The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 19, 1908, Page 6, Image 6

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National Campaign of 1900
When Gold Democrats I)e-
' serted Tarty HcKinle.v'8
Popularity Because of the,
Spanfsh-Ameriean War.
Copyright 10. by Frederic J. Hasktn)
Washington. Sent 19. Long b-
i fore tna national conTentlona met In
' the summer of 1900 everybody knew
that tbe Republican! would renom
inate President McKinley, ana tnat
' the Demoerate would again follow
I the leadership of Mr. Bryan. Mo
! Klnley's renomlnatlon we made eer
' tain because of the great prosperity
! wblch blessed tbe country because
1 anivaasfnl lHUA Ot tbe W8J
V. Ul V - .
with Spain, and because of the per
fection of the organisation of the
'Republican party under Mr. Hanna
I and the coterie of KepuDiican aena-
'tors that stood with the adminutr
Hnn . - Rmn'i renomlnatlon was
made certain by his popularity with
the rank and file of his party, not
withstanding the bitter and intense
opposition of the "gold" Democrats
The renomlnatlon of Bryan In 100 U
tha only -instance of the renomlnatlon
of an unsuccessful candidate for pres
ident In the campaign next arter nis
i defeat' Jackson was a candidate In
.1818 after his defeat In 18J4. but as
he had the plurality of both, popular
and electoral vote In the first race, and
i there were no party nominations
then, his case Is not a precedent. Henry
Clay was three times a candidate . for
president but only once was he the
, recognised nominee or a party, ana u
was in the campaign after the one n
which he was defeated for the -Whig
nomination by General Hairison Grover
Cleveland was nominated In 1892 after
his defeat In lBoo.oui as n mc
'one term in the White House he could
not be considered a wholly unsuccessful
candidate. '
Cannot Be Downed.
No man who has frequently met de
feat In national politics has been able
te retain the leadership of one of the
two great parties with the single ex-
esntion -f-Mr,-.Bryan-
Htleally. '
Colonel W
ri.neral Nelson A. allies and
llllam J. Hryan, being pemo-
crata, did not set to tne rront.
Thus It happened that when two years
had gone by and the country raced an
other quadrennial struggle ror P"
Money, It found that the war with Spain
had produced but one genuine war haro
C . i A That mAm Colonel Roose
velt He hadn't been man in oommana
in iha arm, but he had organlaed a
Picturesque regiment and had done many
picture-qua things, lie had actually par-
iclnated in a Mini ana naa proven
eagerness to light
mooseyell Appears.
The Renuhlloans of New 'York state
had taken him up and had elected him
governor, not so mucn neoaus 1117
wanted him, but because he wii the
nnlv man who could nrln. As has nap
pened since, the Republican bosses fou.
that a governor so selected might be
entirely too self-willed to rule the roost
at Albany to suit me organisation, in
those days the will of Thomas C. Piatt
was law In tbe Republican organisation
In New Tork state. Not even Mr. Roose
velt openly opposed It then. Rut I'latt
knew that he could not hold Roosevelt
down, so he decided to get rid of him.
He would kick him uo stairs.
Therefore he went to the Republican
Philadelphia with his
The nomination of Mc-
convention at
plana all laid:
Klnlcy was assured, although, there was
a little Roosevelt talk fro.n the west
ern states, states thst had gone .for
Bryan four years before. . Hanna and
hla senatorial coterie ruled everything.
There were Flatt and Quay; Fairbanks
and Allison. Depew and Fornker, Wol-
cott and l-odge. ana the oonvention was
going aa they directed.
Hanna wanted Cornelius N. Bliss or
Senator Allison nominated for vlcs-
S resident, Vice-President Hobart having
led la office. Plstt took Quay Into bis
at rid of Roose-
. "TiM A.vod Is Tb nib..
Scleuee aas never gone beyond the
above slmpls statement of scripture. But
It has luumluatod that statement and
given It a meaning ever broadening with
the Increasing breadth of know ledg a
When the blood Is "bad 'or Impure It
Is not alone the body which suffsri
through dire. The brain to also
clouded, Sho mind and Judgement are
y aa evil deed or Impure
Uy traced to the
Fcul. ImpnrsMoMI
tin w mini: tp dt pr r,
1 eocctea,anain4n
Uo sb t Vabfl THTsc
They must
organised tne willing
veil Bo they
westerners and began whooping It up
for Rooaerelt for second place. .. '
Colonel Rooaerelt was already a can
didate ror president for tne campaign
of 104. He believed that his Interests
eonld be advanced mora readily If he re
mained governor of New Tork than If
he were mace vioe-preaiaent. He pro
tested wun earnestness ana venemence.
He fought aa hard as he possibly could.
but the enthusiasm for the one wsr hero
who had weathered the storms of two
years was so great that R could not be
overcome. More especially when man
aged by two veteran manipulators like
Piatt and Quay 80 It was that Theo
dore Roosevelt was kicked upstairs and
put on the shelf "where he would never
bother national politics again."
royalist Convention. '
The Populists held the first conven
tion that nominated Mr. Bryan. There
were several Populist conventions, but
the one which waa attended by the five
Populist senators nominated Mr. Bryan
with Charles A. Towne of Minnesota as
his running mate. The Democrats met
in Kansas City on July 4 and the Silver
Republicans met In the same city on the
same day.
mere waa a great riant, tea ny jjsvn
B. . Hill of New Tork. to prevent the
specifio reiteration of the free silver
ilank of 18(8. but Mr. Bryan Insisted
and the niank went in. Adial Btevenson.
wno nat Deen elected vice-presiaeni wun 1 n -n t
Orover Cleveland in 1893. was given the LOIuPaiiy JiinfiTlIieerS
I'lce-s oq'ata riawYtrr
cnrtTTTpa and nurlriri the hlood thereby
curing, pimples, blotches, eruptions gnd
other cutojteous affections, as eczema,
tetter, or salt-rheum, hives . and otnor
manifestations ef Impure blood.
,3 9 9 9 9
In the cure of scrofulous swellings, en
larged glands, open eating ulcers, or old
sores, the "Golden Medical Discovery "has
performed the most marvelous cures. In
cases of old sores, or open eating ulcers,
It Is well to apply to tbe open sores Dr.
Pierce's All-Healing Salve, wblch pov
aesses wonderful healing potency when
psed as an application to the sores In con
junction with the nse of "Golden Medics'
Discovery " sa a blood c! revising const.'-
tuUonal treatment If tur druggist
don't happen to have the "All-Healing
Salve in stock, you oan easily procure It
by Inclosing fifty-four cents In postage
sumps to Dr. R, V. Pierce, MS Main St,
Buffalo, N. Y., and It will come to you by
return post Most druggists keep It as
well as the "Golden Medical Discovery1'
v 9 '9 9 : -9
Ton ean't afford to accept any medicine
of vnknmtm composition as a substitute
-for "Goldon Medical Discovery ."which U
a medicine or kvowk composition,
having a complete list of ingredients lr
plain English on its bottle-wrapper, tb
same being attested as correct under oath
Dr. Plerc-' I'lessnnt Pellets regtflnU
and In? ' '.. liver and bowe!f
. - 4
Between the presidential campaigns of
mac omi itmn thlns-s had happened
. which were to change the whole course
of American life. The struggle of Cuba
tor freedom from the yoke of Spain
" appealed to the sentiment of the Ameri
can people and there was a great pop-
ttlar demand for Interference in Cuba
tiv out government. If the American
people had known as much then as they
know-now about the, nature of Cuban
rebellions ' and revolutions - the whole
, story might le different But be that
as it may,- the horrors of the adminis
tration' of "Butcher" Weyler In Cuba
' rntild not be permitted to pass without
' protest.''' . f '"..
Mr. McKinley and the administration
resisted the demand for war for a long
time, but the-demand -was too strong
nnd -Spanish 5 blunders . precipitated
strained relations. War was declared
. end in less than four months It was
over. The American victory was com-
ntpte and the United States bad sudden-
Iv become a "world power," in the sense
that the phrase is used in European
.- chancelleries. , -.- :
Island Possessions.
As a result of the war the United
Ftntex found Itself In possession of sev
eral things it had never had before.
There were the colonlesr-the PbHlp-
pines, Porto Rico and Guam. There waa
the protectorate Cuba. There was the
church lands question. ' There was the
;1 extra-territorial tariff problem and the
nuestion, "Does the constitution follow
the ilagr' in addition to mese Drana
new things, the nation also had a new
. crop of war heroes. Chief among these
was Theodore Roosevelt. Others were
lieutenant Hobson. Mr. Bryan, had en
' deavored to become a war hero, too, but
the regiment wblch he commanded was
not permitted to get further away than
Admiral Dewey was the a-reat naval
hero. Naturally he was discussed as a
candidate for president. He made the
fetal mistake of takinsr the first "men
tlon" as serlousrV as If it had been a
' rail from the notification committee of
a national convention. He accepted
nomination In advance of its being of
Change Plans of Road
Through.. Idaho.
second place. on the ticket. The Silver
Republicans promptly nominated the
same candidates and Towne withdrew
from the Populist ticket. Later In the
campaign the anti-Imperlallst conven
tion met and endorsed Brvan. The
Gold Democrats called a convention, but
n was aeciaea not to maice any nomma- (United Praia aad Wire.)
mer and Ruckner rnllnwlna im hart Tacoma, Wash., Sept 1 9. According
into the party-and suported Mr. Bryan, to a special dispatch received here, the
but the large majority of the rank and directorate of the Chicago, Milwaukee
Su nUiuTlay.- n'-Weat A. flUPaulrallroad3blchls Jn session
. L J at Milwaukee today, is expected to Issue
orsaf Bpeajong Totuf. orders for the electrization of Its Pacific
mr. wry an again toon tne stump ana coast extension through the Bitter Boot
maue a great speamng our. Me was mountains in laalio.
met everywhere with great, enthusiasm, Milwaukee engineers have prepared
dui aia not stir tne aeptns tnat ne -ttad estimates or tne coat or using eiectricit:
reached in 1896. Mr. McKinley, being on the mountain grades and it Is sal
president, was very cruiet in the cam-1 that the protect is altogether feasible.
paign, but Colonel Roosevelt. tODk,..thaJ For several thousand feet through the
stump and flayed Bryan with character-1 mountains the new line passes through
istio seat. tunnels ana one aDsence or smoxe ana
Mr. Bryan had attempted to
make Eases through the use of electric power
tne paramount issue in will reauoe me pern o ue common 10
the campaign. Many conservatives were railroad tunnels, besides adding to the
intense in tneir opposition to the lnaug-1 comrort or passengers-.
umuun 01 a colonial system. JKepuoil
cans and conservative Demoorats who
looked upon the Bryan of 1896 with hor
ror were willing to follow him In 1990,
There Is no question but that the Bryan
vote among the highly educated classes
was Kreaier in tne second camnaism
uinn ine zirsu
But among; other classes Mr. Brvan
oould not hold his own. The Republi
cans made the "full dinner pair the
paramount issue, as for the colonial
policy, that was manifest destiny and a
duty to humanity. The thing to talk
about was prosperity. The country was
prosperous and was becoming more so
every day. It waa enterlnar uDon the
most propitious era of Its Industrial his-1
. fered snd was promptly laughed into
both of them from the hero class. Gen
volved In
Sampson and Schley were in
a controversy tnat removea
ral Joe Wheeler had been a "rebel en
eral" and waa out of the question po-
Beauty and
Bad Breath
Cannot Go Together No Matter How
Woman May Try to Make Them.
' It does not matter how beautiful a
woman may be, If she is afflicted with
tad bream sne win De snunnea ana pit
ied by men and even women will stu
diously avoid her.
If any woman doubts this statement
let her make a point of jaaklns a friend
in whom she may confide a man friend
or relative.- If he be honest he will tell
her that foul breath from the mouth of
a woman will drive men from her more
rapidly than any other personal aff no
tion. Foul breath -arouses In man disgust
and where this quality Is brought Into
play no amount 01 sen aeniai or reason
. In can overcome the natural repug
nance which comes to man when he Is
In company with such a woman.
What Is true of bad breath In women
fa. not true In so great a degree la men.
Women are looked upon as the Incarna
tion of swsetneas, breeding, virtue and
refinement. Foul breath will sicken a
TTlM-n W9 .! V .Win OT WUCB S
woman a companionship necessary to
make him oeelre te m in her coiduht
There Is absolutely mo occasion for
bad breath in eitner men or women.
' charcoal, the a Iron seat absorbent known,
when taken Into the stomach, will pre
vent this repugnant tendency or afflic
tion. Stuart's Charcoal Losenres are sold In
tremendous quantities all over America
This year's campaign will have one
It was entering upon the fure never Introduced before.
us era of Its Industrial his-1 Both presidential candidates have
ISwTini-iHonTn'VSSi ?.S.2urn Ut " mad. records for the Edison phono
Therefore Mr. McKinley was reelected BrPh- which records are being sold as
oy a mucn greater majority than he had fast as they can be made,
iccnvea lour ycri oeiore. mere was 1 rrv, -A.,in.t An ,,i. -..
McKlnlev was in anv dana-er of A.fat sometimes reaches several hundred
The Democrats accepted his reelection thousand, and as Brvan has made 10
!lwK-Utr-f f.U.r;- TJl?mlnKl.lner.?f records and Taft 12. if each one of
a m no i srwt a In r'tiKn A M a nuitl s I K1'' I rn t JlftJ n Ilia JL1 1 II 11 ill drcuuillUll, It
hmX hiiVortf th. V-..i T'.u w111 mean tht the sentiment of Taft
a -?i1Aer".ted.Jh, -latv!"tIC? ' the Und Bryan' have been promulgated in
jujuuu.i.meTO wnen iresiaent their own voices in neaflv evev hnmJ
MnKinisiv. rnnna ni sirtti r ham v.-i r . . . . . "
burled the 'Woody shiri" for aTl "time ,n,i,1" umte??-tajr?:..
itii t. i j m . . : i u iiri a rcurfnr?u miivn vl inn ru mtri
iion i" ha .V .hn, Z,,fc"?T ln : phonograph finally succeeded In per
m ? assassin no'man Soul fr .U.Ut f ""ing Mr. Taft to make records, the
an man COUld foresee. nmnnimr .nrrnannnrtnta W.t.,1 t
. MOt Cv
(United Preis Leased Wirt.)
New Tork, Sept. 19. There
was no little surprise among the
followers of the theatre today
when It became known that Anna
Held, "the perfectly formed
woman," is the mother of a girl
aged 13. No mention of Anna
Held's daughter has ever been
made by press agents. Anna
Held's huaband, Florens Ziegfeld
Jr., Is manager of her company,
and both he and his wife have
kept the existence of their child
a secret feven from their most
intimate friends.
The girl was brought over be re
from Paris several weeks ago
and Is kept by a trench maid
during her mother's absence
from this city.
located at
Hot Springs ftave considerable space to
it In their dispatches. The point of view
was mostly whimsical, but ln come
cases It was taken seriously that is.
tne idea or a campamn rouarht out bv
means of phonograph reoords
now tnat tne 'tart recoras are finally
made and on sale, they are found to be
fully as good as those made by Bryan.
The Interest in the idea has swent the
entire country. Munareas or newspapers
have not only devoted news space to the
A trtrv Kttt in a a-raat manv tamm hai-a
fiaa it treated by means or cartoons.
A very characteristic cartoon, and one
typical of the point of view, is that
which appeared ln the Philadelphia Rec-
crd recently, showing Uncle Sam listen
ing to Bryan records on a slot phono
graph while Tait Is earnestly sayinv to
President Roosevelt In the corner. "Whv
did you not think of that first, Teddy V
The Taft records, unlike the Bryan
records, are made from his speech of
acceptance. Tna Bryan records were
made before the nomination of B
7 an.
and consist of extracts from some o;
famous speeches and lectures ln the
past The Taft records, however, were
made after the nomination, and are de
voted entirely to paragraphs from hla
speech of acceptance.
The use of these recoras for camoala-n
purposes Is arowlns. There are a rreat
many Republican and Democratic 'clubs
throucbout the country where phono
graphs are now supplied, and the ree-
"No Graft at Gordoe IFa
We Have 840 Acres of Uplands and Lowlands
There is a gentle slops from the foot of the mountains to the Columbia, and from their apex south to our line the soil is rich and sus
ceptible of a high state of cultivation. We could wall ourselves in from the world and, except for salt, live independently and luxuriously.
Soon we will have our spindles and looms in operation, and hundreds of sheep are now pisturing upon our premises.'- We have all kinds
of Oregon famous fruits and berries, and the most romantic and most beautiful townsite on tbe American continent r ' - . ,
The Streams Dropping More Than 1,000 Feet o '-s'
We are harnessing these, and within a few months they will be driving the machinery in, our mills and factories twirling our spindles
snd fashioning our woolens and worsteds. We shall'scour probably $1,000,000 worth of wool next season, and the weaves of Gordon '
Falls will speedily acquire envious notoriety throughout the world. As a textile city and wool-scouring center we shall stand unrivaled
in this country. Besides our woolen and worsted mills, we will have an excelsior plant of our. own, because w have more than 12,000
cords of cottonwood timber that will bring us $17 to $20 per ton after passing through our knives. Our land is well worth half a million
dollars and our waterfalls equally as mucn. . . .
We Are Selling $150,000 Worth of 6 fcr Cent Gold Bonds
On this property, the money to be used to assist in erecting our textile mills, excelsior factory and electrical plants necessary to utllixe
the waterfalls, and all the land and equipment is mortgaged to secure the payment of the-bonds and the interest semi-annually when due.
And with all bonds sold, in denominations of $100 each, is given SO shares of stock, now worth $50, but which, within a year, vail be worth
at least $100, and within five years as much as $10 each, or $500. In time this stock will likely go to several hundred dollar, per share,
besides pay profits of 10 to IS per cent each year. The Pepperell mills of Biddeford, Maine, pay 12jer cent regular and several special
dividends each year; the Laurel Lake Mills, Fall River, Mass., 11 per cent and several extras; the Great Falls, Mass.. Manufacturing Com
pany, 12 per cent and extras; the Pacific Mills, Lawrence, Mass., 12 per cent and extras each few months; the Union Manufacturing Com
pany, Fall River, Mass., 15 per cent; the Spalding. Mills, Griffin, Georgia, 1Q per cent on its common and6 per cent on its preferred and
extras to bring the earnings up to 22 per cent, and the Amoskeag Manufacturing Company, 10 per cent regular and extra dividends of
S and as much as 8 per cent three to four times per year. The Pepperell has a surplus ot $2,479,000, the Laurel Lake Mills $250,000, the
Great Falls. Manufacturing Company $960,000, the Union Manufacturing Company $600,000 and the Amoskeag people have $3720,691 to
their surplus account. . . - :,. 1
These Are Samples of the Profits Our Bondholders Will Receive
On the stock they own in Gordon Falls, and though the bonds will be retired in 10 years the stock that now costs nothing will never die,
but continue to pay its profits forever. Therefore the bonds draw a straight 6 per cent interest, and with the profits on the stock this
is likely to be increased to as much as IS per cent As banks pay only 3 to 4 per cent, it is easily seen that an investment in Gordon Falls
bonds will be four times as profitable to the investor as if the same sum were deposited with a banking institution.
Gordon Falls Will Be the Great Textile Manufacturing Center of the West
Those who come in with us now will have all the advantages of its rapid growth, snd those who own bonds, if desiring employment,
will have first call on all situations when the mills are once in operation. .
The Gordon Falls Gazette, a handsomely illustrated paper, showing many of the attractions of Gordon Falls, is sent free to all who
ask for it. Send us your name and address. ' ,
All bonds are issued from the Portland Trust Company of Oregon bank, which is a guarantee of their regularity. Address all com
munications to ,
E. T. JTJDD President
CHAS. COOPET First Vice-President
OSCAR HEINTZ. .Second Vice-President
GEO. Jj. PEA8LEE Treasurer.
A T. LEWIST. Company Attorney
CAPITAL, STOCK, 3225,000
Denny - Renton Vitrified Paving Brick
are unequalled for heavy traffic
streets Will last a lifetime when
laid in the modern way on con
' crete foundation.
In use on 'the heaviest traveled
streets in the Northwest for over
16 years and good for 16 years
;;They do not wear slippery, they
afford a most excellent foothold for
horses and are practically noiseless
when laid the modern way.
(UalUt Prsai Lnim WW..)
San Francisco, Bept. IS. P. J.
Loben Sela, son of the Parag-uayaa roa-
ords can be turned on to spout forth
Tsft or Bryan oratory at will. They
have also been Introduced to some ex
tent at public meetings, which use of
them will probably Increase aa the cam-
warms op. nnx to navinc the
presidential candidate present.
nothing- could provide a more Interesting
feature than a speech delivered In the
candidates own voice, with DIs own
characteristic enunciation.
Cbamber of Commerce, Portland. Oregon
sul at the port of San Francisco, and a
irii Canada.- Ther curt and have rurH
a I forms of bad preata, A slnale box
,:i convince you of this fart. One
ihoa'J eet eonae of thesa loaencea after
rmn h meal and upon retiring. Ton miabt
eat S ef them wlthoat harm. Tbey are
rt tned'.rlna, bat pure Willew rbarenaj
n del with iwmI boaey to make than)
1-H.ataM. and fompree j lota a Inserts
in preeerva their peculiar an4 laatlng
tb next t'ra. wish te ro Into
enmfvy end deti't want ywwr foal
r re;,i to t-umni.le 700. eat veial f
M s rtimul Ixen rea and your
tree.: wl'l r- rare Ind sweet.
It ttrr dfii rit carries theaa. prW tt
. or enj tj Tour aame and A4rm
.r . e t.l rou a trial parb-vga hT
r 1 free A ' F. A P'USft Ctt, It)
t m tt'r, urt.a:i. nub. ,
No Cocaine. No Gas
Our success la due to uniform
nixn-graae wora at reasonable prlcea.
And those afflicted with heartweak
nesa oan now iiave their teeth ex
tracted riiiea ana bridg-ework ap-
pea viuwoi ue least pain or aaa
a vidit DDAnrva
A.UU UWtHU fiATJfi lo.OO
ExamlnaUoa ' and Consultation Tt.
We extend to all a special Invita
tion to call at our office and hve
their teeth examined free of cherre.
We own and control tha lara-aat
and beat equipped dental establish
ment In tha world. havlnsT IS offleaa
all told.
We tit a written raarantea with
all work for II -roars. Lady attendant
Open evening's till 7. Sunday I to L
Union Painless Dentists
SIM Morris t a at, Oorne rirss.
seen that tha publle appearance of the
presidential candidates will be multi
plied In a way never dreamed or in any
previous cam pa lam. Even our energetlo
president has never been able to ap
pear ln so many ways and ln ma many
place aa both Tart ana ttrymji are now
able to do.
When there Is added to this the fact
well known clubman. Is suffering pain- "J J','7'lL i,
ful Injuries today, which may ii.fTre I toa ln raovlnr pleturea. it will be
him ror lira aaine suit or tne exjio-l - -
hlsnoaBa' shattered and he' Is badf v fiav World Condpmns Fut
en thimt tha fara. I
Van Loben Sela. who Is secretary to I The Empire- and the M recto Ire gown
the Ferry Oarage, attempted to remove I having coma to atay. fatness Is detrop
an automobile Ume without releaalns that Is to aay "not la it." Fat ladlea
the air from the Inner tube. When the) ere threatened with balng wiped off the
outer casing waa removed, a violent Imsp. . ,
explosion ooeorred. Dr. R had worth There Is one loop-hole ot eecapa. how-
Beasley, who attended Van Lobea gals' I ever, ror tne overrat iaav. uct her get
Inluriea. did not recognise him, although I " "t the large cases of afarmela P ra
th, bm are warm friends. I scrtptloa Tablets, and tJi on after
i leach meal and at nediima, and pretty
Imintjrraiioi Law.
attra PYaaa t mad Wre.t
&sa Franctaoo. Pept. 1. It Is an-1 enetnlaa.
nounoed at tha office ef Commissioner Thee eaeaa of Marmola Pra script to
of Immlgratloa H. H. North that the Tablet a. which, by tb way. being mad
Immigration law a referrlBg to Chines strictly la arcorrtajwa with the famous
will be tlgktaned considerably follow- Marmeni Preemption, are paafaetly
Ing a recent deHaloa by the t'alted harmleaa, eontala ch a rwnrou quaa-
gUbM pretxe vn forbiddlag the Ian- tlty of tablets that they last a long
migration official to exam I r.. retarw time s4 art foxmd bo ant aoao-
leg ortenUl for dlaeas. Tbe court leal, soatioir. aa Uy da. only Tt ceatav
has derided that whew aa oriental baa Tbey are aloe a very pleaaant raeibod
tnc ansoninw rwiorars ia mis eown-l to edpt. for they rawder dttlng revolver. Greeehaum etrark bl .
try. ba cannot be ublerted to aa ex-1 aertaina etlre)v ami In t- 1 i i... .... ...
a it. I no (ton for trachnma before be !a .4-! r' keep then, or they Bar b ok-2feii ajtd draaaad dowa hla teferwi ie.
Y I.A 1 . - . M . i w . m I - . . ' ( .
v--iw . . r,r m nMw Ln,wr, la- I urn. IB if s'raxrla tfta J
irv. v, Jajco. j
aoon b will aotlro sh will ba wearing
the new mode with atlsfaettoa t her
self and the consternation of bar dear
(Tilted fl aw Uses Wva.)
Ban Franclaeo. Bept. IS. It I be
liar ad by tb police today that a Jspi
aneo who ha)4 up Alfred Orweabaom,
prasldent of the Alaska Codfish log com
pany 1st last aUrht. la responsible for
a number of recent boldsp. which bar
baffled tb department. A Tigorows
earch I being mad for 1renbora's
aaaallaat bA aa only a naaa-er dascrlp
tton waa obtataod of tb orVaataJ. It la
aVountful If a raptar will b effect ad.
Or on bourn waa rvtsmlrg t bl bom
when Jspeaeoe lamped from the
shadow of a Ismber pli and braa4!shd
muted a second
tlm t tb
passed through Oreenbaum'a overcoat
put did not injur mm. .
Fearing other shots might F fired.
uroenbaum released his hold on the ja
anea. who fled at top speed and oou
not be found whan
pollc arrived.
Bryan la New England.
Providence, R. L, Sept. II. WUlUm J.
Bryan, tb Democratic eaadlat for
president, today was Rhode Island's
guest. A royal welcome waa glren him
her, the participants ln tha demonstra
tion including leading democrats rrc
many parts of New England.
Mr. Bryan returns to New Tork to
night. Tomorrow morning, after being
entertained at oreaaraat dt Herman
Kidder, the presidential candidate will
tourney to Eaopu to spend tb day with
ex-jBOgs) Alton & r-arxer.
iomn Mor.
Arm rnai fast baraly srettlnar around bv
tb aid oc crate baa or a canT L'niaas
raw ba
f rrrmli f If ywar treubl I rbenmatlsm.
lam baa a irala. stiff Joints or anrthlns
f Ilk nstur ns paliard's Snow Liat
meat and hi tlm yen raa threw
sway your crwtchoa and b aa wU as
aey on.
tlm. IB th trss-el the Jananeoe ro-1 Price ISe, l fd 1LSS. laid by
valrer Waa diacaarged. 'lb bUt (kidmor Ui( company.
tha only Chines woman doctoring In
inis city, en ha cured
many afflicted sufferers.
Cured private and female
aiseaaoa. also throat and
lung troubles; stomach,
bladder and kidneys and
disease of all kinds that
the human flesh Is hair
to. Cured by Chinese
hern and roots. , Bern
eaia narmiesa ns oner.
atlonst - Honest treatment Examina
tion free. 12H MORRI8QN ST, Be-
ivmi nrtt ana second.
Damiana Bitters
A ' wonderful Invlgorator and nervine
A powerful aphrodlatae and snaelal toel
for both oexe. For aa at drug store
and liquor dealer, or by Woods rd.
Clarb A Cv, th end Washterton P'n.
ciABmra wooswiBB sica- co-
Portland Or
What Live Stock
Insurance Means
That w insure tb Uvea of your
horses, mules and cattle against
death by accident or disease for
two-thirds their cash valu at a
very nominal rat.
Money Invested In llv stock
should b as fully protected against
death from other causes aa from
fir. On hundred and ninety-nine
animals dl annually from acci
dent and dtaeas where on .dies
from 1 fir. "
W bar paid Itl.SOS la loaaa
from aocldcnts and disease to tha
owners of lire stock la Oregon.
Idaho, Ctah and Waahlagtoa. -
mtrson maxm rra.'
Offices, Rooms 8, 9 and 10
&fayettc Bldg..
AVashlngton ;