The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 19, 1908, Page 16, Image 16

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Hostilities Ended for Time Enthusiastic Rally at Monta
bv Federal Injunction Tilla Concluded by Urpan
Warden McAllister Meets
izing Bryan-Kern Club-
- J
New Difficulties in De
Continue Bi-Wcckly Meet
termining Dividing Line.
ings Until November.
I I.
tTntll Ssoteinber II. when the court Democrats of Montavllla did .thsm-
wlll Issue further orders, hoetllltlea be-1 Mlvea proud last night at the rally held
i.M. tha Oreron fiah authorities and I In tba I. O, O. P. halL Not only waa tba
tba Wajihlnf ttn flabarman are at an and. I ball crowded to bear tba addresses made , a. temoorarr restraining oroar Dr National Committeeman M. a. mh-
taaued fee United Statea Judge Gilbert her and Candidate for Prealdantlal Else
yesterday. Tha order restrains man
Cardan McAllister from enioroina ins
Onion nshlne lawa alone tha Washlng-
tCrAhnt:tO tha " latest deralopniania
fisherman alon .tha Columbia on tha
Onion aide who bava teen l eworo. a lary.
- - . ' ... . a aw W MBJiAa I 1 ( . ..... . .
coin is will) in XaiHaiar u w-iuc v raiij ana ciud mteiinr in two wetti at
1 K.wa.l.a..n haft htl I aukUI. .till m a Ixak a a .,(11 ki .4.UJ
i tt iiiv II Bkiil Miui v MiriiiuciB W 1 11 tw aiiunu
tor K. H. J. McAlllatar. but at tha close
of tha addraaaea a Bryan and Kern I
club waa organised with a Urge mem-bershlo.
E. 11. Morelock waa elected prealdent
of tha new olub and 8. T. Oaburn aerre-
lary. . It waa decided to hold another
...r.i araaka becauaa ha nas
deavored to uphold tha - law. are now
threatening . to move their .traps ana
other belongings to tha Washington side
of tha stream, mere ara no
in "Vahlnton and owing to this fact
tha fiehermen ara contemplating making
the move. . With tba Issuance of tha
order by- a federal judge tba oueauon
k.nJ.r. KaiwMs Ore son and Mash.
s- Abb It nfllV attl imiffl
nary lln Fish Warden MoAlll.ter will
enforce tha Oregon laws onine souia
nary lln
-i..- - . v. .i. nf the river.
Henry e. Mcuowtn nuu .
to tha already large membership roll.
The bi-weekly meetlna-a will be con
tinued throughout the campaign and the I
ciuo wilt oecome ona or the most active I
political organizations in the county.
it waa snown at tna meeting or laatl
night that there Is a very strong Bryan
sentiment In the Montavllla district and
the assertion waa made by the speakers
from that district that election day
would show a stronger Democratia vote
in mat district than naa been recorded
for several elections past Montavllla
Is the noma of large numbers of work-
Malted Barley is digested food.
also an aid to sleep,
why- the doctor says
Beer quiets' the
There is only 3 per cent.
Hops are a tonic
That's what you get in beer. ' That's
drink beer" when one lacks vitality.
nerves, not because of the alcohol.
of that. But because of tKe
jici.., . , i ib mi num. oi large numoers or work-
Washington are the "Jl n'ni! Jngmen and tha Bryan and Kern ten
In the two cases, in which tne master denole( of r.BdenU are very Era.
warden and his deputies ara msde V" " - 'u
defendants. -The order Issued yesterday
la in effect until Septemtur -wnn
lawa win d. vw
nounce.d and growing more ao aa the in
terest in the campaign increases.
the Oregon
,TaI Clntni MMrfL
The restraining order waa . Issued
after, a conference yesterday between
1 . Atkinson ai
. ford of Washington end Oregon rejpect
nrt K. C. McDonald. Mr. Atkin-
Th nneatlon was dls
cussed some time with the final result
V that ft was decided asa lor huoim
Interference. .v.-ir V",.. , - ..
Ueans Bapaal of Xaw.
rTh nr.nt riiffifiultT over the in
laws win. Master Fish, warden McAiii.- Monthly Dinner of Business
ter believes, result In the repeal at Inn I
, next session of tha legislatures oi ure-
gon and wasnmgion or me imiimn
'. " of both the states and the enactment or
new and harmonious laws. Master Fish
Warden McAllister stated this morning
that he was in toucn wun -uovernor
Y'""X " V T iWtnt fconm f "W have done much. Let us do
slon by both the states, consisting of more" waa the alogan extended to the
, ten men from Oregon and the same members of the East Bide Business
!i&iiKSX.t,3L Men'.. club at their monthly smoker last
' laws which will not be conflicting, as 1 night by President Bigelow. Mr. BIga
the present laws are, and rhicn will Mow's talk came near the end of an In
ce or oenerit noi oniy i ." I terentlng program and in It was re
to the fishermen. ' - ' i. , fleeted the spirit which had prevailed
Mr, McAllister says that he thinks throughout the evening's talk. Mr.
there should be on this Commiss on Bigelow pointed out all that the club
representatives of the seiners, the gill- bad done in Its two years of existence
naiiers. inn canucryYimii, mo onu vui- ior mt good or me ast sine ana in
age men and all the other brancnea or I closing, urged the members to keep to
the fishing Industry. He would be a the work In hand and that all work to
memoer ;, mmseii, lor viregon, ana ino
master fish warden pi washingtoii
Club Prolific of Trade
Getting Ideas.
hops, for hops are. soporific.
A bottle of Schlitz at bedtime induces sleep.
In every way the drinking of beer is good for you, pro
viding the beer is pure. It is only the wrong beer that leads
to bad after effects and to biliousness.
Schlitz beer is pure. We spend more on purity than on
all other costs of our brewing. Even the air that cools it is
filtered. And every bottle is sterilized.
There is all the good of beer, and none of the harm,
in Schlitz.
wnnlil rem-enant his state.
The Issuance of the restraining order
last , night enjoining tha warden from
enforcing the Oregon fishing laws on
the Washington side of the river com
ollcatea the situation even more than
v before, he says. It Is going to be al
most Impossible to determine what is
the dividing line.
' Did Duty, But Twaa Sard Wort.
"The only thing I can do, he said,
"Is to take the channel of the river as
the dividing line. ' But In some places
tne cnannei naa cnangea so it is hard
to tell where it Is. I guess I'll have to
be a mermaid and go to the bottom of
the river to find out. I have given my
deputies instructions not to molest any
body wno is risning on the Washington
siae or tne river, Dut ir tney catch any
body on this side, to arrest him at once.
"The worst part of the situation Is
that the Oregon men can go over to the
Washington side and fish, for Washing
ton recognizes an Oregon license. And
the end of a bigger, better and more
om Richardson, manager of the Com-
important east side.
xom Kichardson. manag
merclal club, was the chief speaker of
they can. bring their fish back to this J"' "i1",'."1 lit"u.
i . ' . . Vi am I Pkniu in . 1 1 a Htiivu wuivn it n m
the evening. Mr: Richardson spoke on
tne topm or "Portland and the East
Bide," and In the course of his talk out
lined to the members what he thought
would be the best Dlan for them to
follow In building up the east side.
"Advertise, teach people the habit of
buying on the east side, get the habit
yourselves and do not forget that in
teaching people to buy on the east side
you ara not hurting the west side, but
only broadening and enhancing the
amount of business done in the city
of Portland.
"Habit is everything. People do not
buy what they want or where they
want but only where they are urged to
buy and what they are urged to buy,"
was tne uoiicy urged upon the mem
bers of the club. Mr. Richardson told
a great deal too about Portland In his
speech, which waa new to the members
of the club. Me pointed out that Ore
gon and Portland especially, was the
Ash for the Brevity BottUng.
Common beer is sometimes substituted for Schlitt. '
To avoid being imposed upon, see that the cork or crown is branded Schlits,
jPEbne Main 2779
Sherwood & Sherwood
8 Front St., S. E. cor. Ankeny St.
The BeerThat Made Milwaukee Famous
"But I'm mlahtlv aiad that T have
oeen -tied up witn a restraining order. I
reel as ir a thousand pounds had been
lifted off my shoulders, for I waa hav
ing a pretty strenuous time of it. Now
l can't do, anything until September 28
wiien ino -injunction oomea on zor
bearing." .
ina to be in readiness for the open
of the Seattle fair and of the good work
which the Ore iron representatives were
doing at Seattle.
With the conclusion of Mr. Richard
son s talk, a program -consisting- of
boxing and wrestling matches, singing
oy two colored UDiiee singers and talks
by different members of the club was
given. Cigars and good Oregon cider
were passed around and the evening
passed In getting acquainted. Elmer
Vinson took two out of three' falls from
hla brother, Willis, in the wrestling
and Joe . sax won rrom his
- ' In Seventh Mississippi.
Natchea, Miss., Sept 18. Tha second
primary to determine the Democ ratio
nominee for oongreas In the Seventh " r.-I.
71 lV.v -t . "-iprotner, iranK. in tne Doxina
V! ?r"f wua . '".. Thursday, October 8, Is to ba east
ing to the close margin separating; the side day at the Greaham Orange fair
two leading; candidates in the first pri- and the members of the club together
"'-' v.uiiuw dun, xj. witn tneir rrienaa ana relatives expect
Webb of Macomb City, and William A. to make a day of It. Arrangements
c.vr ! lCiu" juo. do id tne i nave Deen made witn tne foruand Kaii-
puuuo iniireai in me contest tns con
sideratj.e, money baa been wagered
Committee Eecommends An
Ordinance to Bar Out
Warren Company.
the result.
way, Light A Power .company for spe
cial cars to carry tha club to Gr.sham.
leaving East Water and Morrison at
1 o'clock. The grounds have been turned
over to the club for that day and a spe
cial program of athletic events has been
Headache, rheumatism,
neuralgia, or pains of any
nature weaken the sys
temthey are a strain up
" on the nerves. Almost
instant relief can be ob
. tainedbv taking Dr. Miles
Anti-Pajn Pills, and with
out any oadr after-effects.
. Take one on first indica
tion of an attack it will
ward it off. They are a
r pleasant little tablet, sold
. by druggists everywhere,
25 doses 25 " cents;
never sold in bulk.
7 was Mb) to constant head
rhm tor a period of four years. At
tlroea I waa almost unfitted for the
work la whkJt 1 mrn engaged, that of
station aa-eot. Thrvish tha adrlr
of a f"nd I trlid Ijt. MlW Antl
Paln PUJs. aad tbe resait baa kwa
that I have nttmy eraalratad rav
anient of tba. fonttnoeoa turarlarhie
f-at fcidow a noeltnaej mental at rata.
, TNey have doee for nt. ail that ta
c'aBed for tbmak."
rx u v9mx
Art C A X. W Rr, Battle CreeaTU.
"I rav tawd Dr. MW Anti-Pala
r" fir a rear aw for Mun lana
t f. r! tirrm is tMMhtng 11k. thrrm.
iT iT'r ha- tvn a b'','. t
aaa4 - -MX-. H. 1. HAXll.ToK.
L'rper AJuss. lhm
Vew- 7t le 0. "" Ae
fXita, 0-4 w. jx bhw te
rrvm - ann - pmaktf aW
If (t a tWt rim.
UZcs IZ cllca Co, Ckhtrt. lad
The funeral aervices for Mrs. Hannah
Mason, widow of tha late Mayor W. S.
Maaon of thla city, were held this after
noon at her home, 651 Irving street
wnere sne nad lived for about 25 years.
jura, nunn waa a native nr iinon
England. She came to thla country
wnen a airi ann mumpn Mr lMtriintr
a banker of Napa, Cal. After his death
an. waa married to w. 8. Mason and
tney came to Portland to mik. th
When the Portland National bank waa
overtaken by the financial panic of
ltvi. M r. and Mra. Maaon turned nvmr
their very comfortable fortune to pay
the depositors of tha Institution Thla
action lert Mr. Mason with practical Iv
no funds, and Mrs. Mason had left but a
small part of her fortune. Mr. Mason
died about 19 years ago. Th. couple
"o cmiaren. ana so rar as Known
Mra. Maaon bad no relatives In thla
country, bn. naa been under th. con
stant care of her -physician and two
nurses tor many yeara Sh. passed
away without Buffering, at tha age of
The funeral waa conducted h W TT
Phelpe, asalatant pa tor of tha First
Presbyterian church, of which Mra
Mason Was a member. The remalne will
be cremated, and later, the aahea will
be interred with those of her husband at
ui jaaaonic cemetery. Baa VTaoctaco.
A meeting nf democratic voters la
acnaouied for Unt, on Wednesday mil
ApTHcmtln4a has beam made to the mmaty
i rai rnminitte. I or a rally to be held
Jt that place and o Wednesday night
Karknal Cemmltf maM H. A. Miller
nd E. S. J. McAlll.ter, necnacratle eaa
dtdate for president lal tector. toa-vtser
wit a other wll-nwa Lraocrattc
peak a. will soaks exldre a tbre. At
tae cKne f tKe nrh-anaklBg a Brraa
ad Kern -lse win fc orrulwl the
rTerta fmm Lrta Indicate that tWre
waaHH( tatterMt In tha Lenta
C'MrVt n rwhaJf of lb Pryaa and
kera raaxpalrai. awl ta evr-4 that
V?1" "T" a tlok r-r-
r -- ari aar. a large an 4 active
By a vote of five to two, the street
committee of the city council yesterday
recommended for passage the Kellaher
resolution which will eliminate the War
ren Construction company from doing
business In Portland. Councilman Kel
laher has been leading the fight against
the company's patented bltullthlc pave
ment, which he declared to be a patent
ed process, and which the city has no
right to lay because of the charter pro
vision forbidding the uss of patented ar
ticles which eliminate competitive bld-
'cottncilmen Kellaher, Cottel, Vaughn,
Wallace and Rushlight voted for the
resolution, while Drlseoll and Concannon
voted agalnat it. The resolution pro
vides for the repeal of sections 21 and
SS of ordinance No. 14.253, an ordinance
I "
In relation to the improvement of
The surprising strength shown by
Kellaher at yesterday's meeting means
that the Warren company will have to
maxe tne strongest Kind oi a. ngnt in
the council next Wednesday If it wishes
to retain Its privilege of paving streets
within the city. Inasmuch as only
three more votes will be necessary to
pass the resolution It begins to look as
though Kellaher would win his fight.
He claims that the company Is using a
patented process which prohibits other
fersons or corporations from competing
n the work of Installing bitullthlc pave
ments. He claims that his only desire
is to force the company to engage in
Kellaher also contends that the as
phalt and Haasam pavements are pat
ented processes, which are being laid in
violation of the charter, and that they.
too, win nave to go.
Kellaher stated yesterday that If any
property owner who had been assessed
zor a bltullthlc pavement prot
sued for the recovery of hi
rotested and
his money
that the citv could be held llama be
cause the charter expressly forbids the
laving or patented pavements, which
lminates competition.
Cheap Kates.
The Canadian Pacific is making cheap
colonist rates from the east to Pacific
coast points. Tickets can be nrenaid.
For rates and full particulars, apply at
local office. 142 Third street
First Annual Pacific National T.lva.
H, 25. 26, at the Portland Country Club
ground a
ry 9
i ftp y
Butter-Nut Bread
Silver Thimbles
and Premiums
E. Nuf Sed
zroHB GBiroira
X in
IVOTP H thimbla yon find don't fit bring 1 to tba offloe and
' hare It exchanrd when yon, come to ret your p rami urn.
Twelve to Fourteen Page
of Beautiful Photographic
Reproductions Gathered
by Tbo Journal' Corre
spondents at heavy expeme
Page 1 -An Exquisite Paris
ian Evening Gown.
Page 2 A Variety cf Win
ter Hats.
Page 8 Parisian Gowns for
Autumn Wear; Neckwear
of Lace.
Page 4 N e w Lines in
French Evening Gowns;
Winter Fashions in Hair
dressing. .
Page 8 Peignoirs' and Neg
ligees from Paris.
Page 6 Afternoon and Re
ception Gowns from Paris.
Page 7 The New Carlier
Page 8 T h e a t r e Wraps .
from Paris.
Page 9 -What Paris Says
About Winter Furs.
Page 10 American Adapta
tions of French Ideas. '
Page 11 What American
Children Will Wear This
Autumn and Winter,
Page 12r Tailored Suits for
Winter; The Latest in
Page 13 New Styles in
Men's Clothes and Hats.
And hundreds of suggestions
that will prove of mestima-
ble value to our . women
To those who are not reg-.
ular subscribers- we suggest
that they place their order at
once with any news dealer,
carrier boy or write or phone "
direct to The Journal.
ThePrice of This Big
72-Page SundayJour
nal is 5 Cents Only
Don't Forget the Date
Sunday, Sept. 20th
Do not take chances on it wearing away or experiment with some unknown preparation
which may leave the bronchial tubes and lungs weakened and susceptible to attack from
the germs of Pneumenia or Consumption. -
aaaaaaaiaW tm 0r aA v W WKSKUA
not only stops thecougi but heals and strengthens the . lungs and prevents serious results
from a cold. Contains no opiates. ' .
Bo Star You Get Foley's
There axe enbttitstea made to aeD oes the rood aame of Foley
r Hon eyr mad Tr. Beware of tieaa. Ve shoo Id hare coeSdeace
t la o'coech care that has teea sold -with enircrsaJ aatiafacUoo for
i thlrty-e yeera. The (eniM Foley t Boney mud Tr U la
yellow Packaft. See that ya et It.
- V A Bother TetUflet
Thla la to certify that my daughter waa dowa tor almost ce year
with a cold. The doctors tasMj proooaoced it comamptioa. We had
riree ep hope.for her recorerr. I wm (ires a sample bottle of Foley's
Keeary aad Tar. , I rave it afl to her ia a boot three hoars. It stopped
the cooth.aad rare her rest. I eeat Beat day aad bocrbt a 50c bottle
aad beg aa fmo( it. la three nonth'e time abe waa weO. There caa
aot be toe aiach said la favor of Foley's Hooey aad Tar. tt eared ay
chiid'a Lie. - Mrs. George Bateoa, Foeataia Crore. Uo.
Throe eua-25c, 50c aad 1.00. The 50-crnt eise eovtaiBa two aad oae-baU tiaea aa xanch aa the aau3 aiee
V aad the J1.00 bottle almost aim times ea tnodu
$10.00 SET OF
Wrtrttj Oaaraaeae fee 10 Tsars.
CBOWIt Any tooth In lbs sooutfe
s crown wua S0114 gold. sin.
KaVrlr1. . AI. .154.00
Aar Porrslaln Crowe asaiJa ao mat
ter wnat tnry are rsuaa or rww
BJ3Oie 8oll Oold Top. OolM
Ooia Boras, porcelain K nn
Frt. lr tawth
Bolla Oold Te(H. . 12k. ej ofl
bfMf. Mf tooth V
AH Otir amrlr ar- r-rTr-
tnatc4r. rimiu ixmonoi
Fraa wtn hih or Hriias are
Order! aVkoolato aVaaraataia.
Taumn avaro cover mzm
For I a. so. It I iv n.
rkM A lllt OpM laMm