THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAt. PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING. ' SEPTEMBER 20."4 1908. BASEBALL AS AN AMERICANIZED INFLUENCE- Hcnv tKc Fans Fan and , Players Play in Uncle Sam's Watering Station of the Pacific Real Live Sport in tke Hawaiian Islands WIlere, tKeNariohal.'Game'Isppreciated Immensely B' he Riverside Baseball League en s Hunday afternoon when a Ilea v or eantaln nf tha Kaalaa. stood knocks a horn run wtth the baaea full captain or ,n K!',r, ,ant make half the nolee or ehow half the coaching line of the Alia -Ui- enulnB enthusiasm of the coa I diamond directing one of hi mopolitan crowd that gathers In a great k.4 T,v.. rimt on a neat human .quart) about , the Aala park ed a handspring and tried r sleeves fluttering In the breese aa they n hie left car, feet wriggling wave skinny arms and urge their rep vely In the air. The runner resentatlve to "Lun. luu. Ah Sing! ted for third. "Come on! come Slide elide! Ah Sing not out! Vmpl'm liy Edward P. Irwin. fT"'"1 '''till .h" J5nii?-f..i?.f . ERKAHD KELIKOLIO. pre.ld.nt 'Vfof.; fort land audience Of the Riverside Baseball League cn a Hunday afternoon when a Beaver and on the Karlr illlmnnil tnm who had reiched flret on neat human about , the Aala perk e.ngl. to rlt and had then stolon wBd' . , d c . recond while Tenl Matsumoto, pw nrr Jlke ,t b( ouo who hie seen it-K " for the Japanese! Athletic, was wind- and listened to It on Sunday after, fy In tin. Part of the time Kidlkollo noon can well believe that mere must ing up, - l-art or mo iim b- B foundation for the biblical tood on one foot and part of the time ,lory of tha ower 0f Babel, on the other, varying this performance AJ, th- Mtong of ,h- word aeem to, by standing on lila head and waving a os gathered about the diamond, en 1 pair of stubby legs In the air. couraglng the rival team In mora w-fcv . .- J-i ii H.ri.iv.i. "Jno tonguee than were ever heard at a "Yah-h-h!" he yelled derisively. Jap conKreM of (n, ,tlons. Hare one sees pitcher no good.' We ehow 'em. Pretty a group of plg-lalled, long-fingered , eoon we knock him nil outside the box. Chinese, their usually passive faces Jnnanee can't play ball nohow. Hl-l-t-1!" working with excitement, their long, ' He turned a handspring and tried Pi sleeves fluttering In the breese ss they stand on - ronvuJalV' -i nn Hilda! fill-l-l-lde! What's thutT lot ten lot ten! Kllea umDl't!" Out?". Ho advanced threateningly to- yonar (, a cr0wd of Japanese, tha ward the umplro. a lialf-whlte etandlag ,,. uf fly attired In American dress. Impassively In the center of .the die- alway, including tha "hard hat" and mond. "Of course he wasn t out, He re,adnlade tle; the women In the grace, was safe plenty. You re rotten, ful. flowing kimonos that look so rl- . "Rotten! Rotten!' screamed the Ha- dculous on any other women. Most of wallan contingent of the huge jfrowd the women have funity little shaven grouped manv d?ep on the four sides of pnted children on their backs, swung In the park ., "Kokl waa Plenty saft. tho obU th8lr mtl9 fat Jeg, astraddle of . "Kokl too much out." yelled little their mothers' backs. Tatau Tuchada. clapping her tiny brown voluble Portuguese chatter excitedly hands statically an she saw Tanl land and yell encouragement to their cham the ball successfully In the basemans ponBi but r.fus, disdainfully to have . hands. tTmnlre plenty all rlBht. Jap- anything to do with the Spaniards, ' nnee too much play ball. Kanaka no Whom they look down upon as being a ', can!" . . . poorer race. "Play ball.- called the umpire, pnleg- And of coursei ther- ,r, Hawallana matlcally brushing the Hawaiian cap- ,nd prt Hawallana (hapahaoles) every taln and his protests aside, and the where. A Hawaiian takes to baseball game went on. When it was ended and M it ni, race hadplayed it for centuries the Japanese team had defeated its instead of the same being but a corn Kanaka opponents by a large healthv paratlvely few years old In the islands, score, the places of the two teams on Mingled with the rest of the crowd are the diamond was taken by two more aallors from the American and foreign one a Chinese team, the other com- vailing vesHpls In the harbor; bluejack- ' posed of young Portuguese, while back ets from the. American war vessels: behind . the crowd the pitchers of au khaki-clad soldiers from Fort Shaf tor: American team and of a second Chinese English. German. Frenj and. American nine farmed up, awaiting their chance, business men. with their wives and This Is no wild prophesy Of what may daughters. Automobiles line up along come to pass In after years when the side the square so that their occupants influence of the American national game mnv watch tha mmn fn a !.. ppreada beyond the boundaries of the The drivers of spanking teams draw up states. It Is what happens every Sun- and allow well-dressed men and women 3ay In the year on the baseball grounds to get out and try to crowd their way of Aala park at Honolulu. Chinese play through the press to where they can get naseball? or Japanese, or Mawanansi a good view of the field. They certainly can and Dlay the game children aeamner everywhere nr m.i welt too. as the crack teams of the between the legs of the bystanders, various . vessels of the fleet found out And up In tha bandstand the Royal Ha- to their cost and astonishment when walian band plays ragtime. German they visited the Islands. There is more opera music or selections from the lau than one embryo Chesbro or Garrett or est comic opera, interspersed with the Groom in Honolulu whose pig tall Is weird, haunting strains of the peculiar lens than one areneration behind him. Hawaiian alra. The Portland baseball team could learn ' And over all Is the clear blue of the several things from some of the Jap- Hawaiian sky a sky which would make ' 7'; t mnmu '- Sunday Just for the fun or It. Renter, acquired much knowledge of the game, the beat pitcher for the Hawallana, Is and on their next visit they will b able a half-white, who U moiorman on a to make a much better showing, as Streetcar six days In the week. Yet they demonstrated last winter when Reuter pitched several gamee anal net they played the Hawallana. They are the all-slar American professional that to semi a team to Hawaii this year to may an a so m ran aoim enougn to enuua try to regain their ioat laurels, and tna him to membership in any ieura on tha Honolulu boys are none too confident coast ;.. . . , . of the result. , . Of course, 'there Is Barney Joy. who It Is probable that the enthusiasm over year ago was the most talked ofplther the American game of baseball In Japan - . I. . , . . . I . , I I , , 1 i. , I I .. . ldnu.,AaA not considered much of a pitcher, foe who have returned from. Hawaii . and there are several better men In Honolulu told' their fellow-countrymen of the than he ever was, and men who can greatest game In the world. For there . pitch a consistently good fane, which ' f a large amount of pasaenger travel Harney joy never could. f between our outlying laianiis ana in On the St Wuls College' team are two klnlom of Nippon. In ' Chineie playors, En Sue and Loo Jo. re now about 70,000 Japanese, twice as En Sue, a short sturdy bundle of mus- "Vy there are representatives of cles. Is reckoned tha best bsae runner fny other nationality, and a great many In the Islanda. and he la no slouch with hKV 'h'r 'ortunes. or at least, a the stick, either. The catcher who can competence. In the Islands and hava wing a ball from the plate to second returned to their native homes, wear baa In time to catch the little Chinese in derby hats, store clothes and Aruer- when he starts to- steal has to have a iran customs anu laiaina larsciy v better throwing arm than many Paciflo wnat they learned In America, coast catchers can boaat of. En Bus al- One of the hardest problems that eon ways plays In his stocking feet usually fronts the United Stales in the govern blue stockings at that, and when he Ing of the territory of Howall Is bow a blue that, ieet i the air, rets to aolnr his feet make a kind of to make It an American territory, in blur in ousn leaguers, na len t arraid to slide, and on occasion can plow up the dust half the distance between bases. One of the most popular of the Hon olulu ban players is blr Blllv Vannetta a Hawaiian with a . Portuguese name. He is a bl fellow, very dark, with the typical neavy jtanaaa race, ana oral Unlike most point of population it Is now anything put. American, ror mere ar yrvumuij not over 8,000 white people of all na tionalities in the islands at the present lima Thai JitiinMa are In the ma ior- Rlllw Vinnit liy, ana tnere are in in imiimhui tlve Hawallana and the nair-wnues ag gregate about 5.000. whjle the rest of the population Is made up of Portu guese, Spaniards, South Sea Islanders, naniy, except on toe diamond, ne ap- b,, ki. ..! ....i . i Porto Rlcana. Koreans, etc. This is a ARE WE COMING TO THIS? a nese players that would give them the rain checks unnecessary even were there laws is of missionary descent and be- Honolulu Baseball league, a kind of Islands. Of coursts. " Fisher's men took n. major league wnicu arum m ;mBi ui not the from the Aala Park league, the same as have such IIUIII II to UDuai , bjib-iiiiii uii Htll-llllll . . . . base he can bring down drives heading ha mlxtl,re,i.0 welU "V0! JltiWm for center field -that It would appear whole. The task of Americanising impossible for any man to reach.. them appears on the face of It lmpos- . The Introduction of baseball into Ha- slble, But we have at least got as rar wall has made the game not only na- Interesting them In our national tlonal. but International, not alone on game, and that looks encouraging, any account of the cosmopolitanism of the way. They have accepted American Islands, but because the game has standards in their play; why not In spread from there farther west until It their politics and tbelr waya of thlnk- has reached the far east. Last winter ingT , the st Louis College team of Honolulu s said that we are going to havo made a trip to Japan to play a series of to fight Japan sooner or later. What u games with the teams of the principal the use T If we begin soon enough and Japanese universities. , . each'year send over one or two of our They expected to have an easy time, crack ball teams, the Japanese will get and only hoped that it would not be so so Interested In the game that they will easy for them toywln all the games that forget all about m their anxiety to fight there would be no fun In It. It wasn't, and will welfc If not beat the sword Before they got through they found into ball bat. Which might be difficult they had all they could do to hold their at least discard the bayonet and tha own agalnat their diminutive opponents, musket ball for the bat and the horse And never were such fans, they re- hide sphere. And then they 11 wind up ported when they came back. At every by all becoming Americans through game there were from 16,000 to 26,000 their enthusiasm over our national people present. The enthusiastic crowds game. -would begin to start for the ball Baseball has not yet got Into the in grounds aa . early as 7 o'clock in the terlor of China, but It will, because all morning, although the games were not the young Chinese In Hawaii play ball, played until afternoon. They would go and sooner or later .they will go home out by families, taking their midday and teach their pig-tailed children and meal with them, which they would eat grandchllden how to twirl the spit ball, sprawled around on the grass. In fact Even Ann may get Interested and so the visit of the Hawaiian team to that far forget herself as to tell us how old country was a kind of-natlonal picnic. she Is and settle the vexed question. xnie was not me rirst lime an Amer- Ana explorers wmnnenng mrougn me blind staggers to try to pronounce, any admission charged to the rames. it. v.. in trnndnoti. hv mmnnuinn mufor leaarne which drafts its Dlavers most of the tramps, but thev did not lean team had played a Japanese nine, unknown Interior of China or the iun is at v least one thin-shanked which there Is not. A city ordinance But the Aala Park- games are not the from the Aala Park league, the same as have such an easy time as they expect- however. (The Hawailans, of course, -gles of India will be liable to come uror gi ir In fact. It is only conmara- an amateur ball ground. wh"e the this country. Hawaiians. white boys, Portuguese and university. Japan, came to the states It will make things harder for the mis There "Portuguese shortstop whose father came of Honolulu forbids the. charging of ad 1. .. K ) 1 m w. a n 1, rTAnl.,l,i - tka VaHnnul na- IntcriiwiN lAncrueM 11 rllft Pfl fl nil nna cramA nnf nf f i a BY SrA now AnierlCfinfl f)V Hdontlnn 1 j ram me ore. nut, .i.injiuii m ai.y imncB or perrormances Joys. Every vacant lot in the city Is their men rrom. the minor, leagues in iney were piaym can handle a hot grounder In a manner on Sunday. mat i-iooney wouia i uo mhuhicu wvcj rwuu; inm ounaay Dasebail was young lb it t. m man v., tun Kii"in !, lur UI0 wriUC DODUia- JJ ion Sev- an -nxcitlns ball s-ame almost anv time against a team of eral years ago the ball team of Keio between the teams of rival villages. But of. while ther Hawailans, Japanese, CTiinese, And those teams of the major league Chinese boys who had never seen the and played the university teams of sionarlea, for what youthful heathen, la 'ortuguese and Americans and all the can play ball, as they demonstrated con- national game played by professionals; Berkeley and Stanford. They were .easy going to attend Sunday school willingly Portland team, nor for that matter in "on of Hawaii that part of it. at boys of mixed blood learn the rudiments clusfvely a year ago when Mike Fisher boys who work six days In the week victims for the American college boys when he can play ball out In the tempi the entire league, who Is a more sue- least, which controls the making of the of the game. And then there is the took his aggregation of stars to the to make their living, and play ball on then. But since that time they have yard? f WANTEDTHE IDEAL MAN - By Winnifred Harper Cooley afternoon, as he was walking along among the many romantic dells fash- worse judgment, as she only knows me "So .did I." Sutter street, he caught a glimpse of toned of tropical shrubbery In that Eden through another. I long ago quit the At this sudden and heavenly ad mis Ming Gordon followed closely by a veiled of the , Pacific coast. He determined Ideal business" (a glad light shone in slon Beverly was enraptured and there ladv. He mirstied them impulsively,, not to hear the cnnvnroatlnn hut tn her eves) "and -I shall never mnrrv anv were enme mrtmanla nf hlianfnl rl.i.., boarded trfe same car. , sitting outside, be near to protect Miss Gordon (or Miss one but you, who are my Ideal!" . oence. At last, he was recalled to tho unobserved and at last Caw them take Montieth?, In mm he wan neerieri Tin ..... - .... . T....1 flret .! oil hla hinnlnui tl- a train, which he learned subsequently soon heard voices, and goffered agonies obllrations to' her? She iovVsoutf vertlsement. "And the poor, cynical was bound for Monterey. The next one of suspense and jealousy as her tones deuce she doeS Oh no She heiresshas she ipst her fortune?" iv q a tit 1 An va In fivA hmim. and tnn mur.h of annn oat hn Atuw him .fa-mfvni a uo ucuww biiv uvea. wxi, iiu. ons t .i t n . . - . . a a .. ... . w ... cavueu isiisa. ninri "a..u - in AdDnntr I admit I nrisfiaaa lha aYtrac- ltiiKU cty, icar, A UT-, lie VH Lilt untMH TBVEKLIT ?" . !aJn. I.: t:.eB-nJbJiT1 W .fi"edwLT li.Wy: l0lthWt JImALXlti S"? "JS1 t.enTJnt but r she" cSnnot "be erratic put himself absolutely beyond the . . . . . 'Sh is In SAr niiR trAuhi. nithmnrii t t tf;. mvDtat.lm,a iH,r ha mnM tlon. and lat that evenlntr. ha found mv th -mnnA'fi nA than II1011?" 10 ,,0:.B .m 1 owe nr nocmnff. I 1 " fwI thing to no- ne epeeauy ?d t now that j hftVe seen the "out! mystified' by the 'emotions -of his ow himself. "" admitted 10 nimsen yei u can one expect of youth and curiosity? It was a most subtle temp tation, fog, Beverly always enjoyed a im ih i.t inn inw. at the famous HoteT del Monte, you have a Tew"tho,fsan3"of you7 own'' to 4ln' hl" Everr'-youAr lawv.r 17. lanaisn class or men who applied, that heart in the throes of first love, the , sscannjng me. noiei regimer. n came out clear and suddenly to. the never a-lvlni mi a chance to sea her pects a first great case-you know, that she was rriost foolish to advertise. But purest and sweetest emotion in the unl- learned that the only womerv traveling wretched lover, pacing up and down. SnahA hsfth?nwn mf rnnatanfHr'with shall make him famous. This may be what could she do? There seemed no verse, and by the changing and un-un- alone were "Miss Montieth and ma d. -you'll not get another cent Out of ffe mhD bw fte's tfft to me. Where Is the hei one she could trust" She stopped derstandab e moods of me beautiful ob- Hia heart sank, and his Incredulity me!" , i h "T0,' i"" ""fi1 1"?C'E1. 1 tW Ji. essr . u nnr suddenly "I am very unbuslnesslilie; Ject of his affection, the stenographer, rose. Could this beautiful Vivian Gor- 1T oomolete scoundrel Mv il her nniv wLtnd.f ' win "Here In your arms'" I fear she will discharge me." bach meeting brought some practical don be acting in the capacity of ladys trlDX0?r,s wJsPed I mfaht have te?L ? n TthJ L Ttiiim'i. "You? Well. I am an Idiot indeed "Let me help you. I know a number questions (indeed he found that she af- maid to the heiress, when her hours gwer wlfi h SJlieaa r ihS'" possibUities of jiam-. 1U m an idiot. Indeed of fine fellows, better lawyers and terwards verified his statements, as if were not occupied 1 by the duties of a K not what Cv to turn-'' 1 . "Mv ideal man " What was so almnl cleverer men than I perhaps we can harboring some lingering suspicion) and secretary? Or had she secured money n.Vw cannot orove anvtSine unless "Wait; you roust not condemn, but nad occu Tred to thf Voun man fn find one that will answer her peculiar then they would drift into the most n some manner taken an assumed the uh man who has been' n ?tln her- "er fther took her to China fatuated wTth th exoulsirj and 1.1: requirements. I cannot Imagine what fascinating discussions of literature, the name and a maid and come to this H1,""" foraa? hree months is a bette? whfin she waa le "nhan chd. 8h 5?p. JAb ! wu'd Mk8 ? arama. and those Intricate moral prob- beautiful resort ir -pursuit of fwure? 2' nlLS'cubs' 7 was educated by an English governess thZl SSetud mystery. :. The notice ran thus: WANTED THE IDE At MAN A young girl, beautiful, educated, wealthy; (s searching for the ideal man i iwerjini5uru--.. .....- ui anBiBmnce. Arier mis impulsive lems suggested tiy moaern novels, so f """ "L - "And n vnn hivo mw nnnn nnH in mat neainen lano, and was very lone- rttn fnthnm i nm,nV tn h LV.j V, Tio wlkifiH renuired to stand rigid tests, .neerh. the inni tiiiiiri ..... .1,. n hfni tv,. m serv nnon his heart and seemed to . you nave spiequpon me. ana . tt , j 5ii Fn "mom a woman J to be loved for but if proved deal, may share the mments, and th went to "me"door-, Grange deligh't of these 'discussions' accus hlS be oved of fraud and dupllc- "w or 7Veect in 'our buTl- th'roush teeiitwcimi m " .he s"id toYheSndased BeveVlv wealth of centuries. Inoulre at S2 Ex- and asked the boy to dismiss the re- would absorb them, until suddenly, the Ity. In spite . of circumstances he wt" deallnBsf I wlmh I had trusted "to possession of a Chinese fortune for S. indeed a t h7iy,iiJ change bldg.. San Francisco. malnlng candidates. "I believe I can Interview would be terminated bv the truSted her and would have staked his instead of waltma! so vl rendered the prime minister, wwlth of centufrel." . frunt vnn " .h. tnM Rri. v A -t. .noli., ih.t .h. life nnnn her a-nnd hreerilnar and honor. "l. iiihibbo ui wumng. bo , ... i ., . weann or centuries . iteverlv's imagination was powerfully..- -You don't take me for the idesir- emnfnv: tnr Sifln ia Beverly searched the beautiful salon, E'ly 'onK to prove "Is in your eyes, bequeathed from - - . ... . . . a . . . . . . . . . inn ann vnnr ama m v in w vers nnv ........ . ... u.vdiij . iv.ii,a u ., v KMrrtMt. He was a young lawyer oi.wlth some trenldatton. . i .. .a nwMiM tint en tin. .in Mnt v. .. . t i : XfHjii inMtiiij iiu'vi'ui - v., wufc . icci irnoinmuijF Bum cruHB iitri litre, anu anv wuuiu g wholesome amount of leisure. When that i you are honest," she remarked regard the man with reluctant iness. At such times a shadow would the verandas and hails mat evening hi. rteth whih Anr-rA ri,ir,. h" "l"5Bt"'."' "nny opainj.jn your I feel reasonablv sure cross her face, and she would seem to for his charming young friend, but "'""S '"5 ..,ucu' int. . -..T..i:i hi. ",ia voice. rpassea oown Dy some old renrn was about to go to his room, discour- De arnvea at me aaaress unntiira cooiiy, ana. anyway, you are me only clon. He too, had nis moments or oount. eeu, wueii ih i i,; ,,lH,ni knwM rtnin an American sea captain, to her uncle " , he was shown by a boy Into ? small ofi candidate worth considering." and lay awake many nights, conjectur was vouchsafed jlirn by fate, which "d- J? was rv" ,Mri S t wflom she "nti-uT&d W i, , . . flee and was horrified to find the wails "I am scarcely worth ft," he mur- ing the oosslble solution of the mystery, quite overwhelmed him. She was sit- """-"eemea to have dronSed darinK to hive the heavy responsibility hl.""Kh. nough. ' cried 'the object of lined with men. of every variety, rang- mured, somewhat piqued. . Was the innocent creature really wily; ting In a recess In the ballroom, clc- Jo ono who wf, ww,,, et the age of 18 She Is only 80 now hl?-ra,d,oritio.P' IJt D , . Jng from the polished fortune-hunter to "May 1 ask you to come and tell me was she employed by some detective gantly gowned and in deep conversation rr?.maeJ?le.S' . tS hr w- i a She was visionary romantic and had a i TeU me' said Beverly, "before we the Illiterate and vulgar adventurer. To full particulars abottf yourself. Sat- agency, or as a decoy to draw him into with a man of 45. a dark, shrewd man, "le ".wfyr.nt thH h w hlah Idla of American manhood She p,a" ta circumvent ou most dastardly think' that he had joined this motley urday?" she continued. "Wants to, look some speculation? Sometimes he would with an unkind smile. The next mo- A"waM he will not resent the blow high Idea of American B0mnh0B,U8f0hn8 uncle, who Is the lady whom I have throng caused Beverly to loathe his ro- up my record In the meantime." he be In an agony of suspicion; again, he ment the two swept by him towards ah he wants I to e escape from the nvea - ",es Whom hef of r course' "2 tlll helrf,8sv mantle Impulse. It had not occurred to thought, "but I am In for an adventure would laugh, in the serenity of youth, the elevator and he heard the men country, and I cMnot prevei nt -mat. w.ltnteep scha'd many hard Wows Men - Ph' ,Ahe eUed .cratur; c" hr him that he would have companions in now, and I cannot suspect a lady who and a pure life, and think, "I am not sav. As long as you committea tn t,.1,i,, j i am ..inn ilS. w "-itrTat h.n the office bov her aaent." the victim of k a-old-brlck lndustrv. will grant you one more Intervlow. but ' o explain a .great many mings. i-.. '" x L . po irigntiui sovereign, or my Irish maid: a dtimmv.'. reiested him to follow him Into, the - ad my life has been too uneventful I do not see what you expect to gain 1.$? "dawd w.ySd waT dishonest She saw he? fortune a" tralbody. an automaton, what you Inner 'office. He could scarcely refuse. Three months oassed. during whlh for dotectlved to waste time upon me." by It." , ;,ht ul t tf- J-Pp! m.mni Sh. i, W lilSw.r- ES wl " 'on: she has helped me to .miKi oiiivo r.rij v.i- ".nM.t. xt -i D....i tij .i.i. i. i. .... l tn t K.r v, "i ther r nn laws In this conntrv sought the majesty or tne great pa- melting. one Knew no lawyers who nnA m.,i r tunl and was only too glad to leave the the humiliation of hearing himself ent mvstery, he could not wish he were to avenge me. I shall hope that retri- elflc As jftey seated themselves be- were i not hli 'renf- She became cyni :Jhnd swells and nlnched-looklng called, made freouent calls upon the out of the Whole abnormal proceeding, butlon will come from (Sod," she an- neafh a vt oak tree and heard the cal, fearing to -trust one whom she clerks seeking fortune's smile, and find agent. Miss Uordon, but never had his because of the acquaintance of the fas- swerea. himself a remarkabl sat by f In light, airy room, gazing at curiosity satisfied by being allowed to ctnatlnc Miss Gordon, which he would "I om not arkablv lovely stenographer who bask In "the presence." Occasionally, not renounce for several fortunes. insolently. "W desk ' a veiled lady was In the room for a One day he entered the office unan- see you at 6 the everlasting then knew. In desperation, she adver- HR II K hM H K A D TC nly: "The veiled tlsed In that Impractical manner, trust- J-XVwr.Awi XAJirlrS. 1 D surf pounding upon nnl ralloilniia rirssrleri rorkS Vivian Said Calm ell. my dear Vivian, i n '"y wno ia Huuuinpanyiiis; uu yum- ing my Keen mnm 01 cnarauter, to se- tomorrow, in tne llttio y"u; ct irsni Btnii'gers an nonesi man, wno mIw t .ir whv vnu have answered snort period, but whether she did not nounced. and ahead of time, and found amor oac 01 me tropical tennis court, , '-"7. t - bhviu nvi iuci ui nu upriuui akct - ' i.. . . . A n v. , . . .... , i i ...I. train tmam ot iv. one sin ieo. iseverivB mina r- were me aorupi """""r,"' uiuiauj tier in au ogoii, ui in- ...j v.u... bvt; -v . --h-- nK1- ,.ni;n.. From Tit-Bit. England Is the best place, from the was in American man, and assist her In de- plaintiffs point of view, for a breach bf Tna suvcriiBciiinii. i.t .-. 0f the daintv lady type- Bympainetic, ne couin not Tainom. rrom in ner sort diock eyeB. ana ner un- ono nuu aismjiyBuicu hi mo "'Y1' r . ,.V , u ..... ...iu i- promise action. All other countries wftee oainiy nerfect lmm0himy and apparent usual pallor tempted him to throw his and Beverly had been unobserved. Th but with one leap of confidence, his ommended you. but had lingering sua- eeem to regard with grave suspicion anv "iTJi.nB T am a romantic young indifference. When alone with Miss love about her as a protection, but his doubts, perplexities and agonies of thnt heart put them all down forever. One plcion, because you came, again and attempt to recover monetary comnensa - int"lled Beverly smiling in a Gordon, he used to tease for a glimpse delicacy forbade his placing her In such night' can only be appreciated by one, last question, she was saying. "You. again. And I feared you were mercenary, tlon for the loss' of a prospective hus- Yt.J,i iffnitmiir "May I ask whv of "the princess." or "the heiress," as a position, and he merely besought her who has loved where he was not suffi- sought the heiress; will you marry her. In-pursiring an heiress" band, and unless the plaintiff has a emolover advertises so myster- h jestingly called her. but soon he tenderly to allow him to assist her. clently acquainted to -flare to wholly now that she. has found you to be her "l was only pursuing you, dear girl. I very strong case indeed it is never K3rmP y MverU8B " m7,ln lost Interest In her and If truth be told However, she begaed him to leave her. trust and respect. Promptly at 6 the Ideal? came first through Idle curiosity, but I worth her while to carry her a-rlef Into lousiyr think because the original subject of Investigation promising that If "worst came to worst"' next morning he arrived at the arbor, "A thousand times no! If she con- remained because I had fallen In love the law courts. sha le on sIto" The girl smiled and his mind being absorbed with the world's she would confide in him wholly. That which he had some difficulty In finding tlders me ideal she has poor taste and at first sight." In France breach of promise cases are was atnased at the beauty which illuminated her somewhat sad countenance. She was very plainly '" dressed.. and had the air of worry and perhaps poverty. Tet. this flash of hu mor seemed to Indicate a vivacity and ease that belled her sadness. "And now, sir. she remarked severe ly, taking up a lot of type-written questions, "what qualifications have you ' for the Ideal man. does not your very . candidacy for the position make you un worthy, because It shows you to be atrociously conceited T' "Ah. that Is a woman's question a double-barreled one. I suppose I put mvself on the defensive by coming here what a bundle or conceit i must ap. GREAT FINANCIAL BATTLE PENDING England, Japan, vjermany, Russia and United States Possible Purchasers of Three Improved "Dreadnoughts" - . Tn7 L ONDON. Aug. 1. Speculation Is W still at fever heat over the ulti mate fate of the three great Brazilian battleships nearlng completion In England. The Sao Paulo, building at the shipyard of -i nan a mnn ..i uuirriing nmui. time. and Is every moment becoming twine observed, ana wnen i saw ine matter for grave International dis character of the anpHcants. I was rlo Representatives of the fn ehout to cry, or at least, to shut up GaIk. irirmtiv Janan. Great Brl pear to you. but to speak truly. I t ried Vlckers' Sons & Maxim, will be .ready to get out. the moment I arrived, but for con,mi,slon n March and the Rio WrSt iSTwh? I ent'for your Janeiro and the -Mines Geraes will be . "Goddess of wisdom. I salute you. launched not long after. Why Brazil and en the side, wish t observe thst should want euch boats, the largest and yon must have been looking through powerful fighting shipa in the the keyhole!' world, has been a mystery for, a long a ecus- It ed tain the shop." ,nd Russia are all anxiously watcblr.g -Tour employer couio scarcely expert tn, trnnd of events in London, env one W than a fool to go nnnn jt w recently officially admitted on ich a wil gnosecbase. I am heartllv behalf of the British government that shamed of myself. Aa for mr Justlfl- the ,hits "will never be permitted to cation. I really rn a decent sort of a ive England." This means that at , Vhsn. equipped wttn an education and a tn last moment England will step ! New Kncland conscience, not to peak Bnj bu. these great warships heraelf of a fatal tendency to run tj noetry and an,i thus restore her naval equilibrium, adventure. The desolate heiress who which Is considered even today In lad tn adT.rtis for friends applet to jeopardy through the. naval activity of w Imci nation and I rame knowing the kai'ser. Whether England will be full well tliat I am not tNe Ideal man. permitted to do this remains to be seen. iit that thre Is a possibility of my be- fcngland. as t!Te chancellor of the In aomebodT'e Idea): why not hers? exchequer has admitted. Is not In the per-e have etranee tajttea. you know"" b,.t of positions rinajicially. Though "To draw a distinction etwen be- a scheme for old age pensions costing ttie perfst-t and being Ideal Ten are $ Ji.f00,f comes Into effect next Jan- err Imperfect, bot may peews soma nary. Llord George, the chancellor, hae "';it' which fit- some woman's tatrj that he doea not know where he t,J . .. , f. Is to find the money. If the govern- -I e-etevo In all mo-Wty T can an- mmt is at a loss for Jl,G0.O for swer ' fin wwsi'i Ideals seem an popular a meore as old age pn- m K bora thle-e. bank robbers, M t"r.. it ta difficult to ee where an v--tThie-, to Judge from the men they aditttonal tJ. see.eee for new battle-, m -ry." .'iin is to come from. Ote thing Is The enoa-rspHer blohed. "Mr em- owtte certain, these greet fighting tevla- !' did set speak cf Bosrriaga, she thana are In the crpe" market, to bo iff "'ed. knocked dan t the highest bidder, Twtrvtr her Ideal? rna an and tl elrcumstaneea ef their building . ' t fretn hlfi .and nu In sfStMr, are ao perullar that there Is no teUtnC m0-m la wail,g wlf b"!y. Wbv Jtft at X-rrrtt who will win the flnan- e mr-. a wit t 'fie tftnovtt ir cial battle' that ta ctosad to waged ' ir 9l rf-tieiiy trclM tticm. , - f . - ,c - I . ( J . ' , - 11 y$ J J I1 ' A.Tt23ROlc5E REKDU hCQVtS BERTULOU rare, lor tne slmnle reason that tha law requires the plaintiff to prove that she has suffered pecuniary loss. Now, this is not an easy thing to do on the part of the lady, especially In a coun try where a girl without a dot that Is marriage portion nas a poor chance flndlna" a husband. Hniin . n.i Austria have adopted the French sys tem, and the result has been uhnut h- which these ships will possess. There f- Breach actions are rare, the In are only two harbors In Brazil which iure,d damsels or their relatives usually could accommodate such big ships, tailing the law Into their own hands. These ports are Rio de Janeiro and Practical Germany, as might be ex Bahia. In the latter there is only one Pfted, has perhaps the best method for anchorage for a 49.000-ton ship, this solving this problem. When a voting place being a particular portion of the couple become estranged they have to go harbor Just opposite the city proper, through a public betrothal ceremonv Certainly no such ships could maneuver that ought to knack all the shyness out in Bahla harbor. Then again. Brazil nf them. In the local towh hall the pair has no drydock to accommodate any declare their affection, willingness to such ships. They would be exposed mrryi etc ending by signing a collec most of the time on a dangerous lee tlon of documents that apparently leave shore with no possibility of repair in no loophole for escape, caae of accident. These reasons are But if either party to the contract considered by several naval experts as wishes to withdraw, another Journey is amply sufficient to discredit all the as- undertaken to the town half and an eertlona which have been made as to other collection of documents signed Brazil herself retaining these ships. witnessed and sealed. Then the a u trior 1 Settlng aside the Idea that these ships ties determine the question of compen are Tor Brazilian um, It Is Interesting satlon should It be claimed. In this to note that one of the chief maval au- connection It may be aatd that the man thorltles in England recently an- can and often does claim a solatium for nounced, when questioned In parliament nls wounded feelings. The usual award concerning these ships, "that England is one fifth of the marriage dowry It had full cognisance of tbetn and was is aasy to understand, when all this Is keeping hsr eye on them." This Is con- remembered, hew loath the younsr Deo atdered to mean that the ships will pie of Germany are to break their ba. ultimately fly the flag of England, trothal of oaths. lnelr even If the national sinking fund has As the law of Italy offers little or no to be used la order to supply the neces- protection whstever to Jilted damsels aary cash. It will be recalled that In and swains. It is not surprising that tha 1(j1. when Chill built t we great sat- stiletto should bo the favorite mode of tleefalps la England the British gov- deciding breach of promise cases.' The ernment stepped In and bongbt them op Italian law demands that the person at the last moment These two ehlps suing for "breach" shall produce a writ er now the ftwlftsore and the Triumph, ten promise to marry from the dc two. of Koglaad's best potential fight- fendant. otherwise the action cannot erm. proceed. This difficulty la almost in- The three new Brazilian warships will surmountable, and the Italian Ju.l.-es surpass anything at preeent In the Brit- are seldom troubled to adjudicate be lah navy. While the famous Pread- tween one-time lovers, nought is only 1T. tons, the Mlnas To bring aa action for breach f Oeraaa "in of the Brazilians le more promise of marriages against a reigning than !. ranking with the Br1tlM mooarrh la an achievement bot it has t. Vincent. All of the new warships been done, and by an Ensllsh lady. It will develop speed of fl knots ant is now li years since Mies Jenny MIg ecb will carry a tremendnoaly stronr rH sued the sultan of Johore, and aa armament. Each veeeel will have II there was a doubt whether the dusky It-Inch gone ef tho latest British trpa. one was actually a reigning monarch. This erl3 make the largest mala anra- the ea wae allowed to coma Into wient ef any veel at prevent on tho court trai tne juere quietly disposed efxtndary armaavent earn or m action oy mnng it Inadmissible ' - ' if-T leaving Mca pnu wit a ' "f rourae atnnng Brazilian repraeen- the "smalt rountrletT she : Is erulte build shine for Brazil anletaa they knew a rents thranrti whom tr-e 1 f a !"fki'" tallies In rTugland the word le strictly weeltby with ample funds at leest to wtere tlte nmfr was coming from, government ordered the aMrni. elicited Wtnt wiil be In four turrets on the ren- I i.s fptarty key f"T er Tfce writer lait'ilred recnt- bolld mfk neilpa. "Naturally mouth." Thtr know that they will be raid arxl. mllar Information V"hy ni'd not ter line and t ft"! the brffad- at that IS all iney will trwiw Krasll own tbewe ah'ru hersell f" they M. h r-l win nit. Ta imw. tie tke Fftr hl will carry 11 4.T-inch run and f"e the reason referred to, and Miss Brazilian v-F.t thre-Ktundera. Tha ana.'n arn- WIrhell was nfn-urted. it is remaraanie tnat orm er tie two io-ia wntca nave nrnurnt veruirta f.f -n io tee rialnttrts shooM tltrt retorned. kaasbt- Iv at the fflcs f the Brazilian re- be retnarked-Darefana with the vsual f cour. ) and was tnfrmJ f-t M far aa wimlir IrrtlttnfT "the Ertiita tkmit. firuzll is outte at.ta tm mt for nv vm Mtramo.'trl UMai hrrwdt4 'llTerr rf 1 1 -tftJl bar had for Its defendant the aitnv e I - - 1 e- wmh t- r.e iw nnnn u epin tne mmi'f. Mfiiir. nwni. Armstmng. w t. tt- tne aaina aK ae TJ-r1 Tkero la. ef r,-m e very r1 a-nnu tnrowirg r-e t-'fs or wietaj f matrimeniai prT. Tee. -nnd rase w t a-..-- f - ir. fni r tt m ier t.era!i, j tif rj nt mat wortn at t at -i-wif ant VfaefTr irnniry at me imimi a-rtr f r.a.i ur Pruzil -soul 1 Ft rfj a f im T i axiact, Cti(lll LU ua IU1 1UUU ZS SM ( nmtm Tt, . 1 ole e uf . ffi 1 L f'll Of WS betfen S f"ilk"l)B SclrtM ni Msiltn. at Ijajtew. would not ' Messrs. Waiter Brc. tte rirSCTal ef Ue eeorznoue tcfuisge tens tnicy a (uod l:i4 la !;.. Ut, tlintteitfzi Mil