THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. SATURDAY. EVENING. SEPTEMBER 19. 1003. 1 11 AY jl SHIP POTATOES CLU8 Aflu RED TO THE SOUTH DOIHG BETTER 1111 ,v;, V;;''. .- Small Trade ; Imported in Scarcity of Bluestem Wheat Fancy and . Choice A o ' .Helping Clieaper Grades . Movement in Onions. Export Flour Trade. Wholesale market featured Potato shipments to aoutli. Egg market la advanced. All butter looka higher. Cheese market vary firm. Chlckena quoted at advance. ! , t.lnukil All In Inw.r tnflaV. - . Two car Dalle watermelon arrive. Tomato market la lower. Few hop deals reported. . ' .Wbjat market la firmer a rain. World'g wheat Frlces. , j..!.,,.,,' Dec. Chicago , 1.01S retato Shromtntsi Have Started. '. Bhlnments- of 'Dotatoea have . been M4mnA . I.i inninn to the BOUth. While the volume of business la still Very light, the demand Is quite goou fof select stock. For beat quality for 'a are ottering 860 per hundred pounds, while they are outbern shipment buyers are 16a Der hundred nounds. while fclddlns- Tto for choice stock. - For or dinary stock there Is no demand at the moment lor shipping, in camornia inev rave liberal supplies or rivers wnicn how unusually aood quality this sea son, anrl theaa can ha sold at lower fig- ' urea - than Oregon growers are willing to let go at.' Along Front atreet there is but little doing in potatoes, up 10 this time rather poor Quality has been shown along the Front street arrivals Slses have been small, and a large amount of tha stock have not been suf. floiently matured. Front street handlers are for that reason doing but litue buying. VoUto Men rear Hard Troata. During the past few days there have been several hard frosts, and potato men nere have been reanui inai some thing would happen to the growing late crop. While It would take a rather hard frost to do much Injury to the potatoes, this Is the season of the year when such events can be expected, ine potato market for that reason ia-await- Ing weather conditions. Ho Business in Local Onions, While local people are not offering onions on the market in any great auantlties. dealers are not willing to buy very heavily, and the market is therefore exceedingly quiet. A few car loada have been offered, according to W. I. Swank, around 66c per hundred Sounds, but even at this price little usineas is resulting none outside of pure local jobbing trade. In a small way growers are still asking Si per hundred pounds, but jobbers are not offering; over BOc' and they are able to buy at this figure from those who buy . car lots at tc. jay people in Cali fornia," states Mr. Swank, "inform me that growers- are selling lh abundance around 60c a sack, and very good quality la shown.." EOT' Market Is Advanced. AnotheHSadvance is noted in the local egg market. Supplies remain very scant and demand is Increasing because of the cooler weather. Along the atreet .its are being quoted at 2930c. with both quotations folding sales. Best eastern eggs are ranging around 27 Vic, wnuo otner siock sens arouna z&c. Chicken Market a Sfotoh Hltfher. While there is no dearth of arrivals In the chicken market, the demand la Increasing and prices-, have been ad' vanced another .notch. Chickens are aelllna- around 18c. while a sliahtlv bet ter price is obtainable for coops of fancy hens. Turkeys are usually slow In arriving, and prices are good with the demand unfilled. Cheese market is rather mixed in price, but generally firm at yesterday's range. creamery nutter marget is gaining in f t BOARD' OF - TRADE RECEIPTS; -Cars ' Barley Flour. Hay,. Oats. Wheat New York Bt Louis Kansas City Minneapolis Winnipeg ... Duluth ...... Liverpool l.oH 1.02B .94 1.02 tt . 1.01 7s7d September..- :. : RUSSIAN PORTS MAY BE CLOSED Cholera Reports Indicati v That Kuropo Must Buy v All Its meat Here. Chicago, Bopt.' It. There Is 4 ' some uneasiness felt here over, the serious cholera reports from Russia. If the conditions are . 4 aabad as reported it may close " , all the ports of that country and 4 fores' all European grain demand 4 In this direction. Monday .'.20 Tuesday' ... 4 .. Wednesday .7 Thursday. '8" Friday ,.o5 Saturday, ... , 13 8 6 IS 12 9 14 6 18 IS 238 109 180 , 79 06 52 While there Is an easier tons in wheat futures on the Board of Trade, the mar ket for cash stuff is holding quite well, There is a somewhat better demand for cltfb and red Russian because of the scant offerings . of bluestem and prices In -these two lines are quoted at an ad' vafire of In a himhel tnrinv On . the Board of Trade today there was a Jim lted amount of bidding and quotations on, September are unchanged. For the December delivery the price Is down 4c a bushel from yesterday. Cash - barley and oats markets are are holdlne verv- firm with the trade quite freely offering 129430 for No. 1 white oats, while 325.60 is the gen eral offering for No. 1 feed barley Trade in coarse grains was extremely dull on the Hoard or Trade today, xnere was no change In September or Decern- Der aenvery. in Dariey lutures, Sep tember was lc lower at $1.28 bid, but December barley was 6c a cental down.. mere is a small amount or riour dusi- ness offering from japan and North China at figures slightly shaded from 83.70. the regular quotation. .Local trade ta somewnat oetter Binwvftnqsaeeune or 16c a barrel. , rt-ru-., , . CHICAGO WHEAT MARKET, Open. Close. Sept 18. . Oaln 8eptr 98ft 100 99UB Dea 9S 101H 9A May .....102$ 104 102 Chicago, Sept. 19. There was a slight ly lower and rather quiet opening of the wheat market here today following the loss of H to ? at Liverpool. Trade became" bullish after the Initial trade and the low marks for the day were made generally as the opening. With Europe atlll buying heavily In, this market so long as foreigners con tinue to come after our surplus In such quantities, the mantel snouin oy meana act strong, as It did after opening toaoy. u was siaieu at me close that export sales for the day lesched about 1. OOO.OOO buanris. At the opening there was continued selling on the heavy run of cars at Min neapolis. As a matter of fart, however, the heavy supplies coming there at the present time, are easily taken care of by the trade because of the better flour demand. Dispatches sala thut the big minora tnnk all the erade wheat before the openingtt Frldav's prices and were buying more toward the clone of the dav.- Owners of elevator lines in the northwest saw; they have forwarded three times the amount of wheat thus far this season as they diJ in the same period a year ago. rrimary receipts Bushels- Today. Year ago. all the PACKERS FOIL OF POOR CATTLE Will Xot and Cannot . Buy MoreGood Premium Paid for Select. , 23 HEW BOYS FOR HE SAM Citizenship Tapers Granted to Former Residents ' Across Atlantic. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK RUN. Hogs. Cattle. Sheep. Today ... . .. Frhiay lis " , . 1907 ..,. - 79 , 101 1908 !.,.- 122 121 1908 ... 69 ... Wheat 2.143,000 Corn 466,000 Shipments' Wheat 727,000 Corn 824.000 Board of Trade prices today i- 9iTi . . r. . . 92B 1 WHITE OATS. Open CLUB WHEAT. September .. Deoember NO. September '.. ..'.147HB December ...149HB no. 1 feed Barley. September 128 B December .... . :......,180 B Close. I us Cash wheat No. 2 red, 999ic p-reu. 8 W :00'I86 pe D9ttc81.0lH; No. 3 hard, 97tt 92VB 83 B 147HB 149ttB 128 130 H87.000 982.000 963.000 678,000 81.01; 8 'ON e$l. Range of Chicago prices furnished by Overbeck & Cooke Co.: WHEAT. Sept. Dec. . Dec, May Northwest Crop Weather. Oregon Fair tonight and Sunday; variable winds, mostly westerly. ' Washington Showers west,: fair eaat portion tonight; Sunday fair; westerly winds. Idaho Fair tonight and Sunday. firmness, although prices are unchanged for the day. The trade In general ex pects an advance In values early in the coming week. : 1 ITew Bop Seals Beported. There continues a vary slow tons In the local hop market. Dealers are not hurrvlna- matters. In fact most of them ay there is no business In sight. There seems to be a general desire on the . part of dealers to await the arrival of samples in the esst and In Europe. A transaotlon or two is reported between dealers. Hans Waalberg Is reported to nave puronasea two lots, one 01 nine bales and another of 87 bales. The nine bale lot was sold to another dealer at 8 tto, while the- larger lot went at 7c a pouna. BrUf votes of ths Trade. Linseed oil is down lo a gallon, ac cording to the new list Issued by the Portland Linseed Oil works. Two cars of Dalles melons war re sorted in today. Fine condition. Peach market is firmer, with a frac tional advance in nrlca. Tomato market Is lower, with larger supplies. Local grapes are In larger supply and WASHINGTON WHEAT 29,700,000 BUSHELS (TJnltwf Press Leased Wire.) ' Tacoma. Wash.. Sent 19. Although the production of Wheat In Washington this year is less than last, the price Is better and the farmers will receive about 823,000,000 .when their grain is marketed. Last year's crop was 40.846.000 bush els, while this year only zd.iuu.oov nusn els will be harvested, according to re ports received by the grain commission which has just rinisnea its sessions in this city. The average price per bush el this year is 77 cents as against 65 cents last season. Sept. Dec. May Sept. Dec. May Oct. Jan. May . Oct . Jan. , May Oct. . Jan. . May . Open. High. Low. Close. . . 98 101 98 100 .. 99 lOltt 101 I 100 102 100 102 ,.02 1044 lOtt 104tt CORN. ,. 76 77 7 77tt . . 6tt 65J4 66 , . 65 651 64 66 OATS. ,. 48 49 48 89 .. 48 49 48 49 . 61 51 51 61 PORK. 1550 1567 1550 1665 1897 1715 1697 1715A 1700 1710 1700 1705 LARD. 1025 1030 1012 1080B 997 1002 995 1000.. 100 1003 1000. 1005A RIBS. , 985 992 985 985A 892 896 890 892 902 905 902 902 Portland Union Stockyards, Sept. II. Killers are full up on cattle of ordin ary quality and 'could not purchase mors no matter what price ruled. There baa been so much of this class of stuff ar riving of late and such low prloes have rulad that klllera have' anticipated re quirements of ths near future and are now out of the market for anything ex cept select.' For something out of ths ordinary they are overanxious to bid up rices, tor select quality is scerca. teers that re welt rounded out and weigh from 1,600 to 2.000 pounda are being, eagerly sought and prices are quite favorable to shippers. The yards still contain soma off-, grade hogs that no one seems to want While there Is a very liberal and pro nounced call for well finished hogs. ranging around 200 and 250 pounds each, there is little of this stuff com- ng. iignt weignt nogs snouia do Kept it home and fattened, say the packers. for even at the hlah cost of araln the difference in the price offered for good and bad stock Is profitable to the feeder. Hheep market is rirmer. owing totne ate decrease In arrivals. Such liberal uipplles hare' been sent to the eastern markets that the movement In this di rection is very light. Prices are as previously- quoted. Tard's ateprasantatlT Bale. The following sales are' representative of those made In the Portland yards during tne past 14 nours: Twenty-three new cltlsens were cre ated In tha circuit court this morning, when Presiding Judge Oantenbeln for mally' approved the applications of that number of candldifs for Ainerlranlam. The countries of the Teuton and the Norseman cpntlbuted a large majorit there being' eight who were born Germany, five from Sweden, one Nor wegian and one Dane. Swltaeiland am Austria were each represented by one o Teutonlo -origin. Two came from Ire land, two from Kngland, one from Can ada and one from Italy. Wilhelm Alexander Llnd was the only applicant aiaappoinied. it deveiope mat nis nrst papers were procured tie fore he wan 21 years of age. It will be necessary for him to start all aa-atn. ' John Edward Henry Whltten Hlmpaon, who was born In Ireland, attracted at tention by reason of the long handle on his name. Clerk Lounabury dropped one of the front sections when he called Simpson a case, and John Edward Hen ry whltten was careful to correct It, so mat none wouia o tost. Following are tha names and nativity or tne new cuiaens: juattnew Hyberg, uaria launit, v;nariea nicnoias mark, Frederick Herman Brunke. Alfred Er nest Amos John Jack Febvet, Bernard Morlts and Herman Krouae, of Oer manyt Axel Fredrlch Thoraon, Anders Swenberg, August Rlrkson, Herman Johan and John Graulof, of Sweden; FrUa Anderson of Denmark; Hans Olsen Taug of Norway; Christian. Meng of Swltserland; Frans Wagner of Austria; Walter Frank Paine and James William Fowler of England; John Kdward Henry Whltten Simpson and Andrew David Al len of Ireland; William Andrew Wylle of canaaa, ana uaetane Kagiione or Italy WIFE HAD TOO MANY AFFINITIES ORKD DOCTORS Oil FAKE SUITS Lawyer Who Has Also Been "Working" at Kelly Butte ''Released. Weight. 375 Price. 87.00 7.26 7.00 4.25 and un- 15 hogs S.3 6 hogs 1.Z00 8 hogs 2.028 5 steers 2,000 A year ago today hogs were easy weak; cattle and sheep firm at changed values. Following are the general rang of values on stock ruling in the yards for late shipment: Hogs Best east of mountains, $7 7.25: ordinary. 86.76(97: blockers and China fats, 36; atockera and feeders, 36. Cattle Select east of mountains, steers, 34)4.25; medium steers, 33.60(9 3.75; ordinary 83.26)3.60; best cows and heifers, $2. 75(3-3.00; medium cows 32.0002. 25; stags, $2.603: bulls, 3200. BtieeD Best wetners. iz.bu: ordinary wethers. S3.OO03.26; lambs. $4: straight ewes, 32.60; mixed lots, 12. 60 2. 76. Veal Choice young calves. 84.80: heavy and rough,. $3.50 4. Sheop. 2,000 1,000 2,000 esterday. Mixed, rough. prices re Blow. 1 """"'y i,' jrront street sens at tne following 1 ru sack: rarsntps. 8 5c 981.00: cabbage. 31.76Qix.ou; tomatoes, zowooc cox; beans, 6c; cauliflower, 76 90c; ceas. Oregon. 6c: horseradish. 8 10c: artichokes, ( ) dos: green onions, 16o per dos; peppers, Dell, tttio; enne. ( ); head lettuce. 2580c dos: cucumbers, local, 1620o do; radishes, 16o dosen bunches; celery. 76o; eggplant, 6f8c; iA. i50s. Sl.60: I0s. SIS.OO: prices. Those paid shippers are less regular- commissions: Batter, Egrs ana Poultry. BUTTER Extra creamery, IlVio; rancy, soc; store, lie. BUTTER FAT Delivery f. o. b Portland Sweet cream too; sour, I8c tier lb. EOG8 Local, best, 2930c; ordi nary, 28029c; large lots, lo less; east ern. 25 027ttc: local storage. I4aZ5c POULTRY Mixed chickens. 13c: hens. 18c; roosters, old, 9c; fryers, 14c; broil ers, ia id; geese, spring, iup; turgeyi alive, old, 1718o; spring, 20c; sprtn ducks. 13lSo lb: pigeons, sauaba. tli 12.60 per dos.; old, 31; dressed poultry, ltF'ttc pouna nigoer. CHEKSO Full cream, flats, triplets and -daisies, 14 tt 16c; young Americas. Hops, Wool aa4 Xues. HOPS 1908 crop. 6fi7o lb. WOOL 1908 Willamette valley, II wise.- SHEEPSKINS Shearing. , lOOUc each; abort wool, itcwuc; medium wool.' 60c tl each; long a001, 76cO $l.i eacn. MOHAIR 1907 NomlnaL 18ttlC TALLOW Frime, per in. 8 9 ; ho, S and jrrease, 201HO. CHITT1M BARK 4 T Sc. HIDES Dry hides. ISO 140 lb; graen, r7o lb; bulla, green salt 40S lo. 7c: ealvas, green, 80 10c; klpa, Oraia. Tloar a ad stay. WHEAT Buying price, new Track, Portland Club, 69c; ybluestem, 94c; fortyfold. 93c; red. $7c; M"Ulametta yal ley. 90c MILLS TUFFS 8ellln ertoe Braa, 828.60: mlddllnga, 333; aborts. 130; chop, 121 9 29 per ton. . IXOUB Belling pnea jtastern trre- patent.; straigoi. ii.ido Vinort S3.(0fi8.79: valley. 84.39: rmham Va, 4.40; whole wfeeat, 64.88; Orooarles, ITats, Eta. SUGAR California & Hawaiian Re finery- Cube, $6.40; powdered, 86.26: berry. 80.06; dry granulated. 16.05: XXX granulated, 36.96; conf. A., 36.06; extra B., 65.u; golden u., ss.10; v.. yellow, t.o; Deei granuiaiea, lo.Bft; Darrela, 16c: half barrels. 80c: Doxea. S&o ad. vance on saca pasis. . . (Above prices are 89 days net cash quotations.) , SALT Coars Halt ground, 100a, til per ton;. 60s,, 311-60; Uble, dairy. Dates. 3Z.3S; i.w: 100a, 6s and 10s. 84.6066.69: lump rock." 120.80 per ton. RICE Imperial Japan No. 1. 6c; No. 3, 6tt&68fcc; Now Orleans, head. 7Vc: AJax, ( ); Creole. ic xiUNE i' New, loo per IB. BEAN 8 Small white. 3S.10: larae white.. $4.(0; pink, 83.75; bayou, 13.75; Liimas, b.i; Mexican reos, COFFEE Paekagebrands. 818.60. Maata. risk aaA RcRisiaa, BACON. ETC Portland pack 819.00; 4s, 118.00: extra fine barrels. 2". Liverpool News Gossip of Finance New York, Sept 19. Government bonds: Date. Bid. Asked. Twos, registered .. . 1930 10SH 104 do coupon isi iU4ft Threes, registered... 1908 101 do coupon 190s 101 Threes, small bonds Fours, registered... ija do coupon 1925 Twos, Panama District of Columbia .... 100tt 121 121tt 102 110 101 ioi iiitt ioitt Cattle Weak In East, Chicago, Sept. 19. Runs: Hon. Cattle. Chicago . 7.000 600 Kansas City..... 2,000 200 Omaha 2,000 200 Hogs are steady; left over y 6.600; receipts year ago. 8,600. 36.607.40; heavy: S7.057.46; 36.606.95: light, 36.007.30. Cattle weak. Sheep Steady. severeTossresult of bryan's speech New York, Sept 19. The stock mar ket was very weak today and severe losses were shown in the price of a Saturday's short session. While finan cial people considered the- speech of Bryan at Carnegie hall last night, of very conservative cnaracier, mis the direct cause of tne lower prices today. Range of New York price, furnished by Overbeck & Cooke company: A. K. Edwards objerts to his wife car rying on a "constant courtship" with other men. This is the burden of hln cry in a complaint for divorce against Mrs. Florence ttdwards. wnich la ex tended over several pages in telling of his wires love-maKing. Edwards says that ahe finds much en joyment In Portland dance halls, once, he says, when he caught her drinking, she only laughed at him. At another time, he relatea. he went into a house at Grand avenue and Burnaide strata to use the telephone and was astonlahed to see his wife there with another man, He alleges that ahe has often offended, and names ma bnyaer as nis wife s af finity. He was married in Portland in July. 1902. Dora A. Boyd has begun suit for di vorce from Orvllle Boyd, to whom she was married In Walla wajla, Wash., in August 1904. She alleges that she was deserted the next month after marriage. She desires to resume her former name, Dora A. Bettey. DR. CHANEY'S BODY DUE HEBE T0M0BB0W DESCRIPTION. Am. Copper Co.. Am. v. c New York. Sept. 19. Bar sliver. 62c: Mexican aonars, 40c. London, Sept. 19. Silver, 24d. New York. Sent. bfea, 486.560486.66; 486.30; 60 days, 485. 19 Sterling: Ca demand, 4,16.25 New York, Sept. 19. Bradstreeta re port: Business is Improving. Dun's report: General Improvement although the volume of trade has not spread very raplcjly. Washington. Sept. 1. Today's treas ury statement shows: w Receipts 3998,628. Disbursements 31.620,000. van 14.49; export, 38.6068.79; valley. 34.; At hale. 11. BARLEY Feed. 326 018.89; rolled. 12743 2; brewing, 326. OATS Track, new No. 1 white, til 928.60; gry 317 iopis-oe. HAY -Producers prtee Jew timothy. Willamette valley, fancy, 813 014: or dlnarr. 813 69: eastern Oregon. 31(016; mixed. 8190 1 SO; lover. 89; grain. 118; cneat. lo: airaua. iivou. . 1 rrmlta e4 YegwMee, ONIONS New Oregon. 81.21 per aundred; California, garue, so to. IBXH FBL'ITS oranges. 0 4.89; basanas, 6 He per lb, crated. 60; lemona, 34.6996-S hex; grapefruit. 84 l; pineapples, Hawaiian. ! i0S. eTosea: cmataionpea, 6cJ 81.28; blacitb rles. 1; reche, Ae; pears, lie 7e; grapea. JfcreJ14; waterntelooa. kc tr II cwt; raMbea. 38 dos. AIPLF New. 4 per hex. l"OTA10ES New, selling, M(0 81.18; bttying for shlpriTt per rwt,. fanry, tfce; rdinary, ,8 6 tic; sweet 4 e 1 H ( i vjETTAPLFS Tum!pa. new rWewn. LIi beets, l.S(i carrels. fLliLttl HAMS. BACON. ETC Portland (local) hams, it to 13 !. 17o per lb breakfast bacon, ISO zs tto Ib-'plcnica, 11c lb: cottars roll. 12c lb: rerular alter t clears, smoked, iz0 IB; barka, amokea, 12 Ho lb: smoked short clears. 13tte: bellies, smoked. ISe lb; shoulders, 12c id. ; piraieo tonruee. vec eacn.- DRES8KD MEATS Front atreet Hogs, rancy. THfe n: ordinary, le larsre. Be: veaL extra. Sttete lb: nrdl natv. T4c lb: heavy, t&to lb: mutton. fancy, Itjltto lb; -spring lamb, lO'ttt Ilk. LiOCAX. LAKO Kettle leaf 108. 14 He per id: s 140 per 10; aa-io tins. 14o ier 10: steam renoerea. isa. 11 ao per lb; fa Ue per lb; compound. la ic rtr is, XTSH Rock eed. ISO It: Aatmdare. So per lb; halibut. 4e per lb; atrlped baas. 16c per lb: catnah, lo per lb; salmon, Chinook, tc; stlversida, c; her rings, eo per lb; solea. To per lb; shrimp. 13te Is; perch. 60 per lb; totneod. 18 per lb; lohstem. 8te per lb fresh aaacsarei. lb; erawflsh. 29e per 4oseni star- geon t per id; oiacg aesa, ise lb: surer amaiia, eo per lb; black 11.110 Itte per lb; erabe. OT8TER8 Shoe! water I LIS do Ion. 83.S8: iter l-lb sack. Si : Oltn. pie, per ran on. per 1 te-te sack, it 99 ttt S; Eagle eeuined. 99 ea. 17. don: eastern in shell. 81-tS per tuuit nartsneiu Pr Box. 31.4a; rasor ctamn. x. per it; iee per dea, aatmts. fftal. OU. Xta. ROPC Pvre Manila. 1 1 e: standerd lie; sia.1. me; J. B.-eai 6 He. a. 6: iKHled. tle See: mmi tee ral: lots ft 2t9 snliooa la leu: mil rake tneaL 834 tofl BENZINK ISe dec. rasee. 19e w gal; l-n r-M. llSe per.gL IVRPENIIM-U easea, lis ter ral: roM t-'a, 6 9e per tni, WHIT K LRAD Tea leta Tear Ifc: ' lb Ifls, e ; lees Ms. U ik WIKi AiU rreeect baaia, UK Statement of N: Y. Banks New York, Sept. 19. Weekly state ment of the ioOla ted banks: Reserve on all deposits, decrease, 31, 774.800. Reserve on all depoalta other than U. S. deposits, decrease, 81.810,860. Ivoans. decrease, 84,677,700. 8perie. decrease, 32.318.700. Legal tender, decrease 3832.200. Deposits, decrease, 87,488.400. Circulation, decrease, 381.(90. Total loana. 31.318.162,800. The surplus of the banks Is 382.647. 700. as aaalnst 88.406.1O8 last vear an-1 liMiMii iwo cars ago, PRODUCE tS SAX FRASCISCO. Baa Franc! soo. Sept. 19. Wheat No. 1 California alub per cental. 31.67 ttt? 1.79; California white milling. 31.78 O 1.89: tortbent bluestem. 81.72 W01.77U : .A t WmM 1 K K 1 1 at LI.. .f.M -.. ef wheat. 11466140; reds. 81.6801.79. Barley Feed, 81.8901.38; common te fair. 81.2601.89: brew In a st San Fran- cipto, Bomutu ii ii.tii.ii cnevmuer. ti; accoramg to quality. Esse ter dosen California fresh. Including eases, extras. 39e: flreta 3IVc; second a 26Vc; eastern, saiaeted. lie; eastern rirsta, zc: eastern seconds, 33c: third a lie; storage, 8c Butterper roehd Callforala freeh. extraa, 39tte Trsta See; second a. 31c; thirds, fee; eastern extraa lie; packing Ne 1, Sic; packing No. 8, See. 4Jftseee per doubo romta nsta fary. IlUe: flreta 18He; eeooeMia He: Callforsla Teang Aosertoa fancy. 11 He; rirsta, lie;-eastern uragen raacy, Uc; Yeerg Amerka faacy. 14Ha. Ptxatoee per rental Jl I rer Mf fsarksl fancy. TS09e: poor. Iltflec: a;ins Burfaaaaa. SLS601.68; earl re. IIS fcc; sweet potato to trada secka lit; erstee. l t0S.7S. ml one per aiei-TWUv. HIlK. M-aesas car ben "Vateactss ILtle) c. . do pfd Am. Cotton Oil. c. Am. boco., c... Am. Sugar, c. . . . Am. Smelt., c . . . . do pfd Anaconda M. Co. Am. Woolen, c. . Atchison, c. . . . do pfd B. & O., o . do pfd Brooklyn R. T.. Can. Pac. c . . . . Cen. Leather, c. do Dfd Chi. & G. W., c. C. M. & St. P.. C. & N. W.. c. .. C. Ik O , . . Coll F. & I, c. . Col. So., c , do 2d pfd do 1st pfd Corn Products, c. do pfd D. AH D. R. O.. c do pfd Erie, c do 2d pfd do 1st Dfd Gt. Northern, pf. Illinois Central . L. 4 N M., K. T, c... do pfd Distillers Ore Lands Mo. Pac Nat Lead N. Y. Central .. N. Y.. O. W. . Nor. West. o. do pfd No. American No. Pac.. c. ... Pac M. 8. S. Co. Peon. R'y. . . . P. O.LAC Co. Pr, St Car., ... do pfd. Reading, C. .... do 3d pfd. ... de 1st pfd. . Rep. L A 8C .. do pfd. ; Rock island, a.. do pfd. St L, A S. F 3d p do 1st pfd. . . St L. A 8. W, a do rfd S. Pacific e 8. Pacific, p S. Railway, e. . . . Texas A PaMflel T- St U A W,c T, Ft L W, p. V. Pacific a.... U. Pacific. P 75 tt 38tt 83 tt 46tt 130 87 102 44 88 tt 95 97 60 tt 112 26 76 tt 39 '83 tt" 130 87 4 10Z 44 tt as. 49tt mtt 26tt '5tt 133 I5S4jl58 41 tt 34 38 68 18ttl 18tt 17 27 30 tt 34 tt 43 tt 132tt 141 104tt 31 29tt 68H 5H 7H 4 27 30i 34H 43tt 132V 142 105 31tt 'soii 68tt 64tt 7 105 105 40tt 40S 139tt 133 139H 112 27 28tt 34 42tt 129. 139 104tt 80 29tt 6tt 62tt 76tt 103 H IS IT 6T 1161 13 24tt 121tt 'si uttt IT U. 8, Rubber, a..' U. 8. Rubber. . . U. 8. Cteel Ok. a L. 8, Steel UO m. w anaan. a....... wttami. n wja Cexv. W. 17. ....... Wla Central P-.. WhwUf Lake.. Weetirshoeee Vth W-.rtrg ... Sltti 19 39 it 198H llSVi 118 The body of Dr. Fred R. Chaney, who was killed last week while scaling a mountain Deak near Valdez. Alaska. will arrive in Portland tomorrow morn- Ins. The body Is being brought to Se attle on the steamer Pennsylvania, and Is expected to arrive some time this afternoon or evening. The funeral of the young man will take place Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock from the Elks' temple. Mrs. F. B. Chaney. the boy's mother, lives at 65 uast ourieemn street. Dr. Chaney was born in Brooklyn, N. Y., in 1886, and came to Oregon with his parents when he was 8 years old. He graduated from the Sunnyslde gram mar school, the high school, and In 1903 entered the medical department of the state university, where he graduated with the class of 1907. About 14 months ago he went to ,Valdex to prac tice meaicine. Call for Conventon. San Francisco, Sept. 19. The Repub lican state central committee today Is sued a call for a state convention to meet at Oakland next Wednesday for the purpose of nominating a Justice of the supreme court to rill tne vacancy In - the supreme bench caused by the death of Justice Thomas B. McFar land last Wednesday. Eugene Spencer, a Scandinavian with a good education which ha put to use by representing himself aa a lawyer and seeking the colleotlon of bail bills from professional men, was released from the Kelly Butte rock pile Thursday after serving a sentence of 364 dnya for de frauding his prospective clients. home time twfore Spencer left the rock quarry he told other prisoners he would "expose" everybody connected therewith. So far as ci.n be learned his work In the county's quarry and on the big crusher Is the first genuine work he has ever done. Ills liajne is believed to be other than Spencer. He received a good education1 In Copenhagen, but thla will avail him little in Portland, for the police will present him with a ticket of leave the minute he tries any of hla former tricka His scheme was to approach a physi cian or lawyer and solicit the collection or Daa bills. Then after he had duly Impreaaed hla elfent with his sincerity, he would suggest that a suit must be brousht and for this a small sum must be placed In hla handa It was thl small sum repeated many timea each week that Snencer soua-ht. for hla clients onargea mat ne naa never maae any attempt to collect the bills placed in nis hands. , $4,006 to the to;j o;j L'l'i GOLD GULCH LEDGE e inperkU impairs le TUe otrul I 0 Burns, Or.. Jiepk 19 Intense e 0 excitement prevails here as the 0 0 result of a rich strike made by 0 0 O. J. Darat who has been pros- 0 0 pertlng In Gold gulch for several 0 0 yeara. . He has discovered a 0 0 ledge which assays from-14.000 s 0 0 to 14, SOO a ton. The pre contains 0 0 both gold and allver. , 0 0 ' The ledge upon which tha''0 0 strike waa mads la located about 0 0 ISO mllea from the rallroid. It 0 0 Is now planned to atsge the rock 0 0 to Austin or Vale, where it will 0 0 be shipped to . the- smelters ht 0 0 either Boise or Salt Lake City. ' 0 0 ! 0 SUES FOB BALANCE OF GOLDEN EAOLE LOAN Suit for $76,861 has been begun by W. C. Benbow on the claim of the Ore gon Trust A Savings company against the Golden Eagle Dry Goods company. Benbow Is the assignee of the German- American Savlnga bank, the latter hav ing come Into possession of all the property of the Oregon Trust at the time cf the amalgamation of interests of the two banks. Among this property is the claim against the Golden Eaa-la. which, like the Oregon Truat, has been in tne nana or a. receiver. The complaint alleges that while the Golden Eagle was banking with the Oregon Truat and the latter loaned and advanced the sum of 3474.131, anl that the Golden Eagle during this period de posited only 3372.493. This left s bal ance of 3101,638, but the Golden Eagle on April 28 paid 326.778 on -the claim, a little more than 25 per cent ABSENT WITNESS DELAYS JACKSON CASE Jackson Retd. the bov slaver of George F. De Mars, will not be tried for several weeks to come. Last Monday the date was postponed for one week, but It is now announced that Officer Peterson, chief witness for the state. as gone east and will not return for about three weeks. Peterson was called east to. testify In a case as a witness. Twenty-five to 60 per cent reductions to close out 316.000 stock crockery, cut glass, hand-painted china, etc. Elite China & Glass Co., 352 Morrison, near Park. " We pmy you per oeat te save The Sure Way Have a reserve fund for .? Start emergencies an account in our Sav ings Department today, and it will not only be a protection to you' from future want but will es tablish you in the busi ness world. Try it. " Two per cent allowed On oheok lng accounts. AMERICAN BANK & TRUST CO. OF PORTLAND . 00 Seventh St., Elk Temple U O. RALSTON. ...... .Pres. G. L. MAC GIBBON. .Cashier. BEND VOB BUT8KKB or OAVAJbOaVS Trees, Shrubs, Vines, Etc. Address J. J. BUTZER SEEDS Sept. A, 188 run NEVADA MIXING STOCKS. (Furnished by Overbeck A Cooke Co.) San Francisco, Sept. 19. Bid prices: GOLD FIELDS DISTRICT. Columbia Mt. 23c. Jumbo Ext. 36c. Vernal 6cA. Kendall 15c, Booth 8c. Blue Bull 11c, Adams 4c, Silver Pick 17c Nev. Boy 8c, B. B. Ext. lc Blue Bell 6c, Dixie lc, St. Ives 26c, Lone Star 9c G. Wonder 2cA. Oro 11c, Mayne 2c. Atlanta 21c. Great Bend 28c, Empire 4c, Red Top Ext 10c, Florence 33.72 Dlam'f B. B. Con. 14c, G. Daisy 65c Comb. Fract. $1.20. COMSTOCK. Oohir 31.90. Mexican 66c. Gould A Curry 6c, Con. Virginia 75c. Savage 24c. Male s iNorcross icA, ieiiow jacxei 46c. Belcher 26cA, Confidence 40c, Sierra Nev. 18c, Union 28c. TONOPAHS. Mont Ton. 31. Ton. Ext 67c, Mac- Namara 45c Midway 28c, Ton. Belmont 81.07 H. Ton. No. Star 8cA, West End Cons. 48e, Rescue 6c Jim Butler 23c, Ton. Cash Boy lc. Monarch Pitta. Ex. 5cA. Golden crown ic. BOSTON COPPER MARKET. (Furnished by. Overbeck A Cooke Co.) Boston, dept. 19- iiriciai 01a prices: Ladd & TJltori Bank PORTLAND, OREGON Established 1859. Oldest Bank on the Pacific Coast. Capital fully paid - - - - .$1,000,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits $500,000.00 OFFICERS W. M. Ladd, President Edward Cookingham, Vice-Pres. W. H. Dunckley, Cashier. R. S. Howard" Jr., Asst. Cashier. J. W. Ladd, Assistant Cashier. Walter M. Cook, Asst. Cashier. Interest paid on time deposits and savings accounts. Accounts of banks, firms, corpprations and individuals solicited. We are prepared to furnish depositors every facility consistent with good banking. 60 12 2 .117 66 1S a !.H Zetai aaiae aiareev Adventure Alloues Arcadian . . . Atlantic .... Bingham . . Boston Cons. Black Mt 1. A Arts. Cal. A Heola.615 Copper Range ,2H Daly West nnnbr . . . Oreene 10 H Glroux JS ilohawk".'.'!! 61 Franklin .... 1H Newhouse . . . 8 H 7 HI Mont. c. & 35 I No. Butte . 3 East Butte 1 6 Old Dom . . parrot Phoenix . . -Ouincy Royale Shannon ... Tamarack . , Utah M 99 I Victoria cr. Wolverine Tukon . . . Bay State Gas r. a on 17. 8. Mining.. 46 80 L 7H 39Vs 107 60 90 22 14H 70H to 5 140 40)4 NORTHWEST BANK STATEMENT. Portland. Clearings today Tear ago Balances today Tear ago 8eele. Clearings Balance Clearings Balances . 31.Otl.S44 82 1.161.610.61 96.907.73 137.789.19 .SLI4S.949 0 372.6 19.00 .i 799.451. 3M3S.04 New York Ooitom UarkeC Open- High. Low. Clnee. Jan. 146 871 684 947 Ffe. aa H$ Mar. l 878 4 ITS May 674 8JT 874 877 Kept SIS Oct SIS 8 94 891 IM Nev. 88 Dea. ...... 88 SSI lit 663 B v. eBaaasaaSBasBaes-aaBesaeBSaa " - JjTvpool TVr Mai-kei. Liverpool 8rt- 19. WTiee Cloee;, September, Ta 6 fed; Deoember, Is ! fed. Lumbermen's National Bank Corner Second and Stark Streets PORTLAND, OREGON CAPITAL $250,000 orrxexms G. K. WENTWORTH President JOHN A KEATING Vice-President GEO. L. M'PHERSON... Vice-President H. D. 8TORT , Cashier F. A. FREEMAN ....Assistant Cashier BimaOTomsi K TTentworth, Charles 8. Russell, P- S. B nimby, TV. 7C A. X VI ark an si a George O. Bingham. Lloyd J. Went worth, J. E, Wheeler, tteorge 1 Mcfnersoa. jona Ja. Keating. 8oa ert T. PlatU li. Jk Starr. Transacts a General Banking Business Overbeck & Cooke Co. CiBBlsslea Ccrc!i2s!s, Slocks. Ecslx. Cc":a. Cr;' ':. 16-n7 BOARD OF TRADE BUILDn3 Members Chicago Board of Trade, CWrespondratt cf Lcjia & 7 Cbicago. Krw York, Boetoav W bar tb 4Iy prtrata wire eoanectirf TortUnd w ' ttt xthacrea, laTnfBETta rCRTLAND BOARD Cf T ." ' 1