THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. FOTHXAm SATURDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 19, 1008. -II ill hOrt- - If3 H Ewer, I igz 01L tr. In II I rvrf-rv nn-x r'tfp1 m -HINTS FOR HOUSEKEEPERS ,! Straw herrlea. TfAin TV 1 1 farmir. INT IT. STllANUhl that , fw Fada and Fashions. ' EW YORK. BepL 10. Autumn la N rapidly approaching and nearly vary day Haw models for ' fall wear art coming from Par la, it la true, In a. general way, nearly all of 'them carry out th dlretoire . I UUI wee, out there la at ma earn uni so t,.h r ,.. ... ,-.,, tnrm .nd ln great a variety of forma and Natalia elaborate embroidered form, and iomi that avert woman may find something super waistooat arrangements to ault her Individual style. Thera la black. Such gowns ' are commonly trimmed with velvet or braid, or with both. The blagonals Intended for win ter will be extremely thick and will be mane Up in the plainest manner,-win coats and aklrta of a rllniin nature. Th. ...1,1 - ........ I Iklntf lu long and molded to the figure. The walatcoat la llkelv to be an 1m portent Item of the season's costume. really no exouae for a woman, thla au tumn, to be dreaaed unbecomingly. The tall and gracefully ahaped woman, Of course, haa the advantage of her plumper sisters, but , that la Quite rat- are ahown tmom the new trlnumlnas, Never were embroidered banda, motifs. trimmmga or all kinds, handaomer tnan they are to be the comine winter and the supply already ahown ln the trim ming departments of the better ahopa la actually colore harmonised. bewildering. Subtlety, of nlaed. Intricate combine- oral. It la easier to dreaa a well uona or materials and variety in assign fiia uw t..t.'nli mnn haonmlna. and workmanship make of many of ly than one less favored by natsre, no these embroiderie works or art; tney matter what the style of fashion may fdd wonderfully to the beauty of a coe- Among laat week' importations were I 1 i ".". P" "'u" 't "lzl aoma tailor eutumu modeled unon - win iripu cipci. sn those ahown In Parle durtnar the fat coats will again be fnshlonaDl during sprln and summer. Tbey are wiiaout "' yvmmm v exoenilon dlrectolra In charaoter and there aeema to be every Indication that the dlrectolra atyla will continue to pre vail auring in rail ana coming; win' ter. Wldewale chevlota In bold ehev ron design and usually In two-tons col orlnar are amour the handsome novel tlea that came In durlne the vast week. These materials are beautiful in qual ity and ln color,, but in moat eases so loud that a arrest manv women. Who do not belong to the radical aet will hesi tate to wear tnem. xney win prerer plain broadcloth, a one-tons cheviot or coming to many women and are quits serviceable to tnoae who do not wear furs. Braid will bs the principal dec orative feature of these coats: ' thla may be In the finest soutache or In the moat exasperated widths, or In a com bination of two or three widths, fluch braid coata are rreatlv reduced In price juat now, so that women who like thla atyis ot wrap wouia ao wen to invest ln one. Lined with a soft silk, these coata will be sufficiently warm for fall wear, especially lr tney are worn wim little heavier areas, xne little lace aergs, or one 'f the almost Invisibly bolroa lined with chiffon and trimmed bleSdsd check, ojjlald. orstripes. wit hh. on fril The rage for fancy coats continues icost. B toVf Kttas ats. A IttAMI bisb, ssof tK tftnnlasv I weather. At uresent they are merely The fashionable colors for the com ornamental, of' lace or net satin ing season will. bo green, with tracea of ,t.rJm-m,d,?. 'ilfT .!".'.- d?v,'LkOw in It, laurel green and hnnter-a inforoed, light summery frocks may be green. Muss with a touch of green In worn well Into the autumn. In many them, will also bs worn a great deal cases the coat is scarcely more tnan '" ""' i 'rt a nalerine. m In it amart combination ln lS t la called, that is probably one of old blue meseallne, which eonsiats of the moat trying colors in - which a u.. v,.,i. .n. mnri frnn woman Can array herself. There are, to knee depth, narrow at the shoulders however, a gTeiit many ways by which and curved over the bust to twice1 the "color rsllef'' msy be introduced in aigrettes are much affected fop avenlne- aa they are supposed to bring out the ooior or me nair. FLO BENCH) FAIRBANKS. ' n n it ' : Ilookleis Waist Brings Jot. , ffTHILB 14 young women of varloua Wslses and styles of architecture tried on coraete for the benefit of 400 delegates to the recent convention of. tbs Dressmakers' Protective associa tion ln , New Tork, official announce msnt was made that hereafter' It will be unnecessary tor any woman to call width at the hips, so that the back and front portions meet. They only Juati meet at that pomt, nowever, men sep arate for the rest of the length. Btltched straps of the messallne Join the two bands across ' th front and agalir at the back, reach piece held ln nlace with an ornamental button. una or ma nanaaomeai wraps oi inie prised for Us beauty, grapes, aomewm aray tone. thht Will toe highly There Is a costume of this also a new blue It la of the color somewhat, and yet It is stvle ahown among the Importations enaaes. is fasnionea or satin or some lustrous of neither plum nor prune color. But there Is an eioulslte bloom on Ita eur facs-bvwhich-It makes Itself known to those in search of It The browns ore also quite pretty and will be seen in It la perfectly plain ant slik and la lined. ders: but the two fronts meet low over hanced by thebuat. then abruDtlv curve to lone broideries points at the side. These are slashed, and the one toward the back Is short ened some five Inches. The empire back ln on piece hangs full in jabot effect. The sleeves tucked from the arm sides, where they are put In with out a gather to a point over the hande, are the latest note. ,,A11 sleeves, what ever their general deslfrn, are small and tapering; otherwise as much latitude aa ever Is permitted, and there seems to be no ena to tne . numoer ana orig inality of the designs. . Hydrangear mauve dver pale blue is a comninauon mat is as erieciive oy aay as oy nignt, ana is greatly en the attention or silver em, This combination was worn recently by the bridesmaids at a fash lonaole wedding. The materials were nimy tune over satin anglais finished with silver tassels. The large white hntM DtrArn AmrnTHtA with hwHron .aa a ins Driae wore a loveiy gown of porce lain white satin with- a train cloth of silver. Kiepnant gray over blue is also a nanasome ana errective combination wmie mm green relieved with copper is or siriKing neauty. - Evening hair dressings are more than ever a matter of Importance. Fortunate ly there are many inexpensive aids to Chic effect One of these Is the use uffa or Marvelous things are accomplished nowadays oy tne manufacturers in im- nar tin to the cloths of wool a satin- like finish. Broadcloths of the finest f of arold and nllver braid and rihhnn run grades nv a mvro iia-iun appear- inio ine loons oetween tne puffs or ance than they ever had. and this same forming a filet band above the brow, sheen and softness make beautiful Vc- If the face is of the babyish; coquettish netlan and prunella cloths. Diagonally type, little bowa of metallic ribbon mav siripea wnoien muria in two tones, i oe placed here and there and arranged brown and green, blue and red and j to atand up or lie flatly, according to vmci mo uiiuuiim iui mBia, xsiacK velvet ana tune dows and THE MOTHERS' CORNER farms, . comparatively, support strawberry plantt Why la UT Few crops are aa easily grown. Every family can have a supply of this fruit la Itg'season with practically no xpenae and but a llttl Judloloua, well directed effort, , .... On or two square rods In th garden la enough to furalah fruit for a family. Begin now, dig deep, pulverise thorough ly ana plant immediately, iou enouiu have planted sooner any time sine the soli wss ln condition last April. Get vour nlants from vour more provident neighbor. Plant la rows two feet apart ana la inches in th row. wumveie. Cultivate thorouahlv. Contlnu to oul- Urate. If th severity of winter re quires It. muicn Willi Straw someuir. in Doembr. If not, begin cultivation oon as th soil is In condition, and never allow grass or weeds to grow and rob you of a fruit yield. Don't neglect your own cultivation and drive six miles to a commercial strawberry field and pay 40 cents a gal lon for the delicacies you can nave In your own garden almost for th trouble of th picking. Then ther Is the rleaaur of proprietorahlp ' aald . from ha nlMinn nf self-inderjendence. Noi farmer In this" latitude need do without atrawbsrrlee Brown at home. They are easily and cheaply raised. It Is almost criminal to ao witnout tnem, ' Mince Meat. . Mix together seven cups of chopped tsrt apples, two cupa of chopped boiled beef, five runs of boiled cider, one cup of currant lelly, two pounds of seeded raisins, one nouna oi currants, gin- quarter of a pound of shredded cltrpn. rau nun nf ahredded candied Orans peel. one pound of finely chopped suet, ths Crated rind and Juice or two .oranges, is grated rind and Juie of two lem ons, two snd one-naif cups or sugar, one tableanoon of salt, on tablespoon Ot cinnamon, one teaspoon of cloves, one teasooon or auspice, on teaspoon oi nenoer. half a nutmeg, gratea. boh until th apples are tender, flu Jars and seal, ' glass Chile Oon Carne. Cut a nound of fresh pork Into Inch chunks and parboil. Boak five chiles ln hot water, take out the seeds and veins, wash them well and put In a mortar tne Mexicans us tne moicajem and telolnteV Pound to a Dulp. adding a little garlic, black pepper, "two cloves and a cooked tomato. Fry this in hot lard; then add the meat with some or the liquid ln which It was boiled and a little salt. Cover and let It cook down until rather thick. .. To Remove Ink. Answer to Inquirer To remove ink stains from your carpet melt mutton tallow and coat all over the Ink stain. unless the carpet Is lig'it weight, then dip into the hot tallow. After this wash the articles in warm water and all traces of the ink will be gone. If ft nhadow remains place blotting paper over it and press with hot flatlron. Cucumber Pickles One neck : of small cucumbers, being careftti not to break off the little prick-. va. 1am in a tjoH. onsl nntiv ivvnr thorn boiling salt and water. 1 small teacup of salt to 6 quarts of water is about right Let them stand till next day, I then tak aut th cuourabera (or pour off brine) and scald, skimming wall. Then put In eueumbera a before anj repeat lg Umea. changing th salted TZHJSl'. P ...-v,., wn me sevsnm aay put u't "t pur elder vinegar ami I pints of water on th stov. a ploc of . wainut. nanarui or wimnwr not na U In a tl ounce or wool clova. cinnamon bark and allspice, and add with th plokle :r l , " . "P stirring wun '"..-i.i0 "un lr wlt peppers S?v.r TtU. Hrmt 1VM nd oovir cVoae. .t-,-'tSfi..ttt.tnl1v,B. Pt pUto On ton Of Dickies a b and put down cellar, covering close of STVIV .1 h"y. wm ba rtn nd crlap at ,n '" but Improve witn ag. ....- ' Keeping Cracked Ice. It la Often lnconvanln n k. Icebox every time an InniM p.. i To keep It In th sickroom, get an earth en Jar such as Is used In tne country for butter, an earthen imV with . deep enough to hold a quart glaaa prei J ' . f ul aeverai tuicKneasea Ot wet flannel In th bottom Tak a loosely woven white flannel; If mat is not nannv taita hMnnih an risnt, rouna the corn era .na aarajHin it so it orops more than half way down the fruit inr tii, i, . the outside top of Jar with a etring. or inunin( it wna a ruDDer tand. Into this put cracked Ice, kseplng a silver apoon nanay to iirt it out by. Th glass Jar may then have Ita top ,u ur ii, bjiu m wet ciotn, preterabiy a piece of flannel, wrapped around It, on end coming over th top. The whole ahould then be placed in the earthen croca ana tne eartnen cover put over It. If thla Is set In a shady spot and in a draught th ic will melt very slowly and the water will, of course, be strained through Into th bottom of the glass Jar snd kept away from the Ice. In default of a handy fruit Jar the earthen crock ltaelf mav he utuiA as these crocks are the coolest possible envelopes for Ice. OREGON HOTELS. HOTEL OREGON CORNER SEVENTH AND STARK STREETS' Portland's New and Modern Hotel. Rates $1 per X Day and Ur European Plan Free Bus. WRIGHT-DICKINSON HOTEL CO., Props. -- i Centrally Located Modern Improvements, Imperial Hotel EUROPEAN PLAN Seventh and Washington Phil Metachan ft Song, Props, Rates, $1.00t $1.50, $2.00 mm Zrfng Slstaae Vkos la svry sooaa. Canned Pears. Par ths fruit, welch, niece In nn. servlnc kettle anrl cover with ailflap In the proportion of on poundof sugar to four pounds of pears Let atand over night and in th morning cook them in their own Juice until tender enough be easily pierced with a straw. Do not add anv water. Lift out fruit. nUre in Jars, cover with boiling airup to over flowing and seal. Canned Peaches. Pare the fruit, weie-h. nlnce In nr.. serving kettle and cover with sugar in proportion Of 1V4 nounda of suirar tn 4 pounds of peaches. Let stand over night and ln the morning cook them ln their own sirup until tender, without adding any water. Lift out fruit, place ln jar and cover to overflowing with boilins sirup and seal. Cider Apple Sauce. Boll down the cider, use newly dried apples, pared and quartered If sour, al low me fourth their weight In sugar, or use late sweet apples, pared and Quartered, verv little or no aurar Onok! alowly and be careful not to break the fruit in stirring. To Prevent Slippinjr. Tack pieces of rubber over ends of stepladder. It will prevent slipping and save scratches on floors. NEW PERKINS HOTEL Fifth and Washington St. , Portland, Or. OPENED JUNQ lt, 1Q08 "Modern luxury at moderate prices." In the heart ot business and shopping district. Exquisitely furnished. All modern conveniences. Liberal num ber, private baths. Sample rooms. Handsomest Cafe and Grill in northwest; music. .Bus meets all trains. Rates $1.00 and up. '" W. Swetland. Manager. THE CORNELIUS 3T rOJSTXAJTO - Carpeted throughout la th best velvet carpets. Every room contains a heavy solid Bimmons brass bed. on which Is a 40 or 60-pound hajr mattreaa The rooms ar fur nlshed In solid mahogany. Writing desk In every room. Lone distance and local teltohonea ln everv room. 8ltv rooms with private bath. Situated In the center of shop ping aistrict. on piock rrotn tn streetcars. Not so ex pensive as som other hotels. When next In Portland glv us a chance to make you look pleased. Th fumiahJnr and general appearance of th public rooms must be seen 10 oe sppreciatea, trains. Dr. O. THE CORNELIUS Free Bus meets all Ooraalins, Prop. XT. St. Clark, Uanager. PORTLAND PORTLAND, OR. European Plan Modern aWstanxant. COST OWB MXX.X10W SOSSABS Radaaataw fot Tourists and Com mercial Travelers. Special rata mad to famtitaa and single geatlamen. Th management will be pleased at all times to show rooms and glv prices. A modern Turkish bath es tablishment In tb hoteL SC. C Bowers, Bfgr. Barley Water. ONE is continually reading how good barley water la for various conditions, especially bowel trou- We In. young children, but many people do not know how to make It The following recipe la given by a physician: Tak a full feaspoonful of barley flour and make It Into a thin past with cold water, stir Into a pint of boiling water, and add a pinch of salt; boll It 20 minutes, and then add sufficient boiling water to make a full pint. if it is not perfectly smooth strain it through a tea strainer. . The Extra Baby. By Marlon Harland. Among all th bitter tragedies of childhood there Is none so terrible as that of being the extra baby in th home, whom nobody wants. Tet there's an extra child ln many a family some one who doesn't "belong" tn th full sweet sens of th word. Nothing In th whole wlil world aver make up for It Tou can bear It better when you are oioer, alter you've learned not to carts not to. expect th sort of affection ?ou'v. longed for so passionately, hough It's not a good lesson to have to learn. But th unhapplneas- of a llt tl, puzsled being, trying his best to -'understand why his sister, or brother or Dotn is lovea and petted, wntie n nimseix is always in tn way, is pitirui. Ther Is never any reason for It That is th terrible part of It; it Is apparently Juat a eurlous marking of fat, which leaves on child lonely and wistful in a family where affection and Interest ar th rule, with that on pa thetlo exception. Her is th story of on child, who thought, from th time she was old enough te think, that she didn't belong to her mother. Her father she was sure ofeverybody told her ah "was th tmag of him," but her constant1 fear was that her mother would find her out and send her away! Another little child, with that horror of the dark which amounts to positive disease -among some nervous children, cried herself to sleep night after night creeping down under the covers to hide th sobs which would come, but which sne a a rea not to let any one hear. Ana another there ar millions of us cases used to say, "she wasn't rngntenea.r and promise "to be good and not bother any one if father and mother went out" And then, after they went she would cry her little heart out witn tne rrignt and loneliness of the empty house. Tiny as she was, she had learned to lie about her feara ho it learned to dread the hard, impatient iqmk mai waa ineir inevitable retention And now? Sh Is 18 now. and has never been chums with either father or" motner. " an is na ra to control." thev sigh! Would she have been if circum stances had been different? There's usually enoush mother love to go around, no matter how big a family of babiea are about her. It's mora often the father who takes a curious antipa thy to one of his children perhaps be cause he and the child are ton mnoh alike. Then it takea all a mother's tact to prevent open rupture, which usually takes the form, while the child is little, u ijTuuiue..i punianment . Tou men and women Vth iMm look to It that among them there's none ca.i.iiiH inn umoy neari out in a passion ate hunger for th lov and petting which m aim oirxnrigni. sjyen ir ns's not so cunning as his chubby sister, nor u uvisui m uis niurar oroiner ne a your's yours to love and to give a her- uaae oi oniy nappy cniia memories to. Think of th woman who'd give any thing to hav hjm to lov who Would kias dimples into those sober cheeks. Then realise. If you can. that th pain Of her conscious loneliness im nimi,i by his baby proteata against something he doesn't understand. He's vour babv. but ' nni ahm In th tru sens of th word when he nowB it. ana snows, too, that b can brine everr triflln hrntu nf h n. 09 B-issea ana made wmt Model for forenoon frock In brown checked serge, trimmed with vel vet and velvet-covered buttons. Yoke -of coarse mesh net In cream, braided In soutache. for assistance in buttoning her waist ln the back. A public benefactor who lives in Ho boken. N. J., submitted for th approval of the dressmakers a small metal de vice which, he said, would soon take the place of buttons and hooks and eyes throughout the civilised world. According to his optimistic prediction his device, . consisting of a chain run ning between two lines of sockets with a ring at the top. will soon be in gen eral use and will bring surcease of care to thousands of husbands. ' "One pull on tne ring," said the ora tor from Hoboken, "and the dress Is buttoned or unbuttoned, hooked or un hooked as the. case mav be. Any child can operate th device. "(Jive me $6 worth," said on of his auditors and others also purchased. The real new thins at the convention is the lncroyable ' collar. All the really modish gowns nave tnem. st t K aschlno cherries cut in quarters may also be used. When sandwiches of different kinds are served on the same plate, they thev should be so arranged and marked that the guest may choose-according sandwlsh having cherries inside shoul have half a cherry on one corner, ana that with preserved ginger ahould be marked with the ginger. If placed at the edge the cherry or bit of ginger may be speedily removed with safety to one's fingers and an agreeable sensa tion to the palate. Nasturtium leaves makes delicious green sandwiches, and a little lemon Juice added to sardines in sandwiches enhances their flavor. Sandwiches made of greens may be marked with a bit of the leaves protruding or a nastur tium flower or a sprig of parsley. When a' number of guests are expected and there are several plates of these dainties, each plate may have th na ture of its burden indicated with the nasturtium leaves or flowers or fruit. ' A doily ahould be placed over plates under sandwiches, but bread and but ter and cake look better without: be sides when the loaf of -cake is cut the knife would ruin the dolly. Homemade cake Is always a delicacy. even when of the simplest sort, and the truly nospitame nostess win see to it when expecting many callers that a loaf or two is provided. For tne small in formal tea servlnjr first mentioned, if home-made cake is served, several pieces only should be arranged on a plate. . at X K Eve's Daughter should be fair to look upon. No nsirfatly blemishes should! mar the natural beauty of her face and her checks should have a healthy, delicate tinge of color. Hagan's Magnolia Balm ! ! Imparts the bloom of youth to faded cheeks and does It Instantly. No dosing with medicine, no long course of treatment, only a moment required to apply this peerless beautifler. ! Made tn two colors PINK and WHITE. Price 75 cents for large bottle at your druggist. Sample free. . K LT03C UAXtfkCTttJm CO, Bowrk TVtM U BIOOaXTK. HI. Cues for the Cook. OR a delicious pie, such as they make in the peach belt, fill a deep pie dish with peaches that have been peeled, stoned and cut Into squarea Reason them with sugar, butter and tablespoonful of molassea and, if It la wanted, a little cinnamon. Put over th top a rich pi crust and bake. Serve th pi with rich cream. Th pi la some times not well seasoned until after bak ing, when th cover Is lifted off care fully; while th pi la still hot sugar and olnnamon are sprinkled ln and the cover is replaced. The secret of th delicious hot apple pi served in soma summer Hoarding houses is th seasoning of the Die comes from th oven. Tart green apples ar th best for It As soon ss th pi Is don th cover la taken from it very carerully and augar, cinnamon and tiny dabs of butter ar sprinkled over the top and th crust Is put on again. Rich cream la a vast Improvement to It A small head of lettuce spread apart without separating th loaves from th stem and, sprinkled -with Spanish red peppers th kind that come in- cans and drassed with mayonnals. mad oa a broad lettuce leaf. Chopped nut a, chopped olives er any ether salad mix ture might oe used la in same way over the lettuoe. or a French dressing mixed with grated cheese or powdered hard-boiled era rolk mlaht tag their flaee. Sometime the open bead la filled with cn ics en er vjaiaorx. saiad mix. It R K Welsh Rarebit Recipe. TAKE a double boiler, fill the lower part with hot water, melt in the top boiler a tablespoonful of but ter, then stir slowly in one tablespoon ful of flour until smooth and add one teacupful of warm milk. If the mix ture then seems too thick thin it with a little water the same temperature as stirred. Put ln jars or In one large stone pot and keep cool. French - PicklBCabbagn - - cut fine, green tomatoes sliced, celery cut up In small pieces, small onions, green sweet peppers, a.lot of tender cucumbers and green beans. In the evening sprinkle salt over the mixture and leave till morning, drain well and boil in 2 quarts of water and 1 of vinegar. Cook until not too tender and drain. With cider vinegar and surar make a slrun. nor too sweet; add celery seed, white mus tard Seed and unices tn taatA. AAA tha pickles to the sirup, heat and oan. st it st In the Small Flat, a TOUNO bride In a small flat had a A small kitchen and found entertain- ing difficult on account of lack of places to put the soiled dishes as they came out after each course. So she pur chased a small cutting table and sawed the legs off to permit its going under the kitchen table with ease. She also bought a kitchen chair and sawed the back off, so that this could be slipped underneath both tables. Thus dishes could be placed on the cutting table and slid under the kitchen table until heeded, and the chair could be placed in and out as desired. This is much more satis factory than the drop-leaf tables that they now use, as the drop-leaf tables are not as steady. And a good many ac- ciaenis nave Happened on tnem. if ERASE s-trOK-- laais J tsw.a H .t Ssaffi:. . European N0RT0MA HOTEL raroBirnt or wasxxvotoh st. Portland's Only Roof Garden Bin-' Bates t ramOlea Out Bua Meets All Trains Sample Suits, with, Baths, tor Traveling Ken THE HOTEL LBIVOX Portland's new and most modernly furnished hotel, Third and Main streets, fronting on the beautiful City plaza and adjacent to business center. Free 'bus to and from trains. Up-to-date grill. Excellent cuisine. Telephone ln every loom. Private baths. EVSOPEAjr PiAW, AKSBZCAV PXAB, SI to 9a.etf Far Bay. ga.50 to S4 Per Bay. O. H. SPENCER, Managsr JjLw e K x Plum Preserves. SELECT good plums, not over ripe. After plums have been peeled, Which can be easily and quickly done by placing fruit in boiling water for two or three minutes, and then drop ping into cold water, put sugar and fruit in alternate' layers ln a stone jar until all of fruit is used. Let stand over night, pour off the juice and let com to a boll, skim well, and drip the fruit into this hot sirup. Let boll slow ly till fruit is clear. To each quart of plums add 19 cloves, three sticks of cinnamon an inch lonr and, four shreds of mace. Seal andput ln cool place. R K Chutney With Raisins. STVWELVE green sour apples, two I green peppers, six green tomatoes, ' four small onions, one quart vino- . I gar, two tablespoons salt, two cups brown sugar. Remove the seeds from the pep pers, add tomatoes and onions and chop verv fine Put vinerar. susar and bas of mixed spices on to boil, sdd th chopped mixture and simmer one hour: tnen add apples, pared and cored, and cut In small squares, half cud of choppped raisins and cook alowly until Good Fishing at Newport, i Advice has just been received that sllversid and chlnook sslmon ar blng caught on trolls In Tsqulna bay. , THE DANM00RE Portland's New HoteL 473 Washington, cornar 14th, Opp. HaWg Theatre. Stamp Plan 41X0 and Up. Bus meets all trains. DANt J. MOORE, Proprietor. Xotal Moore Clatsop Baaob,' Sea side, ur. irpen au year, jrer anxox matioii apply at Th Sannoer. CAxxroairxA hotels. CALITOBKTA HOTELS. Fred Wollenberg Max Schulhofer Leo Lebenbaum An unequalsd Cui sine and a guar anteed excellence la Every Detail. Hotel Normandie Sutter and Gough Sts. iSara Francisco Pre-emlnentlv the best and newest uptown hotel, convenient to theatres and shops; 260 bright, richly furnished rooms from $1.50 up, with bath 12.00 te ; 13.60. Suites, parlor, bedroom and bath. $4.00 up. American plan. SS.fiO non commercial Sample rooms - Model for school dresses little tots. for the Add salt and red pepper tur. For the Tea, Table. SAXDWICHES'ef Q sorts ar th best ' posslM accompaniment te tea. while crlap toast and little cake com second. Toast la often the saet agrtaaM te tb test, but it Is se seldom truly hot, auad then la ao greasy with better.-that ft Is y means aa Ideal thtag te haadl while making a III. : fveri sandwl(4ie ar eult new and may e mad from trim slice er rat, harita a larer of ernd er pounded nuta. or aut teu44 fin In a w.ertar and held to the ce br tt thinnt tvIbt layer ef )m, marmalade, er eliy. A rft er prerwe tr plwre t lnterrais rm th !'- tvefnr thf r laid toeetbtr is delwjeua, and mar tha mixture. to taste. Te this now add a half pound of creamery cheese that ha been put mrougn meat cnopper; mix inor oughly. Cover and put th boiler on th back, tern th gas very low. pr- mlttlna the mixture to cook verv lnte a smooth cream and then pour over siloes ef tntca toast, it nvr strings. First Annual Pacific National Live- stork Shew and races. Sept. tl. 11. IS. 14, It. It. at th Portland Country Club ' grounds caxxromviA hotxtb. HOTEL STEWART SAN FRANCISCO GEARY STREET ABOVE UNION SQUARE JUST OPPOSITE HOTEL ST. FRANCIS EUROPEAN PLAN $1.50 A DAY UP AMERICAN PLAN $3.00 A DAY UP q A Raw iota town hotel Steal md srlck ttrnotar. Furnished it i eott ef $150,000. Eierr comfort and eonunl enoe. On ear linos transferring te all parts of city. Omnibus meats all trains and steamers. 4 If job taat comfort, eonrentsnee and Iwurj at a ferj reasonable price, stop st the select HOTEL STEWART 'or Royal House, San frandsco rourtli aad Seward Sta. All outalda rooms, staasa heat, hot and cold water. Rates c to II per day. I cold water. Kate c te II per day. ixvl. ir.v. I " " . T ..r ATr ; "' a v " n i reel rrora mini nmi ofpol ptom TNOUSH 8 AUAD FICXUE Peel and Ferry. Howard street cars direct. P. U nsllc six goed-sised cucumbers and itiMi finlnna Cmm wtt U. Min sua wzsa ajto stop at Hotel Von Dorn 1(1 Turk st wttea yen visit suur rmAxrczsco. Plreemef etl frame, steana beet. pickJ ready t eat la 48 hours, though L" ana eat, natea i p, t.Brepaa. the letr It Is keet in alr-tlaht lar the I fTA!-! Sl rr"!.? ptcauiniitc a rck of gra t- matoe la an earth er east Jar. gpriaki ever them en teavcue ef salt aad let stand ever sight. thn peer meet ef th bna eff and add three pints ef eider vlfisr. thtr cup eugar, lt- noon acb f ground eiov aatd etae fnon. crte euj sinurl en ef grated herserad ah. teaspoon ef red Beppr aaxt fvar larye eni'nva. Cfott lr porcelain r agate kettle ti J eeft, keeping 11 wll thr on I one. cover witn H eep ef salt aad let atand. wen pressed down. ever night. la the morels f threw away the Ihjuor, add S teaspoons of eelery H eence ef mastard seed. S eeaeee ef salad ell and 1 plat ef eeld elder vinegar. - This makes delicious HOTEL ALIDL'BON era sntta mtrA SAsr rmAjrexsco, cmju. m A firet-elasa, e,tiet kesse betel. Pure- pa plan. Centrally located,. Ker theatres and sivnvriag dlatrvt. P. II . Badsctioa lr tb week. lrv 1 H. VeClar. se-pjntor. Hotel SL Francis SAN FRANCISCO Thit hostelry possesses all the best features of the world finest caravansaries, and has added many ideas to the stun of hotel happi ness. It has Introduced to FieiSc Owtt Hoteldom th Electric Grill, Pnetirnatie Tube Service, hfagneta Clock System and today represent the farthest advance of science ia hotel Service in America. Rstes Eurcpetn, front t2 Bpwgrd Under the rcsBagerncr.t of , JAMES WOODS You Can LlveOutdoor All Winter at MATCHLESS DEL MONTE THE PARADISE OP THB PA CIFIC. 116 MILES SOUTH OP SAN FRANCISCO. , Affords every facility? for golf, tennis, riding, motoring, and all other sports under ideal condi tions. ' " - i Buperb elimate beautiful seen 'livery luxury and convenience ef the best city hotels. & Stopover privileges oa ' all tarouffk railroad tickets. Through parlor ear re eity dally at S p. . xn. Illustrated literature oa request. n. R. WARNER, Manager dsx. atoam, cas. -., LH A IK V I I V I V HOTEL SAN FRANCISCO A faomellkt and eomfortabl hotel. whose superb location, m$gr.'i- cerrt appointments and perfrct ervica ksve nothing to te de- ired. Vede the earn mafair,t f " ' made th9 P t., . , t'ird for yr. Stafl raem w . . ti t. .- , , . ..' II Set li" r ,. !"::" ' 1 1. a i 4 i p(l ff j