The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 19, 1908, Page 12, Image 12

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"T ; tt r-
V....i r Mia heavy bulla
.'rrr . m r-roeresa m
tng impror.m. - - - w
Portland ) the lri. number
houaea that are under construct on and
that .will soon be under way in jww
the North Portland warehouse district
.. .v. em tcrrltorr on the east
ad in 1 1 1 .... - -
aJ ih. uiiiimrit. It U not an
. utin.ti to say tht the new con
truetlon of' this eharecter now under
way will Involve the expenaiture o
i. than 1600.000. while the warehouses
for. which prfns are being prepared
and on whlcfi work will soon beg n w 1
call for the outlay or an.'in.r -" V""
linn. Included in m """-'-sarages
which are going up IB the die-
farages wnicn are k
rlrt north of Ankeny ilwt
The largest warehouse
under conetrucUonln Poruena i, oe-
L1! J-SSiS. JF bV "xMrTeth. "Four:
ieenth Davis and Everette streets. This
Iroe a four-.tory. reinforced con;
crete structure too feet square, with a
full conorete hasement. f?!
storage purses. The estimated cost of
the atructure s 1200,000. The . W. P.
Fuller company has taken a long time
1mm on the building and will occupy
It aa soon as It is completed.
Six-story Conorete.
it rrk and Everett " streets, the
t.kk. haa hMun the erection
of a six-story, reinforced concrete build
ing, to oe occupied as wren
warehouse by the Wumauer-Frsnk Drug
company. The building covers a quarter-block
and will coet about $100,000.
The interior of the structure is to be
unnorted with Steel columns, those for
the basement and first atory having al
read been delivered on the ground. '
Work on the E. H. Wemme brick gar
ace at Seventh and Couch streeta Is
progressing favorably. The foundation
la In and the walls of the first story
are nearly up. This Is to be a two
story structu.-e and will cover a quarter-block.
This Is the second brick gar
see to be erected at that point by. Mr.
Wemme. the other one is at Burnslde
and Seventh streets end Is occupied by
to H. I. Keats company. E. O. Craw
ford, a Vancouver Wnh., banker, who
-saw.,,.- " .
recently purchased the property at the
i corner or r inn ana Anaenv
has commissioned an - architect
southeast corner of Fifth and Anken
to draw thd plans for a three-story
warehouse r relnrorced concrete, to be
erected on that site. The building will
be of fireproof construction and wU cost
approximately $40,000. '
The F. 8. Harmon Furniture company
bas completed the foundation for a new
stx-story furniture warehouse at Four
teenth and Johnson streets adjoining a
four-story warehouse formerly built by
this company. . - '.
The St. Clair Provision company's
steel reinforced concrete building, at
Fourteenth and Everett streets, is well
under way, the foundation havinar1 been
completed, and . work on the walls be
gun. This is to be a 60x100 foot build
ing, and for the prceent will, be but two
. stories high, although the foundation
and walls are to be of sufficient
One Citizen Found "Who
Doesn't Object to Term
Being Applied to Him.
Declaring that "those : best able to
pay for street Improvements and those
who have the most money also have tha
most moss on their backs," A. Van
Hommlssen appeared before the street
committee of the city council yesterday
to fight for the Improvement of East
Seventeenth street, , to ' which : remon
strance had been made. The committee
finally overruled : the remonstrance,
which was presented by Waldemar
- Seton and S. B. Linthlcum.
The Improvement covers nearly a mile
of the street, and most of the property
Is owned by the streetcar company
and one or two other large property
owners. There are onlj a few families
living on the street and Seton protested
that the improvement is unnecessary at
this time and will only prove a burden.
He stated further that . within a few
months a sewer will be placed In the
Street, which would necessitate tearing
up the improvement ,
Seton was followed by S. B. Linthl
cum, who represented one of the large
rroperty owners, and protested against
he Improvement at this time, declaring
1 that the street commenced nowhere and
ended at the same place. Linthlcum
was followed by Van Hommissen, who
reDresented . the . Brooklyn Republican
Improvement club. He said that tha
improvement of the street was neces
sary ror persons living in mat section
of tha cltr to enable them to travel
from the northern to the southern part
oi in euy. - .,-;;-:.,.
Doesn't Object to Uoss.
' Van Hommlssen then declared in his
reply to Linthlcum and Seton that the
i property owners who have the most
money also have the most moss on their
backs.. His statement was denied by
tteton, wno oeoiarea mat ne aio. not od- much to having the moss put on
his back in regard to the present Im
provement, which he reiterated was un
necessary, but that he did take strong
exceptions to being put in the pluto
cratic classes. He said that he had
never before been so rated, and that
tie had not done anything or acquired
strength to support four additional tor-
raoe Oosaoaarc "Wareioflae.
. At the northwest corner of Fourth
and Ankenr streets the foundation and
a part of the walla of the first story of
the Pacific Paper compans warehouse
have bean completed. This structure is
to be of the slow Duming or mm cn-1
st ruction type. It will cover -a quarier
block. Is to ba six stories high, with
full concrete basement and wtll coat
about $7.000. -
On the opposite corner,, across An
keny street from the Paclfio Paper com.
pany's warehouse, a four-story salee
mnm mil irarehouaa. coverinaT a ouar-
tor-block, will soon be under way. Plans
are now being prepared for this im
After two months of preparation the
five'story. Mltchel-Lewla A Staver ware
house at Seventeenth and Thurman
streets ls about ready to stsrt on its
two blocks tourney west to Nineteenth
street The entire building haa been
underpinned and now rests on steel roll-
The temporary tracKS or steei run
have been laid part of the way and
tha big cable and drum Is being put In
nlae& I la aatlmated that not over 10
davs will be required to more tha heavy
atructure to Its new site.
This Is tne largest Duiiaing moving
imnnaltlnn that has ever been unoer-
aken In Portland, if ndt In the north
west. While It IS not an unusual un
dertaking. It Is one that required a I
vraat Heal of skill and Is attended with
a heavy expense: the contract pries for
moving tne tiuuamg anoiir dw xeei ib i
In the neighborhood of $20,000.
In the east siae warenouse ctistnci i
sre a number or warehouses con-i
atmctlon. At Kast First and Hast Tarn-
hill streets, Devlin & Wallace have com-1
menred the erection of a 100x100 "ware-1
hnnaa. it la to te a nricK structure, i
two stories hlrh with a full height base
ment. The John Deere Plow company
is soon to erect a large warenouse ana
salesroom in . the same vicinity.
' Othsr Structures Completed.
The Oliver Chilled Plow works haa
lust completed a two-story br'ck ware-I
nouse at tne corner oi r.aai r irm ana
East Taylor streets. The building la l T.jnl
of brick construction and covers 100x1 He VI ill
OO-foot alte.
Milton Miller, a Beattia capitalist, who
laat TMr nurchased a site on union
avenue, between East Burnslde and East
Couch street, Is in Portland and will
Immediately begin 1 tha erection of
three-story building on the property, j
While no definite plans have been
adopted, it is probable that It will be
a rnlnrorcea concrete nuuaing witn a
dressed stone front. - While Mr. Miller
!S '"'.".."iT'l.11! ..ildi?s.A0 1 'or tha numerous railroad construction
ting up a six-story structure. If suit- projecta under way. For nearly a whole
able tenants can be found. year have most of the mills been In
These Improvements are by no means Idleness while stocks on hand have been
all that is going in the line of ware- disposed of to the best possible, ad
house building in Portland. There are vantage. Several contracts for ties
several smaller structures under con-(were closed dulnrg tha week and others
struction in the district north of Ever-l are expected to follow soon.
ett street, ana west, of Tenth, buildings . Among -the mills that will resume
for the most part having a front of I oDeratlons in the near future are aev.
60 feet and a height Of two or three eral In tha Lewis river district where
stones. InerhaDS more ties are cut than In any
other one district along the coast One
firm In that district disposed of about
80,000 ties a few days ago for Califor
nia aeuvery.
The lumber market Is gradually im
trovlnr and it is reported that several
large orders were placed during the
st few days. There is said ta be a
hz-- ' -j ', . ' '"J
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It U ' H 'i i I j : : HLJ 1
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J-M J r .. m,m.'.r'r- , . '
r i 1 ! " i .
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i" .i : .. . . i, 1
f . , i ( , n , ......w-- i i i. . jMa s' 11 B
" I " J i $ - - ' s- -
f . . v . rfsft 4 , njm .,,7. j 2 x 3
...v., . .. - - " - . - .. ......-.. ' - ..-.,.. : .
Imnwiiilitiryirfiiiiii iilhiaifi"'i'-rr-- ,irT"-',,-"C,,v' i n jtM-m
nace ever built yill
heat your house if properly
installed. But IF you're looking
' for the lowest priced furnace
: will it be properly installed? Cheap
work usually goes with cheap fur
naces. ; We sell good furnaces!.
The best we know of; -better still
. - . 'V-., . . . .. - ;
-We know how to install
them and do it
Schemer Building, Larabee Street, Near Holladay Arenne.
of Kailrojid Con
struction Creates De-
mand for Material. -k
' Tie mills throughout the country will
soon resume operations as a result of
tha revival In the demand for material
Mn mc nni)
1 1 1 1 s I I ll II I II Ml
strong demand for car -stock which
after all the most suitable material
oes to show that the Oregon timber
Martin Winch to Erect
Structure at Fourteenth
and Market.
a I
for that class of work. Tha Harriman
people have invited bids for furnishing
several million xeet oi lumDer ai an
early date and a number of mills in
Portland have submitted figures.
Valoea Ax doing irp. .
Mills are not anxious to book orders
for future delivery because of the
gradual increase In values and It Is a
well known fact that much business of
that class has been turned down. The
local demand for building material con-
Pnrtim i- ua v . ttv l tlnuos rood and renorts of aim liar na-
. . ... P..,.. I ture have been received from all parts
nurses home, making two Institutions I th Willamette yallev where the
of tills kind In the city. . Tha new I building Industry might be said to be
building is to be erected by Martin S?1" ... ,
winot, . ,-- w . tjv,,..s I Thatr Oregon fir or pine is steadily
Winch on a corner lot at Fourteenth becom ins- introduced In new markets
and Market streets. It will have alls shown by the following article from
tne American uimDerman of Chicago:
"Valuable information respecting the
tween $20,000 and 126,000. marKet ror yregon pine in New zea-
The interior arrangement will be up- i,"?: Ti1 ?h, Ji," n.mL "JPkS
to-data In every particular, and is being f01"" ,n larger quantities, is given by
eonatrunterf with referenda, tn I Be"- oi loe new eiana govern-
the comfort and convenient nf m.n.i """V ' Vancouver. Ha says that ac-
building throughout wll b T heated by ! f" "rVhSf4 a
steam, and runnina water, both hot TanS importation of Oregon pine from Am-
coia. win do in all tne rooms.
thW;( McPhefson
Among the contracts let this week
for the erection of dwellings are the fol
lowing: K. S. Boutledge, for a 11,400
cottage for Mrs. J. Ferghson Jr., In
Greenway addition; W. It. Morgan, for
a $4,800 flat for A. C doing. Eighteenth
street, between Lorejoy and Marshall
streets; A- C. Meyer, for a $10,000 resi
dence for H. Ia Chaptn, Wasco street.
between East - Sixteenth and East Sev
enteenth streets; alteration to St John
Episcopal church to the amount of 13,
O.j, corner of East Fifteenth and Mult
nomah streets, Sell wood, O. H. Elkerton.
contractor; L. Jennings, for repairs anq.
alterations to Richard Williams' Ware
house at 711 Front street estimated
cost $2,400; H. C. Morris, for a $2,000
cottage for Albert Meyer at Vernon;
Velguth & Pierce, for a $2,000 dwelling
for George W. Faber, Eaat 8venth, be
tween 'a and Thompson streets;
H. C Morris, for a $2,000 cottage for
F. ' , A. Blackmore, East Forty-fifth
street, between Hancock and Broadway;
C. Zelgler, for a $2,200 dwelling fori
Isabella Collins, corner .Minnesota and
Fay streets; A. P. Smith, for three
dwellings to oost $2,000 each on East
Thirty-second street, between Haw
thorne avenue and Main street: U.-D.
Lewis, for two $1,600 cottages for C.
xi. .figgott. Virginia street, Detween
Miles and Nevada streets; S: Orlmshaw,
for a $1,000 cottage for J. E. McCalley,
Sumner, between Concord and Denver
streets; B. F. Hart, for a $1,200 cottage
for E. A. Hart, East Seventy-fifth
street.' between East Ash and East
Burnslde streets; W. D. Smearlngen, for
a $1,000 cottage for Mrs. - Alice Harris,
Omaha. street bet ween KUUnira worth
and Jessup streets; Alexander Mulr, for
a $7,000 addition and alterations to the
waiter v. wmitn residence at Twenty
first "and Jackaoa streets. Portland
Heights; R. B. Rice, for a $10,000 res
idence for A. C. Ruby in Holladay Park;
J, M. Wallace, for $10,000 alterations
and repairs to tha Peterson & Roberta
building at Front and Davis streets.
328 Gfisan Street Portland, Ore.
ground area or s Dy 100 reet. and a I
height of three stories, and will cost be-1
ror alarm in that part of New Zea
rami mt nC 'n I """ l uiac, Trjr lime
. . . . . " . "'- I I IMunn nln, , rt Ilitnsrffn
structure, the first plana havina- bann
destroyed In the fire which partially de
stroyed the Ablngton building. .
Truth and
:: Quality
appeal to the Well-Informed in every
wxlk o life and art essentia to permanent
success and creditable standing. Actor
iag!r, it is not claimed that Syrup of Figs
and Elixir of Senna ia tne only remedy of
known value, but one of many reasons
why it is the best of personal and family
laxatives ia the fact that it cleanses,
aaeclem and relieves the Internal organs
on which it acta without any debtliUtinf,
af tir electa and without having to foereast
the quantity f root time to time.
It acta rJ-aAan'Jy an4 aatoraSy and
IrCj aa a laxative, and its component
parts are know to and approved by
j j-iian, aa it is free frocf a3 ohjertion
! ,.VirUDCa. Te get its beneficial
"erts alwaye pjrehaae the genuine
r a-ft jid by the California Tig ?yrcp
Ci, rrjy, an i f al t y all leadin j druf
Boilding Permita.
Mrs. T.. Rphnmn n ernot Mtnrn TCI1-
lamette boulevard, corner Van Houten,
i.vou; Mr a. u. ecnuraan, erect owell
in ir. Willamette boulevard enmar Van
nouien. ii.ouu: wormington & Kennedy
erect dwelling. East Waahlngton, he-
iwcrn i iuriy-eig;ni ana Aast rnir-
ty-nlnth. $1,600; N. Monner. erect dwell
ing, Miiarea, oetween Kast Tenth and
Eaat Eleventh, $2,600; Ole Orunnerdal,
erect dwelling, Eaat Twenty-first, be
tween Mildred and surman, $1,600; I
Sparks, ereot dwelling, East Madison,
between Eaat Fortieth and East Forty-
surricient money to be pli
class with the rich at this time.
Father Grea-orv also snoke In favnr
oi ine improvemeni, ana said that It
was necessary for the Door Deonle who
nave xo traverse max portion or the city
to get to their places of work. He said
that without the lmDrovement theaa
people nave to walk In mud and watar.
and he believed the time had come when
tne street should be so lmDroved that
lni onoiuon would not exist.
Seton also reDlled to Flthei' Dmonr.
and In a speech filled with humor de
nied possetstoa oi the wealth that had
been thrust uoon him by the men la
favor of the Improvement. He also
stated that he had snent oonalderaKla
money to place a good walk in front of
hla property, and ended hla reference
to this particular Improvement by say
ing that "such would suffice for the
wet feet of the poor."
After a discussion bv the members of
the committee the remonstrance was
overruled and proceedings ordered con
tinued, -s.
i oort. and
men mere are sucn unlimited quanti
ties of marketable timber In that part
mat mere was no rear or tne Amen
can article gaining a hold on the mar
ket. Xnunber to Hew Zealand.
"One Duhedln merchant attributed tha
existing low price at which Oregon pine
could be obtained In New Zealand to the
recent financial stringency in America.
Tha price was now down to bedrock
and tne early experience would be that
It would rise again and then the quan
tity being Imported would diminish con
siderably. Another factor responsible for
the heavy ahlpmena of the American
timber was the difficulty In obtaining
kauri timber.
"As a result the merchants had turned
their attention to Oregon pine, but the
opinion was expressed that this waa not
displacing the New Zealand - red pine
(runu) and was not likely to do so. The
practically unanimous opinion of the
whole of the contractors and builders
of Dunedin waa that the outcry against
the importation of Oregon pine was at
tributed to the Qreymouth Bawmlllers'
association., Tha builders and contract
ors were unanimously In favor of the
removal of the timber Import duties I
In toto. and even If the duty remained
on or was Increased It would not abut
out the American timber.
Tt is maintained that there Is no
timber in New Zealand to compete with
Oregon, excepting kauri, but the oost
of this is so high aa to be almost pro
hibitive. Consequently a substitute had
been found In Oregon which waa 0 per
cent cheaper than kauri and could be
had at a uniform rate up to 40 feet
lone and 14 Inches wide. Red otne In
New Zealand was net available In these
stses or Jenvtha without conakferable
additional cost being incurred. Oregon
pine was a much cheaper timber and
much preferable to red pine In the case
W. A. Lee has contracted with I
Watte for the erection of a two-story
frame dwelling at the corner of East
Twenty-first and Brasee streets. When
completed the building will cost about
i. K Tuerck Is hevlne- a handsome
frame residence erected on Harrison
street, between Fourteenth and Fif
teenth streets. The - building will cost
$6,000 and Is being erected by Con
tractor F. Barth; -t
A. 8. Anderson will soon let tha con
tract for a two-story cottage to be
erected on East Eleventh street, be
tween Tlllarnfeok and Thompson streets.
The structuri will cost about $3,000.
At the comes of East Main snd -Eaat
Thirty-first streets, C. E. Duke is pie
paring to build a $2,600 residence.
Mrs. Dr. Cardwell has begun the
erection of an attractive frame resi
dence on Bancroft street, between Cor-
Dett street ana the southern ascitic
right of way. The building is of the
oungaiow type and win cost aDOUt
Tray, Blanch and Sweetheart all are
lost today and there Is a great flocking
to the newspaper offices with want ads
or raring prtsea ror u return or lost
dogs and no questions asked. What
questions there are should probably be
directed te the dog pound man. The
eewj of the time lor Issuing ilrenaaa ax
fired Wednesday, and the following day
the doe catcher made Ms first trio
amend the town. He gathered ta Mr-
eral iomm bapleet ains and carried
tfeem yelnfoc tt to the dot pound,
where they wi71 be kept until next week.
d then urleas rescaed be led to. the
death chamber .
I D to date M4 anal and T female It
"ee fcave bee lamed r te dtv
clerk. Last year 171 feaaj and 1,T7
ma!e license were iaased. It Is
r believed that the number ef dne-a In
fOT-urj i.ia erAd. but laalead
that Riif bav n)e-td te secure sew
of heavy Jolatlng, principal roof work.
oa account or its nrntr.
blned with Its tightness.
great i actor in naadiing.
was a
Work on the foundation of the ware'
house and salesroom for the Paclfio
Paper company at Fourth and Ankeny
streets Is making good progress. The
excavation haa been completed and the
moulds for tha concrete foundation are
being filled. The concrete pier founda
tions have all been completed and work
on the superstructure will begin in a
short time. This Is to be a five-story
building ana win cost aoout jwu.uuu.
It la announced that Blake. McFall
Co. are . preparing to erect a modern
wholesale and warehouse structure on
the east half of the burned livery stable
alts adjoining the Marshall-Wells Hard
ware company building. The character
and else of the Improvement to be made
on this alte naa not been dennltely set
Architect Kroner is getting up the
Ian a for a business house to be erected
y W. H. Holmes on Williams avenue
between Russell and Btanton streets.
The building will be two stories hlch.
th lower floor to be devoted to store
turposes ana tne upper Xloor arranged
or a rooming-nous.
. 3. P. Tones haa oommlssloaed Archi
tect Richard Martin Jr. to prepare plans
for a voaie riat. te re ereori on avine
street aer Davis. The budding la to
be twe stories high, each of the flats
win contain flvs rooms aae tha struc
ture completed will one aboet t l.O.
This will be the first bulldiag te so p
In the Spalding tract, which -waa re
cently purchaaed hr a local syndicate.
subdivided "oi 4 out to tfiveotftra.
moat of whom will oret apartment
houeea altd flate e their new pur
chases. .
The First t'r Ited EvanrtleeJ rh"-h
Resolving not te he outdone hy New
Tork builders, Chicago has come to the
front with the announcement that one
ef the largest ornoe buildings in the
world Is to be erected at once In the
metropolis of tha Great Lakaa. The new
structure is to be erected by tne Peo
Die's Oa. Llaht A Coke comnanv at a
cost ef $l.0.0O. It wlU ocupy the
site of the present of nee building of the
corporation at tho aortbwest corner of
Michigan ixuievari and Adams street.
It will be l stories high and win oc
cupy a aits that la Iff feet en Michigan
avenue and 171 feet en Adams street.
Ernest R. Graham ef V. H. Burehasa 4Y
Co. says there le no building la the
country that WlU nave a ierrer floor
area devoted to offlrea. This area
amounts to IH.J20 sqdare feat, or 1$
square acre.
tweeted em East Slxtveath street near
Holly. Tho church will ef one proceed
with the erocUew of a ro-enfored con
crete edlflc. which will root between
I !. and tlt.eee. The Bew tmlldlne
wl'l beve a wroond ro of (( by 40 1
feet and wilt be enrepletod and ready fori
ocvepajw-y hr tho first of the yoer. i
.- - .
Architect W. L. Morgan haa plans in
preparation for two large apartment
houses, which sre to .be ertcted In the
upper Washington street district, and
will begin excavating for the structures
in the next few days. The larger of the
buildings is to be erected for the Kan
over Building company, a corporation
composed of William Rohb. U. F. Fleid
ner and W. L. Morgan, on the lot ad
joining the Spencer apartments on King
street, just off Washington. It is to
be a four-story structure, the first three
stories of brick and the top story Is to
te done in stucco. It will contain. 32
three-room apartments and will cost.
when i completed, about $40,000. The
most improved method of apartment
nouse construction will De employed in
its erection. Mr. Morgan le also prepar
ing plans for a three-story frame apart
ment house to be erected on St. Clair
street, between Wayne and Washington.
inis cunning win contain ( eight six
room apartments and will cost $15,000,
nside Iirf oraiadoji;
-' 'vm tie e J
We will give you and alf;
you want to know about
paint any time ' you drop '
into . our store. .
Fisher, Thorsen & Co.
The Handy Nian
about house or farm can save
money in carpenters' bills if he
has the proper tools and material
for building on a small scale jor
i repairing around the house - or
barn. You will find the best
tools and hardware of all kinds
and hOuse-furnishing goods "at
IS Third St., Bet. -Fine & Ash
At the' northwest corner of Third and
Ankeny etreets the Kell estate is hav
ing the eld frame buildings removed
preparatory to - the erection of a twe-
tory building, the ground floor of
which wlU he utilised for stores and ths
upper story arranged for a lodging'
house. The building wtll contain four
storerooms, two fronting Third street
ndcttwo on Anceay.
a aTfMLAs xm
his same Is "bad eough." He doesn't
care for sold - or . sliver, out he will
teal year, health away. Xf he appear
in your nouee arrest him at once wild
Ballard a Horehound Syrup, It may
m consumption If rou don t. A ur
for all eouaha. colds and cheet trou-
rrlce Sc. fe and lie tr bottle.
Bold br ai1amre tmig rompanr.
Ieexstvs: adds years wv;
aaea ea aaj kiad af reot.
KiiTiniT icersitc ca.. nru
11 K. fid st. hfata 4IIT.
23d and York Streett ; , , Phones Main 2323. A4221
The one best place In Portland to buy. Geographical center and most da.
slrable residence property of the city.
Seeing is believing. Better go and see the many choice residences under
construction and. the Improvements going on.
Repalftork Given Prompt Attention Founders. Machinists and Boilermakers.
Building and Structural Work.-
EM Gltf E E RS ,
- Offloe aad Works
Bawthone Avrnne and Saet
Third Street. .
Phone Zast 80.
VV. P. FULLER dfe CO., Pacific Coast Aeent
John A. Melton
OAArxwTxm Ajro imsia
ractory and Offiee HI Sac sad
street, near Main.
Phones: Vfaln 1TIT; A-1TIT '
Office and Store fixtures built
aad remodeled.
Altering end repairing
Slierw .aws end Counters feanj.
Genasco Roofing
Carried ta stock for all kinds ef roof 'land fully guaranteed
r dlr cf its property at Ft
If'l ard f t ge-fn lr't ar4 bs
reel eeaa yields (Ml
tcrt j r etra.
twrtaaed two lais ta tho Le4d I
ink aat 2saa Ptreets
Ptoses Kill 4Tt, A lTtl