THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENINO.. SEPTEMBER 19, 1008. HOLDS POSSE JIT DAY ALL NIGHT Gcorgo Smith of Waukesha ' ' Wounds ; Three Tersons Before He Surrenders. (United Ft keaied Wire. I . Waukesha, Wls.,'8spt It. A(ter hold ", lng posse it bay all night nJ making a desperate fight, Qeorg Smith, 0 XMri old, waa captured at dawn today "and placed under arrest on the charge of having shot Mra. Jullua Orabow and ' her daughter, Olga, last night and af- terwarda aeriously wounding Hliarlf f . Ooorge Dwlnnell. Mra. Orabow, who waa ahot In the head three times, la dying. . Smith la charged with having irona to the Grabow home and to hava attacked --.'the mother and 14-year-old daughter. The newa of the attack on tha woman 'tful artrt mnnA rantitlv and when Sheriff ' Dwlnnell went to tha house. Smith waa ," waiting for him and fired from a wln- , dow. The aherlff fell and la In se rious condition. . - , ' Tha shooting of Sheriff Dwtnnell 1 : Aroused tha whole community and a -posse farmed and atarted for tha houaa. 1 Rmtr h In lha ma rtlm, tiaH Ha.rrlCajtd the ImuM. elnard all tha wlndowa and doors and by tha rapid uaa of hie rifle . oenoa arraai. Whenever mi posse en me Into eight he fired and tha men aoon realised that It would ba impossible to -capture him during the night without several peraona being killed. At day light, however, tha poaaa aurrounaed ' tha houaa and by a sudden daah closed In on Smith, when ha aaw ha would (be killed, ho surrendered. Tha poaaa found Mra. Orabow uncon ' ' aoioua and there la no hope, whatever for her. Tha little girl waa grven at- tentlon and it la believed aha will re wvar. - ; Smith waa sullen and ugly when ha ; gave hlmaelf up and refuaed to make any statement to tha authorities. ''- Racing at Lexington. days' race meeting waa begun here to. day under promising aueplcea, Petting at tha meeting la to ba permitted only by mutual and auction pooling. 5 Kxonrsioa Bates to Beaver. - Tha annual meeting of tha sovereign grand lodga of Oddfellows will Uka plaoa In Denver, September II. for which occasion tha O. R. A N. will make an open rata from Portland and all points on its Una of $$1.60. Tickets for this event will be ofl sale Tueaday and Wed lieeday of neat week. September II and II, but as tha going- limit la II days, fiurchaaera need not start on thoaa daya f they do not wish to, Just so they reach Tenver before tha limit expires. Final t-jrn limit It days from date of ale. Call at tha City Ticket office. Third and Washington streets, for any Information dealred. f m i n ua in ii fo il 'A I .11 11 lr mm 7S S URINARY DISCHARGES retjutved in 24 nouns Each Can- sola bears (MJDY) the nmtTS A, ALL DKDOOUT8 j . About Of all tha errors i Tristli Doctors a iad Drugs Men I Can Cure You v THIS FAILURE of others to euro you does not frova your case ncurable. I have curei oases - of men's diseases that had time after time baf fled meillcal ef fort, and as of ten been . pro- pounced past relief. mat Ba, TATXOm, The Leading; peolailsV Ttia . . inn a. thla la IhHt mv - v. uii m complete ana ao curate, and my treatment directed vvorumiij. a oinera nave failed it la io your best Interests to at least cunauii ma. kt nn roB A, $10 X-.AJrT mmriM , ATLMEMT Pay When I Cure You Weakness 'Is not a nervous all ant but la a result of disorders purely local. I smolov no electrical n, m.. chanlcal contrivances In the treat ment or Weakness, nor do I excite functional activity by the use of aumuiants or tonics. I treat by a local process such aa no other physi cian empiovs. oomr&TATzoaT rui, -k r. Weak and - nervoua men or those suffering from any private disease should call on ma at once. 2 make absolutely NO CHARGE for a friendly talk, and my advice will be valuable, whether treatment la be gun or not. Write If you cannot call. The DR. TAYLOR Co. gMH Iforrlaon St Oor. Morrison aaa aeooaa ana., roruana, or. VELitUEK REPORT HEAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Isnae O. renney and wife to Puean A. Xaacher, lota 1 and 1, bl k - 1. Moulton Rcobey's suoaiviaion or block "a, Tib bett's addition ,. ....... laador Ouiubert and wife to Maua W. Anderson, east ITm feet pf tot I, block 101, Couct - Miuiuvn ....,., Moore Investment Co. to w. Christian, lota 11 nd II. block ST, W BBS ISUBB ....... ralna continue along tha gulf ooaat. No J. A. Curry and wife to Vf. B. matarlal ehanvea In lemoarature have I Turner, lota I, I. 4 and II. oeourred'ascept In tha upper Ohio val- block I, Council Creat l"ark ...11,710 ley and lower lake region, wnero it i jtoon w. wuson, trustee, to W. A widespread low barometer area eov are tha firltlati northwaat and tha prea sure is slightly below normal from the Mississippi river westwaro. sna us"r above, normal over tha eastern portion of the country. The trotdcal storm mentioned yesterday over the Gulf of Mexico contalnues In that region this morning, but with Somewhat diminished Intensity. Hain haa fallen in tne seat em portions of Oregon and Wsshlnrton, In northern Idaho and Montana and heavy 1,051 1,000 III much warmer. Tha temnerature la allghtly below tha aeaaonal average from the Rocky mountaina and west gulf cossf westward, while It la unseason ably warm over tha Missouri and upper Mississippi valleys and tha westsrn por in nr in iirwkf i.aicea. The Indications are for fair weather tonlsht and Sunday throughout this dis trict. . ascent In weatern Washington. where showers are probable tonight. Lhr.r. ,U b no nrIJ eb' U tam HoVac. X Mann and wifV to j! 'ii a. Turner, lot II. block I. Coun ell Croat Park 101 B. u. Hunebert and wife to A. IS. Cooper and wife, lot I. block I. Pednleorit Jk Hurlhart'a mAAttin sua josepn Btenran ana wire to A. o. suitor, jot it. block II. Alblna liomeatead 1.160 oicpnen mcnirai antr wire to Je rome ju uriasoisn, lot I, block 10. City View Park "Gentlemen, ninety-nine out of every1 one -hundred medical facta are medical lies, and medical doctrines are, for tha meat part, stark, staring - nonsense,". M Tir. nmrnnr nf tha EMlnburarh Mad- r leal college to his class. - Most aociors win ten you mat a rugs help nature ours. That Is a medical lie. Any remedy that does not assist nature cannot cure. It la true that, many people get well while using, drugs, but they probably would have : recovered a great deal sooner without them. When nature works her own cure, drugs get tha credit for It Tha best doctors are breaking away vfrom the use of drugs. They hava learned - that what nature wanta Is strength, nourishment, something that builds vitality. Tou can't get that from drugs. .' , Electricity Is nature's medicine. It la the force that runs your body every human organ geta lta Ufa from electricity, - If you are sick or run down restore electricity and you will have restored your health, because all sickness Is due to a lack of eiectrle energy In the body. . -T Electro-Vigor Is an electrlo body battery, applied while you sleep. It pumps a stream of electric Ufa Into ' every nerve and tissue of the body, building up vitality and strength and removing the causa of tha disease. GET THIS FREE Electro-Vigor la eurlng people every da. Tou should know about It My 100-page Illustrated book explains all. This book la free If you'll mall mo this coupon. S. A. HAtLM. D. .1311 Seoond Ato Seattle, Wash. Please send me, prepaid, your free, 100-page, Illustrated book. l-II-l Nam . ..k Address ......................... f ear blundering 'world, the most' far-rsachlng baa been the blind faith la tha curative power of drugs. Dross da at earev eaaaat eeureb. They can at best merely relieve and that -usually at great cost and Injury to tha body. DR. W. R. jC. LATON. In the San Francisco Newa, beptemoer 2ti, ikui. C. Gee Wo peraturok ' Max.. Foaton, Mass..,..., 14 hlcago, 111. 10 Cincinnati. Ohio,,.. IS , Denver, Col.,.,..,.. II Detroit Mich. II ' Kansas City, Mo.... II '. ; I -os Angeles, Cel.... 71, New Orleana, La. I. 71 . New Tork. N. T 10 Omaha Neb. ...... II , Philadelphia. Pa..,,- I! Phoenix. Arts...... v ' Pittsburg, Pa....... 14 , , Portland, Or. ,. 70 Ht. l-ouls, mo.,,,.,, is St. Paul. Minn II Salt Lake. Utah.... 71 Ban Francisco, CaL. II . Seattle. Wash. II Spokane. Wash 71 Walla Walla, Wash. Tl . Washington. P. C. 14 : m Mln. Tamp. I 74 l 10 l I ei 71 14 61 It 0 It 41 70 14 It 4. 44 It II SIARRIAGE LICENSES . Virgil Harrr Long, lit East Twentl- ein aireec, si ana Araee junan &ayes, 19.' Edward M. Jensen, 171 Tamhlll street. zt, ana Maoei tirooKa, it. . C W. Henry. 110 Hnlsey street David Urnst III Rodney avenue, II, and Alwina iorens, ii. ' - Wedding Carda W. Q. Smith eV Co. Washington bldg.. corner 4 th and Wash ington st Bets A Sons, florists, funeral designs. I4 H Morrison, wood lawn mi. c-n, Tha Well-Knowa . Bailable CHINESE Boot and Kerb 6 Today very little Is known - of medicine and Its use. Tne wisest doctor dan do but little mora than clear out tha system or ac celerate the action of tha heart When he has done both or all of these things he has reached the end. DOCTORS CAN'T CUBE From S. F. "Examiner," Aug. tl, 0I. The day of tha powder, fill and knife is nearlng ts end. The world Is be coming too Intelligent to be . drugged and hacked In a search for health whan mora agreeable methods can be obtained at the same price. , Tha old time doctors bled, leeched and dosed their victims with mercury and arsenic. Tha later school drugged. cut and slashed them. Tha neoDle are tired of both 'methods, and that they prefer baths, aleotrlolty and massage Is not to be won dered at. From S. F. "Ex aminer," June 17, '01V MEN! VVP rAI I your attention to our wonderful , tu vnub success, which la due to tha fact that we really have no competitor on thla Coast aa our staff la complete and la composed of America's most distinguished specialists, each of whom la well known to the profession, hospitals and tha community aa a man whose life haa been spent la curing, men. , DOft'T BE A, WEAK MAN Tfl AnMIT""' you are but XAXl A MAJT causes morsrZsTTA& I KJ Willi I uxjmmSMQ and worry XAJI AJTT OTXXB AXIOUsTT. Mfl M ATTPP wh"t T"rm of trouble or "waakaess" you may have, i'lrll ICK it aiTltny Is to your advantags to consult a before you even TBT elsewhere. Our modern . and thoronsrhly avian-tlflc-methods arw cartaJa to Wfect a rEKraCT and a rZaVMAJraaTT Otrtl In each caaa that we undertaka Our Institution is the most per fectly equipped for tha treatment f AXSt SZSSASSS common to men. OUR PEG IO IN ANY SIMPUG CASE We Positively Ccarantcc to Core Every Case We Undertake and YoaPay When Cored . - ow AocoinrT of our wxrmrra nicrtcm axv recent nr. "FSTIATJO WK HAVS SCUVUID Tllli IKU IO which attM wtua&iBLJi tw vtj TAfP VOTfrn We powltivaly inuu w...MlkltfN ta tTXTXsT BATS. TUgl r-aaj-asVee e ears Acwta zHa. mtl ra tae srasabUag blsaka ef tke profeaaaoa aa a lor yews iu"i . we aui mnnm u averaga physieiaas ewiUtt raipeaeiaie. are treaa. ays. whica VV fci LUKC oa. incrrio nooo potsobt im an. ratACTTV WTSOBSSBS, OrT nVJa, OM AMY OF Til SISAAASS COM. MOST TO KU. If yera aaaac eaj i ; f elf.BrasaJsa aTlaak. ICaay isss rul al kee. Innv. a aa. to g p. sa. gaaaar. t to la. ST.LOUISDISPEiySARY conm cow9 An tajoetu, rrmxrrm. fobtxaxb. ouoci Has msde a life study of roots and herbs snd In that study discovered and to giving to the world hla wonderful cure. Wo weronry, Poisons or Drugs Used US vures w nwu uj.r.wa n Without the Aid of a JCnlXs. Guarantees to cure Catarrh, Asthma, Thmat Rheumatism. Nervous ness, Nervous Debility, Stomach, Liver, Klndey Trouoies; i aiso: fi, wannooa. Female weaxness ana an x-nvaie uim- eases. A SURE CANCER CURE Just Beoeived from Pekln, Obina Bafa, Bure aaa neiiBDie. IF TOU ARE AFFLICTED DON'T DE LAY AtlUi UAWUtltUUa if von cannot call, write for symptom blank and circular. Inclose 4 cents in 1 stamps. CONSULTATION .FREE Tha O. tree Wo Chinese Kedlolns Co, 1IH First St.. Cor. Morrison. Portland, Oregon. Please Mention Thla Papen & TUB ABB X. TOBX The only genuine Chinese root and herb remedies In this city. Post-graduates Canton Medical College, China. Cure all weak men and weak women's Incurable diseases, such as cancer, lung, heart, stomach, liver, kidney, catarrh, rheuma tism and nervous debility. Charges rea sonable. Specialists on gleet, stricture, Dlles. varicocele, hydrocele and rupture. Call or write Yea As Tork Medicine Co., SS4H First st oor. Salmon. Portland. Or. Clarke Bros., florists Fine flowers and floral designs. III Morrison st Full dross suits for rent all slsea. Unique Tailoring Co., 101 Stark st Max M. Smithl florist 160 8th st.. op posite Meier at Fran as. Maw tub. 1.109 A. Fink at al. lot I. block la. Alblna . 1.100 T. o. Mcuamei ana wire to Kaipn hi. Blaeo, lot 4, block I. Strat ford-Sydney addition TOO A. J. Lee and wire to Ida O. Buah. lot 4. block 60. city 1.171 Arieta- Lna uo. to rnatnior ji. Mlkaleon. Iota I and I. block I. Elberta .' 110 Arieta Land CO. to Hendrlk Danlel- son, iota ii ana ii. niook 21. ki- berta . ISO Second Baptist church to East 4th street Baptist church, lot 4 and wsst 17 feet of lot-, block 11. Ulencoe Park 1.100 M. as. uavia ana wire io Amy Brothers, lot 10. block 7. Central Alblna 410 Ladd Eatate Co. to Q. L. Smith at ai. lot i. block 21. LAdd S' addi tion 1.715 W. O. Amos and wife to Charles a. Woodward, lot I. block 4. North Villa TOO John Hardlman and wife to Ira D. Baker, lot 11, block Z. Hardl man's addition 275 Ralph E. Blaco and wlfs to T. S. i McDaniei, lot 6, block I, Btrat- iora unyaer addition 1.100 II, I W. C. Alvord and wife to Cyrus B. loaa ana wne, 101 id, oiock xui, Irvlngton 1.250 Barry A. Pratt and wife to Melvln Hansen, lot 17, block 40, sen wood addition 100 V. Schmld and wife to. A. W. Curry and wife, lot I, block I, Mayor Gates' addition 1.250 Mary A. Weygandt to W. H. Ge- ncjce, lot e, biocK li, utencoe Park 800 Title Ouarantee A Trust Co. to Walter H. Smith, lot 10, block 17, South St. Johns 378 6 0 r .01 o . o 0 1.11 0 0 0 . 0 0 . 0 0 0 .01 0 0 Paclflo Title A Trust Co. BERTHS 1 ... .4 1 abstractors. 204-6-l-T Falling bldg, W. R. Halslln & Co.. abstracts, cer- tincates or title, eta izi coroeti mag. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE 16 VACANT PROPERTY I Too Kor a fine lot on Borthwtck St slsa 10 by 190, near KUIIngaworth ave.; terms halt cash, balance on time. 1 100 ftoilao foot tot an Montana ave. terma caah. This pries Is below toe maraet vaiua. 11.100 Buva a fine corner on Wlllam stts boulevard, overlooking the river, site 10 by 110 feet: lerms 1700 caah, balance I years, I jer. inmrHi. . I 100 ror eaat front lot 50 by 100, block from Kllllnssworth ave. : terms 1100 AAah. balance 111 per month 17AA hulMlna- reatrlctlon. $1,100 For lota on Wlllamett boul- evara. minutes wain irora . iu m N. shops; tins view or tne city, , Look this up and get terma. Thompson & Ozden 14 Mlaatsalnnl ave. Phones Woodlawn 101. Home. C-tOOI. Look at These Flna suburban home: l-room house with 1 acres of ground sst la fruit trees, garden, ornamental shrubs and flowers, ror the prloa of a houaa and lot In town, M.BVV. ' ",. Qbod lo-room houaa on E. llth at: haa full basement newly painted, large oren, good furnaoe, fireplace, n.ouv; arma. 117 A 7 lots In Sellwood on fine stream of water, only 1180; a great bargain. l-room houaa In Bunnvalda haa II brary and all modern eonventeneas, nice place, 14.100. it Oood corner on Corbett st. In South PfiU.A II KAA lit . " ......... . . , W U V. . . . Lot 100x188 in Holladay addition: good buy at IM50. Ill uoo4 Dualness lot on urana ava.: rine investment 111.000. . in Hartman & Thompson Chamber of Commerce. , Our list of city property la long and complete, state your needs and we can supply you. Getting new ones every day. ' Several choice buys lota In city, homes and acreage. We are also headquarters for country homes, farms of all kinds to suit every one. Some excep tionally good bargains Just at present Come In and let ns tell you -about them. 428 Tlmber Exchange- Bldg. KELLOQO September IB. to Mr. and Mra. D. C Kellogg, 1241 East Yam hllL a son. WEBSTER September 15, to Mr. and Mra. W. W. Webstsr, 415 East Thir tieth street a son. Williams Abstract Com Deny. Inc.. will give you the lowest prices on abstracta. isa is tars st., room ii. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE 16 DEATHS T PRATT SeDtember 17. Infant aon of Mr. and Mra. a. B. Pratt 742 Over ton, age 6 days; Inanition. IRVINE September. 17. Sarah Jana Ir vine, 010 UlliamoQK street, age ; oia age. O'CONNOR September 17, Mattle O'Connor, Oood Samaritan hospital, age IS; choiyeysutis. tpd-TTETH Sentember 18. W. B. Pet- teva. 171 East Nineteenth, age 70: concussion of spinal cord. 11.700 FOR A 6 ROOM HOUSE ON Bortnwicn st., near Kusseu st. lot 60 by 100. east front; terms 11.000 cash, balance 115 per month I2.S00 For a modern 6 room bungalow: run basement, piped xor gas ana wired for electricity; lot 60 by 100. east front on iv canine, near new high school site; terms 1800 cash, balance on time. $2,800 New six room bungalow In uveriooic; run sirea 101, east front, fine view, cement street and house walks, grate, laundry trays, cement floor in baaement This is a fine home; terms 81,000 cash, balance 2 per month, Collins Springs, Wash., age IT; val- ThOffipSOn & OgQCn 841 Mississippi ave. FRITZ September 14, Frank Frits, 750 phones Woodlawn log. Home. C-2008. xaggeri, age as; cancer ui iiuiuaiu, PRESCOTT September 14, Hary Pres- Z va XT a ILTaln m ft Infantlla rnnvtilalona. ! mrMT Sentember 17. Mary Agnes Hunt 548 Fourth, ags 1 year; cholera Infantum. UKDERTAKSTO DUNNINO, MENTEB A GILBAUOH, unaerwaerii ana c t.i . muuuu In every detail. Seventh and Pine. Main so. iaay assistant. J. P. Finley & Son Lady assistant Main s; a-ibpi. SELLER-BYRNES CO.. FUNERAL DI- rectors, emoaimers, zv itusseii, jist 1088. Lady assistant Evorjf 7oman ItlniwwUd and tbovM ksow skoonK Ktiss sTfindsi nil MARVEL Whirling Spray e aw Tatiaai ayiwae. Am, tunmmd rum oesvealea irJW V'... aT EDWARD HOLju-AN, 220 Srd street ERICSON UNDERTAKER, UNDERTAKINO CO.. EM- balmlng: lady is't: 401 Alder. M 8131. CEMETERIES ROSE CITT SINGLE GRAVES. 110: family lots, $25 to 176. Superintend ent at cemetery, corner of Fremont st and Cully road. Phone Tabor 101. For full Information apply to Frank Sohle get 582 Worcester blfc. Phone A-llll. NEW TODAY. Notice Wanted, the people of the United States ttf know that we buy, aell and exchange city prop erty. See us. Ws succeed where others fall. Pine Tree Land Co. 288 H Wash. St Phone Main 8810. TinT.T.r v PiRif A fine new 8 room residence, strictly modern and up to date, Fine rurnaca, laundry tuba and cement basement cor ner, 15,000; pay for it like rent Again, a fine new modern I room house, lot 87x100, fine furnace, laundry tubs, cement basement 14,600; terma Another A new modern 8 room cot tage, piped for furnace, laundry tuba. t basement, lot ouxizj witn auey. Same with furnace cemen only 13,836; terma, nut In. ia.150 These buys cannot be equaled In Port land. Call on us. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, . 714 Couch bldg.. 109 4th st, near Wash. Snwimwit, t he cannot topely the IABVKI Boucat s etber. But Mad ttaaia (of 1 Ununited book mM. nil nattleolari aad llrer valuable to ladlea. MARVBI, CO 4 JB. SOS ST.. HW tORK. ge Sale by gkidaiere Srug Co.. Weedard. Clarke Oe. aad laue-Davte Oraa Oa.. S Maces. CmCHESTER;S.PILI5 ISIaal aaa year mrmMmu mv , fiil-.bao-WB trlaaMadBraaaV ftila la aa4 UmiA amlllrN Mia, eaua wtth Bias Klbhaa. ' Sake ae etaae. Bar er ymmr w l raaaiat, X. k fc II l- Il a-TKareJ iaVmb itiNs riiXa. fcr sal yemkaeaa w BaM. Sttmt, Alaa Rallakle SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE FOR W0UEH ONLY Dr. Sanderson! Compound Bav in and cotton Root mis. tne best snd only reliable remedy for flMUl TnOXTBLTm AJTD XsmsauXulJUTXJia. -Cure the moat obstinate cases In I to II days. Price, 88 per box, or boxes for II; mailed In plain wrapper. Adireaa T. J. PIERCE, ill Oerllnger bldg. cor. nret arm Aider, ronnna, ur. San Francisco Office Oregon Journal ' t20CCaUeiig. ralkoa a Kearney tlal ASTKBTTBBrEBTT frTJaV CJtXPTIOsTg KXCKZTVS. Oregon laas when In San Fraaolseo a bare their mall Befit la car of Tha Journal Offlea. 1. L. BROWN. RepresentaUva. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Facts Insartlow. 1 cewt a counted word. No ad leee tha a II cents per laawrUe, st and fend, help waatad. ttaawJ . . . a m.ImI .a mt ads. 1 "t a word. taaartaSM for tb prtca ef - Co at sis wrds ta the Itita. t "New To-lay" tagate anaaeura, I faeK II I'tvea). 14 cent a pee- laeh. - -Want Ada" will be acwrteI errer tha phone, btit The Journal wCI stet be r- pomM foe efrera, shenild any oeer ta such ada Prompt far "at experted. rhoncs. Main 7173; A-C031. ffmra I a. m. te I p. m eatwrays. I a. sa ta II K tav SOME SUNNYSIDE BARGAINS 1600 Oood 4-room cottage, fully Improved streets, two blocks to carllne; splendid location, terms, siictnn Oood 5-room cottage, bath. basement Improved streets, two blocks to carllne; line location; terms. fact S2O0O New 5-room cottage, bath. ana electricity; run Dimnwni good ocatlon; terma. 2400 New 4-room cottage, gaa, bath, full basement; one block to car llne; A-l location. anno New 4-room house. bath, cement basement; nice lawn ah' sV42nn Snlendld new l-room house. gas and electricity: full basement nice lawn, flowers and rrult trees; one bloc to carllne. A fine home for some one. Take Sannyslde or Mount Tabor car, rat off at Eaat 17th and Belmont sta. and wa will gladly enow you our liat or property in tma apienaia auouro. C T. Saling & Bro. Fawna Tabor TIT. BAUER CD. STIGER REAL, ESTATE STOW Oregon Home Company aw.aaewAl aM aaaasas ' saafa gflvvsrtaj v I W ay, aa Baal TW eataavsl Wtf Nfur Flist a. Call aad see eur list of bargalna Phona Maia 111. REAL E8TATK TRAXSFKRS Lawyara Abstract 4k Trust Co.. room Board of Trade bldg.: abstracta a specialty llave vour a bat r acta made br the Ilia A Trust Co t C of C Moore Investment Co. to Ida C Graham, lot 7. PtocK l, ver- naa . . ..I 400 Fhneaitx Land CO. to rranK L Huston at at lot L Mock la. Suillvan s aaimoa LIU aiM Harbor Ra4tr Co. ta Wil liam ev-bwana. tot is. Bieca a. m Harbor all Kate Ward to O. K. Walling and ieorg 1 MMT. PS fl nwM ... i ta II Rtirfie'4 addltlfxi.. 11.I0I Jlfre Inreatmcnt t a. te Ina W rlgnt lot 1. riorx i veniea in H ,1'leU ta Mirj E. Bilrgeaa, lts? 11. I, .IT. 18, II I aaT la. block U lag laaida Park III A LARGE NUMBER OF CHOICE homes In John Irving and Holladay additions; come and Inspect before it is too late to get into the most desir able part of Portland; any amount of lots; all prices; some very desirable home sites cheap. One 10H-acre tract, nicely located to the city: only 11,000 Der acre. Finely rurnianea nome, car pets rugs and furniture, very reason able; Irvlngton-Broadway cars. For fur ther particulars call at office, corner 16th and Halsev sts.. East 891; C-198J. Residence, C-1408; C-1171. Dolen Herdman. $3,600 " 8 rooms, modern, except furnace. $3,400 N 7 rooms, modern, except furnace- $3,200 - 8 rooms, modern, except wash tubs and furnace. These are all choice locations In Sun nyslde district All improvements paid and are specially good bargains. Have also many othera both vacant and Im proved. See me. - THOS. P. THORNTON, , 111 Chamber of Commerce. E.TCIIANOK Itl.'AL I-STATi: I EXCHANGE Q-Acre Farm It miles out on good rd and ne new carllne; al goiHl anil, all f-nril, 40 acrea cultivated. I acres gnd bvartn orchard; running wair ihrovmH fnrm, fond 7-room huuea, frame liarit 4t44 eet, of dreaaed lumber and paltit1: all outbulldlnxs; 4 good horeoa, 1 cui. t doaen chickens, 11 hnga, new hnok. wsgon, binder, mower, rake, all farm tools, 10 tons hay, 16 acrea la oat a, 7 acrea in wheat. Will uka aoma cltr property as part pay : 1 1.1.1)0, Henkle & llanlscn III Oerllnger bldg., tj and Aldr sta WILL EXCHANOK MODERN HOUSE, With full eonflreta baaainnnt rvorcelula bath, tinted walls, etc.; lot t010. In most desirable part of city, aa part pay ment on farm of 10 to 10 acrea. Farm containing hop yard preferred. KUE CITV ItEALTT m Lumber Ex. Bldg, Cor. INV. CO.. Id A Stark. Exchange two-story brick building. 80x100 feet, Ith 1 storerooms nn first floor and hotel. furnished rnmnlale on unner floor; building Is nearly new, all occu pied and bringing la good rent; located on good corner In a proaperoua Ore gon town. Will exchange for acreaae or suburban aeruti home about Port land. Henkle & Harrison 111 Oerllnger Bldg., 2d and Alder Sts. 110 ACRES GRAZING LAND IN TIL- laoiooa county, gnoo soil, per acre: will exohanga for city property or email M-IZS. acreage near Portland. Journal. FOR SALE OR TRADE 6 ACRES. small house on Tualatin river, cloae to electrlo car line. 4H Taylor st. ROOMINO HOUSE 88 ROOMS, VALUE .vuo; win trade for rarrn. Apply Grand ave. Exchange . FOR .. ' Larger Farm 18 acrea. choice location, on car line: T25 appl trees. 100 near trees. 40 cherry trees, 25 English walnuts; good house. hot and cold water, bath; good barn; trade for larger farm. Henkle & Harrison 111 Oerllnger Bldg., 2d arid Alder..' 11,400 EQUITY IN 8-ROOM. MODERN . nnuae at LAUrelwood. Mount scoit carllne to exchange; balance 115 per month. Price. 11.600: would like aoma cash; what have youT Phone Tabor 7 1 J. A Little Beauty 4-room, all modern cottage, in Brooklyn addition; lot 60x100, nice lawn, roaea and garden; fine cement stable; furnished or un furnished, 12,600; 1600 down, bal ance like rent See this. 609-610 BUCHANAN BLDG., 286 Wash. St. Phona M. 8810. SNAP-ti.OOO; 8860 CASH. BUYS A lot 60x100 and good new house. 2 hla- storerooms and 2 living rooms In central location and only 10 feet from car; tha best plaee for grocery; the house rented for 811 a month; because of sickness must sell at once. Aaaress 48 E. 46tn st ynono Tspor to. Exchange 24 acrea well ImDroved with a new house, near Salem on eiectrle carllne, will trade for a larger fruit or dairy farm. What hava you to offer? Prlco only 15.000. Henkle & Harrison 511 Oerllnger bldg., 2d and Alder sts. IF YOU WANT TO BUT, SELL OR trade real estate, sea Stevenson A Taylor, rom ill Buchanan bldg, 281 Va Washington st Exchange ; Some nice new modern houses1 In Portland for a good farm. HENKLE & HARRISON, 511 Oerllnger Bldg., 2d and Alder Bts WILL EXCHANGE 80 -ACRES COAL ' land on R. R. for Portland property. Address V-678, Journal. Exchange New, modern flat, well located, for a good buslneaa. HENKLE & HARRISON. 611 Gerllnger Bldg.. 2d and Alder Sts. FOB SALE FARMS 17 S: NEW 6 ROOM COTTAGE, FRACTIO.- al corner lot west side, 2600, terms. 242 Starlc. FOR SALE BY PRIVATE! . PARTIES 128 acres or gooa rrm iana. ror artlculars address A. M. M., 2004, ata lon A, Portland. Or. 10 LOTS, E. 88TH, LEVEL, 1 BLOCK to car. water in, worm ,vuv; quick sale 82,000 cash. Owner, Sellwood 870, after 7 p. m, $3,200 UNION AVE. TWO-STORY ...-. kiHiittnv tiit fiflTlAS: cement . vwa.u.a.nt " " , sidswalk: suitable for business of any kind; half cash, balance 6 per cent 831 union ave., w. SNAPS FOUR FINE LOTS. 120 FT. long, 4tt blocks to car; ail lor uu cash; 8-room house, half biocK to car, 21.100. 856 caah. rest monthly; elegnn: new 6-room house, 1 block to ear. 81,- Arieta. Taoor taia. NEW 850. Exchange, FOR SALE BRAND 88,900. .784 E. Yamhill st. 8-ROOM" $8,450, worth Washington St Business Property A fine lot on Washington St., 60x100. I will sell very reason able If taken before October 1. Oood reason for selling. Terms. No agents. N-879, Journal. EiGHf-R&6M m6ERN HOUSE ON Eaat llth at. near Clinton Kelly school: 81.000 cash, . balance on time. Taggart, 411 Chamber, of Commerce. Vv WOLFSTEIN MOVED REAL E9 tate office, 218 Couch bldg.; come and get good bargains, 62x100. CORNER AND 1-ROOM HOUSE one block from Sellwood car, 1600, 1800 down, balance 15 per month. More lots on E-Z payments. Le Compte, phone aeliwooq e. C R. Donnell & Co. Real Estate. Room II, 111 Stark HOOD RIVER ORCHARDS. MACRAE ANGUS. 411 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Vrtft flALfc i-h66af HOt'SE. CON- creta basement: lot 10x100. See own er. 1201 Borthwlck st PORTLAND'S MOST WOODMERB. . . i . i . tar mains, few choice lots left iawiL tl ner month. R. E. Allen. Wood mere sta.. ml bcoh car. beautiful suburb: streets graded, wa- ; siov, HOUSES FOR SALfi IK ALL PARTiJ of tha cltr: acreage eioee in aoa farms in Oregon and Washington. Phone Main 441ft. Kinney at stampaer. 111-11 Lumber Exchange bldg. WILL EXCHANGE I LOTS ON 8K1D naM mt aad modern l-room houaa. close In. for equity la modern flat 101 McKay piog. ; A NEW. MODERN . I-ROOM HOUSE. line lawn. II of elty. See owner. Terms If destreu. rose' boebea, fine view 4 E. 17th at A SNAP I COWS AND MILK ROUTSl Bringing lltf Vr rowwvu, mimv lots In University park and a modern bungalow; barn, chlckbn boase, fruit traa. wood and nav for the winter. Ad- draaa 717 Amherst st Phone Woodlawa 04. ! (-A GOOD 4-ROOM H6U5g 6W Mount Scott carllne. ground lAxlti. cement foundation, cement wall In front etc This le worth Investigating. 1 44 down, balanca like rvnt. Hxrm 47 Bit rhinm bldg. 114 4 WseMertoa at aW ILLaL home. I acrea. o5oT5 new hoia. all fenced aad ander cut tlvatiea. running water In boaae. ( mln. atea walk front ' Kendail etauaev. Es tarada liae, mile fraes Mcmat sW( Una, l-reat fere; will sU for $4.a. calf eaen. eu4 mrwrtrr nunia iifi Portland Wire A !" werka, , Id aa-4 f;rT.'1 ate, err at f A rKW" lOTfl LA.KT. 9A FEET, coi the Itannyaise rarune; I e te ' eerH: very easy-terms. 1141 EairtocV, coreer lliA at BEAUTIFUL IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. Modern 6-room bungalow In Irvlngton, with aleeping porch; cement basement with wash-trays; la equipped with odor less heaters; linoleum on kitchen and bath room: shades, etc.. go with place. Price $4,500. $1,200 cash. SWEET, 204 Corbett Building. $300 BUYS CHOICE PENINSULA RES ldence, or business lots on Union ave., $10 down and $10 per month. Address K-307, Journal. FOR SALE SIX-ROOM MODERN house, full plumbing, electric lights and fixtures, nice lawn, roses, etc, barn, chicken house, etc.; terms to suit; $2,260. Look at thla before you buy. 21 Taylor st, Laurelwood, Mount Scott car. A BEAUTIFUL BUILDING SITE AT A BARGAIN. 100x101 E. 10TH AND HARRISON. $1,800, easy terms: izue down; zv per month. See owner, 388 E. 31d. cor. mnn at LOTS FOR BALE1, CHEAP. ON HOL- gate street 1 block from Sellwood carllne. Inquire of owner, 124 Holgate 113 acres, all good soil, free from stone or gravel, all lies well to culti-. vate, level and gentle slopes; nics run ning stream of watsr, , rock . bottom, ' forms line of farm on . two sides: 55 acres In. cultivation. 16 acres in pota toes, balance In clover; wheat and oats; good orchard, good farmhouse; large, . heavy frame barn, shingle roof; good granary, painted; new chicken yards and house, spring water in yards; 3 wells, 6 horses, 1 cow, 8 young heifers, 18 hogs, some chickens and ducks, wag on, hack, cart, new buggy, binder, mower, rake, harrow, gang and walking plows, potato planter and digger, cream separator, all small tools, all furniture in the house; 1 mile to town, on the river, boat landing and railroad station; fine drive road into Portland, only 18 miles. You .can't beat this for the monev. Pries for farm, stock, imple ments, crop and furniture only $7,000. Henkle & Harrison 611 Gerllnger Bldg., Second and Alder. , A SWELL BUY 400 acres, 800 In crops; threshed 25 bushels this year; 4 miles 3 railroads and river, near 2 good towns; plenty water; good 7-room '. house. 2 barns, all outbuildings; 16 milch cows; 6 calves, 8 work , horses, 60 hogs, reaper, binder, header, seeder. 1 wagon-header boxes, rakes, harrows, disk and other plows and tools too numer- ous to mention; all feiced - and . cross-fenced; house all furnished, piano included. All goes. Price $42 per acre; cash, balance . rlong time. 609-510 BUCHANAN BLDG., -28ft Wash. St, Phona M. 8890. ' st. on premises. $2,600 NEW. MODERN 7-ROOM da-ellln in Sallwood. near car, beautiful home; terms. Room 16, Wash- Ington bldg. HAWTHORNE AVE.. $2,860; 6 ROOMS. gaa. bath, lot 4!xll7; lota of fruit; terms. Phone B-I14J. A. GErrt'lNE PENINSULA BARGAIN Three lots, psmy lmproveo, , terma 821 Board of Trade. iF t6tf HAVE A LOT AND A LIT- tle cash wa will build you a home. The balance can be paid on the install ment plan. The Bpanton Co.. 270 Stark. i,iO LOT $0x1 10, SIX-ROOM COT- . mm. mnA ta.rn. an carllne. Inauira 791 Wllllama ave 11 Ias rkll xtLL BUT GOOD HOME with garden tract and running water cloae la on carllne: house la good, soil rich: exceptional buy. Talk with owner. Andreas. r-n. J"r , RTW f-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. - near Mount Scott carllne; ll.4e cash. lilaaea to suit purchase. Taggart. 414 rh.mMr of Commerce). HftOCM h6U8E: FURNISHED. CE metit baaement elect He light ILIOs. Ill Mllwaukie st WANTED REAL ESTATE SI WANTED WE HAVE RUTERS FOn f anna, gity im Will deal with awwwre anly. Pinflt Northweet Keaity AaaocUtaa, 41$ W aiis- Far M?g. I Lots NEAR 1H Ab FR.ixIV war fress ewBer eiiy. atwet $ pr Vt have customer waiting. T-.t, JTwel . TfATaE' ACEEAC.R OX TlGARr- viile lira lit ttiiir r"r i9-rrt UAVTTiiTi rEfT'"rAlrvA"A i: ta ev-fearra for iT M s: t.e f-r pi t ting. I-:i, J-raa. Great Bargain II acrea, 14 acrea cultivated, good 7 room house all plastered, hall, cloaeta, pantry, fireplace, porches, well painted and good condition, good frame barn and outhouaea, 128 choice beating fruit trees, large strawberry bed, raspberries. Loganberries, blackberries, grapes, 3 acres In potatoes. 7 acrea In oats, seeded to clover, 1 horse, 1 cow, some hogs and chickens. 1 spring wsgon, 2 plows, 2 cultivators, 1 steel harrow and small too la. fronts on a good improved road only S miles out from the courthouse; this Is ths best bargain now offered In a small farm so near to Portland. Price for aU 84.200. , Henkle & Harrison - 611 Oerllnger bldg. Id and Alder sts. A Big Sacrifice 717 acre! wheat land. Klickitat county; 100 acrea In crops, bal ance paature; threshed $5 buahela Kt acre this year; 1 houses, I ma, other outbuildings; 8H miles to 1 railroads and river, on cream and mail route; good orch ard; It mllea of hog-tight fence. This Is a snap, 20 per acre; wiil take Portland property la ex change, all or part Pine Tree Lm Co. -I10 Buchanan Blrtf, Ilttt Waab. St. Phona M. M0. II ACRES I1.1M MILr f! tfiM.k.M .i.hf m i r mm t ; 1 1 . u on fine road, fin -r-n -.-, t bam, one acre tine ar'nar.i jr-nr t one aorse and bortrr. & rt.i la aa elart l u;e hoin-, a- jt mllea from Porf-1 e t. ; . i , " , U ACRr 11 ' -t ' . ' e,l part: tr . r.i i . limber. 1 trl'a t re, - , land, A1' "-r. Ii ! ! r-'-..f- ' r. tt ef a f mwm f ?' 1 ' ; , Lr.i .. ;:i- e-