2 THE OREGON DAILY JOUKNAL, PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENING. SEPTEMBER 19, 1003. ASK -DEW LIGHT BIDS Executive Board Rejects Bid of Electric Company and Calls for Others Wanted Same Bate but Furnished Less rower. -i A' By ananlmous rote the mtmbrri of. the city executive board voted to reject tha bid of ths Portland Railway, Light A Power company for city. light fng for next year and ordered new bide advertised for. Furthermore, the Toerd ordered that In the next pacification the company specify the amount of current used by each lamp Instead of uonijnniinj me amount or canaie power. It was upon the amount of current furnished by the company that Mayor oa-ea nie ngn wnicn no started against the company early last spring. His contention, waa that the company agreed to furnish a certain amount of --urrcni.wrucn ii ranea to do after be Ing allowed to change the style of jamps in use. He claims that tha com pany ttjus made a aavlng which' the city snouid have shared In, and Ms claims were backed up by the executive Doaro, wnicn nas trimmed . tha com- pany a ouis arout one third each month since the fight was started. When the bids were opened at last Friday's meeting of the executive board the members discovered that tha com pany wanted to charge the same rate next year that It has charged In the P"t. A concession was mada bv tha company reducing the coat to the city oi.uut . a a, lamp n tne city would pay .the difference which - the company ' claims la its due on tha bills which tha tnru naa reiusea to pav ror tha past eight months.' This would net the city , caving .n aooui jo.uuu in nve years, the life of tha contract. Mayor Lane believes that Inasmuch as the city has saved more than 126,090 in eight months by reducing bills ten- urrca oj me company, the offer of the company la by no means fair, and It is Miirciea mat me ngnt win be continued 1 mini new Diaa are received. ONE LIGHT Oil ELECTRIC TRUST """BaKsaBS AVajs That Are Dark Result s in Two Federal In- 7 - (Hctments. CHESTER A. JORDAN HAS COMPLETELY BROKEN DOWN 01.1 C. ill IDOfiE BYor.E who ivoot a) Mora than one man has his - 4 4 .office under his hat, but C. Won, 4 e a gentleman from across tha e broad Pacific, - Is one of the few - e -. men who carries his ':' stock in trade under bis Jiat. , This con- 4 stated exclusively of Chinese ' e , lottery tickets, and therefore the ,4 arrest of Mr. C. Won, which by .' ... e the wey would seem an excellent- e name for a vendor of gambling "a " 50ftances.--- - - 4 The Chinaman's arrest was the 4 a result of tha arrest -early In tha e week of Earl Worrell, a young "" man who was seen by Justice e e Olson and Constable Klernan flourishing a ticket and boasting e , e of his winnings. After staying a) e In the county Jail a day or two 4 Worrell's memory improved so e 4 that be could remember the ' Chinaman who', sold him the , d ticket. Whether Mr, Won will 4 'win when his case is heard Tues- 4 : day la stlu a question. Mean- . e while the . lottery tickets have : 4 been taken from his hat ' f United Im LhwJ VHt 4 New York. Sept. II. Sis of the lead- ng figure In the electrical werld will be Indicted for forming and maintain ing aa unlawful trust.- If the Investi gation by the federal grand Jury, which (feme to light' today, results aa reports baaed, upon tha best authority aav that It. will. President HeoaeveTV ordered tha In. ulry. which bus been conducted oulei. y and waa not known to the Dublin un II today. The nmnnirement of thai General klertrtr company and six other pis; eienncai concerns nas neen siio- ctea o the closest examination.' nnuah evidence to warrant tha Indict ment of the six predominant figures miivuuy ib in wi iianiis i 1 in grani Jury, It is laid, but It has been deemed advisable to postpone action.- and take further testimony, pending tha securing of documentary evidence. 1 It Is reported also that there is a temporary delay In pushing the case on account of the Injury It might do the Republican nartv In the nreaant nam. the part of persons Inclined to put pol-1 it leal alrnlflcance on tha case. The I matter waa Drought to the attention of ins president ov Attornev-Oaneral Rone. pane ana wnen jtooeevelt obtained feneral understanding of the alleged acts, he at once ordered the ferieral authorities to make a moat thorough and searching examination and follow It UD Wltn Vlo-nmiia actlnn It the revel. atlons should warrant further proceed ure. ' ' .. . It la allered that tha air hie- elec trical firma have a cnmnlete monnnnlv v.. in ui mo vieciricai Dusiness in tnis section, their Interest having been ex- i 1 mo aimoit an orancnea or al lied bualneases. If In t '" "' uuniuim) nas a worainr acree- ment regarding prices and fixea an-J controls rates, competltora having been COHFESSES TO F0B6IIIG PAPER E. O. Adams, arrested some time ago for having passed some JO or JO bad checks on various business houses of the city.'-pleaded, builty this . mornlnr before Judge Qantenbaln and was sen tenced, to six years 4n the penitentiary. Adams was much affected by Ms jien- lencv. iib eaia ne was e .eeieemen anr had Passed the Cheke.tn ArHee tt wr-tr on his business. He also Bays he has a wn ana piuta out noee noi Know where they are.-- v.-... steamer roller, wno osed the company's bacon and hama for his own nee. .wee also sentenced to six months In the county jau, ne aisa . Having, pleaded ANNUAL GRAXGE FAIR OPENS NEXTTHUKSDAY Event Promises to Be Big Saocess Prominent Speakers Will Be In (.. i Attendance Grand. Ball. , ' : : : y A -s Iff' . ' ;..Vf A ft I ". I T . . ' ...I HI TyytWe V I : f :W9m I I ; V. SI llLmUi At 1 1 l 'I f IHU e'i V' SCIIOOUER GOES to urn PORT J W. IL Talbot Will Carry . liTill - Cargo of , Lum- ; ' ber to .Manila. " 'The Paolflo Fxport 'Lumber company today Chartered the American .schooner W. II. Talbot to carry a . cargo of lumber from this port to 'Manila. It will meas ure about 1.000,000 feet and will be the first complete cargo to be shipped from here t,o the, Island port tor some time. J'ar.t . cargoes,:, however, have beon sniiipea quite orten or late. Tha- Rrltlah Bteeniep. Uuuerin- whlnh has been, loading at 8t. Johns for the" pasi weeu, cienrfl last night for Ma nila 'with 1.K60.000 , feet of lumber, valued at 113.60", but the shipment forms only a Dortinn of 'the' enran ct the big Walerhouse, liner. She will prob ably leave down th river this after noon and will go north to ooal before proceeding , on her, long voyage across the Pacific. -. .. - The rata at which the achnnner Tel. bot was engaged Is reported aa ft, or a nine more than twice tne price onargea ror Hauling lumber to Call' fornla corts. f - r The British steamer Falls of Kith cleared last night for St Vincent. Cape Verde, for orders, with-141,040 bushels 01 wneat, valued at 1 12S,0Z7. una la ex pected to leave down this afternoon. The steamer Cambrian King, carrying a cargo of about the same size and value. .finished loadlnir last nlxht and dropped Into the stream to give room at' tha wharf for other grain carriers awaiting dlsDatch. The Cambrian Klna 'Will prob ably also leave down this afternoon. The Dutch steamer Nederland Is ex pected to shift from the wharf of the Eastern A Western Lumber company thla Afternoon to Montgomery dock JNo. I to begin loading wheat for Europe. CONCERT FOR SEAMEX. "GREATEST FAIR" CLOSES TODAY II IBS HBll JUr Show; at 1 Salem Goes ; Down . as t ho Most Suc cessful Ever Held. -are (Salon Bum ef Tb Joarml.) ' Salem. Or.. Sept. 1. Oregon's great eat state fair la rearing Its cloe this afternoon. Race . records have been ("broken and Wrae lovers have had their tastes fully satisfied. - It haa surpasaed any fair of a similar nature ever field In the west Favorable weather did much for the heavy -attendance but to President Matlock. Secretary Welch and the entire board Is due the credit for making, the fair a success after tbe crowd reached the grounds. No one who visited the 10S fair waa (11 anii pointed and many were greatly and pleasantly surprised. Every feature haa Deen successful. rixavor EISIIKIG CASE ' GOES HIGHER IIP Justice Uoan Allows Writ ; of Error in Oregon' t Salem, Or.. Sepx. 1). Chief . Juatlco Bean this morning allowed a writ of en i wi iie teee v aiaie vi(tfrea'n Vs. Christ Nielsen so that tile ! de cided In the Oregon supreme court last aprlna'. and which Involves tol!ca iurla. diction ovef tha waters of the (Columbia river. ninT vm kiiphibu ' i lira II I Lea States supreme cuurL The'papnre were filed this morning by Deputy Attorney (ieneral K. C. JklHclJoiiald, of the state of, W'aahlngton. . Nielsen - waa arreated by the Orecon- authorities on the WaahliVrton side of the rlveel mtA ,.n,t tf.illiv m .lna.1 jncessful. The board will en- I f or violating Oregon prohibitory flhlng to make ithe fair next vear atlll I tk. if...i..-j i .i . i 1. .!... . ' i tregon can aaeert Its pol ce power , on lines thst have shown need foe ninat I ik.u..i.i.., -ia. -i.. . j - M..iin,jivn . i u. ui ii r, www unnon iiiivivTiiiiwi. ., - . - l the authortir WILL GO TO TEXAS AFTER ' IIATFIELD t San (Uaited freM LeiMd Wtrf.l rliM elite a! the eivee imeeah the authAiiiy given It In Its constitution by the words '.'concurrent Jurisdiction.' ,' An effort will be made to compel the I'ntted States supreme court to give an Interpretation of "concurrent Jurisdic tion" which will eettle the present dls fiute between ' the Oregon and , Wash ngton authorities. Uovernor Chamberlain said this after- v i return to this state from Taxae the fiahlnVi.wV. " Y""CT' nlorc"ir n Hatfield, held at Sherman, an I lBSUrw'l,IVi?w'.e ' . ' ..-.' : ' t of belnr Jam.. ninh.mh. ... r" un a Temporary injuno- of six peoola at Camnbell Ii ir.n..".'ua. "''Drl ?r . -. Unl et; ' - " . t I vuairjsj ijireuiL nnuri. rpjuraiininar mm rir i Cheater A, Jordan and.Hifl Wife, Honora Jordan, Whom He Murdered. Boaton. Mass Sent. '. 1 fa Cheatee ' A. Jordan, who was guilty of the most grewaome and blood curdling murder which has ever disgraced local police recoras. , nu nroaen nown cnmnieteiv. He Is completely broken In-spirit and realises the enormltv or hla crime. . He haa. admitted hia . irul! t. the details of wnicn are almost too grewsome for pub- As near as can be' ascertained, he and me who, wno waa iormeriy an actress. While in tha miriet of e femllv rn clinched, and In the anger of the mo ment he struck her unon the head with a flatlron.. Fearing detection he sought the best means of coverlne- hla crime and finding an old trunk, dismembered ino Doay, severing me arms, legs and head... -. i' ...:'..;.;' 1 -i--, 'Ha then nark-aA ' In . .nen.ha closely aa he could, even going to the extent of severing the flesh from the limbs In order to better fill the" trunk. He had planned to take a boat leaving Boston and when well out at sea to droo the parte of tha bodv overboard one at a time, and thus hide the helnoua crime, but the plan boat he had expected to take wa drawn for the aeaaon and did not make its trip. Institute at Third and Flanders dives " rieaeant; Affair. ,"; The weekly concert at the Seamen's Friend society last night was much' en- by Miss Catherine Covach and those by man will be released. Mini flrm la follett r. amoill the L ' i KSiSf wha, wzm-Th to1- jmm SCOTT SPOKE r. K. lienetv witian unip nilM 1 Kya 4 A. aiotiyt V wi mo" w""K .em""" - The foyle; song,. Mr. Draffln; vocal eolo, Aber- e plan miscarried. The I v " ''W'r'J,.. ' V...-: m, iih. ill as iiui. rnvuiL bviiii uuuea juinua, ill)., jur, iviiiuaej i - rva. .wivi ... . no i Catherine Covach; song, Gordon Howard; Jose. Cal., Sept. .11. Sheriff I noon that tha action of Jurfa-a Mean in Langford ef this county, and Deputy granting the Washington -offloials a Dlatrlnt ittnrna Tame. X Bev'ereev fr,t , error In i the NlelSSn CSSS SO !i . !. . f 'e - are ex- tnllt u may be'appealad t the federal pec ted to return from Sacramento late supreme court will have no Influence tnia afternoon with requisition papers w.n,,"VBr. witn the , carrying out of for th of Joh suspicion murderer . Sheriff -."Tnef owl : an-.eli' t. wrdn 'rom. further enforcement of the that ha and ftemitv oheViee vtZlZi I w" untu me merits of the case, can BufflSJtowlll??!8, d'Wf September J8, of course!' will fr,rerv: th?'perJ: Mndaj: oVhe ColumbU? ra'a'nR'bi'Tn" BufflngtOB r waa forn?SRt a school ! .,e.nK,.iwUh. unUl. that tlm but " ' r mttJ of Ehli' .m i,,?.. Im iS Intention to resist any attempt to have hJ aa?s he ?a s7rt hat h 7Ln tAnutl 'h InJunctioh made permanent when the Dunham If he, should aVa hl?nviKi V"U& States circuit court ears the , If BSAnJ?. umenu of both side, on th? ,28th." nTaWwS'iaia , ? TkTJnTvW Q T irrvxf V ' V".. Xr-lliM. T JJ.1 X OAJUiUXfl : : .. .. .. T AWAY? FE0K TUB f COLUMBIA RIVER ' . v t OX GOOD" ROADS I m f fin I V. mvi7f II iff a-iv vcaj ovii6i J"i uwii iiun saa ut T . . s iwn vvi vj . . ------- Jordan then souaht a hackman. who B?nT, JRlchard Wohn8chaffe;-vocal solo. J?"fd J ,tUV eld ,by the Port- cannerymen. ; notwithstanding the 'fact m i . . . . . ' ' . i WA laasi flraa I .a IT-kl I At f aft ' WnlaTlndT Af t Tttk L anxiu niilUlllUIMia L'lllO aim (liniri inUVx I aL.ii it ... - . n rnvn nun to. n room l n r nn ira wnr i v . aca La FoHette; HoUtina- of the Und" Automobile club end others inter-I heard of the numerous black-hand mur ders which have been attracting so much attention, he reported the matter to the Doltce. who went to the rooms. Jordan was not there at the time and the police waited until his return. They then demanded that he onen the, t-runlr and In the coolest manner possible he rained the lid and then sank to the floor and .confeaaed his guilt. BUILDS SPEEDY LAUNCH. an interesting speaker and an authority Jn hls. efforts to enforce the fishing me ruauB question, outlined tne leg- I 7 ' . "" "wi imiiina; on inn iBlatlon that im ...Mura tA i river is conducted aa It mia-ht tn he ian.1 eii xr.. -Reiia T TTea T?ao I 'en,na of new roads and the improve- thV ff favor of having new laws Rainier Man BellCTes He Hag f astest ment of old ones and said that the atate t P"1 be both Washington and Oregon 9 lUTer. r" waning ior(rortiiia to take the w" muniwiy timii ine . nsning . rh. joiint.t i lead In any such movement, because and regulate fishing on the river. 19 !ohn iralrn. mMt : (l! the immediate benefits would pis statement was madef this room- ' lusromDleted a ocrue to Portland. , , fng by S. Schmidt of 8. Schmidt A Co. i he believes will .J- H- Albert ot Salem also spoke to ?f Astoria, cannerymen at tbe mouth of- BUSINESS HAS NO FEAR Of LTOII Oregon 'to J Join " Others in Formation of Business Political League. h n . - .1 V. 1 ouawi vu inn turcn , ' (RneKl.I Dlanatcli ta Tha JouraaLt itainier, or.,, oepx. the fish dealer, has gasoline launcn wnicn ne Deiieves (i,. mMH.. .i,7 ri: "r . i.il th. rlv.r . outrun any boat on the river. This i-eet,n?l.nd SH??..? concur ted I tnf ' Somethlns- haa e-nt tn ha dnne ..Id ena-ine T made "a sbeed at lta e6-' ln hvln- lll presented to the next Mr. Schmidt "or the fishing Industry on ial of" 16 mllesPPan hour". Mr! me?U"? ?' th legislature. " R, V, In-1 fhe Columbia Tiver will be ruined.' In. exnects when the machlnerv is ""l.mi5n .5 A" Automooiie ciuo, ' "f"' ."'; not to used a little more that he will make airlanded much better speed. The boat is 80 feet I H'"enae long and 6 feet . 4 inches at tha beam. . i i i -i LUMBER DROGHERS ARRIVE. Schooner Crescent Will Load for Guaymaa, Mexico. ARRANGE TO HANDLE BIG CASCARA CROP JIISTAKEN FOR TWIN BROTHER: ALMOST KNIFED - 1 ' (United Press Leased Wlre.t Kew York. Sept, - 1 9. -William H. Klugemann. shipping clerk for the gen eral storekeeper: at the .Brooklyn navy- yard, Is today recovering from the shock of being mistaken for hla twin brother, who was operated oh recent- . ly for appendicitis. , Klugemann. went to to visit His brother yesterday and was walking through the convalescent ward ', when he met one of the nurses, who ,. exciHirami in norror:. "My Ood! There's my patient walk lng about In delirium' Following ter lead, several others cor railed the luckless Klugemann and rushed him to the nearest bed. They uuuriBBrq mm ana put ice compresses upon him. and tried to quiet him He, all the time was fighting vigorously for . ne irreuom ana rranticauy trying to explain. Klugemann remained tn bed xintil some one had occasion to enter jne room or nis orotner and discovered him peacefully sleeping still under the t ine anaestnetic. CMDIS HE LOCATED RICH PLACER MINE ,V -e ' t d (Special Ptapatcb to Tbe JooraaLI Pendleto, Or, Sept 19. Claiming tnat aa Is the original discoverer. A. H. Anderson, an old Alsska prospector, will contest the locations made by James Conlsn on what la declared to be rich placer ground, laat located In Junpler ' . r :' "'"jci vm r. Ionian waa em ployed by him as a driver on his proa pectlng trip and located the claim while tne aisroverer was nursing a rattle . snake bite from which he is just re- KJ I CI 111 K. . (Special Dlapatcb to The Journal.) Oregon City, Sept.l.-.-The sixth an nual grange fair to open at Mllwaukie next Thursday, promises .to be a decided success.-! The fair, will be opened with addresses by Col. Robert . Miller and nun. j. . y, . jonnson. a baay show, under the management of Capt J, P. Shaw, will, be, an attractive feature on Friday afternoon. Friday wm be Oak Grove day, and in the evening an Interesting program will be rendered under the-direction of the Oak Grove Improvement association. A barbecue will be .given at noon, on Saturday, and after the barbeeum fl.n.inr s,.i,n duuvii uenneni 'ACHRrmtn will i...af mi. v-. . . , . . . . ediiRatlnnei m.ttm Th. i.i. liiT 1 " Oregon DusineBS men wno win aucauonal matters. fair will cloae make the trip to Chicago as delegates W,eow5rUliibaU th m venna-. at to the national convention are all well . -. I Known In their dletrlota ell n them being men of well known business standing and extensive property inter ests, inose wno nave oeen aniectea By the direction of Chairman Mack of the Democratio national committee, M. . A. Miller, national committeeman from Oregon, has appointed seven well known Oregon business' men as ; dele gates to attend a. national convention to be held in -Chicago for the formation of a National Business Men's , Bryan nci ii 4;aKU.,.-' t , It Is the plan of the national com mittee to assemble this convention at a date not yet determined but In the near future. It will be enmneaed at Dusiness men or state-wide promlijence selected as delegates from every state in tne union, its rjurnosa win ' Da to show that -men of affairs' throughout the countrv. are not afraid of a Hrvan administration, as Is being charged by , s The Oblate Chapter. - ' Rome, PepL II. The meetlne of the Oblate Fathers for 4 he nomination of vuit-we jar iirir annual cnapter began In Rome today. Representatives of the erdef fmi. ell n.rt. . u i j . - . In attendance Among the delegates from the I hlted State sna Canada are , Father Fallon of Ruffain r.iK.. i.. mot he of Lowell. Father Constantlneau 2r fa Antonio. Father Grandin of Al Jrta. Father Myrand of Manitoba, and i m inrr rwignier or British Colombia. 'Heady, for Lauching. frnttea Preaa te.wg Wire aehlB rum. Sept It. According to reforta received at the nary department today, wat ee, the North Imkot. the . new hattleahtp now voder nonstruetimi at Fore RJrer. Mass., ta r.eartng coril r let Ion and will be ready for launching wtlhtn the next twe month. The Kortb iwkote M eealrned to be one nf the ereediet betUeehips afloat snj will be urreasew by few war veeeeis ef the W III. STEALS CLOTHES: CAN'T EXPLAIN WHY He'mawYse, ma yoTof AstorfaT BDA.: . ; . J Millsap of Lebanon, Leon Cohen of , . :.. : . fenaieton, j. jj. McKinnon or La Urancie, Rone, Van ntn. ti. w- Mcrnerson or i-ortianq. ana Htaw i uuui toioenaior u. u. jaum . 01 Asniana. Burglary Charge Thought to Have Been Insane at Time. (Special Dispatch to Tbe Journal.! V ancou ver. Wash.. Sept. 1 Gene BANK ROBBERS PROVED LOCK BOX LOOTERS "I've got two bank robbers down here nlaaaa J a. Af Usim " ,-, fVUmm- m. a. ha Van Gordon, the young man arrested telephone message Mrs. B. Goldstein " 8" vi miraini a room in tne I . k. mm., .hiiiu, e.it. . Railway hotel, pleaded guilty veaterdav I t ... wn. ....... .,.. , and was sentenced' to four months ln I Patrolman Abbott sent to capture the me. county Jail. i aesperate criminals, seni ror tne patrol ; Van Gordon cannot explain why he 7fflS;.".7, w""ra vaig ana stole the suit of clothes. He says he The "bank'. turned out to be a lock was possessed of plenty of wearing ap-(tx- Their lanfllaoy alleged that they parel. He denies havine- stolen the re. I had rented a room, and flndlna the voiver ana fountain pen. It la thought I ,OCK DOX n ll. naa smasnea it' open, by those who know Van Gordon that I takln" out th "tenta and thrown the he was temDorarllv damanted whan he I box out of the window. committed the crime. . In the municipal court this morning - i can was tinea i& ana nis companion VANCOUVER PAVING v. AVORK SUSPENDED "EK AND UIISUED 3IAN EXCHANGE SHOTS 100 MIKES WILL TESTIFY Mass of Evidence in Prep aration for Los An- geles Land Case. . ; . . .,'; .;: Astoria this morning, one being the I part 0 the .bark goes to New , York river they are .caught in the wheels and I IS V WA sjtAa Wl ShAnnaP k a-l A I A r CI O VI r4 T T1 aa f i . . e le wtmw a aa 1ah . m a m. . i an - .'. a t b bf.. .uvv..u a-"- i puv. ii i si MLtnArAn Tmm r nam -, tm i h bub cuuubt - lub LiriUTL. ait w o n r nera W1,r 06 mor han 100 witnesses other the Jim Butler of the Olson-Ma- known as cascara aagrada. commonly !"?: n the river will be fished out fpreMay 1. From April IS to May 15 the bualnesa la run at a loaa nvv SI Let the fish have those extra days to 1" uo me rivor. it s tne only ining that will save the fishing industry.- "And fishing at the bar must b stopped.' I say that, and I'm located at the mouth of the river. . We're simply Railroads -runnlne- cut out Port. I drivlna- the fish awav. and thev are Wt . . 7 ' J"-VV land are figuring on the. largest croji going up to Puget wound In greater The American - schooner Crescent. fe (..J o..,. 11,1. f.n nnnih.i'i .van .Th. ki.. which arrived at Astoria this morning many seasons. Although few peoplo that they catch la the sound are nothing trum mat o uuuor un.rw vu lever hear of the cascara Industry it oui our cninook salmon that Have , been wIrJL "Vf? SLlVoSlSf' rooe,v" 00d deaI of attention from' turned awajr from the mouth of U Mexico. The Portland Lumber 3 com-1 railroads and more than 60 cars of the river. . Th i fish haven't a ghost of a t": .. . . .. ..a.. . ... i Dora win pe snippea to eastern wnoie-i "uw m river, uitot ii iner . . iUTr m ir arB'nr" "aoneo Baie drug firms this fall. The principal manage to get by the bar and Intovthe a r r r I a r n I tt ' win Aenln tr nia ara ham r-e fha I . . . . . u I wM h a . . . t & a . . , te l to new .yorKt ""r T' r ciukoi in toe wneeis ana from the treti traps along the stream. It won't be called the bear-berry and chlttlm by Oregon farmers, and Is purchased by wholesalers' aaents in Portland and I shipped by the carload from various i gathering points In the state. "Neaf It all of us wha are in bualnesa on the river have fished In the eastern rivers before we came out here, and we have seen streams' .that were simply, teeralnc with fish- entlrel cleaned nut. I have seen It that way down in Florida, loo, where rivers that used to be simply alivs with millet are now empty., i- "I think we ouaht to- have a closed CORPORATIONS (MT A Nii K 'A ItTll IiP;Nl",-"on oncp a week of 40 houra' Close , V-llU. UI'j iXV A XyUXjO I ,jown at o'clock Saturday night and .-! '" ' -' I don't let the men a-o out .until a n'rWk Awn.m .i nn.n.A.i-., t..... I Afondav mornlnir. - 1 ... i.lii a jjvii ii jicvv uonil I . . .- - - . . i KiiK tiiw c-Mineryrnen art for tha eovernment in the ..e r the l honey Lumber company. Both are ex United SUtes against Richard D. Jones Pted to load on the lower river. Unf,frSre-:..-W m' 1 'MARINE NOTES. ; land fraUd cases, which will come mi , . 9 for hearlhg in the federal cojirt October Astoria. Sept. 19. Arrived at 7:80 the nJn.eJ..,H -nf wnesses for and left up at 8:40 a. m. steamer St. ?K..'?J.ttt wUi' i1? thla par- Helens from San Francisco: arrived h.e M iJp.ii.'S largest that has down at 7:60 and sailed at i:60 a m. Deen heard in Portland fllnoa tha famAna t3.i-i.i. r. mnA o. US .ZJis nBt thB timber sharps, be- Vincent for orders; arrived at 10 and gftTh."0RI8eh?rTf afe. SLA' 5' ZjP land in Currv WtV 7hm;r n .: 1 " 'I JLVzl ... i.-..f filed bv T. a. Evana Jk ri, thi incorZ "I think most of the cannerymen are of it All told there are 10 of T. A. Evans,' T. S .-Ma- l"'" , L ?a r-onable and are ready ants-six living in Cfirry county. Ore- is noon .SS osePcitv for Portland banlel and D. M. Donaugh. The capital i2j?.bJlh:rP hav" rnn rh-aa i r r a i i . . . . . . - - - i tatsrr i a. he haa i a wa m inn .wo niaf.i:!! 1 nni Rro rin rmn an Francisco. , heft up at 1-80 p. mV steamer Colonei Supplementary articles changing the S' ninte .Seght ebo a c2mm,:"ion Tracv C. Becker. an.Aai '...latent Sr up.vr -iJ S ' ..L!' iiiimii ni1 the sfilnnino- Rnnni. nnn?n.n I appointed, made up of members f rom , the atfornev Veneral now 7n i a S'' J? ."S V 'SS f'j: LT7h. H..;; rt n..;"h. wth Orwn. and Washington, to sea geles prepa-ring anTWer. in" the" Blue AndrinhaV left np at ? p. m. steamer eer. flleX' The director afe WrR Ii?" 2e?.lon. of 'tbe'Vwo V. Jffif. SSSZ Mountain appeals, will return to Port- r. d. Inma. p p' ... Beebe. F; -C. Hagemann. Andrew .Hqben, wf,?n L"i.tureS iau caiiv in ucmnsr rn arr antra tap d Tv..an Ban i o a 1 itHnrva KiAPtr a no Martin H'nni r r "--'. y . taklniC UP tho DrOSeCUtion Of th JOnfll I Kartr TTAwwA TntatUm rnm Pnrtlnnrl I i. i . wjth john-'McbourtJ uStea6 B"ta.a. mTtmV PusHa, Italian cruiser. ...... .'.Stream rU" the t V iir?on' .u I wind southwest. ( miles; weather light iJfaaemona, Br. dk.., . .Uolphinsl j.--".- T weeks on hla vacVtlon hT.t In the John H. Hall case there were J fog. , Vigo, Nor. sh .....8and lockt-2M--Ji IS! J2!2i Ki' ,"J VtVZi' 52' ..-'J1.?. .-??Y-em . .! tor Sunday-High prater: Camfcrlan King. Br. -Elevator :fruuimTL,AHie?e:.a,y1he9 ALONG THE WATERFRONT. (BuecJal Dlapatr to Tbe JearaaL) Vancouver, Wash.. Sept 1. As the result of a breakdown at the rock crusher It Is probable that the work of laying pavement by the Warren Con struction company will be delayed sev eral daya No rock was obtainable yes terday afternoon and today, A revolver duel took place at 2 o'clock this morning i at North Tweotysecond and Roosevelt streets between Patrol man owennes ana a man wno left a bouae at this corner and refused to ston wnen told tn nv tha nrrieev- if. An em-1 ter runnlnar one block the man turned pioye wnen aaaea aaia that be did not I ana rirea at swennea; who returned know when the repairs wosld be fin-1 the ahot The unknown then dashed isnea. I into a lumber yard and was lost from naa it not nera ror tne ore eaown. I Blent. n.Biiii:ivn Bimi wouia nave Deen nisnea to ine rerry landing thla even- During the Blue Mountain forest reserve 1 10:16 s m., 6.9 feet7r9:S3 p. nw 7.8 feet) J ter, Oer. ,shlp, .f .... ...Stream hid .SK ! SUS i!i iJl case 121 witnesses were nut nn th. tii. ..i... Ltc i . M. fit Nicholas. Am. ahln . . ... . aatnrla f ana naa expected to .find him. In jail stand during the trial. makiSi the largl JTbg m.; Itteet ' T Pnako. Am, bktn. ......... .Knsppton w ."5 ?h. n..tt.-!-.. est number that hna taatifieVi fnr tff. I " " . ' ,..,;' Mahel Oale. Am. aVh. ....... .Knanntnn A.n a-mV?.,.n "ature of he matter was government in anv ona caae .inn. h. . . "' Le Poller. Fr. bk. T.lnntnn J i.???AviBAer, had. confiscated a flna ianu iraua prosecutions pegan several DEJTOCRATIC PARTY FILES N0MINATIMS, (Sa!toi Bureau ef The Journal.) Salem, Or., Sept. 19. The Democratic J dredglna at the upper entrance to the party filed Its nominations for presl-1 IT-k" .er mor8 or U" ",u athers ae.41.1 .1.. .A.. . -I en year. - - " v-jhw-u Hcciurs wna xno Becreuiry or i The Harriman liner SUte of Callfor- sute yesterday. It was the Ust dayjnla left Atneworth wharf at 9 o'clock ror mint. The names of eleotora are ?yrni" "r n "nc.BCd, carry- NWBUC1 UaiB, Am. sfVIla Itt.MiJ u pener, Fr. bK. ..Wnnton ;V,T;,rA"VhaV''h.3vi,r:"ri.?'ri..i" Buvenc, Br. ss.,... ...St. Johns I .h mifes to HhmMt- irv i.tV. Cornll Bart. Ft. bk.. ....... ...Linn ton II.?".." .8?nm,1t . . t .Astoria. . , . . . i . . i . l . . i cit iiniHiL .am inHr ne nta nni . nmi.v. oriusn consul guinea uiiaiaw paid i omiin, jni. on ................. .AiDina I n. tn- i.hen.n iV.iiii.ia formal visit on board the IUllan cruiser Americana. Am. sch. ...St Johns 5" what h I hn AM2uil Pualla thla mornine and a consular aa- Wrestler. Am. bktn.. ........ ..Astoria iwA" ''y'f ??. ?lni although lute of nine guns' was fired from the Numantia, Oer. ss, ........ .Flour Mills DMilble to heat a" cruiser. '- . '.." Beechley. Br. ss. .......... ...nrvdnck PO'Q' to beat blm at the game. . . A amall e-overnment dreds-aand two I La R6chlaaueleln.Fr. bk ... Stream I 1 l ... .. . 1 :,.- dump scows' were sent to Cascade locks j Neusllly, Fr. bk. ....,'.... Linn ton COURT GRANTS 0 t-i nnriai r m g -fr- sin l n . . t . . . . i.innrnn i ' - North la na, Am. aa ....... .Couch street Tiverton. Am. as...... ...Linn ton Nederland, Dutch so. ... .Montgomery 9 I ' ' ltii&.V" amployerVannot brf Alliance, Am. ss this morning to begin work next week as follows: E. 8. J. McAllister. Port land; Samuel White, Baker City; August HUckenstein. Salem, and O. D. rnnhnv nusmuia- The-Democrats were last to (lie thel nominations. The Socialists filed their nominations nrst On Ju v II. the Re publicsns and Prohibitionists together on oepiemoer jv, ana tne inaepenaentg luuuweu on oepiemoer is. ASSERTS HUSBAND DIDN'T HEAR KISSES none" Garfk-UTs Meanory, ffte rn ia nil srtra. twg Prn-h, S. J, ept. 1 1 -C.r-fle.d rneennrlal day, the t went r-eereath arriwearf ef tKe tteath f the mir trre4 r-. 1-rt -hl h mr-r arte In tHs "T. B fiMina-1 retebrated brre teiar. "' tema rr.w nr- a were he 14 a nd f ere at half it-. el tt-,rwiriit the "" a Ecarfe of respect for tiarfleld s f - j inc. rtvlnc the flrst clear outlet in monVb. to and from the city. DIDXT CONTRIBUTE TOWARD HER SUPPORT (Baedal tHe-ee-a to The J.naaLt Oregon City. Bept It. Delia Taylor, by her attorney. John W. Leder, aaka the circuit court for a divorce from Charles F. Taylor. They were married at Vancouver. Wash, Decembjr S. 1191 The defendant alleeaa that he ' - her two years a-o without any cause tr F v, uh nas aeciectetl te ceej tribute anything les-ard her support. She aise ask to reap me bar ntaldan Mat, Delia lilcgham. J FlperiaJ Cotut Sees km. . r-4-t rner-- TW tVwnil Orreoa City. aet. itJwlf, MrReMe len a special seeslow ef the clm.li cert t'B nm te rk.q tne dorket as rae-h as pneeihie fr te rnenrf Nei-emb- ei act toe.. Ba'llffa M i.tr ana aeuerse are lcJttesdax.re. DARK SECRET HOVERS OTR DECOY LIFTER C J. Cook and 3. R. Bowles caused tbe arrest last evening of aa Italian who refused" to give his name. Mr. Cook charged him with stealing, three aeeoy auras irom nis preserve on the lower river, while Mr. Bowles swore tnst the Italian had trespassed upon nis property (or ut same purpose.. Catholic Central Verefn. Cl era land. Ohio. Sept. II. Many dele gates have arrived la the city for the annual meeting of tha Catholic Central V ere" Is, which will be la session here during tbe next four dare la addltina te a large amount of routine bualneas te oe iransactea there will be addressee by a umber nf nrontlnent lavnen anri Catholic clergy. The pontifical high ssass ln ft. Michael e chorea tomorrow awrtilni. Irered1ns the formal imilii. ef the coare-ittnn, will be reiehrated by . -rjtm f rr-.r iimae?. ravrnniOV Ine apOS- telte delegau at Waanlagvea. Robert Bolt, a loneahnreman and tnr. merly a sailor on the steamer Alliance, faces a statutory charge brought against ii i ill ii . j. n. Liiiufinnn. Hie ee.e t... oeen set xor next Thursday In the mu nicipal court, slut In default nr 11 AOS bonds he Is ln the county jalL ' Mra Lit tie John declares that Bolt's arr-ai yesieraay is tne result or her suit for divorce from Llttlejohn. . Bolt is one of the boarders In her boathouse at the i i 01 Mtui street, and she em phatically denies that her husband ever heard or could hear any kissing acroas mo .uiuuw Bin, aa ne auegea HELD ON CHARGE OF . . INTENT TO KILL Will lam D. La'wla. accnaerf h- T rincn, aa attorney, with threatening te commit muraer, -waa arrested laat even Inc. and today waa held tn mu. k. iur tne municipal court neptemher II under 11.10 bonds. Finch charged that Lewla Invaded his home at SNiTnn ?'esterday morning and annouaced bla a tan t ion of killing tbe lawyer. STRUCK BY ENGINE . IN TERMINAL YARD Rasmus1 Kelson was tnfured this mernisg at the North Pacifle Lumber i company a mm oy a northern raclfii train entering the yarda. Nelann waa wheeling a lumber truck arreaa tha track when the traJa eeerht him. He Nwiwu remeven to fu.inente aoeptUI 1 la a Red Cress ambalaace. . . - Ing 380 passengers and a full cargo of freisrht. i . ' The steamers Homer and Alliance are booked to sail this evening, the former for San Francisco and the latter for Coos Bay. - , - The gasouns schooner Eric leaves down today bound for Tillamook with a cargo of grain and feed. She received the cargo yesterday afternoon a( Irv ing aoca. , , ...... - , . BfARiyE IXTEIXIGE5CIS. f SUIT IN WHITE CASE Si Begnjar Uners Bne to Arrive. Breakwater. Coos Bay... ;.. ...Sept. fl Koanoae, ean reoro ana way...Bepc ii tlnei rltv Han rranHiprt ..Rent 9f Eureka. Eureka and Coos .......Sept. 21 Alliance, coos Day-.... ..isept. 24 Homer. San Francisco 8eDt. 27 George W. Elder, San Pedro. .. .Sept, ft mate. Ban a rancisco. ........ . sept. 2 Nlcomedla, orient Oct Areola, orient ...Oct. A lea la. orient .......Nor. Numantia,. orient ........... .Nov. It Batralar XJasra to Depart. Alliance, Coos bay ..... Sept. 19 Homer, Ban Francisco ........ Sept. 1 Eureaa. Kureaa ana unm kpsi. zi Breakwater. Coos bay Sent. 23 Roanoke, San Pedro and way.. .Sept 14 Rose City. Ban franci-co Sept. It Geo. W. Elder, San Pedro Oct. 1 Numantia. orient Oct. 1 State. San Francisco ........... .Oct I Nlcomedla. orient Oct. II Arabia, orient .................Nov. 1 Aleala, orient Nev. II Tassels ta Tvtt. Broderirk Castle, lir. sb ..Stream Larstemore. Br. sh.....N. Lbr. Ca Crown of India, Br. sh. .Moatgomery 1. Ley land Bros., Br. sh , ...Urydock Donna Franreeoa. Br. bk..... ..Astoria Churchill, Am. sch........ Astnrls Asaerd. Nor. sh. . ........... .Drydock Alvena. Am. orb .......Astoria Albert Pick mars, Oer. bk. ..... .Oceania W. F. Jewett Asa. sch Aetorta Irene, Am. sch ..Astoria Koke Heed. Am. bk ta. . Portland Lr. Ce. WaaHlna-ton. Am. s ......... .frvdnck Oliver Oieen. Am. ech . . . .Toanc s bev Annie RmaleL Am. ech. K. P. niiii OaeL, Fr. bk..... Colli m la No.. 1 Vlncennae FT. hk... 1 enter-nia Mlcheiet, Ft. bit Pel DjrMM. Xpf. wf-lD. .llfrtaTornarr Kn. t ' rouch street n,?d8. 1 a; commission to any one) R. V. inman. Am. sa ....;.O.k street 7, B Boute to Soed turaber. has aumorlsed the outsider-to act tor' IVlSn "1m C pli' ui..1"' him. Judge Cleland ln the circuit court . SmarJnth.' Am." bktA:::'.!. TrlncS B'-STK.-? . JSS!U". Ah i" im .h liiV,;..!., "ooery frinting company. Crescent Anu sen. ......... ..Honolulu I The teatlmnn -Vnwelf Olympic, Am. dk. ........ Ban Francisco r . B. lyoor W. Ji. Tal u.TT I'r hk . J for stock. He Interested H. O. HJerm Bldart, Fr. bk. ......... Antwerp I atad. who ha1 recentl .-a u. T-I. .... I 7' . . - - - . - v. ... ,nv. The testimony showed that White had ; o Am .;'; gSS y-riSc Seel through an employe of the om- lDOAAm:Vch.:l::l: Franco l"?! .nVne-TViV"'." ,. . lousiness and desired to find a purchaser ' "7 r .r." ror stoca. He interested H. O. HJerm t ';. ''""ii.aSS! who recently arrived from the- Tntare. av'-Vh An?-. '"t Introduced him, and after a period Br bk.f.:.!.:,;rrAntwe?S An:soiltlo.h v",tor ntel US.,- i?e' -i. vHiZ.L- 000 In the. business. tir. sn... , Antwerp . white failed .kn. .. h. k' Ant warn I ' iuiu io snow mat ne naa Deen - i Bill n 3am n , .Hambur , .Lett 10 act ror tne nrm.m ae. an Investor, and the court 'held' Neatsfields, David de Bradloch. Kllloran. Joinvflla. Fr. bk Carmanian, ,Br. bk ...-... .. rcocnamDeau. rr. oa. .......... . Gull Stream, Br. bk... .. ...... Alice. Ft. bk....... .....London Eurene Schneider. Fr. bk. . . . .. Antwero L Tour de Auvergne, Fr. bk.. Antwerp Armen.- Fr. bk... .tDublln Glenalvon, Br. bk.... Antwerp Goal KMm Za mevta. Flfeshlre, Br. bk.. Newcastle, A. Boasuet Fr. bk. ........ .Newcastle. A. Torrlsdale, Br. sh . .Nswcaatle, A. liagdala. Br. as. ....... .Newcastle, A. Ysecap teaaaers Ba Beats. Guernaey. Nor. ss .....fihanshal Jv et mine ter. Br. as Japan an eta. Br. as San Franc I ace IMdO. Bf, SS. .......... ,aan aranclace I him. twlee In the eheet M.nl..r T f'.' wr.. e r uaan i araggea ntmseir two miles to Heron and f I curing i Antwernl:"" n'a clna on commission.. VLondon He esked for I J.800. t THREE BULLETS. INTO .If 7 c YEGGJIAN'S VICT 131 ' . ...I ..' - - ; .' ("n-rlaf Ptaaatrb to The JoarnaLt Spokane. Seni. 19. Party Nordonoff. a Bulgarian, was shot three times In a box car la Montana last, nlaht by a yeggmsn. The yens-man came In the ear, held up Nordonoff and ahot him ln the arm. .Later he same back and shot Tbyra, Nor. aa . . . . . . Vancouver. B. C Knight or tna l nistia nr. ss..isn Fran. King George, Br. sa. ...Bun Franclsoo Xa Boerte ta Batlast as Xwaaa O reim port Crawford. Br. ah.. Callao River Falloch. Br. bk Callao Oregon, Oer. sh Tokohama r-L, r.lithM-li. a-e v. w . V . ' . . a .. .. . 1 imvil.lll. Merechal de Noaliles, Fr. hk.West coast was brought to Spokane lis may live. COME BACK, CHIEF; RECEIVE YOUR PLANET , aaaiaa. Found One far- tin star, beating the otneward Boond, Am. hk Vanc'r r. B. C I Inecription, "Chief of Police. Ashland. Fr. bk. Newcastle, N. a w. I Or. ..sVanta Rosalia If the Ashland chief wants bis star Sainte Anne, Lydtrat. Br. bk... Fuilr. Ft. bk Antwerp j a rain he can get It et the police station, Crtilon. Fr. bk.. ..'..... .Antwera I for It was found lying oa the street ye- ufnfn,, n -im. g Km va.i,,fiiMn iwruaj vr a pQurrmu. leon isiBTTi. rr. ca. ..Heeart -lk ,.....Fteia PERSONALS Finland. Roe sh. .......... .Ouarequfl MarHalene, Oer. bk. . . . . . ..Araqu.ee I Aievana.r inoerf. uer. ba. .Ilonoiuis Thfere. .Fr. bk Ielfat reneral Fer. Fr. bk '.Hnhert r-'arrlia Fr. bk. Saa Franeleee yeetar. Br. ea ....... ... .Valpera tee reaair. Tnn. it. aa.... mtn .aw . . . - Archibald. Gray, eas!ttant frelet srent f the Greet Northern at S-eattle was la Fort land yeatenlar at. Caiiae terxlins te awme matters ef routine bu.l. -mm r"n--iM wua tra f.reat !!iwth. V auersoa are lcattesda r r .. .. . .. V