THE - OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, ' PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENING SEPTEMBER 19, tm ITS ONLY ETHEL! ND A; THE , DEAR,' HELPFUL . YOUNG THING! 1 W 1 -pd I 1';-' W; : , .,11 j f , h... ....... , Hf A-:KWT BELtEVt ' IT'AIULLS 1 'J? ' LS, ' Tl Jl ' . - ' ' :- -y -r""r know i can do it au.- right - 1 : p""7) 3.! 17 1 '.J ' i ( ' -v ( ' . - - , 11..,. , . . . . . .. ,,.........,...,. ,, ,. . .. ... ,. , f - ; ,, .., . . . ., .,1, ... s .4 ... .. .'. . . ... . ; .'. 1 ... , - , . . . - - ; 'AND WMAT'DID YOO CO TO SURV T-te jQyg,m33j:C7HgU,DA? j f TED'S OBJECT SPELLING LESSON---CA-T AND D-O-G j . i , . . I ,t ' I f , r.U d .-s.-v.o;, u ITS'" "VJ I. ., rf..f I M .-v I ill. . -.r 1 " . f , 1 rf - , ,: ;.:.w7v v I If? ' 'There C-AT; novr jJo you know whalt in the world that spells? I Vrt - .. . ----- .v Cvft .7j si4Kai'JJ.,,ir 'I 1 Now bcre it is. It's 1M)-G not long word to tpell. Vet harder, thta-I.thousht'at fint.. l:krwWitht-DOTr;qaile.wtIL. Now, Ted, look here, I'm what you spelled; you see my color's black. "Of course I will, because you've helped tne with my lesson so, I like you best of all the boyao stroke me on the back. ; But I've another word to learn. I tknlrit'a easy, though. v - I" I 'V; -Ui 'M,J i'. - ; " . S.J . . III U m - ! - T 'I . V no 1 . w . 1 1 i K . - y 1 I ' 'v'vt'iw- 1 - - "!. rMt f & l 1 . ... . " . . . . ! vij vm vui wu w, oi ncTTJ oij gooanessi now you scraxcoi "How lA-T is cat. Yes, cat for claws he did rot lack. Sy.: jurt: fJic" . Arjd.D-OrGiisidog,4wbo;cbised.t V t!