The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 19, 1908, Page 8, Image 8

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THF TflT 7 hi TM A T , in PW. ' Pvt of th. house of Bourbon with Henry r" T J II A 11
iriS JUJXiNlXf corporation m Ii now practically th. iv Introduced order and eWomy Rompers Indorsed by All
a ikp.kpckt ,.-. f?T JJ lt?iioa ?"er r.ra.nt waste of the Union Workwomen
a r.biyJ lethargy, or atllettoT Is It a knlft Valo a. But m...i.
V ? . l I
riMkM tw; well (unapt Baiaiaj ead
eearr lukr avaraltia- at The Joareal Build-in-,
flfta aad SaBalll ItmM. fort la aa. ur.
or neglect T
rn)r4 at the pnasofflca at Portlaa. Or... for
tranaailaaaoe Cbivuck Ike lulls as eeeoe4-cUaa
1U luMium M.r4a h thaae I
fll h nperafc th 4epartmeat os vast.
Km aio rn. a s4; r-.t mo.
N'H of several factora that bar
contrived to make Oregon, a
laggard in road building, hai
been lack of plan. Plan Ib th
first essential to Biicc-a. In . . . B",H?"V
rORElOM ADVEttTISIWO R-TRESKrlTATtVa trnrU- W.11 I.M . ? rUinOUS tUB World had yot
?r.M.BmiB spert-i Atwru, wt. W-'W Pj"- and a known. But in the old age of Louis
. RniiitwMr BnlMlnir. 2n flfta anne. hew mOdlCUm Of execution laid San Fran- XIV rella-ln.ia nn.H... w . .
rai lonr-oa Buiioin,. cuicr t nnf., . J'" . 1. 'e,I'OuB Practices became the
"1 T Z w w Kuer" rwt- Enol money fashion, and the king's example was
InhtMWka Tmmtm ft., mall m9 ft IHf addrva. h.. h.A. .tAM .... . A ... " . "
la Ua laltad
XIII the regency of Anne of Austria I From Chicago Unloa Iabor Advocate.
excited great extravagance In the "'etory waa mad by th Chicago
court, and Louis XIV who aaaumed red"r,lon of 1bor at ,tVn"t,l, h?!d
to ennn.ntr.1a Yn Til A Ion August is. Tha outcome of ttila
.k. . '? .kto OW0 Pr,0n meeting wa. awaltad with great Intar-
-v, v aiM, Kit tyrannical ,at by tradaa unlonlata all ever tha
After tKe Season, or.
Fate of tKe Hero
By Wax Jonaa. '"'''.
Mr. John Bpratt waa married yaatar-
lmpulae to faahlon. The luxury waa United Btatea, for the reaaon that Chi- w '
then extraordinary in the court of n,ot. o"1' u,k lAri,,t ,c,nt.1?' or i
Vom.hi.. i ' V .... biy in point of mamberaliip In the th.J
eraallla; the moat brilliant, the country, but bolna a point aileotad by
"l '
hla 1
Tha fnllowln Ja tw. n.w r.i . i . - t . . . . Ida hv Mlaa rt. a.i
gate Raymond Hoblna of IUInola to the every corner of ' tha nation: hut tha I waa the eulmlnatiAn . "
- .i 1 - . - www.avv IHUIHM'UI F, . . I
the rreat political partlea from
i waa
vonratlrtl that the action of thla large
both the a-r
which to nTroat their rampwlfna
Oae year.
One faar.
Una yrar..
X'cZ-Xi jj" been P" 00 ,ron to followed by hla court
nt,T I luoui uuiTcraauj excel-
...... ,.aft.o I Ona ajoolh I M
13 00 Ona month I -K
body of union men muat of neceaalty
have an Important boarlnr on the ra-
ault in November. The moat alcnlfloant
faature of tha meetlnar waa the charac
ter of the oppoaltlon to the Indoraemant
Within that time a arraat laaor
another party In thla oountry haa rlaen
MlaaaB HailM k. .. Jm A a.
! Uf?1 tohaya been on of the every form. You cannot maintain both. I f,at f "ni ahora ZhJn.u? 1 M?tB
i of ) And to be one of the roen Vou cannot maintain the workre work- i . iW . n w."". ob
Ob. It la toad tn h.v. mti I 1 Inv for thalr lallv hrurf. tha nannla I "ff???. lT lafayette. which In.
man who cam out of tha ml a. who feed and clothe and houae the J" w,,""TV".i,ur"M 1 of her. Crlea
with a meaaaie. a man who mide world, and at th. m. time maintain rC Jn.?1 .!! paota
meaaace tha cnna.n-. r ft.. I In ldlaneaa a troun of antnmnhll liumil!"" on snore belna; pctrlfltxl with tar.
areat people. Krom the eaat to who clip tha coupons of Trlvloaa. andli;;: T "nownL alone will not
west and the north to" the Uva upon the .labor of tha workina ventura in Vhl """rr8cd dared not
t k mun hAMa'tutii u - ... . t. I I Vcniura in to the watar.
.... .. v.. v . ww.u utm 111 .11 . II (1
t We her had II year of undisputed .h. K7nc'u-.y?un Bpratt came
of eontrol by one party In all branehea of J,5,n i!,.5"f.h .nd ln aliiyla rlanc
en tht federal government, atvd thla laat H"", '"' '"'n. Rapidly puelina;
. I j A a. a,. . . a,IOlF II 1 al nial Vn Mdt tll aa aIA a
man dlvT "lni .V.T.."' y4n.e:
$7 80 I Ona BHHith.
.1 .
tpOA a-, a ,
sr Ctrnilittirai Oiurantrt
af Tkim CmTtiBf thai th aiiralituu at tht
fiixooi ;onxit
tH Kara .mdktd.atm gnltid 6 taw
Adrtrtmrr CtrtiM Circmlttiom Blm Book
I IDS UTIIlt nf th rn w niiV. I , i ..- , ' " upon ma oaaia or tnei winiar jiaa wimwiwa in
lent. DUl ulUCn OI II Went In WlIdABI r-i . . . ' ih. Th. r.l. nnnn. uwiraw uy ma inaa in nia nrai arwuya ui man vianainaj i n ureva . V, w "1,r" "l-r"l"'' Ilia
' I w,K . i. jji i. ! 0f rlean". le the fashlona more SmI mi r J . t?mh?Pf nessag to a Uemoeratlo peopl In the llnea ln tha lare cltlca of tha nation n.'2'''r.01 aand and mm
waste. With a fixed, definite. and rerlable: then anneared white wis 5i,V..... ir Br.MLniatVn. convention of lm in the city of Chi- that we have ever wltneased In the hla. fowrJ the hHklna: ulrl. Aa he neared
comprehensive plan Orearon can ' Wearea wnite wiga. deleaatea i ot Soolallatio affiliations, and coiro; and the difference between the ap- tory of America.- The crona were boun- acene. Bpratt became aware of thi
e-ailfy. wlth.n th'orr" SV2& il 1lVoZ"Z JTW-ln SJf-
:.2VBl?rBf ,a TVn halr; wrrTSXh I!I2 lt Sh fiMsiff,?.f rrMst ;iun8rriaboVh?nnrw;..0.ctH...
wn . "worth Of the pompadour atyle. Tfle Crsa y 'J bin &ftrhcrteMyoud b.r. . . panic; and men wonder why. WhllS The frightened lafayette ahot baclt
wh,,e? Of the men waa luiTirfans of silk .SfpJ ?bil And great atrugglaT It dividends are being charged day after Into the ooean, and Mlae 8wlm waa
County Judm Webster who h.. it .-J il iuiiirrons, or ana, from the oppoaltlon i te . an Indoraament h not been a ,trugle any lesa great day acainat watered thouaande and aaved. c,w"n. w"
w . . WBo.,ja" Wet and lacea. ft?WnrS?iwitial nraJinf th. in"n ,h,"! Through Out the' nation Ihere watered mllliona, upon railroads and Bearing In hla arma the almost uncon-
bullded masterfully for the roads 6f At the end of tha ela-hteenth can- VlLV.?." JE?.?S ,h ""117" aa been a contest between th group ateel and ona great lndutry after an- acloua form of th beautiful nrl. flnntt
muitnomao county, naa a road plan. I turr In some countrlea of Huron. I Oompers' policy, and when put to
It, ! mnriha..i.. -- , I . ... . I vota finally, tha Socialist saltan
, auuuuviw war Dig DOt US6 I0D1S artlClOS Of I ,l.nn,H uM. rlh n. .,.nllnn
17 wurtu; ui cuuBiueration, oecause i areas now considered Indlsnenaahla lauowwi tne resolution to pass by
It is the product of a man who has Thus roltalre records of Frederic the i oomwr.
... .
ntiv I arouP f toll on the other, and today w I and you have financial panlo and ruin I ance thus begun waa puraued by Mlaa
iiAo I ars "ned UD ,n tnl" nation upon that I widespread In th mldat of bounteoua I Swim, and now Spratt has been married
ion. iB.u.. Tn Democratic party haa al- cropa and th moat capable workera In I by her. , w.o raarraa
' I ways been the defenuar of nrnn. I the world. Is there not aomathlna-1 a a a
a r.nnir.a nn .in I "ri " epuoncan party naa tne p. wrong t Ana tne wrong is mat in group
ln man 5 th. n.oT cSl"r PrMlK of being the defender of plunder baa eat tn the places o?
th. fh. ot monopoly plunder from one end of power, and baa used th governing ma-
irea in. more inanifk. natlnn in th. nlhn I. th. At. I rkln.r. n h ,hnl, n.nnl. tn ..t..
Thm Paper hat prmaf br amtiatiom
Vtat th cimiatw ncordt sua kept with
nn apa w cwnwuw wai WIUI ma
ecavarf that adrrdr mtay nip am any
jtaarawau or aam ataot ay ta prnhhahtn
mrnft tar qwmmup ajaa mamagmtmi
Mceatrof imtamlia a lana
i given years or stuay, and Himself I Great, that he did not wear a ahirt lt our handa. a
aihlimti thlne-a af nranHoal mail I knt !'. . . ' I pie, he has honored
o-p j.w.u. vawiwu u ava dicdu b sui l ui piaster, a I 4,000
mnn tra.a ,,,iir.nt.. whn h... n, i"" "" ". vinur. in inn aii cninarr vi ina wnuia iiamiia . awura
Hie Dlan embraces four i false hosom h.M in if. V- ib Veari elected .nd rV.T
features: Plrst, 110,000 appropriated Strings. . wiih..r.d SJJt-. h? hr '.S: - There are two kind of property, welfare of the nation; and you know it
If yonr face wants to smile
let It. Blllkin'a Philosfy.
. : . " T":" , vuo uBsmmug n i- - "vv?v--!, "',( . , f I tne kind of property that comes from A little whll ago titer waa a man
t ' . " " ' I10"1' lrora iw:,u taxation win max urai consul Introduced many changes onlsm Tla rung whin wa dM. t ton, wnetn.rit be of hand or stanaing in tna.preeenc or nungry
1 D" Ioa: -Va focf-'a.d .e..dreM ot ni!n.i -omen- lieuc'oh4 Brtr. rVWllHw SS OTTliSt lwhl.rt0irTol i;nt?
uv.wfc. M I.UBI, wuui.. uawuu, i H.U ius regwriiiDS OI ue CODrDOM naM nreaa would h.v. th. nnhlln k .cunning ana By no wnen man mrrn aiuui w wore ana
the enactment of Wlalatlnn facll. and tliA i-.lrn nt vvttt i.v,. hi Sa.. ff;.i. rd. wrung by Injunction prpcesaea can"t get a chance to workT" And that
.. .. . V, r . " I 7. . - " V-""J" ;rihMt-:for h. mn Jiih . ,,i n rrom the sweat and blood eminent statesman aaia: "OOd Knows."
lUtlng the use of Inmates of county! the modern style of the austere suit ii hi.ork.t km that th. ot working peopl and business people "Hr. evidently did not. And I wish to
JJi0 I-"- ?' bl" atMh ?S Wtt? tS? ESS ctun.'T faU ?Knn
u ic6uiauuu ir uhui iiouiwuuorj numcu. w iien xxapoieon 111 DTOUKut I atnt.n in, r,,n muhmi uKii... I l"ere is mat aistinction Deing maae in I great group or ton, ao not mtena to
conylcts on county roads. Fourth, his beantlfnl wife n.,ni. a hT, but aa uSSamX vote, for 'Injunetlon Bill- who. aaya
" r - f rj v uw aia . i nnnaar nrnrtaiprv nPAraitravi and . in. i "fia irnnura ' ri v inA ivaaa nnr
I a w . i . I . a. - ' I And imnlnrai Ilea trt VAta aara nat a a r "- " "f-- v " V " I '" a..v-v-, w ..w nv nvw
STAJSDAIU) OIL AND FORAKER. projiaing uy legisiauon ior tne xp- man to me inrone or France, she Caj party which " has thi temerity to "---,,?t 2 "" d?1.?or tn;.,,?El.e of America
propnauon oy county, or Btate, or ei ine style, not only lor France, pijc a Taft at the head of its ticket. Whole popi- but wVintendto tak th
N THE rerelatlons by IJearst at bT both Jointly for the use of a road but for all the western world. But exiutYv. 'council i to whrirhUh!I8 lf at water vaiuee' out of the great oorpora- up from the bottom to the top of free
rnlnmhna i. . I district, of twice tha aiim that t.h from that ennch lte th n.i.nt lect. ha nraaantad a. nir,v t th. lIon" wnion tney nave cnargea tne men
district Itself will contribute for road I cnange in fasnions for women as we
building, within Its limits. know them today. It is said that
From the first feature. Judge I when,- on the fourth of September,
Webster expects the greatest benefit. 1 1870, the revolution which over-
Manhood and womanhood are
Ittera te TTia Journal should be written on
ona aide of tha piper only, and ahoald be ac
companied by tha name and addreaa of tba
X it u wrltejr aaka that It be withheld. The JoornaJ
ib not to oe unaeraiooa aa inaoraing ua i
mighty moral. ? It Justifies Presi-
dent Roosevelt's many denuncla-
is of "rich malefactors of wealth."
tit ernlaJns vhv a few nr. A-rxuuiina,-
lly rich, and many poor. It discloses eliminates the objections and em- threw Napoleon was inaugurated in thS caw of "the" commo'pepie" 'la now
the true character of, crimes of cun- bodies all that is valuable in the Paris, Eugenie took refuge in the pn trial before the great jury of intei-
ining that are committed in , the Johnson bill. It is equitable between house of the dentist Evans, and "ffi-.Tn feTng ex-
rname of . "the business Inter- the counties. It offers state' aid to dressed herself in a most ' elegapt pioited and impoverished by a daring
sta.- It reveals the hypocracy counties that will help themselves, walking suit, which made a revolu- Aspired "tog" thereto MM,,!
and mockery In the phrases "san-l1 PutB premium on progress, ft llon in fasnions. with the French der the weak and helpless. Protected
mA o.-tii j ,ltnrA. nnn-nrne-rosn U nlno.a th. revolution and. DrinclDallv th itlreo. LT. ,a art?L which It knows, for It has
.vj auu vviiou. mmiiu aa uoou Ul I o- . - I . - " " maue It. mis Dna Or DUCCaneera haalnr .t.t.m.nt. nf rnrr.annnH.nta Lattara ahould
political campaigns. It ought to open! limit low enough to be within reach tolre, the modes experienced Bubstan- grown ao bold that it openly dares th K aSdYlUff
the eyes of. those who, year after" or tne poorest county, but enables " BUbob. reminiscences or fions; holding over ihim menice ot 3. p-u,"
von r an A i!6ila nftn, J.. il.rflpAcIl tn hnlM flvn nr fr mllna nf I Greek and Roman dresses formed I Panic, the threat of a atnnnan ni th. CnrrMnondanta ara notified that lettar ax-
,their ballot, on the side of the Du- good macadain each year. In three "ew styles for women, and the four WM
ponts, tne Aldricnes, the Elklns, the or rour years, eacn county accepting '" s"10 DCU- jooib ae recnonmg is at nana. Hunger and fam
Morgans, Standard Oil, and the other the plan would have 20 or 25 miles Boulogne to advertise this fashion Sportion "STthT workingr men"?
Bo-called "business Interests." of it. These stretches of permanent may De Inaeed only messengers of the United states. They have suffered
Though a aenatnr f th. nnit. road would be a stimulus to every in- the tyranny that cannot be dls- IZZlt VSltZL. ?2"' i""1":1" c:
. - - - - iw't vi Miu mo r.iiKi ul wmcn is no
omiw, xr w iua pw sery.m """iwu,, w i,.uv iuv.c, aU. au ut v,""" -t,-"i'ui Dledeea la worth about 80 cents. Are
Mr dear Senator." permanent ana excellent nignways - . . enouirh famainin ir rwi.. , :"5:S you not too high on that? in ita issue
. i ' ' . mri . nnin c . w ,. . . --rrt .v...mi iu v : tv i i . m ml i . n a
" flLariUBl BJMjEi. I film to the nolla nrlll nnt va. oi June i ino neaiuo iiiura ra iimuuoii
l : ' 7 . - -"vo i4,i. u,.. -fit .
naiij aeu-cunviciea or nrino-inir rtn fhi. '.,-"v?
tiAl UttAWi ana progress vf ",u J"--naara-nearer, tne man
applied to Oregon resources and hta.Sualif' "tafamona
James Prow h.. himn . . A wH
"" marriBja was tne cuiml
ii.ciuii u, romance pegun
Soapauds, where Mlaa Bell
uiiiiiinr vacation
In CunD
spent her
wArtara nr rna ennnrrv a ant 7 nap rant l th. tinn. anil nmmtai nr A m.rir.. . mniV i
th. repea.1 of no . riJ tnr thl miv r upon mllliona of dollars of water that any man or party that trlea to malw fK.f
e.0lJJ i"T"' n?J i0,!he..?k' were created over night by gentlemen the aggregation wealth and th piling ih
II"? y.""' . . " oiuiuijr .utlnt? .t . tiahla .nrl .fliara-lnant .r.ln.lliin nf mllllnna .a th. h.rlt.a-. n thla I "urunaea
. ?rhni. ,..a.iT.rJl Ini!rPn,t?tJon Mhe pFoduoIng masses of tEe world! We pSople. ia false to the history and false LI "5.
I lawyer would exclaim: "OpnUpman nf I v " vwv ' Wi v "" I inri aIba
Letter From trie People I TLe Emperor and I
of Standard OIL
wrote Archbold to Foraker March 26, 1 would be UBhered ln, that would
1800: "In accordance with our un-1 make Oregon rich and its people
deratanding, -1 now beg to enclose I blest.
yon a certificate of depoalt to yourl Feature No.,? would provide that
favor4 for $15,000.", February 16,1 Jail prisoners could be transferred!
Thinks the Figure Too High.
Salem. Or., Sept. 18. To the Editor
of The Journal You concede, that the
opinion of the Seattle TImea on the
vet and the wn ,m.,i.tJi i,,. unconstitutionality of ante-electlon
suffering worktngman who has streneth Pledgee s worth about !u cents.
can do, was emphasized yes- Cleave-
fnl a xt n TJaaJ T- a I
avana ua w a a. a 1 1 ii it i an i umt at-.
1900 Archbold wrote to his "dear I from one county to another, and Baie of S90 000 worth nf nnniL. Q Maeeaohnsetta Commission's Report.
senator" saying: "Here is still an-1 what is best of all would force all of the incident. Th hv.r Vht h L,D" i"!?:."01.18! Ah exhibition
nll.'lM4lr..M.' Wlf..i f t. -a, I r,'lann.ra f.w Inhnrlno- nn tha I ... n SZ . ... a. ..V'?",r". utH. aMCaMpt,-
vjwv.. Bui, " .o un.- -v. - j . . iruit, ana is nappy in us possession in.muuuna oi me unuea tttates,
rageous as ta be ridiculous but it roads to earn their keep while serv- ..TheBe apples have created a mar- 2t ttVcnffi
needs to be looked after. I hope Ing sentences. The same is true of ket that cannot be filled by the fruit "eiety for tLe promotion of industr"ti
there" will be no difficulty. In kill- feature three, and since prisoners, 0r any other district" he said Zx-Jl? th6I c.ce?tuated by the
Ing It" V , - as demonstrated In Marion county. "Hobd Riter is S Tpivotal poS 0
April ir 1900 the "dear senator" can be guarded and fed at a cost of around which buyers revolve for the i-taTv 5'JUM.',hei fr( Morse' a "eo
received from Archbold this tidings: 50 cents a day. this adjunct In road finest grade of apple stock anywhere tho narrative awj TnKativ iamltetriai
A(Y' . a. fat A . a) a. 1.-. 113I aa. .( f 4 A wah 1 si V n n iHA. 4a. a AAMaatarl -P r-.m .. . 1 . . T.
i euciose you ceruiicaie oi oepoBir i uuuu.1115 av;iinijr wuuiu mo u b' i 1 in tne world, and we and other firms I thia VxhiniM t connection witn
to your favor of $14,500. I need I practical value
scarcely again express our. great! The fourth and last feature of the
gratification over the favorable out-1 Webster plan is practically the John
come of affairs." son bill. It would be an aid in build
know it.
There is no section where I win be published as a hniitin ..
the apple crop and prices for It are niani. ...
so carefully watchfed as Hood River. h?vSiE
It Seems surprising that such a com- Si25,D a4- Cambridge. Beverley, New
The German emperor and I
within tn self-earn
Beneath the self-same
Upon the self-same morn:
A kaiser he of high estate.
And I the usual cBance of fat.
His father waa a prince; and mine
Why, just a farmer,, that la all
Stars still are stara. although some
And aoina roll hid ln mldniarht'a nail-
Tit. A . .11 T
hbmw, mill avii yvu van.
My sire waa just as good a man.
Mlaa BelL who t. an .rt.r i
t Vln"r irt cnded the Singer
bnlldlng aa high aa tha elevators go-1
liad ventured to climb Mount Pieplant,
the frowning monarch of the Collarbut
ton range. Vhen about half the ascent
naa been eomDleteri. Mlaa Doit mii.i.ii.
UEa011 'l?Pnak. which start.
rolling down hill nf .mi,.. , D l n . .w.
daring mountalneereaa with It
After rolling SO yards. Mlaa n.n r.n
over acMff but by an extraordinary
piece of good fortuna caught her arm
through th hoonnnalr. ahiKh in i
caught over a tree stump about half
Way down th. tana r ,h. niir t ,i.i
position the plucky girl hung for eeveral
hours; relievlDg the tdium by repeating
the alphabet, an . v. . w.
learned In school.
Jim t-row, who had been out photo-
quiraeia. nappenea to look over
of the cliff and was aomewhat
to sea a young lady hanging
lonely and dangerous position.
to her to ken hn, anlHr. i.n
herself, he raji nulr-VIv ha.. .'
distance of IS miles, and then ran back
again, he waa ao confused.
On his second trip, however, h re
membered What be hart nnma m . 4
caught a large aparrow. Thla he lmme-
vear were horn I dlatoljr tamed and trained to support a
year wer born, wfifht while flying. Returning
nnrn; I to tha ollff, -young Crow clutched th.
Of course. It ia not
llkelv to happen, but there is no doubt
that an attempt will be made In the
Oregon legislature to nullify the action
of the voters of Oregon by defeating
Governor George E. Chamberlain a a
the next United States senator fromi
that state. There are always a. few
scalawags in every legislature, and they
are not troubled, by pledges or con
science, but they will dig their own po
litical graves if they fail to carry out
the wishes of the people aa expressed at
the polla."
Another Alfalfa Foet.
The German emperor and I
Bat, drink and sleep In the self-same
way; ,
For bread la bread and pie la pie,
Anil Iclna-a rAn a.t hut th.Htf.. . .w
And sleep will only come to thoae I when lt waa held up by a lone
rruose mourns ana stomaens are not I temriea tne passen
foes. I ffers by hla desperate appearance and bi
sparrow by the le. and directlnar It.
course downward. seised the young
lady's hand and borelaer safely to earth.
The acquaintance thus formed waa
continued in the city, with the pleasing
result that Mr. Croav had th. hnnn.n.kl
tfft with diamonds for an engagement
William Beetle waa married yesterday
by Miss Plorrie Pink. The marriage was
the culmination of a romance' begun
during the summer, when the brlde-
groqm gallantly saved the bride from
andlta In the Yellowstone park.
raiaa rirni was traveling ln one of tha
I rise at six and go to work.
And he at five and does the same.
We both have cares we cannot shirk;
Mine are for loved ones; hla for
He may live best I cannot tell;
I'm sure I wish the kaiser well.
I have a wife, and so has he;
And yet. If pictures do not err.
As far as human sight ran see.
nrme is oy long ooas twice as fair.
esnerat. unupan.. .mi v.
flourishing two enormous guns in their
e commanaea nis victims to
(Iron their nnckethnnk. intn ..nb
all hastened to do so. except Miss Pink
She refused.
Wltti a terrible look, the bandit raised
Ma gun and was about to fire, when
young Beetle told a funny atory. Tho
robber laughed so much that the guns
dropped from his handa and he was
easily bound.
The 'acquaintance thus begun ripened
Into som.thlna mnra than ,
Say, would I trade those eyes dark land the young hero has now been led to
Not for an empreaa and her crown,
From The Dalles Optimist.
We do not know who is to blame for
If we have had doubts before, are Ing neighborhood and side roads to paratlvely small crop of armies as iJSfMnr'.S'"!, Sxl- lrP:
we not all convinced now that there J connect with the main macadams. grown here cuts such a big figure and youn women in the state of Massa
ara paid agents In high places who The plan has the virtue that it is m the apple world, but it is ac- schoSoishrichnare under 'the 'direct
. uoii aj u muwij aiiu uin youyio i uub yuciuoj. av ui; iiio aiom couniea lor Dy IU6 IaCl tnat dealers I 01 lnB commission.
;lnto tne Hands of "rich malf actors." I help to those wno Help themselves, 1 everywhere recognize that Hood
And so the emperor and I
the outburst of poetry now prevalent In M" Wil SZZS ttJ'
ST?l?22l Wt? -1". 3"m?te? HU-friu suit, him and' mine ault,
the altar by the girl he saved.
"What was It you valued so highly
that you risked your life to aav it?"
asked Beetle.
"My souvenir postal." replied th
blushing Florrle.
Tom used to court tne muse, mount i i.. thonch hla .an nn. .
dS through the hAT? p'ScKI ru,e
1 ne latest poet sings inn ia.ya in ins
If we have not known before where I which is wise. Its creative value is
. duty lies, do we not now understand that j9,,Qtfers.eAIniulus, and amply
: jfhat It Is at the ballot box and for of it, to those willing to avail of it.
.whatever party and under whatever It is comprehensive, ln that it in
, name that offers deliverance from vokes every instrumentality and
the nefarious schemes of Archbold I every influence possible as assets ln
' and his like?
River apples are the absolute stan
dard of excellence ln quality and
Granting that the buyer's posses-1
S a stiletto to be plunged into the
back of the open Willamette
project? Or Is It only one of I
those unhappy cases ln which Its
J friends assume that the project is as
, good aa accomplished? One con
dition Is as dangerous to success as
. the other. Schemes of legislation
A full report has been nuhllnh.d
warding the industrial work of the fol
towing scnooia which were personally
examined by Mr. Morse: The famous
school at Tuskegee. Ga.; the secondary
lnaustriai scnooi at Columbus. Ga.; the
Georgia School of Technology at At-
lUntA. l"ln Uomntan . . it. .
fllon of $90,000 worth of such ap- ton. Va.; the WlllSamson Free SchoS
I of Mechanical Trades at Wllllamann
road construction. Possibly fault roseate view of Hood River stocks. mracTradHcn'ooiT'the HebrTech-
wiu do iouna wun 11, Decause ia tne ract or the sale Is still proof of 5, i BC"l Ior lr,a iw tn Manhattan
more DODnlar and more habitual to hla otaiamant it i. tha t 1. T.rada achool for glfla. all in New York
mr-mr - I f aw "W til ov gUl feO I t Ly.
be destractlre than constructive. It I raIa of thn RAAflOll find tho flo-nf. la I Mr. Morse sums Un hi. ran,al tm
la. however. th dutv of thoBa who "hlifhlv aattafanrnrv" tn tha o.. PrB8," of these schools with the state
'7, . V , .CI " v" ment tnat, "consinerlng the question
criticise to offer a better plan, a task I ers. No other such sale has been 'rom an atandpointa of manufacturera
Arlina-ton Record, and hla name la Mon
tague. His first, and. we hope, last, at
tempt belna- made, or about to be made.
or talked of, to pump water from wells
for irrigating purposes. Here are two
sample verses:
"The new drill is now ooripg tne wens
they are to use,,
To furnish water for the punps the gas
oline 1 to move.
Irrigation with a pump has. passed ex- j
nr mnnui bibbtb.
To say that they will have success is as
4 a I. ,h. "r. trt. " I
So let the kaiser have his sway.
Bid kings and nation, ttimhla Hnn
I have my fceedom and my say, '
And fear no ruler and his crown;
For I. unknown. to fame nr war
Live where each man In emperor.
Boston Globe.
Put Up the Sword.
I have sung of the soldier's glory
As I never shall alne- aar.ln-
I have gazed on the shambles gory,
of very doubtful probability.
made on the coast, and probably not
In the country. It sets Hood River
products, Hood River methods and
Hood River operators before the
country as models in the industry,
The condition is more than mere
de Boulogne of Paris
favorite resort of the aunerioritv of location. Manv fruit
nnn rnn tann rna fiArni.Tnf.niia 1 a 1 ... 1 j . . a . nnma tn naa. mara.v na I v"1"- c.perta Claim ouier uistncts or ure-
lythlirvlrtu dually well adaptod to the
'men outside of congret,. who w,tt. I . " .6D..'"'U." .ou,u'' -re inaueiry. cut nooa Kiver has ap-
, r- "" " Pl 10 wonaer mat it snouia De scan- plied Intelligence. Growers there
ave pioneered the way ln use of
1 7atV.h!-. hn7 tT 4. " " . Iour roung gins in airectolre dresses enlightened methods. They threw
I jvvMWaMiw aaa. aw to OU UUirilKwUI I nn thofff f amAiia avanna 1 . . M a 11 . ,
. .. n ha rMlnnlnna .nM T h w I . . . .ot j,..u8. aaiua Wiio "V"" ""U " memoUB
-m 1 7,r,7- ," v.,.. Z At tnat tlme.tho concourse of for- long ago. They studied the business
iL.V.VttVnn --- elgners is the greatest of the year, as the banker studies his accounts.
rr;M? "d . '-.necessary for all They sought inform.Uon from every
Jlvf- ww!'at?m of the Ith Presence of strangers. After all bulletins of all the agricultural col-
bjh . ..., . mJI I y " t VUIVWU taUTOIUOClUOUl UJ 1 icbci VA IUO WUUUe A UCJ UU not
ftvywvuju vuillUv Ot COn- I -Tram trMamiVlnw a.K1I.K-aa. MWr n Mail Kannu f.
. A av n WBsaawaiuj VDUktllBUUJCUL, I -w-J vv v a-av. ava waaaaua w,m7V a.eVAA5 UU
lUD uvea vnuam- and la mode ta lmnarlnna It fa . arrand father didn't do It that w.
r , mm, c "
tyrant. They have invoked and availed of
In ancient times It waa certainly everything that promised progress.
la great luxury. In Rome, ln theAs result, their apples go to the
I rvi.aa et Ita mail.n. I ... A i I dining t Ahl.a of t h A rich arA tha
. - wruov-w v. .wv bi.wwwi.., i w.a u.aai i - - , uv
rBiea srwaF. n rTimeni wny tbe inr: bnt then it had a n.ran.n.r, Hood River oeople pluck the Droflt.
liver ShOUld not be opened. Every Irh.,. .. I. ,v. .u I Other Or.rnn Indnatrt-a ahnnM atnilT
Individual and every group in this H.n,.i ..tin.. t m., r-v tha tima
, world 1. doing the best h. can in th. VtlVZi. ZnonZr'i -
struggle ior earthly goods, especially immemorial origin, and tha ani-mw P"t a lot of states ln the doubtful
Mr. Archooia, and some of them Lr th. a.. .a .v. 1 column,
know thoroughly 1iow to do It when wnrid a .v.
rongreB Is Involved. The Willam- d- f nM... a a. ,v. "Zl
eue project is as certain as that
rivers run. Every argument in fa-
vor of ao . open river and reduced
freight rates. Is. Jo a certain inter-
ette regloa needs this open river and
reeds It with a need that Is too in
finite to be measured. The coat to
chlrprs by water haul on the Great
Lakes Is but little over one tenth of
tbe rail coat. If tha. goods carried
ty the boats that passed throsgh the
ranalB last year had been carried by
rail at tbe average charge, the
fre'rbt bills would have be a nearly
f ICO. 000. COO mora. not
be worth something to Oregon to
rare tbe Wlimett , canal and th
rl'.r tirtlt f'rH at the d!poal of.
tadee of preaent modes.
of the middle ages and the begin
ning or the modern era, faahlon,
guided by luzary, insinuated iteejf
Into tbe principal courts of Europe.
It was despotic in the fastidious
courts of Henry VII. Francis I, and
Claries V, and la those Italian cities
Where reigned the Sforxa. Medici
and Borglaa. la Venice, eapVctaJly.
where wealth was. proverbtaL the
luxury of fashion Was exhibited la
the regattas and the historic caraf-
raL ...'.
Ia Franc the advent to the throat
The Xrackleae Trolley.
The tracklesa trolla-r la ant u Ml.
dream as tourteea of 'them are being
vry Bucovsaiuiiy operatea in Europ-
la general outline and construction
tha trackleas trolley looks not unlike Ita
prototype wmcn oeaxls must keen on
rack. The same elevrrle motors drive
in. sew trolley irat the electricity Is
rathered fmra tbe overhead trnll.y wire
by a flexible connarl Urn. The trolley
w. ina aov or Ul. irtMlatv rlr.
and la conaected ta the car by a wire
rmoia . 7 Da veaM-ia is ateered with
wneei una an aatomobUa. The
carry u,inTairrra.
A aernber of Pennsylvania r-apltallsts
re plannlna to enerata) a trakleea tmJ
,VrJ'n tr9m Cbattaaaega ta the ttvn
ef Maldan s PJdr. Teoav, a diataac af
flfaan tnllam.
far tha Invita. r.nm w
fta area teat develnpmcat la fraac.
and workers. It would be better tn .fin
cats a smaller number mora thoroughly
mam a .urge nuniDer in a superficial
manner. The Industries themselves. It
Is believed, would ln the end he hatt.v
sausiiea ana tne grade or workmen av
nigasr 11 sucn a course were pur
sued." Members of the National society for
me rrwnoiroa or industrial Kaucatlon
will hava an opportunity to visit the
southern - Industrial schools at the time
or ins next annual meeting of th so
ciety, wmcn win do - neia ln Atlanta,
.'utwmiwr av auu 21. invita
tions have already been received from
tToreaaor k. g. Mathewson. president
01 tne ueorgia nonooi or Tnrhnn nrv
rum iruui Dooaar x. vvasnington 01 TUS
Dead Herring fn Yaqulna Bay.
From the Newport Mall.
For weeks the herring have be.n mn
nine into Yaqulna and Alsea bays in
such auan titles as to exclt. th.
et curiosity aa to what ia the reaaon
of the mlraela Thla week anma ll.nt
piagu. seems to nave arnicted them
and the ocean beach for mil., ia mt.
erea witn aeaa n erring ana the waters
of the Pacific for mllea off shore are
wntie witn inem.
Many explanations have h..n a.
vanced. both for the unusual number of
nernng entering tne Day and also for
meir aeBtrnction. in. rnier thaw, mnA
ona gaining credence among many, Is
that eome submarine voln.nln anintt
or earthquak waa tha causa of their
dying. But a dnsen Other thaitrlaa h...
wn Froptranoea oy men xpennced la
wa;r. ok linn,
P. M. Abbey explains the death of
tbee herring bv th. ton hv -ti .
that they get aand tn their aiiia mw,.
approach to shore, and It kills them.
George King of Win ant believes that
they dla to keen fmm at.nH.
death, there being nn food for so many
l"n'i i t ur in 1 11 a nays.
Ir. Carter thinks that they hsve
reached the end of ' natural span
of life and he tn backed up la this the
ory by Chief Walker of the Newport,
who. hnwever. Is not sure bot that get
ting tarrglad In tha seawd may sc
oonnt fnr the deaths of a good many
Csntsln llMrt. T.u, t. .e ,w.
loa thst some great submarine action
Is reaponslbl. fnr the occu rrerwa. and
he pHnts nut thst ant only nn shore
hut fnr mllea at mmm AmmA kat.. .
literally Marketing tbe epatn.
As S Wtattae nf r. tk. .14 .
1 1.1 a have marrar am aai ..w . m...
of all kinds nf en mam fish as have
fntered the have this armmon. ai It Is
' . . snmetBHrg nnt yet dlrv
Notice how this poet makes "use"
rhyme with "move." It is not every poet
who could do that, and no near-poet
would even make tha attempt. And
then In the next stansa aee what a per
fect rhyme he achieves with the worda
-stage" and caga course juai won.
he means by the expression "as safe aa
in the cage" we do not know. Probably
he does not know himself. But we will
let that pass, for the rhyme Is lovely.
And then listen to this verse:
"Water, there Is plenty, a stream they
nannnt atnn.
The only queatlon that they face is get
ting it on top.
Isn't that sweetT "The only question
thev fann la arettlnsr It On top!" Which
ia a. minor rllfflcultv on Klght Mile, and Rut . ...a - .
doea not worry the poet a lit tl bit. Beel" jpor the .nort nf ll:
how sure he is that this little difficulty will Hla patience endure forever
wilt D overcome;
'Alfalfa, pumpkins ana aquasnes mna
varloua other mnaa
California Republicans for Bryan.
From the Mdford Tribune.
That southern r!allfnrnia mill nnll -
heavy vote ln November forWllliam J.
Bryan is the opinion expressed by James
B Hawkins, a prominent business man
of that state who arrived ln this city
last evening for a visit with relatives
near Eagle Point. Mr. Hawkins says
thai, although he has. voted the Republi
can ticket a number of yeara, that this
year he will be forced to vote for Mr.
r.-t,T,her? .?re .many. men ,n southern
California," said Mr. Hawkina. "who.
I Irak mtrataal'v' aa 1... af.ari. j ... '
I have amelled of the alaughter pen. candidate of the TRepublica T party. Mr
- 1. w lorcea upon tne party, and
there will be thousands of RepubHcana
who will expresa their dlaapproval at
the polls ln November.
"I find a wonderful aentlment
throughout California for Bryan. Men
everywhere seem to be of the opinion
that he Is best fitted to carry on the
policies 1 undertaken by President Roose
velt. While I am not familiar with
norinern c'aiirornia as I am with the
south, still I believe that California
Bryan" aubstantial majority for
Mr. Hawkina served two terma on the
Republican state central and
has been a Republican memberTof the
assembly from Los Angeles. His re
marks, therefore, are of more than or-
fn iV? J"ire".t'fwiI, t0 hl" ePrience
ln the political field.
There ia blood in the Ink-well clotted,
There' are stains on tbe laurel leaf.
And the pages of fame are blotted
With -the tears of a needleaa grief.
The bird ia slaughtered for fashion.
And the beast is killed for sport;
And never the word compassion
Is whispered at Moloch a court
For the parent seal In the water '
Is slain, and her child muat die.
That some alster or wife or daughter
Her beauty may beautify.
And the merciful thought we smother
For such Is the way of man
Ae we murder the uaeless mother
For the "unborn aatrakhan."
- " ' am- a vllU la 1 V 1U1 TJ a-r
Who noteth .the sparrow's fsJIT
Sir Henry Norman's Birthday.
8fr Henry Norman, author, ' traveler
Of vegetables will b growing along the
dltchea and on the vinea"
'Alfalfa. Dumoklna. squashes and va-
rtnua nther kin rla of vegetables" la good!
Of courae it ia a little tough, really when hunger and ravenous fev.e
'tuff." to call alfalfa a vegetanie; Dut Are ai.vln. ik. ...
It all goea ln Eight Mile poetry. Shall we worship the- red deceiver
Tne devil that men call FameT
5i. aal aftff WMp,nf ?f r.V??riill Pajllaraent, waaTn
-roicr. rna ina. nn Manf.m h..
The sea anrf th. h.ttl. niain
Do you think our God Is sleeping
And never to wake again?
We may swing the censer to cover
The odor of blond In v. In
God asks us over and over,
ia my Drotner, uainr
Cathaalin Continues.
From tha Baker City Herald.
CrVnJJLlV. T rler that Ore elected
Chamberlain, a Democrat, to th senate
when the spotlight Is thrown on RVpub!
licana nr tha .tat. .v. A .1.., l.r
Prohibition Doesn't Hurt.
From the East Oregonlan.
Last snrlnE. when the matter of vot
ing out the saloons, waa before the peo
nla of Umatilla, county, numerous sub
stantial but misguided citlsena declared
that If auch a 'catastrophe" ahould be
visited upon th county, that all busl
neaa would auanend. society would be
demoralised, and the towns of th coun
ty would vanisn rrom tne map.
80 much for th prophecy. Now for
the facta
On September 7. ltOS. two month 1alousv and n.t.maiiKi. .."!?".?
:."" "".'. f AY.T l -'.,' B!c-v." Prs.nt . atale
v, ayeawaaw vi.w.- , ym. - -I -.-aa a-aaaK IB. atunn 1 T All n BF Brvt w I.
nriawnaawl eawlrK m at ItiAMaa Af aKAnt 10 TMf I hAAlravA 4 .1- w- . . v IBJ
cent la attendanc over last year. whenlganUing Taft clubs over th! ataA v
there were about IS saloons in Pendle- on else began th.wrk lWt . 2f2
wn. ... . . 1. atart, wnlch ahould ha nnmmanXa w-
Durlng tb months or July ana Au-lall men who want th. n. rt-
a.f ..... marhant In Panfllatnn A tn IUiW ma t.w r, ' . v--v.
a larger eaah but
ceding July and
wer. annul a ui
vsn inumuT. onywoiuvr av, vi 1 w vii unilfQ. auto tha tmm
nf Pandletn. nnlMl a. streetcar frin. marml K , . . . w .7 . 1111 1
laa to a com pan t 01
Ing that had not baen presented to I Republleaa clab.
It58. He received .1 Mmnnnii,.. -a..'
ration, firat ln England, later tn t..
then In th United States, wh.e. h.
graduated from Harvard university, and
Anally In Germany, where he was for
two yeara a student at Lelpslg nnl
veralty He became first known after
hla graduation from Harvard, when he
Inaugurated the public agitation for the
national preservation of Niagara Falls
which resulted In their nh.anU..i
chase by the state of New Thrk Ti
lls newspaper career on th Pall
streetcar fran-1 mera-r1 hut at th. . .1 " . "
to a companV of capitalize, some- tnn adherent tha . . T. . v " . ".' :
inis was a one to r.-
a rank
There are not
erad la repT)1hla for th VaaV fields
ef dead herring, .
the city ln a tangible condition while Its move anv possible credit that 1
saloons flourlahed. I might recelvVfor hla Tworlt. aid a
That Pendleton is a better town anJ pie-, of folly -it wsV. TheT.7.
in.ivotea te spare in any preaMentijI ram
palan, andthe Idea of either facUon
la- lndin their Infl,,... . Y
nrw. ki.. 1-.. r. . . - - """" wm
, -aa aniacia inm u party aucreaa Is al
ao IndlspuU- are allgnod with their faeUoa vote
F'ni meir owe party through sheer
ale rust-
has better ernanarti today than ehelvntaa
ever naa is a raet no re. out oy a tnou
aand testimonials that are beyond d
puts and unanswerable.- That
thing are within reach of
day than ever before I also
hi and absolutely certain.
james jerrrey Koch, in Th Canturv. began h
- -.., ... v...' . . . ; - 1
an uaaaua, nan ne tnnerited a for
tune four vears later h. bana tn ,-
extensively. He visited many foreign
countries and wrote tntereatlng descrip
tive and critical articles to varin.T.
newspapera In lm he became aealst
fnt.5.1,ftr ?f tn London Chroalcle and
in 102 he founded "The World'a Work
He Is the author of a number of excel
lent book and waa knlghtad last year.
1 This Date in History.
104 Mr. Dearborn, eon of th sec
retary of war. left for Algiers with
present for the ruler of that country.
1114 Tha British ahln "K-nrth" All
st roved tho American brig "Regent"
lt4 Tba federal force, aara
one In the battle of Opequan. Va.
1 17 1 Urwoln 'a hnr. waa ranw.a .
1U final resting place at Springfield. III.
1M1 James A. twentieth
president ef th Cnlted SUtea. died at
Ing Branch. N. J. Born . In Cuyahoga
county. Ohio. November 1. mil.
114 Earthquake shook s were felt la
Michigan. Ohio and Indiana.
Iil Sir Alexander Gait, prominent
Can a 4 tan statesman, died. Born Sep
tember , HIT.
I Ml The funeral nf Preoldrut le
Klnlev was held at Canton. OhV.
11 Ms He Henrlelt. queen af th
rK-irianajOtrfl. agei yeara
v 1 j n new t
- - , ' mw mv wi.u auin. inva fa Ua.1..
dues than in tne pre- cousty aa soon aa It waa laanuwi i.t
August, when there Bourne and Toting hadVnvtamta a
oona la the city. I with th. Tin .i-x ....u'.Ln'
How Forvlgners Live. Ah,.?tb,."J,"' "ewte ja.
(spite tbe harmony
F-r-nt statistic show thst the pro- , tat a eommltte. met a
portion of people la Indnn, who ll-e J-m, t will last m nn.
In nn. room Is 14 per re,t: In Edla- p.t iti hint Ii im
burgh 11 Mf eetit: In OUaamr 1 n.r i E -wm" - - ,pr
1- fT7 1 S ,71trl!ir .;.1'X71? Ih'r hv f Taft . -a-a thing
tl la BerllJT alat II Jhreraembered -he. th. eampal,;
abeara wbea tha
week aa-rw Haw
nn. aeease ta know.
anrerent. that aoma
Oregnti hava mora tn-
and Canada was sign
ty batwaaa FYaae
ed at Paria
th II enuntlea nf of axratfeeart
"fun containing swamp or avar.
ed laada 11 drainage dttehaa er
la have haaa vn.t rurtt .itk -
tntal length ef annait ill iIm t..
Bitr-ha- bare reci.trr.ea Ila.M acre .t
granat, . ,