n ...An. hna .aa I . . UidUU JTUU . buo um . uou una . ucou I in IDA I Whose fat blood sleeps as It slip, along! who interprets his religion In terms . the veins.- . I of self-abnegation: th. latter Is liable rrrvln- a lrttAF nernM Mia AtlAntla I lAto la hut a matana mitn .ti .nX. ',.i I to 11t UD to his own eneaiflaations. for 2 cents looks like an unprofitable end, .... . ., I If ,w. would hav. men upright In wnere me oerman posi-i Beginning, mean, and and to -air things I meir waya we raui aia mem io oeing can exact 6 cents, it is notn-1 God. I uprigni m. meir worsnip. .. the kind. It does not cost anv-I Th a a h.v ati .i . v.l ima world needs men wno .wm stand like two cents to carry the weight - world. I I up on their feet; who are not afraid ed and who . can be counted on letters across the Atlantic. In ror two cents the American tlsh postof flees face- a certain The Better Day. , That -iwas tho - glory - ef that' good through Hearst, have found out. In a specific, definite way, what , they knew ln a general way all along, ; Taft has known Foraker Ulke a book for 30 years. It Is regrettable that Taft met and greeted? this taint ed man as he did at Toledo. For aker has been all his political life an enemy of the'people, a tool of their robbers and Taft has not been Ig norant of It. ..... --, :... - In October, 1905, Mr. Taft, then secretary of war, made a speech In Akron, Ohio, which helped to defeat Boss Cox and his tool governor, Her rick. Pattison, a Democrat, was elected governor ln Herrlck's stead, largely on account of that notable epeech. Mr: ,Taf t then said: "The .condition (In Cincinnati). Is one of and flocks. It Is an Inspiration ln I all the activities of farm and home. It is educational, Inspirational and elevating. It teaches what cannot be states where capital punishment . Is ln vogue. " r Possibly to the averse sentiment Is In. part due the fact that we exe cute less criminals than any other nation. Our average of convictions the .first year, a probable losajAwakef Awake! the stars ar. pale, th.!1?,.1,1'6 Hved lo.nf Jn Judeaand eennd. a noaalble loaa ln thai aaxt i. .. I Oalllee: It counted ' as - an ' Individual," irnorf and enlden. and the snrlife la l third and a largely Increased prof It They fade, behold, th. phantoms fads. I " was a.-iire mat stood pand " " ' ' lever afterwards. It has been shown I that leant th. r- ... .... I naa .cried lo ail BlirA ....... r . . . : " I i . j .1. -. I I ! . . .. . . " . . I 0A . learned elsewhere, and gives etlmu- homicide is less than two per lus not otherwise to be obtained., cent. The average ln Germany is In all these things, the fair asso-Si Per cent liai' AB ' elation has. done, the best work ln France U8, Belgium 76 England 47, Its history, and jt Is well." It ought BPaln 6 ana ana we exe- to have done so, for it had a sUte cuted 136 condemned criminals ln of magnificent resources to. draw 1905. 118 ln 123 ,n 1903- 144 4 ""TT. . In ion 119 tn 10rt1 and 190 In upon. It should more ana morel". represent those resources, and those J again and again that cheaper means of I Throw wide the burning valves, and let MOINES AND THE SOCIAL mSV. h iffh S "iSTS nJS 5?tTlln wtoB EVIIj. .' I of a telegram to any part of the United I ; Kingdom rrom 14 cents 10 1 cents, me i put off, put off your mall, y. kings. RTRTTOfiT.R with tha unHnl utl"So rnu uiciihi.i..i jr na Deal your oranas to dust: sittijuuijiii wun tne . social iogB was neavy. Th. loss exists no A surer grasp your bands must know, evil under unusual: conditions longer and the number of peopl. who your hearts a better trust: la ln nroeresa In Des Moines ?nj03C the ad?SnJ?e8 of th". 8lefraph Nay, bend aback the lanoe's point, and is in progress in ues oiwnes. naB been multiplied many times more ! break the helmet bar- It will Interest . Portland and than two-fold. a nolae is on the morning winds, but other cities. J pea Moines Is governed 1- , '..'", ' , DES A resources should more and more ex ploit the Oregon ' state fair. si -" A . THREATENTXQ GROWL. HE EXPECTED WAIL has be gun. The howl of the "Inter ests" Is heard. Unless theRe- ntinllriAn narfv fa 1r0nf In nnwAr abBOlute helplessheSS On the part Of I nn1a Standard HI) ami Alllfid Inter. smy inaepenaent Republican seeking Usts are allowed to have their way. to take part in politics and to act ln- j there are to be hard times, depres aependently of the machine: and the!. Inn ttaaetAF. rnlflmltv. 'wa ara InM a tstresslng effect Is now seen upon Here Is the' calamity howl uttered all the young men ambitious politic- by a local organ: rUm.M " dr,remthen Busings .throughout th. country. In- POUtlcs and deprives the public "of rosrors throughout th. country, concede Their valuable services, or If they go thero Is some danger of th." .lection of into pontics, they must subordinate I Bryan. . . . themselves to the tyranny of the! It is unfortunate, indeed, that the poi boss.: The whole government of both ,cy ' r Part lm mo 3r(,'d that peo. Cincinnati and Hamilton pi. wUl halt th.lr und.rUklngs and In- 'abaolntelr nnder Jila rrnr'.i slmerita. and -wait to see." Tet no- ."i "PI"! J," (Cox.,) .control, torti, tnl, i,.tho condition all over .muu wwy xvcpuBucan political con- tt. United Btatea, 7 at . this time. itwiuos wmiiuiei ua men vnom be "Business." Standard OIL "Dan . - 'aa'' tr." To the "Interests.- The big , air. a wen on to say that tne I gerpent hisses. The overfed hyena altnattea was "on to be deplored." I ah w its Tellaw teeth. .and though eren then, he did notj If the pedple of this country openly advise Herrlck's defeat, the I choose to elect Bryan president, no- ppopie unaersiooa - wnat lie meant, J body has a right to predict disaster waa ucieAieu. boss Cox ahd calamity. It Is a great moral saved Hamilton county (Cincinnati) crime to do so. There has been a by the alender margin of S3 votes, panic under the administration of uui. m auAM. eiocuxi a democratic I Roosevelt; shall The Journal there- guYcrour uj mm was Tart's fore say that Roosevelt has ruined protest urea yeara ago against the the countryT Nay. In the working cox-roraer-stanaard Oil machine out of the eternal . verities he has in vnio. iei iwo weegf ago Mr. done It good. v . ia aonouncea 10 me world that Times are becoming somewhat Foraker was his great and good better, and let ua, like sane, cour- incoa, .uu wu go taca to tne sen- ageous. pleasant souls eay that tt!? nt " of 0nni6' hT SUn(1- "time.- must and shall Improve SIU I aIaaKIw aio A. AM m Uar whoever Is elected president. If we all say so, and think ao. It will sure ly be so. A man, a newspaper, that says The New York Juror, contemplat ing the question raised by the Man hattan coroner, will reflect long and anxiously before he votes the human being in the dock Into an electro cuted doom. not the noIs.jf war. by a commission with concentrated I Henniker Heaton that cheap Dostage lAmona; the grassy, mountain paths the power ana responsiDUlty. Tne plan oetween me coiomes ana ine moineri i country may be chiefly attributed, with They ib ij unci iub dv,..icv ww. iflue respeot to tne courageous action fti'nff w t Mtnim ' an A an.n aa Ar tint I nt thA. Hh.rAl ndjitmaatAr.rimftnil. ThA '. . j,,w Tm two-cent rato Is already lustlfylng Itself Tes. vletoryl fair victory! our enemies, accept are to be driven put. Em- many times over in. the carriSge of I , and ours. ; '. -i t . ployment Will be afrordea, and moral I mall between m. British colonies, I Ana an ine ciouas are ciaspea in iignt giiiienng iroopa increase: come! they come! how fair their feet tbey com. ' that publish peace. oar lives ever slnco. 'fltiii .nn IaaIt '. Ht nil" , . ' Men- have seen the divine In that life, becauae it. lifted Itself toward tha divine. It has become worthy of wor ship because It constantly worshipped by becoming more worthy. It has lifted lives . because It has gone on rising to higher levels. So If any life would truly worship. It must realise its own dignity, its own "glorious destiny, and, standing upright, strive out and up for fullness or living. O Sentence Sermons - By Henry F. ' Cope. Killing time is crippling character. ,,. j wa.o.viof h i,0m I amongei inemaeivee or in -ineir com- support and encouragement be held I muntcat0ns wtth the old country. No and all th. earth with flowers, THE CUP OF DEATH. Loving la simply life giving, . Sermons cannot take the place of sym pathy. ... . . . e . e ' AV I AUW ciati. ' V. WU, yiKf I MW.w- : mine. it. reacn, v The problem is one of ; the most "wnPJ" vhV7-tSZT: lVV"?n--,,n Ther. 1. neVatth without som. feel- out to those attempting better lives. I doubt can be entertained of the result! Ah! still depressed and dlirf with dew. Tho .iltlmato nurnndA la tn ahanlntnlv I 01 ,nlS great ana Wise improvement SO I . uui yov iiiuie wnue. -tr-lM ultimate purpose is to aDsoiuteiy i fap as our m6rvict is. eoncerneo.. ...Th. And radiant with th. deathless r rid the City Of the red llgnt district. I only fear 1. that the enormous work I. . wilderness snail smile. B difficult With which society- has to den. and the short-felghted parsimony of Nor limb ahali; from the fold . b. lost. In xor cur I"ow"- . .tj t. onlntlnn hv anrlal oat- I congress will aeiay me Ultimate prorit. I nuraung irora m. nest., .1 . . , contend. Its solution, Dy social set-1 If owever We can be wise enough to L , i I Faith is not balancing pole for th. tlements for the outcasts has been I improve our facilities , to handle . our For aye. the time jof wrath Is past, and man on the fence. - e e ITS OF SKIN, from the mouth aIIvkv 4a vIia ah n ttiaf fa ian4 r"u '""' " UTCU ... 1 la-rowlnir business the ultimate orofit is near th time of rest. for drinking purposes. Germs, auBlui'lt!" Ui "" assured and . we may -even remove! the And honor binds th. brow of man, and some of them harmless and cities, but never with even moderate j reproach of being the - oniy great na- What a splendid opportunity Mr. Taft had. when he came to Toledo, where his ineetlng with this eormot politician occurred, to say something that wonld have thrilled and wanned that the choice by the people ot one i ti aak at aaS? aa Va at maabIaa a 1 the hearts of the American people Suppose Mr. Taft had then refused to speak to Foraker, had' ref need to take bis hand, had gone before that great audience and aald: "I rep. e: that tnaa and his works. know Mm, and know that be repre sents Standard Oil and not the peo- r'e or Ohio. He smells of Standard C:L II. Is no true Republican. I aat to carry Ohio, but I do not watt to da so owing any obligations t- this enemy ( the common jo- VI t a Tlrrlsg resage to the man rather than another for presi dent would cause disaster, hard times, a panic, is la his soul a trai tor to the people. There Is ao need of mora hard times. The country had Its bellyful last year. Let us now go oa to bet ter things. The Joernal derplsee. croaker. It Is a moral crime for, a newspaper to help bring on evil times by predicting them. There will be better Usee If Taft Is elected. He Is a decent, honest. capable mas, though handkarjwd by eome cf the elements that are ssp-i others virulent.', cllnavtb these bits success. The complexities that arise of skin. On the surface of a cup Pv reason oi tne peculiar pnases oi that had been. used nine days ln a the problem are manifold and dls- school. tha human cells were so couraging. The redeemed women, niimArmia on lta tinner third, that no matter how sincere In their re- tha hand nf a nin rtnnid nnr h niarAd form, never cease to be frowned tlon whose postal service shows a def icit ln its budget. 'hi Robbing the Unborn. From the Syracuse Journal. A western - lumber man, more frank than many, ,wa asked th. secret of his great success. -He replied: "I gat rich What said. ODeratlonA thrA hv the aallva. extended to the woman is tne most exacting ana jeasi were -to aii intents ana purposei '. 1--Lhsrll.hl. tn wnman and vet In thAHA I Gloving irom our Creoles. Dottom vi mo bibbs, out wore less 1 - anywhere without touching several Uon by members , of the of these bits of skin. Cells, carried 11 ls notorious that, of all society, He meant that his lumbering opera numerous. The cup contained over 20,000 human cells or bits of dead skin. Under . the microscope. many aa 150 germs were seen cling. lng to a single cell, and very few cells showed less than 10. Between the cells were thousands of germs left there by smears of saliva from the drinkers' mouths. Not less than 100.000 bacteria were present on every square Inch of the glass. Thi is the testimony of Professor Alvln Davison, of Lafayette College, In recent article In the Technical World For further test. Professor Dart son required ten boys to spply the upper lip to pieces of clean flat glass, aS cups are touched ln drinking. One hundred cells, with 76.000 bacteria were left by each contact. Borne of the germs were easily Identified as those of tuberculosis, pneumonia and other diseases. The announcement by this scien tist Is made more Interesting by revelations from other sources. These have Shown that the germs of diph theria and grippe frequently remain from one to three months In the mouths of patients after recovery. The Minnesota health board, after Investigation, announced that in over half the diphtheria eases, virulent germs remained tn the nose and throat three weeks after recovery of the person. Of 2. Oil mild sore throats ex amined In the school children of Hartford, Connecticut, Stl were dae to tree diphtheria germa. The ba cllM bow sd ' la the making of dr$htbTta astitoxla were first Uo- social settlements for the reclaimed, I of forest land purchased from the land- It ls the support of good women that f" JUr?d,,: "kewi.. on adjacent , T .. . I lands bought from fraudulent "home- Is most essential, ? Isteaders," and on alternate sections of If Des Moines solves the problem, government land where th. outttng It will be an object lesson for small patching ft"rK cities, and will be copied. It can hardly be a guide for the great cities, where the ' conditions .for dealing with the melancholy problem seem almost hopeless. . , , The state fair was a . great suc cess, Better man . ever, everybody says. Tnis li veu, ana it enouia Del was -cutting aa th. modern timber com. panles out, without thought of any thing but cresent rain. And this man admitted, what, other. Know out no not admit, that th. victim. of his thefts were the children of our children. , "To ateal from living, grown-up peo ple nowadays is not an easy task." -this man pursued, "but to steal from . in fanta not yet born I And quit simple. 7 x 1 nia man is ns-nc Binnnina: tim- . j. a . .wvvv I t i rum our mount fun aiaea, witnoui made more of a success every year. iArine- seed a or .antine-a for thi Instead of six counties beine renre-l lng years. 1. robbing coming - a-enera- sented there should be thirty-four. w V un,br "d w. don't Let us all show In all possible ways But' what will onr children say of us? that Oregon Is the best state In the And th. children of our children? And. I j . . w. m , w . u. nu . liiui. imivi Wll uuiuu, I tnaa ourselves r would we llv. and struggle lust for the eatlna-a and th. Next comes the Country Club and I tlJlLJ:0 Liiresxoca - suow. 1 u -wiu d. a 1 aooa, w. are la honor bound. great event for the Paclflo north west and for Portland. Undoubtedly I ldertck IT. IfAcMonnJes Birthday the attendance will be Urge, for the ..T,,r1 .TTllliam MacMonnle, the : " . . . . ., , 1 aiaunguianea American sculptor, waa vuterpnea umrTci uiv nwruni wo- wirn in cfrooRiyn, n, T eeptembr is. ' rauniuiness nis nreaat - . 1 Behold, the time of ( wrath If pMt, and And the wolf Is , dead ln Arcady. 'and tne aragon in tne sea." '. By John Buskin. Will the Oregonian LlstenT - From tha TTaat OrArnnfAn i Will the Portland Oregonian, 'which has howled itaelf hoarse over the al leged crime of Democrats registering nua veiling u nnpuDiicana in m.' Ore gon primaneH. listen to this big.- broad, wholesome view of the same question ln Washington? - The Spokesman-Review t takes - th. ground, and properly, too. that - Demo. crata registering ana voting aa Repub licans should be welcomed by all right thinking Republicans, into the majority twriT. ado npounf paper 'gay.; dome nepuoiicaa Refuse another', burden and rou loss your own blessing. ". .'v-)- 'i' e-v , A' great sorrow may be the flttine for som. great servloe. - It takes more than a loathing of hell to leau to . heaven. - , Ton never win And srood la a boy by th. detective method.' , 0.0, Th. ' clinkers always ; take credit for th. full head of steam. . - ' e e . -That la not a : rood life which does not find living a glad thing. . . , e -' Men who are doing a h! bwatness never need a "busy" alga. , a e , Bearing yoor croaa do, not . teUeee newaDanera 'and nartr leader, are - amreaalnr unwar. Iron rrom Daylnar veur tazaa. raoiwi alarm over in taeory mat many I - - e e iiL5fi2. 'n.J5 ".epur Nothing ImpeTwrtshes a good dead 1 1. avn uiiiiMi icav saa 1 ucsuar 1 orinuirr 1 ...iu. a 1. ili.wi.. to. At a AlAOtlon. and thA m..lln. I. -A I rnnbl ' tnlt this An.AIlArf imIIIImI .i. I . . be nrohlbltad . hv unu form at I Tow CAB not tmproT. TOur View of Inal penalty.. I heaven by ellrablng on your brothers Th s alarm is baaed on tha thenr I oacg. . that such Democrata 11 mrtlrln.ti in I ' f th. Republican Drlmarlea did ao In nr. I If S th. little haPDlne.se we eew that der-to caet their vote, for th. weakarlrlve as the harvest of. perpetual pl.ee- or tne atepuDiican canaiaate. in oraar I ar couragement. If the lick keeps ap, Rockefeller won't own the senate more than four or six years mora Then honest, am bttlous, younger men can begin to take a pride la politic. Mr. Taft had a splendid eppor- tanlty to re id late roraker and dldsX It was,, to say the least, a most nj fort an ate blunder. V It lent the Democratic party that Is raising trouble. It is the people. Let the people rtle. HJ. He began his studies at the studio er Augustus Ft. Oaudena In 111 and worked there four vcara, while at alght he wnt to the night Mfe claaeee at th. A cad em r of Dealan and tAa Art Stii- aentr league. LAter be atudlAd In Munich, with FaJT're at the fccola de. Beaux Art. and with Antonln AiarrlA. He rerelved th prts d'ateller, the hlck)- aat prise open to roreignera and eoon wna dlatlnetloa by hla eahlbltlon. at th. Raloek Many of hi. best and moat fa mous ww a a are in tne inlted etateA. among them the Nathan Hale eta toe In New York, the J. B. T. Ptranahan etatae I Brooklyn, the boat of Fir Homry Vane In lioeton, the Its-are of Vlctr At 'vCeet Point, several arAot-e ft tb anldlera' and sailors' tnoDnm-nt at !4lanar-olia, etc. - His home la at titvnr-Vmon, I" the dr-Artrr-vt Kare, FYanr. J1a la a mtrbr rf Ihe Irw ef linimf and waa n A Ahriir ft the I.aTarkaa om-aat that th. candidates nominated might be th. more eaally defeated in the general a left Ion. Ther. i. no aubatantlalioa la fart In support of such a theory. '"From all observabl. facts It appear. mox imn Liemocrui wno votea in tne rteou.ueaa Dnmariea aid oa. not to ar. corupllah th. defeat of the Republloaa party In th. general election, but to ae corriDllah the nomination of . favorite canaiaate. among tn. Republican "Party practice permit, each voter t. ariuiAie wiia toe party er hi. ciioioa. una.r party practic in this sta(. Th. saddest eeooi. in this world are thoee wbe ax. always fleeing from sor row. ....... WW. J A rabid defanae of creed I. often 'ac companied by a remarkable Indifference te deed. . The faro (it. circus In the average church is that of whipping the devil around the .tump. man la canted participation Mah. T ao- v2"AXrTiv. JT Vor,tZtian tlvltle. of one oaxtV hoc.umoSa ah. "Jw?r . V respiration .. . . . . - - . . . .... in. WAV .IU dtihi n. . riuAiAd iaeiyer or taat BDODta W1LB I v;--- - - nnaAltioA nartv. "The men who aaked for ReeubMcaa I whether th. church .hall stay ta tti. ballAt. In th. Drtmarr efectlrm a Aid la I wor effect, that they were Republlcane.' I will eiipport It. but oa whther it will v WC1 Keen Their nedgew t. From the Browtievtlle Tinea. Wi. All K. n.b.lf IT.. . . elect aj Aa a F(lmBt No. 1 r la t form aald He would break th. picl r I vr Aoabora Jndet(jat. N. that a the reAAoai for th. racket. A few fellow la PortlAsd. led by th. OrgeiAA, are making ail tne aniaa. No BAd te wnrry aheet th. State nt Na. 1 aaeav They wUl fulflU their pledge. Tra f ftr rno4 .at.1v.taat v ot the e'rht-hoer dAtwnnatratloaj erae beH la MeitwtamA. Aoe'ralia. rrM r Flnce the ber'nnlng ef tie mTaii( trc" l4 larne a the eotnniAe haa r-AJe wn4erfal proa-re, eed osm t-, tve orld depends not on Whether th. world serra th. world aad ear. It. . ' This Date ta History. v 1141 The Royalists woa a victory at Kewhtirr. 14 LiHua Cary, Ymnvnt Fatklanl. pecreiary of a' at In I'harlee L ailed, bom at BurfAed I. Kit. . 101 It.o French defeatAg th. Aas triana fh the battle of Heha4t. ITve ThA Rae.tAA. Sa(aate4 the NHh at Ic,rr. 1 7 te O'tr-lAA atAeta't, ratmUt tr. , mer ef Lwr-lkill. 6 a In New fam- , con. O-a. Kara la Jiavevh'.U. Maes.' " 1T17 harle Carre! ef firni'lltn . wlA "a last .orrtvlr g a. r iter ef the I ' ,ir l ton ft I4erer lecA. hnrm 1 Awnar-" a, V-l a baitlaaAr. N-n-ifiwf It. lUt. of ft Michael in MIT. great reau'ta. 1