OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SATURDAY L. -U I ' 1 'M EVENINO. SEPTEMBER 19. 1008. SILVER JUBILEE TO BE ViEl' on properly. nd waa nnljr atxiut una Ihlrrt Iha numher or paramiaj menu wr niada, aa tn lot. In ltsfl Ilia li roll tmiiunlM lo 1.IS.41 I, and Ilia prcanla of dUnquncy 1.31. 'rha n um bar of naraonal ta imBB EVENTLONG REMEMBERED gj tntnla ilvea an lnlaralln lnlat to amount of work irinrmi. in lhara arara only l.llu oaraonal aaaaa mania. In 1U thara war II. OKI, lit I tha followlna" yoar ill. In Hot !!. and In 1U7 thxra war It.tlO. Tha In. I eraaaa of tha 107 roll on poraonal Uim ovr ltol la tl par cant. 41 par cent ovar THE 1 1 1104. 4 er cant ovar 1801 and It par LI 1 II I J leant over J0. Tha numbar of booka ! t 4'v-' ' 'I $v-- I V"4'' A ' ' ' 1 - I ' 4 , .J -. rjv . . v , , , -, ' f ' -'on s " ' M - - -i k I I ' hJ : r,. 1 . f .VIM. E1 . . r. . T-iMriniiinnr-TiiTrrrrr-liwfrr -aftiiiivi-Vii'iMfiiiiiMMWMaiiiii afinmnamii rinmi of Third aftd Sherman. I I ln-memorlei of the Dast will, be con-1 ai . - -01 M'-f( surf; Tv' i i iafT II ft t'nder tha law paaaad by tha lt Ug- lezii llalatura It booompa tha duty of tha I 1 I ahurlff afl.ii tha flrmt Mnnill In Orfoher Nrxlilto laaua a portlflrata of dallnauaner aralnat all tha rral tala upon 1 to tha taiaa hava.not baen paid penalty and Interaat. who appllea for It and para ly ana interaai. ir ma ownar ap pear a to radaem It within thraa yaara ha hlch any ona tha taxaa. ownar muat iar ud-all tha axnanaa and alaol pay tna noiaer or ma rtinoataa i par cant unnn lila money. Younir women are often sufferers for want of proper at just the rteht timn. i tmuv. TV ' i I manu - jaxna ror mo win MTS. nniuiam. Rt T.vnn. Mum. n labia until r.hni.F i tana . . . ' p.. "i n i - aiwajs issuea to young girl a Bpeo- If tha ownar doaa I not radeatn within tha tlma apaolflad tha ran i neat a noidar may bring auit or rora. closure and obtain a clear. title. . j Tha tax collection department U aend-1 ma; .out leiiera caiuna; attention to me I aw to an who appear on tna roiia aa ownlnar property on which tha tax la unpaid. If thar hava dlanoaed of tha property they are-aaked to aend. tha name and addreaa of tha oreaent ownar. All of thoaa who oomeo cloaa op their I nan paymenia anouia orinr wun mem I their recelpta for tha flrat half pay. I menu j axea ror io win not Da pay. lal invitation ti wrltoto her about TAFT POBCED TO FIOIIT ineir sicicness. la a mother . . and fully Understands. : '(Continued from. Paaa OneV y In nine chances out of tern wijj. uo ju.il iuo same aa tnoae 01 I aenator. tnATmino InrltAattrhrwoA lAVfa.n11n. I "m '"" " j o nuumiwtwiiuuiun. I orranlie r LYDIA Em PINllHAM'S VEQETABLE COMPOUND Is -what you need to restore health. ' Miss Abby F. Barrowa. of Nilnn. Tille, Ohio, writes to Mrs. Pinkham : impany nnany decided to re n New Jeraav-and rav dutlaa "Any' letter written me by Archbold since that time were auch aa any cltl-l en might write to any legtalator con- All Groqors 5C- earning legislation pending In a body of wmcn n 11 a memoer.-. ine standard or nobody elan ever paid'rae . cent on account of public service.". " . . i I, i i i ''.-, -i . Cincinnati, Sept. J9. Republican BL Lawrence . Church at Corner The' celebration of the silver Jubilee of St, Lawrence's Catholic pariah, will take place tomorrow mprnlng at the church, Third and Sherman streets. Archbishop Alexander Chrfatla of Fort land, assisted by tha pastor of St Law rence, Rev. G. C, Hughes, and thev. clergy of 'the cltv will sing the solemn pontifi cal mass. i Rev, George- F.- Thompson . of St.: Mary's cathedral will preach the Jubilee m i n n, lib ii nan im:smtimimL f ' -A ' i. 1 J Jured up by the inscription on ' which Is i as follows: Artbnr Was President. "On the 16th day of September .In the year of our Lord, 1883, Most Rev. Charles J. Seghers, second archbishop of . Oregon CHy, solemnly laid and blessed the corner stone of this church. erected to the supreme and most mercl ful God and dedicated to the honor of bt. Lawrence, deacon and martyr. Pods Leo XIII holdlne; at this time gloriously ana proviaenuauy me Keys or Bt. peter. Chester A. Arthur bolnir . Dreaident of the United 'States, Z. F. Moody governor or vregon ana J. a. Chapman mayor of me city or Portland." - The Jubilee services, - will . begin prompuy .ai io;3U o clocK tomorrow. Vesper services In the evening at 7:80 will be conducted by Monselgneur Rauw. roup wins is me -musical program: 'Ecee Sacerdos Magnus". .. ...Gregorian "Kyrle" .............. ... Gounod "Uioria in Kxceinis" f.. Gounod Credo in TJnum Deum" Gounod -uneriory j Rossini "Banctua". aounod "Benedictus" . . . ." Gounod -Agnus uei uounod Members of the choir: The Misses narrett. hajrth. twiss. Wh I taker, Lahaie, Birnlrkel, Irene Barbs r, Dunn, M. Bar bar, Irene Flynn, Meadames . W. J. 3 Archbishop Christie, .Who -Will Pon tlHcate at Tomorrow Services. aermoi.., This glfteB priest is recognised as one of the most eloquent orators of me puipit in- tne west.- - Third Oldest la Fortland. : The""TOUslc-for the mass will be under the supervision . of Mrs. i. Walter Reed, wbo wfll be aided by the leading sing er and Instrumentalists of the city. The selection of a mass has been made- from smonf Gounod's maaterDiecea. Thn who will take part, in rendering the mass have been preparing for, weeks. St. Lawrence's parish is the third old est In Portland, ther corner stone of the present church having been laid In 188J by Rev. C. J. Seghers. second archbishon of Oregon. During the past 25 year the church has had only two pastors. The first waa Rev.- B. Orth. tire arch bishop, who recently retired 'from the archdiocese of Victoria, B. C The see. ond one Is the present rector Rev. O. C. gf'" Tl : V. i ffS s ii Tin..,- y a. x nervous, had dull headaches, backache, headquarters haa ' been- beseiged to- ana waa verv invo-n ap. nnniin u " nicmu uu iwsu lur luiuruia- noarood. Lvdla E.Piukhsm's Veiretahie I tlon renardlnar'tfie- report tffat the I wmpouna ana your advice made me vox machine, has been turned down reirnlar, well and stronir. I am now in 1 hv tha natin-ai rmmi a- t. better health than ever before." Taft will pr. it nrncti,.iiv .in- t MissElaie L, Hook, of Chelsea, his campaign in this state, assisted , Vt, writes to Mrs. Pinkham: tty Senator Dick- so far as It Is con- I am only sixteen vcara old. hnt sidered "Judicious." -The' atata nr. Lydla E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- a-anlzatlnn hna fot lha hlnw tirAct pound and your advice hava cured me ltii.n.,h T7n.i.n j .u 7Si Vie0? '"f -UPvPHed J "T81 thinj else had failed." that a 50,000 check passed to Tor- FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. Oil has made more stir In the ai- For thirty vears Lvdia E. Pink, ready troubled political waters. uoujo v t'geuiT)ie tompound, maae Friends of Foraker and Hearst hava from rOOtS ana nerbg, has been the redoubled their search of tha recorda sianaara remedy for female ills. ' the Ohio supreme court for the ap- ftnd has positively Cured thousands 01 pearanceof Foraker's name as attorney WOmen Who have been troubled With of renl for the Standard Oil in the Misplacements, inflammation, ulcera- 8lat0 ca8P8 t0 wn,cn 1,9 referred in his uon, norofci tumors, irreirularities. 1 11 ,,aa l? " w,in ine na-rinAin min V,nl, i ' trust except in certain atote cases in volving legislative acting against the corporation. In 18P6 Foraker successfully cftm batted tho efforts of the enemies of the Cincinnati Traction company to secure a 60-year franchise and he' appeared be fore the legislature at that time and ar gued his case for his client.. Since that time no record can be found which shows that the senator fought legisla tion adverse to the Standard Oil com- f-any. This Is taken as direct evidence hat Foraker's statement that Archbold employed him to represent the company in matters pending Derore tna legisla ture was unirue. Republicans profess to see In the- For cker mlx-tip the reason for the failure of the "Slg Stick" to hammer anti- Standard Oil legislation through con- frress last session. It is reported that t will be showed that Foraker was quietly instrumental in opposing' some of the measures President Roosevelt was anxious to force. Deriodic rutins. bn.rlrap.hA. that. huar. ing-down feeling, flatulency, indiges tion,dlzziness,ornervous prostration Why drmV -n try jt ? - - Rer. J. C. Hughes, Present. Pastor of St. Lawrence Church. ; Smith, and M. Beauchamps, Messrs. Mon- tsg, Glanelll, KUleen. Mailer, Bannnan Jain, the work could not be completed within a year. Bnarp cmuolam Basnits. Simons win nharnlv crlftclanH hv T E. Sullivan who questioned Simons In regard to his statement. Simons said that when the contract waa let tn thorn that W. M.- Ladd came to him and Stated that if the work waa tn he com. Pleted within six months that he L,adrl) would sign a remonstrance against the Imorovement. Rlmnm then malA thai he told Mr. Ladd that the company would not be able to complete the work within a year and that it would be necessary for tho company to ask for an extension of time.. "Why dlcfn't VOU tell the evemiHva board that when they asked vou how long It would take to complete the work?" asked Mr. Sullivan. "Because we thought that v war making enough allowance to the hnni-ri replied Simons. . "But as ft matter of faft rehan Vio board asked you how long It would take to complete the work did you not state inai n wouia lane rrom Tour to six rnonmsr- again queried Sullivan, who continued before Simons could answer by aaylng: "We gave you all the time you wanted or asked for, and now you come In and tell us that you laughed be hind our backs and told a private cltl sen that the work could . not be com pleted In less than a year. 1 ao not mink that vnu 1)111,1,1 t allowed a continuance of time, and I think that you should be fined in addl- STEVEXS AD3IITS Glanelli, Klynn. Sauvaln. rlna. Wa and A. 8auvaln. Flemins. Cain. Wolt. Iker, Neeaon, Atkinson, Kasper 3IAY0FS STAB. (Continued from Pag One.) Gobbled Up STln irtaraets. -hMa.yo.KLa'!, hi ? " of nfn "treats which the Pacific Bridge company had secured contracts for on1 the east side J?.lnolu,'?rw?.,ch h,av b!n finished, although the time limit .has expired on nearly everyone of them. Mayor Lane accused the brldr enmnan . securing the contracts.1 thus shutting out all chance of any other firm erson securing the work, and then or erlng Its plant to oomnlet. tha Uf course, you can do bmina ht way said Mayor Iane. "Rut not going to do It so long aa I am mayor of this city. This work should have been finished month , .. Should have been nunailu . day you were over contract ir-.. t Inlah - AW th.n'r.u..',u-.u-S'"(? p""- r tne b Such i m . i , , . . " in.i I ia m. maiivr I ur rnnjeuiurv, 11 r. oirv- fc.,.E.a ii. ""I1." its business ens wishe to marry again within that IJSZllf? 12ZLU Toul? t- time he will have to relinquish his citi- ..V.. .... ..i ."'i r7ra" "na ' Ffu Mtunip in Oregon, it was stated by i,nWL J.T .7:."". c you one man todsy that Mr. Stevens and .., uii .( ann n (Continued from Page One.) of British Columbia, in the Dominion of Canada, in February. 1892. and ever since were and now are, husband and wife." The complaint goes on to State chat during the month of August, 1907. the defendant wilfully and without cause or provocation, deserted and abandoned the plaintiff. ' The conclusions found by the court were that the equities of the case are with the defendant, that the plaintiff is entitled to the decree and that neither pony is vmiLieu iu any cubib ur uia- bursements. ' Mrs. Stevens, accompanied by rrer at torney, A. E. Clark, appeared before Referee Runyan this morning. Mr. Stevens was not present, but was rep resented by one of his counsel. D. P. Price of Cake St Cake's office. Through Mr. Price, Mr. Stevena entered a general demurer to the complaint, which under the statutes Is effectively an admission of the allegations. As soon as the decree had been signed by Judge McBride. Mrs. Stevens and her counsel returned to Portland, reach ing here at noon. Second Wife la FllgHt. Mr. Stevens and his latest wife, ,nee Lillian Monk, are resldlna- at 123 North Twenty-third street. What course they tnat tna courts nave m hln haiii' P d nd nered at J acknowledged that Louise Powell 8tev ich actinnJ Twn i .,:..you,r, tatementa.Jana' marriage was legal and that T. M. Y il- ?i.r I?' ba ,,owel- ' Stevens cannot remarry for six months, lou are the gentleman who mm that I la a -t .i-mn re ur bi...' Celebrate 60fch Wedding Anniversary; Mr. and Mrs. Levi Leigh ton, of Columbia Falls, Me., re- j cently celebrated their , 60th wedding anniversary in health and strength. Mr. Leighton, who is 88 years of age, was engaged in business for 56 years, is a life- -long advocate of temperance and has been prominent in poli tics. He praises Duffy's Pure.'' Malt Whiskey for restoring . and sustaining his vitality and : strength in his declining years. ; "I am 88 years old., Mrs. Leighton ' and I celebrated our 60th wedding anni- versary a short time ago, both strong and vigorous, I was in mercantile busi- , ness here for about 56 years. Held va rious public offices; at one time repre- I sented this district in the state legisla ture. I live a retired life at present. I take a dose of Duffy's Pure Malt Whis key every night. It does me much good. , It restores my vitality and strength. I have always been a strong, though not hypocritical, advocate of temperance., I MB. X.BTX x-sxemTOK 88 teaks oix have never used intoxicants. I use and indorse Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey as a tonic medicine." LEVI LEIGHTON. ' Thousands of men and women who are old in years but young in activity and spirits like Mr. Leighton thank God for the great renewer of youth. - - -aBa , AsrAi . -v?v -i....,yv..i.,li.,. iK)'ova'Ml!iSill tl,lMHuiiiu. J I : i ' ii " I Pur Mali Wbi'sketf racotnmanaea mat tna pacinc Bridge company ba allowed an extension. of 180 aaya, uia committee recommended that M. J. Conlay. who has lust completed his first contract for tha city and who I not familiar with the procedure be fined $40, aad J. P. O'Nell be fined 140. Mayor tn aeciarea mat sucn action wa not rigtit. inasmuch a both thea men; had finished their work snd Performed It In iirai riass manner. Mayor Lane aald that ha could not eo why the ona company ehould h al lowed all tha tlma It aakad for without being penalised while the smaller con tractors ahould ba subjected to flnea. Conley waa p re-en t and wa given tha rourteay of tha floor after tha com ml t- f lite-)' a report recommending that ha ba I i 1 1 nnea wa rererrad bark to tha commit Ii II tea for further conatderatloa. While he - 11 waa explaining hla poet tlon and etattng in. ti w waa aiv i in ii i a r run aw pro- traura, cauin un nm ir na wantea hla noatt I aa t aa flna at 14 I'nn I.. r . . . I . . . . . . . . I aiiur vi I rarn no ana unta in in reply when Ha bin ordered nlaaj to alt down, etatlng that h did not car to hear anything further f mm hlnv . f Vaorga SlnMHia. manager of th Paclfle Th. n.n.h hM.. h.iaa - h a 1 Prldae company, waa preseateel and waa r hurt h h iiui i tTrv-ki.T "Vk" -": "OTr'0 .fP-. "srra.al t length .-..i T-.J r"-. 'JT .m tna airnr-uiuea a Archbishop Orth, First t - the Church. llsrhaa. who haa held lb pulpit of 8tl Lawrenoa'a sine 100... . , 1 raiorai reatdenca and a convent. cnooi waa eetamisbed D rnarg or Heart of Durln whin ttal , K. to Thcirt Brida CAtnpany la tta werk aad In- tnetnoara that al- enlerrxj inta a ecmrlet Stark , that ha knew ---- ....wii.i i ... . . sw nrmav rmni'.ny hi i rth- ?..t!i-i,"t,,i' d '? Udv-rtantly teld tha irrr of the eist-ra of tha Immaculate tho.iah tha com parr had 1 .wITLJlL?mtnS' ' ienntract with tha cfty to g tn ortwinnln Hunaay lnnni-'airMt within alx nxmtia f)rcgonffjf Oobm Offkvi coum ciuora. come in ana make the city a party t "v" y. aing ror time ax lenaiona wmcn tho airaet committee ii . anuwm TVU, "Such action will not ba permitted eimer. ana l ao not Intend to allow myaelf to become a party to such ao- UUOB. Kajor X Ajtgarad. y areauy wrougnt u over tho affair and nervoualv mi-ai ,, and down behind his chair while the in emigre coniinueo me,, argument aaj aw,m a new memoer or tne board expreaaed rreat eurnrlaa ta find tha -it. II -wing Itaelf to enter Into contracts w ii n-ii iiw itnnfffl aa dciioiui" Ha a-i.i that th hoard ahould adopt some poller whereby the contract ahoula be limited to a certain tlma and no extensions nwiia d allowed uniaaa uixiar ordlnarr conUngenclca. H waa Irame- aiaieiy oeaieaea or aanin. fir n- - imona wun ail aorta or x1raordlnarr' conttnaronclea. Put ha maaJiwil nmne arainai ina uma-wora axcaae of tha con i rectors aaa urrad that th board adopt some plan whereby th trouble cotiia eiiminaiea. When a final vote waa taken tha aaortion or tna cotnmlttea a rarwirt ri-nm oat roin toi a ror lie aaontlon and Bwett. Nwell and Sullivan mt-d agalnat IL Then Sullivan mnrM tha th patitioa for an eiteaelon f 1 dara be not allowed. Thla would bar hn Hiviraivni t iinnoaine a rina ar eta a amy roc a-.- r tna i,( aav. r a total fin Of It.iM. ta tha MUimit a-M aiiar a on aiacuaeloa tha mam aiso otad tMa ewn. Snl'lraa alona aland Ina- for hla a-ntloa. With aniKi.. - v awnorm wna rnrmj t iL i m p-tnon. euniTM arala awing wnir na vj ma I ira mam a f a at votlag against th cxteaatna. iOKTum, ouooi. A. X- attlXS t- SAafrKI ...0-rJ Maaaaa cArxc a SA.MVSU am Th Poticyholdcars Company Is-Best -for Oregonians ' 0LY. OXETER -CENT rCntlnl frn-Bj Pag Otia Lillian Monk-Steven Intended removing to tjnicago. Dut no connrmation or this statement could be secured. Stevens married Miss Lillian Monk In July, after announcing that Louise Powell Stevens, with whom he had lived for nearly IS years, wa not his wife and had never been married to him. Threats were mad by Mr a. Stevens, who Is a member of on of th oldest and beat known families In Portland, A KKXTTCKT EXPERIENCE Coffee aaA TH Still at Work. & is an absolutely pure distillation of malted grain; great care being used to have every kernel thoroughly malted, thus destroying the germ and producing a predigested liquid food in the form of a malt esence, which is the most effective tonic stimulant and invigorator known to science: softened bv warmth and moisture its oalatahilitv and freedom from injurious substances render it so that it can be retained by the most sensitive stomach. it you wish to keep young, strong and vigorous and have on your cheeks the glow of perfect health, take Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey regularly, according to directions. It tones and strengthens the heart action and purities tne entire system, it is recognized as a lamily medicine everywhere. , CAUTION. When you ask your druggist, grocer or dealer for Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey be sure you get the genuine. It's the only absolutely pure medicinal malt whiskey and is sold in large sealed bottles only; never in bulk. Price $1.00. Look for the trade-mark, the "Old Chemist," on the label, and make sure the seal over the cork ia unbroken. Write Consulting Physician, Duffy Malt Whiskey Co., Rochester N. Y for free illustrated medical booklet and free advice. . - A Ky. lady had a very agreeable ex a c found harmful, and taking off coffee drinking perlence. In leavln which ah found on t'ostum. ttne never loaea an oppor tunity 10 tan oiner or ner good ror tuna. 8 he eava: "For ovr t rear I Buffered from nervous trouble. Four yea re ago I was down with nervous prostration and heart trouble After aararal montha of miaery, my doctor, ona or tha boat la the country, told mo I muat oult eoff-a and tea. "What was f to do I must hava nm warm beverage for breakfast aa I had never don without on In my Ufa "I eVcMed to trr Pnatum. Ilttla think ing it would amount to anrthlnar At flrat I did not Ilk It. but wham wa noiia 11 ia minatea, until it was dark ana nrn. it waa oeiicioua. ana I aa began to feel better. jaiivr vannr rrjeiatn conanrauitrar t Veal re I fa-J Ilka a atlfferamt r I '"f naa pajeaj B poor naep-r. bvl now eleap well and atn la porfert haaJlA. Ann I glr the Crdlt to Poet urn. "My eat Ira family now M it la . ""r aaremn at maakia. 1 ant an enthueiajrtle frlaexl of Ptum ana i anew tnat what It ha dn-t for a"" n win o tar earn-re. ao I Barer la ctanca g r ta ragmen -nd Ii t tnoaa rM nnrr nan cviiea oniiin Nin siren hv pnataan - t. i. ' n avT, j aa Mat ta Wli-vtlln.- ia rre- -Th-re a R-aao-- rttt reevd tb abov rftet? A la tha olliee'w'T on a taa roll Of ll.Mtl2M waa Ihreat aaartae nf 1 r r r a I I a leea a - -i -. aa in 111 ? n ra- ta I t -r r-at !! rP fro time t Umax. Tbe 1 t L a 1 1 k a aa- I m a. a I . - .... o? i r-r e;i7h v h-.v;- Ve." rr" w ri ! b aea aa aaea-ftl a a..eea rer- I tstere , to have T. M. Stevens arrested for big amy. While these threats were being noised about It was announced that the member of th Steven family had come to soma agreement, and were try ing to settle their troublea outside of court. llle tml Secretly. The scandal had broken out. however. and T. M. Stevena waa dropped from the Arlington club, of which he had been a member for-years, and waa shunted by his old associates. This cut him to the quick. It Is said, and he agreed to have m divorce suit rued against him In Oregon Cltr and to let tt be secured without a contest. The suit was filed aecretly and waa not known outaide the lawyers and the members of the family until mi a morning. Mra. Louie Powell 8tevena will con tinue ta live In Portland, It la aald. It ta believed aha haa a ecu red alimony auf- ucieni to aeap nor ia comrort. Information of Interest. Of ail tba national Induatrles relating to tha attpply of electric acrvlce from central stations appears to have been leapt hand Ira Dord durln ar tba nariml nf bualnaaa aeproealon which act In last fall, both with reapect to the bualnaaa of atabllah4 plaata and th entry Into th Aald of .new central atatlona The tattetico a to companlea Incorporated during th Brat aaven month of the preateat year, and th number of plant under con at rue tlon within the earn pot-too, arpear to lust try fullv th latter- aeaartioa. whn aleo Indicating th urprlatng rat at which th central tat km Induatrr continue t expanaL Thla la th verdict of th moat re liable nonrr f thla kind f lnforma t, Th Electrical World. The Or.fn Enalnaerlaa- Mannan r. fere rv a rhanre tn inv-at ia i hi. uj cf am tndoetrr la tba Wlllamett valley and rraiitaaS ,r a aatlafactorr ra ra it1 g from tich aa Inreatment. Can vara afford ta let ihia a-.ii InTaatmrata au,t aa eh-rrfufir rartTa4 a lart nea rr full tafot-metlon rmli i lret Oran r-rHiaarlna rm. I0HNST0N HIENSTAG fOMPANY J ADVERTISING U AGENCY V SAN FRANCISCO Established November 1004 Handle Real Estate, Bond and Investment Advertising; Letter, Newspaper and Outdoor Advertising, advocating the letter way as the better way; Publishers of RESULTS, the only publication in San Francisco dented to, advertis ing and business promotion. Write for a copy; FREE. JOHNSTON-DIENSTAG COMPANY 33 KEARNY STREET SAN FRANCISCO af a a. pare J T-T.r-T' rt a l fKCL - bars ( Music Lessons J V J Th Saamaajaw ' FREE LIFE INSURANCE - Tf t!!" oacMo oa a Stew S'.a 8M XII ere at flr.t r4n ,,,, In aUaowlaaT the nd I he toet ta la omly 1292 -YOU SAVE $UJ Otir flub pr-k:f a, ( a 'l,t " 1 n ' . . , t . t - v. t ahnut One n . H M,,r, ttr Wa-W-aaV V r-. r t. y-.a'i waktvoat t- i i . , t-a f AlSr 'g- runs rii'D r :r:r, i-r ray. i Beck b..liag. Pon.aai. Or. 1