THE OREGON DAILY JOURNhU FORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING. SEPTEMBER 19, 1008. II FOrt SALE FARMS IT 11 M(irrn is ACRES. Mil.? north of. Vancouver. 1 acres timrx-r. inoatly cedar, or . cleared: iartlr fncd; tear sawmill. A first-class lnlmm. I1.216 Tl aeres. II miles '", couver. 1' acres clear!. U ''r.". . .Ji it acre of largs green timber. VJr. well, rraak- houaa, family rehrd1! rltra. etc Timber will mora than PT for clearing" land. tl S66 1 acres, level, creek bottom, 1 mil. from railroad, In Clark coun ty. Wmh, rich garoen aoij. across plsee; bo- house. nw barn, bear 7. im. of herrl. good well, Tn.-i.a . Thle la a fine place and very cheap. Jv r. V. ana pnon. " . $2,100120 acrea choice land. It miles north. t or Vancouver. "; growing town, near achool and mall foule, beat of soli, li acre, beared ami fenced. halanoo burnt over and In pas- ore: cabin, family orchard; , fin run- ulna; stream through place. " .n. T.rmi. half cash, balance on time to suit. $3.000 10 acrea of the finest fruit i.nH 1U miles from Butler, on new North Bank railroad; 10 acrea cleared, . ..lll.v 1 or 1 BCrCB 0 unit orchard: 6-room house, with hot and cold water, bath, stationary wash tuba, water piped In house; large frame barn, room for 80 tona hay. alalia for It head atock; good chicken nouso mnir. hmiu fun house, etc.: good fences, team wagon, I acts harness. Un limited outslda range; I creeks across Dlace. can oe irrigates, a una oppor tunity for stock and dairy Dusiness ana eouai to nooa nvr v ., and tha prlca la low. "14.000 14 acrea. overlooking Colum bia river, close to boat land in a. FOR SALE FARMS JT FOR SALE FA H.MS IT mile from Washougal; fine black sol 16 acre In cultivation. 10 acres easily cleared, balance pasture; ltt-storv house with bath, pantry, hot and cold water; fair Darn, una spring, : bearing orchard; horse. 1 head cattle, 10 chickens, all farm Implements and , crop. Will take half In Portland resi dence and viva good terms on balance. 14. 900 It-acre farm. S miles from Reedille In Washington county, on 1 good roads, R. F. D., phone line, milk route; 11 acrea cleared, balance pas ture; new woven wore fences, small or chard, new house and barn, spring near house: team, chickens, wagon, harness, farm Implements, crop, household, Broods, lot of wood cut. acre grapes. Terms. . t ;,.. . ,.' . $6.267 17 acres. 7 miles from Van couver, all fine farm land, rood road. IS acrea cleared, balance timber, houss and barn. A good Investment; half cash. 17,700184 acres, 7 miles from New berg, 4 miles from Gaston, school and rhurrh on nlace: 26 acres hops. 16 acrea orchard, 15 acrea under plow, 40 acres second growth fir; 60 acres fine timber; running stream, several springs, fair house, good barn, new hop house and fruit dryer. A fin farm. 114.400--120 acres, 2 miles from Cor- vallia; all cleared, fenced, ready for plow; exceptionally nne rruit or dairy land; can be -divided into ? tracts; rea sonable terms. , - 108 2d at.. Portland. Or. And 300 Wain at., Vancouver, -Wash. Phone Main 1404. If, 600 acres flna. fertile land, with an abundance of water though all parte. This Is ns saga brush land, but land that will grow any kind of fruit, berries or garden truck, hay or grain la fact, anything that wtll grow In Oregon; IS per acre will clear It: Juat the thing for colonising and cutting into email far ma Price I (per acre. For large or small tracts, so Pine Tree Land Co. 600-610 Buchanan Bldg., 286 H Wash. St. I'bone M. 8 8 96. UO-ACRR RANCH COMPLETE. Ik not fall to read thla full descrip tion. During tha past week several eastern families have coma to us saying that they are tired of looking around ana that there la nothing listed with real estate sgents which proved to be strictly aa represented, and a bargain. We have 1,500 farms listed and have thus far succeeded in satisfying ineae eastern neoDle in every respect. We simply want an idea of what you are looking for and feet aure we can more than Dlease you. The above 360 acres is one of our specials; 120 acres of of this ranch 1 in perfect cultivation, with fine crop; It lays ' beautifully, la thoroughly eauloped with stock and implements, 1 mile from K. R., IV hours' ride from Portland: the owner Is too old to oversee the farm and of fera tha same -at a ridiculously low figure. Come in and talk It over with us. Our office Is tha farmers head quarters. bwiet, 304 corpett, mag. ONE 10-ACRE TRACT LEFT AT EA gle Creek. Price, t66 per acre. Easy terms. Two 10-cre tracts at Morrow. 6 min utes' walk from carline. Price, $90 per acre. Terms. , One i and 10-acre tracts at Boring, on the canine: only a lew more lert. Price, $126 per acre for the and 10 acres; $160 per acra.for the 1-acra tracts. Terms. t Three acres Inside city limits Mllwau- kle. All under cultivation. Price, $2,100. 120-acre farm, highly improved. 4 miles from good town on O. W. P.: 60 acres In high state of cultivation; new house and barn, well fenced. Price, $49 per acre. This is a bargain and will bear Investigation. 8ome good acreage at Falrvlew. A few good bargains In city lota and houses. O.W.P. LAND CO. First and Alder Sts. s 'v ' I acres, ' short dfstance from Center station, on Oregon City car , line; 7-room plastered house, good basement, good well of water; 1 acre clear, 2 acres has a little timber on; it Is an attractive home; $6,000, H caah. - 10 acres, all under cultivation; new house and barn, young orch ard. Very best soil; only 10 min utes' walk from Oregon City car .line, $8,000. 10 acres. 9 acres Improved; good 8-room house; water in house; large barn; also'new 8-room bun- ' g&low just finished; 1 acre in-orchard, 4 acres In strawberries; it is all under eood fence, on good road.-not far from Milwaukie. All ' for $8,000; H cash, balance and - old time. , -22 acres, all level, black loam sou; ,21 acres under .cultivation; family orchard, good well of wa ter; 6-room, house, barn $0x50: .close to stores and station; it is east of Portland in the Gresham district; it la an elegant piece of . property. . Price $6,600; . $4,600, balance S years. " -'Otto &;Harkson' 133 14 First St 40-Acre Farm Land all lies - nice to cultivate; 86 acres highly cultivated, 6 acres of fine timber, good- water; house, barn, etc.; 200 nice fruit trees, 6tt acres In pota toes; hay in the barn; about 600 bushels grain, 2 good mares, 1 cow, 1 heifer, 2 large hogs, some ah oats, above 100 chickens; nearly new wagon, plow, har row, cultivator, harness, small tools, R. 'Fv', and telephone; good neighborhood, near church and achool; near electric car line: a- good little farm and well worth tha price asked. All goes for $3,600. Henkle & Harrison , 611 Oerllnger Bldg., Second and Alder. 20 ACRES, ALL CLEARED, NEAR Bethany, new house and barn, $2,800, 20 acres near Beaverton, 10 acres cleared, four acres pasture, new house, fair barn, young orchard, H mile to electric line. $2,600; easy terms. 44 acres. 10 acres cleared, house, barn. running; water. H mile to electric line, 4,uo; easy terms. 7 acres, three miles from Beaverton, all cleared, np building, running Water, oniy f i.zvu. acres, M mile to electric-' line, one acre cleared,, balance slashed, new house, good barn, $2,000. 11 acres, :lVi miles from Beaver ton. elRht acres cleared. 6-room house. good barn, roothouse, chicken house. good well and family orchard, $;i,ouo; terms. SWEET, 204 Corbett bide. 6 ACRES AT TIQARDVILLE 5T7 electric line, with 7-room house, barn, chicken-houses and good well of water. trice. S300 per acre. Terms. Will trade good city property and cash for general merchandise stock up to $1-0.000 anywhere within 200 miles of Portland. If you want to buy. sell or exchange city property, rarms, or acreage, see us. We list nothing but bargains. Snap Lot 60x100. close in on Union ave. Price, $4,000. Easy terjns; this Is goou business property. - A genuine bargain. See us about that loo acres close in on electric line; own er needs cash and must sell. Yqu can double your money In SO days by divid ing it into tracts. COBB BROS: Phone 8218. 417-18 Swetland bldg. . 80 ACR&t. $3,600. 10 acrea in hlsh state of cultivation, 16 acres ready to burn; 409 apple lr and assorted fruit, aorne birm; $0 acrea fine timber, JW miles went of Hank a, 11 mites from Portland; hou 4 large rooms, cellar. Urge porch, fair barn chicken-house. It. K. !.; phone in house; all fenced, new fence, BtWK KT. . . 204 Cornet! Bldg. ' '. DOUBLE YOTn MONL'Y EA81I.T. rJulandld farm of 760 acres, in Douir- las county fruit belt, adjoins ma hi R. R. line, I miles from live town, fine ly situated for, suhdtvldlnr Into 8 and 0-acre trscts; many auerlal advan- tagea. Address lAMk Box T. Roeburg or. FOR fiAI.K NEAR ELECTRIC RAM way close to Boring- and 14 miles from Portland: 40 acres, partly cleared, good timber, fine soli, no gravel. C-116, Jour nal. MOXEY TO IOAJV tr ni'SIXKSS CHANCKS SO LOANS UAVR QUICKLY .AND PRI . vaiciy on pamri. ture, wartihou tracts, dlainu 111 Werllnr bid a. nianoa and furnl- ua receipts, purchase con nds and weU, k. Plerva. W AMTJClew FI N A XC1AL XV19 WILL PAY YOU 80 PKR CENT for your U.rnian-Amerlcan certlrl- BUY MINING HTOt'K In the Villa Blacksmith . Mlnlna' Co. We can show you gold In tha ore from our ml no. Wa no not want to sell tha mine. Wa . want In ..II i to unt shares to help pay foe better aqulp-J ment to work thla nroonrtv. Wa Invltsl . " oring a, mining apart i - I- 80 eAs. rates and pay the hlf heat caah prloa for I witn you, examine the -ores we have u re sn m rui ana xitie (tuaraniee ao-iwitn us and aak any question you may count a. Cohen Bros., 110 1st. Main 4771. I think proper, and rlvht. Wa ara nlaln 1,000 L"OA WkV.UbH ifOMi ptopl nd will deaf plainly with you property: suburbs; 1 and years, tl v mine and will tell you wher per rent. M-I7S. journal. I ' is ana wnat we are doing. The money CA8II FOR TF.LKI'HONB BONUS. . Wanted FAimts 39 riRMERS. ATTENTION! Wa have a fine list of City property to exchange for farms, 10 to 600 acres: list your place with us. we will sell or trade ft. City Realty & Building Co.. 430 Worcester King WANTED 6 TO 20 ACHES FARM . land, not over 16 miles from Portland. H-20D. journal. FOR RENT FARMS 14 FOR RENT FINE 20-ACRE FARM. For aale. span young mares I new ...An. mnA n.rn.H X new rtloWS. 8- foot steel narrow, cow, jersey nriier, . . n . jt fcana n. I nmi . bator. Leaving oountry. II. Orebe, Route Montavilia station, t-ortiano. FOR RENT 4 ACRK8 LAND. GREEN houae,. 4-room house, adjoining east side Jonesmore addition: will rent cheap st long lease. Inquire on premises. FOR RENT 1H ACRES OPPOSITE terminus Fulton Park carllne. Apply H. Metsger. 226 Front st. FOR SALE TIMBER 28 How Is This? 8,000.009 yellow Mr, $2,400. $(.000,000. two tracts, yellow fir, $22,- 600. 46,000,000 pine and nr. some scat tered. $22,600. One or two lares tracts of yellow fir and larch, $1 to $1.25 per thousand with good terms. Several large tracts yellow and sugar Jiine, $1.26 per thousand. Many other arger and smaller tracts. See me. ALSO 2 CHOICE REDWOOD TRACTS. THOMAS P. THORNTON, Sl Chamber of Commerce. Here Is a Nice Horns 100 acres lanu 3 miles from county seat town and 3 miles from collese town, with a 10c car fare to elthtir place; station on land; 26 acres rolling hill land; some oak timber; 76 acres rich Jsottom land: 1U acrea vntinar or chard just bearing; wells, spring and runnina- water: house ham and other buildings; some machinery and tools. etc. $2,000 cash will handle this, with long time on balance. $60 per acre. Henkle & Harrison 611 Gerllnger Bldg.. Second and A Ider. ABOUT 4,000,000 FEET SAW TIMBER In Clarke county, Washington, for sale to man with portable sawmill; all first growth timber; . has been burnt Over; some down, but sound; plenty of water. down-hill hall to railroad, 7 miles. 453 E. Pine, Phone East 1136. FOR SALE RELINQUISHMENT. 2. 000,000 fine timber, 160 acres land; house, barn, 1 mile fence; stream; ex cellent fruit and dairy farm. G-130, Journal. Orva-on Trust. Title Guarantee. chants' account a . W. Goddard, 118 Id. DTSIXKSS CHANCES The Hay-Holland Co., Inc. (XI-627-S3I Corbet t Bldg. Main 3617. A-1TTI. ' Business Investments. Rooming Houses, Real Katats and Timber. era nev wa receive for stock will iniir Mr-of I Da "Pont In advancing- the mine for jour uvnvni. aa wen as ours. VS hava raitn in our property or we would trv in ail inairaa or .. a rear .him i nina li over. Til K VIIjIAUF, BLACKSMITH MIN ING CO. OF SILVKIl CITY. Miiun Portland' Office 14IH Id St.. Room 14. NOTICES 4 BTOCKIIOLDKR8' MKKT1NO. The annual nirriini of the stockhold ers of the Cltlaona Unk will be hnld at tha bank, (irand ave. and . E. Alder St., Portland, Or., Monday. September II, 1108, at I o'clock n. m., for tha purpose of electing a board of directors 9 aerva auring the con HELP WANTED FEMALE 9 WANTED AN EIJiKRLT WOMAN TO keep home for one or two. man oi ranch, good home; aniall palary. Must be a wdlow. Address IL'F D box 81 Carrollton, Waah ' ' G1HL FGJIloDKTW'riTni'" "Vrr...o ..'' b-hys -l-tf hOJ for the -transaction of such other bual- T."-Vi--Jl!-.""rllurnai,i.. naaa as may come rea-ulariv nelore inem. A. W. LAMBERT. September 17. 1808. Heoretary, HELP 'WANTED MALE AND FEMALE . SO WANTED BIDS FOR EXCAVATING wo oaaemems and grading. Apply lua. M,Lni,"y' ' "Tir??J,"i:'lns-. Main -II MEETING NOTICES SO llflflA Mfiul1inkia Tot graduates laat yaar; men and wo. an learn barber trails in 8 weeks; heln secure pONfllons:rra,!!iai.. .... iE 41 e?.i.!-.W.t"hl: ej",rt 'natructor; tols .(fre; write. or cataloa. Moi.. ..i.JT OREGON LODGH NO.. 101. A. "f ol leges, is n. 4lh St.. Portland. com- j LEARN TO WKITB . aikVii-riaTr- mentf nay or avenins. Hnim.. n.,.i. colleira, toth and U'lahln.i.. , OS COBf for MAKE OFFER ROOMINO HOUSES. 6-room flat, steam heat; Yarn hill St.. $260. 16 rooms, swell neighborhood, every room rented; must sell to day; fine, 28 rooms; money maker; brick building: owner leaving the city; must sell. Hotel, 100 rooms, worth $8,600; owner has other business; $4,600. HOMESTEADS Nice, snappy little restaurant doing a business of $40 per day: choice location; can be bought below value at $800. Dye works, one-half Interest In one of the best dye works in the city; ran be had for $660; making a profit of $36 to $40 per week. Cleaning, pressing and tailoring business; good location 'on Wash ington st; clearing from $36 to $40 a week. This Is a snap at $200. FOR SALeX-The controlling interest In an established Incor porated business. Present an nual contract Income over $6,000. Can place $7,000 additional. Business will bear closest Inves tigation. $4,000 required. Drug store and dry goods stock combined; 2-story frame building; lot 25 by 100; doing a business of $20,000 per year. Hardware business near Port- -land, doing A-l business; estab lished 20 years; doing $26,000 per , year. This Is one of the best propositions in that Una we have' on our books. Real estate business; half in terest In one of the best real estate businesses In the city. Agent for 12 steamship lines; im migration agent. Want good of fice man. b proprietor Is obliged to be out of town much of the time; good references; investiga tion desired. NOTICE -- BIf Honey Maker . A swell amusement park, with 11 acrea of Improved grounds. In cluding dancing pavilion, shoot-the-chutes, figure eight and all kinds of concessions; will sell an Interest or will lease to good, re sponsible man; will bear atrlot in vestlgatlon. Particulars 608-618 BUCHANAN BLDG., III. Wash. SL Phon M. 1810. Look at This f UREGON LODGH NO..U I ,i F. and A. M. Stated fln munlratlon thla u.t GrVen,,nO O'clock; M.aonlo n... coTlegV 10th 7 Wa.MnTton brethren ordla,;fyrernv1?ilU'Bj lhJ"Xl o'f'V WOrd- J help wan 1Kb anii shppfic-rr Drake. 106 4 Wash. Pan. Ufa. A-1I7: order W, M. A. J. 11ANDLAN. .. etri"rj M.w,.Aa.EOON GRAPH CAMP. IIIU. ninnniWI Matll lnallla.k blOClt. Iftth tan ttA.kUa-lA. a.- k. W. A. EVERGREEN CAMP. 1.4 tf .im Wednesday evening. Allsk V's-, q ami ninrrison sta . SITUATIONS MALb .LOST AND FOUND WJBT-OREEN TRU8COTT JI-FOOT i viiiiuvj. two nun si ! atw tmri l miiiu; rflwira. Hsl n rn ia ftts..r vu.. innuiniin Driaiffj. POSITION OF TRUST WANTED BY youns: man aa conflilantul .i.-u P.Tf.u crt',y to reputable party to handle work In office im.,..;. 21 side with chanos of huslneas advance- " acrviurs satisractory; hava had business experience all over Pa- c. solar ifl'1ncV,.i,ro.m P'(,l.M;lc0 to Alaska; Launch K,i.nt tocka. bonds or suburban " I lot': "mount of salary no oblect to LOST BULL DOG' WHTTIE rih-iiit: Z 'i oonanne; peat refer- 575n freat river ferry bargain. 0 per cent net on purchase A. Pay nrioswllA AAA Dainaa wants to- retire. Will take $5,000 cash and give 20 years on remain der If desired. We also hava a lot of bargains In farms and rooming houses. A U1N flip 10 IliVIMn XI i h t H All ir'DCil . .. land .belonging to."a SmiihT find- keep Liberal tne oest of Portland references ann anows tne city well. M. O. 714. Jour- er return to Journal' office. reward LOST-ALD-FASHiuNED GOLD BELT J Coast Realty Co. 320 Lumber Exchange. nai. buckle: . famllv hirinm . ti..-j IPtisiTinisi nif roV-a-i n,iWmr. . ska ti.i. v-r.:-.. ;-ir" "-.:u"'.. r.i j;ob. i iou man, , couege education. teas experience, have property reward. I Z,".,M ""'" w,"SJfiu". . Don J. B. Purcpll Stock Broker, Room 18. 268 Stark, Phone Main 1283. If you hava any mlnlna; stocks to sen. or if you wish to buy, it will pay you to see me. We hava some excellent oil locations In California to dispose of. ' I HAVE AN EXPRESS AND STORAGE. business, paying anywhere from $160 to $200 per month: lona- established: will bear closest investigation; other buBi- ness interests compel me to sell at a sac- i. ' . .-"v -" o . , . ........ w a , wi.caa LOST A LEMON AND WHITE! EtiTT. ood, ?drss. some business llsh setter pup? ago 4 months CsJl Bptlc?ltl. I"'B,n ,rultJ haw WooHi..n aaf .SI..!..- worth $4,000: submit onlv . "ro. propositions. K-808. Journal ipiurn 10 hoi m. 1 urn aid a .at.: re want I . i FOUND. a PT.aCb: to uivr u -"" w City. C-lOl. Jour- tSet,dr:v"e'l87nS;otn,.1 aii.Mtf FlKSt-CLASS COLLECTOR vtbA A-1874. Portland CurimA.BmirK&tZJ"!?" bllla to collect on proprietor. 1 .; HELP WANTED MALE . out hllla ar.n.4. references. T-680. Journal. . ' A - MAN OF SIXTY. healthy. STHnNrt Svn . naving large experience VVK NEED THE BERVICEH nw A first class salesman: one that can aa. Janitor of nubile bullrilnra m ;'. as janitor or watenman ii. journal a a r D. N. SasiMrlR ,WAN,?t-, FORMERLY OF for tha ik. . .' i5L"..,7r c"e r . Chicago, Is available for musical an. thlni verv aoA rVT: . or. position In music store. CO., 328 BeckTbldg.. 7th and Oak Z : ' .t ... ' "Aiiinu liiaiuii uuHT WUKKBr Newcastle, 3d and The Union Hotel 81 N. tth slf. Mirtls.' fai.s,u for board: and room, monthly. $18 toP'011.?'0 MAN ATTENDING BUSINESS man. 24 vears old. Harrison sts. $20: weeklv. ti ho tn ii. uive us a, trial an uS, daily. 86a ta De convinced. rlflce; the right man will not need much wantfp sai v7iJZ a JZ VTZs I money to handle it. R-106. Journal. WA na ?Si15.N : . ANY MAKE kvvo suit RCSTincAMT. 77T7T I . '"""'" soma even SALE RESTAURANT; $400; more; stock clein. powni' n .......u.., . . vuuwcwh, i uu i. i m r Tram mn am.i va. average $10 to $30 a day; rent on build- vanced weekly; choice of ter.':torv Ad ing. ill a month. including: 4-room areas wh nrn. im.. ...... hi T" dwelllna-. Chaa. Horn hunk I. O ' Ron nlah loi, jnaepennencc, ur. If you have any intention of tak ing up a homestead, come in and talk it over with us. We have . something good now. Oregon Home and Land Co. 14 Hamilton bldg., Portland, Or. THE KIND YOU WANT ARE the kind we have. If you do not want satisfaction . see the other fellow. The Opportunity Company 626-527 Lumber Exchange bldg. Portland, or. WANTED 100 PARTIES TO LOCATI3 on homesteads In Grant county, Ore ron. All good grazing land and suf iclent farming: land for hav. fruit and garden: plenty water for stock ami timber for domestic use. Locating fees $100. Galena Land Co., Galena, Or. WE HAVE SOME CHOICE HOME stead locations and relinaulshments also some fine timber claims. Don't take chances with unreliable parties. Call on us cr write for particulars. Aetna Realty Co. 225 Falling bldg.. Portland. FEW CHOICE HOMESTEADS, AGRI- cuiturai lands readv for tha nlow plenty of water; investigate at once. 6ii a wet land bldg-. 6th and Washington. BE 272 Here Is a Bargain 210 sere farm 2 V miles from town and railroad, 18 miles from Portland; very best of soil, 60 acres in cultiva tion. 24 acres In old bearinsr orchard. all kinds small fruit, ever-running creek tnrougn iarm, plenty rine timber, good house and out buildlna-s. some stock and tools Included. This' is a beautiful country home, must be seen to be ap predated; price $5,000; terms $2,000 casn, Daiance o years at 5 per cent in ROSE CITY REALTY INVESTMENT COMPANY. Lumber Exchange bldg.. 2d and Stark. FREE GOVERNMENT LAND TO homesteaded. in a-ood location. Stark st. IRRIGATED LANDS 42 BEST BARGAIN IN THE STATE. EXACTLY AS REPRESENTED. 110 acre farm, fine soil,. near Oregon City; 70 acrea highly cultivated; 2H acres bearlna orchard, standard varle- - ties. Balance Daature and fine timber, 2 running springs, good. farm house and " eooa outDUiioings. an macninery ana farming Implements included; also 18 head fine Jersey cows, 2 thoroughbred . jersey Dulia, good nuggy norse, new hurry and harness. 3 rood warons. 22 hogs, 20 sheep, 200 chickens, about CO tons or clover nay, t Dusneis wheat, 600 bushels oats: the implements and stock on this farm is almost worth the price; price $8,000; terms $1,000 cash, balance number years, low Interest ROSE CITY REALTY INVESTMENT COMPANY. " Lumber Exchange bldg.. 2d and Stark. FARMS FOR SALE S' acres beaverdam at Beaverton. aver age production of crops 12.Q00 per year, only $4,400; some terms given. IN Yamhill County $16.66 per acre 1,320 acres one quar ter caah; particularly suited for wal nuts; a beautiful tract of land; must be seen to be appreciated: none need apply except those who know a snap when they see it and mean business. R-226, Journal. BARGAIN HUNTERS, HERE IS YOUR CHANCE. Palouse orchards, irrigated tracts, regular $200 par acre land going at $100 to $160 to close out remaining pieces; ready for further extension of irriga tion system. Town lots at Palouse Falls, deep soli, level and near 3 railroads. Only $60 each. Call or write us today. These are too good to keep, so hurry if you want any. THE PALOUSE IRRIGATION & POWER CO.. Portland Office, 246 Stark, Ground Floor. One of the largest milling com panies In the city wants to sell an interest and can give a man a fine position or some executive ability; charge of office; refer ences required and given; this Is gilt-edge. Transfer business, one of the best opportunities ever offered; will sell all or part; this is a sure money-maker from start as it is established. - Manufacturer's agent, doing $76,000 yearly, large profit; will sell third Interest and give buyer good position. THREE BIG BARGAINS IN TIMBER. 14,960.000 fir and 1,689 pieces piling; $7,600. ' 7 661,000 fir and 2,620 pieces . plllni; $4,600. 6,o47,000 fir and 1,617 pieces piling; $2,750. In Lane i county; guaranteed cruise. New 6-room cottage; good bath; in good suburb; only $1,800. $150 down, $1.5 per month. IRVINGTON HOME. 6-room modern house, cement floor, furnace. fine plumbing, stationary tubs. bath, combi nation gas and electric fixtures. Can bo sold on terms; price $3,700. Have beautiful home; house strictly modern, in desirable part of the city, valued at $5,800, to exchange for residence, business lots, grocery store or some profit able Dusiness. The May-Holland Co., Inc. 626-627-628 Corbett Bldg. I REAL E8TATR HAIVKriv ur . mtpi; WE HAVE CUSTOMERS WAITING by old established firm .vAZ.ili.Z'J for business openings. If vou want man nreferrerl: .,7 w vH"n,-..v".-, t,,,,. iu ugai man. Address B-209. will be treated in strictest confidence. Journal. ' Kinney & Stampher. 631-2 Lumber Ex. MOTvvTSTTT ? . MINING AND INDUSTRIAL STOCKS. make $36 weekly- easy work short telephone and other bonds bought and hours; learn the business In short time sold. C. S. Fletcher, 125 Abinsrton bid, terms reasonahle- fi.i...8noJLVi?.eJ g- i i r;srv--rc5--r-. M,l -..". ' -"--, mail UHWHH X X UK SAL, Hi, CMHi-Ai", ULUAN wwm r-itTiure v;o z3 Hurnside st stock, fixtures, household furniture, LIVE MAN TO HANDLE HIGH CLAflii good location, cheap rent. 3 living rooms. proposition, good rhonev Call 8 to Have' other business requiring atten- 10 a. m. or 1 to 2 d rri 227 Tnnir hotel. tion. Aaaress euu f ront at, GROCERY STORE AT INVOICE: cheap rent, splendid location for two: musi leave: oaraain. iza Lumner iox- I change. GROCERY STORE FOR SALE AT IN- voice, oniy cnaneea hands twice in 21 vears. Phone Main 179 T-lnm. a. . - - I 3tU. or 1 to 2 p. m 327. Lenox SALESMEN WlNTCTi I can work one or two ennA a.i... men on creditable real estate propositions. ELNATHAN SWEET. .204 Corbett bldg. college wants nlace to work for rnnm and board. R-4o5. Journal. AN ENGLISHMAN OF 30, EXPERl" enced as stationary engineer, genent all round.' handy man, wants work of any kind. X. E.-70a, .Journal. GOOD CARPENTER, $3.00 PER DAY; F. 8. steady work: mnat.ha mh.. Ha I look, 247 Broad, Montavilia." A. O. CUYLER, PAINTING, PAPER . hanging and tinting; by the day or contract. Phone Main 8919. A YOUNG MAN OF 35.' SINfiT.E! wants work of anv kind: win .,-. lawns, furnaces and horses. D. E.-707, VVi'l Ilea GENUINE SITUATION WANTED A Lid cost only 1 cent a word. 3 Insertions for the prlca of 2. WANTED SITUATION AS COLLEC tor. experienced! a hnril worker' K.. reference. Box 643 Arteta. Or. NOTICES 26 GOOD SOLICITOR FOR CLEANING and pressing business. naiarv anu cumnuasion; references 604. Journal. S- LEGIT1MATE BUSINESS THE AMES Mercantile Agency (established 1895) furnishes free Information on oppor tunities in mercantile or manufactur ing lines, city or country THE AMES MERCANTILE AGENCY, 403-405 Hwetiand tuog. GASOLINE WOOD SAW, STONER EN- Kine. complete witn team; no . money needed. Inquire 216 E. 76th St.. phone Tabor 172. ' SALOON. ELEGANT FIXTURES. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE united States for the District of Ore gonj In the matter of Joseph Kobloth, Bank runt. Whereas, a petition was on the 12th day of September, 1908, filed herein for an adjudication or bankruptcy against josepn noDiotn; and it appears there from that said bankrupt Is not Within the district, and that personal service of the subpoena herelncannot be mad? on him therein; nefw. onvmotion of Cecil H. Bauer, Esq., of attoraeva for said petitioners. It is ordered that service of such subpoena be made bv publication of this omer. logeiner witn said suopoena in 'The Journal, a newspaper published at oriiana, uregon, in said district. once a ween ror two consecutive weeKs, the last of such publications to be on tne itn day or September, -lsog; and by mailing a copy of this order and said petition and subpoena to the last Known Dlace of anode of said Josenii Kobloth in said district, on or before, the day of the first publication. witness tne iionoranie ctias. is. wo I verton. Judge of te said court, and the seal thereof, at the city of Portland. In said district, on the 12th dav of September, 1908. A, M. cajmwun, Clerk. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, DIS- irict ox uregon, ss. To Joseph Kobloth, in said District, ureeting: For certain causes offered before the long lease, best reason for selling. district court of the United States of Fick's Cafe, 2d and Ankeny. America wnnin ana ior me aisirict or MONEY TO LOAN 27 110 seres west of Beaverton near tho Klectrie- line station; 10 acre In culti vation; house, barn and orrhardt elec tric Una runs through place; $110 per acre. 49 acres, t miles west of Beaverton; I 26 acres cleared. It bead of cattle. 4, boga, all crop and rurnlture, good orch ard; $4,600, terms. , 10 acres, t miles south of Beaverton 1 acre cleared. I acres easr to clear, bal ance iimwr, small oouse ana Darn; only $U BEAVER REAL ESTATE CO, Beaverton. Or. SKAP. 83 acres, all level land, can plow all. 60 acres now plowed, all good clover land, 17 acres now seeded to clover; 7 roora house and 2 stock horn. ami wincimm ; orcnaro; all renced near school R. F. D.. fronts on main county road. 2 miles to R. R. station; in Linn county; can offer thls bargain 407 o'y; easy terms; $2, Kenkle & Harrison 611 Gerllnger bldg., 2d and Alder. SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTE8 WITHOUT SECURITY. LOANS ON PIANOS. FURNITURE, ETC.. WITHOUT REMOVAL. LOWEST RATES. EASY PAYMENTS. BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL CALL. TELEPHONE. WRITE. STATE SECURITY COMPANY. 704 DEKUM BLDG. E PAY SPECIAL ATTENTION TO business openings. eerore ouymg, call us up and see what we can offer vou. Phone Main 4486. Kinney & Stampher. 631-32 Lumber Exchange. BONVILLE KTOCK IN THE lishlng Co. selling terms. 416 Marquam. $100.00 PUB- share; GROCESy, CANDY. TOBACCO STORE for sale cheap, good business, cheap rent. Inquire 824 1st st. A Sore Tiling We lead, others follow. For farms, wheat lands or cltv prop erty, see the Pine Tree. Iind Co., f.09-510 BUCHANAN BLDG . 286 H Wash. St. phone M. S0. It ACRES I. 600 ALL IN CULTIVA tton. six acre ef young walnuts, four acrea of cherries, extra ftna five-mom plaatrrM hoasa. ', 4 mile from trie Btattoo. fins mad a. larg farms all around l. land Ilea lavel a ad ta fla cpa ca try, 1 1 mUes f rn Portlaad. This is an t4 Corbett il cotin try W LKT. Bldg. Pmm' A-tTM. SALARY AND MORTGAGE LOANS TO salaried employes and on pianos, fur niture, warehouse receipts, horses, in surance policies and all kinds of securi ties. New. Era Loan Mort-age Co., 403-405 Swetland bldg. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEO ple and others upon their own names without security; cheapest rates, easiest payments; oi rices In 66 principal cities; save yourself money by retting our terms first. Tollman. $17 Lumber Exc. WE LOAN MONEY ON DIAMONDS and jewelry at reasonable interest for long or snort time. A. 4t M. Dclovaga, Jewelers. 269 Washington at. LOANS 515 IMPROVED REALTY. lowest rates. Harding A Kernolda Co., $1$ Chamber of Commerce. PRIVATE MONEY TO LOAN OX AP t roved real eatata at 7 ner m itiu a ajivr au ROOMING HOUSE 38 ROOMS, VALUE $3,000; will trade for farm. Apply 92 Grand ave. . . t si rtr-YynV CTAD PII17 I D I owner must leave on health. Y-629, Journal. account GOOD SALOON BUSINESS IN HEART nf iMtv inns- lease and low rent, all clear: owner retiring on account of sickness: will take smalr-farm all clear of indebtedness. Address R-463, Jour nal. GROCERY AND CONFECTIONERY; big bargain; must sell; other business. Pee owner, cor. 24th and Vaughn. DAIRY OF 16 COWS FOR SALE. IN cludlng horses, wagons, harness, plenty of pasture, dairy utenstfe, busi ness of $300 per month. $4 Chamber of Commerce. j EXTRA FINE DAIRY FAR VI 600 acres. 200 acrea In cultivation'- a seres of fine bottom land, right on the Willamette river; good houae and barm an cattle and Implements go with the Place, Including steam pump and Brood- 204 Corbett Rid. u.i ..-., 1 iNcwton. ill Buchanan bldr $140,006 TO LOAN IN SUMS OF ll.OOtl or more, s to 7 per cent, on Improved alty. M. Q. Griffin. 244 Stark. SAIXXIN FIRST-CLASS PLACE, CEN trally located, long lease. Price $4,000. Address R-4f2, journal uregon, as a court of bankruptcy, we command and strictly enjoin you, lay ing all other matters aside and not withstanding any excuse, that vou per sonally appear before our said district court to be holden at Portland, in said district, on the 29th day of September, A. D. 1908, at 10 o'clock in the fore noon of said day to answer to a peti tion filed by Portland Brewing; Com pany and others in our said court, graying that you may be adjudged a ankrupt; and to do further and re ceive that which our said district court shall consider In this behalf. And this you are in no wise to omit, under the ?ains and penalties of what may be all thereon. Witness the Honorable Charles V, Wolverton. Judge of said Court, and the seal thereof, at Portland, in said Dis trict, on the 29th. day of September, A..D. 1908. A. M. CANNON. Clerk. MAN TO SELL 5 AND 10-ACRE" tracts, rult land on easy payments. 226 Lumber Exchange. WANTED MEN FOR BRICKYARD setters and wheelers and trucker' Portland Brick & Tile Co., St. Helens road. SITUATIONS FEMALE 4 YOUNG WOMAN OF 19 WANTS A Po sition as office assistant, colMRor, cashier or bill clerk; has had experience in drugs and handles, typewriter. B. D.rf 706. Journal. YOUNG GIRL EXPERIENCED WITH Children, going; to achool. would Ilk-; to care for children evenings and on Saturdays and Sundays. B. X.-703, Journal. WA,NThErfe"6?. MN TO TAKE ROOMS at the Eveline lodging house; rooms 25c up. 233 H 1st st. Shoes Half Soled, 50c OREGON SHOE CO.. 222 2D. PAC. 1580 GENUINE HELP WANTED ADS COST" only . 1 cent a word; $ insertions for LEARN SHOW CARD WRITING OR penmanship. Betts. 6th floor, Hamil ton bldg. WANTED BOYS TO WRAP SOAP L,uckel, King & Cake Soap Co. WANTED SEVERA L FURNITURE packers. Oregon Furniture Mfg. Co.. 1210 Macadam road- WANTED SHIP CARPENTERS ON boats constructing at Celilo. Or. Ad ply Oak st. dock.. Portland. WANTED OFFICE BOY. OPEN River Transportation Co.. Oak at Should have wheel. WANTED A FIRST-CLASS BENCH hand to work on stairs. Call at nth and Vaughn sts. x WA NTED EXPERIENCED A WIDOW WISHES POSITION AS housekeeper for widower with or with-. out children. A-253S or W-603. Josrnal. THOROUGHLY EXPERIElESTE"- nograpner, owning machine, desires work by day or week. Phone B-1744. WJDOW. 28. UNINCUMBERED. GOOD cook, would like to keep house for bachelor. K-305, Journal, WANTED WASHING AND IRONING by day; good references. Main 7444. r can up at e o ciock in the evening. GRADUATE NURSE WITH PLEASANT home woi)d take Invalid to care for. Main 6727. COMPETENT WOMAN WANTS DAY work; nice places. Mrs. M., 345 E. 2d. GENUINE SITUATION WANTED ADS cost only 1 cent a word, 8 Insertions for the price of 2. WANTED AGENTS AGENTS WANTED WRITE NOW for particulars. The Chas. Benedict Nursery Co., Carlton. Or.. R.. F. D. No. 2. SOLICITORS, BOTH SEX, WILL FIND clean and profitable emdovment .ail ing lots in my addition. Call 231 Wor cester bldg., ZA and Oak sts. and waitress. Curtis. 265 WAITER 14th st, Hobart- HELP WANTED FEMALE 2 FURNISHED XtOOMS 9 HOTEL OILMAN. NICE COMFORT able rooms by week or month; rates reasonable. 142H 1st st . THE ALEXANDRIA NEATLY FUR- WANTED EXPERIENCED GIRL for general housework: nnA war.a family of thre. 341 E. 12th N, Broad- wayc-ar. rnone pjast 3398, WANTED A FIRST-CLASS COOK IN small private family. 146 N. 20th st. j eiepnone Tuesday. Main 2578 fikTRT AVr tll'VITT uivr.i' Thorourhlv exnerlanred anH nmnuiMii wanted at once. OLDS. WORTMAN KINO FOR SALE. Sealed bids will be received by the undersigned, until noon .oh Wednesday. October 11, 1908, for the sale by Multnomah county, of 48 acres of land situated In section 6, township 1 south, range 3 east Multnomah county, Ore gon, to be sold as a whole, or in 6-acte tracts. Plat of this land can b seen at the office of the county clerk In WANTED EXPERIENCED STENOG rapner who can keep small set of oooks; must give reference. Address, o-ova, journal. nlahed rooms. 131 H 10th st Transients solicited.. GENUINE FOR RENT ADS COST only 1 cent a word, t Insertions for the pries of 1. THE KARY FURNISHED ROOMS. 9i.ov per weeK ana up. Second. THE NEWLAND ' FURNISHED rooms. 31.50 to $3 per week. 306 H 1st. BOOMS AND BOARD IS WANTED ELDERLY LADY TO AS- sisi wun ngnt nouATworx on a farm; a good home for the right party; state wages wanted In reply. N-381, Journal. WANTED COMPETENT GIRL FOR general housework. Apply 181 E. 16th St.. cor. Yamhill. Phone East 169$. WOMEN AND GIRLS .WANTED TO work in fruit cannery. Apply at East 8th snd Division sts. Holmes Cannery. WANT YOUNG GIRL TO MAKE HAIR roils: naia wnua learnina-. Anniv ia WANTED YOUNG GIRL TO WEAVlJ i'in PKT CL.K ANING. Ina- and general furniture repairing business, machinery, fools, stock of roods snd delivery wagon, $ miles from Portland in city of 12,000; dissolving partnership: buslneBB pays well; open for investigation; price $1,000. . H-23L Journal. the courthouse. If sold In tracts. feet will be reserved off the west sldo i for a roadway. The county reserves tho UPHOLSTER- rignt to reject any and all Olds. r. 8. f IKLPB, county Clem. NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEET Mala sad ACRR3 rrtTlC AND DAIRY its. si.. lenpl,fPiaats sad t er ht, mr lanilT watered. er d '-'x.. 6 miiea la frMBffr. I( tm-, t of K,wt1i pails; terms: ma 1 Fm!J lJ T I h S " W A NT ISVJ " V FOS M A T 1 6 ?C V. M-me"e valiev. fha rrda spot ml -' ft twk et. ... - . 7I' V "i-hur. I.I Br$ tf Traia. or. 4t ana Oak, A Cheap Horne arr. 9 mllea from Ihifur. Wasco county. 47 "T cleared. 4 acra, sosm ta winter wheat, plenty of water, small oixoara i nrm wsgoa. head cat tle, 1 sets hamaas. 6 work noraaa n. teraait In threshing machine, $$,. Call I'it rlmnn at TlUaaoci Is the Place to Bny r'aJl and get Informatton. map and aoassfelet of Tillamook cnty. Ralph Acklsr THlamonk rwralopm.nt Leacna. - ii rTMt ,M jllfte.OOB ON MORTGAGES, CITY OH I farm oroprty. fire Insurance. Mc jKensle Co, 2,H Aider, room $. MONET TO IXiAS OS IMrriOVED property In soma of $I,eo or mora. O. T. Cady. 321 Mohawk Mdg. MONET TO LOAN. LARGE LOANS A specialty, building loans: lowest rates; f1r Insoranca. W. G. Bock, lit FbIIIbc Wo.VKI! MONET! MONET ! MONE? OB Bpprnved security. 201 Fanton bids MONET TO 1X5 A N ON ALL KINLTTi? eecr1ty. W. HoIL R . Waah. bM. IX f!'M8 Or $! te $2 rrnAAnr. II H at. fAl.ART IOANi :s w: $6 BUYS HALF INTEREST IN PLAT tlng rropositlon; wlli clear over $I.f0 anlece. 226 Lumber Exchange. A mkI.aT niANCEWR A MAN WITH small capital, to take charge, of or buy. W-401. journal. ONE HALF INTEREST IN WOOD AND coal bualneaa. consisting of heavy team, new wagon, harness, H as sol In saw on truck, a Tne trade; $100 will handlo It Phone Sellwood 128. 1111 Hoi rate st WANTED AN INTEREST IN GOOD stationery, drug, candy or cigar bual tieas. w. E c, MOtal Mtni. ONE HALF INTEREST IN GASOLINE wood f wi tracKa. IT) one Sell wood ja. vj I Hnigate st Hcol Rlrer District lis tmrs t acres finest sppla $1 s-r BBOnth. - A. I. PrTPA8 271 Lssober jchAg. Mala II 46. LOWF8T RATE a I EiplTra lsn Co.. 7T rv it h)4f 1AAC U WHITS. MONET TO LOAN fire Inetirarw-a 144 Philvk H TTiE AFK1NG SaXaR? Th Loaa Oa 41 Nlim 4tICK 1aSi OS ALL f o-LRiiirs:, ft. W. King. 46 Wash bli. 41M.! j photograph galij:rt f0r saLK , Complete and modersv Good Iocs- la..-- I LOAN Ff R I or re.ttl tlon and food taken ml. k. business. A na if ASdrra T. T. Webstar. 1,1 J.M.iyTT .1-, I1T. A GOOO BARGAIN AM CHANCE FOR S liro man. a dyeing and classing wnrka. eal b t!P-d 6 yaars; slckoaaa tha raa of oiJag. ttrarB at worka 4i Gusaa st. Price jl.ifs. fug The annual meetins- of tha Bis mil coal Mining company will r Held on tne ibtn day or octnoer, ls, at 1 m.. at Strahlman'a halL corner EL 11 st. and Spokana ave., for the purpose of slectls officers snd the transaction of such other business as may properly corns oeiore tne meeting. J. W. CALDWELL. See. DISSOLVED PARTNERSHIP TO ALL whom It msy concern:- root Ice Is here by given that the firm of Peterson A Noes has dissolved Partnership, snd that I sm responsible for all Mils prior to tteptemoer s. ivvs, out not thereafter. E. C. Peteroon. TEAM. WAGON AND HARNESS LEFT at Model stable. z oavls at., br A. N. King, about August 1. 1101. this will ts sold October l. Ilftl If oes- not oan. property owner i ANNUAL' STOCKHOLDERS' MEET- lag of the Midway Improvement as sociation win win MtiMir eve ning. Sept. 11. IMt, at p. m, fa fire man nail. M'away. WALLACR MILI.FR."erratsrv. ON AND AFTER THIS DATeTIePtT 17. 1" I Will tt f . reanoflBiM for lr 4Ms mads bv Br r wlfa. tin Minn is Ham a iPrwfl T. HlRSfS ' riFMAtSTFR r-:H.oL IS NOW L4 cata at ii i:ta si hslr. also aDDrentlce St.. pnone Ksst 2Z11. at 421 E 9th PORTLAND COMMONS. Louise Horn a home away from home, for glrlsi only; modern conven iences, baths, green lawn, board and room $3 and up. 173 Cable st.. cor. Mill. Phone Main 1678 or Main 1665. 1 NICE BEDROOM WITH OR-WITlf- out board. Piedmont addition. C-2177. 1212 Moore st. GOOD BOARD AND ROOM IN PRI vata family; gentlemen 'preferred Phone A-3676. Nob Hill district. FOB BENT HOUSEKEEPING 8 ' GENUINE HELP WANTED ADS COST only 1 cent a word, I insertions for the price of 1. GIRLS. 16 YEARS OF AGE, WANTED at once. OLDS. WORTMAN A KING. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE w6rK. Phone Main 1966. FINISHERS AND OPERATORS ON panta, steady work, good pay. 101 td St., room 1. HOOD RIVER HOTEL, HS ITH 8T., nice housekeeping, front ana transient rooms: this place has .changed handa and everything is neat and clean and sn orderly house. BEAUTIFUL FRONT. BAY WINDOW rooms, large, airy, completely fur nished; first-class location; both phones. 634 Morrison. GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL HOU8K work, family of 1; good wages. 121 14th st - - WANTED 11 WAITRESS E8 FOR country ciun. Apply 494 Washington. COOK WANTED GOOD WAGES. Lnrretta t 64 HOUSEKEEPING AND TRANSIENT rooms. The floae, 1 1 H Union ave. Phone B-1162. East ill. Mrs. Etta Keys. Prop. $1.60 WEEK UP LARGE. CLEAN - furnished housekeeping rooms, linn, dry and bath. 114 Shermaa st, south. Portland. GENUINE FOR RENT XDs COoT only 1 cent a word, 1 Insertions for the price of 1. . UP CLEAN FLR-bsth. WANTED A SCOTCH GIRL FOR GEN oral housework. CI1 Marshall at or rhono Main 4ts. or A-I941. COM PETE NT GIRL FOR COOKING ana general nouaowor. Zt to 114 ifl. 34 Haalo , cor. K. 24. WANTED WOMAN FOR LIGHT nonaework and coiapanr: good hoaa. W-S. JotJTTSl. mUm.e-agkd ladt wantf.D to oo noiawork on farm fr famllv of twor thres. Inquire of pvroer. steam- e- A mwHi, fvf of Tarlor st. W A NT Et KX PERI E. T.D WATTER snt we lire, lit 1 4Ui rt . -Hotrt- Cr!. 1 SI NGLB LAMF8 WANTED AT 11.26 WEEK nisnvn ntuitKiciini i uvtui, laundry., furnace Seat, yard. Stanton st, U. car. I SUITES OF I HOU8F.KEEPl.Ni3 rooms, steely furaiabed; bath, (as and phone. 421 6th st. UtS ALI'ER ST Hi 11TH ST NICE - larre houaekeeolnc and stasis room a. (1 mi LARa nd np. Phono A-4t2. IGft. Li.JHT. S'lCELf H'RJs'liiH I tea. j single houae keeping . rooi l Aider. Ill lftH. "A-4JU rooms. UNFURNISHED 4lt Bumside. Itt t. ravn i WETNURSK WANTED, f HON E C-llIi. 1TIR RENT FOUR fPH riRMSHFD HOUSF.KEEPIN1.. rooma saltablo for man and wife. Call 17 td. . two AND THRF.r. KOoiTi; c!fMt flel fr.lah4 ooepin f aut'ea, ilr rr-' l t liv N Tf. I f H $ N UT. n. .; kf ?.iTs-IT.' - .v'?; riedmotit add.'Uoa. liams $h!t! C-I1II.