THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND. SATURDAV EVENINO, SEPTEMBER 19. 1003. PREACHERS LIUST m m , QUIT OUSIIIESS" Bishop Hughes Tells Metho dists They Should Not Bo "Bartere'rs." , TiMMi WuH, Sept. 19. Methodist preachere must quit the real estate bus iness, (top selling organ. soliciting m suranee and managing ranobaa and de mote themeelves exclusively ta preach ing tha gospel. Buch was tha dictum of BUhop Hughes at ths ruget aouna ferenee in eeasion nrr. . t an.a.iA vafnr the on ferenoe for adralsalon to tha rnnke of the preachers. - - ... 4A "Will you aevoto yaur wun, la work of tha Lordr aaked tha blahop. Sprague eald ha wouio. ' Hera In tha north w eat tha commer cial poosibllitles ara ao tremendous that It l Tnaoeaaanr to call psrtlculny at tentlon to thfa matter." explained Bihop Hughes. . . Tha conference yoted to hold Ha ses alona in Olympla next year. Rev. a. U Cuddy of Tooma Introducad a reao o hava tha conferenoe par a tfca itMuii of merabwi ao mall towna may sat ... it waa tabled. Thla aftarnoon tha temperance quae- tlon comaa up ana a iiveiy warn ised. .. . . .i,i , tha conference. Calvary Presbyterian fomir Elev-1 Bervlcea, 11 a., m.; Bunday school, 10 nh and CUr alreata. Kev. A. R. a. m. S ' rlgna will preaoh. Toplca: "Thai PnvCathedral of Bt. Ktephen "Trie Mar- n Url Oraateat Want of Our Modern Ufa" and "Tha Paralalia Healed." Bervloes, 10:10 a. ra. and j;4 p. m.; bunday school, II noon. Fourth First and Glbb streets! Ray. John K. Welch. Hervlcaa at 10:10 a. m. inirlMntn and ( lav urMli: Ha v. II. M. Kamsay. Communion. 1:10 a. m.ll arvlcs. II . m. and T;I0 p. m.j Sunday Bt. Andrews Portsmouth: Rav, Fran- eia (J. J one. Holy communion aid ear-I and T it p. m.j Bunday achool. It m j Y. I mon, 11 a. m.; evening prayer. f.IU p. m, t. s. c k., a: jo p. m. tsermons ny ev, Mr. MarKensle of Chehalls Hawthorne Park Twelfth and East Taylor alreata; Kay. . E. Nelaon Allan. Service at 10:10 a. m. and 7:10 P. m. Sunday school. II m.;- V. P. B. C K.. :10 p. m. . Korbaa itay. tiarry ji. rra.. Ben wood atraat and Uatanbln aranua, Horvlrta, 11:00 a. m. anj 7:10 p. m.j Bunday achool, 16:00 a. in.; C, &. :S0 P"rh'lnaaa- 14IH Flrat atraat: aarylcaa. 7:44 p. m.; Sunday achool, :4I p. m. fiaooja mppiinK, a:a d. -m. nioni tieTPuina iTPnii ana .jari iu.n ratta atraat. Rav. N. B. Keavaa. B. D. Sunday aehooL 0:41 a. Barviroa. 11 a. m. ana 7 :4t n. m.: Hun-1 . M . . i- day achool J:l m.; V. P. B. C 1 "fit ivid'a-Kaat I il n m Waa'tmlnater Eaat Tanth and Wald- lar atreata, Rar. Hanry Mareolta. Berv loaa. 10:10 a. m. and 7:10 p. m.( Sunday achool. It m.: C. K.. 0:10 p. m. Uarahall-Btraat Marahal and North Seventeenth atreata; Rav. C W. Hare. 8L 1'aul'a Woolinnra: (1 I. Parkar. lay reauar. earvioa at II a. m i Bunday aohool. t it a rn. Itav. W. R. Powell will officiate. Uaptlam and holy com- t. Mark'a Corner of Nineteenth and uuimoy atreata; Her. J. to. II. Plmpaon, Holy communion. I a. m. arvloea, 11 a. m. and p, m.j Sunday achool, AO a. m., manna, io:aw a. m. Be Johna Church, Bell wood Sunday achool at 10 a, m.; aervlcea, 11 a. m. and T:I0 p. m. Good Shepherd Bell wood atraat and Vancouver avenue, Alblna; Rav. John raotor. communion, it a. m.l Twalfth and Bel mont atraeta: Rav. Oaoraa B. Van Wat era, D. P., and 11. Clinton Collins, M. IX cieriry. itoiy communion, I a. m.l Hun day achool, :46 a. m.; aarvloea 11 a. tn, and I d. m. Aaoenalon .Chapel Portland IlelrMa, re veil iron i u nirv-iit vw,, t a.-.i- . . - - - Sunday achool. 10 a. m.j praachln at 8e7, c'."J--nfv ' . 11 a. m, and t:lt P. m. , I LniTWJtrn!!"f. ni-?.e alount laDor ueimoni atreet ' and Prettyman avenue; Rev. Edward M. Bbarp, pa a tor. Bervlcea at 11 a, m. and . m.j nununy bciiooi ii i in. ell wood Corner Kaat Beventeanth and Spokane avenue. Rev. D. A. Thomp son. Bervlcea at 11 a. m. and 7:10 p, m.j Bunday school. 10 a. in.: Christian En deavor, (:0 P. m. CHURCH S E RVICES fant atreeta Rev. Ocoraa W. Arms r.,. pastor. Services, 10:4S a. m. and .V Illi, A. Vrf. C., V.V ,11. . Bunday 'school at noon. : Kathodlat, ;': ' Tavlor-fltreet Rev. Benlamln Toilnt. t. D pastor. Sermon. 10:30 a. m. and! 7:10. Bunday school, 12:18 p. m.; Ep-I Panorama of Grace" and "In the Llon'a Den." First (tha Whlta Teropje) Twelfth and Taylor atraau: Rav. J. Whltcomb Rronrh.r. IX D. ""Ona accord-, prayar meetrnjt. 10 a. aervlcea, 10:10 a. m. and 7.-4S p. m. Toplce: "My Hearts Ixwilra" and "A Gorgeous Gorge"; third sermon In Tallowatona Park aeries, Bi ble school at noon; youn peoples maet lnr at :I0 p. m. , A rl eta Rev. B. A. Smith. Barvlces 11 a. m. and I p. m.: Sunday achool, 10 a. m.; B. X. P. U6 p. ta. - . a.. .a a . a. a- a Ol.flk afrMTB' i6uiouu- .. ." --- -.,.. t1r(n Kaat Thirty-fifth and Thirty- tiaV JrrZtJTi il a. m. ini 1n atreets: T. b: Ford. Sarvloea, 11 ?ch JJJ.VN-'iTTVafl , mieV- m. and 7:i0 p. m.; Junior learui, I 7:80 p. m.: B. T. P; m "r p. m.r Senior leaue, l:J6 p. mj Sun- " . i oay scnooi. :du a. m.. ' Sallwood -- Tacoma and Eleventh gt Johns F. Zj. younar. Services. 11 streets; Bar D. W. Thurston, pastor. a. m, and 7:30 p, m.; Sunday school. Services 11 a. m. and 7:80 p. myr fun- 10 i. to. , Epworth Rev. Charles T. MePher aon. Services In Oregon building at fair grounds, 11 a. m. and 7:46 p. m.: lopicsj -uatnering in tna and "1'he Love of God." Sd both aervlcea. Sunday achool. 10 EDworth Leajrue. 6:80 o. m. CentenaryCorner of East Ninth and Pino atraeta, Clarence Trua Wilson, D. D., pastor. Services 10:10 a. m. and Third East Thirteenth and Pine streets; Rav, Andrew- J. Montgomery, Services at 10:10 a. m. and 7:45 p. m. Tonloa: "Tha Board of Ministerial Re lief" and "Haata or Wanta." . Hope Montavllla; Rev. S. S. White, Bervloes at 11 a. m. and 7:10 p. tn.; Sunday school, 10 a. m. Millard Avenue Rev. A. V. Sonar; Sunday school, 10 a, m.; aervlcea, 11 a. m.and 7:t0 p. m. Anabal Services at 11 a. m. and 7:41 Kenll worth E. Thirty-seventh atraat nA-iJSi ana uianstono avenue: preacnin a. m Bund Trinity Fulton: Sunday achool at 11 av m.: Christian Endeavor, 7:00 p. m.; preaching by Harvey Miller. 8:00 p. m. vernon r.aai xxineieenin ana wy streets Rek Ray L Remington, pastor. oervioe, cju p, m. Church of Our Savior Woodstock, sunaay scnooi, t:io a. m. '''I ", Lntlieran. . Swedish - Imroanuel Nineteenth and Irving atreata Services, 11 a. m. and a p. m. : Sunday school. f:4 a. m. Norwegian Synod Bast Tenth and East Grant atraeta; Rev. O. Haaoea. Sunday aotiool, 9:80; aervloes, 10:80 m. and I d. m. - - Betanla Danish Union avenue and Morrla atraat; Rav. J. Btott. Bervloes, 11 a. m. and I p. m.; Sunday school, 10 a, m. St. James English West Park and jerierson aireeis; j. Alien L-sas. . Berv lcea, 11 a. m. and 8 t. m.; Sunday achool, v Touni Manaaa Bon. United Norwegian 4( North Four Gladstone avenue: preachlnar at 11 taaVh atriit- lSta7 nl.tor .ybXchRooT'.f-ll niUn,llni,r' K V i .."Vl'and" ""m!i lay school t II m. . . . ..oUnlv x-hnnl lilt a. m St. Paul's German Eaat Twelfth and Clinton streets; Rev. A. Krause, Serv ices, 10:30 a. in. and , 8 p. m.; Sunday s-.nooi, :i a. to. Trinity German Confession 10 a. m. Corner Williams avenue and Sallwood street; J. A. Rlmbach. Bervloes at 10 a. m. and 7:10 p. m.1 Sunday achool. 8:1B a. m. -Zlon's German (Missouri Synod) Chapman ana tsaimon streets: w. n. Behrens, - pastor. Bervlcea, 10:15 and 7:46; Sunday achool, :so a. m.; serv' Icea In English, first and third Sun days, 8 wedlsh a vamia Bunnyalde East I am mil Street, he-lann Riant on atraat: Rev. C A. Tolln. tween East Thirty-fifth and Thirty- Services. 10:46 a. Tn. and 7:46 p. m.2 day achool, 10 a. m.j B. Y. P. U- T:l&- 1-nnln-- ,; 'nu-ht with - a ITIOe .rno "Let Ma AloneV' dtlvarv East Elahth - and Grant atreets; Rev. I. N. Monroe. Services 11 a. m. and 7:10 p. m.; Sunday achool, 10 a. m..- B. T. P. V 0:80 p. m. Inimanuel Second and Meade atreets. Rev. A. B. Minaker Services 10:30 a. a . a m . a, C.Hnaa . annA I 11:45 . nu Sermon by Kvangelist lL I 7:S0 p, m.? Sunday achool, 9: SO a, m. V. maa. a. and '1'he Love of God." Special mnsia at and 7:46 p. m, Au guatana Rodney s street: Jtev. v. Services, 10:46 a. Tn. and 7 Rundav school. 9:10 a. m. Swedish .Mission Corner Seventeenth and Glisan. . Rev. B. J. Thoren, pastor. Services, 11 a. m. and 7:46 p. m.; Sun day achool, 40 a. in...- . . xrittad : Zlvangelloal. First CoYner East Tenth and Sher man streets; Kev., a. a. winter, iu m.. Sunday school; services at 11 a. m. m.; Second Farro and Rev. C C. Poling, pastor, services,, it wyse Jonea. ; r- . Araca Montavllla: Rev.- - Albert i- K. Patch. Services at 11 a. m. and 7:80 I clal music. TodIcb. "The B&ttla of Life1 I Am a Methodist Eplscopalion. and 'Why Bpe- p. m.s Sunday school, 10 a. m.; B. X, 1 rrinlty Corner of East Tenth and m-!aUJ( a,. T. V..1 m. Toplca: "The Assuranoa East Grant, Lewis F. Smith. Services, Tru Riches, III- K ttnr. Servloa ; at Junior learuo, 8 p. m.i Epworth league. a m ati. TSfl n m da. t.kala 1X tiAa ' Tnhn at 4- aaaaaataa Da, ajuilil U 1 ifauuua auu wvuig aa a o v Rev. Chester Paul Gates. Preaching, 11 a m flundav achool at 10 a. m. Ockley Green Oay street and Wll- llamette boulevard; Rev. J. Bowersox, pastor. Services, 11 a. m. ana 7:46 p. uunaay scnooi. au a, in. iopio, iuo m. and 7:10 p. m.; Sunday achooL iz:io p. m. Sing Kat 0 p. m. . . . i 11 a. m. and -nv,lW .nt "'Tha Fatal LUI-cn. : 1-11 Central East Twentieth and Ankenyijo a. m.l class meetin streets: Rar. W.'T. Jordan. . sepricea at junl in. in a m an1 7-Sft n. m. ToDlCS: All I 1:80 D. m. ' -hi. ck.w and "Pull IJd the Anchor." I Chinese ' Mission Chan Sunday school. . II m. i P. meeting, I Services, 11 a. m. and 7:30 6-IO p. m. - - vf.v ;y . J Mount Tabor Serylcea, . Tort nv. A. B-1 Walts. 1 7:80 d. m.. v: a. m. and 7:30 p.. m.! B. Y. P. U.. 7 p. m. f J. T. Abbett Services, 10:30 a. nv and Toplca: "The Great Commission" ana I ?:so p. m.; Sunday school, lz tn. . 'Rimihai: tha flood Man." - . I Patton Michigan avenue and Careen V Bunnyside (German) ' Forty-first ter, H. T. Wire. Sarvices, II a. m. and atreet and Hawthorne avenue; Rev. C 7:30 p. m. . Feldmeth. Preaching. 11 a. m.; Sunday Grace Corner of Twelfth and Taylor school. 9:45 a. m. m f i wireeiB, ev. wiuiam tt. neppe, paator. Th. narman nv. C Feld-1 Services. 10:30 a. m. and 7:45 d. m. metb. Preaching 8 p, m.! Sunday achool Morning class, 9:30 a o'clock; Sunday 8 p m. achool, 11:16 p. m.; St Paul s mission, Beoond Seventh and East Ankeny Sp. m.j Epworth league, 6:80 p. f m. streets: Rev. Stanton C. Lapham, Serv- Topics, 'The Roundabout Waya of Life" -a.a i.ak n m Tnn- and "The Ideal Temntation." WB. J.v.v ,,va , " " I - r - : r - . ., . . ., "The Schoolmaster oi idle ana I iicoir avouuo oervives, j. a in. Svangalloal Associations. First English Eaat Sixth and Mar ket streets; S. A. Slewert. pastor. Serv ices at 11-a. m. and 8 p. m.; Young People'a alliance, 7 p. m.; Sunday school. First "oWman Corner Tenth and Clay streets; Theodore Schauer, pastor. Sermon at 10:48 a. m. and 7:46 p m.; Sunday school, 9:80 a. m. . Memorial East Eighteenth and Tib- betts: L. C. Hoover, pastor. . Preaching at II a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; Sunday school, 10 a. m. --- , - Many ladies Have found, that, bj taking Cardni for some months before confinement, they have been spared mnch of the unnecessary Buffering of that critical function.- ' J "Cardui," writes Mrs. .Temple Clark, of nm- berville, Miss "has been worth more to me than a carload of silverware. I lore a Dollar, but I have never seen one I think as much of, as a bottle of Cardui. C00EORIG MAfflS Efi NO DIRT OR FIRE TAKE ! . . . ... . M . 1 - (Mil It WiU Help You OH 111, "About four years ago" lire. Clark says, "I Ead a mishap, and since then I suffered intense agonies with female xmplaints. ' Si' few monihs ago4 1 was induced to try Cardui,' arid 10 days ago my little girl baby was born. Today Jr am up, as gay as a lark, and baby, looks like it was a month old, and basnt been sick a minute. I never Had as good a time in my lif ej and believe if it had not been for .Cardui, I would have been dead." Try it Electric cooking utensils of aljjcinds. When not in use all expense avoid ed by simplylurning off the switch. ', Coffee IPercolators, Toasters, Chaf ing Dishes, Ovens, and many other devices. - TwaMtowlltaj 10Mb) SEE EXHIBIT AND DEMONSTRATION Wrhafa., Kea-,deecrib! age Doatrate Boea -Jf Vrtmtmtm blng ajrmptoraa ef Female Wseaaes and vlw . VALUABLE BOOK FREE iF- AT '4V, The MBtAarfflsl Cfl QaarttaMJUtetaa sexooui Am oox.zxai:s. fTHE SCHOOL OF QUALITY" Tenth and Morriaoa : - Portland, Oregoa A. P. ARMSTRONG, LL. B., PR1NCIPAX We promise snccesa to every willing itudent,. guarantee comfortable rooms, les "The Mission Churoh. and Message of tha land 7:30 n. m. wooastocK Key. ii. f. Biane. SU . Johns E. A. Leonard. Serrloea, H a. m. and 7:30 p. m. 11 m. and 7:30 p. m.; Bunday achool, J-A..,,11- B.' 10 a m. R. T P U 0-80 d m. Bervlcea, 11 a. m. and '7:80 p. m.; Chinese Mi8alon-86tt Oak street day school. 10 a. .m.; claaa. me Serv- BryanL un- Chineae Mission 368 U Oak street , Sunday school, 7 p. m.; preaching in Chinese. 8 p. m. First German Fourth and Mill streets : Rev. J. Kratt. Services. 11 m. and 7:80 p. m.; Sunday school. 9:46 m. i meetlnar. t 13:15 p. m.; Epworth league. 6:30 p. in. rKBP', Chriatiaa. Central East Twentieth and Eaat D.D? Services" 10?30 "and ' jlJiTS I Pct equipment, instruction, lopics, ino wQriu' imrvoi, ojiu "Witches and Wiaards." v, Rodney Avenue Christian' church Rodney avenue and Knott street; F, Elmo Robinson, pastor. 9:45 a. m., Bi ble achool; 11 a. m. and I p. m. Topics, in ua," "Christ and "The Salt of the Second German Morris street and fiLe1?aJ cno1 10 Rodney avenue; Rev. F. Buermann. fv riSi.' Services. 11am. and 7:10 o. m.i Sua- . riF,B GranrrFAftnth T 1J1U1. ,.1. mk. All. I 1 day Main; Rev. B. C Cook. Services 11 5ast Forty-fifth street Corner East m. and 7:0 p. m.; Bible school. 10 Lents First avenue and Foster road, j ev. j, F. Heaoock, pastor. Sunday school, 10 a. m.; services, 11 a. m. and ;u p. m jviounc uiive seventn ana Kverett Norwecrlan-Daniah H. P Nelaon. Services. 10:80 a. m. and 7:00 tt. m. In grove near Montavllla. Swedish Borthwlck and Beach, Rev. John Ovall. Services, 11 a. m. and ( m.; n.pwortn and HovL O. m. and 7:30 j p. rn. . Second German Stanton and Rodney, itev. is. i. ilertzler. Services, 11 a. m. and I p. m.; Sunday school. 0:46 a. rn.; orm I earn e. i:ao d. m Japanese Mission 121 leame. 7:30 d. m. e Mission 111 North Fif teenth. Rev. Ellsen Rlbara. Services. 9:30 a. in. and 8:30 p. m.; Sunday school, :u p. m. Kern Park Rev. E. M. .Patterson. Services, 11 a. m. and 8 p. m.; Bible school, 10 a. m.: C. E., 6:30 p. m. Topics. 'A Great Ned and God's Prom ises." and "The Mission of Music." woodlawn Services at 11 a. ra. and 8 p. m., by the pastor, Clark W. Corn- stock; Sunday school, 10 a. m.i T. P. S. C. E.. 7 r. m. Firstr-t!orner Park and ' Columbia streets; Rev. E. S. Muckley. Services, 11 a. m. and 8 p. m., Bible school, 10 a. m.; C E., 6:30 p. m. Topics, "Five Loaves and Two Fishes," and "From Critic to Christian." the beat of everything. We receive con- itant calls for office help repntatfoa doe it. Learn what and how we teach. Catalogue, business forms, penwork free. BCXOOZJi AJTO OOUaXQES. y. m. cm NightSchoo) 32 Teachers 60 Claises Term Opens Monday. tember 20, 1905 SEVENTH AND ALDER STS. STORE DAILY 'ORTLAND RAILWAY LIGHT and POWER COMPANY PORTLAND, OREapIN Sep nw h n njIhnn BwiiJ. .Mi 1 m Bell wood Corner East Fifteenth and streets; Rev. H. C. Shaf; . X: Joimn. Services at II I Tacoma avenue; Rev. Lester C. Poor, at II a. m. and t:30 p, I D. dkbuibii"iiui k. ainn - Piiiwnin: nnv. i l.' nart v. i&na.a a.4n . - ..w-, -- i worxn league, :sw p. m. ?" i: p. m.; ounaay scnooi. is m.; 1 Tha v XTnlted Brethren la Christ First East Fifteenth and Morrison Shaffer. Services m.; Sunday m.; Senior Ep- K D. m. : Sundav aohool. 12 m.: I Th. -in..n.xrii -i...ini tv,i., B. T.' P U 6:80 p. m. , 1 ninth and Pnwxll atreata Haw. S. X union Avenue , Aiission weaisnj Kester. castor. Services. 11 a. m. and Corner . Bkldznorev Sunday school, 10 I 8 a. in. , Norwecrian-Dantsh Services In : hall corner Auisissippi and Shaver streets, , Sunday achool, 11 m. Gresham Sunday school. 10 a. ra. Bervlcea, 11 a. m. and lpn Rev. B. school. 10 a. m.; En- p. m,; Junior league. B. GrabeeL v. mi: Sundav worth, league, 7 p. m. woodlawn William J. Dotirlaaa. cas tor. Services. 11 a- m. and a n m Sunday school, 10 a. m.; Epworth league, 6:80 p. m. University Park Corner. Dawsoand !biLr$T'tfnt?tt AnA Vanc?urSr! K,T" 5-Fiaha streets. Rev. William R. Jeffrey jr., pastor, (services, s a- m.. u a. m.. Schwedler: Sundav schooL 10 a m .: R. T. P. U, 7:80; aervlcea, 11 au m. and 8 P 111. .1 ... ': .. I...-; 6:80 p. m. and 7:80 p. m.: class meeting. areahytanan. First Twelfth and Alder atreets; Rev. William Hiram Foul Ices. Services, jv.av a. in. ana :e school. 11 tn. Tonics: 'JlVTo"?. -Whi 8nn 1 With-the ' African ZIon Corner Thirteenth Radical Sixth and Mechanio atreets: Rev. T. J. cocking, services, ll a. ru. and 7;30 p. tn.; Sunday achool, 10 a, m.; Y. P. a C HSV 6:80, p. m. AlbertaEast Twenty-seventh and Mildred; Rev. B. E. Emerich, pastor. Services, 11 a. m. and ( p. ta.; Sunday school at 10 a. m. . Christian olenca. First Church of Christ, Scientist Scottish Rite .cathedral Morrison ant Lownsdale atreets. Services at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m.; Sunday school at close of "nmltit servlcea; subject of lesson. -Matter." oecund Elks temple, Btark between Sixth and Seventh .atreets. Services at 11 a. m., and 8 u- m.: Sunday achool at close, f morning service; subject of THE ALLEN PREPARA TORY SCHOOL Thorough preparation for all eastern and weatern colleges. Eighth year be gins September - tl, 1908. . Cataloga. THE ALLEN PREPARATORY SCHOOL Portland. Or. k. to.: v nniiian f.nnaa vnr n m.; Sunday school at Midway. 4:0 a. m. Toplca: "God Limited by the Hu- . man nam- ana i ne beauty of Llfa.- ii:it p. m.; Hunday school, :46 a. m Epworth league. 3:30 x. ta. MonUviUa Mohla and Hlbbard streets, Rav. Harold Oberg. Services, 11 a. m. and 7:10 rt. m .: Sundav achool. 10 a. m.: claaa meet tna- 1i m- JnnioF lesson. "Matter. P. m.; ounaay league. 8 p. nv; i-pworth league. 6:45 i Hi larai jin-1 n. m. vrnltaA t..i,t.h.. Church of the Strangers Waaco street and Grand avenue; Rev. 8. Earl DuBola. ' Services at 10:10 a. m. and fliiiia . mu m M i o .vy y. in. , rauiuu traimaiva lor mi i siaar .ni-H hi nniv mnm n hh.ii, First Madison and Park. Rev. I .tl. I a.hMl .IS tn fUrnuui. h R.v a r. iner xu uj-oit u. u., pastor, cervices Hutchinson ana Kev. A. W. Wilson. 11 a. to. and 7:48 p. m.; Sunday school, I First Sixth and Montgomery streets 16 a. ta. Topics, "A True Conception of Rev. A. W. Wilson, pastor. Services ai Main. Rev. W. W. Mathews. m. Mlipai, Eaat Thirteenth and Powell. Services, 11:80 a. m. and 8 p. F'Y.-. Harry Leeds, pastor. Services at I , . ' JJ:J5 a. m. and 7:80 p. m; Sunday achool, OonrregatlonaJL nd paator. A Little Bitters for the stomach will be o great benefit to anyone, when it is wear and enable to do its work properly, tins cacsiDg tbe blood to become poor. Butbesureitfs 1 HS' CKLKBRA1 STOMACH BITTER Tha joi tare tlie best and purest that science can proiace. For over 55 years it his i:ca prcrL-j Its nerit incases :f Bloating, Poor Appe tite, Heartburn, Dys p:rsl2, Indigestion, Cos t;vcr:cs nnJ Inomnla.l God" and "ComMDMtlon University Park 1613 Haven avenue; Rev. F. L. H. Van Lubken. oaatnr. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 8 p, m.; Sun day school. 10 ft, m.; T. P, 8. C. K, 6:30 p. ra. . - Bunnyside Corner of East Taylor and Eaat Thirty-fourth atreet: Rav. J. J. Btaub. Services at 11 a. m. and 7 J0j. m. ; Sunday school. 10 a- m.; Junior C. E an w : wenlor c r. T p. ra. TODlca. HAWKINQ MACHINES Catarrk nfferer Ara aTotfclng Bawkers, Spttttaa; and Blowing cklaas, Bays aa Aatkorlty. Ta It tut.alhl. that In thaaa Amm "Tna. Pentecostal ITrogrsra of Chriatl-I cleanliness and sanitary reform la ba amiy" ana OOO. "A Call for Modern Knight-ling preached In tbe chnrrhes, schools ana ai punnc gatneringa. mat tnouaanda or people win continue to surfer from Laurel wood Rev. W. H. m. T. P. 8. C, K-. f:10 . m. Mlaalselppl Avenue MlMilsslppI are- p. an.; Bunday achool. If i fcjdavor, s.ia Mvera. Bervloa, It a. rn. ; Sunday achooL la a. nu and Fremont street; Rev. Daniel T. Thomas. Services, 11 a. m. and 7:10 m. : Chriatlaa t D. m. Haaaalo Street Eaat Seventh ! Haaaalo atraeta; Rev. Paul Radar. Ser mon. 11 a. m. and 7 p. m.; Sunday uknAi ta a v m f r i t. - I Highland Last Sixth strvwt north and jPrracott; Rev. E. S. Bollinger. 8rv- ica, il a. m. ani i:ts p. m. tToplea, "Meanlag rt Ltfe'a Fiery Trials" and "Reasonable Hopes or ImraortaTltv.". Sunday school, -10 a. m.; T. P. S. C t. a. a p. m. St- Johna Rev. - O. W. Kelann. ferr Ines 11 nv and I p. m; Sunday achool. Ua. m. yirat German Kaat aven th aad Flan too atreets; Rav. John H. Bopn. rrr, 10. IV' a. m. and T:l p. tn.; Panday mroiA. I ll a. tn.; Chriatlaa Ko- Oearoc. .a p. ra. catarrh, when there is an absolutely cer tain rem ear always on nana. Hyomet pronounced Hlffh-o-me) Is pleasant, medicated and antlseptie air. Preatna It In and It will euro catarrh. It will stop foal breath, watery eyee, and crust a in the nose. In a ff w days. It la guaranteed by Woodavrd, Clarke Co. to do It or money back, and such a guarantee) ought to be strong enough for anybody. Sattrely Car by aTyosneC Having suffered from catarrh for about two years, and having triad nu merous remedies without any atiefar tary results, I finally tried Hromet aad a is glad to state that after uaiag about ore and one half bottles I am entirely carL f riavs recommended It to others with aet1sfa-tory raault C N. Llndey. 47 East First Ira, Mitchell. IL D A onniplete Hvomet ontflt. cemalallng or a strong, naro ruooer pocket inhalor and a botUe of HromH cnate only II. and eitra botUea. if aftrwar4a tMfa, mm only 10 cents each at Womitnl, Clarke A Cw, or dlrwl, by mall, charge 10:80 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; Italian serv ices at 4 p. m. K. B. Church South. 171 Second atreet; Rev. E. F. Mowre. Servicea 11 a. rn. and 7:80 p. m.: Sun day school, 10 a. m.; Epworth league 0:80 p- m. trnlversallst. Church of the Good Tldlnga East Couch and East Eigntn streets; Kev. J. Tt. Corby. Services. 10:48 a. m. and Rlble school. II m. Topic. "The New Thought of eod." Unitarian. Church of Our Father Corner of Yamhill and Seventh streets- Rev. W, U. isuot jr.; nev. i. xa.ii.iioi, u. u.. minister emeritus; Kev. jenemian A, Baker, aaslstant minister. Servicea 11 a. m. Topic "The Importance of Pro cesses in All Keairrogresses.-' SdaoeHaneona. Millennial Dawn O. A. R. hall, northeast corner Second and Morrison. Bureau study, 1:10 p. m.; service, 8 Divine Truth Center Hall 101 Aliaky aervlce il a. m.; Thaddeua M. Mlnard! pastor. Friends .Church -Corner of Main and Eaat Thirty-fifth streets. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:10 p. m.s Bible achool at 10 a. ra.; Chiiatian Endeavor prayer meeting at 6:10 p. m. Olive Branch Mission No. I Second street Meetings every alght at o'clock and Sunday at I p. m. State Holiness Association Kasarene church. 418 furnaide. Bervlcea 3 p. m. New Philosophical Reaearch Society Aliaky building. Sarvloea, 7:4i p. m. Salvation Army Corps 111 Davis street, E. r. Omaaa In, charge. 11 a m, nonneaa meeting; s:ie p. m. apeclal Chrlatlaaa' praise (neating; sermon by Kev. it. j. w. urxxicner. aaelated ti Swedish . bra as band; 8 p. m. goape truths and aersaoa by tha enalgn. x. M. u. A. i n p. m. rirat men's meatlna of tbe aeaaon at tbe T. V PL A. In charre of the physical dlreetora or tne nortnweet. wne are meeting la conference In Portland. Addreaa k. George A. Smith, phvalcal director. Van couver, B. C . subject. "Muscular ra- Accountlng Aigenra t.... Architectural Drawing Arithmetic , Bookkeeping; .............. . . Business Correspondence Business Law Carpentry and Woodworking . . Chemistry Gen'l and Applied. civu service (see director) , . . Fee 3 Mo Term ..8 S.OO .. 300 a oo .. S.oo .. Z-OQ .. 2.00 i883 Commercial Geography Commercial Show Card Writing Electricity and Elec. Machinery English, for Foreign Men English Grammar ..... English.- Practical English, Advanced and Rhetoric English Literature Freehand Drawing Geometry. Plain and Solid 6flK German ....................... Latin Machine Design Manual Training (Boys) .... Mechanical Drawing Mechanlcs-and Applied Math. Motors, Hydro-Carbon ...... Mining and Assaying . . . . . Penmanship Pharmacv ... Physical G&oarranhv - Physics , numbing Practical Lumbering neat testate lav SalesmanshlD Shorthand . . , Scanlsh Survevinr and Manninr telegraphy and Dispatching . . Trigonometry , Typewriting Vocal Music Wood Turning Working Boys' English School Any self-respecting man or boy may uRum, a i. at. i - A mamnat inn an juy nm privileges ny paying tha fee. Bldg. Cor. 4th & Yamhil Call or Bend" fop new Illustrate m iuiua 2.00 15 OO io-oo II 4.oo US 5.00 r.oo &.UO 3.00 zo.o .10.0 a.o io-oo :83 .88 :88 10.00 .too K.OO 10-00 4-5V Mr3688 PMONBS ASS17 anmaaaaamaa-anaaasssassna-saaBBBBBBsssBsan aoxoou ajtd cousoxi. wtoo&a jjkd ooivlbozb. laHaaa22XSnSSBBXSB&S3aIKff8SS9afXSa 3 M E A BUSINESS TRAINING j JtT THE I " a-: .AKER. COT .ifa ' J MAKKS YOUR. TIME VALUABLE , $90.00 A MONTH FROM THE START i-. Raker City, Gr' May 10, 1908, Baker City Business College, Baker Clty.sOr. . .. - Gentlemen In reply to your request we take pleasure In stating that Mr. Sam Michael, a graduate of your school Is in our employ an a bookkeeper, and that we started him at a -alary of $90 a month. He took entire charge of the books and did acceptable work from the beginning. Not only does he understand bookkeeping, .but he also learned to write a neat and rapid business hand, and he acquired a business education In your school that la of inestimable value to any business man. . ..- Toura very truly, . j STANDARD FURNITURE COMPANT. jj Send for a catalog and arrange to enter. School now in session. BAKEK CITY BUSINESS UULO-EUIS A. L. McCAULEY, Principal. MKEESE&ZXKaXSraKK V-'M f CI . v.. . gww;-.!, MNPruHkr BJ I Ugton": special muaie by the Roao City auartet aad MUtoci Runyoa. AU maa are welcon. EplacopeaV Trinity Mneteentb and Everett a'rona; j t. a. a. ainmsoa. nX-vtcea, I a. nv, 11 a. nv and p. m.; flanday I ac--. t a. as, .'a, Htr. w . A. M. Brack la cuarga ' rerr-iratcry tract. - ("veld, from Booth a Hyomel Co, ltuf- iaiv . i. Hr""'l alao eura- A ' hma. ptwH t'. Cwahe and Col ia. frvo ff lfaeta. PACIFIC UXITEIISITY rrtta fraaa tnM WK) Pacific nrf t. ral. fipt It ta a aa elon of the Methodist eoaferenc. vrbt'-h lasted antU aa early hour today. Dr. W. W. Oulk of Caanbrldse. kua. waa elected TTmirt ef the miveralty of tKa pMtfle at Ban Jaaa. c-nt M S. roaa waa la-t4 and b'a aalarv latrMM trait IUM te I Lao pe-r year. Tha aeaatnn waa twwiy. iM It waa rlv after mwh argatift tat a lci u.n waa w ata T orpo" I a of Dr. Outh uiV-d ta p-l r-a Y la alVM f a rttr end to tals I f. Cm. i the lnr1m aa a cent (.tiallllaa. h t ioat A cotamBntcauaa frotsj the arwdeot PORTLAND ACADLMY Twenttata Tear will Opes Bepteiabet- si The Academy fits boys and fine for astern and western colleges. -,JfRIMART.v AND GRAMMAR SCHOOL under the same management recelvea boys and girls aa early as the age of alz and fits for the Academy, giving apeclal attention to the. essen tials or- an elementary training. The Academv Waaon will maka fta tour aa lormeny tnrougn tne north west pan or tne city to bring and re turn caiiaren or .tne rirst and second years oi tna primary Department. Manama lare-Taners will take oi cnuaren si tnoaa years coming returning on tho road trey and Mount iiiwr car nnoa. Office hours for tbe summer t a. ta II m. and I to 4 p. m. Catalogne on application. take charge aal ST. MARY'S ACADEMY Tha Dallas, Oregon. A elect bearding and day achool for yeusg lad lea. Tils lastltatlea la located on the ouU bank of tho plctnreaqae Columbia. aad cowdactod by the Slstara of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary. Owlna te tha rantd lurrtia. o ata. denu enrolled during raoent years. It baa become nocoaaary to erlarae the capacity of alt departmenta. The eatlro building has aa4rroM c-omplate reno vatloa ant a In roadinaaa tor tha ocnlrg f the forty-fourta achalsstas year, rt mbff a. 1. Thnrovch ranrati are offara la Vlaatlflc AcadamkA. Preparatory Sw-haot, an4 escolleet I partrnnt of Mb ate. ror pre pact ua apply te vsster rrter. 1 ,4 l..i . ., 1 was rclvad. stating that IVey ob- wta to tha t.r-va.f rr. . IKay wa,4 abteo by the actsoa of u eon f erance. A good school none better. Well established reputation. Successful graduatet. Skillful, painstaking' teachers. Living Expenses low. Many other advantages. Let us tell you about them. Write for catalogue. SALEM, OREGON VV.'L STALEY, PRINCIPAL DALLAS COLLEGE The nureoaes of thla Instttatlon ara - lurnimaw young mvn una worain a liberal Christian education, ta lay a deep and broad foundation la the study of tbe science, art and .philosophy, and to build up a strong aad lotal- iectaai moral character. Offers Venal OoUega Coaneat Class. at. BKaaauno, suameaaary, aveaoe. aa m natoaa, nominal. - Tha facuhy esa srrsns-e for limited namber of students te earn their way la full er la part rew term commences September II. Few Catalogue and taferaaetloa Address u. av. aiocav. panaa, oregoa. r T MILITARY liLi ACADBIY A boardlBg and day school for young men and bnya. Accredited te S'anford. Rarkeley. Cor nall. Aaaharat and all stale anlvarattlae aad errvalturai callages. )rfake rrvatlona now. Far llluatrated caialogva and other Tl tare l ara, ad-dreaa FaQ term bogtns Bopt. IS. 1S06) i. W. rrtu C T, PrtoiBaL KalUIS, CABO-Cat PENDLETON ACADEMY PENDLETON, OREGON. i: PREPARES FOR ALL LEAD ING COLLEGES, EAST '"AND WEST. OFFERS THE FOLLOWING COURSES College Preparatory, Llterary MusicaC Cornoierciat also Sp ciat Courses yi Domestic Sci ence and Instrumental and Vo cal Music For-catalog and other infor mation, address Rev. W. H. BIcakney Ph.D. Pendleton, Oregon. 1