THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER ? 1?, 1008. 13 FOR RENT HOL'SEKEEPLNa 8 URnK, 1. 1 OUT ROOMS, nicely furiilahd:runnlnf; water. 401 Alder FOR RENT HOUSES ia stores and-offices II rOR HUNT ALL OH PART Of UOD arn -aiory lru building ;tfpir (lour contains a. rooms; ground riuur stores; localaj )rna ave. and Belmont (., on Mock south or K. Morrison. Ap ply 1'iiiitio uoininr l , IMl H at. and baement brick atore bid;., 100s 1(5, H. K corner Front and pine at a.; also large dock 'In rear, 100x200. Ap- (,.V,a,W kM ply to O. A. Dolph, COllNEK 10TH AND HARRISON STM., 11 rooms , , ,$76 11 K. loth at., 10 room a 2 8$ K Morrlaon. I rooms w 41a K. Ui. a rooms II 445 K touch. 1 rooms 1 11(1 Atlantic St, I rooms, modern.. Ill m0tit.rn roomi abova, yard, ! barn. ' Tne Dunn-Lawrence to. til Aldar Bt. wiiEd t6u" movhTVoO aLw"a n Mm furnltiir. Iiuy'at no-rDl or.ot: tb Tlnt W,r.".SS ouV building! occupy If EXT-MISCKLLANEOU8 83 av k l . .ll..t at kalanAat 1 """'e " asaaasa--.a-a-sa-s ' r.WAA Bureau TKirrirwrtT.Wnv 4.ROO! -.". """T'i" 'ou anyioing o . . rtnt envwnerer on carlina in MontavlHa; buainea loca tion. riain tin, fl sWOPhTSKi AND DESKROOM. $01 104' 8 wetland bids.. th a.nd Washing Ion. " rr , i ,, i rssaaeaa o Tnu want in rani. PelaV V nr O R. 1 N cV.bopV hoJc . houk'.eplng suits, fur-u-ami .ill t mnm ntar houMi suit. r,,hd Prtt or houas of sny kind. Would sail tiis S-room new nouaa, I vva ha va i h. haat Umt i ih. ,, uh able for roomara. boarder, or a. fins M ',?.?" J 'i I . i.ihvwiwi ok . acn piaoet. ait WANTED MISCELLANEOUS 8 home: fok children. -A woman of 10. living at Willamette. Or., having a nice Christian home, would Ilka to take one to three chtldun to car for. V. T.-70I. Journal. wanted a Hums hit A MARRIED employed - woman, and baby t year etiu, wnra iu win nave gooa. Oar during the 1ny. Phone Main 80, BUSINESS CARDS 48 O. K. FURNITURE CO. WANTS IS.006 worth eeoond-hand furniture; pay highest caah price, phone F,aat 46157 wilLay wore than dealer for your second-hand furniture. Call Kaat 1100. ' EXCHANGE mso. 25 I Ira or earn nlana Swetland bids:., Main 1810. A-1161. PIANOS FOR RENT. II UP: FULL amount or rant to apply in cans you lintna filrtiMra, aleetrlclt V. ga. For"Trent5iTterm of l year at f It n.p iWnnlli. alaa-ant 8-TOOm IllOd- stU 5 block. Montllla cV"on 'GHoiSi I.ln rn.ri rall nwnar. 147 Broad C 1 , , Montavllla. phone Tabor I WANTED ROOM AND BOARD 89 VAB tjtM KICW. . TEN.ROUM. furnlahed nouaa, on vTerion. jw- i iuun ornjvu iiuuknt 'wants sponsible tenant without , ctuiaren. Aa-i ooara and room vicinity Williams dreaa X-184, Journal. ; I Kussell; sut prices. Address T- t-ROtM MObKRN Ci'6fTAatt. t8lk-.". Journal able nslnDornooa: sew ivy mi rent 116. Fhone East bob. It-IUf umn-RN K ROOM HOUSE, d. litn ana rm sis. rno i v olh. a two-tun rUATrvKw HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC. 18 C-1110. PL'rf . waon. tiaad 4-ROOM HOUSE F6n RENT. 4 BLK8. Wollsrs. est ays. . fromlteel bridge. Call at 166 WheWer. coin St.. near Reaervolr. two months, O, and ii, Urr M EARLY NEW MODERN ROOM '.lattWlw jn x Inoludlnr water. 7Su Qantsnbsln vsu ? pounds. Call or addreas 876 E. Tay. phons Woodlawn T. I izL: aoor mm. jlS 6TH " 8T . 6 ROOM COTTAGE; I HORSES AND BUOOIE8 FOR RENT - yard, no bath, til per month. . Inoulra . by day, weak and month: apeolal rates 471 Alder . " ousinoss nousss. m and UawtBorna. rl ' '1:. .... nArtu ' fAKirfe East Tl. , , , ., ...... v nouaa. bic location, corner, si. re-i "y""1. " . . -. . aaa. niirvv i . 1 1 w n & j ' .vvw mont at Phone Main 6891. month. Mrs. is. Mveyrsn, Arcner piaoe, ana eounu. da. ' I at bus Hawthorne ave. FOR RENT-4-R66M H6u6fc ASD H9"6? FOR BALE. $25. INQUIRE 326 ' httn inzo cmmireiAi it no. room nu Ttor IB. iia RELLWOOn ST.. 4 ROOM BEAUTI- ful houas; gaa for cooking, llg;htlns and heating: bathroom, nic iawa, if. Vlttenrer. 24fiU Morrison. SUBURBAN HOME. GOOD BUILD- Ings, cloas to car, leass to rlfc-nt party. . R. Buetlkafer. 165 Salmon st Cheap rent. Main 4B8. FOR RENT A MODERN1 -ROOM house, 697 Gantenbein, bet. Bel wood and Stanton. GENUINE FOR RENT ADS COST only 1 cent a word. Inaertlone for the pries of 1. OtOOM COTTAGE, 668 BELMONT; walking distance. Call 858 E. Alder. Kast 6085. Rent 812. ; I7.B0 4-ROOM COTTAGE. 885 E. 14th. Inquire by phone; East 8400. FOR RENT COTTAGE, 601 Harrison I st; rent $12.. Inquire E. H. Cahalln, room S27 Chajnber of Commerce. Knowles ave.. Arbor HEAVY TEAM, HARNESS AND NEW wagon, Z6U; only 1150 to handls thla. Phone Sellwood 928. 1182 Colgate st FOR SALE LIVESTOCK 35 TOUR OLD PIANO OR ORGAN TAK sn In exrhangs for any new piano in our stock for Its full value. Ellara Piano House. ' FO r5aLTbTo r RADfl F6tt i.tJt6M6- bile, my 10 and 10-room corner room. Ins houaes. lit 12th. Cooks 1 b6uoUt. 86Lb and e- ohana-sd. Bonk sscbanga, 141 tth at, oppoalta poatofflce CLEAN TOWEL DAILY COMB, bruah. soap, 41 per month. Portland Laundry 4k Towel tlupply Co, $ln nJ t'oui-heta. Phone 410; ITowEj DA VI sampan VY"lo Id erf. Blank booka m'f'C aats for Jones' snipmveq XKee-lar loo gar a; u new n.iireka leaf. A-II8S. Main i V AlUt EN:6Nfif IIUCT iON Street paving, sidewalks and cross Inge. 114 Lumber Exchange. adoTph a. t e k Um. "i i rtTRS7TfZ carries a full and complete assort Went of butchers auppllea, TrNOFIN(3r0TTERTNrar ..pairing and ganaral lobbing. J. Ill Jefferson st Paclflo 1414. "RE JoslL t nOUSEITOLD NEEDS 48 Pinl Kmmsrer coal, the best Wiora vuu log coal; gives mora beat and leas asn. tnurcniey Bros., l$th snd Marsnaii sis, fnonos Main III. A-I811 lri flrPflTn M"k and Cream, qu; tACaiH xiblna Creamery Co. E. HJCArff a, rh. Tllffi PIONEER , Palnf Co Window glaaa and ! mg, 1 First st Phons 1184. F. PFrUGEiCnNOTARY PUBLia eommlsaioner of deeda IJsutsches nntsrlwt, R. 14 M u I ky bid g. 1J and Mor. CHA8. L. MABTlJK A CO. 14 Front, leather of -very description, tap mire, ringings. THKJ. KL OlLL C6 STAflONERS, bookaallira. .f Ina nntf Ittara. ena-lneers drau g h tmen's su pp Ilea 111 Id cor. AJder. LAWYERS" ARSTRACT A TRUST UO. M. 640, A-4221. room 1. Board of Traae Winwa O'Mallsy and Nau barter. Ill tfliica-vvsah. Choice wines, liquors ana cigars. Looi ior our cur-rats sals. Vree delivery. Phone Main 1194. PERSON AIj ZZ DONNERBERO ft RADEMACHER. piumhers, 801 Burnalde. Main JAB. Mcl. WOOD & CO.. ALL KINDH 0' .Insurance, surety bonds. McKay bldg. THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING CO. Portland offh-e. KELT 404 Worceater hldg. OS il I'VJOl.r. I , ino jo,., . . . land's lesdlng marble and granite wks. BLUEPRINTS A FINE? HOL8TEIN AND JERSEY cow: freah: munt he anlil innni-.i 621 Hlbbord st U. V. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 34 OLD VIOLINS BOUGHT AND SOLD, first-class repairing of violin, manrio. llns and guitars done with nromnln.,. Call or address L. Winters. 318 Tllford bldg., 10th and Morrison nts. WIDOW VISHE8 TO DISPOSE OF "X splendid $600 piano; nearly new: at a big reduction; terms if desired. Call after 6 p. m. 449 10th st. . .-We tore All diseases both acute and ehronlo of the eye. oar. noes, throat, lungs. heart, kidneys, bladder, brain, stomach, catarrh, rheumatism, goitre. Indigestion. constipation. All skin diseases prompt ly cured. All private and wasting d I il ea ana promptly cured and their effects Eermanently removed from the system, ilseaaes of women a specialty. Consul tation tree ana strictly conriuenimi. Columbia Sanitarium, offloos 16-35, en trance room 22, Raleigh bldg., tth and Washington ats., Portland. Or. LADIES "DR. SOUTHINGTON" Pos itively guarantees his concentrated Semi-Vegetable Ergo-Kolo , "Monthly" Compound. Safely relieves some of the longest most obstinate abnormal cases In three to flvs days. No harm, pain or Interference with work. Price, 11.60. Double strength, $2. "Ladles' Booklet" Free. Buy of druggist or write Dr. Southlngton Remedy Co., Dept. 40, Kan sas City. Mo. ; THE GLENCOE SANITARIUM. Lo cated at 364 Montgomery st. AH mental and nervous diseases treated; the whiskey, morphine, opium and co- i calns habits cured In 48 hours; we , amounts. guarantee no pain or eufferlng; no mon ey until cured and thoroughly satisfied. Call and investigate our method of treatment, the fundamental principle of which is the destruction or mat crav ing which prompts the desire for the drug or stimulant. Phone A-mo. PORTLAND BLUE PRINT CO. SEB us for all classes or blue printing. Room 20, Alnsworth bldg. 3d and Oak. IKX3 AND HORSE HOSPITAL. DR. C K. BROWN'S IKXJ AND HORaK iniipnai, jii n. am st t'nones aisia 4084; A-404j realdenos, Paclfle 140. LtltitOM NNELr4lTliA!s'dnBT: vision sia -.a Dor 118. Igs boar dad. DKICMS.UAKIXO KEISTER'S. LADIES', TAILORING collage, ids tuearns bldg. Ladies, save dressmaker'a bills; make yourowo i''wn. iiara. nam reasonaPia L it tM BMA K.NO AT 1 1 OM E: "TnlfE reaaonabla .Mra P. W. Bwetnsjn, lu EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES C R. Hansen. Jr. EMPLOYMENT OFFICES. Men, 24 N Id. Main 161. Women. I4$H Waah st Main 1(91. Help supplied free to emnlovera p7rtCand EMPLOYMENT 6F,FT7y I St.... Phone Paclflo 219 rnon Paclflo 1100 Japan esk and Chinese emp AQCf aiv unvii si. Main not. ' ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES PACIFIC ELECTRIC ENGINEERING co. Motors tor aals or rent; wiring no supplies, 11 za al. ELECTROLYSIS MOLES, WRINKLES, SUPERFLUOUS nair removed. Mrs. Hill. 330 Fleldner. GASOLINE ENGINES BATHS TEMPLE OF HEALTH. TURKISH. Russian. Dlaln and electric baths cure rheumatism snd nervous dlsesses; open day and night 16H Auer st . UICVCIJ. REPAIRING. APEX BICYCLE CO.. BUY. SELL. EX change, repair, manufacture motor cycles and bicycles. 126 12th st. THE HUMMER BICYCL, al 'and gasoline rr ones: key-ntting. CYCLJK. ELECTRIC rpaliOg and sun 836 efark. M. 7061. COAL AND WOOD 40 FOR SALE 148 CORDS DRY FIR wood. 2 miles from 8. P. R. H.. $1.60 cord, west aldo. 812 Falling bldg. STATIONARY AND MARINE; ELEC- . nuinn.Hu, ,uiii;iia, Kcreaaories; wholesale and retail; engine repairing. rtamrauo manninery v:o.( ia Morrison. HOTELS EUROPEAN HOTEL PORTLAND, plan only: 11. $6 dav. BOTKL OREGON, EUROPEAN PLAN. BELVEDERE. European; 4tb and Aldar. UVERV AND SALES STABLES. 1906 STAELE8, HACKS. LIVERY, boarding and aale: furniture movins: 123 Union av.: East 1682: night ohona Main 3044. W. a. Heaslan. Prop. LOCKSMITH WE MAKE KEYS. REPAIR LOCKS, sharpen knives, scissors, all kinds of feneral repairing; bicycles a specialty. 89 Morrison st MANICURING AND MASSAGE 45 V. D. SMITH DELIVERS FIR WOOD direct from cars to you; al: wood A No. 1. out of bis live trees, first growth. thick bark: special prices In large Phone Main 5683; A-5686. YORK BAND INSTRUMENT AND MU- sic nouse: repairing. 88 H 3d st FURNISHED HOUSES 6-ROOM MODERN FURNISHED , house, $25 per month. Phone Wood lawn 1799. WANTED s-PASSENGER AUTO IN sooa conaition; will exchange war LADIES DR. SANDERSON S COTTON Root Pills will "do the work" when all others fall: they always "bring results" 3,000 boxes sold last year; every box bears the government stamp and Is guaranteed: Driee 12. or 1 boxes for lu. T. J. Pierce, 612 Gerllnger bldg., corner 2d and AWer sts. - Men Curea HOUSES FOR RENT, FURNITURE FOR SALE f-ni nfdJntr e,,nproved Quickly and permanently; modern dec wa.hwi aaaH.. tZS1? ?0""ty. trie treatment for disease of the pros Washington. Address Box 406, Lennox !t,t. in nervous dehllitv. Piles cured 32 FINE FURNITURE, 10 ROOMS, 3D at, close in; snap, $660. 9-room house, Tth at. 7 rooms well furnished: only $660; A little peach, nice furniture, 6-room flat, swell neighborhood; $450. Mrs. Koontz. 24 Stark st 7-ROOM HOUS"E FOR RENT1- 928 E. 14th north. $11. PER Furniture month, for sale. FOR SALE-1 FURNITURE OF o-ROOM cottage, $225; rent $17; walking dis tance 87 O. 11th st, bet Stark and Wash. 7-ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT. FURNI- I'hone ture for sale on eay terms. t B-13S8. c-os, Journal. - GENUINE FOR RENT ADS COST only 1 cent a word, S Insertions for the price of 8. . IF YOU REALLY WANT TO SELI the Portland Auction Co. will pay you an ii b worm, main sooo; a-ii. norei. NEW ANT5 SECOND about from $200 to $575 Tonrlno cib j.ruin iibu lu fw.vuu. All in A -1 condition. Phone B-2261; East 614. or can no urana ave., corner K. Aider Lennox i tate and nervou debility. Piles cured l without operation or pain. Consultation HAND RUN-1 free. W. I. Howard, M. D.. 304-6 Roth- BU1CK RUNABOUT, 1908 MACHINE model 10, agents demonstrator, run about 150 miles; first-class condition: will make attractive price. P. O. Box pvo, inn uaiies. jr. If OR SNAPS ON SECOND-HAND AU- tomoblles, call on Portland Motor Car Co.. 626 Alder. Main 2583. A-4944. AUTOMOBILE AND MARINE GAS EN glnes repaired. James D. Fall. 244 2d. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 child bldg., 4th and Washington. DESIRABLE COMPANY FOUND FOR lonely people or etrangers, either aex: 600 to select from; photos on file; meet ings promptly arranged" by phone with use or, parlors; private place to mall or receive letters; membership $2; register of members, 10c. Portland Introducing Bureau, 513 Gerllnger bldg. STEEL BRIDGE FUEL CO. FOR green and dry slabwood, block wood, cord wood; special price in quantities on 4-ft. cord and slabwood: prompt deliv ery. Phone E. 424, C-1773. YARD DELIVER YAMATO WOOD any place In town. The beat seasoned fir wocd out of big timber, $4 50 to $5. East 818, B-1867 E. th and Main. SOUTH PORTLAND SLABWOOD CO. Main 1689. A-3S43. Blockwood. $4.60; dry Inside wood, $3.60; green slabwcod. $3.00. MISS GRACE SHERMAN, NEWLY opened, massage parlors. 361 H Mor rison, suite 4, REAL' ESjATE ,BI1ECT0KY RFJAL FBTATB AND TIMPKR DF. ALERS ' AT.ritAnmCAT.t.T AltRANQKD FOR 1MB CONVENIENCE Of JOURNAL J By watching- the real estate bargain offered in The Journal by. the leading fealty dealer you can (ecure property at price that will net you: a good profit in a reaionablc rime. Value are going up steadily.'. NAME ADDRESS. TELEPHONB. Adatr. & XX .,.11 Fentoa Old ...... ..Home A-411 Baker,1 A. A. u. ........ ......... .....HI Ablngton Bldg. .....M-74, A-f?S7 Prong-Steele Co. .. .................. 110 Second A, 4k V-I6S Bunker C T. (Llnnton) .114 Chamber of Commerce llutterworth A Stepbeosoa Co. Ia ....$4 Lafayette Bldg, tth A Wasb..U-1529 Clark. O ' K. and Cook. 3, W. .11 Chamber of Com. ., .M-840T, A-IJSl Cook A Co., a S. 607-10 Corbet Bldg ...M-941. A-lltl Chapln A Herlo'sr .....Its Chamber of Commerce. .M-1151 Croaaley Co., The . ... ............ ....70- Corbet t Bldg .....M-7MI, A-6721 Columbia Trust Co. (Wlberg Hatgbts)..T14 Couch Bldg M-S681. A-191 Coast Realty Co. ..........220 Lumber Exchange A-4140 Conklln Broa ....101 Rothchlld Bldg , T-tOt, B-1121 Dunn-Lawrenca Co. , .,.148 Alder ..Main i18. A-t'i Draper, Arthur 8 , Ill tf Washington A-1410. M-117 eaa Land Imp. A Colonisation Co. ..(11 Chamber of Commeroe. .A A M-117S Espey-Metn Realtg Co. Fvcb. F. 7oldschmtdf Agency 1B1U Waahlngtea ....... .,M A A-1081 Ooddard. H. W. .U Second .....A A M-1T41 Hrlbrook Co.. T. B. flrvtngton Park) .. t Worcester Bldg ...........M-I3 Holme A Menefe (Irvingtoo) Third M-600 Hawthorn Realty Co. 1021 Hawthorn ay, oor. 14th. Tabor IK Jackson A Deerlnjr .....14 Stark ...... ........ ....... .M-(4I Jacobs-Stlna Co. 148 Fifth M-ftll. A-1814 (Bell Cre. Berkeley. Dover) KMllngsworth. W. M. Knano AV Mackev ....... Keaaey a Co, a H (Hf lghU Ill Commercial Bldg ..M-ltOt .....tim Morrison .Pae. 11H..A-4011 ......823 Chamber of Commeroe '....M-4B5T ...... 7 Chamber of Commerce. .A A M-loie y Office on Height A-1174 Long, W. H. ....140 Chamber of Commerce. ..Main 1351 Mall A Von Borstal .......104 Second .......A A M-141S Moore Investment Co. ...I11H. Washington A A M-1707 Moffett, L. L. 41$ Lumber Exchange.... A-674I Oreron Real E-tate Co- The Third ........ ...... ....'.V-1T9T O. W. P. Land Co. Immigration Bureau. First and Alder ......... ......M-6411 Ill Com'cla! Club Bldg, M-169. A-1451 Co. 160 Alder M-1444 Ralston. L. O. (Ralston Hgta). American Bank 10 Tth at .....IX. 114 Palmer, H. P. ... Parr'.ah. Watklna ................111 Swetland Bldg ........ .....M-4871 .zo uoroett mat. ........ ......M-aive . 251 Washington ...A A M-305 MISS WELDON, TUB BATHS. MAS- sage, alcohol rubs, electric vioratory treatments. 149 Park St., near Morrison. Sweek fic Chamberlain Sweet. Elnathan nweniwn at .o., A. r. ................ A09 71 ? oou", .wi. .........a Rchallr Run, n 264 Stark ....M-891. A' Schaefer. George J. ...117 Chamber of Com... M-II1S. A-1641 (Coo Bay next) Ppler. J. HL 1081 Union va. N. (Hlghrd) Woodrn It Stevenson Tavlnr ...Ill Buchanan Bldg ......... ...M-125 Star Real Estate Co 1T0H Third .....M-I27C Shields. J. H. C C Hickok 10S Gerllnger Bldg M. S43S MAY ANDREWS GIVES SCALP I treatment and face massage. 236 6th st. Ihone M 7548. Turner, George W. , Thompson A Ogden Word. T. M. Wells A Co.. J. L. ., White. B. F. ..415 Rothchlld Bld.r, A-1011 ..84 Mississippi Ave ....Woodlawn 101 ..418-414 Board of Trade. .A-1641. M-4641 ..30 Chamber of Com. .A-1366. M-4544 ..8- Labbe Bldg. A-1141. M-7234 BLANCHE DORAN, NEWLY OPENED massage parlors, 35Q',4 Morrison St.. suite 2, Milner bldg. MANICURING FOR LADIES AND gentlemen. 343 ft Morrison, room 2. BANKS. 1 IRST NATIONAL BANK. Portland Oregon. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS. $1,600,000. Also wood promptly delivered. Call Main 8767. Foot Currv st. KIRK HOOVER, DEALER IN FIR, oak and ash wood. 313 Water st Phone Main 7451. THE SNOWDEN BATHS. 145V4 6TH at., room 24. Baths, massage and vl- pratory. . laqy attendants. NO INTEREST PAID ON ACCOUNTS. MRS. OBROCK, MASSEUSE. CABINET Dam. sair glow, cream mn.sage; ref erences. 282 Park. Main Z403. A-2734. THE ALBINA FUEL CO., GREEN AND dry slabwood: get cur prices. Phone E. 182. Office Alblna ave. and R. R. st. APARTMENTS 43 DO YOU REALIZE THAT YOU CAN aet an outside, steam-heated, elerrtrl- Itgnted room at the Barton, corner 13th and Alder sts., for $10 up per month? mis nouse is oeing repainted, rena pered and put In first class condition by the new owners; nice large parlor with running in connection. Suites- water. 122.60 to $35. W. L MORGAN 822 FAILING BLDG. Apartments: .Roosevelt, 668 Kearney, near Hat handsome. SDlendidlv located. oioniai, uam-neatea Dldg., Just com pleted, ( room possessing modern con' lington Court, 625 Ejverett, near 15th, THE SHEFFIELD 7TH AND JEFFBR on sts., unfurnished 4-room apart ment with bath; new, modern and fully quippea ior oonvenienoe; rent reason able: location aave carfare. Apply to jniwr. - - THE WALLOWA APARTMENTS, 18ft ana is west i-ark; nicely rurnlshed housekeeping rooms, also furnished rooms;., modern convenience. Phone a-1878. trice reasonable. Linoleum New, imported Inlaid linoleum, usual ly sold at $1.50 a yard; special. 90o a yard. Cook' best linoleum, special at 4c a yard. BRYN MAWR, 186 E. 15TH, CORNER YamhlU; 4 and C rooms, new and con venient; fireplaces, gas range, refrlger- a-iors, screens, snaaes, moaerai rents; war tor oocupanov august io. FOR RENT FLATS IS SUITE OF I ROOMS AND BATH, UN. rurnisned, 88.60 per month; similar uite rurnisned,, h diock to car, walking distance to west side. 151 E. 10th at Phone W. A Hosaack, Main 6426 or Tabor 841. WEST SIDE and Several modern ' flat a - Owner keys 310 Chamber of Commerce. UPPER FLAT, ROOMS, PANTRY, closet, shades, water, $10. 411 Van couver ave. FOR RENT NEW MODERN 5-ROOM riat, e AJeimont et cau 80 Dekum Diag. GKNlViNE FOR', KENT AD ft 063 f . only 1 cent a word, I insertion for tne price or I. 185 E. 1STH. CORNER YAMHILL. 2 room. $15; I rooms, 127.60; 0 replace. screens, gas range, refrigerators, new, convenient llS 4 ROOMS, Axmlnster ,rugs, 9x12 (new) special at $22.60. worth $35. Call 19 Union ave. $ $ I I $ $ $ $ $ I $ $ $ I If you want furniture cheap id i viiq uwiiXAiui, at bub m street. PORTLAND. Retailing at less than wholesale price this week. Don't miss, this sale if you want the goods.. THE DOLLAR, 231 1st 8tM $ 1 $ 1 $ $ $ $ $ 1 $ 1 $ 8 Mrs. J. M. Wood You never take cold after a massage; fre vents, cures; unlike a turklsh bath, t does not weaken; cleanses, purifies, Invigorates. . The most perfect cure for rneumatism ever aiscoverea. a is riiea- ner bldg., 10th and Washington sts. CABPET CLEANING JOYCE BROS.. PROPRIETORS OF THE Electric Cleaning works: carpets cleaned and ?ald. both dry and com pressed air cleaning; carpet-refit cing our specialty; work guaranteed. Phone Mam Z67Z and a-z 6 7 z. no Urant st. STANDARD CARPET CLEAWING COH compressed air arid steam cleaning, mattresses and feathers renovated. East 280, C-1260. MISS ETHEL WARD'S MANICUR- ing and chiropody parlors at 201 3d. MISS GIBBON GIVES SCALP TREAT- ment. -C8H MorrlHOn,-room 62. MUSIC LESSOXS. YOUR EYES MAY NEED ATTENTION for diseased oonnuiona or glasses, we fit glasses right .and treat eyes, ears or catarrh In any form. Impondero-Ther-apv Co.. 608 Merchants' Trust bldg., 326 Washington st. MME. A. A. LUCKEY PSYCHO-MAO-netic and suggestive therapeutics; a full line of electrical appliances, new est and most Improved electrical blan ket All diseases successfully treat, ej. Room 80, 350 Morrison at Main 2011. SANITARY CARPET CLEANING 8UC tlon and compressed air, carpets cleaned on floor. Main 6RS4 and 8200. CONTRACTORS AND II GILDERS. We Buy and Sell Exchange and repair everything. Ex change Furn. House, 108 1st M. 429. fRY A STAR INVERTED GAS LIGHT. burn S hour for a cent. Free trial. 860 E. Morrison st B-2422. Phones. East 839. FOR SALE -'GOOD. DURABLE slightly used Milton upright piano; splendid condition: now onlv 1158: pay ments If desired. Ellers Piano House. LAYTON COOPERAGE CO. ALL kinds or barrel and bottle bought and old. 171 Front Phone Main 8147. -STAR FURNITURE CO.. 394 E. CLAY. New and second hand. Wesave vou money on the goods. Credit if desired. CHEAP, SHOWCASES. DESKS. SAFES,' register, carpets, lurniture. We also exchange gooas. Jfia and ziStt Front at. V. D. SMITH DELIVERS ALL NO. 1 wood direct from cars to you : SDadal prices large amounts. Main 6683. ENGLISH POINTER PUPS FOR sale. 8 months old: old enoua-h fnr fall hunting; pedigree given with each pup; registered stock. IL Enalnger, 16 list st. n-ast 1046. $8.00 SINGER SEWING MACHINE with ail attachments: good runnlnar order. 888 E. Morrison st High Initiate of India; Mediator of Destiny; School of Occult Science. Tells of everythlng-Consultatlon free. 341 Morrison st. h?m wuiTUVifD vnrrp nrsicc;o' or infirmity may be. our specialist for men will give you the proper treatment Irripondero-Therapy Co.. 608 Merchants' Trust bldg., ,826 Washington st GERMAN BOOKS, els. etc.: German. English. Spanish, Swedish and Italian' arleB; . foreign books of all Schmale Co., j!29 lt st ' ' ut k fix tni.a ikitf French, SEE US FIRST. We figure on general contracting, car penters, builder's work. Offlte and store fixtures, also polishing and painting. 245 Davis St., phone Alain 1130. j j raNKIN CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. Jobbing and remodeling a specialty. 28? Front st Phones Main 6523; Wood lawn, 991. EMIL THIELHORN. PUPIL OF PRO- feasor Otakar Sevclk. violin and viola teacher. A-4160. 3S4 Pine. Main 3045. VIOLIN. TROMBONE a"N6 Prof. Bmlto. .92 12th. M. PIANO. clarinet 4703. A-3360. MANDOLIN, UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND. OREGON. , Northwest Corner Third and Oak Streets. - Transacts a General Banking Businesa DRAFT8 ISSUED Available In All Citlos of the United States and Europe, Hongkong and Manilla. Collection made on Favorable Terms. President. ..... . . . J. a AINSWORTH .Cashier..... .R. W. SCHMEER Vlce-Presldent,...,.R. LEA BARNES 'Assistant Cashier. .... ,..W. A. HOLT Assistant Cashier A. M. WRIGHT ERMAN-AMERICAN BANK Portland. Or.. Cor. 6th and Waahlngton Sta' Transacts a general banking businesa Drafts Issued available In all the principal cities of the United States and Europe. Four per cent Inter- : est paid on savings soeounts. Safe deposit vaults. -- BONDS AND INVESTMENTS. ORRIS BROTHERS. Chamber of Commerce Building. Municipal. Railroad and Pnbllo Service. Corporation Bonds. M school. LOUIS GUITAR AND BANJO 437 Columbia st., near 12th. TEACHER D A. CREITZ. violin. 211 Sherman, ccr. 1st. Pac. OF 189. OWN1NG-HOPK1N3 COMPANY Established 1883 BROKERS. STOCKS. BONDS. GRAIN Bought and Sold for Cash and on Margin. ' Private Wires. Room 101 to 104 Couch Bldg. Phone: M-335; A-2337. ' GRAND CENTRAL STATION TIME CABD. NURSERYMEN SEE OCKLEY GREEN NURSERYMAN for roses ana trees, st Johns car. OSTEOPATHIC PHTSICZANS CALL US Lit BEFORE YOU BUILD Geo. G. Palmer A Son, general con tractors. C-1847. Estimates furnished. ROSE CITY PLANING MILL. MANU facture moldings. cabinets, sash, doors, showcases. 8S5 Braxee. E-4218. RYAN BROS.. HARDWARE AND plumbing. B40 Williams sve. E. 4008. PR. F. J. BARR. A. S. O., 207 -MO- hawk Diag., cor. na ana Morrison. Main 2226 A-4629. DR. LILLflBELLE PATTERSON, 6PE- ciallst on nervous, acute and chronic diseases. 217 Fenton Dldg. Main 9861. DR. R. B. NORTHRUP. 415-16-17 DE- kum bldg., 3d and Washington sta Phone Main 349. Examination free. PAINTING AND PAPERING FOR best work, prices right, call P. A. Uoane. m union, pom pnones. PATENT ATTORNEYS. Southern Pacific ARRIVING PORTLANDl Oregon Express.... 7:15 a. m. Cottage. Orove Passenger. .11:30 a. m. Roseburg Passenger. ...... 6:80 p. m. Portland Express. ..... ...11:15 p. m. WEST SIDB. Corvalli Passenger . 4:10 p. m.- Sherldan Passenger. ..... .10:80 aw m. Forest Grove Passenger... 8:00 a. m. Forest Grove Passenger. ..11:60 a. m. Forest Grove Passenger... 4:60 tx to. Jefferson Street Depot. Portland to Dallas 7:40 a. ra. II Dallas to Portland io:i a. m. Portland to Dallas 4:15 p. m. II Dana to Portland......... :80 p. m. yortlana-OSWegO BU01irnluif rurviB a. in., ..... .ow, .u. 8:50. 10:25; end . m- 12:80. 3:06. e:i-o. e:zo. n:tt. m:io.u:ao. Northern PaclXic Taima Jt. Raattle TCT11 . R:3V S. IH. North Coast A Chicago, Llm. 1:00 p. m. Overland Kxpress n: p. in. LEAVING PORTLAND. Roseburg Passenger Cottage Grove Passenger. California Express San Francisco Express... WEST mum. Corvallls Passenger Sheridan Passenger...... Forest Grove Passenger. . Forest Grove Passenger. . Forest Grove Passenger 8:1$ a. m. 4:16 p. m. 7:46 p. m. 1:30 night, 7:20 a. m. 4:10 p. m. 8:50 a. m. 1:00 d. m. 5:40 p. m. (I a aivuiwf - . (I North Coast Limited....... T:09 I Portland Express......... 4:1 I Overland Express...,.,... 1:85 V m, p. m. p. m. Alice Hamot Magnetic and electric vibratory treat ment chiropody. 208 6th st. $10 CASH PAID PER 1,000 FOR CAN celled postage stamps. Send 10c for price list paid. Royal Stamp Co., Dept. 6. La Grande, Or. E. MELTON OFFICE. STORE Fix tures: gen'l lobbing. 67 1st. M. 8190. A. a SISLEY.CARPENTER; STORE, OF flce fixtures. 357 Burnslde. Main 6536. CLEANING AND DYEING w. MODTRV l(k lath L. Morgan. 822 Falling bldg. STORES AND OFFICES 11 ATTENTION. TENANTS, ATTENTION! If you want to aeoura any of the tore not already taken and a first class maple floored 58x66-fot hall, with atage and complete with fixture In stalled and In the most modern, up-to-date two-story building contemplated to he erected on the southeast corner r Hawtnorne ave. and . at, call nd see plans at the. office of H- J. Hefty, architect, room 201 Gerllnger FOR SALE AT ONCE. CHEAP 11 pairs thoroughbred homer pigeon, at i . leninq aivo., pen wooq; LADIES! DR LA FRANCO'S COM pound; sare, speedy, regulator: 25 cents, druggists or malt; booklet free. Dr. La Franco. Philadelphia. Pa. MAN 31 WISHES TO MEET YOUNG. -" working girl or widow. Matrimony if mutually agreeable. Address T-627, Journal. TJIFFERENCE STJNNYSIDE STEAM CLEANING AND Dye Worka. cleaning, repairing and dyeing. Work called for and delivered. Tabor 1057. B-2057. 206 E. 84th st J. J. HIRSHHEIMER. 227 WASH 8T, patent and pension attorney. PATENTS. COPYRIGHTS. A. J. MAT- ter. 411 commonwealth blng. R. ti. WRIGHT, U. 8. AND FOREIGN patents: inrringment esses. Q4 JJekum THE FARGO CLEANING & DYEING works. Ladles' and gentlemen's clothes a specialty. 184 tth st. Phone Main 9406. PRINTING THE EAGLE PRINTING CO.. NOT IN trust; close .lgures. good work. 38 Russell bldg- corner 4th and Morrison. Oregon Railroad ft Navigation Company. Pendleton Passenger 7:15 a. m. N Bpokan njir., :W m, Chicago-Portland Special... 8:30 a. m. Chi.. Kan City A Port. Ehtp. 1:45 a. m, Spokane Flyer 8:15 p. m. Chicago-Portland Special., 8:60 p. m. Kan. City & Cnl. Exp :ue p. m. 1 1 romina rnwngtr b:io p. m Astoria & Columbia River. Astoria A Seaside Express. .8:00 a. m. 11 Astoria e . i-ort t-assenger. .Ji.l p. m. Astoria A Seaside Express. .5:30 p. m. II yoruann sprees io:t)0 p. m. LADIES' AND GENTS' CLOTHES -bought; also cleaned and pressed. z7 Vt Baimonst. ALBINA STEAM DYEING & CLEAN ing Works, L. Halpert, 298 Russell, East 6243. LADIES NO WhAt I your ailments may be, see our lady physician; specialist . lor women. Im-pondero-Therapy Co., 608 Merchant Trust bldg., 8Z6H Washington st WANTED HOUSEKEEPER 15 rd 10 years with some rtjeans: I have a good farm; If agreeable matrimony. P-426, Journal. ' ' FOR SALE AIREDALE TERRIER. II months old. Phone Sellwood 1 143. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS 5 THE DENVER AUCTION HOUSE Phone A-1099, pay highest cash price for household (urniiure. 1.1 aa St. Main 1418. If you wIsh t6 exchange or" sell your furniture for caah, phone East 6104. -368 Hawthorne. WE PAY CASH FOR HIGH-GRADE econd hand furniture. J. laah t'nr. niture co.. 118 urano ave. Phons K. 4714 WANTED LADIE3 AND GENTLE- men' clothing. The O. K. atore. 111 113 Front st CLOTHING FUR. M-1S61 61 A PERMANENT CURE FOR PILES "Hemlock Salve." Woodward. Clarke ft Co. CLOTHES CLEANED AND PRESSED. $1.60 per month. Unique Tailoring lo, iui eiarx ei. OGLtBEE BROS.. PRINTERS CARDS billheads, etc. Main 1868. 146 1st RUBBER STAMPS AND SEALS Via Seat.. Vic. Via Sumaa a no Canadian Pacific Railway Co. C. V. R. Short Line, via Spo. 8:15 p. m. C. P, R. Short Llna !a Spo.f:00.m, 1:00 p. m. .11:4 p. m. I Via Sumas and Seattle. 1:15 n- m. ...7:00 a. m. ALSO ALL OFFICE STATIONERY. P. D. C. Co.. 131 Stark. Tel. 1407. REAL ESTATE H. W. TURNER dyed a specialty. Main 2513. DYER CARPETS B05 Jerrerson at CHIROPODISTS LOST POWERS RESTORED BY DR. Lorena' Nerve Tenlc Tablet. 15c box. Eyssell's Pharmacy, 189 .Morrison t PERKINS NATIONAL HERBS AND K re col are aolJ by A. B. Bloomer, 10 4th st Phone Main 181. DBS. ATWOOD. PRIVATE HOSPITAli . Home for unfortunate girls: good care st confinement 80 Allsky bldg. N. Id. Highest price) paid; prompt attention. FACTORY OR WARFHOUSB SITE FOR RENT large Imn building. 100x10. with 140x16 feet ground: with s switch, and anly half block from dork at liver, St Johna. Owner holding property Sad willing to rent cbeae to good tenant Ad dress, R-41L Joaroal aiViT rifiu roo vntra rtroviTiTDP prompt attention alwars given. EMMI1 CASH FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS, SAV age ft PenneH. 846-147 1st Pae. . WE WANT $6,000 WORTH OF 6EC , end-hand furniture and pay the high est caah price. O. K. Second-Hand Store, t Union ave. Phone East 4?a. $5,000 FURNITURE AND STOVES rlHs. HOUSE-FVR- DR- BINO CHOONO. IMPORTER CHI tiese medicines; sells Chinese tea, cur ror su oieeasea no r isnoers st. LADIES' BARBER SHOP MaNICUrI Ing. facial massage. 48 4th et DRG. M. WELLS, 401 DEKUM BLDG r-none Main tl 1 1. BALM OF FIGS FOR ALL FEMaLB disessea 50 Gllsan. Matn 116. THE DEVENYS HAVE MOVED THEIR parlors to rooms 302-3 Gerllnger bid.. to, ana Aioer sts. CHIROPODY AND PEDICURING Mra M. D. Hill. 330 Fleldner bldg. CHIROPRACTORS DR. P. G. 8. BRI ETLI NO GRADUATB 121 Marquam bldg.A-l21. L M GORDON CRADUATE P. S. C 104 I Ores, bldg Phone A-ll. COLLECTIONS. ACCOUNTANTS. wanted; will pay top prlHs. J-fetORY BRIK ' BL'ILbl.G A.Vtd basement.- 66x1 , with large electric elevator, on let St. between Taylor and Sainton. Suitable for wholesale or re tall tvuirvea Arrly te W. . Grace, rare r.r elntt. l"IR5T-Cr-Af S OUT Mi. E Of TlH rooma for rest la w bmdtrr; ste m reet eie-tre erd ra Ptht wth lanl- 1t tarrl-a, y E nr tj ir4 Va'Wnt. OF Nil Nit Fv,H r.Nt aFS COST :t I et a wera. I tseerttosa fee Ue rrlre e t. I RUBEN8TINS, THE KISHEK. 176 Front Main 0t. EAGLE LAUNDRfTT. MaYDA, PRO- prletor: the only Japanese steam laun dry la the city; fancy work done by band; all work guaranteed. Pbone East le. lie Ruoaell et WS AAT TOP PRICES FOR it ttr 1 1 1 Kit Ant rythlrg rm have te pell. - PORTLAND AUCTION CO. Main t(6. A-4171. THE FCRD AUCTION CO, Bruaht all the econd hand furr1tr they cml4 find last . and will d It era'-, t'.a wea, We pay the prtca. Ft i P-J'll W A N f ?.i r Cl-MHAND Itr boi;r. E. H. COLUB, 114 Worcester block, rublle accountant and esiate agent Auditing, Investigat ing, evatemaUxing. Permanent keeping of books and, record a specialty. GEORGE BLACK. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT 821 Worcester Building. Phone Main 371. INTERSTATE ADJUSTMENT CO. HAD cents coiiecteo. e Buchanan. M. (lia J. lit Plttenfer L Co.. 268 Russell a I.- Phone E. 4449. Fire Insurance loans, real estate. J. W. OGILBEE; REAL ESTATE AND loans; estau. 1883. 145 1st room 11. SAFES DIEBOLD MANGANESE SAFES Large stock; lockouts opened. JaJla, metal furniture. J. E. Davla. 44 3d st FIREPROOF AND BANK SAFES AT factory prices; recond-hand aafea Moaler Safe Co.. 108 Id st SIGN AND SHOW CARDS FOSTER A KLEISER, SIGNS, THE largest algft makers in the northwest 6th and Everett sta. Phone Prlv. Ex. 65. Home A-1185. Portland Ky, Light A Power Co. Cars Leave Ticket Office and Waltlng Room. First )nd Alder streeta FOR OREGON CITY: 4:00, ;J0 a. m.. and every I min ute (on the hour and hslf hour) to and including 9:00 p. m.. then 10. 11. last car, 11. midnight Greshsm, Bortng. Eagle Creek. Ests eada. Csiadero. Falrvlew and Trout dale 7:1S. :15. 11:15 a m.: 1:16, 1:46. :15. 7:25 r in. FOR VANmTTPTrw Ticket office and waiting-room. Bee-' ond and Washington streets. P. M. 11:30, 1:10, 1:60, t:80. ttlO. 1:60. 4:30. 6:ld. ;6f. :86. 7:05. 7 40. 8:15. 9:26, 10:s4. li:46". On third Monday In every month last car leave at 7:05 p. m. Daily ex. Sun. Dally ex. Mon. Time Card Oregon Electric Railway Company. Arriving Portland -.AKam nrn.n.iifa local T:05a.m. Salem and 1 Wilson vllle, lie, iocai ...... dlnter. 8Us local. 8:15 a. m. i. ...10:30a.m. wiiHnvtiic, .. ... -- 8alem and Inter. Sta., axp.i... sSleS and Inter. Stas.. local. 1:20 p. m Wllsonvllle. local . . . . ..... Salem and Inter. Staa, Exp. 4;JP-"?- m. I m. Leaving Portland Salem an8 Inter. Staa, local. :la.m. Wllsonvllle, local 7:35 a.m. Salem and Inter. Staa, Exp. 1:36 a.m. S.".Iera Inter. SU, :10 a. m. WllsonvUle, local Salem and Inter. Staa, Exp. 1:05 n. m. 1 saiem and Inter. 8 Ua, local. 1:30 p. m. Wllsonvllle local , 6:10 p! m. Salem and Inter. Sta Exp. :0p, m. TAILORING WANTED -50 MEN TO HAVE J"?lZ WcieaT,eand pres.ed. 80c and ?5c. we also press suits to order. $150 per month. 64 4th at DERMATOLOGISTS ENCORCHMENT TREATMENT FOR all featural deformities of the face. Mra J. L. Courtright 126 Fleldner bldg. M 6042. DETECTIVE AGENCY ASSAYERS WELLS A PROEBSTEIa, ASSAYERS, ialyt chemists. l4Waea. M. 741 THE THIEL DETECTIVE SERVICE Co, OtTlcea at all Important points of the world. We are especislly equipped with experienced men In all lines and furnished on short not Ire. to Chamber ef Commerce bldg. Main (3. Arli. D. L. Clous, manager. SIGNS THAT ATTRACT" PORT land Sign Co.. :7 8tark. Paclflo 169. PAINT THAT TALKS WILLAMETTE Sign Co.. 128 6th st M. 63. A-1153. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES SHOWCASES OF EVERY DESCRIP tlon; bank, bar and store fixture made to order. The Lutke Mfg. Cex. THE JAMES L MARSHALL MFG. CO, howcasee. rablneta, atore and office fixture, ft Couch st M. 170. VETERINARIAN w R THOMPSON. D. V. S. ' OFFICE u..t,rn. atablea. 420 Hawuiorue are. Phones East 67: B-1169. TRANSPORTATION WATCH REPAIRING BANK FIXTURES SHOWCASES BIRD6ALL. JBLXKA. TIPEWRJTK3S ARCHITECTS FANCHER A PALMER. SIT LUMBER Exchange bldg, designer and bUd ers of modern bungalow s ATTORXETB 4-liuRsG- f u one A-tllS W. A. CARTER AXD E. B. DVrCH. Attya at law. (41-41 Cornett kl't. thand Morrle-j-t. U a la IHt, A-4:.fc. THOS. D. PEF.a ATtT COLLKC 414 rrligar tlg 4. TANNER. ATTT A H. eul hi 4t com m ra id and Wash, Maia 1444). phone Main 1041. A. G Wilson. Supt. WILSONS DETECTIVE AGENCY. M Tlh et (Licensed Portland. Or. Thla agency Is prepared to undertake all legitimate Investigations. I crimi nal, civil or commercial raes. AXL MAKES. RENTED. REPAIRED, old. P. I. C la. Ill SUrk. Tel. 147. TRANSFER AND STORAGE DANCEV3 RIKGLER'S SCHOOLS OF DANCING and phyalcal culture; west aiAe. m Masoaic templa W. .Park aad YaahllL, afterr.e and WeltiMKiAf eTenl"; eaat aide. Rlngler'a hall. Oraad and K Mor rteon. dally and Tuedar. Tbarenay and atsraay ermlnga - Private r rlaa lo- rict'"Tv. f-hswea Kast 647; B-l?. EiTtTErT bAN?lNiTA caFfTmy. FI LL eovree te lad r. I . Walts eraranle4 a foar peani el Xlay e-erleg. leaamns. , lly. Prfe MereUfid. Aitsky bllg. Mala (Its. 1 CLAY 8. MORSE. INC WE CAN snove anything; machinery. SJife and merchandiae moved or stored. Draying, atorag and trackiag. Ceth pbonea 4th and tav1a. Two wiffhmn. OLiSvN-ROE TRANSFER CO. General traaaf-r ttni atorage; aafea. plane a-M fwmitare. eta, sacved. paekaei and aniifxd. J Cak St. bearea lnxl and let 'n" stall 4T. A-I24T, lit ki AN I) A MCMILLAN. Moving and expressing. Pbone Ml. Hl-Ja Whiiimt ava. East UkrrtdS TRAN S FFR CO. COR. TTH mr4 lrrig Fnr Main 4. A-11 LNlL.l'F..i F.NT BAfViAGK ft T RAN 8 f.r r 4lit. i:i ''. 4T. avAl L'KLT 1 HAjT-f H i7viil Cn, 111 H. (Uk :Ib Mil; A-ltla. viwr W1TTH REPAIRING A SPE- clalty, guaranteed to run one year. 110 Madison. '. WHOLESALE JOBBERS M. A. GUN8T ft CO, DISTRIBUTORS OF F1N8 CIOARa PORTLAND. OREGON. EvkRblNG A FARRELL.' PRODUCS aad eominiaalon merchanta 14 Front at. PortUnd. Or. Phone Mala 17. OREGON FURNITURE MANUFAC turing Co. Manufactvrer ef furni ture for the trade. Portland, Or. W ADHAMS A CO."WHOLES A LE QRO r.r. mnnufaeturers and eommlaaioa merchanta 4th and Oak eta f AT Eft-WIGH r CO. CALEN DARS. AD vertlsleg ne-reltiea. 140 th st aIXEN ft LEWIS GROCERIES. TRANSPORTATION EOmTaT fACXTZO STTBAIXSKZ C0.1 Roanoke and Geo. W. Elder ftU f r r:rka. fi rn"'1" - 1 la Arf.le' recteT..TThjr!arat 1 p in. Ik.H emoe. 112 Thiri. rr COOS BAY LINE The steamship Breakwater leave Portland Wednesday at 8 p. m. from Oak street dock, for If orta Bead, Manhfleld and Coo Bay noiata. Freight received till 4 p. m. on day of sailing. . Passenger fare, first clasa $10; second cJasa $7. including berth and meals. Inquire city ticket office. Third and Washlngtoa streets, or Oak street dock. Saa l"taaoleo A rortiaaa S. S. Oo. Only Direct steamers and daylight ailing. From Ainsworth dock. Port- - land. Its, . ' . B. Stat ef California, Sept. If, B. S. atoae City, ejt. as, Oct, 10. . From Lombard St. Ban Fran.. 11 a tn. B. B, Kose City, Sept. IS, Oct a. S. 8. State of California. Sept. so. 9. W. KAXSOkt. noek Arnl Main 244 Alnsworth Dora. . U. J. ROCHE. Ticket Agent 141 1J St. Phones Mala 401. A-14J. XBomvAToa rzjra r ruiati. . Bailed Gatzert Round tripe to The Dalles week dava except Friday, lesv T a tn. K ..: I tnpa to Cascade Iocks Bur'.ra am. nallaa City sod Capital t 1 anslntsin 4aliy service te 'lie ih .... except Sunday, calling at ail way .ar i Ings for freight and (..r.-ra !-.. 7 a an, Aldar street oca. I n.nti 14; A-411 1. SfeamcrCcInr.:!.;:: BAXZ.Y rrrr - TO v;.';: ? r a. in. 1 . 1 TAT.